#arvis x reader
rene-hl-trashcan · 1 month
Unbreakable Vow
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Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy (Video Game) Relationships: Cariad x Riz (MC x MC) Summary : Riz finally decided to propose. Notes : @starryslytherin0 and I had a conversation about CaRiz, so I started brainrotting 💀 Warnings : No beta cuz I die like Ranrok's Loyalists.
Riz is not the one to be shaken.
His composure is one of the few things he likes about himself. He held his control over himself and the situation with an unforgiving grip, not letting anything crack his composure even in the most awful or unexpected situations.
The world has dealt him some pretty messed up cards before, yet he took them on without so much of a flinch.
Ekrizdis Mors doesn't get nervous.
(Occasionally, he made people nervous, yes, but he hardly ever felt that particular emotion himself.)
Not now, though.
He's nervous and he welcomed it.
The thundering thumps of his heart against his ribs were both foreign and new to him. It was strangely comforting, to be honest.
Good Merlin, would it be too ridiculous to say that it made him feel alive?
Perhaps, it's indeed ridiculous but he's elated all the same.
Riz has always been accepting of the consequences of his actions. If he ended up dying in a battle, at least he died fighting. If he was scorned by his fellow schoolmates back in school, at least he had remained true to himself despite said choices not being the choices that made him a likable person among his peers. If he chose to go against Professor Fig's wish and took the ancient magic for himself, it's for the better since he managed to cure Anne because of it. If Solomon hated his guts for calling out the obvious neglect and emotional abuse the man inflicted on Sebastian right on their first meeting, Riz couldn't cared less because, at the very least, his bluntness opened a path for that small family to work on their issues.
 If he's rejected now—
—ah, he refused to think about that.
His gaze caught the familiar bluish glow tinted with red—his own ancient magic infused into a delicate bracelet—and Riz couldn't stop the soft fond smile from spreading on his face. The bracelet glittered under the moonlight, the dangling charms tinkling as Cariad twirled to the music of the night.
(Though the only music lulling him to this state of peaceful bliss was the melody of her carefree laughter.)
He called it a promise ring, despite it being a bracelet. He was so sure that he wanted her to be in his life forever. Thus, making his intention known was the most sensible course of action. Arvis and Sofija hadn't raised him to be a sorry excuse of a communication failure, after all. He has always been taught to verbalise his wants and needs, especially if it involves other people.
Cariad wasn't a mind-reader.
Merlin, even if she was one,  Riz would still make his intention known and crystal clear to her. Miscommunication and assumptions would kill any hope for the type of relationship he's looking for.
He wanted a future with her and he made sure she knew that.
Perhaps they were too young then—fresh out of the NEWT exam—but Riz is not the one to doubt himself.
He desired a long-lasting future with her.
She made his heart beat a little lighter. Her sheer presence softened his seemingly cold harsh edges. She made his smile more genuine and his world a bit brighter.
He was so sure of his heart and thus he offered a vow; one that she so graciously accepted and showcased to the public in the form of that delicate bracelet.
A dark voice from the deep recess of his mind whispered that he just shackled her freedom with that 'promise ring'. To offer her a promise of 'together forever' at such a green age was nothing but a prison she so willingly let herself be trapped in. They were so stupidly young after all. She had options—perhaps better ones too—but the magic he weaved into the carved metal was a glaring warning sign that kept her other suitors away, limiting her options to only him.
It was a shackle of his ugly possessiveness that he put around her wrist, that dark voice told him.
The ring in his pocket was nothing but a pretty golden cage for her too, that dark voice mocked him.
Riz shushed that voice from talking more nonsense. He wanted Cariad in his life and he was not the one who would second-guess his own stance.
And his stance was crystal clear since the day he escaped Death with not relief as he should be feeling but instead the lingering fear of not having a future with her.
It haunted him since. The sheer thought that Death could come too easily for him. One wrong move, one tiny little sign that he could have missed and he would've ended up dying before he realised it.
That was the moment Riz had the revelation.
It's not Death that he feared, but the whole idea of not being able to spend more time with her.
Asking for her hand in marriage seemed all too reasonable now that they both grew to become a pair of stable and functioning adults.
He already asked for approval from her family. He spent these past few years making it near impossible for her family to deny him, after all. 
They might be from completely different universes, but he had put his mind to it, ensuring that dinner visits and frequent exchange of letters with her family made their way so seamlessly into his schedule.
It took effort and time to integrate himself into her family, notwithstanding the whole multiverse part, but Riz is nothing but an incredibly patient and resourceful man.
Perhaps that dark voice in his head was right—that he was manipulative for approaching this matter in such a way, weaving his way to fit every corners of her life so that she could see no better option than him.
It might have been a manipulation strategy, but Riz personally thought that marriage is the union of two families. Had she said yes, her mother would be his too. Had she said yes, Riz hoped that Eloise would be happy to embrace a son instead of a son-in-law into the family. Similarly, despite the initial wariness, Riz also had hoped that Liam would be happy (however begrudgingly) to embrace him as a younger brother instead of a mere brother-in-law.
It’s not two souls that would be bonded in a marriage but instead two families becoming one; or at least that what Riz had been raised to believe in.
He treasured the years he spent getting to know the Faiythe family. He genuinely cherished the weekly exchange of letters with Eloise—getting all of Cariad’s childhood stories and shenanigans that never failed to make him chuckle. Connecting Arvis and Safija with Cariad's mother might not be a good idea in the long run, but Riz could swallow the embarrassment of his childhood stories being aired during family dinners if he got to see his parental figures and Eloise having fun exchanging fond parenting memories. He found solace and comfort from the way Liam’s eyes softened whenever Ieva roped the man into her shenanigans, seeing flashes of how loved Cariad was from the way Liam was indulging Ieva.
He weaved himself and his family into this warm tapestry of her life, and getting his reward when her mother doted on him; Liam finally offered him a begrudging yet fond approval (all the while seemingly revisiting his role as a doting older brother Riz has always failed to be for Ieva); and for his own parental figures to embrace Cariad into their loving arms. Avania has long approved him back when they were in school—all thanks to the combined effort of Milred and Sylvia.
With the approvals and blessings from both sides of family secured, it's hers the only blessing that he's seeking for.
"Riz~" Cariad sang, blue eyes glittered in genuine admiration, flitting from rows upon rows of the roses in the garden. "Your garden is beautiful!"
She eventually stopped to take a whiff of the roses; and that dark voice resurfaced from the depths of his mind again, mocking him for how pathetically obsessed he was with her.
Did she notice that the blue roses were designed to match her eyes so that he could still has a fragment of her even when they were multiverses apart?
(Oh how he needed that splash of exquisite blue to comfort him whenever he couldn’t visit her in her world.)
He hoped she didn’t notice.
That voice had a point—it was ugly, how obsessive Riz was over Cariad that a mere shade of blue that reminded him of her eyes was enough to comfort him from missing her too much.
His desire and need for her were ugly, and he didn’t want to scare her away with that.
Blissfully oblivious, Cariad finally stopped twirling around and turned to meet his gaze, her eyes sparkled with joy and her cheeks flushed rosy to the same shades of peony that bloomed alongside the roses.
And like the smitten fool he was, Riz found his breath hitched at the sight.
He blinked—slowly and owlishly—when she leaned close to a rose, pointing to her eyes with the brightest and sweetest little grin he had ever seen on a human being.
(Is she even a human, though? Someone so ethereal like this couldn’t possibly be human, no?)
“Look, we match~!” she giggled, blinking her eyes as she nuzzled her cheek to the blue petals.
Her voice was the music to his ear, much like her mere presence was the sun in his life.
The white dress looked good on her too, a stark contrast to the dimness of his garden. She nearly looked ethereal like that, bathed in the mystical glow of the moonlight with his magic from the bracelet glittering around her as she twirled around.
Ethereal and majestic.
Oh, how far has he fallen for this beautiful woman.
Almost like in a trance, he approached her, conjuring a single blue rose—because he knew she wouldn’t be happy if he picked one from the bushes right now—and offered it to her, his other hand rested over his chest as he bowed ever so slightly, levelling a gentle eye contact with her.
“May I have the honour for a dance?”
He was barely able to restrain the sudden huff of laughter from escaping his lips when her cheeks flushed to a deeper pink.
Too cute.
He kept his composure though, simply smiling when she nodded and reached out for his cuff, tugging ever so slightly that this time he did huff a genuine laughter. He tucked the rose in her hair, grasping her hand that was still eagerly holding on to his cuff, while his other hand found her petite waist.
And as natural as breathing, they both slipped into a silent dance—only the two of them in the garden surrounded with flowers and trees—with her merry giggles and the noises of the night as the music that guided their dance.
Riz was in a trance the whole time, his red gaze fixed on her whole existence. He marveled at the way her blue eyes glittered in the moonlight. The rosy flush of her cheeks fascinated him to no end, keeping his unwavering devoted gaze on her face while his ears tuned to her voice and only her voice, hearing nothing but the pure infectious joy of her giggles.
He has never felt warmth—he physically couldn’t—but the steady pulse under his thumb and the softness of her smile made him wonder if this was what warmth would feel like to normal people.
To say that Cariad bewitched him was perhaps an understatement.
Riz was utterly entranced, his smile remained soft and besotted even as they reached the end of the dance, where they both stepped back from each other, his muscle memory was the one moving his body to bow as she curtsied.
Perhaps he was truly bewitched, or he was nothing but a mere smitten fool, but there was no thought process in Riz’s mind. He was moving on instinct, fueled simply by the deepest desire he used to keep guarded in his heart when he grasped her hand, and planted a kiss over her knuckles, his lips lingered longingly on her ring finger before he slowly let her go.
His gaze never left hers as he got on one knee, offering the small box that has weighed so heavily in his pocket this whole time.
She was already flushing and stuttering even before he opened the box, but her breath hitched once her gaze fell on the ring and he knew she finally—finally—saw his ugly obsession.
The glittering rose-shaped gemstone pulsed in the magic they both were awfully familiar with—the calm blue tinted with red that was the result of his choice back in the repository so many years ago—and he wondered what was going on in her mind right now. Perhaps she was repulsed? Was his offering too possessive for her comfort?
Yes, that dark voice in his mind mocked again. Do you think she wants to wear your tainted magic?
That did make Riz second-guessed himself.
He was the only one among his little group of ancient magic wielders across the multiverses to have his magic tainted red after all.
Would she even want to wear a gem made of his tainted magic?
But Riz already made his bed, thus he squared his shoulders and finally asked;
“May I have the privilege of forever with you?”
The voice in his mind has already cackled, mocking his impending rejection because she was his sun—the purest angel he has ever gotten the privilege to be around in his life—while he was the literal terror of a dark wizard with a rap sheet fitting to live up to the horrid reputation of his namesake.
How dare he covets such a pure being when he’s so tainted?
Riz was so deep in his thought to notice the tears glazing over Cariad’s eyes, hence was caught completely off-guard when she pounced onto him, toppling them both on the ground. Her hand found his, slotting their hands together like perfect puzzle pieces while her other hand curved around the angle of his jaw.
“Yes,” she sang, blinking out tears and choking out merry giggles at the same time. “Forever. Yes. Yes. Yes.”
And the voice went to complete silence, leaving Riz blinking like a stunned fool, unable to register and comprehend what had just happened. He was still stunned when she leaned in for a kiss, and this time she was the one who took the lead, pinning him on the floor, kissing him with feverish reverence, filling his mind with nothing but the feel of her existence.
It took him a while to snap out of it, but he eventually reciprocated, releasing her hand just long enough to fumble with the ring, grasping her smaller hand tight once he slipped the ring to its rightful place around her finger, his other hand wrapped around her waist with the desperation he has never shown before.
Neither noticed the literal sparks from their joined hands—pure blue glow spread from her hand that wrapped his whole body while red-tinted blue spread from his hand to embrace her much smaller frame. Neither of them noticed that the fondness dripping from the names they whispered in between kisses and gasps had become a mantra of their vow of love and eternity. Neither of them realised that her strings of ‘yes’ and his responding soft gratitude were the seal of their vow—unbreakable and invincible, protected by their combined formidable magic.
Neither of them noticed, and honestly it didn’t matter.
They’re in love and bonded—and honestly that’s all that mattered.
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parkerpeter24 · 2 years
Person A and Person B working together to try and test every Christmas cookie recipe they can find to determine which one is the best. and the reader roping arvin into helping and tasting each cookie recipe
this. pls don’t mind the dialogues and im sorry if you’re from the south don’t hurt me- 😭😭
pairing: arvin russell x reader
winter blurbs 2.0 ❄️ | 2.0 masterlist ❄️
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it had been snowing constantly since last night and you were bored out of your mind flipping through channels until the dish went out. arvin, your husband, still wasn’t home from work but an idea sprung to your mind.
you pulled out your winter gear and boots and went to the grocery store just down the hill. it was the one closest to your home. you were a usual customer there so the lady at the cashier gave you a smile and helped you pick out the stuff you needed.
you brought everything you needed back home and found the door slightly opened indicating that arvin was back.
“arvy! i’m home!” you called out to him, closing the door behind you.
“hey, darlin’!” the brunette walked out of your bedroom, “where’d you go?”
“just got some stuff from the grocery.” you said, making your way towards the kitchen and arvin following you in search of hugs and kisses he didn’t receive.
two arms wrapped around your waist from behind as you srart to empty the contents of your bag onto the counter. arvin pressed little pecks over your shoulder and neck. you smiled at his loving nature, turning around to give him a kiss.
