#as i totally write this like they know each other :fingerguns:
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☠: Opinion on death
Headcanon meme
“Oh Grigori, you are so sweet and morbid under that strong jaw line-- death is beautiful don’t you think? We are perfect creatures-- connected in ways we never could as a human. Maybe our souls are being tormented right now but that is a day in the future to deal with. Death shouldn’t be a worry for the undead,”
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I was tagged by @sergeanthopeless and I love any excuse to promote my stuff so...here we are :fingerguns:
what’s your all time favourite ship?
I'm going to pick my favorite from each fandom I'm in which is to say, I have two all-time favorite ships and those are Rufti (Rufus/Tifa) and Setleth (Seteth/f!Byleth)
how many works do you have on AO3?
what’s your total AO3 word count?
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. I'll Stop The World and Melt With You (Setleth)
2. A Sense of Unease (Setleth) (collab w/ @rhapsodies-in-blue)
3. Vision of Love (Setleth)
4. Junon Interlude (Rufti)
5. Sanctuary (Setleth)
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hoo boy. I think I have to go with this bad boy:
Truth Hurts (Setleth)
what’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Um. Most of them have "the happiest ending" so I'm gonna go with "fluffiest" and say:
His Favorite Gift (Dimimari) (gotcha! you thought it was gonna be Setleth, huh?)
do you write crossovers?
Yes! I mean, kinda? Does writing for Dissida: Final Fantasy count? Because that's just one big Final Fantasy crossover.
I'm gonna say it counts and promote this collab I did with my friend Motchi:
The Dissidia Artistic Management Bureau
have you ever received hate on a fic?
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I did, once upon a time. Now, I've gotten weird about it. (Don't ask) I just deleted the two smut fics I ever did.
Also, what do you mean by "what kind"? Like kinks?
I'll still read smut though but I can be kinda picky.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so?
have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of. My friend found one of hers translated into Russian. Kinda neat, huh?
have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! A Sense of Unease and The Dissidia Artistic Management Bureau
what are your writing strengths?
Um. I feel I'm pretty good with beginnings and introspection and pulling out things from characters that maybe others hadn't thought of before
what are your writing weaknesses?
Yo, I suck at endings. By the time I get there, I'm so over it so I tend to end up rushing it. Also, descriptions. I can't imagine shit on my own. You expect me to describe things for you? No. That's why I write fanfic. You already know what shit looks like if you played the game.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Cool, I guess? I don't because I don't know enough of another language to write in it. Hell, I barely know english!
what was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
what’s your favourite fic you’ve written this year?
A New Gambit (Setleth)
I'm weirdly proud of this fic. It's fun. It's sweet. It's got a couple twists and turns. And I think it's funny? I dunno. You tell me! Go! Read it now! Tell me how amazing it is! (no, serious. I could use some validation)
I'm weird about tagging folks in stuff (and the person that tagged me tagged the only others I would have tagged lol) So if you wanna do this and tag me to say you got it from me, go for it
#writerly things#this was fun#thanks for the tag!#go read my stuff#give me the validation i crave#fic
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Fanfic Writers 20 Questions!
Tagged by @belleyells! Thank you! I know I’ve been dropping off the face of the earth lately... ^.^’
1) How many works do you have on AO3? Uhh... 7 works!
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? Oh, gosh. Math, why!?... Okay, I think it’s ~534,610
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? I am not listing every single series I have in RoW, but I’ll list my favorites and ones I’ve written fic for individually: Httyd, RotG, Tangled, Brave, Trollhunters, Voltron, and I also used to have some fics for a couple anime and for the Legend of Zelda, but they have been lost to the void.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos? Well, I only have 7 on Ao3 X’D, let’s see...
Rise of Wizardry
War of Destiny
Tangled in Witchcraft & Sea of Treasures are tied!
