#as fucking if. fayes mind was set
hearties-circus · 7 months
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Just a quick post excursion thing
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You Make Me Wanna 6
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, best friend’s dad trope other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note:Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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As unsurprised as you were when Faye shunned you, you’re even less put off by her sudden reappearance. She does this. There was a whole month in high school when suddenly she was too busy trying to fit in with the local Regina George and her minions. You know she only came back then because she had to work to impress them. 
You’re not insulted. You know who and what you are, even without her father reminding you. You reread the text, tempted to hit those three dots and tap gleefully press ‘block’. You’re still friends, even if she can be a shitty one. You care about her.  
‘Can we meet?’ 
You already have your response typed in; ‘where?’ You’ve been trying to send it for the last hour. Something keeps you from push your thumb against that arrow. Is it worth it this time? 
Before you can think too much, your phone vibrates again. Almost as if she can sense your doubt. ‘Please. It’s serious.’ 
Fuck. Fuck. Fucking fuck. As if you don’t have enough to deal with. 
You send the text and grab your bag. The kids are already asleep, your mom’s here, probably sleeping too. You hurry to the door without a response. This is it. The last time. You’re going to tell Faye exactly that. Next time she can call her dad. You don’t need the trouble. Besides, she’s doing all this to piss him off, it has nothing to do with you. 
You put your shoes on and leave as quietly as you can, double checking the locks behind you. You stomp down the front walk as the streetlights shine down and head down towards the bus stop. Your phone shakes. What the hell? 
At least it’s close. You read the address again. You know it. Two blocks away on Wilmington; dealer district. This isn’t good. 
You put your chin down and set your eyes ahead of you. Don’t look at anyone, just keep going. You sling your purse around your body, keeping your hand on it. You have your phone firmly in the other. 
Wilmington. Even your mother has enough sense to warn you against going around there. You head down and count the numbers from the corner of your eye. You slow as you near the house in question. What do you do? Knock on the door? You don’t know if that’s a great idea. Looks like a flop house. 
You hear your name and a shadow ripples on the crooked porch. You look up as a dark figure staggers to  the top of the steps. Faye looks willowy and drawn out as the moonlight hits her skin. The skin around her eyes baggy and discolored and she’s wearing the same outfit she wore to the club. 
“What the hell?” You hiss as you march forward. She stumbles down the stairs and you barely catch her, “Faye?” 
“I’m sorry. I was scared,” she murmurs as she latches onto you, “you gotta help me.” 
She reeks, she’s shaking, and she’s slurring her words. 
“Are you high?” You whisper at you hold her at arm’s length. 
“Not anymore,” she sniffles, “please, my head is killing me.” 
“What the fuck?!” You barely keep from shrieking, “how-- why the fuck would you do that?” 
“That guy... we were just snorting a little and then... I don’t know. I can’t remember.” 
“Faye,” you whine, “are you out of your mind?” 
“I’m sorry. It wasn’t...” she shakes her head and her voice drifts off, her frazzled eyes dimming, “I don’t know...” 
She scratches her arm and you notice the scabbing there. You sigh and shake your head. You’re so tired of this. As if you don’t have enough to deal with at home with three siblings. Faye isn’t your problem, she won’t be after this. 
“Fine. I’ll take you home. Your dad can deal with you--” 
“No, please. You can’t,” she pleads and grabs you again, “I can’t-- He’ll kill me.” 
“Faye, what the fuck am I supposed to do? I don’t have anywhere else to take you.” 
“I’ll stay in your room--” 
“No,” you say bluntly, “I have work and my siblings can’t be around you like this.” 
“Why are you being so mean?” She whines. 
You grit your teeth and look around as you hear voices from unseen mouths. You exhale and grab her wrist, dragging her hand from your arm. 
“Let’s get out of here first,” you turn and tug her after you. “Fucking Wilmington? Wilmington?” 
“Please, don’t be mad,” she snivels, “my dad’s gonna lose it if he knows. I need you. I need you to be nice--” 
“I need you to stop fucking me around,” you snarl, “don’t you understand? Every dumb shit decision you make her brings down on me?” 
“Huh?” She staggers heavily in her dirty wedges. 
“Your fucking dad. Thinks he rules the whole damn world. And who is he gonna blame for this? You’re in my neighbourhood. You think I want to deal with him?” 
“I’m sorry,” she whimpers. 
“You’re not,” you insist, “this is the last fucking time.” 
“No, Faye,” you spin on her as you turn off of Wilmington. You have to keep yourself from shoving her, instead letting her go and throwing up your hands. “You have everything. You get to go back to school, you get to go home to your nice little suburban castle, you get to have your dad pay for it all. I have to go work at the goddamn grocery store and watch my life spin down the fucking sewer. I get to lay awake at night and worry if my siblings are gonna end up over here or if my mom’s going to come home at all when I haven’t seen her in two weeks!” 
You ball your hands to fists, overwhelmed by the eruption of repressed emotions, “you get to smile and cry and get out of it all.” 
“I...” she breathes, “I... didn’t know--” 
“You never cared. Never listened,” you drops your arms and slump. “Go and live your life. Live it up in college, move somewhere nice, get married, do all that fun shit. I’ll stay. I don’t get that choice.” 
The roll of tires near as you stand in tense silence. Faye mopes and hangs her head, swaying and scratching, “can I just stay one night?” She whispers. 
You sigh again. 
You sense a car draw up to the curb. Great, some jackass thinks you’re a street walker. You’re ready to tell him to fuck off but swallow the sneer. You could still say so. 
Walter steps out on the other side of the car, “Faye,” he snarls. 
“See,” you turn to her again, “don’t you realise who he’s going to blame now?” You face the man’s broad shadow, “don’t worry, Mr. Marshall, I was just telling her to go home and never come back. You win. I quit.” 
“Both of you, get in,” he growls. 
You scoff and Faye cowers behind you, “daddy--” 
“Faye, just go,” you try to nudge her ahead of you, “I have to go home.” 
“I said both,” Walter stomps around and rips open the back door. “In.” 
“Here, she can go--” you urge Faye towards the backseat as she fights weakly.  
As you push her head down and she surrenders, curling onto the seat, you’re shoved from behind. You barely keep from hitting your brow on the metal and throw your arm back at Walter. He catches your wrist and twists your arm behind you. 
“It’s late. I’m on duty. I can’t leave you here,” he insists. 
“What do you care?” You hiss and fight him. 
“Don’t make me get the cuffs.” 
You recoil at his threat and fall inside the car. You turn back to sneer at him but his face in covered in black shadow. Your nostrils flare and you shake your head. You bite down on a million insults and pull your legs inside. 
Once he has Faye safe, you’ll figure a way out. 
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mafiadad5 · 3 months
Interminable || mark lee
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No matter how much you claim you don’t want someone, or force your feelings away, you can never hide the truth
Genre- non idol au, friends to lovers, angst, smut, fluff, slow burn
paring- mark lee x fem!reader
Warnings- heavy angst, protected sex (mdni), mentions of alcohol, sex under the influence of alcohol (consensually), heartbreak, swearing, tw- mentions of death.
Mark is green and reader is blue/ white !
Word count- 12k
Playlist- kingston - faye webster / take a chance with me - niki / intro (end of the world) - ariana grande / a new kind of love - frou frou, imogen heap, guy sigsworth / a night to remember - beabadoobee, laufey / teddy bear - nct dream / bad religion - frank ocean / hurts me too - faye webster / yume utsutsu - lamp / promise - laufey / moonlight on the river - mac demarco / love - wave to earth / only - leehi
Authors note- omg hi, so this is one of my first angst, plz tell me what you think <3 and also… sry for any spelling or grammar errors lol.
July 11th, 9:00 am- beautiful stranger
"Hi! How can I help you today?"
Was the first thing he's ever said to you, a little anticlimactic yes, but you found yourself infatuated.
This was a smoothie shop that you were trying for the first time after moving, so you took some time browsing the menu, the nameless employee asking if you needed any help with anything here and there.
"Well what's your favorite thing?" You asked, looking at him deeply for the first time.
His eyes twinkled like no other, gleaming like the evening star in the night. All you could do was stare as he spoke, taking in all of his delicate features: the way his dark brown hair laid on his forehead, the way he was so expressive as he talked, oh wait, what was he talking about again?
"That's why it's my favorite drink and the large is simply better, sorry I didn't mean to talk your head off." He giggled.
"I'll take that." You grinned softly with him, eyes lighting up as he smiled brightly.
"In a large right?"
"Great! One large watermelon smoothie for you, that’ll be 7 dollars."
Your face dropped as he punched your order in on the register. You fucking hate watermelon smoothies, the actual fruit is ok, but the texture of the smoothie you can't do it, like at all.
"Is everything okay?" He asked, looking up at you with concerning eyes.
"Yea, all good!" You forcefully smiled, pulling out your card to pay.
“All set, I’ll get that ready for you asap!” He smiled, handing back your card.
You found somewhere to sit, making yourself comfortable as you scrolled on your phone, distracted by images of his smile popping up in your head. The smoothie shop was quiet, peaceful really, you being the only customer there.
“Here you go ma’am.” You heard from beside you, knocking you out of your thoughts.
“Oh thank you, you really didn’t have to bring it to me though.” You grinned, grabbing the smoothie from him.
“No problem really, there’s no one here anyways.” He smiled back, nodding reassuringly before turning away.
“Wait!” You interrupted, tapping the side of your drink nervously.
“What’s up?” He asked. His stare made you nervous, eyes so pure it made you want to melt on the spot from looking for one second.
“I was just wondering if um, if I could have your number? You know, I’m just new to the city and I would love some people to talk to.” You asked.
Your voice was so shaky and filled with anxiety it was so easy to read your nervousness, but he didn’t mind it, he found it somewhat cute actually.
“Yes, I would love to give you my number. May I see your phone?” You nodded persistently, a small smile on your face from the relief and the excitement, handing him your phone.
“What’s your name?” He asked, dialing the number in your call pad.
“It’s Y/n, what about yours?” You said, a smile on your face as he gave the phone back.
“It’s Mark, nice to meet you Y/n.” He stuck out his hand.
His voice, his eye contact, his manners, everything about him made you blush like a little teenager in love with your high school sweetheart, and you had only exchanged a few words.
“Nice to meet you too.” You smiled, your hand meeting with his soft hand, shaking gently and slowly, his eyes locked with yours.
“Well I have to get back behind my station, I’ll talk to you later, yeah?” He said as you removed your hand from his, nodding gently, waving as he walked back behind the counter.
You decided to sit there, the vile large smoothie in front of you tasting disgustingly good now knowing who made it. You drunk awfully slow, not just because of the eye candy that worked in front of you, glancing at you and smiling on occasion, but because how the smoothie dreadfully slithered down your throat, holding in a gag every swallow, but you finished it, every last drop. God how a pretty smile could make you do anything, you hated it, but here you were.
You got up from your chair, Mark noticing you, interrupting you before you collected your trash: “Oh, I got it!”
You turned to him smiling as he quickly walked over, collecting your trash.
“Thank you Mark, I’ll see you later.”
“You’re welcome Y/n!” He beamed as you walked out the smoothie shop
You had gained three things leaving that shop: a bright smile on your face from happiness, a bittersweet hatred for large watermelon smoothies, and a new, great person in your life.
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July 11th, 10:53 pm- more than words
It had been a few hours since your first encounter with Mark, you trying to get him off your mind after the blue message you sent earlier never delivered.
You laid in your bed, staring at the ceiling as your hopes got shot down. Your phone went off beside you, but you just ignored it, trying to sulk in your feelings.
You soon got bored though so you decided to take a peek at your lock screen, jumping up as a familiar unknown number appeared in your Notification Center.
Hi y/n, don’t know if my number is saved yet, but it’s Mark from the smoothie shop.
You lied on your stomach, face lighting up as you grabbed your phone, instantly opening the message.
Oh hey, how was work lol?
It was good, other than the fact I left my phone at home, and dead… most boring double shift ever lol. How was your day after you left?
It was good, just went home and watched a movie with my roommate.
Oh cool. You said you were from a different city right?
Oh yea, actually out of the state!
Oh that’s cool, but why here. ^.^?
Just trying to explore more places, I like this place so far.
Ohh nice. Well I hope I have the pleasure of showing you around the city and making you love it :) How’d you like the smoothie?
I might take you up on that haha ;) and omg it was so delicious. Very refreshing to have after my morning runs. You’ll be seeing me a lot more in the mornings lmao.
Oh awesome, I basically work every morning so it’ll be a pleasure seeing you and making my morning a tad bit better.
You sprung up with a smile on your face, running around your room hectically. Did he really mean he what said, did you make his morning better? Your mind started flooding with a million thoughts, calming as you settled down, realizing that you never texted back. You grabbed your phone again, the message still opened as you started to text back.
Lol, well I guess I'll see you tmr then, hope to brighten up your day :)
You responded, sitting waiting for a response, 5 minutes passing, then 10, and nothing. You figured he might’ve just went to sleep, he did say he had a double shift, but you couldn’t wait to see him tomorrow and the anticipation was eating you up inside all night.
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July 12th, 9:13 am - it's a date! i think...
You were on your run, the smoothie shop on your mind the whole entire way.
Finally, you were there, Mark cleaning the counters, eyes lighting up as you walked through the doors.
"Good morning!" He excitedly said.
"Good morning!" You said in response, a bright smile on your face as you made your way to the register to order.
"Wait I made something for you." He said, grabbing the most despise-able , yet refreshingly large watermelon smoothie. You felt your eye twitch at the sight.
"You shouldn't have." You smiled, not forcefully, but you felt a hint of pain behind it.
"Ah, it's the least I could do." He said, handing you the drink , wiping the condensation of the cup on his white apron.
You didn't think you could gobble down another one of these, you almost died at the thought, but there you were, sitting down at the same table you were at yesterday, drinking the smoothie painfully slow.
"So like, have you been anywhere around here yet?" You turned to him as he finished cleaning the counters. "I've only been to like a few food places, but that's all." You answered.
“Well, I’m off next Wednesday. If you’re not busy then I can take you to like my favorite park?”
Your face lit up, did he like just ask you out on a date?
“Yes, I would love to, just text me what time.” You smiled.
“Yea for sure!”
For an hour the conversation kept on flowing, you two chatting it up while he worked, unfinished conversations floating in the air when other customers came into the shop pausing the long talks.
“Mark I’m so sorry to cut this short, but I have to get to my online class so I’ll see you later.” You smiled, a little sad because you felt like you could’ve stayed and talked to him for hours.
“No worries, I’ll text you later about plans. Have a good rest of your day Y/n!”
“You too Mark!” You said, throwing the finished cup away.
On your walk home all you could think about was Mark, yes you only knew him for like 2 days, but his impression had left a stamp on your heart. He would definitely be someone you would be interested in having a relationship with, and he seemed like he thought of you in the same manor.
While walking home, your phone vibration went off, Marks name appearing on the lock-screen.
Hey Y/n know we just talked lol, but I’m thinking maybe like 12:00pm next Wednesday? How does that sound?
You opened the text, a smile on your face as you typed quickly.
Hey Mark, sorry but I have my online class, but I can do 1pm if that’s ok?
Oh yea, that works for me, I can come to your house and we can walk to the park? That sound ok?
Yea that’s perfect!
Great, well then it’s a date! :p
It’s a date lol
It’s a date!
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July 19th, 12:55 pm - are you falling in love?
You were panicking you and your roommate running around trying to find your favorite perfume that decided to get lost at a time like this.
Hey! I’m outside, just come out whenever you’re ready I’ll be waiting :)
Fuck, you didn’t want him to just sit out there.
“I FOUND IT I FOUND IT.” Your roommate screamed, throwing you your perfume.
“Thank you you’re the best.” You grinned, rushingly spraying the perfume on your body.
“Ok I’m going now.” You said, grabbing your purse and slipping on your sneakers at the door. You rushed out the door, rushing downstairs your eyes scanning the outside, stopping on a familiar figure wearing a T-shirt, some blue jeans, and a small tote bag.
“Mark!” You shouted, causing him to turn around. Your eyes meeting his face then the two large smoothies in his hand.
You tried to keep a smile on your face, but it seemed like the watermelon smoothies had faces of their own looking at you with snarky expressions.
“Y/n!” He smiled, jogging over to you.
“Were you at the wrong complex?” You giggled, an awkward smile painting his face as he nodded.
“Maybe… oh here I got you something.” He said laughing, handing you the dreadful smoothie.
“Oh thank you.” You smiled.
“Wow my first time seeing you out of your workout clothes, I think I like these better. Not that I don’t like how you look in your workout clothes, you look amazing in your workout clothes, but I’m just, you look good now too.”
“Thank you Mark, and this is the first time I’ve ever seen you without your uniform Mr. Smoothie King. You look good too.” You giggled as he blushed.
“Ah I try my best, I guess we should walk to the park now.”
“After you.”
You guys walked to the park, which happened to only be 5 minutes away, sitting on a bench.
“I don’t know if you’re gonna like it, I should’ve asked, but I got you a ham sandwich.” You smiled taking the sandwich from him.
“I love it thank you.” You said, removing the sandwich out of the packet and taking a big bite.
You two sat on the bench for a while talking each other’s heads off, a smile on both of your faces as you chatted and laughed together for a few hours, the time passing by so fast.
“I’m starving, do you wanna grab dinner?” He said.
“Well, I mean my place is close by we can just go there and cook something really quick.”
“Oh, I would love that.” He smiled.
“Ok let me just text my roommate to make sure.” He nodded as you pulled out your phone, your roommate responding almost immediately saying you could go ahead and she was in her room anyways.
“Ok she said she’s fine we can go!” You said, standing up and grabbing his hand, pulling him up to stand with you.
For any other man, you would never let them go into your apartment this early, but you just felt so different about him, like you would trust anything he says. I guess that’s not a good thing, but for fucks sake ever since you’ve met him you’ve seen him almost everyday, and he always makes it a point to text you throughout the day and after work so you felt like at that point, you had known him long enough to trust him.
You had made it to your house, opening the door and removing your shoes, prompting him to do the same. You sat your things down near the dining table rolling up your sleeves and heading to the kitchen, and he followed right behind you.
“I was just gonna make spaghetti tonight, do you want?” You asked, getting out your pot and pans, setting them on the stove.
“I’d want anything you cook.” He laughed, a small grin appearing on your face as he stood beside you. In past conversations it has come up that you did love cooking and actually had a bachelors in culinary arts, associates in education, hence the online cooking classes you taught, so it wasn’t strange to make a comment like that, it was actually quite flattering.
“Here can you make the sausages?” You asked, handing him the already prepped meat, Mark grabbing the bowl pouring it into the pan almost immediately, causing a loud sizzling sound to erupt in the kitchen.
“MARK!?” You turned, laughing as he backed away from the pan, looking at you like a toddler getting scolded by their parent.
“Uh oh.” He said, a smile appearing on his face before you handed him a box of noodles, signaling him to cook them instead. You two stood beside each other, talking as you watched the food.
“Mark taste this.” You said, grabbing a clean spoon and scooping some of the homemade tomato sauce you made on it, holding it up to his mouth.
“Yo, this honestly may be the best spaghetti sauce I’ve ever tasted.”
You smiled, setting down the spoon, pouring the rest of the sauce with the sausages.
“Thank you.”
You finally finished cooking, plating your beautiful creation together.
“Let’s watch a movie in the living room while we eat.” You suggested, him following behind you as you took a place on the couch.
“What should we watch?” You asked.
“ What about La La Land?” He suggested.
“Stop that movie makes me cry.” You pouted playfully, a grin painting his face.
“Well if you really don’t want to then we can watch something funny, but I’ll be here to wipe your tears just saying.” He shrugged, causing you to smile, looking down, then back up at him.
“Fine.” You said, causing him to take a happy sigh of relief.
You turned on the movie, both of you guys eating while making small comments every now and then. Fortunately, you didn’t cry, but he was your shoulder to lie on during the movie, and unfortunately it was time for him to go home.
“Are you sure you can walk home by yourself, it’s dark out now?” You asked concerned, walking him to the door.
“Yes I’m good, you only stay like 10 minutes walking distance from me, I’ll send you my location if you’re that scared.”
“Ok fine” You said dragging out your words, trying to be serious, but all you could do was melt, it seemed like everything he did, everything he said was so cute and made you smile.
“Well I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” He questioned, looking at you from outside the door frame.
“Yeah, 9:00am like always!”
“Ok, bye Y/n.” He smiled, waving before turning away.
“Bye Mark.” You shut the door, turning away.
You decided to clean up before knocking on your roommates door.
“He’s gone.” You said before walking into your room, her busting in shortly after, a smile on her face.
“Girl.” She said, bouncing on your bed with a mischievous smile.
“You heard everything didn’t you?” You asked.
“I heard enough, and girl he sounds so fucking romantic I thought I was listening to a romcom.
“Ughh tell me about it, he’s so dreamy.” You smiled, face lighting up as you thought about the string of events that happened that day, your phone vibrating before your roommate could respond.
“Omg shut up he just texted me now.” You looked at her with sparkling eyes.
“What’d he say?”
➶︎ mark<3 started sharing location with you.
Hey, just wanted to text and lyk that I had such a fun time, and we should definitely do this again :) have a great night and I’ll see you tomorrow morning.
You looked at your roommate, a smile painted so brightly on your face it hurt your cheeks.
“Girl he fucking wants you oh my god.”
“He fucking wants me!” You screamed, a bright smile on your face as you ran all over your room.
“Text back text back.” Your roommate said.