“here’s my idea.” you mumbled against his lips, “let’s bake some christmas cookies.”
“i’ve a better idea.” he said, pressing his lips against yours once again. he bit your bottom lip gently before moving back, giving you space to breathe, “i ain’t know nothing about baking, sweetie.”
“come on, i wanna bake some cookies.” you insisted, giving him your best pleading eyes.
arvin eyed the ingredients occupying the counter, “i think that’s enough stuff for the whole county.”
you both chuckled but arvin knew he’d have to go through with your plan because who was he to deny your proposal. lord, he would have jumped down an active volcano if you asked him to.
“okay, so we’ll start with the classic chocolate chip cookies.” you said as you poured the ingredients for the dough into a bowl. arvin helped you in adding the chocolate chips and kneading until it was firm enough to start making little balls of dough.
once they were into the oven, you instantly moved on to making a new batch, clapping your hands together, “now chocolate crinkle cookies!”
“someone’s excited.” arvin chuckled.
“i sure am!” you chirped.
the two of you spent the evening making several batches of cookies and by the time you were done, you probably did have enough cookies for the county.
“told you.” arvin said, making both of you laugh.
you both tried one from each batch, “i think the meringue kisses are the best. what d’you think?”
arvin seemed to think for a moment before he replied, “let me give a chance to change your opinion.”
“you can’t change my-”
you couldn’t complete your sentence because arvin had pulled you on his lap, wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing you. his tongue swiped against your lip, sliding into your mouth subtly.
“alright, opinion changed. your kisses are the best.”
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taglist | masterlist ✨
taglist: @httphollands @the-girl-in-the-chair @annathesillyfriend @spideyspeaches @prancerrparkerr @usergarfields @theglitterymess @quaksonhehe @lowkey-holland @starlight-starks @piscesparker @incorrectsourwolf @wildxwidow @blankspaceblankday @kelieah @arvinsvintage @parkersdahlia @raajali3 @mcushvft @tommyfroggie @ellabellabus07 @hollandstyles
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thevelria · 1 year
Electric Love (Gojo x Reader) Chapter 8
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Pairing: Gojo x fem!reader
Summary:This is the 8th chapter of an AU story, some parts might be canon, but mostly not. It's going to be a love story between you and Satoru with some spice. Warning will be at the beginning of the chapters. Please read them carefully and skip if any of the listed warnings might trigger you. Otherwise have fun!
Warnings: slight smut and angst
Heavy silence filled the room, only Sukuna’s light steps could be heard as he walked back and forth. He seemed nervous and excited at the same time. The second the doorknob turned he snapped his face in the direction of the slight noise.
“I’ve found her, brother” Arvis clicked his tongue as he walked into the room. Sukuna’s eyes widened in an instant, a cocky smirk crawling upon his face.
“For real?” he wasn’t able to hide his eagerness. The simple thought of finding Isebu’s cursed object made him excited. He waited for so long without actual hope. He never ever thought he would be able to see her or Arvis once again. And now it seemed they could have been together just like in the old times. “Where is it?”
“Not too far.” Arvis sat down on the couch lazily “Will you be able to control the boy’s body long enough? I might need your help to get the object.”
“Don’t worry.” Sukuna waved “Nowadays it seems I can control him longer day by day.”
“Good. Good.” Arvis nodded “Then let’s get this down!” he stood up, preparing himself to open a portal.
A huge, fat, 3 eyed curse was crawling forward to reach them in a dark, moldy and definitely stinky basement in an abandoned house. Its 6 arms looked like some kind of tentacles and the low growling was mostly unintelligible. The non stop giggling mixed with drooling looked truly disgusting.
“Fucking hell.” Sukuna rolled his eyes “And you tell me that this” he pointed at the curse “ugly piece of crap has my wife’s object?”
Arvis nodded, cracking his neck left and right. “Just be prepared. But I think I can kill it myself.” 
It didn’t take him much to kill that meaningless mess. Sliced it into little squares with only one blast. He was almost disappointed. Ever since he came back to life he was yearning for a good fight. The bloodthirst was getting more and more unbearable. 
“Here” Arvis dropped the vial with a tiny piece of Isebu’s collarbone in it to Sukuna. 
“My wife” Sukuna sighed, twirling the vial in his hand “Just a little longer and we will be together forever. I swear to you, my love. Once I failed, but it’s not going to happen again. I promise.” he clenched his jaw. 
“Yuuji…hey Yuuji.” Megumi called his friend’s name without any success.
“ITADORI!” Yuta yelled, which made Yuuji jump on the couch.
“What the heck?” he scratched the back of his neck.
“What’s wrong with you? You seem so uneasy.” Megumi frowned, sitting down in the shared living room as well.
“I don’t know.” he shrugged “Nowadays I keep getting these weird blackouts and to be honest I have no idea where I was this morning or when I came into this room.” 
Yuta and Megumi shared a not too easy look. With a slight nod agreeing they definitely have to talk about this later with Gojo. 
“You really want to do this?” Arvis frowned, while walking on the street.
“Did you not see her? Y/N looks exactly like Isebu. I want my wife back completely.” Sukuna’s cocky smirk made Arvis giggle. 
“I can understand you, brother.”
The street was dark and pretty quiet. It’s been late in the night and they truly believed they could find you at home. After knocking several times on the door without anyone answering, finally Sukuna kicked it in.
“Sukuna, what the fuck? What if she’s not home?”
“Well, we will find it out.” he stepped in, looking around “Y/N?” he called your name “Are you here?” But since he didn’t get any response he walked through your home, checking into every room. “Hmm…she’s not here.”
“Really?” Arvis rolled his eyes, crossing his arms before his chest “Let’s go, before we get into trouble.”
“Where in the hell could she be?” Sukuna poked his inner cheek with his tongue.
“Probably with her man.”
“Gojo wasn’t seen in the facility for days now. I thought they were here.” he pulled an annoyed face “Tomorrow I’m gonna check her workplace. There’s an annoying, bubbling woman there. I’m sure she will give me the information I want.” 
Sukuna was right, it took him only a few smiles and a tiny bit of flirting with Claire to get what he wanted. 
“Seychelles…” he hummed, walking out of the coffee shop and hurrying his steps back to Arvis’ place. “C’mon!” He slammed the door open.
“What?” Arvis looked confused.
“We are going to the Seychelles…”
The sun shone high above, the warm weather made you a tiny bit hot, but it was still enjoyable. Not to mention the adrenalin, which was burning in your body. You felt happy and love-bitten. Your hand frowned together with Satoru’s as you walked down the street, checking the swag-shops all the way.
“Oh my God, look!” you ran to a kind looking stand, which was full of handmade jewelry. As you checked every single piece at the counter Gojo was standing behind you, smiling wildly. He found it adorable, how you got excited about small things like this. Also he really admired the way you acted. You never seemed to care about money and wealth, you were more into someone’s personality then into his wallet. Being lost in his thoughts, Gojo snapped back to reality hearing your sweet voice.
“Baby?” you smiled at him, helding two matching, thin bracelets “I bought one for you, too.” you blushed slightly, because you had no idea how he would react.
“Honey, that’s beautiful!” Satoru put the leather bracelet on in an instant. Both had a tiny medal, his one got the sun and yours got the moon. “Thank you, Y/N. I love it!”
“I’m glad.” you kept blushing “I got you this, because you are my sun.”
“Oh…” Gojo felt the pink crawling on his face as well “And you are my moon, darling.” he stepped closer and pulled you into a bit more passionate kiss then he planned. 
The rest of the evening rushed so fast you didn’t even realize. You went for sight-seeing and adored the environment around you. 
“Let’s take a picture!” Gojo insisted, standing in front of a beautiful building. You smiled and stepped next to him. He pulled you in front of him, your back resting on his chest. His long arm reached even higher, while taking a selfie about both of you in front of that lovely building. “One more.” he nudged, leaning in and kissing your cheek as he snapped the picture. 
“Give the phone to me.” you laughed and spun on your heels, getting the device into your hand “Pose for me. “ you teased him. 
But he was more than happy to obey. Posing like a goofy, big guy as he was made you laugh out louder. “That’s right baby, the camera loves you.” you kept teasing and laughing at the same time. Shooting different poses with different silly faces gave you the opportunity to take several super cute pictures of him. “Okay, now, be normal please and show me that handsome face you have. I want a hot picture of my sexy boyfriend.” you bit your bottom lip. 
Gojo’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he clicked his tongue and pulled the most handsome face you’ve ever seen. His appearance made your body shiver in an instant. “Damn.” you took a deep breath as you checked the photo on the phone.
“Was I handsome enough?” he smirked.
You kept silent as you walked up to him, grabbed his collar and pulled into a kiss. “I take it as a yes.” he mumbled into the kiss. 
“Can we go home now?” you pulled a bit back.
“Why? What’s wrong?” he frowned.
“Everything is perfect.” you chuckled “But I want to swim with you in the ocean, if you’re up to it too.”
“Hmm…” Gojo smirked, his eyes flashed with lust. “Will you wear that swimsuit again?”
“No.” you laughed out loud “I have another one, which is more…” you took a short break “elegant.”
“Fuck elegance!” he huffed “I loved that swimsuit on you.”
“You just wanted to peel it off of me.” you pushed his shoulder playfully.
An hour later you were standing at the beach, eating up the beautiful view of the ocean. Wearing a one piece black and white swimsuit, which had a really low cleavage, flashing the side of your boobs and making Gojo totally wild. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” he growled, leaning really close, talking directly into your ear “When did you buy this one?”
“Do you like it?” you teased.
“If you could see the unholy thoughts, I’m having right now…” he chuckled.
“Come, baby. Let’s get into the water.” 
Satoru chased you like a starving shark and grabbed you the second he finally could catch you. Pulling you close into his chest, palming your bum under the water. 
“You drive me crazy.” he panted, kissing into your neck. The feeling of his soft lips on your skin sent shivers down your spine. A slight moan escaped your mouth, which made him twitch in his swimming shorts. 
As it was a fully open area with other tourists around it was obvious that nothing more could happen than kissing. But damn, those kisses were worth everything. Gojo was eager for you to open your mouth and let his tongue meet yours. He kept moaning and humming, showing you how much he was turned on by this random makeout session. You ran your fingers through his wet hair, gently pulling it, which drove him mad even more. 
“Fuck, baby. Stop doing that.” he took a desperate breath.
“Why?” you acted innocent “I thought you liked it.” you pulled a bit harder, making him tilt his head, so you were able to kiss his neck. Licking it up and down painfully slowly. 
“Damn it.” he growled “I’m so hard, it hurts.” he whined. 
“Poor, baby.” you giggled, as one of your hands rubbed his bulge through the fabric under the water. 
Gojo’s eyes darkened, as he clenched his jaw. “Let’s go!’ he grabbed your hand, dragging you out of the water, all the way up into your apartment. He didn’t care about the stares he got, because of rushing through the beach with a huge ass boner in his pants. He didn’t care about anything, but you. Kissing you, touching you, being inside of you. 
The second you stepped in the apartment, he ripped your swimsuit off and bent you over the table. 
“Y/N…” he hissed “Baby, I can’t resist anymore.” he clenched his jaw as he slid himself in.
“Fucking hell.” you cried out of the sudden pleasure. You noticed that Satoru was hesitating, standing still without moving. “Don’t hold back, baby. I can handle you.” you looked back above your shoulder. Seeing the cocky smirk on his face made you realize that he was waiting exactly for these words. 
It was a quick one, a rough and animalistic one and you loved every single minute of it. Gojo bit down your shoulder, while grabbing your flesh hard, leaving marks behind. His thrusts were nothing but wild. This time he was not soft or even gentle. He was not making love to you. No. He was fucking you sensless and you enjoyed it to the moon and back. 
The raw growl that left his mouth as he was filling you up, pushed you over the edge too. 
Satoru placed featherlight kisses down your spine after he calmed down. “I’m sorry.” he panted. 
“No, need to.” you smiled, trying to straighten yourself up “I love this side of you, too.” you turned around, caressing his face and giving him a proper kiss. He rested his forehead on yours, while pulling you into a tight hug. 
“Oh, by the way I have a surprise for you for tonight.” he peeked a quick kiss on your cheek, before leaving for the bathroom. 
As the sun was about to go down, Gojo disappeared without a word, leaving you alone for a short while. You were resting on the porch in your sweet, light blue summer dress, enjoying the warmth of the air. Closing your eyes and smiling uncontrollably. You were happy, truly, deeply happy and it made you feel emotional. Never in this life you would have thought that once you could experience such things that happened in the past few days. Being at a beautiful island with a wonderful man, who seemed his only goal was to please you. You took a small sip from the cold cocktail, which rested on the table next to you, humming still in disbelief. 
“Darling?” you heard your boyfriend’s voice from behind “Come, please!”
You grabbed your drink and took his hand as you walked down the private part of the beach, which belonged to your apartment. 
“Oh my Gosh.” you gasped the second you noticed the surprise he was talking about before. There was a huge blanket laid in the sand with several pillows. Two small stands, each side of the blanket. Trays full of bite sized food and an ice filled bucket with a glass of champagne. A bit further stood a huge canvas, ready to play a movie on it. 
