#artistic license - biology
eugeniedanglars · 2 years
i know people get really mad when you question whether the fireflies’ plan would have actually worked and accuse you of just looking for an excuse to justify joel’s actions, but i actually think the possibility of the plan not working makes the situation more morally complex, not less. “would you sacrifice the person you love to save humanity?” is not the same question as “would you sacrifice the person you love to possibly save humanity?” and imo the second one is harder to answer. the first question has some sort of positive effect for you no matter what you choose: either you get to keep the person you love, or you save the world. the second question has the possibility of an outcome where you lose everything and have nothing to show for it. and despite neil druckmann saying the cure would work (which i’m choosing to ignore because the author is dead and also you can’t just handwave away these questions by saying “yeah it would totally work, don’t worry about the logistics of how they’d actually mass-produce and distribute a cure in a post-apocalyptic wasteland”), i think the show wants us to question it given that the first two episodes both featured experts stating that a fungal pandemic can’t be cured or vaccinated against. this doesn’t mean the firefly doctor was wrong about potentially being able to make a cure, but it does mean that there wouldn’t be an in-universe scientific consensus that a cure could definitely be made from ellie, so there’s no reason for us to have an out-of-universe consensus either.
(also, at the end of the day, does it even matter whether joel made the right choice when he never would have chosen differently? it’s really only a “choice” in an abstract sense—practically speaking, there’s no scenario in which joel lets ellie die and a cure is made.)
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amplexadversary · 2 months
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englishsuffix · 1 year
Worried, Sick
A/N: I could be writing Sole Memorial (formulating the chapter while I’m at work does not make good production) or any other backlog fic I got, but instead I wanted to write out this ABL headcanon. So... enjoy!
Atta had thought her pacing days were over, at least those ones where she would act like the sky was falling. But things just couldn’t be so easy for her, could they?
No, they couldn’t, and that was why she was pacing to and fro in front of her bedroom, waiting anxiously for word from inside. “I should be in there,” Atta muttered, pausing to touch the leaves, and then go right back to pacing. “But can I really… No, no, I should. What kind of message am I sending by being out here?”
“Trust, for one thing,” Mother piped up, petting Aphie as she could any ordinary day. “Besides, Dr. Flora will need all the concentration she can get.”
Atta stopped and tried to force her wings still, but they still quivered. “But what if something happens and I’m not there?” she asked. “I should be there for my—”
“Trust me, you’ll be the first to know if anything changes.” Mother grasped her hands—Atta hadn’t even noticed her put Aphie down—and squeezed. “Now follow my lead. Breathe in… and out…” She herself took deep breaths to demonstrate, and the familiar guidance began to calm Atta’s nerves. “There we go, that’s my girl. Everything will be fine, I know, and do you know why?”
“Because Dr. Flora’s on the case?” Atta answered almost absently.
“Yes, and what else?”
After a little more consideration, Atta gave her a sheepish smile. “I guess Flik has gotten out of worse scrapes than this.”
“Well, that, but what I’m trying to say is this happens all the time”—Mother affixed her with a firm look—“and you still see plenty of fathers in the colony, don’t you?”
“Right, right.” Another smile, this time nostalgic. “It’s our lot in life.”
“Well, maybe not our lot, but it’s our life,” Mother chuckled.
No one knew why nor how, but there was a strange phenomenon among most bug species that males would fall ill after trying for a child. It varied from bug to bug, some mild and some severe; but it happened without fail. Every couple knew to expect the telltale symptoms of exhaustion that fell in the morning. Even Flik, it seemed, had no choice but to follow that rule.
Exhaustion just might have been an understatement, however. “He just looked so…”
As Atta recalled what happened earlier that morning, what peace she gained began to melt away. She'd woken up to find Flik awfully pale and unmoving, much like he’d been after the night of the colony’s revolution. It was because she’d seen him like this before that she thought she was just having a nightmare, only becoming horrified once she realized she wasn’t dreaming. How else was she supposed to feel, seeing such a jarring change when her consort had been so lively merely hours before?
After that, no amount of fact could phase her. It didn’t matter that this was something almost every ant parent went through at some point. It didn’t matter that there existed fathers in the colony, healthy as could be. It didn’t even matter that Flik had startled awake (though it was hard to tell) at her panicking. All she cared about was getting someone to help, please help, don’t let her lose him!
“I should have known this would happen. Something always happens, it’s Flik,” she muttered, and then she sighed wistfully. “But he’s so good with Dot and the other children, and I wanted—and he also—he said he’d be okay and like an idiot I believed him.”
“Oh, sweetie,” Mother began softly, understanding, “your father was much the same way when we agreed to have you, and didn’t he turn out fine?���
Atta bit back a retort.