I had a great time too, thank you for showing me the park <333. Have a great night mark, see you tmr!
You and your roommate just sat talking, you really seeing how deep you were in your feelings after practically bragging to her about him. You just hope he was in as deep as you.
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August 2nd, 10:35 am - surprise!
You woke up, excited to get the day started, you were even too excited to go on your morning run, putting on a simple outfit just to run errands, your first one obviously the smoothie shop.
“Happy birthday Mark!!!” You ran inside, a big smile on your face as you made your way to him. He looked up surprised, cleaning the tables, setting down his washcloth as you pulled him into a hug.
“You remembered my birthday, I thought you weren’t coming today?” He smiled as he went behind the counter, going to the register before you shook your head.
“Mark, I’m not ordering anything… but I did come to ask you for a favor.” He looked at you with questioning eyes, not responding, waiting for your favor.
“Well, my uh drawer is jammed and I really need what’s in it like tonight, my roommate isn’t there so I could use your help when you get off?”
“Oh yeah sure, I’ll head over there when I get off.” He said, a small grin on his face.
“Thanks Markie you’re the best! See you at 5. Happy birthday again!”
“Thanks.” He mumbled, going to clean again as you left. 
It’s go time.
Hey I’m otw, might be there at like 5:30 or 5:45 because I’m starving, so I’m gonna stop to get some food.
No Mark, I really need this drawer unjammed, can you plz come right away? You can get food after. plzzzzzzz :(
Alright alright, I’ll come straight there.
After a few minutes you finally heard a knock on the door. You got up excitedly, making sure everything looked good before opening the door, blocking the view of the living room.
“Ok, let’s see what’s wrong with this drawer.” He said.
You let him in, a big smile on your face as he walked, eyes in shock as he looked at the decorated living room, along with the dinner and cake sitting on the dining room table.
“Surprise!”  You smiled seeing his eyes light up, looking at you, then the decorations, and back at you again.
“Yo… you really… omg I don’t even know what to say. Thank you bro oh my god no one has like ever done anything for me like this before. Thank you Y/n, you’re like the best.”
“You’re welcome Mark and Happy birthday again. Now you said you were starving so let’s eat!”
You both ate, resting on the couch after the delicious homemade chicken and rice, and cookies and cream ice cream cake.
“Do you wanna watch a movie now?” He asked.
“If you want to then we will birthday boy, but I have something for you first.” You said, pulling out a small blue gift bag.
First he pulled out the card, opening it to see a message in bright red ink, reading it in his head.
Dear Mark, I hope you have the most wonderful birthday and I’m very grateful that I could spend it with you. I hope we can spend more and more birthdays together and I want to say that I’m very grateful that I met you! 
- With love Y/n :)
He looked up at you, a smile on his face as he pulled you into a hug. “Thank you so much Y/n.” 
He pulled the other gift out the bag, jumping up out of the seat as he saw what it was.
“Y/N YOU GOT ME A LIMITED EDITION SPIDER-MAN COMIC BOOK?” His smile was so wide and full, you felt like you could climb it.
“Yo Y/n… I’m actually, oh my fucking god I… I honestly could kiss you right now oh my goodness. Thank you.” He squealed, your eyes sparkling as you looked at him.
“You’re welcome Mark. I guess we should watch Spider-Man now huh?” You giggled, pulling out the extra cushions on the couch to make more room so you both could lay down. 
You both got comfortable, watching the movie, your head on his shoulder as you both laid under the blanket. I guess you could say that you both got a little too comfortable, passing out before the movie was even over.
You woke up, unsure of what even happened and how you even got here in the first place. Mark was no where to be found, but a notification on your phone let you know his whereabouts. 
Hey, sorry to leave without saying goodbye, but you were like sleeping beauty lol. I had work and I’m for certain you’re not coming tdy so I’ll just swing by later on when I get off. Oh, and thank you so much again. I really appreciate you :D
Oh no worries, I’ll see you later, and no problem! 
You set your phone down, you couldn’t even believe how far you have gotten with him.
Seriously, your first sleepover with him, cuddled up at that. And of course you didn’t let that comment about kissing you slide, it was pretty much on your mind all night, and the moment kept repeating itself in your head, driving you almost crazy. That’s what you want more than anything, just a kiss, one kiss.
You were certain that you were almost there, but of course you didn’t want to rush things and you liked the pace of this relationship so far so I guess it is what it is right now… but it should come soon, hopefully it comes soon. 
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October 27th, 9:08 am- i think im in love.
Today was like any other day, going on your morning run, then stopping by your absolute favorite place.
"Good morning Y/n!" Mark said, smiling as he acknowledged you, sticking his head back under the counter.
"Good morning Mark!" You said, walking to the register.
"I'm a little busy right now Y/n, do you mind just waiting at your table so I can finish this?" He asked.
"Sure." You grinned, going to your normal seat, scrolling on your phone as you waited for Mark. You looked to your side, noticing him holding a large mango smoothie with a birthday candle in the cap, your eyes lighting up as you realized what was happening.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday my dearest Y/n, happy birthday to you!" He sung, bringing the smoothie over to you, his cheekbones defined as he smiled.
"You remembered?" You laughed, blowing out the candle.
"How could I forget? So, I hope you're not busy tonight because I want to do something for you at my apartment." He answered.
"Perhaps I could swing by, I'd have to check my schedule." You said sarcastically, a smirk on your face as your cheeks went hot.
"Well, stop by at 7pm if you're able to Ms. Hollywood."
"I'll see what I can do." You rolled your eyes playfully, a smile on his face as he made his way back to the smoothie counter. 
You thought about what he had planned all day. Doing random task to try to take your mind off of it, daydreaming about what it would be, what it would look like, goodness 7pm couldn't get here any quicker.
Finally it arrived, the time you anticipated for all day. You knocked on his door, waiting for a few seconds before you heard the door handle rattling, him sitting awkwardly in the door frame after he opened it. You two stared at each other for a second in silence, an awkward smile on your face as you stared at him.
“Hey.” He coughed.
“Hey, it’s cold, can I come in?” You grinned, an awkward laugh sounding from him as he let you in, shutting the door behind you.
“Surprise!” He mumbled as you stood quietly, eyes twinkling as you took in all the decorations.
The first thing you saw was a big projector screen in the living room with your favorite show ‘kitchen nightmares’ paused. Your eyes slowly observed the room to see sugar cookies and decorative frosting on the coffee table, a large box with a bow sitting next to it. You were quiet, breathless really, couldn’t even find the words to say, just staring blankly.
“Do you like it, I know it’s not much, but-”
“It’s perfect.” You interrupted, looking at him with the most glistening eyes.
He smiled condescendingly, guiding you to the dinner that was on the dining table, the homemade chicken pasta, which happened to be your favorite food.
“Mark oh my goodness.” You said, taking a seat while he grabbed some drinks from the fridge.
“Yeah, once you told me that you taught how to make it on your course, I just bought the course and learned how to perfect it.” Your eyes widened as you turned to him.
“That’s like a $150 course Mark, I could’ve just taught you.”
“Then it wouldn’t have been a surprise, would it?” He said, sitting down across from you looking at you with a smug smile.
“Plus, you’ve helped me learn how to cook too, I’ve saved so much money cooking at home.”
You nodded, taking a bite out of the food he made, your eyes widening as you grinned.
“You’re good at it too. This is delicious Mark.”
“Ah thank you man, but I learned it from you.” 
You guys finished eating, and started decorating the cookies together, the show playing in the background, but Mark rushed you two, hesitant about you opening up your gift.
“Fine, I’ll open it.” You said, grabbing the card off the box, opening it, a nice purple hand written note on the card. You read it slowly, taking in every word.
Dear Y/n, there’s so much I want to say, but I don’t think words could explain it, and I know I’m probably harassing you about this present right now aren’t I haha? But it’s only because I want to show how much I care about you. Im so glad that we met and I hope you have the best birthday and many more after that.
- Love Mark
“Aw thank you Mark.” You said, pulling him into a hug before you grabbed the box, opening it slowly. He sat there a huge smile on his face, breathing deeply, looking at you with anticipated eyes, his leg bouncing as your eyes widened.
“MARK NO YOU DIDNT, SHUT THE FUCK UP.” You screamed, pulling the pot and pan set out of the box, looking up at him, mouth wide as you looked back at the box.
“Mark this set goes for like 400 dollars- Mark I can’t- Mark how did you- nobody has done anything like this for me before.” You spoke, each sentence shortening with hiccups as your eyes started tearing up. 
“It didn’t take me long to save up for, and it’s the least I could do for messing up one of your pans.” He said.
“The most you should’ve done is get a cheaper pan.” You wiped your tears with your hands, looking at the box again wondering it was all just a dream.
“The amount of times you’ve forced me to binge Hell’s Kitchen with you, you really thought I wasn’t gonna get you your favorite chefs pots and pans set that you talk about all the time?”
“No.” You snuffled, vision blurry.
“Well you deserve it Y/n, happy birthday!” He smiled brightly.
“Thank you so much Mark.” You smiled, blinking quickly trying to stop your tears, pulling him into a hug. 
“You’re welcome Y/n.”
You didn’t know what love felt like. Always used your whole life, taken for granted. Doing everything yourself with no help, no one to call on, but now you knew, you knew it for sure, you were in love.
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February 14th, 9:10 am- a night to remember.
After complaining to Mark about how you've never had a valentines, he suggested that he'd be it this year, and of course you agreed. He told you not to stop by the smoothie shop, or even go on your run today, but to stay and pamper yourself before your going out later the night.
You better not be up running right now.
I was sleep actually before your loud notification woke me up -.-
Oh sorry... go back to sleep •.•
You giggled at the message, obviously you were already up, you were too excited not to be. He said that he planned to take you to a fancy restaurant, then just to go back to his apartment and bake cookies, watch movies, little things like that, but no matter what you do, no matter how cheap, you still were so excited. This was your first Valentine, and your biggest crush. 
The time passed fairly quickly as you prepped yourself for what you thought was going to be the best night of your life. You slipped on your red dress and black heels, soon hearing a knock at your door.
Excitedly you rushed to the door, opening it to see Mark in a white button down shirt and black slacks— and god his scent hit you like a speeding car.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” He smiled, a bouquet of roses in his hand.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” You responded, your lips turning into a smile, cheeks hurting from smiling so hard as he handed you the flowers.
“You look good.” He spoke, clearing his throat, an awkward smile painting his face.
“Thank you, I could say the same about you.” You said, smiling brightly as you sat down your flowers, grabbing your purse and a red gift bag before turning to him again.
“This is for you.” You said, handing him the gift bag, a grin on his face as he accepted it.
“Let’s open our gifts later together, ok?” He said.
You nodded, closing the door behind you. 
The dinner was very much delicious, and you two had a great time baking cookies. It was a little bit messy, just because you both were a bit tipsy, well… very tipsy, but it was fun nevertheless.
“Mark let’s open our gifts.” You giggled, as he nodded, grabbing his small gift bag.
He grabbed his gift first, pulling it out and examining it.
“You told me that you wanted to learn how to cook more meals when im not around, and I can’t have you buying my courses again, so I just made you a homemade cookbook— with like only foods that we make together, the ones nobody else has.” You smiled infectiously, Mark feeling a smile curling on his lips just from looking at yours.
“Thank you Y/n, I love it.” He smiled genuinely, handing you the small bag that he had in his hands. You opened it slowly, taking out a small black velvet box.
You looked up at him, an impatient look glimmering in his eyes as you opened it slowly, a beautiful silver diamond necklace sparkling in your eyes.
“Well damn, maybe I should’ve gotten you a better gift.” You giggled, still a little taken aback.
He laughed in response, inching closer to you.
“Do you like it?” He asked, eyes burning into your face for some kind of approval.
“Like it? I love it.” You said, eyes sparkling as you looked up at him.
“Can you help me put it on?” You said, removing the necklace from the box, handing it to mark.
You turned around, lifting up your hair, the necklace wrapping around your neck nicely. His hands rubbing against your skin as he fastened the jewelry. You turned around, your bodies close, Mark looking at the necklace as it sparkled on your skin.
“It’s beautiful.” He murmured, looking at you with a smile, but all you could do was stare— stare deeply into his eyes, god you just wanted to taste him so bad.
Your stares remained interlocked, no one breaking the eye contact, no one saying anything either.
So you did it, leaning in and finally taking his lips onto yours. It wasn’t as magical as you thought though, in all honesty it seemed like it wasn’t even reciprocated.
You broke the kiss, an awkward silence shattering around you as he just stood staring at you.
“I’m- I’m sorry.” You stuttered, breaking the silence.
Your eyes burned from holding back the tears that wanted to desperately be let out, you turning and walking away to avoid it— thinking about how your walk home would be, how you would cry deeply regretting how you ruined the day that was supposed to be perfect, but that all got interrupted as you felt a tight grasp on your wrist, turning you back around, a silent tension surrounding the two of you once again.
You looked at him with glossy eyes, a million thoughts rushing around in your brain, but your mind went blank again as his lips crashed back onto yours.
Your shoulders dropped, letting go of all the tension in your body as his hand found your face, pulling you deeper into the kiss.
The kiss grew deeper as you wrapped your hands around his neck, his free hand wrapping around your body, slowly backing you into his room, not breaking the kiss once.
His hands found the zipper of your dress, slowly pulling it down, slipping you out of the tight fabric, you pulling him out of his shirt shortly after.
There were no words exchanged, only heavy breathing as you two kissed passionately, tongues exploring each other’s mouths as he pushed you onto his bed.
You sat there, chest heaving up and down as you looked at him pull a condom out of his nightstand, eyes lighting up as you came to your senses about what was really going on.
He pulled down his pants and underwear, ripping the plastic to the condom with his teeth, wrapping it around himself before getting on top of you.
He planted another messy kiss on your lips before pulling down your underwear, lining up his tip to your aching hole.
You breathed heavily in anticipation, you practically have dreamt of this moment. He looked at you once more for reassurance before pushing himself into you. You let out a gasp, your walls wrapping tightly around him. He started to thrust at a slow pace, making sure you were comfortable before speeding up.
Your skin flushed as you squirmed under him, beautiful sounds of lust filling the room as his head rested on your shoulder, face nuzzling into your neck.
Loud moans filled the room as your bodies pressed into each others as he thrusted even faster, letting out moans and curses as your walls sucked him in.
You wrapped your hand around his bare back, scratching and itching at his bare skin as your bodies thrashed together.
“Fuck I’m almost there.” You whimpered out, clenching around him, breath hitching causing him to let out a low moan into your neck.
“Me too Y/n.” He moaned, desperately thrusting.
His hands found your arms, removing them from his back and holding onto them tightly, fingers interlocking with yours as his thrust became messier and messier by the second.
“Fuck I’m coming.” He cried out, your legs shaking in sync as he forced himself to do a few more aimless thrust, both of you moaning loudly as he rode out your highs.
The room filled with heavy breathy, you sitting there silently trying to fathom what even just happened. 
You two got cleaned up and went to sleep right after, well he did.
You couldn’t sleep though, the realization struck a cord in your brain, your mind racing from the thought that he wanted you just as bad as you wanted him, it was obviously so exciting.
You couldn’t wait to wake up together— wake up together knowing that he was yours and you were his.
You wonder what that conversation would sound like, what the moment would feel like when you two could finally call each other boyfriend and girlfriend, it had your cheeks growing warm. I guess you could say it was the best night of your life.
You shut your eyes, vivid pictures of him filled the dark void until you finally found yourself asleep.
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February 15th, 11:25 am - he loves me, he loves me not.
You woke up, Mark sleeping soundly beside you, smiling strongly as you realized it really wasn’t a dream.
You hopped up excitedly, going to his kitchen to prepare some breakfast for the both of you, Mark waking up shortly before the food was ready.
“Good morning.” He said, taking a seat at the dining table.
“Good morning.” You smiled, plating the food and bringing it to him, taking a seat across from him.
You two sat awkwardly, Mark avoiding eye contact as he ate his food. You couldn’t wait any longer, couldn’t just sit around and wait till he brought up the topic.
You were so curious as to what you guys were now— and you weren’t going to technically ask him out, but you just wanted some clarity, just wanted to hear him say that you were more than friends, so you took a deep breath interrupting the silence: “Mark, I have a question.”
He looked at you, his eyes looking into yours as if he knew what was coming.
“What’s up?” He said, moving the food around on his plate with his fork.
“What- what are we?” You asked, titling your head, looking at him, but only being returned with broken eye contact.
He chewed his food silently, his body shifting in his chair. He looked back up at you, playing with his food once again, the fork scrapping on the plate somehow louder than the silence that surrounded the both of you.
“Well, we’re friends, aren’t we?” He swallowed, looking at you with a slight frown on his face.
“You don’t wanna be more than that though?” You asked, speaking softly as you innocently glanced at him.
He held his breath, looking everywhere except for your eyes as he answered agonizingly slow, and quietly: “No, not really.”
You felt your heart shatter as he still avoided eye contact, a million thoughts flooding your mind as you bit your lip.
“So why did you- why did we do that last night?” You asked.
“Well, I thought it was a friend thing, just us being tipsy.” He finally looked into your eyes, his answer only making your heart shrink smaller.
You held your composure well, but he noticed the subtlest shift in your eyelids along with the gloss that coated your eyes.
“Friends don’t fuck, or use each other when they’re horny and drunk ” You spat out, growing less patient of his answers by the second.
“Well, you kissed me first- I didn’t know what to do.” He shrugged, voice going a few octaves higher.
“The kiss where I apologized after I thought it wasn’t reciprocated? The kiss where you fucking pulled me back when I was trying to leave? That kiss Mark?” Anger spurred inside you as your voice grew more and more aggressive.
He grew quiet, silence filling the room once again as he looked at you with eyes full of pity— it drove you almost insane.
“Fuck this.” You said, storming to his room to grab any of your belongings.
“I didn’t wanna lose you Y/n.” He said, rushing after you.
“Oh so you decided to lead me on for what- fucking months? You thought that would’ve kept me here Mark? Flirting with me, watching me fall in love with you, then rejecting me and blaming it on me kissing you- AFTER I APOLOGIZED AND LITERALLY TRIED TO LEAVE? Not losing me was the last thing on your mind.” You picked up the remaining items, stuffing your bag rushingly.
“You- you fell in love with me?” He mumbled, standing in the doorway looking at you in sorrow.
“Yes Mark, I fell love you. I fell in love with your eyes, your smile, your fucking everything, and I thought you felt the same way about me, but obviously I’m nothing but a pity party to you.” You looked at him, tears finally spurring from your eyes as you started to break down from his silence.
“Fucking say something.” You said in a painful whisper.
“What do you want me to say? Do you want me to lie and say I love you? I can’t lie to you like that Y/n, you deserve better than that.” Your eyes winced in pain as you stared at him silently.
“Wait no Y/n, that’s not what I meant, I do love you, you’re my best friend I love you a lot, but-”
You interrupted him, grabbing your bag and walking to the door where he was standing, removing your necklace.
“Stop Y/n, I didn’t mean it like that.” He spoke in deep sympathy and guilt.
“You looked me directly in my eyes when you said that, you meant every word. I hope you’re happy.”
Your last words almost squeaked out as your throat tightened, tears streaming down your hot cheeks as you handed him back the necklace.
“Please Y/n, stay— so we can talk about it.” He spoke lightly, blocking the doorway.
You could hear he was being genuine, but you didn’t care at that point. 
“There’s nothing to talk about, move Mark.”
“move.” You spoke sternly, all he could do was move out of the way and watch as the person he cared for the most walk out his life.
The walk home has probably been the worst and most embarrassing one ever. Your vision blurry as tears violently streamed down your face, wailing as the scene played over and over in your head. You thought he was different, but you guess everyone was the same. You promised to yourself that night that you will never ever deal with that ever again, and no matter what you’re done with him.
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February 21st, 9:47pm- please, I love you.
It had been a week since the incident, and to say that you were exhausted was an understatement.
You were more numb than anything right now, finding a new route to run so you didn’t have to run into the smoothie shop, avoiding places that you were most likely to run into each other at, trying to forget about the incident, forget about him— but oh no he didn’t let you.
He would send messages every day, every hour, and it drove you almost insane, but for some reason you couldn’t block him, and deleting his number out of impulse didn’t do anything. 
Good morning, I hope you’re doing ok, again I’m so sorry.
You bet he is…
Hey, can we please talk?
Plz just respond and tell me you’re okay.
Did he really think you were? 
You can be mad at me, you can hate me, but please let me apologize in person
Ugh, for someone who wasn’t in love with you, he would not leave you alone. 
But you would just ignore it, leave him on delivered for hours, opening the message when you felt like it. Sometimes you would even act like you were responding to the message when you felt him watching your text bubble, just to mess with him— you deserved to fuck around with him after all.
One day you got another message.  
 I’m outside, please come out, I’ll wait for hours if I have to. 
Was he serious, this was starting to get obsessive. Why couldn’t he just take the hint. 
You did what you always did, left him on read, and went on about your business, but 30 minutes later you were curious about if he was actually still waiting.
After beating yourself up for caring so much you decided to check his location, and there he was, sitting in the same place. You sat there for a minute, contemplating if you should go out— for goodness sakes it was like 40 degrees outside so this was some serious commitment on his part, plus this could be a good way to get rid of him, right? 
You grabbed your coat and slipped on your boots, making your way outside to where he was sitting. He jolted up, eyes widening from the fact that you did come outside.
He stood up, trying to hand you a flower.
“I don’t want it.” You declined, shaking your head before sitting on the bench. He nodded his head understandingly.
