#arya x willas
I know your blog is very focused on Rhaegar x Lyanna but I wanted to ask what are other Game of Thrones universe ships you like. Can you give me a top 10 ?
This is a really cool question my top 10 is very weird. I like very different couples it’s my crack ship obsession. I’m gonna put an honorable mention to Sigorn x Alys Karstark, Arthur Dayne X Jaime Lannister, Sansa Stark x Margaery Tyrell, they are a cute couples but they don’t make my top 10 !
10. Alysanne Targaryen x Alaric Stark: I mean, I do have an obsession with stark/targaryen, fire and ice, ships so this was no surprise. My head canon is that this helped Alysanne with a lot of trauma from her first trip on Westeros where she was attacked. And I love that Alaric is kind of grumpy at the beginning but warms up to her with time.
9. Jacaerys Velaryon X Cregan Stark : Again stark/targaryen ship, but gay ! Two of the things that I love the most in life. I’m very sad that apparently Cregan won’t be making another appearance in this season of House of the Dragon. Because you know, I just wanted to see my ship or a little bit more of it.
8. Oberyn Martell X Willas Tyrell: This one is kind of complicated; For people that don’t know Willas is a book only character, he is the heir of HighGarden, when he was very young, he went into jousting, and he jousted against Oberyn. But sadly because he was so young and unprepared, he ended up having a very serious injury on his leg. And that caused the Martell’s and Tyrell’s to have even more beef than they already have, but the cool thing is Willas did not blame Oberyn. They became friends after this. So yeah I ship them because this one brings a softer side of Oberyn that we rarely see.
7. Jon Snow x Satin : I mean, bisexual Jon Snow, that’s it.
6. Ned Stark x Jaime Lannister : This one is one of the crack ones, and I know a lot of people will think I’m mad. But if you read the books, and you read Jaime’s POV you know for a fact, he had a huge fat crush on Ned Stark. Also bisexual Jaime Lannister !
5. Lucery Velarys x Aemon Targaryen : Oh we’re getting to the toxic one. This is more like a very dependent on the AU vibe. But I like the idea of forgiveness and growth. 
4. Brienne of Tarth x Jaime Lannister: I mean, you don’t really have to explain this one. it’s amazing. It’s probably the best thing that happens to Jamie in the books and in the series, and I will be eternally bitter of how they were treated in the tv show.
3. Arya Stark X Aegon Martell Targaryen : This the one that is the most cracked ship of all of them, but hear me out, yes, I know that the possibility of young Griff, being Aegon, is very slim, but I don’t care. 
2. Lyanna Stark x Jaime Lannister : I’m usually attracted to ships that are opposites attract, but that is not the case of this one. I would like to make the claim that Jamie Lannister and Lyanna Stark, are virtually the same person in different fonts. Middle child, of dysfunctional family, that lost their mom, has a very ambitious dad, and a kid that has to grapple with the weight of societal ecxpectations, but at heart are both rebellious. 
1. Rhaegar Targaryen x Lyanna Stark : I mean, this one is my OTP, of all the ships of all time. It’s my sensitive boy, and my tomboy girl, they’re everything to me and no, I will not be questioned or hear any criticism for it!
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crimsoncold · 4 months
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A list of Fanart by @crimsoncold
Organized by Fandom, includes links to posted art work (in white) and a list of ongoing series (in green), in progress works (in blue), and soon to be posted pieces (in red)
(All artwork will be tagged and made searchable with #Crimson Cold)
A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones
Jon Snow x Sansa Stark (Jonsa):
Family Portrait in the godswood of Winterfell
A Shared Dream of Family (day time version)
A Shared Dream of Family (night time version)
Wedding in the Godswood (winter version)
Wedding in the Godswood (spring version)
A Bedding at Winterfell
Future in Winterfell (A Jonsa Collection)
Jonsa Beyond the Wall (A Wildling AU)
Escape to the Free Cities/Essos AU
Jon meets Alayne (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Jonsa Regency AU
Jonsa Period Drama Portraits
Jonsa Modern Hockey AU
Jonsa Post-Apocalyptic AU
Aemond Targaryen x Sansa Stark (Aemondsa):
The Lady Wolf and her Dragon Knight
Alayne Stone and her Dragon Knight
ASOIAF/GOT Second Generation: (HIATUS)
Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark,
Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark,
[House Stark]
Willas Tyrell, Garlan Tyrell, Loras Tyrell
Margaery Tyrell, [House Tyrell]
Arianne Martell, Myrcella Baratheon
Myranda Royce, Mya Stone
ASOIAF First Generation: (HIATUS)
Brandon Stark, Eddard Stark,
Lyanna Stark, Benjen Stark,
[House Stark]
Catelyn Tully, Elia Martell
Arthur Dayne, Ashara Dayne,
Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister
Robert Baratheon, Rhaegar Targaryen
ASOIAF 1st Gen Masterpost
Miscellaneous asoiaf/got:
Alayne Stone Sansa Stark, QITN
Jon Snow Sketch Sansa Stark Sketch
Harry Potter
Harry Potter x Hermione Granger (Harmony):
Family Picnic (TO BE POSTED)
Dancing in the common room (IN PROGRESS)
Sirius Black x Hermione Granger:
Family Outing to Diagon Alley (TO BE POSTED)
Attack on Titan/ Shingeki no Kyojin
Erwin Smith x Levi Ackerman (EruRi):
Expedition beyond Wall Rose
The Witcher/Wiedźmin
Geralt of Rivia portrait (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Fae Jaskier | Dandelion (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Star Wars
Padmé Amidala x Obi-Wan Kenobi (Obidala):
Tatooine AU (TO BE POSTED)
Queen Amidala (TO BE POSTED)
Miscellaneous Fanart
Charles and Anna Cornick (from the Alpha & Omega series by Patricia Briggs)
Kate Daniels (from the Kate Daniels Series by Ilona Andrews)
Check below for a bit about me as an artist and what my posting is going to look like...
