#as in im eating half a bag of frozen chicken nuggets
c-130jsuperhercules · 2 months
half a bag of chicken nuggets any%(no water, mustard skip OK, patch 1.2.7)
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this ended up being really long so i will put it under a cut but its just a massive post about how i finally have food so feel free to ignore it lol just gotta get it out of my system and into the void of tumblr lmao
FINALLY after literally 2 hours of grocery shopping, for the first time in like a month and a half there is actual food in my house. so much of it. no more just living on carbs and cheese. we now have hamburger(s) shaved steak, all kinds of fruit, a ton of baby carrots, and some bags of salad, and many bags of frozen vegetables, and chicken nuggets and fries, ice cream, some actual snacks like crackers and hot cross buns, we actually have deli meat for once, like to a normal person these are fucking basic things, but when youve had so long of just $5.00 3lb box of pasta, and pb&j and grilled cheese on $1.37 loaf of white bread, and $.47 discount rolls, and $.64 mac and cheese like actually having real food is so great. i have strawberries and more grapes like i wanted fruit soooo badly and the only thing we could afford was like clementines and i was so sick of them i didnt even want to get them anymore. like i sound insane rn just talking about food but like i have gained so much weight, not because  have been eating a ton, but just because all i have eaten is just absolutely awful. i bet you i will lose like 10lbs in a week, (and thats normal and not super unhealthy for me cause im fat) 
i was even able to get myself a little pack of japanese candy to keep in my bag and a bottle of my favorite soda and a jug of juice as treats and im just so happy to have food. like unless you have experienced not having money for food anymore i probably sound so fucking stupid. !!! i just remembered we got fresh asparagus!!!! i love vegetables so much, like i have loved them since i was little people thought i was weird, oh my god im so happy. i know fat person talking about loving food haha gross whatever i dont give a single shit. I love food rn, a lot of the time my stomach makes me hate it, but rn i dont even care that my stomach hurts, i dont have to eat garlic pasta for days and days in a row. i can have basically whatever i want. cause we have so much stuff. 
you have no idea how much better i feel that like real food is in my house. i also got some cans of kidney beans cause i was missing beans like idek if its still cheap ass shit like cans of beans its a hell of a lot better than what i did have. we probably (as long as i dont have an emotional eating rampage and consume everything in sight) have enough food to last for like 2 and a half weeks, which is great since my mom is only paid once every 2 weeks. 
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