#as always please let me know about any typos and constructive criticism is very welcome
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lord-aldhelm · 2 years ago
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So........ I did a thing and wrote an Aldflaed fanfic...
I started it about a year and a half ago, and only just now finished it. It is 25 chapters, 103k words. I uploaded the first chapter to AO3, and will upload a new chapter once a week until it is all uploaded. Warning in advance: it is a super slow burn. I apologize to your eyeballs in advance...
So for starters, this is the VERY FIRST fanfic I have ever written. I don't even read fanfic, let alone write it, so please keep that in mind when you read this. I am not a writer. The chapter titles are song titles because I could not think of good titles that were not spoilers. I have not read any in-universe TLK fanfic, so any similarities to other existing works is purely coincidental. Also, I wrote this for myself, and myself alone, so I am aware that it may not be everyone's cup of tea. I was originally not going to publish it, but since I put so much time and effort into it, I thought perhaps even if one other person gets something out of it then that is great.
Also, since this is my first time writing, I welcome constructive criticism. If there is a typo, or something does not make any sense and needs to be clarified, or if you think there is a better way for me to say something, please by all means leave a comment. But please do not come @ me if you just don't like it.
Second, this took me so long because it changed so much while I was writing it. It takes place starting with 3.10, and the majority of the fic takes place between Seasons 3&4, and then ends with basically a rewrite of Season 4. It has way more Uhtred in it than I originally intended, but don't worry it is NOT an Uhtred / Aethelflaed fic!
I am working on another one right now that is a Season 2-3 Aldflaed fic, although I don't know when that will be done. It will probably be as long as this one, so forever...
(pic from Instagram)
First paragraph and link to the first chapter below the cut...
Springtime in Saltwic
Chapter 1: Bring Me To Life
Tensions were running high after King Alfred’s passing, and Aethelflaed could feel the low rumbling of chaos start to spread in the minds of the men around her. A king’s passing was always a volatile time, especially for those who were self-serving and devious. Aethelwold was trying to sow discord among the ealdormen, Aethelred was looking to cut ties with Wessex and establish himself as King of Mercia, and Edward, young and inexperienced, was struggling to maintain order. Then there were other worries and sorrows. Her mother was distraught after the loss of her husband, Uhtred was imprisoned and was likely to be banished again or killed on the orders of her mother, and Thyra, Father Beocca’s beloved wife and Uhtred’s sister, was killed in a suspicious house fire.
Aethelflaed left the great hall to seek comfort and safety in her room. But it would seem even her own room was not safe; the door handle was covered in blood. Terrified, she entered the room cautiously, not knowing what she would find inside. On the floor at the foot of her bed, to her great surprise, was Aldhelm. He was gravely injured, bleeding out from a stab wound in his abdomen. She did not need to be told who had done it; she knew without asking.
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dragoninmypocket · 7 years ago
note: This is part 2.5 of a (rather disjointed) series of ‘missing’ scenes from the books. While the parts can stand alone, I’ve thrown in some callbacks.  
Other parts:
part 1: stay
part 2: follow
part 3: scar
epilogue: after the storm
This is set around a year after the slaves have been freed. Content warning for mental illness symptoms/panic attacks.
Jasmine hides the ring, but keeps it close. She hangs it around her neck on the chain Sharn had found amongst her mother’s things, and wears it only when Lief needs it. On the darkest nights, he laces his fingers with hers and looks at it, that glint of gold which contains the future he can barely imagine.
It is all she can do, perhaps. For this is a war in Lief’s mind (a battle you can never win), so she can say nothing (I can feel she is there), can do nothing when the panic clutches him (you cannot defeat me) she can only stay beside him as he (the street urchin… the little king) tries desperately to escape his own head.
* * *
At the beginning, he fled to her room only when the voice came. Now, he just stays with her. Every night she lies beside him, holding his hand as he sleeps and comforting him when he wakes. It is every night, now. Every night.
“This will never be over,” Lief says through stiff lips, shivering. He has just woken from another sweat-filled, thrashing nightmare. It is four months since he first heard the Crystal, since Jasmine found him huddled under his office desk, sobbing and rocking with his hands pressed against his ears. The deep winter has thawed to spring.
“It will be,” she soothes. “And we are going to be so, so happy. You will see,”
He holds her hand. She is strength and love- his diamond with emerald eyes.
