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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
Reclaim Your Power ~ Forgive Controlling Beliefs & Greed that is within it ~ 5D Healing of Humanity
Reclaim your power and forgive yourself for allowing anyone to take your light, energy, time, or innocence - forgiveness is everything - there is always a lesson to the most harmful things
When you have a tower - the way is cleared - celebrate - you are no longer stuck in the mess and fog - you get to create from a new space and place of liberation - to choose anew;©
Especially when you come from narcistic abusive relationships, controlling and unfair in which you are bound for your light, energy and time, resources and yet they are free to do and be and take from others. having your cake and eat it too - while then blaming you, and defaming you to feel good about their own wounds of lack, separation and the mess made from such -
There are many towers occurring right now to and for the clearing of the mess and deceit - deceit creates fog and confusion and mess
Spirit is within it all - and why when there is imbalanced and some doing spell work, will only cause more and more mess, fog, imbalance on some end; spiritual abuse is and will return - the entities gotta go somewhere; ©
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The 'in-tention' is IN --> believe none that tell you differently or ask you of such - be it spell caster, or payor = you choose and either give your power away or reclaim it and know - none have the right to take any others power or light - none and be very discerning of anyone doing such work - it is immediate karma
Release the notion of any entity giving you power when you have to sacrifice and give someone or something of your spirit and soul
Light work and being in your light - neutrally knowing universal law, all will return, non-interference,
When you align with your highest self, your soul, your guides; God, you will always be lifted, light, elevated, liberated, and
God will never ask for anything to be sacrificed or do ceremonies to take, or take from another or pull or steal - crime in any way at any level is not necessary - heal the wounds of lack and self denial or no sense of self that would ever ever want to harm or take from anyone - there is a lessons as why you may not have what you want, or think you want - the ego is not the driver now - the soul is
Surrender to spirit and watch how easy and flowing life is - through self love you level up -
the past is not where my happiness is - the past is done - over and none will be allowed back in - gotta go and clear the dark ass karma all created through years and years of spell work and deceit and manipulation - all stay away and or the heavens be showing you the lightening of the Angelics - go heal and go learn -
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Blessings and light
The trumpets - either love and accept all as all and allow all their path - never interfere and place yourself forcibly onto any other - and block or hinder to take what is not earned or yours - universal law and respecting of all energy -
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ajtsdodger · 7 years ago
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Just me! Taking off another layer. Meditating. Needless Self actualisation. #justbeinghonest #ascendinghuman #consciousness #unconditionallove #fuckmasks #beacon #awakening #layersofhealing #fearless
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Mark your calendars for the event of the year! Celebrate the Winter Solstice December 21 with Universal Unity and Universal Light Wisdom and Healing Centres.
We will immerse ourselves in joyous celebration of entanglement and inspiration with spirit and our Universal families, as we truly allow for the gratitude and honor of all that we have co-created and experienced in our grand unfolding. This ceremony and gathering will include; Divine Inner Temple Teaching, Meditation-Alignment, Invocation to the Heavens and New Beginnings, Invitation for Divine Compliment, Prayer and Solace for Humanity, Gaia, Creation in Peace, Harmony, and Oneness, Chamber Channel and Circle Sharing & Questions.
Join us in this most profound seasonal offering and last soul tribe gathering of the year.  What a powerfully moving transformative year. We will tone, we will move, we will invite and open our hearts and sing a collective song of unity, light, and human threading as we dance into a new lighted dynamic together.
Solstice of Light Gathering 2017 Cost $44 December 21, 2017 12:00 - 2:00pm MST 
Pre-registration required to Register: http://universalunity.ca/uu-solstice/
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gregorysiff · 12 years ago
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Lakshmi burning. Getting ready for something good. @ethosartgallery @guerillaone @diamondbird1 #ascendinghuman #jan10 7pm 7763 Melrose Ave. #gregorysiff
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Divine Sacred Relationship
Greetings and good morning dear lighted ones, Join us this morning at 11:00am MST as we travel far, wide, and Divinely enriched with the wisdoms and insights from the God within. ** Link here ** http://kcorradio.com/KCOR/Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousness-Joanna-Ross-KCOR-Digital-Radio-Network.php Our topics today are inspired by profound epiphanies I was opened to this week and will share these with you;
Topics; * Divine Sacred Relationship * Deepening Spiritual Maturity * Multi-Dimensional Parenting ~ Divine Sacred Relationship and FUN WITH CRYSTALS
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Bring your crystals, open your hearts and let's commune in the most Divine Sacred Manner ~ we offer in loving joy of self-exploration of the ascending Universal human ~ how may we co-create?
