Phillip Delaney
134 posts
Vampire | He/Him | Midnight Congregation Elite This is a children of athoria character blog
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
Elite Stance -- Phillip
In Reaction To The King
Phillip stood behind a group of nobleman while they held court. His lips were a stunning ruby red from the gentle brush of makeup moments prior. Lines of charcoal accented his eyes and dressed better than even some of the wealthiest nobles. A tunic of navy spun threads with golden accents and a dark gray vest; he didn't hold his nose up as they did. Though there was a twitch of discomfort in the air, one that reeked of concerns-- but it was the fear that made his lips frown.
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Things will always unfold because of orders. It's pointless to argue or fight them when there is someone higher than you to make demands. 
Leave me be right now Juda, please-- you will get what you want.
Impossible and you know it.  
Phillip's eyes struck a place on the ground while his maker made his presence inside his head known, though he didn't entirely pay attention to anything. The room smelled so awful. Didn't everyone notice it too? The emotions of the humans were thick, making his young vampyric mind heavy in desires to tell them all to stop and laugh and be jolly-- anything over this congesting cesspool of negative emotions. 
He felt a glance, and a second of peace as if someone just barely brushed his conscious-- he peered up to meet Porter's eye, and for the briefest moments, he felt safe. Porter Help Me
When the Eternal spoke, Phillip’s attentions wavered, watching-- though he knew in a way what was about to happen. It wasn't like those around him were connected to The Eternal. The humans-- wolves, hybrid, and any other creature here couldn't possibly know the extent of Their reach their influence. Words and discussion weren't needed. Souls weren't necessary to merely do what was expected and act.
So the Eternal spoke, but Phillip was already reacting, feeling a heaviness drag down the back of his skull and lay as a suggestion to respond. He reached forward with jewel-laden fingers around the nobles neck and in a rush of supernatural speed had them in place of the other near the guillotine. The whoosh of the blade and the splatter of blood made him dizzy as it splashed near his shoes, up the sides of his legs, and the patter of crimson against the marble floors made his fangs ache.
I am the Eternal.
Phillip's red eyes flashed then the last of the screams echoed in the massacre as the crack of several necks and thumps of dead bodies left a hallowed and almost romantically quiet tone in the heavily undead occupied space.
This takes me back to when you were on the front lines at the Rebellion. You never did tell people about that time right? How rabid and high on blood you were-- I remember. How swollen your belly was, how if someone struck you in the abdomen you would throw up excess blood. I could never get the stains off your mouth, off your hands.
Please stop--
Phillip swallowed, wishing more than anything to stick his mouth on all the wasted blood squirting and pooling from the three decapitated bodies.
How you keep secrets in the Ivory Tower is still a mystery my son. Edmund will find out you killed her. Someone will. 
You killed her; you made me do it.
Who will believe you?
Phillip curled his fingers tightly against his sides, the fists trembled, and though some of the blood splatters on his pants irritated him, he waited until he felt it time to leave. Without a glance around after he got that permission, he took steps out of the room, walking down the familiar courier until the castle gates rose to his sights.
"Mr. Delaney, you have something on your--" "Guard please take me home,"
The guard blinked and smiled too kindly and ushered him into the nearest carriage. The moment the door closed he froze, leaning back until the lurch sent his mind into a distant place.
"Mr. Delaney, you are home," "Thank you--"
He walked out of the carriage and frowned, peering up at the Ivory Tower for a few seconds.  
"Home--" Phillip glanced around Brailston, watching people mingle and all unaware to what just happened. Feeling the shallowness of loss within all his chest, his fingers touched the still spot where a heart use to beat.  
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"What is going to happen to it if I can’t figure this all out?"
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
Kei looked down at the scrap of paper with the Ravenswoods’ crest as if it could help his confusion. “All this and you don’t want me to get it? Really its no trouble, I go there all the time and–” Kei lifted his gaze from the paper and watched Phillip warily. Something in the air didn’t feel right. Kei scanned his wary gaze across the pews as if someone might be hiding among them.
The explosion of timber shocked him out of his search and his reflexes took over. Kei blinked from his position and appeared in front of the terrified monk, a shield of silver light emanating from Kei’s palm. A small shock wave rustled the monks robes. The splinters that made it that far plinked harmlessly against the light and fell to the ground. A bit of an overkill, he had to admit. Kei kept his gaze on Phillip but turned his head towards the monk. He gave the man a good push towards the door with the hand not holding the shield. “Run. Get out of here.” 
The footsteps of the monk echoed off the walls as he rushed towards the door. Kei now addressed the cantankerous vampire. “Phillip,” he started tentatively. “What did that pew ever do to you? Seems a bit uncalled for, don’t you think? Why are you angry?”
Kei’s eyes flicked down to Phillip’s elongating canines and the lighthearted tone completely dropped from the mage’s voice.  An emotion bubbled up inside his chest, not fear–although that would be a very valid feeling to have at the moment–no, he was annoyed, and a little angry, too. His wand appeared in his hand and the silvery light disappeared. “I told you, Phillip. The key is in Miervaldis. I will be able to get it soon. Now put those fangs away.” 
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Kei watched the vampire closely and took a step forward, already forming a spell in his mind if he decided to attack.
The joke rattled his mind, the familiarity of humor, especially with someone like himself who enjoyed being around people who were goofy and funny-- made his hands curl in minor distress. It was impossible to know he was being glamoured, he couldn’t comprehend this wasn’t what he wanted, and yet the look on Kei’s face as he told the other to leave made his mind reel as too why he was acting that way.