But it seemed her message still rang clear. “I know you’re worried, and don’t you think I don’t understand.” Mother squeezed her hands again, this time a little tighter. “Just follow the doctor’s orders, and that boy will be up and running in no time. In the meantime”—she sent a knowing glance down—“you can go tell the colony the good news.”
“The colony! That’s right, I have to make an announcement!” Then Atta pulled away and groaned when she realized just what she had to explain. “Though I wouldn’t be surprised if they already know. I must have woken everyone up.”
“Maybe our younger members, sure,” chirped Dr. Flora, peeking through the leaf curtains. “But I recall when a certain queen before you screamed so loud we formed an army!”
“Flora,” Mother chided and sent her a halfhearted warning look, “I trust you have some words to ease your queen.”
“Oh, yes.” Dr. Flora stepped aside and allowed her nurses to leave. “You can come inside, now. We’ll be back later to check on him, but he’s stable.” She giggled knowingly. “I should go make sure Thorny hasn’t keeled over by now.” Another giggle, and then she was on her way. “Congratulations, Your Majesty!” Almost immediately after, nearby passing ants followed with their own greetings and congratulations—some had noticeably stiff edges to them.
Atta groaned again and would have hid her quickly heating face if not for her growing desire to return to Flik’s side. Straightening up, she marched through the leaves, ready to face whatever sight lay within.
And once she did, her anxiousness fell away.
Flik was nearly fully hidden under the petals save for his hands, which had bunched some of the petals against his face in a clear display of embarrassment. Sickly pale as he was, he was still very much alive. Even his groans were more akin to awkwardness than pain.
Atta sat at the edge of the flower, soon torn between taking a hand or crossing her arms. The first option won out. “You scared me to death, you know,” she scolded him.
Flik startled and lowered the petal hiding him. “A-Atta, hey!” He flashed her a smile; tired in his current state, but still oddly charming. “W-what brings you here?”
“To our room?” Atta said, raising a brow.
“Oh, of course! Ours. We’re…” He brought the petal back up a little, but he looked more thoughtful now. “So, we’re actually having a…”
“We are.” Atta gave Flik’s hand a small squeeze. “Hard to believe.”
“Yeah…” Oh, he’s got stars in his eyes now. “A little tyke of our own. Who’da thought?”
“You hadn’t?”
“It was more of a fantasy to me.”
It was certainly more than Atta ever thought, but she kept that to herself. “Tell me about this fantasy,” she said instead. “Maybe… any names?”
“I have, actually, though it’s been a while since I thought of them,” Flik confessed. “Let’s see… I guess, for our first girl, I’d always liked—”
Before he could finish, the leaves forcefully parted. The pair turned their eyes to see a buzzing and lilac blur making a beeline to the bed.
Thankfully, for all her obvious worry, Dot refrained from barreling into her brother-in-law. “Flik! You okay?!” she cried. “I heard you got really sick, but I was stuck in Blueberry Scouts and had to stay until we were done!”
“Aw, I’m fine, kiddo,” Flik chuckled and patted her head. “Just need a little rest, that’s all.”
“What happened? You were fine yesterday.”
“Uh—well…” Flik tried to laugh the awkwardness away. “Atta and I were working on a special project, and I may have overexerted myself?” He sent her an apologetic glance.
Dot glanced at her sister, frowned suspiciously, and set her attention back to Flik. “But how come Atta’s okay?”
The apologetic glance returned with a plea for help.
And thus began a long and hopefully friendly explanation for the coming of a new member of the family.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed! And yes, my headcanon that I wanted to write out is that bug fathers get sick instead of outright dying. ( -v-)
This can go either two ways: a general sick story with no stakes, or something that leads Atta (and maybe also Dot) on a small quest to get some medicine that happened to run out.
P.S. If there’s interest, I may write more snips involving the likely OC that would come out of this. Got a name picked out and everything!
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mochablogger · 7 months
★ Welcome to the lonely stars club~!★
☆ Hi hi hewwo! You're talking to Mocha (full name: Mocha Cuppy) and lemme tell you what else you could call me!! (Note: try not calling me by my full name at times <3)
Cozy (Alternative name)
Honey Cuppy (Reserved for @moonsprout-sys only)
Cupid (Reserved for @trashbins-stuff only)
Candybon (Reserved for @roastymarshy only)
Roomie + Dandelion (Reserved for @rubixisanidi0t only)
Violet Cream + Silly Star (Reserved for @not-agirl only)
Any other silly nickname you could come up with! (Moots only; ask first before using!)
☆ Pronouns!!
She/they/xe <- xe/xem is most preferred!!
Heart/heartself + cupid/cupidself (Reserved for @trashbins-stuff only)
☆ I study astronomy, history and biology!! ^^
☆ I am a digital/traditional artist, animator, VA and writer! <- Silly author of 'The Traumatized Cup'
☆ I'm a sensitive gal so please try not to insult me -v-"
☆ I'm a multi-fandomist (I'm in a lot of common fandoms) and I am very ✨random✨
☆ I'm non-binary, demigirl and queerplatonic!!
