#as much as i love a simple sleek design
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moe-broey · 2 months
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I actually do like her official outfit! I just... had a deep need.... put that girl in a nightgown and slippers RIGHT NOW‼️‼️‼️‼️ Also it is admittedly so much easier to draw 🧍
I did try to keep in line with most of her official look though! Or add more emphasis to little details, like the red berries... other details I added, like the bloomers, keep the roundness of her og dress! BUT ALSO.... they are just so cutes.... I imagine they're made of rose petals...... I was also thinking angelic motifs. With the dress shape, and the smaller wings shaped as such!
#fire emblem#feh#so much of this was just. trusting her color palette actually. like i feel there are just A Lot. of colors here.#some of which idk if the even should work together!!! in combination like this!!! red/pink! easy! pink/purple! easy!#pink/green! ONE OF MY FAVES. pink/blue? CLASSIC. pink w a rainbow gradient? THE CROWD GOES WILD I LOVE THAT SHIT#pastel pink/hot pink! YIPPEE!!!!! all together?? um. all? together? all of them? you said. all of them?????? hhngh. OKAYYY....#ADD A LITTLE PINK/YELLOW IN THERE. JUST FOR FUNSIES. FOR THE BIT. ALRIGHT!!!! WHY THE FUCK NOT!!!!!!!#trying to balance this w my own touches too. like the butterfly clips. they add SO much whimsy.#you can tear those from my cold dead hands. do they match the berries at the bottom of her hair....? um. well#idk i just think she's so cute she makes it work.#another challenging thing from a logistical level though was trying to get the shapes right...#like. turning down the business of the design. trying to draw the eyes to a focal point (which i think is the gown?)#then your eyes can parse out ooohh big fluffy hair and cute round bloomers peaking through. and wings!#LIKE... i think the sleek simple gown w just a bit of ruffliness at the bottom does help a lot#she feels. balanced. i hope LMFAOOO#either way this is how i'm going to draw her now and you can't stop me. if i'm going to be drawing a chara one million times#I NEED. TO MAKE IT EASY ON MYSELF. and fun! i am SO in love w her little nightgown it's INSANE... look at hwr.... 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺#mirabilis#my art
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redhotarsenic · 1 year
Not to make myself sound like I Know Shit and I’m all big and smart and important but. I could’ve designed bayonetta 3 Jeanne better.
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yamujiburo · 19 days
Hello, I’ve always been impressed by your design decisions so I wanted to ask: are there any Pokemon or trainers that have really spoken to you design-wise? Not necessarily your favorite, but left a strong impression on you.
Hope the rest of your day goes well! ^^
Aw thanks so much! I love character design, it was my first passion before storyboarding actually
Here's my faves:
RYME!!!! They nailed that older gen rapper look. Backwards cap, sequins, lots of gold and a puffy jacket! Also I'm not quite sure this is the intention with her shoes but they kinda look like grillz which is sick. I'm a sucker for a limited palette so the black, gold with turquoise accents in her nails, mic, earrings and eyes spoke to me. Also OF COURSE her hair (you're gonna se this pattern for the next two LOL). Making her locks look like a skeleton??? Genius. I love the hand bone for the front and the hip bone for the back. Literally one of the coolest trainer designs pokemon's ever given us.
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GRANT! Just an immediately readable design. Oh, he looks like a rock climber, must be a rock type gym leader. Simple fit, I love a sleek black top. The carabiner, climber straps and chalk holder add a little more complexity to the design but not too much. It's a smart choice with how wild his hair is. I feel like if you do too much in the fit AND the hair, you risk your design feeling overdesigned and busy. I love that his hair is meant to look like a rock/cliffs with the holds! The holds add a nice dash of color without being too much.
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AMARYS <3 It's the fact that she's in uniform but still has a design that immediately caught my eye. But to her being in uniform, I find it really cool that the other Elite 4 members really alter theirs or have accessories that make the uniforms feel like their own or really different but Amarys doesn't really. It goes to show how rigid she is and gives you the impression that she's a very "follow the rules" kind of person. Her main accessory seems to be her boots which just LOOK heavy, and sleek and look like they have bolts in them. It really makes her design feel bottom heavy and grounded which I feel is appropriate for a steel type trainer. Now, hair. Look at her hair. SO GOOD. I loveeee that pokemon is utilizing black hairstyles like this. Her hair being screws that kinda resemble banto knots is so CUTE. The could have left her hair at that but the braid across her forehead adds a nice asymmetrical aspect to her design. It's so cool that it mirrors her pocketwatch chain, creating a focal point on the school crest. And lastly her glasses! Super cute, I think it's cool that it gives the illusion of bottom lashes which makes her eyes feel a little more droopy or sad than they really are. It just really brings her facial features all together and helps sell her personality.
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kittttycakes · 1 month
I'll take Dreamling with #8 in secrecy because i'm curious of where that could go 👀
Please enjoy this vaguely heist-y AU!
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
“We have got to stop meeting like this,” Hob said with a smile, aiming for charming and casual and only succeeding on one count. He leaned against the bar next to Dream, adjusting the cuffs of his jacket, if only for something to do with his hands. Something about the other man made him nervous, threw his decades of professional experience out the nearest window so that it lay, writhing, on the sidewalk, far from him.
Dream, as stunning as ever in a sleek black-on-black suit, took a drink of his wine before setting the near full glass down. He thought he saw the hint of a smile, hiding at the edges of his lips. “Have we met before?” he asked instead, that all too familiar, somnolent voice too close to Hob’s ear to be strictly polite.
If that was the game he wanted to play, Hob could go along with him. “Only in my dreams,” he replied with a wink. That earned him something that might have been a laugh, if Dream had let it develop. As it was, Hob recognized an amused huff of air when he heard one, especially when it came from Dream.
He startled slightly when Dream took his elbow, steering him away from the open bar and back towards the floor of the exhibit hall. It had taken more than a few strings pulled for Hob’s name to be added to the guest list; the museum had increased security since the last time he had set foot in it, and it had taken rather more of Johanna’s skills than it had before, but she had pulled it off: Hob’s name appeared on the guest list as one of the highest tier donors of the year. It was only natural that he should be invited. In three hours, all records of his chosen pseudonym for the evening would disappear. He would never have existed. For the moment, however—
Dream was pulling him through the hall, walking at a pace that would not arouse any kind of suspicion: two men, having a friendly walk through the exhibit, the light refracting through an inconceivable amount of gemstones and gold, platinum, and silver. He took a sharp turn, taking Hob with him, disappearing behind a column and then down a corridor that Hob had mentally designated as a possible exit route if his first four choices failed.
It was only when they were out of earshot of anyone else, and decidedly out of range of any cameras, firmly hidden in a dead spot that Johanna had specifically noted for him, that Dream spoke to him again.
“I’m afraid you and I are after the same target,” he said in that same steady, even tone. “I would advise you to pick a new one.”
Hob nearly laughed. As if it were that simple. He had a buyer lined up for specific pieces, which Dream undoubtedly knew. He was in the same position, although Hob could never be sure of just how much their particular circumstances overlapped.
“And what target would that be?” he asked lightly, watching Dream’s face in the dim light of the service hallway.
“I do not care what else you spirit away, but that ruby is mine.”
He hadn’t thought he’d been that obvious, and he nearly said as much before thinking better of it.
“Ask me for anything else and it’s yours, love, but that’s the one thing I cannot do,” Hob replied, not without genuine regret. His job was regrettably lonely, his only real point of contact Johanna, and whoever pulled her strings was a complete mystery to him. Being a contract for hire specialist had its advantages and disadvantages, and the solitary nature of the work was both at once. It was a miracle that he had ever even met Dream, let alone run into him on more than one occasion. It should not have happened at all, and yet they kept colliding, showing up where the other least expected it. He didn’t even know if Dream was, like himself, working for someone else, or if this was all for his own gain. He could picture him, surrounded by beautiful things like a dragon in its hoard.
When Dream did not respond, Hob continued, recklessly, “This is it for me. I’m out of the game after this, getting too old for it. Can’t botch the last run, can I?”
“You’re retiring?” Dream asked, amusement coloring his voice.
“Something like that. Need to lay low for awhile, might go on holiday. I’d invite you to join me, but—”
“Men like you do not simply give up, Hob Gadling,” Dream said, and Hob froze. He had never, not once, told the other man his actual name, not even during the very memorable weekend they had spent in a penthouse suite in Paris after having independently taken more than €1 million worth of art from a well established and taste making gallery. A relatively low take for both of them, but it had been rather fun. Johanna didn’t even know his name, and certainly not his nickname.
“Seems a little unfair that you have my name and I don’t have yours.” He had little doubt that Dream was an alias, and had never minded that he didn’t know what he might be called otherwise, until that very moment.
Dream smiled slightly. “Perhaps I might give it to you in exchange for your assurance that you will not attempt to take what is mine.”
“It isn’t quite yours yet, though, is it? Really, Dream, I would love to, but the buyer that’s lined up for it is rather keen on it and nothing else, if you take my meaning.”
“I am afraid your buyer must prepare to be disappointed.”
“We’ll see,” Hob said lightly, smoothing one hand down the front of Dream’s lapel. “Lovely seeing you again. I’m sure we’ll do this again soon?”
“Sooner than you might imagine.” As quickly as he had led Hob away, Dream disappeared, slipping further down the hall into the less lit shadows. He thought briefly of going after him before dismissing it; he had his own concerns, and the clock was starting very soon.
Hob did not see Dream when he stepped quietly out into the now empty exhibit hall. He had a finite window in which the entire camera system would be run on a loop: Johanna had promised him three minutes, and he was confident he could manage it in two and a half. She had assured him that the alarm system would be temporarily disabled during this window, but Hob never took such things for granted. He had mapped out no less than seven potential exit routes, should he be interrupted, and had timed each to ensure he knew which would be fastest.