“How are you?” He asked, sitting beside you on the bench.
“What do you have to say?” You replied curtly, looking forward to avoid his gaze on you. You knew if you looked at him in his sorry eyes you might’ve just folded right then.
“Well, I just want to say that I’m so sorry Y/n. I truly am. I never meant to hurt you and I’m so stupid for leading you on, and making you feel like you mean so little to me. I- I guess I was just scared to lose you, which I know is not an excuse and I’m very sorry. I love and care for you a lot ok. You deserve so much more than what I gave you, and I’m so sorry that I didn’t act that way. I should’ve told you that I didn’t want a relationship from the jump and I’m so sorry that I’m realizing that now when it’s too late. You’re my best friend and by your side is where I’m meant to be. You have the right to be selfish and I know that I don’t deserve someone as amazing as you, but please, please just give me one more chance. I care about you so much and I need you in my life. Please.”
You sat there, a tear rolling down your cold, numb cheeks.
You didn’t want to trust him again, and you’ve said this before and it went terribly wrong, but no one has ever done or said anything to you like this before.
“Mark, listen.” You gulped down the sadness that lingered in your throat and began to speak clearly.
“I love you more than anything, and I would be willing to forgive, but do you realize how embarrassing this is? To be rejected like that— to be told those words, those excuses, and take you back, even as a friend this quickly, this fast. Sorry, but I would have no self respect for that. So that being said, I have to think about this.”
You paused, turning to him.
“But you have to leave me alone, you have to let me figure this out myself. I feel grateful that you feel pity and that you feel enough remorse to be here right now on a cold winter night, but you have to give me space, do you understand me? I need space from you.” 
“I understand. I’ll give you space.” He said nodding, looking at you with a frown on his face.
“Anything else?” You asked, standing up as he shook his head no, grabbing your wrist before walking off.
“Thank you, for coming out and talking.”
You said nothing, only nodding in response, pulling his fingers off your wrist, walking back up to your apartment.
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February 28th, 8:36 pm- forgiveness, could you imagine?
It had been about a week since you and Mark talked, and trust it was the most confusing week.
You didn’t know whether to be sad, happy, or relieved.
Didn’t know if you would forgive, or just forget and move on.
He respected your wishes, no more annoying text anymore, but that didn’t make you feel good— and honestly made you think about him more, worried about if he was ok or not.
You knew it was bad, and you knew he didn’t even deserve to be thought about right now, but you cared for him and you couldn’t deny that.
So… after sitting for hours, thinking, you decided to forgive. 
Hey, I wanted to reach out so I wouldn’t leave you hanging on the matter, even tho you deserve it lol. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I decided to forgive you and would like to continue on as friends. I will never forget this and will take every comment you make seriously and correct you if I think something is misleading. It might not go back to the way it was right away, so don’t force it. And I guess that being said, I’ll see you tomorrow morning during my run.
Thank you so much Y/n, I really appreciate it, and I’ll try my best to be the best friend to you ever. I’ll try not to cross any boundaries and take your feelings deeply into consideration. I’ll see you tomorrow :)
So, I guess you broke your promise. You honestly just wanted your friend back, and even though you’re heartbroken, you still love him. This is your problem actually, too nice for this world, always forgiving, but you would work on that later, but right now you had to deal and learn from it. You know it sounds stupid, but even though he’s the one that broke your heart, he’s also the one who gave you a shoulder to lie on while you cry to him about it, so you’ll be okay. The things you would do for love. 
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May 16th, 9:00 am - for me.
I had been 3 months since the whole incident happened between you and Mark. After a while you got tired of correcting his comments, and got the hint that was just being nice, so you let it go, along with your feelings for him. Basically, everything was back to normal, but he was way more— how do you say? Kinder, which seemed impossible given the fact of how your friendship has always been, but now it was very noticeable. You just chopped it up to him wanting to proof himself to you, and redeem himself from… past situations.
Unfortunately you had to break some bad news to him though.
Hey, can we meet at the park?
Yea sure, is everything ok?
You didn’t respond. 
You two were sitting on the bench that shared so much history, talking and getting off track per usual, but you finally had to spill the news. 
“Mark, I’m-” You took a deep breath, turning to your body towards him. 
“Mark I’m moving back home.” You said, Marks eyes glistening a mournful sparkle as he heard the words come out your mouth.
“W-why?” He asked, voice cracked a little as he stared at you. 
“Well, my mom is dead ok. And I- I feel like I’ve messed everything up and I need to go back to find myself, like find myself fully and heal instead of running away from my problems.” Your voice was confident, yet stuttered as you spoke. 
“When did your mom die, why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, voice curious and worried. 
“Shit I didn’t even know she died until a week ago. I feel like even though we didn’t have a good relationship, I could’ve at least been there you know, not just for my mom, but for my whole family.” 
“I understand, and I’m so proud of you for trying to heal and be the bigger person, even though your family wasn’t the bigger person for you. When do you leave?” He asked.
You took another deep breath, biting your lip. “Next week.” 
“That soon!?” He said, his voice clamorous. 
“That soon… but let’s make this last week fun, and memorable and not mourn about it, ok?” 
“Ok.” He nodded. 
You both just sat in silence as you let the date sink in.
You claimed that you wanted to heal, and that you couldn’t stop running away from your problems, but here you were— running away from your biggest one. You thought that you wanted to keep in contact when you left, but in all honesty, you weren’t so sure. But you guess time would tell.
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May 20th, 2:00 pm - this is goodbye
So here it is, your last hangout, the last time you would probably see him for a while, and it was memorable— you guess?
You two decided to go to an amusement park, and then the aquarium. You were having a great time, but you kept noticing his stares, exchanging glances every once in a while, it was very weird. 
“What?” You kept asking, his eyes widening in, obviously forceful confusion and innocence.
“Nothing, nothing. Nothing at all man.” He would respond each time, shrugging his shoulders. 
You were in the aquarium, holding the stuff animal that he bought you tightly in your arms. 
“Y/n, I have to tell you something.”  He spoke, clearing his throat. 
“What’s up?” You turned to him, a wide smile on your face as you looked him in the eyes. 
“I um-” he paused, gulping and biting his lip nervously as you stared at him with curious eyes.  
“I just wanted to say that I’m gonna miss you and I hope we stay close.” He smiled, sticking his thumb up awkwardly.
“Aww me too Mark.” You smiled in return, pulling him into a hug.
Finally you were back to your apartment after a long, but fun day with him. He wanted you to come over so he could prepare some dinner for you, but you knew that you were going to be exhausted tomorrow from the move so you respectfully declined, letting him know that you needed rest. 
“Well, I guess this is goodbye then huh?” You said, a bittersweet smile on your face as you looked at his gleaming eyes.
“I guess it is. You’ll visit right?” He questioned.
“Of course I will, and you can come visit me whenever you want too. There’s a lake nearby that I think you’d love.” You smiled.  
“Ok, I’ll definitely visit for sure.” He nodded. A comforting silence surrounding the two of you as you just stared at each other.
“Well, I have to get going.” You said, breaking the silence, a grin on your face. 
“Ok. I’ll see you later… bye y/n!” 
“Bye Mark!” You smiled, turning away to walk to your apartment, looking behind you once more, a smile on his face as he waved.
You never thought that your story would end this soon. Even, though— or, if you, remained friends, you knew it would never be the same no matter how much you visit or text each other, but that’s okay, you were fine with it… right?
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May 21st, 8:36 pm - I’m home.
Hey, just checking to see if you got there smoothly?
Yep, all moved in lol
Great I’m glad, I’ll definitely be coming soon;) but anyways, I’ll let you get some rest. Talk to you later
Talk to you later :)
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May 21st, 12:23 am - hate me forever.
❥ 1 new voice message from - mark
I know you might hate me forever after this, but I was thinking about it and it’s best if I just told you. You’ve been nothing but kind to me and it seems like all I do is fuck your life over, but Ive gotten it all wrong anyways, so I might as well confess now. Fuck Y/n, I think- I think I’m in love with you. You’re going to be so pissed off with me and I was about to tell you yesterday before you left, but you looked so happy and I didn’t wanna ruin it with my own personal feelings like I always do. I thought I didn’t want to be with you, I thought I never would want to be with anyone ever, but you made me realize that I do and I feel like there was a reason that I kissed you, tipsy or not. Well I did more than just kiss you, but nevermind that. Sorry. I don’t know why I said that sorry. Anyways sorry, I um dude I’m actually like, this is like frustrating, but I hope that we can still be close even though we don’t live near each other anymore. And yeah, I thought to tell you this so you could reject me and get your revenge you know? Sorry I don’t know why I said that either- sorry for saying that- whyd I- anyways, man I just- ok turn this off actually, but I- I love you Y/n and I hope we stay close, wait dude didn’t I just say that? I don’t know anymore man ok bye- love you- bye.
Don’t listen to that I was drunk :/
Getting drunk the day I leave, miss me already? ;)
Ha you’re funny. Don’t listen tho seriously
Ok fine I won’t .-.
What the fuck.
You obviously listened to it, the first thing you heard in the morning and all you could do was sit in your bed shocked.
You never thought this day would ever come, nor prepared yourself for it.
There was nothing you could do, he fumbled, and you had lost feelings. That was his fault sorry not sorry, but as the week went on you could only think about that message.
It ran through your mind over and over again, and the more you thought about, the more you wanted him.
No matter how much you tried to force your feelings away and tell yourself that you didn’t have them anymore, you can never deny love you feel for someone else, never. 
You loved Mark, and you needed to talk to him.
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May 30th, 8:00 pm - we can't be friends.
It had been about a week after the voice message, and you tried to ignore everything. Tried to ignore your feelings, your families nagging and constant toxicity, and tried to ignore him running through your mind. You both haven’t talked since then, I guess he was too guilty to even try and you just let it go.
“Y/n, there’s someone here for you.” You heard screaming from downstairs. 
Your brows furrowed in curiosity as you made your way downstairs. 
You went to the front door, opening it to see Mark standing there. Your eyes widening as he stood at the door with a cheeky smile. 
“Mark what are you doing here!?” You asked, slipping on your sandals and walking outside, shutting the door behind you.
“I told you I would come soon.” He smiled. 
“How did you even find my address?” Your forehead crinkled as you looked at him with questioning eyes. 
“We share locations.” He answered quickly, swirls of passion in his eyes. 
“Mark, that’s like- kinda weird.” You answered, a chuckle escaping your lips as he scratched the back of his head.
“Man, I just be checking sometimes, just to make sure you’re ok. Now can you show me this lake that you talked about, it’s all that’s been running through my mind.” 
“Yes mark I can show you the lake.” You said, grabbing a blanket and your phone. 
You two sat at the lake, watching the sunset, talking like you haven’t seen each other for months.
As you two talked, him confessing kept crossing your mind, really it was all that you could think of actually.
You didn’t know if you should just leave it alone like he did, tell him that you knew and that it was ok, or just tell him you like him first to see if he says anything.
You honestly didn’t know how it would affect the relationship between the two of you, but you just wanted to say something at least, and you weren’t upset like he thought. 
“Mark.” You begun, swallowing the anxiety that crawled up your chest into your throat. 
He didn’t even respond, just looked at you blankly, his eyes hinting a bit of worry. 
“I listened to the voice message.” You mumbled. 
His face dropped, ears turning red as he opened his mouth to say something, lip quivering as the words got stuck.
You could feel his heart race even though you weren’t even touching him. He paused for a second, then his voice sounded in fast and high pitch words. 
“Y/n, I’m seriously like so sorry. I know that had to be confusing and I honestly wish that I deleted it before you listened dude, swear. You did not deserve to be tangled up in my feelings-” 
“Don’t worry, it’s mutual.” You interrupted. 
“And I just- wait what?” He paused, looking at you with confusion in his eyes, but a bit a relief in his voice.
“It’s mutual.” You nodded, just as surprised of your words as Mark at that point. 
“But I thought you stopped liking me?” His said, his voice sounding flabbergasted. Eyes twinkling as he looked into yours. 
“I did, but I never stopped loving you, and I guess that counts right?” You said, a small grin on your face as his face lit up. 
“So- so would you be with me? Would you be my girlfriend Y/n?” He asked, turning to you, voice high pitched and excited as his eyes went brighter and wide. 
“I would… if you promise to never leave me alone, if you promise to always be there with and for me?” You answered, eyes sparkling as a smile crept on your face from just looking at him. 
“I promise Y/n. I’m not letting you go again. I want us to be together forever if it’s possible.” He spoke, scooting closer to you and grabbing your hands, holding them tightly. 
“Ok, well then- I would love to be your girlfriend Mark.” Your cheeks hurt as you smiled strongly, your words full of warmth. 
“But wait, there’s something we’re forgetting.” He paused, you humming in response as he grabbed something from his coat pocket. 
He held up the shimmering diamond necklace, your eyes sparking as you looked at it with a smile. 
“Do you just carry that around with you? That’s weird.” You asked, giggling to yourself. 
“Call me what you want bro, but it’s yours.” 
He smiled, signaling you to turn around so he could put it on you. 
“Wow this is so excited I could just kiss you.” He squealed as you turned around.
You raised your eyebrows, a smirk painting your face as you starred at him. He blinked quickly, a smirk appearing on his face shortly after yours. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, cheekbones defined from blushing. 
“Yes. You can kiss me.” You responded, nodding as your cheeks grew warm as the smile on your face began to hurt from how big it was. 
He smiled, grabbing your face and pulling it to his, looking at your eyes before leaning in.  The taste was familiar, yet so much sweeter. You wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him even closer to you, lips not leaving each others. 
Now this is what you could call magical— no regrets, no alcohol, just love. 
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July 7th, 9:38 am. - my darling.
“Happy one year- meetiversary?” He spoke. 
You giggled, meeting him at the counter, giving him a kiss on the cheek as he handed you a mango smoothie.
“Whatever happened to the watermelon ones?” You asked. 
You were relieved for sure, but still curious because after your birthday he stopped giving them to you. 
“I thought you didn’t like them?” He asked, his eyebrow raised as he titled his head. 
“Did I tell you that?” You paused, looking at him with confused eyes. 
“No, but I could tell from like the first day I gave you one.” 
“So if you could tell I didn’t like it, why’d you keep making them for me?” You questioned, head titling. 
“Oh I just wanted to mess with you, see how long it would take for you to crack, but you didn’t, surprisingly.” He said, a smirk appearing on his face.
“So why Mangos now?” You raised your eyebrow questionably. 
“It’s your favorite fruit.” 
“How do you know that?” 
“Y/n It was in your 4 hour cooking course. You mentioned how it was your favorite fruit.” He answered, you nodding in response understandably before tilting your head once again. 
“But you bought the one with my favorite meal, the 2 hour one?” You said, causing his lips to curl into a smile.
You hit him playfully, scolding him about not buying your classes anymore and that you were right there to teach him, but he never listened regardless so you stopped wasting your breath. 
You two were long distance for a tad bit, but he finally convinced you to come back so you could be closer again, and trust you took it deeply into consideration after you kept getting in fights with your family when you moved back home. So you’re back.
Sometimes you just sit and think about what if you never moved in the first place. How would your life be? Nevermind that, you just felt grateful to have him and he felt the same about you. It’s been a year since you and Mark have met, and to say that it’s been an emotional rollercoaster was an understatement. Your connection was for sure a journey, and every step of the way, no matter if it was sad or happy, it brought the two of you where you meant to be— together. 
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September 15th, 5:39 pm (5 years later) - I’ll never let you go.
Sorry to bother you on your run, but do you think you can pick her up some diapers otw home?
Delivered at 8:30 am
Y/n omg she’s crying so hard, she misses her mom, come back soon :(
Delivered at 9:30 am
Sorry, I’ll leave you alone, but I’m telling the truth about her crying.
Delivered at 9:31 am
Y/n, it’s been an hour, where are you? Why is your location off?
Delivered at 10:42 am
Y/n where are you? I’m becoming very upset, text back. 
Delivered at 12:38 pm
baby, are you okay? Why aren’t you picking up my calls?
Delivered at 2:09 pm
Did I do something to upset you? I’m sorry if I did, plz come home so we could talk about it. 
Delivered at 5:00 pm
About 30 minutes, I got a call that sent a shiver down my spine.
“Hello is this the husband of Y/n L/n?”
You always told me that you would list me first for your emergency contacts, but I didn’t think anything of it. 
“I’m sorry to inform you, but she was involved in a very bad hit and run car accident. Please come down here as soon as possible so we can discuss the matter with you.” 
My heart trembled at the call, I couldn’t even stand straight.
Your long time friend, your roommate met me at the hospital, taking our baby girl out of my hands before I went into the hospital room, hands shaking every step of the way to you.
When I saw you, my heart sunk, it had to have been a nightmare, no way this was real.
I couldn’t even make it fully in the room before turning and walking out the door. Screaming, tears streaming down my face as I tried to find who did this to you. Thank god our baby was there, gave me a reason to not find him and kill him myself.
The doctors helped me calm down and I finally walked in fully, trying to hold my composure as I got closer to you.
They had you hooked up to all this complicated equipment, but all I could see was you.
I took a seat by your side, tears falling from my eyes as the doctors gave me a minute to spend with you quietly. 
“She’s brain dead. The impact of the car sent her into cardiac arrest and the impact from the fall added severe damages to her brain”
I heard that from beside me, a sorrowed voice that just sunk into my brain, carving the words harshly into my heart.
My eyes shut as I wrapped my hand around yours.
You were cold, and that only made my heart shatter more.
“Is there anyway she’ll wake up? Anything?”
I tried to speak, but my voice cracked and squeaked as I saw the doctor’s forcefully cold expression, sympathy in his eyes as he shook his head. 
“I’m sorry, but there’s really nothing we can do but pull the plug, but that’s a decision for you Mr. Lee.” 
Tears were in my eyes, my face focused as I stared at you. I was in my right mind— I think, but I couldn’t help my emotions that began to flow out. 
“Can- can she feel anything?”
I asked, my voice cracked as I looked at your face.
No matter how cut up it was you still looked so beautiful. 
“No.” The doctor spoke. 
“So then, I guess that’s the only thing to do right?”
I mumbled, small hiccups escaping my throat as the doctor nodded in agreement, leaving me in the room with you alone for a few more minutes. 
I felt numb when I heard that long agonizing beep, couldn’t feel anything but tickling tears rolling down my cheek as I looked at your face.
I could hear faint sounds of your roommate crying, along with our babies cries ringing in my ear, but I couldn’t do anything— I couldn’t move, I couldn’t talk, I was shattered. 
I love you y/n. I will love you forever, and the day that I die, I’ll look for you, and only you.
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May 30th, 6:46 pm (4 years later) - interminable
Happy anniversary y/n
it’s been 9 years since I asked to be your boyfriend haha time flies so fast doesn’t it?
Oh, our precious baby girl is 5 years old now, whatttt.
She loves you so much, always ask for stories about her mom, wants to be a chef just like you. 
It’s funny because guess what? she hates watermelon smoothies too. She tried to lie, but I saw it in her face. Reminds you of someone huh? 
Yk I still remember laughing to myself every time I gave you those smoothies, you tried so hard to act like it was good, but I could tell.
I still listen to your voice messages, the ones you always told me that your laugh sounded ugly, remember? Well I think it sounds beautiful, your laugh never fails to crack me up. 
Oh and guess what? I have a surprise. Are you ready? you’re gonna be so happy.
I met Gordon Ramsey! Are you jealous lol? Don’t worry I bragged to him about you, he said you sounded lovely. It always amazes me how talented you are.
I know you’re smiling so hard aren’t you? You wouldn’t leave me for Gordon Ramsey right?
Wait also before you get mad at me, of course I still have the cookbook
And yes I still cook every recipe out of that book, even the one with the sauce that always made me fart, god you hated that one. 
I still think about you everyday 
And I still miss you so much
Like really really miss you. 
Y/n, I really really really fucking miss you 
And I still love you, I will never stop loving you. 
Happy anniversary.
I love you too Mark, happy anniversary.
So, yes you’re not here anymore, but he made a promise to you, and he kept it. You will always love him, and be there for him and watch over him and your child. You don't always need a body to live on, all you need is a heart, and as long as he's living, your heart resides with his. 
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189 notes · View notes
thefallennightmare · 2 months
Boundless: Matt Dierkes x OFC!Faye-One Shot
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*all pictures found on pinterest*
Pairings: Matt Dierkes x OFC! Faye[Just Pretend Universe]
Warnings: language, fluff, smut. 18+. (mask kink but with Matty, unprotected p in v, oral with male and female receiving, fingering, masturbation, choking, degradation, rope play, making of a sex tape, rough/possesive sex with dom!matty vibes, slight voyeurism if you squint hard enough, use of a safe word when it's taken too far but quick to stop all actions.)
Summary: Faye has a secret fantasy that she wants to act out with Matt, who has a proposition for her in return.
Authors Note: thanks to @blueskylinesx for this idea last night in the discord chat. We need more Matty and Faye smut. So that's basically what this one shot is, just porn with a smidge of a plot if you read close enough. TAKES PLACE IN THE JP UNIVERSE.
Tags: @loeytuan98 @thatchickwiththecamera @dsireland86 @iknownothingpeople @bngurngheart @malice-ov-mercy @cookiesupplier @heyyoplayer @myownthoughts12 @vinyardmaurao @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @lma1986 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @itsafullmoon @shilohrosechicken @klutzy-kay24 @shadowseve @blueskylinesx @exitwoundsx @thisbicc @pathion @cookiesupplier @sammyjoeee @whenthesummerdies @flowery-mess @xxkittenkissesxx @its-inourblood @madomens @collidewiththesavannah @xserena-13 @cncohshit @rain-down-on-me @sorrowsofsilence
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An ungodly yawn fell from my lips as I packed up the last box of merch and carried it outside towards the truck. Bad Omens finished their one night festival in Ohio a few hours ago and since I had nothing going on with Hollow Souls, Y/N and I both tagged along to help out. 