Lights in Darkness
Dragons in Shadows
Now I feel bad for School of Bravery! That one was really fun to write. But I’m also proud of all of them, so <3
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to. I’ve been less vocal on both FF and Ao3 because I’m busy and stressed a lot of the time, but I used to answer every single comment. Don’t know if I’ll ever go back to that, but I am trying to be more attentive and if someone poses a legit question that I can answer without spoilers than I try to always reply :)
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? ...Umm, out of what I have on Ao3? Probably Dragons in Shadows. Problem is I only have RoW up on Ao3, and as of right now I don’t think that’s going to change. Fandoms/antis and whatnot are scaring me away from posting writing tbh... I’ve got enough stress in my life y’all.
7) Do you write crossovers? As of right now? Exclusively *fingerguns* ;)
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic? I... Yeah, I think I’ve had some hate here and there, but it was all super minor stuff. Like trolls saying “this sucks” and nothing else. I once had someone get angry that I wasn’t writing the story the way they wanted it, but that’s about it.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I’ve never tried... I don’t think I’m going to... But maybe one day?...
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don’t think so? I have the one series in a very small fandom, I think it’d be pretty hard to miss. But if anyone ever happens to notice, hit me up please!
11) Have you ever had a fic translated? I have not. No one has ever approached me, but if someone asked I would say yes, so long as they gave credit :)
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, I have not. I think it’d be a fun experience tho!
13) What’s your all-time favourite ship? Ahh... Okay, mm, I don’t think I have one? I only have a couple ships that I’m really into and I don’t talk about them with people because they’re normally rare-pairs or disliked... Anyways, within the context of my writing, I’ll say Jim Lake/Emma Frost. Those two make me happy and they’re pretty cute together.
14) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? At the rate I’m going? RoW as a series. I’m DYING. Writers block, stress, moving. It’s awful, but I’m trying really hard guys, don’t give up on me! I’ve got nearly three chapters stock piled! I promise Imma start posting again soon!
15) What are your writing strengths? I’ve been told I’m very good at writing descriptions and fight scenes.
16) What are your writing weaknesses? Everything.
Okay, fine. Hmm, I guess there are times when I really struggle with dialogue. Making it sound natural and in character... and Show Don’t Tell is a rule that I am breaking constantly. I overwrite so much.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? I always get uncomfortable trying to write in a foreign language because I feel bad about butchering it. I would love to be able to write in other languages, but it’s impossible to know if it’s right/good: does it sound natural? is this something people say? Is google translate correct because I went back and forth a couple times and got something completely different???
Long story short, if I have someone who is well-versed in the language to help me out, I will gladly put it in my story, but I, personally, have the language ability of a parrot: Cheap imitation. I barely know what sounds human in English.
18) What was the first fandom you ever wrote for? Honestly? Pretty sure it was Digimon way back in the day...
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Dudes, this question is so hard because all of the RoW is a set. One without the other just isn’t right, so it’s really hard to pick a favorite. I’m really proud of all of them and I’ve been working on them for so long I can see how I’ve grown and I’m just... Even the first few books I can still look back on them without cringing because I honestly feel I did well with them (even if there are some things I would change now that I’m older and more experienced). This series is just close to my heart and I love them all. I suppose... School of Bravery was the most fun. Lots of joking around and fun plots points to play with. Dragons In Shadows was definitely the most dramatic and FEELING one, and I thrived with that. I think out of all of them War of Destiny is the biggest, most ambitious one out of all of them and it’s the conclusion so there’s a lot on it but I feel like I can handle it because of how far I’ve come in my writing. I don’t know guys. This whole series is just really close to my heart and each book, for me, represents a step in my growth as a writer...
That got real sentimental real quick... ANYWAYS!
20) Who do you tag?
I don’t have anyone in mind, but if you see this and wanna do it, please do! This was really fun and a good time of reflection during a pretty crazy time, so I’m really glad I got to do this :)
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1. The stan (AKA Uh...do you a life? Why do you like me so much? BUT LIKE DON'T LEAVE CUZ I APPRECIATE YOU BUT- Why-)
2. The fan (AKA ILYSM UGHH)
3. Opposites-Attract (AKA None of us know why we're following each other but...Idk Ily2.)
4. Fingergun Friend (AKA fellow awkward bi)
6. The Friend of Sappho (AKA ((@lolimugly and @lxdy-starfury)) We write each other love songs and poems and like Ilysfm and I admire you and I could go on and on about you and I lowkey have a friend crush on you but like ur straight so-)
7. Poor u friend/mutual (AKA you followed me for that one thing I reblogged that one time on that one day assuming I liked it a lot but you lowkey have a horrible sense of judgement and you know it but you stayed around for some reason and uh...here we are.)