Sudden Inspiration and a backlog of art...
For several years I was without the energy or drive to engage in the hobbies I loved so much growing up.
In 2020 (facing a sudden surplus of both free time and solitude) I started to encourage myself to take time for things that had no other purpose than making myself happy. Slowly I once again started to create art that was for my own enjoyment and done at my own pace.
A huge inspiration became the various fandoms I was a part of and by 2021 the ideas I had for various fanart pieces soon became nearly overwhelming- after a multi year drought I was finally excited to make art again!
It would however take me a while to find the courage to share my work anywhere - like many artists I sometimes struggled to see the worth in my own work and soon the absolute plague of AI generated images and AI content scraping was making me dread the idea of sharing anything publically. But with positive encouragement from friends (and holding to the firm belief that any art work/song/story/or creative piece made with the passionate effort of an inspired individual will hold vastly more worth and outdo any AI generated thing in terms of quality, impact, and longevity) I finally decided to just enjoy fully engaging in fandom and posting my fanart for anyone to enjoy.
So right now I have a 2-3 year backlog of fanart I've been working on but never posted anywhere so I'm making a master list up above that will have links to each individual piece organized according to Fandom, Concept/Series, and Pairing.
Also included in the list are completed but not yet posted pieces and in progress pieces that I will post at a later date (hopefully this will encourage me to complete and to post my 50+ backlog of art pieces steadily over time while I focus on making new fanart).
- Crimson Cold
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esther-dot · 1 year
i know you didn't answer the previous ask talking about fanfic in particular but sansa shipping fic is a sight to behold due to how much options it offers and given how fanfic is an expression of shipping, i NEED to share my two cents of how vastly different sansa fanfic can be.
depending on her love interest, it tells vastly different stories.
LF? (hopefully) a dark, twisted romance, probably kinky with daddy issues. (hopefully) features dark!sansa.
the hound? probably very soft, beauty & the beast style, a lady & her knight type of story.
tyrells? pure romantic fluff, sansa as a great lady, some good rep, either sapphic or with willas' disability. usually it's an arranged marriage but sansa doesn't start the story outright hating highgarden (usually considering it a refuge after escaping KL). instead, her romantic dreams of knights and summer come true and her new family takes her in with loving arms.
oberyn? also a lot of fluff but make it poly and lots of good food and fun. / doran's kids: less poly but with the same love put into the worldbuilding of dorne.
lannisters? really brings out sansa as a political player. if it's tywin, it's probably kinky (and by kinky, i mean possession and breeding) and cersei dies. if it's jamie, it's not that kinky but cersei still dies. it's always an arranged marriage sansa is forced into but eventually she falls for the lannister in question and fixes his issues (and his family) while leaning into her political side and ousting cersei from her position at court. really, you need a fic where cersei dies? sansa x lannister.
theon is in a prime shipping position after they escaped winterfell together on the show (and that hug. i don't even like theon and i loved that hug in s8. sansa got all the best hugs on the show) and jeyne fills all the childhood friends to lovers tropes plus some sapphic rep. no arranged marriages here, just people finding each other again after years of separation and suffering.
jon is kind of all of the above, depending on interpretation and what kind of vibes are wanted with the advantage of being stark-based and lots and lots of ghost being a good boy who sticks to sansa's shadow. she at least ends up as the ruling lady of winterfell in a prospering north. rickon lives, arya comes and goes as she pleases, brienne is in her queen's guard.
all of these don't even consider the potential of au's that deviate from the books more than a butterfly effect and a few (or many) slightly (or heavily, looking at you tywin) adjusted characters. (btw, in modern au's sansa also offers the potential trope of TWO crazy ex-boyfriends who abused her to some extent and who can cause further conflict.)