“Is this real?” you asked excitedly “I mean, we are really going to watch a movie at the beach?”
“Yes, darling.” he cooed, smiling at your adorable reaction. 
You both got comfortable. Gojo laid down with some pillows under his head as you rested your head on his chest. 
The movie was around mid time, when Gojo ran his fingers through your hair. “Babe, can you give me a piece of cheese from the plate please?”
“Sure.” you nodded, sitting up and turning to the stand next to you. You reached for the food, when you noticed something weird, a sparkling thing, not too far from you. “Satoru?” your voice sounded uneasy.
“What’s wrong?” he sat up immediately. His eyes widened instantly as he noticed the creation of a portal, too. “Y/N, listen to me carefully.” his cold, strict voice surprised you “No matter what’s going to happen you need to stay behind me, okay?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Baby, please. Listen to me. We don’t have much time.” he jumped up from the blanket, stepping in front of you, covering you from the now huge sparkling circle. “I’m sorry.” he whispered so low, you weren’t sure, you heard him right. 
The next you remembered Daniel and Yuuji stepping out of something that completely looked like a portal. 
“What the fuck?” you gasped as your eyes widened. 
“Stay behind me!” Gojo commanded you. 
“Finally!” Sukuna cracked his neck left and right. “We’ve been looking for you all day long, sorcerer.”
“Sorcerer?” you frowned “Satoru, what’s going on?” you stepped next to him. He automatically held his hand out, blocking you from Sukuna and Arvis. 
“You didn’t tell her, did you?” Sukuna’s evil laugh rushed through the night air “So, typical. You all were always nothing, but fucking liars.” he hissed. “Let me enlighten you, darling.” he took a step closer to you “I’m Ryomen Sukuna, you might know my vessel Yuuji Itadori. I’m the king of curses.” he straightened himself up “This is Arvis. Your violent ex-boyfriend was a perfect vessel for him.” he laughed. “Oh and one more thing. You look exactly like my beloved wife, therefore I’m gonna use your body to bring her back. So if you would be kind enough to eat this tiny piece of bone…” he looked directly into your eyes, fidgeting with the vial in his hand.
“Satoru? What the fuck is he talking about?” you clenched your jaw, but Gojo kept silent. 
“What’s wrong, sorcerer? Why don’t you tell her who you are, huh? Where’s that arrogant smirk? Where’s the speech about you being the strongest sorcerer of all?” Sukuna clicked his tongue. Totally enjoying the terrified sight of your face.
“Fucking hell, Satoru!” you yelled “Talk to me! Is he telling the truth?” you took a few steps back from him.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to lie, but you told me how much you hated sorcerers and…” he sighed “I really wanted to tell you the truth, but I was afraid you would have rejected me and…”
“Enough!” your cold voice made him shiver. 
“Look, I know I screwed up, but please, I’m begging you, you need to stay behind me. These two motherfuckers are dangerous and I can’t let you get hurt.”
“Oh, fuck you!” you rolled your eyes and were about to head back to the apartment. 
Arvis appeared in front of you in an instant, blocking your way.
“Brother, the vial!” he yelled. Sukuna dropped the object and Arvis caught it right in his right palm. “Please, eat this.” he tried to grab your jaw, but Gojo pushed him away, making him fly meters away in the sand.
“What’s this madness, Sukuna?” Gojo hissed, looking at him with fierce in his eyes.
“I told you before, I’m gonna make her mine again.” 
“Baby.” Gojo turned to you, softly grabbing your hands “Please, do as I say now. Put your hands on my waist. I need to get us out of here.”
“Do not touch me!” you shoved his hands away.
Sukuna took advantage of your argument and attacked Gojo. He sensed the blast and pulled you to his chest, while turning his back to Sukuna. His infinity blocked the attack with ease. Your body tensed from the loud bang, a loud scream leaving your throat as the pressure of the blast rushed through the air. 
“Don’t move.” Gojo’s mad voice made you even more scared. “How dare you, you fucking idiot. You could have killed her!” he clenched his jaw, turning around, facing Sukuna. “Cursed technique: Lapse” he mumbled.
You were standing behind him, so you didn’t actually see what happened, but you felt that huge energy, which bursted out of him. It lasted only for a second or so.
“You okay?” Gojo grabbed you by your shoulders. You nodded with fear in your eyes. “Darling, please. I need to get you out of here.” he kept begging. And before you could have said anything he collapsed his hands together and you were in a room.
“What the fuck?” you screamed “What did you do?” you started backing away from him. 
“I…I just.” he took a deep breath “I teleported us into Jujutsu High. You’ll be safe in this facility. They cannot reach you here, I will make sure of it.”
“I want to go home. I want to leave, right now!” you lost your mind “I want to be as far from you as possible.” you were shaking from fear.
“Don’t do this.” he took a step forward.
“Please, please don’t hurt me.” you backed to the corner, helding your hands up in front of your face.
“I would never…” he sighed, shaking his head “I’m really sorry, Y/N, but you are not allowed to leave. You’ll need to stay here until we solve this problem.” 
You couldn’t form any more words, just collapsed to the ground, pulled your knees to your chest and started to cry. Gojo had no idea how to handle the situation. Every time he tried to reach you, you pulled yourself away, screaming into his face, telling him to leave. And at the end he obeyed. “I’m really sorry about this.” he sighed, before closing the door behind him. 
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oldschoolfic-ds9 · 1 year
Futures Past 11: Fallen Skies
by Arvy, 1999
And you thought Scully had been ditched before? Hah!
[Archivist’s note: The entire Futures Past series can be found on trekiverse (the full text of the series all on one page is here, trekiverse index pages that include the links to each individual fic are here & here), but only the 11th fic in the series, Fallen Skies, is a crossover with DS9.]
Words: 11081, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Rating: PG
Warnings: none listed
Characters: none listed
Relationships: Mulder/Scully
Reader suggested tags (what are these?): episode related - Second Skin, crossover - X-Files, crossover - Highlander, crossover - Forever Knight, crossover - Star Trek: Voyager
links (link broken? report it and try the archive.org alternative):
archive.org - option 1
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Master List: Genealogy and Thracia 776
Arvis: Demon; trapped in a candle, the summoner and Arvis are pinning for one another so hard it hurts, I want something I’m not sure I deserve to have,
Ayra: Ayra teaches her disaster summoner s/o how to wield a sword,
Eldigan: “I’ll make you crave me as much as I do you.”,
Julius: Slyph Julius; reader is an idiot who just steps into fairy circles and gives their name out,
Quan: Centuar; the reader is scared of horses, “If you could be with me, would you?”,
Reinhardt: the summoner talks in their sleep... but Reinhardt thinks its cute, the summoner asks Reinhardt to teach them how to ride a horse in order to get close to him, I had a dream where Reinhardt gave me headpats so I wrote about it,
Seliph: Pretty Little Words, “I love you so much, you’re all I ever think about.”, “Your heart is safe with me.”, Billet-Deux, “The world doesn’t deserve an angel like you.”,
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pokemagines · 6 years
deals with the devil. (vampire!arvis x reader)
@kazeshxni asked: ““person a is a vampire hunter assigned to hunt person b, a vampire, but OH NO THEYRE HOT” but the vampire is Arvis? (Bc let’s be honest he looks like an actual vampire”
a/n: Y’ALL I HATE MY LIFE I STARTED FE4 AND BEAT THE FIRST CHAPTER, THEN WENT BACK TO LOAD THE GAME AND ACCIDENTALLY DELETED MY FILE I’M-- the first chapter took like an HOUR to beat this i’m so stupid y’all ,, it’s good now tho i’m back at where i was lmao --mod touko
also: i have a thing for vampires (blame edward cullen) god bless this was v self-indulgent lmao
   darkness settles in the small town near askr, the pouring rain making the mood more dour. your back is against the wall as you try to slow your breathing. you feel your heart beat in your chest, blood pounding as adrenaline courses through your veins.
   he knew you were here. he had too, he could probably smell your fear by now. you usually weren’t this nervous, but then again this wasn’t a usual hunt. he was powerful, dangerous even, and you couldn’t afford to make a wrong move. every stray sound puts you on edge, from the thunder rumbling outside to the settling of the old house.
   “looking for someone?” you hear a silvery voice say, and you turn your head, seeing a shadowy figure lurk over the banister directly above your head. you reel back, stake in hand. you swear you can see your heart beating through your shirt, sweat slicking to your skin as he becomes visible by the lightning flash. for a split second, you see his auburn hair and his taunting eyes sizing you up. “come to kill me, have you, little one?” you feel a chill run down your spine, both from the cold and second because he’s every bit the person he was described to you by anna. 
   “y-yes, i have.” your voice is less resolute than you wish it to be. you instinctively grip your stake tighter
   “but you’re trembling...” he takes a step down the decrepit staircase. “how are you supposed to beat me if you’re frozen in fear?” before you can even blink, he’s in front of you, towering over you. you grab your stake, pushing it with all the might you can summon at him. but he’s much faster, (faster than any other vampire you’ve encountered) and he easily grabs your wrist so hard that you can already feel the bruise. 
   “that’s all you have? i’m disappointed.” he looks you up and down, like a predator sizing up its prey. “aren’t you supposed to be a legendary hunter? you’re barely bigger than a pup!” you sneer at him, trying to think a way out of this position, but his cold hands on your wrist clouds your mind. he’s devilishly handsome, you can’t help but think, and the mocking smile on his face, his fangs almost glowing despite the shroud of darkness in the room. you feel your face heat up.
   “let me go you dastard.” you growl, and his expression turns unreadable. 
   “why would i do that? so you can kill me?” he looks at you closely, forcing the sharpened wood from your hand and chucking it as far as he can throw. 
   “y-you’re letting me go?” you question, though, you realize after you’ve said it you probably shouldn’t have questioned him.
   “why would i bother killing you? you’re not in the way... besides, your blood smells too good to let go to waste.” he chuckles, “i have a deal of sorts i want to make with you.” you never knew yourself to be attracted to vampires, you hunted them for a living, but the thought of his fangs sinking into your neck was enough to make a heat grow in the pit of your stomach. 
   “and what that might be?” you ask, the thunder cracking in the background, perhaps warning you to run while you can. but your feet won’t budge, almost as if you’re locked in place.
   “i get your blood, say... once every week, in exchange for information on vampire nests nearby.” he says it so firmly it’s as if he knows what your answer will be. you swallow the lump in your throat.
   “why would you give that out?” you inquire, more and more intrigued by the man by the second.
   “you’re helping me get rid of my enemies, simple as that...” arvis shrugs, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “besides... it’s good for me to have a human around... i haven’t had one in a long time and...” you flush scarlet, “i’m hungry, i suppose.” something in you tells you that this is a stupid decision, but there’s another part of you that instinctively trusts him. naive? perhaps. just a minute ago you wanted him dead, but this would help you with your hunts a lot. maybe sacrificing yourself to him was the best option.
   “fine. it’s a deal.” his red eyes almost light up, illuminated once again by a flash of lighting. “but if you lie to me i’ll kill you, you understand?” he chuckles when he sees you brush away the hair from your neck for easier access for him. he pulls you in closer, and your heart beats just as hard as it had earlier. 
   “duly noted.” he replies dully, eyeing your neck. arvis pulls your back against his chest with your wrists, letting them fall to your side. you feel his fangs prick at your pulse point, and he licks it before sinking his fangs in.
   initially, it hurts. it hurts a lot. you feel tears prick at the corner of your eyes, but as soon as the pain is there, it’s gone. you let out a quiet gasp as he continues to drink for you. 
   your blood is like a drug to him, and his mind is lost in a haze. you smelled good, yes, but the real thing was much better than he originally thought. he continues to suck at your pulse point, until he’s satisfied (for the moment, there wasn’t enough blood in you to completely satisfy him). he pulls back, but not before licking the wound closed. you step forward, almost stumbling out of his arms. your head is spinning from the blood loss, but you feel a pair of strong arms envelop you.
   “that wasn’t as bad as i thought it would be.” you say woozily as you see spots cloud your vision. arvis holds you in his arms, not entirely hating this position. living for thousands of years without company could leave him very lonely, though he hated to admit it, and it had been years since-- no, he wouldn’t dwell on her now. “hehe, you look cuuuuuute arvis...” now it’s his turn to be flustered. of course, he knows its the bloodloss speaking.
   “right, okay, now if you could stand up now that would be wonderful.”
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fire-em-heroes · 6 years
Arvis Relationship Hcs
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Yeah, this is the only ask like this we’ve gotten. Tumblr probably ate it. But of course!
I admittedly haven’t written for Arvis before this, so please tell me if I write him incorrectly!
Arvis... has definitely made his mistakes in the past. Of course he did bad stuff, but now that he had been summoned by you and forced to make amends with the man he barbecued Sigurd, ‘losing’ Deidre to him in the process... He had to be the good guy now. Fighting for Askr and all.
When you two first interacted, he was relatively standoffish, though your conversations could get relatively deep or even frightening.
“My hellfire will consume everything.” “Look, buddy, we’re trying to stop the fire. Not spread it.”
Basically the two of you had tension between you for a while.
After a long time, like maybe a month or so, he eventually started to warm up to you and acted nicer around you. You were the one who kind of realized your feelings for the man first. 
After confessing, it admittedly took a while for Arvis to admit he returned his feelings, actually rather perplexed.