His secondary targets could wait. Best to start with the biggest and work his way down. The ruby sat in its own case, nestled in a bed of black velvet. It was uncut, the dull color of dried blood, and as large as his fist. When he carefully picked it up, it flashed with a hidden fire: it could be stunning, in the hands of the right jeweler, crafted to exquisite perfection. Hob dropped it in one of many silk lined pockets, and moved on.
He had added two paired sapphires and a pigeon egg sized opal to his take when he saw the first hint of movement out of the corner of his eye. Hob turned, alert, only to see Dream, still dressed in his suit from the gala, leaning against the empty display case and watching him intently.
His voice echoed in the empty hall. “You’re certain I cannot convince you to part with that ruby?”
Hob had one minute and forty-five seconds left. “I’m sure you’re very convincing, love. But I’m afraid not.”
“A pity,” Dream said, standing up. “I would very much have liked to try. And I don’t imagine I’ll see you again?”
One minute and thirty-two seconds. Hob smiled, a little sadly. He would have rather liked to see him again. “I don’t imagine you will.”
“In that case,” Dream began, crossing the little space between them with a speed and grace that Hob should have expected, but somehow never did.
One minute and twenty-seven seconds. This was somehow both the most exposed and the most private place that they had ever kissed. Hob could mentally catalogue them all: pressed against the wall on a darkened side street in Madrid, laying back against the ridiculous sheets of the king size bed in the Paris penthouse, in the back room of a club in Monte Carlo—this was different. It felt different; it felt like the most important thing in the world, a moment just for the two of them, in secret, in the middle of the museum floor.
Hob had lost count of the time by the time Dream’s mouth left his. For a moment, that had been all that mattered. He would be sad to see him go.
Abruptly, three very important things happened in quick succession: there was a faint shuffling, the sound of feet in non-slip shoes walking down a tiled hallway and the distant thud of a door swinging closed on its own; Dream nearly disappeared, passing through the room like a shadow in a direction that Hob had never considered and idly wondered how exactly he planned to leave by it; and a soft red light began flashing in the case nearest to him as the system armed itself once again. It was past time to go.
Hob was, he could admit, very, very good at his job. He exited the museum entirely without incident, making it back to the flat he was currently using as his home base without being seen or followed. After ensuring that the rooms were still secure, he at last allowed himself to relax, only slightly. He sat at the table, and began to empty his pockets. The opal had survived in perfect condition; he had been concerned that it could be damaged, as relatively soft as it was, but it caught the low light of the flat in its smooth surface, perfectly whole. The sapphires, unsurprisingly, were also intact; he knew he would see them dangling from the earlobes of some minor princess or billionaire’s wife within a month, but couldn’t bring himself to care.
He had deliberately left the ruby for last; everything else, even missing the yellow diamond he was meant to have taken, was infinitesimally small compared to it. He withdrew it, and nearly laughed.
In his palm sat a paperweight of the approximate size and shape of the ruby, along with a small, folded piece of paper. He hadn’t even noticed Dream’s hand move, hadn’t felt a thing as he had, clearly, made the exchange. He set the paperweight down, and unfolded the note.
Hob had not been expecting an apology. What he received was a command: Burn after reading. What followed, in sharp, spidery handwriting, was an address in, of all places, Wales. The note was signed with a capital M. It wasn’t quite a name, but it would do.
He stood, leaving the gemstones on the table. He had so much to do: a bag to pack, travel plans to make, a note to burn. Hob had wanted to go on holiday. He was certain Wales would be lovely.
Send me a kiss prompt!
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misshoneyimhome · 11 days
Your ex didn’t know what he expected to see when he barged into your office, but it definitely wasn’t you on William's lap doing things he never thought you would ever partake in. He didn’t even have words to process the sight he saw in front of him.
You were so incredibly needy, William's cock stretched your leaking hole as he whispered dirty words in your ear. His large hands gripped your waist, and he smiled at the thought, facial hair tickling your neck as you threw your head back against his broad shoulder. “Such a desperate little thing for my cock, huh?” His voice rough as you had barely walked through the front door before he had your black dress up as you were begging to be fucked.
The door slamming open made his blue eyes look up, an instant look of gratification on his face as he saw your ex standing there in shock. You were so cock drunk too, that you couldn't do couldn't but sit there and continue to take it up your fluttering cunt. William let out a small laugh, staring your ex right in the face as he continued to thrust upward. He was sick for doing this, but then again really gave zero fucks. He wanted this to happen, to finally show that miserable bastard how to treat and pleasure his woman. Your ex's face coex'sted with a mixture of rage, disbelief, and humiliation, his fists clenching at his sides. His eyes darted wildly between you and William, unable to fully comprehend the scene unfolding before him. A little smutty idea for your new series.
Oh, you know how much I adore these naughty ideas in my inbox! 🥴🤤 Though I wasn’t entirely sure how I wanted to approach this, I decided on a simple blurb. I think it might be perfect for iInexperienced!reader x Willy; you know, my favourite naughty series 😉
I’m not sure it’d quite fit with any of the other series, but I’m absolutely loving it! 😍 Sorry, but not proof-read...
Warnings: 18+ smut - unprotected sex (p in v) in a semi-public setting (office), sort of Voyeurism?
Word count: 1.4K
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Your ex-boyfriend’s sudden appearance was a complete shock. Although he had been trying to reach out to you for weeks, his calls and messages went unanswered as you chose to ignore him. And his bold move to show up at your office was clearly one he quickly regretted.
You couldn’t help but wonder if William’s visit was a coincidence. Maybe he had seen your ex’s messages or sensed the tension and decided to drop by to offer some unexpected support. Whatever the reason, his presence turned out to be one of the most intense moments you had shared together.
The office was its usual calm self—modern, with sleek glass walls, minimalist décor, and the gentle hum of downtown Toronto in the background. The polished surfaces and tidy furniture were designed to promote focus and productivity. But today, as you walked through the door, that serene atmosphere was abruptly disrupted.
To your surprise, leaning casually against your desk was your boyfriend, William Nylander. Dressed in a hoodie over a simple t-shirt and sweatpants, his blond hair slightly tousled, and that trademark smile on his lips—a smile that always made your heart race—he radiated relaxed confidence. His presence starkly contrasted with the office’s sterile professionalism. Even after a year and a half together, he still had the power to make the world seem to fade away whenever he was near.
“Surprise,” he said, his voice low and rich, with a hint of amusement that made your pulse quicken.
A rush of warmth spread through you. “Willy, what are you doing here?” you asked, your smile widening as you closed the door behind you. His unexpected arrival was a welcome distraction, and he had a knack for appearing right when you needed him most, even if you didn’t realise it.
“I missed you,” he replied casually, pushing himself off the desk and closing the space between you with a few easy strides. The office seemed to dissolve as his hands found your waist, pulling you closer with a playful glint in his blue eyes. He leaned in slightly, his breath warm against your lips. “Thought I’d surprise you.”
You laughed softly, feeling your heart race with anticipation. “Well, consider me surprised.”
The desk, the reports, and the hum of office noise outside seemed to vanish as the reality of what was about to happen set in. “Maybe I should help you relax a bit,” he teased, his voice dropping lower as he leaned in closer. The air thickened with anticipation, and the casual flirtation between you took on a more charged, electric energy. The room felt suddenly smaller and more intimate, the professional distance you had maintained dissolving rapidly.
William wasn’t just here to chat, and you both knew it. You enjoyed the tension, the way it buzzed just below the surface, waiting for the moment it would break.
You hesitated, glancing at the tinted glass partition that separated your office from the hallway. The thought of being caught in such a public space added a thrilling edge to the moment, making it all the more irresistible. Your office, though small and professional, had never felt so dangerously exciting.
Before you could say anything more, William’s lips were on yours, urgent and possessive. His hands tightened around your waist, lifting you effortlessly and making you gasp against his kiss, the sudden intensity making your head spin. In one smooth motion, he hoisted you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist; his strength was undeniable, sending a shiver down your spine as his body pressed against yours.
With a few long strides, he moved you both behind your desk, and you found yourself sitting on his lap as he settled into your chair. The naughtiness of the situation felt almost cinematic, like something out of a provocative film. The thrill of it all made you dizzy with excitement as he guided you to face the door, your hands braced on the desk. The contrast between the office’s professional ambiance and the intimate act taking place was electrifying.
William’s hands moved deftly under your dress, pushing it up to your waist before he guided your knickers aside. You felt exposed and vulnerable, yet aroused. The office, with its neat rows of filing cabinets and cold, professional décor, now served as a stark backdrop to the raw intensity between you.
William’s hands gripped your hips as he guided you onto his lap, his cock pressing against your core with a delicious pressure that made you moan softly. The way he filled you, stretching you, was almost too much, and yet not enough at the same time. His hips bucked up against you, his thrusts slow but deep, sending waves of pleasure through your body as you began to move with him.
“Such a desperate little thing for my cock, aren’t you?” William growled low in your ear, his breath hot against your skin. His words sent a shiver down your spine, making your already frayed nerves tingle with excitement. His voice, rough and teasing, only added to the growing fire inside you.
Feeling your arousal quickly building, you couldn’t help but gasp, throwing your head back against his broad shoulder as the heat between your legs intensified with each relentless thrust. His rough voice and the scratch of his stubble against your skin were intoxicating, making everything else blur into insignificance. He had barely let you walk through the door before his hands were all over you, and now you were too far gone to care about anything except the man beneath you.
But then, out of nowhere, the door to your office suddenly slammed open with a jarring crash.
