#as for megumi? he usually calls yuuji by his name BUT he says it in the most intense way possible. soft and a little breathless. with awe
So like, you know how our Megumi's name means blessing/grace? But it can also be written with the kanji for love?
Hear me out: Imagine that Yuuji and Megumi finally get to first name basis, and after that Yuuji decides to change Megumi's contact name on his phone, but Yuuji hasn't ever seen how Megumi's name is written, and for some reason he writes it with the kanji for "love" instead of blessing (maybe becuse he subconsciously associates Megumi with love 👀)
And then, after Yuuji gets to see how Megumi's name is actually written he feels a little embarrassed but...doesn't change it, it's not a big deal, anyways, and he's already used to reading the kanji and knowing it's Megumi, he doesn't need to change it. Not changing it is a perfectly normal and platonic thing to do...right?
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writingouthere · 8 months
bestfriendsbrother!Sukuna x pregnant!reader one-shot
summary: you're excited to finally share with all your friends that your pregnant when the party is interrupted by your best friend's older brother, who you didn't invite, but who you did have unprotected sex with less than two months ago.
cw: reader is pregnant, Sukuna is a bad dude, possessive behavior, minor smut, still as usual nicer than it sounds because I can't help it.
"I'm pregnant!"
Your news is met with a period of silence before your friends look at each other, uncertain as to how to react.
Nobara finally breaks the silence, an eyebrow raised. "And we feel...."
"We're happy about it," you say and your friends are then quick to congratulate you. You hear some sort of scuffling happening behind you and you turn around to see Yuuji unfolding a "We're having a Baby!" banner which makes Megumi nearly jump out of his chair.
"Holy shit, did you two-"
"Ew, no!"
Yuuji frowns at you. "The 'ew' wasn't necessary."
You and Nobara scoff. "It was," you tell him. "And I say that with all my love."
"Okay, so if this idiot didn't knock you up-"
"-then who did?"
You'd been expecting the question and had prepared for it. "It was just a one night stand, he's not really father material." Everyone looks like they want to ask more questions so you smile at them, genuinely happy they all look ready to commit a crime for you. "It's okay, I have a good job and this is something I've wanted for a long time. This baby will be really loved because it will have me and, I hope, all of you."
Your friends are quick to agree and there's some lighter questions about potential names, nurseries and Nobara and Todo are looking at her phone debating baby onesies, when the door to you and Yuuji's apartment opens and someone you had definitely not invited comes in.
"Sukuna! You're late, you missed the big news," Yuuji calls out as he walks over and claps his brother on the back. A few people call out greetings as Yuuji's older brother looks around the apartment. His eyes linger on you for a second, a smirk tugging up on his lip before he notices the sign hanging crooked over the kitchen doorway and he laughs without an ounce of humor.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me, you knocked someone up? You irresponsible piece of shit-"
"It's not his and don't kill him, you asshole," Megumi says from where he has now joined the onesies discussion and points over at you. "It's the other person who lives here."
Sukuna pauses from where he was about to murder his brother, to look back over at you. You wonder if his brain is doing the same cursed math that you had done when you were hyperventilating, holding a stick covered in your own pee, but before he could ask anything, Maki ended the silent stand off.
"And we're happy about it, so get happy you piece of shit."
With that, the party continues on, people breaking off until little groups and snacks being placed strategically throughout the apartment.
You're feeling thirsty, and a little exhausted from the burning stare that's been directed at you for the past hour when you excuse yourself from where Miwa and Mechamaru had been talking about their own future plans for children, who you're sure would be socially inept but gorgeous enough to make up for it, and made your way to the kitchen.
You were pulling out some water, no alcohol for you even though you really needed it, when you felt someone's presence behind you.
"So when were you going to tell me we were having a baby?"
"Never, because it's not yours," you answered firmly, slamming the door to the fridge for good measure. Sukuna leaned against the cabinet next to you but you'd known him long enough to see the pose for what it was. A ruse, a performance of casualness. The fingers on his hand tapped against his arm like he was playing the piano, one of the few tics he had that showed when he was feeling, well just feeling anything in general.
"Oh please, you're not fucking anyone else."
"You don't know that and we're not fucking, we fucked once. Singular, past tense."
He laughed and looked down at you, the same predatory look he'd had the night he'd helped you make this child.
"And once was all it took huh? Fucked you so good, you're going to have my baby," he says, voice mocking and he stands up to his full height which puts him over you. He takes the glass of water you're really regretting now, and places it on the counter opposite the two of you.
"It-it's not your baby," but you don't sound sure and he knows it and he presses up against you until your back is to the counter. Nowhere for you to run.
"It's mine, just like you're mine. I don't know who you think you're kidding with this denial of me but it's done now, sweetheart."
You go to answer him and Sukuna covers your mouth with his hand like the rude fuck he is and then leans down, his mouth next to your ear. You look around, worried someone might see you but the gap between the fridge and the counter conceals you both and the room next to you keeps getting louder and louder. The sun had set and there were maybe some lamps in the living room, but here in the kitchen it was dark.
"I let you have your space and your time, two months of it actually. I let you have your little moral crisis about fucking a criminal and it being the best dick you've ever had wah wah, but I was impatient before I knew you were having my baby, and now," he leans back so his eyes, and they're on fire his eyes, are level with yours. "I'm done waiting."
You tug on Sukuna's hand and he rolls his eyes before removing it from your mouth and places it on your hip which doesn't seem like a good trade-off but at least you can speak again.
"What does that even mean?" You ask him, your voice showing the incredulity you're feeling but if Sukuna had anything, it was audacity.
"I mean I'll give you a week to tell your friends you're having our baby and that we're getting married." He says it so seriously that you can't help but laugh which seems to be the wrong response when his other hand moves to your hip as well and squeezes, tight.
"We are not getting married, are you out of your mind?"
"Why not, we're already having a baby, are you going to deny me the ability to live with my own child."
"Still not your kid, and we can't get married Sukuna. We never even dated! We fucked one time, that doesn't mean we should just be together forever."
"We fucked for one night, it was more than one time-"
"Not the argument you think it is," you interrupt him but you still let him pick you up and place you on the counter. You sit there while he runs his hands up and down your thighs, the sounds of the party washing over the two of you as you stay in your little bubble.
"We'd be good together," he finally says. "Not just because I knocked you up on the first try." You hit him but he just smirks and moves his hands more purposefully on your legs. You let him pull them apart and step between them even though warning bells are going off in your head, telling you these are moves you'd seen before and they had led to you being in the predicament the two of you were debating in the first place.
"It's inevitable, the two of us. You can say you hate me, or that I'm not a good man, and that's true. But there's a reason why you've never stayed with any of those nice boys," he says and his hands slips up the skirt you're wearing to get at your bare thighs underneath. "Because you don't want a nice guy, you don't want a good man, you want me and I'm too selfish to let you keep torturing both of us by doing this pretending shit."
The fingers on his right hand press against your cunt through your panties while his other hand squeezes your thigh and he moans sinfully into the quiet air.
"God, I knew I didn't make up this warm, wet cunt. Been fucking my fist until I chafed the past two months just thinking about it."
You whimper as he moves your underwear aside and slips one finger up and down your slit, not touching your clit or going where you want him, but doing enough that you move against his hand.
"This does not mean that we should get married," you protest and he teases a finger against your opening, pulling it back when your hips tilt up in an attempt to get him where you want.
"Why not? I heard pregnant women get super horny, what are you going to do without me around to make sure this filthy pussy gets stuffed just the way she needs." He finally slips one finger in, his thumb moving to tease against your clit, just the way you like it and your head smacks back against the cabinet. He moves the hand that had been on your thigh up so he can cradle your head.
"I'm sure I could find someone willing to help me out," you say scoffing and his hand freezes which makes you whine a little and try to get him to move again but his legs limit your range of motion.
"You ever try to fuck someone else ever again and the coroner is going to have to get dental records to figure out who the dumb fuck with no fingers, no eyes and no cock is, you got it?"
He's not joking, you know he's not joking but it doesn't stop you from leaning forward until you finally get your lips on his. He hums into your kiss, cupping your cheek in his free hand while the other one goes back to opening you up. You're so wet that the kitchen fills with the sounds of his him finger fucking your cunt but you can't even find it in yourself to be embarrassed. He's not wrong that pregnancy has made you more sensitive, or maybe it's just you not having gotten laid since the two of you had slept together.
He's got three fingers in you when you come and he swallows your moans greedily with mouth while his fingers slow inside of you, curving just right to make you think you could probably come again soon, oversensitive or not.
Before you can test that out, he pulls away from you. He licks the fingers he pulled out of you clean and you you're reminded of how the last time he'd made you come twice just with his mouth.
"Where are you going?" you ask him, a little more breathless than you like.
"We are going home," he tells you, grabbing your hands and helping you down off the counter. Giving you a kiss on your forehead that you would tease him for if you were anyone else.
"Home?" you ask, confused because you are currently standing in your apartment unless his orgasms suddenly give one the power to teleport.
"Yeah, our home, not the shitty apartment you share with my brother. I mean we'll have to get somewhere bigger soon, for our baby."
For the first time since you found out you were pregnant, someone who was not you laid out their palm on your still just the same stomach. There was no change from how it always looked but Sukuna looked smug just the same and you felt like you were still missing a few things.
"I mean I can fuck you here, I just thought your sensibilities and the fact your friends were all out there would make you uncomfortable."
Your post orgasm flush finally leaves you and you look up at him in panic. "Oh my god, do you think someone saw-"
"It's okay, Fushiguro kept them out I'm sure."
You don't want to know but ask anyway. "Why?"
"Because he walked in earlier and looked like he'd seen a ghost. Tell me, is the kid still a virgin? He's pretty but I can't imagine he has a lot of good options in your crowd."
When you leave to go to Sukuna's, the only people who don't look confused(or horrified in Yuuji's case) at your departure are Maki and Megumi.
If the confusion hadn't been cleared up by the time the baby came, the pink hair probably answered any follow up questions.
dealing with some writer's block and had this idea. didn't feel like writing a whole smut scene, my b but saving that energy for the next(?) neighborsukuna x singlemom one.
side note: Megumi is scarred for life, for sure. Yuuji gets over his horror once he's an uncle.
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obsesssedblerd · 2 months
oh, the idea of satoru attempting to get his hands on you numerous times throughout the day but keeps getting interrupted (bc y’know, he’s a busy sorcerer) and then finally snapping because he’s so pent up that he can’t think about anything other than fucking you makes me giggle. 
smut under the cut. MDNI. also, barely proof-read so sorry for mistakes lol.
You squeal with excitement when you hear the door to the apartment unlock. Satoru was home. Finally, he was back after spending two weeks away on business. The moment you see just a glimpse of his white hair, you rush towards him and wrap him in a tight hug, him lowering his Infinity just in time to scoop you off of your feet. You're hit with the scent of his cologne, the feel of his soft hair underneath your fingers, and you sigh in relief. Finally.
“Hey, pretty girl,” he greets with his usual smirk as your legs wrap around his waist. “Miss me?” 
He kisses you before you can respond, so you settle for humming into his mouth. He walks you both over to the living room, gently setting you on the couch before climbing on top of you. Your hands fumble with his jacket, and he helps you out by taking it off. He breaks away from your mouth to start doting messy kisses down your neck and collarbone. “Mmm, fuck. Missed you too,” he says, his voice deep with lust. “Been wanting this for so long, baby.” 
His phone vibrates, and he ignores it, deciding to focus on pulling your shirt up instead. When it continuously vibrates with multiple calls, he sighs irritatedly and pulls it from his pocket to see Yaga’s name on the screen.  
You giggle from underneath him, pulling your shirt back down and sitting up. “I think you should get that.” 
“This isn’t over,” he promises. He gets up and answers the phone, holding it up to his ear. “This better be important. …Huh?! I just got back from a mission, what the hell do you mean the higher-ups want to talk?!” 
— — — — 
“Alright, you all. That’s it for today,” you conclude your lesson with a clap, and the second years begin to gather their things. “Geto will meet you all in the field so you can have a lesson that’s a bit more active. Have fun!” 
They all express their excitement, then make their way outside of the classroom. They pass Satoru on the way out, who had just arrived only a few minutes before the end of your lesson. “Yeah, yeah, what she said. Hey, Okkotsu!” 
“Yes?” Yuta calls back. 
“Remember to—” 
“Work on that cursed energy control. Yeah, I got it,” the boy groans. 
You shake your head with a tiny laugh as Satoru shuts the door to the classroom. “I swear, Yuta is trying his best. He’s— Whoa!” 
Your back suddenly hits the wall, and Satoru is in front of you. His blindfold is raised, and you see the utter hunger pooling in his blue eyes before he’s kissing you, similar to the way he did that morning. You moan into his mouth, and your arms come up to wrap around his neck. “Mmm, fuck. T-Toru, we’re—” 
“Shhhhh,” he hushes against your lips. “Didn’t I tell you that this wasn’t over?” His hand begins to trail further down your body, eager fingers hurriedly unbuttoning your jeans. “Just try to be as quiet as possible, baby. I’ll be quick. Gonna make you feel so good—” 
He’s cut off with a knock at the door. “Gojo, are you in here?” 
“Busy!” He yells, a bit on the harsher side. 
“You’re with [Y/L/N] right now. Her lesson with the second years just ended. You do know that around this time, you’re supposed to be training the first years, right?” 
Satoru looks at the clock at the wall, then winces. It’s true, but still, he desperately needed you, otherwise he thought that he’d explode. “Just tell them I’m—” 
“Can’t. They’re right here with me,” Kento says flatly. “They’ve been waiting for at least half an hour.”
You hear Yuuji’s excited voice next. “Hey, Gojo-sensei! How was your mission?!” 
“Itadori, no need to shout. Seriously, we’re all right here,” Megumi grumbles.
“I’m with Fushiguro on this one,” Nobara comments. 
Satoru groans into your shoulder, and his fist hits the wall. Unable to take his strength, it caves, leaving a nice-sized hole next to the chalkboard. You stifle a laugh. Thank goodness that this wasn’t your classroom and you were only borrowing it.
He inhales sharply, then masks his annoyance and sexual frustration with a smile. “Alright! Be out in a second!” He calls out to them.
He sees you laughing into your hand, and he leans forward to whisper in your ear, “Just wait ‘till later.”
— — — — 
‘Later’ was far later than Satoru had hoped. After training the first years, Yaga talked to him about the next exchange event and how they were behind on planning, and then he had to shadow the second years on a mission that lasted what felt like forever.
You’re back in the apartment, humming as you finish tidying up the living room. You grab the basket of laundry, sit down, and begin folding towels. It was close to eight in the evening. You’re about to grab your phone to check on Satoru when you hear the door opening. 
“Ah, there you are. I was beginning to think that I’d have to come and help out,” you say without looking up. “I mean, yeah, the curse was lower-ranked, but sometimes the second years—” You cut yourself off with a surprised scream as Satoru effortlessly hoists you with one arm, puts you over his shoulder and walks in the direction of your bedroom. Once you’re in there, he lightly tosses you on the bed, then yanks off his blindfold. His eyes are dark with a mixture of the hunger you saw earlier, and frustration.
“No more bullshit,” he says as he climbs over you, gathering your wrists and pinning them above your head. “If someone else interrupts, I might just hollow purple them.” When he kisses you, it’s far more intense than he’s ever kissed you today. His tongue explores your mouth, and you moan from the dizzying, yet pleasurable sensation. It’s not long before you’re both panting. His hands grip your shirt, and the sound of fabric tearing fills your ears. You gasp, your mouth falling open in shock when the scraps of your shirt as well as your bra are tossed aside. 