He ultimately accepts and realizes that he returns your feelings, and the two of you slowly and surely become a couple.
After the two of you become a ‘thing’, Arvis starts to be a bit more affectionate with you, smiling and chatting lightly with you, unlike your conversations during the first month you two had known each other.
He likes kissing the back of your hand, your forehead, and sometimes he will actually kiss your lips. Mainly in private, though.
Eventually, Arvis decides to actually introduce you to his kids (though you had already met them before) 
Saias and Julia like you. Julius, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about you.
A lot of the time when you’re in private, Arvis will hold you tight while the two of you talk.
He also unintentionally makes fire puns whenever he’s talking about how much he loves you or how he feels at the moment. You find it very amusing, to say the least.
Basically, Arvis will be a super romantic sap while in a relationship with you!
I actually just wrote some relationship headcanons for Xander! You can find them here!
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
HI!!! I love your blog and I was wondering if I could have some general headcanons with Arvis and a really affectionate and slightly clingy s/o?
-Arvis really appreciates the affection. 
-He really loves that you stand by his side and want to hold his hand. 
-The fact that you so easily and freely express your love for him just makes him feel good.
-Though he isn’t always able to reciprocate, since he has to keep some decorum as Emperor. 
-He loves you, but sometimes he has to ask you to let him go. He is a busy man, and he has to run a country after all. If you are the summoner, he might make you go work on battle plans or prepare for summoning. 
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
Over time
Pairing - Arvin Russel x Reader
Summary - You and Arvin have grown up together, falling into fluffy love over time!
Warnings - Angst but it’s part of the events in the film! (Sadness, Mentions of Death, swearing and Bullying)
A/N - This one shot was requested by The Sweet @justapurrcat hope you enjoy! 🥰
Word count - 2.7k
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At 4 years old, just a tot toddling around the garden you see flowers. They were daisies, then you look over to your left to see Arvin. The little boy next-door to you, running towards you. You smiled waving at him, he stops where you are.
“Hi arvi,” you smile, sitting down on the grass. And With a poof of your dress, you giggle as your momma dressed you not very suitable for sitting.
“Hi, Y/N,” He shyly says, sitting down next to you. “I got you something, my momma really loves theses so I hope you will too!” He gives you a small bunch of daisies, into your small hands.
“They are lovely arvi,” taking his hand into yours, he smiles. Only 4 years old he had a mini crush, not even knowing what that was.
You look towards the window, “Arvin, I think our momma’s are staring at us for some reason?” You say confused, tapping him on the shoulder.
“Yh, They look like they are giggling without us!” Arvin pouts, standing up taking your hand to lift you up and run through the kitchen door.
You giggle as Arvin ran fast with you being connected holding his tiny hand.
“Oh my, the little ones have come to join us.” Your momma says, “yes indeed, look how my little Arvin and your little Y/N are together.” Arvin’s momma gushed over you.” You and Arvin giggle pointing at the cake.
“Me and Arvin came to see what you are giggling about momma?” You got your hands on your hips, quite a sassy 4 year old. Arvin looks to you, following through your actions and nods his head at your momma’s.
“Charlotte and I are giggling at how cute you two are.” Your momma smiles, Charlotte nodding. Arvin shook his head, feeling shy as he goes into his own momma’s arms. “not cute,” he mumbles, nuzzling his head into her shoulder. You giggle doing the same but with your momma.
As your momma’s continues talking, you look at Arvin. Your across from each other, both in your momma’s laps. You smile putting your hand up to wave at him, he proceeds to do the same gesture. You both nearly touching hands across the table. Your moms giggle, as you are so playful towards each other.
“Momma, can me and arvin have cake pls?,” You say, smiling. “Of course,”
You got down, “come Arvin,” to sit next to Arvin on your mini chairs and table, having your own tea party with cake. Your moms staring in awe at the two of you again.
Arvin trying not to make a face at you giving your teddy more attention than him!
That is where it all began!
At the age of 7, Arvin was knowing life as it’s worse. Cradling his sick momma, he hoped to never let go. His Daddy praying to the gods that his momma got cured. He took a deep breathe as his daddy comes into the room, looking up with a scowl on his face as he usual did.
“Now, son let your momma rest! God ain’t gonna let her heal if she not trying herself. You go outside and run around.” His Daddy, told him sitting down next to his momma taking her hand. Arvin knew just then and there he wanted love like what his parents have.
Arvin kisses his momma on the forehead, “Sleep well, momma. Love you.” He whispers, with a painful smile. She looks up grateful to have her son and even husband be so caring. “You have fun outside, love you,” she kisses his forehead and he nods running out the door.
As he goes outside he sees you twirling around on the Grass, looking care free as usual. He smiles coming closer to you and he joins in spinning as you both giggle, falling down on the grass. You notice something wrong with Arvin.
“Hey, Arvi are you upset?” You pulled him away to look into his eyes, seeing that a tear has slipped out. He wiped his nose and eyes with his arm, shaking his head.
“No, I’m not.” He sniffles again, “Daddy told me less crying and more praying for my momma,” He said looking down at his torn out shoes.
You give him a caring, sad smile. “Arvi, it’s ok to cry sometimes! I’m hopeful for your momma too.” You take his hand, only being young children but together you know so much more.
“Thanks, your the only person I can talk to. Your the only person I’ve got.” Arvin nods smiling, pulling you in for a hug.
“Do you want to sit on the grass with me to make Daisy chains?” You giggle, he nods and takes your hand. “Let’s make them, Y/N/N!” Sitting down on the grass with you.
He sees a Graceful girl making Daisy chains with him. You remind him, your just like his momma, caring and sweet!
At the age of 9 Everything went into slow motion such a rush of events going down, slowly. Arvin got made to pray by his Dad, he spent much time with his momma as he could. Plus he got to see you at school and sometimes outside too.
He kept a brave smile on for ages, seeing you smile thou made his day. Yes, he was only young barely at the age of 10 but he saw you as his shooting star.
That day his momma passed away, is the day that you was comforting him the most. He had no words other than “I’m sorry, momma love you,” at least he got to say ‘goodbye’ and ‘love you’ to her.
You and Arvin was at the lake, your spot together. You cradling him to calm him down, you hated to see him upset. Unfortunately, sometimes it can’t be helped.
“Arvi, it’s going to be ok, just breathe.” You stroke his curly locks, wiping his wet cheek. He huffs, holding you tighter. He hasn’t spoken to you that much, just letting you embrace him all together.
“Y/N?” He breathes, out slowly. Looking at your face, he twiddles his thumbs. “Your not going to leave me are you?” He gives a sad look to you. You shook your head, “no, Arvi I wouldn’t dream of it!” You took his cheek into your hand, kissing his forehead. “I’ve seen my daddy do that to my momma, to comfort her,” you smiled at him.
“Yh, it’s working,” he sheepishly said, smiling. “There is that smile, Arvi” you embrace him again. “Good because I’m never gonna leave you too, Y/N/N.” He smiles, kissing your forehead too.
Since that day onwards you and Arvin have been really deep. Eventually, Arvin had to move house to live with his Grandparents and step sister
You hugged him, “I’m still going to see you, your just round the corner,” you giggle, as you hug him. “I know, it’s just going to be a bit weird.” Arvin got in the car waving at you, as the car moved.
You saw him mostly everyday as usual.
Years go by Arvin and you get closer day by day.
At the age of 14 you walk to school with Arvin, grateful to have that extra bit of time with him. You brushing hands with him, while walking. That gesture alone made him have a tint of red on his cheeks.
“Are excited for dinner round mine?” Arvin asked shyly, still not being quite confident but he’s just himself and that’s what you love the most.
“Yes, I can’t wait to spend time with you and eat your Grandma cooking.” You nod, smiling taking his hand running so you won’t be late.
Some kids at the school entrance see that you two are close, they are your typical bullies. You didn’t even notice them as you approach the school gates, you skip in with Arvin.
“Hey, I’m talking to you,” you turn around blinking, giving a confused look. Arvin clearly not impressed by his attitude. “Yes, what?” You roll your eyes, trying to walk again with Arvin’s hand in your hand still. He stops you again!
“You think it’s good to be around such a devil of a kid?” He laughs, with a few of his “Friends” behind him. “Mind your own damn business, Bert!” You squint your eyes, pushing him away as you walk off. He didn’t have time to come back because he is so shocked, how defensive you were.
Arvin was going to take matters into his own hands but you got in first before he could. “Are you ok, Arvi don’t listen to those no good bone brains. They don’t have a cent in there!” You scowl, shaking your head.
He nods feeling shy at the way you protected him, no one does but you. He brings himself to hug you as a thanks, you smile, grateful that he is opening up to you. Knowing that your the best of each other together, brings smiles all around.
You go to class together, everyone jealous that you got each other. That’s how it always is and will be, Arvin got you and you got him!
Arvin lights up a cigarette, holding a scowl waiting for you to come out of school with his sister. Tapping on his car door, he sees you running really fast with Lenora.
“Arvin, step on it,” you yell, as you get in the car with Lenora. Arvin drives off, seeing three boys in the distance stopping from chasing his sister and his girl. “Damn, those hillbilly’s are no good!” He shakes his head, as he concentrates on the road.
You and Lenora breathing heavy in the back, “I know, I’ve been telling them to knock it off all week but their no listening,” you roll your eyes looking out the window.
“Y/N saved me from them, that what I’m grateful for.” Lenora quietly Said, holding her books tighter to her chest. You take her hand squeezing it a bit to comfort her, “Anytime, no family of mine isn’t gonna be picked on without consequences. They will get their karma.” You give her reassuring smile, she smiled back.
Arvin just listening to your sweet words that you talk to his sister, always looking out for her when he couldn’t. Made him smile, even when there was not nothing to smile for there was always you!
“I’m a gonna get them one day, little runts ain’t getting away with shit. They’re not listening to their momma’s, well they’re gonna listen to me,” Arvin scoffed, under his breath. You and Lenora too busy talking to hear his rant.
“Y/N you staying around for dinner?” Lenora asked smiling, “Might as well, me Folks are out of town this weekend,” you nodded, smiling at her.
Arvin pulls up to the house, Lenora runs into the house immediately. Leaving you and Arvin still in his car. Arvin turns around to you, “Are you sure your ok? Doll, those bullies doing you no good again! I swear I’m gonna get them.” Arvin tightens his jaw thinking of you getting hurt by those Hillbilly idiots. 
“Arvi, I’m fine honestly.” You smile looking up into his eyes, “try not to get in trouble, I know you left school to work but you are a good person to me and your family at least,” you get out the car winking at him, “you coming, inside pretty boy?” Arvin dazed at your small flirts gets him flustered, yet you was oblivious. 
“Yes, Pretty girl,” Arvin chuckles, shaking his head getting rid of his frown as he has a soft spot for you. He steps out of the car into the house with you.
“Oh how lovely to see you Y/N, dinner is going to be ready in an hour.” Emma, Arvin’s grandma greeted you. “Very lovely, Mrs Russel thank you for having me,” you nodded, smiling.
Emma looks up, seeing that Arvin has gone in the living room with Lenora. “Arvin has got one pretty, kind girl, he so lucky.” Emma spoke up, “no need to thank me, My Dear. Your apart of the family, Always will be too!” She smiles, going back to the kitchen.
You gulped, blushing at her words confused. Arvin comes behind you brushing his hand against your shoulder area, taking some of your hair and putting it to the side.
“Hey, you going up stairs to my room? Gonna show you something.” He takes your hand leading you up the stairs, as you usually do. Going to his room, sitting on his comfy bed you look around seeing that it’s cleaner as usual.
‘That’s strange, it always messy’ you thought, shrugging. ‘Arvin has been a bit more caring towards me, which makes me smile lately’ you snap out of your thoughts, when Arvin takes your hand sitting next to you on his bed.
He just stares into your Gorgeous eyes, getting the courage to actually say something to his long time best friend. “I hid my feelings enough for a long time, I love being around you because it makes me feel complete. And, and your so god damn pretty, you got gorgeous eyes and lips,” He gulps, looking at you in the eyes smiling.
You lean in closer, listening to every word coming out his perfect lips, that you want to kiss dearly.
“As, as I was,” He notices Turning into a stuttering mess, he looks down clearing his throat, “I was going to say, will you be my girlfriend Darling? Y/N,” He confidently speaks, adjusting his cap. 
Your shocked as he confesses his feelings towards you. You instantly wrap your arms around him. “Oh, Arvin I feel the same way for a long time too!” You smile, pulling away kissing his cheek. “Of course, I’ll be your girlfriend Arvi!” You smile eye to eye, He grabs your face gently kissing you sweetly on the lips.
You hug his waist tighter, as the moment is blissful Arvin closes his eyes smelling your intoxicating heavenly, smell. “Arvin Russel you are so god damn Handsome but are you sniffing me?” you giggle, swatting his chest playfully. “What, um no,” He scratched the back of his neck denying looking away embarrassed looking down.
You lift up his chin with your finger tips, “It’s ok, you smell,” you lean in to smell his scent, “Mmh, like cigarettes, vanilla and pine wood,” you giggle harder, kissing his cheek. “Your scent is so good! Now what do I smell like?”
Arvin leans in to smell you again, “You smell like roses, cherries and sweet honey pie,” he chuckles, “So fucking, delicious Doll face,” he whispers, nibbling your ear giving you butterflies.