William froze for just a second, his breath catching in his throat as he looked up in shock. Standing in the doorway was your ex-boyfriend, his face a mask of shock and disbelief as he took in the scene before him. For a moment, the room seemed to hold its breath, the tension thick and suffocating.
But William didn’t stop. In fact, he seemed to relish the interruption. His eyes gleamed with dark satisfaction as he met your ex’s gaze, a wicked smile playing on his lips as he thrust deeper into you, making you gasp in pleasure despite the unexpected audience.
“Enjoying the show?” William quipped, his voice laced with amusement as he continued to move inside you, his hands gripping your waist even tighter. The power dynamics in the room had shifted entirely—William was in control, and your ex was nothing more than a bystander, powerless to stop what was happening.
“Guess this is how a woman’s supposed to be treated, huh?” William’s voice dripped with taunt, his tone both mocking and triumphant.
You were too far gone, intoxicated by the pleasure your boyfriend was giving you, to fully process your ex’s presence. Your moans filled the room, mingling with the sounds of William’s thrusts. His movements were purposeful now, hard and deep, as if he was savouring every moment and showing your ex precisely what he was missing.
The air in the room grew thick with tension and a raw sense of finality. There was no turning back from this. Your ex’s face contorted further, his body frozen in place as he watched William’s dominance. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He simply stood there, his gaze locked on the scene before him, unable to look away.
William’s gaze stayed fixed on your ex, his tone dripping with derision as he continued his relentless pace. “Go on, take a good look. This is what you lost. What you’ll never have again.”
The room was charged with a potent mix of emotions—dominance, humiliation, and raw desire. The climax of the moment felt inevitable, a culmination of all the pent-up tension and unresolved feelings.
And as the intensity reached its peak, you couldn’t hold back any longer. With a final, desperate cry, you came hard around William’s cock, your body trembling with the intensity of your orgasm. And William followed soon after, his hips jerking against yours as he found his own release, his groans of pleasure mingling with yours.
The sounds of your combined breaths and the aftermath of your climaxes filled the room, creating a sharp contrast to the stunned silence that followed. But then your ex, his face a picture of defeat and despair, finally turned and left, the door closing behind him with a heavy, echoing thud.
As the office slowly returned to its usual quiet, professional state, the echoes of what had just happened still lingered in the air. You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as the realisation sunk in.
“Did he… did my ex really just walk in on us?”
William nodded, a mischievous grin still on his face. “Yup.”
You weren’t entirely sure if you felt ashamed or not—probably mostly not. All you felt was a lingering rush of pleasure as you gradually calmed down from the high.
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hikari-kaitou · 1 year
Translation from Gyakuten Saiban Fan Book
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What sort of person is Miles Edgeworth?!
Phoenix's best friend and rival, Edgeworth, has gained a reputation among fans throughout the trilogy of being a man who carefully hides the chinks in his armor. Mr. Inaba and Mr. Iwamoto seem to have rather different opinions on the finer points of his character.
Mr. Inaba's comments
Interviewer: What blood type do you think Edgeworth is? (T/N: in Japan, it's believed that blood type reflects a person's personality)
Inaba: I happen to think he's type B.
Iv: What gives you that impression?
Ia: It's not so much that I dislike B types as I find them intimidating. They seem strong and I feel like I can't stand up to them.  I think good-natured people can generally be found in the O type category (lol).
Iv: By the way, what type are you, Mr. Inaba?
Ia: I'm a meticulous, cleanliness-loving A type Virgo. Also, I think Franziska is an A type like me. On the outside, we look like punks, but we have a fragile side that comes out looking a bit crybaby-ish sometimes. Kinda cute, don't you think?
Iv: Actually, most players seem to feel that Edgeworth is an A type Virgo (lol). So how about his birthday?
Ia: In the winter. I feel like winter suits him.
Iv: What sort of place do you think he lives in?
Ia: Definitely not in an official residence. He seems like he's probably swimming in old heirlooms (lol).
Iv: What sort of hobbies or luxury foods do you think he enjoys?
Ia: I feel like he probably plays some expensive sports and lounges at home in his robe with a glass of wine. My image of him is that he's like a host club host. His lifestyle is like a host's (lol).
Iv: Do you think he listens to music? 
Ia: I feel like if I say he listens to classical, that would make him seem too proper, so… I think he listens to new and old American and European music equally.
Iv: Do you think he has a cellphone?
Ia: He's definitely got one. One with a simple but sleek design.
Iv: And finally, what do you think his type is?
Ia: Hmmm… someone warm, I guess? This is kinda basic, but I feel like he cares more about how someone is on the inside, rather than their appearance, and he probably prioritizes personality. He might be surprisingly disinterested in women. Maybe he'd accidentally treat his partner coldly or something. Oh, I kinda touched on this earlier, but for Franziska, I think she seems like the type who'd be difficult to win over but would fall in love surprisingly easily, so I hope Edgeworth will do his best (lol).
Mr. Iwamoto's comments
Iv: Mr. Inaba said he thinks Edgeworth was born in the winter, and players overwhelmingly agreed with that. What do you think, Iwamoto-san?
Iwamoto: Edgeworth was born in June, just like me who voiced him in the games! And I think he was born in Chiba Prefecture because I was too (lol).
Iv: So from your position as the voice of Edgeworth (lol), what type of place do you think he lives in?
Iw: Either a designer penthouse, or somewhere surprisingly simple, like a place with plain concrete walls. I feel like he lives in an unexpectedly functional apartment. At least more than you might think, based on his frilly outfit.
Iv: So considering the type of room you imagine him living in, what sort of clothes do you think he wears at home?
Iw: Clothes that are out of touch with reality. Like the kinds of things most normal people wouldn't wear, or like… Like he wears silk just because, or instead of a regular shirt, a prince-like blouse. I feel like Manfred Von Karma probably influenced him there, but he dresses more plainly now than he did when he was younger (lol).
Iv: Maybe he started to notice that he didn't quite fit in with others (lol). It might be because of his frilly clothes, but he seems to be in better shape than Wright. Is his build based on your own, Iwamoto-san?
Iw: No way (lol). But I did sneakily make him the same height as myself.
Iv: Since he's in such good shape, do you think he does sports?
Iw: Maybe long distance running. He seems like the type who might go out jogging by himself in silence to "outrun his sins…" (lol)
Iv: What do you think his blood type is?
Iw: B type. I don't really have any real basis for that, he just strikes me as a B type.
Iv: And what do you think Edgeworth's type is? 
Iw: Let's see, maybe someone enthusiastic and passionate? (Lol) Like maybe he likes the kind of person who charges recklessly into things? And that's not just for women but in general the type of person he likes.
Phoenix version
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skycowboys · 1 year
Hi there, I really love your horse designs! Found you on Pinterest and followed you here.
I draw horses as well but I have trouble with their anatomy. I love the sleek and simple way you draw horses and I was wondering if you had any tips for horse anatomy? Especially around their muscle structure and how to keep it simple. I find I have trouble making the neck look natural.
Thank you so much!
Hi! Thank you, and glad you made it here!
I have this overall post for horse anatomy! Just added a bit about necks to it (and attached below) :)
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~ Larn
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maomiscorner · 7 days
Seaside Serenade
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Background: You and Jake are in a lovely relationship, right now you’re on a vacation in Australia and he organized a date for you at a fancy restaurant with a surprise.
Pairing: bf!Jake x f!reader
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You two were ready to go, both dressed impeccably. He chose a refined local spot for the evening, and you could tell by his look that this night was special.
Jake: "Ready to go, my lady?" He pushed himself up from the sofa, smoothing his jacket before offering you his arm.
You: "Yes, love," you replied with a chuckle, slipping your arm through his, feeling the warmth and excitement building as you both stepped out of the house.
Jake gave you a soft smile, clearly enjoying your playful response. "Good. Let’s go and make everyone jealous tonight," he teased, glancing at you with a gleam in his eye.
He led you to his car, opening the passenger door like a true gentleman, waiting for you to settle in before joining you inside. The car smelled of his cologne—something you always loved.
Jake: "After our dinner, I have a surprise for you," he said casually, but the grin on his face told you it was something special.
Your eyes widened in excitement. "A surprise for me??" you gasped, leaning towards him.
Jake chuckled, amused by your reaction. "Yeah, but you'll have to wait until after dinner. Patience, love," he said, his voice teasing but kind.
You huffed with a playful smile. "Fine, I’ll wait," you replied, feeling the anticipation build.
Soon, the car arrived at the restaurant. The exterior had a sleek, modern design, with dim lighting that made the atmosphere intimate and stylish. Inside, the décor was minimalist but elegant, with muted tones and tasteful accents that spoke of understated luxury. You were impressed.
"Wow, it’s so classy," you murmured as you glanced around.
Jake smiled, pleased. "Only the best for you."
Jake nodded in agreement as they entered the restaurant, taking in the elegant atmosphere. 
The low lighting and soft music gave the place an air of sophistication.
Jake: "Yeah, this place is really nice. They have some of the best meat around too. I come here often," he said, his tone casual but with a hint of pride as he guided you through the chic interior.
He led you to your table, pulling out a chair with a smooth motion, waiting patiently as you seated yourself.
"Thank you, Yunie," you said with a playful smile, calling him by the nickname you knew he secretly loved.
Jake chuckled at the sound of it, shaking his head slightly but grinning. "You're welcome, love," he said warmly as he took his own seat across from you. 
Jake: "Now, what are you thinking of ordering? They've got pretty much everything here."
You let out a soft laugh. "Honestly, I have no idea. I've never been to an Australian restaurant before," you admitted, just as the waiter arrived with the menus.
Jake chuckled along with you, clearly enjoying your lightheartedness. "No worries, I’ll help you pick," he offered, already glancing at the menu like someone who knew what to expect.
