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fazgoo-connoiseur-1987 · 7 months ago
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oh so THAT'S why we can't inspect the photo
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fluffbeast7 · 2 years ago
third artfight attak
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sillymuses · 7 months ago
"Guess that makes sense. I can only imagine what your native tongue sounds like and how different it is." Despite her words, she's not really buying the excuse. It's not that she doesn't want to, she would absolutely love too, it's just...she's dealt with people like Chase, Wuya, and Hannibal. People who just thrive on manipulating people's feelings and desires to win. Not to mention this isn't the first time someone's tried worming their way in to their side only to reveal their own nefarious interests like with Vlad.
Arms crossed over her chest as she sized him up and down. She hated it truthfully, but Kimiko had to approach this with great caution no matter how sincere he seemed to be.
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"Kimiko." The answer was short and quick before letting him continue. Brows furrowed as he explained his reasoning for being here and for a moment her eyes widened at the mention of her father's company. There was excitement for just a brief flash before the skepticism returned.
"I see. And you came to me instead of the one in charge of the company because....?" Oh yeah, the warning bells were going off in her head now. "Not that I'm not flattered by it but that seems a little bit questionable, no?"
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The robot was momentarily thrown off by Kimiko's boldness. To be honest, he had expected her to cower in absolute fear—after all, she was completely and utterly outmatched here! Or so he assumed. But instead, she was staring him down with determination. It was surprising, but he knew, if he wanted to get what he needed out of her, then he’d have to be careful… and that meant playing nice. Ugh, why was being courteous such an inconvenient pain??
"Ah, well… ‘abduct’ might not have been the best choice of words," he began, trying to sound casual. "You wouldn’t believe how hard it was to input 'English' into my translator!" He forced a chuckle, though inwardly he was seething at his little slip-up. "But no need to worry! You’re free to go anytime!" Nefarious watched her, gauging her reaction as he tried to sound sincere. "You’re right though, I didn’t bring you here for no reason…"
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"And I suppose I should introduce myself! Dr. Novalis, at your service." He continued, thinking fast. It was best if he totally concealed his identity. It's not as though anyone on this pathetic primitive planet would know him anyway. "I’m a scientist, you see—working to bring energy to underdeveloped worlds! My research brought me here, to your planet, because believe it or not, I think your technology might be able to help me with my work! I was hoping to collaborate with Tohomiko Electronics..." He hid his amusement. "If you're interested, of course."
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fatliberation · 11 months ago
Find a Health at Every Size healthcare provider! by ASDAH
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geraniumdormouse · 8 months ago
"Health care is a human right for people of all sizes, including those at the highest end of the spectrum. 
Care is fully provided only when free from anti-fat bias and offered with people of all sizes in mind. 
Wellbeing care and healing are resources that are both collective and deeply personal. 
Health is a sociopolitical construct that reflects the values of society."
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fadinglights · 10 months ago
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"was  it  not?"  there  was  a  time  when  he  genuinely  believed  it  was  as  perfect  as  it  appeared  —  a  chance  encounter  that  brought  their  lives  together,  a  miraculous  destiny  sealing  their  fates.  he  can  only  laugh  at  the  fool  he  was,  naively  believing  that  malik  had  no  ulterior  motives.  they  always  do.  he  should  be  accustomed  to  it  by  now,  others  using  him  for  his  fame  and  connections,  given  his  years  under  the  spotlight.  malik's  next  words  feel  like  a  slap  to  his  face  —  it  wouldn't  be  the  first  time  he's  been  called  self-obsessed,  but  it  hurts  more  coming  from  the  man  he  once  loved.  perhaps  there  would  be  a  part  of  him  that's  proud  of  malik's  recent  accomplishments,  perhaps  he'd  even  admit  it  if  he  weren't  so  blinded  by  rage.  "maybe  i  could  have  been  if  you  hadn't  broken  me  first."  he  grits  through  his  teeth,  but  his  shoulders  slump  with  defeat.  intoxication,  rage,  and  heartache  make  for  a  destructive  combination.  "you  don't  get  to  act  like  you're  the  victim  now  when  you’re  the  one  who  ruined  everything."
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"I barged into your life? Are you even listening to yourself?" Jaw dropping at the sheer audacity spewing from his ex, Malik immediately goes onto the defensive. "You make it sound like it was all some kind of...fuckin' scheme." And Malik simply isn't smart enough to pull off anything as diabolical like that. And the fact that Lev would even suggest that Malik had just been using him all along is insulting, a blow to the gut that sours low in his stomach. "Contrary to what you clearly believe, the world does not revolve around you." And Malik had done his time at the bottom of the barrel, had worked his way in the studio and just considers himself lucky that he had landed a hit. Though the mass of their fanatic ship followers had helped, undoubtedly. "Y'know, once upon a time, I almost believed that you would have been happy that I was experiencing success. Guess now I know that you really don't think about anyone besides yourself."
