#as you can see we are closing in on the triple digits here so uh
bolithesenate · 3 months
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@cuzosu-blog is coming for me personally and with extreme prejudice I see, so here we go. gods above i have too many wips
life needs things to live
mud fic II
des farners fuchs
bits and bobs - last night myles - maybe eldritch sifo/jaster - mand'alor to the rescue - talk shit get bit - what do sith eat - extreme prejudice - serenno imperial harem - padawan and projectile both start with p, coincidence? i think not - united in grief (and stronger for it)
of guards and guar gards
hux is a feral cat and rey said pspspsps
jaster the explor'alor
anti anarchist royalists
janko meet cute with violence
bamf agricorps
no witches
what happens on pijal stays on pijal
blorbo timetravel
pearly pearls and pearly whites
korkie vizsla's mental speed dial to the manda
the depa billaba blackmailing business
serennoverse lore
getting revenge rael averross style
a kingdom for a horse
unbennantes dokument (1)
fimders keepers
man me a hand
marriage of inconvenience (for the sith)
incidental padawan acquisition
meanwhile on mandalore online
the heart of a star is home
unbenanntes dokument (2)
getting a good grade in girlfriend
dooku taking over the agricorps
the mud of the covenant is thicker than the water of the grandmasters stew
cache lineage
change does not always mean looking forward
better halves than halved bets
exchange for silicon?
this is not a place of honor
true sith padme (tale the l palpy)
whatever works
of falling angels and other idiots
the day the cern did create a black hole
turn this ship around me bois
motina ripping palpy a new one
eldritch bot4 for fun and profit
dooku and ahsoka life changing fieldtrip
unfucking the timeline one bastard at the time
taree and boga
cilantro fic
fuck it all
ever heard the saying
her imperial noodleness
this should be all i think
now, 'wip' is being applied rather loosely here, so there's stuff i havent worked on in a bit. but i do plan to eventually. just can't say when.
since there is no universe in which i can come up with more than SIXTY fucking people to tag, i'm just gonna forgo that in its entirety. i know how to choose my battles
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
Buzzfeed Unsolved: The Suspicious Crash of Stanley Pines
The theme for @stanuary week 3 is Crime... what about... TRUE CRIME? I started watching Buzzfeed Unsolved this last summer, so I’ve been wanting to do something like this.
If you don’t watch Buzzfeed Unsolved, this is probably gonna seem like a lot of rambling.
On the morning of July Fourth, 1982 in the sleepy logging town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, there was a firey explosion that wasn't part of the fireworks and festivities. A car had gone over the edge of the town's famed floating cliffs.
"Floating cliffs?" Shane asked
"They're like, giant overhangs. They're not just floating up in the middle of the air like Pandora or something." Ryan explained, showing Shane a photo on his phone.
"Oh, that's pretty."
"It is really pretty."
"What a beautiful place for a car to careen over a cliff."
Ryan cracked up.
"You get a lovely view as you plummet to your death." Shane imagined.
Between 6:15 and 6:20 PM, the Gravity Falls Police Department received six separate calls reporting seeing a yellow car in flames drive off the edge of the cliff and crash to the valley below.
When investigators arrived on the scene, they found the remains of a crushed and burnt 1971 Subaru DL Coupe. The police report notes finding that the brakes were cut, and evidence of gasoline being poured into the driver’s seat to start the fire. Strangest of all, no body was found in or around the crash, only a few burnt strands of hair.
“So, right off the bat, real suspicious.” Shane commented.
“Yeah, and it only gets more suspicious from here.” Ryan assured his co-host.
“And I’m assuming there’s no chance that they guy, y’know, got up and walked away from the crash?” 
“Oh, no, no way. You saw the picture of the cliffs.”
“Oh yeah, no way.”
“There’s no way anyone in the car would have survived that fall.”
“And it was on fire.”
“And it was on fire.”
Despite the lack of a body, the police determined from the few burnt strands of hair and an anonymous tip they received at 6:15 PM on the day of the crash, the driver of the car was one Stanley Pines, a 31 year old man from Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey. Allegedly, he had been coming to Gravity Falls, Oregon to visit his twin brother, Stanford, who lived just a ten minute drive from the cliff Stan’s car had driven off.
“Wait, wait, wait--” Shane interrupted Ryan’s explanation, “Twin brothers. Named Stanley and Stanford.”
“Who the f___ names their kids like that?”
“I know, right?”
“Were they identical twins?”
“Uh, I couldn’t find anything saying they were definitely genetically identical, but, uh, with the way this case goes, it’s safe to assume they were identical enough.”
“Yikes, I feel sorry for them growing up, can you imagine how often people got them mixed up?”
“Yeah, but imagine the kinds of shenanigans they must have gotten up to!”
“Oh, that’s true. There would have been plenty of shenanigans. Lots and lots of shenanigans.”
“If you had twins, would you give them cutesy twin names?” Ryan asked.
“No.” Shane answered firmly.
“I think I’d just do like, alliterative names. Nothing too similar.” 
“Yeah, no I think twins probably have to deal with enough confusion bull___ without having to throw similar names or the same initials into the mix.”
“Interestingly enough…” Ryan started.
“Yeah, I’m guessing from your comments that the twin thing plays into this.”
When interviewed by the police, Stanford claimed his brother never arrived at his house. However, testimonies of other townsfolk reported seeing a red 1967 El Diablo with a distinctive “STNLYMBL” vanity license plate driving up the road to Stanford’s house earlier that winter. The house is out in the woods, isolated from the rest of the town, so no one would drive up that way unless they were going to see the cabin.
“Well what if they just wanted to take a walk out in the woods?” Shane countered.
“It was in early February.” 
“In a blizzard.”
“Ok, you do not have a weather report for the exact day they saw this car!”
“Two of the testimonies mention there was a snow storm that day. Plus, the license plate says STANLEY MOBILE.”
���Well, Stanley is a fairly common name.”
“You-you’re just being contrary to bug me now, aren’t you?” Ryan accused.
Shane just grinned.
What’s more, that same red El Diablo was the car Stanford now drove. 
“What!?” Shane laughed with disbelief for a moment before putting on a mocking tone. “Uh, yeah, he never showed up, but, uh, I have his car. I’m still driving it. Y’know, seemed like a waste to just let it sit in the driveway.”
“He didn’t even change the license plate.” Ryan added.
“Oh, of course not!” Shane said sarcastically. “Why go through all that trouble?”
Upon further inspection, the car that crashed was registered to Stanford, and had been reported totaled almost seven years prior.
“It’s interesting that they say it was totaled.” Ryan commented. “Because totalled just means that the damage is more expensive to fix than the car is worth, so it could have still been drivable.”
“And if you’re trying to fake a car crash, what better to use than an already worthless car?” Shane agreed. 
Stanley Pines was declared dead by auto accident and the case was closed in September of 1982, due to lack of evidence and quote: “A lack of interest from the involved parties”.
“A lack of interest from the involved parties!? What the h___ does that even mean?” Shane asked in bewilderment.
“It’s odd, to be sure.”
It’s when we look into the background of the presumed dead Stanley, and his brother Stanford, that this case becomes truly bizarre. 
Stanley Pines left home at the age of 17, and had brief but unsuccessful careers as an amature prize fighter and as a salesman, before he turned to a life of crime. Prior to his reported death, he had been in prison five times, in three different countries, and had lived under at least eight different assumed names, with several others that were never confirmed. He had known ties to the mob and drug cartels.
“Quite the shady character. That might explain why the police didn’t look too closely into his ‘death’.” Shane put air quotes around “death”.
“Well, does it? I mean, if they thought his death might have been related to the mob…” Ryan argued.
“They know better than to mess with the mob, even in Oregon.”
“I mean, we have seen in several past True Crime episodes, what can happen if you mess with the mob.”
“Oh yeah.”
“You don’t wanna do it.”
His brother Stanford was no less strange. He was born with fully-functional polydactyly, meaning he had six fingers on each hand. It’s worth noting that after 1982, Stanford no longer had 6 fingers. He claims that he had them surgically removed, because, quote: “I was sick of people staring.”
“Uh-huh. Sure.” Shane said doubtfully.
“You don’t believe that explanation?”
“Let’s just say I find it highly suspect.”
Stanford was also a certified genius, graduating with the most PhDs Backupsmore University had ever awarded. As a graduate student, he worked as a researcher and inventor for the US Government. Some sources say he worked on top-secret experiments. 
In 1975, he received a $100,000 research grant, which he used to move to Gravity Falls and become a Paranormal Researcher. When he arrived in Gravity Falls, he was the subject of many rumors throughout the town, due to his reclusive nature and strange area of study. 
“Oh, so this guy was basically you.” Shane pointed out.
“He’s basically me if I didn’t have you.” Ryan agreed.
“Awww, that’s sweet!” Shane placed a hand over his heart.
Many residents reported seeing strange lights coming from Stanford’s home in the woods starting almost as soon as he moved in, as well as strange sounds.
“Well, it seems like Gravity Falls is a pretty small town. People gossip.” Shane reasoned.
“Ok, yeah, but people gossip about who’s cheating on who, or what business secretly sells drugs out the back. They don’t gossip about strange lights coming out of the new neighbor’s basement.”
“They could. It’s gossip. Gossip can be about anything.”
Reports of the lights stopped in late January of 1982. Just four months later, in March, Stanford began opening up his home for tours, and in a matter of weeks, transformed his home into a tourist stop called the “Murder Hut.”
“Oh my g__.” Shane stifled a laugh. “A little on the nose there, don’t you think?”
“He did rename it to the Mystery Shack about a year later.”
“Hmm, yeah I wonder why?” Shane asked facetiously. 
Stanford also exhibited paranoid behavior on several occasions before the crash, especially in the early months of 1982.
One local reported seeing Stanford screaming “No it isn’t, you creeps! I can see you just fine!” down an alleyway. Several other eyewitnesses reported seeing him fall out of his seat at the Triple Digits Truck Stop Diner on Route 14 and scream for something to “get out of his mind” before fleeing the building.
“So, he definitely seemed to think something was out to get him.” Ryan commented.
“Not the words of a sane man.”
“Unless something really was out to get him.”
“Eeeeh, even then…” Shane wiggled his hand in a so-so motion. 
Dan Corduroy, one of the few people who had regular contact with Stanford before he opened the Mystery Shack, had this to say about the sudden change from research lab to tourist trap:
“Oh, he’s definitely been acting differently. He was really shy before, hard to talk to even. He seemed uncomfortable spending a lot of time with people. I’d invite him over to one of my family’s cabins to visit, but he only ever wanted to visit the haunted one while we were all out of town. I’d say it was a good change, though. It wasn’t good for him to be alone all the time like that. I’m glad he’s finally spending time with other people.”
“He only wanted to visit our haunted cabin.” Shane repeated with disbelief. “Hey, do you wanna come over to visit one of our cabins?” He put on a voice. “Uh, that depends, what kind of cabins have you got?’ ‘Well there’s one by the lake, one with a nice view of the valley, and one that’s haunted.’ ‘Oh, I’ll take the haunted one!”
“What gets me is he only wanted to visit the haunted cabin while everyone else was out of town. We’ve stayed in our fair share of haunted places, and it was bad enough staying overnight, just me and you, but there is nothing that could convince me to spend the night in one of those places all by myself.”
“I mean, I’m pretty sure none of the places we’ve been to have actually been haunted, but I see what you mean. It’s not fun to go to a haunted house by yourself. It’s kinda boring.”
“Um, we’re not gonna get into this discussion now, because we still haven’t even gotten to the theories yet, but you’re wrong.”
The case came to light again in August of 2012, when Federal agents arrested Stanford Pines, and detained him for several hours for questioning. By the next day, he had been released, and officials stated that his arrest had been due to a false lead. What exactly that false lead was, however, was never stated.
Now that we’ve gone over the extensive background of this case, let’s get into the theories of what really happened that 4th of July in 1982.
Theory #1: The theory put forth by the police, that Stanley Pines died in a fiery car accident.
“So then how do they explain what happened to the body?” Shane asked.
“It doesn’t say.” Ryan.
“And why were the breaks cut?”
“No explanation given.”
“That’s a stupid theory, those cops ought to be fired.”
Ryan stifled a laugh. “You’re not wrong.”
Theory #2: That Stanley killed his brother, made it look like his own death, and took over his brother’s life. This would explain the loss of his extra fingers, the sudden change in behavior that led him to open up the Mystery Shack, and his sudden acquisition of Stanley’s car. It does not, however, explain the lack of a body in the crash.
“He could have disposed of his brother’s body somewhere else, and then just like, left an ice block on the gas pedal and let the car run itself off the cliff.” Shane theorized.
“That’s possible. I was also thinking, maybe the body was gone. Maybe Stanley didn’t necessarily kill Stanford, maybe they met up in the woods, Stanford got eaten by a bear, and Stanley, who was already in trouble with the mob, took advantage of the situation, and faked his own death.”
“How--why did you work your fear of bears into this?” 
“That’s just my variation on this theory.”
“Then why all the secrecy? Why not say that he was the one who got eaten by the bear? Why fake the car crash and then say his brother never showed up?”
“Because if the mob knew he’d talked to his brother before he died, maybe they’d come question him?”
“Oh, yeah, that’s a possibility.”
Theory #3: That Stanford killed Stanley and made it look like an accident. People who support this theory say the psychological trauma and guilt of killing his own brother may have driven Stanford to change his appearance and behavior to more closely resemble that of his dead brother.
“That’s… kind of a stretch.” Shane said slowly. “I feel like, Occam's Razor, theory 2 is more plausible.”
“What makes you say that one’s more plausible?”
“I dunno, just saying ‘He killed his brother and took his place’ seems a lot more likely than ‘The other brother killed him and the guilt drove him to act like his brother. I don’t think that’s how psychology works.”
Theory #4: Both brothers are still alive. Stanley, on the run from the mob, came to his brother Stanford for help. Meanwhile, Stanford was worried about someone or something that was out to get him. They came to a solution that would solve both their problems: switching places. They would fake Stanley’s death, throwing the mob off of Stanley’s trail. Then, Stanley would take Stanford’s place in the public eye, while Stanford went into hiding.
This theory is supported by photos that surfaced on Facebook in 2012. Several photos of Gravity Falls after a series of earthquakes did extensive damage to the town show what is supposed to be Stanford. However, another man that looks just like him is seen standing in the background. Interestingly enough, both mens’ hands are obscured in all of these photos. 
While the photos haven’t been analysed by any professionals to definitively determine if either of the men are Stanley Pines, it has been determined that the photos are not edited.
“Would the whole photo recognition software even work on identical twins?” Ryan wondered.
“I don’t think so?” Shane answered unsurely. “I mean, my Facebook facial recognition auto-tag doesn’t even recognize my mom half the time, so I wouldn’t be surprised if twins throw it off.”
“Just looking at some of these photos yourself, what do you think?” Ryan handed a few print-outs from his folder to Shane.
“Oh wow, yeah, they do look alike.” Shane nodded. “Alright, yeah, I’m convinced. We solved it, guys! Video over!”
“We actually do have one more theory.” Ryan informed him.
Theory #5: Stanford was abducted by aliens.
“Oh for f___’s sake--” Shane threw his hands up in frustration. “We have four perfectly good, plausible explanations, and you have to throw that in!”
“This one actually does have some evidence behind it.”
“Bull____, but go on.”
Stanford was a professional paranormal researcher. Although he was very secretive about his research, even to his grant committee, some of his research notes do list looking for proof of ancient aliens visiting the valley before European contact. Could it be the thing he was afraid of was aliens?
“... That’s it?” Shane asked. “When you said this one actually had some evidence behind it, I thought you meant there was a UFO sighting in the same area around the same time.”
“The negative space between the floating cliffs kinda looks like a UFO” Ryan pointed out.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean a random researcher in the 80’s was abducted by aliens! That’s like, if I found a ransom note for you in the office, but I said ‘Well, Ryan was afraid of bears. Bears used to live in California, there’s one on the state flag outside our building. He must have been eaten by a bear.’ That’s the kind of leap in logic we’re talking about!”
Was this a case of fratricide? Or is this the longest and most elaborate twin switch of all time? For now, this case remains… UNSOLVED.
 * * *
“It was really hard for me to stay on topic while I was researching this one.” Ryan admitted as they wrapped things up. “There is a lot of weird stuff related to Gravity Falls, we should go there for an episode one of these days.”
“I’d love to do that, it looks like a beautiful place to visit.” Shane agreed. “Are you sure you wanna do that though? It seems like the place is crawling with haunted cabins and bears.”
“Well, one could argue this entire series is about me conquering my fears, so… Why not?”
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stay-midnight · 4 years
Halloween of SKidz 1
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Serial Killer! Hyunjin x MALE Reader
Word Count: 3.8K Words
This does not represent Hwang Hyunjin, JYP or any of the Stray Kids members and are only for fictional and entertainment purposes.
TW //: Explicit Smut, Murder, Blood, Reader’s death at the end, Angst and Death.
Kinks: HARD DOM! Hyunjin, WHINY SUB! Reader, Slight Exhibitionism, Toys (specifically a vibrator), Handcuffs, Orgasm Denial, Degradation, Marking, Spanking, Eating Out, Unprotected Sex (wrap it up), Creampie, Master Kink, Slight Nipple Play and Spitting.
Please ignore any grammar or spelling mistakes..
a/n: sksksks, This is my first work here on tumblr, It isn’t halloween yet but i’ll hopefully post 4 of these in this month while the other four on october. I’ll do one for every member and they’ll all be male reader cuz we need more of those uwu!
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Laughter is echoing around the dark and empty road, the streetlights flickering on and off.
“99” the man named Hyunjin spoke in a deep voice as he pulled out the knife out of the person that stopped breathing seconds ago.
“One more, I just need to kill one more and I’ll reach triple digits!” he laughed out as he swung his knife, removing the blood from it.
He laughed as he looked at the body that is lying on the cold and hard road, still and unresponsive. He squatted down and poked the body with the edge of his knife, “Pathetic human, it wasn’t even fun trying to chase you, who knew someone could be as stupid as to go on a silent road, not even a car is passing by.” he mocked the dead human.
He sighed and got up from his squatted position, he placed his hands in his pocket and lifted his hood. Even just after killing someone, he already wants more bodies to hit the floor. He grins evilly, excited for his next victim.
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You blink your eyes open as the sound of an alarm bounced around your walls. You groaned and tried to hit the alarm with your eyes closed.
In the end the alarm fell down, “That’s the fourth clock that I broke this month!” You whined out before sighing and picking the broken alarm clock and placing it in the trash bin near the door of your bedroom.
You rubbed your blurry eyes and walked to a side of the room, turning the knob and opening the door to the bathroom.
Sighing, “I have no classes today but I still have to revise for my finals..” You said to yourself as you opened the cabinet and you reached out to grab a toothbrush as you started to do your morning routine of bathing and eating breakfast.
. . .
Chewing on the bacon as you sat on your couch bored, you decided to turn on the tv as to see if there is anything interesting. Kid’s Cartoons started playing, you immediately switched it to the news channel.
“News just in: Another dead body was found this early morning.” The male newscaster started, you were perplexed as it was the 11th dead body this month and they haven’t caught the killer yet.
“Mhmm.. They were found dead with a cut that pierced through his heart but the blood was already dried out when it was found, the forensics recently said that they were killed atleast 7 hours ago, meaning that they were killed at about 1AM at midnight.” The female newscaster explained.
The male frowned, “We advise all of you to stay at your homes as much as possible until the killer has been caught.” He advised seriously.”
She nodded, “That’s all we have today for the case about the killings, sadly the police haven’t found that many evidences and the other towns lost the trail on the killer. We’ll keep you updated as best as we can, but until that, this is goodbye for now.” She finished and waved at the camera.
You sighed and closed the television, “Hopefully the killer gets caught soon.” You mumbled before taking a sip of your water.
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You yawned as you entered the small cafe, the bell ringing. You blink away the tiredness in your eyes at the lack of sleep last night, the small cafe was seemingly packed and you heard murmuring around you, catching a few words like “killers” and “bodies”.
You walked over into the counter and squinted your eyes while looking at the menu. Nothing really caught your eye so you just went with ordering a Strawberry Cheesecake with a creamy cafe.
After taking your order, you walked into a corner and sat on a empty table there. You took out your laptop and started studying for your finals.
. . .
The once packed cafe is now mostly empty and deserted with only 4-5 people around.
You have been revising and studying for 2 hours already. You were struggling with some parts from Mathematics and Physics, you heard the hanging bell ring for the umpteenth time but of course ignored it again.
. . .
Hyunjin looked around and saw it a bit empty, he was planning to kill the cafe barista for annoying him last time but he wanted a special one for his 100th. He was about to leave until he saw a focused male at a corner of the cafe. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked closer to take a look, his mouth hung agape at your mesmerizing facial features.
He decided to take a seat in front of you, you were snapped out of your focused trance as an attractive stranger took a seat in front of you. “Uh.. There’s many seats around available..” you trailed, “I know.” he said in a bored tone,
“You seemed interesting so I decided to approach you.” he smiled and pushed your books to clear the table a bit. He placed his chin on his hand and studied you more, how cute you look focusing on your studies or how pretty you were thinking.
You sighed and closed your laptop, rubbing your tired eyes in the process. noticing the stranger in front of you with his gaze studying you. “Uh.. Hello?” You said, waving your hands in front of his face.
Hyunjin broke out from his trance and answered, “Hi..” he started, “What’s your name?” he asked boldly,
You were taken aback by his boldness and confidence seemed to flow in him. You slightly blushed, “[Y/N]” you answered, “A pretty name for someone pretty..” he smiled seductively at you while you blushed more.
“What about you? What’s your name?” You asked him meekly,
“My name is Hyunjin, pretty boy.” He winked at you suggestively. “Pretty boy? Really though?” You awkwardly giggled out.
“Of course, like I said you are really attractive.” He smirked looking at you, his finger drumming his cheek. “Well, you are too..” you smiled as you placed your laptop back to your bag.
“Mhmm~ In that case, would you like to get dinner tonight?” he asked grinning.
You contemplated for a bit before nodding slowly, “Can I have your number then?” he asked, grinning wider. You once again nodded “Sure..” You opened your phone and going to ‘Add Contact’.
You hand your phone over to him and smiled, standing up and grabbing your bag hoisting it over your shoulder, waiting for him to finishing inputting his number in it.
He hands you your phone, “Thank you Hyunjin? Or was it Hinjin?” You furrowed your eyebrows. He chuckled “It’s Hyunjin but Master sounds better.” He winked one last time and stood up to leave, leaving your flustered self standing there.
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You were out of it on your way home that you hit your head on a street pole, it’s not really everyday that you get asked out by someone attractive.
You practically cheered when you arrive at your apartment then you heard your phone ding, you read the message and smiled. “Hi, pretty boy~ The venue for our date is the bar across the road from the cafe earlier, don’t be late tonight~ ;)” You giggled slightly at the wink emoji.
You responded with, “Of course, I won’t~ What’s with the wink emoji?
“I don’t know~ maybe we’ll do something after our date?~” he messaged back,
You blushed as you walk to your room and lay down bed, feeling the soft sheets and letting out a sound of satisfaction.
“Maybe?~” You flirted back,
“Aww, are you eager pretty boy?” he sent back,
“I’m not! Anyways let me get my rest so I have atleast enough energy tonight.” You heard your phone ring loudly which made you yelp and accidentally threw your phone into the air landing softly at your lap.
You gulped and answered it, “H-Hello?” you cursed under your breath at your stuttering.
. . .
He smirked when he heard your stuttering, “Pretty boy needs enough energy for tonight? What for?” he teased, thoughts of you riding him going through his head.
His tongue licking his bottom lip at his thoughts, He heard you pout through the phone, “N-Not for that, I need energy to converse with you and I’m tired from revising and studying.” You explained,
“For what? I didn’t say anything,” he chuckled, “Go to sleep then, you clearly need it for tonight.” he said, ending the call. You swear that you heard him smirk and that made you a bit aroused especially at his sexy tone of voice.
You sighed, setting an alarm, placing your phone at the nightstand and laying back down on the bed, thinking about the possibilities on what’s going to happen on the date.
You smiled, thinking optimistically. You fluttered your eyes closed, eventually falling asleep.
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You blink your eyes open at the sound of the more soothing alarm sound than this morning, You checked the time and you still have 1 hour and 30 minutes to prepare.
You dragged yourself out of your bed and walked inside to the door at the corner of your bedroom.
You stripped yourself off your clothes and took a hot shower, feeling the warm water flow down to your chest and the bottom part of your body as you sigh at the calming sound of the shower.
. . .
You got out of the shower about 20 minutes and wrapped a towel around your waist, humming a tune. You walked out of the bathroom, checking the time. You still have 30 minutes. You got dressed in casual clothing, a blue t-shirt and tight jeans.
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You arrived at the bar, you only brung a phone with you. You noticed that the bar was slightly empty possibly due to the fact that a killer is on the loose. You looked around for a tall and attractive male with a headband.
You spotted him at the corner of the bar and walked over to his table, “Hello pretty boy, on time I see?” he smirked, “Of course, It would be rude to arrive late..” you said shyly.
He hummed and asked, “Do you want any drinks?” he asked looking at you, you shook your head “I have really low alcohol tolerance so I’d prefer not to.” you said looking at him with a small smile.
He nods and stood up to walk over to the counter to order. You sat down and waited for Hyunjin to walk back as you played with your fingers, a bit nervous.
. . .
Hyunjin came back with 2 glasses of water and a pie, “Ooh~ What pie is that?” You asked smiling from ear to ear. “Pumpkin.” he said nonchalantly as he placed the food in front of you.
