#as i said thats coming tomorrow 👍
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severevoiddragon · 1 year ago
i will absolutely send you a request 👍👍 and it will be that you should draw codfather scott and rivendell jimmy because that would be silly i think
Ok so I haven't done rivendell Jimmy (that will be coming tomorrow, ran out of time today xD), BUT enjoy codfather Scott!
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Yes ik it's unshaded. That's a pufferish of peace btw! (Also didn't realise there were like. Designs already maybe? But either way this is my design which is literally just scott wearing jimmy's outfit xD)
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thmgau · 5 months ago
It had been a long, long day for Juniper.
Getting the job application from Sotry & filling it out took a little longer than expected. Juniper guessed Sotry didn’t want to be coworkers with aem either, which was fair.
After that, zae had to go to the store & pick up some food (Juno had a lot of fun in the shopping cart, it seemed). Then, fae went back over to Cherry’s dorm room to introduce everyone to Juno & the plan for tomorrow. The rest of the group just shrugged & agreed.
But now, finally, she was able to relax. As Juno got tucked into the couch, Juniper laid down in zheir bed, got all snuggled up under the covers, & conked out.
It was a restless sleep, though. In eir dreams, Juniper found emself face-to-face with the same shadow creature from before, when ey first got the necklace.
“Hero..” the creature’s voice echoed. “You must tread cautiously. Juno is not as he seems.”
Juniper tried to ask what the shadow meant by that, but nothing came out when zae tried to speak.
“Juno is a danger to us all.” the shadow creature continued. “Any mistake you make with her could lead to death, one way or another. Stay cautious. Don’t listen to a word he says.”
Before he knew it, Juniper was awake again. Phey turned to look at the time. It was only 5:46 in the morning. As voi took a few breaths, 2 questions came to mind.
Did the others have that dream, & is Juno really a threat?
A buzz from their phone answered one of those questions.
Leslie: did anybody else have that weird dream Nora: i did! Cherry: i did too. Juniper: same here. Kalani: yeah 👍 Cherry: what the hell was that even about. Cherry: “juno is not as he seems” ??? Nora: the last time we all had a dream like that was when we got the necklaces in the first place Nora: maybe this prophetic dream has a good point. Cherry: but what are we supposed to do? all we know is that juno wants back in the castle. Kalani: i think i might know what’s up ☝️ Kalani: remember what sun & mr. moon told us a couple days ago when we were at mercury ☀️🌒 Leslie: uhh. no :p Kalani: they said if we met anyone named juno, we have to avoid him at all costs. juno was the person who shot sun. 🔫 Juniper: OH SHIT youre right Juniper: THATS why the name juno felt so familiar to me Cherry: ugh so now on top of trying to pay rent in time now we have to deal with the dude who shot sun Leslie: what could juno want back in the castle for though? Nora: presumably to shoot sun again Juniper: well whatever her plan is we should probably stop it. Cherry: but how do we stop him? Juniper: i dunno! that’s what i’m asking! Leslie: if we all meet up at my dorm we could probably brainstorm somethin Leslie: plus i can make us breakfast :3 Kalani: well i can never say no to a leslie breakfast 🍳
Juniper sighed, getting out of bed. Of course ae would let a villain into aer apartment, knowing aer luck. She slipped on her slippers & made her way to Leslie’s dorm room. Whatever Juno had planned, the group was planning to stop it.
The group sat around on Leslie’s couch as it served them all some bacon & eggs. It was a little bit early for breakfast, but it’s better early than late.
“Mmmfh.. these are really good, Leslie!” “Thanks!”
Leslie sat down with their own plate of bacon & eggs. Somehow, throughout everything the group has been through so far, Leslie always manages to keep a smile on its face.
“So! What’s the plan?” Leslie asked, only to be met with a resounding silence from everyone in the room.
“Yea, uh.. We’ve got nothing.” “Nothing! We can work with that!” “No, Les. Not really.”
Kalani tried to think of ideas. Juniper had said the day before that the group was going to get Juno to the Castle the next day, which doesn’t give the group a lot of time to plan anything.. unless?
“I know how to kill two birds with one stone!” Kalani announced. “We’re killing birds?” “It’s a metaphor. Anyways, how about we use our jobs as an excuse until we can come up with a better plan?” “Our jobs that we.. don’t have yet?” “Ah, yeah. Those jobs.” “I’m sure we can find some odd-jobs to do around the city until we get hired!” “Ooh, good thinking! Why didn’t any of us think of that earlier?”
