#as i've written that one before my opinion on what each of the sins means was solidified
lu-is-not-ok · 1 year
loving the analyses! could we get ebony stem/ya śūnyatā tad rūpam, if your inbox isn't too full? keep up the good work!
Well, I can fulfill one half of this request, considering I already talked about the other Outis E.G.O for... Way longer than was probably necessary.
That being said, let's dive under the cut for this.
So, let's start off with Ebony Queen's Apple. Or, rather, Snow White's Apple, the Abnormality Ebony Queen's Apple is an Abberation of.
The story of Snow White's Apple is a very interesting twist on the fairytale, focusing on the experience and feelings of the apple that poisoned Snow White.
This apple, created by the witch's rage and curse, was left abandoned after it fulfilled its purpose. Lonely and festering hatred towards the princess, the same feeling the witch was experiencing, it waited to rot away and disapper... But it couldn't. No matter how much time passed, how much the apple was crushed or eaten by bugs and birds, it would continue to exist.
Surrounded by the bodies of the birds and bugs its poison killed, the apple began to ponder its existence, until one day it sprouted enough of a stem and leaves to move from its spot. Thinking of the princess who was woken up from her poisoned slumber by a prince, the apple decided that it was a princess in its own right, but didn't need a prince to be woken.
The main theme of this abnormality is loneliness and jealousy mixing together to form an intense, "toxic" hatred. There's also this interesting idea of immortality and its negative connotations, being that the apple wished to effectively die, but would never rot, instead stewing in its own loneliness and the harm it inflicted just by existing. There's also this interesting idea of a role reversal, of the apple that inherited the witch's will and feelings becoming a princess in its own twisted way.
Now, that's all nice and good, but what about Ebony Queen's Apple.
Here, I would like to briefly rant about the fact that the wiki for Limbus Company contains all the MD Events, all the Abno Logs (though not always with proper assignments who said what), all the detailed Battle Info... but. For SOME FUCKING REASON. It does not include the text for mid-battle events. IT SAYS THE EVENTS ARE THERE!!! BUT DOES NOT PROVIDE THE FUCKING TEXT!!!!
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Thank you, shitty fandom wiki, this is useless! You're making my job Harder!
In fact, I'm going to bring up those events as the First Thing, because they actually have the most thematically relevant details out of all of the information we have.
Ebony Queen's Apple has two mid-fight events. One that always activates on Turn 3 of the fight, and one that activates when its Head part is broken once and brought down to half health.
Let's start with the first one, perhaps the most interesting one.
It begins by describing Ebony Queen's Apple as "a heart torn into thousands of pieces", and how it burrows and tangles itself underground to hide itself from all eyes. Already, we have this repeat of the idea that the Apple is inheriting feelings from someone else, being that person's heart rather than just an apple cursed by that person.
This is followed by another interesting line, giving the reason for someone to pull up these roots as "there is no wound that can remain unearthed". The wording of this is kind of odd here. The word 'unearth' means to find something by digging something up from the ground, so for something to remain 'unearthed', it has have already been found and dug up.
Which... doesn't make sense when you first think about it, because it's giving a reason for digging something up by telling you that... something can't remain dug up? Unless, you connect it to the previous line. A wounded heart should not be seen by all eyes. No wound can remain unearthed. Ebony Queen's Apple is very much trying to hide its pain, and that's why the Sinners have to pull on these roots. Reveal the Apple's own pain. Because it by itself never would.
When the Sinners proceed to give each other looks, another interesting sentence follows. "Being coiled in piercing, sharp pain was something to avoid even in one's dreams." While, on the literal level, this is obviously meant to refer to the Sinner being bound by Ebony Queen's Apple's roots, I do wonder... Is it also referring to the pain the Apple itself is experiencing and trying to hide?
The skill check is a Wrath Advantage, with the additional flavor text saying "The dry earth must be upturned. Which Sinner was up to the task?". It's interesting how Wrath, the Sin of defiance, is the one that does better at upturning reality, if you will. But, that's not directly related to the Abno, so I won't dwell on it for too long.
What follows a successful skill check is the Sinner digging up the roots with their bare hands and coming to some... interesting realizations. To quote the text directly:
"In their hands were the doubts of others. The Sinner realized... That while the injury may heal, distrust might take deep root in their heart."
This, I think, is the reveal of what the source of Ebony Queen's Apple's pain is. The Apple has been hurt before, and while no physical injury or pain remains, there is still that pain of distrust, that pain of fear over being hurt again. The coiling, sharp pain that took root in the heart that the Apple represents. And that same pain that the Apple tries so desperately to hide.
Now, let's talk about the second event, which I have to rant about again. There is. Very little online info about this event, as usually one can very easily skip it because of how easy Ebony Queen's Apple is to defeat. The only footage I've found of it is in a Solo video, with the person pressing the Skip button, so if I miss any text in that event, this is why.
And no, I couldn't check what the event was on my own, because by the time I'm writing this Ebony Queen's Apple is no longer available in thread luxcavations, and I'm not going to be doing a whole MD for the chance of finding the boss or waiting a whole week just to be able to confirm the event text. I may be insane, but I'm not that insane.
So, in this event, when the Sinners look up at the Apple's face, they gaze upon "the weathered memories within". Again, there's this idea of the original harm that was done to the Apple took place such a long time ago that its memories have become weathered. It could also refer to the pain and distrust being what made those memories weathered by them, everything the Apple can remember now tainted by these feelings.
Another interesting line in this event is the following: "When the apple browns, cracks, shrivels, and attracts lowly creatures... That is when it has met golden bliss." There's that same idea of the Apple seeking death just like Snow White's Apple. How rotting away and becoming one with the earth, finally letting go of this pain, is the one thing this Apple considers as true bliss.
Upon succeeding the skill check (Pride advantage for taking advantage of the Apple being lost in bliss, btw), an interesting line is said. "The fruit was emptied of its lifeblood long ago; only futility remained."
It's a very evocative sentence to me. It gives the image of Ebony Queen's Apple being a sort of walking corpse, something that should have already died, but something within it was keeping it clinging to life in futility. Was the moment the Apple got hurt enough to begin its distrust the moment it lost its lifeblood? Was that pain and distrust the thing that kept it going in futility?
Now, let's take a look at the actual battle info. Don't worry, this one won't be as long as the MFE one, since Ebony Queen's Apple doesn't have as much to ramble about regarding its Skills and Passives.
Ebony Queen's Apple uses two different Sin Affinities - Gluttony for attacks done with its Stems, and Pride for attacks done with its Roots. All of the Apple's body parts have two attacks each, with the exception of the Head, which only uses a single Affinity-less defense skill.
Starting with the Stem attacks:
Pale Stem - The appearance of Snow White's Apple's stems actually plays a notable role, as they are constantly described as looking like they are dying and withering, yet they're still alive and growing. Likewise, I think it is worth pointing out what Ebony Queen's Apple's stems look like as well. The descriptor of 'Pale' combined with the almost skeletal appearance in its design proper gives the image of a plant that has been dead for so long its color and structure is unrecognisable. And yet... it's still alive, despite all odds.
Distrust - In case we didn't pick up on the idea of distrust from the mid-battle event, this attack would absolutely clue us all in. Incredibly straight-forward, not much more to say here.
Now onto the Roots attacks:
Root Spike - This one is so straightforward that I don't think there's much to read into here. You could probably read way into it with the idea of distrust and how it connects to the idea of taking root, but... Nah. I think this one is just a simple physical description of the attack. They can't all be deep.
Shared Pain - An interesting fact about this specific attack is that it only starts getting used After the mid-battle event (wiki says it only enters the pool after both events but I'm Sure I've had this attack happen after only the first one, so *shrug*), which has some interesting implications.
Recall that the first event involves a Sinner digging up Ebony Queen's Apple's roots, effectively exposing the pain and distrust it feels to everyone around it. And this action is what lets the Apple use the Shared Pain skill... If you can't hide it, make a show out of it, I suppose.
Now, onto the last one, the Head's defense:
Vain Fruit - Now, I think this is a very interesting skill name, as it could have a double meaning. Vain could mean someone with a lot of pride, an excessively high opinion of oneself. However, vain could also mean something useless, futile. In a way, I think both of these apply.
On one hand, Ebony Queen's Apple absolutely fits the Limbus definition of Pride. Hiding and trying to ignore its own pain for the sake of keeping up appearances, doing something for its benefits while ignoring the negative consequences. On the other, we are directly told that the Apple's continued survival is futile, there is no life left in it, only pain and distrust. Its continued existence is in vain.