You hummed in approval and satisfaction of your order, You grabbed the fork and cut a small piece before placing it in your mouth, “It’s really good!” You said after swallowing it.
While the both of you are eating, you asked him questions as he asked you some as well and you got to know him better. “Do you have any deep dark secrets?” You asked looking at him with a small smirk,
He flinched and looked at you seriously, “You don’t hav—” You started, he cutted you off saying, “I don’t have any pretty boy, unless you count me wanting to do dirty things to that innocent body of yours, a deep dark secret.” he smirked leaning closer to you.
Your face immediately turned to that of a tomato and you fumbled around your words, “I- Uh-” are the only things that came out of your mouth.
“What is it hmm? Cat’s got your tongue pretty boy?” He teased, you felt a hand sneak on your thighs, rubbing and trailing it softly, seemingly getting closer at the middle of your legs.
You bit your lips as he kneads your thighs, which made you let out a breath shakily. “Are you liking this pretty boy?” You nod your head slightly and he noticed it. “Needy slut, you have no shame at all do you? I bet you wouldn’t mind if we get caught fucking in public.”
You let out a low whimper, “Answer me, you dumb slut.” He slaps your thighs which made you yelp from your seat, “I-I” was all you could say.
He clicked his tongue and grips your thighs harshly with his large hands.
“Do you want to leave now?” he smirks widely at you. “Y-Yes..” you stuttered out shyly but a sudden bad feeling arose on your stomach.
He chuckled and stood up, grabbing your hands and leading you out of the bar.
He leads you to his car at the parking lot and seated you on the shotgun seat.
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He drives with one hand on the steering wheel and his other hand placed on your thighs squeezing and slapping it a number of times making you bite your bottom lip preventing those lewd sounds from coming out.
You still felt that bad feeling at your stomach, somehow telling you to leave and run but ignored it due to your spark of arousal and ignorance.
. . .
He parked his car at the front of his house, it was a small and cozy house at a very silent part of the neighborhood. You got out of the car and he did as well.
After getting out of the car, he walked over to you and dragged you inside his house.
As soon as you enter through door and walked inside his house, he closes the door behind him and pins you against a wall, his tongue slid on his bottom lip before kissing you against the wall roughly.
Low moans left your mouth and when you parted your lips slightly, he inserted his tongue forcefully, tasting every corners of your mouth as you gripped his shirt tightly.
He slapped the side of your hips signaling you to jump, you complied and jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He pulled you off the wall and he made his way to his bedroom, keeping both your lips tightly locked.
Once you both arrive at his room, he placed you down the small bed and walked over to his closet. Grabbing a black box and looking at you lustfully. You sat up, blushing and eyed the box curiously, “What’s inside that?” You said and pointed at the box.
“Some interesting stuff..” he trailed off and looked at you smirking.
You watched as he pulled out a vibrator and handcuffs. You blushed redder as he pulled out those items but anticipating on what’s about to happen.
He walked over to you and placed the items on the nightstand. “Strip.” he commanded.
You nodded shyly before removing your shirt and tugging your pants off, leaving you on your boxers. He clicked his tongue, “All of your clothes.” he said in a deeper tone.
You shook your head, disobeying him. He growled before forcing you on your hands and knees on the bed, which made you whimper at the rough treatment.
“Dumb slut, can’t even follow simple orders, disobey me again and I’ll make sure you’ll never cum tonight.” he said to you as he handcuffed your hands behind your back.
“I’m sorry Hyunjin..” you said, he spanked you harshly through your boxers which made you release a loud moan. “Is that what you should call me?” he growled out as he spanked you again more roughly.
“M-Master..!” you moaned out loudly, “That’s my good slut.” he said smirking.
You squirmed a bit at your handcuffed hands behind you. “Don’t move, you slut.” he said as he spanked you again.
He pulled down your boxers roughly and licked his lips at the sight of your hole, he spat on your hole before placing his face between your cheeks and spreading it wider.
You were fully red at being exposed to him, “Ah~ M-Master f-fuck..” you moaned out loudly, echoing around the room.
He shoved his tongue down your hole and spreading your cheeks wider to go deeper while you let out a string of lewd moans at the feeling of his wet muscle exploring your walls.
You felt that you could cum any second but then he pulled his tongue out which made you whine. He flipped you over on your back, which made you a bit uncomfortable at the position because of the handcuffs.
He looked down at you and chuckled at your squirming, his eyes move from you to your hard cock, your tip angry-red. He jerked it you off slowly making you whine, “Go f-faster p-please..” you breathed out shakily.
He slapped your thighs again harshly, “Don’t speak unless I tell you to.” he said darkly, you whimpered at his tone of voice and closed your mouth.
You look up at him, still fully clothed. Which formed a pout on your lips, you wanted see all of him as well. He noticed the pout at your gaze. He unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off him, revealing his well-toned abs which made you eye it like a candy.
He then unbuckled his pants and pulled it down, revealing a huge tent in the middle of his boxers which made you moan at the sight.
He chuckled and grabbed the vibrator off the nightstand. He then trailed the vibrator down your chest on the highest setting, which made you whine at the pleasure.
He placed the vibrator on top of one of your nipples, you let out a very lewd moan which turned on Hyunjin even more.
He then trailed it down even farther until it reached your cock, he placed it on the tip of your cock which made you scream at the pleasure, “M-Master~! T-That feels so good~” he saw your cock twitch which made him pull the vibrator away and smirking. “You won’t cum unless I want you to, you slut.” you led out the loudest whine which made Hyunjin smirk even wider,
“Cute. You look so cute like this, slut. So fucked out, I wanna hear you beg for me to let you cum and for me to pound into you like the cockwhore you are.” he said looking at you lustfully.
Hyunjin kissed you passionately with a slight hint of roughness. He pulled away and inserted his fingers into your mouth, you licked his fingers—swirling your tongue on it. Hyunjin pulled it out before reaching down and pushing a finger into your hole.
You moaned at the entry, clenching tightly around his finger. “Relax, slut.” he said, leaning down to kiss you to distract from his finger being inside you.
He inserted a second one which made you moan against his mouth. He inserted a third one immediately, fucking you at fast pace with his long and slender fingers.
You felt a coil at the pit of your stomach, “M-Master, I’m going to cum..~” you moaned out, muffled by his tongue being inside your mouth.
He pulls away from your mouth and stopped thrusting his fingers. “You’re not gonna cum until I do.” he strictly said as you whined loudly once again at your orgasm being denied a second time.
Tears formed in your eyes, looking away from him at your once again ruined orgasm, “Gonna cry now?” he smirked as he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him “Stupid slut, look at me when I’m talking to you.”
You looked at him, your eyes brimming with tears. “I’m sorry m-master..” you whimpered out,
He leans down to your right ear, “I said what I said, I’m gonna make you beg for me.” he whispered to you, biting the lobe of it.
You whined silently at this and nodded. “Now, Is my needy slut ready for my cock?”
“Y-Yes, m-master..” you stuttered out, “Beg for it.” he said, smirking again.
“M-Master, P-Pound into me like the w-whore that I a-am and f-fill me u-up with your cum.” you begged desperately.
He smiled, he lifted one of your legs and licked his lips once again at the sight of your needy hole clenching around nothing. “Look at your hole clenching, pathetic.” He said before slamming into you deeply, not giving you time to adjust before pulling out and slam back with as much force.
You screamed at his actions, clenching tightly around his cock. “M-Master!!!” you screamed out, squirming—trying to break free from the cuffs.
He repeatedly slammed into you, he found your prostate and hit it with every thrust as all you could do was let out screams and moans at the overwhelming pleasure.
“I’m c-close.. Please p-please let me cum~ Fuck~!” You moaned out. He groans and nodded, “Cum for me, pretty boy.”
You moaned loudly as your cum shot out to your chest and some reaching Hyunjin's chest.
He continued his harsh pace, overstimulation you, which made let out a loud whine at your hole and prostate being abused by him.
“Tell me how good I’m making you feel.” he groaned out. “S-So good m-master...” you gasped out as he hit your prostate for the umpteenth time.
His thrusts went sloppy, meaning he was close. You felt that familiar coil at your stomach. “I-I’m close again~..” you whined out as he leant down and placed some visible hickeys on your chest. “Cum with me.” he breathed out as he slammed into you faster and harsher.
You screamed as you came undone a second time, your body shuddering at your second orgasm. He came deep inside you a second later.
You moaned at the feeling of his cum staining your walls. He pulls out of you as he watch the cum drip out of your abused hole. You whined at cum dripping out of you but relaxed.
You blink twice, trying to blink away the tiredness but fell asleep as Hyunjin heard your light snores. He smiled but soon turned to a frown as he snapped back to reality.
He realized that you’re supposed to be his victim. “Just another hour atleast..” he was happy with you but he needed to kill you.
He turned you over slightly to uncuff you, he pulled the cuffs and placed them at the nightstand, next to the vibrator.
He got a damp towel and wiped your cum off his chest. He walked over to you and cleaned your own cum from your chest as he lifted your legs carefully to wipe the cum dripping out of your hole.
He laid right next to you and closed his eyes, sighing sadly as this was about to end.
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He woke up at the middle of the night and got up, frowning. he grabbed a knife from the black box earlier and looked at you as he tried to calm his breathing down.
He walked over to you, “I’m sorry [Y/N]..” he said as he leaned down to give you a soft peck on the lips. He raised the knife up, his hands trembling “I’m really sorry..” he said as a single tear slipped down his cheek.
He brung the knife down to your heart and red stained his bedsheets. He sobbed silently because you’re the only one that made him feel that kind of way.
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softkuna · 4 years
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𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃-𝙰-𝙱𝙾𝚈𝙵𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝙳! 𝙴𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑... 𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙰 𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚈𝙾.
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Anxiety was a fun thing to deal with sometimes. You know - like when you triple checked the details of the test date you had scheduled today. You pressed a hand to your chest as you woke your phone. Eyes were glued to the pin on the map that your date, Hinata Shoyo: Rental Boyfriend, put on it. You thought maybe, just maybe, he canceled last minute or after seeing your face IRL. A chill ran through you and you muttered to no one in particular, “God, how embarrassing would that be…”
  As you swiped through the app, you pat all around your neck, your cheek, your collarbone in a few nervous motions. Sure, you knew the area. Sure, you went out a few times to sketch the roads for a comic or two. But as you stood, cool fingers drumming nervously along your skin, it all felt unfamiliar.
  A voice cried your name out, jolting your attention away from insecurity for a moment. You squinted, thinking you misheard. The wind! That’s all it was. Just as you were about to check your phone for the nth time, you caught a glimpse of tangerine. Through the hoard of 9-5ers, five fingers raised in a wave until a broad shoulder shimmied its way through the crowd.
“H-Hinata?” His name came out a lot more hushed than you intended and you could feel the heat of your cheeks. Oh no. He’s cute. Duh. You knew he was. He had a profile picture and some extra pics that you and your friend scrolled through the night prior. One caught your eye in particular; it was with a dog that wasn’t his according to the caption (and the added note of ‘but imma get a big boi some day’’). There was another with a guy with short black hair. They all radiated a type of warmth and welcome to them even if those around him seemed ready to punch a wall - a trait not missed out on in person.
  He beamed, taking your hand in his as though it were as natural as the sun shining, “Hey babe!”
  The words put a bar in the cogs of your mind, stopping all rational thought.  Babe. Babe?! Oh fuck. I’m babe! Oh wait. Yeah that’s right. You rented him to be your boyfriend. It’s supposed to be natural. You scolded yourself for forgetting that simple fact. 
Hinata laced his fingers through yours and you could feel the slight dampness of his palm. The thought that he may be as nervous as you put you slightly at ease. It would make sense as he didn’t have any reviews or ratings or anything. He was new! A beta-boyfriend babe!
  It took a moment or two for you to realize that not only was he guiding you down the sidewalk, but you had been staring at nothing but your shoes the entire way there. Shyly, you apologized. 
  “For what, babe? Oh! Wait! I didn’t get to mention yet,” Bright eyes burned with excitement as they tilted over his shoulder, “That’s a cute dress!” He genuinely thought so, too. Trying to act all coupl-y with a stranger was definitely weird, but, like anything he tried, he wanted to put his best effort in. Hinata wasn’t sure on what to expect, truthfully. When looking at your profile after the booking was made, he was caught off guard by how cute you were. In person seemed even worse. Better? Hell if he knew.
  As a lanky waiter shuffled you both into a booth, you were off put by your boyfriend slipping in next to you. Right smack dab next to you. Thigh touching thigh and the heat of his sent a shiver up your spine. You placed a hand on your chest again and spent more time reading a menu than you thought you ever had before.
  Hinata’s expression fell thoughtfully as he saw the slight shake in your slender digits and the way your teeth gnashed at your lower lip. He tilted his head with a small laugh and a nudge to your ribs with his elbow. The corners of his mouth piquing to such a point you could practically feel the mischievousness from it, “Play along, ‘kay? Kay?”
  Suspiciously, you peaked over the top of the menu roof you made with a nod. As the waiter returned, a strong muscled arm wrapped around your shoulder and snuggled you close. Mouth falling into an ajar ‘o’, your confusion was as palpable as his joy, “It’s my girlfriend’s birthday today! You guys got some cake, maybe a candle or OOOH a song?”
  “Hinata!” You smacked his head with the menu, “It’s n-“
  He brought a finger to his lips to silent-shush you, lashes dipping in a wink. You smiled pleasantly, yet awkwardly at the waiter and in the least convincing tone, chimed,  “It’s my birthday. Yaaay.”
  “See! How could you deny that!” His sheer and pointed enthusiasm made up for your lack thereof.
  The waiter, not buying any of it but needing the tips to pay his rent, congratulated you before excusing himself. Ten minutes later, two others trailed behind him singing a specialty birthday tune. In their hands rested the most delicious looking chocolate cake. To say you inhaled that thing would be an understatement. It was creamy, rich, everything you could’ve wanted in a cake.
  “Take a bite!” You offered a forkful to your date, one hand below to catch the droppings. Obliging gleefully, he did.
  “‘m pwetty bad wif dates but I saw you like fweets!” The words came between chews, and he gestured here and there as he swallowed, “Glad you liked it cause we got five more restaurants to try!”
  “Excuse me?!”
  And just like that, Hinata whisked you from one restaurant to another. Each one was slightly ritzier than the last and with each one, he could see the tense scrunch of your shoulders melt away. 
He made you feel safe and you started to joke with him more openly, smile more frequently, and sarcastically quip at him. He liked the way you smacked his arm every time he called the waiters over too dramatically. He liked the way you acted surprised they’d come around the corner with cakes and songs. You managed to melt his heart with the cutest ‘Oh! Babe!’ whenever he tried to genuinely surprise you. He adored watching your eyes light up whenever you got a taste of each decadent sweet. It would be an outright lie to deny that you feeding him made his heart flutter, too.
  You clung to Hinata’s arm, cheek resting heavily on bicep as your stomach decided to churn all the sugar you ate like it was a tilt-a-whirl. He patted your hand, thinking you were just trying to be cute, “So, what made you want to rent someone?” 
  The night sky took over the afternoon sun. Tiredly, you gazed up to your ‘boyfriend’, letting a moment of silence occupy the time it took to get over the small wave of nausea, “This is… embarrassing.” You chuckled softly, letting your fingers fall onto your neck, “I uh… never dated someone before. I have a date set up and got so anxious I almost canceled three times. I really want to put myself out there though and be more comfortable.“
  “Is that why you were so red?! I thought I was meeting a cherry when I saw you! All like –“ His hands flew to his cheeks in a damn near perfect imitation of you and your voice, “-i-i-it’s n-n-ot m-my-“ before he could stutter the rest out, you interrupted with a loud and embarrassed groan. His laugh hissed passed teeth, “It was cute! You’re adorable, ya know?” The words slipped out so naturally and with such warmth that you wondered where the act was put down and where it was picked back up.
  “As I was saying,” you jested with a light hearted eye roll, “My friend was really worried about me. I mean, it’s not often you’re a date-virgin in your twenties.”
  Hinata pursed his lips, thinking about it, “Ya know, maybe it is weird - ” You felt your heart stop and your comfort crack just slightly. You probably would have laughed had it not been for the wave of heat then ice that swept over you, “- that someone as… as…” His lips pursed as he tried to find a word. Your anxiety built with each delayed second. In a grand gesture, his arms swang back, “WH’BAM as you never got asked out before!” Despite your death grip on him, the ginger still managed to hop on cue, “’sides! You got a pretty good friend looking after you!”
  “Heh,” You laughed, “Guess you’re right, but wh’bam?”
  “It just makes sense!” He slapped your hand a few times with the soft palm of his, “Okay okay! Now, we’re going to that one!” A finger pointed to a fancy black double door. 
  “Hinata I-“ You began to protest, feeling your palms dampen and your stomach curdle. 
  “Don’t worry about price! I got it!” He tugged at your arm.
  “N-no, We need to-“
  “You’ve been having such a good time! We can do one more!”
  “Just come over h-here-“
  “This one has the best cake from what I read! It’s not too expensiiiiiiive.”
  The end of his sentence tumbled out of his mouth like the night’s worth of cake and frosting tumbled out of your gut. Directly onto the ground. And on the expensive nude heels your friend leant you. And on Hinata’s own pricy looking sneakers.
  There was a moment of silence as you lit the coffin of your pride and watched it sail away into the ocean. (Goodbye sweet trait, it was nice while it lasted. Rest in Pieces.)
  Hinata blinked. The event registered in his squirrel brain like a dial up modem. She just threw up. It’s on my shoe. It’s on her shoe. OH NO I MADE HER THROW UP! Red alerts blared as he whipped his head around, making the biggest display of ‘nothing to see here’ that could’ve been humanly possible. All too easily, he slid an arm under your knees and scurried around for a place to sit. It took about ten minutes for him to find a bench on an empty walkway. He sat you down and patted your head with long, sweet strokes. Each pat, while good natured, went unnoticed as your intestines tried to murder you in cold blood.
  Hinata sprinted for the convenience store and bought the first couple of antacids he could find, along with some anti-nausea medication and water. A small bit of sweat broke out along his brow as he dashed back to you. Agile as a leaf in the wind, he squatted right in front of you, hurriedly dumped everything out of the double-bagged plastic bags to give to you. He stuttered out his menu of medications and you down some of them with water.
  “Hey, heeey,” his gentle voice cooed to you, both hands rubbing your arms in soothing motions (a little roughly, but he’s trying), “It’s okay, you’re okay, you don’t need to cry!” You waved a hand, lips parted as you waited for another wave to hit which never came. You thought he’d make fun of you, laugh in your face about how pathetic this was, but it never came. For some reason that made you even more emotional. He was just a rental boyfriend. He didn’t need to deal with this. Instead of quitting then and there, Hinata took a seat right next to you and pulled you to his chest. Your back flinched reflexively as a calloused hand rubbed calming circles along it. He started talking about a time he was at a volleyball game and had the nervous-shits so bad he nearly had to sit out.
  “That’s… disgusting,” The words came out as a half-laugh, half-cry. You wiped your eyes, ignoring the makeup now dripping down your face from sweat and tears.
  “You’re telling me! Tanaka called me ‘little-shits’ for two months after that!” His laugh was contagious, spreading warmth through your fingertips and toes. It was rare to meet someone who had such a natural talent to make you feel so wholly accepted.
  After about 10 minutes, the medication began to fully settle your stomach. The bag was tossed into a stray trash can. Hinata had barely even realized that his chin was perched on the crown of your head as he talked about other embarrassing stories (including the time he got pegged in the nuts during training camp). The warmth of you in his hold simply belonged and he didn’t want to let go just yet.
  “Thank you,” you peered up at him with eyes so pretty and a smile so kind he wanted to kiss it then and there.
  “For what?” His head tilted again. If he were a puppy, his ears would flop with each tilt.
  “Being so sweet to me for my first trial date. Even if it’s your job, you really went above and beyond. And uh…you know-” You kicked your shoe to his.
  The athlete ruffled his hair, feeling a blush creep to his cheeks and ears at the thought of being your first date, “Don’t need to thank me for it! I had a blast! You’re pretty warm too!”
  “Thanks?” You sputtered a small laugh before checking your phone and the time. It was nearly up. As per request, a text of your location was sent to the friend who started it all.
  For a while, you rested in Hinata’s hold, savoring the rich batter of comfort and calm it baked you in. He chattered on about this and that, exchanging a remark here and there when you poked fun. 
Once you pulled away from him, he couldn’t help but miss the feel of your mold on the palm of his hand like a volleyball right at the precipice – right in his reach. You checked your violently buzzing phone, confirming the spot where you were sitting to your friend. 
“Who was that?” Hinata asked, a boyish hint of pouting sad laced underneath his natural curiosity.
“My friend,” you answered, popping another antacid in your mouth, “our time is up, so she’ll be here soon.”
 Those words were a bitter sound, one that reminded Hinata that this wasn’t real. This was a bet that he wanted to win. One that he secretly cursed. In all reality, he wanted to have fun and when he saw that you booked him, he didn’t know what to think. Dating wasn’t really his thing. He rarely had time to when it came to practice and had it not been for the bet, he probably wouldn’t have sought someone out at all, let alone someone as out of his league as you.
  The headlights of your friend's car came into view. Just as you went to take a step forward, a strong hand circled around your wrist. In a swift movement, you turned to look at the culprit. 
  “Just make sure to rent me again if you have some time, yeah?” Hinata’s smile held a hint of something you couldn’t identify. 
 Nevertheless, you returned the sentiment, “Of course!”
You parted with a long hug.
As the car pulled away, Hinata flicked through his phone. Once the dates were done, each point of contact would be deleted automatically. A reasonable company policy that felt like a sour punch to the gut.. A small twinge of sadness came over him, but he knew that if it was meant to be, you’d find your way to each other again. In the mean time…
   𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃-𝙰-𝙱𝙾𝚈𝙵𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝙳 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎.... 𝟷 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐!
  He was going to kick Atsumu’s pancake ass!
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 “Sooooo~ How was the ‘date’? Looks like you two got along!” Your friend’s voice rang as she shimmied in her seat in excitement, brows wiggling in expectation.
  “Oh shut it!” You cried in false annoyance, “I threw up, can you believe that?!” Dramatically, she gasped, listening as you recounted the events of the boy who was the sun itself. Finalizing your long winded tale of cake-filled adventure, that same warmth spread across your chest, lapping small butterfly wings at your stomach, “I had a good time. I… definitely feel more comfortable with the idea of putting myself out there now.”
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morceid · 3 years
Beating The Dead Swan
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Chapter 4: hold on for your life
read on ao3
<- chapter three
Summary: The team makes progress on the case and Spencer makes progress with Derek.
Word Count: 1.8k
Category: angst, some fluff
Content Warnings: drug mention, general criminal minds stuff
A/N: so sorry this took so long to finish writing! i just had some other things i needed to do for school stuff before i did this but enjoy!!
The next day Derek walked into the BAU, ready to give Hotch a rundown of how they were handling the case, but something caught his eye.
Through the windows of the office Spencer now occupied, there was an art easel propped up next to the couch. A sheet covered in various paints and colors laid on the floor as Spencer brushed a sky of purple and blue on the canvas.
“Whatcha doin’ there, kid?”
“Oh, oh hi Agent Morgan, I hope this is okay, I just wanted to paint.” Spencer stammered.
“It’s fine, it looks good too. How long have you been painting?”
“I’m fairly certain I was 8, could’ve been 9 though, my dad left around then and it’s all kind of blurry.”
A thick silence surrounded the two, the only sound being the brush against the cloth canvas.
“Um, I’m sorry. Anyways, what are you going to be doing today?” Spencer swiped his finger through the purple color he’d mixed and dabbed it across the wet paint.
“Well, Garcia is looking through the bank records of all the victims. If there’s anything suspicious then she’ll look into it and we might even take the case as a team, but for now it’s just me and her. I’m going to talk to my boss right now, I’ll talk to you later though.” Derek turned towards the doorway but Spencer stopped him.
“Morgan, uh, do you think, do you think you’ll catch whoever did this to Camille?”
“I sure hope we do. You deserve some closure. We all do.”
“Yeah, yeah just sometimes, it feels, I don’t know, captivating in all the wrong ways.”
“I know. But it gets better, I promise you. See you in a bit.” Derek left the office and headed towards the bullpen.
Spencer exhaled and studied the paint on his hand. The cold feeling, the intense smell, and the sound as he slapped it across the canvas.
“Hey, any updates?” Hotch asked Derek as he opened the door to his office.
“Nah, not really. All the people we’ve interviewed are completely innocent. Penelope’s checking men with sexual offenses that our victims could’ve interacted with but I’m not sure we’re gonna find anything.”
“Alright, you should probably check on that now, I’ll see you later if there are any updates.”
“See ya, boss.” Derek said as he walked back down the steps and across the hall to Penelope’s office.
“Hello my soulmate and love of my life Derek Morgan, how can I help you today?” Penelope excitedly exclaimed as Derek walked into her office.
“Hey baby girl, get anything from your search?”
“Unfortunately, no. None of the victims had close family that had both a connection to the company or a sexual offense, in fact there are no sex offenders in the area that have any connection to the company at all. They really do triple check everyone’s background.”
“There has got to be some connection somewhere. Did the M.E. do another tox screen?” Derek asked.
“Yep, and it seems that all of the victims had massive doses of ketamine in their systems.”
“Camille had ketamine in her blood?” Spencer walked into the office and started the two.
“Oh! Spencer, you can’t be in here, not right now.” Derek rushed to take him out of the room.