* * *
It comes to her in the dead of night, as she holds Lief’s clutching, desperate hand. She knows this feeling and, horribly, she knows that laugh.
Our mother…our mother…our mother…
But she has to be strong for the both of them now, so Lief must never know.
* * *
They decide to move. The world is more peaceful at the forge, and Lief does not scream so much.
But they can never escape it, not really. He will always be waiting. She can hear me too, little king. She can. Do you remember what happened last time she could hear me? I nearly took her from you. You could not protect her from me.
Lief feels a chill, but when he looks at Jasmine she is smiling, folding the quilt which lies across his palace bed, the one Sharn made for his eighteenth birthday. Boxes filled with Lief’s clothes sit beside her, and there is hope in her eyes.
She would tell him if something was wrong. Why would she lie to him?
* * *
Here is why:
One morning it is Jasmine who freezes, shaking and wide-eyed, on the steps of the palace. And Lief knows. He knows, and any comfort Jasmine can bring him is gone.
Now, he is consumed with hysterical fear. He will not sleep. He will not eat. He will not let Jasmine out of his sight. His mind is fixed on one thought. Tora.
“I am not going,” Jasmine says, watching him pace the forge’s living room.
“You must!” Lief turns to her, his eyes wild. He is shaking so hard his teeth are chattering. “Jasmine- he is going to hurt you… He told me…. You have to!”
But Jasmine cannot leave him.
* * *
Two days after Lief discovers Jasmine’s secret, Barda arrives at the forge. He takes one look at the boy- at his exhausted face, his stubble, his greasy hair- and he orders Lief to draw a bath.
Lief shakes his head, mumbling. “I cannot leave-” He glances anxiously at Jasmine. She is sitting next to him on the couch, her hand in his.
“You can. I am here now,” Barda reminds him. “I will not let anything happen to her, Lief. I promise,”
Yesterday Doom had visited the forge and made the same promise. He had ordered Lief to bed, swearing that Jasmine would be safe, that he had his sword and his dagger and ten guards outside who would slaughter any intruder in an instant. Lief had not believed him, and he had not slept. 
But Lief believes Barda, and for the first time in two days, he leaves Jasmine’s side.
Barda watches him go, a muscle in his jaw twitching. “He looks terrible, Jasmine.”
“I am trying my best,” the response is tight and small. Barda turns around, startled, and is ashamed to see her usually stern face has crumpled. A shadow as dark as a bruise sits under each dull green eye. He can tell she has been crying.  “I am trying,” she whispers again, her voice cracking. “I…”
Barda’s heart jumps into his throat. “I know, Birdie. I did not mean-” He takes Lief’s place on the couch. “You have done far more than anyone could have expected of you,”
“It is still not enough,” Jasmine says, still in that same tiny voice. “Nothing is is enough. But what else can I do?”
Barda leans forward to grip Jasmine’s wrist. “You can go to Tora,”
Jasmine stares at him in disbelief. Everyone has said the same- Sharn and Marilen writing frantically from the magic city, Doom staring at her from across the forge table, Lief screaming and shaking and begging... But she had always believed that Barda would take her side. That he would understand why.
“We promised each other-” she begins, almost angry.
“I know,” he says. His mind is filled with the memory of Jasmine, under the stars at the edge of the Shifting Sands. Her face, so much younger and more assured than the one before him now. Her hand, reaching out to shake his as she made the oath that he would repeat. No matter what, they would protect Lief, even if it cost them their lives, even if it meant leaving the other to their fate. There would be no anger, no hard feelings, no regret. “If you have to choose between me and Lief, I want you to protect Lief. Even if it means I have to die, promise you will protect Lief.” 
They had not even known he was the king, then, but there was still enough reason. Lief was not a warrior like them. He alone had a family, and friends who would miss him if he was gone. And they loved him, even then, they loved him. If you love someone, you will do anything to protect them. 
But somehow, making that oath under the stars, neither of them had anticipated this. That they would grow to love each other. That Lief could love them too.
Barda squeezes her wrist gently. “Lief will not rest until he knows you are safe. And Tora is the only place where he can be assured of your protection. You want to help him? You go to Tora. It is all you can do,”
Jasmine knows he is right. Of course he is right. She bows her head, defeated. There is a long silence, interrupted only by faint creeks as Lief moves around the cottage.