☆ I play badminton and chess (I don't mean to brag but I'm quite a pro!)
☆ @moonsprout-sys and @trashbins-stuff are my partners and @blairdrawzstuff-part-two is my bestie!! >:] I LOVE ALL OF YOUU /p <3333 and btw just a kind reminder that you better not mess with em, or you mess with me 🚨
☆ Dooble requests are still open but as for custom OCs they are closed because I have enough requests and once they are finished I'll resume :]
☆ I know how to drive a car accurately but I'm too young to have a license
☆ Some of my hobbies include writing haikus, crochet and making bracelets ^^
★~Reference sheet for my objectsona !!
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This will be updated as time goes by!!
More sillay stuff below! ⬇️
★~DNI list
NSFW (Not Safe For Work)
People who are neutral/against Palestine
Pedophiles, zoophiles and necrophiles
S3xual and religional themes
Porn bots/any type of bot
Homophobes and transphobes
If you match with any of these things mentioned above, kindly fuck off or you will be immediately blocked.
★~Other blogs (still in the making!)
@mochablogger - Main blog; you're currently here!
@the-dreamcatchers-series - The Dreamcatchers' Site!
*This intro is still in progress. Thanks for reading so far! You now may let go of my hand.
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mooncalfe-art · 1 year
Weird question, please bear with me.
So I was in the turtle group chat talking about different methods of turtle shell repair, as one does, and then I remembered Donnie's Terrible, Rotten, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day and his metal shell.
Seeing as a turtle's shell IS their spine and a significant portion of their ribcage, does Donnie now also have a prosthetic metal spine and ribs? and all the Important Stuff that's in the spinal column - the nerves and the fluids and the like... I'm not really asking for you to explain the Deep Biology of mutant turtle skeletal structures, but I AM asking what is up with their spines - are the fused, separate, some secret third thing? inquiring minds want to know.
I think about this same thing every so often, haha. Most artists (even Peter and Kevin back in the day) draw the Turtles with a flexible plastron unlike real turtles, which you can either chalk up to artistic license and cartooning, or you can take it more literally to mean that the Turtles have a more human-type skeleton and their plastron and shell are more spongy sort of armor plating rather than bone like real-life turtles. If I was the only one working on TMNT I'd probably delve more into the biology of it and have it at the outset that the carapace is part of their skeleton and is rigid like real turtles, but it's impossible to set that kind of thing up in a series with a ton of people working on it and expect it to remain the same across the board, so I usually just don't worry about it. I'm also kind of boxed in a bit by Donatello losing his shell and, thanks to the ooze, somehow receiving a new one that Fugitoid I guess just sticks onto Don's back and he's good to go. There's a panel in that particular issue (I forget which one it was) where Don is about to be operated on and he's lying on his back on the medical bed, but I always wondered what's under his shell, then? If he has no shell I'm guessing it was a huge exposed wound, and if so why is he lying ON the giant gaping wound?! Haha. And then it's like if the Turtles' carapace is flexible in IDW TMNT, that must mean it's NOT part of their skeletal system and in that case why would Don even need a new shell? Clearly thinking too deeply about it, haha.
In any case, since I took over as writer, I've tried to go by those rules that Tom set up as much as I can, like when I had Don's old broken shell (which Tom never accounted for, where did it go after Fugitoid removed it??? So I decided to draw the old shell having been tossed into a dumpster, lol) be attached to Venus, like if the surgeon has a healing agent like ooze or the Dragon scales the way Fugitoid and Dr. Barlow did, it seems like they can just graft components (whether organic or inorganic) onto anyone however they like regardless of what the internal mutant biology is. In Venus's flashback in my Alliance #4 issue, I did draw her spinal column visible when the shell is being grafted on though, sort of as a nod to the skeletal system thing but not explicitly solidifying the biology of it.
Another way I think about it is that mutants haven't undergone any sort of evolution as a species, their biology doesn't have to "make sense" or be useful in a natural selection evolutionary way. The mutagen kinda removes all the specialized traits from an animal, so the Turtles' carapaces have lost whatever traits gave rise to regular turtles' shells over millions of years. Mutants are outside the evolutionary process, so the Turtles' shells don't have to be biologically useful or advantageous or even really have anything in common with normal turtles. The mutagen reconfigures an animal into humanoid form and it'll recode their DNA to any extent to acheive that end result, so maybe it built the Turtles' a new skeletal system and their shells are purely vestigial.
