#as a Mexican lover of music i will always regret it
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So Sante Fe Klan apparently dropped an instant classic this year and no one told me? The aptly titled "Todo" (Everything) is a perfect album, each and every song are not only bangers, but a celebration of Latin music, flowing from one genre to the next, even in just one song at times. He draws inspiration from several styles of music from across North and South America, including Regional Mexican, Bachata from D.R. , Cumbia which originated in Colombia, Reggeatón which although is mostly dominated by Puerto Rican artists has original roots are in Panama, fucking RKT from Argentina, and of course hip-hop. He's a perfect example of a Gen Z artist who refuses to limited to one genre, a trend I'm very much enjoying watching unfold. I'm such a nerd for genre bending, it's fascinating to me and I love the kind of art it creates. Highly recommend listening, especially if you're looking to dive into Latin music for the first time, he's truly one of our best.
#santa fe klan#mexican hip hop#genre bending#no he literally took all the spices from all the countries and made fucking magic gourmet shit#the kids are gonna be alrite#jk my boy need a therapist#but artistically the sky is the limit#can't believe I missed the Georgia concert#he was touring with Snow Tha Product!#THE SNOW#One of OG's of modern Mexican rap and certified fire bender master#as a Mexican lover of music i will always regret it#Spotify
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Red, White, and Royal Blue: A Comprehensive Review
This book has one of the best written romances I have encountered in a while. I imagine this book will stick with me and I do not regret buying it.
It felt like, Pride and Prejudice meets West Wing meets Simon vs The Homo Sapien Agenda
The characters were so freaking lovable!!!
Alex's bi crisis was so well written. I almost cried. It also showed more queer people not knowing they were queer for their entire lives, which is really important and common.
If you do not like reading about politics, specifically American and British politics (more American centric), you won't want to read this. They play a big part in the book.
This books uses my favorite tropes. Enemies (based on misconceptions) turned friends turned lovers is a big one. Locked in a closet, check. Secret relationship, check. Mutual pining, check. It was delightful.
I liked that Alex and Henry were not the only queer characters!!! Some were mentioned off hand, others were more prominent, and I liked having both.
Also same with racial rep. It mostly focused on Latinx people as Alex, sister, and dad were of Mexican descent.
The dedications confirm this was written to be escapism, esp from American politics.
Some shade was thrown, I will tell you.
I'm so glad the author gave us so many hints Alex was queer, besides the premise itself. It felt very natural (and obvious) for him to discover he was bi.
The references!!!! Harry Potter, West Wing, Star Wars, Pride and Prejudice, David Bowie, and Dolly Parton were all mentioned as well as others (side note: Hamilton the historical figure was mentioned a BUNCH but not references to the musical, which was fine but confusing to me, but fine, just weird)
The emails are just . . .ugh. I love them. Funny and romantic.
This book is pretty predictable, I think something that sets it apart is unlike many romance focused books I read, this doesn't end with them getting together. We get like a year and a half of them becoming friends to navigating a relationship, which I adored.
Also, big note that I realized a few chapters in: this is New adult not Young Adult. If you don't like sex scenes, don't read this book. If you don't mind them or enjoy them, read it. They aren't super explicit but they are certainly smut.
I loved Alex's relationship with June and Nora, they were adorable and I loved that he had a friend who was a girl and they enjoyed being platonic and not romantic. Lovely.
If you know anything about American politics, you will have to suspend your disbelief a bit.
Really good use of millennial/Gen Z langauge, as well as technology, which is always wonderful.
I totally enjoyed the writing style. It was easy to get into and I had an emotional roller coaster as well.
TW for homophobia, racism, and mentions of rape.
Overall, I think this might have been a 5 star book for me. I was thinking 4.5 but it's so charming I was easily able to overlook any flaws. Recommended for anyone who wants a good romcom like book and doesn't hate reading about politics.
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An Immigrant Nation
I remember taking the Greyhound to Houston, Texas coming from New Jersey, and there was a long line. This was the third connection I'd made and I was exhausted. Carrying around a few bags, I listened to my music while I waited to check in. Suddenly, my headphones got caught on my jacket and snapped and I was visibly upset. The guy behind me who was Mexican, reached into his bag and without hesitation, handed me a pair of headphones. "There you go! I know how it is to be without music on these long rides." "Thank you so much!"
We proceeded to get on the bus and he sat next to me. "I'm heading back to Houston to see my wife. I've been gone for a while and I can't wait to see her." He pulled out a picture and said, "This is Kelly and my daughter Raye." This man seemed proud of his family and his eyes welled up when he spoke about them. His name was Guadalupe and he lived in Houston, Texas but was coming from Louisiana because of work there. He was undocumented and was trying to make a living for his family. Because Texas is predominantly Mexican-American, he said he was shunned by his own community because he could not afford paperwork and staying legally in this country.
"They say they are a community and help each other, but Mexicans who come here and have babies born here in the USA tell their kids to look and act white and to not speak Spanish. They don't ever tell you this but its true. They feel that it will give their children a better future to submit to White people rather than challenge the 'norm.' And then the ones that are newly undocumented, well they don't help much. Some people are very welcoming but my very own people have looked down on me. I don't expect people to help though, so I look for whatever work there is to support my family. This time around, it's in Louisiana. And pretty soon I'll move my family down here. Its hard because if I do the move and I lose my job because of ICE, or before I get my paperwork to be legal, I can be deported and what will happen of my family?" This was in 2000.
A few years later, I was a server at a very popular restaurant in Philadelphia and as I waited for patrons to come and dine, I stood next to one of the bus boys and talk to kill time. His name was Reimundo and he was an undocumented Mexican. He was super polite, soft spoken, well mannered and kind. He did everything with a smile and never asked questions. I asked him if he planned to go from bus boy to server because of his demeanor and professionalism.
He looked up and said, "I cannot." "How come?" I asked. "You'd be great!" As naive as I was, I asked those questions. I'm a Puerto Rican. We're American citizens. Born and raised in New Jersey. While I have faced racism I could never walk in the footsteps of Reimundo. I never had to move to a new place and learn a new language. In a place where they didn't want me. Where I don't really exist because I can't afford a visa/citizenship. That I would be giving myself away if I tried to apply because I was already in the country illegally...simply because I wanted a better life for myself and too often times my family. I can't even imagine how that feels. Where do I go? Where do I stay? What do I do? As Americans, we complain about a lot of things, but this is a whole other level.
If you're harassed or a victim of crime, who do you go to? Many undocumented people never see a doctor or a lawyer or a cop simply because they are afraid to be reported and taken away. Reimundo looked and me and said, "I begged for this job. I have friends who know the owner and they told him I was a hard worker. He liked me and here I am. I can't become a server. It's too suspicious." "So how long have you been in America?" "3 and a half years." "Did you come with your family?" "No. I came alone. My entire family is in Mexico. I came here for them. There was no jobs in Mexico. Nothing. My family was facing extreme poverty. My mother was getting sicker. I needed to do something. She told me not to come because she feared for my safety, but I would do anything for my mamita linda."
I didn't ask him how he got here because I felt like I was already being intrusive. But he told me anyway: "I ran. I ran and ran and it took a long time but I finally got over." He paused and walked over to a table to pour water. He came back and opened a small booklet he had in his back pocket. "This is my saint of a mother." "When was the last time you saw her? Does she come here to visit?" "I haven't seen my mother physically since I came here. 3 and a half years. And I miss them like crazy." "Don't you ever feel lonely and want to hug them? I know if it was me, I'd go crazy." "Well, yes of course! But I am here working hard for them. Every dime is for her and my brothers and sisters. I leave here and I go to my other job. I repeat. This is my life. I made this sacrifice for them. I don't regret it one bit."
