#as im am escourting her out
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I've had a really good day, just so happy so many people around me make me feel so close and loved. Some really need that reminder from time to time.
#neon moments#went to work in the morning but handled it really well#boss texted (her day off) to see how it went since it was the first ive really been on my own without her to lean on and just was so#supportive about it and said she was proud of me#then went to an escape room with a close friend#my brother and his girlfriend (who is now a friend of mine...ive decided it)#and we had a blast over the qhole experience#(even if we didnt “escape”)#then i come home and another friend came over and we exchanged gifts and talked for a long time and just had a good while of just existing#near each other#THEN#as im am escourting her out#my roommates were having a mini party i just immediately joined since one of my roommates family is in town#and we just joked and loved on our animals (everyone loves my childhood dog who is old but loves attention) and just...#im getting all sappy but I came upstairs and just really appreciate life rn
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[FN] The lost prince and his bodyguard
"Sleep is unbeknownst to me, has been for awhile." The warrior thought to himself. Kyoto takes up the giant blade named Kison and points it at the sky. Cloudy, yet rays of warm light pour in through the distant curtains of rain. The young man sits up dusting off the pollen from his leather armor. He reattaches the white cloak he wears around his shoulders and down the last of what is in his waterskin. Kyoto rubs his eyes clean picking an apple from the tree he slept beneath and walks towards Milo road.
"Hmmm...if im this close to the orchard i must be but two days from Shinewell. I better get going the prince will be waiting for me." He puts his map away and breaks into a jog.
"Master Cleo we must think about your decision! Taking the Warp scrolls to the library of Durin is mad! Your too young for a journey without escourt, as well as your request to let some mercenary take you there is perposterous!" The old councilman pleaded with the young boy beside him as they walked the halls of Castle Shinewell.
"Master Cl.."
"Councilman Syris i head your warning and i hear your plea but my decision is final! The mercenary is a friend. Very trustworthy and more suitable than any guard you could provide!" The small blonde haired prince brushed hair from his blue eyes and scrunched his nose.
"Who is this mercenary anyway master Cleo?"
The prince with a sharp grin spoke slowly so the old man could hear correctly "The Ghost-Touched swordsman."
In a burst of outrage Syris twice cleos elder and twice his stature blurted out "you mean the Cursed swordsman the one without eyes!?"
"He can see twice as much as any seer and fight the Drakes of Kings Mountain. His weapon unbreakable and his skill unmatched when it comes to fighting beasts and bandits." Cleo warmly smiled and walked away from Syris.
Syris boiled heading streight to the council hall. He had words to share with his fellow makers.
Kyoto crested a hill overlooking the massive walls of the outter city. His home is here though he finds more comfort on the lonely roads. His friends a young wizard and a noble his only companions. Kyoto's eyes shrouded in a fog revealed to him the path safest to the city, yet before him not two hundred yards was a bandit ambush laying in wait for an oncoming merchant.
"My eyes tire me but i will not let this happen".
Kyoto sprints toward the merchant waving his arms like a lunatic "stop!". The merchant a small gnome shifted his glasses on his wrinkled face. "My boy your appearance is startling to say the least why stop me here? Do you need a ride?" The merchant motioned for the warrior to sit next to him on his driving bench. The mares winnied as the merchant snapped the reins.
"do you mind if i ask what is in the cart?"
The gnome looked at the warriors stark white hair and massive sword hanging from his shoulders "if you mean to rob me i only have feed for the lords horses".
"I do not mean to rob you but to warn you. Ahead in a thicket of bramble bushes lay ten or so men waiting to rob this very cart." The gnome looked startled but cocked his head to hear more. Kyoto continued "i posess enough skill to stop the attack. I only ask one thing in compenstation". The gnome worriedly looked at his miniscule coin bag. "That you spread the word that the ghost of shinewell seeks knowlege of the veil. Can you do that for me?" The small man nodded quizicly looking puzzeled by the title the man before him gave. As they approached the overgrown path a man stumbles out holding a wound on his stomach.