At last Jasmine whispers, “You promise you will stay in Del? No matter what Lief begs, you will keep him safe?”
He nods. “On my honour. I always have,”
A tear falls onto Barda’s hand, still firm on Jasmine’s wrist. Another falls, and lands on the ring on her finger. “And… and you Barda? You will stay safe?” 
“I will,” he says. “I am safe. I cannot hear the Crystal, remember? Do you think I would still be sleeping at the palace if I could?”  
Her eyes close in relief. “Look after him Barda,” she whispers, an echo of the letter from Sharn that burns in his jacket pocket. Look after our precious boy.
* * *
Hours later, Lief is clean and sleeping peacefully on the couch, bathed in the light of the full moon. In his hands he is still clutching the note from his mother – Jasmine and Doom have arrived. There is the hint of a smile on his face, the topaz is glowing. Barda knows that, tonight at least, he will be okay.
As carefully and quietly as he can, Barda collects his coat and closes the door behind him. From the forge gate he can see the lights at the palace windows. He stands for a moment, watching as one, then two, then three, blink out. He wonders how the people behind the windows can sleep so easily, unaware of the evil which pulsates above their resting heads. 
Sighing, Barda turns away and starts to move down the pot-hilled road towards the edge of the city. There he will find a tavern he knows well. He has been sleeping there for the last two weeks.
You are a fool to think you can protect them from me.
I can, Barda promises silently. And I will.
note: I know in Dragon’s Nest Barda says he does not suffer like Lief… but I’ve always thought that even if he did, he would never have told anyone.
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parkerlyn · 4 years ago
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Play the Demo  |  Choice of Games Forum  | Info Post
The Nameless is a fantasy interactive fiction WIP that is character and romance driven, with your race (sheevra) loosely based on stories about the fey and other myths. Where deals are a weapon and a name is the most intimate secret someone can offer.
You play as a sheevra investigating the city of Renescen after the complete disappearance of one of four sheevra Clans in the world, running across a ragtag group of both sheevra and mortalis along the way.
Will you find out what happened before it comes for you?
Chapter 2 and first half of Chapter 3: It’s time to collect some information around Renescen on the third quadrant and the missing sheevra’s Sanctum, but something odd lurks just on the edge of your consciousness...
Play the Demo  |  Choice of Games Forum | Info Post
Words: 70k w/ code | 63k w/o | 35k avg playthrough
Thank you for reading! ❤️ Author notes below
Hello Hello!! And welcome to the rest of Chapter 2 and the first half of Chapter 3!
First of all, thank you so much for reading, and a special thank you to those who have been around since I thought I’d have this update out in October 2020 when I had no concept of how long it would take ._. ❤️ I really really appreciate you giving this story a chance! 
Unfortunately I really wish I had the full Chap 3 ready, but realized I need to work more on the branches and their merging first 😖 But the time between this and the completion of Chap 3 will definitely be shorter than the last lull, as the current offline demo just broke 90k words without code!
As you read, please feel free to send feedback, as I’m very much still learning and finding my way through creating IF 🙏 This WIP is definitely still a living work, so I’m always looking for constructive criticism!
A note for previous players, every file has had some changes, so I believe it will break...just about all saves ._.
But I’m so excited for this update to introduce more interactions with the ROs and the world and its magic/technology, and I hope you like it too!
Some other updates in this content:
More typo corrections (RIP), and a few extra descriptions of Renescen have been added through Chap 1.
Added a couple more personality responses throughout, ex: being empathetic but still apprehensive of the mortalis
Slight revamp to Stats pages to combine personality and magic/might skills into main initial page
Added sheevra/mortalis form skin color choice in Chap 1 (height and horns/antler choices coming in Chap 4 or 5). Please let me know if any are not represented or are represented poorly by word choice.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and thank you again for reading! Please stay safe out there ❤️
xoxo Parker 🥰
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minamary · 5 years ago
MLQC headcanons because why not
So, I decided to write a little something with the boys from mlqc because "why not?". No one requested this. I'm not actually a writer (not even for hobby) and probably there will you be a lot of typos because english is not my first language, but oh well... Here we go!
*Let me know if you found any errors, so I can fix it! (Why not let this be an opportunity to learn?) Thanks!