And to spend more time with Matt; which really wasn’t much extra time because I’d barely seen him today since I decided to help out Steven with the merch side of everything. I thought about joining Bryan with the photography side but he had everything handled. 
It was nearing eight in the evening, Bad Omens having an early set time for once, and exhaustion weighed heavy in my bones as I set down the box inside of the truck. Just as I was about to close up the back, I noticed something dark poking out of one of the boxes. 
Suddenly, I was wide awake. 
With a devilish smirk, I hid the extra Bad Omens ski mask behind my back as I quietly tip-toed over to Matt who was busy packing up his equipment. His back muscles constricted underneath his shirt as he lifted up the heavy crates, stacking them one by one, and I bit my lip as the sight made my insides burn. 
Fuck, I didn’t think I would miss him this much even when we were in the same place. 
For weeks, I'd been tossing this fantasy around in my head, especially after talking with Y/N during a girl's night where we spilled our darkest fantasies; hers being one none of us expected. I didn't even think Noah would expect it. 
For me, I desperately wanted to see if Matt would be on board with my darkest fantasy. He'd always been a gentle lover when we had sex, which I never minded. Matt knew my body better than myself and it created a wonderful sex life. Yet, I craved something more and something different. 
I needed total dominance. 
Matt didn't hear me come up behind him as I pulled the mask out from behind my back and slipped it over his head. 
"What the fuck?" He gasped beneath the fabric. 
With a hand on his shoulder, I raised myself up closer to his covered ear and let my warm breath calm him. 
"I want you to hunt me down with this mask on and fuck me when you catch me."
Sheer black pooled into his eyes as Matt slowly turned to face me, cocking his head to the side. The predatory gaze was enough to make me swallow my tongue as I peered up at him through my lashes. A deep, feral, noise emanated from the back of Matt's throat as his fingers tenderly wrapped around the base of my neck. 
"Careful what you wish for, fairy."
We were the only ones around so he yanked me into his chest, devouring my mouth with his in a kiss so intense, I stumbled back into the foundation of the sound deck. His hands steadied me by my lower back and pressed his hard cock against my core, making me moan into the kiss. His hands were all over me as a way to paint my form into his memory and my fingers danced with the end of the mask, still on his head. 
“Are you sure about this?” Matt asked after pulling away from the kiss, breathless as he rested his forehead against mine. 
I nodded eagerly. “More than anything.”
He left another kiss upon my lips before ripping the mask off, his golden locks a mess. 
“Head back to the hotel, I’ve got a few more things to finish here. I won’t text you when I’m on my way back but make sure you’re ready for me,” Matt breathed over my lips before roughly pushing away from me, slipping away into the sudden darkness of the venue. 
There’s no turning back now. 
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My breath was unsteady and echoed loud in the confined space I found myself in. Surely Matt had to be returning to the hotel room soon, it had been hours since I left him, now almost ten in the evening. As soon as I came back to our room, I went about showering off the long days filth and slipped into a new piece of lingerie I’d bought a while ago just never found the perfect time to wear it. 
Until now. 
The room was a bit larger than what we usually got while on the road with a living room area with a small sized kitchen, a bathroom with a tub big enough for four people, and a separate bedroom with a king sized bed and a roaring fireplace. Unfortunately even with the size of the room, there still wasn’t enough space for Matt to hunt me down so I had to settle with a simple game of hide and seek. 
Or as I called it in the text I sent him: hide and fuck. 
I managed to fit myself in a large wardrobe dresser that was provided with the hotel, ones that were tall enough where I could sit inside of it somewhat comfortably. The scent of my gardenia perfume, Matt’s favorite,  clouded around me as I sat with my knees pulled to my chest. Just when I was about to give up, tired of waiting, I heard the insert of a key card into the slot and the door clicking open. I had left the light on in the main area of the hotel room so some of it could cast a light into where I was hiding but with a soft click, everything was blanketed in black. 
Matt’s back. 
Holding a hand over my mouth, I tried so hard to remain quiet even though I was beyond giddy with excitement that he had agreed to this. His footsteps were so light, almost nonexistent, as he moved around the room. I could feel his presence as it halted in front of the wardrobe and before I could register what was happening, Matt ripped open the doors and yanked me from it. 
My body fell to the floor with little damage and I quickly scurried away from Matt only for his fingers to wrap around my ankle, dragging me back to him. His large body loomed over me, lust filled eyes hidden behind the mask. The bright white of the death of peace of mind logo stuck out like a sore thumb in the dark and Matt’s breathing was all I heard as I stared up at him. He wore nothing but the mask and gray boxers, hanging low on his hips. The light colored hairs of his happy trail brought a tender smile to my face. 
Matt used to ramble on about how much he hated it because he felt like he couldn't grow enough body hair. Yet after I briefly mentioned one day how much I liked how it looked, he kept it. 
“Found you,” Matt growled as his palms traced over the thin white lace of my lingerie, his eyes growing even darker. 
“I-I guess you did,” I stammered while he climbed on top of me. 
WIth his hips locking me in place, Matt reached over my head towards a bag I hadn’t noticed before and riffled through it. My breath caught in my throat when I saw the rope between his hands, him threading it between his fingers. 
Bounding my hands to my ankles, Matt went about tying them together with the rope, checking how tight it was before letting the game slip away for a moment. 
“Too tight?” 
I shook my head, teal strands falling into my eyes. “I promise, it’s fine.” 
He took off the hair tie around his wrist and gathered my hair away from my face and into a ponytail. His finger grazed over my cheek, forcing my eyes to meet his. 
“If you ever want to stop, say red,” he said quietly. 
“Okay,” I breathed, understanding the usage of our new safe word. 
With my hands and feet bound together, I let out a squeal of laughter mixed with shock as Matt lifted me from the ground, carrying me like a tied animal over towards the bedroom of the hotel room and roughly tossing me onto the bed. My ass was up towards the ceiling, barely covered by the lace I wore, and his nostrils flared when he leaned over my lower half, still donning the mask. 
“You smell so good,” he praised while kneeling on the bed. 
“Gardenia,” I informed, reminding him of my perfume. 
Matt hooked a finger into my panties, shifting it to the side so he could brush his nose along my wet folds. 
“Oh,” I murmured when I realized what kind of smell he was referring to. 
Due to how I was tied up, I wasn’t able to look down and see Matt between my legs, but I could feel the faint brush of his tongue over my clit and I pulled on my bindings. 
“One more thing,” Matt said before slipping away from me to rummage around in my suitcase. 
I turned my head towards him. “We don’t need a condom. I’m on the implant, remember?” 
He ignored me, still rummaging around in my bag until he spun quickly on his heels towards me holding onto one of my camcorders. 
“Sex tape?” I asked with a teasing edge to my voice. 
Matt’s lips curled up underneath the mask. “A fucking sex tape.” 
After making sure it was fully charged and set up on the dresser across the bed with the perfect angel, he was quick to be back at the foot of the bed, kneeling on the floor. 
“I want to taste you so fucking bad, fairy. Will you let me?” 
My head fell back to the mattress with fluttering eyes. “Please.”
Yanking my panties to the side again, Matt was quick to devour me, teeth and tongue all over my core. My body writhed against the bed as he took turns between my clit and folds with his tongue before ultimately wrapping his lips around my sensitive bud and forced two fingers inside of me. 
“Shit,” I panted as the orgasm was quick to build. 
I’d been on edge all night waiting for him and I knew it wouldn’t take me long to reach there. Matt momentarily removed his fingers from me to press the fullness of his tongue against my folds, licking me up from the bottom to the top.
"Fuck," I moaned when his tongue speared inside of me for a few strokes, before replacing it with his fingers again. 
Matt’s lips wrapped around my clit to bite and suck at the bundle of nerves. He ate me like a man starved as was offered his final meal before death. The familiar burn at the base of my spine made me call out his name; in a praise and a warning. 
“So close,” I keened. 
Matt’s arm held up my legs that were still bound and since his mouth was a little preoccupied, he smacked my ass with the hand that was holding my panties to the side. 
Let go, fairy. 
I came with a shout, grinding myself against Matt’s face as he licked and finger fucked me through the aftershocks. 
“Shit,” I choked on a breath when he pulled away only to rise to his feet, yanking down his boxers, now standing in front of me in nothing but the mask. 
I pulled on my bindings, yearning to touch him, but let out an aggravated cry when I realized how tight he tied them. 
“I need to be inside you, Faye,” Matt admitted while grabbing a hold of my ankles with one hand and guiding himself inside of me with the other. 
Both of our groans of pleasure tangled sweetly together and Matt, who stood at the edge of the bed now, slammed into me with such force, it shook the headboard against the wall. The sound of skin on skin was heaven sent, along with the image of Matt’s head rolled back, mouth open as he let out pants of air in tangent with each of his thrust. They were brutal, nearly bruising, but I reveled in it. It awoken a fire deep inside of me that from now on needed to be set ablaze. 
“Tight,” Matt groaned as his hips stalled for a moment and I watched as the muscles in his stomach constricted. 
He was close but was trying not to tumble over the edge so he slipped out from me. Before I could protest, he was climbing onto the bed towards me. He lifted my head up, wrapping my ponytails around his hand to force my mouth towards his cock slick with my arousal. 
“Open that pretty little mouth,” he demanded, yanking on my scalp. 
With glittering eyes gazing up at him in the mask, I parted my lips so he could force himself inside. He ignored my gagging as he hate fucked my throat with such a bruising grip on my hair, I was sure it would be sore for days. Drool pooled from my mouth and around his cock, dripping down to my chest. 
“Such a good little slut,” Matt smacked my cheek with the hand that wasn't tangled in my hair. “You love the way you taste, huh?”
My yelp of shock was drowned out by his cock as he repeatedly hit the back of my throat. I could taste myself on it, the tangy arousal lingering on my tongue. But soon I was gasping for breath when Matt pulled himself from my mouth to grab a hold of my chin, bringing his masked face mere meters from mine. 
“I asked you a question, Fairy. I expect you to answer it.”
I did the best I could to nod with his tight grip but it wasn’t enough for him so he tapped my cheek again. 
“Words. You need to use your words, bub.” 
“Yes,” I blurted. “Yes, I love the way I taste on your cock.”
Matt ripped off the mask, taking a deep breath of air as he shook out his hair. 
“That’s my good girl,” he praised before forcing his cock deep inside my throat again. 
This time, he didn’t hold himself back as he spilled himself inside of my mouth. 
“Don’t you dare swallow,” he spat through gritted teeth as he held the back of my head, letting my tongue glide him through the aftershocks. 
I held his seed in my mouth, long after he fell to the bed next to me, only to reach into the bag he brough, pulling out a knife. My eyes widened but unable to speak, I held my breath. 
Matt brushed his lips over mine. “You can swallow now, pretty girl.” 
Obeying him, I let out a breath and motioned towards the shiny blade. “I think this is a step too far.”
He let out a low chuckle before reaching for my bound legs and hands. “Relax, Faye. I’m just cutting you free.”
Tattered rope fell to the bed and Matt quickly brought the red, irritated skin to his lips, peppering it with kisses. 
“Where did you even get rope and a knife?” I questioned. 
Matt ran a hand through his messy hair as he fell deeper back into the bed. “From Bryan.”
All I did was hum, the revelation suddenly making a lot of sense, and as we laid there, Matt’s fingers grazed up and down the inside of my thigh, leaving goosebumps in his wake. 
“I hope you know I’m not finished with you yet,” was all he said before he yanked me off of the bed. 
As we passed by the camcorder, Matt turned it so it could face out towards the balcony of the hotel room. 
“Matthew!” I nearly screeched when I noticed the somewhat busy street just a few floors beneath us. 
He spun me around so my back was against the railing, the city lights painting us in a luminescent glow, and traced a finger down the front of my lingerie. 
“This is new,” he noted. 
I shivered with not only his touch, but the cool breeze that passed over us. 
“Do-do you like it?” I asked, nervous. 
“I love it so much, Faye, that I’m going to fuck you with it on,” Matt husked before holding out his hand, spitting on it. 
He pumped his already hard cock a few times, dragging the extra skin over the head and let out a spew of curses. Gathering some of my arousal between my legs, he worked me open again with two fingers before replacing them with his cock. The rough metal of the balcony dug into my back as Matt dragged himself nearly all the way out, slowly fucking me with the head before thrusting all of him inside of me again. It went like this for a few moments, my bottom lip caught between my teeth because the feeling caused my skin to prick. I squeezed against him, swallowing his length in warmth and our hips began to move in sync.
“Shit,” Matt rasped while leaving dark, bruising teeth marks along my neck and shoulder. “You feel so good, Faye.”
His fingers wrapped around my neck while his thumb forced my jaw up towards him.I went to slip a finger between us but Matt slapped my hand away, a growl of arousal slipped through his lips.
“Mine,” he whispered.
The pad of his thumb pressed against my bundle of nerves and with the fast and relentless pace he had chosen now, I felt the coil deep in my stomach begin to tense, my second orgasm so close.
“Yours,” I breathed. 
Our bodies slammed against each other, skin slapping against skin, and the wet noises that came from the place we were connected were so filthy that I was ready to let my body go, walls tensing around Matt’s cock. He lifted his forehead from my chest and forced our gazes to lock again, my arm wrapped around his shoulder to bring him closer, thumb rubbing circles on his bicep. His eyes took in every inch of my face, burning with the way I gasped silently when I felt the tip of his cock hit that spot. 
“Matthew,” I pured. “I’m going to-.” 
My orgasm ripped through me, causing the words to falter, and I shook in his tight embrace. The night air did nothing to cool my heated skin. 
Matt removed his bottom lip from the tight grip between his teeth as he let out a deep but quiet moan as he painted my walls with his cum. Lifting me into his arms, I wrapped my tired legs around him as he carried me back into the bedroom and tossed me onto the bed yet again fixing the camera in a different position. 
“I can’t,” I shook my head when he reached for the buttons of my lingerie. 
Matt kissed a tender kiss on my shoulder. “I know you’ve got one more in you, fairy. Don’t you want to be a good girl for me?” 
More than anything. 
I was exhausted from my two orgasms, how was he not? Peering down to his cock, I noticed it was nearly hard yet again, the sight of it alone causing my gut to twinge with anticipation and I licked my lips. 
“I thought you can't,” Matt mocked my voice from earlier, causing me to narrow my eyes at him. 
“Shut up!”
The sound of fabric ripping echoed in the room, my lingerie falling away from my body and I screeched while smacking his chest. 
“This was new, asshole!” 
Matt shrugged, throwing me down to my stomach and lifting my ass in the air to lay a swift smack against it. I scrambled to get away from him which prompted him to force the top half of my body against the mattress with one of his hands while the other smacked my ass yet again. 
“Fuck! Matthew!” I bit back the tears as he laid a third smack. “Pl-please.”
“I’ll stop when you apologize for what you called me,” Matt’s voice was dark, gone with the lust that consumed him. 
For the briefest of moments, part of me feared the monster I had awoken in him but when the pain soon turned to pleaser, I let out a quiet moan afraid he would hear. His large hand rubbed at the red skin before pressing a kiss. 
“Does the pain turn you on, Faye? Hm?” Matt spoke into the skin of my lower back. 
I grasped at the pillow, pulling it close to my chest so I could muffle my answer into it. Which only seemed to displease him because he sunk his teeth into the extra flesh of my hip, making me cry out my answer. 
“Yes! I need it to hurt!”
Wrapping an arm around my stomach, Matt lifted me up onto my knees and to face the large mirror in the room that was hung across the bed, right next to the camera; still blinking red. I gasped at my reflection of tattered pieces of lingerie hanging on to me still by a thread, mascara running down my face, purple bite marks littered all over my neck and shoulder, and lips faintly bruised from how hard Matt fucked my throat earlier. 
He knelt behind me and brushed his nose along the shell of my ear while trailing the pad of his thumb over the pulse point of my throat. 
“You look so pretty like this, Faye. Marked up as mine so everyone knows who you belong to,” he dragged his teeth along the crook of my neck, breathing me in. 
“God, I fucking love the way you smell.”
His fingers pinched and pulled at my nipples, making my head falter back onto his shoulder.
“What do you want, baby?” Matt palmed both of my breasts now before trailing a hand down my stomach to spread my legs wide for the reflection and mostly the camera. 
“You,” I breathed. 
Matthew said nothing, instead he slipped two fingers past my slick folds where the head of his cock was slowly gliding up and down. Gathering up not only my arousal but the little bit of precum that beaded at the slit, he brought those fingers to my lips with one simple order. 
I took both fingers into my mouth without objection to lap up the tangy mixture of us and hummed greedily. I took them as far as I could without gagging and Matt showed me how proud he was of me by sinking himself deep inside my pussy. His strokes this time were languid, taking his time with me as he worked me up with his fingers down my throat and the others spreading me wide. 
“That’s it. Take all of me. I can feel your pussy clenching around me, you’re so wet,” Matt’s pace began to intensify as his words were urging him on. 
One hand wrapped around my throat while the other strumbed against my swollen nub, bringing me closer and close to the edge of destruction. 
My own words were gone, forever lost in the bliss that overtook my body. My soul succumbed to Matt, allowing him to drag every part of my essence down with him to the darkness. This was a side of Matt I’d never expected to see and now that I had a taste of him, I wasn’t letting him go. 
“I love you,” I moaned as I allowed the waves of pleasure to drown me as I soaked Matt’s cock with my orgasm. 
He stilled his movements and sucked in a breath before forcing my face to look into our reflection of the mirror. 
“What did you just say?” 
I blinked a few times, trying to regain myself after the intensity of each after shock, and when Matt’s grip on my chin tightened, I winced. 
Oh shit. 
I had just blurted out that I loved Matt.
For the first time. 
Shit. Fuck. God damn it. 
We’d only been dating for a few months and I was suddenly very afraid of how Matt would react. It was clearly way too soon to be dropping the I love you bomb. 
“Faye,” Matt’s voice was firm as he shook my face. 
Staring at his reflection, I let the words fall from my lips again. 
“I love you.”
The hard lines on his face softened as he let the proclamation settle for a few quiet beats and just before I could find myself questioning everything, Matt let out a guttural groan, wrapping an arm around my stomach to pull my back closer to his chest. We were pulled flush against each other as now Matt used the new angle to buck up into me, hitting the spot each and every time. 
My body was drained and I could barely keep myself afloat in his embrace as the bed shook beneath us, creaking with every snap of his hips. Skin on skin bounced off the walls, overpowering the sounds of my quiet cries, and Matt bit down hard on my shoulder. 
“Fuck, fairy. I love you too, so fucking much. You’re mine, you hear me? Your heart, your soul, this fucking pussy? All mine,” he snarled. 
“Ah! Shit!” I cried out louder this time when I felt the teeniest prick of blood from Matt’s bite into my neck trail down between my breasts. 
He still couldn’t hear my cries as he now held a tighter grip around my throat, cutting off my breathing, not enough to make me fall unconscious but enough to make my body buzz with another slow creeping orgasm. Although the slight pain I felt in my lower half was making me claw at Matt’s wrists, trying to get his attention. 
In the reflection, his eyes were screwed shut and his cock was sliding in and out of my pussy, slick and shiny with my arousal. It was a brutal pace, one he had to hold on tight with me otherwise I would have fallen to the bed beneath us. The pain between my legs wasn’t one I was suddenly fond of. 
“St-stop.” I choked out but yelped out in pain when he hit a spot a little too hard, even for my liking. 
“Matthew. Stop, please!
Matt was so far gone, he couldn’t hear my pleas . I reached around to grab a hold of his hair, yanking it slightly so I could pull his face towards the mirror, forcing him to look at us. 
Immediately, Matt slipped out and ever so gently laid me on the bed, stomach first. His large hands brushed away the strands of hair that had fallen out of the hair tie so he could look at my face. 
“Fairy, I’m so fucking sorry. I don’t even know what happened,” Matt’s soft eyes searched mine desperately hoping to find something. 
I tried to gain my breath, slow and steady, and when I didn’t say anything, he cursed while running a hand through his untamed hair. 
“Shit, did I hurt you?” He glanced down between my legs, making sure there was no blood. 
I reached for his face, cupping it tenderly. “I’m okay. Well, besides my neck. But I think I was already too sensitive from my previous orgasms that it became too much.”
Matt kissed the inside of my palm. “I’m so sorry, Faye.” 
With a groan, I sat up in bed so I kissed his lips, one he barely returned.. “Matthew, I’m alright. Might be sore for a few days but I asked for this.” 
“You said you loved me and all I could see was a future together,” he blew out a shaky breath, eyes wet with tears. 
My heart sank when I realized how bad he was beating himself up internally for me having called the safe word so I brought him back down into the bed with me, making him lay his head on my chest. I ran my fingers through the countless knots in his hair as he gripped tight on my hip, throwing his tattooed leg over both of my legs. 
“You saw a future with me?” I questioned after silence fell between us. 
“Mhm,” he hummed into my chest. “Me, you, Boo, and Zeus. We’d live on 5 acres of land running a raccoon rehab.” 
That brought out a genuine laugh from me and I brushed my lips across his forehead. “That doesn’t sound so bad, if I’m being honest.”