They soon placed their order, and as you waited, the conversation flowed easily between you two. Jake's occasional glances in your direction were filled with warmth, the dim lighting reflecting off your features in a way that made his heart swell with affection.
While you looked around the local you felt his eyes on yours as you looked back at him smiling: "Am I too stunning for you?"
Jake chuckled, slightly embarrassed but clearly amused by your comment. He leaned forward, resting his chin on his palm.
Jake: "You could say that. You just look so pretty tonight, love. It's hard to take my eyes off of you."
You smiled shyly, glancing down before looking back at him. "Well, I could say the same to you. You're the hottest one here," you teased with a wink.
He grinned, reaching across the table to gently take your hand, his thumb tracing soft circles on your skin. The simple touch made your heart flutter as you both continued your conversation, laughing and sharing stories until the waiter arrived with your meals.
Jake smiled in anticipation as the plates were placed in front of you.
Jake: "Finally, the best part of the night," he said with a grin, cutting a piece of the steak and savoring the first bite. His eyes closed in satisfaction.
Jake: "Mmm, perfect. Just like I remembered."
You chuckled, cutting your piece of the steak and tasting it. "Oh gosh, I agree. This is amazing," you said, smiling at the rich flavor.
Jake laughed softly, noticing the content expression on your face.
Jake: "Told you they have good meat here," he said proudly, continuing to eat. Every so often, he stole glances at you, clearly enjoying the sight of you appreciating the meal as much as he did.
You chuckled as you finished the last bite of your meal. "Well, my man, I'm full and happy now," you said with a satisfied grin.
Jake smiled, clearly pleased to see you so content.
Jake: "Good, that’s all that matters. I’m happy you enjoyed the meal, love," he said warmly, finishing his own plate before signaling the waiter for the check.
Jake: "Ready for the surprise now?" he asked with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Your eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh, right!" you exclaimed, the excitement bubbling up as you both left the restaurant and got into the car. Once seated, Jake turned to you with a playful smirk and carefully placed a blindfold over your eyes.
Jake chuckled at your eagerness, securing the blindfold snugly.
Jake: "No peeking now, love. It’s a surprise for a reason."
You laughed, feeling a mix of anticipation and curiosity as the car pulled out of the parking lot. "You’re not gonna kill me, right?" you joked, your tone light.
Jake laughed, clearly amused by your humor.
Jake: "No, love, I’m not going to kill you. Though… the fear in your voice is kinda turning me on right now," he teased, glancing at you with a mischievous smile as he continued driving.
You shook your head, still blindfolded, with a smile on your face.
Jake chuckled at your reaction, loving how playful you could be.
Jake: "Just relax, love. You’re going to love this surprise, I promise."
He drove for a few more minutes, the car eventually slowing to a stop. You could feel the excitement growing, unsure of what to expect.
Jake: "We’re here. Keep the blindfold on, I’ll help you out of the car," he said as he stepped out, walking over to your side and opening the door for you.
You stepped out of the car with Jake's help, carefully navigating your way while still blindfolded. You felt him leave your side briefly, hearing the sound of the back door opening and closing as he retrieved something from the backseat.
Jake: "Alright, love, hold on to my arm. I’ll help you walk," he said softly, taking your hand gently in his. He led you forward, and as you moved, you could hear the sound of waves growing louder in the distance.
You: "Is this... sand? What the—?" you exclaimed, suddenly feeling the unstable ground beneath your heels. Instinctively, you wrapped your arm tightly around his waist, leaning on him for balance.
Jake chuckled, clearly amused by your struggle.
Jake: "Yeah, we’re on the beach. Careful with your heels, love, we're almost there."
You held onto him tightly as he guided you across the sand, your steps slower but steady as you felt the uneven ground shifting beneath your feet.
"Oh my gosh, the sea!" you gasped, still blindfolded. "It's been years since I’ve seen it!"
Jake smiled, enjoying your excitement as he gently brought you to a stop.
Jake: "Well, you're about to see it again. But keep the blindfold on just a little longer," he teased, his voice warm.
You could hear the soft rustling sound as he spread something on the sand. Then, he gently stood behind you, his hands lightly resting on your shoulders. Slowly, he let the blindfold fall from your eyes.
You gasped. The sight in front of you was breathtaking. The entire beach was bathed in the deep orange glow of the setting sun, the horizon ablaze with brilliant shades of gold and crimson. The ocean shimmered under the light, and the vastness of it all made your heart swell.
"It's so pretty... oh my Gosh," you whispered, unable to take your eyes off the sunset.
Jake smiled, pleased with your reaction.
Jake: "Beautiful, isn't it?" he murmured, wrapping his arms loosely around your waist and pulling you closer.
Jake: "I thought you'd like this surprise, love."
Your excitement bubbled over, and you hugged him tightly, your heart full of affection. "Oh my Gosh, I love it! I love you! I love everything!" you exclaimed, practically squeezing him with joy.
Jake chuckled at your sudden outburst, enjoying your enthusiasm as he returned the hug.
Jake: "Whoa there, easy honey. I love you too," he said, holding you close, both of you soaking in the beauty of the moment.
Jake: "I'm glad you love it. And for the record, I love you more," he added, grinning.
You chuckled at his playful comment, then glanced down, noticing the blanket spread out on the sand. "So this is what you took out from the backseat, huh?" you teased, nudging him gently.
Jake laughed.
Jake: "Yeah, I figured we could sit and watch the sunset. It’s a lot more comfortable than sitting directly on the sand."
He released you from the embrace, taking a seat on the blanket before patting the spot next to him.
Jake: "Come join me, love."
He reached out and gently pulled you closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and tucking you into his side. Feeling the warmth of his embrace, you moved even closer, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
"You make me so happy," you whispered, your voice full of affection as you side-hugged him, cuddling together while the vibrant sunset stretched out before you.
Jake smiled, his heart swelling at your tender gesture. He loved having you this close, feeling your warmth next to him.
Jake: "You make me happy too, love. I love seeing you like this, relaxed and just enjoying the moment," he said softly, holding you tighter. His gaze shifted from the sunset to you, admiring how the orange glow of the setting sun illuminated your features.
After a few peaceful minutes, you stood up, gently letting go of him. With a playful smile, you offered him your hand.
Jake raised an eyebrow, a little surprised by your sudden move, but he took your hand and stood up with you.
Jake: "Where are we going, love?" he asked curiously, brushing some sand off his pants with one hand while still holding yours tightly with the other.
Without answering, you kicked off your heels, the cool sand beneath your feet urging you forward as you started heading toward the sea.
Jake, smiling, followed suit, taking off his shoes and walking alongside you.
Jake: "Alright, love, you’re full of surprises tonight," he chuckled, matching your steps as you both approached the water.
A small squeal escaped your lips when the cold water lapped at your feet, sending a shiver through you. You looked back at him, smiling like a fool, your joy and excitement radiating in every expression.
Jake couldn’t help but laugh at your reaction, your playful energy was completely contagious.
Jake playfully splashed a bit of water on you, unable to resist your infectious happiness.
You gasped trying to dodge it but it caught you, "You-", you bent down and splashed him too.
Jake chuckled as the water splashed against him.
Jake: "Oh, it's on now."
He playfully splashed you back, a competitive spark lighting up his eyes. After some playful splashing, you moved closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, and pulling him closer.
"I love you so much," you whispered, your voice soft but full of emotion.
Jake’s playful demeanor softened at your words, the atmosphere shifting to something more intimate.
Jake: "I love you too, love. More than you know," he murmured, his forehead resting gently against yours. His hands found their way to your hips as you stood chest to chest in the shallow water.
The last rays of sunlight slipped beneath the horizon, leaving the faint glow of the moon and stars above you both.
Jake: "You're beautiful, you know that?" His voice was low and affectionate, his eyes tracing over your face, taking in every detail.
You smiled softly and rose on your tiptoes to kiss him. Jake’s smile grew as his eyes sparkled under the moonlit sky. He leaned down just enough to meet your lips in a sweet, gentle kiss. One of his hands slid from your hip to the small of your back, pulling you closer as you stood together in the cool water.
You hummed softly into the kiss, feeling a slight chill from the breeze.
Jake could feel you shiver against him, and he instinctively pulled away from the kiss, though his hand stayed on your back, gently rubbing circles to warm you.
Jake: "Are you cold, love?" he asked softly.
You: "Just a little," you admitted, wrapping your arms around him, trying to soak up the warmth from his body.
Jake teased you with a playful grin, pulling you even closer, his arms wrapping tightly around you to share his warmth.
You chuckled, lifting your head to gaze up at the stars.
Jake: "The stars are beautiful tonight, aren't they?"
You smiled, teasing him as you replied, "Just like you," stopping him from finishing the cheesy line.
Jake turned back to you, a smile spreading across his face as his hand gently caressed your side.
You smiled back at him, the cool wind brushing through your hair, sending strands flowing in the breeze.
Jake noticed how the wind played with your hair, the strands dancing in the moonlight.
Jake: "You know, you look pretty damn adorable when the wind blows your hair like that," he said, grinning as he gently brushed a stray strand away from your face.
After Jake’s compliment, you both shared a warm smile, feeling the connection between you grow even stronger. The wind gently tousled your hair, adding to the magic of the moment.
Jake: "Let’s head over to the blanket," he suggested, taking your hand and leading you back to the spot he’d prepared earlier.
You nodded, following him as you walked back to the blanket spread out on the sand. The stars above twinkled brightly, and the gentle sound of the waves provided a soothing soundtrack.
Jake helped you settle onto the blanket before sitting down beside you ensuring you were cozy and comfortable.
Jake: "There we go. Now we can enjoy the stars in comfort," he said, his voice soft and content as he lay back on the blanket, pulling you with him so you were nestled close to his side.
