#artms fanfic
mechaknight-98 · 7 months
Rough Housing Part I
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Author's note: A Little break from The Gathering as I have no idea what to do next, and this has been floating in my drafts for a while so I figure I actually finish it.
When Xavier got a call from his college buddy about a rugby tournament in South Korea he was certifiably skeptical, but hey Will (the college buddy in question) said it was legit so Xavier prepped himself. He had six weeks to get back in athletic shape ( a task not impossible but difficult). So Xavier began training once more, and because the team was being made on the fly it would just have to do.
The six weeks pass without a hitch and Xavier is ready (as much as he can be) for the tournament. His flight and all of his legal documents are prepped and ready to go as he flies out to South Korea. On the flight, he is seated next to an extremely attractive brunette to his left. As he looked at her she looked at him. They looked at each other and the brunette began to nervously smile at Xavier. Xavier’s eyes softened and he smiled back before saying “You’re exceptionally pretty.” The young lady begins to smile confidently at Xavier.
“Thank you.” She says giddy
“You’re welcome, now before I say anything else stupid can I ask your name?”
“Ah my name is Jinsoul, and you?” The young lady answered
“Oh, Xavier. Nice to meet you.” Xavier nodded
“You too.” After that, the duo was silent towards each other for the first hour of the flight but during the second Xavier pulled out his Switch and began playing an indie game called Gigabash. Jinsoul’s eyes widened. “You like Gundam too?” Jinsoul asked. Xavier nods to her a bit confused until she points to his bag with all the Gundam pins on it. Xavier smiles as does Jinsoul. Jinsoul leans in and watches him play two hours pass before both end up falling asleep in each other’s embrace. They wake up at different intervals of the flight never really lining up together except during the meal when they both order the same dish. During this small moment, they asked each other about what they were doing in Korea
“Oh I'm going to a rugby tournament,” Xavier says
"My friend invited me so I am helping him out as a favor. Plus I had like a month of PTO and nothing to burn it on." Xavier explains
"Oh interesting," Jinsoul says
Xavier smiles and puts on his best charming and unassuming tone, "But enough about me. What is a pretty lady like you flying out from the States?"
“Oh nice I'm from here but I just won a martial arts tournament.” Jinsoul smiled as she twirled her hair while answering Xavier
“Oh, where I follow the scene quite a bit,” Xavier asks trying to see if he recognized her.
Jinsoul blushed not expecting Xavier to care about her. This made him a bit more interesting to her, “Oh the USAMA one that just happened,” Jinsoul said and it finally clicked for Xavier, he was talking to the martial arts star and K-pop artist named Jinsoul also nicknamed JinFury (due to her ferocious kicks and martial arts prowess) she was part of the K-pop group ARTMS. Xavier's eyes widen. Jinsoul laughs.
"Hey what's with the look?" she says slyly.
"You're Jinfury of ARTMS," Xavier says confident
"I am surprised you recognize me," Jinsoul says slyly
"You're a megastar," Xavier responds casually and calmly.
Jinsoul laughs, "Oh so you know me?"
Xavier shrugs and says, "Well the name gave it away."
"Oh, so I shouldn't have told you then?" Jinsoul asks in a cooing tone. Xavier shifts position off of his switch now giving his full attention to Jinsoul. Jinsoul smiles having Xavier's full attention.
Xavier smiles and furrows his brow, " Really?" He asked "I mean it's up to you but hey I'm just glad to meet one of my favorite stars." He added
"Really. you seem so calm. you seem the swooning type." Jinsoul teased
Xavier raised an eyebrow. he wondered if this was Jinsoul flirting with him (She was) but due to obliviousness he just replied, "Eh, I don't swoon it's not my thing. I'm more the type to be chill about everything."
"Really?" Jinsoul asks smiling before putting her hand on Xavier's chest. She can feel his heart race. "it feels like you're swooning." Jinsoul teases.
Xavier smiles, "Well yeah why wouldn't I when such a pretty girl puts her hand on my chest." Xavier teased back
Jinsoul rolls her eyes to Xavier's sweet talk, "Oh I bet you say that to all the girls."
Xavier shook his head to Jinsoul's surprise before saying, "You are the first. So at this time, it's only you."
Jinsoul's eyes widen in surprise "Oh! That is not what I expected." she said. Xavier shrugs. Jinsoul's ears begin to turn red. as she stares at Xavier. Xavier smiles back sweetly.
The two flirted for the rest of the flight eventually ending with sharing contact information two hours later. When the duo landed Jinsoul was greeted by her groupmates who were behind her watching the whole thing go down. As they leave Xavier says to Jinsoul, "See ya later Jinfury." Jinsoul blushes as she smiles and waves off Xavier.
Jinsoul is shuffled away by staff and members as she gets off the plane to the van back to her building. while on the ride one of her groupmates Named Choerry asks Jinsoul
"Hey, Unnie who was the guy you talked to on the plane?"
"What?" Jinsoul asked confused hoping She wasn't caught.
"The tall burly guy you talked to during the second half of the flight? You seemed super interested in him." Choerry said exaggerated which got the attention of Heejin, Haseul, and Kim Lip
"Ehh?" they said in unison
"Oh, he was just a seatmate. He was playing an interesting game that I liked." Jinsoul said
"OKAY!!" Choerry said exaggeratedly and sarcastically.
When Xavier arrives to pick up William his rugby friend and teammate notices his positive attitude and says,
"You are way too chipper for someone who just got out of a several-hour flight."
Xavier shrugs and says, "Glad to be on the ground I guess." Will scoffs and says, "Well Mister I hope your fitness is up because this tournament is going to be tough."
Xavier nodded then replied, "Arent they supposed to be."
"Ha. You think this is going to be like College, we are in a men's invitational. there are going to be scouts at every Game this is my chance to finally step up in the world." Will exclaimed excitedly to his friend.
"So why do you want me here? I could easily mess this all up for you?" Xavier questioned sternly
Will laugh at Xavier's proposition, "Ha! The most considerate and competitive person I know ruining my dream of competing in the big leagues for me?"
"Fair point."
The duo pulled into the air BNB where the rest of the team was. Will opens the door and in very broken Korean says to the rest of the group,
"Hello everyone this is Xavier our flanker for now." the rest of the team all rush to see Xavier and are surprised to see he is American. However, thankfully he looks the part. Xavier waves politely and greets the rest of the team. the silence is palpable but the group eases around him eventually as he speaks with them.
"So what's the plan for the first game?" Xavier asks the team.
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trumanshcw · 3 months
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despite knowing each other since high school, you weren't sure if you could consider you and jinsoul "friends" in the literal sense of the word. people around you never really knew how to label your relationship, as you both could go from having a heated argument to immediately doing anything to make the other happy, even if neither of you wanted to admit it. after a video of you drunkenly proclaiming that you both have been dating for 5 years goes viral, you and jinsoul now have to find a way to make it work.
PAIRING: model!jinsoul x influencer!reader
FEATURING: loona's kim lip, choerry, chuu, and hyeju (+ the rest of loona). lsrfm. a handle of camoes. more TBA (probably).
GENRES: nonidol au. smau. humor. not-really-enemies-sorta-kinda-friends-it's-sorta-complicated to lovers. fake dating.
WARNINGS: swearing. kms + kys jokes. more TBA (probably).
NOTES: reader's fc is courtreezy. she/her used for reader. jinsoul used to date gidle's minnie. ignore hair color inconsistencies..
STATUS: ongoing (24/06/11)
A/N: title is "agora hills" by doja cat, scan used in header is by loonascans !
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PROFILES: 01 / 02
let me go
sugar bomb
turn it up
right now
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miyeonkisser · 3 days
Strumming My Patience and Revving My Nerves
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pairing - kim lip/kim jungeun x rockstar!biker!reader
synopsis - Jungeun, impressed by the guitarist on stage, went to talk to them after the concert, but they turned out to be an asshole. Annoyed by them, she left the show quickly after. A couple hours later while waiting for a friend, she sees someone on a gorgeous motorcycle, which turned out to be the same asshole rockstar, desperate to talk again.
word count - 2004
Jungeun was amazed by the performance on stage, the singer was obviously doing such a wondeful job, but her focus was on someone else. The lead guitarist. They were beautiful, and amazing at the guitar. Every so often she’d glance over at the bassist, the drummer, or even the pianist, but her focus would always lead back to the guitarist. Something about them just drew her in no matter how much she wanted to fully appreciate the entire band. Maybe it was the small smirk on their face the entire time, or maybe it was the pure skill, but one thing was for sure. She needed their number. 
This Lead guitarist she was swooning over just happened to be you! You had joined a band with a couple of friends, you had always enjoyed playing the guitar so you didn’t think anything too awful could come out of agreeing to play for them. However, you already had quite the ego and the attention you got from girls definitely didn’t help it at all. At your current stage, there was a pretty girl staring at you, you were definitely going to talk to her after this. You’d be an idiot not to!
Sooner than you realized, your performance was done. Your drummer, Karina, spoke to the crowd, she always did the talking “Thank you everyone! We were Aespa! Please come see us again sometime!” The crowd cheered as the five of you headed back stage. “They totallyyyy loved us!!! This is definitely our big break guys!” Ningning spoke first once you all were back there. You smiled at her “I don’t know, you could’ve played the piano a bit better~!” You teased as she gasped offended at your comment starting to argue.
“Guys guys, calm down. You both did well.” A voice came from behind you, it was Giselle! Your lovely bassist. Quickly Giselle and Ningning began to chat, Karina joining them not long after. The perfect time for you to slip away and talk to the girl who was eyeing you the entire show.
While you headed out towards the floor, Winter looked at you, lifting her eyebrow to question what you were doing. You just smiled back at her, both of you knowing what you were doing, she let out a small scoff with a laugh as she rolled her eyes. Since she didn’t tell you to know it off you quickly slipped out to search for the pretty red head you saw.
It didn’t take you long to find her, she was standing in front of the poster you had put up last week of your bands information, where to find you guys and your next couple of shows. You had a stupid grin on your face already. You were right behind her as you spoke up “Hey.” She jumped when you spoke, turning around to see you and smiling back. “Hey, you’re the guitarist for this band right?” She asked, but she already knew you were.
“The one and only, I’m Y/n!” You put your hand out for her to shake and she quickly shook it, “Ha, I’m Jungeun. You were amazing up there, I really couldn’t take my eyes off you.”  The smirk on your face only grew as you responded “I get that a lot,” your cocky tone made her brow arch but you spoke again before she could “I know, I saw you staring the entire time, thought I’d say hi.”   
The I get that a lot instead of saying thank you for the compliment through Jungeun off for sure but hey, it isn’t a crime to be confident, whatever. She brushed it off for now, you were pretty enough to ignore being a bit egotistical and arrogant. However the more the two of you spoke, the more Jungeun couldn’t stand your attitude. The final moment was when you leaned back against the poster, a smug grin on your face as you continued to bask in your own glory.
