#as ive been writing this fanon clone fic
jojotier · 7 years
Hey so like.... When is the fandom at large going to stop taking Kakyoin's subtle streaks and taking them 20 steps too far?
Like kakyoin is righteous and ruthless towards evildoers- you know, literal murderers and people who try to do criminal acts that are morally wrong- but he isn't an outright sadist just because he punishes people in proportion to their crimes, no matter how cruel those punishments may seem to an outsider.
Kakyoin is quirky and weird and a lil creepy at times, but that doesn't make him outright freakish or perverted. He's a prankster and a joker and has a weird sense of humor but that isn't out of line with his politeness or his curiosity or his interest in learning about things
Hes polite and mild mannered to people, especially if he doesn't know them, but that doesn't make him a completely goody two shoes quiet submissive pushover. You can be an honor student and still punch someone's lights out. Trust me, I've been there
He doesn't like to submit to evildoers and is a stubborn jackass with a hard head but that doesnt mean hes unyielding and uncompromising with those he loves, especially if he trusts them. He has diplomatic solutions as well as violent ones- like in the Wheel of Fortune episode where he's trying to make sure his friends don't beat the shit out of some innocent bystanders
It's like- you can have a pocket knife for protection and not be a delinquent. Normal people have little means of protection for themselves all the time! That's the best metaphor I have for this because man, even one single action or line gets taken a thousand steps too far. You can exhibit certain traits or behaviors and have those not be the things that define you god dammit
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owlghost · 5 years
1-25 for the ask game, for 25 I choose Danny!
hot damn okay!
1) When did you first watch Danny Phantom?i watched it the day it premiered! i was eight years old wowie
2) What’s your favorite fic?OH SHIT idk man i have read and loved way to many to pick a fav uh i personally really love horror and angsty stuff, which is very easy to find lmao
3) If you could canonically rewrite any episode, which would you chose?obviously phantom planet. i like the concept of a crazy-ass asteroid thats going to destroy the earth unless ghosts and people join together to ~save the day~ but it couldve been done without all the other bullshit i probably dont need to explain
4) What’s your favorite ship (if any)?pitch pearl holds a special place in my heart since it was one of the first that i ever liked, otherwise im neutral on most of them
5) Thoughts about Amethyst Ocean?i hate it and i dont like sam either
6) Thoughts about Gray Ghost?im neutral on it
7) Thoughts about Swagger Bishie?i used to like it a lot, even now i enjoy the dynamic but otherwise neutral
8) Thoughts about Wes Weston?if written well he can be a really good addition, so yeah i enjoy his character
9) Thoughts about Vlad?couldve been a really good antagonist, but hes too rigid of a character in canon. theres a few fanon versions i really enjoy- one being where he’s still a bad guy for using his powers to get rich and blackmail people, but hes not out for murder (tho maybe still bitter) and doesnt want danny as his son. like hes a bad guy but not a Bad Guy if that makes sense
10) Would you rather wear the striped pants or ‘It’s not gay if he’s dead’ t-shirt?those pants are atrocious, give me the shirt. tho maybe confusing since im a lesbian lmao
11) Most underrated fic trope?nobody knows au, please give me more i am starving
12) Most overrated fic trope?field trip into dannys head/ghost zone, its just been written so many times that the dead horse is now ground meat
13) Which do you prefer more, ghost hunger or dissection fics?AW FUCK MAN dont make me choose both are so gross and horrific that i love them equally
14) Have you ever read a dissection fic and if so, do you remember your first one?ya obviously, and it was lab rat which was also the very first fic i read for the fandom and i was fuckin HOOKED
15) Who’s your favorite character?i mean danny bc im basic but other than him either frostbite of wulf
16) Would you rather Danny be an astronaut or the Ghost King?not to project but i’d rather him be an astronaut bc i personally know the pain of growing up and working so hard to do a specific thing, but then having something happen that completely destroys all that work. okay im 100% projecting but let him live out his dreams BLEASE, for me
17) Would you rather Danny expose his secret to his family or classmates?both are good but probably family so there could be some heavy duty hurt/comfort
18) What do you think ghost speak would sound like?like a recording of someone speaking but its played in reverse w an overlay of static and an echobut i also like where its just a jumble of letters so it looks and sounds like gibberish but theres obviously rules and grammar and whatnot
19) Thoughts about field trip fics?the horse is GROUND BEEF guys(write whatever u want idc, just have fun)
20) Thoughts about “season four” fics?i dont think ive read any so idk
21) Which two characters would you like to swap bodies for a day?MAN IDK i dont really like body swap stuff
22) Any headcanons about the Infinite Realms?its the opposite of space so anything and anyone could and does exist bc its truly infinite and ever expanding
23) Any headcanons about the A-Listers?kwan and star are actually pretty nicedash has a shitty home lifepaulina is middle class At Best but has amazing sewing skills so she can make any garment look expensive
24) Any headcanons about Dani?shes nomadic so she doesnt stay in place very longanonymously runs a very popular instagram where she takes pictures and videos of the places she visitschanges a lot of aspects of her appearance so she doesnt look like a danny clone anymore- basically becomes her own person physically
25) What song do you associate with Danny?enter shikari - airfield (thats also a link to the song)
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wr1t3-my-wr0ngs · 4 years
Hi, Ive been into the clone wars for a while now, but I'm writing my first fic ever and I was wondering if you have any advice about how to write character so they don't sound ooc? I'm good with descriptions and stuff but dialogue isn't my strong place and I'm a little worried I'm gonna mess it up.
— a first time fanfic author
First, let me just say welcome to the wonderful world of fic writing. It's not something everyone does, and you have my full support as you navigate the fun, messy, and strange world of fanfiction.