8. My dearest olsen twin (AKA......I quite positive that out of the nearly 300 of you someone here looks a lot like me IRL...)
9. My sister from another mister (AKA You and I are EXACTLY alike whether we realize it or not but either way ILY)
10. My ACTUAL sister (AKA Dear Nyla. Rot. I love you, dumb binch. Sincerely, Lauren. 💚💚💚)
Pt. 2 coming soon only on NBC news.
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You Can Have Your Grit and Eat It Too
This post is full of spoilers the way caves are full of spiders, but below are my thoughts on the last episode of the Veronica mars revival, and why it wasn’t necessary.
So off the bat, let’s start with the obvious. Veronica Mars is Rob Thomas’ creation and vision, and he has the right to do whatever he wants with these characters. That’s the beauty of being a storyteller, you’re telling a story, and how it ends is up to you. So this post isn’t me shouting YOU DID IT WRONG into the void, but rather me saying, ‘Cool story, bro- But if it was mine, I’d have done this instead’. So, like, don’t fill up my mentions with how it’s not my art or whatever. I know that. I’m a grown ass woman who knows grown ass things, I’m just spit-balling here.
So, spoiler, in the last half-ish of the last episode of season four, Logan and Veronica decide to get married. Veronica, who for good personal reasons, has spent the last seven episodes bitter about Logan’s proposal, has second thoughts and decides to go for it. It’s cute, it feels like a fitting wedding for the series (a no-nonsense courthouse affair), and then BAM, bomb goes off, Logan dies. The idea behind this being that getting Logan out of the picture is the only way to move Veronica forward. And sure, it totally works. Veronica now has to go off and find herself, she’s back to being that bitter queen we loved and respected- And yeah, from here you can take her wherever you want.
Cool, fine, sure. That 100% works, and I fully understand the idea behind it.
It’s also an easy cop out. (I’m allowed one bitter comment here, okay, just hear me out)
You know who doesn’t stay in one place very long usually? Like, someone who could be on a TV show that you could easily move from town to town every season? ...A military spouse. See I know a few military spouses, and while some of them do settle down in one place, a lot of them pack up and move every couple years. And man, have you ever been to a military neighbourhood/community? Between the weird Stepford shit, the MLM sales, and the catty gossip... Those places are RIPE with the kind of stupid drama to paint a pretty backdrop in a gritty Veronica Mars mystery.
So you throw Veronica into a marriage where suddenly she might have to leave Neptune whether she wants to or not (built in conflict right there, baby), you put her in a constant state of flux where she never settles down long. You now have the freedom to put her anywhere, even overseas if you like. Logan can always be shuffled off on a mission if you need him gone... And there is conflict number two.
My experience here is second hand, but being a military spouse can be lonely. A lot of the friends I have who are military spouses I only keep in touch with via email or Skype now. It has 100% made it harder to maintain our friendships. I hear from them often how they’re just not connecting with other spouses in their community, or that they have connected and now are moving again and have to start over. They talk about their spouses being gone for long stretches, how they sometimes have regrets. They talk about how some of them are ready to start families, but infertility issues make it harder, and because their spouse is away or working long hours, it all feels futile. ...Tell me that’s not all the fuel you need for a damn good story.
Now maybe you want to make the argument that it’s noir, and noir has to be gritty and sad. Cool, cool, I hear that. I love noir, so I know what you’re talking about, but... Let me tell you about one of my favourite noir detectives in literature (and on screen), Donald Strachey. Donald is the lead character in a series of books by Richard Stevenson. He’s an openly gay detective, which is pretty cool for a series that started coming out in the early 80′s, and a lot of the stories involve some dark shit- However, despite all this, there’s a light in each book, and that light is Don’s life partner, Timothy. Don and Tim have a solid relationship, and it doesn’t stop the stories from being dark and intense. In fact, their relationship is one of my favorite parts of the books and the films, because the fact that Stevenson could write such good mysteries with those noir tones and still weave in what felt like a warm and solid relationship was impressive to me. Their relationship never feels cheap or easy, it never feels like Tim is there to be a device, he’s just part of Don’s life, and as such part of his story. So, yeah, you can have happy relationships in noir, it’s been done and it’s been done well.