“Wh- why can’t I? Camille was my friend, I deserve to know about her. Did she have drugs in her body?”
“Spencer, you can’t be interrupting an investigation. I’m sorry, but you need to go back to your office.”
Spencer stops trying to push against Derek and exhales, trying to catch his breath. They walked back towards the office they now called home while squeezing his hands in intervals of three, a trick to calm himself down Camille had taught him. He fell onto the couch and fell asleep quickly, deciding not to fight the tired feeling his eyes gave him.
They woke up what felt like around thirty minutes later, but the digital clock he set on the table next to the brown leather couch read 11:43. He got up and grabbed flannel pants and a sweater from his bag of clothes and headed to the bathroom to change into the pajamas. They grabbed his chess set from his office and went into the breakroom. Their stomach growled and they recalled that they went to Penelope’s office earlier to ask if he could have the rest of the soup. He looked around the bullpen, wondering if they’d mind if he ate something from the fridge.
Agent Rossi walked out of his office and took notice of Spencer.
“Hey, what are you doing up? The only person here this late is generally that guy.” Rossi pointed towards Agent Hotchner’s office. The microwave on the counter now displayed 12:06.
“I-I took an unexpectedly long nap and uh, I didn’t eat lunch or dinner to- well technically yesterday now, uh, c-could I have something from the fridge?” Spencer stammered.
“Of course, kid. In fact, there’s some of my signature pasta in there. I make it weekly for the rest of the team, but today Derek ordered something for lunch so he didn’t eat his. You can have it if you want.”
“Thank you, Agent Rossi.” Spencer took the tupperware container out of the refrigerator and put it in the microwave.
“You can just call me Rossi, you don’t have to do the whole Agent thing,” Rossi said as he sat on the other side of Spencer’s chess game. “I didn’t know you played.”
The microwave beeped and Spencer took the bowl out and stirred it around with a fork. They brought it to the table, eating it as they moved a chess piece.
“Yeah, Camille gave me this set for my birthday, which actually isn't for another couple weeks but she didn’t want to wait.”
“You know, I had this old friend, Jason Gideon, he played chess. I think you’d like him. He’s the one who taught me.” Rossi moved his own chess piece.
“He sounds interesting. I fell asleep before Morgan could tell me anything, but have you made any good progress on the case?”
“A little. We found out how all of the girls died but we just can’t seem to figure out why the unsub did this.”
“Unsub?” Spencer said, moving another chess piece.
“Unknown Subject, it’s what we call the murderer. I’ve looked over your files, you seem like a really smart person.”
“Yeah, I uh, I can read pretty fast. I have an eidetic memory, too. I was a pretty good punching bag as a kid.”
“The world will see something amazing and try to take it for their own.” Rossi absentmindedly moved a piece.
“Yeah, I guess that’s one way of looking at it.”
“So, I’m assuming you don’t have much of a record with the ladies?”
“None at all. I’ve been intrigued by a couple guys, but they’ve all turned me down or turned out to be assholes,” Spencer laughed and moved another one of his pieces before taking another bite of spaghetti. “What about you? You’ve got to have courted some girl with this amazing pasta.”
“Yeah, I have, I actually got three ex wives.”
“Wow, that’s impressive.”
“Depends on your definition of impressive,” It was Rossi’s turn to laugh and move a piece. “You’ve got your eyes on him, don’t you?”
Spencer looked puzzled for a second before Rossi nudged the tupperware lid that had Derek’s name written across the top.
“Maybe, just a little bit. I’d be lying if I didn’t think he was attractive,” Spencer moved a piece. “Check.”
“I think he might like you too.” Rossi moved a piece.
“I don’t. He’s nice, but I don’t think he’d like me back.” Spencer moved a piece.
“I know you haven’t known me for long, Spencer, but I’m right about this,” Rossi moved another piece. “Checkmate. You’re smart, but you’ve still got a lot to learn.”
Rossi got up from the table and started walking out to his car. Spencer packed up his chess set and made a pot of coffee before heading to their office. For the rest of the night they drank his coffee and worked on the painting still sitting on the easel. 
At around six in the morning Spencer was getting ready to brew another pot of coffee and JJ walked into the breakroom. 
“Oh! Hi, uh, are you gonna be here long?” JJ asked.
“Uh, no, why?”
“Uh, Agent Hotchner called us in because he found something with the case. You’re not gonna be allowed in here when he’s telling us, I’m sorry.”
“Oh it’s fine, I’ve been up all night so I should probably just go take a nap anyways.”
They shared an awkward laugh before Spencer went back into the office and promptly fell back asleep on the couch.
Almost six hours later Spencer woke up to Derek knocking on his door. They got up and straightened out their sweater.
“Hey, so Hotch wants you there to hear the profile, just thought you should know.” Derek said, taking in the pajamas Spencer was wearing.
“Oh, okay, thanks.” 
Derek went back out to the bullpen and Spencer closed the blinds of the office windows before changing his flannel pants to jeans. When they finished dressing he went out to the bullpen and sat on the edge of an unused desk. Police officers were scattered around the area.
“You look like you need this.” Derek said as he sat next to Spencer and handed him a cup of coffee.
“Aren’t you supposed to be presenting the case too?”
“No, Hotch wanted to do it himself.”
The two set their cups of coffee down at the same time and their hands brushed against one another.
“You’re comforting.” Spencer thought out loud.
Derek didn’t respond. He just took it in and they both faced away from each other, hiding the smiles from the other’s eyes and savouring the moment.
Hotch’s profile wasn’t all that detailed, but it was early in the case anyways. The unsub would have either no mother figure or a distant one, and the father would be abusive in some way or another. His estimated age range was 25-30 and he would likely have learned his behavior from someone close, possibly the same father that abused him. He would rarely go in public and when he did he wouldn’t talk to anyone unless he had to. He likely wasn’t someone everyone knew and would isolate himself in most situations.
Most of the details floated out of Derek’s head as Hotch spoke as he had already heard the profile once and his mind was already clouded with Spencer’s words. When the presentation was finished Derek walked with Rossi to Penelope’s office to see if she had any new findings.
“He’s kind of a pretty boy, isn't he?” Derek said.
“Yeah, something like that.” Rossi gave a knowing smile as they walked into Penelope’s office.
TAGLIST: @heavenlydevil @hotpotatowoman @party-poisxn @endingsbeginnings @d3pr3ss3d-w33d-wh0re @ted-theodore-preston​ @moss0ntherocks​ @scandinavian-punk​ @doctorenby​ @penemily​ @izzyl13​ @leomo0n​ @tiedyedrose1705​ 
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mahalhao · 4 years
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top of the world [h.js]
[angst, nonidol!AU]
[summary] The world has never felt bigger, lonelier. All at once, finally, you're at the top of the world…alone. Or, in which, you sacrificed love for your dreams.
Every good thing, you realize, eventually comes to an end.
You had been hunched over her desk, your only company then was the LED lamp on your desk and the sound of strings playing softly in the background. Piles of books, stacked on top of each other, surround her. Your lenses reflected blue against the light of your screen, blocking tired eyes and heavy bags worth sleepless nights. A half-empty cup of ice coffee, watered down with melted ice, leaving condensation on your desk. You haven't noticed, hadn't cared to—too focused on the matters of anatomy and the physiology behind the brain and—
You jolted, the feel of a soft hand resting on your shoulder and you glanced up to meet a pair of worried eyes. Joshua. Kind, familiar, and belonging to a face you haven't seen in quite a while. It wasn't his fault, it was yours but you can see the understanding in them, just as you hoped—knew—that he can see the guilt in yours.
After a beat, he pulled his hand away, bringing it to awkwardly scratch the back of his neck.
"I haven't heard from you in these past couple of days, and I was, um, getting worried that you weren't, y'know, eating and stuff…" He trailed off, eyes flitting over the materials scattered all over your desk, the empty cups of iced coffee and ramen cups left atop of your drawer, meant to be thrown but too busy to. His gaze returned back to yours, and he lifted up a plastic bag of take out.
Suddenly, all you can smell is the grease and salty fries.
"Oh, uh," you opened your mouth but closed it again at the sound of your voice. It sounded like you haven't spoken in years, dry and unused.
Amused, he cracked a smile, eyes curling upwards into half moons. With his free hand, he grabbed yours and gently pulls you to her feet.
"Come on, idiot, let's get you something to eat."
You pursued your lips at that, brows furrowing in mock hurt yet your heart warmed. You didn't stop him as he led you out of your mess of a room. The stress of your studies forgotten, if only for a bit.
You remind yourself, tries to, that this is what you wanted as you smile in acceptance of your white coat. You worked so hard for this, hours and hours of your life slaved away. You deserve this, you know you do.
Smiling still even as your eyes search in the audience for that goofy smile that you know at all too well.
Smiling still even when you only find the proud grins on your parents' faces, disappointment swiping at your heart.
Smiling still as if your heart isn't still shattering, even when it's been months since you've last seen those pretty, pretty, kind eyes and wide grins you've never gotten tired of.
Your phone rang insistently across the room, the Do Not Disturb function rendered useless after the third, unheard phone call. You didn't move, refused to, in favour of scratching notes into your textbook and memorizing the words on your screen. Your exam was coming up, in there days or so, and You doesn't, can't afford to, fail an exam. Not now.
For a moment, it was silent again. You almost breathed a silent sigh of relief at that, and your focus had started to clear—
Ring. Ring. Ring.
You sighed, pushing yourself off of her desk. Finally, you walked over to her phone, a frown evident on your face and your frown deepened even more when you spied the reason for the disturbance.
His contact name and picture is lovingly displayed on your phone as it rang, featuring a simple heart and a candid of him slurping noodles during one of their dates.
You picked up your phone, tapping once, and brought it to your ear.
"Hey! You finally picked up—"
"I'm busy right now, you know I have a big test coming up and I'm studying, why are you bothering me?"
It went silent for a moment, the harshness of your tone and choice of words settling on the other end. On yours, you didn't notice, didn't care to.
"Seriously, Joshua, I don't have time for this. I'll call you when I'm not busy," is all you had said, pulling away to press End Call without a second beat. Your hand worked fast, burying it under heaps of untouched pillows.
You didn't see the endless flood of text notifications on you screen, covering up the face of your boyfriend. You didn't notice the date, nor the time. You didn't realize as to why he was so insistent on calling, despite knowing how busy you were. You didn't care to.
You had bigger things to worry about.
It had been the March 16th, 3 years after the first time you met a pair of pretty, pretty, kind eyes and a goofy smile.
"I'm so proud of you," your mom says, pulling you into a large hug once you've reach each other.
Although your heart should be bursting at the seams right now, in joy, in pride, it doesn't. Still, you smile as you return the gesture.
"Thanks, mom."
And if you hugged her mother a little tighter than normal, nobody notices.
Your phone burns in the hidden pocket of your dress. All you want to do is—
The moment you woke up, eyes bleary and heavy in spite of the fact you had just woken up, your stomach churned and your heart was erratic against your ribs. There was a sinking feeling in your stomach, it felt like a warning.
The first thing to have greeted you that morning was the ring of your doorbell.
Brows furrowing in confusion as you stole a glance at the clock—10:30 AM—who could it possibly be?
Feet slipping into your slippers, you shuffled out of your room and headed straight to the door. You peaked through the peak hole, blinking in surprise at the sight of the person behind your door. You don't hesitate to open it.
"Hey, what's up? What are you doing here?" Your voice had been soft, throat dry from lack of use but you don't think of it. Your voice had always—usually—been soft with him.
In spite of the lack of goofy smile on his face, you don't recall three nights ago and wondered—why the long face, love?
He shuffled awkwardly, looking at everything else but you. You had never been the one for eye contact, finding that it always made you feel too seen, too known but with him, it had always felt different. With him, you felt understood and found that, if it's him, eye contact was a trivial thing.
It was never an issue for him, meeting your gaze. That's why, you found it odd that he never looked at your eyes once.
"…Can we talk?"
You remember that day. It had ended in tears, on both of your parts. That day had been a slap to the face.
He gulped as you both sat down. You try not to focus too hard on how far apart you both were sitting from each other, evidence to how you've been drifting apart from each other.
"I think we should break up."
Their relationship hadn't been the only thing that shattered that day.
You knows it's your fault. How could it not be?
After that weeks, days, hours, and minutes are spent burying yourself into your books and studying, leaving the house only to work and to grab coffee to spend another all-nighter to study. Hell, your phone had been left unattended these past few days to force your concentration. Although, that was more of the excuse to avoid it, to avoid dialling his number in moments of weakness.
That night, when your cheeks were red and dry from tears, and the spot on the couch he sat on had gone cold, was when you turned on your phone.
When you saw all the unread text messages, the double, nearing triple digits of missed calls, and the current date glaring back at you, the past few days, no, months rushed back at her.
He has only ever been a good boyfriend. Goofy and clingy at times, but he's kind, caring, and he understood. He loves—loved—you in spite of the lack of affirmation from your end, cares—cared—enough to drop by your place unannounced without fear to make sure you were eating, remembered all the things you like, all of your habits, dreams, and your goals.
And what were you? Neglectful, ungrateful, unaware of all the good in front of you.
It hurt even more, you had thought then, that he wasn't even remotely mad at you for it.
Like the saint he was, he only smiled sadly, accepting fate as he told you— "This isn't working out."
Your heart shattered even further.
Every good thing eventually comes to an end.
"Where do you want to eat, love?" Your father asks, falling in step with you and your mother as they headed out of the auditorium. The notion of food is enough to distract you from your phone, a momentary pause on your itch to text him.
You hum. "Can we get—"
Unknownst to you, your phone vibrates a little in your pocket. A text.
hey! i hope you're doing well. congratulations by the way, i'm really proud of you.
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billyboymiki · 4 years
5 Works Tag Game
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and post or link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I got tagged by @tippenfunkaport and @caramelaire for this tag game!!
I’m not one to compliment myself on anything honestly. Recently I remember thinking about how I barely drew anything this year. There was a part of my brain nagging at me to check how much I had drawn last year. So, I uh did. Turns out I drew basically nothing?! I triple checked this in fact. My DeviantART, Tumblr AND my camera roll. Nothing . . . I drew 5 very basic pinback button designs and that was it. I couldn’t believe it; but, it made be feel so much better about what I did this year. Basically my whole instagram is all artwork from this year, since I am actually really new to IG. I got super close to 40 works this year!
Now onto the works! They are in order of when I drew them 😊
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Glimmer Inspired Patterns
I wanted to teach myself how to make patterns on Clip Studio so bad! I watched a couple of YT tutorials, and I can’t even remember why I decided to make She-ra ones specifically; I’m glad I did though! The Glimmer one means so much to me. Just looking at makes me so happy! The fact that so many people have now called it ‘aesthetically pleasing’ makes me feel as though I actually created a work that others could relate to. That was enough praise for me; to create something for myself that everyone else loved as well 💖
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Glimbow Cuddle
This was my first real She-ra artwork. When I saw there was a Glimbow Week again I knew I had to join this one. I don’t know if anyone knows this; but, drawings take me forever to make. I used to be strictly a traditional artist and still prefer to draw rough drafts on paper. I couldn’t decide if I wanted them on Glimmer’s window seat or in Bow’s dads’ library. I was afraid of doing backgrounds; so, both sounded absolutely terrifying. I decided to go for the fireplace even if it meant fancy lighting on top of the background aspect. I think I actually spent more time on the lighting that’s hitting Bow than on anything else in this picture. It was worth it though. I studied how the show did backgrounds and lighting for a while. I tried so many different attempts at how I wanted it to look and ultimately went with this one! I love it so much 🥺
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Bow’s list with doodles
Ah, yes the drawings I did for Tippen’s birthday!! I knew I wanted to draw a scene from ‘Tuna Cans’, but I was worried to try something like this. You see, I’m somebody that likes to stay in a comfort zone and only uploaded fully rendered perfect artworks. This year was the first time that I let the ‘fun’ aspect overrule my perfectionism. I’m so happy that I stepped out of my comfort zone for this, because I love Chibi styles so much. I can’t even explain the absolute joy I had drawing these. I didn’t tell anyone what I was up to, so it was just me laughing at myself for being an absolute goofball. The end result and everyone’s reactions were more than I could have ever expected. I’ve decided I’m going to revive this style soon as well so please look forwards to it!!
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Space Suit Squad
Okay, so I cheated a little with this one! I couldn’t just pick ONE of the squad. Honestly though, I drew these with the thought of making them into prints in the back of my mind. I taught myself how to draw a space background and I’m really proud of it! So much in fact that the one in the final pictures is the first and last one I ended up doing! If I had to pick my favorites I think I’d have to pick Glimmer, Bow and then Catra. I LOVE the way I draw Catra I don’t know why? Maybe the eyebrows I’m not sure 🤔 It took me a while to decide on expressions and poses; although, I figured these were the ones because I could look at them and go ‘yep that’s them.’
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Winter Glimbow
This one took me soooo long; I actually had to tell myself that I should put my pen down because it was done and I should stop touching it!!! I was sketching pictures in my sketchbook to make more patterns for my Redbubble account, and of course I’m like 100% Glimbow brainrot. My brain went, oooo you know what would be cute? If this skate was actually Bow’s and not just generic. So, I ended up sketching Glimmer’s as well. The heart that their skates make is like the cherry on the top for me, it had to be done! I’m not sure I did the background justice on this one? It doesn’t matter to me though because the concept was worth the effort. It was snowing here and I needed this picture like I needed air, even if it wasn’t even December at the time I posted it 🤣 I liked this one so much that I have similar ideas for the other seasons sketched out as well 👀
I’m sorry that I ramble so often. I’m like this quiet person; yet, it’s hard for me to get out everything I want to say? I’m horrible at it actually my brain runs at a hundred miles a minute and I’m not good with words most of the time. This turned out as more of a thought process than my actual feelings on each one I suppose. SO, in conclusion. I drew A LOT, I stepped out of my comfort zone, taught myself digital art and patterns. I let myself come to terms with the fact that not every piece of art has to be ‘perfect’. I drew at least 5 FULL backgrounds and I never used to draw them! I’ve also always been one for simple shading and lighting, and I do think there’s a time for that type of style, while other times sometimes a more difficult one might be appropriate. I’m glad that I did both because now I know I can do both, and they each give a characteristic that I adore 🥰 Thank you to everyone that has followed me through this journey, or just anyone who read my rambling! I have an honorable mention under the cut and some originals for anyone that made it this far! 💖
I’m not going to tag anyone; but, if you want to do this PLEASE do it. It was so great to reflect on what I did this year, it really surprised me and I think what you have done will surprise you as well! It’s been a rough year, and in the end we have been here supporting each other and that’s one of the most rewarding parts of being in a fandom! 💜
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Glimmer screencap redraw
Another picture where I really tested myself on drawing a background! I love it even if it killed my hand!! The background definitely took the longest on this one too. My sister literally said ‘Wait, you did the background? I thought you just drew her?!’ And that was the only validation I needed!! I ended up thinning out Glimmer’s outline so she matched the background better. If you use the vectors on Clip please use this feature! You can do the opposite as well, it’s super useful!
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Oh hi! Remember when I said I couldn’t decide between the two locations? Truth is, I also couldn’t decide if I was going to make it traditional or digital. I ended up getting really mad at the traditional version unfortunately. I haven’t gotten the hang of traditional backgrounds. In the end, I should have also done it in Copic and not cheap pencil crayons 😫
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Just some space friends! There is something so rewarding about traditional art. Yes, I can see the mistakes and the proportions are most likely off; yet, it doesn’t bother me? I wanted to also show these bonus drawings because nobody is perfect and I thought some of you might like to see some of my process. Being able to hold it in my hands is something I will never tire of, in a way it’s super rewarding. I keep all my art actually and sometimes I like the rough drafts more than the finished work 👀 Outlining artwork can actually ruin the charm every so often 😔 I do really love the final versions of these though!
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Annnnnd the last bonus!! As you can tell the final version stayed pretty true to my sketches! I almost went with a more realistic look and made the symbols ‘stitched’ onto the skates. In the end it felt like it didn’t fit the rest of the drawing unless I wanted to add extra details to the clothing as well. The wings on Glimmer’s skates turned into ‘Shwings’ PLEASE tell me other people know what that is? I had a pair a few years ago and misplaced them. I was doing the rough draft and it popped into brain and I treated it as a joke at first, until I gave it a proper chance XD In the end I fell in love with it!!!
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totaldramafan-lauri · 3 years
Eurovision 2021 final thoughts
Well.....it’s over.
It feels great, but also kinda weird to be done with it. I mean, it took an extra year to get here! But I’d say it was worth the wait....
Holy CRAP this year was good. Oh my god, this was SO much fun to watch! The presentation, voting, and especially the songs were unbelievably strong! It made me so happy that my bad luck in the semifinals didn’t even let me down all that much, so that’s a good sign. XD
I haven’t shared this before, cuz I didn’t wanna be a downer, but.....there was a part of me that was worried. Even after listening to and loving the majority of the entries, I was still worried that, when the show started, there’d be some kind of big tell that....this wasn’t a “normal” Eurovision. Something that would bring my enjoyment of the show down to a level where....I-I’d only be able to say “at least it took place, but it wasn’t as strong as usual”. That small, pessimistic part of me that was so hurt by last year that it’d become cynical, and scared of getting hopes up.....but I hid it. I love this contest so much that....bringing down the mood for my fellow fans wouldn’t be cool at all.
And thankfully.....I came out of this with a big smile on my face like normal. I enjoyed this year just as much as previous years! In terms of the songs alone, I’d seriously call this one of my favorite years, probably just behind 2016 (my favorite year). The fact that I don’t just agree with the winner, but I LOVE the winner, was definitely the icing on the cake! But the presentation was also outstanding! It really feels like everything was put into this contest to make it as enjoyable as possible with the limitations they were given. The interval acts were great, especially getting to see so many of the winners again! The rooftop concerts in the final were a lot of fun. But, as good as everything in the final was.....When the first semifinal started, and I saw that there was a crowd, coupled with the song that Duncan sang, I legit thought I was gonna cry. That’s definitely gonna stick with me in the future when I think of the most memorable moments of watching Eurovision. I could seriously go on and on about how much I enjoyed watching this....so I will!
Oh god the voting. OH GOD THE VOTING. Tense as always, and I loved it! No clear favorite, the juries making decisions the televoters didn’t agree with, a plethora of different countries getting twelves, and an ending that proved my predictions wrong in the best way possible. It was the BEST way to end the contest, and a very good example of why I’m really loving having the jury vote and televote separated....cuz you never know what’ll happen until the very! Last! Moment!
Seriously, that moment of Finland’s televoting result making them in the lead for a brief period was AWESOME. And then it was Ukraine, and then it was Italy, and I was thinking “oh god slow down, my poor heart-” And yeah, there were SO many great songs and great performances that it really did feel like a close race! 
Even rewatching it was exhilarating! Rewatching it also made me appreciate things that I didn’t before (due to being, well....too caught up in the moment). Like, the wide range of music genres in the top five! I hope this inspires more diversity in future years! I mean, you got Italy bringing us rock (which, by the way, never dies), you got France bringing us a classic waltz, you got Switzerland bringing us a powerful modern ballad, you got Iceland bringing us disco, and you got Ukraine bringing us.....well, a friend of mine called it “folktronica”, and yeah, I don’t think there’s a word that describes them better. XD
Not only that, but there’s one more interesting thing about this top five! Can you guess what it is?
......Yeah, only one of them’s in English! Imagine that, entries that DON’T have to be in English to become big hits! Seriously, I’m American and even I know that having understandable lyrics is really more of a nice bonus in Eurovision. What’s most important is having a song that sounds good. And if a song sounds best in another language, you don’t have to translate it for the contest! (Especially if it results in obvious ESL that loses the song’s original meaning, but that thankfully hasn’t happened often) Don’t be afraid to send songs in your native language! I hope people learn from this...
(But then again, this has happened before.....In 2007, the winning song wasn’t in English, runner-up was in multiple languages and third place was also not in English, so....I’m probably putting too much emphasis on this, s-sorry >.<)
But enough about the top five, let’s look at the full results:
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I’ll say it again.....this is my favorite winner since “Heroes”. I love the Italian entry, and I’m very happy that they proved me wrong. I didn’t think they could do it. Not only is it a rock song, which isn’t to everyone’s tastes....but it’s from Italy, who seemed to be cursed to never win even while sending fan-favorites year after year. Two second places (oneofwhichwasunserved*cough*2011*cough*butIdigress), one third place that also won the televote that year, and one very, very robbed sixth place. I thought this was gonna be another one of those cases where Italy get screwed somehow by other, more popular songs. But I still absolutely loved the song and rooted for it anyway, and......lo and behold, here we are. A rock song won Eurovision. A rock song in Italian. And it’s awesome, and I couldn’t be happier! To be specific, they were my fourth favorite in the final, but they were my favorite of the possible winners, so it still feels like the best case scenario! Woo!
Having the runner-up also from the Big Five is kinda surreal, since save for Italy they’re usually all underrated due to not having to pass through a semifinal (with exceptions like Germany 2018 and Spain 2012 and 2014). That’s a cool way of looking at this, since.....I’m sorry, but I never got the hype behind France’s song.....It was well-performed, but.....I just find it kinda boring, save for the ending. I-I feel bad that I couldn’t make myself love it, cuz I wanted to, but I just....couldn’t. I guess it’s a case of me being too stupid to get it, pffffff. But I don’t dislike it, so I’m fine with it being the runner-up.