“So, you’re telling me you just knew you’d catch my eye?” Jungeun asked, her tone laced with disbelief. “You really think that highly of yourself?” You laughed, leaning in a bit closer. “Confidence is important for stars, right? And hey, it worked, didn’t it?” Calling yourself a star sure was bold.
Jungeun’s eyes narrowed slightly as she considered your words. She had tried to overlook your arrogance, but now it was getting harder to ignore. Her face tightened, and she took a step back, crossing her arms. “Confidence is one thing, but being full of yourself is another. You know, it’s kind of a turn-off when you think you’re the best ever.”
You raised an eyebrow, momentarily taken aback. “Hey, I was just having a bit of fun. It’s all in good humor.” You let out a small laugh with a tilt of your head, defensiveness flaring up obviously. Jungeun shook her head, clearly unimpressed now. “Well, it’s not funny to me. I came over here because I thought you were interesting and an amazing player, but I guess you’re just another asshole.”
Before you could react, Jungeun turned on her heel and started walking away. You watched, stunned, as she made her way back through the crowd. The vibrant red of her hair was the last thing you saw before she disappeared around a corner. You stood there, still frozen in place, a mix of shock and confusion washing over you. You had been so sure that your charm and confidence would win her over. It was a rare thing for anyone to walk away from you, let alone someone you’d actually been interested in.
You shook your head, trying to regain your composure. Maybe you had miscalculated this time. Or maybe, just maybe, you needed to rethink your approach? 
As you made your way back to the backstage area, you couldn’t help but replay the encounter in your head. Her words made you actually think about yourself, Winter noticed your expression and the slight offness in your behavior. She walked up next to you, her words finally making you stop spacing out “You good?”
You shook your head slightly and nodded “Uh, yeah fine don’t worry about it…” She obviously didn’t believe you but simply gave a small nod back, not wanting to push you any further. As you helped get stuff into the van, you couldn’t stop thinking about Jungeun. You needed to talk to her again, somehow.
It was about two hours later at this point, Jungeun was now waiting outside her friend and roommate Jinsol’s work, she got off work soon and she drove the both of them home. Usually she’d be waiting inside the store, but she was stepping outside to smoke really quick, she was glad she did too. Jungeun soon saw an absolutely gorgeous motorcycle stopped at the red light in front of the store. She was shocked it even stopped for the red light, everyone blew through this light especially motorcycles, but she wasn’t complaining about being able to look at it.
It was stunning, a nice orange and red-orange mix for the paint, a good fast model, the rider had a matching biking suit. As the light turned green she let out a small sigh knowing it’d drive off now. Then it did something Jungeun did not expect at all, it turned around and parked in front of the store, huh? Her face had clear confusion on it as the rider got off the bike and parked it properly. 
“Hey, uh do you need something-?” Jungeun cut herself off as she saw them take off their helmet, Y/n. The stupid arrogant rockstar from earlier, fuck her. “Hey!” Your voice sounded cheery, obviously excited and slightly shocked. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again!” 
She scoffed slightly looking away thinking I wish we didn’t ever see eachother again, “Yeah, me either.” You caught her upsetness immediately, you need to fix this around quick. “Hey so… uhm I’m sorry for acting the way I did earlier… I uh- Well usually it works for girls…” It was awkward, you clearly didn’t know to exactly apologize, but you really wanted to talk to her more.
Jungeun raised an eyebrow, her expression still guarded. "Usually? That’s your excuse?" She flicked the cigarette to the ground and stomped it out, folding her arms as she leaned against the storefront. You rubbed the back of your neck, feeling your bravado deflate a little more. "Look, I know I came off like an idiot. I just-" You paused, searching for the right words, and for the first time that night, you were at a loss. Jungeun watched you with narrowed eyes, not making this any easier.
"I don’t usually apologize like this," you admitted with a small shrug. "But I don’t want you to think I’m some jerk who only cares about myself. I... actually thought you were really cool. I just... have a tendency to overdo the confidence thing." Jungeun stared at you for a moment longer, as if trying to figure out whether or not to take you seriously. "You really are bad at this, aren’t you?" she finally said, her lips twitching in what could have been a smirk.
You laughed softly, relieved at the shift in her tone. "Yeah, maybe a little. But I’m trying." She let out a small sigh, pushing herself off the wall. "You’re lucky you’re pretty, or I wouldn’t even be standing here right now." You smiled, the tension easing a bit between the two of you. "I’ll take that as a win." Jungeun shook her head, rolling her eyes but without the harshness from earlier. "Okay, fine. Apology accepted. But you better work on that attitude of yours. Arrogance can only get you so far." You nodded earnestly. "I promise. I'll tone it down."
A beat of silence passed before Jungeun broke it, her curiosity finally getting the better of her. "So... what’s with the bike? You didn’t strike me as a motorcycle kind of person earlier." You grinned, glancing back at your bike. "Oh, yeah! I’ve always had a bit of an interest in motorcycles and stuff, I could give you a ride one day?” You were clearly flirting a bit.
Jungeun smirked, her arms still crossed but her stance more relaxed. "Maybe one day. But don’t push your luck." You chuckled, feeling the vibe between you both improve. “Noted.” Just as the conversation seemed to be turning a corner, the door to the shop swung open, and Jinsol walked out, glancing between you and Jungeun with an amused look. "Am I interrupting something?"
Jungeun turned to Jinsol, her expression softening. "No, just... catching up with someone." She glanced back at you, still not fully sure what to make of you, but at least not storming off this time. Jinsol arched an eyebrow, her eyes flicking from the bike to you. "Right... and who might this someone be?"
You extended a hand toward Jinsol, offering a friendly smile. "Y/n. I’m in a band. You might’ve seen me earlier?" Your words ended with a hint of awkwardness. Jinsol shook your hand, smirking knowingly at Jungeun. "Oh, the guitarist, huh? Now this makes sense." Jungeun shot her a look, clearly not wanting Jinsol to stir the pot any more than necessary. "Don’t get any ideas." Jinsol raised her hands in mock surrender. "Hey, just saying."
You giggled slightly before checking your phone and seeing the time, “I have to get going now… could I see you again sometime?” You said with a small smile. She rolled her eyes a bit before writing something down and handing it to you “Sure.” You checked the slip, her number, you had a massive smile now as you waved goodbye to her.
Once on your bike driving away Jinsol looked over at Jungeun “So… finally trying to get some huh? I didn’t think you’d still go after her after your angry messages.” She received a quick glare. “Shut up.”
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prael · 1 month
Kinktember Masterlist
31 days. 31 fics. 31 kinks. Over 31 idols.
Mostly male reader with some fem reader and some third person idol x idol.
In this list I will include what I believe to be the 'main' kink, though each fic may contain several.
Masterlist Kofi(donations/commissions)
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Kick-off Bonus fic - Pet Play - IVE Jang Wonyoung (ft. Aespa Karina)
Birthday Breeding - IVE An Yujin
Maid Play - Aespa Karina
Foursome/Blowjob - Le Sserafim Chaewon, Sakura & Yunjin
Dollification - Illit Minju
Fingering - NMIXX Sullyoon
School Uniform - ITZY Yuna
Public sex - Le Sserafim Sakura
Hate Sex - (G)I-DLE Shuhua
Spa/Massage - Newjeans Danielle
Mirror sex - Twice Mina
Cuckquean - IVE Liz & Wonyoung
Electrophilia - Aespa Winter
Car sex - (G)I-DLE Miyeon
Spanking - Le Sserafim Chaewon
Stand&Carry - Kepler Youngeun
Pool sex - Twice Tzuyu
Rope Bunny - ARTMS/LOONA Heejin
Fluffy Romance - IU
Mutual Masturbation - Newjeans Hanni × Minji
Sex Tape - Ex-Izone Jo Yuri & Stayc Isa
????- ????
???? - ????
????- ????
???? - ????
???? - ????
???? - ????
???? - ????
???? - ????
???? - ????
???? - ????
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sinswithpleasure · 1 year
Corrupt Practices
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For @chunksworld and @gangplanksorenji
Been a while since I've written a facefuck and I don't think this is up to par. Releasing it anyway because if I don't put something out I never will.
The last thing you'd expected when entering your office in the middle of your year-end party was Kim Jungeun.
"Hey, partner."
The soft, deep voice startles you at first, but you'd know that greeting anywhere. You can't resist your smile when you turn around to greet her. She's hidden behind your door as usual, just as always when she sneaks into one of your many bases in operation.
You wonder about stepping up security to your office—no one's supposed to be here right now—but you know all too well about Jungeun's skill in evading detection. It's not going to matter any more, anyway. 
"I've missed you." 
When your arms wrap against Jungeun's lithe frame, you take in a deep breath of her scent, the fresh floral perfume that she always wears. You recall it as one of her own creations—learnt in her spare time as an undercover perfumer back in France, and she's used it ever since. She has on a long red dress this time—it hugs her figure so nicely, definitely tailor made.
"Still the same perfume, Agent?"
"Always, partner."
When she releases you from the hug, you smile at each other meaningfully, until she breaks the moment. 
"I see you still have your love for shit-coloured suits."
"Hey, fuck you, Jungeun. These are nice!" You scoff and roll your eyes in faux ire, just to humor her. It's an attempt to fake some sense of normalcy before you start talking shop, but the authenticity of the moment, ironically, can never be fake. 
"Sure, sure, whatever you say." Jungeun's soft grin matches the one on your face, and she pulls you in by the lapel, just to admire your attire. "You look well put together, that's all that matters."
You trail behind her as she takes a stroll around your office. You're in a mansion deep in the country, far away from the bright lights of the city, and this is the first time Jungeun's set foot into this new location.
"Oh, the record player from Spain's still here. And so are these books." Jungeun grins. "The one I bought you back in LA is still here."
“Yep, they are. I’d never throw away anything you give me.”
Jungeun is careful not to touch anything. She can't leave any trace of her presence. 
The dim light of the moon shining through the oriel windows lands across Jungeun's skin. You stay out of the light, content on watching her explore your office. 
"Ah, you and your scented candles. Different from your last office back in Milan."
"Of course they're different. I didn't even get to grab that one before you came." You chuckle, then pretend to shake your fist in anger. "I liked that one."
"I'll buy it for you next time we meet, okay?" Jungeun steps over to pull you into the light, and she rests herself against your desk. "For now… just kiss me."
You don't stop her when she draws closer, and neither does she stop you. Your lips land softly against hers, and both of you melt into a deep kiss. When you break for air, Jungeun chases your lips again, and both of you share soft pecks against each other's lips, just content to finally have some private time with each other. 
In another life, this could've been normal. In another life, this could've been a daily happening. However, not this life. Never in this life. 
The truth is this: you're number one on Interpol's Most Wanted, and Jungeun's the agent assigned on your case permanently. You're too far deep to leave the underworld, and she's too high up to ever quit pursuing justice. The both of you together shouldn't have worked out, and yet here you are, deeply in love with each other, stealing moments like these in between Interpol sting operations and shady underworld dealings. 
"What's the situation, Jungeun?"
"Interpol's coming. They're here to get everyone in one fell swoop tonight."