Matt glanced up at me, regret still lingering in his eyes just not as deep as before, and kissed me, steady and unrushed. He wanted to savor every part of me, physically and spiritually. His tongue glided over my bottom lip, asking for permission, and I granted it with the easiest of breaths. 
“I love you, Faye,” he said while linking our fingers together, bringing them to his lips to sweep his lips over each knuckle. 
“I love you even more, Matthew.”
As the moonlight broke through the open patio door, the wind covering our heated bodies with a blanket of chills, I allowed Matt to switch our positions so he could hold me in his embrace. The faintest of familiar lyrics lulled me to sleep as he sang, dragging his fingers up and down my back. The pain had long subsided, barely even a remembrance of it, and I truly was grateful for the night we shared together. Matt respected my boundaries, even if he did lose himself for a moment there, but his love for me was greater than his own desires. 
Soon after, our bodies fell into the comfortable ease that was slumber. Matt’s arms encased around me and my face buried into his neck; soft snores falling from his lips. And the constant blinking red light of the camera. 
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fayesia · 9 months
haii >_< i just finished future man and i NEED an angry josh smut, any plot— doesnt matter, just a GOOD angst fuck!
a/n: Hello everyone!!! Just wanted to wish you all a happy new years✰. Lots more works to be written and posted in 2024. Thank you to everyone for all the support i’ve gotten after a few months of having this account and i can’t wait for you all to read and support my future works so thank u all again i love each and every one of you for the kindness and love i receive. Wishing you all the best for this year. ★Faye★
warnings: nsfw 18+, unprotected sex, creampie, pussy licking (josh is a munch), breast play?, rough sex, lmk if i missed anything!
Josh continuing button mashing away at his controller, you laid across his bed bored out of your mind with your head hanging off the edge watching him play. His focus fully set on the screen in front of him as he once again got beaten by the game.
A heavy sigh of annoyance came from his mouth, followed by a deep loud groan that left you rubbing your thighs together.
“Joshhh I’m bored, let’s do something fun”
“not right now ok, i’m not in the mood”
“pleaseeeee please please”
you whined again and again and in all fairness he had been playing for three hours straight, not even your phone could keep your attention as long as his game did.
Josh was like a bear and you were a human prodding him with a stick, the more you opened your mouth the more angry josh got. Until he finally had enough…a bear can only take so many pokes until it attacks.
Which is what he did, abruptly getting up from his gaming chair “you wanna have fun? fine let’s have fun” Josh took two strides towards his bed, halting in front of your head as you looked up at him. Paying close attention to his eyes roaming your body, coming to a quick halt at your thighs tightly crossed over one another. His once frowning mouth upturned into a slight smirk.
“so you want that kind of fun huh”
Leaning down over you Josh grabbed your face pulling you into a passionate kiss, his lips moulded perfectly with yours softly nipping your bottom one when pulling away. You brightly smiled up at him, pawing at the sides of his hips. “alright alright give me a second”
Unbuckling his belt he pulled down his pants along with his boxers, tugging up and down at his dick with his head titled back up to the ceiling, letting out another deep groan. He grabbed onto your chin, his fingers moved towards your lips entering your mouth as you stared up at him. Soon after Josh pushed his dick into your mouth, not even waiting for you to work your way around him but rather shoving himself in and out, his rage blocking that caring side of him.
Spit gathered around the sides of your mouth, a shiny layer coating his dick, the head of it rubbing against the back of your throat the deeper he forced his cock. The noises of Josh face fucking you along with his moans reverberated off the walls and the both of you were thankful that his parents had gone out for a date.
You felt your wetness pool in your panties and you could feel it between your thighs, Josh pulled up your shirt grabbing onto your breasts through your bra, the half lace cups barely surviving his aggressiveness revealing your breast in all their glory to him. He marvelled at the sight as it only spurred him to thrust harder into your mouth, tears were pouring down your face but you weren’t even in pain or hurt, rather you were so needy to have him inside of you.
His hips stuttered and he pulled away leaning over to kiss your swollen lips overworked from being wrapped around his thick dick. Making his way onto the bed he pulls your ankles, hovering over you as he grabs onto your breasts, softly kissing each of them and sucking at your hardening nipples. you know he’s gonna leave marks that’ll last for days with the way he treats them.
His actions only have you getting wetter as your hips thrust up to form any contact with him, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by Josh. He pauses what he was doing to your tits, his hands reaching behind you to unclip your bra as well as remove your shirt, leaving you in your skirt and underwear.
Making his way lower he removes your shoes and socks kissing from your ankles towards you inner thighs, nipping at your soft skin until he’s reaching the spot you ache for him the most. Pulling down your skirt he can now clearly see your choice of underwear today.
A cute pair of pink lace panties adorned with a little white bow at the front right above your pussy. You shy away from him realising he’s dressed in twice as much clothing as you.
“oh no you can’t back away from me now, not after all the pleading you were doing before.”
Removing his shirt he says “no take backs” and you know you’re fucking in for it today.
He grabs your legs repositioning you to lay on your back with you legs hanging off, your ass just resting on the edge of the bed. He kneels in front of you on the carpet running his hands up and down your legs teasing you. He rips your panties in half having had enough with your neediness today and you’re smart enough to know nows not the time to complain and he’ll buy you more anyways.
Your thoughts of lingerie shopping with Josh are long gone once his mouth makes contact with your pussy, fully latching onto you, his tongue ravaging every crevice and fold of you. Lips moving to wrap around your clit leaving you grasping harder onto his hair as your whines only increase the more he’s moaning into your pussy. This increase of vibrations in return causing so much more wetness to gush from your hole and onto his face.
He lifts himself off the ground and before you can even complain he grabs you pushing your legs up so your thighs are pressed against your chest accentuating your breast as they’re squeezed together, with his cock pounding hard and fast into you. The pain is easily replaced with the large amount of pleasure you’re feeling and the wetness of your pussy made it easier for him to enter you.
You moan out feeling every part of his cock rubbing against somewhere inside of you, trying your best to accomodate to the sudden intrusion. He feels your pussy wrapped around him, the base of his cock feeling you pussy tighten every time he’s fully deep in you, but this only spurs him on more. The desire to have you completely dumb and broken on his dick so that you don’t annoy him after he’s just lost at his game.
So that you can learn a fucking lesson.
That’s exactly what he plans to do and you already know it. Prepared for the way his dick continuously pounds harder and deeper into, the way one of his hands rubs at your clit while the other plays with your nipples increasing all of your body’s sensations, no matter how much you try to stop this stimulation he’s too strong. Not to mention the way his mouth is glued to yours, your lips moving against each other as you’re moaning continuously giving him the chance to slip his tongue between your lips and french kiss you. He knows his parents aren’t home but he doesn’t need the prudish neighbours snitching to them about the exploits you two get into (which they have before).
You can’t take it anymore, all the added stimulation has you dumb, completely dumb on Josh’ dick. His balls slap against the flesh of your ass, heavy with his cum and he knows as he feels you tighten again around him that he’s getting close just like you. His hand on your breast moves to hold your wrist above your head which had begun to annoy him as they tried to push his hand off your clit.
“yeah just a bit more baby just like that, fuck your so fucking tight around my dick, tryna suffocate me huh”
“please mmnh please josh i’m gonna fuckin cum please let me cum”
and that he did.
“let go for me come on this dick, wanna fill you up have you dripping with my cum all night bet you’d like that ye baby”
You moan louder and louder until your mouth is open in a silent scream and you’re coming around his dick, liquid running down his cock and as your pussy keeps milking him he too lets go.
With a deep thrust he fills you up with his load, spurts of cum entering your pussy and as he pulls out he releases a bit more onto the outside of your pussy, painting a pretty picture with the tip of his dick and his cum.
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urauntiefaye · 10 months
Faye, are you still opening your requests? If still, i want to share my thoughts, I want you to write it into a oneshot😙. (Yk i love my man jo👀)
scenario/storyline Jo's jealous sex when he saw me perform a duet with a sexy concept with Myung Jaehyun (BoNeDo) on the MAMA stage🌚
Jaehyun and I are one year apart, and I'm the same age as Jo in this plot✨. Ugh, I'm curious about your writing from my hard thoughts (Aka I want to know your version). Your oneshot about jealous Lee-Han is really good huhu🥺. It really feels hard smut when you make the Lee-Han version, especially without protection👁️👄👁️ (I'm quite surprised that someone requested that abt lee-han😭)
Slow it Down: Jo One Shot(🔞)
Title: Slow it Down
CW: choking, mention of Jaehyun from Boynextdoor, DomJo, fem/afab, unprotected sex, spanking like once, let me know if I missed anything.
WC: 446
A/N: I tried man, I hope you like it 😭, ngl I feel like I might have rushed this, I’m working on another Jo fic though that might take me forever to write tbh.
To say that Jo was pissed would be an understatement, he was beyond pissed, after seeing your little dance with Jaehyun during Mama had really set him off. Now he knew that you would be doing a duet with him, but he did not know that the duet would involve you practically grinding your body on Jaehyun. Your hands were tied above your head, your legs pushed up against your chest as Jo relentlessly thrusted into you. “J-jo, slow down, to’much~” you pathetically moan out only to have Jo respond by landing a harsh slap to your already sore ass. His hips never once slowing down, instead picking up the pace even more which you didn’t even think was possible.“He touched what’s mine” Jo grunted out between harsh, sharp thrust. Your moans echoed through out the room following the squelching sound of his dick ramming into your tight wet hole. He wrapped his hand around your throat adding slight pressure, his possessive nature started to take over. He leaned closer to you, his chest flushed against yours his lips barely just brushing against yours as he made you look him in the eyes ``no one touches what’s mine”. His words made you clench around him, mind going blank as the pleasure became overwhelming. You soon became a blubbering mess, trying to plead with him but not a single word came out. Jo could tell that you were close from how your legs started to quiver, his slim fingers darted your clit and rubbed quick circles. His actions caused you to arch your back, your breath hitched in the back of your throat. “Cum baby, cum on dick~” he groaned out, His hips practically jackhammering into you as he was also close to cumming, your body not being able to keep up, shaking in pure ecstasy as your walls spammed out of control around his cock. Both you and Jo lost in the pleasure you didn’t know that he had already come to you, the thick seed leaking out making more of a mess between your legs. He didn’t let up his thrust however, instead becoming more desperate, “f-fuck, such a filthy whore, taking all of my cum” he groaned into your ear, your body convulsing even more as another orgasm washed over your body. Jo rammed his hips into your more, after one last powerful thrust he emptied himself inside you, your pussy taking every last drop. He rubbed your sides as he peppered soft kisses around your face, stilling all movements but not pulling out. Despite both you being sweaty messes you choose to stay in each other’s arms soon falling asleep while cockwarmimg.
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judyfromfinance · 2 years
Olden Times. Modern Thinking.
Summary: You know things you’re not supposed to. You behave oddly. And the way you speak is even odder. Kratos, Mimir, and Atreus have no idea if they should believe your ramblings of another world and of a future they have no way of knowing is real. But, you seem harmless enough. Plus, Faye may rise from her grave if they let a poor woman freeze to death in their forest, right outside their home no less.
Chapter 2
It’s been a couple of months since you had woken up in what seemed to be the set of Game of Thrones. You remember Kratos questioning you. Who are you? What are you? Why are you here? Basically trying to intimidate you into possibly giving up any information of potentially being a horrible person intending to hurt him, or more so his son. Luckily Mimir was there to lighten the mood a bit. Seeing Kratos in front of your eyes, not as a video game character was… unnerving to say the least. Honestly when you woke up you were expecting everything to be some wacked out dream. Too much gaming late into the night and waking up at the buttcrack of dawn for your shit job. But no. You were here. Actually here. You think. The jury’s still out on the dream thing. But you answered him still. As truthfully as you could. You decided against talking about the fact that you basically played through this man’s whole life. From destroying Olympus to now essentially. Yeah, you don’t think a man like Kratos would’ve handled that well. But he listened. So did Mimir. And so did Atreus. They stopped you and asked questions here or there. Mainly Mimir and Atreus. One because he’s the “Smartest Man Alive” and the other because pure, unadulterated curiosity. They accepted your words. And Kratos made his decision.
“Stay? With y’all? Just like that?” You couldn’t help but sound skeptical. Mimir, who was… sitting… yeah you don’t know whether you could call being placed down on a barrel by your neck stump sitting. But you digress, Mimir chuckled and said “Don’t worry lass! We’ll put you to work yet!” Kratos just hummed in agreement as Atreus smiled towards you.
“Oh. Ok.”
And that’s what led you to now. A few months down the road and they have been teaching you, trying to at least, to hunt and scavenge. Mind you, Fimbulwinter made everything so much harder when it came to gathering food. And since you were mortal, you needed more than the two gods and the undead head.
“This is so stupid. How do you feel anything in this fucking cold?” You simmered to yourself as you practiced with a bow that Atreus had made for you. You could barely feel your fingers as they fumbled with the the string. You tried to keep the arrow straight but no matter how hard you tried it just seemed to move away gradually. As if it was trying to piss you off. “You just gotta get used to it!” Atreus shouted from across the backyard training area. He didn’t want to be hit by a stray arrow. You finally got the arrow to sit still before releasing the string and let your arrow shoot through the sky. Well, shoot through the sky would be a lie. The arrow basically fell not even two feet into the snow and dirt. You heard giggling behind you. You spun around, eyes narrowed into slits. Atreus paused before shrugging and apologizing. “Here, let’s just gather more firewood before father comes back.” You rolled your eyes at the teenage god before walking with him towards the small section of woods behind the training grounds. The trees there were designated as firewood only trees.
“It’s cold as hell here. I can’t help that my body ain’t used to it. I live in California alright? It gets cold there, but never like this.” You swing your bow around your body, finally securing it on your back with the string across your chest. It seemed pretty big to you but Atreus said you’d grow into it. You would’ve mentioned that you were an adult and done growing but the look in his eyes were enough to stop you. You recognized that line. He was remembering his mother, Faye. So instead you just said thank you and took as much care of it as you could. You grabbed a smaller axe that was kept by the fencing and went to work. You definitely didn’t consider yourself strong in the least but you could swing an axe and break a couple of logs. Or at least do some minor damage to it as Atreus did the rest.
“Oh no, Hel is way colder. Trust me.” Atreus said with a grunt as he finished your pile of wood for you. You both then grabbed what you could and headed back inside. “I’ve been meaning to ask, what exactly is your home like? You don’t talk about it much.” He pushed open the door with his back as he stared at you. “Do you miss it?”
You really didn’t talk much about your home and your life before all this. You were more concerned with learning how to be useful to these people. After they were so kind to you and offered their home to you. They deserved that much. And you hated feeling like a burden. It was a gut wrenching feeling to know that no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t live up to some peoples expectations. So no, you didn’t talk about home. To busy trying to help. But.. you missed it. You missed it a lot. Maybe talking about it wouldn’t be such a bad thing. “Yeah. Yeah I miss it. What exactly did you want to know?”
It was at that moment that Kratos, with Mimir strapped to his hip, walked in with some freshly dug up roots and what looked to be a chunk of meat he probably butchered from a wild animal. Deer probably. He placed them both on the kitchen counter. Which was just a wooden table. The same table that you guys did anything and everything else on.
“Have you trained more with your bow?” He asked you gruffly. You perked up as you nodded vigorously. “No yeah! Of course!” You said as you took off your bow and placed it next to Atreus’s by the front door. Kratos furrowed his brow at your verbiage before grunting and looking towards Atreus. “She’s doing better father. Not ready to hunt quite yet but better.” He nods before gruffly saying “Good.” He turned towards the food before preparing it for supper. Watching Kratos cook was something else. Sure it wasn’t anything fancy you might see on Food Network but there was still something about it. It was so, domestic for the God of War. You sat down next to Atreus as he got his journal out.
“So… you were going to tell me more about your home? Uuuhh…” he wracked his brain trying to remember what you had called this mystical and other worldly land that you had hailed from. You giggled at his stupefied face.
“California. It’s called California. But that’s just the state I live in. My home country is called America.” You looked down towards your feet. Stilled covered in your Nike tennis shoes. “But… let’s just talk about my hometown for now.”
Taglist: @zoleea-exultant @sumebuddy @sissontrinity123 @different4black
For some reason tumblr mobile won’t let me tag some of y’all. I’ll see what I can do when I get home on my laptop. But for now enjoy this!
I will say, I do plan on doing time skips here and there. I just want to get to the main weasel man 👉👈🥺
Edit: I got the tags working :)
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whump-card · 11 months
This Death That I Chose: Chapter 8
2862 words
CW: dubcon (not explicitly described), conditioning, derogatory language, manipulation, dubcon kiss, panic attack, derogatory tattoo, pet whump
First, Previous, Masterlist, Next
Sex with Vic was strange. He moved carefully, like Lark was some kind of fragile object. He was deeply mindful of Lark’s broken arm, and the IV antibiotics in the other. He used a condom, stolen from Faye’s supplies. He plied Lark open slowly, and it barely even hurt when he pushed himself in. In the end Lark found that an orgasm came easily to him, rather than being something he had to drag out of his body like a rotten tooth.
Lark almost enjoyed it. It scared him.
Vic left in a hurry after the act, guilt written all over his face. Good. He’d eventually turn on Lark to absolve himself of the blame. He was replaced by Hannah, who sauntered back in with her books, none the wiser. After Faye checked in on them at lunchtime, Lark tested the waters with Hannah as well. It couldn’t just be one person; one person fucking Lark was that person’s mistake, Lark needed to tempt multiple people to bed in order to prove that he was a foul, corrupting influence.
Unfortunately Hannah started gushing about her girlfriend as soon as Lark brought up relationships, so he fell silent and let her gush. He’d also preemptively struck Becca and Faye off his list; Becca was a barely-disguised bleeding heart, and Faye was too strictly professional.
Tao was a whole other puzzle. Despite reminding Lark so strongly of the Commander, he seemed to have zero interest in Lark’s body. That was… confusing. Lark didn’t like it.
But as long as the Watchmen keeping guard at his bedside changed every eight or so hours, he’d have an influx of new targets and plenty of time to work them. He just hoped none of them made him feel as strange as Vic had.
Tao ran into Marina on his way to check on Karlo that evening. They met at the end of Faye’s driveway, each carrying a bundle of cloth.
“I brought Karlo a change of clothes,” Tao lifted his bundle.
“So did I,” Marina smiled sheepishly.
Tao shrugged. “He can mix and match.”
Marina laughed brightly, but it quickly faded into a nervous silence.
“…Do you think I could try seeing him again?” she asked, “This morning was – I’ll handle it better, now.”
“Yeah, of course,” Tao nodded, “Do you want me to come in with you?”
“Oh,” she blinked at him, “Yes. Yes, if you wouldn’t mind.”
They entered the building and walked up to Karlo’s room together. Marina knocked, and waited until Hannah called, “Come in!” to enter.
They found Karlo sitting up with a book open in his lap, mimicking Hannah in the chair next to him. His eyes caught his mother’s for the briefest of moments before he looked away, stone-faced.
“Oh, are you reading?” Marina asked softly.
When it was clear Karlo wasn’t going to answer, Hannah piped up. “Yeah, I brought him something. I figured it’d get boring, stuck in here all day.”
“Thanks, Hannah,” Tao said, “You can take a break.”
She checked a cracked but functional watch on her wrist. “Dylan will be here in a minute anyway, I’ll just take off. G’night, Lark.”
She stood, and as she passed Tao he said quietly, “His name is Karlo.”
She hesitated.
“Not according to him.”
Once Hannah was gone, Marina took her place at Karlo’s bedside after setting her and Tao’s combined stack of clothes on the end of the bed. Tao leaned against the doorframe, watching.
“Tao and I brought you some things.”
No response. Karlo stared down at the open book, his eyes unmoving.
“What’s your book about?”
Nothing. Not even a blink.
“Well, I spent all day cooking for everyone. That’s my job, here, I cook.” She knitted and unknitted her hands together in her lap. “Karlo-”
“My name is Lark.” Hissed out like a curse.
Tao caught it: there was the tiniest waver in Karlo’s voice. He was sure Marina heard it too. She swallowed.
“Lark, then,” she yielded, “I-”
“I want to go home.”
Marina took in a shuddering breath. “Oh, baby-”
“To the Commander,” Karlo clarified, “I want to go home to the Commander.”
“Ka- Lark, honey, I don’t understand-”
“Then I’ll tell you.” Karlo’s eye flashed with some kind of mania as he almost – almost – looked at Tao. “I – I am – I am the Commander’s pet,” he drew himself up straighter, forcing out the words, “I’m his whore. I give him everything he wants. I’m not your son. I don’t belong here.”
Horror and gut-wrenching pity tore through Tao. Karlo truly believed he needed to be returned to the Commander – but that didn’t stop the shame of admitting what the Commander had turned him into. As adeptly as Karlo could control his posture, his face, and his voice, there were some things he couldn’t control. A bright red flush crept up his neck and flooded his face as he spoke, as it had when Tao saw his tattoos. His good hand trembled in his lap.
Tao’s eyes flicked to watch Marina; one hand had lifted out of her lap as if to reach out to Karlo, but she thought better of it. She touched her hand to her mouth, then dropped it; then, her voice came out unexpectedly strong.
“Well, you’re here now, whether you like it or not, young man, and here you will stay. You’ll go back to the Commander over my dead body.” She stood up. “Change your clothes, God knows how long you’ve been wearing those.” She turned on her heel and marched over to Tao, her face crumpling as she approached.