With the hostility of The Trump Era almost 17 years later, you'd think being an illegal immigrant was the worst crime ever. But actually, early settlers of America were the first immigrants and basically claimed America for their own. There wasn't formal paperwork like there was to keep slaves or free them; there were no laws against them. And as they established their usurpation, they made their own laws according to land ownership and everything else. By the late 1800's, they sent for their families. It wasn't relatively easy to get on a boat and get here, because late 1800's immigrants faced racism themselves in America. But they eventually came over and made their place in every fiber of American History. Because of immigrants we have a melting pot of food, culture, jobs, education, art and everything else you can name of.
It seemed that if you were from Europe, America was a sure fire way to get ahead in life. But for Asians and existing African Americans this was not the case. There were rules in place during The Gold Rush of 1849. When The Chinese heard of these opportunities, they migrated to America but Americans weren't too happy about that. They put in place The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 to exclude The Chinese from taking advantage of The Gold Rush. The opening of Ellis Island in 1892 was truly the first Federal Immigration Station. While Europeans struggled to make their place in America, they eventually fit right in by designating parts all over America where their like kind was. Laws favoring European countries for immigration ended in 1965 and allowed Asians and Latin Americans to make their way to America for a "Better Life."
But it wasn't a very good life for Latin Americans. They were stereotyped, made fun of in pop culture, were designated as "Lovers" and "Salsa Dancers" and were ridiculed for their accents. It's always been hard for Latin Americans to climb corporate ladders because a Latino was not seen as a formidable opponent in the business field. To this day, you can count on your fingers the number of Latinos who have won Oscars and in 60 years of The Grammys, very few Latinos have performed LIVE. In fact, you can count on your fingers how many have.
Latinos have been discounted in American History even when we make history in America. There have been limited views of immigrants and their descendants so how do we expect America to understand an illegal immigrant at all? It doesn't surprise me one bit when Middle American White People on The Right shake their finger at illegal immigrants. Those are the very people that employed them in fields, in the back of kitchens and everywhere else. As soon as a dictator like Trump stepped in and said they'd get tax breaks, they sold them out on a dime. That's the American way sometimes.
America is an Immigrant Nation. A rich, colorful nation that have borrowed from our customs, creativity, culture and the list goes on and on. I have to remind you that not every white person feels the same way many do about illegal or legal immigrants. And millions agree that we should be a country of opening our arms and welcoming all. But at the same time, they do need to be more vocal about it, especially during this time. These are the times where being white and vocal really matters. But do not mistake the rest of America and every race and ethnicity...WE do not need a white face to lead us; but we do not mind the allies.
Here are some reasons America should get off their moral high horse: Most of our cities, states and counties are named in Spanish, you just don't know it because white people butcher pronunciation of foreign language! All joking aside, some white people from the reddest of states live in counties that are either Spanish, Native American or of some foreign language. Remember America is rich in diversity even way before immigration became common. But that's another American History lesson on how The French, The British, The Spanish made their marks in America.
America is an Immigrant Nation. The most famous restaurants and foods white people absolutely love and frequent are Mexican Restaurants. In fact, they think every Latino in the world are Mexicans and think we all make mole and tacos. If we're in 2018 and most Americans didn't know Puerto Rico was part of The United States, you can imagine how immigrants of any nationality today are hesitant to come here.
And when we hear "We need things made in America again" these are from people who had no problem sending off their products to be made in China because it is cheaper. In fact, America has relied on China for a long time in terms of trade relations and everything else. Even Trump who co-signed on this slogan has his products made anywhere but America. And while some American companies boast they now make everything in America, its simply a fad and they will return to investing with The Chinese and everyone else. So where does this leave immigrants today?
Well, Trump is looking into keeping Illegal immigrants and probably legal ones from getting government benefits and government housing. He's trying to build a wall (which is really a verbal threat more than anything), he's bad mouthing immigrants of all kinds and he's trying to discredit ethnicity in general. He's stripping away sanctuary cities and wants Europeans to infiltrate Puerto Rico to boost the economy and migrate to America to replace immigrants. In other words, MORE WHITE FACES IS BETTER.
It all comes down to Trump's presidential victory and the true colors of a weak minority called White People; who will certainly do anything to destroy any race that isn't their own. Once a land of the free, America has become the most racist modern country in the world. Other countries laugh at us, our president and the policies. Trump is destroying everything with the help from half the country. But this doesn't kill the resilience of The American People (and by American People I mean those who aren't traitors); We will persevere, we will grow, we will continue to allow immigrants and we will celebrate every national and cultural tradition of ALL including white people.
America is an Immigrant Nation. Say it loud, hold it in your heart and cling to it. I leave you with this: O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed His grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! O beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern, impassioned stress A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law! O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife, Who more than self their country loved And mercy more than life! America! America! May God thy gold refine, Till all success be nobleness, And every gain divine! O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years Thine alabaster cities gleam Undimmed by human tears! America! America! God shed His grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea!
By: Xavii Matisse ©
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I would like to thank @leaalda for making these amazing banners.
This is an effort to spread the word about all fan fiction writers in our little fandom. If you would like to be featured or nominate a writer, please contact me. Please reblog this post if you can and check out some of @allskynostars work!
1. First things first, if someone wanted to read your stories where can they find them.
The can find them on my tumblr; https://allskynostars.tumblr.com/tagged/allskynostars-fics or on AO3; http://archiveofourown.org/users/allskynostars/pseuds/allskynostars/works
2. Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Jenna, I am 23 (24 in a couple of weeks!). I have 3 brothers.. It's been a struggle haha. I was born in London, my parents and I moved to New Zealand when I was 6 months old. And just two months ago I moved back to London with my boyfriend. I've written a few fics, and have just finished my first multi chapter Ever Since New York. I am currently unemployed, but looking for Pharmacy work as that's what I did at home and would like to continue.
3. What do you never leave home without?
My phone! And keys.
4. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Night owl, 100000%. I suck at mornings.
5. If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?
Maaan, probably Middle Earth. Like I would kill to be an elf and shack up with Legolas. Or Thranduil, keep it in the family yunno. Or the Harry Potter universe because magic? Yes.
6. Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met.
I've 'met' a whole heap, like I've paid at cons and things to meet Aidan Turner, Dean O'Gorman, Andrew Scott, Karen Gillan. I went to the Age of Ultron prem when I was in London last time and got photos/signatures with Mark Ruffalo (ultimate fav), Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Aaron Taylor Johnson. I got Robert Downey Jrs autograph but no photo. But just by chance without planning too I met Jenna Coleman. We were visiting my family in Wales and just so happened to drive past during filming. Didn't quite get to meet Peter Capaldi though. And then I was in London last time, me and my best friend walked into Jamie Campbell Bower in the street. The story Is actually so cool but I feel like this answer is long enough hahah.
7. What are some of your favorite movies/TV?
Movies: Eternal Sunshine, Only Lovers Left Alive, Big Daddy (my go to movie when I'm sad, I love Adam Sandler). I always struggle to answer this because after I think of one I should have mentioned! Shutter Island.
TV Shows: There are far too many but right now Riverdale, obviously. And I just smashed through Brooklyn 99. The OC, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, SOA, Friends, Being Human, the list goes on...