Satoru is breathing hard above you, nearly drooling as he stares at your upper body, his white hair beautifully framing his face. He dives in and sucks one of your nipples into his mouth. Your back arches off of the bed when you feel his tongue swirl around the sensitive bud, and you whine his name needily. He moans, alternating between using his teeth to leave gentle love bites on your tits and using his tongue on your nipples. It’s messy, greedy, and you don’t ever want it to stop.
Finally, he kisses further down your stomach, pulling down your leggings along with your panties and tossing them to the bedroom floor. He spreads your thighs, then licks a long stripe up your pussy, a loud, shameless groan of relief escaping him when he finally tastes you. “Oh, fuck, I’ve missed you so much, baby,” he sighs, and he smiles devilishly up at you as he readjusts his hold on your thighs. “Think this pussy missed me just as much, if not more. She’s fucking soaked.” 
He only gives you a split second to take a breath to prepare yourself, then he’s devouring you as if he were poisoned and the antidote was inside of your pussy. His tongue swipes expertly across your folds, then it flicks against your clit. You bury your hands into your hair as pleasure zips through your body, the rest of the world fading away until all that’s left is you and Satoru. “Toru- Ohhhhh shit, baby. Fuck-” You gasp desperately when he gently sucks your clit into his mouth. He’s moaning loudly, drunk off of the taste of your pussy and from the feeling of you pulling his hair. 
You grind your hips against his face when you feel a knot beginning to form in your lower stomach, your breath stuttering as it tightens. You knew that this orgasm was going to blow any orgasm you gave yourself during the last two weeks while he was away on business completely out of the water. “Fuck, ‘m gonna cum,” you manage to tell him in between pants. “Oh, god, Toru, right there, right there, right there-” You feel your body begin to clench, ready to release. 
But then, Satoru stops. 
You whine frustratedly as your orgasm fades away before you could reach it, looking down at your boyfriend in between your thighs, who’s smiling deviously. “That was for laughing at me earlier,” he says after licking the rest of your juices off of his lips. “Not so funny now, is it?””
On a normal day, you’d be stubborn and attempt to piss him off, but today was different. Your head rests on the pillow, and your chest rises and falls with every pant, groaning in defeat. “Satoru, please,” you beg, keeping your voice as low as possible so he doesn’t hear the utter desperation. 
Satoru feigns confusion, and you see the pure delight in his eyes. Little shit. “Sorry, baby, what was that?” he asks. 
“Please,” you repeat louder. “Make me cum.” 
He hums as he pulls off his shirt. “I’ll think about it.” He stands up, and you sit up to help him with his pants, eager to taste him and take his cock down your throat. You pull his underwear down, and he stops you when he catches onto what you’re doing. “Another time, baby. Right now, I just really need to fuck you.” He kisses you once, and you moan at the taste of yourself on his lips. “It’s been too long. Lay back.” 
You lie back on the mattress, and he grabs your legs to gently pull you towards the edge of the bed, then places them on his shoulders. He slides his cock in, and the both of you moan in relief. Satoru doesn’t waste any time and starts fucking you fast, which you two needed. Being separated for two weeks on top of the usual stress of missions and teaching was horrible for you both. “Ohhhh, fuck,” Satoru moans loudly, not caring if anyone else heard, his eyes practically rolling into his head from the pleasure. “Shit, baby, you feel so fucking good.” 
He slows the speed of his thrusts, but intensifies them by going harder, the salacious sounds of his hips meeting yours filling the room. Satoru looks down at you, taking in the o-shape of your mouth, your closed eyes and the way you're gripping the bedsheets as you whimper his name. He has to bite the inside of his mouth so he doesn’t cum too quickly. 
“Sat- Satoru,” you moan out deliriously as you open your eyes, gasping when his cock perfectly hits your g-spot. “Fuck, you’re- Ah- so deep.” Tears blur your vision, and your boyfriend chuckles as he leans down closer to you, his thrusts relentless. Satoru kisses your cheek, then uses a thumb to wipe away a tear. 
“Aw,” he coos condescendingly into your ear. “You cryin’?” 
Your nails drag down his back, and he reaches in between where your bodies are connected to rub gentle circles on your clit. You feel that knot begin to form again, far more intense than before since you were edged earlier. “F-Fuck, Toru, I-” You’re cut off when his mouth meets yours for another messy kiss. He continues rubbing your clit, and you whimper behind his lips. He groans when your pussy begins to tighten around his cock. You grip his shoulders to steady yourself as your breathing begins to come out in short bursts. 
“Let go, baby, it’s okay,” Satoru purrs into your ear. “Cum for me. Let me feel you.” 
Your legs tense, your toes curl, and stars fill your vision as your orgasm takes you by force. You’re screaming his name as your body trembles, and Satoru murmurs encouragement into your ear as he fucks you through it. “Thaaaat’s it, pretty girl,” you hear, then he groans, also so close to finishing, his thrusts growing sloppy. “Fuck, baby...”
Though you’re dizzy from your orgasm, you muster enough focus to kiss him. You stroke his face, lovingly run a hand through his hair, then wrap your legs around his waist to bring him in even closer, encouraging him to give everything to you. You wanted him to cum—needed him to. The kiss and the faint pulsing of your pussy pushes him over the edge, and Satoru moans loudly into your mouth as he stills, spilling his thick load deep within you and coating your walls. He cums hard, his grip on you tightening as he breathes heavily. Finally, he collapses, but is careful not to crush you with his weight. 
Both of you are silent for a moment, remaining with each other as you mellow in the aftershocks of your orgasms. “Shit,” Satoru breathes out with a small laugh. “I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard before. I thought I blacked out for a second.” 
You laugh with him, then press a kiss to his forehead. “Welcome home.” 
“Happy to be back. Missed you like crazy. Can’t believe I had to wait all day for that.” 
“Missed you too, and same here, but you gotta admit, it was funny.” 
Satoru tenderly smiles down at you, and your heart stutters at the sight of it. You were always weak for that specific smile. “It was, but, uh… you wanna know something else that might be funny?” 
“We broke the bed.” 
a/n: I just had to add "the" line lol. I couldn't resist.
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mysicklove · 11 months
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With: Megumi Fushiguro
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Sub + cat hybrid! Megumi, AFAB + owner! reader but no pronouns, reader is implied to be smaller than him, vaginal penetration, creampie, slight breeding kink, birthcontrol mentioned and used, purring/licking/mewling, he calls you his "mate" and u tease him bout it, needy megumi,
A/N: i had alot of fun with this one tbh. but also I usually write gn! reader, so dealing with readers pleasure is so hard to write about lol. i am so used to only catering to what feels good to the character.
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Owning a cat was way easier than you thought it was going to be. Well, at least owning a cat hybrid was. Megumi, your adorable, slightly temperamental, and moody black cat has been living with you for about five years now, and you love him desperately.
He stays at home while you go off to work each day, but he never complains, instead just sleeps the day away. In fact, you tried introducing him to the neighbor’s hybrid, a lab named Yuuji as a playmate, but he blatantly refused, growing annoyed almost immediately at how upbeat the dog was. Megumi preferred silence, sunbathing, sleeping, and your full attention. He was okay being at home alone until you got back.
He currently lays on the carpet, curling up in the warmth of the light, and dozing off when he hears the sound of your keys working their way into the hole. His ears dart toward the noise, and a smile creeps up his face, but his eyes remain shut, and he pretends to be asleep.
You open the door and sigh, eyes darting around the apartment to find your cat. When you catch him on the floor sleeping, you smile, shutting the door behind you and setting your stuff down on the counter. You make your way over him, dropping to your knees, and then finally laying down next to him. 
You stare at his relaxed, content face, and begin to reach out to touch him affectionately. He grabs your hand before you make contact with his skin, and pulls it forward, pulling you into his chest. Then he wraps his arms around your boddy, intertwines the two of your legs, and nuzzles his face on top of your head, purring gently. 
“Hi Megumi,” You mumble against his chest. “You are so warm.”
He nods, tail swinging behind him. “Been in the sun all day,” He breathes, and you hum, curling up against him. “...Missed you,” Megumi whispers lowly, still rubbing his cheek against your head.
You chuckle at him. “Oh whose this? My Megumi would never say something so sappy,” You tease, pulling away to look up at him.
He pouts, ears falling flat on his head as he rolls his eyes. “Am I not allowed to miss my mate?” He complains, but licks a stripe up your hair, still purring. 
You groan when you feel his inhumane tongue lick your face. “Hey, stop it. No grooming, humans don’t do this.” You try to push him away, but he ignores you, wrapping his arms tighter around you and pulling you closer. 
His purrs grow louder when you finally give up, and you watch his tail swing back and forth from behind him. He licks at your face, and then your hair, and finally your neck. You shiver slightly, still not used to the attention even after all these years. “You stink,” Megumi mumbles into your neck, using his tongue to wipe away some of the gross scents that clung to you.
“You want me to take a shower?” 
He grips you harder, shaking his head into your skin. You feel his crotch press into your backside, and you raise your eyebrows, but don’t say anything. “S’fine. I don't like it when my mate smells like other men though.” He rubs his neck onto any surface he can, scent marking you as his.
You roll your eyes, but smile. He was being strangely affectionate today. Usually, it was you who has to initiate physical contact and doting words. “Just coworkers, possessive cat. What’s got you all worked up today?”
His hips move closer to yours, beginning to grind himself on you. “Wanna do it,” he whispers, so low that you could barely hear him. His cheeks pinken, but you can't see them, so you cant tease him about it.
You move your hips backward, meeting him halfway. He lets out an airy breath onto the back of your neck, and you shiver at the feeling. “Yeah? You haven’t been thinking about it all day, have you?”
He feels his cheeks begin to burn. “Shut up.” A definite yes. His semi-hard cock continues to grind on your clothes, and you sigh at the feeling. You quickly manevour yourself to turn to look at him, and he pouts slightly, ears drooping, from the loss of stimulation. You roll your eyes with a grin, and tug at his pants. “Right now? H-Here?” He stutters, but helps you pull down his pants, obviously not too against the idea.
“Don’t get so nervous on me now. What happened to my brave cat who was basically grinding himself on me just a couple seconds ago?” You tease, kissing at his neck and pulling a small mewl from him. He gulps, baring his neck slightly to let you plant more kisses on it. He grips onto the back of your head with shaky hands, encouraging the action.
You slip your hands into his boxers and he gasps, mouth hanging slightly open and eyes squeezing shut from the attention. You pull it out, and then proceed to pull your pants down. “Hurry,” He demands, tilting your head up to kiss you. 
It's a desperate sort of kiss, both of his hands cup your face and bring you impossibly closer to him. It makes it harder to remove your clothing, and you can feel him begin to grind onto your stomach. 
You are forced to pull away to unbutton your pants, and he whines in complaint. “Such a spoiled brat,” You tease affectionately, “Cant go one minute without being touched? Are all kitties this needy?”
He looks away from you, pouting again, but you just giggle and kiss his jaw, finally removing your panties. “Don’t know. Don’t wanna think bout it. Do you not like when I am needy?”
He holds back a smug smile, knowing that this will definitely give him brownie points. He is right of course, because the next second you are littering his face and neck with kisses, while he purrs, soaking all the attention up. “Of course not. You are so cute needy.” 
He nods, smart enough to know that an argument will break out if he doesn't. So he smiles contently, melting under you and your soft touches. Finally, you grab his cock and press it against your entrance. Megumis mouth waters at the feeling, the warm welcoming sensation of your folds. 
“Do you…uh…Don't you need to be prepp–oh fuck,” He groans, throwing his head back as you sink onto his cock without much hesitation. You sigh into his chest, adjusting to his length — he was slightly bigger than adverage, and every time you take it, it always feels like a stretch, but it was an addicting sensation.
The two of you turn to where he lays on his back, and you on top of him, chest to chest. He grabs at your hips, hands shaking as he restrains himself from moving you up and down on his length. His eyes are screwed shut and his ears are pinned to his head. “Hey, relax. Why are you so tense? It’s okay for you to move, sweetheart.”
He heaves a sigh of relief, and nods, while you bring your hands up to pet his ears. He leans into the touch, purrs increasing in volume as he lifts your hips up and back down. He repeats the motion a couple of time, pants getting louder and half lidded eyes peering down at you. You in return have your own blush, its softer than his, but definitely noticeable. “I…Can I…Fuck this is so–Can I thrust…into you?”
He fumes red, and he turns his face into the carpet, embarrassed by his lewd words. Even after all this time, he is unbelievably shy, and can never voice what he wants in bed. “So polite! Must of trained you well.” He nods, ears flickering to you at your sweet words. “Of course, kitty. Dont gotta ask, ‘m all yours.”
Immediately he wraps his arms around you, pinning you to his chest, and begins to thrust upward. Your eyes widen slightly at his pace, and the roughness of it all, and you groan into his skin. He moans at the feeling, breath heavy, matching his pace. “Oh fuck. This. This I was–fuckkk—waiting for this all day!”
You pant into his chest, a smile pulling at your lips. “Y-Yeah?” You encourage, and he nods with a hum. Loud slapping of skin on skin fills the room, and his tail reaches up to wrap around your wrist. His cheeks are stained a permanent pink, and his chest rises and falls quickly with every pant. 
You managed to shakily reach up to his ears, grabbing the both of them and giving them a small tug. He yelps slightly, back arching, but then moans into the touch. It was cute, he was super temperamental about the black ears. On some days he wanted you to pet and rub them, on others he wanted you to pull and abuse the sensitive areas. Today was the latter.
“Was–Was fucking my hand thinking bout you. Not as good. My mate is so warm,” His voice vibrates with a purr, and you chuckle at him above the lewd noises. It was endearing to watch his body succumb to pleasure. His voice always held a purr, but he still managed to make every human like sound with the addition to the vibration.
Eventually he flips the two of you over, his arms caging you in under him, as he licks and kisses your neck. “Mhmmm. Mine, mine, my mate. Love you. Love you so much,” He chants into your ear, biting at the lobe while continuing to thrust into you at a merciless pace.
“S-So talkative today,” You mumble, gripping onto the carpet at a particularly harsh thrust. Usually, you were the one leading the dirty talk. He whimpers at the words, pressing his entire body on top of yours. He liked to be touching, and as much skin as he could, the better, but of course he would never admit that outloud. 
“Dont know why. Just missed you. Fuck I missed you. Why do you leave for so long?” He complains between breaths, his voice holding a dramatic whine to it. He nuzzles his face into your neck, scenting the area while you reach back and scratch his ears. “Why–Why…Hah.. Can’t you stay here with me? Th-Thought you loved me.”
He was being unreasonable and the both of you knew it, but today he was being weirdly sappy and clingy, so you didn’t mind having to reassure him. “Love you so much. You know why.” You feel his teeth graze into your skin, and he probably has his ears pinned back. “Ill try to work from home more, how does that sound?”
He nods, mewling happily to himself. Then he goes back to panting into your skin, licking and biting any surface he can lay his mouth on. You dont try to stop him, knowing if you do, he will probably get all pouty.
“Can I cum? P-Please? Been good, right?” He hasn’t really, other than the sweet words he has let out, he has not be gentle at all. You will probably be stumbling by tomorrow. His pace is desperate, frantic even, that makes you begin to lose your mind.
But he was feeling good, and your thoughts were draining anyways. “Sure, love, I’m c-close too,” You sigh, closing your eyes and pressing your face against the carpet as you begin to feel that tightening feeling build up.
