#as is there some Appeal in wrestling qunari ladies egging each other on in the gym adn arm-wrestling as foreplay
invinciblerodent · 2 months
as of right now it's really looking like I might just wind up playing Veilguard with an absolute gaggle of ladies and like.... one token dude
my very vague plans so far include-
sweet darling Verbena, my baby Ver, the disaster of a female human warrior and Shadow Dragon (for Davrin, it'll be all tragic and heartbreaking and in part about duty and honor and all that pish) (she has had a name and been in the dormant stages of development since like 2016 so hoping that she'll wind up as my canon Rook)
Coris, a no-nonsense female dwarf warrior, Antivan Crow (for Lucanis- i know she'll mockingly call him "First Talon" and make jokes about having attended his funeral) (yeah i just. i want that man on his knees, is that a crime) ("My, aren't you pretty now that you can meet my eye, First Talon.")
Tanner, a female dwarf Lord (Lady?) of Fortune for Harding, who is exactly 2 inches taller than her so she can do the finger-under-the-chin, head-tilt-up thing (all i know is that i'm calling them "Leather and Lace" together)
an unnamed archer rogue female elf for Neve (who was freed by the Shadow Dragons once and had been admiring her from afar for a while) (it was maybe even young Neve who inspired her to join them, but they never spoke, it was just pure unadulterated unrequited sapphic yearning for years do you see my vision) (normally all my characters are bi but i'm getting the feeling that she'll probably be a lesbian) (thinking maybe like "Syl" or something of the sort)
aaaand either the burliest young human dude possible who'll gladly carry Emmrich princess-style, OR a tiny dwarf guy who'll make his knees weak and creaky with many kisses (either way probably a Mourn Watch underling/assistant type)
so far I've got nothing for Taash or Bellara, but yknow, all in due time
maybe a warden on two, i don't know
this is already far more in the way of thoughts than I had wanted to have before release
now watch as nothing of these even happens. watch Ver fall for Bellara and Coris for Harding and the elfette for Davrin and it'll all be just pure chaos
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