8. What are some of your favorite bands/musicians?
SO my first favourite and was Panic! At The Disco. Then My Chemical Romance took over my life. Now I'm into The 1975, Arctic Monkeys, Bastille, Hozier, Tom Odell, James Bay, Ed Sheeran. Thanks to my Dad I love Alanis Morrissette and Radiohead. Thanks to my Mum I have a soft spot for Robbie Williams. My music taste is diverse so I listen to a lot of rap. I'll defend Kanye West to my dying breath, I really like Post Malone at the moment too. It chops and changes so so much. Also I've seen One Direction 4 times so judge as you will, ahaha.
9. Favorite Books?
Pretty generic, really. Harry Potter series, LOTR, The Mortal Instruments series and all that go with it. Fault In Our Stars, All The Bright Places, Lovely Bones.
10. Favorite Food?
I love Mexican food.
11. Biggest pet peeve?
Sidewalk Hoggers who walk SO SLOW.
12. What did you want to be when you were little? What do you want to be now?
I always wanted to sing or act, but seeing as I can do neither.. I always wanted to work in the entertainment industry and sometimes still do, like behind the scenes. Maybe in Media. But for now I love working in Pharmacy and want to train to become a Pharmacy Tech.
13. What are your biggest fears? Do you have any strange fears?
I don't have many fears, I have no issue with the dark or heights or anything like that. I HATE bugs, like any kind of insect or creepy crawly, just no. Sometimes even butterflies irk me.
And as far as strange fears, everyone always looks at me weird when I say this, I have a fear of whales.. Like I don't like the ocean or fish, sharks etc, but I can handle it. But whales? No. I get goosebumps and feel like my throat closes up when I look at them. I think it's to do with their sheer size and power. I don't even know why but I just, I can't.
14. When you are on your deathbed what would be the one you’d regret not doing?
Seeing the world.
Okay... lets talk about your writing!
15. Which is your favorite of the fics you've written for the Bughead fandom?
Probably Who She Was, How She Loved. It was only a one shot, and it hurt like hell to write, but it seemed to get a reaction from everyone who read it and that's what we write for, right? I don't even know where I pulled that fic from, but I really love it. It feels real.
16. Which was the hardest to write, in terms of plot?
Ever Since New York, just to keep it going. I didn't want to drag it out too much, but it needed a fair amount of content. So I struggled at the end there.
17. How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? Do you people watch? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies?
A lot of it definitely comes from music. Like, if the lyrics to a song resonate with me I always think of a story to go with it. Always, even if I have no intention of writing it. I also pull inspiration from certain movies and things, but it is definitely music at the forefront.
18. Idea that you always wanted to write but could never make work?
I really love the idea of room mate fics, I haven't actually tried though. Maybe I could do it.
19. Least favorite plot point/chapter/moment you’ve written?
I only posted the last chapter of ESNY the other day, and the response has been good, but I'm still not happy with it. I couldn't even read it over. I don't really know what my problem is, I guess I just felt it was very anti-climatic.
20. Favorite plot point/chapter/moment you’ve written?
In my fic And Then? There's a scene where Betty & Jug are in the ocean yelling, and I really loved that moment.
21.Favorite character to write?
Jughead. Always. He has layers...
22. Favorite line or lines of dialogue that you've written?
Dark. Brown. Not round, more sleek. The complete opposite of the girl who's face was flashing through Jughead’s mind at this very moment. Which he knew, of course he did. That's why he had picked her. With her dark head of hair, and her dark eyes, he would never have to be reminded of the one he was missing.
Except for the fact that he saw Betty Cooper in everything. And everyone.
23. Best comment/review you’ve ever received?
Every comment someone goes out of their way to write about something I've spent time on is amazing. I think it always makes me smile though when they say they can see it all happening as they read. And you know, making them cry when they say fanfic never makes them cry.
24. How do you handle bad reviews or comments?
I haven't been 'lucky' enough to have to deal with this, yet. But I think I would just ignore and delete the comment. Who needs that negativity.
25. If you could change anything in any of your stories, what would it be?
I think I would have included more characters in Ever Since New York, like Archie etc.
26. What is your favorite story you’ve ever written? Any fandom?
I've only ever written for the Bughead fandom, but my favourite is Who She Was purely for the emotions. I'm a sucker for emotions.
27. What are you reading right now? Both fan fiction and general fiction?
I have 51 bookmarks on AO3. So I am reading basically everything right now haha. But in terms of general fiction, I haven't read anything in a while and I need too.
28. Do you have an advice for writers that want to get into this fandom but might be scared?
As typical as it sounds, just do it. I was so nervous, but this fandom is hands down the best. Everyone is so, so welcoming, and if there are so many people to reach out too if you’re ever feeling unsure about your own work or anything. Just take the dive guys, it's a fun ride.
#bughead author spotlight#fan fiction#fan fiction writers#bughead#bughead fanfiction#betty cooper#jughead jones#betty x jughead#jughead x betty#ao3#riverdale#allskynostars
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to her,
you’re probably wondering what the hell this is, but just know he chose you. he’s in love with you.
please, love the crap out of this boy while I wasn’t able to. he is pure gold. protect him at all costs (although he’ll highly wont need it, have you seen him!? lol) make sure he stays on top of his grind, support him through ALL of his dreams even the littlest of ones, help him grow. i pray he fixed his self issues before those brown eyes made you fall for him, but if not, always encourage him to do what’s right, not what makes him feel better. and be patient with this, he battles a lot. say sorry for the smallest of fights, even if its his fault - its not worth it. let him have his way and pick your battles carefully. the fights build up, trust me.
his mom is a literal hand picked angel from god himself, you’ll see she rubbed off on him. you’ll also see he’s a spitting image of his father, he acts just like him. taja is beautiful independent woman and andrew is one unique handful. last but not least, apollo. this crackhead dog loves lots of pets, playtime, and attention. family is the most important thing to him. these people (and furry friend) are what makes him. If he even tells you about them, you’re a lucky one. you’re probably more important to him than you know.
let him be crazy, let him have his moments, he likes to blast and dance to music. he has a couple exquisite playlists ;) he loves fashion despite his three or four comfort shirts. but if he does find something at the mall or anywhere, let him spend his money on that overpriced supreme shirt. surprise him with vans, man does this boy love skateboard/street wear. he will most definitely say he’ll come back for some clothes, but he never will. give him space, he values this the most. he enjoys his time with his video games and bestest friends, even though it may seem he loves his video games more than you, he finds a way to prove you wrong. just wait. yes, he may follow and talk to all these girls. but they are not you. please don’t make the same mistake as I did, this will ruin your relationship in a heart beat. try your best to befriend them. but always remember, if he wanted them, he would’ve but he chose you.
he’s not a jealous type, but choose your actions wisely - he notices just doesn’t say a peep. he isn’t the most affectionate lover, but you’ll know words sometimes speak louder than actions. everyone’s love is different. he definitely will suppress his feelings, but don’t be afraid to ask. and if you're lucky enough to get something out of him, be sure listen. just listen if you can, do not make it about you, or create something out of it. he’ll never open up again if you do. sometimes he will have bad days, and you need to be there for him. comfort him, talk to him but at the same time do not force him to talk. love him like I know he would you at any moment. but also please figure out when to give him his time to think and feel his emotions by himself. he’s not the type to display this in front of anyone, not even you. have a cute date and watch his favorite shows - shameless, naruto, the 100, that 70s show, just a few of many to name. he doesn’t have a high sex drive, but don’t confuse that for him not being attracted to you, he shows his love in a different way; you’ll see soon, if you haven’t already. his favorite colors are red or black. Offer him benny’s pizza, mexican, chewy gobstoppers, core water, volcano rolls, if all fails, just know this boy loves his sweets.