depending on what kind of tropes you love, there's a sansa ship for you out there because there's just so much possibility in her character and depending on where you diverge from her story (and which house you favour, tbh), all of them are kind of possible if you squint and that's where she's very different from characters whose paths are already set in stone. unless we go into au's that deviate before the books start, jon is always going to be at the wall. dany is always going to start out in essos and doesn't interact with other romantic leads until she's the conqueror (or saviour). robb is always going to be the heir of winterfell and has to return to winterfell even if he survives. sansa meanwhile crosses paths with most of the major factions during her time in KL and is in search for a home & family and can embody both the daughter that's going to leave her father's home and make a home elsewhere AND the eldest surviving child that can find her home AT home with whomever she chooses (sometimes reconquering wf for rickon with the help of her adopted family)
having her face so many suitors obviously puts the idea in the reader's head that sansa is worth pursuing and that there are possibilities to deviate from the story (which makes a lot of these matches possible, the easy in with the lannisters and the tyrells is always an arranged marriage (oberyn shipping kind of involves a lot more voluntarily getting kidnapped before the match is made)) but the potential each match brings is really up to the writer.
as someone who tries not to judge what other people like in fanfic, i have to admit that sansa is a gift that keeps on giving.
(and if you want to know how i know, it's because i'm the embodiment of the guy that finds a "dead dove don't eat" bag in the fridge and opens it anyway. i'm just really happy i haven't seen any sansa x qyburn yet.)
(About this ask)
That was a really fun read! It’s a great point about Sansa’s story in particular placing her in vicinity of many of these important characters in a way others don’t (like Jon or Dany), so I can def see why, when looking to write a romance with a certain character, she’s the go to heroine of the story.
I also think a big factor is that Sansa is someone a lot of girls can identify with and you can manifest her personality, interests, struggles into different scenarios pretty easily, so generally, I understand why of all the characters in ASOIAF, if someone wants to write a romance, it would center on her.
If you have stumbled across some hidden gems feel free to send me fic recs!
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thief-and-dragonfly · 1 month
Hey I’m Nicole I’m 29,Bi and awkward as fuck
No TERFs,Zionists,Homophobes or Racists are welcomed here at all.Neither are Arya or Dany haters or jonsa shippers.ACAB.We support all of the six wives of Henry VIII here as well as Mary I and Elizabeth.
Here’s a List of the fandoms or stuff you’ll most likely see here
A Song of Ice and Fire especially Arya Stark,Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow
Tudor era/Period Pieces
X Men
Star Wars
Lord Of The Rings
Sailor Moon
Hunger Games
X Files
Studio Ghibli
Avatar The Last Airbender
Here’s a list of my otps/ships
Arya x Gendry (Asoiaf)
Kate x Anthony (Bridgerton)
Jaime x Brienne (Asoiaf)
Ned x Cat (Asoiaf)
Davos x Stannis(Asoiaf)
Penelope x Colin(Bridgerton)
Eloise x Cressida(Bridgerton)
Regina x Emma (Once Upon a Time)
Haruka x Michiru(Sailor Moon)
Chibiusa x Hotaru (Sailor Moon)
Usagi x Mamoru(Sailor Moon)
Rei x Minako(Sailor Moon)
Mulder x Scully(X Files)
Legolas x Gimli (Lord Of The Rings)
Sam x Frodo(Lord of the Rings)
Aragorn x Arwen (Lord Of The Rings)
Eowyn x Faramir(Lord Of The Rings)
Eowyn x Arwen(Lord Of The Rings)
Thorin x Bilbo (The Hobbit)
Willow x Tara (Buffy)
Rogue x Gambit (X Men)
Kitty x Ilyana(X Men)
Wolverine x Morph (X Men the Animated series)
Wolverine x Deadpool (Deadpool movies)
Professor X x Magneto (X Men)
Jon x Ygritte (Asoiaf)
Jon x Dany (Asoiaf)
Jon x Arya (Asoiaf)
Robb x Theon (Asoiaf)
Sansa x Sandor (Asoiaf)
Sansa x Willas(Asoiaf)
Sansa x Margaery(Asoiaf)
Han x Leia(Star Wars)
Luke x Wedge (Star Wars)
Sabine x Shin Hati(Ahsoka)
Katniss x Peeta (Hunger Games)
Elizabeth I x Robert Dudley (Tudor History)
Henry VII x Elizabeth of York(Tudor History)
Beast Boy x Raven(Teen Titans)
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bestofsophieturner · 1 year
Taylor Swift & Sophie Turner are queens! It's so great to see them together and the reaction from the audience is just huge. Are Sophie and Taylor friends or what?