He gulps and nods, kissing your cheek. “Inside? Please?” His words come out as a whisper, obviously hesitant about the question. He has been day dreaming about this for weeks, to finally cum inside you, but never mustered up the courage to ask. Today, he was feeling good, and you seemed to be happy at his behavior, so it was the best time to ask.
Your orgasm hits you out of the blue, and you are left trembling on the floor. Your eyes roll back slightly and you heave, “S’fine Megumi. J-Just cum!” You were on birthcontrol, it was okay just this once. Your thoughts were scrambled from the intensity of your orgasm.
His pace picks up again and you shiver at the feeling, while he lets out low mewls and purrs, happy at your choice. “Im cumming. Thank you, thank you,” He mumbles into your ear, and then latches onto your neck as he shoves himself as deep inside of you as possible, and cums.
He throws his head back and groans, arms trembling. It feels so much better than cumming inside a condom or pulling out. You are so warm, and the idea of the possibility of him breeding you, leaves him shivering with glee. He would never tell you this of course, you would most definitely call him a perv or an animal.
He collapses on top of you, practically glowing, and purring happily from above. He flips the two of you over so that you are back on his chest, peering up at him. His face is damp with sweat, and his cheeks are flushed pink, but he wears a small, content smile. 
You feel cum begin to ooze out of you and you groan. “Ugh, now I definitely need a shower.” He cringes at the words, and you laugh. “Can’t believe you hate water, you are such a sterotypical cat.” He frowns, and rolls his eyes, not responding, because you are completely right.
“Aw cmon, mate, dont get all pouty now,” You tease, and his eyes flash to you in an instant. His cheeks turn a vicious red, and he covers his face with his hand,
“...Call me that again,” Megumi whispers, so low that you could barely hear him.
You raise your eyebrows, cocking your head to the side. “My mate?”
He begins to purr again, hands wrapping around your back to pull you up closer to him. He leans in, and hesitantly presses his lips to yours, pulling back slightly to mumble, “'m hard again.”
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rizsu · 1 year
megumi's a "whatever," boyfriend. not in the sense that he has an attitude, but in the sense of agreement to your actions. you want him to buy you that korean corndog? sure, whatever. you want to match keychains with him? not quite his style, but it's whatever.
megumi's also an "i don't know," boyfriend. he never knows. he lives by the saying that ignorance is bliss, and it constantly leaves him in a state of confusion. he doesn't know how he got to the nail salon, but apparently he's found himself attempting to decide which colour's best.
"megumi, should i get this one or that one for my nails?"
"i don't know. they both look like the same colour," he repsonds, bursting his brain to find the difference.
"it is, honestly, but the shade is different."
"the first one then," he opts for the first choice, still having no idea what the difference is.
one more thing about megumi: he's a "my girl," type of man. believe it or not, he addresses you as "my girl" when you're not around. such behaviour leaves itadori and nobara in shock. the most endearing name of affection they've received from megumi bordered "idiot," or his favourite, "stupid." it's no wonder why they thought he had no capacity to be romantic.
"why are you so down in the slumps?" nobara questions, rounding the corner with itadori who's holding all her bags.
itadori joins in on the questioning, "yeah, you look like you found out spiderman isn't real."
in unison, nobara and megumi sigh heavily. it's only itadori who'd be sad at the fact that superheroes are fictional.
megumi slouches, resting his head on his knees. it bothers the other two that their friend isn't his usual self today.
"seriously, meg, are you okay?" nobara's voice softens to show her genuine concern. it doesn't last long, however. softness doesn't last long when you have the kind of friend who finishes every snack as soon as it's been bought.
"itadori yuuji, put that snack right back where you found it."
"my bad," he apologises, doing as nobara said.
the attention turns back to megumi. his aura radiates sadness — something that neither of the three knows how to deal with. well, it's better to say it than to dwell on it.
"my—" megumi stops himself, sighing at the mere thought, "my girl's mad at me and i don't know why."
"oh," the duo shares a response.
"uh, well, what did you do?" itadori asks, drumming his fingers awkwardly against his thigh.
"i don't know," the sad boy replies.
"do you ever know anything, fushiguro?" nobara pipes in. how are they supposed to help him when he himself has no idea?
megumi sighs heavily again, nobara's words hit him where it hurts the most, "you sound just like her."
"there's no saving him," itadori whispers to nobara.
"you're right. we should call her to deal with this," nobara whispers back, nodding with itadori as she secretly sends you a text.
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itsmearia01 · 6 months
Past Love || Chapter 1
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Various! Yandere! Jujutsu kaisen x Sukuna's past wife! Yuji's best friend! F! Reader
A/N : English is not my first language, sorry if there are some wrong words. This is the chapter 1, you can read the prologue and Chapter 2. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Prolog | Chapter 2
Series summary : You always get the same nightmare over and over every night. You feel annoyed but can't do anything about it. On the other hand, your best friend who suddenly becomes the vessel of a cursed king brings your nightmares to reality. I don't know what happened but the people around you started acting strangely.
Series warnings : Non-con, dub-con, yandere, stalking, kinks, gaslighting, blackmail, overtism, smut, NSFW, Minors DNI, all character 18+ (but first years still first year, try to make sense), sex, rough sex, oral sex, dom/sub dynamics, blood, manipulation, corruption, mind break, forced relationship, yandere character being their own warning, mind control, possessive, kidnapping. ⚠️Jujutsu kaisen character was not my original, credit to Gege Akutami as original author! There's a few OC as my originally made character. If you don't like/ you hate this kind of story, please go.
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You are grateful because last night you prepared bento and breakfast you made by yourself for your father and your brothers. And even though you're in a rush, you don't forget to bring your lunch.
And you brought 2 bento. One for you and one for your best friend, Yuji Itadori. Yes, you are itadori's best friend or what you usually call Yuu. How are you not attracted to him? He's totally your type. He is gentle, kind, compassionate, and patient.
During lunch time, you visit his class. But did not find him. Someone from his class said he was on the field with the sports club members.
"Yuu!" You scream his name and he looks up.
He smiled and ran towards you. "(Y/N) Sorry I didn't tell you I was here."
Yuuji approached you. he explains his paranormal club is about to be disbanded and he needs to win the bet so that doesn't happen. "Really? You ask, with a worried face. "yeah, but don't worry bun. I win it!" He said with big smile on his face. You both sigh together and you both chuckling and laughing together.
It doesn't feel like you have arrived at the paranormal club room. There are also your two senpais. You all eat your bento together and you fall asleep.
"HAH-HAH-HAH- That dream again! W-wait where is Yuu and everyone else?" You woke realizing you're the only person there. And it's late, the sun replaced by the moon. You quickly grabbed your bag and rushed out. You searched the corridor hoping to find Yuuji. You think, why didn't Yuu wake you up and instead leave you? It's already night and the atmosphere is very quiet...
You can't help but get goosebumps.
You suddenly hear a loud sound. What's that? It comes from above. You see someone you don't know black hair boy. Suddenly something hit that person...
"YUU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING." you run towards your boyfriend but soon stopped when he looked at you. “T-that mark!”
That's Sukuna's mark! The one who's always on your dream.
"(Y/N)? You-Y-you (Y/N)(L/N)?!"
He approached you and you slowly back off to the edge of the building, you looked down and just swallowed done. "DON'T HURT HER!" say a boy behind Sukuna. Sukuna heeded the remark and Pressed your cheek with his hand. "Do you remember me, my dear (Y/N)?"
Suddenly someone kicks Sukuna from the side and pulls you in his arms when you almost fell off building. "Didn't I say to protect civilians, Megumi?” said that person. It turns out a black hair boy named Megumi.
You continue to see the person who is still hug you. Tight. White hair...
"Y-you're a member of the Gojo clan?" that person looking back at you. "How do you know, Princess?"
"We don't have much white hair in this country." You say. And he hummed. I don't know why you feel nervous to see, his smile more feels like a smirk.
"Hmm, interesting... What's your name beautiful princess?" he asked.
"(Y/N), my name is (Y/N) (L/N)"
When you say that he's a little surprised… Then his grin grew wider, wider than before as if he had just heard the most heartbreaking news his life.
"(L/N) huh? Is this fate? The Gojo family and (L/N) are business partners and establish close relationship." You freak out a little as he grabs your chin and gets closer to your face.
"So (Y/N), my name is Gojo Satoru. I was a jujutsu high tokyo teacher. Nice to meet you, Princess."
His face is getting closer and your lips almost touching, but prevented by black-haired boy around your age that you know his name is Megumi. "S-sensei..." he said while walking away balance towards you. he held stomach and as if awakening from hypnosis, You remember Yuji.
"YUU!" You screamed approaching Yuji releasing yourself from the young Gojo's arms. You approached Yuji's body that was lying down unaware. You see the wounds all over his body.
You took your hands out and placed them on Yuji's stomach. Light goes out from your hand and slowly closes and heal the wounds on his body. Megumi and Gojo looked at that with impressed. well, there are who have similar power, but nothing that really looks like a naked eye light produce.
You keep pacing back and forth in front of the room... You've already healed Megumi and are now waiting for Gojo and Yuji who are in the room.
"why are you so worried?" You were awakened by Megumi's voice. "I don't know... I'm just worried about Yujl..." You saw his expression soften and he smiled. Somehow you feel that's not a face he usually shows to other people.
"As long as there is Gojo Sensei, we will be safe... After all, we haven't met yet. My name is Megumi Fushiguro, what's your name?"
You're reminded of something... "Fushiguro-san? Have we met before?"
"Hmm? I do not think so? Why do you think so?"
"The only Megumi I've ever known in my life was from the Zenin clan..."
He flinched at your words and seemed to be trying to remember something.
"Could it be you... (Y/N)(L/N)?!"
You look at him confused when he suddenly looks at you with surprise. "Um... Yeah? Do you remember anything?"
"That's right, it's me! Megumi Zenin... I left Zenin and became Fushiguro... Do you remember when the Zenin family and (L/N) had a meeting? We always played together."
You look surprised, a happy childhood memory... "You're a Gumi?!"
"Shhh... Slow down, that call is a little embarrassing..." He said while his hand covered your mouth. He let go of his gag. He looks so cute with his blushing face, you think he's so embarrassed by that nickname.
"I think we meet again, (N/N)..." Megumi said. When you heard the call you chuckled. It was a call from megumi for you first.
"Hmm? What do we have here? You guys knew each other before?" The young Gojo comes out of the room where you guys are waiting, along with Yuji of course. You with teary eyes lunged at Yuu, hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"Yuu! You don't know how worried I was!" You started crying while hugging Yuu. He hugs you back. Megumi and Gojo find the two of you a little displeased.
You two... are too close to be called friends. "I'm fine (Y/N)! Did the creature hurt you?" He kissed your cheek back making the two people watching you bend their faces even more.
"You mean Sukuna? No! He didn't hurt me. But..." You remember when Sukuna held your face. It feels weird, like deja vu.
"Megumi, did you tell Sukuna's name to (Y/N)-chan?" Gojo asked, caught your attention and Yuji. "No... I didn't tell her." After Megumi said that, Gojo who had been sullen smirk widely. "Then I think, not only Yuji who will move to high jujutsu."
After that you and Yuji visited your senpais to say goodbye. gojo-sensei already spoke with your Papa that you're moving to jujutsu high.
Your papa is worried about you because all this time he has been trying to hide you from becoming a jujutsu wizard which is a dangerous job. But yeah, maybe it's about time.
At the end of the day you and Yuji visit Yuji's grandfather's grave to ask for blessings. Next will be fun right?
To be continued
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Tags : @loaves4me @carminhadaavenidabrasil
A/N : hello everyone! thank you for all your excitement for my series! i'm working on the third chapter rn and i expecting this series would be 15 chapter? im still not sure, it can be change. but since i have other things to do in my life i would post the next chapter if i finish all of it till epilog. So, while you all waiting. Since i also read manhwa, playing hoyoverse games, and watching other anime, i'm gonna post short scenarios of those (mostly yandere tho hahahaha)
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mari-the-bimbo · 8 months
Could I ask for choso with the best friends brother trope in a no curses au.
thank you 🤭
Choso: the best friends brother
A/N: I’m sorry I’m sure you meant this in a completely innocent way but I got carried away and made it inappropriate so I stopped half way LOL
Warning: MINORS DNI 18 + , dirty talk, unprotected sex
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Why did your best friends brother Choso have to be so hot??? Long black hair tied back but the front loose strands frames his handsome face so well, his ripped muscular body hiding under his cashmere sweaters. Choso was the bane but also the blessing of your existence.
He’s very kind to you, you reckon that’s where your best friend Yuuji learnt all his good manners from.
Well.. a bit more than kind to be honest.
Big brother Choso would often encourage his little brother Yuuji to bring you over. “She’s a good influence on you” he’ll lie through his teeth, even though he knew you were just as troublesome as his brother, but he refused to see any faults with you <3
“Y/n will you be joining us for dinner hun?” he asks as he towers over you.
There it is, the sweet names he calls you which make your stomach tingle. It may seem normal and platonic to others (aka oblivious Yuuji bless him), but when you notice the smile on his face when you stutter as a result, you know he knows.
Yuuji calls it Choso’s ‘natural instinct for affection’ detailing how he is constantly coddled by his elder. Which is why the pink haired boy doesn’t bat an eye when his big brother places his large hands on your much smaller shoulders when politely moving you out the way, or when his fingers graze your lap accidentally. How could any of this be coincidental, or is he really that naive?
But on one Sunday evening, you happened to strike some luck as you went to Yuuji’s house only to find his hot older brother alone.
“Hello y/n, miss me already?” said the deep voiced man. You laugh at his teasing, it’s better than his dad jokes.
“Hey Choso, uhh is Yuuji in? I thought I’d come over to see him”
“Yuuji’s staying over at Megumi’s, but you’re still welcome here doll, you can have fun with me instead” he said, making you blush at the suggestive remark. You choose to be brave and enter nonetheless.
“Sure” you say as you enter, you almost found your knees buckling at the thought of being alone with Choso and all sorts of fantasies entered your head.
“Come here” Choso calls you as he enters the kitchen, you follow after him. When you look up the black haired man holds out a spoon of his soup near your lips “you can be my little taste tester today, how does this taste?” He says prying your mouth open to taste it, and it’s warm and delicious as usual. “It’s good!” You hum making Choso chuckle.
“Good, I’ve made enough for both of us” he adds, “why? Did you know I’d come over?” You joke, but when Choso turns around to face you with his sleepy but intense eyes, but find yourself regretting that move.
In response, he saunters a step closer to you, making you back up until your back hit the counter, you gasp at the impact but you refuse to tear your eyes away from Choso’s, but as his face leans in, you ignore the butterflies and almost flutter your eyes shut in anticipation until you saw his muscular arm reach out and grab the salt behind you.
“Soup needs a little more salt” he says in your ear before pulling away with a smile that seemed too innocent.
“You good? You look a little out of it” he asks and you can’t help but just stare at him in awe. How does he manage to have this much effect on you?
His eyes soften at your lack of response. “Aw you’re just so cute y/n, look at you with soup on the corner of your lips” he chuckles, you immediately snap out of it and bring the back of your hand to your mouth to wipe but a large hand wraps around yours.
“Here let me help you out” he says wiping the corners with his rough thumb, then he notices the sauce that’s now transferred to his thumb, but then he catches you offf caused as he pries your mouth open with his thumb. Your mouth could only muffle sounds in protest, until Choso’s deep voiced seemed like it boomed across the kitchen.