None of this surprises you any more. You've expected it—a mole in your operation must've leaked plans out, but you're not surprised. After all, it's not as if you don't have one in Interpol in Jungeun, and here you are, with her clung to you as your lover, in this dim office. It's a problem, but not for right now.
"How much longer before it happens?" You sigh, and give Jungeun a kiss on her forehead as appreciation for the news. Your turncoat agent hugs you tightly, just to enjoy your warmth around her.
"An hour. You have to leave before then."  
"What about you?" You can't help but wonder about Jungeun—you don't get to know about her days often. You wish you could, but…
"Back to chasing you across the globe, I guess, waiting until we meet again." Jungeun gives you a soft peck on your lips. "I'll be fine. I always am."
"In that case, let's not waste this time, mm? We're both here right now."
Jungeun picks up on your meaning almost immediately. There isn't much time, but she'll make it work with you. 
"Don't you need to inform your people?"
"Yeah, let me send this text… and done." You throw your phone aside, and you pull Jungeun against you for another deep kiss. This time, you let lust creep into the kiss, and soon enough, Jungeun has her tongue against yours, and she's pulling your suit jacket off, just as you're fondling her clothed chest. Her hands roam across your back when your jacket falls off, and she moans when you grab her ass and knead it. Jungeun pulls you closer to her, and when you shift to leave kisses down her lips to her neck, she gasps in pleasure and anticipation. You take the time to run your hands along her figure, almost as if to burn the memory of her against your palms. 
"We can't have sex today."
"Why not?" You temporarily halt your actions to give her a peck on her lips while you wait for her answer. 
"I'm ovulating today—I can't get pregnant right now, even though I'm so fucking wet and needing you to fuck a baby into me."
"Oh my God, fuck, Jungeun, you can't just say things like that!" Your cock twitches in your pants, and you can't help but rub your own bulge.
"It's the truth, baby. I wish I could just let you fuck me raw like that, let you impregnate me and father our child, but… fuck…" Jungeun replaces your hand with hers. She begins to work at your belt, and you groan when she undoes your zipper and fondles you over your boxers. Both of you share another torrid kiss, and you feel her hand slide beneath the waistband. When she pulls your hard cock out, you can't help but twitch in her hand as she strokes your length. 
"If only we had more time…" Jungeun kisses you once more, and she reaches behind her back. You hear the telltale sign of a zipper being undone, and you watch as Jungeun pulls the strap of her dress over her head and pulls the cloth down. You feast your eyes upon her bra-clad breasts, and you keep watching as she undoes the clasp and pulls the garment off her, leaving her topless right in front of you. Her breasts are just as pretty as you remembered—brown nipples, taut with arousal, atop her petite, beautiful chest. Jungeun leads your hand to her body, and you softly knead her flesh, which draws a sigh of pleasure from her. The glow of the moonlight across her skin bathes her in an almost otherworldly glow, and you can't help but admire the goddess that is Kim Jungeun as you touch her. 
"You know what I'm going to do when this whole op is over?" Jungeun's question is broken up with soft sighs.
"I'm going to go to my quarters after a nice shower, and I'm going to fuck myseld with my dildo. I'm going to ride it pretending I'm riding your cock." Jungeun grabs your cock once again, and she strokes it as she speaks. "I'm going to moan your name as I ride that cock, and I'm going to think of you breeding me, fucking a baby into me. I'm going to squirt all over it, and I'm not going to stop until I can't squirt anymore."
When Jungeun finishes her sentence, you crash your lips against hers in desperation and lust. You want nothing more than to fuck her, ruin her, and you tell her as such—searing words of lust whispered against her skin. 
"You still can, you know?" Jungeun's soft whisper against your lips gets you to stop kissing her for a moment, and she giggles. "I have other holes you can fuck."
You watch as your love sinks down to her knees. She still strokes your cock, dripping with pre-cum, and you shakily exhale when you feel her hot breath brush over your tip. Jungeun looks up at you, and you stare right into her eyes as her tongue glides over your tip to collect your essence. She licks you along your length right after, leaving soft kisses around the crown. 
"Fuck my mouth just like how you want to fuck my pussy. Use me, make me choke on that cock, make me swallow every last drop of cum you can shoot down my throat. Fuck me until you cum, baby."
Jungeun wastes no time—she wraps her lips around your shaft, and she begins to bob her head along your length, drawing soft curses out of you. Bit by bit, she takes more and more of you, and you can't help but groan when your tip hits the back of her throat. 
"Oh my God, fuck…!"
Jungeun's hands reach behind you to grab your ass. She pulls herself back, and she pushes you towards her as she takes you again. You take her cue this time—your hands grip her head, and you begin to thrust into her mouth, pulling out halfway, then thrusting back in again. Jungeun has no gag reflex—you know that fact very intimately, and you take full advantage of that. With every thrust, thick tendrils of spit coat your cock and drip down below to Jungeun's chest, and you can't help but swear at how good your love's mouth and throat feel. The sounds that Jungeun produces echoes around your office, and when you pull yourself out of her mouth, you nearly cum at the sight of the girl beneath you. Tears run down her face, her makeup ruined, and strings of her drool still cling to your shaft. You grab your cock and rub it all over Jungeun's face, and she actively welcomes it—softly moaning as you mess up her face even more. Her hands are kept busy—even as you were using her throat like you would her cunt, she'd kneaded and squeezed her own breasts for pleasure, and right now, she has her long red dress pulled up haphazardly to give herself access. She keeps one hand on her breasts, and the other reaches between her legs, where you can hear her fingers thrusting deep into her dripping cunt. No panties in sight—you twitch at the thought of her not having worn any.
"Fuck, baby, fuck, I feel so good, oh God, fuck~!"
Somewhere deep in you, a primal aggression rises—Jungeun's fucking herself, fingers deep in her pussy that you're meant to be fucking. Without warning, you shove your cock back into Jungeun's mouth, and you force her to choke on your cock. You don't even make it halfway out of her mouth before you're thrusting back in, your balls slapping against her chin and sending her spit splattering below. 
The sounds of Jungeun's throat taking your pounding drives you closer and closer to release. You look down to admire your love having her face fucked while she masturbates. The girl looks up at you, and she has completely surrendered herself to the fucking—her eyes are glossed over, the haze of pleasure too much for her, and you watch her shudder as she releases choked moans, and then you hear the telltale hiss, see the hard spray of her juices. Jungeun's a messy girl—she doesn't stop fingering herself, and her squirt sprays all over her thighs. Between her knees, a puddle of her juices grows bigger and messier. 
"Oh, fuck, I'm—!"
It is with that sight that you explode in Jungeun's mouth and throat. She manages to take two thick shots before you pull out to cum all over her face and chest. Shot after shot of hot semen rains upon Jungeun and dots her skin with white, and you nearly lose your balance as you shudder in pleasure with your release. 
When your orgasm subsides, both you and Jungeun move with urgency built off habit. You dress and clean the area while she cleans herself up, and both of you work like a well-oiled machine—ten minutes left to spare, and the clock resets, counting down until the next moment you get to see Jungeun again. 
Cleanup never takes too long—Jungeun's out in five, and you're done as well. You turn to pull the lever to your secret exit, but Jungeun stops you. 
"I'm going to miss you." This is the part that you hate, just as she does.
"And so will I."
You share a soft kiss with her, and both of you turn away from each other to run. The secret door closes behind you, and you leave, you can't help but run with a smile across your face. 
Until we meet again.
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nekomancee · 5 months
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★ CAPAS DE 05/24
137 notes · View notes
allthekingssmut · 1 year
She's Rough And Coarse And Gets Everywhere
Jeon Heejin - Male Reader Word Count - 7.5k (2.2K) Tags: Rough Sex, Coarse Language and only trace amounts of sand... hopefully.
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A/N: Welcome to Sandstorm 2: Electric Boogaloo, aka the reboot but not really since the original didn't happen. Which unfortunately means you're stuck with me. All joke's aside, this started as a anniversary present for Flint, which looking at the date... is pretty fucking late lol. Anyway, super big thanks to @nsfwflint for helping my rookie ass out and just being a cool dude all-round.
God, it is hot, a thought you trace as you find yourself nestled in the dark, dingy corner of Chalmun's Cantina. Even over the roar of crashing glasses and seedy elements, it always feels like your home away from home.
It helps that the music is decent.
Still, you can pick out a familiar guttural bark through the swells of liquor and hazy smoke.
"Shouldn't you be at work, kid?"
His fingers flex and tug at his grey handlebar mustache... Can Wookiees even have mustaches? A lie pulls at the edge of your lips, tempting as it might be, but you know better.
"I-Uh, yeah," your teeth chew at the inside of your cheek. "Yeah, I should be."
"Do I need to remind you of the deal?"
You roll your eyes, something you hope he doesn't quite see or understand. "I get to freeload as much as I want as long as I help out Heejin."
"Which you are..."
"Not doing," a resigned sigh whispers past your lips. "I get it, I get it, it's just really hot in the garage."
Not a complete lie.
There's a flicker of an annoyed snarl that plays across his features, a hint of worry lingers in your gut. A deep inhale sets him at ease, a smile tickles across his lips.
"One would think you're not used to the twin suns of Tatooine," you feel his firm grip against your shoulder, raw and brutishly animalistic. "Odd, considering you've lived here your whole life."
A thumb bounces against his lip almost playfully in thought.
"Or perhaps something else is making it hard to focus and unbearably hot?"
He is right, there is no point doing it. Fight as you must, your brain lingers where it shouldn't. Her taut, sweat-soaked abs, the swell of her hips barely hidden by her jumpsuit.
You feel the greeting of cold glass against your skin, a bottle of liquor offered to your hand.
"Maybe this will help with the heat."
Despite your claims, the garage provides a welcome respite from familiar heats. The squelch of sand gives way to rigid metal.
"Is that you, Gogglehead?" Her voice echoes from deeper within, no doubt immersed in your work.
Pop the bottle, take a swig, cool off.
Focus up if you can.
The liquor saunters through every nerve, syrupy and sweet.
Kowakian rum. 
Maybe it will help, if only to make you regret your existence tomorrow.
"Yeah, stopped off at Chalmun's for a drink," your feet dot around a corner, seeking her familiar tortuous figure. "Do you want some?"
You catch the faintest outline of her voice, her feet dangling out of the chassis, a tangled mess of wires and cords, the wiggle of her ass taunts you with an enticing sway.
Her back arches back with the swivel of her gaze. A furrowed crease lingers on her brow.
"I can't seem to get the pod to start."
You press two firm fingers into your temple, as it seems you now have two reasons to drink today.
Your tongue tastes the edge of your teeth with a stinging annoyance. "That's because I removed the thrust coil."
There's a flare of annoyance dotting each step towards you, the dance of a scoff against her lips. "I thought I told you the thrust coil was fine."
Her pointed finger prods at your chest, still, it's hard to ignore the slight hint of cleavage in her tube top.
Wait, were those your goggles?
The briefest touch sparks in your brain with a subtle intoxication, a want for more.