I feel like I'm getting way too deep here and it only makes it more confusing, lol. So to answer your question, if I had to pick one of the options you listed, I would pick "secret third thing." ;)
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
I think Warrior Cats should be Hunt, but considering that there's so many continuity mistakes there's an entire page on the wiki listing them and an epic abundance of artistic license when it comes to cat biology, I feel like there's also a case to be made for it being Spiral because holy shit, that's not how cats work, and didn't that one die already, and since when are those two related???
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 8 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday !! Woohoo!
thank you for tagging me @jrooc, @mybrainismelted, @iansw0rld, and @lingy910y
Name: Gigi
Age: 24
Location: brooklyn baby!
And now, think about your childhood and tell me:
I'm thinking about 10 and under vibes, right?
Did you have a nickname and is it still used? Gigi! all you nice people and some of my friends call me that when they're being cute
What did you want to be when you'd grow up? I wanted to be an artist when i was really young, then i wanted to be a writer a lot of elementary/middle school, then i kept my options open through highshcool and last minute decided to go to architecture school and it was a very very good gut decision and in a way im an artist, fanfic writer, and soon to be licensed architect, best of all worlds!
Your favourite cartoon: when i was a kid me and my brother would wake up early to watch pokemon, I also liked the pbs show Sagwa, curious George (hey frank!) and clifford
Your favourite TV show: zoboomafoo !!!! fucking loved that guy!
Your favourite book: I had this book when i was a kid called Millions of Cats which was kind of a fucked up story and I would be very interested to see someone analyze what that book says about love. I also really liked Too Big bc look how cute the coloring is !
I also adored Ferdinand, I always thought that if i were to get a tattoo i would want to get Ferdinand sitting in his flowers
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Your favourite toy: I just loved stuffed animals, I had so many
Your favourite thing to eat: Just like, soups in general. but my favorite was saimin which weirdly I cant STAND now. its like ramen but instead of ramen noodles its thick, gnarly egg noodles and take half the flavor out and just add salt, genuinely think it would give me heart attack now
Your favourite school subject: I really liked all subjects except I hated biology and I hated spanish, not bc the language is bad but bc my teacher was a white lady from colorado who im not really sure actually spoke spanish. I really loved physics and english and history and art
How did you spend your summers? I lived in a very safe place so free roam go to the or the beach near us, if you didnt like the kids in your neighborhood you were fucked cause those were our built in play mates and on the hottest days i would find the coldest part of my house and just lay on the tile reading all day
Did you listen to music? If yes, did you have a favourite band/artist?
my mom had the elite early 2000s music taste; amy winehouse, tracy chapman, dolly parton, green day, the chicks, tina turner, smashing pumpkins, spice girls, alanis morissette, jack johnson, Lauren hill, so good, I still listen to them all today
And lastly, tell me something you did as a kid that your parents still don't know about:
I used to cut pieces of my hair periodically with the kitchen scissors but it wasnt like super noticeable so my mom was just like i really cant figure out why your hair grows like this
I also took the bus by myself a couple times when i was wayy to young to but it was a really simple bus system so i just got on and went to town and took it back, idk seems like it worked out okay!
what about you? @juliakayyy @krysmiss @darlingian @gallavichroom @vintagelacerosette
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it's my monthly respawn time and what better to do than show off a tf2 merc oc i have and some shit about them 🗿👍
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There were a couple sketches I did not too long ago bc why sleep (it's almost 4am where I live btw), but I have more sketches of them of course. They were actually my first TF2 merc oc, and they're a support class mercenary who specializes in chemistry, hence being called The Chemist. They even have a chemical lab in the base that they've had to beg to get secured, as Scout keeps killing himself going in there. I'll rehash some of the basic notes too in case it's unclear on the image.
(Basic Notes)
The Chemist's legal name is Shannon Ridley.
They 35 years old in the game, and 39 years old in the comic; they were born circa 1933.
They are trans and nonbinary, and they use they/them pronouns.
They are 6'2" (189cm) and 200lbs (91kg).
They are Irish and Polish, and due to being raised in Ireland, they have an Irish accent. (When angry enough it bleeds into a near Scottish sounding accent.)
For the most part, they'd be the only merc to ever be consistently referred to by name, as most of the other mercs refer to them as Ridley (sometimes with a prefix of Mx. or Dr.), and their first name is rarely ever said.
Their lab coat is tight on them, aside from the bottom half of it. The upper half is tight though and it clings to their torso.
They are androsexual, which essentially just means they're attracted to masculinity.
Like how the other mercenaries have unique teeth shapes, Ridley has a vampire-like tooth structure, with their canines being pointy like fangs.
Their hair is a darker reddish-brown color, though for a while it was dyed to be a slightly brighter tone.
They carry a special carrier with them that stores their chemicals in a secure manner.
While they may be a strong merc they aren't the fastest. Their speed sits at about 93%, matching with Demo; so while it isn't terrible, it could be faster.
Their health matches with Medic (when he has Vita-Saw equipped), with their health being 140/210.