Blessings and grand excitement Joanna
http://ULWHC.com #consciousness #enlightenment #ascensionradio #awakening #ascendinghumanity #Gaia #transmutation #MotherFatherGod #God #SourceCreator #DivineSacredRelationship #DeepeningSelfLove #TransitioningHuman #firstcontact #firstLandings #DivineSacredTempleTeachings #Pleiadians #Sirius #Arcturian #GalacticFederation
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Shifting Energies, Creating Realities ~ Mastery Atonement
Greetings dear lighted ones, How many are feeling the subtle 'strangeness' and uniqueness of our recent few months?
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We are tuning into the subtleties that allow us to truly create within the inner sanctuary, inner light, inner peace, inner truth and choose in alignment to this eternal loving power. This is the Source within. 
Our new article for those that so desire;
Blessings and graceful joy, Joanna L Ross https://ULWHC.com
#ascension #newenergies
#humanpotential #newcreations #newGaia #humanvalue #Grounding
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A New Human Story begins...
Greetings dear lighted ones, Here is our Divine offering from Saturday's global, Universal Sacred Soul Tribe gathering and communion with #KCOR, KCOR Digital Radio Network,
Topics; 'Storytelling & the Profundity of Joyful Action' Topics; 10March2018 Saturday ~ 'Storytelling & the Profundity of Joyful Action' Joanna takes us on a review of the importance and purpose of human storytelling, and how our evolution of communication will shift, will expand, and change how we are being ushered within new human paradigms to unveil the intelligence, wisdoms, by not only calling upon our ancient history, ancestors knowledge and traditions, but to also add our ascending human cosmic light and intuitive knowings. ** MARCH 10/2018 ** http://kcorradio.com/KCOR/Podcasts/Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousness/2018/March/March-10-2018-Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousness-Joanna-L-Ross-KCOR-Digital-Radio-Network.mp3
We are at an important crucible in our human cycle, and this current of creative manifestations will allow so many to create anew and that will serve the greater good.
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Storytelling in the NOW, and how the NOW is the inspirations for future 'you's' and how crystalline children and generations are celebrating our every light-hearted choice to joyfully move beyond limitation and fear.
Share your story, share your light, and know you are forever rippling through Creation as a light and spark of the Divine in human form.
Thank you and blessings
Joanna L Ross http://ULWHC.com
#Oneness #HealthyFamilies #HealthyConfidentChildren #HealthandWellness #Mindfulness #ascendinghuman #ascendingfamilies #universalUnity #galacticfederation #firstcontact #firstlandings #storytelling #humanpotential #consciousness #intuition #crystallinechildren #GodWithin #God #MotherFather #JoyfulAction #Joy #Balance #Harmony #Healingnhehumanfamily
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Alchemy of the Eternal YOU!
Good morning dear lighted ones,
Join us this morning as we entangle within the Essence of the Cosmic you, the Universal You and how we are moment for moment alchemically shifting and altering the ALL.
So exciting ~
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I will take you on a visualization and journey that my team took me through and allow yourself to awaken within your cosmic eternal self ~ We go live at 11:00am MST #KCORAscensionRadio (see link below)
Connect with the KCOR Chat page for a visual aid for our show ~
Sending heartfelt Light, love, gratitude and joy,
I also wanted to add a special audio for a really important article on 'Inner - Outer Balance' for those caregivers, parents, and teachers, or guides to all children and how our innate desire to control, keep safe, and manifest the life we desire for our kids can take us away from the exact energy and intent they need ~ Our presence, our time, our care, and our attention.
As we explore the 'screen time' for kids, the overuse, misuse, and abuse of electronics, and our crystalline children, and how this is a reflection of how we can create healthy boundaries that set the platform for care, loving intent, and presence within the entire family circle.
Here is our link for this audio ** 2018 Inner Outer Brilliance - Manifesting Divine Change
mp3 24:06 length
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As we accelerate on our ascension path, maintaining centeredness and inner peace is so very key to maintain wellness, balance, and health of our multidimensional bodies. In this audio recording, Joanna shares wisdom and insights in shifting to new paradigms within family and societal norms - to move forth in clarity and confidence to set ever expanding healthy choices and higher self-aligned choices that serve the All.  Joanna shares powerful guidance for healers, lightworkers, and parents who are shifting imbalances, in creating wellness boundaries within  relationships, or within their families, in uniting the essence of clear boundaries in electronics usage to create healthy flourishment.