Her voice lingers in the air, the low huskiness is captivating even in spite of her irritated parlance.
A slow release of air is all you can manage.
"Yeah, technically. Except it wasn't fitted properly for the cooling pump."
All this talk of thrusts and pumps isn't helping.
"Which, as you know, would make the engine blow."
A stressed huff is all that escapes her lips, fingers dancing across her temples as her eyes crawl shut.
There's a slightly forced smile that splinters across her lips, "What were you asking about again?"
Her lips soften as her eyes adjust over you, reinforced with a proper smile.
The glass bottle almost seems foreign and forgotten at that moment, "Uh, Kowakian Rum."
Her nostrils flare ever so slightly, her lips roil and dance with the idea before an exasperated sigh joins the fray with knotted eyebrows like tangled cablework.
"I'd love some, but I can't."
"Excuse me, what?" The words sound more surprised and scornful than you anticipated, dancing in the simmering heat. You offer an arched eyebrow as a consolation. "Could you repeat that?"
Her lips flatten, curving into the tiniest frown.
"I said I'd love to, but I can't."
She stresses the word once again, you catch the flash of an almost cringe-induced grimace.
There's an almost troubled weight to her brow. A far cry from the Heejin you knew with a liquor tab nine pages deep.
You take another swig, almost habitual as the bottle rests in your hand.
"Do I even want to know?"
There's the lingering whispers of embarrassment that echo through her body onto her features, a dejected huff.
"Well, the Boonta Eve Classic is soon."
Your eyebrows knit together in a handshake of confusion.
"Yeah, next week. What's that got to do with today?"
There's the briefest flicker of her tongue against her lips before her teeth bite taut.
Her fingers pinch at the bridge of her nose as she paces.
"It's dumb, but my old coach would make us cut out all our vices before a race."
You offer her an understanding nod before taking another swig.
More for you.
Sweet rum trickles through your lips as a question cradles at the edge of your brow, before placing the bottle against the ground.
"So, like boxers before a fight?"
It would explain why you've been able to find moments away from her at the cantina.
"Yeah, exactly the same."
It's habitual the way your hands work and coast through wires and machinery, a habit you picked up from your father.
"Is that why you've been a bit…" Your hands struggle through the mess wrought by Heejin's handiwork, locked seals and knotted wires.
"Of a bitch?" She scoffs, a scowl burns across her face.
"Not the words I would've used," your eyes dance across the sandy brown ceiling. "Passionate, maybe?"
You catch the edge of a laugh, hidden by the roll of her eyes. Her laughter ripples with a melodic spring that dances and bounces against the tension that once hung thick in the air.
Still, there's something else that crinkles against your skin, a scintillating static that teases thoughts best left unsaid.
They're unprofessional, to say the least.
Yet, your eyes linger against Heejin, leaving the task at hand forgotten and abandoned. You swear she feels it too, if only for a second.
"Passionate, huh?" There's a flash of amusement that twinkles in her eyes. It twists slowly under your gaze before her eyes narrow, her voice drops lower with its husky richness, almost tauntingly. "Chalmun said you had a mouth on you."
There's something about the way that word rolls off her tongue, the coy dance as she moves closer.
Yet, she says nothing of it, of the deeper insinuation that lingers against your brain. Instead, her hands move with practiced precision, deftly manipulating wires and connectors, untangling the mess she'd left you with.
It's a practice you're used to with other clients. Why should you undo their missteps? Yet, there's a sensual grace to her movements, a fluidity that reminds you that she isn't a slouch in the mechanic department.
Yet, your brain lingers on the other applications such grace could be used for.
She pauses, taken by a sudden thought. There's the flicker of a smirk as she turns to you. "Being a little rough, or even bold, is more my style."
You lean against the nearby workbench, watching her continue to work in silence for a moment. You quickly find the rum in your hand once again, the cool liquid soothes your parched throat, but it does nothing for the simmering heat that lingers in your mind.
Your eyes never leave her taunting sweat-soaked figure, the lingering taste of rum on your tongue only intensifies your imagination and longing.
The question bites at your lips before you can even stop it.
"So, cutting out vices, huh?" You finally respond, your voice rich and huskier than you intended, betraying the thoughts that lingered. "Does that mean no late-night  indulgences of any kind?"
Heejin looks up at you, her gaze meeting yours, a flicker of intrigue glimmering in her eyes. She pauses for a brief moment, as if weighing her response, her lips curving into a knowing smile.
"Well, let's just say that focus and discipline are essential before a race," she says, her voice lower, carrying a sensual edge that carves a shiver down your spine. "But let's just say all this talk of pumps and thrust isn't helping me with my frustrations."
The innuendo in her words hangs heavy in the air, weaving a web of temptation that becomes harder to resist. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, the air between you charged with an undeniable chemistry.
Your gaze lingers on her as she continues working, her body moving with a seductive grace that seems to draw you in closer. The image of her sweat-soaked jumpsuit clings to her curves, amplifying the allure she exudes. The desire to reach out and touch her becomes almost overwhelming, but you fight to maintain composure.
As you approach her, your voice is laced with a mixture of desire and restraint. "Tell you what, when we win, I'll buy you as many drinks as you want."
Heejin's eyes darken slightly, her fingers pausing momentarily in their task. A smile plays at the edge of her lips, tossing and turning. She leans closer to you, her breath caressing your ear as she whispers, "Don't let your mouth write checks you can't cash, Gogglehead."
Her fingers play at your collar, a twinkling mischievous glint in her eye.
The suggestive implication hangs in the air, leaving your senses reeling. It takes all your self-control to keep your composure as the sexual tension between you and Heejin becomes nearly palpable.
With a knowing smile, you take a step back, forcing yourself to break away from the electrifying energy that crackles between you. "Let's focus up. We can't win if the pod isn't working in the first place."
Heejin's eyes follow your movement, a mix of longing and frustration flickering in her gaze. She bites her lip, as it falters, pushed back by the need for victory or perhaps something else?
A twitch of a smile lingers.
Tension hangs sticky and thick like the sweat that clings desperately to your overalls, there’s an anxious pace to your movements. Each wire, each connector, and every intricate detail weigh heavily on your mind and body, with ache and strain.
One small misstep spells defeat... or perhaps even worse.
As soon as the pod leaves the garage, it’s out of your hand. Heejin is no slouch, unless something catastrophically wrong happens... She can handle it. 
Something you need to remind yourself of.
Yet, even as the days quickly blur together, there is a... weird nonchalance to her. That isn't the right word.
Calm and collected. 
At least compared to the itchy stressed friction you have grown accustomed to, though perhaps it is just her storied experience kicking in. 
Even if she has been out of the saddle for a bit. 
Still, it does nothing to settle your own worries.
“You know someone would think you’re the one racing Gogglehead,” her voice dances with a teasing playfulness. Even as you scan over the engine for the umpteenth time, you can practically see the smirk that plays on her soft lips—
Focus up.
“I-” How do you say you worry? That maybe it’s not so bad working with someone who isn’t useless an- “I just don’t want you blaming me if you lose.”
It's cocky the way her teeth flare, as her eyes look you up and down. A scoff echoes from her lips, the thought simply unimaginable. "And here I was thinking you were worrying about me."
Her fingers play at the collar of your jumpsuit, and it's hard to ignore the heat that builds  with her touch. The way electricity hums under your skin as she steps closer, pushing into your space with an ease she only knows.
"Plus..." she whispers, and you feel each syllable brush against your skin, it’s light yet tempting all the same, pushing you with coaxing waves towards the edge.
The worry is almost an afterthought as her hand crests your hip. Her voice dips to a sultry, soft, husky whisper. "I have something of a good luck charm with me."
It creeps in your chest, the sparks that dance with her touch. You know better, as her lips peak with a smile, taunting and teasing. Still, it's hard to ignore the magic hidden in a magician devious yet charismatic trickery.
You hate the part of your brain that accepts she might be referring to you. Her taunts and jabs, a way to ease the tension that builds under her skin without indulgence.
It stings, as you bite your tongue, fighting the pull she has. You roll your eyes, step back, hand grasping a cloth to wipe away sweat and grease that mar your skin.
It's easier to breathe without her held in your gaze, your mind clears against her temptation. Still, you can't help but feel the heat that lingers thick in the air with her mere presence.
"Yeah, and what's this good luck charm?" you bite the bait, it's unwitting and against your character as your eyes stray back towards her plunging back into the thick heat.
Her lips brighten with that beautiful smile that pulls you deep and tugs at your core. 
You almost miss when she is insufferable in a different way.
Still, there's a weird softness that flickers briefly on her lips, burning into her eyes for haunting microseconds. Your brain begs to understand what it means, if there is more under the surface. 
But it quickly fades, a nameless speck of sand lost in an ocean.
She pulls out a familiar object, your eyebrows knit together—when did she?
"Really? My goggles?"
Your keepsake, your namesake, has been an afterthought against the heated hours in the garage. Too focused on the pod as a way to ignore the temptations that linger on the horizon.
She cocks her head to the side, the flare of her teeth with a scrunch of her nose tells you everything. Your reaction is priceless to her. To be fair, you completely forget about them in the ebb and flow of your conversation last week.
Still, there's a flit of actual happiness that plays on her lips, curving into a brief yet genuine smile.
You remember the hazy conversations from weeks long past, held in the drunken allure of the Cantina. A confession of vulnerability on your part, held together with liquor and a rare interest in you.
Your father's goggles.
Your good luck charm.
Yet, it means nothing to her, should mean nothing to her. The contradictions to your thoughts and assumptions linger on the sparks that twinkle in her eyes.
Her words are fuel to the fire.
"Of course~" her voice saunters with a teasing edge., flickering against the embers of something more. "A reminder of all the free drinks you'll owe me."
Her words poke and prod, flecked with a flirtatious taunt. Yet there's something that hums deep at the base of her voice, it twists with words unspoken. 
Perhaps you're putting too much value on yourself in her eyes? 
Yet it bounces and lodges in your brain, her own hushed worry.
The idea that you'd be with her, at least in spirit or a reminder of who to win for.
You catch the hitch of a smirk that scatters across her lips, the wind-up for another remark or jab.
"Plus, I can't wait to see all your winnings disappear on my tab."
A groan leaves your lips before you can stave it off, perhaps you are just her mechanic. A damn good one, mind you. Hell, you'd dare to say one of the best.
At least on Tatooine.
"Yeah, yeah." Your hands are already smoothing out the last details with the Pod, closing hatches and double-checking connectors. Your hands stray and drift, placing your goggles on her head. "Just make sure to bring those back, okay?"
Again, there's that flare of softness that beckons at the edge of her eyes as she looks up at you.
A weird tenderness clings in the air, it's vapid and calming. An entirely different beast to the charged and heated air you often share.
"I'd hate to come up with a different nickname for you after all."
The aftermath is a storm of its own kind, a mess of sweltering heat in Mos Espa's Grand Arena, charged with tense excitement.
It's violent and sudden, like a crash of thunder to the chest. Your human eyes aren't able to keep up with the sudden burst of sand that trails through the arena.