“Your tasty too Arvin,” You giggle through your laughter, seeing Arvin smile is Amazing. He always has a scowl or a frown on his face but when he is with you, it’s much different!
He strokes your hair, tucking it back behind your ear. “You remind me of my momma, so kind and caring for other souls.” He breathes, “do you remember her? Because it’s kind of a blur but I did have good times with her!” He kisses your lips, waiting for an answer as you depart.
“I sure do, your momma was a sweet lady just like her son,” you smile, ruffling his locks now giving him a kiss on his thin, devilish lips. He nodded happy with your answer, “your sweeter, thou” He breathes out between biting your lips.
“Arvin, just to clarify you are more than enough for me. I’ve loved you since we was 4.” You chuckle, kissing his cheek. “I’ve felt the same way too, since we was 4.” He whispers, the last part kissing you. He can’t get enough, he loves every moment with you.
“Dinner, ready!” Lenora, comes into the room, seeing you and Arvin kissing. She gasps, squealing as she smiles running down the stairs. You and Arvin chuckle, going down stairs hand in hand.
“Grandma, Arvin got one real pretty girl,” Lenora teases him smiling, at the dinner table. “About time, Arvin!” Emma smiled at you both winking, indicating that she fully supporting your relationship. You and Arvin try not to blush as you eat your dinner together with your family.
Love happens overtime for a reason!
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farfromharry · 2 years
hi! may i please request dad arvin with the prompt “can’t get them to stop crying” for the 3k blurb week ☁️🌲💌
Summary: arvins worried he's not a great dad considering only you can ever get your baby boy to calm down
w/c 560
Dad!Arvin x reader
Arvin Russell was a wonderful dad. You would argue one of the best dads you had ever seen, but he often thought otherwise. His insecurities got the best of him all the time. He firmly believed he was too tough and too dangerous to be around such a precious baby. Stupidly enough he even thought that might be one of the reasons your little boy seemed to always cry when he was in his dad’s arms. But you constantly reminded him that a tiny baby like yours didn’t have any idea of the things he’d done in the past, nor would he care.
No matter how many times you told him though he would continue to need reassurance. At least until his baby was old enough that he could tell him himself. You could tell he wasn’t doing too great when you entered your home after a day at the diner to your baby screaming the walls down. You found him in his dad’s arms, tears rolling down his face as he wailed loudly.
The brunette barely heard you come in, noticing you only when he heard your concerned coos aimed at your baby boy. “He won’t stop cryin’.” He looked completely distressed as he bounced the little boy in his arms, shushing him every few seconds. Your baby’s face was scrunched up in discomfort, Arvin seeing no other solution than to pass him off to you. It was obvious Theo didn’t want his dad, he never did.
When you took the baby from him the newborn was quick to settle down a little, his cries quieting for the first time in numerous hours. Your husband scoffed, having already assumed that was going to happen, his heart sinking into his stomach. You walked with him to the kitchen, Arvin trailing behind you like a lost puppy. He watched you present a bottle to your son’s lips, the baby latching on to the rubber; content.
You heard the brunette in the room sigh, a frown plastered on his face as he watched you. You offered him a sweet smile, making sure your baby was resting right in your arms, bottle in his hands before you reached up to stroke Arvin’s cheek. “He was just hungry, s’okay.”
He shook his head, staring down at the small human in your arms with what could only be described as longing. He longed to be able to soothe him like you could, be as good with him as you were. “Arvy, stop beating yourself up. You’re an incredible dad.”
He shook his head, turning his head to press a kiss to your palm before he walked away. “I sure as hell don’t feel like one.” You waited until Theo was finished eating, setting the bottle down on the counter before you headed over to your husband again. You were gently patting your babies back as he rested on your shoulder, sending a sympathetic gaze towards your lover. “But you are,” you rested your forehead against his, eyes locked on each others so he could see just how genuine you were in your words. “You’re the best dad I know. He’s lucky to have you.”
He barely cracked a smile, but thankfully that was the moment your baby boy chose to reach out to his dad, making grabby hands his way. “See, he knows it too.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Pairing: Arvin Russel x reader
Synopsis: Arvin just thinks you’re messing with him when you flirt with him, so he messes with you back
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“There you are.” Lenora smiled as Arvin came into the dining room. “Happy birthday, brother.”
“Thank you. But don’t tell me all this is for me.” He said as he gestured to all the food on the table.
“Course it is. It’s a special day.” Lenora insisted. “We’re eating in 5.”
Before Arvin could could respond, you walked into the dining room with a wide smile and something behind your back.
“Arvin! Happy birthday.” You cheered as you threw your arms into a hug. “Lenora invited me over for dinner tonight. Hope that’s all right with you.”
“Plenty all right.” He smiled shyly as he rubbed your back. “It’s good to see you, Y/n.”
“And I’m always happy to see you.” You pulled away but kept your arms on his shoulders. “I got something for you.”
“You didn’t have to do that, darling.” Arvin told you as you handed him a neatly wrapped package.
“I wanted to.” You said sheepishly as you handed it to him. He accepted the gift but before he opened it, he leaned in to kiss your cheek.
“Thank you, darling.” He said. “Means a lot.”
Lenora gave you a knowing look as you touched your hand to your burning cheek, right where his lips had been. She was no stranger to watching you and her brother flirt relentlessly with each other, and was often just as disappointed as you were when it never lead to anything. Arvin carefully unwrapped the package and took out a small wooden object.
“It’s a belt buckle. I carved it myself. It’s a jack Russel, see?” You pointed to the design. “You told me you used to have a dog like that.”
“I did. It’s beautiful.” He smiled at you. “Thank you very much.”
“I’m glad you like it. Don’t feel pressured to wear it.” You said quickly.
“Are you kidding me, darling?” I’m gonna be wearing this every day of my life.” He said as he put it on his belt. “Tell everyone the prettiest girl in town made it for me.”
“Oh, Arvin.” You giggled. “You’re just saying that.”
“Am not. I mean it.” He tipped his baseball cap to you, making your stomach flutter with butterflies.
“I think it looks good on you.” You complimented. “Everything looks good on you. You make your beat up sneakers look like the boys in my magazines.”
“Don’t spend too much time reading those things.” He seemingly rejected your advanced. “They’ll rot your brain.”
“Right.” You smiled tightly. “I’ll be right back. I have to use the ladies room.”
You quickly excused yourself, not wanting either of them to see how disappointed you were. Every time you thought you were getting somewhere with Arvin, he stopped flirting before it could go further.
“What do you think of Y/n?” Lenora asked as she eyed her brother.
“I think an awful lot of her.” He shrugged as he admired his belt buckle. “She’s a good friend to you and an awfully nice girl. I’m glad to have her around.”
“You should take her on a date if you like her so much.” Lenora suggested. “You’re getting old, Arvie. You need a wife.”
“She don’t like me like me like that.” He smiled sadly. “That girl is way too pretty to be a wife of mine.”
“Don’t play dumb.” Lenora clicked her tongue. “She flirts with you all the time. She’d say yes if you asked her out.”
“She’s just likes to mess with me.” He shrugged. “That’s all.”
“She ain’t messing with you. She likes you.” Lenora insisted. “I know she does.”
“She would never like me like that.” He shook his head. “Girls like that like nice boys. She’ll probably end up marrying one of them army boys before the year ends.”
“Not unless you get to her first.” Lenora said as she finished setting the table.
“I’m back.” You announced as you walked back into the dining room. “Is the chicken ready yet?”
“Yup. Arvin, would you finish setting the table?” Lenora asked as she handed him the plates.
“Sure thing.”
“Hope you put my plate next to yours.” You flirted as you squeezed his shoulder.
“I will, darling.” He winked at you. “Don’t you worry.”
You gave Arvin a coy smile before following Lenora into the kitchen, all traces of disappointment gone.
“He’s so sweet.” You sighed happily as you took the chicken out of the oven.
“He’s sweet cause he likes you.” Lenora said as she poked your side.
“You really think he likes me?” You asked skeptically.
“I know it.” She nodded. “But he’s too scared to ask you out. Thinks you don’t like him that way. If you want to go out with him, you gotta be the one to ask.”
“Hm.” You thought about her words. “Maybe I will.”
That Sunday, Arvin complained all the way to church with Lenora in his passenger seat.
“Why do I always have to come?” He whined as he parked. “You know I don’t believe any of this bullshit.”
“It’s not bull.” Lenora defended. “And you know why you come. You come to see Y/n.”
“Is she here today?” Arvin asked hopefully. “We should go in so she doesn’t have to sit next to some stranger.”
“You are so in love with her.” Lenora teased as she got out of the car. “Let’s go see her.”
Arvin blushed but kept his mouth shut as they walked into the chapel. He soon spotted your hair beneath a white hat and slid into the pew beside you.
“Hi.” You smiled at him over your shoulder.
“Hi, darling.” He tipped his hat to you. “I like your hat.”
“Thank you.” You shyly adjusted your hat. “It’s my mommas.”
“How come girls can wear hats in church but I can’t?” He whispered as the pastor started the sermon.
“Because you wear baseball hats.” You whispered back. “If you got yourself a pork pie hat or something, you could leave it on.”
“Oh, you mean like that fellas hat?” He pointed to a man in the front row with a comedic purple hat and bright green feather sticking out of the side.
“Stop it.” You hid your laughter behind your hand. “Don’t go making me laugh during service.”
“Sorry, darling. I do like your hat, though. Looks real nice on you.” He smiled fondly as he put his hand on your hat.
“Thanks, Arvin.” You shrunk down in your seat a little a your face heated up.
“Like your dress too.” He continued to tease you, loving the reaction he was getting.
“You seen me in this dress a hundred times.” You whispered as you pretended to listen to the priest.
“Doesn’t mean I don’t like it.” He shrugged as he played with the lacy hem.
“Hush now.” You smacked his arm softly. “I’m trying to listen.”
“Come on now.” He rolled his eyes. “We heard this sermon last year.”
“It’s the mustard seed fable. We hear it every year.” You reminded him.
“Well I’m tired of it.” He whispered in your ear. “Why can’t he talk about something more interesting? Like ketchup or relish.”
You put your hand over your mouth to keep from laughing at his lame joke. He smiled proudly as he watched your body shake with laughter.
“Arvin.” You smiled as you hit him again. “Hush. You’re gonna get me into trouble.”
“Troubles not so bad.” He shrugged. “Depends on what kind you get into.”
“Is that so?” You raised as eyebrow. “And what kind do you like?”
“Any kind I can get my hands on.” He said as he squeezed your knee.
“You really better hush now.” You moved his hand away. “I’ll talk to you after. There’s something I want to tell you any how.”
“There is?” He stopped teasing you and looked at you seriously.
“Yes. Now hush.” You held a finger to his lips before returning your attention to the priest. Arvin did as you said and impatiently waited for the sermon to finish. He continued to poke and tease your throughout, but it was only to distract himself from how badly he wanted to hear what you had to tell him.
Once the service was over, he met you outside the church among the crowd of people.
“So what did you want to tell me, darling?” He asked hopefully.
“Well.” You swallowed nervously. “I was just wondering if maybe you’d like to-“
“Morning.” A man in a pork pie hat cut in and smiled at you. “What a lovely sermon today, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, it was.” Arvin gave him an annoyed side eye. “What were you saying, darling?”
“Names Daniel.” The man held out his hand to you and ignored Arvin. “I’m new in town. Just came home from the army. I don’t believe I’ve met you yet, miss.”
“I’m Y/n.” You shook his hand. “This heres Arvin.”
“Nice to meet you both. That’s a lovely hat you got on.” Daniel complimented as he touched your hat. Arvin felt his jaw tighten from when he watched this stranger touch you the way he did.
“Oh, thank you.” You laughed awkwardly and moved away from his touch.
“It’s her mommas.” Arvin said lowly. “So you best keep your hands off.”
“And such pretty hair too.” Daniel continued to ignore Arvin as he touched your hair. You gave Arvin a panicked look, but he was two steps ahead of you. He grabbed Daniels hand and clenched it as he held it far away from you.
“You oughta keep your hands to yourself if you know what’s good for you.” Arvin said through gritted teeth. “Don’t go touching a lady without her permission. Especially not this one.”
“Right.” Daniel scoffed and pulled his hand out of Arvin’s. “Well Y/n, I’m looking for a wife now that I’m home. Why don’t you let me take you out for some coffee?”
“A wife?” You squeaked.
“I think you best be moving along.” Arvin stepped in between you and Daniel. “You won’t find your wife over here.”
“Pardon me, sir.” Daniel raised his eyebrows. “I don’t believe I was talking to you.”
“Nope. But you were talking to my girl.” Arvin pushed him back a little. “And I’m the only one who’s ever gonna call her “wife”, you hear?”
“Oh.” Daniel swallowed nervously. “I didn’t realize you were together.”
“Well, we are.” Arvin insisted. “So you best move along.”
Daniel rolled his eyes before walking away, leaving you and Arvin alone.
“Your girl, huh?” You smirked as you walked around to face Arvin.
“Sorry you had to see that, darling.” He apologized. “I just needed to get that son of a bitches hand off of you.”
“It’s all right.” You smiled softly. “Don’t mind hearing you call me your girl. I liked it, actually.”
“You don’t?” He asked quietly as his cheeks got rosy.
“That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I wanted to know if you’d ever consider, I don’t know, going on a date sometime? With...with me?” You asked sheepishly.