Switzerland won the jury vote and achieved their highest placement since.....*looks it up*....1993, geez.....AKA, their highest placement since I started watching. XD This is FAR from my favorite entry of theirs, but I still like it fine and I’m happy to see Switzerland do well. It was a powerful song. And, unlike other jury-pleasers like the Austrian entry in 2018 and the Macedonian entry in 2019, they actually got a triple-digit score from the televote! They were loved all around! The same goes for France, so....that makes the most obvious “jury bait”, uh....Portugal, I guess. XD
Iceland came fourth, and.....can I just say how bad I feel for those guys? From having a potential win snatched from under them by last year’s cancellation, to one of them getting Covid the day before their semifinal, making them the only act that couldn’t perform live, it felt like Iceland couldn’t catch a break. But thankfully, due to their very strong rehearsals, they were able to rise above it and come fourth PURELY based on the strength of their song. Heck YEAH, what a beautiful ending to this story. They weren’t one of my personal favorites, but it was still a very cute song, and it DESERVES its placing just so much.
Ukraine’s song was one that only got better and better for me over time, and it was also the favorite song of a friend of mine, so seeing them in the top five makes me happy too! That’s a FUN song, and it’s near universally loved, so I wasn’t too surprised. I did guess that it had a chance at pulling off the win, but the competition was too strong. In a weaker year, they probably would’ve done it.
I’m really happy to say this next one: Finland came sixth! WOOOOOO! Their first top ten result since Lordi’s win and awwwww MAN do they deserve it. Such an awesome, intense song! It was my favorite song in the final, and I wasn’t alone! They brought the roof off the place, and for good dang reason! Seeing Finland do so well after being so underrated for so long.....it makes me very happy to see that happen. Especially with a song as amazing as “Dark Side”. It’s now a permanent part of my playlist, and I love it. <3 Empire of the freaks, all drinks on ME!
(I stand by the fact that Finland should just keep sending rock songs to Eurovision. They’re clearly very good at making those)
Now, Malta coming seventh.....hmmm....I have some problems with this? I mean, pre-contest favorites not doing as well as predicted HAS happened before (oh, hello 2017), but that doesn’t mean I’m not a little surprised? I really do think they deserved to do a bit better.....I thought that was a top five-worthy song and performance.....I’m happy with the top five we got, but I didn’t think Iceland and Ukraine would place over Malta! Destiny had one of the best voices of the show! If I had to guess, it was because they performed so early? Or maybe people just overhyped the heck out of it and it got old. I dunno. Seventh is still good for Malta. So yeah, it’s not bad, just a bit surprising.
Lithuania in eighth, I pretty much called. I knew that was a top ten song. Still couldn’t beat LT United’s record though, pfffffff.....Guess Lithuania have to try even harder to do that. XD Russia was another one I knew would be in the top ten. Their song had a very strong message that sticks with you. Lithuania and Russia may not have been favorites of mine, but I can’t complain with their results at all.
And finally, rounding out the top ten is my second-favorite, Greece, tied with Bulgaria! I’m more than happy with this result for Greece - I would’ve liked to see them do a BIT better, but a top ten finish is a top ten finish, and the competition was really strong. Their entry was still fantastic! A powerful song I can’t get enough of AND the best staging of the year. You can’t say Greece didn’t try their hardest!
As for Bulgaria....not complaining. It was a fan-favorite for a while, but for me, it was a song that I loved the lyrics to, but not much else. I did think it’d do a bit better purely because of how relatable the lyrics were, but with this competition? This was the best they were gonna get. XD A slow song in a sea of high energy-performances. Makes it stand out, but not necessarily be what people wanna hear.
The same is true for Portugal, who had the other slower song. THIS was the “jury bait”. XD Seeing how many points the jury gave them compared to the televote....wasn’t all that surprising. It’s not a bad song at all. It’s actually pretty good. And twelfth is a good result for Portugal. I think they can be happy with that. “Jury bait” isn’t a bad thing at all, cuz I’ve liked plenty of songs that’ve had similar results (I’ve even loved a couple of them)
Moldova were a surprise for me. I honestly expected them to place toward the bottom. Their entry was fun, sure, but I didn’t think it....stood out all that much? I feel like it was missing something staging-wise. Moldova’s entries usually have really creative staging, so yeah, maybe I just felt a bit let down. But the song’s good. It just....was a party song in a sea of them. XD
Now Sweden, on the other hand.....I’m actually not surprised THAT much. Yeah, I did at first predict that it’d finish in the top ten, cuz....well, it’s Sweden, and the song was good and seemed to be popular. But after the first semifinal, reading comments and posts from fans really made me realize just how many people....don’t like “Voices”? It’s been called generic a lot, and.....well, I don’t agree. I think it’s a very good song. But I’m just one person and yeah, seeing the popular opinion of it just drop like that made me change my mind on calling it a top ten song. XD Not gonna act like seeing Sweden on the right side of the board (even at the top of it) isn’t still a bit weird, though....
Serbia, I thought would do better. I thought they’d be higher than Moldova at least. That was a big crowd-pleaser and a great hype song. I didn’t think it’d be a front-runner or anything, but I did think it’d be on the left side of the board. I can’t even say that it being in Serbian held it back, cuz this year proves that non-English songs can and will be fan-favorites. So.....I dunno what happened there.
After Serbia are two other party songs, Cyprus and Israel. I have nothing really to say about Israel. I thought they’d do about this well. And Cyprus, I’m kinda bummed didn’t do better, since it was a GREAT performance - it was enough to win me over, when it was a very hit-and-miss song for me before the contest - but going first when already there were a lot of party songs to compete with probably did them in. Oh, and the people who think parts of the song are annoying, like......I did for a while.....ahem. >__>
Then we come to Norway.....who were my third-favorite. At first, I was kinda....OK, very surprised at how they did, especially when it came to the juries. But after learning that they were only five points away from not qualifying for the final.....I’m just happy they were there. I’m happy I got to hear that song in the final. It’s obviously not to everyone’s tastes, so I shouldn’t have expected it to do well. I was just a bit hopeful. As it is, I love the song, and it’s currently one of my go-to songs to sing to myself. XD (Also, TIX is an icon)
Belgium getting only three points from the televote was painful, since I did like their entry a lot......but I can’t act like I didn’t at least kinda see it coming. Even though I liked them, I was still surprised they even made it to the final. XD With such strong competition, a band just standing there and singing a downbeat song? Yeah, this was as good as they were gonna do. Still a very cool song, but standing out was always gonna be an issue for them. They also performed really early on, so that probably didn’t help.
Azerbaijan....oh Azerbaijan.....how did they do you like that. Seriously, down in twentieth? What are they doing in twentieth!? They were one of the best of the upbeat songs! They stood out! I’d put them above Cyprus and Israel easily! I don’t understand that.....I do understand Albania though. They were pretty much doomed. Barely qualified for the final, and then stuck in second position. Ouch. Kinda unfortunate, since I actually like Albania’s song a bit more now after hearing it live....
I really, really, REALLY wanted San Marino to do better. I was HOPING they’d do better. They were clearly trying really hard this year. The little country that could, pffff....And if you ask me, “Adrenalina” is probably the most solid song they’ve ever sent (I say this as someone who loves “Spirit Of The Night”, for the record), so I thought it deserved to give them their best result ever. But....nah. It did worse than “Say Na Na Na” because....I dunno.....Serhat funny? That’s all I got....seriously, it’s unfortunate. The dream should’ve done better than the meme. XD
And we finally come to the flops.....the four countries that got nul from the televote, all automatic qualifiers. Seriously, why did FOUR countries get nul? At least three were saved by the juries, but if you ask me, it was still unfair.....
The Netherlands are the one I easily have the hardest time understanding. Germany, while I found their song funny, I can easily see why people would find it annoying (I DID think the televote would like them MORE than the juries though?), and I was not expecting them to do well, because it didn’t seem like they were trying to do well. They were just having fun. Spain, well.....a good singer does not a good entry make. It’s the Eurovision SONG Contest, not Singer Contest. If the song fails to stand out, you’re doomed. I was impressed by their performance, but it’s still just a ballad. It’s sad when you know the story behind it, though....And with the UK, it was a party song in a sea of party songs. It had TOUGH competition.
But....the Netherlands? Why the CRAP didn’t they get points from the televote? While not one of my absolute favorites, that was a darn good song and a great live performance. What happened? I don’t understand! There was nothing else that sounded like that! It was unique and sounded great, wh- my brain hurts....
On the UK getting nul overall though, I do have some complaints. Sure, it failed to stand out, but to score nothing? A bit unfair, isn’t it? I mean, there was nothing wrong with the song or the performance at all! It was the most fun song the UK have sent in years! I liked hearing a fun song from them! And c’mon, they’ve sent a lot worse before and still got points. “Still In Love With You” got points. That was debatably a joke song. “Love Will Set You Free” got points. That was a boring ballad. Heck, even flipping “That Sounds Good To Me” - it came last, but it at least got SOME points! And that song was CRAP.
Now, thankfully, I didn’t love this song nearly as much as I loved “Bigger Than Us”, so I’m not super salty about it or anything. I’m not gonna rant about the UK coming last again. I’m just.....a bit baffled by the nul. Geez, UK, who did you piss off? Eh, it’s not the end of the world or anything.....and I’ve been through good songs getting nul before (....”Black Smoke”....forever confused TT__TT)
It does make me a bit....hesitant....to track down the BBC commentary for this show. I usually love watching it that way, and it’s my preferred way to rewatch Eurovisions. And usually, Graham is a really good sport about the UK’s poor results (even when coming in last like 2010), but....how’d he handle a nul? XD I hope he didn’t overly praise the song....
So......yeah, that’s about it! I’ve missed rambling about Eurovision, and now.....it’s over! It was a good year, and I had a great time. It truly was a ride. Here’s hoping next year in Italy will be just as fun.
Until next year!
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atomic-thomas · 3 years
Fake ASMR ~ Friendly Giantess (Part 3)
"Wow. What a view. This place reminds of a lake that I used to swim in when I was a child. This terrain feels... Very nostalgic & reminiscent of the area around the lake. It's strange, really. Even as a child, I was still over 50 feet tall. Hardly seemed like a child to the humans around me who still had to bend their heads back just to make eye contact with me."
"How tall am I now? Well... I stand at a staggering 100 feet which is exceptional even for giants. Yeah, I'm certainly a grower. Haha. Most of my kind usually cap out at 80 feet. Maybe 90 if they're lucky. Yet here I am in the triple digits. Guess I'm just... A prodigy or something. Perhaps I got strong genes from my father's side of the family. He was a brute that towered over 90 feet. Maybe that trait was amplified when I was conceived. That's the best conclusion I can think of."
"You wanna know how strong I am? Oh gosh. It's too much if you ask me, but... I can move over 56,000 pounds. I could punch a mountain &... Well, there wouldn't be a mountain anymore. This power I possess is quite the responsibility, but... I manage."
"Oh, so now you want to know how much I weigh, huh? You know you should never ask a girl's weight. *giggle* Ahh, it's okay. I understand your curiosity. I weigh over 775,000 pounds. Yeah... Not exactly a lightweight, but that shouldn't be a surprise to you."
"Oh! Look, human. There's the village I was talking about. We're here. Ahh, it's been so long. I can't wait to see my friends again."
"Aww... They're already waving at me. So cute. I wonder how they'll react when I show you off."
"Hello everyone! Chieftain, kids & all humans alike. Your favorite giantess has returned! How have you been?"
"That's great to hear. Glad to see that no dragons have given you any trouble. Villages such as these are easy targets. You should always be prepared for the worst if I'm not around."
"Ah ha! I knew you'd ask what I'm holding. Check this out."
"Ta da! It's a human just like you. I met them just last night. They were freezing to death out in the night of a blizzard. It's nothing short of a miracle that I found them just in time. They seem rather endowed to me. I haven't even known them for a full day, yet I've already accustomed myself to being their caretaker."
"Yes, they live with me. I assure you, they're not burdensome at all. I've been quite endeared to the little one. It's nice having a human for company."
"Have I... Developed feelings for them? Well... That came out of nowhere. I, uh... I... Don't know. I mean... I do like them. They're sweet & nice. They're polite & well mannered. They're fun to hold & talk to."
"Huh? Human... What are you...? You're climbing up my arm again. Ah-... Please be careful. It's a long way down. You could fall. You know what... Here. Let me bring you up to my face. I won't allow you to take such a risk. Not like this."
"There. Nice & safe in my hands. Now... What did you want to tell me?"
"Wha-...?! Really?! You... You love me?! Seriously?! You mean... In that way? Romantically?"
"Oh... Oh my... I'm so flustered right now. It's just so sudden. And so soon to. I don't know how to process this."
"Uh... Chieftain?"
"You're right. Interspecies relationships aren't exactly a foreign concept in this world. I've heard of humans getting together with fairies so... This is fair game as well."
"Human... I'm more than happy to oblige, but... Are you sure this is what you want? You do understand the scope of this, right?"
"It feels like fate... Like this was destined to happen. A lone human connecting with a lone giantess. So this is the symbiosis that I was feeling earlier."
"Yes... I get it now. It all makes sense."
"Human... *smooch* I love you to."
*door opening & closing sound*
"Whew... Home at last. What a day. Wasn't expecting to return with a tiny boyfriend."
"Oh, of course. Now you get to show off your giant girlfriend. *giggle*"
"Now then... It's about that time of evening so I shall ask you a poetic question."
"Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum. Would you like some Giant's Gumbo?"
"Oh, come on! That was close enough to rhyming. Hmph! Well I'll still count it."
"Hahahahahaha! You're joking, right? You actually want to swim in the gumbo? You do realize just how messy you'll get, right?"
"An excuse to bathe with me later. Oh, I see how it is."
"No, no, no. I get it. I understand. I agree that does sound very nice. Tell you what. If I can find my old rubber ducky or toy boat, you can ride those in the tub. You're just the right size for them."
"As for when we go to bed... Hmmm... Well you can't really sleep... On me. There's the possibility that I'll roll over & crush you in my sleep so..."
"You know what? We'll cross that bridge when we get to it later tonight. For now, let's just enjoy some gumbo. I'm famished."
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swanqueeneverafter · 4 years
The Once & Future Queen Pt.19
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Camelot. Courtyard. (While Merlin is joined by Guinevere, Lancelot and the Charmings, Henry speaks to his moms.) Henry: "Are you guys sure about this? I mean, aren't you worried Merlin's going to want revenge for what Emma did to him?" Emma: (Scoffs:) "Mr. Holier-than-thou?" Regina: "Merlin isn't the revenge type, Henry. He's far more likely to want to prove his brilliance than dwell on the past." Henry: "Yeah, but even so-" Emma: "What's important right now is that we as a family are safe." Regina: "Your mother's right, Henry. This whole situation with Morgana was never about us. It's about who belongs on the throne of Camelot. Let them figure it out." Henry: "That's a little cold, don't you think?" Emma: "Honestly? No. Merlin is more than capable of dealing with Morgana on Camelot's behalf." Regina: "And if you don't believe us, just ask Merlin."
(A short distance away, Merlin converses with Lancelot and Guinevere.) Lancelot: "I'm glad you're free again, but if Arthur finds us here there will be trouble." Merlin: "I agree, we must leave this place, but not together." Guinevere: "What does that mean?" Merlin: "Send the knights who are loyal to you back to Arthur. Allow them to be our eyes and ears in Arthur's camp." Guinevere: "All right, that makes sense, but what about Morgana?" Merlin: "She has grown too powerful for any mortal blade to kill her. That is why we must separate. (To Lancelot:) I need you to seek out your Mother, the Lady of the Lake, for help." Lancelot: (Nods in understanding:) "My mother once forged the Vorpal Blade that trapped the Jabberwocky, perhaps she can do the same again for Morgana?" Merlin: "Exactly. Your mother does have great power." Lancelot: (To Guinevere:) "We should leave right away. The lake is a two-day journey from here." Guinevere: (To Merlin:) "What about you?" Merlin: "Though Arthur is but a shade of his former self, I very much doubt my presence in Camelot will be welcomed. I shall therefore return with the others to Storybrooke. There I can come up with a plan to end Morgana's scheming once and for all." (Standing against the short stone wall lining the courtyard, Snow and David weigh up their options.) Snow White: "I think we should go with Guinevere and Lancelot, they may need our help." David: "Absolutely not. (At Snow's look:) Have you not understood why Regina and Emma are doing this? It's to keep us all safe. The fight for Camelot is not one we need to involve ourselves in." Snow White: "Oh, David. Not you too? We can't just walk away. That's not what heroes do." David: "That is not what we're talking about here." Snow White: (Stubbornly:) "Well it seems that way to me." David: (Sighs:) "Do you even remember the last time either one of us could claim to be heroes? Let's face it, Snow, ever since the first curse was broken, we've relied on either Emma or Regina to fight our battles. Against Gold, Zelena, the Snow Queen, Pan-" Snow White: "That's only because magic was involved all those times. And it wasn't just us, the entire town relies on them." David: "Which is exactly my point. And now, since the Realms were joined, they've been called upon to use their powers even more. All I'm saying is there has to be another option, one that doesn't lead to our daughter and the woman she loves putting themselves in harm's way." Snow White: "But, David, we've always found a way to defeat whatever comes our way." David: "I know that, but the day may still come when we won't be able to win. Listen, Emma and Regina have already gone up against Morgana several times now and she's still out there causing mayhem. So maybe this time, we let Merlin be the one to come up with the answers."
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Forest. Near Caerleon's Army Camp. (Agravaine sneaks through the woods while checking for any pursuers, then turns and is surprised to find Morgana standing there.) Agravaine: “Morgana.” Morgana: “You seem troubled. What is it?” Agravaine: “Arthur is Camelot’s King once more, as you wanted.” Morgana: “Yes, I know, I saw the fireworks. That can’t be what you came to tell me.” Agravaine: “Merlin. He’s free.” Morgana: “How? When?” Agravaine: (Shakes his head:) “I do not know, My Lady. Merlin’s tree was gone by the time we returned to the castle.” Morgana: “We?” Agravaine: “Arthur insisted on scouting Carleon’s army.” Morgana: “There is no need for that. You gave him my note, I trust?” Agravaine: “Yes. He did not seem pleased by it.” Arthur: (Appearing at the top of the ridge above them:) “Not pleased at all.” Morgana: (To Agravaine:) “I don’t know whether to be impressed by Arthur’s tracking skills or annoyed by your incompetence.” Arthur: (His sword pointed towards them as he approaches:) “You know, back when I was alive, I learned to despise Merlin. However, there was one thing about him that earned my admiration.” Morgana: (In a bored tone:) “Really, and what was that?” Arthur: “His ability to resist my commands even when tethered to Excalibur and under the most desperate of circumstances. In fact, it was what inspired me to do this!” (Sensing the attack before it even began, Morgana’s eyes glow and she uses her powers to send Arthur flying backwards into a tree, knocking him unconscious.) Morgana: “Not a word, Agravaine. Not a word. (Agravaine stands quiet as Morgana walks over to Arthur and begins an incantation, her eyes glowing once more:) Efencume ætgædre, eala gastas cræft ige. Hige hefe. Hefe mæst sara. Fornéðe þas, ende hie æra. (Her eyes return to normal:) There, my hold over Arthur has now tripled in strength. He will give us no more problems.” Agravaine: “Yes, My Lady.” Morgana: (Casually:) “What news of Guinevere?” Agravaine: “Ah... Arthur did send out men to search but unfortunately, Guinevere and Lancelot’s whereabouts are currently unknown.” Morgana: (Scoffs:) “Of course they are. The knights are loyal to them both. No matter. I have a feeling I know exactly where they’re headed.”
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Storybrooke. Swan-Mills House. Morning. (Regina and Emma are making breakfast when Henry enters.) Henry: "Good morning, Moms!" Regina: "Henry. You're looking chipper this morning." Henry: "And why shouldn't I be? Ella and I both have jobs, my parents are about to retire from putting themselves in danger on a regular basis and the sun is shining." Emma: "Well, can't argue with that I suppose." Regina: "So, everything is back to normal with you two?" Henry: "Things got a little shaky there for a little while, but I think we're okay. Plus, Ella and I have an agreement that should an adventure come our way, we'll both jump in with both feet. Together, I mean." Emma: (Smiles:) "Yeah, we got that." Regina: "And in the meantime you're okay with driving people around all day?" Henry: "Well I'll admit it's not my ideal job, but it pays the bills. (Kisses Emma on the cheek:) Bye, Mom." Emma: "Have a good day, Henry." (Henry kisses Regina on the cheek and, carrying his coffee, leaves the kitchen.) Hallway. (Henry walks to the door and picks up his keys from the bowl. He's about to leave when Regina speaks up.) Regina: "You know there's still college, Henry. Higher education sounds like a pretty wonderful adventure to me." Henry: (Smiles:) "I know and I'll think about it, I promise. But things have just got back on track with Ella and I don't want to rock the boat too much." Regina: "But you could be so much more. I thought you wanted to make a serious run at becoming a writer?" Henry: (Nods:) "I did and I do but for right now I have to put that on hold. I have to think of what's best for Ella and me. We may not see each other much during the day with us both working jobs, but if I went to college Ella and I wouldn't see each other at all." Regina: "Okay, well as long as you're happy and you know what you're doing, you know I'm happy." Henry: "I know, thanks Mom. (Pulls her in for a hug:) I love you." Regina: "I love you too, Henry." (Waving as Henry walks down the pathway towards his car, Regina closes the door and returns to the kitchen.) Kitchen. Emma: "Has he gone?" Regina: "Yeah. (Distractedly, walks into the kitchen:) I can't help but think he's making a mistake by not going to college." Emma: "Oh don't worry about that now. Here. (Slides a plate across the table to Regina:) Have your breakfast." Regina: "Thanks. (Finally looking at Emma, Regina sees the naughty smirk on her lips before noticing her complete lack of clothing. Casually:) You know your shirt is buttoned incorrectly?" Emma: (Innocently:) "Oh. (She unfastens the last remaining button:) Better?" Regina: "Much. (Emma winks and drinks her orange juice:) Although now I don't feel much like pancakes suddenly." Emma: "I can get you something else if you like?" Regina: "No, no. I already have my eye on something." (Picking up a stick of butter from a side plate, Regina slowly approaches Emma. Upon kissing her wife, Regina gently pushes the shirt down off Emma's shoulders, exposing her breasts to her ravenous gaze. Reaching over, Regina grabs a croissant from the table and hands it to Emma.) Emma: "Thank you." Regina: (Before Emma can take a bite:) "Uh uh. (Regina holds up the butter:) Room temperature. (Emma nods then watches as Regina takes one finger and rubs it into the butter before smoothing her digit over the croissant. Then, moving Emma's shirt out of her way, Regina proceeds to liberally coat Emma's breasts with the butter, rubbing it in slow, generous circles. When Emma clears her throat, Regina looks up at her:) Oh, how thoughtless of me. (Reaching for something, Regina picks up a little pot and shows it to Emma before removing the lid.) Cinnamon. (Before Emma can say anything, Regina taps the bottle over her croissant and adds a little cinnamon. Pulling up a chair beside Emma, Regina leans forward. Looking up at her:) Bon apetit." (Regina lowers her mouth to Emma's left breast and begins to feast. For her part, Emma bemusedly watches her wife for a long moment before finally bringing the croissant to her lips.)
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Caerleon’s Army Camp. Queen Annis’ Tent. (The sentries bring Arthur into the tent.) Queen Annis: “What is the meaning of this?” Arthur: “Your Highness, I’m here to– (Annis slaps him:) Your Highness, I know that you feel nothing but contempt for me. You feel I’ve done you a grievous wrong, and you would be right. I’m ashamed of what I did. It was cowardly, it was unjust, and I am deeply sorry.” Queen Annis: “Sorry does not bring back my brother. Sorry does not give his people back their king.” Arthur: “I realise that. I know there’s nothing I can do to repair that loss.” Queen Annis: “Then what are you doing here, Arthur Pendragon?” Arthur: “I want to call off the battle.” Queen Annis: “It’s a little too late for that.” Arthur: “I don’t propose a truce, but an alternative. I invoke the right of single combat. Two champions to settle this matter between them.” Queen Annis: “And why should I grant you this favour?” Arthur: “There’s been bloodshed enough already, Your Highness. Many hundreds of lives will be saved this way.” (Annis nods for her men to release Arthur’s arms.) Queen Annis: “And your terms?” Arthur: “If my man wins, you must withdraw your army.” Queen Annis: “And if mine is the victor?” Arthur: “Then half of all Camelot is yours.” (A guard brings Agravaine into the tent and shoves him to his knees. Agravaine is seething at being treated this way, but holds his tongue.) Agravaine: “Sorry, my lord." Queen Annis: “You know him?” Arthur: “He’s my advisor, he must’ve followed me here. I knew nothing about it.” Queen Annis: “Kill him.” (Agravaine’s eyes flash toward Arthur, imploring him to do something. Arthur lets him sweat a moment.) Arthur: “Wait. Please. Let him go. He’s just…a simpleminded fool.” Queen Annis: “That is two favours you’ve asked of me, Arthur Pendragon. (Queen Annis turns and sits on her throne, considering Agravaine. Arthur is calm while Agravaine is tense, waiting for her decision:) Very well. You shall have your trial by combat. (Arthur nods:) Announce your champion by noon.” (Arthur bows.) Arthur: “Thank you, Your Highness, but there will be no need to wait. There can only be one choice. One choice which is just and honourable. This fight’s mine.” (Annis is impressed by this while Agravaine is very pleased.) Queen Annis: “Noon it is then. You may leave to prepare yourself. And take your fool with you.” (Arthur nods and Agravaine glares at Annis, for her slight upon him.) A Short Time Later. (Annis is now joined by Morgana.) Queen Annis: “I don’t like it. It must be a trick.” Morgana: “What concerns you, Your Highness?” Queen Annis: “Arthur. Why would he choose himself as the champion?” Morgana: “Because he’s Arthur. He’ll always risk his own life before those of his men. Trust me, it’s no trick. Arthur will fight.” Queen Annis: “It’s as if you were pleased, Morgana. Whatever else he is, Arthur is a great warrior. You have as much to lose as I if he wins. You desire the throne of Camelot, do you not?” Morgana: (Enraged:) “I don’t deny it. It’s rightfully mine, after all. (Annis considers Morgana’s emotional response. Morgana calms herself:) Arthur will not win.” Queen Annis: “How can you possibly know that?” Morgana: “Because I have the power to ensure that he doesn’t.” Queen Annis: “Then you must use it.” (Morgana smiles and nods.) Shortly After That. (A mean looking giant stands before Annis and Morgana.) Queen Annis: “You have served me well, Darian. I know you’ll do the same again today.” Morgana: “And Darian, no pity, no quarter. Do not hesitate for one second. Arthur Pendragon must die.” (Darian grins menacingly.)