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fight-me-daddy · 6 years ago
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I'm still getting to know the gang! But i tried my best with imagining the psyche of most of them and the vibes they give off, so heres' my take on Rung’s Holoform ! The Good Guy trademarked himself !
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book-tease · 3 years ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Gilmore Girls Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rory Gilmore/Jess Mariano, Paris Geller & Rory Gilmore, Paris Geller & Jess Mariano Characters: Rory Gilmore, Jess Mariano, Paris Geller, Lorelai Gilmore, Luke Danes, Lane Kim Additional Tags: Fluff, Mermaids, Light-Hearted, But also, Light Angst, H2O: Just Add Water - Freeform, Supernatural Elements, Alternate Universe Summary:
She swirls the water in front of her, “I just feel like I've disappointed my mom.”
“Why?” At her look he continues, “I mean, Lorelai seems like she would think having a mermaid for a daughter is super cool. Does she not?”
Rory looks down, eyes following the patterns her fingers make in the water. “She does! … she does. It's just..the plan was Harvard before…” She looks back at her tail, and gestures towards it, “Well, before this.
or, the h2o x literati crossover no one asked for.
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heavyweightheart · 3 years ago
For anyone following these events, here’s ASDAH’s response to the recent guidelines from the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics declaring that clinicians should not use HAES or non-diet approaches in the “treatment of overw*ight and ob*sity”.
And if you’re not following the saga, congratulations on your superior health-protective behavior lol
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fatliberation · 3 years ago
Call To Action For Allies and HAES Providers
by @bodyliberatedbuffalo
If you’ve been following posts by @fatmarquisele and @bodyliberationwithlindley, you’ve seen the harm caused by Lindo Bacon. Now you may be thinking, what do I do? If you aren’t familiar with this, please visit the above mentioned IG profiles and @haes_by_adash who has posted a response.
First, you don’t necessarily have to ‘do’ anything. Being reactive, feeling the need to save or insert yourself is a common white, thin, ‘ally’ response. It was definitely my first response when I heard about this! To start, you could just notice how you feel when you read both Lindo’s responses and the responses of those that were harmed.
With a curious mind, read what is being put out right now. As usual, the burden has been placed on the marginalized folks to explain, teach & advocate. This is not fair AND it’s an opportunity for allies to get a first hand view of 1) what exploitation, abuse of power and performative allyship looks like and 2) what marginalized folks are asking for to make sure this does not continue.
1. I noticed how I felt reading each piece published (am I feeling attacked, helpless, guilty?)
2. I shared the stories told so more people can learn about this
3. I asked myself if any of my behaviors are similar to Lindo’s? Check out the specific list of white supremacy culture provided in ASDAH’s response.
4. I removed my name from the haescommunity.com registry because I didn’t realize this was ran solely by Lindo and ASDAH already has a registry
Please visit @fatmarquisele, @bodyliberationwithlindley, and @haes_by_adash to read the full accounts.
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ruhigrose · 8 years ago
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sunshinetheinspiration · 8 months ago
Idk that there are universal “healthy” weight loss methods because every body is so different and has different needs. If this is something you’re set on, I’d recommend working with a registered dietician to make sure your body is getting what it needs. This may be a starting place to finding someone
If you’re open to working with a different surgeon and are in the US, Canada, Australia, or UK (or are willing to travel there), this website keeps a list of surgeons who offer transition related surgeries and have no/higher BMI limits:
Realized my preferred surgeon has a BMI limit of 35, and I'm one point off. So uh..... what are some healthy weight loss methods?
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menxisan · 5 years ago
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asdahs this poor thing
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dimestorebookgirl-blog · 7 years ago
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Fat femme swimming. This is the first time I’ve been in a public pool, in a swimming suit, for more years than I can count. It felt liberating. It felt refreshing. And playing in a pool with so many other liberated fat and queer and bipoc and trans and allied bodies feels legitimately life changing. . . . All I want to do for the rest of my life is advocate and celebrate fat people. I love this community. . . . #asdah #asdahconf2018 #poolparty #fatfemme #fatswim
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goldyke · 2 years ago
I remember a list of fat-friendly doctors going around a few year ago, is there any chance that it was more than a fever dream and actually exists? I really need a new gyno 😅
It definitely existed, but I can't immediately find the old one, much less a current version.
Folks? Anybody know?
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hollytoscanini · 3 years ago
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One of the best ways to support ASDAH's advocacy work is to become a member! Learn more at asdah.org/membership #asdahome #heas #nondietcoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CaiPtzlPZ-Y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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