So yeah, TL;DR: I get it, I accept it, it’s fine. ...But if you want me to help write some wrongs Rob Thomas, hit up my messages. *fingerguns* I’ll gladly help you cook up a way that Logan lives without you needing to dedicate yet another season to him and Veronica will they-won’t they-ing at one another.
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spin the bottle
part of advanced PLACEMENT: an ars PARADOXICA high school au about a gang of queer teen nerds, by @estherroberts , @podcastmecaptain , and @lizzieraindrops
all three of the aformentioned dorks are equally responsible for the hijinks found in this post.
click here for the au masterpost | track #ars placement for updates!
so when last we left our heroes:
esther, bridget, sally, anthony, helen, jack, and penny are at chuck e cheese’s, wasted.
quentin and june have taken off
chet, the night manager, at one point thinks esther and jack are a couple, there’s uproarious laughter
(jack is mildly pleased that chet read him as a guy though, and tells esther)
(she mimes waving a gay flag and smiles)
(“but no seriously i would never date you” “god, ew, gross, no”)
(he visibly shudders)
helen comments that the manager’s kind of cute
anthony, freaking, dips chet in response to that and lays a kiss on him
big ol’ smackaroo
helen wolf whistles
chet almost doesn’t kick them out after that but He Has To
sally has to be dragged out bc she’s laughing too hard
they show up at june’s doorstep bc her parents are out of town and they’re all still super drunk
(halfway there they turned around because they forgot anthony)
(even though it’s literally his van)
(esther loudly whispers that she thinks there’s someone missing, helen does a headcount and tells her she’s right, but who)
(bridget quietly mumbles that it might be anthony? wasn’t he by the whack-a-mole?)
(penny is the designated driver and she takes some convincing to turn around)
when they get there, june’s irritated bc she and quentin had just escaped them but she lets them all in once she sees that helen’s there, too
“HI HELEN - and, uh, everyone”
esther’s already inside, she starts making pancakes
bridget comes to help her after she breaks an egg on the floor
and then someone finds a bottle of rosé and sally’s like “We Can’t Drink that we’re already drunk”
anthony: “then what THE HELL do we do with i—ooHHHHH HEY HELEN I’VE GOT AN IDEA"
“is this anything like your last idea because i’m not taking you to the hospital-”
“what no no this is way better”
jack sits on the kitchen counter
bridget has her head in esther’s lap and esther’s playing with her hair
june is fully leaning on quentin
helen sits in the fanciest chair and anthony is at her feet
sally found a spinny chair and is Constantly spinning in it
penny is sprawled on her stomach on the floor, kicking her feet in the air
sally was momentarily horrified at the prospect of spin the bottle because kissing is gross, but she’s much happier when they told her she didn’t actually have to kiss anyone to play
sally’s rules: any kind of affectionate contact is acceptable on your turn but no hugging
because anthony’s hugs last hours
the lesbians don’t have to kiss boys on the lips
if the couples get each other they have a time limit and a hand traveling limit
jack and quentin kiss
“jack how was it?”
esther is in hysterical tears
lots more under the read more!
penny squishes sally’s cheeks and then gives her butterfly kisses until she starts giggling ‘cause it tickles
june usually bites people
it’s not fun at all
for anyone
jack: “ not soft :O ”
and then esther spins her, and gets up and it’s, like, fuck, a real makeout kiss
it’s Intense. super intense.