So, I think the description "Vain Fruit" fits it quite perfectly actually.
Now, I'll take a brief look at the Passives as well.
An Apple's Twilight is an interesting one. When used figuratively, twilight can describe a state of gradual decline, or a state that is obscure and hard to define. In a way, I think that's exactly the state Ebony Queen's Apple is in. Not quite alive, but not yet dead either. In the twilight of its life, you could say.
Entangling Roots is clearly connected to the first mid-battle event, where the Apple is described as tangling itself to hide its pain. These roots are what entangles the Apple, and by pulling them out, this Passive is turned off premautrely.
One Sole Root is an interesting one, because I think it comes back to the idea of Pride/Vanity. That everything is about keeping up Ebony Queen's Apple's image, keeping up that one single root that matters. Note how the Roots are the part of the Apple that is covered up by its dress, and how "breaking" the Roots doesn't necessarily break the roots themselves, but exposes them by breaking the dress covering them.
So, let's finally mention the Abno Logs, shall we?
Something very interesting about Ebony Queen's Apple is that it's noted to not be immediately hostile to the Sinners, rather trying to communicate with them telepathically. It's in stark contrast to Snow White's Apple, whose hatred and poison would actively harm anything within its vicinity.
Even more interestingly, Ebony Queen's Apple asks the Sinners to "Bring Snow White", which leads Faust to realize this Abnormality has some connection to Snow White's Apple. However, something about this is interesting - it's very clearly talking about Snow White, the princess, not the other Apple. Do both of the Apples have some sort of connection to that princess?
The next Log mentions something interesting - Faust speculated that Ebony Queen's Apple could potentially 'believe itself to be a "noble".' Consider how Snow White's Apple began to believe itself to be a princess after spending a long time thinking about her. Likewise, Ebony Queen's Apple seems to have done something similar, instead beginning to believe itself to be the evil queen, potentially also after thinking about her for a long time.
...So I have a theory here. A Lore theory, if you will.
The Snow White's Apple is an Apple who took on the heart of the witch (which, if you somehow don't know the story, is the Evil Queen in disguise), but decided to become like a princess after being hurt by her.
What is the chance that Ebony Queen's Apple is the opposite of that? An Apple who took on the heart of the princess, but decided to become like the Evil Queen after being hurt by her.
It would explain a lot, in fact. The reason why Ebony Queen's Apple isn't initially hostile towards the Sinners? Because at her heart, Snow White isn't a violent or malicious person, it's the persona of the Evil Queen that the Apple took on that is violent. What character in the fairytale would be the most likely to develop high levels of distrust? Snow White, who's being constantly hunted down by the Evil Queen through a variety of deceitful tricks. Why would the Apple look like it's been dead for a long time? Because Snow White was put into a coma, seemingly dying due to the Evil Queen's actions, before she was brought back to life.
So... decoding Ebony Queen's Apple is nice and all, but where does that leave us themes-wise?
Well, distrust is the most obvious theme here. Specifically, the pain one experiences and feels the need to hide because of the fear of being hurt again. There's also this similar idea of immortality, but in this case it's specifically the futile attempt of living after one's death, literal or figurative. A walking corpse, if you will. Finally, the role reversal theme rears its head up again, though in this case it's about a kind, soft-hearted person becoming malicious and selfish, so as to never be hurt again.
And now, we get to the big question. What does all of this mean for Ebony Stem Outis?
Well, let's look at the Awakening attack. In this attack, Outis uses Ebony Queen's Apple's Root Spike attack, which by itself doesn't tell us much. What is interesting is how she invokes this attack. The motion she makes puts to mind the leader of an army, directing their troops forward with the decisive raise of a weapon.
However, the more interesting part here I think is her dialogue line. "If this is to seize victory…" So, those who were here for my Ya Śūnyatā Tad Rūpam analysis might have an idea of where this is going.
This, I think, is Outis expressing her own justification for putting on the persona of the 'Evil Queen', of a brave, selfish commander. It's to seize victory, whether it's about the Smoke War, whatever ulterior motives she has in her current position, or perhaps even something far more personal. Because, if you win, you can't lose and be hurt further, right?
After all...
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Outis has proven herself to be quite familiar with this idea, hasn't she?
Now, onto the Corrosion.
Here, the idea of Ebony Queen's Apple representing something that is already dead is further cemented, as Outis's face turns completely skeletal upon becoming Corroded. Interestingly enough, the animation she uses here is the Apple's Shared Pain attack. Perhaps Corroding under the influence of this Abnormality shows enough of her vulnerabilities for her to decide to unmask just enough to use that attack?
The dialogue line here is also very fascinating. "Just a little more…", said in a notably pained manner. Just how desperate is Outis? Just how much pain is she pushing herself through to continue on? How many 'just a little more's has she been clinging to this whole time?
Just like how Ebony Queen's Apple's attempts to keep living after death are futile, Outis's attempts to continue on despite what happened in her past are also futile. No amount of pushing through and inching forward will lead her to where she wants to be. No amount of telling herself that the Oddyssey had a purpose will actually give it one.
Finally, we're at the point where we can do some Sin Analysis.
Ebony Stem is a Gluttony-affinity E.G.O, and it's a very clear yet very interesting case of one. The hunger is very much there, but it's not what one would usually associate with Gluttony on first glance.
The hunger for survival is there, but it's not literal. In this case, it's the striving towards surviving without being hurt, surviving despite the pain distrust causes. Likewise, the hunger for progress is also there, in this case it's for trying to move forward despite what happened in the past, to keep inching 'just a little more', even though it's clearly futile, with no end in sight.
This futility, I think, is what truly makes this a Gluttony E.G.O.
Now, as for the necessary Sin Resources, they are as follows (ordered from needed most of to least of): Pride, Gluttony, Lust, Gloom.
Pride is quite important to Outis's character, and especially to this E.G.O, as she requires a whole four of it to use it. While the whole idea of her ignoring the harm she inflicts on others to get what she wants still applies here, I think there's another layer to this - ignoring the harm she experiences in doing so.
One of the main themes of Ebony Queen's Apple is how one tries to hide and ignore the pain and distrust one feels for the sake of the appearance one puts on, an incredibly Pride-coded action. Likewise, Outis has to hide her pain and insecurities to be able to put on the persona of the strong-willed, merciless commander, a highly Prideful act by Limbus's standards.
Gluttony follows after, with Outis requiring three of it to use Ebony Stem. Due to it being the Sin Affinity of the E.G.O, most of the points I made while talking about that still remain. Outis needs to wish to survive without pain and keep moving forward despite it being futile to use Ebony Stem, simple enough.
Then, a surprise guest.
Lust. Outis requires two of that Sin to use Ebony Stem. While Lust often represents indulgence, I believe this case is very similar to the case of Lust in Ya Śūnyatā Tad Rūpam. It represents Outis's dedication to her personal goals, how she has to be willing to do anything to fulfill them to gain access to this E.G.O. Plus, there is that additional layer of her wishing to not be hurt, though that can count as several different Sins depending on the context, and it's something I would put under Gluttony for this E.G.O specifically.
Finally, there's Gloom. Outis requires only one of it to use Ebony Stem. It's a small, but nonetheless important part of this E.G.O. I believe Gloom here represents the pain and trauma that led to Outis developing this behavior in the first place. The harm that was inflicted on her in the past, and the distrust that clings to her afterwards. It's a small part due to Outis's highly goal-oriented nature, causing her to focus on other aspects of Ebony Stem, suchs as reaching the goal of victory... But that hurt is still there. That piercing, sharp pain coiling around her heart, that she's always aware of at the back of her mind, no matter how much she wishes to hide it.
Of course, her Passive here being named Stem of Distrust only drives the point home even further.
Something interesting about Ebony Stem Outis's Sin Resistances is that, while very close to Ebony Queen's Apple's, they're not exactly the same. Both the Apple and Outis are Fatal to Wrath and Pride, as it's what can easily tear down their masks - the will to defy their commanding presence and tear it down, knowing that exposing their pain will hurt them in the process. However, what they differ in is the Sins that are Ineffective (x0.5) against them, and the ones they Endure (x0.75).
For Ebony Queen's Apple, its Ineffective Resistance is Gloom, and it's Endured Resistance is Envy. Meanwhile, for Ebony Stem Outis, the Ineffective Resistance is Gluttony, while Gloom is Endured.
I think the reason they're protected from the influences of those Sins is, well... They're the reasons why both the Apple and Outis put on those personas in the first place. They're both protected from Gloom because the whole reason they act like 'Evil Queens' is to avoid getting further hurt, with it being much more important to the Apple.