So, the group planned all throughout breakfast. Pretend to have a job while they do chores around town, & (as per Nora’s suggestion) get in contact with one of the Celestials, since they likely know what Juno’s personality is like.
“Alrighty, I’ll have a schedule posted for all of us in the group chat by, uh.. soon.” Cherry said, stretching. “Sounds good!”
Juno tossed & turned in his sleep. He was having that dream again. It was more of a memory, really, but Juno liked to pretend it’s a dream.
Despite this, the “dream” was extremely vivid in her mind. Juno could remember it like it was yesterday.
The fake court-like room that had been set up in the Castle penetrated Juno’s memory. The yellow & blue glowing podiums everyone stood at seemed duller than they had been in person. Juno had stood before Betty, Time, & Fate, & his job was to convince the three of them that he did not, in fact, kill Sun.
It was quite difficult to lie to the Celestial capable of seeing the future, though.
Before she could get a single word out, the Celestials standing before her stopped her from speaking, telling Juno that there was no use in defending herself. Everyone already knew Juno was the culprit.
Juno had no clue why Fate ever allowed him to live in the Castle in the first place, if she was able to predict Sun’s death, but what he did know is that he’d never forget the punishment provided to him.
“You have been sentenced to life on Earth for the rest of eternity.”
Those words.. Juno would never forget them. Especially not after she had gotten her revenge. He giggled to himself, knowing that these so-called heroes Fate had specifically appointed would be its downfall.
It was quite later in the day now, as the plan had been put into action. While everyone else was off doing gigs around Cincinnati, Kalani was going through the book to see if Juno was mentioned in it at all. She read & read, but to her disappointment, there wasn’t any information. Kalani suspected the book may have been on Earth long before Juno had shot Sun.
As he sighed & shut the book, Kalani heard a knocking on his door. Kalani got up to answer it.
“Hello! Delivery for Patience!”
Despite this person wearing a post officer uniform & holding an envelope, Kalani could tell this was not a post officer. It was two creatures trying to pull off the trenchcoat trick, but instead of a trenchcoat, it was a post officer uniform. Not to mention, this “delivery” seemed to not be for Kalani.
“Uh.. there’s nobody named ‘Patience’ living here.”
She could hear mumbling from the creature underneath, presumably talking to the creature on top.
“Evil, you dunce! The heroes don’t know about that yet!” “Oops, my bad!”
The mention of heroes made Kalani think these were Celestials. Nobody else knew about the hero thing (except for Natalie & Sorrel).
“Um.. you guys can just come in if that’s easier.” “Oh, thank Fate!” Evil sighed, “walking” inside of Kalani’s apartment. “I did not want to do that trick for another second.” “It was your idea, Evil!” “Oh, whatever, Good.”
As they came inside, the post officer uniform came off, revealing the two creatures in their entirety. One was pure black, with white eyes, & the other was the opposite. They looked to be around the same size in terms of height.
“Hi! I’m Good-” “-& I’m Evil!”
Good appeared to be the pure black one, whilst Evil was the pure white one. They both offered a handshake to Kalani.
“The name’s Kalani. Nice meeting both of you.” she nodded, shaking both of their hands. “I assume you both are Celestials.”
“That would be correct!- Evil, what are you doing?!” “Oh, just inspecting the long throne.”
The “long throne”, as Evil had called it, was Kalani’s couch.
“That’s.. not a throne.” “It is now!” Evil proclaimed, sitting on the couch like royalty.
“Anyways,” Good continued, showing clear disdain for Evil’s actions. “We come bearing news from Fate herself!” “Oh- Yes, yes! Very important news!” “I.. assume that’s what the envelope is about.” “Yup!”
Evil hands the envelope over to Kalani. It was a metallic yellow & gold gradient, & kind of felt like a sheet of metal.
She opened up the envelope & pulled out the letter inside. The paper had a nice texture to it, & the handwriting was quite elegant. Kalani began to read the letter.
“Dear Patience,
We all at the Castle of Celestials would like to inform you of the threat you’re about to assist. Juno is a known chaos-causer around the multiverse; she is not a Celestial. He was banished to Earth for eternity after the murder of Sun.
Juno plans on destroying the Sands of Time once she returns to the Castle. This poses an immense danger to everybody, including Juno himself. You & the other heroes must prevent this from happening.
Unfortunately, fending off Juno with your weapons will not suffice this time. A creature such as her must be permanently stopped. Frozen, if you will.