If you cannot do these things, let someone else.
he is easily one of the best people I have come across in my life. and I regret fucking it up to this day. If you ever get a chance to love him, do it without an ounce of selfishness involved. he is someone you won’t know you needed in your life, a ray of sunshine all on his own. treat him how he deserves or leave because he deserves nothing less than someone’s all. cherish every single moment because I can promise you it will be some of the best memories of your life. If timing is on your side and you get the privilege of his love, understand how lucky you are. the love he gives is the one that will matter, the one that will change your life forever.
love him with no limits.
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October 13, 2019 5:00PM
The sun rests steadily on the horizon, out in the country I can hear nothing but the sounds of Mexican guitar, echoing throughout the faint cars passing by occasionally. The crops in the berry fields begin to change color, no longer a shimmering green, but a faint red, contrasting against pale blue sky. I've taken up smoking again, not a good habit but I suppose I'm not in the best place. Chilled energy drink in my hands, warm nicotine in the other. My dog has come to join me as I stare out and listen to the music, his face eager for attention and the touch of my hand. I think it's inaccurate to say I feel less these days, rather I think I've got more to think about with my feelings. When there's no one around to hear you ramble on about what you're thinking about and what your heart is saying to you about this particular moment, and where you mind dreams off to when you look far off, you end being stuck there.
I remember coming out here and Listening to music for a while when my grandmother died, it was all quite sudden. It's funny, still feels just like yesterday but it's been quite a while actually. I do miss her dearly, I regret being unable to attend the funeral. It's hard seeing my father as sad as he is these days, loss does that to people.
It's been a while since I've played music myself, I only do when no one's around, I suppose I'm embarrassed at how rusty I've gotten. I remember a time where the guitar would always be in my hand during the week, nowadays it's a rarity, I suppose I'm too distracted.
For as maddening as the quiet can be, days like these are rather calming, homegrown food in the kitchen, and the ambiance of fauna in the distance. It makes me sound like such an old soul to just want to listen to music, sipping away on the patio, looking at the horizon. I suppose Ive always like to do this when I was alone.
My heart aches from time to time, I can't help that, but to avoid to much sulking and neglecting what I'm needed for I remember a quote from a cartoon I saw.
"Well, I can understand how you feel. You worked hard, studying for the spelling bee, and I suppose you feel you let everyone down, and you made a fool of yourself and everything. But did you notice something, Charlie Brown?… The world didn’t come to an end."
True enough, I've been many things, a lover, a fool, a friend, an enemy, a disappointment, and a helper of many sorts. At the end of the day however, the sun still moves, the moon still rises, and much like times hands, I can only move the same. How I long for second chances at yesterday, being better sooner, but all I can do is create something different for the future.
For as much as I lose, at least I'll always be here, and that's all the chance I need.
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If you were to ask me what my favorite city in the world was – besides, LA, of course – Mexico City would be somewhere in my top 3 choices. I have always loved visiting Mexico, but Mexico City is on a whole other level of culture, fun, and beauty. The Mexico most of us are familiar with are the typical beachside towns, where you hardly even get to experience the actual towns outside what ever resort you might be enjoying. Mexico City is bustling, it’s sprawling, it’s eclectic and its popularity amongst travelers only seems to be growing. It may be another big city – in fact, it’s the largest city in the world – but there is absolutely no where on earth quite like it in my opinion.
I cannot tell you how many friends I have that unanimously didn’t just enjoy Mexico City, they loved it. Friends of all types from all backgrounds. I honestly thought that there was absolutely no way this city could possibly live up to all of these insane expectations, but alas, they did. And then some. I am not a paid Visit Mexico spokesperson, but I will say with complete confidence that if you go to Mexico City – and you do it right – you will without a doubt fall in love. (And it wont even cost you that much!)
I did my fair share of research before my recent trip to Mexico City, I have had several friends go before me who gave me the full rundown. If you’re looking to visit Mexico City soon, here’s what you need to know:
Arguably my personal favorite restaurant we went to in Mexico City – a very likely story it turns out. Contramar is known for its incredible seafood spread (think ceviche, fresh grilled fish, etc) and their primo people watching scene at lunch time. You cannot visit Mexico City and not go to Contramar – I demand it. Make sure you make a reservation and make sure you order the tuna tostadas!
Máximo Bistro
Another restaurant that came highly recommended was Maximo Bistro Local. They’re open for lunch and dinner and from what I’ve heard you’re fine either way you choose. I happened to go for lunch (couldn’t get a dinner reservation in time) and it was everything everyone said it would be. Did I know it had a lot of Italian influence, nope, did it make it that much more fun and interesting, yep. Their known for their ox tail gnocchi – split at your own risk because it really is that good.
YES! I can now say I’ve been to one of the top restaurants in the world! Pujol is the crown jewel of Mexico City. Chef Enrique Olivera truly helped put Mexico City on the map in terms of the city being a desitination for distinct food and dining. So as you can imagine, Pujol is realatvely difficult to get into. Most people book quite far in advance. Sometimes you get lucky like we did but it’s definitely advised to book as far in advance as possible. Pujol is an absolutely stunning space, the experience is as you’d expect – different and incredibly special – the staff is out of this world, and it truly exemplifies and amplifies fine Mexican cuisine. I will say, Pujol is as expensive as you’d imagine it to be so come prepared for that.
Lorea was our first dining experience in Mexico City and it completely set the tone for the rest of our trip. Mexico City is quickly becoming one of the top dining destinations in the world and restaurants like Lorea truly put it on the map in terms of fine dining. Fine dining in Mexico City is a trip though, Lorea for example offers a 14 course tasting menu at just $70 per person. If you’re a foodie traveling on a budget, your one splurge should be Lorea. You’ll never forget it.
Taqueria El Califa
Did someone say tacos? Finally? Yes. If you are in the mood for tacos and a sit down restaurant type of situation, El Califa is your destination. Not only is it your destination, it will also totally blow your mind. I think I ate about 8 tacos that night and I regret nothing. They are open all day long but their late night scene seems to be where it’s at. The one thing absolutely worth trying here are their “costras” – which are like tacos but the tortilla part is made of cheese… #mindblown. And I’ll just let you in on a little secret, the best tres leches cake I’ve ever had in my life is at Califa. It was also my favorite treat I had in Mexico City period – I said it!
La Capital
For Mexico City being a city of late diners, a lot of the restaurants close surprisingly early! La Capital was somewhat a happy accident while we were trying to find a restaurant open past 10pm, but it ended up being quite a number of our favorite restaurants in the end. La Capital is a great “happy medium” restaurant – it’s not too fancy, not too casual, but the food and the ambiance is absolutely fantastic. They offer truly incredible and what you’d think of as “authentic” Mexican food, so if that might what you’re looking for, you’ve found it.
El Moro Churreria
Is it really a trip to Mexico if you dont eat a churro? El Moro isn’t just any churreria though, it’s the OG of churrerias. They’ve been dusting delicious carb sticks with cinnamon and sugar since 1935, and today they have 9 locations all over the city. I visited the location at the Mercado Roma, which is a fun place to go for all kinds of things, it reminded me a lot of the Grand Central Market. But it’s better because… churros. Duh.
El Cardenal
This is the only restaurant on my list that I sadly did not have the time to go to but want to recommend regardless. I have a few friends who cannot visit Mexico City without having a traditional Mexican breakfast from El Cardenal. When I requested something that had some history, something that had stood the test of time and was still beloved by all, El Cardenal was always the answer. I cant wait to go myself on my next trip, but if a big Mexican breakfast speaks to you, white table cloths and all, please try El Cardenal (and tell me what you think!).