The Apple endures Envy because its pain likely comes from the influence of a single person - the real Ebony Queen. As such, by mimicking her, the Apple is effectively ensuring that it won't be as hurt and influences by her as it was in the past. Likewise, Gluttony is Ineffective against Ebony Stem Outis as that's the main reason she puts on this mask, to continue moving forward, to keep on living after what happened, regardless of its futility.
There is... certainly something going on with Outis that we don't fully know about yet. Something about her two Gluttony Affinity E.G.Os having themes of distrusting other people, and all of her E.G.Os having some form of idea of putting on a front that's far more aggressive or selfish or commanding than the real self might be...
Girl, what is with you.
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
In life series scott and martyn (and maybe unhinged pearl and scar) can be really mean sometimes and i love them for that because the other lifers are just too nice. Like its fun seeing lovers being forced to fight each other, but cmon its a death match, dont wait for excuses or apologize before attacking, just use your nasty tricks and kill in cold blood, not for fun or for revenge, but towards your own survival and victory.
Uhm anyways, as a viewer the completely different styles of for example etho and martyn are really fun to see.
Right!!! Sometimes I see these characters written into watchers or as having been under watcher control etc as an excuse for their actions. And I want to clarify I'm just expressing my opinion, but, no!!! Don't excuse that!!!! Does that not just take away the fun... Yeah I call Scott toxic and I LOVE that. He is one of the most intriguing characters to me EVER. Yeah Bdubs was an asshole for betraying Tango in LL and I've not forgiven him but I love him anyway!! What a rascal!!! If people have fun headcanoning the Lifers as terribly nice and excusing away all their sins, sure man, who am I to really judge. But it does peeve me...
All of them have been bastards at one point or another. Let them be bastards. Doesn't automatically make them .evil or something. Even if it did, then that doesn't equate to a bad character with no nuance
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yoonia · 3 months
Hey Dia, I meant to add this to my last ask but have you ever had (or do you have) any desire to write a seven deadly sins AU at some point? And if you do, do you know who you would cast as who? And if it’s cool sharing with you, I have 2 different fic outlines; one I made back in 2020 and another one more recently (which is a remake more or less).
From what I’ve read in the past, a lot of times the members (as the embodiments of the 7 sins) are portrayed as being pure evil and stuff, which isn’t bad by any means. If I ever write my own fic though, I would probably do something slightly different. Like yeah, I’d likely write the members as the embodiments of the 7 sins (like other fics) and maybe they would appear evil at first, but I would also probably humanize them and then get redeemed. Another idea I’ve had in mind is writing them as separate stories with different OCs, but they would all be in 1 book and in the same universe.
As for who I would cast as each of the sins, I’m still figuring it out. Like, I’d probably cast someone with a sin that would either be the polar opposite of their personality irl, or just simply choose one that I think the members give vibes of. For example, I’ve thought about associating Yoongi with the sin of sloth because he’s known to be a hard-working person, which would make a nice contrast. But in more recent memory, now I think he gives off a lot more wrath vibes. I mean, look at his solo albums. He’s savage spitfire straight up, lol. But hey, that’s just my opinion 😉
I was inspired from a video I saw on a YouTube channel called “school of life”. If you’re curious, you should totally look up their seven deadly sins video. Even if you don’t have plans to write a fic on this au, I’d still give it a watch. It really goes deep in depth with how the 7 sins align from a psychological perspective.
Anyway, take care again!💜
(Actually, come to think of it, it’s good that I sent this ask separately because I tend to underestimate how much I tend to write when sending messages, haha…😅)
Don't worry about sending long messages haha I always love it when you come and share with me your ideas and stories since they're so creative. You know, I always love the idea of portraying the members as the seven deadly sins. I know I've read some of the good ones written in the past under this same trope.
I also love your idea about writing them as the embodiment of the seven sins but not at all evil. I think it'll be more interesting to write something more human out of this trope, since a lot what I've seen always lean towards a darker theme. Which is understandable since they are meant to be sins.
As a matter of fact, I did plan a series based on the seven deadly sins. It was published for a while (with only one story out) before I decided not to continue it. The series was called Ghostown which is now saved in my archive, and it was meant to be progressively darker as the chapters continue. I didn't specify which sins the members were in the masterlist since I was planning to do a little game with the readers and have them guess who was which, but things didn't go as planned because I've discontinued it since. Here's the overall role placements though if you're interested (under cut because spoilers lol)
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Gosh, you got me opening an old draft again haha. I also only realised now that I named Jungkook's part as Dreamers...long before his song came out...and I mean looonnng ago lol
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Anyway, I fully support you for writing this idea if you ever get the chance to. I also always love the concept of writing different stories in one universe. It just gives us a different kind of experience when you create an entire universe that way with interlinked stories made in it.
ps. Yoongi as wrath??? I'm seeing it. I think the character he portrayed in Hageum MV totally showed this side of him.
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
We’re you always the queen of writing smut or did it take a lot of practice?
I can’t write it. I’m terrible at it. It all feels too fake and porny when I’m writing it. But reading yours is like… damn, so good chefs kiss gimme more
Any tips? Guidance, sensei?
Akshdljkf oh oof baby. First of all, thank you for having that kind of faith in me or at the very least thinking any thing of the sort about my writing🥴 I have to graciously say that I don't think I am in any way a queen of anything, much less smut, much less for this fandom. I think that crown is securely shared by a few other far more talented writers than me who time and again knock it out of the park. I am but a humble reader and fan of theirs as much as anyone. But still, I appreciate the kind message and the thought behind it, I honestly do.
That being said, eh I mean 🤷‍♀️. I'm no expert, I had never written fiction of any kind before CoA, my first fic. I've kinda just tried my best and winged it and written what I like to read and what I see in my head. As silly as it sounds considering we're talking about smut, I think reading a lot of the kind of work you're trying to write helps. Different stories from different authors who you know are good at the genre you want for your own work. Seeing the different methods they use to go about tackling sce es, integrating styles and things you like and changing things don't like until you find what inspires you. Evaluating scenes from works you like and seeing what you find hot and what doesn't, what flows and gives feelings and what feels like it dosen't, all things to help you create your own style. I read A Lot of smutty fanfic before ever dipping my toe into the writers pool, so when I did take the jump it was after having seen a multitude of different stuff and just internalizing the stuff that was enjoyable for me and then using those tools to create my own voice.
Idk what to say to make you feel better about your own work because obvs idk what it is, but I can say don't always trust your own evaluation or reaction of your work. You've read it a million times so it'll always feel flat and predictable, but to someone else it's new so they're not gonna read it the same way you do. If it still feels stilted, take a step back. Question yourself on what is happening that's making it feel that way. Are there any emotions going on? What are the characters thinking and feeling? Are you focusing too hard on mechanics? You don't want sex to read like an IKEA instruction manual lol so maybe what you have to do is reroute yourself to get away from that. Try and write a sex scene without any technical sex jargon. Try and do it through some prose and verbiage of sensuality, using indirect imagery that lets the reader create the rest of the picture in their own mind.
So for example instead of just "Clarke nipped and sucked Lexa's nipples until they were hard", it becomes "each scrape of Clarke's teeth over the bud of Lexa's breast drew out a sinful moan, feeling her writhe against her mouth as she soothed the ache with a wet suck of her lips. She lapped at the pebbled skin, nipples pulling taut beneath her tongue as she licked circles—" yada yada yada, whatever. But see what I mean? You're basically saying the exact same thing in each case, but the first one just flatly says what they're doing, the other is speaking in actions which paints a picture for the reader to fill in in their head. That's the only even sort-of advice I can give on that. Smut is something people don't wanna just read, they wanna imagine it (no matter how much they may try to lie about that😐) and having a scene that they can immerse themselves in and mental create a picture tends to be what works. In my most humble of opinions at least.
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n1kolaiz · 3 years
The Six Realms
Okay, so I was pretty close to giving up on writing analyses but I'm back LMFAO plus I see we're close to 100 followers and I just want to thank you guys for being so very supportive <3
Alright, I'm not sure if anyone's ever written about this, but if an analysis like this exists, please do let me know because I'm kind of curious as to what other people think about this, too!
Remember that time Fukuchi spoke about bringing "about the five signs of an angel's death"?
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I read a little bit more about it, and as a minor content warning: this analysis will focus on a few religious aspects (Buddhism + Hinduism). So if I get any of the facts wrong, firstly: I do not mean any disrespect to either religion, and secondly: please do correct me if I interpret anything in the wrong way.
Spoilers for BSD chapter 90 onwards + BEAST!AU under the cut!