I’m sure you'll figure out what to do from here. Best of luck.
Sincerely, Fate.”
“We have letters for the others as well. You were just our first stop!” “I see..” Kalani hummed, folding the letter up & setting it aside. “So why does this letter refer to me as Patience?”
“Oh, uhh..” Good & Evil glanced at each other, unsure of how to respond. “That’s just how Fate has always referred to you.”
“Fate.. refers to me as Patience?” “Yea, it’s like this whole thing. Something about values, I think? Fate’s never told us why.” “The other heroes also have names like that as well!” “That’s intriguing.”
Good stretched a little bit, grabbing the hat of the post officer outfit & tossing it over to Evil.
“Well, we best get going now!” Good announced, picking up more of the post officer outfit from the ground. “Got a lotta mail to get through today!”
“Y’know, I could just deliver the letters myself.” “Really?!” “Yeah.” Kalani shrugged. “Just seems more convenient for everyone involved.”
“Well!” Evil grinned, hopping off of Kalani’s couch. “That’s quite kind of you!” “Yes, indeed! We shall go inform Fate of the good news posthaste! Good day to you, Pati- eh, Kalani!”
As Good & Evil scampered out of the dorm room, Kalani sat down on his couch, sighing & thinking back on the letter. It had mentioned that Juno can only be defeated by being frozen. Kalani knew of only one place that could freeze people.
The Auction House.
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asterssunzephyr · 2 years ago
@geekord for when you come online to tumblr & see all the mess ive been posting😀👍
^ This but making it Tp&Ts!Nature Wives<3
"And now Im standing in a crowded room and were not speaking~ Im dying to know, is it killing you like its killing me?~"
Katherine felt like she was going to be sick. The mayor of their city had invited everyone, heroes and villains alike included, to a masquerade ball and everyone's identity was to be concealed by their masks; Katherine knew those eyes though. She knew that laugh, and smile, the way their eyes crinkled at the edge when he smiled. She knew all of these small details, shes spent so much time studying those features in the dim light of her oven overlight at two am.
Her heart ached, as she watched that same full tooth smile being flashed at the boy who killed her older brother. The way she laughed was defeaning and Katherine felt like she was drowning.
She handed the glass of wine to her brother and made her way through the crowd, to talk to them. She has to. Everything was loud in her ears, the clack of her heels, and the beat of her heart as she weaved between people and dodged dancing couples. She soon was across the room, and she could feel three sets of eyes boring into her(two of them behind her). She met Joey's eyes, holding the blank stare he gave her before he said something to the shorter of the two and left.
She felt as if the world had stopped when Shelby spun around to meet her eyes.
"I wanted to-"
"We need to-"
They both paused, and Katherine felt a fit of giggles threatening to escape. As Shelby started laughing, said giggles did escape and she could feel the blood rushing to her face.
"...Katherine, may I take your hand and have this dance with you? For we shall forget about any and all issues for the night, and spend it together?"
"You shall, and where did the sudden formality come from?"
"For a woman as beautiful as you, you deserve it."
Oh. Oh gods. Why was her face so hot? Her body was on autopilot as Shelby pulled them to the dance floor, but her mind was running circles. What the hell just happened? Why was she so flustered all of a sudden? It was just Shelby.
Oh. Maybe thats why. Its Shelby, shes dancing with. Not Gem or Jimmy, Shelby.
Well, when her feet are aching and shes sure she's hungover tomorrow morning, she can complain then, but right now she was following the heat of the moment.