They seem to be close friends with Demoman. On the opposite spectrum, they're seen chasing Scout around a lot of times.
(Not so Basic Notes)
Ridley has attachment issues, and seems to want to cling to loved ones out of fear they'll leave them.
They have a romantic (and more) interest in Medic, though they get skittish about talking to him about it.
The "scars" they have above their chest are just tattoos.
They have a PhD in biochemistry, a master's degree in chemistry, and a bachelor's degree in biology.
Their bedroom is rather messy in comparison to their workspace, however like with their workspace, they don't like having open food containers in the area.
They overheat rather fast, and require white noise to sleep. Their solution? Two fans going constantly.
They were originally born in Poland, however due to the time period and certain circumstances, their parents made it so they could flee and at least try to live a good life. However, their aunt took this as an opportunity to raise the daughter she never had, at the expense of Ridley's own happiness.
Ridley is intersex.
They'd likely be one of the only mercs to not have a driver's license as they don't feel comfortable with driving like... at all.
They do research with Medic a lot, and they like to teach him stuff about chemistry, much as how he likes to teach them about medical practices.
They're a martial artist, and has a black belt in taekwondo. (They also do training sessions with Heavy, and Soldier has been mistaken a few times in thinking they're calling Heavy a hussy because of them saying "huss" when they do something.)
They do not use the bases tap water and instead has a water jug they use. They also claim they're trying to petition Teufort to install new water pipes and deep clean the water intake system, to no avail.
They crochet in their free time, and one of their melee attacks involves them trying to stick a crochet hook through someone's eye.
I'll likely post something later on that goes more in depth about them, but in the meantime, here they are! (And watch me disappear for like a few more months lmao)
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manda-kat · 2 years
Bad character design is slapping boobs and eyelashes onto a pink lizard to convey that she is female.
Good character design is knowing that reptiles don't have hair or breasts, so your female reptile characters won't have eyelashes or boobs.
Better character design is knowing that the sex of your character is pretty important to convey to the audience, so sometimes creative liberties must be made to telegraph femininity.
Even Better character design is finding ways to convey femininity through features your chosen species already has along with subtle design choices that clearly show that the character is female without lazy copouts- such as making her pink or giving her a weird body type.
Best character design is understanding all of this and using every tool at your disposal (including features that aren't natural to the species of your character) and using them intentionally and with taste, to create a clearer and more appealing design that fits the world your character lives in- whether it follows natural biology or has artistic liberties- instead of using your artistic license as a crutch to avoid ever having to think outside the box.
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blue-rose-blogging · 1 year
i just wanna share that i read about one of the resident evil side games today and there's this girl who's blood is flammable??? like, she has this disease, so she gets treated with the t-virus, and for some reason - her blood - it just - becomes??? flammable????? i had to look it it up and no, virus' don't just explode when they're exposed to oxygen. someone at capcom must have been huffing nitrous though because that's just a straight up super power. That's like some off brand x man shit. This girl [blood] is on fire. And we just kinda... forgot about her? Like, I get that darkside chronicle ain't exactly a main title but cmon. It's got operation javier in it! It's got krauser going over to the dark side of the force! And A GIRL WITH FLAMMABLE BLOOD. I guess technically most of the RE zombies are weirdly flammable. That's fine. But this is an otherwise human infected. No other symptoms. Just if she gets a cut it BURSTS INTO FLAME. So I watched a video of the fight where this happens. And yeah, she just flings her blood at a giant monster. When her blood hits it just explodes. Her blood is literally a projectile weapon. And in the end she [spoilers i guess?] glows with light for some reason and turns into ash. She just floats away on the wind. Never once do we revisit this? Never once did someone consider, I dunno, making grenades out of vials of this girls blood? it's technically a renewable resource. I just find it astonishing that this is such a peculiar case. We don't get a lot of fire-breathing monsters in RE. Sometimes we get one that explodes cause of bombs or gas or something. But this is so far out of left field and is so... difficult to justify. It very much takes an artistic license with biology. But to hell with that, what if she survived? What if she lived and we got a weird side game? A story about the girl with a bio-suit that spends life points to blow stuff up. On the one hand, it's definitely more fantastical than some of RE's latest entries. On the other, *flammable blood* though.
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wikiuntamed · 6 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Friday, 5th April
Welcome, velkommen, selamat datang, bienvenue 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 5th April through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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5th April 2022 🗓️ : Death - Jimmy Wang Yu Jimmy Wang Yu, Taiwanese actor (b. 1943) "Jimmy Wang Yu (28 March 1943 – 5 April 2022) was a Hong Kong-Taiwanese martial artist, actor, film director, producer, and screenwriter. Initially a contract player for Shaw Brothers, he rose to fame for his starring role in One-Armed Swordsman (1967) and its sequels, and was one of the first major..."