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Storybrooke. Granny's Bed & Breakfast. (Ruby sits down to talk with the Reporter.) Reporter: "So, it's been a little while now since Mulan and Emma returned from the past, how have you adjusted to having Mulan back?" Ruby: (Smiles:) "I won't say it's like she never left because I missed her terribly, but Mulan and I have pretty much picked up where we left off. It helped a lot that I was surrounded by friends and family and I know Mulan kept herself busy in the Enchanted Forest." Reporter: "I'm pleased to hear that. (Writes a few notes then changes the subject:) Today marks the beginning of Snow White's quest to find a candidate for Storybrooke's next Mayor. You've moved around a lot recently but for almost thirty years you lived among the people of Storybrooke, so who would you like to see nominated?" Ruby: "Gosh, I mean where to start? Naturally as Snow is one of my best friends I would've voted for her, but she's not interested in taking the job on full time." Reporter: (Pushing for an answer:) "So who else?" Ruby: "Um... Archie might be a good choice. He knows the people better than most, being the town's only therapist. Then there's David, I think he'd be a great candidate for Mayor. However I think, like Snow, he's content tending to his flock." Reporter: "Would you ever consider the position yourself?" Ruby: "Me? (Chuckles:) I don't think I'm meant for public office. I spent most of my time under the curse trying to leave this place. Anyway, I love my nomadic lifestyle with Mulan far too much to give it up." Granny's Diner. (Snow White shares a booth with Jasmine while she looks over the various CV's she's received from interested candidates.) Snow White: "Oh this is going to be a nightmare." Jasmine: "I don't see why. You managed to run the Mayor's office while still keeping a full teacher's schedule." Snow White: (Holding up a binder:) "Only because I'm organised." Jasmine: "So start your search looking for someone else equally as anal then." Dr. Whale: (Arriving at precisely the wrong time:) "Hello, ladies. (Places his CV on the table:) I'll just leave this here for your consideration." Snow White: "Thank you." Dr. Whale: "By the way..." Snow White: (To Jasmine:) "Here we go." Dr. Whale: "Did I overhear correctly that you're looking for some anal?" Snow White/Jasmine: "No!" Dr. Whale: "Oh, my bad." Granny: "Move along, Doc, you're holding up the line." (Dr. Whale gives them a courteous smile and leaves. To Jasmine's amusement, Snow tears up Whale's CV before he's even left the diner.) Jasmine: (When Granny places her CV on the table, surprised:) "Granny, you're interested?" Granny: "Sure. Thirty years of getting to know everyone's likes and dislikes makes me a front runner in my eyes." Granny's B&B. (A short while later, Granny also speaks with the Reporter.) Granny: "Not to speak ill of Snow White, but she has no clue how to run this town and it was same back in the Enchanted Forest. Of course, Snow and David meant well and fought hard to reclaim her father's kingdom, but then what?" Reporter: "Surely their time as rulers was cut short by Regina's curse?" Granny: "To a degree I suppose, though to my mind that's just another example of poor leadership on their part. True leaders don't blame their failures on others, they tackle adversity head on. She may not have been universally adored back in the day, but at least Regina got things done." Reporter: "So it's safe to say you're pleased Snow White has chosen not to take the position of Mayor herself?" Granny: "Put it this way, Snow is technically still Queen of the Enchanted Forest. (Leans closer:) And I don't know about you, but I haven't seen her do much Queening lately." Reporter: "I hadn't considered that." Granny: "Oh yeah. Rumour has it that Snow wasn't best pleased with Emma and Regina's decision to retire.” Reporter: “And what would you say to that?” Granny: (Shrugs:) “I figure if Snow's moved on from her old life, why can't Regina and Emma?"
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Sheriff's Office. (Lily walks with Regina towards Rumplestiltskin who is sat at Hook's desk.) Lily: "He's been coming here a lot lately. I think he misses his friend." Regina: (Smiles:) "How adorable." Rumplestiltskin: (Leaning back in his chair:) "Regina. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Regina: "I may be the outgoing Mayor and not have my eye on every detail of this town like I once did, but I'm pretty sure you don't work here." Rumplestiltskin: "Perhaps not, but I like to think I add a little charm to the place." Lily: (Scoffs:) "If you mean like a good luck charm, I think we're all lucky you and my Dad aren't off indulging in one of your drinking binges." (Lily walks away.) Regina: (Shaking her head:) "And at your age." Rumplestiltskin: "Is there something you wanted?" Regina: (Leans down towards him:) "Just to tell you that Merlin is free and that means so are Emma and I." Rumplestiltskin: "I see. And you think Merlin is the answer?" Regina: "Not my problem." Rumplestiltskin: "I hope not. We'll just have to wait and see." Regina: "Has anyone told you how infuriating you are?" Rumplestiltskin: "Yes. (Regina glares at him then walks away. Quietly to himself:) Mainly you in fact." Camelot. Ridge. (The armies of Camelot and Caerleon face each other. Darian and Arthur walk towards each other at the centre of the neutral ground. Arthur looks up at the giant while Darian bears his teeth. Morgana watches from Caerleon’s lines. Agravaine, now joined by the knights loyal to Guinevere and Lancelot, grins in Camelot’s front line. Arthur twirls his sword and the fight begins. After exchanging parries and thrusts, Darian eventually knocks Arthur to his knees. When the giant attempts an overhead strike, Arthur rolls out from the blow and slices Darian’s cheek. Darian checks for blood and howls, enraged.) Morgana: “This has gone on long enough. (Annis turns her head to listen:) Time to turn the tide. I’ll enchant Arthur’s sword. It will hold the weight of a thousand ages. No one could bear it for long.”
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(Morgana’s eyes glow and Arthur’s sword drops like lead behind him. He looks at it, unable to lift it. Darian swings and misses on the down sweep. Arthur punches Darian’s face and gets caught on the up-sweep of Darian’s sword. He cries out in pain. Arthur tries to lift his sword again. Darian begins to strike, but Arthur leaves his sword and rams his shoulder into Darian, knocking him over and falling. Morgana is confused. Darian gets up first and kicks Arthur over. Darian picks up his sword and Morgana and Agravaine smirk. Annis waits. Arthur lies helpless and Darian raises his sword over his head. Arthur looks up at his men on the ridge before the giant runs Arthur through with all his might. Annis’ army cheer while Camelot’s forces look on, aghast.) Morgana: (Turns to Annis:) “You are victorious, Your Highness.” Queen Annis: “Indeed. And now we must ensure that CameIot’s forces comply absolutely with the terms of our agreement.” Morgana: “Worry not, Your Highness. Lord Agravaine is an honourable man and can be trusted to do the right thing.” Queen Annis: (Following Morgana’s line of sight to stare up at Agravaine:) “Arthur called him a fool.” Morgana: “Arthur is dead. That is all that matters, Your Highness.” (Annis considers Arthur’s slain form for a moment, then turns to leave.) No Man’s Land. (Arriving too late to witness the duel, Merida, Anastasia and Xena & Gabrielle stand watching the aftermath as the giant Darian absorbs the cheers from his fellow soldiers while standing over Arthur’s body.)
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jeagerism · 5 years
I. the one where they meet
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Word Count : 3.1k
A/N : welcome to the v first part of waiting game!!! i hope you like it!! please feel free to give feedback, as it helps me work faster and i then know what you guys want in future chapters! ty to @soulspideys bc ya got me out of a hole with this!!! anyways enjoy bbys!
He’s going to be late.
Peter’s been repeating this to himself since he’d woken up this morning, alarm blaring with giant red numbers reading 8:13 A.M. He had made sure to set extra alarms, each one with a different tone, and had managed to sleep through them all.
So, he’d jumped up, shoving himself into the outfit he’d had laid out the night before, hauled his backpack onto his shoulders, and grabbed his keys before leaving his dorm room and making a mad dash for his class. He’d woken up so late he didn't even get to fix himself the tea he had planned on making.
He is so going to be late. And on the first day of class, too. Fuck. Right about now, he's questioning what compelled him to sign up for an 8 a.m. class. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but as Peter just about manages to arrive outside the building his class is held in, he's cursing himself out.
He risks a glance at his watch and winces. 8:23. There's a part of him that cringes at the thought of walking into the lecture hall, knowing all eyes would immediately be on him. Peter had been so hopeful for the first day of college. But now he’d be labelled as the kid that was late to his first class. Fuck fuck fuck.
He doesn't want to go in.
He does anyways, of course. Sucking it up and moving along, he wraps his hand around the door handle and pulls.
He wants the ground to swallow him whole. The groaning of the door stops once Peter slips inside the classroom, only to start again as it closes behind him. But when he looks up, he's surprised to see that no one’s even spared him a glance. The professor is still speaking, pencils are still moving.
A breath. Thank God. He makes his way past students, scouring the rows of people for an empty seat. There's someone occupying each and every seat he comes across. He’s just about ready to give up hope when he spots an empty seat a few rows up, right next to someone in a giant grey hoodie.
Peter approaches the person, nudging their forearm gently. “Um, is anyone, uh…” He trails off, awkwardly rubbing his neck. Please please please let me sit here. They glance up at the touch of his hand.
“Yeah, sure.” They move their things over to give him room. He settles into his seat, pulling out the colorful notebook labeled Psychology, and gets to work writing notes immediately.
The class passes much quicker after that, but Peter can feel himself dozing off periodically when the professor pauses his lecture. He really wishes he’d woken up earlier. He’s grateful the class ends when it does, hundreds of students pouring out of the room almost instantly.
A sigh leaves him as he puts his things back into his bag.
“Hey, um-” Another book lands beside him. When he looks up, you give him an encouraging smile. “You, um, you missed a few topics...before you came in.” You shrug a shoulder, holding your backpack strap on the other. “So, uh, you can copy mine? Like, I can give you my notebook and you can give it back next class, o-or you can take a few pictures, or I can take a few and send them to you!”
Peter doesn't say anything, instead choosing to stare at you with wide, curious eyes. He didn't think anyone had noticed him come in, despite the noise he caused. But you had, and you're offering to help him. No one else had done that. You're an angel.
The smile on your face drops as suddenly as it had come, and you begin reaching for the notebook. “And you probably think I'm weird and was watching you and am just trying to get your number! Okay, um, sorry for tha-”
Peter shakes his head, also reaching out to grab the notebook. Your hands brush against each other’s, and you both jump back as if you'd been burned. “Uh, yeah, I can give you my number? And you can just text me the notes I missed, i-if you want! You, like, totally don't have to-”
“No, I will!” Your eyes fall from him to the floor. ��Um, it's no, no problem.” Slipping your phone from your back pocket, you hand it out to him. “Just, like, put your number in…”
His hands are shaking so bad Peter is worried he’ll drop your phone. He's not used to this, meeting new people had never been his forte. Sure, he could be as brave as he wanted when he was Spider-Man, but now? This was all new. Peter Parker was Spider-Man, but at the same time, Peter Parker was not Spider-Man.
He types in his number slowly, double, then triple checking to make sure he’d put in the right digits. “Here you go”, he mumbles, handing it back to you with pink cheeks.
“Peter.” You whisper his name to yourself with a smile. “I'm Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N.” Y/N.
“Great! I'll, you know”, you hold the device up, wiggling it, “text you.” You smile, turning around and head for the door of the classroom.
Peter watches you leave, rooted in his spot, smiling like an idiot. Because he may have just made his first friend in college.
Throughout the next week and a half, you talk a lot more than either of you had expected.
You text him the notes he’d missed, just like you'd said you would, and the conversation continues. It's mostly about things either of you didn't quite understand during class, but when Peter slips in a joke about how nasally your professor sounds, you both relax.
The next time you two see each other is in the library. Peter’s busy looking for a book for his art class, fingertips brushing over the spines as he walk. He becomes so focused he doesn't notice the person on the other side of the bookcase until he hears his name being called.
He looks up, startled, but his shocked expression morphs into a smile when he notices it's you. “Hey, Y/N.” His finger snags on the corner of a book as he tries to come up with something else to say, and it, along with a few other books, comes crashing to the ground by his feet. Well, at least he has an excuse for not speaking.
“Shit.” He bends down, stacking the books one on top of the other, cheeks burning. How was it that he’d managed to make a fool out of himself again, and it was only his second time seeing you in person? He can feel the eyes of everyone in the library on him.
You're knelt beside him before he can blink, adding the last stray book to his stack.
“Sorry, I'm just, really clumsy all the time and”, a pause, “I'm embarrassing myself aren't I?” He’s almost certain his cheeks have never been this red in his life.
You bump shoulders with him, standing as he does. “Nah. At least, not to me.” You survey the people around you, most giving the two of you dirty looks. “Not so sure about them though.”
Peter sets the books on the shelf gently, stuffing both hands in his pockets and rocking back and forth on his feet. “So…what're you in here for?” You look confused for a second. “Not that you're, like, not allowed in the library or anything! You can totally be in here, just wondering-”
There's a loud shushing sound from the corner of the library, leaving Peter silent, and you giggling quietly.
“I'm picking up a few anatomy books. You?”
“I'm, uh, an art major, so. Looking for something for a project”, he says.
You beam up at him. “That's so cool, Peter.” He shrugs. “Seriously. You should show me some of your work sometime.” Internally, he's freaking out. Because you do not need to see the crappily one sketches he has, especially the one he’d started of you.
But he finds himself nodding anyways. “Yeah, sure. That would be fun.” No it wouldn't. It absolutely would not, why did I say that? He supposes there's just something about you that leaves him wanting more. “So, um, do you need any help looking for your books?”
Another smile. “Please.” You lead him to the section of books you'd been picking through, naming off a few titles you needed. It's easy to start talking from there, about how he's liking classes and how you're undecided for a major at the moment. “I don't really know what I want to do yet. I want to branch out, I guess? I just want to make sure that when I do pick my major”, you sigh, “I want to make sure I know that's what I want.”
He likes that answer. It's nice to know someone who's as undecided about their future as he is. After everything that happened last year, he's grateful for that.
After you collect all of your books and his, and Peter offers to carry every single one, you leave the library still chatting up a storm. Something about the way you smile shakes him to his core. And he knows he's not supposed to think this, because he's just met you, but your one of the prettiest people he's seen.
He doesn't tell you this of course. Even if he wanted to, he doesn't get a chance.
“Hey, Peter!” Ned. He tilts his head at his friend, who jogs up to them with a goofy smile upon seeing you by his side. “See you've met Y/N!” Ned holds his fist out for you.
You laugh, and bump your fist against his. “Hi, Ned.”
Peter’s eyes flit from you to Ned. “You know each other?” Does he sound jealous? No, no, there's not a chance he does...right? The smirk Ned gives him makes him scowl the tiniest bit.
“Yeah, we have a few classes together. We ate lunch together the other day, which was really nice because I don't really know anyone other than you and him. I'm...not very good at making friends.” Which Peter almost doesn't want to believe, because how could anyone not want to be your friend?
Ned takes Peter’s silence as a queue to begin speaking again. “Well...if you don't have anything to do right now, Peter and I were meeting a few friends for lunch...if you want to some along.”
I'm gonna kill him.
Peter opens his mouth to intervene, but you're already shaking your head excitedly. I'm screwed. He was going to spend an hour with you, in a sandwich shop, with his best friend right next to him, probably embarrassing him even more than he’d already managed to do.
You glance up at Peter. “That'd be great, actually. That saves me from eating lunch in my dorm, or even worse”, you grimace, “the cafeteria.” Not that the cafeteria was a bad place. It was very clean and had surprisingly great food. But he knew what you meant. He’d been the kid with no friends to sit at lunch with before Ned came along.
So, Peter grins, nodding his head. He's still got your books in his hands, which are getting sweatier and sweatier as he think about lunch. It's with the really pretty person from his Psychology class, but holy shit, it's with the really pretty person from his Psychology class.
“That sounds amazing!”
You look beautiful when you laugh.
Peter decides this about fifteen minutes into lunch. You haven't talked much since you've gotten here, most of your attention on Bryce, Ned’s boyfriend, but every few minutes you catch eyes, and it's enough for him.
When you'd first arrived, you'd looked around in awe at the sandwich shop. Apparently you'd never been. Rhodey had taken him and Ned a few weeks before they were scheduled to move into their dorms. They had fun, they talked a lot. About Tony. He misses him. About last year's events. He misses her.
You were nervous about ordering, so you had Peter do it for you. You told him you trusted him to make the right choice, so he got what he did his first time, what he’d gotten every other time since visiting. He felt like a kid in a candy store when you told him you liked it.
“So, Peter.” Ned pats him on the back. “How you doing this week? I know we share a dorm, but you haven't really been there a lot.” His best friend gives him a pointed look. “You promised me, Rhodey, and Pepper you'd try to be home more.”
Peter wets his lips, anxiously looking up to make sure you weren't paying attention to them. “I know, I just…”, he sighs, “I just like to be there, just in case. I know this isn't Queens, just…if I'm not there, what'll happen?”
Ned huffs. “The police will get them?” His eyes soften the tiniest bit. “I know how you are about this, since last year, but it's better here. We made sure of that. So, just try to come home more?” He smirks. “Unless you're spending all your time with Y/N-”
“I'm not!” Peter elbows him, glaring. “I'm not, I just have psychology with her. That's all.” But that's not all. You glance up again, and smile at Peter when you lock eyes. That's so not all. “I'll try to be home more, just quit with the jokes.”
“Who said they were jokes?”
Peter groans, pressing his hands to his cheeks. “Shut up, Ned.” He checks his watch, releasing a puff of air. “I've got to get back, I need to start sketching out ideas.” Grabbing his wallet, he pockets it. “I'm gonna head out.”
You jump to your feet at his words. “Oh, I'll come! I've got some things to do back at my dorm anyways.” You shuffle past Bryce. “Nice to meet you! Bye, Ned, see you on Wednesday!” Your arm brushes against Peter’s as you stop beside him. “Let's go?”
The breeze feels nice on his face, calming him. People bustle around the two of you, talking on phones or holding binders and textbooks. It’s loud, but Peter doesn't mind. He doesn't do too well with quiet now, anyways.
“I'm glad I went to lunch with you.” He takes careful notice in the way you say you. Not you guys, but you. Just him. It fills him with a strange kind of warmth.
He mumbles a soft reply, “Yeah, me too.” The two of you cross the street, and some protective part of him reaches out to grab your hand as you do. Maybe it's reflex from days spent out with May, or maybe it's just because it's you. He doesn't question it too much.
You look surprised, Peter tugging his hand back a little at that. “S-Sorry, I-” But you don't let go. Not even when you've reached the other side of the street. He hides his smile by looking away.
“It’s okay.” He's so, so screwed.
He walks you the rest of the way home filled with glee. You reach the outside common area too soon. “Do you want me to walk you back to your dorm, or…?”
You shake your head, letting his hand fall from yours. He misses the warmth, although he's not sure why. Friends. “No, it's alright. Thank you, though, for lunch. You and I should do it again soon.”
You and I.
“Yeah. Yeah we really should.”
Search History :
i think i have a crush
do i have a crush
queens, new york july accident
how do i know if i like someone
good conversation starters
art throughout the ages
It’s the next week when Peter is sure he's doomed.
He's tried his best to keep any and all feelings away. The beginnings of a teeny crush had been pushed to the back of his mind. Getting too close so soon isn't good. He doesn't want a repeat of last year.
But it seems the universe hates him.
He shows up to psychology early, notebook and black and blue pens in one hand, a travel mug of tea in the other. Peter’s there early enough that he can pick his seat, wherever he wants. He chooses a seat right in the middle row, close to the exitway. The rest of the class starts pouring in, and pretty soon the room is filled.
You drop into the seat next to him as the professor starts talking. When you smile, Peter tries his hardest not to show how happy he is you sat next to him.
“Today, you're getting assigned your first collaboration assignment.” They explain the work in detail before grabbing the binder in front of them. “Pick your partners and get to work, I've emailed you the other information.”
The room gets loud as the words leave the professors lips. People around the lecture hall move around, getting into pairs. Peter glances worriedly at his peers. He doesn't really know any of them, except for, well, except for you.
“Do you want to be my partner, Peter?” Why do you have to sound so hopeful? Spending more time with you sounded great, like a dream, but Peter was positive that you managed to pull him in too easily. Spending time alone with you would surely lead to disaster.
“Yeah!” He flips his notebook open as you open up the email you’d been sent. You begin rambling about the topics you can choose from, a gleam in your eye.
“Oh, and we can work on it out of class, too, obviously. We can go back to the shop and work, or-or we could go to the library and study while working and kill two birds with one stone.” You grin. “You're really cool, so I'm glad you're who I get to work with on this.”
He's so, utterly, terribly, horribly screwed dammit.
“I'm glad it's me, too.”
Search History :
how to stop liking someone
how fast can you get over a crush
queens new york bank robbery
attribution theory
taglist :
@still-awake-daydreaming @parkersvibes @starstuffy @spider-writer @princess-unicorn124 @alisoncdariel @parkeroffline @asmolbeen @eternallovers65 @aussie-mantle @hbmoore1986 @cosmetologynerd @mellifluous-tom @trustfundparker @standingunderthisrain @peterstrainingwheels @happywolves81 @onyxbunny22 @dark-destiny-collector @xxtomxo @marvel-slxt @pluckypeterparker @summertime-acoustic
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got any feedback on this? tell me what you though!!!
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liaswritesrobots · 5 years
Day 4 of FOFebruary-First Date
"This isn't usually how first dates go." Lias frowned, crouching behind a large rock to keep themself from being shot.
"Perhaps where you're from./ It's normal on Pandora,/ Such is the way here." Zer0 responded, crouched behind the same rock. 
"Look, I know these guys need to die, they suck, but like... do I need to be here for this?" 
"Yes, of course you do./ You need to defend yourself, / I want you to live." Zer0 leans out from the rock to take out four bandits with his sniper rifle when he hears a break in their fire.
"I already know how to shoot a gun and defend myself though," Lias joins the assassin by shooting two bandits with their own rifle, "When you asked me out I was expecting something less... blasty."
"A second date then? / What do Earthers do on dates? / I hope it's not dull."
"Compared to this... it kind of is. Look, I don't mind a little excitement, Pandora is chaos incarnate after all, but the two of us taking on an entire bandit camp by ourselves is a bit much don't you think?"
"We're doing good though, / Your hands are very steady. / You are good at this." Zer0's screen displays the :) emotion as they look over to Lias.
"Uhh... thanks?"
"For what it is worth, / you'd make a fine assassin/ with some more training."
"Uh-huh. So is this actually a date or are you trying to make me an assassin?" They joke, but their monotone voice could easily be mistaken for annoyance.
"Why can't it be both?/ I want you to survive here, / Pandora is harsh." Zer0 takes out ten more bandits, Lias takes out four. Only ten bandits remain
"There aren't many left, / I can kill them with my blade, / provide cover fire."
"What? Wait I don-" Before Lias can finish their sentence Zer0 leaps away from the rock and activates decepti0n. 
The bandits fire at the holoclone and Lias takes this opportunity to position their rifle on the rock, they take out four bandits before bullets start to fly their way again. They duck down, pulling their rifle with them. They hear a scream, then one of the bandits shouting something about a teleporting ninja. Lias peeks over the rock to see Zer0 standing behind one bandit with their sword through his chest. They quickly pull it out and lop another bandit's head off.
"Ok, four left, we can do this." Lias takes a deep breath and positions their rifle again, the bandits are too distracted by Zer0 now so they have an opening.
Bang! One.
Bang! Two.
Bang! Three.
Zer0 takes out the fourth bandit with their sword.
"Good job, you did great! / The bloodshed is impressive. / Stay right where you are."
Lias listens to the assassin and leans against the rock, this time in relief. They lean their head back and close their eyes as the hot Pandoran sun shines on their sweat glistened face. They aren't sure why Zer0 even wanted to come to this camp in the first place, there isn't anything of actual value here, most of the guns these bandits were using are cheap, Marcus won't even give them triple digits for the guns.
Just as they finish that thought Zer0's shadow shades them and they open their eyes to the assassin standing over them with the smiling emoticon on their face screen again.
"I got this for you. / This is why I brought you here/ It's something you'll like." Zer0 says dangling a charm in front of the human's face.
It was a 3D keychain model of Earth, it had a bit of dirt on it but otherwise it was in pretty good shape.
"It's your home planet, / I thought you might feel homesick, / now you can see Earth."
Lias gives the assassin a faint, yet somewhat melancholic, smile, "Thank you." they say taking the keychain and staring at it in their own hand.