“You’re not serious, are you?” He asked. He always thought you were kidding when you flirted with him, but now he wasn’t sure.
“Sorry. It was a stupid thing to ask. Forget I said anything.” You turned to walk away but Arvin caught your arm and pulled you close to him.
“Hold on a minute. I thought you just liked to mess with me.” He told you. “I didn’t think you actually had feelings for me.”
“I do. I like you a lot, Arvin.” You admitted. His ever present frown broke into a huge smile with your confession. Since he was never good with stinging his thoughts into words, he responded by pulling you into a kiss. He put his hands on either side of your face and held you close to him as he kissed you. You held on to the back of your hat with one hand and wrapped your other hand around the back of his neck. When he pulled away, he kissed the tip of your nose before smiling at you.
“Don’t tell anyone I just did that.” He joked. “Can’t let that get out and ruin my reputation.”
“God forbid anyone finds out how sweet you are.” You smiled at him before leaning in for another kiss.
“Yeah.” He mumbled against your lips. “God forbid.”
Tag List 🏷
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thevelria · 1 year
Electric Love (Gojo x reader) Chapter 12
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Pairing: Gojo x fem!reader
Summary:This is the 12th chapter of an AU story, some parts might be canon, but mostly not. It's going to be a love story between you and Satoru with some spice. Warning will be at the beginning of the chapters. Please read them carefully and skip if any of the listed warnings might trigger you. Otherwise have fun!
Warnings: no warnings
Author's note: I'm really sorry for the long wait. But now I'm back with the newest part of the story. I do hope you're gonna like it. I plan to add some more chapters before the story comes to an end.
AO3 Wattpad
Fear flashed in your eyes the second you realized you were in an abandoned warehouse. Sukuna was walking back-and-forth, seemingly nervous. Everything looked empty and scary. And you started to doubt that it was a good decision when you agreed to follow him. But you had no other choice. You wanted to save Megumi's life and that was the only option.
“I don't know what you're thinking about but if you're trying to figure out how to escape. I'm telling you now that it's not gonna work.” Sukuna frowned while standing in front of you with his hands crossed across his chest.
“Don’t worry. I’m true to my words. But I have a question.” you bit your inner cheek. The king of curses didn’t react, he kept staring at you suspiciously. “Look, I’m not stupid” you took a deep breath. “I know you are going to kill me. At least tell me the reason. I think I have the right to know.”
“Hmm…” Sukuna smiled and brought a chair for himself. “I want to get back my wife and you will be the perfect vessel. I told you you looked exactly like her. Your appearance, your voice, the way you walk, everything is the same. There’s only one difference.”
“And what’s that?”
“Your eyes. She had that sparkling flame in her eyes when she looked at me.”
“Because she was in love with you.” you hummed. Sukuna’s deadly stare terrified you but you kept talking. “Tell me about her! What kind of person was she?”
The man laid back on the chair and took a deep, desperate breath. He was trying his hardest to keep himself collected. It’s been way too long since he allowed himself to remember, to bring the memories back and actually think of the sweet moments he experienced with his wife. But now…so close to the end he wanted to remember. “She was the sweetest woman who ever existed.” he smiled in amusement. You clearly saw that he was still madly in love with Isebu. “She was brave and strong when it was needed. You know, she was one of the strongest sorceresses and warriors. We fought side by side, the three of us. Arvis was like a brother to us. But she was also the most gentle and caring woman. I love her so…” Sukuna realized he let his guard down, so he quickly cleared his throat and changed his attitude. “Actually you should be grateful that she will take your body.” he stood up and was about to leave. His face changed, all the marks disappeared from his face. He turned back to you.
“We don’t have much time.” Yuuji sounded worried. You had no idea what happened, so you stayed silent. “Look, I have a few minutes before he takes control again. You are strong enough to handle the sorceress he wants to merge you with. I heard them talking about the doppelganger effect or something like this. Just keep it low after it happened and wait for the right moment to switch back. I’m sure Sensei will find a way to save both of us and get rid of these curses.”
“Won’t Sukuna know you switched with him now?” you looked at the boy.
“You don’t need to worry about that. After these years I know how to trick him.” As you opened your mouth to say something you saw the marks slowly appearing on his face once again.
“What happened to her?” you acted like nothing happened and tried to keep gaining as much information as possible.
“Fine, I’ll tell you. Sorcerers dragged her away from our wedding party. They accused her with fake charges, saying she attacked innocent sorcerers for no reason. I knew it was all a lie. Isebu was always so pure, acting on her sense of justice. She said there was a girl those bastards tried to take advantage of and she saved her. You know what happened? You know what those filthy fucking rats did to my wife? They executed her and I wasn’t even there.” he raised his voice as he fisted his hands. It was clearer than the sun that he was getting angry by the memories. “I was lying knocked out on the floor while they fucking killed the woman I loved more than anyone.” he yelled.
“I’m sorry.” you sighed. “You didn’t deserve this, any of you.”
Sukuna’s eyes widened by your words. No one ever said that to him. “You are really something else, little girl.” he hummed and shook his head slightly. “I can totally see why that white haired clown is in love with you.”
“Can I ask for a favor?” you fidgeted in the chair.
“If you want to ask me to let you go…”
“No. I’m true to my words. I will be her vessel and you get your wife back. But since I sacrifice myself, please promise me, you will leave them alone. All of them. All the sorcerers, the students, everyone. Can you do that? Just enjoy the life that was taken away from you so long ago, okay? Take your wife to a nice place and live in peace and love. Promise me, I’m begging you!”
“Don’t worry, little girl. I’ll do so. I already set up a nice home far from here in the mountains. Arvis is already there and getting ready for our arrival.” he smirked.
*** “C’mon kid, you need to give me some info. Anything. Megumi, please!” Gojo begged his injured student. “I called Shoko, she’ll be here in a few minutes. But I need a lead. Didn’t you hear anything he said? Didn’t he mention a place or something? I have to find her before that fucker takes her away from me forever.”
“I’m sorry, Sensei. He didn’t say anything.” he coughed up some blood. A few moments later Megumi’s eyes widened. “My phone.” he sounded excited.
“What’s with it?” Gojo frowned.
“She has my phone, we can locate her if she still has it.” The look on Gojo’s face told Megumi he had no idea what the spiky haired boy was talking about. “Give me your phone.” he reached out his hand.
Satoru tried to pretend he understood what Megumi was doing. But in reality he only saw the kid tapping here and there on the device.
“It’s done.” he sighed and tried to hide his pain. “It says she’s in Shibuya, look!”
Your man stared at the screen and realized the tiny spot appeared in the warehouse area. “Thank you, son!” he hugged the boy. “Shoko is here, I feel her presence. She will arrive in less than a minute. Will you be okay?”
“Just go and save her!
“It’s time, little girl.” Sukuna took a deep breath.
You nodded and closed your eyes. Billions of thoughts rushed through your mind. You’ve seen every important scene from your life as a series of flashbacks. Then Gojo appeared in your mind. His angelic face, mesmerizing eyes. You felt his soft lips as they touched yours for the first time. The memories of making love with him. His raspy, sleepy voice in the morning. You smiled slightly, because you still thought it was the sexiest shit ever. Fear slowly started to crawl under your skin, a knot formed in your chest. “I love you, Satoru.” you thought to yourself before taking a huge last breath.
“Get away from my woman you fucking freak!” Gojo’s voice made your eyes shut open. You thought your mind tricked you but there he was, flesh and blood. The second he made eye contact with you, you felt your eyes tearing up. You wanted nothing but to hug him at least for one more time.
“Sukuna.” you turned to him. “Please, let me handle him, okay? I don’t want you to fight. Just let me talk to him for the last time. Can you do that for me?”
“You have 2 minutes.” he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
Slowly you walked up to your man but before he could have said anything, you grabbed his hands, preventing him from teleporting. “Please hug me tight.” you collapsed into him. The second you were close enough to his ear you whispered. “I talked to Yuuji, we have a plan. Come and find me in a year. He will take me to the mountains. Trust me, baby. I love you!” you pushed him away and walked back to Sukuna. “I’m ready!” you looked the curse in the eye.
He placed his palm on your jaw, opening your mouth and dropped the tiny vial in.
“Nooo!” Gojo screamed from the top of his lungs. The moment your eyes flashed with magic he collapsed to his knees. It was over, he lost you. Forever. At least he thought so, then he remembered your words. And even if it sounded crazy and nonsense he trusted you. He clenched his jaw and clapped his hands, disappearing in an instant. Sukuna found it weird that he gave up without any fight but he was way too happy to care about it much. He finally got Isebu back and that was what mattered to him.
1 year later:
“Good morning, my beautiful wife.” Sukuna greeted her in the kitchen, while she was busy preparing some breakfast.
“I’m still amazed by these modern devices.” she hummed. “Look, it’s so easy to bake anything with this.”
“You are adorable.” he walked behind her, folding his muscled arms around her torso. “I love you.” he whispered.
“I know, baby. You tell it to me every day.” she chuckled.
“And I will tell it as many times as possible.” he hugged her tighter.
“Now go and let Arvis know breakfast is almost ready.”
Gojo and the rest of the crew were waiting outside in the woods, waiting for your signal.
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mehphoobia · 3 years
Pairing- Tom Holland(x3) x Reader
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Warnings- Language, extreme smut (I think most of it is just smut 😅), extreme cuteness.
Summary- Who knew moving into a new apartment would be so much fun if you have triplets as your neighbors. How much trouble can Peter, Tom and Arvin cause? only a lot...
There you were standing below a building in front of the entrance with the truck that carried your stuff on your left and surrounded by utter commotion. Why were you here again? Oh yes, you had to move out of your apartment because your godforsaken landlord, well ex-godforsaken landlord had to hike up the rent. You couldn't pay that much of an amount just for your rent to live in that matchbox of a place. Of course it had a nice view, office was closer but the world had to adjust and so did you.
"Miss we are done unloading!" grunted the man. You flinched because of his tone but then you realize you had to pay the man. After fetching a couple of bucks and paying the man, you started your journey to the fifth floor because the lift decided to sleep that day, the very day you had to move and who were your travel buddies? fourteen cartons. Why did you have so much luggage in the first place? you could literally contemplate your life's decision in the time you would have to waste carrying each one them, one by one to your apartment. "Fuck man!" you cursed as you kicked an imaginary rock to let out a bit of your frustration.
Where was your boyfriend when you needed him? oh how could you forget! He cheated on you. There you have it, your life. You stopped thinking as you picked one of your box, just then you heard a voice, "Do you need help?" that angel asked you and you would have cried. you looked at him and you were mesmerized with his curls and a jawline that could cut paper.
"Is it that evident?" you asked and he chuckled. "Are you new here?" he asked picking up one of the boxes. "Yes, my name is Y/N I moving in to 503" you informed as you picked one yourself. He looked at you wide eyed with ripples on his forehead. "Oh so you are the new neighbor. Hello there my name is Peter. W- I live in 502" he smiled as you both entered the building. The work got done easily with someone helping you out. The view from here was not that great, all you could see was your neighbor's balcony. Peter joked that this way you could meet each other every day.
Oh wasn't that guy an absolute sweetheart. If he had a little bit of attitude he would totally be your type. He left after wishing you a good night and flashing that beautiful smile of his, damn you could melt. After moving so many boxes and climbing up and down the stairs, tiredness captured you. You changed into your pajamas and finished the pizza that you had earlier ordered and slept on the couch. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, after all those boxes had to be unboxed.
You woke up to someone's washing machine's sound. You were pretty sure that washing machine was trying to run away because of low maintenance. You tried not to stumble over you unpacked luggage as you walked down your hallway tying your hair up in a bun.
Your scrunchie that was tugged onto teeth as you were getting your disheveled hair together fell to the ground. There was a girl sitting on top of the washing machine, naked and the guy was busy eating her out. You sprinted into your room as you saw the scene unfold in front of your eyes. You could feel your panties dampening because of her moans that were getting louder by the second. Luckily they took their show inside and you could finally breathe. Well, you didn't expect the view to be like that. Your neighbor with someone. Wait a minute, your neighbor, Peter?
"Wow" was all you could say before brushing your teeth and taking a bath. You never felt so ridiculously single before as you felt now. "fuck my life" was the mantra you kept chanting as you put on your shirt. "Idiot" you grunted as you realized that all your pants were packed and there was nothing you could put on below your shirt. Maybe except for the pencil skirt that somehow managed to escape and you had put it in your handbag as you found it at the last moment.
"Ah yes" you said grabbing the file which you were supposed to hand in today. You locked your door, double checked it and pressed the lift button.
As you were waiting for the lift, you heard Peter's door click open and the girl you saw today morning, yes the one sitting naked on the washing machine, made her way out. Her stumbling feet and incapability to even walk straight summarized her night. "Didn't she have a good time?" you thought to yourself and chuckled as she dared to take the stairs. Who takes the stairs when you have a perfectly fine lift?
"Good morning?" a very heavy voice said behind you. You turned behind to take a better look at him. "Good morning uh..Peter" you said obviously uncomfortable because he still smelt like sex.
"Oh yes me, Peter" he said laughing hysterically. You gulped as you stepped away from him. Sure you wanted him to have attitude but this is not what you expected. His cute little eyes were all hooded and spoke a different language today. As if you met someone else yesterday.