MLQC boys + Netflix and chill
Victor is not much one of subterfuges, we all know and love (most of the time) the fact that he's a very straightforward man.
"Netflix and chill? Oh well, you either wanna pick something to watch or you want to partake in sexual intercourse. Which one is it?"
Come on, Victor, just say "fuck" like everybody else (tbh, he actually say "fuck" sometimes and it's just as sexy as you're picturing).
Now, what happens next depends on your mood, if you know what I mean. Either the new The Witcher series on Netflix or high quality sex on the living room's couch.
If you're too indecisive, Victor will always pull you close kinda roughly and kiss you like the thirsty man he is (for you). Tbh, he does love you more than anything, so he can't help but want to make love to you (yes, Victor is a "make love" type of guy).
Obviously, consent is everything and Victor will always respect you in every possible way.
Victor will never miss an opportunity to love you, because he loves your everything: your mind, your heart, your imperfect normal human being body and what he likes to call "your beautiful, gentle soul". So he'll grab any chance to love you with his own mind, heart, body and soul.
Deep down (under the tsundere bullshit that sometimes comes to light) that's what love is for Victor: you are his everything, so he will love you with everything he has.
When you invited Gavin for Netflix and chill at your house, boy came prepared with pizza and snacks.
Tbh, Gavin has so much work to do and so many dangerous work trips to go (in which he ends up being incommunicable) that is hard to catch up with the new expressions that are trending among the youngsters.
He doesn't understand very well why did you dressed up so sexily to watch a movie in your own house, but he's very much far from complaining about it.
You're having to much fun with the situation to get upset. But too bad he won't get to see the new lingerie you got especially for the occasion.
After a couple of bad comedies, boy goes home like the perfect gentleman he is, with just a tender goodbye kiss. But oh well, turns out you decided to get some tonight.
Halfway home, bird cop gets a text from you with a print of urban dictionary's definition of "Netflix and chill".
Lightspeed back to you house.
Right after you felt a gush of wind hitting your skin, you felt his arms wrapping around you very tenderly.
"Why didn't you just told me?" He laughed while hugging you and carrying you towards the bedroom.
Turns out he did got to see your new lingerie ;)
Well, professor Lucien is always busy with some damn activity of the damn university. Even tho he always managed to make time for you, you feel bad that you're keeping him from resting in his rare free time.
So this time you decided to plan a very relaxing evening for him. You cooked both your favorite foods while thinking what you would do as soon as he got home.
When he does, he's pleasantly surprised with the wonderful smell coming from the kitchen: "Are we celebrating something?", he asked, hugging you from behind.
"Not really, I was just trying to plan a relaxing evening for both of us", you say, turning off the stove and turning towards him.
You put your arms loosely around his neck as he comes closer to you, pressing his forehead against yours.
"And what have you planned, love?", he asked, putting his hands under your shirt and tracing the curves of your waist.
"Well", you answered, pulling him by the tie towards the bathroom, "let's start with a good bath, shall we?"
*Where did the "Netflix and chill" go in this one? I don't know either (legends say one is still looking for it)
Of course hacker boy knows what Netflix and chill is. Kiro feels very much at home in the internet and is very familiarized with it's language.
Although you tend to believe Kiro is a flower boy, with a heart of cotton candy and a mind more pure than the snow on top of the Everest, baby has a dark side he needs to constantly keep in control.
When you text him asking if he would like some Netflix and chill tho, he has a hard time trying to control his lust for you. He just desires you so much, all the time, that it's really hard for him to keep cool.
Kiro will practically fly to your house and fiercely kiss when you jump into his arms as soon as he crosses the front door, eager for each other.
The first time is fast and powerful, the second is playful and fun, the third is slow and very gentle.
Between making love and playing the new mmorpg you two started together, you stay awake until the sun starts rising in the sky. You both fall asleep after the third time.
Looking at his sleepy face, falling asleep yourself, you think how fond you are of the dark+dorky combination that is Kiro.
Soooo, that's it. If you hated, please don't let me know, thank you very much! It took more time than I thought it would but I quite liked how it came out... Constructive criticism is always very much welcomed! Thanks for reading!
And if it's not too much trouble, could you tell me which one you liked better?
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rideonwings · 6 years ago
The Talk
A/N: This idea was eating away at my brain for almost a month, but I never had time to sit down and write it… except at work. Oops.