So I'll start by talking about the Decay of Angels. As we all know, the members include Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Sigma, and Bram Stoker, and their leader, Fukuchi Ochi. After Fyodor's arrest, the Decay of Angels came into light with Nikolai murdering four government officials in a week. These murders symbolise the Buddhist cycle of existence, or otherwise known as samsara: the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
"We are the Decay of Angels—hiding here as terrorists, a 'murder association', five people who will announce the demise of the celestial world."
Nikolai Gogol, chapter 57
Samsara is described to be a concept beyond human understanding. According to Hinduism, samsara is the physical world where every being has its soul trapped into a physical vessel. The Hindus believe that everything has a soul, and due to a soul's attachment to desire, it is forced into a deathless cycle of being born, dying, and reincarnating into a different body. In Buddhism, the ultimate way to break free from this cycle is by obtaining nirvana.
Nirvana is a Sanskrit word for the goal of the Buddhist path: enlightenment or awakening. In Pali, the language of some of the earliest Buddhist texts, the word is nibbana; in both languages it means "extinction" (like a lamp or flame) or "cessation." It refers to the extinction of greed, ill will, and delusion in the mind, the three poisons that perpetuate suffering. Nirvana is what the Buddha achieved on the night of his enlightenment: he became completely free from the three poisons. Everything he taught for the rest of his life was aimed at helping others to arrive at that same freedom.
- TRICYCLE'S definition of nirvana
As Fukuchi mentions in the panel above, there are six different realms of existence. These realms represent every possible state of existence, but one cannot live in a specific realm forever. Depending on whether or not one's past actions were morally good or bad, an individual is born into one of these realms. Basically, the controlling factor of which realm a person is born into is dependent on their respective karma. The realms are separated into two categories: the hellish ones and the heavenly ones.
The Deva Realm: where beings are rewarded for the good deeds they have done. This realm is void of anything unpleasant. It is basically paradise— empty of unfulfilled desires, any form of suffering, and fears of every kind. Religious individuals, however, do not seek to be born into this realm since its attitude is more or less carefree.
The Asura Realm: where demigods are admitted. Asuras are driven by greed and envy, and may come in conflict with human beings since they are quite similar. They are powerful beings, but quarrel with each other quite a bit, making this realm quite undesirable to be reborn into.
The Animal Realm: where beings are given the form of an animal (you probably guessed that lol). Individuals here don't actually have good karma to take pride in, but rather, they are born into this realm to work off their bad karma (by being slaughtered, hunted, or forced to work, etc). Being born into this realm forces one to atone for their past sins by living out their life as an animal.
The Hell Realm: where one is punished for their evil actions. The most merciless of realms, where one pays for their transgressions through pure suffering, methods of which include: dismemberment, starvation, and psychological/physical torture. However, once a person's term is fulfilled in this realm, they are presumably promised to be reborn into a higher state.
The Preta Realm: similar to the hell realm, in which beings pay for their past sins (specifically: greed and stinginess) by having to survive through hunger and thirst. This realm is also known as the 'ghost realm,' because some pretas are psychologically tortured by being forced to live in places their past selves have lived in. They are invisible to human beings living at that time, which pushes them to face the depths of despair and loneliness. Your typical horror movie, really.
The Human Realm: the only realm where one's actions determine their future. The status (social ranking, physical wellbeing, and so on) of a human being in this realm is determined by their past actions, but due to the fact that a person has their own conscience to differentiate good morals from bad, the actions they commit in this realm have the power to determine which realm they are sent to next.
Okay, so now that I've got that out of the way, let's shift our focus to the Book. Very little is known about the Book, but the basic fundamentals of how it works is that whatever is written in the book will come into existence only if its contents follow the rules of karma. In addition to that, only a few sentences can be written into a single page of the Book, and it must follow the current narrative of the story.
If I'm not wrong, the first time the Book was mentioned was by Fitzgerald, who wanted it to resurrect his deceased daughter in hopes of restoring his wife's mental health. The next time the Book is brought up is when Fyodor's intentions to possess it are divulged; his goal was to decimate the global population of ability-users. And now, the current arc has the Book as its central focus, with a single page in Fukuchi's possession.
[ BEAST!AU spoilers ]
The Book acts as the central point of multiverses, with each character's lives differing from universe to universe.
Dazai committing suicide in this alternate universe stands in sharp contrast with how he decided to start up a new life in the main universe.
Oda staying alive to act as a mentor to Akutagawa in the ADA differs from how Oda uses his death to prompt Dazai to "be on the side that saves people."
And of course, the way Atsushi and Akutagawa have their positions switched in the two universes depicts how different their lives would be if they were given the chance to be mentored by different people— these are just a few examples of how the Book houses an endless amount of possibilities.
[ end of BEAST!AU spoilers ]
Hypothetically speaking, this kind of reminds me of the differing realms I mentioned before, where suffering is promised in some realms, and better things are granted in the rest, depending on one's karma, or the deeds they've done in their past lives. In this scenario, perhaps one's past life can be understood as one's current life in a different universe. That's just a personal opinion though. Take it as you will.
side note: Keep in mind that the person who is more or less impervious to the Book's effect is Dazai, with his nullification ability. I wouldn't want to propose any theories in this aspect (I don't believe I'm fully fact-checked ;_;), but I could use Dazai as a raw example of how your choices affect your future. If Dazai had decided to stay in the Port Mafia after Oda's death, or if he even decided to go through with his suicidal fixations, life would've been different for him in the root universe (obviously, ryley) I mean, you could basically understand that from how he ended up in the BEAST au, but imagine if he really did slip up in his decision-making in any of the universes.
Many analysts have proposed that he went MIA (early in his life) from the main universe for a while to figure out how the BEAST universe worked, whilst having the Book to his advantage. Perhaps his actions were guided? I'm not saying he's all-knowing, but he's sure as hell smart. I'm not sure if Kafka was trying to highlight the concept of karma when it comes to Dazai, but if he is, then I suppose you could say that Dazai is pretty much unaffected by the rules of karma, existing as the centerpiece of all the multiverses. No Longer Human is the namesake of his ability, but the book talks about disqualification from societal norms and generally, the world. I was talking about it with a friend, and they reminded me that Yozo (the main protagonist) was pretty strong in his views against society. Like he didn't speak out of total defeat, he spoke out of defense. If there was anything Dazai actually lost to, it was his guilt— "Living itself is a source of sin."
Then again, that's my personal interpretation since everyone has their unique perspective of his writings. In terms of the actual adaptation, you could translate the word 'disqualification' to 'insusceptibilty' when if it came to the Book's effects on Dazai? This side note is becoming really long lmao anyways I'll link a few theories which afflicted me with brainrot down below.
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Another thing before I wrap up, the name 'Decay of Angels' stemmed from Yukio Mishima's book entitled 'The Decay of An Angel.' This is the final novel to the author's tetralogy: 'The Sea of Fertility.' The main protagonist, Honda, meets a person he believes to be a reincarnation of his friend, Kiyoaki, who takes the form of a young teenage boy named Tōru. The last novel of this series enhances Mishima's dominant themes of the series as a whole:
the decay of courtly tradition in Japan
the essence and value of Buddhist philosophy and aesthetics
Mishima’s apocalyptic vision of the modern era
Again, this could be referred to what Fukuchi goes on to say:
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Some people view the concept of samsara optimistically, justifying it by saying that perhaps each individual is given a second (third, fourth, fifth, who knows) chance to refine their actions in order to be birthed into a better realm, with their karma being the independent variable.
On the other hand, other people, specifically the Hindus, view the cycle of existence as some sort of plague. To them, the flow of life and being forced to endure the suffering of mere existence in any form was somewhat frowned down upon. Some Hindus viewed samsara as a trap. Besides, having one's soul being limited to a physical body for the rest of eternity was not very appealing, especially since where they ended up at depended on the karmic value their past actions surmounted.
Even so, particular types of Buddhists don't seek nirvana, but instead, like the Hindus, they make an effort to be good people of society, building up their good deeds to increase the likelihood of being reborn into one of the better realms.
As mentioned before, the Deva Realm was the home of angels, the most carefree, gratified beings to exist. Fukuchi describes these angels as the people who don't get their hands dirty, the people who act as the puppeteers of society: politicians.
In terms of parallels, angels were the most fortunate and powerful, but they didn't have anyone ruling over them. A lack of supervision would lead to the abuse of power, which is what I believe Fukuchi was referring to. Deeming himself the Decay of Angels, he sought to prove himself as the 'sign of death that falls on the nation's greed.'