OTHER RECS: Yuban, Lardo, Rosetta, Zoku, Lalo!, Quintonil, Casa Virgina, Tori Tori, La Docena, Huset, Mero Toro, Bravo Lonchería, Dulce Patria, Azul Historico,
King Cole Bar
King Cole Bar to my delight was located inside of our hotel, the St Regis. Much like its New York City counterpart, the King Cole Bar is an absolutely stunning work of beauty, style, and class. We were at this bar more than I’d like to recount – shout out to Alejandro and Pepe – but it’s because it was consistently fantastic. Definitely the local meeting place for big timers, I fit right in obviously, but not at all intimidating or unwelcoming. The opposite in fact. Ain’t nothing wrong with a classy joint here and there, especially one with indoor/outdoor seating, great cocktails, live music, and decor fit for royalty.
La Azotea De Barrio Alameda
This place was recommended to me by a new friend on Instagram who’d been kind enough to message me her Mexico City favorites. She lives there after all so she was definitely one to be trusted. La Azotea is located in Centro, and is just a 5 minute walk from big sites to see such as the Palacio de Bellas Artes. Climb about 100 steps (which is like 300 steps at sea level) to the rooftop to find an absolute GEM of a little hangout – fresh air, views, cocktails, delicious food, friendly faces and all. My friend instructed me to order a Carajillo and if you’re like me and love a good espresso martini when desperate times call for desperate measures… then you are going to love a Carajillo.
Fifty Mils Four Seasons
If you thought the King Cole Bar at the St Regis sounded bougie, Fifty Mils at the Four Seasons might have them beat there. Between the absolutely stunning courtyard setting, the fancy “a-la Four Seasons” cocktails, and the fitted waitstaff, it’s definitely an experience. And I was so here for a bougie moment – and a solid Instagram post of course.
Condesa DF
Who doesnt love a good rooftop situation right? Located in the heart of Condesa, CodesaDF is one of the areas most popular boutique hotels. Their rooftop is open to the public and definitely caters towards the young more hip crowds. So naturally I went, and naturally I loved it. If it’s a nice day or night out, stop in – it’s usually open.
Hanky Panky
Per my previous confession about basically never leaving the King Cole Bar… I dissappointingly did not make it to a number of bars I had intended to visit. Hanky Panky being one of them. I cannot speak from personal experience but I can say with quite a bit of confidence that this bar IS an experience. First off, you have to have a reservation – it’s that kind of bar. Secondly, it’s a speakeasy. Lastly, it sounds so “LA” it hurts my feelings I cannot wait to come back and see what this place is up to.
La Clandestina
I am a huge fan of Mezcal, in fact it is easily my spirit of choice. La Clandestina was another bar that came highly recommended that I regrettably did not get to, but I am told if you too are a fan of Mezcal then this is one place on earth you need to experience to confirm your appreciation for the beverage.
Loup Bar
For my fellow wine lovers… meet Loup Bar. Loup Bar is known for their incredible list of natural wines, as well as for their great food menu to pair. You know I will travel for wine and food, so Loup came highly recommended by several friends; I love that this a more low key yet chic spot. A great place to go when you’d love a glass of wine with a side of warm and cozy ambiance.
OTHER RECS: El Bosforo, La Lavanderia, Limantour, Pata Negra, Cicatriz, Gin Gin, Felina Bar, Aurora, Xaman, Baltro, La Ópera,
Lucha Libre
What about men in fringe, tight pants, and colorful masks doesn’t already sound appetizing as hell? Throw in spotlights, a hugely enthusiastic crowd, cheap cold beer, tacos, and you’ve got yourself a night at LUCHA LIBRE! I am not kidding you when I say Friday night Lucha Libre was my favorite part of the entire trip, and arguably one of the best nights of my whole life. Take that and do what you will.
I honestly barley know how to begin trying to explain the experience that is Xochimilco. It’s hands down one of the wildest, strangest, most unique experiences I think I’ve had in all my 30 years. What I want to say wont really make sense, but Xohchimilco doesn’t really make sense either, so here goes nothing. Xochimilco is a place you go *with a group* to float down canals on very colorful gondolas that are all packed like sardines on the water where there is zero traffic regulation, there is a lot of booze, there are mariachis on boats for hire, delicious food and trinkets on boats for buying, and a lot of other strange yet entertaining activity. Here’s the deal. It was cool… but it was wild. If you’ve got kids, or if you’re just a couple without a guide, I actually would not recommend Xochimilco. But if you’ve got a group, or a friend/trusted individual who knows the ropes, DO IT. Be careful, I would personally hire a driver to get you there and back (it’s about 45 minutes outside the city center), don’t be an idiot and you’ll have an absolute blast.
Chapultapec Park
Unsurprisingly so, Chapultapec Park is one of the largest city parks in the world. Really though – this park is never ending and it’s absolutely GORGEOUS! Chapultapec Park is very central, and the best of what it has to offer – including the Chapultapec Castle and the Museum of Anthropology – are very easy to access. Besides museums and the castle, Chapultapec Park includes a zoo, botanical gardens, walking trails, vendors, several man-made lakes with pedal boats, and so much more. You could spend a whole day strolling through these gorgeous grounds, and so you should – with some stops along the way.
Castillo de Chapultapec
One of those stops should definitely be the stunning site that was once the home to Mexico’s one-time emperor, Maximilian. Chapultapec Castle, now the Natural Museum of History, overlooks the entire city below and it’s an absolutely fascinating and beautiful place to visit. It’ll take you a minute to hike up the hillside, and you will run out of breath thanks to that altitude, but boy is it worth it! (It’s also not literally a hike, it’s a walk uphill, it just seems to go on for forever when you’re out of breath.)
Museo Nacional de Antropología
If you have an interest in learning about the history of pre-hispanic Mexico (Aztec, Mayan, etc) the Museo Anthropolgia is an absolute must. We spent hours walking through each time period if you will, looking at pieces of history you can hardly fathom being as ancient and beautiful as they are. This was one of my personal favorite parts of the trip, so if you have time on your walk through the Chapultapec Park, stop in at the museum.
Mercado de Artesanías la Ciudadela
There are a couple of amazing Mercados to visit in Mexico City, but the one we ended up visiting was Mercado de Artesanías la Ciudadela – a market known for it’s more locally crafted and more traditional goods. They offer all kinds of Oaxacan textiles, blankets, silver, jewelry, bags, leather, housewares – anything “Mexico” you can think of they have. I have to admit, I typically hate the idea of “things” or “trinkets” but this market was incredible! I ended up with some beautifully embroidered bags, and so wished I’d had enough room in my suitcase for some of the glassware and housewares. Next trip.
Palacio de Bellas Artes
Whilst meandering through Historico Centro you will find it damn near impossible not to run into the massive architectural masterpiece that is the Palacio de Bellas Artes. It’s here inside the marbles walls that you will find gorgeous and expansive murals from several artists including Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, and Rufino Tamayo. Wether it’s a new exhibit, a concert, or an event, there is always something fun and interesting happening here.
Want to see those mysterious pyramids you learned about at the Museo Anthropolgia IRL? You can! Teotihuacan is admittedly a pretty far drive outside the city center (about an hour), but it’s another absolute “must” according to most if not all who have visited. This was another spot I didn’t personally make it out to this trip, but I am told it’s worth noting to go early in the morning while the sun isn’t too hot and the tourists are at a minimum.
Museo Frida Kahlo
The Frida Kahlo Museum is kind of a non-negotiable. It’s a completely one-of-a-kind experience, and I promise you will be glad and grateful to have gone. The Frida Kahlo Museum, aka Casa Azul, was Frida’s beloved home for twenty years. Located in the colorful and charming neighborhood of Coyoacan, you immediately get a sense of the appeal. When Frida passed away, Diego Rivera donated her house to the government and turned it into a museum. The home has been in the exact condition she left it in since the 50’s, and it’s a surreal thing to experience in person. I personally loved seeing her clothes that were put on display (that were just discovered in an untouched room in 2004!), and how so many designers today are still inspired by her stunning style.