The dead tendons in his jaw and neck tightened, and as his features festered into a monstrosity over an Elite member of society, all Phillip would feel was it was important to get the key. The burn of it wasn’t just intense, the need was overwhelming, but it was the rage which was new territory for Phillip. Never deemed a coward, he could admit he preferred to stay out of the way of direct combat and let others do the messy work, which is why the conflicting commands and emotions didn’t make any sense. Why was Kei looking like he was going to fight him? He liked Kei.
Phillip’s internal mind battle froze his stance. Blood pattered down his nose a struck the floor, then a line of red slipped down his left ear and stained his collar. Twin tracks fell down his eyes, red and contrasting to the beautiful visage Phillip kept himself in the face of the public. The pressure and white noise filled his head, and it seemed to reach a pitch of need in his mind-- but it was familiar.
“He’s... here--” he gritted, then in a blur of speed Phillip turned around, looking up, and then spun back to Kei trying to locate his maker. Phillip pushed back against the command now screaming in his head over being subtle.
Get the key. Get the key. Feel angry, make him tell you.
Phillip felt a penetrating weakness strike the back of his skull in a dull hunger for blood to help him concentrate. He licked his lips, turning his head in a tilt.
“Miervaldis... how can you get it? When, how?” he asked Kei, words beautiful and heavy in suggestion against his immediate desires. 
Charms & Lies || Kei & Phillip
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
Grigori’s demeanor immediately changed as he saw the shift in Phillip. Their bickering and wit battles were all fun and games, but it did not veil Grigori’s eyes from knowing that the vampire in front of his was far more than smoke, mirrors, gold and shiny jewels. For all the theatrics, Grigori had the privilege of knowing there was far more than what met the eye.He sat back up straight, leaned forward, forearms resting on the table, hands clasped as he listened intently to Phillip. 
Grigori had no progeny, no vampires that he had sired. He was his sister’s creation and that only. He did not know what being a sire was, but he knew very well that a bond between sire and his progeny could be greatly powerful. It was more than anything Grigori had known when human. “Forgive my impertinence, Phillip. I’m, I’m deeply sorry for your lost,” he said to him, eyes still fixed with what could be known as compassion or empathy.
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Grigori’s eyes lowered to the map as Grigori detailed the purpose for his visit. It made far more sense now. “I doubt it would be in the town, too dangerous, too easy for some meandering fool to stumble on it. You are too smart for that. It has to be in the woods or some cave somewhere by here,” Grigori thought out loud. “Would you mind me tagging along?” he offered the other vampire. “It would do me good to crawl out of my burrow and as I said before, I have been missing your company. Let me help a friend in need.” Grigori waited for his answer. He was hoping Phillip would say yes. Maybe hoping he would agree more than Grigori cared to admit to himself.
Pride blossomed in his chest, warming everything that is dead at how quickly Grigori wanted to help him. Phillip tried not to think about friendship often, mostly because in his sixty years of existence he’s only known a handful that he’s loved and cared about emotionally. Phillip was always picked on about falling in love easily-- he couldn’t help it. His emotions in regards to affection and love had significantly shifted when he died and turned into a vampire, and he liked how the colors of those emotions blossomed when both parties felt the same thing. It wasn’t just words that made him feel safe being here in Night Haven across from Grigori-- it was everything, every thought, bond, emotion, and presence.
He felt the sudden affection for his wayward friend almost bring a stray tear to his eye, but he looked away from his determined expressions to let their bond keep him stable in gratefulness.
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“I’d honestly love your help,” he admitted, “when I was breaking up my estate as a human, I paid a person to secure a section of goods that didn’t hold much value visually. Paintings, various home items like candlesticks made of silver-- things like that.”
Phillip reached into his pocket and pulled out a crude list of things he was looking for that might be important in his search. It was as he said, seemed more like junk than treasure cove. This was because his family’s business was in antiquities. “I didn’t think it would be in town either, but the caves around here have all been checked. I am running out of ideas without going further into the mountains, and I’d much rather not run into a rabid vampire. I know-- with the landscape, there might be tunnels hidden in town that lead out.”
He scratched his chin, “I’m honestly out of ideas. All I have left is walking through town listening for a disturbance of wind to place a hidden tunnel or glamour a few humans to see if they have seen any unless you know of a cave that I have missed on this map?”
Trusted Aid || Grigori & Phillip
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
Kei kept pace with the other man’s long legs with a straight-backed posture, trying to look like he was someone who would regularly be around someone of Phillip’s prestige. Before being inducted into the Bloodhawks Kei had thought very little about how people perceived him. He would usually just throw whatever article of clothing that didn’t have visible odor lines coming off of it. Now he took very good care of his appearance, wanting to look like he was deserving of his membership in the Bloodhawks. After all his reputation now reflected the King’s. Kei would rather throw himself off a cliff before tarnishing the King’s name.
The church was empty, that was fortunate, although Kei suspected that was somehow Phillip’s doing. Kei wasn’t exactly a frequent visitor to the church of Athoria, his visits were limited to a couple times a year if that. He was a private worshipper at best. To think that a magical key had just been sitting somewhere around here completely undetected for God knew how long.