A few fun facts (okay, not really) about Yukio Mishima: he committed seppuku (ritual suicide by disembowelment) on the day he held a speech to voice out his unpopular political beliefs to the public. Mishima deeply treasured traditions and opposed the modern mindset the nation was advancing forward to adapt eventually. In his last book, The Decay of an Angel, he spoke about the five signs which complete the death of an angel:
Here are the five greater signs: the once-immaculate robes are soiled, the flowers in the flowery crown fade and fall, sweat pours from the armpits, a fetid stench envelops the body, the angel is no longer happy in its proper place.
The Decay of an Angel, p.53
The reviews about this series I've read so far describe Mishima's works to be quite complex; his writings demanded a lot of time to deconstruct and understand. They were highly symbolic, and he was pretty obsessed with death and the 'spiritual barrenness of the modern world.' I think you could attach a few strings from here to the mindsets of the DOA members. Of course, this parallel is completely abstract, but I'll go on rambling anyway:
He should have armed them with the foreknowledge that would keep them from flinging themselves after their destinies, take away their wings, keep them from soaring, make them march in step with the crowd. The world does not approve of flying. Wings are dangerous weapons. They invite self-destruction before they can be used. If he had brought Isao to terms with the fools, then he could have pretended that he knew nothing of wings.
The Decay of an Angel, p.113
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I suppose you could resonate Nikolai with that excerpt. As much as Fukuchi takes the lead in this whole murder association, I'd like to believe that each member of the DOA plays an equally interesting part in whatever movement they're trying to execute. Fyodor feels it is his god-sent purpose to cleanse the world of its sins, his motto being, "Let the hand of God guide you." Sigma doesn't know where he belongs, since his origination comes from a page in the Book, and is fueled by the desperation to find a reason to live. Bram holds one of the most powerful abilities which is counted to be one of the "Top Ten Calamities to Destroy the World."
What I mean to say is that the DOA members are incredibly powerful, and they're not your ordinary antagonists (or I'm just biased). It's not just overthrowing authorities, mass genocide, and world domination— you could say that each individual is trying to utilize their purposes to their fullest expenditures, and the way they're trying to assert their plan into action is a little more passive-aggressive (framing the Agency, having a convo with a suicidal dude in jail, etc). They're the gray area between evil and good. As they framed the good guys for their own crimes, they're trying to conquer the bad guys for exploiting the innocent as they please.
This post would definitely age well if all hell breaks loose in the current arc (as if it didn't) and Kafka doesn't give us a happy ending.
That's all I have to say for now I guess! Thank you for reading, and once again, if anyone else something they wanna share, feel free to do so <3
sources (tryna follow Q's example ^_^) :
the six realms
the decay of angels
the book
the sea of fertility
yukio mishima
theory: dazai’s emotional/mental state in beast!au
q’s theory: dazai being the protector of the book
theory: beast!dazai and the book
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gralunaisland · 3 years
Apart from Gruvia would you say the romance is handled well in fairy tail ?
Romance In Fairy Tail
I am glad you asked this! I suppose I might get myself into even more hot water, considering how I'm already combating one of the Main Four ships of Fairy Tail, but gotta do what I have to do.
I am of the opinion that romance wasn't really handled well in the show, but let's get into it.
With NaLu, I think Mashima showed us Lucy sort of falling for Natsu, but while Natsu had some sweet moments with Lucy, it seemed like he still just thought of her as a friend. I'm all for believing they had something more than friendship—they could’ve easily had a wonderful best-friends-to-lovers thing going on— but I don't think Mashima properly conveyed what that would actually look like.
Most of the time, Natsu didn't treat her much differently, and you really just don't see many (or any) actually romantic moments. (It's usually Natsu being concerned for Lucy, but I mean, he's like that with the rest of his guild mates too. You just see it more often for Lucy because she’s one of the main characters.) I think Mashima needed to let Natsu mature and come to terms with his feelings before the ship could take off. That never really happened though.
Regardless, I honestly still like it. I've said this before but being best friends with the person you date before you date is important to me because then you can be real and upfront and yourself in front of the other person, and not pretend to be someone else to impress the other. I think Lucy and Natsu have that with each other, and they both genuinely enjoy the other's company. I can’t imagine Natsu with anyone else than Lucy, but Natsu has some things he needs to figure out first.
A solid 5/10 for how well they're written; I like to see their moments, but as an endgame ship, it needs a lot of work. And while I rank Jerza higher than this one in terms of how the author did writing their relationship, I actually like NaLu better because I like Lucy better than either Jellal or Erza.
With this ship, you already know how I feel. If someone doesn't, you can just look at my blog.
This ship? Every aspect of it?
Just no.
-1000000000000000000000000000/10 for me.
I don't really know what the general verdict on this ship is. I'm pretty sure it's popular? I know it’s in the Big Four, but idk if there are strong anti Jerza factions opposing them. Anyway, I think this ship might've been the best Mashima created. I remember during my first watch throughs, I thought it was the most romantic thing I'd ever seen. The almost kiss scene? I was absolutely devastated that it didn't happen, that Jellal lied.
Now? I think it's actually a quite healthy relationship! The childhood sweethearts thing, though a trope, is an absolutely adorable one, and the way Jellal took care of Erza when they were young is so sweet. I find the arc where he's "evil" to be really cool, that Erza has to battle her old feelings for him to take him down. In the end, Erza finds it within herself to forgive him, especially since he was being controlled by Ultear anyway, and to help him move on and do better during the Nirvana arc. Then he escaped prison and continued to work on ways to atone for his sins, even though he'd been controlled! I think that was testament to his character, that he felt immense guilt for the terrible things he'd done even when it wasn't his fault. (Unlike juvia, who has no guilt even though everything is her fault).
And how Erza encouraged him and stood by him through it all, that even though she died inside, she let him turn himself in after Nirvana, crying for him all by herself? Wow, just beautiful. How Erza let him lie when he said he had a fiance because she knew he wasn't ready to be happy yet? How Jellal lied that he had a fiance because he knew he wasn't ready to be with Erza until he atoned?
I think the way Mashima wrote them was just beautiful. There were things that Erza had to forgive, and yet she did it without just ignoring his issues. Unlike gr///via, where juvia has no clue of her glaring faults and makes Gray feel bad about himself, both were aware of their own flaws and the other’s flaws, and acknowledged them and did their best to move forward and not let their past define them. I will say I haven’t seen 100yq or the end of Fairy Tail, so idk if it devolved or not, but from what I’ve seen and remember, it was quite well done, even if cliche.
A solid 8/10 for me in terms of how it's written, a point deducted just for the slight unoriginality and another just because I'm not the most excited to see it.
I remember that my seeing fanart of Gajevy was the thing that spurred me onto watching Fairy Tail in the first place all those years ago. That was when I knew absolutely nothing about the show, and I thought Gajeel and Levy were the main characters for some reason.
In any case, it was a cute ship when I first watched it, but during my most recent watch through last Fall and Winter, I gotta say it’s just too cliche for me. I found the 2 of them falling for each other way too quickly. Like Gajeel hurt Shadow Gear really badly, and then Gajeel apologized (good for him, juvia has yet to) to them and Levy forgave him quite instantly (good for her I guess?); it’s just that Gajeel took a hard, hard 180 degree turn from absolutely despicable and heartless to fighting to the death for Fairy Tail and his guild mates. It didn’t seem that realistic.
But then there was nothing nothing nothing between them. Then Gajeel and Levy somehow got all these romantic moments in the Tenrou Island arc?? Since when did either of them care that much for each other? The whole “bad guy turned good, and good girl falls for bad guy” thing just wasn’t exciting for me (which is weird because I feel like I normally would be excited for that trope because villains are cool) especially when Gajeel turned good too easily and Levy’s character isn’t really all that well explored. She just seems bland, not much personality; she likes books and that’s basically it. There’s no real reason for Gajeel to like her, except maybe out of remorse??
And how Gajeel somehow redeemed his soul with ease? It was weird. I mean, he was a bad bad guy who beat up a helpless Lucy for fun. He should’ve apologized to her too, and the entire guild for that matter, but he only did to Shadow Gear as if to build up their contrived relationship. I see no real motivator for him to change his ways besides being lonely?? Not having a home??
Maybe I nitpick that too much because it’s good to have character growth, but it doesn’t make sense to do it so quickly and is just another example of Mashima’s bad habit of writing really wicked villains and then reforming them as soon as they get defeated.
Anyway, their ship is a solid 3/10 for me, maybe less; idk I don’t like watching their moments really at all—they just bore me and therefore I’m not invested in their relationship —but I don’t detest either character or viscerally hate their ship. However, it was built on a very toxic foundation, considering how Gajeel beat Levy and her buddies within an inch of their lives.