Well... Sophie has been a fan of Taylor Swift for many years now, even before Joe and her started dating. There was a huge rumor back in 2015/2016 that Taylor would have a cameo in X-men : Apocalypse. The rumour was saying she'd play Dazzler. But the truth is that James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult & Sophie went to one of her concerts in the city they were filming the movie. There is even a picture of them together, you can find it easily on google if you search Taylor Swift & Sophie Turner. It seems Taylor has been a fan of GoT, Sansa & Arya inspired apparently of of her songs (I'm not sure of this one). They were friendly toward each other in that interview they did together in 2019, or on social medias. Then Taylor sent a gift to them for Willa. So I don't know if they're friends, but they act friendly in the public eye. I suppose they like each other.
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seventhwinterwolf · 2 years
If there had been no WotFK, who do you think the Stark children would have married?
So aside from two of my favorite pairings that did and did not quite come to fruition in the show (Bran x Meera, Arya x Gendry) I believe that most of the Stark children would have married Northerners and maybe one or two in the Riverlands and Vale. The honor of having a Stark enter their families is such a highly coveted value in the North and I firmly stand that Ned would seek to bestow every care on his bannerman without forcing his children into disagreeable arrangements or otherwise before they are ready.
Robb Stark
Myrcella Baratheon
Wynafryd Manderly
Dacey Mormont
Eddara Tallhart
Alys Karstark
As the heir of Winterfell and firstborn son of the Hand of the King, Robb would have every single young lady's eye. I would expect Robb to marry a Northerner, unless it was altered where King Robert wanted Myrcella married to honor Ned’s friendship and support over the many decades. This would then alleviate Sansa from Joffrey’s torment and Myrcella had developed a little crush on Robb during her time at Winterfell in AGOT. There are also unnamed daughters in House Umber that could be plausible for Robb’s consideration. Karstark and Tallhart seem on the sightly less likely side since Rickard Karstark had tried for several years to get Robb / Ned interested in his daughter but it never landed. Alys does end up being married to another northern lord.
Dacey and Robb become friends during the WOT5K, she is a bit older than him and might be too unladylike for Catelyn's approval. Dacey and Wynafryd are both the heirs to Bear Island and White Harbor, but since the two of them have younger sisters I can believe that their heiress title could be passed to a younger sister. Or one of the younger sons from Robb would become the heir to House Mormont or House Manderley. This isn't as much of an heiress big deal as Arianna Martell not marrying Willas Tyrell creating a double heir situation when Highgarden and Sunspear are much more comparable big game prizes for inheritance. Due to Wynafyrd's higher house standing and power I could see her being the forerunner for Robb to marry within the North.
While considering Robb and Margaery, it does not have as advantageous values for the Tyrells since Winterfell is so far removed geographically and politically, it seems on the more unlikely side that this pairing would happen. 
Sansa Stark
Joffrey Baratheon
Trystane Martell
Willas Tyrell (maybe Loras)
Edric Dayne
Jon Snow/Targaryen
Once free from being betrothed to Joffrey or not if Robert/Ned don't die early (or if Robb is with Myrcella), I could reasonably see Sansa having the whole of Westeros open for the opportunity from within King's Landing. I would expect her to marry outside of the North, Riverlands, and maybe even the Vale to consider one of the southernmost kingdoms. This would be one of the most to gain in political standing if it was from the Reach or Westernlands. As the firstborn daughter to the Hand of the King, Sansa would have the utmost attention and consideration for just about any great house's heir. I do see Dorne not being a forerunner though that could change if Prince Trystane Martell arrived In KL. The Baratheons outside of KL seem also not likely if she weren't involved with Joffrey. Eventually if Jon is a Targaryen and claims the throne I could see Sansa and Jon marrying to keep the North in the realm. If Sansa became a close companion to Margaery as Queen, she could easily be introduced to any lord within the Reach or in the stony mountains of Dorne nearby, which could open up House Dayne (special care for the Lady Ashara and Ned rumors) and I think that Sansa and Edric could be interesting.
Arya Stark
Beren Tallhart
Gawen Glover
Unnamed Umber Son
Gendry Waters
Maybe one of the younger Ryswells (Rickard or Roose) pending their unknown ages, I doubt Catelyn and Ned would approve of a large age gap. If Jojen Reed was not unfortunately doomed I could see Arya and him as a possible engagement. After Sansa, I find Arya to be the hardest Stark child to predict/guess a preplanned marriage for when not taking Gendry into factor.
Bran Stark
Meera Reed
Beth Cassel
Ysilla Royce
If he doesn't fall from the tower then I could see Bran going to the Vale since he has aspirations of being a knight and he could be fostered by Yohn Royce and become betrothed to his daughter Ysilla, before Mychel Redfort marries her in AFFC, or another unnamed Yohn Royce daughter. After some time in King's Landing if Robert were not to die early I could see him and Ned agreeing to send Bran and Tommen together to the Vale.