A few things before we begin: While the premise of this is funny and awkward, this fic really isn’t meant to be. I feel like this is the conversation that needs to be had with teenage boys, more than just the regular ol’ birds and bees. We always see the super romantic fluffy fics with everyone getting off their first time and being instantly good at sex… let me tell you, not my experience. Therefore, I wanted a conversation about how the key to good sex is really about understanding your partner, rather than just making Hiccup instantly a sex god… I may do follow ups on this, but again… I can only write at work, so…. We’ll see.
I also really wanted to write from Stoick’s point of view, but not sure how well I actually captured him.
Comments & constructive criticism is always appreciated. I did write this really fast, so I apologize for any typos and mistakes.
Takes place after RTTE, before HTTYD2
Word vomit over. On ff.net here https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13358746/1/The-Talk
The Talk
As he slid off Skullcrusher with a thud, Stoick gave a deep sigh of relief. It was good to be back on home soil. As much as he appreciated the efficiency of riding dragons, he missed the days of sailing from a comfort perspective. Sitting abreast a large dragon for twelve hours at a time wore at his old joints.
Still, they’d made great time, arriving half a day earlier than expected thanks to Skullcrusher’s innate ability to find the quickest way home. Stoick chuckled as he removed his saddle from the dragon, watching the beast shake himself in relief, probably appreciating the break from a 300lb man riding him as well.
The sun was just beginning to dip beneath the western hills as the chief made his way towards his home, only to hear a familiar voice.
“Back early, Stoick?” Gobber’s voice rang out from the forge, the man’s head poking out from the service window. Stoick made his way towards the shop, ignoring his sore feet and the twinge in his back. As he walked through the low doorway, greeted by the welcome heat from the forge, he looked around for his son but came up empty. He sat heavily on a bench as Gobber handed him a tankard – he always kept a supply of mead in his shop for cold nights – and sat on Hiccup’s stool across from him, his own tankard attachment strapped to his arm. “How’d the talks go?”
Stoick took a long draw from his drink, sighing happily, before answering. “Good, Beserkers are willing to stick to the terms we agreed to last year, Alvin’s looking for a little more investment to help rebuild Outcast Island’s guard, but we were able to come to agreeable terms overall. There’s been less dragon hunter activity overall, but they’re keeping steady eyes on the west, just in case that Krogan creep reappears.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t take Hiccup with you, considering he helped form all those alliances in the first place.” Gobber replied, reaching down to fiddle with his peg-leg.
“The boy’s been flying all over trying to save the archipelago for going on three years, I figured he could use some time at home. He won’t have many years left where he can just be a boy, you know?” He surveyed his son’s workbench, neatly organized tools contrasting the scattered pile of papers no doubt filled with sketches of saddles and dragons. “Where is he, anyways?”
“He was in early this morning so I let him out about half-an hour ago. Astrid met him, I believe they were going to go for a flight before dinner.”
Stoick nodded, and the two continued their small talk for a few minutes before the chief grabbed his travel bag and bid his farewell.
As he approached his home, he noticed Toothless asleep on the roof, his tail gently swaying back and forth absently. Stoick was slightly surprised Hiccup would be back so soon – it was a beautiful night for a flight after all, and they wouldn’t have many good weather days left – but was too tired to think much of it as he reached for the door.
“Astrid.” He heard as the door opened quietly (Hiccup had fixed the creaky hinge months ago), a soft moan that sounded distinctly unlike his son’s normally pitchy voice.
To his shock (and mild horror), his eyes snapped to the source of the sound finding Astrid straddling Hiccup, who was laying on the floor by the fire, the two of them closely entwined (though thankfully clothed), with Astrid’s lips fastened tightly to the underside of his son’s jaw. Hiccup’s eyes were closed, his hands in her hair and gripping her upper thigh, just under her skirt, as Astrid chuckled softly against his throat.
It said something about how… involved… they were, that neither teen had noticed his approach – he wasn’t exactly subtle when he walked.
Stoick dropped his bag.
The two teens froze, whipping their heads towards the door and jumping apart, Hiccup scrambling for a nearby blanket and covering what was obviously a very uncomfortable situation in his trousers. Astrid darted a good five feet back from him, resting her back against a chair and looking at Stoick in horror, while Hiccup clamped his eyes closed as though he could block the whole situation out.