Other Loves?
There aren't too many other love things going on, ones that people would probably be invested in anyway. The Alzack x Bisca ship is really cute, how they like each other and are guild partners, but they were both too shy to show it. Then they married and had a daughter so that was quite adorable, especially that lil filler episode with the snowglobe. Uhhh I mean Jude and Layla Heartfilia kinda flunked thanks to Layla dying and Jude being a butthole. Scorpio and Aquarius? A solid comedy ship. I like how such an ornery lady got mellow and gushy over man, though her constantly putting Lucy down for being single kinda got old. Er idk what else is there really. I'm definitely not thinking hard enough about it, but the Main Four ships are really all that comes to mind, in terms of what Mashima made canon anyway.
Closing Notes
I guess in general I am not a fan of Mashima's romance writing skills. The absolute deplorability of gr///via and the glaring faults in NaLu and Gajevy just don't add up for him. He relied heavily on tropes and somehow even failed to use those correctly. I guess that's all I can think of to say on the subject for now. Thank you again for asking!
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thequeensofmemes · 7 years
Reign Quotes
I never saw any ghosts.
But what if they saw you?
She had skinny legs, a missing front tooth, and opinions.
My dear, this was not an act of passion. It was treason.
Love is irrelevant to people like us.
I wonder whose face you're imagining in that target.
I would rather have hope with you than certainty with anyone else.
Win or lose, you will answer for it. That's what kings do.
You do have a way of leaving chaos in your wake.
She's not just an alliance. She's a girl.
I'm not sure words mean anything here.
We'll prove to them that our union is strong.
Treat them as friends until they prove themselves foes.
Contrary to public opinion, I do not relish destroying people's homes.
I don't care what you learn, as long as you don't forget.
We have positioned ourselves for the worst kind of pain.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that.
I take things sometimes. It makes me feel better.
To see you smile is to feel the sun, your grace.
Do you flirt with everyone?
I'd probably say yes.
Killing isn't supposed to be easy. If your hands weren't shaking, you'd be him.
Close to death, apparently.
I'm glad that my unhappiness gives you so much pleasure.
Don't let fear keep you from greatness.
It could cost you your head.
If servants are gossiping about your unmade bed, it is too late to rectify the situation.
Men must find something to kill from time to time.
Accept that I have lost. I have.
I'm in a nunnery of one.
That's the kind of talk that gets bastards--and mistresses--beheaded.
History is written by the survivors. And I am surely that.
Tell me when you want me to stop.
Happiness is the one thing we queens can never have.
Arming yourself against me? Am I really that frightening?
Am I really stupid enough to find out?
My mother, she was behind this as well?
All her crimes against me were because she loved you.
I grow weary of your threats.
I grew weary of you a decade ago.
That half-blind portrait artist didn't realize I was sitting in a chair while my sister was standing, and now half the kingdom thinks I’m a dwarf.
Love is irrelevant to people like us, a privilege that we do not share.
There are two things I can't abide, betrayal and stupidity.
Next time you see a threat large or small, you cut it down like a weed.
I don't want to do this to you.
Too bad you didn't see this one coming.
When the ax falls on your neck, I will be there.
Off with you child. You've killed me enough for one day.
I don't 'attempt' to do anything--I do it.
Nature is not malignant.
Must I do everything? Shall I catch my head in my own hands, too?
So I sent you here to wed a king and find you engaged to a bastard.
Despite what you may think, I never intended to harm your family.
Sooner or later, blood will be spilled. It's just a matter of whose.
So he is mad...and a mad king incites chaos and rebellion.
I don't make love to you because I want a baby. I want a baby because I love you.
Those who look upon it are taken. And those who are taken die.
We are royals. We have the power to do terrible things. Without trust, we're nothing.
You? What do you have to complain about? You're now married to a beautiful woman of noble birth.
I won't pretend I love you, but we should probably start liking each other, at least.
My first duty is not to my mother.
Don't you think a royal crown suits me?
I'm too rich to care what people say.
Look where our hearts have led us. We've brought you shame.
I suppose innocence is all relative.
I always want to be there for you.
Don't beg. It invites pity and disdain.
Do all married couples have these struggles?
I think you've redefined marital discord.
Nothing bothers me more than problems I've already solved coming back to be problems again.
Am I the only one in this bed with something to forget?
I never dreamt that I'd be wed to a bastard with an imaginary title.
Losing bothers me.
Trust is a luxury I can no longer afford.
You shouldn't have to live like this.
What happens when being a good king means being a bad husband?
I don't need to be part of your schemes.
You no longer have the privilege of obeying your heart!
It isn't fair, the privileges we are given...or the prices we must pay for them.
When you are alone and miserable, remember this was the moment you threw your happiness away.
This marriage is no longer something that happened to me...you are what I want.
Don't get sentimental about a father who was never sentimental about you.
His life was there for the taking. So I took it.
Royals are always at war.
An interesting choice. Assuming you let her know she has one.
All I have to offer you...is me.
I've come to offer you something. The destruction of our mutual enemy.
Common lore is that your teeth are filed into points and your eyes are black with rage.
Ruling requires that your hands be drenched in blood.
What else could I be but a witch?
You are my husband and my king.
You crushed the rebellion by yourself.
If we die, it is at her hands. And if we live I will never forgive her for this.
I'm saying that should anything happen to either of us I hope that you'll remember me not as the man who lied or betrayed you, I hope you'll remember me as the man who would have cherished you if he'd had the chance.
And real love never fades, not truly.
Just know whatever happens, this is not the end I dreamed for us.
I refuse to surrender. My reign will not end without a fight.
Whose blood concerns you more, your husband or your lover's?
All that stands between him and the crown is my head.
Is this how it's going to be from now on? Both of us constantly wondering what the other is up to?
Long live his majesty.
Contempt alone is not enough to condemn a man. Even the contempt of a king.
We're all basically fallen women.
Our love will die here.
It was rather a miracle.
Just don't expect a fond farewell from me. Or my trust. Ever again.
Do not test my power and do not tempt my fury.
If I'm as responsible as you say, I will never forgive myself.
I never imagined you'd kill him by breaking his heart.
The truth of your betrayal was the last thing that he heard before he collapsed.
I will spill blood to defend what's mine.
So you're my new keeper.
You are a necessary evil whose orbit I can't seem to escape.
But you have to know, that no matter your choices, you still have a husband who would do anything to make you happy.
I opened my heart to a liar.
And now I am lying for you, lying even to my brother, protecting you as you take comfort in the arms of another.
Build a future controlled by you, not the changeable heart of a woman.
When you were a child, there were dozens of little girls whose families begged me for that position, but I chose you because you played well together, because you didn't hurt or throw mud at her. But now you have done both.
You are on the cusp of losing your country.
You poisoned a king and a queen and I helped you get away with it. We each hold a noose for the other.
What I meant is your official mourning period is over.
You say that as if I just won a prize. You can't be serious.
Thank you for pointing out the obvious and will you please stop doting on my mother!
Thank you for pointing out the obvious and will you please stop doting on my mother!
Because I love you. And one of us should be happy.
There are those who merely believe they have power, and there are those who actually have it.
Oh, is that caring? It sounds to me like a man trying to tighten his grip on a woman.
Such haste! I haven't properly mocked you for saving the life of your mother's worst enemy.
Congratulations, you've used your knowledge of the heart's noblest emotion to manipulate and destroy someone.
I don't feel strong. I feel like I'm sleepwalking and I don't know how to wake up.
I will be your wife in name only.
Look where that love has brought us.
At least my family will cry at my funeral.
She sent you to woo me, didn't she?
The only alliance I'm interested is temporary, delicious and bad.
Do not seek to take before I can give.
here are some lines I will not cross even to save myself.
I wanted to give you the chance to do the right thing and I still believe you will.
It's a very romantic story, actually. Father threatened to kill them both if they didn't marry.
I need to handle this on my own and to do it my way. What I need from you is to be patient and to believe in me.
My dear, never give up a crown to anybody.
Are you seriously, seriously suggesting that you want to watch me bathe in return for getting my dowry back?
You know that as a Queen, you put on an act. You can't always show what's in your heart. The same is true for being a wife.
We're women. We're not allowed to have things of our own.
Do you worry that I can't bear you a child?
Does it bring us closer for you to know that your failure disappoints me beyond words?
In the name of justice and tolerance you will drive your people to civil war.
My ladies brought this to me months ago. I read it in an hour.
Have you ever been in love?
Don't you turn your back on me. I am more than your friend. I am your Queen!