“I don’t know…” she breathed when they were toe-to-toe. Tao squeezed her arm.
“It’s okay,” was all he said.
That seemed to fortify her. She cleared her throat and said over her shoulder, “Goodnight, Lark,” and fled the room.
Tao watched her go, then stepped fully into the room and closed the door.
“I’m going to wait with you until Dylan gets here to make sure you don’t hurt yourself, alright?”
Karlo had turned his head to glare out the darkening window.
“Whatever,” he muttered.
Whatever? Tao wanted to shout back. He wanted to tell Karlo off for talking to Marina like that, wanted to get some straight answers out of the boy about what he was actually feeling. But Karlo’s shoulders were quivering, and his chest rose and fell too fast. Tao bit his tongue.
They remained in silence for a long minute, Tao shifting from foot to foot by the door and Karlo slowly calming down. Eventually, the boy spoke in a low, icy voice.
“He’ll still kill you to get me back, even if you leave this place.”
“Well, you know what?” Tao replied, “Coms has been listening, and we’ve heard nothing from him. If he really wants you back, he has a funny way of showing it.”
Karlo started to respond, but the door opened without warning.
“Hey Tao!” Dylan, a wiry young man, stopped short in the doorway, “Here for babysitting duty.”
“Right, yeah, um-” Tao bobbed his head, thrown off by Dylan’s sudden appearance. “Okay.”
“Did I interrupt something?” Dylan looked back and forth between Tao and Karlo curiously.
“No, it’s fine, just, uh… Don’t let him out of the room except for the bathroom, got it?”
“Got it, boss.”
“Okay,” Tao looked back at Karlo where he sat in the bed, suddenly looking very small. “Goodnight, Karlo.”
When he got no response, Tao reluctantly shuffled past Dylan out into the hallway, where he took a deep, instinctual breath as if he’d just been diving underwater, searching and grasping for an object lost.
Becca estimated that they’d be able to leave the following night, as long as everything went smoothly. The sooner they got on the move, the sooner Karlo would understand that he was safe. Tao had to believe that.
“Y’know, I was one of the ones who cracked the transport info, about you,” Dylan smirked at Lark from where he lounged in the chair at Lark’s bedside, “I know what you are.”
Lark tilted his head.
“That makes this so much easier, then,” he murmured.
“Whatcha say?”
Lark took a slow, controlled breath. This was the plan he’d decided on. This was the plan he’d already started. This was the plan he had to go through with.
“Can you… help me change clothes, sir?” Lark asked, putting on his best sweet-and-timid voice, “It’s just, it’s sooo hard with this cast, to get things on and off.” He lifted his broken arm slightly to illustrate his point.
Dylan’s slanted smile widened, and his eyes glinted with unabashed lust.
Something surged through Lark’s veins, and it took him a moment to identify it as power. Lark had never before been able to pick and choose when and with whom he had sex, and here he was, playing these men like a fiddle. Lark was the one in control now. His beauty and allure made him the dominant one.
He was going to bring as many people as he could to shame and ruin. Then they’d have to get rid of him.
They’d have to send him back.
“Hey, Tao!”
Tao paused halfway down Faye’s driveway and turned to see the surgeon sanding on her front step.
“Yeah?” he called, starting back towards her.
“Did you steal condoms?” she asked loudly.
“What?” Tao glanced over his shoulder, making sure Marina wasn’t still lingering around. He jogged up to Faye, lowering his voice. “No, why would I steal them when you just give them away? And what do you care if someone snagged a couple?”
“Well, one, it fucks up my inventory, and two…” she hesitated, which was out of character for her. Tao frowned.
“What?” he repeated, concerned this time.
She folded her arms and drummed her fingers on her elbow.
“Vic was the only other one who had an opportunity,” she said quietly, “He came downstairs and then went back up, while I was out of the room. I didn’t think anything of it at the time.”
“So Vic stole condoms, what does that matter?” Tao huffed.
“Well, a half hour later he left early.”
“And?” Tao shrugged, getting annoyed.
“God, you’re thick!” she threw up her hands, “I think he fucked Karlo!”
“Holy shit, why would Vic f- Why would he do that?” Tao couldn’t bring himself to echo Faye’s vulgar language.
“Because if he had literally any other hookup going on, he would be crowing from the rooftops about it, which is exactly why he gets none and is a desperate horny bastard, Tao!”
Tao froze in shock. Faye was right. The last few times Vic had found willing partners, he’d bragged about it for days leading up to the event and weeks afterward, absolutely destroying the chance of a repeat experience; but Tao knew from that very boasting that Vic was not someone who would ever be interested in an unenthusiastic lover, much less an unwilling one. Tao couldn’t imagine Vic forcing himself on Karlo, not in a million years.
But suddenly, what Tao could imagine was Karlo doing whatever it took to prove himself right.
I’m a whore.
I don’t belong here.
Tao jumped up the steps, brushed past Faye and ran inside. He bounded up the stairs two at a time to the second floor, and flung open Karlo’s door.
Dylan sat on the bed, and Karlo straddled his lap. Karlo cradled Dylan’s face in his good hand, and the other rested in its cast on Dylan’s shoulder. Dylan jerked his head back out of a kiss as the door opened. They were both shirtless, and Tao saw the tattooed lines of text on Karlo snake out of his pants at his hips and arc over his ribs before meeting at the top of his spine, where the words encircled his neck in a permanent collar, previously hidden by Karlo’s turtleneck shirt and his long hair, now pulled aside.
“What the fuck?” Tao shouted.
Karlo turned his head to look at Tao, his eyes burning with a kind of crazed energy and his mouth stretched into the imitation of a smile, slightly pink from kissing. He laughed – the first time Tao had ever heard him laugh, and it was a strange, strangled noise – and he said, “Would you like to join us, Tao?” It sounded more like a threat than an invitation.
Dylan, on the other hand, had a much more appropriate oh shit expression on his face. He roughly shoved Karlo, who fell and landed hard on his back with a whump.
“What the fuck!” Tao yelled again, rushing forward and dropping to his knees at Karlo’s side. The boy hadn’t even winced, he just lay on the floor, grinning.
Dylan jumped to his feet.
“I didn’t mean to, I, I-”
“Put your fucking shirt on and go wait for me downstairs,” snapped Tao.
Dylan snatched up his t-shirt and made a run for it, nearly trampling Faye in his hurry. She cursed as she watched Tao help Karlo sit up.
“Of course he pulled out his IV, too. You know you need that if you’re ever going to get better?”
“Not helping, Faye.” Tao kept one hand firmly on Karlo’s back, and with the other he reached into the stack of clothes that still sat on the bed and pulled out something familiar – one of his own flannel shirts, definitely too big for Karlo but the sleeves were wide enough that the cast wouldn’t give him any trouble.
“Here, let’s put this on.”
But Karlo was looking at him with the same unsettling, manic smile.
“You’ll send me back now, right?” He shifted onto his knees to face Tao. “You have to send me back now.”
“No.” Tao held the shirt open. “Arm.”
“No, no, I…” Karlo gulped, his breathing becoming erratic, “I proved it, I showed you, I’m a whore, I need to go back to the Commander now.”
Tao lowered the shirt. “We’re not doing that-”
“No, please, you don’t want me here,” Karlo shook his head fervently, his smile gone, “I fucked your friend, I fucked Vic, I’ll, I’ll fuck anything that moves, you don’t want me here, I’ll ruin everything.”
“We want you here, Karlo,” said Tao gently.
“My name is Lark!” Karlo raised his voice, hugging his cast to his body, his eyes welling up, “And why would you even want me here, you don’t even want to fuck me! That’s all I'm good for anyway!”
“You deserve to be safe, Karlo,” Tao asserted.
“No I don't!” Karlo screamed, and the tears overflowed. He sobbed, then turned his head sharply to the side, eyes wide, like he was seeing something that wasn’t there. Then he folded forward over his knees, slamming his head into the floor and awkwardly clasping his hands together in front of him around the cast. Now that he had started crying, it was like the floodgates had opened, and he sobbed and babbled uncontrollably.
“Please, please, sir, please, you have to send me back, I don’t want my mom to die, I don’t want my mom to die, please, oh my God, please, you have to send me back-”
Tao sat frozen as Karlo wept, temporarily paralyzed by shock and horror, until he found himself moving as if by instinct. He threw the shirt around Karlo’s bare shoulders, sat him upright, and pulled him into a crushingly tight hug, until he was practically sitting on Tao’s lap. Karlo collapsed against Tao’s chest, wailing full-throated into the older man’s shoulder. Tao held onto him for dear life, rocking him back and forth and whispering words into Karlo’s hair that he didn’t know the origin of.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay, it's going to be okay, you’re safe here, nothing’s going to hurt you anymore. Shh, I’ve got you, I’ve got you. Everything’s going to be okay.”
He lifted his head, pausing his affirmations.
“Faye, can you get Marina?”
She nodded and slipped out, but Karlo struggled in Tao’s grasp.
“No, wait, I don’t want her to see me, I don’t want her to see…” He sobbed, clawing at the tattoo around his neck. This close, Tao could see the words.
“Hey, hey,” Tao caught Karlo’s hand, “She’ll still love you, no matter what.”
Karlo looked up at him, almost looking like he could believe it, before his face twisted and he pressed back into the crook of Tao’s shoulder.
“Karlo,” he spat out bitterly, “She loved Karlo.” His shoulders shook with renewed sobs.
“Well,” Tao squeezed his hand where it was pinned between them, “I like Lark, too.”
Lark let out a little gasp, and Tao realized it was a laugh, a real laugh, not the strained, forced thing he’d heard earlier. Lark relaxed in Tao’s arms, and Tao held him close, pressing his lips to the top of Lark’s head without a thought.
“I’ve got you. You’re okay. Everything is going to be okay.”
Lark took a slow, shuddering breath, and squeezed Tao’s hand back.
That’s when they heard the gunfire.
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Taglist: @angst-after-dark, @sunshiline-writes, @flowersarefreetherapy, @pigeonwhumps, @whump-em, @morning-star-whump, @thecyrulik
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its-the-val-pal · 1 year
Prompt #2: Bark
Val knew, on the day he left, that he had some explaining to do. There were a handful of people he needed to see, with his Princess being at the top of the list. Her letter had been difficult to read. It'd sent him into a fury he hadn't felt since.. well. Since a time he'd rather not remember. It caused him to do things that he now regretted, and it perhaps was the catalyst that spurred into motion this whole "forced leave" situation.
The problem, unfortunately, was that the Seeker was very well aware that she would not speak to him. Not judging by the tone of the letter, at any rate. And if he simply left, it'd certainly make her think that he was just leaving yet again, like he'd done before. No. He had to take drastic measures to ensure she would hear him out and, more importantly, keep their once-shared pet, Checkers, from barking incessantly at him as he made sure she did.
And so he spent the day roaming about Ul'dah for one of its many orphans, offering them a hefty amount of gil, and shepherding them across the land to there once-shared estate. It was, perhaps, far too elaborate of a scheme for what could have likely been solved in a very easy manner, but Val was never one to half-ass things. He whole-assed everything. Well. Everything he put his mind to, at any rate.
"So y'know th'plan, yeah?" the Seeker asked of the child as the two stood before the gate. "Wooooooow~ You live here?" "Used to, yeah. But fuck that. Y'know th'plan? Y'got the song ready an 'everything?" "Yeah yeah. I memorized it over here. You.. sure about this, sir? Doing this to your wife? I don't hear many people doing that sort of thing to people they claim to love." "F'course I--wait. Ain't you like eight or some shit? Th'fuck you care for?" "I'm twelve. And I know things." Truly, the most horrifying thing a child can say.
And so the plan was set in motion. Val set up just to the side of the door, right out of reach with cloth in hand, while the child knocked. When Faye opened the door, the lad would extend a bouquet of beautiful white roses--handpicked and NOT from her own collection this time--before breaking into song.
L is for the way you looook at meeee~ O is for the only one I seeeeeeee~ V is very, very--extraordinary~ E is even more than anyone that you adore~ LOVE is all that I can giiiiive to youuuu~ LOVE is more than just a gaaaame for twoooo~ TWO in love can make it--TAKE MY HEART an' please don't break it!~ LOVE was made for me aaaaand youuuuuuuuu~ The kid did a little flourish through the air and waited while Faye judged him and the chalkboard drawing that the Seeker had brought with him. Why? Because it meant to--and certainly succeeded at--distracting the woman long enough for the Seeker to wrap that cloth around her face and let the liquids it was doused in quickly send her out of consciousness.
"Oh it worked!" the kid exclaimed. Was that surprise in his voice? The little shit.
"F'course it worked. Now get th'bone an' toss it in there while I get her set up."
It all worked like a charm, really. The child threw the bone in the house and took off running, and the tiny little pup known as Checkers immediately grabbed it and ran off, heedless of what was happening to his owner. Good boy.
It'd take some time for Faye to find consciousness on her own; precious time for Val to tie her to a chair in their--her--kitchen. He busied himself by playing with Checkers, who had been a fantastically wonderful li'l lad and not barked at all for the safety of its owner. After all, Val had packed several bones just in case and each came in handy to keep him docile until the woman began to wake.
"Oh, evenin' Princess. Look, uh. I know what it looks like but I just wanted t'have a chance t'talk."
His plea was met with a slew of angry noises from the midlander that he was thankful to not have heard thanks to her mouth being bound. When she realized she couldn't get anything out, she just glared angrily at him.
"Right. Well, that's a good start."
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themoomoorn · 2 years
Scarlet Blaze Salt Mine Highlights Because I Feel Like It(tm)
There's going to be so much petty salt that you'll probably need to get your blood pressure checked. Enjoy!
EDIT: Finished Scarlet Blaze, so I added more images. Part 2 is here.
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The Sun Should Have Never Set on Our Empire(tm)
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Somehow they made Faye but even worse. And unlike Faye, Monica is a garbage unit. Seems hard to pull off in a Musou game, but her spell list is a mess, as are her stats, and her personal skill is even worse.
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They tried to erase her wanting to kill Rhea, but then she still says she wants to kill Rhea anyway. But devs said she's happier and nicer guyz.
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Lorenz has siblings now I guess. Note that in his Lysithea Support, Hubert also mentions having a brother and a sister. but he's still the eldest. So why was he stuck to Child No. 9 again???
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Labrunda was found in the Stockpile of Convenient Sacred Weapons That Exist Now(tm).
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Not only does she still belittle the guy and think him unworthy of her time like in Houses, but come Chapter 14 (providing you kill Byleth's disaster dad), she apparently genuinely was upset that he betrays her. But then again, he happily licks her feet on Golden Piss, so meh.
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...am I supposed to feel something right now
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I'm beginning to suspect that the Koei devs were pissed that Byleth the Local Churchgoer was more popular than Edelgard.
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Aegir has claim to a stretch of sea that doubles up as their trade route to Morfis. This specific trading relationship is also mentioned in one of the books that shares details about the Empire's territories.
Claude: "BUT FODLAN HATES FOREIGNERS AND THE MEANIE CHURCH SCREAMED AT THEM TO NEVER INTERACT WITH OUTSIDERS Now shut up Dimitri and let me raid your treasure vault you're only being ignorant of my customs."
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Only Edelgard's feelings are allowed to be hurt, remember?
Also, whomever calls Byleth a block of wood again should probably take a look at Shez on SB, because calling SB!Shez a block of wood would be an insult to wood.
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There's so much disturbing dehumanization of the Nabatean characters (and Byleth by extension), but sure, Arval's soooo sympathetic because he cares about his War Boys, I guess. Oh, and he denounced Thales! What a good lad! /s
Duma take the wheel
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Cry about it
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Look, I know a macaron is technically a type of cookie, but can't you just call it a goddamn macaron!? Bear in mind that this is the same game that conflates coffee with teff, and the localization actually made a good change by just calling the stupid drink coffee.
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I murderkilled Byleth's disaster dad for this go-around and Byleth tips off Claude about...something. Of what, I don't know, but it makes Claude opt for an ill-fated betrayal. He lays it on thick with Byleth, and while Edelgard may get an extra chapter and a marginally better outcome by letting Walmart Greil live, the "what-if...ing..." if you will, is played up the hardest with Claude, which is really saying something considering the original game. And honestly, the what-if-ing does make a level of sense with Claude...but then, you have aspects of him that have nothing to do with Byleth at all perverted by the narrative, as detailed in this post.
Like seriously, even with something like having to murder a half-sibling who repeatedly says to your face that you're a mongrel who deserves to d*e looming over you, like...instead of making something potentially interesting, they derailed him so badly. Honestly, I feel for his Japanese VA struggling to get a good read on the character.
Anyway, end rant.
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Even Byleth thinks he's laying it on thick.
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I feel like this alleged duress of signing a pact with the Empire would've landed better if it actually was done in the span of days or even weeks, but GW and SB both state it took about four months, which would've been well after any dust settling from Shahid's second raid of the Locket.
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Claude, the country you rule has like...almost zero culture.
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No shit.
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Fuck off, Claude.
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Pictured: A "commoner's revolution designed to overthrow an opresuve sistum"
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...seriously, why does this dude hate the Nabateans as virulently as she does? It's actually pretty ironic - folks will haw about Dedue or Catherine having no minds of their own, but it's Hubert who's really the most mindless one of all. He mostly lacks the rich inner lives and backstories the other two have.
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Sylvain, 90% of the time, is C-Tier. 10% of the time, like right now though? SSS-Tier. Absolutely brutal. Wish we had even more of him.
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YA THINK!?!?!?
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Because I couldn't be bothered (and because the only Deer with exclusive Eagle Supports/incentives are Lysithea and Lorenz), I only got Shez whining about Claude betraying Egg. Most of the other Deer have unique dialogue doing the same. It's kind of sad how little most of them think of Claude, but then again, he can be a massive dick.
TBC Since I hit the image limit!
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boplee · 1 year
Taken 🖤
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Angst 💔
WARNING ⚠️ profanity, mentions of blood, weapons, other acts of violence. This content is recommended for mature audiences.
Synopsis: After awakening Faye sets a daring plan into action. One moment that changes everything. Will this moment make or break her? Meanwhile, Chenle and Jisung have awakened to find themselves in a peculiar place.
Word count: 3748 words
Chapter 1: Jail Break 🚨
Faye’s p.o.v
My eyes flickered open as they began to adjust to the lightening of the room. A strong wave of burning pains shot throughout my body. I groaned as I felt a throbbing in my head. My body felt weak and woozy and no matter how much I told myself to move, I couldn’t find the strength to. My head began to run over the events that lead me here. In a panic, I began looking around the room. When my eyes finally adjusted a fire ignited in all my joints. I snatched and yanked every way. I was trapped. My ankles were shackled to the legs of a chair. My waist bonded down to the seat by rope, and my wrist was strapped tightly to the arms. As I struggled to try and break free just hoping the bondages were too weak, a low deep chuckle sounded from above me. I slowly lifted my head to face whatever made the sound and when I did I wished I hadn't. My mouth went dry and my stomach churned.
"Don't worry darling I won't hurt you. Well not yet" he spoke. I knew him all too well. I thought he was a trusty friend. I thought he was someone whom I could go to in a time of need. I let him be around my children. I allowed him into my home. He even attended my fucking wedding. "Caesar what the hell!" I pulled as I pulled at my restraints while he watched me. "Faye...Faye...Faye" he squatted himself down to my face before speaking again. "It's so nice that I have you here now." Caesar ran his hand down my cheek causing me to jerk away. Everything about this moment made my blood run cold. What could he possibly want? Why is he doing this?
"You know I can read minds." He allowed his hand to roam my face as a shit-eating grin tugged at his lips. "Right now... you're thinking. Why am I here? What does he want? Am I correct?" He smiled smugly as I glared into his eyes. "Well, that piece of a shit husband of yours left without paying me." "I don't have a husband" I spat through clenched teeth.
I had just gotten home from picking the boys up from baseball practice. My life was all I ever wanted. I have children, a husband, and a beautiful home with my dream career.
"Hey, Mom can we have burgers tonight!" Chenle asked taking a seat at the bar. "NO WAY! I want tacos" rebutted Jisung taking a seat beside him. I smiled as I watched my two babies bickering back and forth. Although Chenle and Jisung weren’t mine biologically I still loved them dearly. "Ok ok I'll make both, but only if Dad agrees ok." I smiled as the boys nodded eagerly hopping out of their chairs and running to their rooms.
"Dil baby, we're home.....Dylan...Dil baby?" I called his name over and over and there was still no reply. I decided to check our bedroom maybe he had fallen asleep. I was welcomed by an empty room. All of his belongings were gone. I plopped down on the bed as my eyes glossed over. I just knew this couldn’t be happening. "DAMN IT!" I screamed over and over in my fit of rage I stumbled upon a note.
Dear Faye,
I'm leaving. Don't bother to look for me. Take care of Jisung and Chenle, and move on from us. I am going to start a new life and hopefully, you will too
Sincerely, Dylan
Attached to the note was a set of divorce papers Dylan had already signed. I crumbled the note and trashed it. I took a minute as I let my brain comprehend the situation. My head was saying this is real, he left. While my heart screamed that it was all false. Tears stained my face as I allowed myself to take in my new reality. After about 10 minutes I gathered myself together and continued my day as if nothing happened.
"Well well well. That's such an interesting declaration." Caesar smirked smugly while running a hand down my thighs. "He left me without a trace as well Caesar....look this has nothing to do with me or my child-" Wait where are my children? " Where are my children?" I began to frantically ask for Jisung and Chenle. "CAESAR I SWEAR IF YOU HARM THEM I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!" I began to shake around in the chair while Caesar just watched. He began to circle me as I was still in a panic. Finally, his hand wrapped around my throat cutting my words and also my air. Another chuckle left his lips as he leveled himself to my ear.