Feeling no more comfortable than they, Stoick cleared his throat. “Honey, I’m home.” He said, hoping to break the tension that had settled in the room like ice.
It wasn’t like he was entirely surprised. The two had become a couple over the last year or so, and their romance had been building for far longer than that. He’d seen them kiss a number of times, soft pecks on the cheeks to once, while looking for Gobber, spotting them tucked in the corner of the forge, wrapped so tightly around each other that he’d need two dragons to pull them apart if he’d wanted to. He wasn’t upset by it. They were clearly in love, and their relationship was solid and respectful.
He remembered being in that kind of swirling love, chasing Val into dark rooms, drawn by her scent and her coy smiles. They’d done far more than he’d just encountered. And, if he were honest with himself, he was pleased, pleased that after everything, Hiccup had found someone that made him happy the way Val had for him.
That embrace that he’d just interrupted, that had been going somewhere. Their flushed cheeks and shaking hands signaled that maybe this had been more than just a typical necking session.
They’d planned to have the whole night alone…
He hadn’t prepared for this. He hadn’t prepared Hiccup for this.
“Astrid,” he said softly. “Why don’t you head on home.” Astrid’s eyes darted to his, then to Hiccup, then back to her hands in her lap.
“Chief, sir… we weren’t… it was my idea…” Astrid stammered, sounding entirely unlike herself as Hiccup shifted awkwardly, moving towards his prosthetic, which Stoick just noticed he wasn’t wearing.  
Stoick cut her off. “It’s alright, lass, you’ll get him back. I just want to speak with him.” She still didn’t move immediately, wringing her hands. “And I won’t say a word to your parents either.” He finished. Her shoulders relaxed slightly.
He grabbed his rucksack off the floor from where he’d dropped it and moved into his bedroom to give them a moment of privacy. Their soft whispers drifted into the room as he began to sort through his bag.
“I can stay, really.”
“No, go. It’ll only be more awkward.”
A short pause, followed by the soft sound of the press of lips together.
“I’ll see you later, okay?” Astrid sounded guilty as she said it, but as Stoick rounded the corner into the room again, she was helping Hiccup to his feet and pulling him into a hug. Almost defiantly, she pressed her lips to his one last time before gathering her things and heading to the door.
Before she could close it behind her, they heard her mutter to Toothless: “What kind of guard-dragon are you, anyways…” before stomping off.
Hiccup was sitting facing the fire when Stoick turned back to him, his thin shoulders set in a tight line, head hung. Stoick sighed exasperatedly.
“Oh honestly, boy, I’m not going to beat you.” He said, patting Hiccup’s shoulder as he walked behind him. He then walked to their small kitchen and grabbed two tankards, filling them with mead from the small barrel he kept on hand. He handed one to Hiccup as he sat in the chair nearest to him. Hiccup took it, still avoiding his gaze. The lad wasn’t much of a drinker, but they’d both need it to get through this conversation. “It’s not like I haven’t been in your shoes.” Stoick continued, “I was once your age and in love, I can’t blame you for acting on it.”
Hiccup raised his head for the first time, worrying his lip. “I… we… haven’t exactly…”
Stoick leaned forward, meeting those bright green eyes. “You haven’t done the deed?” Hiccup swallowed heavily, then shook his head. Relief coursed through Stoick. “Well, at least I’m not too late then. Go on, drink. You’ll be wanting it.” He paused, drinking from his own tankard for a moment. “How much have you done?” He asked, almost afraid of the answer.
Hiccup sputtered in his drink, coughing as it attempted to go down his airway. “Oh come now, son, if you’re not mature enough to talk about this, you’re certainly not mature enough to do it.”
Hiccup looked like he’d rather be eaten by a dragon than have this conversation, clearly forcing himself to speak as he said, “Nothing… below the waist…. I guess.” He said haltingly.
Stoick nodded, ignoring the squirming feeling in his stomach. It was weird to think of his little boy in this context, but he had to admit that Hiccup hardly looked like a little boy anymore. While still thin and wiry, his muscles had become more defined and he’d filled out significantly. It wasn’t as hard to think of him as a man. A man with urges. Stoick tried not to dwell on it too long.