“Lick it off”
You stare at your best friends brother who now towered over you with his eyes expectantly watching your mouth take his thumb. You hesitantly licked the thumb in your mouth, not minding the salty taste because he’s smiling with his teeth biting his bottom lip.
“Mhm that’s right” he says, taking his thumb out, you stare up at him in shock before frowning “you tease!” You complain, making Choso raise his eyebrows before smiling.
He chuckles “awe do you feel teased y/n?” He crouches to your height before whispering “is it because you wanted to kiss?” He asks and you stall momentarily, knowing it’s true.
You shrug, making him look at you with admiration, his eyes twinkled at your cuteness before he shook his head in amusement. “You’re too cute y/n how am I supposed to say no to that?” He says and now you were blushing as you realised what he said “h-hey! I never said I wanted to-“ you defend yourself but it does in your throat as soft lips roughly press against yours. His tongue laps at the crack between your parted lips from where you’ve gasped in shock.
You both hum at the contact knowing it’s something you were both yearning for. Choso is quick to grab your entire body easily with one muscular arm and wrap you around him, now your legs were straddled around his waist and your hands flew to the black hair you always wanted to touch.
This was wrong, you really shouldn’t be making out with your best friends brother in his kitchen, but god, Choso was so perfect from his commanding but gentle aura, his large stature and muscular body to his ever so hungry lips. He’s the manliest man.
You mewl a moan as cold large hands fiddle with your trousers, easily being discarded on the kitchen floor, and the cold fingers quickly return to your soaking underwear, fingering your clothed pussy.
“feels good, right?” he mumbles lowly, the sound vibrating in his chest. “Sooo good” you gasp. “Such a little troublemaker aren’t you, couldn’t find anyone your own age huh? Needed to get fucked by your best friends brother?”
Choso was utterly obsessed with his little bro’s best friend. You were so pretty and so sweet, it was too hard to resist the taste.
He continues his ruthless speed on your clothed pussy before yanking off the soaking cotton underwear and leaving your wet pussy exposed to hungry dark eyes. Choso was quick to pull off his own boxers, springing his fat manhood free.
You moan at the sight throwing your head back. You always knew your best friend big brother had a fat cock because of the amount of times you’d stare at the massive bulge sticking out from the grey joggers. And the fat mushroom head staring back at you now was a good example of that.
Choso grabs the fat of your thigh and yanks you closer, he lined the wet tip against your slippery folds. “c’mere princess you’re gonna get fucked now”
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bananami · 8 months
and just like that i’m back on my nanami bs. i hope this helps you all heal from the trauma that was season 2 of jjk <3 (cw: pure fluff, dad!nanami, wife!reader, sex is alluded to a number of times, nanami is just desperate for his wife ok)
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“he just passed out, he usually naps for a good 30 minutes. i can do it in 20.”
you can’t help but laugh at your husband. ever since adopting yuuji the two of you have been adapting to your lives with a toddler. that included very limited one on one time, and it was taking a toll on nanami.
“i have to fold the laundry,” you’re tone is apologetic but your face tells him you find this amusing.
“you’re the greatest multitasker i know.”
you feel his arms wrap around you as you continue to fold yuuji’s t-shirts. the kid was so messy sometimes, it caused him to go through his entire closet in a weeks time. “we need to seriously go shopping and get him more things to wear.” you spun around to wrap your arms around his waist. “your child is a dirty little gremlin.”
“your husband is trying to be one too but you won’t let him act on it.”
“you are not gonna be 20 minutes, you say that but you’re not quick with it anymore old man.”
“who are you calling old man? i’m spry for my age.”
“see, you even sound like an old man.”
“an old man who just wants to show his wife how much he still loves her.” his hands slide up and down your back, holding you to him and bringing his lips to yours. “i love you. i miss you.”
“i miss you too kento,” you let him take his time kissing you. “ok, what if-“
“i love where this is going already.”
“i haven’t even told you.”
“the prospect of things makes me excited. really gets me going.”
you giggle, “so repressed.”
“you have no idea, it’s taking everything in me not to turn you around and accost you right here on the dining room table.” he leans his face down to nuzzle and kiss at your neck.
“accost. respectfully.”
you tighten your arms around his waist, satisfied with the heavy affection he’s showing you. “what if i call up gojo-“
“and just like that i’m soft.”
“kento!” you smack him in the back but can’t help the smile that sneaks onto your face. he’s so easy to rile up.
“you know the emotions his name invokes in me. i can’t stand him.”
“i was going to say, what if i called him up to see if yuuji can spend the weekend at his and geto’s place with megumi, and then you and i can have the entire weekend together. just the two of us.”
“i love him.”
“wow, wait until i tell him you said that.”
“i’ll never admit to it.” nanami takes your face into his hands, kissing at your lips over and over until a giggling voice breaks the moment.
“eeeeew!!” yuuji runs forward from the other side of the hallway, jumping up and down at nanami’s feet. “up, up, up!!” and when he does the pink haired little boy leans over to give you a kiss on the nose.
“thank you, yuuji,” you give his nose a kiss in return.
“thank you, mama!!”
nanami narrows his eyes and scratches at the boy’s belly, sending yuuji into another round of giggles at being tickled. “guess who’s house your gonna sleepover at this weekend.”
you send a look toward your husband. “he hasn’t agreed yet, i still have to call him.”
“he’ll agree. because if he doesn’t,” he presses a million little kisses all over yuuji’s face, “i might actually die. and then who will he have to annoy at work?”
“he does like to annoy you.”
“i’m well aware.”
“i’ll call him now.”
nanami sets yuuji down, sending him into the kitchen. before following him, he leans over to give you one last lingering kiss on the lips. “i love you,” his smile lifts into a tiny smirk, “and it is for that reason exactly that i say, with all of the love i can muster, i am going to ruin you this weekend.”
“ruin me?”
“ruin you. respectfully.”
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yuwuta · 1 month
megumi would let the whole you calling him 'bro' thing build up with little irk marks until blowing up
yuji is breaking down immediately
megumi trying his hardest to act nonchalant about it except he’s the most chalant person on the face of the earth pls the little irk marks i know exactly what you mean 😭 the good thing is his little outburst about how he doesn’t want you calling him that puts you in the position to tease him about how he likes affection and wants a real pet name 
part of me wants to say that yuuji doesn’t mind it/register it at first but the idea of him breaking down immediately—even tho he’s the person who probably calls people bro the most often—is even more hilarious you’re so right. just imagine his eyes widening and then melting and pooling with despair, he’s practically on his knees begging because this must be some kind of cruel punishment 😭😭 and when he’s stopped being so dramatic he’s back to all smiles, except for a moment when he’s dead serious and holds your face in his hands and brings his forehead to yours and says, “let’s never ever do that again, yeah?” and then goes back to smiling like all is well. 
i’d like to think that satoru could at least pretend to handle it, but i don’t think he’s capable of taking an ounce of what he can dish out, so he probably just threatens to drink bleach or something. also losing the idgaf wars terrible, in fact, he might be in last place. (real talk tho, satoru messes with you alot and being annoying is part of his love language, but he’s also expressly affectionate and romantic with you, so being referred to as bro might actually crush his soul for a little bit). 
kento endures it because for a long time, he genuinely does not understand that you’re referring to him. it takes so long before he politely interrupts you mid-ramble to ask, “are you… talking about me?” usually he’s beating the old man allegations, but not today. when you say yes he just sort of nods, and wonders if this is going to be a regular thing. 
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strawberrystepmom · 1 year
f!reader, reader is described as wearing a skirt. had some "i wish it were getting cooler" feelings and this is what happened. gojo and reader are in a semi established relationship aka idiots in love and work together. wc 1.2k.
divider thanks to @/cafekitsune <333
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Bounding up the stairs to the school, you listen politely and nod at the chatter of the first year students you escorted on a mission today, half listening while overly focused on how cold it has become in almost record time. 
It is autumn, or just about, and the sun dips lower earlier every single day. It’s just after 5 and there’s only a small sliver of sunlight visible over the thick canopy of trees enveloping the stairs and the grounds themselves. Usually you’d love this time of year, an evening like this where everything is beginning to change, but all you can focus on is the little chill crawling up your spine and the goosebumps on your neck and chest.
You hold your arms over your chest and rub them with your hands to warm them. Yes, you have on a long sleeved shirt, but you also have on a skirt, too sheer tights, and your ankle boots. Not exactly great cold night attire and you sigh, nodding politely as Nobara captures your attention by calling your name.
“You’re still going to come up and make us dinner tonight, right?”
She breaks you out of your stupor and it makes you smile, nodding. You promised them dinner made by your loving hands in lieu of dinner in the city because you didn’t want to be out this late without a jacket and with three teenagers in tow. Granted, you do it all the time with your own second year students, but you were entrusted with these kids while their usual instructor is gone. Gojo would never let you hear the end of it if anything were to go wrong.
Speak of the devil, your head swivels when you hear his greeting from behind you.
He takes the steps three at a time and you fight the urge to roll your eyes at that mile long stride and quickly dismiss the kids, encouraging them to go inside and get comfortable.
“Head inside, I’ll deal with him and be up there in a bit.”
They nod, Yuuji smiling as big as his entire face at you, Megumi nodding politely, and Nobara reminding you that you said you’d take her to your favorite vintage shop the next time the two of you are paired up. You nod, listening to the footsteps behind you while watching the kids move ahead, speaking amongst themselves.
“Man, they didn’t even want to stick around and say hi? Kids these days.”
Giggling, you shake your head and turn to face him, arms still pulled over your chest. He tips his head and smirks, hands shoved deep in the pockets of his own jacket. 
You make a face indicating your annoyance, bottom lip jutting out and eyes rolling which makes him laugh. He knows how fearsome you think you look making that face but you only seem adorably human the moment it twists across your features. He wants to pinch your cheeks and wag your chin with his thumb and index finger like he usually does but instead, he removes one hand from his pocket and unzips his jacket.
“Oh, Satoru…” you start, face heating as you look behind you to make sure the kids are long gone and he laughs. You expect him to start shrugging his jacket off so he can wrap it around you but he only holds his arms open, showing off the pristine white shirt clinging to his chest, and you sigh. 
You know exactly what he wants and you turn on your heel to climb the stairs further, his voice following you as he continues to take the steps three at a time to keep up with your far shorter and faster stride.
“Hey, it’s a take it or leave it offer,” he teases from next to you as he catches up and you furrow your brows, shivering as the sun dips lower and the shade of the trees overhead becomes colder. Sighing, you look up at him and he grins in a way that almost feels like taunting. It is taunting, gloating, winning all in one and before you can open your mouth all the way to utter a word, he has you pulled against him with your back to his chest.
“Stop being stubborn,” he tuts as he zips you into his jacket and you laugh despite yourself. Your arms stay pressed against your body and he helps you settle against him enough that your feet cover his own and the two of you walk as a unit, laughing every time you worry you’re gonna fall.
“I have you, don’t worry. Not gonna let you be cold and embarrassed.”
It’s undeniably warm inside the oversized jacket but you aren’t certain if it’s the jacket itself or the press of his body against yours. Cool air nips at your cheeks and you watch the student dorms come into view ahead.
“Oh, wave to the kids!” You gasp, looking up to see three faces looking back down at you with their eyes wide and their mouths moving a million miles an hour. He raises his arm in their direction and wiggles his fingers, still waddling toward the door despite the way you fidget.
So much for not being embarrassed.
“Let me ouuuuuut,” you whine and he clicks his tongue, slowing his steps further and making a dramatic show of each one of them.
Groaning, you tip your head up to look at the face of the silly man who is moving in practical slow motion toward the door, and he just smiles down at you. His blindfold is still on so you can’t see his eyes, but you already know how they look. The same way they look every time he gets his way and gets to show you off despite your protests.
“You get to take all the heat from them this time after how Maki practically interrogated me last time.”
The last time, of course, was when he was bold enough to hold and squeeze your hand in front of your students before the group of you left to go on a small mission, mostly for instructional purposes, and your students were more than eager to hear even the sparse details you gave. Lots of excuses, lots of “you know how he is”, and zero chance of three teenagers buying into your bullshit.
“I’ll destroy them in a few rounds of Smash and they won’t have much to say after that.”
You snort, still looking up at him as the two of you finally and mercifully approach the door.
“So you’ll be joining us, I’m guessing?” 
He nods and hums, unzipping his jacket and letting you out. You reach for the door to pull it open and he stops you, finally shrugging his jacket off and letting you wear it the rest of the way inside. Something inside you melts, irritation practically evaporating, and you flash the just for him smile you keep in your back pocket for when he’s being extra sweet.
“Could’ve just done this to start with but thank you, Satoru.”
Despite no longer being cold, you hold the jacket against your body.
“I could’ve but where’s the fun in that?”
Pulling the door open, he sends you in first and he follows. Crowding you into the entrance way, you smile up at him and he bends to kiss your forehead. It’s more than the two of you should be doing but you take the chance anyway, your cover already blown wide open. 
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 2 months
The Anomaly || JJK
Chapter 5: It's Like That
summary : In which you're isekai'd from your (own) parallel Jujutsu Kaisen universe to the canon universe.
wordcount : 2.8k
Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen X Reader, eventually Character x Reader (idk who yet tho)
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The mission you guys were called for was in fact, not top secret. That mission was about a week ago now. Your current mission? Also not top secret. 
In fact, the four of you have just wrapped it up. It was in the city, and now, you're all left with what to do for the rest of the day. 
" I think I'll go see a movie. "
Yuuji shares, scrolling through his phone to see the many titles which are currently playing. 
" What about you, Kugisaki? "
" It's still early. I think I'll go see a movie. "
" What about you, Y/N? "
Over the past week, you found yourself growing closer with Megumi. It was quite silly. The Megumi of your universe didn't exactly get along with you all that well. Your Yuuji could stuck to him like glue, but your Megumi and you could not sit in the same room for longer than an hour before the two of you start bickering. (Yes, it went down between the two of you that often.) On the rare days, the two of you would get into a physical fight.
That usually ended with you annoying him to no end, considering your fighting style revolves around other people their movements. It would eventually also escalate with him using his Ten Shadows technique on you (yes, you manage to piss him off that bad, that often.) Which in turn, would send you running. Usually to Sukuna. Not necessarily because he could beat the Ten Shadow technique, but simply because no one but you ever dared to bother Sukuna. It was a simple, unspoken rule. One Gojo loved to disrespect often. 
" Ah, I think I'll join Nobara. "
He nods while you grin, linking arms with Nobara who mirrors your expression. 
" Alright. I'm heading home. "
Moments later, Megumi is on his way home. 
" I'm going to the movies, what about you guys? "
Yuuji asks, waving his phone as you and Nobara are stood on the staircase leading towards the metro station. You let go of her, in turn of facing him. 
" What are you watching? "
" Human earthworm 4." 
He looks so proud as he says that. 
" Who even watches that?! I haven't even seen 1,2 or 3." 
" I think you'd be fine jumping in in 4-" 
Yuuji begins, explaining the plot to her. You cringe. It's not your type of film. 
" -So the theme is actually love! " 
Yuuji exclaims, all excited. You blink.
Ew, worm man. 
" I don't want to see some wormo man. Regardless of the theme. "
" It's human earthworm though. "
" I'm not going. "
" Awe, Y/N, what about you? "
" Uhm, no thanks. That movie franchise is... Not my thing. "
" We're gonna go shopping. Wanna join? "
" I just said I'm going to the movies! "
" Okay, see you later then. "
" Later Yuuji, have fun! "
The two of you walk along for a moment, agreeing about how stupid the whole concept of human earthworm is, when-
" Excuse me, do you know Itadori Yuuji? "
Moments later you, Nobara, and a girl whose name is Yuko, find yourselves at a simple cafe, as she explains the situation to you. 
