#as in the royals who live within the merkingdom and stay there have no serfs
rxttenfish · 1 year
What species are Miranda's serfs? I assume that they are from the merkingdom and live underwater just like her, so they can't be land-based species.
well you see.
the serfs aren't a species.
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royalreef · 5 years
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@mindsmelded​ || 𝒪𝐿𝐼 𝐹𝒰𝒞𝒦 𝒴𝒪𝒰
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1. What do you like to drink on a hot day?
      “Usually just a glass of saltwater when I’m away from my castle, since I can’t have freshwater too often - but there is a blend of strawberry lemonade I have my serfs make for me when I am home that uses saltwater!”
2.  What do you like to drink on a cold day?
      “Hot chocolate, of course!”
3.  What was the last thing you ate?
      “My eating serfs last had an entrée of chopped leviathan and squid, stuffed into a white lobster shell and lightly grilled, and gently drizzled with a caviar-sauce blend.”
4. Hear any good jokes lately?
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5. What do you feel like when you’re in love?
      “ ... It’s... Hard to recall, really. I think I felt... Happy? At first? I think I still had happy moments. I think it’s best described as... Being overwhelmed with love, so overwhelmed and drunk upon it, that you don’t realize that the second half of the time, you live in desperate terror.”
      “Anyhow, I don’t need to feel love. Us royals don’t and shouldn’t.”
6. What is something that warms and comforts you?
      “Stuffed animals. They’re something to hang onto, and are even moreso when you have a sword within range too.”
7. What is something you can definitely do without?
      “The Airkingdom.”
8. Got an antagonist in your life?
      “The Airpeople.”
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9. Do you wear hats?
      “Normally not, but sometimes, yes!”
10. What’s a fear you have?
      “My kingdom being destroyed, as all true citizens of the Merkingdom should fear.”
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11. Anything you wish you could have done differently in your life?
      “No. Nothing that I can change.”
12. What’s something you wish you could do?
      “ ... Make Daddy proud.”
13. Do you like children?
      “Yes! They’re delightful - I never get to personally interact with many, as it is not my place to raise any children by my own hand, but they’re cute, and they’re so wonderful to see happy and giggling, the shine in their eyes when they play!”
14. Have you loved and lost?
      “Define ‘ loved and lost ’ - because I don’t think the regret you’re asking for shall be found.”
15. What would a terrifying nightmare for you be like?
      “You would be better to ask Bell that question.”
16. Got a favorite food?
      “My serfs’ favorite food is airperson, either roast or rotten for a week and a half.”
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17. What kind of music do you listen to?
      “All kinds! I’d be remiss if I did not mention the b’rilq’uu songs of the royal orchestra, but the ouh’n’t genre as a whole is just so much fun, and I truly regret that I can’t show my friends it - I’m so jealous of everyone who lives in Gkl’n’qya, getting to hear that twice a day!”
18. Is there anything you simply cannot stand?
      “Leonard is something I can’t stand.”
19. Mornings or evenings?
20. What would be your dream house?
      “I already live within the Royal Palace and I’m currently staying within one of my family’s spare castles. What is more to dream of?”
21. What is a smell that’s absolutely horrible to you?
      “ ... There’s some scents my kingdom uses as a perfume that I have... trouble with.”
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22. Any bad habits?
      “I tend to pick at my own scales. Usually, it’s nothing, just feeling under them when I feel stressed - but I have accidentally scratched myself once or twice.”
23. What would be an average day for you?
      “Following along my daily planned activities, taking care of what my kingdom demands I must.”
24. Are you wanted by law enforcement?
      “Of course not.”
25. Do you have people you can count on when things get tough?
      “Bellanda. She’s... She’s a good sister.”
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