I can't be ruled by desire. It's nothing to build a life on.
Your figure's gonna go to hell anyway so you might as well eat up. You are feeding the future King.
It's been some weeks now but I wanted to be sure and I am sure. I am with child, our child, at last!
You lie to your guests and then you threaten them with weapons? We will not be treated this way!
Asking you to know your place is like asking the sun not to shine.
It's must be hard. Once a Queen, now the Queen Mother. Decorative, like an expensive vase.
There's a new day coming, and you are on the wrong side.
Are all powerful men so insecure?
Innocent men shouldn't die alone.
You think you're untouchable, that your sins will stay buried, but they don't.
Of all the people you could have slept with, did it have to be one of my ladies? One of my closest friends?
I am your Queen. I command you.
One bedroom for husband and wife. Good luck with that!
Am I really planning a life, a future, without you?
I will not live in fear of her.
Are you trying to blame a woman for a man’s choices?
It was your spies who got that information to me wasn’t it.
I hope your wings are strong you vulture! You will be circling for quite some times.
What’s the cost of a king’s life?
I always knew we would be wed. Even when I first returned.
I see such beauty. Such beauty you have brought me.
You must wed again. You must love again.
I will never love anyone, the way I love you.
I can’t let him go.
Let him go, and hold on to me.
We were suppose to dance under the stars.
I may still a Queen.
Is that it? Our courtship is over. Was I wrong in thinking it was going well?
No matter what you might think, I can’t just force men to fall in love with me.
That is not a strategy.
I am a queen, about to marry a broken Prince for power...
I need proof before the wedding happens.
You two have become thick as thieves.
Do you still hold it agents me that I defended her agents a false accusation of murder?!
It's time to accept my fate
I will not be chased out of my country before I’ve even retuned.
I will fight fire, with fire.
The day may come where we may find ourselves on the battle field. What would you do then?
Impressive. Where did you learn to shoot like that?
Those memories are a part of me.
You love power!
You despise me, yet you expect a free ride!
I think I shall never see you again.
We have to stop them.
Give me your sword.
You took my heart! And now I’ve come to repay you.
I have come for my throne.
Queens do not bow to their subjects. It is in-fact, quite the other way around.
And may God, and your Queen. Have mercy of your soul.
Men don’t like taking orders from woman, they can barely stand speaking to them.
He knows I speak the truth.
Who cares about right or wrong, if you're dead!
I don’t have much to live for these days, but I would still die for my children.
She does have her moments doesn't she.
I’m sorry I wasn’t the mother you wanted me to be. I did my best.
Why would my presence startle you? Oh because you married my lover.
You requested a five course meals, I offer you seven!
Your love, it gave him so much joy, and that's what you must remember.
How can I pray to God, when I am certain he doesn’t not hear me.
My election could mean the end of your nation.
If I cannot disprove these charges I will swing from a rope.
What if he dies?!
We were here! We were playing a game of chess- which I won.
From the moment you were born, our relationship has been complicated.
We live in a word that undervalues woman.
I may be guilty of favouring my sons over my daughters.
And when you are wed, and you leave this home, it will break my heart.
You are offering me a kindness, a consideration I have rarely shown to you over the years.
Is it so unthinkable, a crime might take place in this castle that I had nothing to do with.
The butcher still insists on his innocents.
Just remember. Enjoy him, but never trust him.
I won’t be frightened into your arms by a dead rat, or a dead Cardinal!
If you think you are not going to talk, you are mistaken.
I don’t understand why we have to take time to visit the Generals.
A king should always deliver good news in person. Bad news should be sent by a messenger. Or let them find out on their own.
Go take back your country.
Our union is damaged beyond repair.
That’s the most flattering thing you’ve ever said to me.
Please tell me that wasn't you.
I need you here, too see you, even if I can’t touch you.
I am paying the price. I feel like a prisoner.
I am their Queen. Their whispers are treason.
Your highness, you are a vision.
This thing between us. It must end.
I’m ready to accept his proposal.
If is a fact of our time. A man rules his wife. Even if his wife is a Queen.
And it will be the challenge of my life, not to kill her.
Perhaps I forgot what it means to be a queen.
I shall never name an heir unless it is my own child.
To name a successor is to place a target on one's self.
Perhaps it better to outright refuse him. Be brutal and direct.
Don’t misjudge me. I am my father’s son.
All that’s left now, is for me to enjoy my final hours.
Well, I suppose you’ll have to settle with being the Queen of two nations, not three.
You cannot keep me in a cage. Even one built with love.
We were meant to be happy, and we were. But I have another fate.
Show people you are worthy of the post you hold, and no one will remember how you rose to it.
Love is never simple. Not that I'm any expert.
I was willing to give up so much for you. But now I want you out of my life. Forever.
Why must the fate of nations be decided in a shared bed?
I receive a letter from him nearly everyday. And I haven’t read one.
I can’t image what the night must be without the man you truly love.
Please go. While I still have the courage to say goodbye.
Sons of cobblers, doesn’t get to be with princesses.
I need to believe, that who we are, matters more than our station.
You are who you're born into, and nothing more than people say you are. You can pretend otherwise, but the world won’t pretend with you.
If you go on this mission. I’ll stop loving you!
From now on, you're only allowed to dream about me.
I have many children of my own you know. Some of them turn out quite well.
She is actually dead in’t she?
What is power, without love.
Be grateful for the fun you had, you must have know your time would come.
I expect you’ll be wearing that when we play cards tonight.
She handles tragedy with ruthless clarity.
I will not help you with this
Ask anyone. I’m as fickle as they come.
It's hard for all of us. Being part of this family.
I may be young, and inexperienced, but I promise I’ll give you an heir.
What’s this play about?
It’s a comedy about royals.
I hear the princess is worth looking at.
It's funny isn't in. Both of us here, we already know we've had our one true love.
You must rule your own heart, as firmly as you rule your subjects.
We may be the enemy, but I am not without my manners.
Your light as a feather, I swear!
Would you be interested in anything else? My chambers for example…
There’s the smile I was hoping for.
Allow me to charm you so more, and we’ll work on that next part.
Men forget, that woman have ears.
My child will be heir to her throne, to both Nations.
This is a course you cannot step back from. And if you take it, I fear I am looking at a dead woman.
We all die. The question is what we stood for while we lived.
Have you already named our children? Or did you leave that part for me?
I did not expect to like you. But I do.
Earn my respect then, as I earn the respect of my men. In combat!
Duels only lead to dead men, not respect.
Fists then. A boxing match. If you win, I bend the knee. But if I win, you will withdraw your marriage offer to the Queen.
I let you win that race.
How dare you, didn't you notice that I defied the queen of England for you!?
I’m going to be your husband.
I had a husband! and I loved him and he was murdered in cold blood before my eyes.
Before I met you, I loved someone. In that way that should've lasted a lifetime, but it didn't.
Let the danger come.
You will be my husband in name only. And we will never be happy.
It is my duty, my God-given birthright and my crown. And I will defend it from anyone who attempts to take it.
I had hoped that our marriage would be a partnership in every way. but with your drinking, your cheating, your blind ambition...
I know we hardly know each other, and yet here I am, asking you to risk everything for me.
With or without your crown. I would do anything for you.
I made you King. But we will never be equals.
You can’t expect everyone to be glad you are back at Court, some of us know you.
He will hang. And I will enjoy watching him die.
I didn't kill him, but justice needed to be done.
This vile act will not ease your pain!
Revenge is not meant to ease pain. It is meant to balance the scales.
He was an innocent man!
Men will never willingly bow to the weaker sex.
I put my trust in you, my Lord.
Well surely you don’t blame me.
How nice of you to take time out of your grievance to mock me.
What about the shame you've brought to this family? Not to mention this country and to God himself?!
I've learned never trust the beginning of a book.
I know this isn't what you wanted, but for now, this marriage will protect you.
When the time is right, I can make you a widow.
We need to show them you are not a monster, by showing them what you really are. A King.
Perhaps I shall have your throat slit in your sleep. Or have the villagers do it for me when they come for us to root out the beast we have protected.
I should have your entire family burned at the stake.
He was born first! That's all he has to do.
I have always put my children first. I have done terrible things! I have always done it for their good. But are they worth it?
Tell your son to come to court. Or I will have him dragged here. On his knees.
I will not be remembered as the Queen that drew first blood.
And I can't bear to lose you.
Our affair puts you in danger.
I won't ever tire of you.
He is a long-term confidante. A skilled advisor and diplomat, whose journeys, for the Crown, have met with spectacular success.