The roar of the crowd, akin to a gunshot breaking through the air, is the only evidence the race is over.
There's a hum of worry that lingers in your lungs, shoulders tense with an anxious weight. Your hand grips at Chalmun's shoulder, his fur jitters underneath your touch.
A roar tears through the air, a simple guttural howl, animalistic and excited.
Heejin would've probably asked you what he said.
A cheer of excitement, elation... but also smugness? You watch as his eyes dart towards the Hutt Clan's private box, the lavish adornments are lost on you as you catch a pained, scorned look echo across the Hutt's face.
You don't need to know Huttese to know someone is going to get fired.
Chalmun's energy is infectious as he grips your shoulders, lost in the throes of victory he shakes you violently.
Pain twitches through you as the world becomes a blur, yet even with the pain, your brain is focused only on her, the small speck in the distance putting on a show.
Flared waves of sand make it all the harder to pick her out through her victory laps.
Still, you can imagine her smile all the same.
It's unnerving, the chill bustle of the night air that saunters through Mos Eisley. Even through the thick haze of laughter, celebrations, and intoxication.
Chalmun's is your home away from home, normally you'd be in the thick of merriment, a sly attempt at free drinks. But something is missing... and you're hesitant to acknowledge it.
Have you been so caught up in the insinuation, the allure of her words that you've actually fallen for them?
...No, you're just tired.
Still, you owe yourself a drink at the very least, a chance to join the revelry. After all, it is a rare thing for the Cantina to be filled with fewer of the more rambunctious and unsavory types you've known all your life.
You wave at Ackmena, two fingers a signal for your usual. She smiles, moving with a comforting warmth. If only she could work day shifts instead of Wuher.
Your drink slides over, punctuated with a wink.
"Thank-" the drink is gone in a flash, snapped up in a blur and returned with a slam.
Some of the more usual behavior you're used to. A scowl licks at your teeth, your fist clenches tensed with an eagerness to make amends.
"You mind telling me why?" You ask, twisting around prepared to deck the dumbas-
Heejin or at the very least a beautiful woman in her shape and mannerism. The flare of teeth that takes pleasure in your reaction gives it away.
But fuck is she breath-taking, you mean no slight towards her usual appearance. If anything, there is a unique allure to the messy sweat-soaked and grease-smattered appearance that you've grown used to.
Replaced, draped in a luxurious fur coat that almost mocks Chalmun's usual patrons if it didn't enhance her already enrapturing allure. Her black crop top taunts you with the flare of her abs and soft curves aided by her black shorts and leather boots.
Her skin is no longer a teasing insinuation in your unfocused moments, rather a full-fledged suggestion for desire to latch on to, tooth and claw.
A girl out on the prowl through Coruscant's tempestuous nightlife, if you didn't know any better.
Her grin creases into a smirk, because oh god, you're staring and she knows.
It's hard not to, even with the flare of obnoxious confidence that glitters in her eyes.
Any words you have die in your throat, assailed by her charm.
Her tongue flits across her lips with a seductive grace, how would it feel against you in every sense of the word?
"If I'm not mistaken, someone promised me drinks." It's tantalizing the way she pulls herself close to you, lips hovering against your ear. "I intend to get my fill."
It's paradoxical the way you feel underdressed and yet overdressed for your desires. Heat prickles at the nape of your neck, your body's insinuation for how much you stick out, your jumpsuit mere rags in her company.
You knew you didn't, hoped you didn't. Yet it's hard to focus on logic when she lingers so close to you, her short hair tickling your skin.
Her proximity teeters on the edge of electric and intoxicating.
You're thankful your mind lingers on a memory, brief and fluttering, a passing conversation to ease the heat that settles in your core.
"Why the short hair?" An attempt at idle chit-chat before liquor loosened you up to conversation.
"My coach suggested it, said it'd get in the way." An oddly straightforward answer for the racer, you didn't know better back then.
You still remember the touch of her fingers as she leant closer, eyes focused, her voice dropping low to that tauntingly low husky whisper. "When fighting, racing, or fucking."
The grip of her hand pulls you back, calloused yet soft. You can feel the whisper of a smile, her breath tickling your cheek.
"Show me how you do it," her voice saunters like honey dripping with seductive sweetness, you cling to her words against the overwhelming bustle of a busy cantina. "Teach me."
It's hard to ignore the heat that builds, you know she's talking about slipping an order to Ackmena. But you can't help stiffen under the insinuation that haunts and tempts you.
You can practically see the pleasure that would quiver across her lips, tempting her to aid you.
A dry swallow is all you can manage to fight off the thought, a temporary fix.
She follows your guiding touch, moving with an almost uncharacteristic soft tentativeness. "Just like that?"
You swear you catch her breath hitch when your hand clasps against hers, pushing her fingers into place with unintended roughness.
A rare moment of catching her flat-footed, yet the moment drifts away like sand between your fingers before you can pounce.
A firm hand binds your wrists together.
Tork, Chalmun's bouncer.
"Boss needs the both of you in his office, pronto," his voice booms, despite his overwhelming stature and size, a small dumb animalistic fleck of your brain is tempted with the idea of a brawl.
Thankfully, Heejin moves first, slipping her hand out of his grip with spry ease. "We'll be there right away."
She smiles, the soft disarming smile you almost don't see anymore. Earning her a soft nod from the pale blue bouncer.
She shuffles slightly, straightening out her clothes.
"Wouldn't want to ruin a perfectly good day for him."
Tork only grunts in response before guiding you both through labyrinthine sandstone backrooms, the rooms twist and turn with each step before you find yourself in front of familiar doors.
Familiar is a generous term, only having seen them once when you were a kid. Your heart prickles with anxiety at the thought.
You're surprised when the door opens softly, his familiar brown fur gesturing for you to come inside.
You inch forward, your blood thrumming in your veins. You take in the dimly lit office, a timeless recreation from your youth. Your gaze falls upon the wall of blasters and you can feel their powerful presence.
You can still practically taste the freshly heated air, cooked with blaster fire. A fragment that haunts you from years long since past.
Still you push through, nudging Heejin away from the small inviting coffee table opposite his desk, the plush decorative rug stained with years old coffee hints at its sinister nature.
You didn’t want to see another victim, let alone Heejin of all people.
She falls in line with your touch, trusting your guidance. As Chalmun moves with a frenetic pace, a giddiness that keeps him moving.
Though you doubt Heejin could see the nuances when it comes to the Wookie.
"I wish I'd been alerted to your presence sooner," he smiles through his guttural barks. "My friends should only drink the finest liquor."
He rummages through cabinets and containers with a rough ferocity.
You roll your eyes, a smile twists across your lips. "Here I was thinking it was something bad. You can't get Tork to tell us you want to reward us?"
You catch a sigh of relief from Heejin at your words.
"Please, boy, where is the fun in that?" He beams a well-placed smile as he produces two familiar bottles. "I deserve some fun despite your efforts."
"I doubt you brought us here just for two bottles of Kowakian rum... even for a little bit of fun on your end."
"Of course not, make yourself at home, away from the riff-raff and her adoring fans." Mischief dances in his eyes as he steps closer, twisting the flare of a smirk against his lips. "I have a Sabacc game to get to, an attempt by the slugs to regain their honor."
"Alright, boss." Your eyebrows twitch, unsure of what he's playing at or for. He moves with confidence, shuffling past you towards the door.
There's a moment of hesitance as he turns back to you for the briefest second. "Just don't make too much of a mess."
"What was that about?" She asks, head tilting to the side with less than subtle curiosity. The Wookie becomes nothing but an afterthought, a fading ember in your isolated presence with Heejin.
"Oh," you turn to her, biting your lip. "He just wanted us to make ourselves comfortable and enjoy his private stock."
Even in the dim light born from the single illumination panel behind the desk, you can pick out the way her eyes narrow. Her lips purse, teasing on the edge of a question. "What about that last thing? It seemed pointed at you."
Her voice hums with something foreign, at least to your interactions.
Worry?... No, that doesn't seem right. Her nature, her confidence forbids the very idea. No, it's something else that dances tauntingly at the tip of your tongue.
"Relax, it was nothing, Heej," the nickname rolls off your tongue before you can even stop it, you watch as it lingers in the air, moving with a sauntering slowness. Your brain jostles with awkward apologies that die in your thoughts before finally it lands.
Square in her chest, judging from the swell of her smile.
"You don't have to call me that, you know?" there's a warmth that's strange on her lips, a flicker of softness as her eyes linger on you. "It's nice, though."
Her feet shuffle, shifting under the weight of vulnerability. She develops a sudden interest in everything, except for you. Unable to build up the courage to look you in the eye.
To speak plainly too, apparently. A rare silence fills the void in conversation.
A smile bubbles to your lips, you should cut her some slack, offer her a life ring. "We were gonna drink, weren't we?"
Your words cobble together the version of Heejin you're used to, fluttering eyelashes and teasing smirks.
She preens under your gaze with a sultry swipe of her tongue across her lips. Each movement is enticing, weighed heavy with calculated seduction.
The sway of her ass buzzes with a tantalizing edge, pushing into your space with a graceful twirl. "Yes, we were."
Your baser instincts beg for permission, to indulge her in her attempts. To feel your hands carve into her taut, firm ass as you take her. 
It's hard to ignore the stiffening desire that stirs in your loins, her hand traces your chest pushing you back into the hardwood desk.
A smirk blooms across her lips, dancing with the often-times obnoxious confidence you'd grown to love to hate. It's hard to resist the tug, the control she has over you. 
The only defense, the only respite you can manage is found in a bottle of Kowakian rum. 
Syrupy sweet indulgence.
Her hand brushes over your bottle-held grasp, coaxing it out of your grasp into the embrace of her lips. She's less than subtle, as the liquor spills from her lips, trickling in enticing rivulets down her chin.
A knowing wink, pulls you deeper as she continues to imbibe; desperate to get her fill. Awe and admiration bubbles underneath your skin as she throws back the bottle and all of its contents.
The bottle slams against the desk, a devilish grin burns across her lips. She looks up at you, cheeks flushed with liquor that lingers on her every breath.
Her tongue plays against her lips, her eyes sparkle with a flash of insight, a realization.
Her teeth tense against her bottom lip, as the air cackles with tension, heavy and sweltering.
A flash of resignation, as words leave her lips.
"So," her voice drips with a hungry, ravenous need that you didn't need to hear, you could already feel it. The soft ministration of her hand against your clothed cock. "Are we gonna fuck or what?"
Gone is the pretense, replaced with a desperate gnawing need for her fill. It's intoxicating the way her lips quiver and crack against raw primal hunger.
Your hands crest her hair, soft and delicate as a wry smirk bounces across her lips. Her eyes settle on yours, beaming with anticipation and an unmistakable craving that eagerly awaits your command.
Her head tilts back, her silky locks spilling around her face in waves of delight.
A gasp shatters with a moan as your calloused hand tugs her hair, pulling her closer into your embrace. Her breath hitches and floats on the edge of another moan as you press against her contours.