"It's a momento.  / Since you can never go back, / I thought it might help." They sit down beside the human, "It's a tragedy, / what happened to your planet/ but that's what greed does."
"Yeah." They respond sorrowfully.
"Do not worry though, / you have a home here with us, / you're a Vault Hunter."
"Thank you Zer0." Lias gives a faint smile again before putting the Earth keychain in their pants pocket.
"Let us go home now. / The others are in waiting. / Adventure awaits." Zer0 stands and Lias pushes themself up from the ground as well.
"Hey Zer0?"
"About that second date," Lias pauses and Zer0 tilts their own head a bit, "Where do you wanna go this time?"
Zer0's face displays another smiley before it's replaced with the heart emoticon.
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darkhymns-fic · 5 years
A Sunday Drive
Lloyd and Colette go out for ice cream! How this turns into a car race is anyone's guess.
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Characters: Lloyd Irving, Colette Brunel, Zelos Wilder, Sheena Fujibayashi Rating: G Mirror Links: AO3 Notes: Modern AU! Also this is several years old but I still think it's a bit funny??? Maybe?? No guarantees.
“Your dad finally got you a car?” Lloyd looked at the hatchback parked in the driveway. The back bumper was a little scuffed, showing its clearly used history, but Colette was beaming at it like she had gotten a shiny convertible for her birthday.
“Yeah! Now we can go where we want!” She already had the keys in her hand, clicking the unlock function.
Lloyd suddenly got the best idea in the world. “Let’s go to Dairy Queen!” He practically jumped to the passenger side. “Right now!”
“Okay!” She gently opened her car door, sliding inside. “We can go everyday now if we want!”
“Seriously?!” This was almost too much for Lloyd to handle. He nearly put the keys into the ignition himself. “Come on, let’s go!”
Colette didn’t rush through it still, despite Lloyd’s insistence. She adjusted her seat, her rearview mirrors, and looked carefully behind her as she backed out into the street. Lloyd let her handle all the driving activities, while he just messed with the radio and started thinking out loud about what toppings he was going to get for his chocolate caramel sundae.
“I think lots of sprinkles would be good,” Colette added. She kept her eyes on the road, keeping well within the speed limit, and a safe distance from other cars. “I’m really glad I got my license. I thought I’d never be able to!”
“Hey, I saw you. You practically got a perfect score on that test. Raine would have to be crazy to not pass you.”
She smiled, giving him a quick glance before turning back to the road. “I hope you get your license soon, too.”
“Ehh, we’ll see about that,” Lloyd waved it off. He hadn’t even had the chance to do the road test. Because he’d failed the written test portion twice so far. He didn’t think he’d do good on the road test even if he did pass the written exam. Whenever Dirk gave him driving lessons, his father would always start yelling if he made the slightest error, making the thought of him getting behind the wheel fill his head with anxiety.
He lowered his own seat back, crossing his arms behind his head as he relaxed. “I think it’s just good that one of us can drive. Hey, maybe we can go to the beach later?”
“Yeah, that sounds fun!” Colette agreed. “I can’t wait to go.”
This was a pretty sweet deal that Lloyd had. Colette gently hummed as she drove down the streets, the roads empty for the most part. She didn’t go too fast or too slow, and Lloyd was able to just daydream as the shops passed them by. He thought he could get used to this. Colette didn’t seem to mind driving him around.
Not even a minute later though, both heard the most obnoxious music playing from behind them. Colette blinked, looking at the side mirror to see who was there, and Lloyd instantly sat up, rolling away the kinks in his neck. A car engine revved noisily, quickly catching up to them.
Lloyd recognized the voice singing along to the music and groaned.
“If you wanna be my lover! You gotta get with my friends!”
“Is… is that Zelos?” Colette asked innocently. They’d seen the guy at school, always dressed in really well-made jackets, arms draped around a different girl’s shoulders each time they saw him.
“Yeah.” Lloyd’s ears were already hurting. “Maybe we should roll up the windows.”
Instantly, an expensive-looking sports car with the sunroof pulled down, moved near them. It was a garish red, (nice color, though) the sunlight reflecting off its polished surface to blind the eyes. Zelos drove a little erratically, laughing all the while as someone in the passenger seat was trying to yell over the ungodly volume of the car’s music.
“Oh!” Colette pointed to the car. “It’s Sheena.”
Lloyd was confused. “Why would she drive with him?”
That wasn’t a question he would get answered anytime soon, especially with how furious the girl was. Her voice traveled across the roads, succeeding in just barely being heard. “The hell, Zelos! Can you drive a little slower for once?”
“Shush! Here comes the best part! Make it….something something…Friendship never ends!”
Zelos’ long red hair billowed out behind him as he sped up his car, sunglasses catching the glare of the sun. Sheena was raving by this point. “Goddamn it! At least turn the music down!”
Lloyd wasn’t sure how someone like Zelos got his license, but then he supposed anything is possible when you were rich.
“Do you think he’d want to go get ice cream with us?” Colette asked him politely.
With Colette, Lloyd was always honest. “I don’t know if I really wanna deal with him today.”
Just as Colette was about to make a right turn, she immediately had to brake. Lloyd caught himself on the dashboard from the movement, his seatbelt still pinning him in place. He looked up just in time to see that same red car drive in from of them in their lane and make that same right turn. Colette’s car stayed still in the road, the engine still gently humming.
“Geez! That stupid jerk didn’t even signal.” Lloyd settled back, irritated. “We need to try to not drive when he’s out.”
What was weird though was that he heard no remark at all from Colette. He turned to his left. “Hey, Colette? You okay? Did you hurt yourself?”
He couldn’t see her eyes well enough. She was still staring straight ahead at the road, her hands gripped on the steering wheel in their correct positions. For a moment, Lloyd was sure she was going to cry because of what happened.
Before he could reach out a hand to comfort her, she stepped on the gas violently, sending their car screeching on the pavement as sped towards Zelos.
“C-Colette! Wait, what are you-?”
Zelos and Sheena were at a stop light with no other cars around. The music had been turned way down by this point, possibly due to Sheena’s interference. She was still yelling at the rich kid that she had the misfortune to bum a ride from.
“This is seriously the last time I’m ever driving with you! The fuck is wrong with you?”
“Hey, easy on the language! That can’t be good for your complexion or- oh, hey there, angel!” Zelos waved at Colette as she stopped next to him, braking harshly. “What’s up?”
“Zelos.” Colette said in a calm tone, unsmiling. “You cut me off.”
The guy blinked stupidly. “Huh? Oh, well my hunny here is getting real hungry though for some Dairy Queen, so I had to rush. You know her and her sweet tooth.”
“Hunny?!” Sheena yelled. “Hunny, my ass!”
“Zelos,” Colette called out again. Her voice took on a different tone, scaring Lloyd a little. “What you did wasn’t very nice!”
“Hey, I’ll make it up to you later. How about a date next Friday?” Zelos grinned, angling his shades down to give a sly wink.
At that point, Lloyd noticed Colette reach for the car's lever, putting it at a different spot. Wait, this was a stick shift?! How had he not noticed that before?
“Uh, Colette-”
“Ohhh, I get it!” Zelos was laughing again, revving up his car’s engines in the most annoying way possible. “Little angel wants to race, huh?”
Lloyd’s mind went numb for a second. “Wait, WHAT?!”
“Come on, Colette. Bet you can’t beat me there!” And once the red light was gone, Zelos instantly sped away, screeching past the intersection with an equally screeching Sheena.
Colette followed him right after.
Lloyd was sure he was going to have a heart attack any second now.
“Colette!” He tried to reason, too afraid to even sit forward. They were in a more recreational part of town for now, but soon they would get to the shopping district, where more cars and people were around. “Slow down!”
She didn’t seem to hear him. In fact, she pressed down on the accelerator more, her speed getting dangerously close to the triple digits. Her car was right next to Zelos, who was laughing all the way as they sped down to the corner where Dairy Queen was. Lloyd risked a quick glance out Colette’s side of the window, and could see that Sheena wasn’t enjoying this much either.
They shot past another intersection and were now officially in ‘more population’ territory. How were there no cops around?!
“Gonna win!” Zelos’ voice traveled to them as he moved ahead, the Doppler effect making his voice sound more distorted than usual.
Colette, in response, accelerated harder. She suddenly shot past Zelos, squeezed her car into the one lane parking lot and instantly braked when she reached a parking spot.
Lloyd felt like he was gonna hurl.
Immediately, he got out of the car, stumbling as he did so and went down on his knees, heaving out air. He heard Zelos’ car pull up next to him, and then a really hard smacking sound, followed by the guy’s cries of pain.
“Ow! Sheena, stop that!”
“You idiot! You could’ve gotten me killed!” Lloyd looked up barely, just able to see Sheena swing her heavy sports bag at Zelos’ back, chasing him out of his car and onto the sidewalk.
“Gah! Stop! You’re definitely not getting laid after this.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Followed by another whack.
After that, Lloyd decided to look back at the sidewalk underneath his hands, taking deep, choking breaths. They had gone so fast, he was sure he saw his life flash before his eyes. There… there had been so many detentions…
“Lloyd?” A quiet, apologetic voice was above him. He felt a hand press against his back, moving around in small circles. He turned to the side to find Colette there, smiling in embarrassment. “Do you… still want some ice cream?”
For his answer, Lloyd turned away and threw up his breakfast on the sidewalk.
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tenebris-melodiam · 6 years
Stefano Valentini x Reader: Facade - Chapter 8
Pairing: Stefano Valentini x Reader/Female Protagonist (18+)
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, PTSD triggers and allusions to PTSD flashbacks
Current Time: July 4th, 2016
That was truly the only word that could describe the summer months in Krimson City, where the temperatures soared well over triple digits on the worst days. With black asphalt that worsened the temperature throughout the city, and thousands of people constantly bustling around the streets and sidewalks, there truly was no escaping the heat unless one was within the sanctuary of their own home.
At least, that’s how it normally would be.
You, unfortunately, were currently splayed out on your bed in nothing more than sleep shorts and a tank-top, three rotating fans pointed directly at your exhausted body in an attempt to cool you down. Your air conditioner had blown a fuse several days prior, and you were forced to endure the hellish heat of the city until the repairman could make his way over to your abode and work his magic since you were uneducated in the ways of AC repair. You gave a disgruntled moan as you shifted slightly, pinching the front of your tank-top and lifting it slightly to let air access more of your body. You were terribly hot, and on top of that, you were exhausted since you hadn’t been able to sleep properly ever since your AC unit went out.
You continued to lay there, enjoying the lukewarm breeze as much as you could manage; it wasn’t near as cold as you wanted it to be, but it was better than nothing. You shifted again, only to be startled by the sound of your phone vibrating upon your bedside table. You furrowed your eyebrows as you sat up, then rubbed your temples for a moment before grabbing your phone and opening it to see a message from Vincent.
[Vinny]: Hey!! I have some awesome news to tell you!!
[Me]: Oh yeah? What’s up? Are you gonna tell me you learned how to fix AC stuff? Because that would be the best news in the world.
After hitting the small button to send your message, you locked your phone and tossed it into your disheveled sheets before flopping back down upon your bed. God, what you wouldn’t do for some actual cold air against your skin. Since waiting for Vincent to respond wasn’t all that exciting, you decided to get up and head into the kitchen—hopefully some ice wrapped in a cloth would soothe your overheated skin. You grunted as you managed to get onto your feet, slowly shuffling your way into the kitchen to grab a washcloth out of one of the drawers beside the sink. You then opened the freezer portion of your fridge, grabbed as many ice cubes as you could hold within your fist, and placed them right in the center of the washcloth. You then closed the cloth up, using a rubber band to keep it from unfurling and dropping the ice cubes everywhere.
Normally, you’d put the cloth into a plastic bag so the melting ice wouldn’t leak through the cloth and onto everything, but you were far too hot to care at this point. You placed the cloth directly onto your forehead, a soft sigh leaving your lips as you bathed in the cold that swept across your skin. You began to make your way back into your bedroom, immediately sitting back down upon your bed and grabbing your phone to see if Vincent had responded to you yet.
[Vinny]: No, as much as I’d like to help you out with that. But in all seriousness, I want to tell you this in person! I’m super excited about it, and I gotta tell you face to face! Come to the bar? Besides… we have air conditioning here. :P
The bar? Vincent really wanted you to go out into the blistering heat of the city? You had just gotten comfortable within your own home, but he did have a point. His bar had air conditioning, and that was honestly the most enticing thing he could have ever told you. You sighed softly, rolling your eyes before giving a small smile and typing out your response.
[Me]: Fine, I’ll come. You better crank that AC down to 60 by the time I get there!
You ran the cold cloth down to your cheeks, then your neck, relishing the cold one final time before rising to your feet to begin getting ready to go and see Vincent. You tossed the cloth into your bathroom sink so the water could drain properly while you were out of the house, then walked into your closet to find something to wear.
You ran the back of your hand across your forehead, mumbling quietly in disgust as you rubbed the sweat you had gathered onto the side of your shorts. You were thankful that Vincent’s bar wasn’t too terribly far away from your apartment, especially after taking the city bus, and you reached out to grab the handle of the entrance door before almost desperately pushing it open to escape the heat. You were greeted with a rush of chilled air, and you exhaled in relief as you hastily shut the door behind you to keep the cold air in, and lock the hellish heat outside where it belonged. You turned your attention to the denizens of the bar, who were few and far between at the moment—it was to be expected, both with the heat and since it was only around one in the afternoon.
You walked along the wooden floor, giving greetings to a few of the people sitting in booths that you wandered past as you made your way to the bar itself. You slipped onto the stool, happy to finally sit down and relish in the cool air in peace. However, not even ten seconds passed before a glass was placed in front of you, and you cocked your eyebrow as you glanced up to see the gleaming grin that was plastered upon Vincent’s face.
“About time you got here, (Name)! Thought you melted out there or something!”
“Uh-huh… honestly I was about to. It’s hotter than hell out there… thank God for your AC, Vince.”
You grabbed the glass, bringing the rim to your lips and taking several long drinks of the liquid that was housed within it. When you were done, you placed the glass back down upon the bar and sighed happily—the drink had been cold, and it tasted wonderful. It was something you had never had before though, and as you were about to ask what it was, Vincent interrupted you.
“Rum Sunset, on the house. Figured you could use somethin’ a bit cold, so I made it up for whenever you got here.”
You couldn’t help the smile that slithered across your lips, and you gave a small nod of thanks as you took yet another drink from your glass. Vincent truly was a blessing sometimes. You set your glass down once again and sighed deeply, resting your cheek upon your palm as you closed your eyes for a moment—you were incredibly tired, and this was the first time you had been able to comfortably relax in three days. When you opened your eyes again, you saw Vincent staring at you with a rather concerned look upon his face.
“You look like hell though, (Name). Everything alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just haven’t been able to sleep because of how hot it’s been in my apartment. AC went out a few days ago, and it’s been horrible in there. I’ve gotten… maybe eight hours of sleep tops in three days?”
“Holy shit, (Name). I’d offer you a place to stay, but I’m actually in the process of remodeling…”
“Don’t worry about it, Vince. I honestly might ask Stefano if I can stay over at his place… it’d be the first time I’ve ever done it, but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I explain what’s going on. Anyway, what were you so excited about that you called me over here, hmm? I’ve been pretty curious.”
You saw his expression lighten up again, and a smile immediately crossed his lips as he reached into his back pocket and tugged out a folded up piece of paper. He held it out to you, and you took it from his grasp and began to unfold it so that you could see what it was. Once it was in a readable condition, you began to scan over the words that were printed along the page.
“Dear Mr. Colven,
In light of your excellent performance and reviews as one of the top performing bars in Krimson City, we at Krimson Brewers Inc. would be proud to sponsor the expansion of your company in the eastern part of the city. We firmly believe that a partnership with both you and your company would be beneficial for both parties involved, and with passion, cooperation, and a view of the future, we could possibly expand even further beyond these (potential) two locations.
Using this letter as your invitation, we personally invite you to attend a formal meeting at 2045 Westbrooke Avenue on July 6th, at 8:30 P.M. Multiple officials of Krimson Brewers Inc. will be attending, including the founder and chairman of our company, Keith Lauram, and myself, the CEO of the company. We are incredibly excited to speak with you about this potential sponsorship and partnership, and look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Once you had finished scanning over the contents of the letter, you glanced down at the wax seal on the bottom right corner of the paper, seeing the letters “KB” imprinted in a brilliantly elegant cursive font. It took a moment for you to register exactly what was going on, but once everything clicked within your mind, a wide grin spread across your face and you turned towards your long-time best friend to see him sharing the same excited expression that you were.
“Vincent, this is amazing! Oh, congratulations! I’m so, so happy for you!”
You immediately hopped off your stool and made your way behind the bar, wrapping your arms tightly around your best friend. You heard him laugh happily, and he squeezed you tightly upon wrapping his arms around your body. He buried his face into your shoulder, and after a moment, you heard him sniff quietly; you gently moved back from him, only to see tears welling up in his eyes. You gave him a soft smile, reaching up to tenderly wipe the few tears that had managed to slide down his cheeks off his skin.
“I’m so happy for you, Vincent… I know this is what you’ve wanted ever since we were in high school. And I’ll be damned, you’re becoming the best bartender in Krimson City! This letter is proof of that!
He reached up and rubbed at his eyes with his sleeve, then sighed softly and leaned back against the bar.
“Mom always thought it was weird that I had the dream of being a bartender, but look at me now, eh? I own my own business, and now I have the huge opportunity to expand it! Thank you for staying beside me all these years and supporting me, (Name). Really… I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Ah, I dunno about that, Vince. I bet you would’ve done just fine without lil’ ol’ me around to bother you.”
“Oh shut up, you know I mean it.”
You giggled and gave him another tight hug, then leaned back and gave him the letter so that he wouldn’t lose it. You watched as he ducked down and placed it into a folder in one of the cupboards near the cash register, and you then turned your attention to your phone to look at the time, which was now 2:14 P.M.
“Oh yeah, (Name), are you gonna be doing anything tonight? It is the fourth of July after all, and I know the city is planning on putting on a fireworks show over the western side of the bay. I was wondering if you’d wanna go and watch them together.”
“Hmm… I was honestly planning on going over to Stefano’s place tonight. I’ve told you about how he was in the war, right? I don’t know how well he handles fireworks, so I was going to be there for him in case he needed me.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet, (Name)! God, you are so damn adorable… but you’re gonna owe me for skipping out on me for your boyfriend.”
He gave you a wink, which made you roll your eyes. He was always teasing you, but you certainly wouldn’t have him any other way—his goofy personality was something that you loved about him, and having him act any other way would be foreign and, well, it just wouldn’t be him whatsoever. You heard one of the guests within the bar call out Vincent’s name, and you saw him perk up and look in their direction.
“Ah, sorry, (Name). Duty calls! Hey, let me know how tonight goes. I’m gonna be by the bay and I’ll make sure to send you pictures of the fireworks!”
You watched him scurry out from behind the bar, and you smiled to yourself as you saw him begin mingling with the residents of the tavern. You could only hear portions of what they were saying, but you definitely heard them congratulate him on his potential sponsorship; apparently he had spread the news immediately, but that was just like him. He wasn’t one to keep his excitement hidden inside for very long.
You decided that now might be a good time to head over to Stefano’s, especially since you weren’t really wanting to head back to your hotter-than-Hades apartment at the moment. You grabbed your glass one final time, finishing off the drink within before placing it back upon the countertop and making your way towards the front door. As you passed by Vincent, you gently placed your hand upon his shoulder as a means of a fond farewell, and then grabbed the door handle and forced your way out into the blistering heat of Krimson City once again.
As fun as it was sitting on a bus full of sweaty, irritable people and enduring the hellish heat of the summer months, you couldn’t be happier to step into the elevator that would carry you upwards to Stefano’s suite. You eagerly pressed your forefinger against the button you had come to know intimately since meeting Stefano, then leaned against the side of the elevator as you patiently endured several stops until finally reaching the penthouse level of the building. As soon as the doors slid open, you paced down the long hallway that eventually led to the door into Stefano’s suite, and you smiled as you rapped your knuckles against the door to alert him that you were here. You waited for a moment, then tilted your head slightly when you realized that no answer had been given from within as it normally was.
You rapped your knuckles against the door once again, a bit harder this time, in case he wasn’t in the immediate area of the door. Perhaps he had gone out? After all, you hadn’t really given him much of a warning that you would be coming over today, so perhaps he had gone out and wasn’t home at the moment. You waited for a few more moments, then sighed softly as you turned your back to the door to begin making your way back down the long hallway. As you took your third step, you stopped and looked over your shoulder as you heard the lock click on Stefano’s door, and smiled when it opened to reveal the photographer standing behind it.
“Forgive me, (Name). I was in my office and couldn’t quite hear the door. Please, come inside.”
You gave a nod of your head and walked past him, but not without giving him a gentle hug first, of course. He seemed to enjoy this, judging by the quiet chuckle that left his lips—the same lips which you tenderly kissed only a moment later. You walked a bit further into the suite, taking a seat upon the couch in the living room area to relax; it was only then that you noticed a new addition to the wall that was in front of the couch. A large, square-shaped frame housing a photograph you had never seen before rested upon the previously barren wall, and you stared at it for a moment to take in the details. The image itself was a close-up profile shot of someone’s jaw, presumably a male, who had several large splatters of blood dashed across his cheek. His maw was open, what looked like a severed tongue dangling uselessly from between his lips, and a steady stream of blood oozed from the tip of it towards the bottom of the photograph.
You noticed a rather large gash on his neck, not large or deep enough to kill a person, but one definitely large enough to cause heavy amounts of pain. The coloring of the image was beautiful, and the pale skin of the model contrasted perfectly with the gorgeous crimson of the blood upon the flesh. It truly was a wonder how Stefano managed to capture such amazing images, but then again, he had many, many years of experience with his profession.
“Do you like it, mia cara?”
You turned your attention towards Stefano, who had made his way over next to his photograph and was gazing at it almost lovingly. It never ceased to amaze you how enamored he was with his profession, but you were more than happy to support him however you possibly could in the long run with it.
“I do, Stefano. It’s really interesting that you chose to use a male model this time, though. Usually you stick to females, right?”
“Sì, but this one was a special case. He had the proper proportions I was looking for, and I simply couldn’t pass the opportunity by.”
He reached up, running his fingertips slowly along the glass-covered image. You saw a small smile cross his lips, one that obviously conveyed he was extremely proud of his work, and you couldn’t help the smile that tugged on the corner of your own lips—seeing him happy made you feel happy as well, and that was something that you couldn’t change. You inhaled deeply, leaning your head back against the back of the couch as you closed your eyes slowly; you were still incredibly tired, and your body desperately craved sleep of some kind.
You heard Stefano pace across the room, eventually feeling the couch shift slightly as he took a seat beside you. You forced your eyes open once more, giving him a small, tired smile as you turned your head to give him your attention. Each time you blinked, your eyes threatened to stay closed due to your growing need for sleep, and you brought your hands up to your eyes in order to rub them; hopefully this would help you stay awake a little longer.
“Have you been resting well, amore mio? It seems like you’re incredibly tired today.”
“Mmm… not really. The past three days have been hell, honestly. The AC went out in my apartment, and the heat has made sleeping nearly impossible. I’m hoping the guy comes to fix it by tomorrow, but honestly, I’m not sure when he’s gonna show up. I just hope that-“
You stopped as you felt a hand come to rest on your right shoulder, then tug you downwards until your head was resting upon Stefano’s lap. This surprised you a bit, but you most certainly didn’t argue with it or resist such an action; you felt his fingers begin to tenderly run through strands of your hair, and you shuddered slightly at the feeling of it.
“You should get some well-deserved rest, mia cara. Don’t worry, I’ll be right here.”
You gave a soft hum in response to his words, your eyelids once again growing heavy as the pleasurable feeling of your significant other playing with your hair allowed your body to relax even further against him. You allowed your eyes to close, finally giving them the reprieve they so desperately craved after several nearly sleepless nights. You felt Stefano’s fingers trail slightly further down, carefully tracing over the muscles of your neck before running along the exposed part of your collarbone, and then following the same movements back upwards to continue messing with your hair. You thought nothing of it, a long breath leaving your lips as you fully relaxed and allowed sleep to finally claim you as its own.
When you finally opened your eyes again, it was only due to the loud explosion that resounded throughout the studio you had been resting within. You sat up slowly, another explosion echoing in your ears followed by a bright blue light illuminating the studio for only a moment—it was in this moment that you were unable to locate Stefano anywhere in the immediate area. He was no longer by your side on the couch, and you couldn’t see him in the kitchen either. You heard yet another explosion, a green light illuminating the room this time; it was then that you realized that the city had begun their firework show over the bay.
“Shit… Stefano.”
You rose to your feet, stumbling slightly due to having awoken only moments earlier, your eyes still fuzzy and adjusting to the darkness of the room. You shuffled forward as quickly as you could without losing your footing, your hand fumbling around on the wall for the light switch. One you heard it click on and light flooded the room, you squinted and gave a small groan as your eyes adjusted to the newly found light. You still couldn’t locate Stefano anywhere, but the only other areas he could potentially be were his office, which he normally kept locked, and his bedroom. You made your way over to the office door, jiggling the doorknob only to find that it was indeed locked—this reassured you that he wasn’t inside, since this particular door could only be locked from the outside.