“Dad, you don’t… I know how the…” Hiccup coughed, looking to the ceiling, like he was hoping it would come crashing down on his head. “…mechanics work.”
“Oh, I have no doubt of that. You can hardly get to your age and not hear the stories. Hel, you probably heard them before you knew what you were hearing.” He took a long drink from his tankard. “That’s not what I’m worried about, son. I trust you to be safe and do right by her if she were to come with child.”
Hiccup met his eyes, steeling himself before saying quietly, “She’s been taking the herbs1 for a while now, just in case.” He paused before adding. “Since before we were really together. She was worried what might happen if she were captured by Viggo’s men and they… well…” He swallowed thickly, squeezing his eyes tightly shut to block out the horror of that thought. He then took several long swallows of mead.
Stoick’s stomach dropped, both admiring Astrid’s intelligence and horrified that she had felt that might be necessary. “Smart girl.” Was all he said, taking another long drink himself.
His tankard was already nearly empty, and Hiccup wasn’t too far behind. He stood, taking the mug from his son and refilling them before returning to his chair. “Look son, I’m not here to scold you, I’m not even here to tell you not to do it.” He said, reaching forward to hand him his mug, allowing his hand to rest on his shoulder for a moment. “You’ve grown in to a fine young man, you’ll be nineteen in a few short months, you’ve got a solid, healthy relationship with a smart, strong woman. You could do a lot worse.” He chuckled, and Hiccup smiled weakly at him, shrugging his shoulders.
“I’m not telling you not to do it,” Stoick continued, leaning back in his chair, “and I’m not going to give you the typical speech most fathers tell their sons.” Hiccup paused with his tankard halfway to his lips.
“What do you mean?” He responded, confusion lacing his voice. “What…” he trailed off.
Stoick stayed silent for a minute, organizing his thoughts in his head, remembering his first night with Valka. How she’d cried, how horrified and ashamed he’d been to have hurt her, how she’d been so torn up in thinking she wouldn’t make a good wife because she couldn’t enjoy it, how it had taken them a long time to find ways to make her enjoy it the way he did. And some men never tried to learn. Hiccup may not have Stoick’s bone structure or bulk, but without the proper care…
Hiccup would not be one of those brutes.
“Son…” he started, his voice softer, and Hiccup’s eyes showed surprise at the change in tone. “Those men, the men that sing bawdy tales of conquering women and ‘taking what’s theirs’…those men are not real men. Any man that has to tell others what a man he is in bed, is no man you’d want to imitate.”
Hiccup nodded, opening his mouth to speak but Stoick stopped him. “You know that I have no tolerance for rapists on my island, it’s the quickest way to get sent to Outcast Island for sure. But what most men don’t understand is that even in their own marriages, everything should be equal. If the woman isn’t interested, or isn’t enjoying it and the man insists, that’s the same as rape in my mind. It’s just much harder to enforce.”
“I’d never…You know I’d never�� Hiccup swallowed, moving to put his mug down before changing his mind and taking another drink. He waited for his father to continue, obviously lost for what to say.
“Look, son… here’s the simplest way to put it.” Stoick said, forcing himself to meet his son’s eyes, which were big and concerned. “Sex, it’s a powerful thing. It’s one of the best feelings in the world for a man, especially when you’re with someone you love. Once you start, you’re not going to want to stop.
“But for a woman… it’s different. Yes, if you take the time and learn her body, if you really take the time to care, it’s the same for them, you’ll have a wonderful relationship and many happy encounters.” Stoick cleared his throat, forcing himself not to think too hard about the fact that this was his son he was speaking to, trying not to picture anything beyond what he had to.
“But if you force it, if you rush into it and hurt her, you’ll hate yourself for it for the rest of your life. They’re more complicated in their pleasure than we are, son. They can be hurt easily and might not say a thing about it because they don’t know they shouldn’t have to.”
He drained the last of his mug, setting it down on the table in front of him. Hiccup followed suit, staring at it intensely, though his cheeks were red from the alcohol and conversation topic.
“I’d never hurt her.” The young man said finally, “You know I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. I love her too much.” He met his father’s eye for a moment. “Anyways, she’d probably clobber me if I did, even by accident.”