Dialogue is tricky sometimes, especially if you are working with a side character that doesn't have a lot of development outside of fanon. For these characters, fanon can be a big help. Read other fics, see how other authors interpret the character, stuff like that. But keep in mind that fanon can also be misleading. Popular interpretations don't always match up with source material.
For main characters that have more canon lines it's a bit easier. You have more source material to compare your dialogue with and see if it feels off or not.
In either case I recommend making a google doc and for each character write out a list of basic things about their personalities. After that you can add notes about how they talk (do they use conjunctions? Are they talkative? Stuff like that). You can even go so far as to write this list while watching scenes your character is in so that you can take notes. As you write, refer back to these notes and that should help keep your characters sounding more or less like themselves.
If you are worried about all your characters sounding the same, pick one strong defining characteristic about their speech pattern and run with it. For me, I have found that Anakin is more informal and casual with his language while Obi-Wan uses contractions infrequently, C3P0 talks in run on scentences that are somehow grammatically correct. Stuff like that.
Also, don't be afraid to let your characters go ooc. It happens to the best of us and you can even uses those moments for comedic/dramatic effect. Switching up language can be a lot of fun for that purpose.
If it really bothers you, you can always get another person to read over your work and tell you if something seems wrong and what they think it is. Another set of eyes really is invaluable when it comes to writing.
at the end of the day though, you are gonna have to develop your own feel for the characters you write about. Don't be afraid to have fun with it! Push your characters voice to it's absolute limits, learn what works and what doesn't. Knowing what your character wouldn't say is just as valuable as knowing what they would.
Happy writing!
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jojotier · 7 years
with all due respect i hate everything that jouta stands for. like i can deal with him as a character bc as a character hes not bad, just bland and a lil weird with his love of kak, and if someone were to use him and give him an interesting character for a jotakak fic and nixed the implied oedipal shit id be totes into that. Dare I Say, i might find it cute. but like, i hate him because 8/10 whenever jouta is involved in something, its bc people are looking to mischaracterize kakyoin and jotaro and ??? i am not about that???? 
l ike yea jotaro was a negligent absentee father in canon but that doesnt translate to him literally fighting a fucking toddler ??? over his love’s affections ???? nor does that translate into him being a bad father at all if kakyoin is around, because you best believe that kakyoin is gonna at least inspire him to try and do better. how much ‘better’ is is subjective, but he’d try, even if that trying wasn’t very good
and another thing, kakyoin may care about others and be able to rein others in, but that doesnt at all translate to him being nurturing or motherly ?? kakyoin noriaki is the kind of guy who would get so into a project he would eat nothing but ramen for two weeks what the fuck do you think makes him just instinctively cut out to be a father. having a child does not immediately make you parent material. if anything, i figure that hed have a little trouble with babies at first, because its like- you cant reason with an infant. sometimes youre not gonna be able to deduce what the infant wants because some infants will cry about everything. 
so yea the reason im ranting is because ive been writing clampyoin lines for the last three hours for the fanon clone fic and want to claw out my own eyeballs 
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jojotier · 6 years
wow so apparently schedules only work if you have TIME to do shit..... lame.
Okay, scheduling Take 2: A month schedule that would go 3 releases Mon-Wed-Fri on weeks 1 and 3, with just one or two low maintenance works in between on weeks 2+4... with some time off to focus on finals. Okay, so here’s the new updated schedule- and yes, the bee movie au oneshot for homestuck is still unfortunately scheduled for tomorrow
4/1: Bee Movie AU Oneshot 2- The Waspening, aka karkats a wasp i guess, aka why will no one end my suffering
4/9: Draw on your Fire and Hold it Close, the last chapter- The Luxury of Choice. in which kakyoin flies too close to the earth and becomes ensnared in its gravity, immediately falling thousands of feet to strike the surface of the planet and where, once he picks himself up, he finally meets a stranger in black who refuses to give him their name...
4/11: Understuck 13- Title TBD. It Is Time
4/13: Hiveswap/Homestuck crossover homage oneshot. Just a little piece about a big sib and their little sis, a couple kids who play a game
4/20: Bee Movie AU Oneshot 3- The Death of the Author, aka inversion at its finest with a pretentious message at the end, rose breaking the confines of her own narrative to seek myself, the Author of the fic, out, and then an ending where Rose must choose what to do with the newfound knowledge that once the fic ends, its universes occupants will be absorbed into a void of nonexistence as readers are the only things currently keeping herself and her friends alive
4/23:  Wealth of Stability finale- A Couple Mercenaries in King Midas’s Court. The final chapter of the deck of Pentacles, sure to deliver thrills and chills as a life or death stock market game is played, business is bluffed through, and a strange new feature of hierophant green bubbles to the surface...
4/25: Diamond and Ore ch2- Tip Tap Tup. The one where Diamond and her son Ore have a seemingly chance encounter with world renowned artist Noriaki Kakyoin outside the Met, and are shown to the Speedwagon Foundation, where seemingly fantastical “stand users” like they happen to be gather. Diamond finds two teenage boys locked away, one muzzled while the other has only the simple request for a piece of gum...
4/27: Fanon Clone AU 4- Evening; the Dusk Unsettled. Clones begin to melt, and Jojiro finally meets up with his Kakyoin, Minori, who he’s thought has been dead for two years.
5/2: Devil Went Down to Georgia oneshot. Back when I was 13, I wrote a fic that I feel marked a turning point where my writing began becoming more refined and skilled, thus I’ve decided that, five years later, it’s time to rewrite the oneshot and compare just how much ive improved! I definitely hope you enjoy ;)
And after that, i’ll probs disappear since I have finals to study for and do!! so ill be back by the end of may with a lil more...
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