“That’s not that strange. Kali’s a librarian, but the Ravenswoods’ wards are all over this building. I suppose she might have had some other reason to visit.” He scratched his cheek absentmindedly. “The Guild had your locket for forty years. Don’t suppose they found out more than they were letting on and decided to take the key for themselves? Or maybe that Kali is that person who has been trying to get their hands on the key for themselves, she loves keys…” He focused his eyes back on Phillip before going too much further into his conspiracy theories. “Well, let me try something real quick. She might have come here just to ask God to forgive her of her sins.”
Kei’s wand appeared in his hand out of thin air and he began scrawling thin blue lines of light in the air. It only took him a few moments to draw the complicated runes before they condensed into a single point of light and then expanded outwards in a soft gust of cold air that pushed Kei’s and his small audience’s hair back. Magic wards revealed themselves to the other two now, spiderwebbing along the walls, floors, and ceilings. It was intricate work that had been there for years. None of it really caught his eye until he saw the faint purple light that was emanating from one of the pews. Kei immediately recognized it as Kali’s handiwork. In a flash of his own magic he teleported over to the pew. A sigh quietly escaped his lips as he saw the parchment embossed with the Ravenswood’s crest.
Appearing beside the vampire again Kei handed the parchment to Phillip, letting him see for himself their spoils. “Looks like Kali’s got your key in Miervaldis. I suspect she might have stumbled upon it on accident and took it to the Guild for safekeeping. I visit there on occasion so I can pop in and ask her for it next time I’m there. I was planning on visiting soon regardless.” Try as he might it was difficult for Kei to keep the disappointment out of his voice. He had been expecting an adventure, maybe breaking apart some ancient magicks and showing off to Phillip his abilities. Instead what he found was a friend’s familiar magic that turned his exciting adventure into a glorified delivery service.
“No, the guild tried to examine my locket for forty years, but it always returns to me so they couldn’t ever keep it in their possession.” He gently corrected, he didn’t think for a moment the Guild would want to work behind his back involving this item, but if Phillip was all too honest with himself-- he didn’t know this clan as well as he probably should. Phillip had enough going on with Midnight anyway, but he felt a prickle of annoyance that they had delayed this search because of library woes and the intrusion of Ravenswood’s hands.
“I don’t think that is necessary,” he lied through his teeth that were clamped tight enough to pop his jaw to hide that he was frustrated. He placed a hand on Kei’s shoulder. “Only you and I know this anyway--”
His words fell off, and fingers tightened in his grip on Kei’s shoulder as if he was struck by a vision to an outsider. Stiffness as the dead took over his body, like the vampire had transformed into a statue. If he had breath, it would have lifted his chest quickly, but he was ever still. His mental wards weren’t as well practiced as he’d like but the suggestion whispering in his ear was familiar and settled into his entire being as if he had thought the idea himself.
He peeled his hand away, taking a few steps back before he glanced up at Kei revealing no change of what was happening in expressions. Phillip’s hands fell limp at his sides, mind racing in a thousand directions but it was the chill of commands not spoken in the space but in his mind.
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You are meddling. Break the pew.
Phillip swung his wrist out and shattered the wood in the pew. The explosion of splintered timber broke up the aisle.
Tell him you are mad because you are. You are incredibly angry you are failing me. Get me the key now, even if you have to slaughter everyone. 
“I’m--angry,” he gritted through a snarl because he was-- feeling the emotion birth as a suggestion, then a thought-- then belief. Phillip still being a young vampire triggered his fangs to elongate and exposed them the more the idea of being angry over this settled into every nook of his dead body. 
“This wasn't supposed to happen; I want the key now! What is the fast way to get it?! Tell me.”
Charms & Lies || Kei & Phillip
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
Grigori gave a half smile, a rare occasion, but if anyone could joggle his muscle memory into expressing more than sadness and rue, it was Phillip. “Me? Distracting? To whom? The mice in my apartment? The passed out blooddolls? I am a recluse, or have you forgotten it?” Grigori nearly laughed as he exhaled. How real he became and how honest he was when he spoke when the King of Largess was in his presence. He even managed to make the shade of Catina absent in his torn out mind. He had to reluctantly admit, he had missed Phillip, too. 
“I guess I am to be blamed for not visiting you when I creep out from my hole’“ he pointed out as he sat back in his chair with arms crossed safely and a hand placed under his chin to lean on. “If I may, allow me to beg you your forgiveness for my selfishness.” Grigori found Phillip completely fascinating, not in his physique, but mainly in his wit. Somehow, of all things, wit was what enticed Grigori the most. The slightest glimpse of intellect immediately drew the vampire in. “As for how I’ve been?” Grigori paused with a mild roll of the tongue in his cheek, “I could lie to you. Tell you that I have been well, my mind has been an ocean of peace, the demons of my soul eradicated, heavenly angels sweeping my feet off into extasy. That I am no longer a prisoner of my own mind. I’ve been doing fantastically. Thank you for asking.”
He chuckled under his breath, “I bit you, do tell me why the grand entrance and why so few documents litter this table? The Abyss knows itself when he sees his reflection.” Grigori had been in Brailston when the news of the Queen’s disappearance came out. His fleeing through Trinity lake, then his misadventures in the Pack Lands and the Hallowed Oak had been more happening that the last 10 years of his life. If Phillip was in Night Haven under such circumstances, it would seem that Grigori’s paranoia had not been fully unfounded.
Phillip scratched the back of his neck, feeling his skin craw uncomfortably when Grigori spoke so easily of living in this quiet city full of dead and mostly unwanted people. He chuckled as the banter and teasing continued, but he didn’t enjoy it entirely, and made to sip if goblet of chilling blood to hide the mixture of feelings exposed on his face. So many emotions swirled between them, Grigori’s words glossed over and untrue but also not entirely lies. Maybe Grigori had found some strange peace through his time away from everyone who wanted to love him. Phillip didn’t know if that was a good thing or not. Ever still, he was thankful to see him. 