"Listen up princess, Dylan left without paying me" Caesar squeezed harder on my windpipe. I choked and gasped trying to gather air into my lungs. "So now either you or your two precious boys are going to pay off that debt. Now, who will it be?" My eyes shut tight. I was in shock. I didn't want to choose between me or them. But I knew Caesar and I knew that he'll do whatever he wants. "Huh? What was that?" Caesar asked as his hand still cut off my air supply. Tears sprung in my eyes. Finally, Caesar released his hold on me. I coughed and swallowed as much air as I could. I shut my eyes tight to block my tears from falling."I'll give you some time to think about it ok." I didn't open my eyes until I heard the sound of the door slam.
"WHYYYYYYY" I screamed. Why was this happening? What debt did Dylan owe? Why are I and the boys even involved? Dylan and I left that life a long time ago and Caeser knows that. So why is everything coming back now?
My messy hair stuck to my forehead while sweat rolled down my face. It's been hours since Caesar left me here and I still have no answer for him not even one. How could I choose between me and my sons? We can't survive without one another. I finally allowed the tears I had been holding back to fall. I just couldn't stand the thought of parting with them. My boys were my entire world. I’d give up everything as long as I could still have them. The thoughts of what Caesar could be doing to them ran through my mind and pushed more cries from my throat.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. I didn't want to face Caesar so I turned my head in the opposite direction. I held my breath as I heard footsteps approaching me. The sound stopped as someone's feet appeared in my sight causing me to look up. When my eyes finally locked on the person's eyes, he just stared blankly. He didn't blink or anything. He just looked at me. I've never seen him before. I couldn't recognize him if my life depended on it. He must be one of Caesar's new men. I felt fear creeping inside of me. Who knows what Caesar sent him in here to do? If there's anything I know about Caesar he will get what he wants no matter the cost. My eyes began to widen the longer I looked at him. My heart pounded so loud I'm sure you could hear it in the silence of the room.
“If you touch me, I’ll kill you” I panted out as the man looked at me. “Oh please I have no interest in you.” the man scoffed as he walk away from me. I watched as he took a seat across from me. My heart clenched as I watch him pull a knife from his pockets. “Don’t worry doll, I’m not going to hurt you.” He began to pick his nails with the knife. His aura and presence intrigued me. If you work for Caesar you must be the best in your field and have little to no concern for the well-being of others. My brain was struggling to comprehend why this guy only sat before me. “Why so quiet? I heard you were more animated than this?” Our eyes locked only momentarily before he rolled his eyes away. “A still solider are we? I like that.” I watched with wide eyes as he arose from his seat. “You know…I don’t think either of us are cut out for this.” He made his way towards me stopping right at my feet. “What’s your game huh? You wanna sweet talk me before you kill me?” I spat. I only received a chuckle in response. “Oh dolly no” he placed a hand over his chest in an attempt to calm himself. “I think you know if I wanted to do that I would’ve done it already.”
He was right. You knew how ruthless you had to be when working with Caesar. Orders were always direct and carried out flawlessly. Caesar was always good at doing his business and always kept his hands clean. “Then why are you playing these mind games with me!” My fist clenched but it’s not like I could do much. The man gave me another chuckle before making his way towards the exit. “Like I said dolly….I don’t think either of us is cut out for this.” I watched in confusion as he made his way to the door. “Catch you later dolly” he spoke before letting the door slam tightly behind him. When my eyes landed back on the floor I felt my heart drop. My eyes glistened as I looked at the small pocket knife that was set by my foot. “Little prick” I huff. I shift my weight just enough in the chair to help slide the knife beneath my foot. I wasn’t quite sure how I was gonna get this to work but I knew I had to think fast.
I was broken. My children are gone. I couldn’t help but think of how afraid they may be. Jisung can't be in hot temperatures for long or his nose will bleed, and Chenle has bad anxiety that makes him faint when he's put in difficult situations. I promised them I would never let them be put in harm's way again they've already been through enough. My thoughts were broken as the door opened once more. I watched tentatively as the woman made her way into the room. She began to set up a tray before me with her many medical utensils. My body jumped as I felt her begin to toy with the ropes by my feet. “You’re being moved. Caesar wants me to asses your wounds first. You know how he hates damaged goods.” She flashed me a small smile that said it sucks to be me before she continued to untie my feet.
Finally, she stoop to my level leaving me just enough space and room to headbutt into her. Without stopping I kick my feet out pushing her further back from me. As she struggles to catch her balance I bring myself to my feet quickly turning my back to her. I rush her into the wall helping break the chair connected to me. I pull away and watch as her body drops to the ground. “Sorry didn’t Caesar tell you? I’m far from damaged.” I know with all the commotion the room was soon to be flooded with workers. Quickly I push myself out of the remaining ropes and grab the pocket knife from the floor. I positioned myself behind the door and waited for the arrival of the next guard. As anticipated a worker entered the room questioning the causes of the noise. I grab him and place him in a tight hold as I place the blade to his throat. “You’re gonna let me out of here now or I’ll slit your throat.”
I kept my head down as I walked through the halls. I shrugged my shoulder as I struggled to keep the baggy uniform properly intact. I took note of my surroundings hoping that I could recognize the building. Damn, you Caesar for always having to change your locations. I made my way smoothly until I was stopped by the sound of a voice. “Yeah, I’m talking to you? Where are you going Caesar wants us all out back immediately.” I took a moment as I struggled to find my voice. “Oh, I sent him on a task before in regards to the girl in 413.” I felt sweet relief as I recognized the voice of the second male. I turned my head slightly as he laid a soft hand on my shoulder. “Has she been properly treated?” I clear my throat as I raise my head to look at him. “yes sir.” I say as I nod slowly. “Head up to medbay and get her proper medications. Tell Lily Ten sent you.” With a small wink, he pushed me off and continued with the other worker.
I hurried through the halls hoping to find an exit soon. Just as I had prayed I finally spotted a side door. I pushed my way through and was met with the side of the facility. I didn’t bother to stop moving once my feet hit the pavement I was on the move. I waited til I was far from the facility before I stripped myself of the worker's uniform. It felt like I had been running for hours but finally, a small town came into my view. I watched closely from the bushes at the many passing cars and truckers. Finally, my eyes came across a small noodle shop on the corner. I scoped the scene before I moved hoping to not be seen by any of Caesar’s men. I blended in with the crowd of people and slowly made my way into the noodle shop. Once inside I immediately ran to the restroom.
I didn’t bother to look in the mirror instead rushed into a stall and immediately began to treat the wounds on my arm. I wrapped it tightly and gathered my thoughts before I exited the bathroom. As I stepped into the corridor of the shop I noticed two men searching the place. Before my mind could even form a plan one of them locked eyes with me and began to head my way. My legs jetted away from me as I ran for the back of the shop. I heard the many voices of the men chasing me as I ran. I pushed open the kitchen door startling the workers. “Sorry,” I yell out as I rush through and out the back door.
Once outside my eyes set on a black van parked beside the shop. Without thinking I rushed into the back of the vehicle quickly shutting its doors behind me. “WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK” a voice rang out behind me. “SHHHHH,” I say as I finally turn around to make eye contact with the voice. My eyes were met by the five men who sat before me. “Who are y-“ “Are you deaf or something shush!” I whip my head back around as I stared out the back window. I watched as the men who chased me searched the perimeter. “Hiding are we?” I turn to face the slight smile of the boy who whispered to me. I nodded softly as he did in understanding.
A warm sensation flooded my body as the men began to leave. I let out a heavy sigh before turning around to face the men again. “Thanks, guys… I’ll go now.” I stretched my arm to grab the handle but my attention was quickly focused elsewhere when a small hand grabbed my arm. “Hey guys she’s got some pretty nasty cuts on her face. She also looks dehydrated." I look once again at the small boy who examined my arm with concern. “Gosh, it’s a miracle she didn’t bleed out, Renjun hand me my kit.” I watched the younger male as he handed the other guy a case. "Don't worry I’m not going to hurt you. I need to tend to your wounds. My name is Kun." I nodded my head as he began pulling bandages from the case. “And I’m Renjun. You wouldn’t happen to be allergic to any medicines would you?” This boy looked no older than 19 yet he seem to be very intelligent. I assured him I wasn’t allergic to any medications and watched as he began typing away on a tablet.
My eyes widened as I wondered what I could’ve possibly gotten myself into. But even as the vehicle started I could bring myself to question it. “And you are?” I hissed slightly as Kun applied alcohol to a gash on my arm. “Who? Me?” I looked into the review mirror and my eyes connected with the guy behind the wheel. He chuckled slightly as I nodded to agree with his question. “Yuta” he simply stated. The coldness in his voice ran a small shiver down my spine. “Don’t be afraid he’s only scary when you first meet him. I’m Johnny” Johnny chuckled as he ran his hand through his hair. “We need to get her to a shower, the remaining particles on her skin could infect these wounds” Kun spoke as he tied off a bandage around my arm. “We’re going to the agency, there are some arrangements we have to make, we also need to advise a plan” Johnny spoke to the others in the car.
“The agency?” I looked at each face in the van and awaited an answer. “What you guys spies or something?” I chuckled. “Not exactly but in a way we are.” My eyes flickered to the review and I met Yuta’s eyes “Something like that” he taunted. My eyes skipped over to Kun who tended to bruises on my legs. “So….who are you guys exactly?” “We are Neo Culture Technology a high-tech agency composed of 20 members.” I guess Johnny sensed my curiosity because he began to speak “We’re just good guys who do bad things.” he winked his eye as he let out a small laugh. My brain slowly processed the information I just heard. I decided to reserve the rest of my questions allowing us to make the rest of the drive, in silence. The only sounds heard were between Renjun and Kun as they pieced together a medical report.
“Hurry Taeyong and the others are waiting” Yuta spoke quickly as he exited the vehicle. I looked at the building before my eyes. “This place looks like it should be condemned.” I stepped out of the van cautiously as I observed the scenery. Kun laughed lightly as he and Renjun helped me into the building, “We like to keep a low profile.” Once inside my eyes ran over the intricate workings of the place. It seemed as if it was just a hotspot for the world's newest technologies. “The shower room is there, we took the liberty of supplying you with some clothes.” I looked at the set of clothing being placed in my hands as Kun lead me down a long hall. “Take your time, the men here are gonna guard you. They’ll send for you when they’re ready.” “Send for me?” I raised my brow as Kun nodded quickly before hurrying off to join the rest of the men.
I nodded as I walked through the door appointed by Kun. The shower room look like something from a hospital and the sounds of the leaky showerhead echoed off the walls. I began to strip myself slowly careful to avoid my many wounds. I fought the urge to groan with every movement I made. I stepped into the shower area and slowly turned on the water. Once the warm water hit my skin my mind went blank. I couldn't think of anything. My muscles began to retract and my pores opened. I held my head down running my fingers over my hair. I watched as the water below me ran into shades of red and brown. Slowly I found myself sinking to the floor as my tears blended with the streaks of water that covered my face. There I sat in the stillness of the shower room, heartbroken and battered.
Chenle’s p.o.v
My head throbbed as my eyes struggled to open. I lifted myself with the small bit of strength I did have. I winced in pain but quickly forgot once I heard my brother sniffing. “Jisung-ah?” I called out “Jisung-ah!?” My eyes finally adjust to the dim lighting and I spotted Jisung across from me in a corner. I tried to rush to him but metal bars kept us separated. “Jisung are you okay?” I frantically searched his frame as he sat shivering. He finally lifted his face to me. Jisung’s face burned a pure red color and his eyes barely opened. He must’ve cried all night. “Chenle…” his voice faintly called, “I thought you were dead.” My heart ached as I watched my younger brother cry out as he looked at me. “No, no Jisung I’m okay. See look.”
I gripped the bars tightly as I tried my best to hide my pain. “I saw them hurt you Chenle, don’t lie to me.” More tears stained Jisung’s cheeks as he slowly made his way to the bars to meet me. “Jisung I’m okay” I grabbed his hand through the bars and squeezed it tight. “You’re bleeding” Jisung cried harder as he looked at my face. I took my free hand and gently touch my head. As I pulled my hand back into my view a saw where a red film of blood coated my fingers. “Jisung-ah I'm okay, look at me” I turned Jisung’s face and looked him deeply in his eyes “I'm okay.”
It pained me to see him like this. It was scary enough when I would see him break out in crying fits in the middle of the night. “Jisung I need you to stay strong okay.” I held his face firmly as he bobbed his head. It was hard to tell him to stay strong. “Chenle I’m scared.” Jisung’s eyes fixated on mine as a few more tears escaped down his cheeks. “Me too Jisung…me too.”
Hello guys long time no see. 🥰
Anyway after so long I finally managed to release this and i hope you guys really enjoy reading it. I can’t say when the next chapter will be uploaded but keep on the lookout for it. Let me know what you guys think ☺️
Epilogue: How I Got Here
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spikesbunny · 9 days
+ wc: 0.4k
nsfw under the cut.. minors dni!!
reposting from @/roronoaism, all content is mine!!
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personally, i feel like spike would take advantage of your sweetness, and you both know it. you don't mind it though, you just loveee to make him happy, after all.
he'd randomly approach from behind you, hands on your hips, and just whisper the nasty things he wanted to do to you later. and if he wasn't being a huge perv, then he'd just do the same thing, this time whispering bullshit, like how stupid jet looked, or how annoying the dog was, because him whispering riled you up.
spike's teasing is very verbal. even in public settings, he'd reach an arm over you, and relentlessly tease you, because after all, you wanted to make him happy, right? and you wouldn't mind when he'd drag you into a stall just to suck his dick, or sneak behind an alleyway so he could finger you for "being so pretty."
faye is more physical. she's very touchy, clinging to you, pouting when she doesn't get what she wants (which isnt often.)
she's the type of trail her hands up your body, asking if you could please just let her sit on your face, because it feels so good when your lips are lapping at her folds.
pressing soft kisses to your shoulders as you cuddle with her on the couch, silently pleading for you to let her suck on a tit mindlessly. and if no one was around, you'd comply, smiling as your girlfriend happily presses her face against your tits, cuddling, sucking and nuzzling them.
she'd love to braid your hair or do your makeup, touches lingering longer on your face or the back of your neck than needed, before asking her sweet girlfriend if she could mess up her makeup, spike can wait an extra 30 minutes.
now, combining them both? you'd be in for a hell of a ride...
squished between the two of them, spike practically breathing down your neck, begging for you to touch him, while faye's hands are roaming your body, resting a head on your shoulder and begging for you to let her fuck you.
you were always so sweet to them, obliging, letting them have their fun. you loved it, seeing how content they were, taking turns making you cum over and over again.
after all, you were their pretty little girlfriend, right? so it was their duty to pamper you, for being such a sweetheart to them.
©2024 spikesbunny - please do not repost or translate my works on other media sites ♡
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checkoutmybookshelf · 4 months
Remember to Vet Your Teachers
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On my original read of this series, this was my leat favorite book. Not because it's not excellent, thats just where it fell in the overall rankings. On reread though? My appreciation for precisely what this book does and what exactly Joanne learns increased by a factor of ten. Again, undergrad me was doing her best, but she didn't have a lot of patience with the "you screw up catastrophically and you learn better life goes on" lesson. Postdoctoral non-academic me has a lot more patience and appreciation for that, and I've never screwed up so badly it cost two lives and only didn't cost six because I got lucky and have a damn good moral compass when I bother to listen to it. Let's talk Thunderbird Falls.
This is you SPOILER WARNING. Consider yourselves warned.
I don't remember where I read this, bit I remember reading that the first three (original publication)/four (rerelease) Walker Paper books are Joanne's apprentice shaman adventures. I honestly have to say that one thing I forgot (and often still forget) is that part of learning and being a student or apprentice is royally fucking up. You're learning, you make mistakes, that's just life. This book is entirely Joanne making a HUGEASS series of mistakes, but what makes this so human and so in character is that every single one of the mistakes comes from a place of trying. Trying to learn, trying to do better, trying to understand. And thats why when a "teacher" randomly shows up in her garden, Joanne kinda doesn't question it too hard.
The fact that the teacher ended up being a malevolent demigod trying to break into the middle world and cause absolute fucking havoc was honestly just bad luck, and really, who actually EXPECTS their teacher to be from the Black Lagoon?
Unfortunately, Judy says just enough things that bridged Joanne's understanding of shamanism with things she does understand and believe in that Joanne thinks she's finally understanding and making connections, not that she's being led astray.
And when getting caught up in a literal coven reinforces a lot of what Judy is quietly teaching, well...it just reinforces the idea that actually Joanne has found a reliable teacher and is beginning to make progress. There's probably also a lesson in here about how nobody is truly immune to manipulation, because Joanne definitely experiences this.
It starts even before she meets Judy, because Faye Kirkland murders her best friend and drops the body right in front of Joanne, which really kicks off Joanne's intention to search for a teacher, her entanglement with the coven, and her introduction to Colin. And it gets worse, because the moment Joanne runs into something she DOES think to question, Faye gives Gary a heart attack. So Joanne is super off-balance because everything is going to shit, she's caught up in a couple of things she wants to have faith in but can't quite get there, her magic is going absolutely BONKERS, and she can't get ahold of her Coyote.
Oh and to top it all off, the coven sets off a 6.2 earthquake that sends Petite into a crevasse. And honestly, that almost breaks Joanne, because that car is the real-world manifestation of her heart and soul.
So because she is a student shaman and lacks background knowledge and experience, Joanne makes a TON of mistakes, fails to question things that ping the back of her mind, loses Cassandra Tucker and Colin to a demigod, nearly loses Gary and a pregnant Melinda Holliday, and Petite takes a massive wound (although that leads to one of my favorite things in the book, where Joanne is told that her car being in a crevasse has been called in. Dispatch recognizes her car, and Morrison gets hauled out of bed at four am because one of his people is missing. Joanne then goes, "I have no doubt that Morrison would get up to lead the search for a missing officer at 4am. But I didn't think he'd do that for me." Like...GIRL.)
I so deeply appreciate that Joanne can fuck up THIS BADLY, learn from it, and keep going and find happiness. Because honestly? About four different fuckups should have ended either her, the world, or both but they DON'T. She has the opportunity to feel her mistakes, understand the consequences, and then grow. Like, it's not perfect, and things have changed, but she learns and grows and gets to do better tomorrow. And that's a lesson that we have somehow really lost. Students think an A- is the end of the world and a career ender. People think that a single honest mistake on taxes will land your ass in jail for fraud. But the reality is that we make mistakes and we have to live with them, but we also have to grow and change. And I have a lot more appreciation for that at this point in my life than I did when I first read this book.
So that's kind of my biggest takeaway from this reread. Before we wrap this up though, I want to spend a little bit of time with Joanne and her relationships. And we're gonna do headings for this bit, because I'm tired and need a little extra help with structure.
Joanne and Faye
Ok, so Faye Kirkland is...a really interesting case because she is absolutely in the pocket of the bad guy, and that theoretically (as far as Joanne knows) should show up in her magic. But what Joanne doesn't have experience to know is that faith shows up as faith regardless of whether that faith is in a positive, benign figure or a malicious one. And Faye is SUPER under the thumb of Virissong because she has faith in him and what he has told her. So there isn't a big fat red flag to point to. If you trust the look of Faye's power and are too stressed and overwhelmed to look more closely at her words, actions, and the subtle ways she has twined herself around you, then you miss the subtler flashes of red that should have been warnings.
Especially since Faye brings Joanne into the coven by deception at every turn. She doesn't tell Joanne she's inviting her to a coven meeting, and once Joanne agrees to participate, Faye repeatedly does not give her any warning about what coven rituals will entail. Which gets both hilarious and deeply uncomfortable when Faye doesn't tell Joanne that one of the rituals is sexual and Joanne is over here going "HELL NO" and even the guy in the coven who was supposed to participate is like, "Yeah, I gotta agree on hell no." It's really funny on its surface and deeply red flag-y when you think about it.
It gets even more twisted when you find out that Faye killed Cassandra and you remember that Faye was at Cassandra's funeral and was comforting the toddler daughter than Cassandra was taken from. It's so twisted, and it's a really interesting way to complicate faith. Because the thing about faith is that theoretically, it doesn't require proof or evidence, it just is. But blind faith? That's how you get Faye and the truly monstrous things she does. And it's really on the nose that her whole thing is attacking hearts. Literally--she worsens a congenital heart defect to kill Cassandra and gives Gary a heart attack--and figuratively, because Cassandra and Gary are the hearts of other relationships in the book.
I love how complicated Faye makes faith, and everything she teaches Joanne about it.
Joanne and Colin
Colin is a pretty minor character in this book, but what I really want to focus on is how my relationship with him changed on this reread. On my first read, I had lived with asthma for my entire life (still do). I thought I understood what long-term illness does to a mind and heart. I didn't understand why a magical cure sounded better to Colin than working to live. I was a sweet summer child.
Since then, I was diagnosed with RA, and holy cow has my relationship to Colin changed. It's not cancer treatment, but for a while, I was getting medication every two weeks that I was EXTREMELY allergic to. Like I lost track of how many times we had to go to the emergency room and that medication ended in an ICU admit. And I understood Colin's refrain of "it's better than the cancer ward" far better. I still wouldn't take a demigod's deal to get better, but I understand the impulse way more.