Rickon Stark
Lyanna Mormont
Wylla Manderly
I like the idea of Lyanna Mormont or Wylla Manderly to match Rickon's wild personality if Lyanna has more of her show presence rather than her minimal book appearances. With Wylla's green hair and Shaggydog's green eyes that could be potentially cute. If Robb married Dacey Mormont or Wynafyrd Manderley then I would see Rickon marrying into the other house.
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elegantwoes · 2 years
Also anon had some nerve mentioning Gendry as a relationship that is stolen. What crack pairings fanfics that are written on Ao3 is not reflective of the Sansa fandom as a whole. By your insane logic I can accuse Arya stans from stealing as well for writing Arya x Willas and Arya x Aegon fanfics. Like may I remind you these two men are Sansa’s suitors according to the Ashford theory. However, I won’t do that. You know, why? I don’t complain about something so irrelevant as Fanfiction. Especially not fucking crack pairings. That is goofy as hell.
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hello blu!! i hope i'm not bothering you somehow but, may i ask you, about what are your opinion(s) on ships with sansa, tyrion x sansa, sandor x sansa, jon x sansa, theon x sansa, and now your aemond x sansa. what do you think about them as a ship and/or as couple as well. just curious here :))
So... I don't have a lot of opinions about Sansa or her ships if I'm honest. I don't really interact with or read the Game of Thrones fanfics; I do have a few I've enjoyed but none of my selections are ship based.
I don't like Tyrion/Sansa in general, primarily because, despite Peter Dinklage's portrayal of Tyrion, I'm not a fan of Tyrion. I think the only likable Lannister I've encountered in what I've read, is Jaime.
I don't like Sandor/Sansa, because those 'I'm his exception' tropes always go sour; as we saw with Daemon and Rhaenyra, also, there's the minor point of I'm not a fan of their power dynamic. Yes, I like their dynamic, it brings depths to both of them, but I'm not shipping it. I do think Sansa was an idiot for not going with the Hound when she could, because then she'd have reunited with Arya (I think Arya and the Hound intersecting was inevitable), but I think it would've lead to the girls running North to Jon, and probably taking the North back more quickly, and that Arya nonsense of the Faceless Men wouldn't be happening and I think that'd be better for Arya as a whole.
I don't mind Jon/Sansa, I think from a practicality standpoint it makes sense, especially for keeping Starks in the North and a valid line. It also makes sense because I think Jon and Sansa are both practical creatures, and pragmatic. I think Jon has a thing for redheads, and Sansa for real men/knights, and I think they check boxes off for the other ultimately. I also think for a thwarting of Dany, it makes a lot of sense (not a Dany fan, am a dragon fan, just not a big fan of Dany), also, I think her and Jon thwart any possible fAegon/Sansa pairing. And, by their union, it'll gain Sansa the Northern Lords who'd want to follow a Stark, the Wildlings, who trust Jon, the Vale, and get her a safe man. And provided Jon actually is a Targaryen, them being cousins would also be
Not a fan of Theon/Sansa, primarily because I'm not a fan of Theon, but also, I think Theon romanticizes what a union to her would be like, he'd have grown bored of her, and then discarded her for other women, leaving her alone. I think it could've worked, if Theon wasn't so easily swayed by his own passions, but also by others; Theon is not his own person, he's really whatever anyone else pushes of him, and I think being a weak man, even before Bolton, he was doomed.
I like Aemond, because I think he and Sansa sort of act as a mirror for one another, but I also think they'd be the sassiest duo alive, everyone underestimates them. Aemond's temper and impulse control are genuine issues they'd have to contend with, but so is Sansa's passiveness, and inability to always express *her* wants. They both don't always understand that they do have to care for themselves, I think they'll look out for the other, but they'll forget about themselves; which I think will balance out. I think Aemond and Sansa would be good for each other in the long run, and short run, I think they sort of have an equilibrium that could build into something legendary.
In Sansa's timeline, the only three prospects I think that she has that are serious would be Jon, Willas Tyrell, and (f?)Aegon Targaryen. Of those three, I prefer Jon or Willas for her. I do not consider Harry the Heir a serious prospect for Sansa despite the current set up, primarily because I don't like him.
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I wish there were more active shipping communities for Arya beyond Gendrya. There is potential for her with Edric Dayne, who she shared cute scenes with in ASOS. Arya/Tommen could be cute and they were suggested as a match in AGOT. Crack ships like Arya/Willas, Arya/Dany, Arya/Aegon, Arya/one of the Sand Snakes, and Arya/Trystane could be fun.
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The Golden and Winter Rose (Chapter 1):
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Please give constructive feedback 🙂~
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asoiafrarepairs · 4 years
Arya x Willas - Fake dating au
Added to our prompt page!