“Between you and I, and only-- you and I, I am not here for Kingdom business,” he admitted, setting the goblet down and turning the map around to have it face Grigori better. The parchment on this particular document was beautifully crafted, everything expected from being owned by Phillip, the map maker had done an exceptional job at documenting these parts of the mountains. Phillip had pushed pins into certain places, tying strings through them to map additionally over the paper without damaging it too much.
“No one knows I am here. I am trying to locate an old cache of my estate that was stored here some forty years ago. It’s proving to be a little difficult by my self, but I am in a situation where my allies are-- well, limited right now,” Phillip seemed sad over the statement, and the burden of his worries spilled out between them. 
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Phillip sighed. “Someone killed my youngest, murdered them with a stake through their heart,” his fingers trembled, and he dampened his lips with a drag of his tongue to feel the softest shiver. “I need to find this cache of mine; there might be something there I missed back before when I hid it. I’m fairly certain it can help me now all I can hope is that it’s still here in Night Haven or in the surrounding area, I am just not having much luck.”
Trusted Aid || Grigori & Phillip
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
Kei opened and closed drawers loudly, rummaging through scrolls and amulets he had forgotten he had. He picked one up, closed his eyes, and tossed it aside. Most of the things he was throwing around the room were useless magical junk he couldn’t bear throwing away. What if a street urchin got his hands on that ring that made obnoxious light shows? Well, actually that might be entertaining. 
Finally, he pulled out a leather bag from a cabinet, hidden behind potion bottles he had had for months. For a brief moment he wondered how the bag had gotten so lost after just a couple days. He thought that he hadn’t opened this cabinet in weeks. There was no time to wonder. He dumped out the contents onto his kitchen counter and sorted through the various rings and necklaces. 
KeI pulled on a necklace with a chunk of purple rock hanging onto it–this would ward his mind against any mental suggestions. Yes, Phillip would be on his side for this adventure, but he had noticed that attempt at the end of their conversation. Kei was sure that there was no malicious intent, he was probably just so used to using his mental abilities that it was barely a second thought to try to manipulate people at this point. At least, that’s what he hoped. It could always be possible that Philip was only barely holding back at completely dominating Kei’s mind and control him like a puppet. It was not lost to Kei that his demeanor caused people to believe he was naive and easily tricked. He made sure this was an assumption they only made once.
Kei patted his jacket pockets, making sure he had everything he needed for Phillip’s mission. Finding everything in order, Kei quickly turned on one foot and appeared beside the church of Athoria. The frigid night are was trying to get through the bubble of warmth Kei had created around himself but it was futile. In his comfortable warm air, he looked down the road and saw a carriage whose extravagance could only belong to Phillip.
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He walked up excitedly to the door of the carriage once it had stopped and waited with a giant smile for the vampire. “Great night for some innocent praying, wouldn’t you say?” 
“Indeed,” Phillip met the other with a broad smile that almost seemed fake, but it wasn’t-- it was impossible to hold too many concerns when someone in the Bloodhawks was on his side of business tonight. He’s heard enough of all the rumors from hundreds of ears within the city about those unfortunates who found themselves on the wrong side of the King’s hunting dogs. Phillip didn’t need them breathing down his neck, and the sheer fact he had back up tonight without having to tell everything was reassuring for once.
The church was pretty empty when they walked in. Phillip sent a quiet thank you to Edmund for handling that piece for him without having to ask. Having his progeny working in the Church of Athoria was ever helpful when it presented, though Phillip’s thoughts always drifted to thinking about the first time he saw him from the gargoyles above a church in Brailston and immediately falling in love. In those steps down the aisle, he couldn’t help but wonder what Remy was up too nowadays. Did she still have all that gold from winning the Tourney? Maybe he could convince her to part with some of it.
A monk strolled out the back area and greeted them both with a wave. His plump belly was draped in soft white linens and pops of metals.
“Mr. Delaney, Edmund said you would be here tonight. I actually found something very odd when he inquired about the logs from a few years back,”
The monk handed him a book that was a recording of many names not entirely knowing what he was looking for until he saw a familiar last name.
“Kali Ravenswood?” Phillip said, handing the book to Kei, “why is that strange?”
“Ms. Kali Ravenswood never comes to church; I felt it fulfilled your request enough. We had no need for Guild business recorded around that time.”
Phillip almost snorted at the soft glamour and the smart way Edmund had likely worded it.
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“Kei,” Phillip drew a finger across his own lips in thought and worry, he didn’t want to involve another clan in his mess. “Do you think it odd as the Monk suggest? Do you know what this Ravenswood does for the Guild? I hope she didn’t meddle-- can you detect magic around here?”
Charms & Lies || Kei & Phillip
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
There was a stillness to that night, something strangely satisfying for the one person who’s demeanor reflected the morose state of the weather outside. If the weather could sing a song to Grigori it would be a litany, a gentle song of mourning and grief cradled by the angelic voices of a children’s choir. He wished he could paint music, bring it to life as he brought his canvas and sketching paper to life. His feet halted though, stopping in the middle of the road. He had just left Harriet’s and expected nothing of the night until he spotted a familiar face walking out from a group. 