"Are you going up or down?" you asked in effort to change the topic as he walked closer towards you. "Going down kitten" he panted and smirked sheepishly. You could feel his breath as his hands checked you out. He smiled and started to walk away. He looked at you one last time before he locked his door. "Oh God" was all you could say as you clutched your shirt together. You would lie if you didn't feel aroused. Of course he was weird, hell, he was kind of a boy all mothers tell their daughters to be aware off. But this guy had a lot of surprises and were you gonna figure all of them out? Fuck yeah.
After handing over your file to your senior, you took the rest of the day off. On your way back to your apartment, you spotted a café. It was rustic and elegant and beautiful paintings hung on the wall. You stepped up to the cashier to place your order.
"Hi how may I help you?" gleamed the guy. Your smile disappeared when you looked at him. "Peter?" you questioned in confusion. "Peter?" he questioned back. "Uh we met today morning. Don't you remember? You helped me with the boxes too?" you explained. "Are you Y/N?" he asked hopefully.
"Yes" you replied in confusion. "Hi my name is T- Peter." he introduced himself. "yeah I know" you smiled embarrassingly. He noticed your expression and took a deep breath. "Miss Y/N why don't you have a seat? I think we need to talk." he spoke as if in an attempt to not mess things up.
You decided to sit down and talk to him. And you did. You realized he owned this café and a couple more around the city. His gentlemanly behavior was like a spell that enticed you. You could listen to him for hours. His honey glistened tone played their tricks on you.
"Why don't you come over for drinks tomorrow? We can spend a bit more time together" he suggested in a calm tone as he walked you towards your apartment. "Sure. Does 7 sound good?" you asked as you looked for your keys. "Perfect actually, we all will be home by then." "Great, I will see you tomorrow then" you said as you locked the door. What a strange guy? If someone would come and tell you that you saw three different versions of the same guy, you wouldn't be surprised.
You stood in pale pink dress that rested your hips and covered you till your mid thigs, that you hunted from your closet. You had spent the entire day unboxing and setting up your apartment. It was almost 7 and you were a bit tired but you would throw your away for the little get together you had with Peter.
Now standing outside their door clutching to the scented candle, you rang their bell. He opened the door and gestured you to come in. "In here" he said pointing towards a room that was co-joined with the balcony. As you were walking towards that room, you saw a photo frame. Your heart dropped. "Fucking triplets?" you murmured. "Hey kitten" "Hi Y/N" two voices spoke. You flinched at the sudden sound and they stood right behind you.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" you blurted out your question. You were no longer worried if you sounded rude. "All this time I thought I--you were lying to me?" you asked. "Y/N please listen" Peter spoke, the cute little one you had met for the first time.
You sat down, when they all started explaining themselves. First the other two introduced themselves. The guy near the lift was Arvin and the guy you had met at the café was Tom. Peter told you that he was the one who had started all this confusion because he fell for you at the first sight. He knew Erwin and Tom would like you too and how right he was.
"Peter couldn't control his excitement when he told us about you." Tom said caressing Peter's hair. All the anger somehow melted and turned into a genuine smile. Peter blushed when he saw you smiling, the same smile he fell in love with, they all did.
"Look I had a break up recently. He cheated on me and I might have a tough time adjusting to have another person in my life so soon and three of you together would be overwhelming so can we take it slow? like get to know each other first." you suggested to which Arvin sat down next to you.
"Take all the time you need kitten, we will be right here" he said as he stroked your hair. Soon he was joined by Tom, "1 month, spend one month with us and if its too much for you we will respect your decision." he said as he squatted down to your level. "Okay" you said after thinking about it for five minutes. Peter, baby walked to you and rested his head on shoulder as he sat next to you. Giggles filled the room as Tom cracked his bad jokes. Oh dear the three of them were walking trouble, triple trouble.
Now that you knew about their little secret, they took turns in spending time with you. Everyday Tom would drop you to your office and Arvin would pick you up. Peter would spend the weekends with you. Sometimes all the four of you went on a drive together. Peter would hold on to you as he clutched you from behind when you sat on the passenger seat.
1 month passed away like a jiffy taking away all the confusion and panic you had about being in a polyamories relationship and were you whipped for them. Of course you were.
It was a Sunday, exactly 1 month later, here you were sitting on the couch with all three of them. "So what do you think?" Tom asked you as he pulled you closer. "Do like us now?" Peter asked you with his puppy eyes. "I have always liked you but" you smiled as you continued, "I love you, all the three of you." you smiled with how fast Peter started crying after you finished. Arvin came close to you as he caressed your cheek.
Tom pulled you in for a kiss. His tender lips felt so soft on yours. You moaned into the kiss and he could easily slip his tongue in your mouth. Arvin dragged his lips on your neck, marking you as his, their's. Never breaking the kiss Tom dragged the zip of your dress exposing your black lace. "So pretty" Arvin moaned as he took notice of your exposed self.
You broke the kiss as your eyes landed on Peter. Tom and Arvin sensed you pulling away and looked at each other. "Peter is it too much for you? if you don't want-" "No" Peter's sudden confession stopped you midway.
"I want this, I do want you but I have never done it before." Peter confessed embarrassingly. You smiled as you pulled him close to you. "It's okay I will take care of you, don't you worry." As you pulled his pant's zip down exposing the dent that he was trying hide, Tom chuckled. Peter whimpered when you fetched his member out the confines and licked off the leaking precum. Tom slid your bra away and Arvin had his hands exploring your womanhood.
You licked a wide strip, leaving Peter withering above you. He clutched your hair when you suddenly made eye contact with him and pushed you down on his cock. His cock was girthy and long with made arousal drip from your pussy. Arvin was quick to spread your arousal, lubricating you. Tom had one of your nipple in his mouth as he lay below you.
Peter's girthy cock sat at the back of your throat leaving him in all moans. Suddenly Arvin pushed one of his digits in your leaking pussy. The sudden intrusion choked a moan out of you. The vibration of your moan had Peter's head falling back in pleasure. "You like that, kitten? You like my fingers in you?" you swallowed at Arvin's filthy words. "Do you want him to fuck you with his fingers, fuck you till you are shaking?" Tom said while rubbing your nipples together at the same time. Arvin rubbed your clit with his thumb as you bobbed you head up and down on Peter's cock.
"Such a good pussy, Tom" Arvin panted. "Vin' e-every time you talk like that, she s-swallows and it feels so fucking good." Peter said in between his moans. "Yeah? you like it when we talk dirty?" a sudden slap sent vibration throughout your pussy and you swallowed your moan. That was it for Peter, he came in your mouth and you could feel hot cum filling your throat.
You popped off of Peter's cock as Arvin pulled you backwards and kissed you. It was messy and rough and you loved it. "Do you want Tom to fuck you?" Arvin asked. On his cue Tom pulled out his cock and slid a condom on it and lined up at your entrance. "P-Please" you managed to say while Arvin continued to rub your clit. "Please what kitten?" he pushed you towards your edge. "Please fuck me" you moaned. "Fuck her Tom and don't cum till I say" Arvin commanded.
Peter took one your nipples in his mouth as he Arvin pushed through your velvety folds slowly allowing you to adjust. Arvin wasn't as girthy as Peter but he was longer than him. Tom bottomed out with a grunt, "so tight and wet. N-Not gonna last".
"P-Please m-move" you mumbled and it was enough for Tom to fetch out his cock completely and slam it in again. Soon he set a pace which had you writhing under him.
With Tom fucking you at a past that has you drifting to heaven and Arvin rubbing you clit vigorously with Peter sucking your nipples together was enough to send you over the edge. "Can I cum, Pplease?" you panted. "Not yet kitten" with that soon Arvin replaced his thumb with his tongue. "Come on kitten cream all over his cock. need you taste you." he said and it was enough for you to let go.
You had never cum this hard in your life. You could feel Tom's softening cock slip out of your pussy and Arvin was kind enough to clean all the mess with his tongue. The overstimulation was too much for you so you came second time that night.
All the three of you were staring at the ceiling, panting when you spoke, "Oh I am definitely into trouble".
"Triple Trouble" all of them spoke together.
A/N- Hey guys, so this is just another fic in my draft. Tumblr is making me write all my fantasies and do I like it? I freaking love it.
I am thinking about posting a Sebastian Stan fic so if you have any requests please send them to me. I have been waiting to write a fic on him.
Oh ok on heavy request, HEAVY request there will be a part 2 of this fic..damn guys I received so many asks for this one 😂
for part 2 I didn't really plan anything it was just going to be a simple fic but look how that turned out to be?
if you have any specific plot for part 2 send me in your request i will definitely go through it..
Love yourself..you are worth it ❣❣
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tommydarlings · 3 years
good girl gone bad | a.r
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A/N: Thank you and no, it's not weird at all!And yeah ik, usually are my Requests blurbs but I wrote so much (cause I loved the Request) that I made it an oneshot! I hope you like this one! anyway, enjoy! :) ily, liz <3
Request: Hi lovie! I’m new to your page but I LOVE your fics! Could you do one where the reader is the innocent neighborhood good girl (like doesn’t curse and could do no wrong kind of deal) and the one time she does something wrong, Arvin Russell sets her straight (i.e. old fashioned, over his knee spanking on her little bum until she’s sore and red and TONS of aftercare) Maybe soft smut at the end? (and that’s a BIG maybe cause this is cute and smutty as it is, up to you ☺️) And I’m so sorry this is so long (and I’m sorry if this is too weird) 
pairing: Arvin Russel x reader
warnings: spanking, swearing
w/c: 0.9k
Requests: CLOSED
Summary: The innocent girl. That's what you are, but are you still so innocent when your boyfriend is Arvin Russel?
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masterlist || taglist || requests ( in my masterlist)
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You were the typical good girl. You were kind, had humor, pretty and always went to church to pray and show the lord that you could never do anything bad. Well, until you met Arvin Russel. The typical bad boy.
He went to church too, but only to sin. This boy was the definition of bad. But also the definition of hot. And that's why you kissed him just a few months ago.
You already met lenora, uncle earskeal and Emma. They were the nicest people ever. They were super kind and really cared about you.
Well Arvin was the opposite.
He was aggressive, rough and had zero patient. When Arvin wanted something, than he got it. Arvin was not really a bad person, he was just extremely protective over the people he loved. He was protective over his grandma, his uncle, his lil sister, but he was especially extremely protective over you, because you where his. And only his and everyone had to know that.
Arvin still went to church and prayed like everyone else in knockemstiff, but most of the time he sinned. He sinned that he had beaten up the bullies of lenora and that he secretly wanted to do really unfaithful things to you. He had the dirtiest thoughts a person could possibly have over you in his mind. Every. Single. Day.
He would never hurt you or would do anything with you and your body without your permission but sometimes, when he saw you walking around in that liitle skirt or the short dress that you love so much, he would imagine how he would throw you over his lap and spank you ass until he was red and you had tears in your eyes.
Like I said, unfaithful thought that no one should ever discover.
But you were the innocent little girl, the girl that everyone loves and no one could ever hate.
But today was too much for Arvin.
He always picked you up from school in his old car that he got from his father. But as you walked out of school in the shortest little skirt that Arvin ever saw, he almost explode.
"Hey baby" you said as you stepped into his car.
"Hello" he said with the coldest tone you ever heard.
"what's up bubu?" you asked as you noticed his tone and emotionless face expression.
"don't come me now with 'bubu' y/n, why are you wearing something like that?!" he said as he pointed at your new skirt.
He started the car and drove to his house.
"I'm sorry but I don't see your problem arvin"
"You don't fucking see my problem y/n?! Are you serious?!" he said as you both made your way into the house.
Luckily were lenora and grandma and uncle earskell gone today.
"it's just a skirt Arvin, I wear skirts every single day at school" you answered with slight fear in your voice.
"IT SHOWS OFF YOUR ENTIRE ASS Y/N" now he started to yell. And usually Arvin never yells at you.
"B-but I still d-don't understand why that matters t-to you Arvin" you whispered quietly.
"I'M NOT YOURS YOU ASSHOLE" you yelled back at him.
That was a mistake.
"Did you just yelled at me and called me an 'asshole' " he slowly said as he backed you up against the wall in kitchen and put both of his arms next to your head.
"I-I'm sorry arvie" you quietly whisperd.
"I don't care if you are sorry y/n" he slowly leaned his head forward so that his mouth was directly above your ear,
"lift your little skirt and bend over my lap princess. Now" he whisperd quietly but with a deep voice.
You just looked at him for a few seconds before you lifted your skirt and he slowly made his way to one of the chairs in the kitchen.
You bend yourself over his lap and he gently started to rub both of his hands over your ass chekks.
"Are you gonna be a good girl for me? Are you gonna be good, for the lord?" he whisperd before he gave you a hard slap on your right ass cheek. You just started to whine and didn't gave him an answer.
"Give me a fucking answer"
"Yes, yes i'll be good"
"Yes what?"
"Yes D-daddy"
"Fuck, exactly what I imagined kitten" he said as he gave you another harsh slap on your cheek. After 5 other hard slap on your poor ass who was already completely red, tears started to stream down your face.
"Awww princess, you already cry? Poor little kitten, is getting spanked from her daddy and can't even take it" he said slowly while he rubbed the place on your cheek where he just slapped you hard.
"No, i-I can t-take it"
"I know princess, I know" he said before he gave you the hardest slap ever.