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Willas & Arya — Instagram AU
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Top 10 Fanfics 2018 edition
Hello all! It’s been at least a year since i did my top 10 fanfics and i thought i would update my list. Think of this as like an add on to my top ten list. I still adore those fics, but i want to add to it. So here are the fics i have found thus far that i have fallen in love with (in no particular order):
1. A Spark into an Inferno, a Snowball into an Avalanche by cjr2 Chapters: 37/55 Summary: “The movement of one tiny piece gives Robb Stark the chance to play the Game of Thrones properly, marry his Frey girl, and take back the North. His path takes him straight through the Neck and past Howland Reed, whose secret may be the key to winning the game.Or, alternatively, Ned Stark can’t restrain himself from banging his wife while she’s in King’s Landing and inadvertently saves his son (though not himself) from his own stupidity”
2. You Could Make this Place Beautiful by honey_wheeler  Chapters: 1/1 Summary: “Willas has been unceasingly patient with her. It’s a patience she doesn’t entirely deserve. She growls at him more often that she speaks sweetly, snaps at his kind words and thoughtful gestures like a wolf in a trap. It’s only that she would so hate to be pitied by him. Her pride has always been a living thing, and being so out of place has only made it worse. If feeling clumsy and ugly compared to Sansa had stung, feeling clumsy and ugly compared to Margaery Tyrell, to her cousins, even her elderly grandmother is like swallowing needles.If her actual marriage was a reprieve, she might not be so beastly, but Willas is as pretty as any of them. She tries to imagine anyone calling him Horseface, as Jeyne Poole did her, and can only laugh at the thought. Years and leagues away from home and still she’s the ugly one.”
3. But the wolf is always there by dwellingondreams Chapters: 34/? Summary: “(Even when I can't see it) - Brianna AlbersIt is young Berena Stark who holds down Winterfell during the war, and when Ned finally comes home, it is with the bones of Father and Brandon and Lyanna, and an impossible burden- she is to wed Jaime Lannister, spared execution and the Wall but removed from Robert’s new Kingsguard and his father’s heir once more. The realm’s war has just ended- hers is just beginning.”
4. All I Ask by Awakened_Angel  Chapters: 7/7 Summary: “So," Arya declares as she signs her name at the bottom of the contract. She finishes off the final k with a flourish, a swooping curve that loops once and underlines the preceding letters. "We're in agreement."Gendry nervously takes the pen from her and signs his own name, a shaky and unsure signature that differs so incredibly from hers. "We are. I look forward to fake dating you until this wedding business is through."Arya grins at him, and she feels a twinge of pride at seeing him gulp at the flash of her teeth. "That's what you think."(Or, the fake dating AU for Gendrya Week that no one asked for.)”
5. The Hostage Prince by BenandWaffles  Chapters: 17/? Summary: "A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing.""The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."Jon grows up lonely and unloved in King's Landing. When he is finally released to go North, will he be able to be able to find the love of family? Will he be able to accept it?” 
6. In Life as in the Last by crossingwinter Chapters: 22/22 Summary: “Victory has been won, and spring will come again. But the North is starving, and if House Stark could defeat an ageless enemy to the north with sword and wolf and dragon, it is quite another matter to feed those who swear allegiance to the King in the North.When the snow falls and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.”
7. serve and protect by bemusedbicycle Chapters: 4/5 Summary: “Hey, The Bodyguard is on at 8, if you want to watch it again.”He feels his cheeks flush, furiously and thoroughly embarrassed. He had thought - well, he had thought he was being subtle. That with enough internal denial about his feelings for Arya, there would be no outward signs of it. But between Beric, and now Lem - god, what if her brothers noticed? What if Lord Stark noticed? [or the Bodyguard Gendry, politician’s daughter Arya fic that will not leave my brain.]”
8. an inconvenience by KaleidoKai  Chapters: 15/? Summary: “He had always wanted someone to share his thoughts with, and that is exactly who he was given.Or Jon and Arya meet at a tourney for the first time and find themselves opening up to each other: mind, body, and soul. Not on purpose, of course.”
9. Wisely Advised  by bookskitten Chapters: 1/1 Summary: “Arya has some problems and she goes to the one person that can give her the best advice in this domain: her great grandma.”
10. Summer Silk and Sand by blueangel Chapters: 14/14 Summary : “In his hands he holds a letter marked with purple wax and she feels her stomach drop as she realizes what is to come. She clenches her fists; it seems she will have to content herself with Edric Dayne. Au older!Arya”
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esther-dot · 1 year
do you think sansa x willas could still happen? i read somewhere that grrm said that he wished willas (among with other characters) was in the show bc him and garlan are going to be in the last two books
I didn’t remember that quote anon, but I’m quite intrigued by it:
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Before we get carried away though, just above it he mentions Jeyne Poole:
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Obviously, we loved seeing Jeyne again, and she’s a big part of Theon’s story in ADWD, the belief that Ramsay has Arya is important to the Northern Lords and Jon, but we don’t actually get much of Jeyne in there? Lots of impact on the Northern plot, but I didn’t get major vibes for her, her story, and seeing that…well, kinda makes me worry about when he talked about having plans for Rickon and that it might be something similar. Less about him as a character, more about his existence impacting the plot in big ways (Northern succession crisis). So I think we must be very careful when trying to figure out his plans based on his interviews, he’s kinda operating on a different wavelength than we do. I’d imagine that part of needing to have preexisting characters around is making King Bran believable, having lords who might choose him to be their leader will be important in selling that ending imo.