That said, understanding the impulse doesn't mean that I love that Colin had to die. It makes sense in the context of the story and the choices he makes, but I don't love it.
Joanne and Virissong
Ok, so THIS MOTHERFUCKER. Virissong is one of the faces that the demigod antagonist wears throughout this book (Judy being the other one), and he is just...evil, frankly. There is arrogance, there is a desire to be worshipped as a hero, and there is a disregard for life that is deeply antithetical to everything that Joanne understands Shamanism to be. Which is why he needs Faye to keep Joanne so distracted, because Joanne understands enough to be able to see if she takes a second. So they don't GIVE her that second.
Virissong also leverages the soft heart Joanne hides from the world, because instead of sharing a memory that would damn him, he pulls the "it's too painful for me to relive, can I tell you instead?" And because Joanne understands that kind of trauma, she rolls with it. And it is nearly too late to defeat him, but Joanne eventually gets there and pulls most of the bacon out of the fire.
Joanne and Morrison
Morrison is...kind of amazing and while I adored him on first read as a romantic interest and just generally good guy, I'm getting way more details on this reread that just amplify how deeply amazing he is, and how human he is. Possibly my favorite Morrison quote from this book is this one:
"I don't like what you can do at all. But I like you setting yourself up for the sucker punch even less. It's degrading, and you're better than that. I won't tolerate it."
Morrison doesn't like magic, he doesn't like mystical stuff. But none of that is as important as Joanne respecting herself and her abilities. Seriously, this man.
This is also the book where Morrison finds out that there is more to Joanne Walker than her records say--she tells him her full name, knowing full well that he's going to go away and do a background check because that's a LOT to hide from someone. That's an extension of trust that was hard for her to give, but it is another small step in getting the two of them together.
Joanne and Gary
We LOVE Gary in this house. Gary is the best. Gary did not deserve a heart attack, but it does mean that Joanne gets to give him a tortoise to look out for him, and those are an amazing few scenes that do come back in later books in some awesome ways. I also love that this is where we see that Gary has adopted Joanne as the daughter of his heart. She's listed as his next of kin, they're functionally family, and Gary is here to support Joanne and have a kickass time doing it. It's honestly just that simple and that amazing.
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kandadiff · 2 years
Van Der Wulff : Hawaii part 3
At the hospital the trio described Xaviers incident as him trying to jump into a construction site where an ex girlfriend threw his phone and ran right into one of the sharp pieces of metal. Whether the doctor believe them or not she didn't seem to care much. It was late and the bags under her eyes showed that her long shift was nearing its end and with it, the care for random patients.
Once she was out of the room, Tatianna closed the door and placed her hand over her chest. Her eyes flickered from Xavier, who was leaned against the hotel bed, the pain killers taking effect. Then her eyes settled on Damien.
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One thing no one could accuse Tatiana of, was hiding her feelings. If looks could kill - she'd be a serial murderer. "Are we going to leave?" she asked the obvious. "That little witch certainly made it clear-" her eyes went back to Xavier before once again settling on Damien. "That she doesn't want us here anymore. and frankly, You know I can only tolerate brat behavior for so long. Especially one who is so quick with a knife."
"Why should we leave?" Damien shook his head. "I paid for these tickets. She wouldn't even be here without me! Instead, wasting her time on that old man. Its sad actually, and im not leaving because she's throws a tantrum."
Tatiana sucked in a shaky breath, her jaw tightening. "You call that a tantrum? She didn't throw a cup at you, she hurt him. Our friend! Do you remember that? Or is your mind just set on her pus-"
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"No I completely forgot Tatiana." He says sarcastically. "she is a fucking brat. she always has been but lets not pretend it was only her. If she didn't do that then I fully know Robin would have killed him." Xavier laughed and nodded, clearly high on whatever strong painkillers he was given. "She knew exactly what she was doing, she saw what Robin was doing and she stopped him. Do I like how she did it? No. But" he shrugged then looked at Xavier. "He hit one of her own. Something was going to happen to him."
Tatianna looked at Xavier and was about to speak when the dark-haired boy spoke first.
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"You know I did it, T." Xavier says threw glassy hazel eyes. "I don't- I love her and I'm scared to loose her. Shawn had proof - she broke it. She still loves me. I know it." He turns his face to Xavier. "She stopped robin from killing me but she can't do that again or I will retaliate. Understand?"
"You're in pain." Damien said brushing the ramblings off. "So ill let that go. But you hurt her like this in any way and you'll immediately regret it."
"Why did you hit her?" Tatiana sighs "Thats not okay!"
"I think... I think there is someone else and you" he looked at Damien. "Invited my biggest competition. Why? because she's right. You like drama because you're lonely and drama is the only love you know. Look at the girl you love, she does whatever she wants and you let her. It's pathetic. I am not going to be like that. Sometimes Arianna needs guidance. Maybe you should do it- she learned. Maybe your girl is doomed look at her fucked up life. Maybe if you did what I did she wouldn't be sucking some 50 year old dick."
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In a rage, Damien rushed toward Xavier pressing his finger into his stitched up wound. Xavier winced and yelped as the pain cut through the blissful haze of the painkillers. "Shut the fuck up!" he hissed at him. "You don't understand anything about anything! You raise your fucking hand at Arianna or any of the girls in funhouse one more fucking time I will fuck you up and I will get away with anything I do! you know who my fucking father is!"
Tatiana pushed Damien off of Xavier. "We aren't going to get anywhere by fighting! We need to cool down! Damien maybe you should get us a hotel room. Take Faye."
Faye who was sitting in the corner waiting paitently and a little scared watching the fight, stood up. Damien grabbed his jacket and stormed out the room. Faye quickly following him, once they were both out of earshot and Tatiana closed the door she smacked Xavier across the face. Her nails leaving slight scratch marks into his cheek. He pouted.
"You deserved that you fucking asshole! Now your going to take two more pills and your going to fall the fuck asleep! No more fighting!"
Imani set the table while Edward cooked. Draven woke up you, Hoodie, Katya and Austin and explained what happened when you stormed off. Robin and I made ourselves scares spending the entire morning by the pool purposely avoiding everyone else in the warm water.
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"You need to stop." Robin scolded me. The way he was relaxing on the floating raft was a stark contrast to how he really felt. I knew he was nervous, the way he 'casually' fiddled with the football and was sipping on the iced tea in his hand was he tells. He had to stop playing with the necklace around his neck. "You're smoking all my cigarettes. You're not allowed to die before me and that includes cancer."
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I put my phone down and sighed. Through the night, Damien had called me twice and the time I called him back we just shouted angrily at each other and I turned my phone off. I was about to check it when he intreuppted me. He was right, just this morning I went through half a pack. I sighed and smiled at him. "I'm just nervous, what if she doesn't forgive me? I might have overreacted."
"You didn't." He said and I laughed. He tossed the ball away and his hand went back to his necklace.
"Neither did you." I said smiling at him.
"She'll forgive you. You did it with the best intentions. Thats what counts right?"
"What did dad used to say?" I said plunging into the hazy memories. "'The road to hell is paved with good intentions'."
Robin gave me a strange look then gave a small smile. "Thats the first time you called him dad in....years." My smiled faded and I tried to study his face. I was about to apologize but he shook his head. "I guess he is 'dad' again." We both looked at each other for a moment, remembering our promise to joker. The promise that stayed hidden for now.
"Guys." It was Imani. "Foods done, come eat."
Robin and i took our times drying ourselves and I put on a loose dress while he just out on shorts and we went inside where everyone was sitting at the kitchen table full of breakfast foods.
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kiissme · 2 years
muse — FAYE BROOKES. 35. bisexual. journalist / aspiring publisher. karen gillan fc. plot — it's the holidays and faye has no choice but to visit her family back in glasgow, scotland for the holidays. her mother, ever the church go'er has invited the new young priest for the first family dinner, years spent in catholic school had taught faye to not engage with men of the cloth, but your muse is proving to be quite...different. smut and angst abound, muse can be scottish, can be not. inspo.
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               It was her childhood bedroom, in the home she grew up, the city she was born into, and she felt like she was a teenager again, smoking out the window so the smell wouldn't linger in the room and her mother would have something to say about it. Was it ridiculous that a grown woman sought to avoid a lecture from her mother? Absolutely. Then again, being back made her feel like a teenager in all sense of the word. Inhaling deep, it gave a bit of warmth in the crisp Scotland air as she held the smoke and then exhaled, finding her nerves relaxing at least a bit after what was supposed to be a calm, happy family dinner. But, Sheila Brookes was a woman that was almost as inquisitive as her journalist daughter, except her questions were more invasive. Not that she would ask Faye about her work — w e l l, not entirely true. She asked one question and then followed up about any romantic prospects the redhead had. Which was ridiculous, in her mind, her love life certainly active but not at all lasting. Certainly not something she could openly talk to her mother about, at any rate. Perhaps she would tell her uncle about her latest exploits when she was set to meet up at his pub and after a few drinks, but certainly not her mother, and most definitely not at the dinner table with their guest. Sprung last minute on Faye, dressed in casual attire that for a panicked moment, Faye worried this was to be a blind date or set up concocted by her mother. But oh no, it was much worse. Though dressed casual, he was, in fact, the new priest that came into the city and it took all of Faye to not laugh outright when it was explained. Of course her mother would invite a priest the night Faye flew back home! She was surprised Sheila didn't suggest a baptism renewal or some other god awful thing right there at dinner, to wash away the sin from Faye's body. For fuck's sake, she thought, going for another drag, at least thankful it wasn't her ex that came to supper, small favors and all that —
               A knock on the door and a second later it opened. A bit rude, she thought, not waiting for an answer, turning her head to see the holy vessel themselves at her doorway. She let out a soft huff, taking a moment to take yet another drag as she looked at them, "You won't tell me ma, would you, Father? I dunno if smokin' in my mother's house is a sin per say, though I'm sure in her book, not so much yours." She couldn't help the snark out of her voice, she never much done well with his type, the holy type, so quick to judge and condemn her. Tapping her cigarette at the ash tray she smuggled in, she let out a sigh, "If your lookin' for the toilet, it's the other end of the hallway, unless you want a smoke yourself. I think you lot can do that... Not rightly sure."
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astrid-sorensen · 2 years
I missed this ✧ Fezco x Reader 
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AN- Hiii this is my first Fezco oneshot any feedback is appreciated. Hope you like! シ
✎ Word count - 2,611
✩ Genre - Angst, Fluff
❀ Warnings - None i believe, let me know if you think I should add some
✧ ✧ ✧
"yo don't touch nothing. Don't talk to y/n or ash and don't go in my fucking room" Fezco announced.
"okay." The blonde replied, sitting on the step. Fez made a glance towards you as you on-looked the whole scene, arms crossed over your chest. Fez sat at the table, holding his food in both hands before turning his attention away from you to Faye.
"Do you want some of my sandwich?" You processed the situation in a beat then huffed, getting up from your stance and storming out the house. Your mind was filled with a burning rage, you don't know at who or what but couldn't help blame Fez a little. You see since he had randomly walked through the front door with Faye following behind him, her quickly lounging across the entire sofa like she owned the place, your blood had been boiling. The situation between you and Fez rising and rising, you didn't know how much further it could go.
“Who the fuck is that?”
"Hey i'm Faye." she moaned out in a slow voice, her shorts so short you could see the lace of her underwear.
"No i mean what the fuck is she doing here, Fez?" You said in a more angered tone. Ash wondered out his room and down to the living room, he grabbed himself a bowl of cereal, before pulling out a wooden chair and dropping down onto his. His brows were angled as he overheard the conversation. Faye looked around, clueless but unapologetic. The bearded ginger said nothing but titled his head to the side, gesturing to his room. He paced pass you, no eye contact as your eyes followed his movement. Once you saw him entirely submerged into the room you fully turned to walk after him. Straightening yourself out so you wouldn't submit to his arguing. He sat there on the side of the bed, knees spread as always and his elbows resting on his large thighs as his freckled hands grazed together. You walked in firmly, stopping a second before turning the door to set it shut. Once the door clicked Fez opened his mouth.
"Custer asked to pick her up, the cops are after her." He blurted, eyes moving up to meet yours as he stayed sitting.
"But why didn't you tell me and Ash?" You asked firmly, your hands coming up to express your confusion. "Why didn't you ask how we'd feel about it." you added. "Did you not think how it would make me feel to see you bringing home some random half naked girl, walking around with her ass out!" You argued, more annoyed by the second.
"Baby, i don't have no fucking choice." He said raising his voice as he stood up from where he was sitting, a good metre between your bodies. You heart ached as he pleaded but what hurt more was his lack of consideration.
"You could have let me know!" You tried keeping your voice low but it was no use, you were too hostile.
"Baby i'm telling you, i had no choice!" He countered and you sighed starting to go back out into the living room. The man brought a hand up to stop you but only grazed your arm with his hand as he let out a "cmon ma." You shrugged him off as you went to sit with ash for a moment.
"You and Fez alright?" He asked innocently, continuing to spoon the sugary pieces into his mouth.
"Yeah kid, don't worry about it." You said scruffing his short brown hair and going onto your phone for a moment. You instinctively went to text Maddy what had happened, you thought about texting Rue but she had a lot on her plate right now and you knew Maddy would instantly side with you, no matter the situation.
That brings you back to now. You stormed out the house and contemplated the last two weeks since Faye came to stay. They went by painfully slow, you've never felt such a strain on yours and
Fezco's relationship before. You hardly spoke except for when he left for work to the gas station or when he needed to do some drops. His face stayed monotone as always, almost like when you first met him. It wasn't exactly sadness, just a fatigued and bored spirit. It hurt to see and you knew it pained him to not be cuddling each night, kissing you all over and of course feeling himself inside you. You moved a hand down to your pocket, pulling out a fresh pack of straights and popping up the top. You struggled to pull the first out with your freshly manicured nails but soon succeeded and hunted to get a lighter out your back pocket. You flicked the wheel a couple times before the flame shot up and set the cigarette alight. You jumped at the sound as you heard someone step out the house and shut the gate behind them. "Ash i'm fine, kid." You said a somewhat relaxed voice, taking another drag from your cig before exhaling, not bothering to turn around.
"It's not Ash." He said, voice as deep as ever and you shot round to see him standing out the door gingerly. You sighed out a puff of smoke as you watched him slowly inch closer. Your body ached for his touch and you know he was still jealous of the other night he saw you getting hit on by some guy. let's set the scene.
It was a usual Saturday night party. Fezco had dragged you and ash to the party to terminate all possibility of a fight breaking out between you and Faye. He knew it would not be a fun atmosphere to live in, although it wasn't like the one that was currently going on was anything less than awful. Fezco sat in his usual place, outside on the garden furniture as you went inside to socialise. I mean you didn't get dressed up for nothing right. The drive over was painful and slow, all you could focus on was how Fez hadn't said anything about the way you looked, which was unlike him as even before he was a romantic interest, he would compliment you. Even if it was your hair, your dress, your shoes or even your makeup. As soon as you entered the party you veered away from the two boys to do your own thing and that was exactly what you did. You danced to the loud booming music for a while, getting lost in the feeling of letting your hair down for once as you made invisible glances over to the male sat down. You just wanted to check if he was watching you or if he'd walked off or something. You made a couple more looks before seeing him distracted with a female client. You practically stopped what you were doing as you watched, she slightly bent down, leaning to whisper something in his ear. You couldn't see his reaction, her curves covering your view but your attention was soon withdrawn from the dealer. A young man had shuffled into your personal space, placing a hand on your waist as you continued dancing. He greeted you kindly with your name and a warm hello before hand.
"Oh hi, sorry do i know you?" You asked, beginning to slow your dancing at the contact of his hand against your dress.
"Uh yeah, i'm Jack. We used to have biology together?" He said shyly moving closer so you could hear him over the sound waves.
"Oh of course!" You laughed, lying to him. If Fezco was gonna make you jealous you were gonna do the same.
"You look really beautiful tonight, i'd love to get you a drink." He smiled. You thought for a moment.
"Oh thank you." you smiled continuing, little did you know Fezco was now weaving up towards you. "Yeah a drink would be lovely." Jack nodded turning to lead you into the kitchen before you felt a firm hand on your forearm.
"We're going." He stated, no softness in his voice or expression.
"But.." you began before the freckled man intervened.
"I said, we're going." You knew he was angry, he doesn't ever cut you off unless he was about to blow up and an argument in the middle of a party everyone your school was at, did not seem like the right time. He pulled you through the whole crowd, never loosening his grip on your arm til you were out the front door and onto the grey driveway pebbles. Meanwhile Jack had finally reached the kitchen.
"You should try this it's my favourite-" He drifted off as he turned around, you not there behind him. A few people turned, curious as to the boy who seemingly was just talking to himself.
"Get in the car." He demanded, opening the passenger side of the backseat with Ashtray already sitting in the front. You gave him an annoyed stare, bending down to hop in his red vehicle. Once your legs were tucked in, he slammed the door violently, your ears shuddered at the sound. His music played quietly in the background as he sped back home. You hated seeing him like this but what did you expect? He was always very easy to wind up when it came to this sort of thing. Soon he pulled up to his house, putting the car in park as he handed Ash his leftover pills and money to go count inside. You got out next, pulling your skirt down as it rode up on the way home and beginning to walk down the path that lead to his front door. Ash was two steps ahead opening the door for you to follow in. Once inside he walked off to his bedroom. When Fezco came in behind you, he didn't stop the door from swinging shut, the metal frame slamming so hard it probably woke up all the neighbours. "What the fuck was that about?" He raised his voice, exasperated.
"What do you mean?" You asked, playing dumb.
"You and that fucking guy! He was all over you! Why the fuck you doing this to me!" He argued back.
"You know if it's the guy you're worried about, he's probably just trying to get in her pants." Faye rudely added, voice slowly dragging out and she lay, sprawled out over the couch as always. Joint in between her overfilled lips as she took a long drag. Your lips slightly parted as you and Fez, looked over to Faye before back at each other again. A slight glimpse of annoyance on both of your faces.
"Bedroom, now." He ordered, striding past you with one of his arms slightly jolted your shoulder in his swift movement. The barge splashing an expression of annoyance over you and you followed straight after him. After you stepped in he shut the door behind, a small distance between the both of you. "Why you acting like you don't know what you fucking did?" He pressed, his bright blue circles burning into yours. "It's not fucking cool."
"He's a fucking friend Fez, he offered me a drink. that's all!" You interjected tired of the arguing, arms crossed.
"I don't fucking care, you meant to be my fucking girl and you entertaining him and shit!" You sighed, unable to give a proper answer and did not want to bring up all the Faye problems again. "Fine, i'll sleep on the couch tonight." He uttered, moving over to the wardrobe to pull out a spare blanket and pillow.
"Oh hell fucking nah! You ain't sleeping in there with her across the fucking room, are you crazy!" You shouted back, burning up again. "I'll fucking sleep there." Your brows sewed together, looking back to the tall man who stopped what he was doing.
"Nah, you sleep here. I'll sleep in ashes room." He stated in an angry tone, still grabbing the spare items before moving to the front door. You stood by it for a few seconds longer, not allowing him to go before he raised an arm to the handle. He made no eye contact as he did so, so you obediently moved out the way for him to leave. He didn't mutter a good night as he left although you prayed he would, as even after all your other arguments he still wouldn't fail to wish you good night, i guess this time was different. You got fully undressed and took all your makeup off, not bothering to brush your teeth as you had too much on your mind right now and couldn't bare to see Fez's face. It took you far to long to sleep that night, cuddled up in Fez's sheets alone, although the past two weeks you hadn't been intimate, not even cuddling in bed, you still found comfort of his warm presence, next to you and the dip in the mattress every time he got in. You soon drifted into your slumber which brings you to present day, just as Fezco came to join you for your cigarette.
"I think we need to talk." the male claimed, eyes not leaving yours for a second as they slightly squinted from the Californian sun.
"What about?" You questioned sheepishly, continuing to smoke as you again broke the eye contact.
"Last night." He responded, matter of fact.
"Go on." You continued.
"I'm gonna be honest wit you. It really hurt me seeing you with that guy." You sighed, guilt washing over you. "I didn't mean to get angry, I was just jealous." He admitted, his head moving off to look at the scenery before turning to you for a reply. You paused for a moment before responding, throwing the butt of your cigarette to the floor.
"Yeah, I thought that would happen to be honest. I'm sorry for doing that." You sucked in your lips with shame before letting them pop out again. "i was just still so angry about Faye, I hate what she did to our relationship. I just want it to be the way it used to." You moped, voice now softening. The ginger stepped closer moving your shoulder so you were now one on one.
"Baby, Faye has nothing to do wit us. We let her affect our relationship. Plus before we know it she'll be back with Custer and it'll be just you me and Ash again." He smiled softly, a sympathetic look on his face.
"Yeah i guess you're right." you replied, defeated as you leant into him for a hug which he gladly excepted, burying your head into his neck as his gold chain stung cold against your cheek.
"You kno i'm right." He said proudly tipping his neck down to see your face better. His beard tickled you slightly as you slid one hand toward the nape of his neck, just where the hair began to thicken. You tiptoed upwards finding his lips against your own and pressing a soft kiss to them. He followed suit, affectionately following your actions as he brought his large freckled right hand you to your cheek to hold you still. You carried on for a few tender moments before pulling away. "Fuck did I miss this." He sighed, his eyes bore lovingly back into your own.
"Well there's no way your not sleeping in a different bed to me again." You declared softly scratching the back of his neck as he swayed carefully.
"good by me, ma." a asymmetric smile crossing his lips, his pink tongue making a shy appearance.
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