This audio will soon be up on our Youtube channel ~
Blessings & cheer,
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High Vibe Awakening
Greetings dear gorgeous ones, We have added some new intuitive private session offerings and to those that have had sessions in the past and desire a 'tune-up' or high vibe alignment, you receive 15% off any intuitive option.
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Just email me for the coupon code; http://universalunity.ca/private-sessions/ Enjoy your blissful and Divine unfolding, Blessings and great joy, Joanna #consciousness #awareness #DivineFeminine #DivineMasculine #SacredTemple #Awakening #ChildrenofLight #IndigoChildren #CrystallineChildrenofLight #Pleaidians #Sirius #Arcturus #humanpotential #ascension #ascendinghuman #IlluminatedGalacticHuman
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Sacred Play ~ Oneness
Crystalline Light Children, Family Ascension, Universal Unity and Oneness 
We are bringing our attention, focus, and passion to include the ALL! There is a profound gap within our social structures that need to be addressed and who better than those awakened and on the path!
Here is our new blog and our live ascension show outlining more about these incredible manifestation energies that toggle with the empowerment to create whatever reality experience you desire. 
Join us in the cosmic, galactic, Universal beginning of a new human story and family to Creation ~ we are worthy of this profound birthright.
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Blessings and great joy and thank you for your entanglement and sharing. 
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Turning the Corner....
Good morning dear lighted ones, It has been an incredible weekend for me personally and though I rarely move into personal sharing too much, I want to express my gratitude once again for my teams and helping me through this new and deepening twist upon my path ~ I will share more in our upcoming class because it truly has everything to do with why I am here and what I have to offer and share, which has been a profound exploration into a deeper truth and expansiveness to who I am ~ undoubtedly will assist others.
Sometimes things are not always as they seem; oftentimes, it is much grander and wider than we have ever imagined!
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Ascension Weekly Update ~  Join us for many upcoming offerings and delights into the paradigms and mysteries of the infinite Universal human potential; * Sacred Temples of Light Classes resume January 14th ~ http://universalunity.ca/news/ ~ First Contact ~ we will tap into these new human paradigms and shifting to a deepened view and knowledge about your vastness to create harmony, peace, balance and abundance in all ways ~ The Inner Temple! * January ~ timeline for the Israel event ~ there are payments due for those that so desire to tune in to the 'Entanglement in the Holyland' ~ Celebrating Human Mastery ~ we take a new frequency and view upon the evolving heart & mastery that Master Jesus taught, grounding these blessings into our new now beginning * February 18th ~ Sacred Tonal, Art & Healing with Goddess Tjasa presenting & hosting * March 5th ~ Powerful Beyond Measure panel event ~ I am appearing on an enlightenment panel with some of our times most well known wayshowers ~ Marci Shimoff, John Gray, to name a few. (many of you that are teachers may choose to share this with your clients; for those newly awakened, and just tapping into energy) * * April 20-28th ~ Spring Equinox, Israel Journey to the heart Have fun everyone and know you are here to create your own version of light, love, and joy in all things, Blessings and great joy,
Joanna http://universalunity.ca
#consciousness #humanpotential #humandevelopment #ascensionbooks #ascensionevents #ascensionclasses #sacredtempleteachings #sacredtemplesoflight #lightworkers #ascendinghuman #awakening #5thdimension #cosmicOneness #UniversalEnergy #lightfield #UniversalUnity #IsraelTours
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You are the Brightest Star
Hi there Everyone, So excited - My friend Ercan from across our planet that assisted us in our final video presentation at our first ever 'First Contact Symposium' with his awakening experience and compelled to share it to a video storyboard - he is now asissting us to the art work and again in our first ever 'Intro to First Conscious Contact Class' with his art again ~ and hope to have him on our show on Saturdays' - Thank you and so deeply grateful that there are profound talent that can tell an ET story visually that emulates what many of us experience in its elegance and unconditional love ~ 
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL3ysS98D9Y You have to see this ~ it is what we see that have opened up to see this - I have seen the 'jellyfish' being and the ET's of such accuracy in my meditations and visions, THANK YOU Ercan ~ Blessings and light,
Universal Unity ‪#‎ascension‬ ‪#‎firstcontact‬ ‪#‎firstlandings‬ ‪#‎5thdimension‬ ‪#‎humanpotential‬ ‪#‎celestialOneness‬ ‪#‎ascensionbooks‬
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Veils Dropping
The veils are dropping dear lighted ones, Enjoy your spiritual freedom and own all that you are. You have written a profound path and only you are able to express what you have designed! Make it count, entangle with all life, and know you are loved and supported in all ways.