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Image by Unknown
5th April 2019 🗓️ : Death - Sydney Brenner Sydney Brenner, South African biologist (b. 1927) "Sydney Brenner (13 January 1927 – 5 April 2019) was a South African biologist. In 2002, he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with H. Robert Horvitz and Sir John E. Sulston. Brenner made significant contributions to work on the genetic code, and other areas of molecular biology while..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 2.0? by OIST from Onna Village, Japan
5th April 2014 🗓️ : Death - Mariano Díaz (cyclist) Mariano Díaz, Spanish cyclist (b. 1939) "Mariano Díaz Díaz (17 September 1939 – 5 April 2014) was a Spanish professional road bicycle racer. In 1967, he won a stage of the 1967 Vuelta a España, and also won the mountains classification. He also competed in the individual road race and team time trial events at the 1964 Summer Olympics...."
5th April 1974 🗓️ : Birth - Vyacheslav Voronin Vyacheslav Voronin, Russian high jumper "Vyacheslav Nikolayevich Voronin (Russian: Вячеспав Никопаевич Воронин; born 5 April 1974 in Vladikavkaz) is a Russian track and field athlete who specialised in the high jump. Voronin was a World Champion (1999) and European Indoor Champion (2000). His personal best is 2.40 metres, set in London in..."
5th April 1924 🗓️ : Death - Victor Hensen Victor Hensen, German zoologist (b. 1835) "Christian Andreas Victor Hensen (10 February 1835 – 5 April 1924) was a German zoologist and marine biologist (planktology). He coined the term plankton and laid the foundation for biological oceanography and quantitative studies...."
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Image by Unknown authorUnknown author
5th April 1822 🗓️ : Birth - Émile de Laveleye Émile Louis Victor de Laveleye, Belgian economist (d. 1892) "Émile Louis Victor de Laveleye (5 April 1822 – 3 January 1892) was a Belgian economist. He was one of the co-founders of the Institut de Droit International in 1873...."
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Image by Louis Bertrand (1869-1937)
5th April 🗓️ : Holiday - International Day of Conscience "The International Day of Conscience is a global day of awareness celebrated on April 5, commemorating the importance of human conscience. It was established by the United Nations General Assembly on July 25, 2019, with the adoption of UN resolution 73/329. The first International Day of Conscience..."
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lakmeacademycourse · 7 months
From Passion to Profession: Your Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Beauty Expert!
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In the dynamic and ever evolving world of beauty and wellness, the journey to becoming a beauty expert is as enriching and varied as it is demanding. This definitive guidebook seeks to light the path for anyone wishing become a beauty professional, providing simple directions on how to make your way in this exciting industry.
First, you need to realise that the field of beauty isn’t limited simply by aesthetics. It is an all-encompassing industry combining art and science as well as healthcare options. In order to be successful as a beauty expert, one must embrace constant learning and stay on top of what’s new in trends, techniques, and products.
This journey begins with formal education. The first step is to enrol in a beauty school or cosmetology program. Here, besides learning the craft in various beauty disciplines, you’ll also get a grasp of skin biology, chemistry and hygiene standards that are indispensable for safe practice. After you have finished your formal education work, the next step is to get licensure. Generally, beauty professionals must be licensed in most regions. There are practical and written exams that you would have to clear.
Specialisation can be of significant help in advancing your career. If you specialise in makeup artistry, for instance, or skincare or hair styling, you can concentrate on what interested and fascinated you most about your chosen niche. Building your personal brand and portfolio will be critical.
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A well-informed beauty expert is always in demand but what are the steps to becoming a beauty expert? Let’s explore.
Enrolling in Beauty Courses Enrolling in beauty courses is crucial. Selecting the right category within your chosen domain is a pivotal step in establishing a career in the beauty industry. This field is rich with specialisations, each catering to a distinct aspect of beauty. Options range from makeup artists, hairdressers, and nail technicians to cosmetologists, beauty therapists, and bridal makeup specialists.
Once you’ve pinpointed your desired field, the next significant step is to choose an appropriate course that aligns with your career ambitions. Specialised beauty courses can take your skills to the next level, making you a sought-after expert in that area.
Building a Professional Portfolio and Network As you near the end of your makeup course, start focusing on developing your professional portfolio. It will be a visual representation of your skills and creativity, essential for showcasing your abilities. Ensure that your portfolio features a wide range of makeup styles, demonstrating your adaptability. Consider collaborating with individuals who can model your makeup designs. Incorporate ‘before and after’ photos – they help illustrate the transformative effect of your makeup artistry.
Embarking on a journey to become a professional beauty expert is exciting and rewarding. With the right beauty courses, specialisation, and practical experience, you’ll be well on your way. So, keep learning, practicing, and don’t forget to enjoy the process!