How out-of-character, Grigori thought to himself. The king himself never made such lavish displays as Phillip Delaney. You would think of the man as being the ruler of the world, above all kings, simply in the way, he exuded luxury. Or at the least, to Grigori’s eyes, he was. Grigori had intended to spend the night glamouring some fool into giving him company, but this sight was far too curious for him to ignore. He followed slowly, such a pace you would think the vampire was simply taking a leisurely stroll without intent of destination, but he never lost sight. He eventually took his feet to the tavern he had seen Phillip enter, and then entered himself.
The place was busy but not overcrowded, in the back in the lone booth, Grigori spotted Phillip. He didn’t go there right away. He went to the main bar and ordered a pint of red and then took it with him to the booth. He slammed the glass purposefully on the table and slid in to sit in front of the other man. “Such an extravagant way of travelling, the King should feel pale in your presence. If I didn’t know better, I’d wager you traded your brilliant humility and sobriety for a demure sense of safety,” Grigori said to him with evident sarcasm. He took a sip from his pint of red, licking his lips to remove the excess. 
Something was wrong. Grigori knew it, but it was far more amusing to him to verbally joust with the man. In the past, Catina would have stopped him, but she wasn’t there anymore. He had expected to refrain himself in a way to keep her presence still alive next to him, but it had miserably failed. 
It was the scent that struck him immediately, an alluring fragrance that was remarkable and utterly beloved to his senses. In the last decade, Phillip saw emotions in spots of colors; radiant hues fluctuated through the air in the space he was occupying with others. Every year seemed to present something new for him to wonder, a piece of a beautiful puzzle about himself that was exposed and sometimes caught him entirely off guard. It had been why he had initially sought Derek out, to get a jump start on what the future could potentially appear like being Derek’s age.
It didn’t matter in the end. Phillip would be exposed to new layers of himself the very second they happened, and the scent of Grigori was a prime example of how bonded their kind could be without souls to explain its possibilities. It required no lift of his eyes from the parchment, lined in inks of black and reds. Even though there were plenty of vampires in Night Haven, the moment his area invaded with the other-- their bond, though reluctant and messy-- calmed the frustrated jitters settled into his limbs from this personal mess he's drowning in.
He bit his lip, glancing up as the sarcasm was an additional sweet flavor to penetrate and overrun his senses. Phillip smiled beautifully-- a lively grin that paired with the blood in his goblet to give way to an actual faint flush to the apples of his cheeks.
It was romantic he thought-- their species so easily could glance at each other and just know what they needed without a single word.
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“As if,” he responded, playfully wrinkling his nose and threading his palm up along his jawline and pressed his fingertips under his cheekbone to give Grigori a better look. A million jabs and sarcastic phrases resided on his tongue, but he was momentarily captivated.
“You are ever distracting-- I don’t know how anyone gets anything done with you around. The very moment you walked into the tavern you pulled my mind from all this work. It is perhaps-- you find me in a mood today where I can admit this-- I have missed you and regret not finding you sooner within the months. How have you been?”
Trusted Aid || Grigori & Phillip
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
Kei nodded approvingly. “Good. It wouldn’t do well for the jailer’s apprentice and the jail’s main benefactor to be locked up in its cells.”
Kei took the locket and ran over it with his fingers. It looked fairly normal, besides the engravings along the side which clearly had a magical origin. No dark, malignant energy was oozing out of it’s creases. Not even a trickle as far as Kei could tell.  Kei focused his eyes intently at the locket and a hexagonal sphere of white light encapsulating the locket and his hands. Usually this would reveal any kind of magic surrounding the object. Nothing. He wasn’t surprised. He wasn’t going to find anything within a couple minutes that the Guild hadn’t found in 40 years.
The sphere dissipated. He stared at the locket, turning it over, trying to see if any of the runes inscribed were at all familiar. “I don’t see anything too special about it. Except for these runes, I’ve never seen them before.” Kei paused, feeling a tiny sliver of something. “It’s a bit sad, though, isn’t it? I guess that’s why you named it what you did.”  He jammed his fingernails into the crease and tried to pry it open. It wouldn’t budge. “Worth a try.”
He wanted to ask more questions. What was the longest time you’ve been without it? Have you ever seen it appear? Has anyone seen it disappear? Where did you get it? But he refrained from bombarding the vampire with too many questions.
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“Yes, of course. This is what the Bloodhawks are for, after all.” He straightened his back and gave a salute to the man. “I do have to say, I’ve always had a liking for competition. Now it’s a race to get this key, and I’m sure we will win.”
The wards of the mages mind were strong to his thoughts, but his emotions were at another level. Excitement and curiosity poured out of him like a pitcher of wine into a goblet. Phillip could almost sense a headache come on from how Kei felt about this little adventure, and it reminded him of Jiaying when she was a teenager and sent her on a quest to find a lost artifact. Would he keep doing this with the youth? Send them out to do his bidding and watch as some of them come back alive? Guilt was a sharp pang in his chest for having ordered Ivo to Leeds-- and he wasn’t keen on making those mistakes again.
“The Bloodhawks and Midnight do have a mutual understanding of what is important most of the time,” Phillip watched the salute and chuckled fondly. Humans were cute sometimes. It did wonders for his pride.
“Though this is unofficial business, personal remember, it would do very well to keep this between us.” He reminded gently perhaps attempted a little suggestion even with his wards; he hoped such a point would stick. “It is, I suppose a race. We can meet up in a few days time after you come up with a good trap concept, we will need the churches permission-- but I think I can convince them to find other things to do while we are there.”