" This is me at our middle school graduation ceremony. "
She hands her phone to Nobara, and you peek over her shoulder. Woah, now that's a glow up. 
" Woah, wait, that was only six months ago! What happened to you? "
" You did have quite the glow up. You're gorgeous!"
" Ah, thank you. I did grow 15 centimeters. And with moving to Tokyo and the stress of changing environments... "
" Woah... You're a real Sato Kuruko. "
" That's Itadori. -"
She's showing the two of you a different picture now. You recognize Yuuji in a different school uniform, only noticing now that he's really growing better into his features.
You hadn't gone to the same middle school as Yuuji in your own universe, instead, you were home schooled with the other kids of your clan. It's where you and Noritoshi learned to get along so well. He was a bastard child, yet next in line as the chief because of his technique. You're rejected because of your technique. 
" On graduation day, I worked up the courage to ask him for a picture. I actually wanted to get his number too, but it was already decided that I would be moving to Tokyo. " 
She continues to explain, her eyes downcast, a little sad about the memory.
" So when I saw Itadori earlier- I thought maybe with how I look now, I might.... "
You and Nobara catch on, giving each other incredulous looks. 
" Wait, Yuko, you mean-"
You begin, looking at her like some sort of silly cartoon, Nobara finishing your sentence for you. 
" - it's like that? "
Yuko replies with the same energy.
" Yes, it's like that. "
Barely a moment later, Nobara is calling someone. Ijichi, who was on his way to drop off Megumi. It doesn't take any effort for the driver to turn around. You doubt Megumi is aware of it.
" Someone who knows Itadori well is on his way here now. Let's hear what he has to say. "
" Uhm, if either of you are also interested in Itadori... "
Yuko starts, though Nobara's deadpan expression pulls a giggle from you. 
" No. "
Her eyes look dead serious as she says so. 
" Even if hell and earth were to dance the lambada, not happening. "
You snort at her words. 
" Yeah, you don't need to worry. I'm not interested either. " 
You smile reassuringly at Yuko. A few moments later, Megumi has arrived at your table, looking agitated. You smile at him. 
" All right, what's the big deal? "
" Hey Megumi, does Itadori have a girlfriend? " 
Nobara doesn't waste time today. She's getting straight into business. 
He raises a brow at her. 
" Hue? "
" This is Ozawa Yuko. She's actually something, something and something like... "
Her explanation is shady, both her and your expression serious. 
He breaks out a sweat, understanding the situation. 
" So it's like that? "
Both you and Nobara nod, sweating the seriousness of the situation as well. 
" Yes, it's like that. "
He ends up sitting down beside you. (Figure out the seating plan yourself, I'm not gonna make it complicated.) With a black coffee. 
You will never understand his preferred taste. 
" I doubt it. He didn't seem particularly upset about moving to Tokyo all of a sudden. And he's got one of those posters hanging up in his room. Anyone with a girlfriend wouldn't put up something like that, right? She wouldn't like that. "
Meanwhile, Nobara seems to be more concerned about his choice of drink. 
" Are you the type who drinks coffee black around girls to show off? Please stop. "
You blink as well, suddenly curious. Was he? 
He's annoyed by her words. 
" Don't forget, you're the one who called me. And I always drink it black. " 
Yuko finally speaks up now, an adorable blush on her face. 
" Um, by the way, do you happen to know what his type is? "
" A tall girl with a big ass. "
Both Megumi and Nobara turn to blink at you. You blink back at them. 
" What? I grew up around him and his- around him. " 
You blush in embarrassment, realizing you could be wrong. There's been enough proof of differences between your universe and this one after all. 
" Well, you're correct either way. He mentioned something about liking tall girls. "
Yuko, Nobara and you seem to communicate telepathically, like some kind of electric signal spreads between the three of you. You clink your glasses together, and Nobara slams her phone on the table. 
" You've got a shot! I'm gonna summon Itadori! You're okay with that right, Yuko?! "
She nods. 
" Yes! "
The messages between them are silly, and fast. And now, all that's left to do is wait. 
Not that you have to wait long. Soon enough Yuuji joins the scene, a paper bag of stuff in his hands. 
" Oh!, Fushiguro's here too? " 
Both you and Nobara blink. That was fast. 
Suddenly, you hurriedly glance at Nobara. She hadn't told him why he needed to come. Hadn't told him about Yuko. There was no way he could recognize her when she changed so much- Nobara seems to realize too, sweating the situation, holding out her hand to quickly introduce the two of them to one another. 
" Itadori! This girl is-"
" Oh!, it's Ozawa. How did you end up here? "
All three of you are impressed. Holding up imaginary 10s for his recognizing skill. 
Yuko and Yuuji end up spending the rest of the afternoon together, with Megumi, Nobara and you tagging along behind them. Megumi even felt soft enough to hold Yuuji's stuff for him. 
" Was that really okay, they could've at least exchanged numbers. "
Megumi points out, as Yuko leaves by train later that afternoon. You agree. Kind of. They had seemed to hit it off after all. 
" She exchanged hers with me, so it'll be fine. More important, Fushiguro, Y/N, I've finally recognized my own feelings. "
Both of you give her a curious glance. 
" Hue? "
Was she about to admit to having feelings for him? You shouldn't be surprised. The two got along really well, after all-
" The idea of Itadori getting a girlfriend before I get a boyfriend really pisses me off. "
Maybe not. You grin at her words, an imaginary embarrassed sweat drop running down your brow. 
Of course she'd say something like that. That sounds more like her. 
Megumi doesn't seem surprised. 
" Is that so? "
" Sorry for the wait! " 
Yuuji jumps back in between you and Nobara. 
" Walk behind me. "
You blink at Nobara's words. 
" Huh, what's this? What're you talking about? "
Yuuji seems confused. A feeling you relate to. Megumi doesn't seem to care. 
" Here. "
He's handing Yuuji back his bag of stuff. 
" Here, while you're at it. "
" Huh? What's this? "
" Wouldn't you feel bad for making a lady carry them? "
She's handing him her own bags now. 
" Sure. "
Yuuji doesn't seem to mind. 
" Want me to carry your stuff too, Y/N? " 
You smile at him, shaking your head. You're only holding one plastic bag loosely between your fingers, the bag full of snacks. 
" Oh, shoot! The movie's about to start, let's go! " 
Yuuji's jogging before any of you actually can check the time. 
" Hey! Wait up! Don't take my stuff with you! There's no way I'm watching some wormo man! "
Yuuji ignores her words, turning to Megumi. 
" Fushiguro, Y/N, wanna grab some popcorn? Fushiguro, you like caramel flavoured right? " 
" Don't just assume we're all going to watch wormo man. "
" I told you all, it's human earthworm. 4! "
You regret watching human earthworm 4.
There had been a little too many horror like sound effects and jumps in it, and now you didn't feel like sleeping. Your fear of horror films was a bit childish, but it rarely bothered you. 
And so you find yourself leaving your dorm. You want to make dumplings. But you don't have all the ingredients, so you need to go to a 24h convenient store. 
" What're you doing? " 
Your skin shivers before you jump, turning around to face the intruder who's sneaked up on you. 
" What the- Don't sneak up on me like that! "
Megumi blinks plainly at you. 
" Where are you going at this hour? "
" 24h convenient store. I can't- I'm gonna make dumplings. "
" Why? Do you really need to at this hour? Don't we have some in the freezer from the last package Yuuji got? "
" Yeah, but I want to make them fresh. "
Megumi blinks at you again, before sighing. 
" Okay, well, give me a second to change. I'm coming with you. "
You hadn't even realized that he was in his pijamas. You're in your pijamas too, an oversized sweater and a comfortable pair of leggings. You don't feel bothered enough to change though. 
A few moments later, he returns. 
" Okay, let's go. "
Thankfully, the walk towards the convenience store is short. Only 10 minutes. The silence between the two of you is comfortable, as you walk side by side down the stairs of Jujutsu Tech. 
You eye the forest surrounding the school grounds warily, like something might jump out to attack you any second. Like you don't have powers that literally render every living creature. Megumi glances down at you, realization finally making it's way into his brain. 
" Are you afraid of the dark? "
The wrong realization. But don't worry, he'll get there. 
You blink. 
" Oh, uhm, err- something like that. "
He's admittedly puzzled. So you weren't afraid of the dark. Maybe you've had a bad dream? He doesn't decide to push it. Instead, he softly takes your hand, holding it in his own, distracting you from your fears. 
You glance at him, a blush on your face. You smile gratefully at him, squeezing his hand as your peaceful silence returns. 
It doesn't take you long to get the remaining ingredients, and soon enough, the two of you are back at the dorms, now stood in the kitchen. 
" Thanks. You didn't need to come with me you know? " 
You smile at him as you unpack the bag. He blushes, looking away. 
" I wasn't going to let you go alone at this hour. "
He mumbles it, but it's just loud enough for you to hear. 
He eyes you preparing, before moving to stand at your side, nudging you away. 
" I'll cut up the vegetables. "
" Ah, thank you. "
There's a certain peace that resides between the two of you as you work in the kitchen together. It was nice, getting to know him this way. Your Megumi and you would've been bickering already. 
Once you've set the dough, you help in cutting up the remaining ingredients. Noticing he's deciding on the amount of ginger to cut up, you smile at him. 
" You can add extra if you'd like. "
He raises a brow at you. 
" You like extra ginger? "
" Not necessarily, but you do, right? "
He blinks, his eyes open in amazement. How did you know that? 
" Does your universe's Megumi like extra ginger too? "
You shrug. 
" Not sure. We don't actually get along that well in my universe.- I noticed you ordered that chicken dish that's ginger based, and how you were measuring just now. I just put one and one together and guessed. "
The quick smile you send leaves him blushing once more. He smiles at you. He hadn't realized you were so perceptive. 
His eyes return to his chopping work. 
" Tsumiki used to make dumplings with me when we were younger. "
You smile as he softens around you, before your features sharpen. 
" Oh, right, I completely forgot about it, but I wondered if I could visit Tsumiki sometime? I healed her in my universe, you see. "
Megumi's eyes widen, the grip on the knife he's holding loosening. Were you that powerful? You mentioned being able to use reverse cursed energy, but were you really able to apply that to illness as well? 
" I- you healed her? With your reverse cursed technique? Why? I thought we didn't get along in your universe? "
You nod. 
" That's true. Our relationship in my universe is hard to explain. I wouldn't borrow the you from my universe my charger, but if he'd need a kidney I'd offer it. We originally did get along. Until something silly happened. Gojo introduced us at a young age. "
Megumi's eyes remain wide. In all honesty, he was mostly still surprised that you might be able to heal her. He also didn't exactly understand how your universe's version of himself didn't like him. You were amazing. And if he were to be selfish, he wished you'd stay. 
" Hey, you guys are still up- what are you making? "
Both of you turn to see Yuuji standing in the kitchen's entryway, holding an empty bowl he must be returning. The moment is gone, the conversation something you'll return to later. 
" Yeah, we're making dumplings, wanna join? "
The Anomaly Taglist:
@luxylucylou @kalulakunundrum @strxbxrrylover @aethersslave @jenniferrvsesi
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6okuto · 2 years
— jjk campus crushes
gn!reader | itadori, megumi, yuuta, gojo
note from nia: yes gojo's is inspired by me getting stuck in the middle of a packed train and stumbling into people. Good God. i Wish i fell onto gojo. humiliation
ITADORI stares dumbfounded at the board while the professor speaks, not taking in a single word. he leans back into his seat and begins to contemplate either 1) dropping this class for next year or 2) completely changing majors. but his eyes glance over to the person next to him, easily taking notes and managing to go on their phone in between. that’s when you feel a poke at your shoulder and turn around. he offers an almost embarrassed smile before whispering, “hey, sorry, do you understand what’s going on right now?” you lift a brow and nod, albeit confused. yuuji’s eyes light up and he scoots closer. “awesome! d’you think you could uh…teach me? after class? or—or whenever you’re free? i kinda need this class for my major and…” he trails off and points at his basically empty page. “i think i’m screwed.” your lips twitch at the doodle of him(?) with question marks floating above his head, but you manage to stop yourself from smiling, feeling bad enough for the guy. you nod again before taking his notebook and placing it on top of yours. yuuji watches as you write something down and pass it back to him. “it’s uh, my handle and number. whichever works better for you.” his eyes scan your writing and he grins—if it weren’t for the fact you were basically a stranger, he would have hugged you. “thanks! i’m yuuji by the way. what’s your name?”
MEGUMI’s grip tightens around his umbrella handle as he pulls his hood further over his head. he thinks it’s just his luck to get stuck out in the rain on his way to class and sighs. but before he can feel any worse for himself, he hears someone walking quickly from behind him. he moves over to make space, blinking when he notices they’re walking with only their hands over their head. “um, excuse me,” he calls out. you freeze and turn around to the boy who was very obviously more prepared for the weather than you. “yes?” “did you want…to walk together?” megumi feels his face flush a little as you blink at him and he clears his throat. “my umbrella’s big enough, and it seems like we’re headed the same way, so…” there’s a beat of silence as you continue to stare at him—you’re not sure what kind of prank the universe is playing to get you drenched then have a cute guy offer to walk with you, but you don’t think you’re in any place to complain. “yeah, sure, if you don’t mind,” you reply. megumi finally lets himself breathe and he catches up to you, making sure you were covered. “thank you,” you pause and look at him. it’s his turn to blink before offering a polite smile. “megumi. and don’t worry about it.”
YUUTA tries his best not to rely on caffeine to get through the day, but he’s more tired than usual when he wakes up, which is how he finds himself in line at the nearest starbucks to his class. he overhears the cashier say your total and starts to recite his own order in his head in preparation. “yeah, um…” your hands pause inside your pockets and you whisper, “oh my god.” you sigh and yuuta watches as your shoulders drop.  “i’m sorry, i don’t have my wallet,” you explain with a forced laugh. “you can—can you just cancel my order? sorry.” “i can pay for you,” yuuta speaks up before stepping forward. you stumble over your words as he turns to you with a smile before taking out his card. “i’ll pay for them. and, and for me, actually—” he quickly adds on his own order, and you watch as he taps his card against the machine. the both of you step aside for the next person to order and you fiddle with your fingers as you look at him. “you didn’t have to…” yuuta only shakes his head and waves his hands. “no, it’s fine! you probably need the energy if you’re here this early.” you let out a breath and smile at him. “thank you, really. i, um, promise i’ll pay for your order if you ever forget your wallet.” the both of you realize that'd be unlikely, but maybe it's the thought that counts. yuuta snorts before covering his mouth and laughing a little quieter. you laugh at his reaction, too, and his face warms at the sound. it makes him feel a little bolder—“do you wanna exchange numbers so i could hold you to that, then?”
GOJO watches as the train fills with more people and scoots himself into the corner. it’s to be expected when it’s the best timed for everyone’s 11am classes. he’s lucky, you think, as you step on and realize you’re stuck in the middle with nothing to hold onto. you try to balance yourself as best as you can, but there’s a turn that happens a little too quickly. you lose your footing, stumbling into the man behind you. “woah there,” he says, stopping you from hitting the door. “god, sorry—” you apologize, your face flushed as you look at him. “nah, don’t worry about it. you okay?” you nod and stand up properly again, widening your stance just a little. “yeah, sorry. i just have shitty balance, i guess,” you awkwardly laugh. gojo hums and tilts his head. “d’you wanna switch spots with me? promise i won’t smush you.” your mind is quickly filled with thoughts of how embarrassing it is for him to have to offer. but it’s probably more embarrassing how you stare with your mouth open to respond, realizing how attractive the guy in front of you actually is. he smiles at you, and you wonder if he can read your mind before you push yourself to reply. “are you sure?” gojo grins as he steps aside and bows a little. “it’d be my honour.” so you find yourself in the corner, your eyes flickering between out the window and to him. his voice startles you when he suddenly speaks, “so, what class are you going to, and would you mind if we walked together?”