everyone is just a little uncomfy with it
bridget is actually hurt, (or at least, has esther convinced that she is) helen smiles coyly, and quentin is simply mystified
esther whispers something in bridget’s ear to reassure her and bridget blushes and later, they disappear to who knows where (we know where)
sally starts narrating like Steve Irwin
“ah she’s got some beautiful teeth on her this one, look out!” when june bites yet another hapless soul
“sally i swear to g OD”
“look! this one’s venom sacs have dropped”
sally only stops after june lands on her, gets up, kneels in front of the spinny chair, and intently stares her right in the eye for a solid minute from only like a few inches away
it’s dead quiet for that minute and nobody moves, sally doesn’t even spin the chair - until june suddenly boops her on the nose and she falls out of the chair with a squeak of surprise
every time quentin kisses someone it’s very delicate and most people wind up blushing
penny and helen kiss and it’s short and sweet and penny winks at helen after and she blushes for like 10 minutes
anthony gets the Softest forehead tap from sally and then she drunkenly pats his face
pat pat
esther delicately kisses both of sally’s cheeks, sally giggles
sally spins esther right after that and pinches both of esther’s cheeks until she laughs
(the two of them make a point of high fiving all extra like that from then on and everyone else Regrets)
esther and jack salsa dance up to each other, and she kisses him on the nose
he kisses her hand like she’s a princess, she cries
he does a silly little bow and once he sits back down, giggles so hard he almost falls off the counter but he’s also tearing up
when helen spins anthony she just leans down so he’s still at her feet
he swoons
bridget tangles her hands with sally’s and kisses her fingers
quentin grabs penny’s hands and spins her around in a few dance steps because he’s not sure if she’s actually down with kissing him or not but she surprises him with a peck on the lips and he makes a little !!! sound
bridget and june is payback for esther and esther sufffFFERS
this is largely because june has returned to biting her victims
and well, bridget. moans.
esther, who is rapidly turning beet red, covers her face with her hands and lets out a gurgle of frustration
everyone else laughs
bridget ruffles jack’s hair
sally spins quentin and they do a double fistbump followed by simultaneous dramatic fingerguns
“come on, quentin, fist bump, fist bump, eeEEEYYYYYY!”
helen bestows a kiss on sally’s forehead and she is #blessed
bridget and helen is GODLY
it’s like, a three minute forehead touch while gazing into each other’s eyes and then they actually kiss
bridget and penny, PURE
anthony and jack
they both snark at each other in between kissing and just stop because they’re giggling too hard
“this is weird” “stfu” “the people deserve a better show than this”
“ANTHONY YOU KISS LIKE A DOG YOU’RE SO BRISTLY” “how would you know what kissing a dog feels like” “shut up and give me your stupid beard burn” “oh really i thought that was blushing- HEY HANDS A LITTLE HIGHER BUDDY”
helen films it
jack winks at the camera and gives anthony a damn hickey
the whole time anthony is bitching about it and but he’s swearing. an. an awful lot let’s be real.
(anthony is gonna get some weird looks tomorrow with jack’s hickey on his neck and june’s teeth marks on his lip)
penny spins esther, esther says “hey jack i’m gonna kiss your girlfriend better than you ever could.”
“jack babe, take notes”
wee ap student jack goes for the notepad instinctively and then stops himself angrily
sally is actually taking notes
they just say “ew” and later down “double ew”
anthony: “what the fuck are you writing”
“i’m chronologizingisming like, whatever the fuck, this is"
btw, bridget is totally loopy by the time esther and penny kiss
this is after esther has MORE THAN MADE up for kissing june and bridget is very tired and very drunk and very in love with her girlfriend and she’s just, like, in a ball, laughing
helen actually fully makes out with esther, esther is Shook, and helen is suave
esther makes eye contact with bridget while it’s happening like “IS THIS REAL” and bridget laughs harder
the gang is starting to get worried about her because she’s barely breathing in between giggles
luckily, anthony lands on bridget next
he picks her up and spins her around singing the “i’m just a little black raincloud” song and kisses her forehead
which helps a bit
helen films this, too
helen spins june, and even though most of the gang has seen them kiss before, they’re reminded again that this is GOD KISSING THE DEVIL and they should consider themselves privileged to witness it
#ars placement#ars paradoxica#sally grissom#esther roberts#anthony partridge#helen partridge#june barlowe#jack wyatt#bridget chambers#quentin barlowe#penny wise#podcastmecaptain#lizzieraindrops#high school au#modern au
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