You rested your head on his shoulder, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. Together, you looked up at the night sky, the vast expanse filled with countless stars.
Jake: "It’s amazing, isn’t it? How small we are compared to all this," he said quietly, his eyes roaming the star-studded sky.
You sighed contentedly, feeling the peacefulness of the moment.
You: "Yeah, it really puts things into perspective. But right now, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else."
Jake smiled his arm around you tightening slightly as he kissed the top of your head.
Jake: "Me neither, love. This is perfect."
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onskepa · 8 months
Ik you already did human reader x sully kids watching stranger things BUT could we get the same thing with another movie? Or serie?
How about fast & furious??
They being amazed how a hooman (which they know is small, ex: reader, spider, norm) can handle such a machine which is also heavier than a na'vi
Na'vi weigh around 250-300 kg and a car weighs 2 tons
Helloooooooooo! So do not add more to vopey, this request will be its own thing. Also, I havent watched all the movies, I stopped after the 5th movie. HOWEVER! I will use tokyo drift since it is my most favorite movie! So enjoy!
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It was a windy day in the vast Omatikaya forest, perfect day and perfect weather for many to fly their ikrans. And the ikrans take full advantage of the winds to master new skills and enjoy the breeze. The sky was fully of ikrans with their riders! 
It is no surprise that many would race against each other. See who is the fastest, and the ikrans would pride themselves at their speeds and their riders humoring their interest. The adrenaline and rush of fun running through their blood. And the sully kids are no different. Well, more specifically lo’ak and jake. Both love riding their ikrans and would race for the fun of it. Each round either wins. 
Neteyam rides his for the simple joy of being in the sky, same with his mother and sisters. However, at night, many stopped to rest. Their ikrans resting back to their mountain and the na’vi gathering to a well deserved meal after a fun day in the skies. However, there was a small genuine question that the sully kids had in their minds all day. 
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“What do humans have that makes them go fast?” Lo’ak asked norm one day at the lab. Him and his siblings were curious to know after discussing more last night. So, being lost in his own work, norm looked at lo’ak in confusion. 
“What are you talking about…?” He asks slowly. Trying to give the kids his full attention. But was also confused by the boy’s wording. 
“We have ikrans and pali’s, but ikrans are faster. So, what is ummm…the same for humans?” Lo’ak re-words his question. Norm finally understood, “oooooh. Can't answer that” he replies flatly. He received a loud collective ‘WHAT!?’ from the kids. Norm sighs a bit annoyingly. “Look, go ask niwin. She knows more about that stuff than I do” he suggests. 
Norm turns to call her out from another room. 
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Using one of the bigger rooms of the lab, Niwin inserted a usb to a computer and brought out some holograms. The sully kids make themselves comfortable with pillows and other cushions as they observe the floating transparent objects being shown. 
“Cars are moving objects that humans have been using for over 200 years. And much like technology, they evolve with time. From cute little honkers” Niwin presents as she shows a 1915 ford car. 
“To today, by today I mean 10 years ago since updates are not frequent. Flying self-driving cars that have no wheels and run on hydro gas” niwin then presents a new sleek car with fancy colors and design. 
The sully kids let out sounds telling they are intrigued. “So, how do humans race with them? It doesn't look like you can get on” Kiri asks. Popping another bubble, Niwin extends the car visuals to see inside. 
“We get in, and seats for the capacity of the usual five. But when you have a big family and where logic does not exist, eeeehhh probably 30 people can fit inside. I seen it happen so don't question it” 
A couple more lessons she taught the kids. Letting her expertise show off and give more insight into what automobiles can do. 
“Starting from the 1950’s to 2050, a hundred years of glorious racing, the empire died. Cars were being designed to be safer, more cautious. Nothing wrong with that but it makes taking risks all the better, and all the more harder. Somewhere in the world, everyone had their own style of racing. Their own skills and culture. Racing is the fuel that gives us the rush, the excitement. And one of my personal favorite styles is drifting” 
Lo’ak was quick to raise his hand. “What is drifting?” he asks. 
“You guys like watching movies?”
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“What is prom? What is with the damages? Why do they all look like adults rather than teens?” Kiri asks question after question. Nothing wrong with that since they seem to be valid questions. 
“And why in an area that is clearly forbidden?” Neteyam adds on. 
They were currently in the scene where the teen idiots race against each other on a construction sight with already built roads. 
“Much like lo’ak, they are attracted to anything forbidden and do the exact opposite of what it's being told. Being blind by choice, am I right lo’ak?” Niwin teases. Lo’ak blushes a bit in embarrassment but he doesn't deny nor confirm. Everyone pretty much knew the answer to her question. 
“Anyhow, the good parts will come soon” 
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And sooner did it come. From an “American” setting to a Japanese setting. And much like Sean in the movie, the sully kids had a massive culture shock when Japan came into view. The language, how people looked, the style of everything. Now the movie has definitely gotten a lot more interesting for the siblings. And Niwin was happy they go to feel what she felt during the first time. 
“Amazing huh? That is how I felt when I saw the movie for the first time. Best feeling ever-”
“Yeah yeah shush” Lo’ak hushed Niwin as he grabbed a handful of popcorn. Niwin gasped at that but didn't say much. Shoving a handful of popcorn down her throat, Niwin watches silently. 
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Showing Sean struggling to fit into a new school, with a new language to learn, and new customs to be aware of. The sully kids can relate to that. Being a place that is unfamiliar to what they know. And oh how they know it deeply well. 
“I am getting some serious deja’blue with this whole…..change” Lo’ak comments. Everyone nodded in agreement. 
“Nothing wrong with change, sometimes it can be a good thing,” Niwin replies. 
Shrugging it off, they watch more until Twinkie shows up in the scene. Offering some stuff to sean until the driving wheel is taken focus. And this only leads to better parts.
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The Song began to play, and there the scene opens to a whole world of race cars. Different colors, different glam. Twinkie was showing Sean a new side of what it is like to race cars. Chilling really. What else is there to see or know about? Apparently a lot more. 
Hoods of the cars are being opened to show how the inside mechanics word, all so shiny and complex looking. Yet very eye-catching. Everything was truly captivating for the kids. 
“So those….those are race cars?” Neteyam asks, never leaving the screen. 
Niwin couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. 
“Those were the glory days” was all she said. 
People were dancing in the center of the giant gathering. Dancing and enjoying the vibes with an odd choice of music. But it looked fun nonetheless. And kiri was starting to get the feeling of the beat. 
“Would you dance with them?” Tuk asks to kiri. The older sister shook her head. “No, good thing I won't,” Kiri replied.
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Neela came to view, a pretty girl with a quick tongue. Having a little word play with sean, but quickly the scene changed to show an intimidating guy. 
“And here comes the baddie of the story” Lo’ak says a bit loudly, throwing his hands up in a dramatic way. Kiri rolls her eyes as she throws a pillow at him. “And louder skxawng?”. 
The scene was quick from light to seriousness. 
“Guess he just can't stay quiet,” Kiri adds as Sean challenges DK. 
“One of his best quirks, don't be silenced but roar out like a mindless donkey,” Niwin says. 
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 For lo’ak, Sean was someone he saw himself in. Reckless yet won't be held down by others and being told how to behave. To live in the moment, and to live for the thrill. That is something lo’ak can understand. 
The big leader, DK, “Drift King” seemed like an intimidating guy. Reeks of cockyness and too much confidence. Yet is the master of his own craft. So when Sean decides to challenge the drift king, things did not go his way. 
“His smile kind of creeps me out,” Tuk says. 
Sean and DK agreed to do a race. As Han volunteered to lend his car to Sean, everyone was leaning forward to see what would happen next. 
Tiwkie leads Sean to an upper floor to show him where the car is. But as the elevator door opened, in a perfect moment, it showed two cars swerving, tires screeching against the concret. Almost like sliding sideways. The sounds echoing the facility. And much like Sean, the sully kids were locked in focus. No sound coming out of them. 
Who will win, who will lose?
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“I predicted he would lose!” Tuk raised her hand as she claimed her ‘future’. Sean lost in a humiliating way. DK was able to avoid walls, people, and other vehicles effortlessly. While Sean damaged literally everything in his path. And damaging a car that was not his. 
“And this begins what is called the training arc” Niwin comments. 
And true to it, Sean began to learn from Han how to drift while also trying to balance his new life in Japan. The two fishermen who speak as they know something is going on during Sean's drift training. And Neela’s past and her connection with DK. 
“Wait, what is a Yakuza?” Tuk asks when the reveal of Takashi’s relationship to the underground crime syndicate. “A very bad guy. I ain't going over that yakuza stuff. Too long and I dont think your parents would like it if I explained it” Niwin replies. Already on her fifth snack. 
“Do you ever just…..not eat?” Kiri asks, slightly annoyed. 
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From Han’s embezzlement of taking the criminals money, to betrayal and to wrecking so many lives. Takashi held a gun to Han's head, things were getting really serious. Tiwnkie made a distraction for everyone to get out. Han, Sean and neela made it to their cars and drove off. Takashi and his little sidekick follow closely. 
From there, it led to so much chaos. Driving through the streets, doing their best to avoid the citizens, there was a lot of drifting. To not hit any car so far was impressive until the short tempered sidekicked crashed into a couple of cars. No one stayed to see the outcome. Not even takashi. While it looked like he looked back to see the wreck, he didn't stop. His need to get after those who are trying to make him look like a fool. 
From those scenes, the sully kids were cheering for the good guys. Hoping they all would live through. Sadly, not all. 
“NO!!! NO WHY HIM!?” tuk and neteyam screamed in shock to see han crashing and flipping his car. And to explode from the gas leaking. Dread was what the siblings felt. Han was a pretty cool character. And his death would never numb away. Niwin frowns at having to see his death over and over again. But of course the frown goes away knowing what happens in the later movies. 