"Please...there are b b beasts in the hills. Can you spare me a ride to the great city?"
Kyoto scoffed "tell the other nine to show themselves!"
The man dressed in rags slowly produced a dagger from behind his belt "alright men this one saw us through. Now we will run em through. Sack the cart!"
Cleo hastily packed a travel bag as well as paid off a stablemaster to get him a descreet carriage to house himself. The trip to Durin would be long but no doubt in his mind did he pick a better companion than Kio.
"Uhmm" a small feminen voice cleared their throat. "Master cleo i do belive you are a danger to many by possessing the void scrolls or at least a piece. The council made it seem like you had all seven in your hands."
"You spied mrs. Luna?" Cleo turned to face the skyblue robbed girl. She has long black hair and piercing green eyes. Her nails dipped in an oily liquid only to better produce a current. She enters cleos room and closes the double doors then electricfying the handles.
"There isnt much time and the sage warned of troubles ahead. I took it upon myself to decide...im joining you master cleo" she removes the pointed wide brimmed hat she wears and bows before the prince.
"Jay luna the mage of clouds. Impressive what youve done at our age."
Jay giggles pulling back hair from her pointed ears "our age? I am 200 years old but i guess that is equivalent to yours at 16".
"So what of the council?"
Jay sighs "they mean to stop you peacefully if possible but syris' plans are more sinister i belive. No matter the guards you bring will suffice especially if they are the wardens?" She waves her hand in a motion to get cleo to speak.
"I have but one guard cloud mage. I have The ghost of shinewell. The veil walker. The spirit touched swordsman. Kyoto Amory."
Jay raised her brows in intrest. "Heard he was quite violent and unruly in the farlands".
"Thats the farlands. Filled with beasts and murderers!".
"Isnt he too a murderer".
"A warrior not a murderer. And one that possess unqiue powers only few have ever lived to see."
Fifteen men burst from the undergrowth rushing the cart from all sides. Kyoto in a quick motion pulls himself and the gnome up onto the roof of the cart. "Stay here" the warrior ordered unshouldering Kison, his blade. A few of the bandits all different races wielding many weapon types surrounded the cart. Blackened veins raised to the surface around kyotos eyes as they fogged over. He could now see their heartbeats, every little twitch of motion, and if any had aquired magic abilitys. Doing even this quick scan of the men tired the warrior greatly, but it had to be done. One man an orc stood far away from the cart whispering to himself and twitching his fingers in hand signs.
"He is casting a long spell fire based" kyoto observed. Kyoto grinned. Maybe a challenge awaited.
Bandits loaded crossbows and aimed to down the defender and merchant. Six bolts screamed through the air and in one swift twirl kyoto deflected the bolts with his sword. The others rushed to climb up the cart. The gnome desperatly kicks at the mens hands. Two men reach the top as kyoto closes his eyes. In silence, peace of mind kyoto bends his kness and slides around full swing cleaving the two bandits in half. He then jumps on top of a falling torso to the men below. The men back up but then rush hapazardly swinging blades and hammers at the ghost.
Six heart beats. Three upward motion. Two downward motion. One diagnal motion.
using the power of his eyes kyoto deflect the first three blows then pushes energy through himself and blasting them backward thirty paces. The next two swings are caught on the swordsman' blade. With a push down and slice across two fall to the warrior. The last kyoto just leans back letting the blade wash past him. He grips the mans face with one hand and rips his eyesight reducing stress on his own eyes. The bandit screams in pain as his own eyes now share the blindness of kyotos. The three before begin to pick themselves up. The ghost sensing danger turns and rips the gnome from the roof of the cart by his foot as a cone of flame engulfs the cart and the mares.
"Are you not done yet!" Kyoto screams out in a two toned voice.
The orc leader grins his tusks caked in dried food "i do think i have the upper hand. Orc mage stronger than puny human warrior with...uhh..with magic items!".