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tojisbbygworl · 1 year
My Wife is a Stoner and a Bitch and it’s Driving Me Crazy - Toji Fushiguro x Black!Reader ~ FFL Series
Summary: Megumi is finally out of the house which means it’s time to spark up. Toji - 33, You - 30, Megumi - 12
Characters: Toji, Megumi, Yuuji, Sukuna, Gojo
Words: 6,215
Tags: 18+, 2nd person, Fluff, Established Relationship, Marijuana, AU-No Curses, SMUTTTT, Car sex, High Sex, Cunnilingus, Toji is Whipped, DILF, Toji is a Good Dad, Soft Toji
Disclaimer: This work is part of a Black!Reader x Toji series I started called Fushiguro Family Life. It's basically a slice of life series with you, Toji and Megumi. None of them are in order and can be read on their own unless stated otherwise.
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author’s note: So basically the great AO3 DDOS attack of 2023 sent me into a panic and now I’m considering cross posting all my stories. I mayyyy post my other darker Toji stories here but I’m not sure. Probably not.
This is inspired by a reddit post I saw a while ago and couldn’t find again with a similar title. This work is the 1st part of a Drabble series called Fushiguro Family Life (great name Ik shut up). All the stories are cute, fluffy, and/or smutty and will be mostly one shots. A couple may have two chapters. Okay I’m done talking now. Enjoy!!!🩵
Toji was very excited to get back home tonight.
He had just dropped off Megumi at his best friend Itadori Yuuji's house. The kid's birthday was tomorrow and he practically begged Megumi to come to his sleepover. Megumi was a quiet and introverted kid who liked being alone. It's hard to get him out of his shell which makes Toji wonder how the hell those two even became friends in the first place. When Toji overheard Yuuji pleading for Megumi to spend the night while they were playing in his room, he knew he had to get Megumi to go. He loved the kid but God, Megumi was home way too often. Yes, he was only 12, but he had ample opportunity to leave the house. Megumi never joins his friends in walking to the DQ by their middle school after school lets out for the day. He never wants to carpool with Yuuji and Nobara to the nearby high school's games where Yuuji's older brother Sukuna is the football captain. He doesn't go to the fair when it's in town, or Six Flags on the weekends. He would much rather stay at home and have his friends come over. Which means Toji has to constantly deal with at least 3 little shits fucking up his house. It's a situation that's less than ideal.
Megumi has a habit of asking Toji or his stepmother to say no to the prospect of him going out because he doesn't want to hurt his friends' feelings. Sometimes he would come into their room and hold up his phone while it's on speaker. Usually either Yuuji or Nobara will be asking if he could go somewhere and Megumi would be mouthing 'NO' and shaking his head. Toji would repeat the word aloud and that would be the end of that. Well, not this time.
When Yuuji asked Megumi to come to the sleepover, Toji quickly jumped into action. He hopped, skipped, and jumped over to his room where he pretended to be on his phone waiting for Megumi and Yuuji to come through the door. When they did, he looked up.
"Mr. Fushiguro, can Megumi come to my sleepover next week? It's gonna be the day before my birthday." Yuuji asks, slightly melancholy from expecting a firm 'no' like usual. Megumi was standing behind him, his face completely relaxed. By this point, his parents should know how this works. A friend asks if Megumi can do something and they say...
"Sure thing."
Megumi's eyes burst wide open while his friend jumps for joy. Yuuji immediately turns around and hugs his best friend who is still frozen in shock and staring bug-eyed at his father. Toji is grinning cheekily. Yuuji starts to guide them away from his room and Megumi takes two of his fingers, points them at his eyes then points them right back at Toji. The door shuts.
Toji immediately texted you, his lovely wife, about the great news.
babe guess what
i hope u ready to have the house to ourselves next week
sir what are u talking abt
the little shit is finally out of the house dammit
say on god
on my mom
u dont even fuck wit her
i dont fuck with no one but u baby
...what abt ur son
what abt him?
Now why are you and Toji celebrating the absence of your amazing son? Well to put it simply, to get high as a fucking kite. You two have never really gotten a good opportunity to do so since you started dating so many years ago and Toji even longer before that. Having a kid put a hold on indulging vices. Not that Toji or you minded, Megumi is a wonderful kid. But before having and gaining custody of Megumi when he was 3, he had always anticipated the days he could sit down and light a blunt again.
The last time you and him had smoked frequently was when you two had started dating. Toji was very fond of you so he strived to see you all the time. His baby mother was willing to watch Megumi while he went on dates with you despite how often they were. And he attempted to impress you with his smoking skills. Unfortunately, it had been a long time since the last time he smoked and on the 4th date he ran out of weed and backwoods. Imagine his surprise when he pulled up to your house and you pulled out an airtight jar that was packed full.
"What-what the hell is that?" He exclaimed.
You looked at him with a concerned face, wondering what had gotten him so shook. "Huh? It's Bubba Kush." Toji had never even heard that strain before.
He proceeded to watch you roll the most beautiful blunt he had ever seen in his entire life. You took two large hits and handed it to him. All he could do was look at you. You thought he was cute, but he was taking too long to take it from you. You scrunched up your face and shook your hand. "Take the shit before it goes out, stupid!"
He was smitten.
When he asked you to move in is when the smoking sessions came to an abrupt stop. Something that you completely understood. Megumi was 6 at the time. He was still a pretty young kid so you or Toji always had to be around. And you were. And you both raised a great kid together. And when he finally reached the age of 11, you both thought he would be leaving the house much more frequently like other kids his age were doing. This is when they start going home on the bus together and hanging out at arcades or small restaurants. How could you have known that Megumi would grow an attachment to his parents and never want to leave the house? How would you know that he enjoyed spending time with his dad and stepmom? What preteen likes hanging out with his parents?
Now as it stands, it had been pretty much 8 months since the last time you and Toji smoked and he was tired of it. He prides himself on successfully hiding weed from his son, but if the only thing holding him back was because his son never fucking left the house, then something had to change. This would be the start of many 'yeses' to come.
The day came and you were coming home from work when Toji dropped Megumi off at Yuuji's. Megumi had let his displeasure with the situation be known all week and he was still irritated while Toji drove.
"You know I like being at home."
"Yeah. You're a damn hermit and the shit is weird."
"You're weird."
"I'm not the one who likes hanging out with his parents."
"That's only because grandma and grandpa suck. Your whole family sucks. Mom and Y/N's families are cool."
"What, so you're saying I'm cool? Is that why you like hanging out with me?"
"So you want me to think you're lame?"
How could Toji answer that truthfully without explaining why? "No, I just want you to hang out with your friends. They really like you. Even if you are a loser."
"You're the loser!"
This bickering continued until Toji finally pulled up to the Itadori household. He almost had to force Megumi out of the car and practically pulled him to the front door where he rang the bell. Itadori Sukuna answered and Toji scowled down at him. He didn't like the 17 year-old asshole.
Sukuna looked down at Megumi and grinned. "Hey, my little brother's emo friend arrived. He won't shut up about how your dad finally let you out of the house for once. What changed, Mr. Fushiguro? Huh?" He raised his brow while his smile grew. Toji's face remained stoic although he was starting to get ticked. He tapped his finger against his thigh.
"Just let the kid inside. I don't have time for your nonsense." Sukuna obliged and moved to the side so Megumi could enter the house. The kid turned and waved at his dad before getting jumped by Yuuji and Nobara.
Toji would have chuckled at the scene if it wasn't for Sukuna straining his neck to look past him. Toji realized he was trying to look into his car. "What, do you want a kiss or some shit?" He teased. He raised a bag that had Yuuji's present and put it to his chest. "Here if that's what you're looking for."
Sukuna's face didn't falter. "Y/N couldn't deliver it herself? That's a shame. It's always nice to see her."
Toji scowled. He doesn't know when, but you had become the designated gift giver at some point over the years. Every gift from the Fushiguro household was from you. You made it or bought it with your own money and always delivered it yourself. Toji hated it for this exact reason. He knew this little shit Sukuna had a crush on you. And you just thought it was the most adorable thing in the world as if he wasn't almost a grown man. You would never go for him so it was hilarious, but Sukuna didn't see it that way. He genuinely believes he has a chance of taking you away from Toji and it fuels his already massive ego.
"No. She told me she's tired of you always trying to flirt with her, so I'm gonna be the delivery boy from now on. So get used to it." He lied. Sukuna called his bluff and laughed heartily.
"Yeah alright. Just tell her I missed her today and that I can't wait to see her at the championship game. I'm assuming she's finally taken that stick out of your ass so you can let Megumi go to my games now."
"I'm not gonna tell her shit. You stay the hell away from my wife, delinquent." Toji spat at him through gritted teeth. He turned and walked away before he could respond, but of course, the teenager just laughed and shut the door. Toji was still fuming when he got back in the car, but then he remembered what awaits him at home and he relaxed.
im omw babe
okay bby. i just got home
let's go get sum to eat
what we getting
well figure it out
You don't respond, most likely trying to figure out what you want to eat. You still hadn't decided on what to eat when Toji pulled back up to the house. You came outside and got in the car. You got out of your work clothes and put on something comfy and casual. You had on a white graphic tee that you cut into a crop top and black cotton shorts. Your gold anklet accentuated your pink crocs and your bleached locs were in a high ponytail. All you brought was your phone and house keys. Toji sped back off when you entered and didn't give you time to adjust causing you to lose your balance and fall back against the door.
"Um, excuse you?" You exclaimed. Toji put his hand on your thigh.
"Sorry babe. I didn't mean to." he said while trying to hold back his laughter. You glared at him.
"Stop laughing." He let out a snort.
"I wasn't laughing at you, baby."
"You just did, liar." You finally put on your seatbelt and sat back. Toji's hand still didn't leave your leg while he drove to your designated smoking spot. As much as you two would love to smoke at home, you didn't want your house to reek and the neighbors were nosy assholes.
You put on your favorite music during the drive. Toji loved listening to your playlist. You always managed to surprise him with the raunchiest and most explicit songs you could possibly think to put on. Every time he thinks he’s heard them all, you have a new one to show him, such as the one that was playing now.
Boy this pussy talk,
English, Spanish, and French
Boy this pussy talk,
Euros, Dollars, and Yens
He kind of recognized the voice. This was that group you really like called City Girls. You’ve played their songs a couple times before. He might have to add this one to his playlist, though. They’re really riding the beat.
You lift your head up when Toji stops the car. He rolls the front windows down a bit and turns it off. You reach into the glove box to get all the materials, the grinder, the papers, the rolling tray and, of course, the weed itself. Toji watches you intently as you work your magic.
He doesn’t just stare at your hands as it breaks the buds apart and stuff them into the grinder, he also looks at your face, your hair, your jewelry, and your body. You were such a beautiful woman.
”You could really be unwrapping the woods and dumping out the tobacco but you wanna sit there and look at me like you stupid.”
And you were such a bitch. Not that he was complaining.
When you and Toji met, it was his day off and he wanted to spend it working out. Most people don't really choose to spend the day at work, Toji didn't really have a choice in this case. Plus, he owned the place, so he could really do whatever he wanted.
You walked into the gym just as he was finishing his last set. He was all sweaty and gross and you looked really cute with your locs in pigtails. You had on a matching gray set that he's seen on a number of girls. It never looked this good on any of them, though. He prides himself on not being a creep, but he stole plenty of glances at you when you were checking in. Your butt looked really, really good. It was when you had walked into the women's locker room when he realized he hadn't taken his eyes off of it. He blinked, then looked to his left to see Gojo Satoru smirking at him.
"You're such a weirdo." He joked.
"Fuck off." Toji had the smallest blush on his face and he grimaced in embarrassment. He really hadn't meant to be checking you out, but he couldn't help it. You were pretty.
It took you only a couple of minutes to come out of the locker room with nothing but a water bottle and Airpods. Toji wasn't paying attention as he had refocused on finishing his workout, but you caught his eye again when he turned around to leave. You were punching in settings on the treadmill.
Toji paused with his towel and water in his hand and deliberated what his next moves should be. He was tired, wet, and smelled gross. He had been here since he dropped Megumi off at daycare and he wanted to spend some time relaxing at home before he had to get the little menace. But then you started speed walking and your boobs were bouncing so nicely that he just had to get on the treadmill next to you.
Toji is no better than every other man.
He successfully ignored the look that Gojo had thrown at him before unsuccessfully pulling off a casual walk over to where you were. Toji purposefully walks into your line of sight, sweating inwardly knowing that he caught your eye. You look away when he gets on the treadmill right next to yours. He gives you a nod and a smile expecting a small one back. Instead, the aloof look on your face remains and you look him up and down. Then you go right back to speed walking.
He blinked. Okay, he wasn’t expecting that. Maybe he was coming on too strong by choosing the treadmill next to you. It’s too late now. He punches in the same stats on your treadmill and starts walking as well. He’s taking glances at you but you don’t look over to him even once. Or maybe you’re looking when he’s not looking. From how annoyed your face is, he doubts it.
After a couple minutes, you increase your speed to a jog. Toji decides to play a little game for your attention, and does the same, ending on the exact same speed you’re on. He can’t tell if you notice, but it doesn’t matter to him one bit. He could do this for ages.
Every time you increase your speed, he does the same, and Toji knows he’s gotten you when you increase it significantly and you’re full on running. He’s impressed that you’ve gone this long, but he’s gone longer. He follows suit, as expected. And that's when you give him a glare. And it only gets more sinister when you see the cheeky grin on his face. You turn up the setting to the point where you’re full on sprinting. Toji, and some onlookers, has never seen a woman more determined to outperform a man in his life. And he’s had his fair share of lovers. And despite the deeply confused and slightly frightened look on his face, he's having a lot of fun.
And your reaction to him keeping up with your very impressive speed was worth the strain on his body. You press the stop button on the machine slowing you down to the perfect yet quick stop. You stare at him with your hands on your hips. He smiles and does the same. You’re both staring each other down.
“Yes ma’am?” he grins.
“You think you’re cute?” You say, panting heavily.
“No. I think you’re cute.” He responds, smoothly. You jerk your head back and blink.
“Hmph. Well I don’t.”
“How could you not think you’re cute?”
You roll your eyes. “You know what the fuck I meant.” You grab your water and start to walk away. Toji, even though he doesn’t want to look desperate, follows you. You head to the paper towel dispenser and begin to wipe away your sweat, Toji standing behind you ready with the excuse that he needed the paper towels too. You were very frustrated, so you were punching the dispense switch very aggressively.
Toji couldn’t help himself. “I thought I was the one who pissed you off. Don’t take it out on my dispensers. I’ll have to replace them.”
You paused for a second, then turned to look at him. “...You own this gym?” He nods. “Oh hell no. This is the last time you’ll see me here.”
Toji grabs his heart. “You’re breaking my heart, miss…?” He lets the sentence linger so you can finish it for him.
But instead you almost look offended. You really are cute. “I’m not giving you my name!”