OTHER RECS: Museo Soumaya, Museo Tamayo, Museo Franz Mayer, Palacio Nacional, Museo Jumex, Casa Barragan, Museo del Tequila y Mezcal,
St. Regis
Just going to call it like it is, the St Regis Mexico City is the best hotel I’ve ever stayed at. The truth is I probably wouldn’t be able to afford a stay at a St Regis in most cities, but in Mexico City rates at this property start as low as $269 a night. For the St Regis. If you want to do a bougie hotel stay, with unparalleled service and accommodations, stay with the St Regis.
Hotel La Valise
Hotel La Valise is THE hip/chic/expensive spot to stay in Mexico City. They have a very popular property in Tulum as well, and their Mexico City location is just as stunning. It’s also located in a great part of town that is accessible to fun restaurants and areas to walk.
Hotel Condesa DF
Hotel Condesa DF is one of the best boutique hotels is one of the best parts of town – Condesa. I have had a few friends stay here who loved it, plus their rooftop – as mentioned – was one of my favorite stops on the trip.
Four Seasons
The Four Seasons Mexico City has a similar story to the St Regis; if you want to do a bougie stay, this is another great option to consider. Especially if like me, there’s no way in hell you’d be able to afford a Four Seasons vacation anywhere else. Why not do it in Mexico City!
OTHER RECS: Hotel Carlota, Four Points Roma, Roma MX, Hippodrome, Downtown Mexico, Casa Nuevo 120, Los Alcobas, Hotel Habita, Camino Real
consider taking a street food tour! I’m actually quite sad I didn’t go on one myself, as the street food was the one thing I feel like I missed out on, but you’ve gotta have something to go back for right? My friends recommended this one to me: Club Tengo Hambre
prepare for the high altitude. Mexico City is about 7500 ft above sea level, and it can affect you if you’re not used to it like most us Angelenos!
take Ubers! For convenience, safety and reliability reasons.
get money from a bank ATM for a lower exchange rate. Most people/places will take American dollars, but try not to use them if you can avoid it. Pesos or credit cards are definitely best.
if you plan on visiting the Frida Kahlo museum and you want to take photos, be sure to purchase a photo pass in the coat check room! This is not advertised, but it’s available and it is affordable. Als0 – buy your tickets online ahead of time, save yourself the time you’d have to wait in line.
there are two airports in Mexico City, make sure you remember that when scheduling your flights and pickups/dropoffs
getting reservations at the popular Mexico City restaurants like Pujol, Maximo Bistro, Quintonil, Contramar, Rosetta, etc are difficult on short notice. Try to book the ones you really want to go to as far in advance as possible. This can be done directly on their respective websites, and you have the option to waitlist should your first choice not be immediately available.
lastly… don’t try to do too much. Pick 1-2 “must-see’s” a day, let the rest fall into place, and enjoy yourself!
Source: http://loveandloathingla.com/2018/10/angelenos-guide-mexico-city/

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I want an answer to all the questions 😁
Gee, thanks T ;)
1. What is you middle name?
Lee. It’s my Dads middle name, and my brother and I have my Mum’s surname seeing as they were never married (now separated) so she gave us our Dads middle name as our own. So me my brother and my Dad all have the same middle name. Oh and and my oldest brother (different Dad) has Lee hyphenated into his first name so there ya go hahah.
2. How old are you?
23, 24 in 5 weeks :)
3. When is your birthday?
August 20th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Leo (it fits)
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
My favourite number is 2, so therefore my lucky number is 22.
7. Do you have any pets?
There is a cat at the flat I’m currently living in, he’s the fattest ever and his name is Zinny.
8. Where are you from?
Born in London. Moved to NZ when I was 6 months old. So legally British, but I am a Kiwi. 9. How tall are you?
I honestly don’t know but I’m tall. 5′9 maybe?
10. What shoe size are you?
In NZ I’m a 9 or a 10. I think it’s 8 UK, 42 US? I have big feet okay haha.
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
At the moment only like 4 cause I just moved country and gave a lot away.
12. What was your last dream about?
I wish I could remember :(
13. What talents do you have?
I can rap? Haha like don’t get me wrong I can’t freestyle but if I hear a song enough I get pretty good. But that probably ties in with my ability to just know the words to nearly every fucking song. My boyfriend always plays this game where he’ll start singing a song and then I have to sing the whole thing haha.
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I mean I say I am all the time but it’s not serious.
15. Favorite song?
This is so hard to answer. I have so many. it depends on my mood haha. 16. Favorite movie?
I am a movie buff. I cannot simply pick one. Although one film I could watch at any time is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Oh and Shutter Island. Mark Ruffalo & Leo Dicaprio are my faves. Breakfast Club? Only Lovers Left Alive. I can’t pick.
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Seth Cohen.
18. Do you want children?
I do, but there are days I wonder if I actually do, you know?
19. Do you want a church wedding?
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Plenty of times, haha.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
I can’t say I have, no
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Yes! Quite a few if I can boast haha. Aidan Turner, Dean O’Gorman, Karen Gillan, Jamie Campbell Bower, Marl Ruffalo, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr, Andrew Scott, Jenna Coleman. That’s all I can recall right now haha. I have photographic evidence of all except RDJ :(
24. Baths or showers?
It depends!
25. What color socks are you wearing?
Black :)
26. Have you ever been famous?
Haha no.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
I don’t think so, to be honest.
28. What type of music do you like?
A broad range. A lot is like indie/pop, and I really do listen to a lot of rnb/rap which always surprises people.
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
God no haha. If I had the balls.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
1 since we moved here but ideally 2.
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
On my side.
32. How big is your house?
Not very. It’s converted (typical London) so it’s basically fit anything where you can haha.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
I don’t eat it normally, but if I do it’s cereal or toast. Also love pancakes.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
At a school camp, once.
36. Favorite clean word?
Clean word? LIke non swear word? Lovely.
37. Favorite swear word?
Fuck. Classic.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Like 36 hours or so but I don’t do well on no sleep.
39. Do you have any scars?
Just little cuts and things, nothing major.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
No, had a stalker once.
41. Are you a good liar?
Kind of.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I believe so.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Not at all I am terrible at accents haha.
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I’m told not really, not compared to others. It’s probably because my family were English so it’s buffered.
45. What is your favorite accent?
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
Nothing I own is expensive haha.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
Right :)
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Yes, any creepy crawlies ew.
52. Favorite food?
53. Favorite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Messy but hates mess.
55. Most used phrased?
Oh my god.
56. Most used word?
Probably a swear word.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Depends on whether it’s just going out or like going out out. Anywhere from 10 mins to an hour.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I don’t think so no.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Often haha.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
Very often haha.
62. Are you a good singer?
I’ve been told I’m actually not that bad a few times haha so thats something I guess.
63. Biggest Fear?
64. Are you a gossip?
Sometimes… hahah.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
What kind of dramatic? Prisoners was so good and that sprung to mind.
66. Do you like long or short hair?
My hair? Looooog. I cut it short 2 years ago and regretted it so much. On others? Unphased. Love a good man bun but don’t we all..
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
I doubt it haha.
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Introvert mainly, extrovert tendencies.
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No, terrified of the ocean. Which is annoying because it’s beautiful but ugh.