Stupid orc
Kyoto places the gnome on his shoulders. "They intend to kill us or slave us. The cart wasnt their goal". The gnome holds on tight closing his tearing eyes shut.
Four bandits approach from behind as well as three more from the front.
Damn it.
kyoto again flashes his eyes but this time phases out of exsistance and stepping out of the swings of the bandits weapons. The world flashes greys and blacks. Returning to the world with a bloody nose and bleeding eyes kyoto slams his sword into the ground and grips forward. Contorting the bandits bodies violently but breifly. He damages them enough to cripple but not enough power left to kill. The ghosts eye sight diminishes leaving him with the view of the world in blackness. His body heaving up and down in exhaustion the gnome taps his shoulder "mr. Theres more bandits more bandits!" Kyoto focuses on the samantic chanting of a spell coming from the orcs lips. In darkness he lets his hearing do the next part. Swing after swing kyoto ducks, sidesteps, and rolls dogging the attacks. When the final word of the spell releases the warmth of the flame signals kyoto to phase backwards into it a mere fifty steps.
The flame burns the remaining bandits to ash as kyoto appears behind the orc mage with his hand to his face and one inside his chest.
"Kesh tin ver kel eye!"
Kyoto rips the orcs eyesight and strips him of his magical core. The orcs cavity gushes blood as the core is removed.
Kyoto stares at his bloody hand intill his eyesight returns. Laying in his hand a small flame spirit in the shape of a snake dances a circle charring the leather of his glove.
"Go now my friend. Why you bonded to such a beast i will not know for you are to young to answer. But you are chaotic and must be free from the sins of man" kyotos voice splits in two as he bids farewell releasing the spirit into a small hole in the veil.
submitted by /u/ApolloAmory [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Rz8oJp
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Sex workers,smarter then the average bear.-random thoughts by coach candy k
so, explain why people in sex work are considered dumb? lazy? to sorry for a real job? .........It’s a hypothetical but if you noticed before someone wants to take you or your word at any weight at all, they want to know “what do you do?” “where are you from?” as if your job and area code dictate education. If you suck dick for money, your worse then the ones who do it free (bass aackwards). Im pretty sure my algebra teacher Mrs. Barker with the ass has sucked some penises in her life..... so her opinion holds more weight than anyone else simply bc they charge for sucking dick and she didn’t? “shes a teacher” ok fine.... i had a tit for tat with a construction worker who decided i was a lazy idiot who could not get a “respectable job” and he was the smart one.
ahem..... excuse me hard hat... you build things for someone else and ask to go pee when you need a break, and still make less then me....and...im the dumb one here?
So after going into banking, bc you know its a good respectable job to have right? The saying goes “it’s not if you are robbed, its when” well my when was when 5 assholes came busting in guns out and all. That day, i had a gun put to my head and back while me and my co-workers emptied everything we could.... traumatized? a lil, i have never been held at gun point during a web cam session, never had to talk to the cops after a premium snapchat sale, never had to go to court for selling panties and all for $14 a hour. So i realized....i almost died for a company i had already figured i was the token black for..... the one who didnt like giving me a day off, who wrote me up allll the time....... i hated this job! 3 years and a robbery wtf was i doing? what i was told to do and guess what, they were wrong. I fell into sex work and im so happy I did, so many stereotypes and lies give us a bad name
we simply are more offended by spending 8+ hours a day on someone elses time and still struggling to pay bills then we are to sale a pair of panties. “i like being independent so...” ok, if carls jr fires you tonight are you still independent or are you jobless? if my daddy drops me tonight am i still independent or jobless..... pretty much the same boat as you. I could never be a dog shitter picker upper.....doesnt mean i have a issue with the job, does it bring in money? are you hurting anyone? does it provide you with obligations to fullfill? wedll... you have a job....just like everyone else! best part is unlike everyone else your independent. This makes you smart sis. So many people want a incoeme all there own and tada you have a few. sale panties? escourt? webcam? each thing you do you get paid for unlike a regular job who gives u 50 task and 1 pay.... you genius you. blah, sex workers are smart af!
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