You take your time savoring each sensation, the heat searing through the air as though it were tangible. Your mouth burns against her neck, leaving bruises that smolder in your wake. Each cinder pushes a smile against her, each ember pulls a purr into her throat.
Your cock is an afterthought against the hazy pleasure that twists and churns in the back of your skull. It aches and yearns, an animalistic need to consume her in your roaring flames, reduce her to an ash that knows only your name.
It's instinctual, the way your hands wander and rove over her body, teasing and taunting in equal measure as you whisper sweet nothings in her ear.
"You weren't kidding," a smirk hangs on your lips between flame-licked bruises. You lock your fingers through her hair, hungrily drawing her tight, clawing a soft whimper from her throat. Your hand trickles down her back with playful fingertips, haunting the edge of her hip before finally carving into her ass with a voracious slap. "Rough is definitely your style."
A flash of shock sparks against her features, eyes wide and mouth jar before it shifts into a hungry, carnal smile as her eyes latch tight to yours. She had no escape, but you doubt she'd want to.
You catch the turn of gears, a witty comeback in the making. Yet, you're too focused on the way her supple, taut ass feels against your hand. Your fingers teeter on the edges of her hips, creeping along the divot of her abs, plucking at the button of her short with a teasing flare.
Her words are shaky, barely discernible against the soft moans that escape her lips, blooming into a whiney drawn out fuck, as your fingers snake through her shorts and past her underwear.
Holy fuck is she wet.
A desperate quiver ripples across her lips strengthened with each passionate caress, her throat hums begging for more as your fingers slide into her slick heat, a flooded river of anticipation.
Your mouth clashes with hers, hot and frenzied as the air sizzles with passion. Her tongue crashes against yours, a carnal dance that leaves you gasping for more.
A tug of her hair earns a breathy honeyed moan as a smile twists across her lips, cocky and headstrong. Slowly it fades shifting with the guidance of your pleasure soaked fingers bucking against her sweet spot.
Any thoughts, any words jumble and die in her throat, replaced with a whispered please. Ecstasy ignites like a wildfire across her face tightening into a low whine as you hold her just shy of the precipice.
Her hips buck with a desperate plea, begging for release in the hazy mist of pleasure.
Yet, something fights within her at the edge of her lips, a small defiant fragmented shard.
Her hand caresses your cock, no longer a forgotten afterthought in your pursuit. She purrs as she strokes at your clothed length.
"I think someone deserves some attention," her voice dripping with seduction, a husky warmth. A veiled attempt to regain some semblance of control. "Let's see if it was worth all the anticipation~"
Her movements are smooth and focused, still you notice the weak wobble of her knees as she peels away your jumpsuit by the zip. Her fingers dance with an electric spark-filled tension slowly creeping to your boxers.
It's intoxicating the way her tongue flits across her lips as she drops to her knees. Raw hunger bounces across her lips, quivering in anticipation.
Her hands tremble and shake, a small crack in her veneer of confidence.
Her eyes linger and smolder burning with an intensity that threatens to swallow you whole. Her lips part with the slightest breath, her teeth clench tight against her bottom lip, her gaze unflinching as she slowly and deliberately peels away your boxers.
It's delicious and succulent, the surprise that echoes across her features, punctuated with a gasp as your cock smacks against her soft, dewy lips like a thunderclap of passion. The shock sends ripples all the way across her face as it curves around the bridge of her nose and plunges off the edge of her forehead.
A warm hum blooms in her throat, cresting into a pleasure drunk giggle as she nuzzles against your shaft.
"Oh fuck," she whispers her eyes dance along your shaft, the glint of held back fantasies glimmer in her eyes. Her hand pumps and twists across your length, extraditing a moan from your lips with her eagerness. Her breath hitches with a hungry excitement, tickling your shaft in between lovingly pressed kisses. "You should've told me, you had such a... fat cock."
She continues, lost in her ministrations, slowly and tantalizingly drawing out your pleasure as you groan against her soft touch. Yet, you can pluck out the fine line edge she balances on, the sound of slick wetness indulged as she pants heavily slapping her face with your cock. "You could've had me anyway you wanted you know?"
It's a feverish, lavish dance of her tongue around your cock, strung together with a primal and wild urgency, as if she would die if she didn't taste you against her tongue. Her lathered spit slowly christens every inch of your shaft, marking it as her territory.
Her gaze is a siren’s call, inviting you to dive into her depths. Her lips akin to silk as they tease the head of your cock
Her hands guide your own cresting through her hair, a silent encouragement to ravage her without restraint.
The sensation is inescapable, as your throbbing cock slipping past her dewy soft lips, plunging into her depths. You can feel the hum of a depraved smile as she gags and chokes against the sheer length of your cock, unable to fully take you.
It's a sputtering cough that echoes from her lips, hazed with watery eyes as she clutches for air.
"Come on, I can take it," there's a flare of a scowl against her teeth. "Don't be a bitch."
She asked for it.
Your hands tighten in her hair as she sucks and pulls in surprise, sending waves of pleasure shooting to your core. She looks up at you through heavy lidded eyes, smoldering with desire. Her fingers grip tightly around your shaft as her muscles contract around you - a gentle reminder that she will never let you go.
You push further into her until you bottom out, her nose pressed to your navel.
You're fully engulfed in heat and wetness as she begins to moan around you - softly at first, but quickly growing louder with each stroke that bulges at her throat.
Her eyes water, brim and swell against the ravaging pressure. She hums, smiles under your assault as the cascade begins, her own twisted badge of pride.
The sensation is overwhelming; a perfect balance of tightness and wetness as she sucks and gags around you.
The echoing sound of ministrations against her own slick heated desire becomes your guiding rhythm, the tempo only increasing with each gag and choke.
Her knees quiver and tremble as you ravage her throat without restraint, a mere tool in the pursuit of your own pleasure.
It only takes one final thrust, deep and hard to send her careening over the edge into a carnal pleasure-filled abyss. She screams into your lap, her body twitching in clear pleasure as wave after wave of her orgasmic bliss crashes against your shaft.
It's a desperate fight to stay afloat, to ignore the call to unload deep within her throat against the crashing waves of her orgasm, but you're after a sweeter prize.
"Holy fuck," she gasps, a hazy smile etched into her lips, she swipes at the stray messy strands of spit. "That was hot as fuck."
You found it hard to disagree, "You're..."
"Kind of a slut?" she adds, a dulcet whisper against your ear. It's hard to ignore the brimming smile.
"I was gonna say intense."
It's a soft genuine chuckle that saunters through the air. "Thanks, I'll take it."
Her eyes drift over you, her warm gaze a caress. She licks her lips and smirks as she looks at your cock. "A shame you didn't cum, the thought of you plastering my face or swallowing all your cum was so fucking hot."
Her delicate fingers entwined around your cock, massaging it with a gentle rhythm as your heart pounded in anticipation. Her eyes roamed yours before she spoke, her voice husky and full of desire. "I can't wait to feel this inside me."
All it takes is one swift move, as you grip her waist pulling her so intoxicatingly close to you, pressing her hips against the edge of the desk. A surprised giggle bounces from her lips as you pull her shorts and panties down her legs. The air crackles with electricity, you catch her rugged eagerness, as her clothes flutter and splay around Chalmun's office.
She's barely able to pull herself up the edge of the Chalmun's desk as your thick cock brushes against her drenched folds. You can see the sparks of pleasure as her eyes flutter shut, arms snaking around you, pulling you closer into her electric gravity.
Her legs shudder and quake as you push deep into her, her breath frozen in her throat as you push harder and harder, deeper and deeper into her.
The desk creaks-you swear it splinters-as you feel her cunt finally take the full might of your cock. It's in her wordless, breathless moments as her eyes roll back with 
half-lidded desire, that you actually feel it, even through the torrential storm that is her she's-
"-So fucking tight."
Her fingers dig into your shoulders as her nails scrape against your skin, any words she has die, caught in clutched needy gasps. But you can see it in the flickering fire in her eyes, the twist of her devilish smile.
Make a mess, break the desk.
It's a feverish dance, the slow build to a crescendo that threatens to drown you in pure bliss. Each stroke punctuated with a resounding slap, a jiggle of her chest pushing against you as she moans in a guttural tone.
"Fuck me, fuck me," she chants softly, her eyes glued to your cock, a needy slut to your pleasure. Your hand grips tight against her locks pulling her into a messy torrid kiss.
She nuzzles into you, her lips are sloppy against yours as you plunge further and further. Her muscles clench tight against you, a fire burning with each pull, each thrust and soft moan. Her nails bite into your shoulders, drawing blood as she pants heavily against your lips.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she chants against your lips. 
A strangled moan escapes her throat, the intensity of your thrusts increasing as the pressure builds within you, threatening to burst forth. She cries out with each thrust, the sound of your cock diving into her depths, a melody to her ears.
Her lips part with the slightest of breaths, her tongue darts across her bottom lip, a silent invitation to dive deeper. The feeling is visceral as she clenches every inch of her muscles tight against you, a searing rapture that threatens to swallow you whole.
The feeling is overwhelming; a soft and wet embrace as you plunge deep into her. The tightness of her walls around you, as they pulse and constrict around you.
She's barely holding onto her consciousness, her eyes glued to the way her breasts shake and jiggle as you fuck her senseless.
You find it hard to resist the incessant call to cum, burning with an intensity that threatens to swallow your mind whole. Her moans fall into a steady rhythm as you plunge into her harder and harder.
"Cum," her voice a husky whisper, yet tinged with something more, a tempered unexpected softness. It's real and vibrant even in the haze of pleasure. "I want to feel you."
It's needy and desperate.
The feeling is inescapable, the sensation of her tight and wet around you. She screams in pleasure, a shrill moan that pierces the air around her.
The desperation in her eyes and on her lips as you're pressed together was unmistakable; a clash of teeth and tongue full of longing. You feel the urgent desire that emanates from her, radiating into your lungs with each clawed breath.
It was more than just sex at that moment, as her lips nip at yours and her legs clutch and locked around your waist. You can feel the raw emotion radiating off of her, a feral passion that throbs through your veins.
You can feel every part of her body tremble with pleasure as each kiss deepens further.
Your hands caress her neck, exploring every inch of her skin as she shudders beneath you. You feel like you're losing control, giving into the sensations coursing through both your bodies.
The sounds of pleasure that escape her lips become heavy and desperate as the sensation builds inside of you both, an explosion of heat that threatens to consume you.
She claws at your back, gasping for air between breaths as each thrust sends jolts of pleasure through both your bodies.
Her hips grind against yours, pushing herself further and further towards the brink of insanity. Her voice catches in her throat as she cries out for more, begging for release from the overwhelming sensation within.
"Cum for me," she whispers into your ear, her voice dripping with lust, tarnished by desperate and undeniable need.
It's all you need.
A crash of pleasure rocks your core, electric shocks race up and down your spine as you finish inside of her, launching rope after feverish rope into her depths. A moan catches in her throat, hitching with each decadent spurt as she truly gets her fill. 