With that, he reached out to shake the others hand. “Thank you--”
Those passing days went by quicker than he thought possible. Phillip was nervous about being in the church; such a holy place seemed an ill fit location for a vampire to be around even though it was perfectly fine. Maybe if he had a soul, he’d feel such wrath from those unreachable Heavens, but here he was but a husk filled with power from the far-reaching Hell. Edmund never had any issues with such things-- it was why he loved him so much.
“You were smart to trust Kei, the church will be fine with all this additionally. I talked to a few yesterday about it and they seemed upset something was stashed there,” Edmund said from their bed, and Yachi was perched in a chair by his desk currently overflowed with items.
“Agreed, he is someone I actually quite like in the Bloodhawks,” Yachi chimed, rising from the chair to get dressed.
“I hope those monks don’t blab. But yes, Kei is young and impressionable, just my type. If I am not luring them with gold or my looks than usually an adventure is a surefire way to sell it,”
“Oh, so you didn’t seduce him?” Edmund was grinning cheekily, and Phillip rolled his eyes with a wave of his hand to brush him off.
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“I seduce everyone, you know I am not picky about the bits, but no-- not too much. This will be professional,” Phillip was dressed in all black, trousers and a tunic draped in a thick cloak on his shoulders.  
“I’m glad you told us about the letter,” Yachi kissed his cheek, grabbing his elbow as they waved Edmund goodbye. He walked slowly through the Ivory Tower, making sure he was taking the time to weave some wards in his mind. It had been all him, and his two surviving progeny’s have been practicing in their off time since he got back. He would get better with it-- he had too.
“I’m off,” he kissed her hand and got into a carriage to head for the church where he hoped Kei already was.
Charms & Lies || Kei & Phillip
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
“The mystery is killing me.” He grinned. “I can do what you are asking for. Few people, even in the Guild, know runes like I do,” he said confidently. “I guess…” Kei trailed off and thought hard about what he should do.
Unable to leave his side? That meant that it would have to be right here on Phillip’s person. Kei’s insatiable curiosity had him scouring the man up and down before he realized how that might look. He didn’t see anything of particular value. Magic-wise, of course, Phillip’s clothes were obviously very expensive.
Kei considered the request silently. He didn’t owe the Church any favors, so that would be no issue. But how much of Phillip’s story was true? Maybe this was all a ruse to drain him of all his blood. Gifted blood was even more tempting than regular human blood. Phillip was a vampire after all, even if a domesticated one.
Still, it wouldn’t be smart to turn down someone of his status, and Kei was quite curious. The Guild had apparently worked on it for 40 years? He would have loved to get a hand on whatever locked object Phillip had. Even if he wouldn’t be able to unlock it, there was always something to be learned from these old magicks.
Kei realized that he had been staring at a corner of the garden for a while in silence. He turned his gaze back to Phillip and grinned. 
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“Will this be a particularly legal undertaking?” He looked up at the nearby jailhouse as if to make a point.
Phillip watched as they fell into an eternal and awkward silence, he froze in mild anxiety he didn't use to having since he was a human-- those negative whispers leaked hurtful self-hate that he was fucking this up down the back of his neck. He wondered briefly if this was even worth pursuing unless it made him feel better. Did outfitting his maker and maybe the eternal have a ring to it? Did it make him experience the same feeling he had when he saw that dragon in the sky and ended up in Dragos to fight in the rebellion?
Sadness suddenly struck him through the heart. Franco Athor had been inspiring and his Maker had once been his most trusted confidant. What did that mean? Why hadn’t he ever asked him what Franco was like in more detail than accepting orders and being turned into a vampire for him?
Kei’s voice lured the vampire from his self-induced coma.
“Oh, no-- I mean it is technically mine, and it was taken long ago, so you are actually following the law with this one,” Phillip reassured. “I am ignorant of magic. I don’t make a big deal about understanding how it works-- though when the Guild told me as a human that it wasn’t cursed just ‘liked me’ I just found accepting that easier than more questions.” He paused then pulled the Locket secured around his neck and up from behind his tunic and beautiful gold-threaded vest.
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“I could give it to you to tinker with, but it will only return to me no matter what you try. This-- well. It has been through a lot. I call it the Weeping Locket,” Phillip allowed Kei to take it to better see it by unclasping it. The lack of its weight didn’t faze him so much as the energy from it. “There is more. Kei someone is trying to steal this key from me. I want them arrested. Is this something additionally you can help me with? Set a trap for them? I don’t want anyone else in the guard to know, or they might catch wind that I know what they are planning.”
Charms & Lies || Kei & Phillip
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
Kei withdrew his offered hand. “My arms? Oh–uh thank you.” His face flushed with color. “I–well–I like your arms too,” he offered with a big smile. Kei was notorious for not being able to pick up on another’s flirting, but he would have had to be an idiot to not see that. “Ah, yes a break would be great. Bloody knights are bringing in anyone who looks at them wrong.” Kei had entered this conversation expecting all the pomp and flair of the King’s court. The blatant flirting had him the vampire as if he were just anyone.
The fresh winter air was a welcome change. Piling so many bodies into one building made everything so humid and foul-smelling. When he got back he was sure Rolan would task him with emptying the many chamberpots. No magic allowed, he’d say. But Kei would use it anyway, or course. Years of intense study of magic, and this is what he was doing for a living.
Kei greeted the vampire for the second time and was again showered with compliments. He wondered silently how many of them were sincere. People in high places? Did the King brag about him? Sincere or not the mere thought of it put a smile on his face.