You turned your attention to the only other room you had access to, (aside from the darkroom) which was Stefano’s bedroom. You had never been inside since he had remodeled his home only two months ago, claiming that he desired an actual bedroom to sleep in since he originally hadn’t installed one when remodeling his studio. He had never allowed you to see it, always saying that it was unsuitable for your eyes until it was completely finished, but now wasn’t the time for you to question whether or not you were allowed entry into his bedroom. You walked over to the new door near the entryway into his studio, turning the knob on the door and slowly pushing it open—light slowly illuminated the room the further the door was pushed open, and as you were about to look around the room, you noticed the mass of purple clothing curled up into a ball on the left side of the bed against the back wall.
Without so much as a hint of hesitation, you immediately paced over to the bed, crawling onto the right-hand side but being careful to leave Stefano enough room to himself in case he needed it. You turned on the small, bedside lamp that was upon Stefano’s bedside table, illuminating the whole room with a very dim, yellow glow.
“I can’t… I can’t see…”
You could hear him breathe these words through what sounded like clenched teeth, and you decided to get off the bed and instead make your way over to the left-hand side, where you knelt down in front of Stefano and saw that he was clutching both hands over his right eye.
“Do you know your name?”
The question was simple, but direct. You had seen Stefano experience phantom pains before, but you had never seen him experience an episode of PTSD this badly. You knew that you had to try and keep him rooted in the present, which was why you had asked him such a question. When he gave you no answer, you sighed quietly and asked it once more.
“Do you know your name?”
“S-Stefano. Stefano Valentini.”
“What is the date?”
Once again, he didn’t provide an answer right away. Another boom echoed throughout the studio, and you saw him flinch hard—after he did so, he released a long breath through his teeth before giving you an answer.
“August eighth, nineteen- no… J-July fourth, two-thousand sixteen.”
“Do you know where you are?”
Another boom of fireworks outside, followed by the shrill sound of another firework zipping upwards into the air. You grit your teeth as Stefano cried out in pain and curled further into his ball, his fingers desperately clutching his right eye. You hated seeing him like this, and you wished that you could just hold him tightly and help him through it, but you knew that doing so might be the worst possible thing to do for him right now.
“Stefano, do you know who I am?”
“Please… help me. It hurts…”
Hearing him nearly whimper those words made your heart throb, and you gripped the sheets of the bed tightly as you listened to him give ragged, pained breaths through his teeth. You knew that you had to help him drown out the sounds of the fireworks somehow, and you had to bring him back to the present. You rose to your feet, rushing out of the room and into Stefano’s kitchen to grab an ice cube from within the freezer. Once you had obtained it, you quickly made your way back into Stefano’s room and knelt down beside him again, carefully grabbing one of his wrists and bringing his hand away from his eye—you placed the ice cube in his hand, forcing his fingers to wrap around it and hold it tightly.
“Focus on the ice, Stefano. Focus on the ice.”
You said these words gently, hoping that he could at least make out what you were wanting him to do. You let go of his hand, and to your relief, saw that he continued to hold onto the ice rather than let it go and return to gripping his eye. You rose to your feet, walking over to Stefano’s door and shutting it in order to muffle the fireworks as much as possible. You took a towel that you found folded up on a chair near the door and stuffed it against the opening near the floor, doing whatever you could to keep the sound from entering his room. You then returned to the bed, pulling your phone out from your pocket and placing it between yourself and Stefano as you laid down beside him.
“Stefano… if you can, focus on this. You liked it when you came over to my apartment for the first time, remember?”
You turned the volume up on your phone so it would drown out the sounds of the fireworks, then turned on your music player and hoped that it would help Stefano calm down.
“Return to me… oh my dear, I’m so lonely…”
You could still hear Stefano seething quietly in pain, his body heaving with each deep breath he took in. You had to wonder if he had to endure this every year since he lost his eye, and the fact that he had dealt with it alone all this time was heartbreaking to you. Every year, enduring the same tragedy all over again all because of some fireworks… it was something that you simply couldn’t even begin to fathom. You drew yourself out of your thoughts and returned your gaze to Stefano, who had seemed to calm down slightly now that the music was drowning out most of the noise of the fireworks. You gave a quiet sigh as you continued to watch him, the minutes droning on to feel like hours until the fireworks finally ceased their incessant explosions outside.
The song carried on about thirty seconds after the explosions outside finally stopped, and once it was over, you turned your phone off and heard that Stefano’s breaths had returned to normal. This relieved you slightly, but you could still hear him murmuring something about the pain he was currently experiencing. You glanced down at your phone to see that it was currently 10:13 at night, and you desperately hoped that Stefano wouldn’t suffer through this episode for much longer. Nevertheless, you continued to lay alongside him, making sure that he wasn’t going through all the pain alone this time.
After another few minutes, you finally heard him stop murmuring to himself, and you sighed softly—perhaps this meant that his episode was finally over, and he was finally free of the pain. You saw him shift slightly, his head lifting off the pillow he had been laying on to glance down at the nearly-melted ice cube in his hand. He dropped what little remained of it onto the floor without care, then glanced over his shoulder at you.
You gave him a small smile and a nod, reassuring him that he was right back where he both needed and wanted to be. You saw him sit up for a moment, taking in his surroundings as he attempted to reconnect with his current reality, and then once again turn his gaze to you.
“Non posso vivere senza di te…”
You tilted your head upon hearing him whisper these words, unaware of what they meant. You parted your lips in order to ask him what he had just said, but were stopped as Stefano moved himself over you and wrapped his arms tightly around your body, tugging you up from the bed slightly so he could hold you closer with more ease. This took you by surprise, but you deeply enjoyed the contact and held him close in return; it stayed like this for a few moments, but Stefano eventually allowed your back to rest against the bed once more, his fingertips lightly trailing down your cheek to eventually cup it within his palm.
“Ti voglio sempre al mio fianco, (Name).”
With yet another whispered set of words, Stefano leaned down and pressed a loving kiss against your lips; compared to the soft pecks that you were so used to and fond of, this kiss was deeper, and much more passionate than anything the two of you had shared before. It brought you back to the night several months prior where you nearly lost yourself in your desire for him, but there was one distinct difference between that night and where you currently were.
Tonight, you would lose yourself to him.
Author’s Note (1): Happy new year, everyone. I hope that this year brings all of you much joy!
Author’s Note (2): After extensive research about PTSD, and talking with a good friend of mine whose father suffers from PTSD and also works with children who suffer from it as well, I was able to put both professional practices and personal practices into play when dealing with Stefano’s PTSD, which I greatly believe that he does suffer from. The music, the ice cube, the sound blocking—it all stems from the conversation I had with my friend, and from the research I did that gave various coping mechanisms for dealing with PTSD flashbacks and episodes.
Author’s Note (3):
-       Non posso vivere senza di te = I can’t live without you.
-       Ti voglio sempre al mio fianco = I want you always by my side.
Author’s Note (4): Krimson City does, in fact, have a bay! I used the completed map found in the original The Evil Within in order to figure out where everyone in this particular story would be located, and judging by that map, Stefano, Reader, and Vincent all live and work on the western part of Krimson City, which is extremely close to the bay that leads out into the ocean on the eastern part of Krimson City.
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tommoholland2013 · 6 years
what do you want from me? — p.p.
Word Count: 3.6k Warning(s): Angst, Fluff at the end, and I can't think of anything else Pairing: Peter Parker x reader Request: Can you PLEASE do an imagine where peter denies the reader when she admits her feelings, and begins to like someone way hot, not as hot as peter, but somewhat, and peter realizes his true feelings and tries to make her jealous and just makes her angry because she thinks peter just doesn't want her to be happy !! i will love you ON AND ON A/N: So like... this request was made two months ago, but I've had the worst writer's block since January. Anyway, point is, I'm working through it. I decided to write this in first person to be more inclusive of others. I hope you all enjoy this, I really enjoyed writing this. Feedback is always appreciated so feel free to give some! Song Inspiration: Ocean by Martin Garrix feat. Khalid 
I turned my head to glance at the digital clock perched upon my nightstand.
The digits clearly portrayed ungodly hour I found myself awake at. I'd been up all night—literally. Tossing, turning; worrying, thinking. This had become the norm for me as I contemplated the difficult situation I found myself in; the complex decision that presented itself in the form of a red button, waiting to be pushed. My hand was shaking with unease over the figurative button, hesitant of motion.
Suddenly, the room was too warm. The bed was too hot, and my blankets were suffocating me. I threw the awful coverings away from my body and decided it was useless. There was no sleep to be had with my heart dropping the way it did every time I thought about his sweet smile and the difficult decision that stood—towered—with a threatening stance before me.
It had been almost four years of knowing him, and three of those spent being his best friend, until something pivoted the previous year. I wasn't sure what, or why, but I suddenly found herself seeing my best friend differently. My heart began to race every time I thought about him, my hands shook and my knees would grew weak every time I made eye contact with him and he smiled. And any time he pulled away from a greeting hug, I felt like I'd been acquainted with the gates of heaven; all things I had never felt for Peter until the previous year.
The cause of my unrest was honesty. I wasn't sure whether to tell him or not. I wasn't sure whether it was worth risking our golden friendship for a "silly hormonal crush", as I had put it to myself.
But I knew there was absolutely no way I could continue to hold off my shallow breathing, constricting heart, and shaking hands any longer; I had to tell him.
But every time I thought I had reached my conclusion—to tell him—my ever so considerate conscience would pipe in, reminding me that there was a high chance he didn't feel the same, which in turn could lead to the end of such a beautiful friendship. And thus, I found myself awake at four in the morning, going around the same track of thought again and again.
It really was so stereotypical. The typical teenage limbo of "He loves me? He loves me not?," only in this unique case (or not necessarily unique case) it was "tell him, don't tell him."
I was tired of the arguing in my mind. I was exasperated with the constant back and forth. In the day the voices whispered, but in the night, they screamed at one another.
But, finally, at the ungodly hour of 5:23am, in an exhausted voice, I voiced my final decision.
"I'll tell him."
The worst that could happen was that he would reject me, right? 
"Hey, Y/N. You look... tired? You okay?" Peter asked as he walked into their first period class and sat himself in his usual seat beside me.
"Well, considering I only got fifteen minutes of sleep last night, I think it's excusable that I look more like a trash bag today than I usually do," I remarked with a sarcastic smile.
"Fifteen minutes? Of sleep? Why? And you never look like a trash bag," Peter said with a slight frown.
"Oh... uh... it was nothing."
I dismissed his last comment, knowing it would only make my feelings for him worse. I was more nervous now than before. I fumbled with the sleeve of my sweatshirt as I opened her mouth and closed it on several occasions, trying to fit the words I wanted to say properly.
"It actually has to do with something I want to talk to you about, l-later today." Great. I was stumbling over my words now, and all I had done was ask Peter to meet me later in the day.
"Uh, yeah, sure. I'll meet you after school. Are you sure you're okay, Y/N? You look a little... scared."
"Yeah, yeah I'm"—on the verge of vomiting right here right now—"all right." 
The rest of the day went by too fast. At lunch, I didn't contribute to the table conversation whatsoever, and I barely touched her food. In fact, I didn't even bother too look up from my book. I wasn't even registering the words my eyes were running over, but I knew I just couldn't look up, or I really would keep to the promise of vomiting. My nerves were sky rocketing, and my anxiety, as always, was not helping whatsoever. That day, It felt like every class lasted about ten minutes.
Then, the final bell rung.
School was out. Peter was expecting me.
Suddenly, my heart rate had tripled and my hands were shaking non-stop. I shuffled to my locker and collected my things and walked out as slowly as I could. I told myself there was no backing out. I couldn't back down now. I had to tell him. The longer I postponed this, the worse I would become at hiding it and the easier it would be for him to eventually find out on his own. I wanted him to hear it from me first.
The main doors flew open and I walked down the stairs slowly.
Everything was too loud, the sun was too bright, my books were too heavy. Everything was too much of something.
Peter looked up from his very shattered phone screen just in time to see me approaching him. He offered me a smile, but I just could not bring myself to return it.
"Hey? Are you—"
"It's important. What I'm about to tell you. I've been worried sick about it for days, I haven't slept in weeks, maybe even months, all because I've been thinking about this one thing. So I need you to one: stop asking me if I'm okay, because I don't think I am, I may just vomit right now, to be one-hundred percent honest with you, and two: take me seriously. Nothing of what I'm about to tell you is a joke, or a wile of any sort."
I spoke fast, maybe too fast. Or maybe I spoke too slowly? I couldn't tell.
"Uh, sure. You're worrying me now..." Peter asked with a concerned look on his face.
This was it. This was either going to be the end of something beautiful, or the blossoming of something beyond the word beautiful.
"I... I really... like you. More than a friend," I let the words slip from my lips. Peter was silent, the words hitting him with a wave of shock. The silence didn't seem to end and next thing I knew, I was rambling.
"I don't know why it started, or really when, to be honest. I just know that I can no longer be in your presence without feeling like I'm shaking hard enough that it looks like I'm shivering, or worrying that my knees will literally buckle underneath me every time you smile, or feeling like my heart is racing so fast it just may explode. It took me so long to get the courage to tell you and that's kinda what's been keeping me up for nights on end. I'm also well aware that maybe you don't feel the same way, and really, I don't know what I'd do at that point, probably melt out of embarrassment for even thinking it was a good idea to tell you and now I'm rambling."
I sucked in a breath and chuckled lightly. By now, the steady flow of students had trickled down to a few leaving the building and only a few left hanging around the entrance, awaiting their rides home.
I could tell Peter didn't quite know what to do, or what to say, really.
"Peter, say something... anything..." I eventually pleaded with a quit voice.
"I just... I don't know what to say because... I don't—I'm sorry but I just don't feel the same about you, is all."
The world came crashing down around me.
"I mean, I really care about you, a lot. But I just... I just don't see you as more than a friend."
It was my turn to be at a loss for words.
So fate had chosen the end of something beautiful then.
"Y-yeah, uh... I-I understand. I-I'm sorry for..." I couldn't bring myself to finish my sentence. My desire to escape the situation was much larger than my desire to complete my statement.
Peter scratched the back of his neck, the action betraying his own discomfort. "Anyway... I uh, I gotta go..." Peter said after he cleared his throat. My eyes were far too focused on the ground beneath my feet to hear Peter's terribly awkward goodbye. Assuming I'd heard, Peter turned around and began to speed walk in the direction of his favorite deli-grocery shop.
That was a month ago. Just as I'd predicted, the conversation would either be the beginning of something even more beautiful than their friendship or the end of a golden friendship—it turned out to be the end of something golden.
I spent the following nights of that day crying and regretting everything I'd done and said, cursing my heart for choosing him of all people. I did, however, get over it... eventually. I distanced herself from Peter, which meant I also distanced myself from Michelle and Ned.
Now, I sit with Liz Allen and her friends at lunch. I haven't spoken to Peter since that day. I can't even manage to be in the same room as him.
I collect my lunch tray from the line and walk to my usual sitting place with Liz and her friends. I take a seat at the table, the last one to arrive.
"Hey, Y/N. We're just talking about Homecoming. Are you still planning on going with Austin?" Liz asks as she nudges my shoulder. I chew on a fry, my cheeks flushing a sweet rose color. Austin and I aren’t really official. We’ve had a few dates here and there, and we text everyday, but that was about it. Austin is sweet, kind, really caring, and very good-looking. Needless to say, I had a thing for him.
"Yes. Yes, I am. He asked me today, before school," I answer with a shy smile after I've swallowed the single fry.
"That's great! I'm so happy for you, Austin is a great guy. Quite good looking too," Liz winks, causing rest of the table to laugh as I continue to blush. "Liz, who are you going with?" One of the girls at the table asks, the attention finally being removed from me. I grab another fry from my tray.
"Peter Parker. He asked me yesterday in the hallway," Liz says with a sweet chuckle. Everyone at the table congratulates Liz with big smiles and teasing shoulder nudges.
Meanwhile, I choke on my fry. I cough wildly, my hand beating on my chest repeatedly until I finally manage to swallow the piece of food. I gasp for air.
"Oh my goodness! Y/N! Are you okay? Should we get help?" Liz asks, her hand on my back, rubbing soothing circles. I reach for my water bottle and desperately chug the liquid.
"I'm fine. Yeah, yeah I'm good. Just, went down the wrong pipe is all," I state with a stale chuckle, my throat still dry as the Sahara desert.
"Hey, weren't you and Peter the best of friends not too long ago?" Liz asks after I have calmed myself down. I no longer have an appetite, so I push the tray of fries away from me.
"What? Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah we uh, we kinda drifted though. Not really on speaking terms," I laugh nervously, the attention unwanted. "But you guys have fun, you'll be really cute together," I congratulate.
Then the day continues.
The final bell rings and I slowly gather my things from my desk and walk to my locker. I can't seem to move on from what Liz had said. I can't help but feel betrayed by Peter. I know he isn't my boyfriend or anything like that, but of all the people he could ask to homecoming, he asks Liz? It feels intentional, but I know Peter isn't the kind of person to do something so petty. Before I know it, I'm standing before my locker. With a sigh, I open the door and begin gathering my belongings and books and such. Then I sense a presence behind the locker door. I decide to investigate, so I shut the locker door and right there, right in front of me, is Peter Parker.
"Can we talk?" Are the first words he speaks.
"Uh, sure... I guess," I answer. "What about?" I ask as I fold my arms over my chest.
"Austin," Peter responded. I give him a funny look. Now I'm interested.
"Look, Y/N. I know we aren't exactly on speaking terms, and I know that's my fault, but you have to hear me out. You don't deserve to be with someone like him. You deserve someone better—"
"Oh, so after avoiding me for almost two months, you're here to tell me who I deserve and who I don't deserve?"
"I don't mean to overstep, but be honest with yourself. What good qualities does Austin have that you find attractive?" I'm in shock. Utter disbelief. He doesn't mean to overstep?
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask, my voice laced with offense.
"It means that you're too good for him, and I wish you'd see that," Peter argues.
"What is this? After you reject me, you come for the guy that didn't reject me? And then you have the nerve to say that you don't mean to overstep? What, is it that you just don't want me to be happy?" I ask, my tone razor sharp.
"No I just— I care about you and I really think you deserve better," Peter says softly as he stares at me. I don’t fail to note that Peter doesn’t even touch on the fact that he had painfully rejected me that day. Now, I’m livid.
"Do I? So you don't think a great guy like Austin is good enough for me? Why? What gives you the right to decide who's right for me and who isn't?" I’m being vicious, I know. My questions are hostile and my tone is venomous.
"Peter, I didn't come up to you and tell you whether or not you deserve Liz. So why do you feel the need to do this to me?"
"I was just trying—"
"You were just trying to what, Peter? First you humiliate me, and then you try to tell me what I do and don't deserve? There's a reason we aren't talking. I think it should stay that way," I say with a cold tone to my voice. My heart hardens as I see the hurt look that flashes across Peter's face before anger takes over his features. Peter then simply nods his head, turns on his heel, and marches down the hallway. I don't even bother to look at him as he leaves, furious that Peter would think he could actually cross such a line, especially with the current status of our friendship.
  ✽ Two weeks later ✽
It's finally Homecoming. I step out of Austin's Mustang GT as he opens the door for me, his handsome, dazzling smile making an appearance.
"After you," Austin says sweetly. I blush.
"Thank you," I shyly say as I place my hand in his.
"Have I already told you that you look stunning yet tonight?" Austin asks as his hand rests on the small of my back as he guides me towards the entrance.
"Well, I think you mentioned it a couple times at dinner," I answer with a wide grin as we walked to the gym entrance. As I walk up the stairs, I see some of Liz's friends at the top.
"Is Liz here yet?" I ask after I've sent Austin inside before me.
The girls shake their heads. "But here she comes!" one points out.
The small, old car pulls up at the entrance. First comes Liz, then Peter. Peter and I lock gazes briefly before I brake it, focusing my attention on Liz.
"You look so pretty!" I say with a wide smile as she hugs me.
"Thanks! You too, you look stunning!"
The dance is in full swing, the music pulsating through the crowded gym.
"I'm gonna go grab some water. I'll be back," I yell over the music into Austin's ear.
He nods his head and answers with a "Don't be too long, beautiful," accompanied by a cheeky wink.
After I down the cup of water, I realize I need fresh air. So I head to the back of the building, doing my best to avoid the heavy rain under the minimal shade.
"I thought I'd find you here," Peter says over the sound of the rain slapping the ground. I turn around  to find Peter standing not too far from me. My lips purse.
"Can I just explain myself? We haven't talked in two months and it's killing me and I really feel like you deserve an explanation," Peter says as he stands before me, clearly not having a care about getting wet in the rain. Before I can even answer, he’s talking.
"I like you. In a 'more than a friend' kind of way," Peter begins, the rain water beginning to soak into his clothes and his hair; droplets of water sliding down his face, down his beautiful features. He watches for my reaction.
My lip quivers and I shake my head. Hot tears threatened to spill from my eyes the longer I look at him. The lump in my throat prevents me from properly swallowing. He’s just said the words I was been hoping to hear from him two months ago, and yet, my heart breaks instead.
And then I just choke. The tears fell in a similar manner to the heavy rain.
I don’t know if he can tell I’m crying or not, but Peter continues.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I can't believe it took me two months to realize it. I'm sorry it took seeing you with someone other than me to realize that I do like you. I'm sorry I hurt you. God, I'm so sorry," Peter apologizes, his voice shaking. I don't know what to say. I stand there, looking at him. I'm angry, I'm heartbroken, and I have no idea how to handle this situation. So, I do my best to put how I'm feeling into words.
"Peter, I can't keep doing this with you. This terrible back and forth. I tore myself to pieces contemplating whether I should tell you how I felt. And I finally decided I'd tell you, and you brushed me to the side, if anything. So forgive me if I don't just rush into your arms and say that all is forgiven," I gush, my salty tears mixing with the falling rain.
"Y/N, please," Peter begs.
"Please, what, Peter? What do you want from me?" I sob.
  "I want a second chance. I screwed up, and I realize that now. Please. Just give me a second chance. I'm so so sorry I hurt you. And I know I didn't make it any better by bringing Liz as my date. I just wanted to... I wanted to make you jealous." Peter's crying now too.
The rain is pouring relentlessly, our clothes all the way soaked through, the fabric sticking to our skin.
"And instead you hurt me," I bite.
"Please, Y/N," he begs again, his voice desperate. Peter closes the space between us. I place my hands on his chest, trying to create more space between us. My effort was futile, so instead, I wrap my arms around my shaking frame.
"I'm sorry," Peter whispers, his eyes wandering across my face, trying to find an emotion—any emotion—in my eyes. We stood there, the two of us staring at one another, the rain's rhythmic tune filling our silence. Right now, there's absolutely nothing more that I want than for my heart to stop aching. I want him to reach out for me, to pull me in; to make the pain go away.
Instead, I find myself doing what I want him to do to me.
I reach out for him, my hands cradling the nape of his neck as I pull him towards me. Peter's hands move to rest on my waist. Our foreheads press together, lips barely brushing against one another.
"I really want to—" Peter begins.
"Kiss me," I interrupt, my Y/E/C meeting Peter's chocolate eyes. Without hesitation, Peter gladly dips his head to finally connect his lips with my own.
There is still so much we need to talk about, so much I still have to tell him, so much I still have to explain; so much to be said. But right now, this kiss is all I need.
A/N: Hi. I’m working on requests right now, just trying to work through this terrible writer’s block. Anyway, can we get this to at least 200 notes? I worked really hard on it and some support would really be great. Also, feel free to give me some feedback!
Taglist: @gerardway-has-socks-yeah
236 notes · View notes
incarnateirony · 6 years
So I kind of just need a place to let it all out.
If you don’t want to hear me ranting about my truest encounter with the embodiment of male privilege, the stereotype of millennials, and even bad stereotypes about queerfolk - that I’ve ever encountered in a single being - please keep scrolling and /ignore. But it’s better to rant about it here in this contained area than have it wank up in an SM area that is adjacent to a growing business profile. If someone finds it, okay, I have nothing to hide, but still, better to keep clear air over there rather than kick up in main venues.
But holy shit.
Beware: Much cussing afoot. Minding through this journey this guy is trying to demolish weeks of my work and tried to use my credit card and busting up people’s hubs and turning friends on each other and all kinds of stuff. This is my personal blog and at this point, I’m furious. 
 Okay so I’m going to start with CultFans. Some of you saw some of the work done. Let me tell you a little bit about how CF started. (and before making any judgments about CF because of this dude as described below, read the whole thing and understand how it’s changed now.)
There was a little podcast called Order of the Outpost. The Outpost is a small CW summer show with a tiny fandom, but I watch it because... well, it’s honestly an indie studio getting its first real shot and struggling through a lack of budget to swing with the big dogs and fuck yes I am trash for that kind of content. But anyway, OotO was started by a girl named Kira, who formerly ran The Lit Round Table for the Librarians fandom, and producer Dean Devlin showed up on it at one point. She got to go to set with the others. It was cool! Dean also signed on to support Outpost next to Arrowstorm, so heyyyyy it was just sort of a neat idea, maybe he’ll show back up one day and if not, we can nerd meta talk.
Several people pile in. One is this dude who happened to make semi-friends with a young actress getting a role in the show, who referred a few people to the stream. The problem is, when people got there, the streams went a few hours, it wasn’t structured - but I mean, that’s understandable. It’s a young fan stream in a young fandom, there’s not gonna be a lot of structure. And we don’t want to take over her podcast with a RuEL oF lAW but we see that the last guest got visibly exhausted. In fact, it was bad enough Shea and I left the call because it had run for 2 1/2 hours and that was just ridiculous. But it left Kira and... dude with the one semifriend actress (Tim/TJ). So the call went into eternity.