I represent something glorious, for everyone. And if you want to banish every person who is dazzled by me, we'll be a nation of mainly women.
You are more precious to me than my nation.
Speak! While there is still mercy in my heart!
I will bow to no man
I will face ever threat to my reign with sword in hand. And any who shall stand in my way shall fall.
I cannot have her blood on my hands. And I cannot let her go.
Look how far you’ve come. Trading your heart to rise in station.
Now that I know how things really work around here. I'm interested in getting to know you better.
Why should I be interested in you?
I was starting to think you didn't have it in you.
But let me offer some advice: next time you threaten someone, make sure you have proof. A theory is nothing more than a feather.
I am on no one's side, but my own.
Get out of my Court!
It’s fine. A daughter joining her mother for an evening stroll is hardly a crime.
The tears might be a bit much.
In a year, everything will be different. I'll have an heir.
I won’t fall in love with him. I promise!! Please have faith in me.
I was almost sent to a nunnery for following my heart!
I lost both the man I love and the man I could have loved.
I'm asking you to marry me. but I’m begging you to save your own life.
Tell me this. Do you think we can be happy together?
Your food is regularity tested for poison.
You're so clever.
Your lies come so easily.
You invited me here because you think of me, as often as I think of you.
He does have his father’s history to overcome.
I am an ambitious man. And if this is my one chance at King, I will take it.
If I am King for only as long as you live, then I say long live the Queen.
I don’t want to find love. I want to be loved.
It wasn’t easy, I paid a fortune.
The inevitable War of Two Queen.
May matrimony set you on a more honorable path.
I am married to the most powerful man in the world.
Stop starting at me witch!
You're a beautiful, ambitious, young woman who's learned to pull the strings of men, and yed can't see when her own strings are being pulled.
Being married to a woman who is in love with another, isn’t exactly the ideal union I dreamed of either.
Bastards and cheaters are not welcome on the Throne.
You will have love or an heir, but not both.
Lie to me again, and I will open you up right here, in your own house.
If you have a baby that isn’t yours, you’ll hang, unless you cooperate.
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qqueenofhades · 7 years
Hello! First of all, I have to say I ABSOLUTELY love going through your Richard the Lionheart tag every now and then. But since it has been so long since I've seen you talk about such gorgeous king, I would like to ask you something. I don't think I have ever seen you mention his minstrel, Blondel de Nesle, either real or fictional. What are your opinions on the matter? And to add, who are the people you believe Richard may have had any sort of intimate relationship with? Thank you!
Ahaha, I’ve actually just finished writing a chapter for my dissertation that covered the Third Crusade and thus dealt fairly extensively with Richard. I’m also developing a paper that I will be giving at a conference this summer that deals with the evidence around his sexuality, how this is interpreted (or ignored) by modern historians, and how it informs our relationship with the crusades. So I have definitely been doing work on him, but just not on tumblr.
As for Blondel, my feeling has always been that he was more of a literary/chivalric figure, a la Robin Hood, rather than someone with pressing historical importance. I have read a lot of primary sources on Richard by now, and Blondel is not featured in any of them. As wikipedia notes, Blondel’s identity is not clear; he was probably either Jean I of Nesle or his son Jean II, and the legend connecting him to Richard was not contemporary. There is no solid evidence to prove that they actually knew each other, though if ‘Blondel’ was the elder Jean of Nesle, he went on the Third Crusade with Richard (as many men did). The story of Blondel finding Richard in his German captivity by wandering around and singing a song is definitely fiction, as we have plenty of sources dealing with Richard’s capture, imprisonment, and ransom, and again, a ‘Blondel’ or even a ‘Jean’ is not featured in any of them. The major players in Richard’s ransom were William Longchamp, his chancellor, Eleanor of Aquitaine, his mother, and William of Saint-Mary-l’Eglise, a Norman priest who served as a messenger. There were also a few other abbots, bishops, etc, but yes; as far as the actual history goes, Blondel does not appear in it. In the thirteenth century, the story got invented and became popular, but that’s obviously not contemporaneous and his connection to Richard is a matter of post-facto literary fancy. That’s why I have not discussed him in my other stuff on Richard.
As for Richard’s intimate relationships, I’ve always contended that he was by preference gay but by necessity (and some possible inclination) bisexual. My long posts re his sexuality/relationships are, as you probably know, here and here. He very likely was intimate with Philip II (there’s just too much about their relationship that doesn’t make sense unless it was love turned to loathing, and the evidence around them having some kind of short-lived and intense infatuation is fairly unambiguous). He was intimate, albeit sporadically, with his wife, Berengaria; they were married in 1191, estranged from 1192-1195, reconciled in 1195 after he was rebuked for sodomy, and lived together again for some time after that, but their marriage broke down again about 1197. In 1198, Richard was once more told off for irregular sexual behaviour, meaning he had probably gone back to his old ways. By that point, his household was at Les Andelys in Normandy, Berengaria’s was in Maine or Anjou, and she wasn’t summoned when he was mortally wounded in April 1199 (however, his mother Eleanor was). As I’ve discussed, some people have tried to argue that Richard and Berengaria didn’t consummate their marriage, which is both extremely unlikely and contradicted by the evidence. But they obviously had no children (though he did have an illegitimate son, born before he became king) and the succession passed to John.
While I don’t have any hard evidence for it, I also think that Andrew de Chauvigny, one of Richard’s knights and companions (they were cousins at some remove or other) was probably his longest relationship (and have written it as such in my books). Andrew accompanied Richard on crusade, was almost always with him (including when he died), never wavered in his loyalty, and in 1196, Philip tried to make the terms of a peace treaty involve Andrew switching sides/swearing loyalty to him for his lands in France, rather than to Richard (which was shot down). I don’t know about you, but for Philip to go to the trouble of trying to force just one man to leave Richard (a man who was known for his loyalty, not a feature of other noblemen at the time) feels quite a bit like a personal shot at a known intimate, trying to undercut Richard/take Andrew away from him. Philip and Richard were constantly fighting for the last five years of Richard’s reign (1194-1199), and Philip was usually on the losing end. So yes, that seems like an attempt to get at Richard in a more underhanded/personal fashion, and anyway, I have a lot of feelings about Richard and Andrew.
The thing about sodomy being the sin that chroniclers simply didn’t talk about means that we don’t know any of the other people that Richard might have had  relationships with (and we know the names of several of his father Henry’s and brother John’s mistresses, and royal mistresses in general, just saying). So far as intimate relationships go, we can say Philip and Berengaria with general certainty, and Andrew with slightly less, but still probable, likelihood. There were definitely more, but as with other queer historical people, we won’t know.
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days-of-reading · 7 years
Hey, Stephanie! Can you share your editing process with us? How many steps do you take? I've read texts you've written and I'm amazed by how precise you are. Also: do you ever feel bad when you are editing? Like "I should be writing better by now"? It happens to me so much I'm starting to dread writing. If something similar happened to you, how did you handle it? I know it's really inmature, but I just feel my writing skills are not good enough and I have stopped writing (absurd)
Hi! Just before I answer I’m really curious about what you mean by ‘texts you’ve written’–not sure if that refers to journalism, blogging, or academic writing, and the answer might be a bit different for each…
That aside, I don’t think there’s any shame in being an extensive and scrupulous editor! I think it’s a real myth that the better you are, the less you edit. The opposite, in my opinion: editing, pruning, and re-writing your natural prose style is the key to experimentation and improvement. How would you develop otherwise? One answer might be ‘reading’–which is true, as I sometimes find myself slipping into the stylistic tics of authors I’ve been reading–but editing is a crucial measure of control, the only corrective measure you have against your essentially skewed perception and distorted judgment (or, more bluntly, really bad sentences.)
I write fairly stream-of-consciousness for this blog with minimal editing, depending on how much time I have when posting. For academic writing, the process is more deliberate and careful. My best essays are ones that where the ideas have stewed in the back of my mind for a while; then it’s written in a frenzy, left alone for a while (anywhere from hours to days), and then returned to for extensive and careful editing–editing that often involves re-writing entire sections, shifting paragraphs or sentences around, or even re-working individual sentences (especially transitions and verb tenses) so that when they read, they have the effect I want. I’ll often also send writing, whether it’s my dissertation or an internship cover letter, to a few friends and see how it reads to them, and make a few adjustments accordingly. 
You can’t be author, reader, and listener for your work all at once–editing is the mark of someone who cares deeply and knows what they’re doing (or is really trying their best to learn.) An excellent book I’d recommend to someone with shaky confidence when it comes to writing and editing is Constance Hale, Sin and Syntax. I just re-read it the other week and found it really refreshing!
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