“Oh he is so DEAD!” lo’ak screams, getting more and more pissed of at takashi and how far he was willing to go. 
“Sean better kick his ass or something. Han did not deserve to die. Why do the good guys always die” tuk complains, Crossing her arms. Kiri rubs her shoulder to comfort her. “Soon he will get what he deserves”.
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Kiri couldn't be more right. A deal was made, Takashi’s uncle entered the frame again. And all was on the table. Takashi and Sean would race against each other on the mountain that was common to drift on. And to add more stakes, it would be at night. Where vision is more needed It was literally a life or death race. 
Everyone was cheering for sean, lo’ak going at it at the top of his lungs. Hoping to see his favorite character win. To see takashi be humiliated. Everyone outside of the room were wondering what the hell was going on but nobody cared enough. 
The sully gets were getting to amped as the racing scene went on. They felt like they were seeing it first hand. Feeling the adrenaline go through them, the excitement getting a bit carried away. Oh it was thrilling. 
“Come on, come on!! YES!! YES HE WON!!” lo’ak screamed. Releasing happy noises as his tail swishes. Neteyam spun tuk around in happiness. Kiri mostly stood out of the way so as to not get hit, but she was just as happy. 
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The movie ended and the end credits rolled up. It was over. 
“Wow…..that was just……AMAZING!!” Lo’ak shouted. Feeling pumped to ride his ikran and see if he can replicate those same moves. Tuk was trying her best to sing along to the drift song but only mumbled words under her breath.  
“That was amazing, though it kinda seems sad that those racing days are over” Neteyam says. The movie made it look fun, racing at high speeds. 
“Hey, who said it was over?” Niwin asks. The kids stopped to look at her. With a playful smirk and a swing of her keychain, she asks “you guys wanna ride?”
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Aaaaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Had to re-watch the movie to get down some important parts. But I hope you all liked it, until next time! See ya!
Niwin = fast, quickly, rapidly
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xo-zozo · 3 months
could I possibly request averyjamesons wedding day hcs??
yes ofc!! i'm so sorry that this took about five years to do (not fr)
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tags: @nqds @stqrsbythepocketful @sophiesonlinediary @silly-little-gooses @x-liv25-jamieswife @lxvebelle @reminiscentreader @flowers-for-em @lyrakanefanatic @off-to-the-r4cesces @zoyaaaabear @clarissaweasley-10
jameson tries to see avery the whole time but max and libby won't let him because of tradition and stuff
avery's wedding dress in literally the most beautiful dresses ever but at the same time it's like really simple and sleek
avery and jameson designed their wedding cake together byt libby makes the cake by herself (and she stresses about it for a super long time even though she does great)
suprisingly byt not at the same time, their wedding is *kinda* small, there's the whole family there and all of their close friends as well as other people who are important when it comes to... the earth
instead of avery, it was jameson who has been thinking about his wedding since he was younger and he always said how their wedding was so much better than he though it would be
libby is the maid of honor so she and whoever the best man is (assuming it's one of his brothers) always running around which shows at the wedding because of how beautiful it is
they wrote their own vows and they're the most poetic thing you would ever hear (everyone cried)
their first dance is really cute and avery had the song picked out since they first started dating
they do that thing where at each of the tables at their reception there's photos of both of them at different ages
max and libby are avery's bridesmaids
jameson just chose all of his brothers to be his groomsmen and you can chose who his best man would be
their wedding would be outdoors... do with that what you will (i feel like it would be on the beach or somewhere special to them in a place around the world)
max and gigi fight over the bouquet and they end up just being goofy and splitting them in half
jameson and avery put their wedding playlist together but when the playlist was over it was up to xander to dj
during the reception jameson literally never takes his eyes off of avery (he's literally so in love)
they post their wedding photos online with really cute captions and people go CRAZY over it
their rings were like so pretty (and lowkey expensive)
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starskq · 10 days
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Pairing ◊ bf!minjae x fem!reader
Genre ◊ fluff
Warnings ◊ petnames (baby mostly), kissing, just minjae being whipped for reader
Word count ◊ 2,2k
Summary ◊ minjae loves to spoil you every time you go shopping
a/n: thank you anon for your request, i hope it's what you wanted! enjoy!
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You and Minjae hadn’t been together long—just a couple of months—but things had fallen into place so naturally. He had this way about him that made everything feel easy, as though being together had always been the plan, even when you didn’t know it.
So, when he called you up one morning, his voice full of that familiar warmth, and asked, “Hey, do you want to go shopping with me today?” you didn’t hesitate for a second before saying yes.
The two of you met up in the city center, his hand instantly finding yours the moment you saw each other. He leaned down to kiss your forehead, his favorite little gesture of affection. “You look beautiful,” he whispered against your skin, sending a shiver through you.
“You always say that,” you teased, though your cheeks warmed at the compliment.
“Because it’s true,” he replied easily, squeezing your hand before pulling you along. “C’mon, I know a place.”
He led you to a high-end boutique, the kind of place you normally wouldn’t even dare to enter unless it was just for window-shopping. The mannequins were dressed in sleek, designer clothes, and you could already tell that everything here cost more than you wanted to think about.
“Minjae, this place is expensive…” you mumbled, glancing at him nervously as the glass doors swung open with a soft chime.
He just grinned, that mischievous little smile of his that always made you feel both comforted and a little bit nervous at the same time. “Don’t worry about it. Just look around and pick something you like.”
The first rack you browsed through had beautiful dresses, all delicate fabrics and intricate details. You paused, your fingers grazing over one particular dress that caught your eye. It was a soft blush color, simple but elegant, with a subtle shimmer woven into the fabric.
Minjae noticed immediately. “You like that one?” he asked, stepping up beside you.
“It’s nice, but—” you hesitated, glancing at the price tag. Your stomach dropped a little when you saw the number, and you quickly shook your head. “It’s way too expensive. I don’t need something like this.”
Without another word, Minjae took the dress off the rack and handed it to the sales assistant who appeared at his side as if by magic. “We’ll take this. Thank you.”
“Minjae!” you protested, grabbing his arm. “No, really, it’s too much. I don’t need it.”
But he just smiled at you, that soft, reassuring smile that always seemed to melt your resolve. “I want to. You deserve nice things. Don’t worry about it, okay baby?”
You sighed, knowing there was no arguing with him when he had his mind set on something. He loved spoiling you, and while you felt guilty sometimes, it was clear that it made him happy.
The rest of the shopping trip continued much the same way. You’d pick up something to look at, admire it for a second, and Minjae would swoop in, insisting on buying it. If you lingered too long on an item, even if you didn’t say a word, he’d ask, “You like this one, baby?” and before you could even respond, he’d have it in the arms of the sales assistant.
At one point, you found yourself in the shoe section, admiring a pair of sleek black heels. They were gorgeous but definitely impractical for someone like you who didn’t wear heels often.
“Try them on,” Minjae encouraged, already picking up the right size for you.
You shook your head, laughing softly. “I’ll fall on my face if I wear those.”
He knelt down in front of you, his fingers gently helping you slip your foot into the shoe. “Then I’ll be there to catch you,” he said softly, looking up at you with those deep, sincere eyes.
“Minjae…” you whispered, your heart swelling at the tenderness in his voice.
He stood up, grinning as you took a few wobbly steps in the heels. “See? You look stunning.”
You were about to argue again about the price, but he cut you off, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “Nope. Don’t even start,” he murmured against your mouth. “You’re getting them.”
He continued to pick things out for you, clothes you hadn’t even considered but ended up loving once you tried them on. He had a surprisingly good eye for fashion, and every time you came out of the dressing room, he’d light up like he’d just won the lottery.
“You look like a dream,” he’d say, his voice low and full of admiration, or “My girl’s the most beautiful in the world.” And every time, he’d pull you in for a kiss, just a brief press of his lips, but enough to make your heart race.
Eventually, your arms were full of shopping bags, and you couldn’t hold any more even if you tried. Minjae, of course, offered to carry them all for you, despite your protests.
“Minjae, this is too much,” you insisted for what felt like the hundredth time that day. “You really didn’t have to buy me all this.”
He paused in the middle of the sidewalk, setting the bags down for a moment so he could wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you close. His forehead rested against yours, and he gazed at you with that soft, affectionate look that always made your knees weak.
“I know I don’t have to,” he said softly, his thumb brushing lightly against your cheek. “I do it because I want to. You make me happy, and I like spoiling you. It’s my way of showing you how much I care.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, and for a moment, you couldn’t find the right thing to say. Instead, you leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, hoping it would convey everything you were feeling.
When you finally pulled away, Minjae smiled down at you, his hand still resting on your cheek. “I love you, you know that?” he whispered, his voice soft but sure.
“I love you too,” you murmured, your chest feeling impossibly full.
With one last kiss, he picked up the bags again, and you continued walking together, hand in hand. You couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest person in the world, not because of the clothes or the gifts, but because of him—because of the way he loved you so openly, so completely.
As the day drew to a close and the sun began to set, casting a warm golden light over the city, Minjae squeezed your hand gently, glancing over at you with a soft smile.
“You know, I think we should do this more often,” he said, his voice teasing but full of affection. “Spoiling you is my new favorite hobby.”
You laughed, shaking your head but feeling more loved than ever. “Just don’t spoil me too much,” you warned playfully, though you knew he would anyway.
Minjae just grinned, pulling you closer as you walked. “No promises, baby.”
After the shopping spree, your arms laden with bags, you both decided to grab something to eat. You were still reeling from the number of things Minjae had bought you. It felt surreal, as if you were in a dream, walking around with designer clothes, shoes, and accessories that you’d never imagined owning.
“I’m starving,” Minjae said, flashing you that familiar grin as he glanced at his watch. “What are you in the mood for?”