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mylifeisruined69420 · 3 months ago
Hm hclw au where everybody is a pirate 👍 very long text beware its a bit messy but its rlly cool i think
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idk i just thought itd fit tbh and also Armes conceptual magic? spell? skill? is the santa maria so why not starting off strong constant would like steal ethan (Ethan is very angry) and keep him on his ship up for the sole purpose of protecting him
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and then a kraken pulls up to his ship (its called the tongue of judas named after his jinn cuz thats too cool of a name to pass up)
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and hes like nvm its not safe with me so he just casually returns Ethan to the Santa Maria 2.0 (will explain) and everybody (Armes, Master Swordsman, Choco Bibi maybe they merge with Grass roots too so Drip Soup and Tempest and Cocomori too) is like ??? (Ok editing this nvm I want grass roots to be seperate from Zara but they are tight asf) and then he insists on staying and something happens idk what so now hes just chilling with gang i think constants betrayal in this au when he was a little green dude he like picks up a cursed sword and it was ultra powerful and all but then wuh oh sword evil and then ship sinks and constant gets pulled outta there by giga and everybody else needs to get around ig anyway back to like main timeline nathan realise constant hasnt returned and then this dude is like where my mf dog go and hes really pissed so he sets out to find him but then he like gets caught up in a storm and he gets cooked so now hes a scary burnt Nathan. A scary burnt evil nathan and now hes extra pissed so idk he will do evil things ig here very sad backstory nathan han died again like in og and pyo just takes over his identity and gets really mad at the world he obviously still has the 13th squad I think the Giga empire they got a fuck ton of treasures and all they always hog everything and they sink any boat they come across I think Yopi land would be kinda chill tourist place they have this little island and its like one of the main trading areas or whatever idk people do lots of business there elixir plant elders? I genuinely dont gaf abt them so no Zara Guild has a massive fucking boat and obviously its the Santa Maria and for Nightmare I think it should just be a bunch of weird sea creatures maybe like sirens or mermaids or monsters maybe all of them Zero and No Name are like sirens ig but ultra powerful ones or something and then Roy Han is like the greatest pirate in history of the world and he hid his treasure so the whole Han family is after it
Dark would be with Heart Heater, Rim, Chota, Fengxiao and the weird yellow cat girl and theyre after Roy Hans treasure or atleast helping Dark out (I might change this idk I mean I might change a lot cuz Im just making shit up as I go) Sora would be tight with the Dragon Of Evil and they would have a quest to taste all the foods in the world and Ik I said Idgaf about the elixir plant elders well Stone is there with the Dragon Of Light and Stone just wanna be the best and obviously he should have an awesome fight with Sora I think the Dragon Of Light would just hand Stone some insane treasures cuz Stone a noob that cant do nothing himself
Anyway thats all I hv also wish I had more drawings and I will 👍 but anyway yeah Ill see if I can come up with more
Ill make some drip for everybody tomorrow when Im bored in classes
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ghostpunkrock · 3 years ago
I always restart bfu at 3 horrifying cases of ghosts and demons so I actually forgot shane was in the last episode before it and like
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look at these assholes, they have no idea that their careers and their lives are going to be inextricably bound together for the rest of eternity do they
#pls ignore the rest of these tags I’m about to be really insane about them#but loooooook at them they have noooooo idea! they have no fucking idea. Ryan was like hey Brent just quit I need someone to fill in for the#last ep I have planned will you do it? and shane was like yeah sure why not and then Ryan was like also we got greenlit to go hunt ghosts#wanna come? and Shane’s like sure I got nothing else going on this weekend#like obviously we know they were friends at this point and they’ve already worked together but it’s funny cuz they are soooooo different in#this first video. like first of all. and I’m being extra insane here but idc. but like Shane’s body language here. boy why are you sitting#like that. you never sit like that ever again in anything you do. hello?#and they clearly know each other they already have a rapport and a couple in jokes but it’s NOTHING compared to where they are now. like#literally like. imagine spending so much time with a guy you memorize his entire rhythm. unfathomable to me but thats a diff insane post#the story of how shane joined bfu always makes me a little nuts. his reasoning was literally ‘well I got nothing else going on.’ like if he#had said no everything would have been different. this is what launched their careers. I would even argue the show would not have reached#its height as an internet sensation cuz the secret ingredient truly is their dynamic. they wouldn’t have quit buzzfeed and made watcher they#wouldn’t be making ghost files and I would not be sitting alone in my bedroom having a breakdown over any of this okay sorry I’m done#I have a lot more insane stuff to say about the significance of 3 horrifying cases but I’ll save that for when I watch it tomorrow#have a good night everyone!!! ✌️👍