"Wow," she opens her misty eyes, her lips curled into a hazy smile. "That was... intense."
The warm air around you is a heavy blanket that settles around you both, a contented and satiated silence that settles against her skin.
"Hey," she nudges you, languid in the afterglow. Still, you catch embers of a teasing smile. "I have a question."
"Is this our first date?"
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busanpng · 3 months
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maluyoongi · 4 months
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título: Ela Partiu data: 31 de maio de 2024 programa: ibis paint x status: @manutavaresofc link: 🌊
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essentiallyleaf · 11 months
day 12. praise kink. with. choerry.
944 words.
kinktober ‘23, idol x female reader, praise kink, pet names, public masturbation, oral sex, squirting, welcome to fluff central.
just trying something out. a permanent state of being at this point. exploratively, leaf.
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It was the first time she tried ice skating, that day. A regular Saturday morning at the mall, wearing layers upon layers just to end up feeling way too hot. As regular as any day spent with Yerim can be. Her favorite part was when she was holding onto the barrier for dear life, but you managed to push her off of it a handful of times. Anytime you did, you helped her precarious balance by guiding her with your hands in hers, or on her waist. That was your favorite part.
“So, how was it? Did you like it?”
“I fell fourteen times, dude! I managed to fall as I was reaching for the cup of coffee you were giving me, and I was standing still! What do you think?” She said while laughing enthusiastically.
She didn’t like it at all, and she had the time of her life.
“I think you did great”
“How about you take me on a real date?”
“A what?”
“You know what they say about Paris…”
“That for each person there’s two rats?”
“That it’s the city of- wait, WHAT?”
She dragged you to a terrace bar in Montmartre, the sun was just setting, blues and oranges meeting on the roofs from the Sacré-Cœur down to the Louvre, giving the city a slightly wistful aura (it was hella expensive, but what isn’t, there? Plus, you’re okay splurging, if it’s for Yerim). It wasn’t sad, it was just cool, and dreamy. It was romantic. A postcard-worthy place to share your first kiss. It wasn’t for your first, but for your fourth that she asked a local to take a picture of it. It felt very awkward, both of you were laughing the whole time.
“Sorry if I taste like alcohol”
She usually doesn’t drink, so she felt really self-conscious about it. You found that endearing. The flavor had a deep cerise, leaning purple tint and resembled some kind of fruit, you couldn’t really pinpoint which.
“You taste like heaven”
You went to the lake together for a weekend trip in April. You convinced her to go on a hike on the first day (“You said there wouldn’t be any scary cliffs!” “Come on, it’s barely even a drop, you can do it! Just take my hand!” “You ugly liar!” “I am only one of those two, and you know which”; she always falls for stupid flirty lines like that), she was so tired at the end of it, so she decided that both of you would spend the next day relaxing. Relaxing ended up meaning hiding behind a large tree near the hotel and raising her cute white long flowery dress to her waist for you to finger her while your tongues met.
“You can stay silent while we do this, right?”
“Want a hand?”
“Yes, please…”
You put your other hand on her mouth and started sucking down her clavicle to her cleavage as you picked up the pace. She kept whimpering the whole time and even let a high pitched scream into your palm as she came. In the (very real) event that someone heard her, at least they had the decency to not show that.
“You did amazing, baby”
She really didn’t. Old couples kept looking sideways at the two of you for the rest of the day, and you had the feeling it wasn’t just because you were a lesbian couple in the conservative countryside. But you know she needed to hear that.
She likes putting make-up on even when she’s staying home; she says she finds it fun, at some point both of you silently acknowledged that she also just wants to look good for you. And God, does she look beautiful with that exaggerated orange-pink blush on her cheeks. Or, actually, maybe it was just the wine that gave her face that amazing glow. You couldn’t really tell, you also had your fair share of glasses. You also don’t remember much of what happened before that sexy blush-tinted face found itself between your legs and was hit by a couple of little squirts as Yerim brought you to orgasm only using her tongue. What you do remember, is that all you wanted after that was to reciprocate the favor.
“Thank you, thank you so much, baby,” you panted out. “So good for me, that was so good”
The time of her life. This time though, with that slutty make-up, girl cum dripping from her features, it looked lewd.
“Now just lay back on the couch and stay still, honey, you don’t have to do anything else, okay?”
“Nice and cozy, just be my good girl and relax, yeah?”
She could only moan back as soon as you started eating her out. You couldn’t just give up on talking altogether though, so you compensated for the lack of oral stimulation with your fingers anytime you detached your lips from her core.
“Are you close, sunshine?”
Her adorable little whiny noises answered for her.
“Then I need you to do one thing for me, hm? Just one thing. I need you to let it go and cum for me, don’t restrain, sweetie”
When she cums, it’s a hurricane. Of spasms, screams, and sprays of transparent liquid coming your way.
“Yes, baby, so good. Let it all out, my baby cherry.” That’s what she tasted like. “My perfect baby cherry. Come here”
You surrounded her in a warm embrace and covered the two of you with her oversized zip-up hoodie. As you kissed her blushed cheek, Yerim looked like she was already asleep.
“You did awesome, cherry girl. You are so perfect”
sorry for bad dialogue. cheesily, leaf.
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panda-writes-kpop · 10 days
I'll only stay with you one more night ~ j. hjn.
a/n: two weeks between posts will probably become the new normal as I struggle through this semester 😭 don't worry, school's going fine, I'm just busy as hell right now with work, school, and familial obligations. So don't worry if there's a week or two between uploads, I'm totally fine!! 🫶
tw: a bit pg-13 with some of the description (my bad yall, i just want to make out with jeon heejin y'know), mention of booze, reader is a romantic yet a bit depressed but we love them for it ❤️
summary: a precarious dance between you and heejin threatens to end as she lures you into her thralls yet again, but you won't break this new normal between the two of you. neither will she, so you're stuck in this limbo of 'not-quite-friends-but-not-quite-lovers'.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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“You shouldn’t be here.”
Jeon Heejin eyes you, warily, as you approach her in the kitchen.
“You thought parties weren’t my… thing?” She draws out the last word, inviting a rebuttal from you.
You’re too smart to take the obvious bait, but too stupid to leave the conversation alone in its entirety.
“Didn’t think you were one to shoot vodka straight.” You gesture to the red solo cup in her hand - you’re a foot away from her, but you can practically taste the liquor in the air.
The smell makes you wish that you had drank something before starting this conversation. It’d help you feel less bad about what happens afterward.
“Maybe I like the way it tastes.” She teases before lifting the cup to her lips.
You’d almost believe her, if you didn’t know her so well, but the ghastly grimace on her face gives away her true thoughts about the drink.
“No person drinks vodka because they like the taste. What’s on your mind, Little Miss Perfect?”
Heejin scowls at the nickname - a long standing tradition between the two of you. You’d call her a role model or a perfect princess, and she’d respond by calling you a jackass or rolling her eyes at you.
Two people, perfectly molded to be each other’s opposite.
So why are you here, at this party, with her of all people?
“Would you believe me if I told you?”
“No,” Your response falls from your lips, immediately, and a teasing grin appears on your face, “but I’m willing to hear you out anyway.”
“You’re a liar.”
“It’s my charm, really.” You shrug before leaning against the fridge. “Are you in the mood for confessions or not?”
“Well…” She trails off, an unreadable expression on her face.
She leans against the counter after setting her drink aside. Her shirt lifts up, perfectly showing her well-defined body.
Why does she play this game with you, again and again? You’re both losers in the end.
Heejin is a perfect calamity of a woman - her eyes a whirlwind of emotions, a smile that is genuine but never quite reaches her eyes, her gestures as icy as they are warming.
You can’t tell if you want to slap or kiss that shit-eating grin off of her face.
And, based on your previous encounters with her, it’s most definitely going to be the latter option.
“Like what you see?” She winks at you before grabbing her drink again.
Her eyes study you, just as she studies her materials in class. Brutally methodical, looking for any errors or opportunities to pounce on.
She wants to lure you into her trap, into her clutches - you wanted her first, right?
“Fuck you.” The words would sound malicious coming from anyone else, but they’re oddly playful from your lips.
“You told me you wanted to know what’s on my mind…” Heejin strolls towards you with an unmistakable amount of confidence, the type that comes with experience.
She’s got you right where she wants you - as she does every time.
When she lands right in front of you, one of her hands lands on your abdomen. Heejin leans in close, close enough for only the two of you to hear.
“You. I’ve only had you on my mind, and it’s ruining my day.”
She leans back, a playful pout on her face.
A lioness with her prey in her claws - so much for her façade of innocence.
You should resist, push her hand away and let yourself get some air. Maybe it’s the booze in her breath that’s making you drunk, or maybe you’re just drunk on her.
Either way, that fleeting thought of rationality doesn’t seem to stop you from chasing Heejin’s lips as you kiss her with the pent-up frustration of her teasing.
Her hand leaves your chest as you place your hands on your lips - if you’re letting this happen, you may as well be in control of your actions.
You know you want this, as does she. You’re both just scared of the after.
The eternal after, the words you two should tell each other.
I love you. I miss you. I want you. I need you.
But you’re stuck in this charade, this mess where you push and pull against each other, hoping one will give before the other does. 
Heejin’s too prideful, and you’re too resistant to the idea of “us”.
But you’re both content, especially as she pulls at your shirt for more as her lips continue to meet yours.
Why should you deny her of you, of the things that make you both content?
Maybe next time will be different.
It won’t be. 
You know this.
She knows this.
Yet you’re still kissing her, and she’s still kissing you.
Forever in limbo.
Forever two souls together, but not quite intertwined.
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mechaknight-98 · 1 month
Surprise (NSFW) FT Haseul
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Author’s Note: Y’all are for sure going to hate me for this one but screw it. Think of this as a birthday present for my first Concert Crush Haseul and my favorite photo supplier @blanceverlast. May both of your endeavors and relationships be fruitful and significant
The soft glow of the evening sun filters through the curtains, casting a warm, orange hue across the living room. Haseul sits curled up on the couch, a half-empty glass of wine resting on the coffee table in front of her. The room is quiet, save for the faint hum of the city outside and the ticking of the clock on the wall.
The apartment is filled with little tokens of your time together—a Polaroid picture of you and her at the amusement park pinned to the fridge, a pair of concert tickets from your first date tucked into the corner of the mirror, and a small cactus you bought on a whim, now thriving on the windowsill.
Haseul's eyes wander over these mementos, and a bittersweet smile tugs at her lips. She picks up the small stuffed bear you won for her at a carnival, the one with the slightly lopsided grin. She hugs it to her chest, her thumb absently tracing the worn fabric.
On the coffee table, her phone lights up with a message. She glances at it—just another notification, nothing from you. She sighs and takes another sip of wine, the warmth doing little to ease the heaviness in her heart.
She had known you'd be at a gig tonight, but she had hoped—just a small, selfish hope—that maybe, just maybe, you'd surprise her. After all, it was her birthday, and this was your home as much as hers, filled with all these memories you had built together. But now, the silence feels louder, the emptiness more pronounced.