He grabs his heart with his other hand and pretends to stumble back. “Agh! You’re breaking it even more.” He leans his hand on the wall and holds himself up, then looks at you smiling. He managed to catch the end of a slight laugh that escaped you. You cover your mouth, but it’s too late. Toji knows he’ll see you again.
And he does the week after while sitting at the receptionist desk filling out some paperwork. Just when he was starting to think you weren’t joking, you walk right in with your Airpods and duffel bag wearing a different matching set, but it looks just as good on you. He puts on a huge grin and watches your face fall as you walk up to him.
“Good morning, are you sign-”
“Getting on the treadmill again today, sweetheart?” He rudely interrupts his employee, who just rolls her eyes and goes to the back room to get on her phone.
“I don’t know who the hell ‘sweetheart’ is, but I’m not her." Ah. And you brought your attitude with you as well. More fun for him.
“Me neither. Maybe if I knew her name, I wouldn’t have to call her that.” He smiles widely.
“Well I hope you figure it out one day.”
“Oh, I’m about to right now.”
“Oh, really?”
“She has to give me her name to sign her in. That’s how.” He got you looking stuck and somewhat embarrassed. And that fuck ass smile has not left his face.
“Oh, shut the fuck up…” Your eyes shift downwards slightly and you meet his gaze again. “Toji.” You tell him your name afterwards and he signs you into the computer.
“Have a good workout…sweetheart.” He immediately lets out a boisterous laughter seeing the daggers your eyes are shooting at him and he makes it his life mission to annoy you until you say yes to a date and annoy everyday afterwards.
And he has. So, how can he complain about his wife being a bitch when he chose you because of it?
He does what you request, and hands you the leaf so you can finish rolling. Watching you bring it to your lips and start to slick the wood down with your tongue was always a spectacle. Not just because it look cool, but because he never failed to joke about it. “Why can’t you do that to my wood?”
You rolled your eyes. “Not this shit again.” The both of you stared at the flame from your lighter while you used it to seal the leaf. “Are you always gonna make that joke?”
Toji grinned stupidly. “Yes.” You tried, but failed to hold your laughter.
”I hate you, babe,” you giggled. Toji laughed with you and the both of you proceeded to get super duper high.
You guys were halfway through it and you were in the midst of discussing the new drama in your girlfriend group chat when he interrupted you. “Hey. Hey. Hey-“
”What? You see I’m not done talking.”
Toji pauses and just stares at you, making you even more irritated. “Man, what?”
”Let’s have sex.”
You looked at him like he was crazy then shifted your gaze to his crotch. There, in all of its glory, was a tent in his pants. Typical. He always does this. He becomes very talkative when he’s high, so whenever he goes quiet, you knew something was up.
Toji was staring you down ever since he took the first hit. He looked at your breasts and smirked upon seeing your nipples poking through your shirt. He saw how smooth your neck looked and thought abt how nice it feels to sink his teeth into it. The sounds you make are absolutely gorgeous.
Then he stared at your hair. It was so soft and pretty. The blonde was extremely cute, but he liked them the most when they were ginger. He thinks the color is called Cajun Spice or something like that. It matched well with your skin tone.
At some point while you were talking he put his hands on your thigh and started stroking it with his thumb. You didn’t notice, you subconsciously put your hand on top of his grabbing his fingers. The action filled his heart with warmth, smiling at you while relaxing his head on the seat. Just listening to you talk.
Okay, maybe he wasn’t listening. He was imagining how loud you would be if he opened up your door and bent you over the passenger seat. Hm, that sounds like a really good idea.
You look back into his eyes after seeing how hard his dick had gotten and you couldn’t help but smirk. You were clearly trying to keep your smile down, but it wasn’t working. “So you’re not hungry?”
”I am. For something else.”
“…You’ve charmed me,” you say, making Toji laugh.
”Oh, I have?” He takes off his seat belt.
”Yeah, you have.” You say, following suit.
”Then come here.” Toji grabs you as soon as your seatbelt snaps back, pulling you over the center console to kiss you passionately. It’s kind of uncomfortable for you, you have to kneel onto the seats from the way he pulled you over. You would have said something about it, but you were already so wet and he was grabbing you so tightly that the thought left your head.
Toji was moaning in your mouth so much you could feel it vibrate through your body. You could tell he was really getting into it from the way he shifted himself forward to grab your ass and thigh. He decides that he’s had enough. He needs you now. “Take off your shorts.” He opens up his door to come to your side of the car. You can feel yourself becoming giddy while slipping off your bottoms and shoes.
When Toji opens up your door, he sees you in all of your glory. You were bare from the waist down. Your legs are so shapely and smooth, they look beautiful in the moonlight. So were your perfect thighs that he desperately wanted to grasp and never let go. Your glistening cunt tied the whole thing together. He could only imagine how soaked your panties must have been.
But the best sight was the bright and excited smile that stretched across your lovely face. He was falling in love all over again.
”You look happy,” he teased, kneeling onto the hard ground.
“Speak for yourself.” Toji’s smile was just as wide as yours. He made it very clear that he absolutely adored eating you out. He once described it as his favorite pastime. And he was fucking good at it.
Toji took sometime to rub your legs, leaving kisses leading up to your hot center. You couldn’t take your eyes off him. He savored every single smooch as if it was the last time he would get the chance to kiss you.
He spread your legs the closer he got. The fucker slowed down as well, leaving you to whimper pathetically. He smirked and chuckled at you. You had a mouth on you yet when he made you wet you were like puddy in his hands. He gave you a small, but firm bite, his dick twitching when he hears you hiss.
When Toji finally tasted your sweet center, he moaned. He gave it a small kiss, then tenderly licked it, spreading your lips slightly with his tongue. He looked up at you and saw your head fall backwards along with your eyes rolling into the back of your head. Your mouth refused to close, a sound of satisfied pleasure leaving from it. You were so beautiful.
Toji encloses his mouth around your pussy in an extremely sloppy kiss. His mouth is covered in slick and he finds that he likes it so much that he continues making it sloppier by the second. The little squeaks that you’re making in your throat are really cute, but he wants more. He takes his thumb and begins to rub your clit up and down, making sure to get your wetness all over it. It was effective in making you even louder.
”Oh, shit.” You whine. Toji removes his hand just to replace it with his tongue. “Fuck, baby.” You get even louder and your hips begin to grinding into his mouth. You grab his hair in an attempt to keep him still even though you love what he’s doing. Toji loves it and he goes even harder. “Mm, Toji it feels so good.”
He removes his mouth to suck on his fingers. After he wets them up, he inserts on of his digits into your wet pussy. It goes in with ease. You feel his thick finger enter you and as much as you love it, you want more.
”Put another one in, baby.” Toji smiles and bites his lips.
”Anything you want.” He yields to your request, inserting a second finger and pumping them. That makes you moan even louder.
”Yeah, just like that.” He doesn’t take his eyes away from yours. Yours are lidded but he can still see the want in them. The longer he looks, the more he wants you. His fingers pump you harder and harder and you get louder and louder, all while staring him in the eyes. The familiar feeling of release builds up in your abdomen. Your breathing picks up.
”Oh, Toji…Toji…”
”Yes baby?” He starts to smile at you. Your cunt starts getting wetter. He knew what was about to happen.
”I’m gonna cum,” Your voice is so breathy it’s beautiful.
”Go ahead and cum on my fingers, baby.” You do exactly that. As much as he loved keeping eye contact with you, watching you throw your head back and curse while feeling your cum drip from your pussy onto his seats was a much better alternative. He couldn’t wait any longer.
Toji removed his fingers from you and held them up to your face. You flick your tongue out before wrapping your mouth around it. You look at him while maneuvering your head back and forth sucking them dry. Toji stares down at you smiling.
”God, you’re a slut.” He tells you. You release his fingers with a pop and nod your head, smiling.
”What am I going to do with you?” He takes his shirt off before pulling down his pants and briefs, his thick and throbbing member slapping back onto his stomach. He looked amazing. His face was glistening with cum. You took your time to stare at him and his body. His muscles and abs were on display for anyone who had the misfortune (or let’s be honest, fortune) to pass by with their headlights on. His pants and underwear pooled at his ankles and you can’t help but think about how nice his butt looks right now. Just sitting out in the wind. You giggle.
”What’s funny?” He asks, tugging on his dick preparing to lean over you.
”Your ass probably looks so good right now.”
”Why you wanna bite it?” He holds himself over you and pushes your legs up. You lick your lips.
“A little bit. It’s not like I haven’t done it before.” Toji smirks then kisses you sweetly. Without even warning you, he pushes himself into your pussy refusing to let up from the kiss when your mouth instinctively opens wide. The feeling of Toji sinking into you is euphoric, and it gets even better when he’s fully inserted inside of you. He sighs. The two of you are connected at the hip and it feels just as good as the first time.
Toji looks down at the two of you. Your stomach is so beautiful when your thighs are pressed against it. Your ankles were laying on his shoulder pushing your abdomen down and making you feel full. He can’t stop looking at it as he slowly begins to pull himself out of you. You start to whine desperately, grabbing at his back to keep him inside of you. But Toji slams himself back into you making you practically scream. He starts a steady pace of fucking you into his seats. You sound delicious grunting into his ear with every thrust.
“You like that, don’t you?” Obviously.
“Oh my fucking God, yes.” You respond looking at him. He’s holding your hip with one hand and brings the other behind your head putting his body weight on your elbow. Toji pulls your head up to his to kiss you once more. You swallow each other’s moans and his thrusts become more intense. You scratch at his back leaving new scars amongst his old ones.
“Does my pussy feel good, Toji?” You whisper into his ear. He groans into yours and you clench your cunt around his dick.
“So fucking good, baby girl.” It’s his turn to sound breathless. It tickles your ear.
“Will you moan for me? Will you say my name?” You ask. He nods and begins to whine. He sounds desperate for your pussy, as if it he would die if he stopped fucking you for even one second.
“Ngh…(Y/N), I fucking love this pussy.” He whimpers. He sounds so hot, you can feel your release coming soon.
“I know you do baby.” You taunt. Toji weakly lifts his hand from your hip and it crawls up your torso between your breasts to grip your neck. You can’t talk and your head remains still. Toji’s breath is hot on your cheek while he turns his head.
“You’re a dirty fucking bitch you know that?” He tells you. Toji thrusts into you one more time and stops. You look at him in desperation while he pulls himself out of you. “Open your mouth.” As soon as you do, he drools onto your tongue then leans down to make out with it. It ends with your tongue being sucked into his mouth.
“Turn around, bitch.” He commands. You twirl around and hike your ass into the air, twerking a little bit while smiling at him. He grins and slaps your cheek hard. Then, Toji lines himself up with your pussy once more, and pushes himself into you from behind.
He can’t even hear how amazing you sound, he’s so focused on how wet you are. He tilts his head back wards and groans. “Oh, shit.” He begins to fuck you from the back, getting even more excited seeing your ass clap on his stomach.
He holds onto your hips as if it’s a lifeline. At some point, you turn to look back at him and you look so fucking slutty it’s not even funny. Toji can’t help himself when he reaches for your hair then yanks your upper body towards him, causing you to arch your back. He reaches over to grab one of your tits knowing that they probably looked amazing bouncing from him fucking the shit out of you.
You’re loud and spewing curses, but so is Toji. He can feel your pussy clenching around him again. “You’re about to cum again, aren’t you?” All you can do is nod too busy screaming his name. “Then cum on my dick, baby. Come on.”
“Okay daddy.” Toji smacked your ass again.
“Fuck, say that again.”
“Okay, daddy.” You say while releasing on his member, leaving a white ring of cream around his base. Toji pushes himself down onto you grabbing his seats and ramming himself into your pussy. You’re already slumped, not even trying to lift your head up and just letting your cheek squish into the chair. Your moans are quick and desperate. Hoping that it never ends. But from the speed at which Toji thrusts inside of you, his breath picking up and his moans becoming more wild and loose, you knew it would end soon.
“I’m gonna cum, baby girl. Where do you want it?”
You gather enough strength to tell him, “On my face, Toji. Please cum on my face.”
Oh, he was so glad you said that. He fucks you for a little while longer before ripping himself from you. You immediately turn around and kneel down, face lined up right underneath his balls. Toji pumps his dick and looks at you staring up at him in anticipation. You look so fucking beautiful, he releases a guttural and intense moan while his thick, white seed spills all over your face. You accept it gracefully, then when he’s done you lick the remaining cum from his dick. He shudders.
“Damn, babe.” He laughs. “You’ve never looked prettier.”
You would bat your eyes if he didn’t cum on one of them, so you opt to giggle and pose cutely. “You should take a picture.” You joke.
Well, he takes it seriously. Toji pulls up his pants and underwear to find his phone, snatching it up and snapping as many pics of you as he can. You go along with it and actually start to pose while his semen drops down your face and onto your body, mainly your tits. He makes sure to take a picture of that too.
“Yeah, this is going in the vault.” He puts his phone away, gets the paper towel roll he keeps in his car for this very reason and wipes your face for you. When you’re all clean you look so fucking gorgeous he can’t help but to kiss both of your cheeks.
“What was that for?” You ask, pulling your shirt down and putting on your shorts.
Toji shrugs. “I love you. So much.”
You give him a slight glare and his stupid smile falls. “What?”
“You just saying that because I let you cum on my face.” Toji feigns offense and dramatically puts his hand to his chest and scoffs and gasps.
“How dare you. I love you for you are AND you let me cum on your face.” He says. You roll your eyes.
“Take us home so you can do it again, loser." You slam the door shut and start to light the unfinished blunt once more.
Toji looks at you through the window and can’t help but stare in absolute infatuation. You really are perfect for him.
“Can you come the fuck on?” You open the door to shout at him.
“Yes, baby.”
ending a/n: I started this series to take a break every once in a while from all the angst I write, lmao. I have quite a few story ideas, but none of them are fully written just yet. Be sure to check back for the next installment in the series🩵🩵🩵
Pics are from Pinterest btw
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slut4daviii · 2 years
character: r.sukuna
pt: 01/02
cw: grinding | degradation | humiliation | orgasm control | slight comedy | slightly ooc sukuna | hopefully funny internal dialogue
summary: “everyone’s gay until proven straight” -Albert Einstein 1994
a/n: the quote above is satire, please do not take it seriously. also, minors and fem-aligned DO NOT INTERACT [s.name] = sister name, you don’t have a sister? then your really missing out.
title: one down, one to go
wc: 1400+
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The Itadori's estate was something that existed beyond the imagination. A large residential reserve of land tucked comfortably away in a three-way forest covered reservoir. The north, south, and east sides were completely surrounded by towering trees, rocketing higher than the eye could see.
The south side was the only actual entrance to the large building, a winding driveway that spun beautifully around a dove shaped fountain situated in the middle of a crystalline indigo-green pond.
It was passed down the family line, never losing its luster. It was usually used for casual parties: gowns and suits, champagne popping, fancy displays of money, marriage, and even the birth of heirs.
And today was no different, a party was held, yet, in contrast to the past, this was not a political party. No bow-ties or high hats.
music blared loudly, some teens drinking, some making out, some… conceiving other actions, and yet, some still lay passed out, enamored to the oddly comforting ground.
however, the highlight of this party came from the upstairs infinite pool. inside sat teenagers tispy and intrigued. yet, around it lay half empty bottles of all types: hennesy, schnapps, bourbon, vodka, cognac, and a magnificent magnitude of other alcohols.
a simple game of truth or dare. “a simple ‘do or don’t’ game between underage drunk teenagers” you’d say, knowing damn well it was anything but.
due to the interference of Maki Zenin, four distinct rules were cultivated to make the game much more enticing.
in her words, “the game is really simple, however, the rules make it much more complex.”