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ragnvdnir · 3 years ago
NAHH CUZ YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABOUT THAT(being the source of my happiness) 🤩🤩🤩 your messages literally make my day 😚💕💕
this is a sign for you to have a friends to lovers trope with ayato 👀😌😌 more than bros-
I made sure that you looked pretty in the picture 😩👌 looking pretty while being caught in 4k 😌 im a professional photographer of ppl getting caught in 4k🥴 i simply need the money for my services so i wont go broke 🤩🤧
Your brain is driving in the right street 🤭 it aint a u-turn, that's the right track ur brain is driving to 🤩 blame me all you want 🥰 😩 but i aint taking back what i've said by "...playing with balls" ✨
Im cracking up sm in the "is this a sign to hell,, im quittin"😭😭😭
Your blog is the whole receipt if you'd ask me 😌😌😌 you've been arresting yourself as both the criminal and the police 🧐
Admit it, you just want to be buried w Ayato in the burnt kamisato estate🧐🧐🧐 even death can't set you apart (literally) 😌
Money before hoes 😎😎😎 the detailed plan you wrote 😌 the anon was too stunned to speak- 🧍‍♀️is this what you call the peak of desperation because ayato won't come home to u 🤔🤔
Good luck on getting ayato !! 👹👹👹 His banner aint gonna disappear tomorrow so take your time 😚😚 may he appreciate your hardwork for saving up for him 😩✨
You got 10 olympic medals but your one true love aint coming home 😩😭 IM. I'm losing my mind over the "NEXT YEAR IM PLANNING TO BUY A MOON" 😰 ein???? i think ur crimes made you successful but also crazy 😭😭 am i gonna hear that you're planning to buy a sun too ???🧐
No one can beat ur top tier humor 😭 i rlly swear you're naturally funny 😌🤩 thanks for being proud of me, im doin my best 😎👌
Albedo is dry bc he aint wet 👍 that chalk man will literally melt into nothingness when he'd gotten wet 🤔🤔 albedo is missing out on ur top tier humor 🤧🤧 i feel so sad for him 😩 anyways ayato please come home to ein, one of your greatest simps, before you regret it 😚 and miss out on ein's humor 🥴🤩 albedo don't deserve someone like you 😤😤 he belongs to dragonspine, and just like the cold of that mountain, he also treated you coldly 🙄😔 let's try to ask mona what can we do to albedo using astrology 😌
I wonder too who is the one who simps so hard in this blog 🤔🤔🤔
As an Ayato haver, i'm gonna bestow you my blessings!! 😚💕 Have a nice day ein >:3
i'm?? Also wondering if i'm gonna ask you to be friends in asia server 😩🤔 since you were wanting fishes yesterday,,, the reason is stupid but 🤩
— 🍰.
ikr anon😌 but being your entertainer is not free, where's my salary 🤨🤨
itto is gonna be my wingman🤩👍
thats great, bc i wont allow myself to look like a dinosaur while being caught in 4k🙄🙄 we all struggle financially🤝
u know what? i learned to simply shut up whenever u say sussy things🤨🤨 learned it in a hard way btw
my blog is a whole receipt? nah uh anon, u might need a glasses for that. i am not a criminal and a police wdym😒😒
nah bc i take back that i said i am hot, bc there's no way im going to hell😊 im warm u know, not hot
didn't even thought abt that but now that u said it, yes. not even death can do us apart. if i can't have him, no can👹 /j naurr i sound some yandere shit😭
its always money >>> husbandos. this is the start of my capitalist era🤩🤩 /j
i am desperate it self anon🙁 that kamisato ayato is stubborn af💔
"you got 10 olympic medals but your one true love aint coming home" *slids down the wall* *bang my head* *rips out my heart* *sobs violently* f u and your homies anon 💔 who taught u to real talk me💔👍
yep, lets buy a star too🤩🤩 ...crime? anon u thought everything that i did is a crime? how could this be *held the chair from shock* everything that i did is hardwork, success, effort and u will just call them crime!? t-this is too much *runs away* *trips* you betrayed me alot of times💔
ikr💅 im suffering from success of being the funniest clown on earth🤡💅 my brain is full of humor that i wished its full of knowledge from school too💔💔💔 keep going anon and follow my path from success 😌🤝
albedo, the one that got away💔💔 i tried to chase him but he dropped my hand and left me standing💔💔 but past is in the past🙄 i realized that there are alot of better man than him. i ain't gonna chase him, he's the one chasing this beauty this time💅 jk i might pull for his rerun hehe but dont tell him bc i dont chase, i attract🤨🤨
dont be shy and spill the name of that 'someone' in this blog🤔🤔
damn another ayato haver i see💆💆💆
mr. kamisato, ive wanted u since the start, even if you are faceless at that time and ppl keep saying that you're gonna be npc forever, the times where i read leaks saying that you're long haired and probably a polearms user. i loved u for that long, and yet, this is how u repay me? another betrayal for my poor heart ig💔 if i cant have u then i have no choice but to let u go and be with your sister whether im guaranteed or not😞😞 this is what u chose ayato, so bear the consequences. farewell, ex lover🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️/j
i already got the fishes BUT YESS I WANNA BE FRIENDS, ur uid now🤨🤨
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