As for a Sansa/Willas romance, I really do think Sansa goes North and that she’s pivotal in getting LF’s head stuck on Winterfell’s walls. We have two prophecies (girl in grey, maid slaying a "giant") and Sansa building Winterfell out of snow and sticking a dolls head on the walls which all seem to be leading there. Once she’s in Winterfell again, I can’t imagine her wanting to leave Winterfell, even if the idea of a betrothal is floated later? Willas was an escape from Lannisters so she quickly romanticized the possibility of marrying him, but once she is home, nothing will feel safer. And whether Jon, Rickon, or Bran is KitN, no matter who appears first or is recognized as head of House Stark, (and I still hold out hope for QitN Sansa!), I can’t imagine one of them forcing her to, not after what she’s been through. I think the surviving heroes have to evolve past previous missteps.
In an AU, Sansa x Willas could be very sweet though! I talked about it some here.
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themockingpoint · 2 years
Sorry a day late but here is day 15
Five times Sansa helped her family find love and the one time they helped her
1. Sister
“I just don’t understand!” Said Sansa as she followed Arya.
“That is a new one.” Arya said with a roll of her eyes.
“Watch it…” Sansa warned. “You and Gendry are great together.”
“We are just friends.” Arya stressed.
“Yeah, I usually am struck speechless by my friend’s bodies as well.” Sansa deadpanned, referencing her sister’s reaction at the Stark-Poole pool party.
“You… You just don’t understand.” Arya said, pathetically.
Sansa growled in frustration before looking past Arya and smiling in realization. “Ok then. My friend Alla has expressed interest. I guess you would not mind if…”
“Absolutely not!”
“But you just said…”
“Gendry is mine! Back off!” Arya snapped, before there was a ‘het-hem’ behind her. Sansa’s sister’s long face got even longer as she recognized the source of the voice.
“Toodle-loo!” Sansa said, with a cheeky wave. “I am sure you two have a lot to talk about. Gendry? Our curfew is at 10pm. Try to have her back by then!”
2. Cousin
“Hey, Sansa.” Myrcella said, holding up a bag for the pool party.
“Oh! Hey Cella!” Sansa said, ushering her in. “You are… really early.”
Myrcella grimaced and Sansa waved her down when she realized how rude she came across. “I am so sorry! I just…”
“No! It is fine!”
“Sorry! I just got off of work and going home was the opposite direction and…”
“Cella, it is fine.” Sansa said, holding her forearms.
“Phew. In that case, is there anywhere for me to change?” She asked, and Sansa pointed her in the direction of the bathroom with the broken door.
“Thanks tons!” Myrcella said, practically skipping to the bathroom.
A moment later a voice behind her said, “Hey Sans, is there anyone in the downstairs bathroom?” Sansa turned to see Jon holding swim trunks at the base of the stairs. “Ma is hogging the one upstairs.”
“No you are good.” Sansa lied. Myrcella had been half in love with her cousin since the band incident but was too much of a chickenshit to do anything about it. Maybe Sansa could jumpstart it.
Jon walked over to the bathroom and opened the door without bothering to knock. Sansa got a good look into the room as Myrcella stiffened with her back to the door and her heart shaped butt on display.
Sansa stepped away so that she could not see into the bathroom to give her friend some privacy as Jon stammered out some apologies. Sansa smiled when instead of pushing Jon out of the doorway to slam the door, she grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him inside.
“About damned time…” She said to herself.
3. Brother
Sansa rolled her eyes at her baby brother, on his first date at the movies. She was somehow the one designated to supervise their date and munched on popcorn behind him.
Shireen Baratheon was a good family friend and it surprised everyone when he asked her out. With her scars the girl did not have the easiest time growing up and was a little untrusting when she was asked out by the handsome Rickon Stark. It was only Sansa interfering that stopped Rickon from totally mucking it up. (So Sansa was biased? Sue her!)
But it seems that Sansa is going to need to hold his hand for their entire relationship! Sitting in the row behind him, she saw how his hand kept rising to put over her shoulder before lowering, changing his mind. After the seventh time this happened Sansa rolled her eyes, grabbed his elbow as it rose and pushed it upwards and over the other girl's shoulder.
Shireen stiffened and looked over surprised. Rickon for his part looked just as surprised. The girl was not exactly convinced at his earnestness yet but leaned into the cuddle anyway, making Rickon look like the rooster who found the roost.