“Hmm,” you hummed, pretending to think. “Something simple? Like pasta or something.”
He laughed at that, gently nudging you with his elbow. “Okay, something simple it is.”
You ended up at a cozy little restaurant, nothing too fancy, just the kind of place you both loved. The soft hum of conversation filled the room, along with the delicious smell of food being cooked. You felt yourself relax as you slid into the booth, Minjae sitting across from you, his gaze still lingering on you like you were the only person in the world.
“You know, you didn’t have to do all that,” you started softly, glancing at the shopping bags that were now piled on the seat beside you. “It’s too much, Min.”
He reached across the table, taking your hand in his. His thumb brushed over your knuckles as he gave you a lopsided smile. “I wanted to. Besides, it’s not too much if it’s for you.”
You were about to protest when the waiter arrived, interrupting the moment. You both placed your orders, keeping it simple as promised. When the waiter left, you decided that you’d pay for the meal this time. After everything Minjae had done today, the least you could do was take care of dinner.
The food arrived shortly after, and as you both ate, you found yourself feeling even more comfortable. Minjae was his usual playful self, making you laugh with stories and little jokes. He kept calling you by his favorite pet names—“baby,” “angel,” “my love”—each one sending a little thrill through you.
You noticed that the check was on the table before you even finished your meal. This was your chance. You reached for your purse, determined to grab the bill before Minjae could even think about it.
But just as you were about to take the check, Minjae’s hand was already there, faster than yours. He picked it up with a casual, almost smug smile.
“Minjae!” you exclaimed, sitting back with a huff. “I was going to pay this time.”
He didn’t even blink as he pulled out his card and handed it to the waiter. “You're too slow,” he teased, giving you a playful smirk.
You narrowed your eyes at him, not finding it quite as funny as he did. “I’m serious, Minjae. You’ve already spent so much today. You bought all those clothes, shoes, stuffs—and now this? You’ve practically spent your entire paycheck in one day!”
Minjae leaned back in the booth, crossing his arms as he looked at you, utterly unbothered. “So what?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “I’m just taking care of my girl.”
You sighed, exasperated but also slightly flustered by how nonchalant he was being. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate it—I do, more than you know. But you can’t just spend that much money on me all the time. It’s not… it’s not responsible.”
He gave you a long look, and then his smirk softened into something warmer, more sincere. “Y/N, listen to me.” He leaned forward, resting his arms on the table as he looked you straight in the eyes. “You’re important to me. I like doing this for you. I like making you happy.”
“I am happy,” you admitted, your voice quieter now, “but I don’t want you to feel like you have to keep doing this. I don’t want you to waste all your money just to make me happy.”
Minjae chuckled, shaking his head. “It’s not a waste if it’s for you. I don’t care about the money, baby. I work hard, yeah, but I also want to enjoy what I earn—and part of enjoying it is spoiling you. It makes me happy when I see you smile, when I see you light up over something you love.”
You bit your lip, unsure how to respond. You loved how thoughtful he was, how much he cared, but it still felt like too much. “But… what about saving? You don’t need to spend it all in one go.”
He laughed again, this time more softly. “Trust me, I’m fine. I’ve got savings. I’m not going to go broke from buying you a few dresses and some dinner. Stop worrying, okay?”
You tried to scold him again, but there was something about the way he said it, so calm and assured, that made it hard to argue. He was always like this, so confident and sure in everything he did. And right now, he seemed sure that spoiling you was just part of how he showed you love.
Still, you couldn’t help but try one last time. “I just don’t want you to feel like you have to do this to show me you care.”
Minjae’s expression softened further as he reached across the table to take your hand again. “I don’t do it because I have to. I do it because I want to. Taking care of you, spoiling you… it’s just one way I show you how much I love you. And besides…” He gave you another playful grin. “I kind of like being the guy who gets to spoil the most amazing person in the world.”
You felt your heart flutter at his words, and despite your best efforts, a smile crept onto your face. It was impossible to stay mad at him when he said things like that.
“Okay, okay,” you sighed, giving in a little, but you couldn’t resist one more tease. “But next time, I’m paying. I mean it.”
Minjae chuckled, squeezing your hand. “We’ll see, baby. We’ll see.” His tone was full of affection, but there was a smugness underneath, as if he already knew he’d win that battle too.
When the waiter returned with the receipt, Minjae didn’t even look at it as he signed the bill. He leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to your hand, and then looked at you with that familiar, teasing glint in his eyes.
“Now,” he said, standing up and grabbing the shopping bags once again, “let’s get my spoiled little princess home.”
You rolled your eyes, trying to play it cool, but inside, you couldn’t help but feel a warmth bloom in your chest. There was no winning with him, but maybe, just maybe, you didn’t mind that at all.
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adobe-outdesign · 3 months
thoughts on robot neopets? I love robots but none of them quite click for me
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Robot might seem like a newer colour, but in reality it's been around since the early 2000s, and was one of only a few colours to get unique artwork pre-customization. It has a very loose tie-in to the lore due to most robot pets coming from the Virtupets space station, as no other place in Neopia has tech that advanced.
Visually, there really isn't any consistency to the color beyond just the pet being a robot. Some designs are incredibly detailed, some are super minimalist, some are sleek and elegant, some are bulky and square, etc. For the most part I feel like simpler designs tend to be the best, but both can be good depending on execution.
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When it comes to customization, robot pets generally did alright, though there was little consistency as to how they were converted. Some robots seem to completely change design, while others changed body shape or details for little reason. I think as a whole the color works fine customized because the poses weren't too unique to begin with, but more care could've gone into the actual converting.
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Perhaps one of the stranger additions was the ability to remove the outer casing, basically giving robots two different designs. I'm not sure why they did this exactly, but some robots look far better uncased so I'm not complaining. For the sake of this review I'm just going to show the images for the option I think looks best.
Favorite Species:
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Ixi: As I mentioned in my Ixi review, the converted robot Ixi looks pretty terrible due to weird proportions and bad shading, but the UC/styled version is incredible. The design is nice and slick, it's appropriately robot-ish with the tubes and paneling, and the black, dark green and red palette looks lovely.
(While I don't like it more than the UC/styled version, the uncased robot Ixi does look better than the converted version, with some pretty fun eyes and lightbulb horns that make no sense relative to the actual casing but who cares.)
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Tuskaninny: The robot Tuskaninny is the complete opposite of the robot Ixi, focusing on being chunky and re-interpreting parts of the design to be more robot instead of sticking close to the original's anatomy. I really like how simple this design is, and little details like the antennae in place of hair and wheels so it can move on land are great. I actually kind of prefer the customized in this case, as the original's proportions feel off and I like the tail a bit more on the newer option.
(The uncased version has a disturbingly not-robotic face and looks mostly like a normal Tuskaninny but with wires, making it a disappointment compared to the cased version.)
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Gnorbu: This one is just plain cute and charming, with a super nice smile and bright green and red accents against a neutral base. Also, it has a buzz saw tail. What's not to like?
(I'm not big on the uncased for this one; it's just a mess of colored wires, and it doesn't even make sense relative to the casing).
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Poogle: The Darth Vader design of the cased is fine and the UC/styled is the same, just with different colored eyes for some reason, but the uncased is terminator-styles of straight-up terrifying and you have to respect it for that. Also, reminder that all Poogles canonically have sharp teeth!
Least Favorite Species:
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Lenny: The converted version is just a huge visual mess, with entirely too much detail that makes it hard to figure out what you're even looking at (though the lightbulb tails are fun). The uncased isn't much better. On the plus side, the UC/Styled version is quite charming, keeping the fun details but greatly simplifying everything else down, making me wonder why the heck they changed it to begin with.
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snek-panini · 5 months
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The last of my Binderary books, #10 and #11, are here! This is The Mathematical Improbability of Reaching the Stars by cassieoh and D20Owlbear and it is another very long fic that I had to split into two volumes. It's a wonderful Good Omens human!AU with believable relationship development and very likeable OCs. I like to go into summaries at this point in my binding posts but I have trouble pinpointing the reason I like this one so much. It's just compelling and I like spending time with these characters. It reads like an original story and yet it's undeniably a GO fic. I don't know how else to phrase it.
I had a major disappointment with the bind, though. As you can no doubt see in the photos above, there was major glue leakage when I did the htv and it ruined my book cloth. That's a homemade paper-backed cloth and it's this wonderful textured green fabric (I think it's polyester but it's shiny and lightweight) but it did not like that silver foil htv At All. Really sad that it turned out like that. The silver leaves were also an absolute nightmare to weed. So many teeny tiny pieces, and I had to do four of them. I stand by the design, it's very pretty and I still think it fits the book, but I have got to find another option for putting titles on homemade cloth. I've done five of them now and I have this issue every time.
More photos under the cut! It is still a very pretty set, even with the cover issues.
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You can see the fabric texture really well on the backs, and there's no glue issue there either. Part of me wishes I'd left the front covers blank like the backs. I love how the spines turned out; that's black faux leather and it always takes htv like a champ. I like how I did the titles here too. I really wanted them on the spines but it's such a long title that I'd have had to scrunch it down really small to make it fit. Weeding tiny text is always a pain and it limits the fonts you can use and still be legible, but splitting it up like this? Love it. Looks so good on my shelf.
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Silver foiled edges! I had trouble getting the foil to stick, like always, but I ended up sort of layering it over the unstuck parts and got this kind of patchy look that I love. Handmade double core endbands, and this is one of the most complex patterns I've done in endbands so far. I love them and think they came out really beautiful.
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The endpapers are this beautiful chiyogami leaf pattern. I bought these for this fic before I'd even started typesetting it because I knew they'd be perfect. Chiyogami is my favorite thing to use for endpapers lately, I love it so much.