"Ahhh s-shit" you whispered quietly.
By the time he was finished with you, you were crying, your lip was trembling and your ass was on fire. Or at least it felt like it.
"Are you okay?" he asked while you sat on his lap with his clothes on.
"I love you doll"
"I l-love you too Arvin"
After a little make out session you both went to bed and fell asleep in each other's arms. You love Arvin. And his hands.
-`ღ´- ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ -`ღ´-
@goodgirlgonetom @majo240820 @misshale21 @itstaskeen @pure-ghost @justafangirlduh @elizabeth-brown @roseke @onyourgoddamnleft @lovelyxtom
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spectral-rat · 2 years
So I was listening to Introduction to the Snow by Miracle Musical and then Spotify played Drown Me! By Junie & TheHutFriends and it gave me an idea.
Someone who is trapped at the very end this universe, at the end of time and space for this universe, and of course they end up more than a little crazy due to the isolation, but they have a communicator! It’s hasn’t worked yet but they kept trying and finally they get a message through, to a random civilian in modern age via text. But they don’t care, they will take any form of communication they can get. So for months they talk with this person via text about what happened and what it’s like, and of course the person thinks it’s some elaborate prank at first but over the month they start thinking it’s maybe some poor person with mental issues trying to cope so they keep talking to them out of sympathy. Over time the person trapped gains a sick sense of love for the civilian and become obsessed with their only beloved. Eventually, with their beloveds encouragement, no matter how pitiful it is, they find a way out and to their beloved! However, it backfires and ends up bringing the civilian to them instead of bringing them to the civilian, but they don’t care, because now they get to have their love all to themselves! The civilian however is terrified, rightfully so, of this crazy world and crazy person who seems infatuated with them. What do you think? I’m thinking it could be an interesting Yandere!OC X reader plot. I’m thinking of name if the OC Tobias Arvie and I made a picrew of what I think they would look like
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babybluebex · 4 years
everyone loves an outlaw [arvin russell x reader smut]
➽ pairing: mob!arvin russell x fem!reader(y/n) ➽ word count: 2.2k ➽ summary: arvin works for your dad and you have to keep your relationship a secret. ➽ warnings: NSFW/MDNI. smut, explicit language, age gap (reader is legal tho!), fingering (f!receiving), praise kink, breeding kink ➽ a/n: mob!arvin goes brrrr hehe​
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In small towns, there weren’t many ways out. A job was the usual way-- graduate high school and get a job out of town and leave Coal Creek in your dust. Sometimes, though, the job search was fruitless and many people, young and old, were left to rot in West Virginia. That seemed to be the case for Arvin Russell. We went to high school together, him being a senior when I was a freshman, and I remember my father going on about him. “Gonna get him when he graduates,” Daddy said. “Not lettin’ somethin’ like him get outta here.” 
Legally speaking, my dad’s business was in bail bonds. We had family in Chicago that we worked for, and the line of work that my father did was less on the end of selling the bonds and more towards extracting the payments. Coal Creek had a few names for what my family did-- “mob”, “mafia” (which were technically two different things, but the people in Coal Creek had no hope of ever distinguishing the two)-- but we preferred to call it family. 
And, God almighty, Arvin Russell was in need of family. When he graduated, he had a bright future ahead of him, but that flame was put out when his little sister died. Lenora was a year ahead of me, quiet and reserved and very bookish, and it took the entire town by surprise when we heard that she had died. Rumors flew around as to why; she was sick and didn’t want to burden her family with her illness was a popular one. When Lenora died, Arvin lost his way. Wayward young men looking for protection and acceptance was my dad’s type when it came to employment. 
He had me do it. I usually was the one to go out and hire young men. Papa realized fairly quickly that men would do basically anything I asked of them, including signing themselves into our little family, so, one day in my senior year of high school, I went to the garage where Arvin Russell worked. He split his time between road construction and the garage and, when I met him properly, he had grease all over his hands. “Hi, Arv,” I said sweetly. 
His pink mouth had quirked into a smile. “Hey, doll,” he said. “You’re Y/N? From high school, ain’t ya? Ya daddy’s got that bail bond thing goin’?” 
“That’s me,” I said. “I, uh…” I had a script that I had to stick to. “I… I was just wonderin’ if ya wanted to get dinner sometime. Maybe go to a drive-in? That car you’ve got is pretty neat.” 
“You like my car?” Arvin asked, and I giggled out a yes. “Ya sure it’s the car ya like, doll?” 
“Not as much as the driver,” I said, biting my lip. ‘C’mon, Arv, this is takin’ a lot of courage to ask ya.” 
Arvin sat up from the rolling creeper he was at and wiped his hands on the thighs of his pants. “You really wanna go out with me?” he asked. His voice was dripping with absolute sarcasm, but his honey-colored eyes held something more hopeful. I knew, right then, that we got him. 
“Well, yeah,” I mumbled sheepishly, picking at a loose thread on my blouse. “I’ve kinda had my eye on you since… Forever, I guess. I-I just think you’re outta sight, Arvin.” 
Arvin’s eyes glanced over me, still wearing my clothes from school, and he gave me a smile, much more sincere than ever before. “Sure thing, doll,” he said softly. “What d’ya say to Friday night?” 
Friday night came, and it was quickly obvious that the movie would be forgotten. Instead of that, Arvin and I ended up in the backseat of his car, his hand up my shirt, making marks on my neck that my dad would be mad at. I never planned on fucking Arvin and, while I had no qualms about doing so, I stopped when his long fingers began to dance at my panties. “Arvie,” I panted, grabbing his wrist. “I ain’t ever done nothin’ like this before. I-I just--”
Arvin kissed me softly, his hand holding my cheek tenderly. “No sweat, doll,” he told me. “We’ll go as fast or slow as you want. I’m here for you.” 
I was supposed to break it off with him after that, but I just couldn’t. There was a bit of truth to what I said when I asked him out initially, that I had my eye on him for a while. I had always thought that Arvin was pretty cute, and I enjoyed the time I had with him. We had to sneak around, though, because my dad would have cast both of us out if he knew. While I was supposed to fluff up their egos and convince them to join the business, I wasn’t supposed to fool around with the guys my dad hired. Arvin was different, though, in a way that I couldn’t put my finger on. He was kinder, a gentler soul than most, hidden behind a gruff exterior. 
School was grueling, but the sight of the old Chevy waiting in the parking lot for me brought me comfort. Arvin stood near the door of the school, smoking a cigarette as he waited for me, and a smile passed his face when he saw me. 
“Arvin, you know damn well that you aren’t supposed to be here right now,” I hissed quickly. “My daddy’ll kill you.” 
“I reckon he’d have to catch me first,” Arvin chuckled. His smile promised illicit moments in the coming minutes, and he added, “It looks like it’s gonna rain and I was thinkin’ of offering you a ride. Wouldn’t want ya to walk and get all wet and melt.” 
“Why would I melt?” I asked. “I ain’t no witch.” 
“Nah, but you’re all made of sugar,” Arvin told me. “C’mon, babydoll. I know you want to. I might even buy you a milkshake if you’re good to me.” 
“Good to you?” I laughed. “Right, ‘cause that’s my goal in life, Arv, is to please you. Fuck off.” 
“Dolly’s got an attitude today,” Arvin drawled around his cigarette. His dark eyes were full of energy and promised nothing but fun, and the fact that he hadn’t given up his advances yet let me know that he saw right through my fake resistant measures. After all, he knew that I would give in no matter what, just as I always did. “Jesus, woman, you’re makin’ me work for it today, huh? This is fun for you, yeah?” 
“Oh, so much fun,” I assured him. “I love makin’ ya dance, Arvie.” 
“Shit, do I gotta get down on one knee?” Arvin laughed. “I was hoping that you’d be all graduated first but--” 
I tugged Arvin close by his worn leather belt and I silenced him with a kiss to his cheek. My pink lipstick left a mark on his skin, and I said, “We can talk ‘bout that later. Thanks for the ride, loverboy.” 
“Never a problem with you, doll,” Arvin told me. 
As usual, we ended up parked at the river, with Arvin’s hand up my skirt. My hips bucked up into his hand as his skilled fingers found home inside me, and a soft whimper fell from my lips. “Vinny,” I whispered quickly; that name was reserved for moments like this. “O-Oh, fuck!” 
“Such a good girl,” Arvin whispered in my ear, gently nipping at my earlobe. “S’fucking tight, doll. You really ain’t been lettin’ other guys fuck ya, huh?” 
“I only want you, Vinny,” I said. “Nobody makes me feel the way you do.” 
“Good girl,” Arvin told me, and my body went warm with the praise. Arvin had always been so good to me and I truly didn’t want anybody else. But I had always imagined getting out of Coal Creek, leaving my family behind and having a good and honest life. I wanted to get married; maybe to Arvin, but maybe to someone with no ties to my family. I was lovestruck, I’ll admit that much. I was so pathetically in love with Arvin that I had doodled his name during class, even going as far to put his last name with mine. Mrs. Y/N Russell was enticing. If Arvin were ever to propose, I would be compelled to say yes. 
“Vinny,” I said, and I grabbed his strong arms. “I-I’m gettin’ close, baby.” 
“You hold that shit in,” Arvin growled into my neck. “Want ya to come on my cock, babydoll.” His fingers fell from me quickly, and he made light work of undoing his belt and jeans. My thighs were quivering around his hips, and I sunk down onto his hard cock with a satisfied keenness in the back of my throat. Arvin’s moan in my ear was heavenly, and he mumbled, “Pussy’s so good, doll. Fuck.” 
“Fuck!” I squealed as he snapped his hips up into me. “Vinny, I-I--” 
Arvin’s mouth met mine in a greedy kiss, and I whimpered my way through a blissful orgasm. Arvin swallowed every single noise I made, his hands raking my blouse up to feel the skin of my back, and I felt myself shaking so hard in his grasp. “Good girl,” Arvin shushed me, kissing all over my face. “So good for me, babydoll. Gonna help me now?” 
Even though my legs felt like liquid and my hips ached, I rolled my hips down onto him. Arvin quickly got rid of my shirt fully and tugged my bra up my chest to expose my tits, my nipples hard at the feeling of him. His mouth latched into my tit quickly, and I pushed his curls off of his forehead as I watched him suck on my tit. Arvin looked up at me through his dark eyelashes and gave my nipple a quick bite with his front teeth, and I yipped. “Vinny!” I cried. 
“Aw, dolly,” Arvin cooed. “I only do it ‘cause I like the pretty little noises you make.” 
I chuckled breathlessly, and, with his lips back on my nipple, Arvin winked at me. “Arv,” I sighed. “Your cock is literally inside me right now. You can knock it off with the flirting.” 
“Can’t help it,” Arvin said, biting his bottom lip as he cupped his hands around my breasts. “Just an instinct.” 
“It’s a good thing I like it,” I whispered, and I leaned down to kiss him. His breath was hot against my mouth, and I clutched his hair as he continued to fuck into me, and I finally pleaded, “Vinny, please come. Want you to come inside me, Arvin, please.” 
Arvin took a fistful of my hair and tugged my head back to expose my neck, and he kissed all over the soft column of my throat as his thrusts became quick and sloppy. “Fuck,” he whispered and sucked a mark onto my neck, but I was too far gone to chastise him for it. Arvin huffed out a heavy breath then, and I felt him spilling himself inside of me, painting my walls with his hot cum. I gasped aloud at the feeling of it, and Arvin set a kiss to my lips to silence me. “Ya like that?” he whispered. “Like being fucked like this? My good girl, my best girl.” 
“Christ, Vin,” I whispered with a giggle. “I love you, you fuckin’ square.” 
“Hey, I’m not a square,” Arvin laughed. His arms were circled around me, holding me tightly, and his cock was still inside me as he laid his head on my chest and tried to catch his breath. “But I love you too, babydoll.” There was a quiet that blanketed the car then, the only sounds being our rasping breaths and the faint radio that we had left on before climbing into the backseat. Arvin was right; it had begun to rain. 
“Think it’ll take?” I asked softly. 
“What?” Arvin asked. His brown eyes were still blown out as he looked at me, and a smile split his face. “Oh, dolly. Is that why you wanted me to come inside ya?” 
I shrugged sheepishly, and I hid myself in his neck. Arvin laughed and readjusted us so that he was laying on his back, making sure to stay inside of me all the while. 
“You wanna have my babies?” Arvin chuckled. “Your daddy’ll kill us.” 
“I jus’ wanna be yours, Arvie,” I told him. “Want everyone to know I’m yours.” 
Arvin pulled my face from his neck and captured my chin between his thumb and forefinger. “No more hidin’?” he asked hopefully. 
I shook my head, and Arvin smiled. “No more hiding,” I agreed. 
Arvin gave a content sigh, and he kissed my mouth once more. “My pretty girl,” he whispered. “My pretty wife, maybe?” I nodded, and he laughed. “Shit, that sounds pretty nice. Having a pretty little wife to come home to, gettin’ all big with my baby… Jesus, I love the thought of that. But you ain’t even graduated yet, doll. Are ya sure…?”
“There’re girls who dropped out ‘cause they got married,” I told him. “I think the fact that I’m engaged and pregnant, and still manage to graduate won’t be a problem.” 
Arvin kissed my forehead, and he whispered, “Just a few more minutes, baby. Wanna make sure, ya know. Then, I’ll get you that milkshake I promised.” 
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