RULE ONE: the order in which everyone sits is immutable, so if you want to change your seats, I advise you do it now.
nobody thought to move, leaving the oder of participants as so: Sukuna, You, [s.name], Megumi, Nobara, Toge, Pan (Panda), Yuuji, and finally, Maki.
RULE TWO: there is a limit on how many dares and truths, if two people choose dare, then the person after them has to choose truth. and vise versa for two truths.
RULE THREE: anyone can dare anyone, nothing is off the table. however, if you pass up the dare you have to take a shot, and if you pass up a truth, you have to take two shots.
RULE FOUR: if a dare involves you, you cannot declare if you want to pass it up or not, that’s the choice of the person being dared. but, if they do decide to pass it up, then the both of you have to take three shots.
now looking back on it, you scoffed at yourself for not thinking to switch your seat. you should’ve known your sister was going to… fuck you over.
but, you can’t go back in time, and everyone had already agreed, nodding happily.
“Alright let's play.”
the game started off simple, small dares and obvious truths. the group couldn’t be sure of what to make of each other’s boundaries. but, like everything else in the world, they were pushed to their limits.
you had answered two questions and done one dare: down a whole bottle of vodka in thirty seconds. you failed. but, now, a new round had started and Yuuji was the forerunner.
“Yuuji.” [s.name] called, her voice trailing over the water like a fresh coat of paint. “truth or dare?”
the boy in question cut his eyes to her, a tension setting between them. you knew [s.name] was forming some sort of plan, but you couldn’t figure out what it was yet.
after some hesitation— mainly Yuuji objecting the question and grumbling to himself about [s.name] owning him something— he answered, meekly. “truth.”
Nobara shot up at the inclination, taking it as an invitation to mess with her boyfriend, “is it true you lost your virginity to Megumi?”
quiet reigned over the group, even you, the quiet and stoic hothead, were rendered speechless.
Yuuji on the other hand however was sputtering, his voice coming out jumbled and without full attention. “I— n— Nobara! you—you’re dating M—Megumi! how would I’ve lost my vir—virginity to him?!”
“that’s not an answer, Yuuji-kun.” she responded, lapping at the blush slowly creeping upon the pink-haired blunders face.
everyone laughed, watching as Yuuji tried to shake the blush crossing his features. his entire neck was a shade of light pink.
you couldn’t care less, ‘why would you want to loose your virginity to another guy?’ now of course you kept these thoughts to yourself, not wanting to upset anyone but you just didn’t understand why or even how two guys do the do.
despite these thoughts, you still found yourself wondering how it would feel— no. you don’t care, you told yourself.
tuning back into reality, you saw Maki blushing, pointing at Toge, who was looking stoic all the same. “Just answer the question.” he edged her.
“n—no! I hate [s.name]!”
it finally clicked, Maki had a crush on your sister. you inwardly grimaced at this, not wanting to even think how two girls… ‘I mean who does the actual fucking?’ you asked yourself
“anyways, Sukuna’s turn!” [s.name] yelled, her voice laced with a malignant grin.
you looked at Sukuna, your eyes traveling over his body before locking on his thighs. ‘if I were to fuck a guy, it’d definitely be— wait, what the hell am I saying? this is Sukuna. he wouldn’t want to do it.’
it took a few seconds, but soon your words registered within your own head ‘AND NEITHER WOULD I!’
but, now that you were thinking about it, Sukuna alway seemed to be staring at you. I mean, not like a normal stare but the type of stare that you give to someone you wanna fuck. and whenever you two are together for longer than five minutes, he starts getting nervous and blushing like a horny schoolgirl.
“alright Sukuna! that’s two truths, now you’ve got to choose a dare.” [s.name] screeched. you winced slightly, rubbing you ear to rid it of your sister’s annoyance. “does anyone have a dare for Sukuna?” not even a second later, [s.name] continued, “good.” you deadpanned.
“now, Sukuna, I dare you to— your sister looked directly at you, her expression matching that of a black cat, mysterious and low— “sit in [name]’s lap. and not just sit, you have to straddle him.”
Sukuna turned a bright shade of pink, his body stiffening against the cold tiles of the pool. you looked at your sister through narrow eyes, she knew you weren’t gay. she knew you didn’t like guys but still pulled this.
“I’ll just drink—“
“that’s not your choice. it’s [name]’s”
you looked down, avoiding not only Sukuna’s but also your sister and everyone else’s gazes. you didn’t want to have him on your lap but… you also didn’t wanna take three shots.
‘fuckfuckfuckfuck.’ you were stuck, not knowing if you should weird out your best friend by telling him to sit on your dick or tell him to just drink three shots like it was nothing.
Sukuna touched your bicep, but pulled his hand back when he felt your muscles contract. “uhm— you—we can just drink. it—it’s f—fine, really [name].”
this was the first time you’d heard Sukuna stutter, was it because of the situation or just because he wanted to sit in your lap?
“[n—name]?” you shook your head and brought your hands to Sukuna’s waist. as much as you didn’t want another guy straddling your dick, there was something in you that want to know why Sukuna was stuttering all of a sudden. and if it was because of you, then how would it change things?
Sukuna slid through the water, his skin glistening against the brightly-lit moon behind his house. you pulled him onto you, slightly rubbing against the tip of your semi-hard cock. why were you hard?! was it Sukuna?! NO. no, no, no, it was because you hadn’t masturbated in over a week. yeah, yeah that’s what it was. and— and Sukuna had a really nice ass— wait! no! that came out wrong.
Sukuna had placed his legs on the sides of your thighs, steadying the both of you. ‘calm down. calm down. it’s alright, it’s your fault that you hadn’t touched yourself and Sukuna really did have a nice ass, better than some of the girls you’d dated in the past.
He wrapped his hands around your neck, pulling himself closer to you, further rubbing his ass against your cock. by this point, there was no way he hadn’t noticed your half—full—boner. but, he didn’t react, he was really quiet actually. just a small blush going across his face.
you shifted, moving yourself so that your back could support the newfound weight. this time Sukuna reacted. quite vulgarly. a moan escaped him, the sound violently sending your body into a violent malfunction.
‘fuck. that was hot. scorching even.’ you felt your cock harden even more, the tip poking at Sukuna’s clothed backside. he squandered against you before meeting your eyeline.
you almost came on the spot.
his face was flushed beyond recognition. tears pooling in the corners of his cornea, panting softly; his tongue hung slightly out his mouth, and his pupils—in your vision— had hearts in them.
he was also hard. harder than you—if possible—
his tip was pressing against your abdomen, making him squeal and squirm every time you did as much as breathe. you gulped, shifting your lower body to left to see his reaction.
he fell against your chest, suppressing his moan with his fist— oh, what you wouldn’t give to hear it— some of your friends looked at the two of you with questioning looks, but after a shrug from you, they resumed the game.
you leaned to Sukuna’s ear, his breathing labored and ragged with pleasure. you didn’t know what you were doing, you just knew it felt good, almost like lust had completely taken you over.
“you’re such a slut.” you pulled, watching as his shaking multiplied by the dozen, and he began softly thrusting his hips against you. “oh? do you like it when I tell you how everyone sees you? like a shameless slut?” suddenly, a surge of confidence rushed through you. your thoughts were plagued with the same repetition: ‘I’m doing this. I’m the one making the bold and outrageous Sukuna feel like putty.’ truthfully, you didn’t know if this was the truth or just your ego.
speaking of him, he was panting harder, his hips scrambling against you. he was chasing an orgasm you didn’t intend to let him have. placing your hands on his waist, you stopped his movements, “do you really want everyone to see how desperate you are? see how easy it is to make you cum? Sukuna let out a quiet sob, his eyes rolling back at the taunt, or was it the idea of actually getting caught? something that you quickly voiced to him: “or is it that you wanna get caught? want everyone to see me fuck you senseless? hm, I’d expect nothing less outta a slut like you.”
“m—m’not a s—slut!” he barked back, barely above his panting. you cocked you head to the side and smirked at him
“then why are you so close to cumming without anyone touching you?” you cut your eyes around the pool, quickly catching the eyes of Sukuna’s younger twin, Yuuji Itadori and your thoughts instantly ran away from you ‘if he’s anything like his brother, he’d be a good fuck.’ you shook your head at this ‘naw, he’s definitely an innocent one, would let you do anything you wanted.’
“m’not gon’ c—cum!” Sukuna combatted, trying to bring your attention back to him.
the prolonged eye contact with Yuuji hadn’t ended yet, he was still starting at you with half-lidded eyes, clarifying his intentions with you. ‘another time. another time to take his innocence and make him as sinful as those eyes he making at me.’
you turned your attention away with a wink, bringing your free hand to Sukuna’s swin trunks. “oh you’re not? then— you gently grabbed his tip through the fabric, twitching your muscles to jerk her up and down a few times— what’s this?” you finished
Sukuna bucked into your hand, trying so hard to cum. “not here.” you brought your hand back to your side and locked eyes with the Itadori. “do you want them to see? huh S’kuna?”
like the confidence coursing through you, the nickname also came out of nowhere, shocking the both of you.
“d—d’care! I don’t c—care! just fuck me!”
you were tempted, definitely tempted, but you had something Sukuna didn’t. dignity. “not right now, S’kuna. now be a good boy and cum for me.”
the sudden raspy nature to your voice made Sukuna moan, harshly thrusting his hips against you. and within seconds he came, the white ropes being trapped in by his swimwear. “ngh! nngk! [name]!”
the moans fell on deaf ears as you looked back past him and to his twin, maintaining another long session of eye contact. he was immobilized by your gaze, not able to do anything until you broke it to look at your sister.
“your turn [name]! truth or dare!”
you looked back at Yuuji one last time, cascading your tongue along your lips.
“dare, of course.”
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miekasa · 2 years
gojo twins gojo twins gojo twins
Okay okay okay let’s play a game called which one of your loved ones is the best at telling the twins apart! 
In first place has to be Nanami. Even when they’re newborns, he’s by far the best at discerning them (sometimes even better than Satoru LMFAO). The twins aren’t so rambunctious that they try to play pranks and purposely deceive the adults around them, but occasionally, there is a blame dispute that has to be settled, and like all other kids, the twins point their fingers at each other. It never works when Kento is doing the babysitting, the twins fear he’s the one with eyes everywhere, not their dad.  
Yuuta seems to just know. Which makes sense, because the twins are two different people, after all; but he’s never shown any hesitance in knowing which is which. It’s kind of impressive. Again, the twins rarely try to trick anyone on purpose, but they are identical, and at the end of the day, many people confuse them at first. Never Yuuta. Maybe that’s why he’s earned himself a top 3 ranking among their babysitters.  
Megumi knows purely because he can always tell which is the younger one (by 12 minutes) because that’s the twin that acts more like Satoru. Even when they’re not talking, Megumi swears the younger one even manages to sit in silence like his father. Maki is also scarily good at telling them apart, personality be damned. With her eyes shut, she could tell you which one of them is crawling around. Neither Maki nor Megumi will ever let any Gojo have the best of them like that.  
Yuuji and Toge have the occasional slip up when calling their names (saying one when he meant the other), but neither are fooled whenever the twins or Satoru himself try to pull a prank. From the jump, Yuuji is someone who claims the twins are so different, even when they’re just months old; and Toge says he can hear the difference and discern them even by facial expressions. Sometimes, they both like to watch them prank other people, even encourage the antics for entertainment purposes. Probably why Toge and Yuuji make up the remaining spots for top 3 babysitters ranking by the twins.  
According to Nobara, your brats look and sound the same anyway, and if there’s two of them at the end of the day, does it matter that she knows who is who? She usually just calls their names to get their attention individually if she needs to, it’s her favorite cheat code. Once she and Yuuji were babysitting and split up with one twin each, and she was certain she had one when in fact she had the other. It kind of infuriates her, but she plays it off as indifference. She does get much better as they get older.
I’ll throw you all a bone and put Suguru in this, but I’m tell you right now he sucks at telling the twins apart, Satoru being his best friend be damned. They literally get to their teen years and he’s still getting corrected with the, “Suguru, I’m the other twin.” He tries, truly, but they’re just both so... Satoru to him, it really messes with his head sometimes. He does a lot of bribery, usually in the form of “if you don’t tell your mother about this, I’ll buy you whatever you want.”
Shoko was a big part of your pregnancy from a medical standpoint, but for the life of her she cannot tell those twins apart. She honestly finds their presence a little unsettling because they look so much like Satoru. They like her tho, because her apathy to watching them reads more as “cool, chill aunt” in their toddler minds. Aunt Shoko is a 10/10 in their books, even if she mixes them up 80% of the time.  
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alonelystargazer · 8 days
WIP Wednesday
I haven't done one of these in a while but I'm working on a few projects behind the scenes (albeit very slowly), so I want to share a little bit of what I have so far.
for JJK:
Chapter 2 of my ItaFushi fic: give you more (than words can say)
He follows Nobara around, browsing the various video and crane games set up in the five-story building, going up the escalator to the second floor where they find rows and rows of gachapon machines set up. Since he’s here, he may as well indulge and try his luck. “Look, there it is! Okay, I have ¥2850 left, so I’m gonna keep spending it until I get that damn figure. You,” Nobara points to Megumi, “are you gonna stand there again like an idiot like you did earlier?” Megumi decides to keep the peace and ignore being called an ‘idiot’ again. “I’ve got enough cash to buy out this whole machine, but I don’t really care what I get.” “Did you guys forget I’m here, too?” Yuuji whines with a frown like a sad wet kitten. “You didn’t even wanna come here in the first place. Just pick a machine or stand there quietly and let us play,” Nobara barks back. “You’re usually not this mean, but you’re extra cranky today, Kugisaki,” Yuuji sighs, half of his body’s strength seemingly disappearing as he slumps against a nearby wall.
I also have another idea for an itfs fic set in a no powers AU but I'll share more about it when I start writing the story. For now, I'm still in the outlining process because I plan for it to be another multi-chapter story. Basically, it's set around Christmas time, and Yuujij gets drunk and sad and lonely at a party and decides to write a post card to the address where he used to live, and surprise, a guy named Megumi now lives there and receives the card. Can you imagine what will happen next?
I thought of restructuring my post-canon itfs fic called Foreign Language into something else, but that depends on these final 3 chapters of JJK, so we'll see how it goes, but for now, I'm leaving it alone.
for Kagurabachi:
pre-Rakuzaichi Hakuri character study/HakuHiro fic called Safety Net
Tomorrow is a day of great importance for Chihiro. With Shiba-san’s help, he will be able to infiltrate that loathsome auction house where Hakuri’s father is keeping the merchandise and retrieve his precious sword. For years, rumors of the existence of a seventh enchanted blade drifted through the underground world without a shred of proof. That one elusive blade is spoken of by the patrons of the black market like a thing of legend, a literal object of desire, crafted by the fallen hero of Japan, Rokuhira Kunishige. And yet. It is no mystery. Enten is alive because Chihiro breathes his soul into it, senses it from a distance like a lost limb, cherishes it like a parent to a child. Chihiro keeps his father’s legacy close to his heart and away from the type of people who are undeserving of wielding its immense power, away from those who would hold no accountability for their actions if it were to fall in their hands. Therefore, it is the property of Rokuhira. His greatest treasure. But… it is lost, somewhere beyond his reach. All because Chihiro gave it away in exchange for Hakuri’s release.
I also started outlining my HakuHiro Pacific Rim AU fic but that one is going to take me months to write, so I probably won't share anything from it for a while.
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