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I went really simple on the typeset here. It's a contemporary story, as opposed to a lot of the historical and fantastical ones I tend to bind, and I thought the sleek typeset suited it. I'm not as in love with the title page as I could be but I do like it. It's about the text, not the flourishes, once you get into the meat of the story.
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One fun typesetting thing I was able to do with this one happened in the headers and footers. Usually I do page numbers at the bottom, author's name on the top left and title on the top right, but the combination of two authors and a really long title meant the headers got really unwieldy. They were too long and bled into the body text. So I split them up like this, and I love it! Looks so sleek. I've been looking for an excuse to do it like this again on other typesets but it hasn't fit anything yet.
And that's that! I asked for author permission for these but never heard back, so I hope they're both ok with what I did. I'm overall pleased with the results (and in love with parts of it) and I know what I still need to work on.
This is the last of my Binderary books! 11 is too many! I'm never doing that many books in a month again! Now I've got everything posted I feel like I can move on to new projects, though it may be a bit before I have any new books to post. I've got a format experiment in mind.
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wilted3sunflowers · 1 year
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This is my Miku pokemon trainer tier list
For this tier list its both my favorites and what i consider a very good miku design
Of course all of them are good miku designs but some shine above the rest
S tier- my absolute favorites Bug miku is so classy, so well thought out, and i think the brown looks amazing with her teal. Shes everything A close tie with bug miku is Ice miku her hair is everything to me im in complete love with this sharp miku. Water Miku is basic but that's all she needs in lovely simplicity, truly feeling like Miku in this world as a water trainer especially with her tan lines from her original outfit it feels like this is her off time from being an idol! Steel Miku had my heart as soon as I saw her with Jirachi. Which was my favorite pokemon when I was a child [it was prior before i even had any pokemon games of my own and only watched the movies] The colors, the motif of star, the hat and the hair its all wonderful to me!
A tier- Amazingly done concepts and totally miku! Rock Miku's dress and veil is lovely, i love they incorporated the veil as mock pigtails. If this was the verison of her without the dress then she would have been in S tier. I love the jester look but thats my own personal preference. She also reminds me of diance with the dress.
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Flying Miku is gorgeous, the wispy hair, the translucent areas to mimic clouds and mist. It's an amazing concept and wonderfully executed design! Fairy miku i know is everyones favorite and it's obvious to see why, shes adorable and cute and I too would love to draw her. She has that appeal to her down to a T. Fighting Miku is something i've been waiting for this whole time. Of course no way they could do a pokemon collab with miku and not include farfetch'd! It's a sleek and simple design that takes traits of the original miku's outfit and tweaks them. Though she does kind of remind me of maka from soul eater just a small bit.
B tier- Great concepts! Electric Miku's lightening pigtails are so cute she looks like a little adventure/farmer of currents. She stands on her own as a design and as a tie to miku. Poison type Miku i would have done the same doing mucky/slime twintails though i probably wouldn't have thought to use the new alolan muk which is a very good look and helps add in the colors. It's a great design and while i wouldve put her in A tier some of her design elements hold me off. This is a top tier character design though trust me Dark Miku, i love she came with obstagoon. Though at first i couldnt even tell if miku had pigtails in the artwork. This reminds me just of a nice miku for a cover of an existing song which is not bad it's just how it feels. Normal type miku has good colors, shes paired with an active singing pokemon and while it's simple I think it conveys miku well enough. Though she keeps reminding me of the oversaturated stereotype of early 90s fashion. now on Ghost miku, shes higher than i'd actually put her but for her concept and simplicity of staying to miku but as a glitched out ghost version of her i do have to give props to that even if i find it more on the plain side. I think they succeeded in what was necessary even though this portrays miku AS the ghost instead of just a ghost trainer. ....honestly now that i type my words i feel like i was right and shouldve stuck with her in C tier.
C tier- too basic for my tastes yet still well done Grass miku is cute and all but if you told me she was unrelated to miku, i could believe you. Just that it'd be a fandom joke to call her 'green miku'
Fire miku, reminds me all too much of the anniversary miku song and im sure thats where they got part of the insipration from it but it doesnt really do much for me combined with the fire aspect and how her hair is shaped. I know its to mimic the pokemon shes with its just personal taste on that one. The silhoutte is good.
Ground type miku i had to keep looking up because i forget what shes supposed to be numerous times. Same case with grass miku, i could see someone telling me shes from x thing and unrelated to miku. I'm just not a fan of the design and colors but it's well done. I know when something is just my subjective taste rather than poorly done.
Dragon miku while i'm not the biggest fan of all the cowlicks going down the twintails i know it's purpose is there to mimic the spiked tail of a traditional dragon and i wouldn't want them removed. I think i especially just don't like the tacked on half shawl cape it feels disjointed. Yet i find its a nice concept they did both an almost knight look for her as dragon as always with the concept of knights and dragons battling. Now the knight trainer is battling with the dragon as comrades.
Psychic type miku- i think they started with the least interesting and noteworthy one honestly. It just looks, kind of uninspired but thats rude to say. I know shes here to fufill the concept of miku as a trainer in pokemon and well it just looks like she's her own trainer class that'd have multiple running around looking the same instead of a stand out like a rival or a gym leader in game.
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sillyfairygarden · 1 year
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fairy once more 🌹 my c!hannah design is complete, full design process is under the cut :)
wrow it has been like 1.5 yr since my first c!hannie drawing 😭 ourgh i love her sosososo much. i really went back n forth on whether or not to actually complete this design, due to my... complicated and strenuous relationship with the dsmp... but after talking it out and going through these pieces i wanted to do it justice one last time :)
without further ado here is a (near-complete) history of my c!hannahxxrose design. i have included text descriptions since my handwriting is notoriously doctoral (bad):
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In the beginning the design was very simple, and leaned heavily into the popular fanon. [pointing at image of c!hannah with leafy, thick foliage leaves from fall 2021: this was drawn before the event where c!hannah got her wings, aka i'm psychic teehee]
(i didn't really know much about her character, so these aren't tied to the canon and got scrapped!)
[pointing to a design of c!hannah with fairy wings from early 2022: this simple dress was a staple in my early design...]
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her wings! i think when she lost them, it really drew me into pinning down a design for her. i toyed with the imagery of torn, tattered wings, but then turned to a more melted look. i love the multicolour spread of her wings, through over time her wing shape changes from a butterfly wing to a more dragonfly/fairy-style.
i toyed with the idea of her wings being torn off completely, but at the end it was more true to the imagery to have these massive, multicoloured wings, useless and tattered.
[text beneath a c!tinarose piece from march 2022: first time drawing c!tinarose B) very uninspired outfits. also, why does c!tina have little wings??? The line "he ripped your rings, my little fairy :(" lives in my head rent-free. I wasn't happy with how this came out.]
[text beneath a c!tinarose piece from july 2022: genuinely one of the best pieces i've ever done. c!tinarose nation 4 lyfe ✌️ Really nailed the melty, shredded wing design here!
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Design Exploration:
While working on those [above] pieces in 2022, i started exploring different ideas for my c!hannah design.
[text pointing to a sketch from september 2022, where c!hannah has a large, tree-like arm: in this, c!hannah is a flower nymph whose body is apart of nature--the tree arm is borne! i LOVE asymmetrical designs. In my notes, i wrote: 'she draws her energy from nature to heal after losing her wings- in return, nature returns to claim her body... as time goes on, the bark grows.]
Concept: pre-DSMP design:
[text pointing to a sketch of c!hannah kneeling, hair wild with flowers and covered in climbing vines: a rosebush who becomes a girl-in her early days, she is more plant-like than human girl! i loved this hair. so fun.]
Introduction of Armour:
[text beneath multiple drawings of c!hannah from summer 2022, where she is wearing armour: in these sketches, i was feeling the urge to draw some armoured ladies-and so c!hannah became my victim!
i'm always craving sleek, feminine silhouettes in my armoured designs, without turning into battle corsets and bikinis.
at the same time as this, i was in the brainstorming/conceptual stages for other dsmp characters, and i wanted c!hannah to be unique from the generic, full-netherite design.]
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Final Design:
A year and a half after my first art of her, and i collected the varying design elements from past pieces into one final concept!
Knightly yet feminine, strong but still wearing (literally) the scars of pain. I wasn't confident in ever finishing this, but then i heard that she gets her wings back after the 2023 """finale""" of the smp... it was time to bring closure to this character design that i have poured a whole part of myself into. This was the final sketch.
[text near a sketch of c!hannah's final design: flower spirit, mix armoured with flowers (utena core).]
for the final piece itself, i wanted to reference the colours of hannah's minecraft skin, while still adding that fantasy-knight element. the wings are trimmed, but still retained that beautiful, multicolour melty look. her tree arm is finally blossoming and blooming with pops of colour, to signify regrowth after the trauma of losing a piece of herself. her insignia is not for any nation, but for herself.
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The works of these illustrators greatly guided this design. Additionally, my peers and other artists who have drawn/interpreted c!hannah before <3 feminine, strong designs are so beautiful!
[not pictured are the works of JC Leyendecker, Jasmin Darnell, CLAMP, Thores Shibamoto, and my dear friend zma. their works orbit my head like a ceiling fan whenever i put the pen to paper <3)
a few things didn't end up making the cut (the cape from the final sketch, her other forms and ideas for pre-SMP, etc) but at this point, i am really excited to just stop looking at this piece LOL. it has been staring at me for forever. im very pleased with it and touched something special at seeing my own abilities, ambition, and concept designs grow within my own work. even if no one reads all 213445345 words of this, it's a wonderful capsule of the work i put into this design and im quite pleased.
aneeeways if any1 read this far i hope u like it 🙇 ok im going eepy now gnight ^^
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