“Loser.” Sansa thought affectionately
4. Uncle
“I do not know…” Uncle Edmure said, scratching the back of his head.
“You like her. She likes you.” Sansa stressed, annoyed.
“She is your cousin.” Edmure said, looking at Myranda across the room sitting at their table looking bored.
“Exactly! My cousin!” Sansa stressed, even though that was a stretch. Her and Myranda shared a set of Great-Great-Great-Great Grandparent. Still their families were still close.
“Sansa I don’t…”
Sansa rolled her eyes and shouted, “Myranda! He said yes!”
Edmure gave her a look of horror and Sansa gave her a cheeky grin. “I expect to be a bridesmaid at your wedding!”
5. Aunt
Sansa sat playing with her doll and Margaery cleaned up the play area. The girls did not get to spend time together as they liked so they used the time they had had to the fullest.
“Is Willas picking you up?” Sansa asked.
“Probably. Why?”
“Nothing.” Sansa said, unconvincingly. “It is just… Aunt Lyanna gets happier when is the one to pick you up.”
“Really?” Margie said, mischievously.
“Yeah. And she said…” Sansa began before blushing hard.
“Go on.”
“She said that he has an… butt for days.” She finished causing both girls to start giggling in hysterics.
“You know what this means!” Margie asked. “It means she likes Willas! Old ladies only talk about boy’s butts when they like them!”
“We could be family!” Sansa whispered. “Aunt Lyanna?”
“Yes, sweetling?”
“Do you like Willas?” Sansa asked, and Lyanna turned scarlet.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Do you like Willas? Margie’s brother?” Sansa said.
“You should ask him out!” Margie said, and Lyanna tilted her head. “I once heard him talk about how much he likes how you are with the horses.” Margie confirmed and if that was not a declaration of true Love Sansa did not know what was.
“I don’t know girls…” Lyanna began and Sansa piped up.
“You said that it is a woman’s world now too! And they should not hesitate to grab life by the treats.” Sansa said, reminding her aunt.
“By the what?”
“Treats!” Sansa said, beaming.
Lyanna finally realized what Sansa meant and she did not realize that she was there during that conversation with Lysa and was mortified that she was using that euphemism. But the girl was right. She should be the one to make the first move. Willas was plenty handsome and she deserved some of that man butt!
“You two are right.” Lyanna said, ruffling hair to both girl’s displeasure. “Maybe I will ask him out.”
Lyanna couldn’t help but grin as both girls jumped up and down and started dancing in successful glee.
1+ Family
Sansa looked up from her book as Uncle Edmure and Gendry walked in without a word. “Hey guys, what's oomph!” Sansa was taken off guard as the only two family members taller than her both picked her up and carried her to her room
Quicker than Sansa could think, she was deposited in her room where Myranda, Arya, Margaery, Myrcella, Shireen, and her Aunt Lyanna were waiting. “What is going on?” Sansa asked, but got no answer other than being stripped of her cropped sweatshirt, yoga pants and even bra.
The group (mostly Margaery and the Baratheon girls) quickly had her hair done up and make-up done, talking and joking with each other ignoring Sansa’s questions. Finally they were finished making her look like she was going to Prom again and Ed and Gendry picked her up and brought her to the door.
“Why do I feel like I am being sold?” Sansa asked rhetorically.
“Welllll….” Arya said, “You want to play matchmaker so badly we figured that we’d return the favor. My Friend Edric Dayne is outside.”
“What!” Sansa hissed, but before she got a response the door opened to see Ned in a sports coat and holding a Red Rose.
“Hi Ned.” She said, but the entire group behind her seemed to be intimidating him.
“Get her back at a decent hour!” Edmure said.
“But not too decent!” Myranda said with a waggle of her eyes.
“If you hurt her I will find you.” Lyanna said in a low growl.
“I- I am really looking forward to this.” Ned said, earnestly.
“Yeah, me too.” Sansa said.
“You had no idea this was happening did you?” Ned asked, completely unfooled.
“No.” She said, as he opened the passenger door to his purple truck. Between that and the rose, he was easily the most chivalrous man she had ever gone out with (not that Joffrey and Harry put up a great competition. “But that does not mean I am not excited!”
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lilisouless · 4 years
A song of ice and fire is a sad place for shipping
There are not a lot of good canon ships and most of them won’t be canon/are going to die.Mine for example:
-Oberyn/Ellaria: He dead 
-Willas/Sansa: won’t meet
-Arya/Ned: Probably won’t meet again/not canon feelings
-Theon/Jeyne: one or both is probably going to die /not confirmed as canon romantic 
-Brienne/Jaime: he´ll probably die
I´ll be ready to see all my ships sink...well,at least Ser Garlan and Leonette will probably be fine 
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