71. What makes you nervous?
Lots, especially having so speak to people I don’t know, about jobs etc.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Love the dark.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
My boyfriend all the time,because he’ll still love me, but not normally anyone else haha.
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
In my previous management jobs, yeah.
77. Have you ever drank underage?
A lot.
78. Have you ever done drugs?
A couple times..
79. Who was your first real crush?
Non celeb? When I was like 12 I was obsessed with a guy my cousin has been with for 3 years and owns a house with haha.
80. How many piercings do you have?
Nose & ears.
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
82. How fast can you type?
If I get going quite fast. Dunno actual speed.
83. How fast can you run?
Not very anymore haha.
84. What color is your hair?
Naturally dark brown. Dyed darker but not black.
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Nothing I know of.
87. Do you keep a journal?
I want too!
88. What do your parents do?
Mum Retail, Dad Accounting to put it simply cause I don’t actually know.
89. Do you like your age?
23 has been good to me.
90. What makes you angry?
91. Do you like your own name?
I don’t hate it, but it’s boring.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I have a few.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
If I could pick, 2 boys 1 girl.
94. What are you strengths?
I’m fiercely loyal.
95. What are your weaknesses?
Also stubborn, is that a weakness? V shy.
96. How did you get your name?
My Nans name was Jennifer, my Mum wanted to name me after her but not completely so therefore; Jenna. Also my family has a history of J’s. My Nan, Mum, oldest brither and 2 cousins are J names.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
I wish haha.
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Color of your bedspread?
Pretty patterned pink/blue.
100. Color of your room?
These walls are like a light yellow but I did not chose it haha.
That took way too long god I am boring.
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Life, Love, Katsudon, and Ramen
The second piece for Msjasu’s amazing Twin AU. This time, I focused on food and how important it is in their lives from start to end. Yuki is the ramen king and has no sense of taste buds, I refuse to believe otherwise.
I hope you enjoy! Link towards story on Ao3
The day that Victor Nikiforov entered both of their lives in Hasetsu after Sochi, the Russian insisted they ate like two pregnant women going through cravings, promptly after he ran into the bathroom to expel his horror into the porcelain god. Their mother and Yuko agreed. The traitors.
And yet, Yuki seethed and hissed ‘traitor’ at Victor when he fell in love with katsudon(the dish, not his brother, he shipped it so fucking hard after all). He sneered they had no taste buds as he poured an energy drink and crushed up Cheetos into his ramen.
Yuki couldn’t stand katsudon. Something about having egg over fried pork bothered him, making his stomach squirm with rejection the first time he took a bite. It was so unnatural, so . . . it felt so dirty to eat it and not in a good way.
Food had become one of the more interesting differences between the twins. They always had different interests when it came to skating and music, they liked different colors, and argued over which video game series was different. But even with those things, they still enjoyed the others preference. That didn’t work when it came to food. Yuki wouldn’t go near katsudon, scrunched his nose every time, slinking away from his brothers side to sit away from the horrifying combination. Birthdays were shared with two different meals completely at the dining table, sitting across each other instead of their standard sit by sit.
Yuuri liked ramen, he did, though not in the way that Yuki enjoyed the noodle dish. The boy was dubbed ramen king, able to eat an entire bowl in half the time that Yuuri could inhale katsudon, quite the achievement. There were very few different flavors of ramen that Yuki didn’t love, and dozens more that he tried and fall for with his heart on full display. He had even started to keep a small notebook with him at all times, writing down the different kinds that he tried when they went anywhere.
Ramen also made it easier to become the messiest eater there every was, slurping noodles and broth. They gained weight easily, but ramen was empty calories for the most part, easier to keep slim with it. Yuuri may be the one referred to a ‘piggy’ for gaining weight more after a light binge of porn cutlet bowls, but Yuki ate like an actual pig.
The day that Yuuri started to travel outside Hasetsu to competitions for skating, one in a rare blue moon for ballet, Yuki took his small habit into being his second biggest dream. To try every type of ramen the world has out there, to devour, to enjoy, to conquer as the true ramen lover. He took advantage of his brothers travelling to widen his grasp on flavor. Yuuri didn’t mind, he thought it was funny and enjoyed seeing his twin so happy over something that Yuuri thought was mediocre in taste most of the time. Besides, Yuki never missed his programs, no matter what ramen craze he had going that moment. He would leave behind his blessed food to hold Yuuri’s hand before each skate, calm his nerves that only Yuki knew how to do.
They grew up finding more differences between them, what made them individuals and not just stuck at the hip. Yuuri found deep love with skating and all forms of dance, his body graceful as it swipes into every step with a natural beauty. Yuki’s idea of dancing was the funky chicken, the running man, the robot and that one dance move craze where you grip the back of your neck, your shin and then threaten to give yourself a black eye with your kneecap. Any other kind of dancing he faulted at, having two left feet when it came to coordination. The younger twin had ease flying his fingers across a piano and keyboard, easily singing to every song with the perfect pitch. The older of the two, however, well, Yuuri had an easier time scaring away wild animals with the cracked screech that was his attempt at singing ‘Mary Had A Little Lamb’.
Together, with their powers combined, they either made a talented, wonderful pair that could sweep people off their feet in dance and song, or they were the nightmare that came after you down the hall at night, badly off tune child songs with pelvic thrust dance moves that have long been outdated for good reason. Either way, they were a force through the artistic and athletic world, a whirlwind when side by side, and just as strong on their own two feet.
Even as the two got older, they would find themselves slipping into the childhood language they created, a set of gibberish. It was a common thing between twins, almost every set had one. It was more natural than their first proper language, slipping off the tongue with an ease Japanese didn’t fully have. English was easier with each other to split the work of learning, Yuuri with the vocal words and Yuki the written version of the language. By the time Yuuri left for Detroit to follow his dream of skating under his coach Celestino and Yuki to Tokyo with a music scholarship, they were able to slip between the three languages. Their language though, it was always a favorite.
Yuki’s quest wasn’t held only in Japan, though Tokyo gave the younger sibling far more options, every time that Yuki came to America to stay in Yuuri and Phichit’s impossibly small dorm and then apartment, he always found something. Yuuri learned to regret it the day Yuki found ‘cheeseburger ramen’. It smelled of death, looked to be created by some satanic son-of-a-bitch reject from culinary school, and from the reluctant bite taken, Yuuri and Phichit agreed that the campus cafeteria’s mystery meat sloppy joes mexican fried rice combo tasted better. And they swore to this day that they saw the blob that was once rice moved across their plates.
From that day on, Yuki started his own concoctions of ramen. It started simple. Hot sauces across the world he collected from different countries he visited with Yuuri, but then it branched into broken hell. Exotic meats, fruits, liquids that should never touch noodles replacing the water that should go into the cheap, college microwave ramen. It got to the point Yuuri attempted an intervention when he he decided mayo was the perfect topping, his second favorite being cheap ketchup and hotdogs.
The intervention was ignored. Yuki had always been stubborn, though so was Yuuri.
To be fair to his younger brother, Yuuri had his own guilty pleasure food outside of katsudon that terrified Phichit every time he either ate it or asked his roommate slash best friend to pick the ingredients up at the grocery store.
Pickles in marshmallow fluff was a god send for the professional skater.
The day that Victor Nikiforov entered both of their lives in Hasetsu after Sochi, the Russian insisted they ate like two pregnant women going through cravings, promptly after he ran into the bathroom to expel his horror into the porcelain god. Their mother and Yuko agreed. The traitors.
And yet, Yuki seethed and hissed ‘traitor’ at Victor when he fell in love with katsudon(the dish, not his brother, he shipped it so fucking hard after all). He sneered they had no taste buds as he poured an energy drink and crushed up Cheetos into his ramen.