Be bold and have the clarity and wisdom to live your truth, you have a myriad of beings waiting to engage with you ~
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Blessings and light for your expansion and unveiling, Joanna L. Ross http://universalunity.ca
* Class on January 18th 4:00pm MTN * Stay tuned for link * Weekly Saturday *Universal Gatherings * Private Group and Personal Intuitive Sessions to link in and activate your multi-dimensional living in a bold 5th dimensional way. 
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Quantum Gorgeousness!
Good morning dear lighted ones, These are truly empower times and the energies can seem so profound, so subtle, and we are affected by it all. Every day we are brought to new levels of awareness that allow us to let go of the judgments we carry, not only about our reality and others, but ourselves. For we are urged in the most Divine and loving way to seek the love from within at such a level, that we see love in all things and in all beings. 
We are merging the many sacred aspects of this reality and our multi-dimensional self, and we must therefore know we are an aspect of light, profound light, and ready to move up and merge and entangle with our highest potential self for the merging of a 5th dimensional reality new earth. There is much going on that is all unseen, but those aware, can sense something is stirring ~ we are entangling into a whole being of light, so that you can enlighten and accelerate for the refinements of what you designed for yourself, 
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You are the potential of the infinite and this is the lifetime in which we unveil our most sacred aspect for a new life experience. You are an aspect of all that is manifest, and you are a quantum aspect of gorgeousness! Know this, truly know this and see how magical life will show you what you are made of!
How utterly profound this is; You are the light! Tune in tomorrow as we go live at 11:00am with new ascension topics, channel info from our teams, and we take your questions and texts, and experiences on this amazing journey; http://kcorradio.com/…/Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousn… Blessings and light,
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New Earth Alliance ~ Welcome Aboard!
Good morning everyone, Here is our new ascension article ~ 'New Earth Alliance' this is an introductory article on the new phase, or initiation for humanity into a new cycle of expansion. We have allowed our consciousness to raise to a point where we are creating the portal to which future alignments and alliances will be made as we alter and shift all that we know within our society. 
http://universalunity.ca/2015/11/newearthalliance/ New systems, new ways of doing things, and a portal to which information can freely and respectfully flow to those who so desire to tap into this frequency and align with 5th dimensional new earth. 
We are preparing ourselves in every way to live amongst our celestial family and create living in the most enlightened and expanded way as a sovereign Divine system of ascended humans.
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We will require a platform, or portal to which our initiations, mentors, and bodies of light can continue to align with these potentials in an unfettered manner. We will touch more on this in our weekly radio show now going 2 hrs so that we can take more calls, dialogue and insight into our 5th dimensional new earth frequencies and potentials ~ join us and our Universal teams! http://kcorradio.com/…/Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousn…
** ~~** Remember, each time you allow yourself to sink and immerse yourself within these frequencies, even if you are just listening to a podcast or video show, you are gathering in the like frequencies of that alignment. Your bandwidth adjusts to that frequency and information and wisdoms open for you as you ready yourself, do never feel like you are 'just' a participant, or listener. You are every part of the movement of that energy and you are required for the continuation of Universal evolution.
Welcome aboard! New Earth, final stop upon this profound and grand Divine journey! Blessings and light, Joanna L. Ross Intuitive Visionary, Esoteric Teacher, Author, Ambassador for New Earth, Public Speaker http://universalunity.ca
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5th D Alignment 11/11 Meditation Discussion
Hi there everyone,
here is our new alignment that you can create a sacred ritual, or alignment and self-honour time with you, sitting and creating for yourself, as you align with the unlimited potential upon new earth!
We manifest a new earth experience, we must align with the new earth frequency.  
Let the magic begin,
Blessings and light,
Joanna L. Ross
Intuitive Visionary, Esoteric Teacher, Public Speaker, Author, Ambassador for New Earth
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