FAQs Can I start my own beauty business after these courses? Absolutely! With the right skills, experience, and confidence gained from beauty courses at Lakmé Academy powered by Aptech, starting your own business is definitely within reach.
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jcmarchi · 10 months
MicroRNA Holds Clues to Why Some Mammals are Cancer-Prone - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/microrna-holds-clues-to-why-some-mammals-are-cancer-prone-technology-org/
MicroRNA Holds Clues to Why Some Mammals are Cancer-Prone - Technology Org
Researchers at the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) at Cornell University have identified an important pathway related to MicroRNA that reveals why some mammals, like humans, dogs and cats, regularly develop mammary cancer while others, such as horses, pigs and cows, rarely do.
Breast cancer awareness – artistic interpretation. Image credit: Angiola Harry via Unsplash, free license
They used an unusual approach to uncover a piece of that puzzle – why cells in some species become cancerous – which they described in a paper published in Communications Biology in October.
The discovery hinges on a previous finding that gives clues about the molecular mechanisms at play. Mammary stem cells from some species with low incidences of mammary cancer use apoptosis to destroy cells with damaged DNA. In contrast, many species with a high incidence of mammary cancer repair their DNA-damaged cells, leaving them susceptible to potential cancerous mutations.
In the study, researchers focused on the role of microRNA-214-3p, a microRNA that is known to play a role in regulating apoptosis or cell destruction. They compared how microRNA-214-3p functions in stem cells from horses, which rarely develop mammary cancer, and from dogs, which regularly do.
They discovered that microRNA-214-3p is expressed at low levels in horse cells, but at higher levels in dog cells, and that this low microRNA-214-3p expression promotes the apoptosis that destroys horse cells with damaged DNA.
“Our research is novel because we worked with healthy cells, not cancer cells, trying to understand how a microRNA can prevent cells from becoming cancerous,” said Rebecca Harman ’92, M.S. ’11, Ph.D. ’18, the study’s lead author and a research support specialist at the Baker Institute for Animal Health.
“There are still many details to be worked out. This is a small piece of the puzzle, but it’s an important piece.”
Harman works in the laboratory of Dr. Gerlinde Van de Walle, the Alfred H. Caspary Professor and interim director of the Baker Institute for Animal Health. They collaborated closely with Praveen Sethupathy ’03, professor of physiological genomics and chair of the Department of Biomedical Sciences at CVM, who studies the role of microRNAs in animal and human disease, including cancer.
“MicroRNAs are generally understudied in veterinary cancers,” Sethupathy said. “This work represents and builds on the emphasis on comparative cancer biology at Cornell.”
After their initial findings, the research team conducted a second experiment to artificially increase the expression of miRNA-214-3p in horse cells. This led to the inhibition of apoptosis: When miRNA-214-3p expression increased, DNA-damaged horse cells were less likely to be destroyed.
Conducting similar experimental approaches in multiple species is another valuable aspect of this research, Van de Walle said.
“The most exciting part of this kind of research is comparing species who get the disease to those that don’t,” she said. “With this comparative approach, you can find new information that you would miss from looking at only one species. And we are more likely to be able to apply our findings to human disease.”
Source: Cornell University
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darlingemmet · 1 year
idk I'm not a toxicology/biology person so artistic license is used but I'm thinking of Caleb continually slipping Emmet poison that makes his vision degrade to uselessness. Don't look at anything else, just Caleb.
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thaonailart · 1 year
How to Become a Nail Technician: Skills and Pay Information
Consider working as a nail artist if you're seeking for a creative and sociable profession in the beauty industry. To address the demand for nail art services, salons, vietnamese nail supply beauty salons, spas, and other commercial venues hire nail technicians. It's crucial to have specialized training and a license if you want to work as a nail technician.
1. A nail technician is what?
A skilled practitioner who offers consumers specialized nail care services is known as a nail technician. Typical examples of these services include kiem nghia manicures, pedicures, nail art, and nail trimming. Other beauty-related chores, such moisturizing or massage, are frequently carried out by nail technicians.
2. Who works as a nail technician?
Fingernails and toenails are painted and groomed by nail technicians. Before providing their treatments, they conduct consultations with their clients to evaluate the condition of their skin and nails. The main duties of a nail technician are:
Giving manicures and pedicures Providing foot and hand massages Cleaning every piece of nail equipment before use Putting on fake nails Preserving a spotless workplace and promoting skincare and nail items Making appointment plans.
Getting into the nail industry An substantial amount of study and training is needed to become a nail technician. The fundamental steps to becoming a nail technician are as follows
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3. Complete high school
To enroll in cosmetology programs and become licensed, you must have a high school diploma or GED. It is not necessary to pre-prepare for cosmetology studies, however it may be beneficial to give biology and anatomy, art, or business classes more attention
Cosmetology courses opi bubble bath gel are provided by a few vocational high schools, allowing future nail technicians to begin their education before they graduate from high school. Without enrolling in a cosmetology degree, you can even be eligible to take your state's license exams thanks to these programs.