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“Well consider me flattered,” he laughed. His ears perked up at what the man suggested. “Consider me flattered and intrigued. Do I get anymore information on this key? Maybe what the lock is?”
“Good--” Phillip attempted to chuckle and hope it was convincing. “That is good, be flattered not many catches my interest.” He was purposefully keeping the mood light and though his insides were rotting and his dead heart was likely turned to ash from the pain he was still trapped in-- there was something to faking his mood to see it benefit his objectives.
“Well,” he side-eyed the alleyways and the street nearby to be sure they were in fact alone. “Yes, I would assume all keys have a home with a lock-- and I don’t mean that to be lewd but you know...” 
His typically snarky humor was a little lost because his back was rigid right now, his shoulders square and tall. The beautiful clothes he had on weren’t appropriate to the cold weather not that such a thing bothered him being a vampire; it did make this conversation strange and inappropriate over funny. Phillip released his clenched hands and rolled the motion best he could to loosen the deadened and still state he was falling into just talking here.
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“There is an object of mine that the Guild had 40 years to attempt success in breaking but haven’t. They are certain elements are missing to it, which is why it’s not able to leave my side or be opened. I recently, learned there is a key that goes to it and that this key is in in the church of Athoria,” Phillip didn’t show the weeping locked secured around his neck being the item he was referring, he didn’t want Kei to have all the information just yet.
“My main question is if this is something you could perhaps help me with. It is likely protected by magic, and I’d much rather not have to travel to the Guild for assistance with all this Queen Mother business unfolding making personal requests-- seem-- well selfish in nature,”
Charms & Lies || Kei & Phillip
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
The jails were a hive of activity. Even more than normal. Bloodhawks were bringing people in left and right. Anyone that even looked at the castle the wrong way had been hauled in under suspicion. Kei couldn’t fault the King for his frenzied actions. Losing your parents was an awful thing, even if they hadn’t been close. Seeing the jails were right now, Kei couldn’t imagine he’d be getting a decent night’s sleep until the Queen Mother was found.
Kei knelt, inspecting the newly drawn wards at the foot of the cell he had been working on. The spidery scrawl of his runes wove together intricately, glowing with a faint white light. Satisfied with his work Kei tapped them with the tip of his wand, hiding it from the untrained eye. It would hold for a little while. That’s all he could manage at such short notice. Before long every cell would be full and if they got a hold of the one responsible for the Queen Mother’s disappearance, it wasn’t going to be his fault that they escaped.
Just as he was about to start on the next cell, Kei saw Rolan–the jailer–striding down the corridor. Shit. The apprentice tried to conceal what he had been doing and his wand disappeared from sight. This hadn’t exactly been sanctioned by the man. Unfortunately it didn’t look like Kei had succeeded in hiding what he had been doing, and he could see the anger in the jailer’s eyes. 
Rolan’s eyes bored holes into Kei. “Master Delaney has requested your presence. When you return we will have a talk about your–” He made some hand gestures that Kei understood to mean magic. 
“Yes, sir.” The witch nodded with a stiff back, showing that he understood. It was best to feign obedience. The man rolled his eyes, knowing Kei’s act at this point and pushed past him. “Be quick about it,” the man yelled over his shoulder.
Kei went quickly down the hallways, ignoring the slurs and cursing thrown at him by the prisoners. At the very least, his insult vocabulary had expanded greatly during his apprenticeship. Kei straightened up and dusted off his tunic before regarding the man waiting for him. He recognized Phillip, of course, they had never interacted but Kei made it a point to know the important people. The mage checked his mental wards, making sure they were still air tight. You could never be too careful around a vampire.
He put on a smile, though, and strode up to Phillip enthusiastically. “Hello, you asked for me?” Kei offered his hand to shake.
Phillip’s patients left the second Mr. Rolan left his sight. He jutted his hip out in a pout of annoyance, mind wandering through those closest people clanking chains and various metal restraints to the cobblestones. There wasn’t much on the surface; these people were likely caught up in the wrong place and wrong time. King Nathaniel was probably going to make all their lives more difficult, but the only benefit to it all was that the Eternal might decide to be by his side more. That would free up the noise always humming in the back of his mind, and also on getting his estate pulled back to Brailston.
It was daunting; the task he was now forced to deal with. All he could hope for was Jiaying getting her hands on that sword in a timely fashion without any issues or delays, and then the locket. His fingers toyed with the object around his neck, having been there for so long he sometimes forgot its weight. It was corroding in places, the metals needed to be cleaned and polished, and he realizes how much he’s neglected taking care of it.
When Kei’s crooked smile showcased through the doorway, he was immediately enamored.
“You are exactly as I pictured you to be, my my-- you have a set of arms on you don’t you,” he hummed in approval, eyeing the other with a gentle tilt of his head. “However attractive you are in this bleak and awful environment, I believe we have some time together if you wish to get away from all this. A break is overdue I’m sure. Come on; I am desperate for your help.”
He had to get out of this stupid place, so he moved towards the door and exited the facility with his chin held high and relief to the fresh air outside the area. There was a secluded spot nearby, a small snow laden garden and a few benches.
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“I, well-- hello,” he bows lightly with a cheeky grin as if this had been their original introduction. “I have meant to pop in and say a better hello; I have heard a lot about you. People in high places like to brag about your-- skills, quite a lot of stories have fallen on my ears. I am purposefully flattering you by the way,” he chuckled. “I need your help finding a magical key. Would you be interested?”