“You’d be surprised.” Stoick replied. “Many women think it’s their burden to bear, that they have to go through that just to bear children. Others know different, but many think that sex is not for them to enjoy, just to service their husbands.” He shrugged. “We generally try to dissuade that thinking here, but it’s an old way that’s carried through many generations. Astrid’s a warrior, she might just bite through the pain and not admit to it.”
Hiccup looked dismayed, standing up and beginning to pace. “Then how do I know?” The alcohol had obviously loosened his tongue a bit, allowing him to speak more freely without as much embarrassment. “How do I make sure she never feels pain?”
On one of his passes, Stoick grabbed his elbow, his arm dwarfed in the chief’s enormous hand, and pulled him back to his chair.
“You communicate with her. You talk to her, find out what she likes, what she doesn’t… you go slow and take your time and learn her. I can’t tell you what Astrid would like anymore than I could tell you what Gobber would like…” He paused, scowling. “Eh, scratch that, I know too much about that…. The point is, everyone is different, so as long you take your time and are patient and caring, you’ll be fine. The first time will always be a bit painful, just since it’s new, but be gentle and take your time, and you’ll be just fine, son.”
Stoick stood up and walked the short distance to Hiccup, putting his hands on those small shoulders and crouching to meet his eyes. “Hiccup, I know you. You’re the kindest person I know, I don’t doubt you’ll be good to her. I just want you to have the best relationship you can with Astrid, and not make some of the mistakes I did when I was young.” Hiccup looked at his father questioningly. “I made up for it, in the end, but still. I’d rather you not have to.”
Hiccup nodded, draining the rest of his tankard before taking a deep breath. “Thank you, Dad.” He said quietly, “I… I appreciate that you care enough to tell me this. And…sorry, you had to come home to that.”
Stoick laughed. “It’s alright, laddie, like I said, I’ve been there in the past. Now, it doesn’t look like you were planning on cooking dinner tonight, what do you say we head down to the hall?”
It took them a minute to gather their things and make their way out the door. Stoick noted with amusement that Hiccup’s feet were a bit unsteady from the mead, his cheeks flushed and his eyes a little hazy. The boy had come a long way from the talking fishbone he’d been, but he still lacked a Viking’s ability to hold his drink.
As they entered the hall, Hiccup walked beside him as the villagers welcomed Stoick home, accepting pats on the back from the people who had deemed him the ‘Pride of Berk” – a name that still made Hiccup blush fervently.
After filling their plates, they sat down with their respective friends, Hiccup flanked by Tuffnut, who handed him a mug of wine, and Fishlegs. Stoick watched in amusement as his son tried to pretend he hadn’t just had an extremely awkward encounter, drinking from his mug perhaps a bit more heavily than he should.
After a moment, Astrid appeared from the crowd, looking over to Stoick tentatively before walking over to her betrothed with a confidence that the chief was sure was for his benefit. Fishlegs easily made room for her and she sat beside Hiccup, leaning in close and resting her forehead against his own. After a moment, Hiccup dipped his head into the corner of her neck, pulling her tightly to him and whispering something. The other riders carried on obliviously, Tuff and Snotlout arguing back and forth about something nonsensible and Fishlegs making eyes at Ruff across the table.
The two lovers held each other in their own bubble for a few moments longer, soft words exchanged between the two of them, before separating. Hiccup started to eat and Astrid pressed a kiss to his hairline before standing. She made her way to the casks of water and poured two tankards for them, before looking reluctantly towards Stoick, catching his eye. Clearly fighting with herself, she finally gathered the courage to walk his way, stopping by the enormous man with an odd look on her face.
Stoick waited for her to speak, the adults around him engrossed in conversation with hardly a care for the girl’s presence. She leaned in to him.
“Look… I don’t know what you said to him…” She started awkwardly, her voice barely above a whisper. “All he said is that you weren’t mad, and that he never wanted to hurt me, never wanted to disappoint me.” Stoick smiled softly, encouragingly. “I just…” She continued, taking a deep breath. “Thank you… for understanding. And for not being mad.” She paused. “I really do love him, you know.” She said, nodding at him before turning on her heel and returning to Hiccup’s side.
Stoick smiled, watching the girl – no, the woman – move back across the room, sitting beside his son and pressing another kiss to his cheek.
They’d be just fine.
1 I know that herbs probably aren’t adequate birth control…. But come on, we’re in a universe with dragons. I’m calling that sufficient if I want to.
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