4. Finish a cosmetology program
Apply for a spot on a cosmetology course after graduation. The foundations of nail art, nail care, customer service, and cleanliness can be learned through these programs, which offer both academic and practical instruction. Depending on state licensure requirements, course lengths vary, but you should anticipate a program to last four to eight months, occasionally longer. Some subjects the course might cover are:
Anatomy: In this lesson, students learn about the hands and the nail's anatomy, including the nail plates and cuticles.
Chemistry: To provide your clients the most cutting-edge nail treatments, you must have a basic understanding of chemistry and chemical safety.
Students learn the skills necessary to uphold the highest levels of sanitation in the salon. To stop the spread of parasites, germs, and fungi, good hygiene is essential.
Application of fake nails: Students are taught how to do it properly and without harming their natural nails.
Customer service: In order to provide their customers with a positive experience, students learn how to interact with them appropriately.
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delhiskinhospital · 1 year
How to Become a Hair Transplant Surgeon
Are you looking for hair transplant in Delhi or want to make become a hair transplant surgeon? If yes, this article is very useful for you. A hair transplant surgeon specializes in diagnosing and treating problems related to hair loss. The training of a hair transplant surgeon helps him or her to be an expert in this field. Along with training, a high degree of technical and artistic skill is needed to perform hair treatment surgeries.
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Read the following steps to go through the process.
1. Develop an Interest to Become Surgeon
Find and meet experienced hair transplant surgeons who have been working in the field for quite some time. Their experience will guide you with more details on the subject. Taking the help of a knowledgeable surgeon will help you decide whether to become a hair transplant surgeon.
2. Enter the Medical Field
With many people taking interest in hair treatment surgery as a career, you need to clear high school with a medical diploma in hand. The medical diploma will let you learn on subjects of biology, chemistry and physics. The subjects will help prepare for any pre-requisite medical exam like PMET, MCATS, and etc. to enter a medical college. High score or good grades are required in these exams because of heavy competition always present between aspirants wanting to become a doctor or physician.
Entering medical college the undergraduate undergoes 4 to 5 years of following training and testing (theoretically-practically) period so to earn a degree of MBBS, BAMS, etc.;
Understands the fundamental subjects of Anatomy, Physiology, Histology, Bio-chemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, professionalism and medical ethics taught in early college years.
Conducts medical histories of patients and physically examines and diagnoses their diseases through study of medicine.
Works in clinical rotations under the supervision of doctors to manage patients.
Studies surgery, pediatrics, internal medicine, psychiatry, gynecology and obstetrics.
Other Things Learned in Medical College
Gains clinical and community work experience.
Deals with issues like health, disease, population, etc.
Communication skills
Gets more involved in prevention and care.
Makes innovation in health care and sciences with the help of technology.
Does research on affairs related to medical field.
Specialty and Residency
Based on the personal interests, clinical experiences and other factors considered the undergraduate chooses his/her specialty e.g. Anesthesiology, Pediatrics, Neurology, etc. to become a specialist and not just remain as a doctor on completing the graduate degree.
Opting specialty, its experience is gained through applying in a residency program (internship). The residency program positions are available in your own passed out college or have to search elsewhere colleges/hospitals.
The program period is of 2 years or more (as per specialty chosen) where the doctor gains experience by working alongside other health practitioners, getting exposed to different communities, patients and cases over the subject opted and gets paid too.
Once all education and training is completed, doctors receive certification on their chosen field to be finally known as a MD (doctor of medicine) or DO (osteopathic physician).
Post board certifications, MD or DO doctors apply for medical license (available from state level boards who issue medical license) to work with authority in their respected field.
3. Hair Transplant Surgeon Qualification (Training)
Any licensed physician can become a hair transplant surgeon. Because a physician is able to diagnose the whole body in a surgery rather than just considering the head. So it is easy for a physician to study this subject. With good understanding of medical knowledge physicians need to gain enhanced surgical knowledge for better understanding on performing a surgery. Apply to a hair transplant college or institute or join fellowship which guides with good coverage on transplant training.
Training Overview
In training the physician undergoes a series of programs that help learn following aspects of hair transplantation procedures and methods;
Understands reasons for hair loss (in male/female)
Gets detailed knowledge on the physiology, anatomy and blood supply of the scalp and hair follicle
How to avoid unwanted blood loss during surgery and blood supply to areas of treated case
Lymph drainage
Principles of suture
Preparing recipient site & slit formation
Incision or excision for minimal scarring post surgery
Learns natural hairline designs
Knows about anesthesia combination
Learns follicular extraction
Follicle transection Rates
Placement of grafts with techniques
Does temple hair angling
Measures hair densities
Evaluates patient
Follows after care surgery
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