Charms & Lies || Kei & Phillip
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
Trusted Aid || Grigori & Phillip
Night Haven @grigoriathoriarp
Phillip had found the perfect excuse to leave Brailston and travel to Night Haven with the Queen Mother still missing. Midnight has been aiding in every way they could, and it had made the Ivory Tower a flurry of activity. Phillip had pointed out a few people should make their way to Night Haven to check in with their solitude ridden brethren. Phillip volunteered.
Typically, he’d take a carriage adorn in riches and beautiful horses to travel in, but he’s not going to Night Haven to just check on the Queen Mother. Wearing all black, he appears like an assassin over Noble Elite of Midnight, traveling with the commoners had grossed him out a little, but it was necessary to get to where he needed without others of his clan following him.
When he arrived in Night Haven, it was incredibly disappointing. Why his kin would choose to live in such a deary and empty space was beyond his understanding. Back home, they had soft beds to fall into the coma, protected by glamoured sentries and guards. They had coins to pay for pretty things and humans willing to feed them from veins containing the most divine blood. Night Haven was quiet, windy, and already boring him, especially the Inn he was staying in which offered nothing spectacular for the senses.
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Perched in a booth in the far corner, Phillip has scrolls open and two maps unrolled and pinned open with two bronze cups empty of substance. Various lines crisscrossed the object to connect a few points of interest but it was pretty clear he hadn’t found what he was looking for these past few days if the markings alone were to go by. He resided his hands under his chin, a frown turning his usually joyous disposition into exhaustion.  
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
Charms & Lies || Kei & Phillip
Brailston SWP @kei-barcena
“What do you mean the Queen Mother is missing?”
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“If you had been here instead of off doing whatever selfish thing--”
“Shut your fucking mouth peasant--” Phillip surprisingly snarled before catching his odd behavior and instead ran his hands down his well-tailored outfit and stood up straighter before the Novitiate. “As if it’s any of your business, but I was recruiting.”
Word would spread about Derek and Annika coming into Midnight sooner or later, and Phillip knew these people would ask a thousand questions about it. There was a selfish part of his personality that wanted to brag, to walk them into the main hall with his arm draped out as if to show off such a stunning pair to his people. But Ivo’s letter burned a hole in his pocket, even now it haunted him to the point he still sometimes stuck his nose into the wax in hopes to smell the scent of his lost progeny.
Phillip released the anger he felt towards the blatant disrespect with a distorted smile and a step forward.
“Come, I shall bring you with me. You will stay in the jails for a few days, watch and report back to me after,” Phillip's glamour-struck the younger vampire in subtly and their quick surprise blink to the command only made Phillip gleeful and high on the effect. “Follow me.”
The walk to the jails was one made quickly, Phillip’s money paid for almost all of Brailston which forced him at the front of approving a lot of the buildings he was currently walking past. He didn’t want to know everything involved with the city-- he honestly didn’t care how they designed it so long as the King was satisfied and it was functional. When he walked in the main chambers, the Novitiate in tow, Phillip waved to the main Jailer with a pleasant welcome.
“Just someone to keep for a few days for me,” the Novitiate’s eyes widened in frustration but didn’t say anything. Phillip almost cruelly laughed. “I’ve meant to ask if your apprentice is still here at this late hour? I have been in need to speak to them about something extremely time sensitive, would they have time to walk home with me?”
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
☠: Opinion on death
Headcanon meme
“Oh Grigori, you are so sweet and morbid under that strong jaw line-- death is beautiful don’t you think? We are perfect creatures-- connected in ways we never could as a human. Maybe our souls are being tormented right now but that is a day in the future to deal with. Death shouldn’t be a worry for the undead,” 
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phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
♦: Opinion on outer beauty
Headcanon meme
“It is probably one of the most important things in my opinion. A beautiful person will always have an advantage socially don’t you think? It sure has helped me,”
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0 notes
phillipdelaney-blog · 7 years ago
Derek’s body cringed with exhaustion. The memories were so real, so close to him, that he thought maybe there was a stronger reason why they had been hidden from him for so long. The shock of seeing his father and his mother, of the priests and the original demon…Derek had more questions than answers yet at least he somewhat knew how he became this monster in the first place. And that was enough for Derek’s entire world to shatter. He felt defeated and unworthy, and never had he thought himself special to begin with but at least there was nothing to compare it to, at least there was no disappointment or expectation for him to be something greater and stronger because of who he was when he was human. But these memories changed that. And his history proved that he could have been something, or someone important and worthy of love and life.
But he didn’t.
Becoming a vampire…becoming this monster that lurked and fed in the night was punishment from a family that had given up on him only after he had given up on himself.
The connection with Phillip went beyond almost anything he had ever felt. It was not the same with Annika, who he was merged with on a blood level in terms of emotions and instincts and desires. No, it was something more loyal and thankful, and maybe somewhat greedy. Although Derek had shared a memory with Phillip in the past, this was different. He trusted him with something more darker and deeper, something that could change the path of vampires altogether. And Derek didn’t want to let that go. He wanted to make sure that Phillip was safe and protected.
He’d do whatever it took to make sure that Phillip was consistently by his side.
“Thank you,” he exhaled the words and met the appreciation with his gaze. Dawn was approaching and he could feel this with every fiber in his undead body. The circlet rested heavily on the ground and Derek could only turn away from it in shame. He curled onto the ground and waited the inevitable coma to strike.
Derek & Phillip || Spooky Connection
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