Yurio he was not surprised had shitty taste, the boy loved in leopard print long after it went out of style and in all honestly, he was ready to simply beat the shit out of a fifteen year old child for what he said to Yuuri. The feeling was mutual after Yurio tried to accept his challenge after Yuki screamed ‘Fight me, you punk ass bitch’ in Hasetsu Ice Castle.
There was one thing that he thought that both of Victor and Yuuri had amazing taste in. Each other. They were perfect together, their strengths and weaknesses completing the other, the other half of their heart. He witnessed their first kiss on the Hasetsu beach, a snuck photo of it still on the Yuuri’s, Victor’s, and Yuki’s phones. Also Phichit, because Yuki was a great friend. He was there in person at the public confession and kiss in China, the way they laced their fingers ever since. Their meeting at the airport after the Russian cup he stayed out of, waiting at home. He was use to being away from Yuuri once in awhile for competitions, but he had seen the way it destroyed Victor to be separated from the love of his life.
Even worse than katsudon was the first time he actually heard his brother and to be brother-in-law having sex. It haunted his every thought. It had been a proud moment when Yuuri told him he lost his virginity, overly happy for his twin. But hearing it, the moans, the hitches to breath and the way they were whimper out each others names and soft commands, he’d rather eat katsudon for a week straight.
Victor thought he was being overly dramatic when he found Yuki googling mind bleach one evening. Victor didn’t have to know how his very own twin, the person he shared fingerprints and exact genetic coding with sounded when he came.
Excluding the terrible hot pink convertible the two left in to go to the airport for their honeymoon, the wedding was gorgeous. It was everything his brother deserved, to know that Victor, his once idol turned so very human of a man he loved, at his side every day. The doves were overly dramatic, but it was Victor’s one true request so it couldn’t be ignored. Phichit and Yuki fought over who had the more embarrassing stories about Yuuri in their speeches, over who cried more during the kiss(it was their Hiroko of course who won), and who looked better in the suit they had to wear for the wedding.
Instead of the katsudon that their mother made for all at the wedding, Yuuri and Victor had both insisted on Yuki having his beloved ramen. To show their love, even on their special day to the brother that played match-maker, properly introduced them while Yuuri was sober, and encouraged them to go after their happiness together.
In a way, their lives surrounded around food, but Yuki wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. Not for a world topping album, not for destroying Yurio. Not even for the ultimate ramen would Yuki concern changing a thing.
#yuuri katsuki#yuki katsuki#victor nikiforov#katsudonbros#msjasu#thank you for reading!#my writing#fanfic#first piece since I changed my URL too!#yuri on ice
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Tattoos on the Wrist (the most spectacular photos!)
The tattoo is a work of art appreciated since 3,300 years BC, There are those who do it to beautify the body; others prefer to enhance their individuality through the personalized symbol. If before the modification of the body it was considered a taboo and restricted to the underground, now it conquers numerous adepts capable of forever bearing its precious stamp, its life story. Choosing among so many styles, techniques and designs requires a deep search and constant evaluation to avoid regrets in the future. Always opt for a responsible professional so that your expectations are matched, even if the value is higher. Remember that removing a deformed tattoo is much more expensive than that investment with its appearance. If this is your first time, choose the region of the pulse for discretion and sensitivity to pain. Favored among the female audience, the tattoos in this area highlight the delicacy and grace with subtle strokes, as well as charming symbols. Already men seek audacity without losing the edge. It is very common these emblematic icons associated with courage and strength like crowns, animals, trees, sun, the skull, the cross. If your will is spoken louder, take a look at our special gallery 120 impressive suggestions of tattoos on the wrist capable of satisfying all styles, and look for the inspiration you need here to take your first step:
Who said that the petals of the orchid should be of the same hue?
Incredibly feminine, delicate and romantic
The cat of the night
Triangle with a whale at sea
Special attention to the well-elaborated texture of the sunflower
Smile life is Beautiful!
Quote discrete and black and white
Lovely, elegant and beautiful butterfly in shades of gray
Hipnotize and start praise wherever
Sunflower is light, life and vitality!
Yin yang to balance the energies
Lasso for life
Meeting of delicacy
Skull cool and full of attitude!
Grief is the symbol of protection and luck
Sun in shades of gray in tribal style
Diamond in shades of blue
Realistic and powerful lion in shades of gray
Discoverer of the seven seas
Embracing the world
Meigo, sweet and elegant
Amorous connections
Is it in doubt that the icon to choose? Put your chosen ones in smaller formats
The most subtle features make it more light and refined
The precious details leave the tattoo even more refined
The day the moon fell in love
The wrist area includes drawings of any size!
Enjoy the inner area of the moon and put your favorite texture
I think I saw a kitten
How not to fall in love with the bambi?
Bouquets of leaves to crown this great moment!
Nomads of the world
Bet on the geometric elements and get in there!
New school tattoo
My dear pony
Rock’n roll
How about your new flower bracelet?
The joy of living!
Use and abuse creativity!
The space is unlimited
Space tattoos are super trendy!
The bird of peace
Geometric rabbit in shades of gray
Prefer a more timid icon, but full of charm? The moon is perfect for you!
The rope that unites people and close relationships
Do you prefer something more discreet, but without losing the charm? this is for you!
It’s cute, too much for a single double
Kitten with non-continuous and soft features
I live forever in the world of the moon
Where the mother leaves, the puppy goes behind
Luna that finds me in the night
Chip and dale
Symbol of royalty, leadership and authority
The double contour dynamics
How about a fun and delicious tattoo?
The Godfather
Elegance and charm in a single tattoo
How to resist the charm of the contour swallow?
A space person
Luna that keeps you company
Be happy with minnie close
Lucky clover
A different version of yin yang
Elegant and radiant bird flying by the pulse
The nautical star falls like a glove on the wrist
Forever: love, peace and us
The butterfly is associated with the renewal and transformation
The cherry is unanimous among women
May luck always be on your side!
Wings to fly well away
Lights Camera action
Impossible to be wrong with the well-executed mandala
Wings to fly and discover the world
Do not feel small, wear very high heels
Love when it is true never dies
For origami fans
Music unites, is contagious and brings hope wherever it goes
The arrow of love
The development of a delicate rose
For those who do not live far from fashion
Small, funny and colorful nut
The apex of discretion
Bet on the feminine color card to make your tattoo even more charming
Do not miss the faith
Full of love to give!
The red rose is contagious and brings more life!
One of two different, but complementary styles: ethnic + tribal
Cherry wood is synonymous with delicacy and beauty
The diamond is the epitome of purity, truth and immortality
Wow, full of attitude!
Decipher me or I devour you
There are no limits to your next tattoo!
With Fingers crossed to attract more luck
Eternity, evolution and balance
Bracelet quality
For music lovers
The tattoo without contour brings lightness and delicacy to the goldfish
It was once a turtle called a dream
The colorful Mexican skull is pure style!
Playful and full of magic!
The ladybug brings luck, protection and a new love
How about innovating by sealing only half of the wolf?
Love Paris? declares all his love with the eiffel tower
The realistic face of the pinscher dog
Be elegant: combine the colors of the tattoo with the tone of the nail
How about stamping dragons in both pulses?
Long live our lady of guadeloupe
The bee represents loyalty, order and discipline
Flowers on the head
A toast to man’s best friend
The wrist area is perfect for the heart in the medium size
Lace is one of the favorite tattoos among women
New bracelet
A beautiful declaration of love to his companion of all adventures
Animated skull!
Remarkable, imposing and full of power!
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