Her eyes flicker to the clock—8:45 PM. You've been gone since the afternoon, and she imagines you on stage, playing recklessly with your kit. A chibi sticker of her on the side to remember her lost in the music. She knows how much your music means to you, and she tries to remind herself of that. But the reminder does little to soothe the ache.
A small cake sits on the kitchen counter, a single candle still unlit. She bought it earlier, thinking you'd share it together. She glances at it, the frosting now looking less inviting and more like a cruel joke.
She lets out a shaky breath, leaning her head back against the couch, eyes closed. She knows you didn’t mean to hurt her, but she can't help feeling forgotten, left behind in this sea of shared memories while you're out there, making new ones without her.
Here's what she doesn't know. this "gig" you're at is secretly a surprise party for her where you somehow managed to get All 12 Loona girls and a couple of her other friends together to celebrate her birthday. The only issue is you just needed time as you were the sole effort coordinating this venture. So you needed all day to get ready. As the clock struck 9:00 you called Haseul. She wasn't picking up which worried you. So you did the "good boyfriend" thing and drove home. when you arrived you noticed the single wine glass in the sink and the Cake on the counter. you sighed but smiled. Always such a softie your little Seulie was. you go into the bedroom when you hear moaning.
you knew Haseul got "Excited when she had wine in her system but it was only one glass.
you walk into your bedroom where the moaning intensifies. you watch Haseul for a moment. Hungry, ravenous. you almost join her but when she reaches her peak you come down from your trance. As she relaxes she notices you in the door. the moonlight reflecting your eyes creating a ring of silver in them frightening her but also arousing her.
"Ah, Lance!" Haseul screams. you smile wolfishly.
"Is my little Seulie enjoying herself?" you ask.
"I thought you had your gig?" Haseul counters. you smile and say.
"Well it wouldn't be the same without you so come on let's go." You say.
Haseul pouts but relents. As she gets dressed you smack her ass and she moans and glares at you.
"Excuse me young man but if you're not careful you'll miss your performance," she teases. a hunger in her eyes you both share.
"Ah, I think they can wait for me you tease." Haseul smiles and then gets dressed before the two of you hop in your car.
The sky outside the car is a soft gradient of pink and purple, the last rays of the setting sun disappearing behind the horizon. Haseul gazes out the passenger window, her chin resting on her hand. The city lights begin to twinkle in the distance as Lance drives, one hand on the wheel, the other tapping rhythmically to the music playing softly from the car's speakers.
“So, where’s the gig tonight?” Haseul asks, turning her head slightly to look at you. There’s a small smile on her lips, but there’s also a hint of weariness in her eyes.
you grin, glancing at her before returning your eyes to the road. “It’s at this cool little spot downtown. You’ll love it. The crowd’s always great there.”
Haseul nods, her fingers absently fiddling with the hem of her skirt. She’s happy to be with you, but there’s a lingering sadness she can’t quite shake off. It’s her birthday, and while she wouldn’t miss your gigs for the world, part of her wishes they could spend the evening together, just the two of you.
As if sensing her thoughts, you reach over and gently squeeze her hand. “I’m glad you’re coming with me tonight,” you say, your voice soft and sincere. “It means a lot.”
Haseul’s heart warms at his words, and she squeezes his hand back. “Of course. I wouldn’t miss it.”
They drive in comfortable silence for a few minutes, the city’s skyline growing larger as they near downtown. Lance seems unusually relaxed, almost too relaxed, and it makes Haseul narrow her eyes playfully at him.
“You’re awfully calm for someone who’s about to play a gig,” she teases.
you chuckle, your thumb brushing over the back of her hand. “Well, I guess I’m just in a good mood. Got a feeling tonight’s going to be special.”
Haseul raises an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. “Oh? Special how?”
“You’ll see,” you say with a wink, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
you pull up to a small venue, a cozy-looking place tucked between two tall buildings. The marquee outside reads “Private Event – Closed to the Public,” which makes Haseul frown in confusion.
“I thought you said this was a gig,” she says, glancing at you as they park.
“It is,” you reply smoothly, unbuckling his seatbelt. “Come on, let’s go inside.”
Haseul follows you, her curiosity growing with every step. The venue is dimly lit, the entrance quiet as you both walk in. But as soon as you two step into the main room, the lights suddenly flick on, and a chorus of voices shouts, “Surprise!”
Haseul’s eyes go wide as she takes in the scene— her members, her friends, family, and even a few of your bandmates are all gathered around, beaming at her. The room is decorated with balloons, streamers, and a big banner that reads “Happy Birthday, Haseul!”
She turns to you, who’s grinning from ear to ear. “This… this was the gig?” she asks, her voice trembling with emotion.
you wrap your arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. “Yeah, I’ve been planning it for weeks. I wanted to make sure your birthday was special, even if I had to keep it a secret.”
Tears prick at Haseul’s eyes as she looks up at you, overwhelmed with happiness and love. “You’re amazing,” she whispers, standing on her tiptoes to kiss you.
You smile against her lips, your hand resting on her cheek. “Happy birthday, Haseul.”
The room bursts into applause, and Haseul laughs, wiping away the happy tears as she’s enveloped in the warmth of the surprise and the love surrounding her.
The room is alive with laughter and conversation, the low hum of happiness filling the air. Haseul moves through the crowd, her heart brimming with joy as she greets her friends, family, and bandmates, each one offering her hugs, well wishes, and bright smiles.
Her bandmates from ARTMS are gathered around one of the tables, chatting animatedly. They wave her over as soon as they see her, their faces lighting up with excitement.
“Happy birthday, Haseul!” they cheer in unison as she approaches, pulling her into a group hug.
Haseul laughs, the warmth of their affection making her feel like she’s glowing from the inside out. “Thank you, guys! I can’t believe you all kept this a secret from me!”
“We had to!” Choerry teases, nudging her playfully. “Lance made us promise. He really went all out for this.”
Haseul glances across the room, where you are talking with a few of her relatives, a proud smile on your face as he catches her eye. She sends him a small, grateful smile in return before turning back to her friends. when she catches you staring she flashes you when no one else is looking. you notice she is not wearing any panties under the hem of her cute skirt. you fight your instincts and let her have this little tease for now. She turns back to her bandmates and starts talking to them again.
“I’m so glad you’re all here,” Haseul says, her voice filled with sincerity. “It means the world to me.”
Heejin grins, holding up a plate of food. “And we come bearing snacks! You have to try the cake. It’s amazing.”
Haseul accepts the plate, laughing as they pile on more food and drinks. “You’re all spoiling me tonight!”
“That’s the whole point!” Jinsoul chimes in, raising a glass. “To Haseul—the best leader and friend we could ask for.”
They all clink their glasses together, and Haseul feels a rush of emotion as she takes in the sight of them, her heart swelling with love for each of them. The party feels like a celebration not just of her birthday, but of all the connections she’s made—the friendships, the memories, the shared dreams.
As the night goes on, the music shifts from background tunes to a more energetic beat, and it doesn’t take long before Haseul’s bandmates start pulling her onto the dance floor. They form a circle around her, cheering her on as she dances, her laughter mingling with theirs as they lose themselves in the music.
Her parents and siblings join in, clapping along and encouraging the younger ones to show off their moves. The atmosphere is electric, the room buzzing with energy as everyone comes together, united by the simple joy of being with each other.
Haseul’s gaze sweeps across the room, taking in the sight of her loved ones all in one place—her family, her friends, her bandmates, and you, who watch her with that same proud, loving smile. as the emotions get to her you catch her doing a few erotic moves here and there when no one but you are watching. she's priming you for the absolute wrecking she's going to give you tonight.
As the song comes to an end, Haseul is breathless, her face flushed from dancing and laughing so much. She’s surrounded by people who love her, and in this moment, she feels like the luckiest person in the world.
She walks over to you, and you immediately wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her close. “Having fun?” you ask, your voice low and warm.
“The best time,” Haseul replies, her eyes sparkling as she looks up at him. “Thank you for this, Lance. I’ll never forget it.”
you lean down, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “You deserve it, Haseul. Happy birthday.”
Haseul gets a little frisky with her kiss as she says.
"Later tonight mister you and I are going to have a little one-on-one chat," her implication explicit as she thrusts her tongue in your mouth as a little teaser.
you smile and bite her tongue gently before saying, "I will be ready," Haseul smiles before going off again. She smiles and moves your hand (discretely) under her skirt.
"Feel how wet I am for you baby," she says and you feel her legs soaked with her slick as she has you massage her for a bit to remove a bit of the edge and tension in her body.
"I am going to wreck your little cunt when we get home," you say. Haseul smiles mischievously at you before racing off.
she plays this little game all throughout the party leaving you hard and hungry for her. when the party ends and you go to take she takes it up a notch. As you pull out of the parking space having gathered everything you need Haseul pulls up her skirt and begins to tease her clit in front of you. She looks at you with an intense gaze of pleasure, hunger, and malice.
"Keep your eyes on the road baby," she teases.
your eyes stay forward and you clutch the wheel with a death grip as her moans intensify.
"Good," she says as she continues to pleasure herself and moan. All you can hear is the soft bounce and clap of her flesh as she continues her ministrations. at some point, you tune them out, and then later you realize they stopped. when you go to look over Haseul is asleep. you chuckle as you head into the parking space for your apartment. As you carry Haseul in you think, "Should I wake her?" you decide against it as you lay her on the bed, after getting home and putting her back in her pj's as you go to change yourself you hear a familiar moan and her voice say,
"Where do you think you're going we aren't finished yet."
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trumanshcw · 3 months
AGORA HILLS / 06. sparkle.
in that sparkling moment, you're mine, mine, mine / i want to see us darkly colored / so i capture you and i and send us floating there / i can be with you whenever ( "sparkle" - artms )
SYNOPSIS: despite knowing each other since high school, you weren't sure if you could consider you and jinsoul "friends" in the literal sense of the word. people around you never really knew how to label your relationship, as you both could go from having a heated argument to immediately doing anything to make the other happy, even if neither of you wanted to admit it. after a video of you drunkenly proclaiming that you both have been dating for 5 years goes viral, you and jinsoul now have to find a way to make it work.
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port-sever · 2 months
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capa de fanfic: operação cupido (heeseul)
eu posso até ter sumido por quase 3 meses, mas voltei entregando beleza e conceito pra vcs (realidade do conceito: bloqueio criativo e muito ódio acumulado 😗💅), amaram???? caso se inspirar, me credite!
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yniutas · 1 month
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⋆ GAROTA DE AQUÁRIO, capa de treino.
contar para vocês que essa capa é um grande “sei lá”, começou pelo trocadilho de aquário também ser o signo da jungeun e deu no que deu. confesso que não gostei muito, mas a mamãe aqui ainda é uma NÃO capista iniciante, então não há muito o que se fazer.
porém, entretanto e todavia, resolvi postar para ir moldando certas coisas e melhorar gradativamente. recomendo abrir as imagens para melhor resolução. 💭
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nekomancee · 9 months
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