I felt bad for Josh (the set guy that was there) and thought - okay, I mean, I have the experience to help this keep rolling, but things have to change. You don’t want to change up her podcast but... if you want guests to stay engaged something has to change. So I propose making like, a second feature. This proposal was originally a second piece of content/second show on the same channel, but Dude With The SemiFriendish Actress ran off and, while I was checking my funds to consider investing in a website, registered a separate social media account, already started spamming tags out and alerting people about a change... okay, weird and unnecessary but whatever, roll with it.
He says he likes the idea of a more professional environment so that’s why he ran off and made the separate channel. I ask if he can invest in it at all. He says no. Okay, well, we need better than what we have, if we want any agents to take us seriously, so I drop the hard cash for website, domain, etc etc up front. I let him know it’s gonna be a hard road if he wants to do that kind of thing, he says he gets it and will listen.Totally open to feedback since I know what I’m doing and I’m totally an owner because I’m investing. Cool. So we do our first independent podcast which ends up being like... an hour and a half of him interrupting everything and talking at the guest. Flashbacks to the call with Josh, which dude COMPLETELY blamed Kira for. Even though he was one of two participants. 
I pull him aside, say that’s not okay, that’s still way too long. We’re gonna start scripting it. Nobody’s here to see you talk, dude, or hear your opinion. If you want an opinion stream, go to OotO, you’re supposed to be supporting guests. That’s why they show up - publicity for a small studio. Says he gets it... give him a script. I start working on videos. He visits OotO one more time and drops a GIANT PR BOMB I DARE NOT REPEAT BUT IT COULD HAVE COST SOMEBODY THEIR JOB. (for the record, it’s something it turns out he completely hyperbolically inflated to make himself look good and turned up completely false but this isn’t shit you play around with son, these are careers.) We lock down the OotO stream and scrub it. He does a thousand frowny faces and apologizes and says he gets it. Okay! He’s new to this... will give another chance. 
Now, let me insert, I love Sonalii Castillo to death. She’s talented in every way imaginable and a sweetheart. But she is not a big name. She deserves to be a big name, but she isn’t there yet. Her star meter floats at about the same level as TAW, if that gives you any idea, only she’s not a complete shitlord like TAW - she just hasn’t gotten a lucky break yet. But due to huffing crack from talking to her, dude sets up a patreon. We’re so new we have like 6 subscribers but he makes tiers like “$200/month TJ will add you to PS4 and play games with you.” Who the fuck are you dude??? Who is going to do that??? What the fuck? I tell him to take that shit down.
And... another. Dude, who all are you emailing? Wait, why do we have a new email? Wait, you registered an email on top of my domain? That we don’t have access to? Wait - what? Make a fucking spreadsheet, what the fuck is going on. 
“Make a spreadsheet” - he comes back with this eye bleeding hot mess:
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Just... pages of that. (Contacts blacked out for obvious reasons) O-...okay... he’s... he’s trying, I guess? Need contact to the email to see what you’ve said so we can follow up. Wait, you have THREE emails? Okay - he - he let us in one. Good enough for fucking now I guess, despite bitching him out to not do things in private.
Find him sending two page bricks about his aspergers and hopes and dreams to agents when they ask for more details. Uh- that’s... that’s not what they meant dude? “I didn’t realize-” dude there’s aspergers and then there’s just being completely- like- ridiculous. Dude, I have aspergers. And boy did he pitch that as an excuse every chance he got. Either you’re cut out for this kind of work or you’re not.
So I’m going behind, scrubbing on audio and video PR bombs, busted agent rep, vats of what turns out to be HUNDREDS of emails, writing scripts, making videos and even running the live broadcast because nobody else can handle it - oh, and paid for the site, because, you know, it was me saying we needed a better environment to begin with that kicked this off, but I never meant to completely break away but WHATEVER it is what it is. I made a point to keep attending OotO while, unsurprisingly, he dropped them cold.
He convinces a comic shop owner to give him swag for a light sponsorship deal for advertisement-vs-giveaway - cool, that’s cool. Inventory it. But he wants to keep this super rare rogue poster! Did he give it to you as a gift or as a sponsorship? ...For a giveaway. Okay, then you don’t keep that, that’s fraud. [pouty face]
Keep in mind this dude is 25.
He keeps turning up going “look at the stuff I got from the comic shop for giveaways!” and we’re like, dude, stop spending money, we don’t have money, you’re on welfare, knock it off until we get some sort of income. DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO WITH MY MONEY okay but if that’s your money that’s on you, I’m not taking that as an investment I’m going to have to pay back when we keep saying to stop buying shit. INVENTORY it so we can BUNDLE it and make GIVEAWAYS. Took like a month of me telling him this for him to inventory a grand total of like 12 items. 
So I got him to close his utterly failed patreon and opened one of my own, that stayed in MY management, and he starts bitching for the login. Dude, you didn’t give me yours? You literally won’t give me anything that has a card on it so why am I going to give it to you? We’re not the ones blowing random money left and right? If there’s an expense to pay back, minding of course I’m the one that’s invested triple digits in this and he’s... spastically bought random swag at a comic book store and registered a redundant email on top of my domain that clogs up my ability to use *MY* free email in my package, while paying a few cents a day on it - I’ll fucking paypal you the money dude. If I get hit by a bus tomorrow Shea lives in the same house and can handle it. You don’t need my login creds.
I mean by now, there’s already huge red flags. Add in calling us each and rambling at us three hours a day about jack schitt all nothing while we say we’re trying to do work and mostly just talking about himself, kinda like he does on live air. Serious major narcissism shows, increasing creepiness with female guests, his weird obsession with anything money based, impulse spending, oh and he takes this “I’m the creator” attitude. ???? I... bought everything? And... Shea and I make... literally all of the resulting product? ???? You... ran off early and registered an SM account???? What did you create? Oh, it was “his idea”... right... okay. Yeah, no it wasn’t. Cue arguments and shitfits about it starting up.
But hey, I’m going to stay on point because we have a good thing going.
Again, HUNDREDS of emails. Try to navigate that hellhole of a spreadsheet and eventually just go ���Fuck it, I’ll reformat, and make him fill in the other parts,”
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Tada, a spreadsheet you can actually like, find shit. Suddenly the other team members could understand what the fuck was going on. I put in a date of contact, and email of contact field (now it’s all uniform now that we’ve cleaned up, but there were FOUR emails bouncing in there that he was doubletapping people from, once I made him type it out). Made him go find his own bullshit and put in dates/emails while haranguing him into giving us access to all but one email, and he pitched a fit saying his personal payment details were on it (because he chose to register the gsuite ON TOP OF MY DOMAIN just because he had limited delegated access to my godaddy I guess. IDK how Gsuite gets signed up for but I’ll just guess randos can’t do it without SOME kind of access)
Well, keep in mind, I’d been spending bare minimum 6, often 18 hours a week resorting emails, ELI5ing basic business or even basic human engagement, on top of my scripting and video work and everything else, because I bought into the “nobody ever gives me a chance” whining. And I’m all about giving people chances to do things they have fire to do. Literally all we’re asking for is to like, spellcheck his work (he was posting things through the blog like “Exlcusive”), not be a PR bomb, and sort out his shit (spreadsheets, emails) so I didn’t always have to clean up over him. Not exactly exorbitant work standards. Also stay relatively on script because, well, nobody wants to attend a stream for 2 1/2 hours, 2 hours of which is him talking at everyone instead of pulling information from the guests or engaging on behalf of an audience.  But he’s trying, I tell myself! Against my better judgment. And, well, at least he contributes to paying imdbpro? 
Well, I thought he did. Until I found out he was on a free trial and that expired. Sooo guess who had to register for the next trial? [this guy thumbs] Guess who started demanding access despite not allowing access before because of payment creds?
Because I’ve worked in stuff before, I run this by an old art director that’s worked on some pretty big shit. She doesn’t know anyone on the stream from Adam but HONES in on TJ. Her “protect the model” instinct kicked in immediately with how he was engaging female guests. “Mouth breathing basement dwelling perv” was the vibe she got off of him, without any prompting, and she immediately skeeved out. “He’s a problem, he’s a huge problem.” And I legit hadn’t said SHIT to her. She apparently saw the look on my face and was like “What?”  so, storytime kicked in. But I did still make excuses for him. He’s an aspie, sometimes we’re weird about how we communicate, our tones are off, it may just be a quirk outside of his control - etc etc. But all this other shit has built up despite my thousand excuses I’ve run for him (and some I’ve completely brushed over in this novel) She also noted he choked on the McNally interview - that we were all nervous but he was squeaky. I said that was my fault, I rode his ass too hard about staying on script, poor baby was trying, that was a my bad. 
And there’s parts I haven’t even touched on, TBH.
But let’s review where we’re at
Original OotO stream
I still attend, he drops Kira cold
He’s bitching in private quarters that he can’t stand her
I still try to refer guests we get to her 
He starts dragging her when off air to blockade her getting guests
I now lose my shit on him
More frowny faces
after PR bombs
after unsorted emails
after the eyebleeding spreadsheet
After wrecking connections to a few agencies
After many long talks
after him running off script for weeks
After an art director spots him as a problem immediately
After I do all scripting, videos, and broadcasting
After Shea does all the graphics
After we made all of the triple digit investment
Dude randomly thinks he owns it because he bolted off to register an SM first
But wait, there’s MORE!
Dude starts pitching bitches that I put out deadlines. Because he’s done things like try to bait guests on live air to make commitments to him and all kinds of shit, and I’m hard scripting it now to PREVENT that. But if the artists are gonna get the script in a time they can yay/nay we need to get it to them BEFORE THE FINAL HOUR. So he misses deadlines and then expects everyone to hand him their questions and work so he can be on the whole stream after he fucked off for a week and failed to even SUBMIT A QUESTION TO BE SCRIPTED? Um, NO? Guess who loses his shit about “his baby.” Oh boy, the entire team has a comeapart on him at this point.
He comes forward with telling the story of how the australian version of welfare (I forget what it’s called? Centerpoint? Some shit like that?) is up his ass to get a job but they’re getting “off his ass” because he’s “trying to make a business” and he’s happy about that, so he “might get a part time job, if he has to" but he wants to finally move out, get a two bedroom apartment. Dude, I point out, if there’s ANY money in this at ALL it is a LONG way away so get the fucking job.
He apologizes, says he gets it... whatever. But boy, an older, not-classically-attractive and not-big-name male guest? He suddenly doesn’t give a shit. Like, no questions, outright says he doesn’t care if he’s on it. But - but Jennifer is the week after!! He absolutely has to be there!!! Uh, why? Do you know anything about what a producer even DOES? Well, no. But he’s bouncing on Charan so he should be in the front THERE. Okay, so what are you going to ask her. Oh, he has no idea. But there’s going to be a GIRL on the stream to talk at, so hey!
But here we are right after I say it was my fault he was choking on McNally’s interview and he runs 15 minutes off script on the next one AND tries to talk over me for a SOLID MINUTE during our scripted wrap. I manage to end the broadcast, I drop mention of OotO to the guest and he goes OFF about it being an unbearable stream; like yes I will be honest literally everybody jokes about her laugh but saying “just letting you know it’s unstructured-” isn’t an invite to go off calling her stream a hot mess and yes, once you go off about her laugh everybody’s gonna laugh a bit and chuckle it off and roll long enough to not go off on you in front of an actor but everybody else knew to shut it down with “but Kira’s sweet” and end it. And nothing about her having any kind of laugh is worth HARDBALL BLOCKADING her getting guests. It’s fair to warn them that it isn’t structured like an interview, because, you know - well, let’s not blindside them, but that still WORKS for some personalities. That DOESNT mean you go off calling it a hot mess and all kinds of other shit. And people lightly rolling with it long enough to not make you look like a TREMENDOUS THUNDERCUNT and make a scene in front of an actor they KNOW you will blow up on us in front of does not WARRANT that behavior, catch a clue when everybody’s cutting it off with “But she’s a sweet girl” dude. Or the fact that SOME OF US STILL GO TO HER STREAM. You’re the one that hard dropped her.
But after the last time he dragged Kira I went off on him. I even deadass told him the feedback from the art director finally. I try to sort his vat of emails to cool off, and wake up in the morning to an ENTIRE INBOX full of him shittily forwarding things from his private email we said he shouldn’t even HAVE, full of attitude about me doubletapping a few clients, after HE put the wrong contact date/email in the sheet BY HIS OWN HAND. Like, I’m supposed to psychically know what’s in his fucking private email he won’t cough up when he put the wrong data down.
So here I am, cup of coffee still untouched, put my butt down in the chair, see an inbox FULL of him being a wumbo sized shitlord and he starts calling me on Hangouts, like he must have seen my indicator turn green. Again, keep in mind him being notorious for three hour phonecalls about nothing, and/or arguing. So I decline. He calls again. I decline. He calls again. I answer. “What.”
Long silence.
“I’m not creepy.”
“Come again?”
Long silence. “I listened to the stream. I don’t sound creepy.”
“Dude, a creepy sounding dude isn’t going to think you sound creepy. And it’s not just the art director. I’ve gotten that from a few other viewers.” 
Long silence. He starts trying to argue and I cut him off. Like, no dude. After all of this shit, after ALL of this, after we have literally built and invested in ALL of this when you don’t have a single goddamn skill sufficient for the job and we spend full work weeks trying to mentor you while trying to do other shit, you had the audacity to talk over me during our wrap THEN DRAG KIRA.
“Well I didn’t realize I was doing it.”
“What do you mean okay?”
“I mean, okay? What do you want me to say to that? If you have something going on in your head that somehow makes you unable to process you’re trying to talk over someone for a solid minute, during a point that has literally been part of a routine for a month and a half, what do you want me to say?”
Long awkward pause. “So how do we fix it?”
“I don’t know, dude. I’ve tried everything. I’ve tried scripting, teaching you metronome, I’ve tried moving your position around in the stream to see if you sync somewhere better, I’ve tried having you watch other interviews, I’ve tried giving you templates. I’ve tried being gentle, being firm, I’ve tried outright bitching you out. And if you don’t even realize you’re doing these things, I don’t know how to make you fix them. I’m a production coordinator, not a psychologist.”
“But... how do we fix it?”
“I... just said I don’t know.”
“Yeah but I mean, how do we fix it.”
“I mean you can keep asking me that over and over but I just told you, I’ve done everything I can even think of at this point to make this work and to give you chances that I am in no way obligated to give you. And you know, through all of this, I haven’t even gotten a single thank you from you? For even giving you a chance to be part of this?”
Awkward silence. “But it’s m-”
“Don’t start that it’s mine shit. There is no universe in which this is yours. And if you want to play that, I can walk with the site, the domain you registered your emails on, my videos, broadcasting software, Shea’s design and my general understanding on how any of this works, like I could have done a month ago from your bullshit, and you can try to do it with a google hangouts and a wix site and see how that works.”
Awkward silence. “Well how do -”
“I swear to god if you ask me how to fix it one more time I’m hanging up. [Brief silence] Okay, so how about you tell me how to fix it, instead?”
He’s quiet a minute. “I don’t know.”
“Okay well if I’ve reached the limit of my ability to think on how to fix it, and you don’t know how to fix it, I’m going to need you to try harder.”
He loops this cycle several times. In hindsight, I’m aware now, he was trying to make me be the wicked witch that kicked him out. But I wasn’t. He came up on his own, “Maybe I should take a step back.”
“Is that what you think will fix it?”
“Yeah. I mean. Maybe. But... if I step back... what do I get out of it?”
“...Come again?”
“I mean, if I step back, what kind of money do I get.”
“Okay, look dude, what money? There IS no money. There’s like 5 bucks in a patreon when I paid out well over 100 bucks in startup costs. These problems, all of these problems, these explosions in the team all have one source. It’s that simple. If you think you stepping back fixes it, I’m not going to stop you, but there IS no money.”
“But what about if you start MAKING money?”
“Like in a few years, this gets big. I mean, I created it and all - I get money, right?”
“What did you create?”
Crickets. Finally, “It was my idea.”
“No, dude, it was everyone’s idea. And even if it was your idea, which it wasn’t, an idea is just an idea. I have an idea that I’d love to genetically splice a lizard back into being a T-Rex but if I have no idea how to fucking do it and someone else does all the work for that, they’re the creator of the goddamn new T-Rex, so you can put that down right now.”
Awkward silence. Says he has to think. Hangs up.
Okay well, I have an interview to prerecord, so we just get to rolling.
He comes back in the NEXT MORNING bitching about money again. And not even just about money. 
So here’s the deal. Yet again, like many a morning recently, I approach with an untouched cup of coffee, sit down... and there is a WALL OF BRICKS in our team chat. Why? Because Shea fucking triggered on him like two hours ago and they haven’t stopped. Shea, a woman with more than 10 years management experience, who was supposed to handle any money we DID get coming in, was out working her 55 hour a week shitty retail job (for the record, due to being physically broken beyond function I am on disability, but I worked until I couldn’t do it anymore, literally, and at least it’s SOME income), when he came in saying, I shit you not, that he needed “that money” because he never wants to have to work retail, sales, or food and he shouldn’t have to get a part time job at Samsung.
What the fuck? Who the fuck are you dude? Needless to say, Shea went postal in righteous anger. And we ALL had righteous anger of our own. Our work, our history in regular work force, our input in this, and asking him what he thinks any of us should get paid for our work or how much he thinks this is going to pull for him to move into a two bedroom apartment. Does only he get paid if we somehow start pulling a few thousand dollars? And is he going to give anything back to Arrowstorm? To Sonalii? How much does he think this digital business is going to be paying in the first year? 10K? 20? or does only him getting a few thousand dollars count? Arrowstorm is indie, don’t just ride their shit to fame as your goal dude, that’s not how this fucking works. Even Stacy, sweetest pea in the pod that hates confrontation, bricked him about the need to respect Arrowstorm and how hard this all is. And what do you even do to justify making all the money? He fills out the imdb spreadsheet, he says. That original hot mess that I had to reformat. And sends emails, that I have to clean up after him. That takes TIME. I bundled it up and did the math like I did and said he was running an average of 1-2 hours a week of work. But he’s super busy. That’s his excuse. We just dont KNOW what his life is like.
Meanwhile we get wind he’s going back to Kira, after ALL THE SHIT DRAGGING HE DID OF HER, and abandoning her stream which I was STILL going to every week. Why? Because everybody’s sick of his shit here, so he’ll go there for convenience, I guess, since he burned everybody up here. And when we confront him about how shitty and gross that is, he tries to justify it but gets reamed. Tries to blame it on how busy he’s been too. Super busy. A wall of busy. And it’s a fantastic busy wall.
Dude goes dead silent on everybody. Kay, well, we have final prep for a live feature with THE ARROWSTORM PRODUCER the next day so we get back to our shit, because we’re sick of him derailing everything. Wake up in the morning to him trying to ultimatum US about the emails we said he shouldn’t have and leaving. So, you know. That was a thing. And we get a notice that he tried to set the FB to delete. Now it becomes a mad dash to password change EVERYTHING. And change all of the recovery options. Luckily my godaddy account was already delegated and restricted access but I go to doublecheck and THIS motherfucker has a domain registration package IN MY CHECKOUT CART. What. The FUCK. Luckily he can’t see or use my payment details but I screenshot that shit. I still have to be live with the producer in a few hours and put on a good face. Like the last interview, it went great without him (barring a tech difficulty that slammed us because of my shitty tech). She said she had a great time. Said she was gonna text the leads in the show (which IS a CW show) to get in contact with us. We smile and wave and thank her and off she goes.
I look back in hangouts and he’s bitching about the emails, I tell him just delete the shit dude, I can register them again, I’m not an idiot and already backed everything up to a zip folder and if there’s downtime it’s the weekend and agents won’t be answering anyway while I put it back up, I don’t give a shit but HEY, while we’re at it, I’m super curious about why I spotted this in my checkout cart and why you pitched a bitch about your access levels suddenly. You know, right before I password locked you out. So are you going from passive fraud of accidentally keeping things from the comic store to active fraud using my card to buy shit? Luckily I’m smarter than you, son.
Oh, the excuses flowed. It was an accident. He didn’t realize, he was just checking how much it would cost (like they don’t show that before you select), IDK, they never found the bodies was probably next.
So I dig in google history to make sure other weird shit wasn’t going on and make sure he was locked out of everything and find that this dumb motherfucker set the group email to be his microsoft account so both microsoft AND google were tracking him and this fuckface was playing more than 60+ hours of random games and bullshit a *week.* And I don’t mean like “might have left it running when he left the house” games, I mean rotating titles every 30-45 minutes was common. You could literally see when he’d try to initiate his three hour google calls, then hang up and go play Marvel, then pick a fight and when people got pissed, turned around and played asphalt, then came back to complain about money, and then when people bitched at him went on grindr or looked up a mix of ageplay and/or pedo porn. Like it’s RIGHT THERE in the tracking history and it’s hard to miss because *he’s the only fucker in australia in the team* and you can track the logins. Mine are all like searching for the acting reels i need or whatever to build their video features then his is like Hungry Sharks > Asphalt 8 > FIFA > Grindr > Some PotC game and so on. The occasional single googling of an article. And you can track this shit going on every day for WEEKS. So I bold ass call that out.
Like, you’re too busy to put in more work or to talk to Kira until it’s convenient to you but you can do [list of 20 apps] for 9 hours a day? On TOP of calling each of us for hours? What the FUCK?
He starts typing to argue back and I’m like, no motherfucker, don’t start. You are literally in here, hoping to work on the actual product being created by people with the work skills making this happen, claiming it’s your creation just because you ran off half cocked and made an SM account you tagged us into and it would look weird to break off AGAIN from OotO, so we ran with it but have literally put in every penny and working hour and bit of product to this and you expect us to wire you any and all cash out of it because what? You LITERALLY have said you just don’t want to work, you LITERALLY have done NOTHING but eat up our time while we give you endless chances, and you’re on here doing [list of 20 more apps] and googling a site once a day as your labor into this expecting cash to just pour into your pockets? Are you on crack?
Typing again, 
No dude, we’re not here to pave your way. 
Delete... typing again.
No, dude, you’re looking to make a quick buck on everybody else’s work and that’s not gonna fly.
Delete... typing again.
Dude, don’t even, it’s RIGHT THERE in the google history.
...[Tim has left this group]
Okay. Whatever. Ding dong the bitch is dead, we have more work to do. I onboard a few friends to help out with my video/transcripting load - not that TIm ever did any of that anyway - and get to work. I just leave it out of public. Keep rolling. In 2 days we get more work done than I usually did in 2 weeks because, guess what, I’m not cleaning up a manchild’s messes and getting called hours on end and having to argue about basic common sense. And I mean tangible work. Like, now we’re literally a month ahead on prep for our content that we were always running to the last minute on, off of a few DAYS of work. The rest is all time to grow and settle in now.
Turn around... find out his ass is subtweeting us. And not just subtweeting, he’s claiming it was discrimination because he was gay.
I shit you not.
He’s out there saying that Grindr was used to “throw his sexuality in his face” despite being on a list of like 20394203942039420394203942039420394 apps he was fucking around with all fucking day while pitching this attitude. *And* claiming someone was “creepy” for “checking out his browsing history.” not that I checked out *our group account history* because he was *trying to spend money on my card and tried to delete our facebook*, but hey. Spin it how you want, I guess?
My friend, who joined the hangout, and by proxy it loaded the chat history, called him on his shit. Who, by the way, is queer. Like no, motherfucker, this is just your own lazy spoiled entitled ass making its own bed, if it was a straight chat site you’d be getting bitched out for doing Fuck All just the same, what the fuck. I don’t care if it was eHarmony listed in there amidst all the games. Deal with your shit. He blocks her. Blocks everyone. Starts messaging people that are liking said friend’s comments on the thread going “I see you noticed the thread-” and trying his bullshit schpiel on them. Sorry dude. These are people I’ve built rapport with for years and know my work ethic, better luck next fucking time.
And the proof is in the pudding. I’ve gone from being entirely MIA and unreachable for weeks at a time drowning in this shit to being a month ahead on work, with said-friend only having to put in like 3-4 hours of useful additions (rather than basically working against us 16~ hours a week) and boom, we’re way ahead of the curve now! I’m talking to people again! Shit called. Mischief managed.
But if you ever want the image of a thousand stereotypes in one ball
a 25 year old white dude that is creepy as fuck with female guests to the point almost everybody picks up on it, lives with his mother, has never worked a job in his life, thinks breathing in his vicinity or playing games with him is reason to throw money at him, thinks he owns anything he looks in the direction of and thinks he should get all the money; and, on the other hand, falls into the (GENERALLY FAKE) stereotype that calls of discrimination against LGBT folk are just excuses (WHICH IS SHIT THAT MAKES IT HARDER WHEN ACTUAL DISCRIMINATION HITS).  *AND* having the audacity to go public about it *AFTER* we tried to quietly let him walk. The literal embodiment of the worst of every fucking stereotype rolled into one, from lazy young generation to men taking credit over the work women do and feeling superior to even attitudes that make honest hard-working LGBT folk have a hell of a time in the world when real discrimination hits.
...[flips tables]
For the record, here is said friend calling his shit. Some of you may know her, too. 
So there, my rant of the day.
Men. Are fucking. Exhausting. Oh. My god.
But now, we’re ahead. We’re pulling ahead. We’re going to be stable and strong and we’re now poised to even increase our number of guests on the week, especially if those emails from the leads come in. We can take the punches, and everybody’s comfortable on interviews without him being weird on them now, and things are going places.
But christ on a coconut. This is literally *WHY* it’s so hard to get given a chance in the world. Because people like this are given a chance and they just... KSJFKSJDFksjfskdjf
I hate people.
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