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A bad anatomy. My fault. Yayks. . . . . . . #gouacheexcercise #gouache #gouacheportrait #gouachepainting #gouacheillustration #pose #painting_daily #paintingpractice #paintings #paintingprocess #gouachepaint #pebeo #pebeogouache #artist_features #artoftheday #artshare #artshoutout #art_share #artfollow #artistcz #art_by_nerea #art_gallery #umenicesky #nereart #artist🇨🇿 #art_dayilydose #art_community #art_4share (v místě Prague, Czechia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Fv4Pwhno2/?igshid=188b14zmhqphy
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Another gouache study of human body and poses. I really love these colors and the poss is magnificent. ✌️ What do you think about the colors? #gouacheexcercise #gouache #gouacheportrait #gouachepainting #gouacheillustration #pose #painting_daily #paintingpractice #paintings #paintingprocess #gouachepaint #pebeo #pebeogouache #artist_features #artoftheday #artshare #artshoutout #art_share #artfollow #artistcz #art_by_nerea #art_gallery #umenicesky #nereart #artist🇨🇿 #art_dayilydose #art_community #art_4share (v místě Prague, Czechia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5-iRHRBCs4/?igshid=1whjssnx2veu2
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Another human study in gouache. I recently bought Turner Acryl Gouache and I'm in love with them. I'm really scared about waisting the paint, but I looove to use it. Here's one of my first gouache portraits. #gouacheexcercise #gouache #gouacheportrait #gouachepainting #gouacheillustration #pose #painting_daily #paintingpractice #paintings #paintingprocess #gouachepaint #pebeo #pebeogouache #artist_features #artoftheday #artshare #artshoutout #art_share #artfollow #artistcz #art_by_nerea #art_gallery #umenicesky #nereart #artist🇨🇿 #art_dayilydose #art_community #art_4share (v místě Prague, Czechia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B52cPE6h_xq/?igshid=clmkvrsps1dz
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A while ago I made these gouache sketches where I tried to work more on poses and bodies and hands. Not just faces, which I love. I'm really happy how this one turned out. I love the colors, I know it's a bit... A lot overwhelming buuuut I wanted to experiment with colors too. #gouacheexcercise #gouache #gouacheportrait #gouachepainting #gouacheillustration #pose #painting_daily #paintingpractice #paintings #paintingprocess #gouachepaint #pebeo #pebeogouache #artist_features #artoftheday #artshare #artshoutout #art_share #artfollow #artistcz #art_by_nerea #art_gallery #umenicesky #nereart #artist🇨🇿 #art_dayilydose #art_community #art_4share (v místě Brno, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5srDghB2TK/?igshid=pzkbihqypsk7
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I didn't write anything to my last post, because I was so tired. I still wanted to post something but not trying so hard to come up with something you can read when I was just ready to sleep. I got ill and I had one exam today. So I'm really exhausted. I had to travel for my exam and I think I'll arrive home, I'll eat and I'll sleep. Tomorrow I need to practice for summer and then I need to study for another exam and on Saturday I have all day on practice for summer with the rest of my team. It'll be hard but fun. I hope I'll be healthy by then. #100challenge #100drawings #portrait #portraitpractice #ceskyumelec #sketchbook #skicák #skicak #ukazcodelas #ukažskicák #drawing #sketching #artbyNerea #art_by_nerea #art_gallery #artcz #artist🇨🇿 #artistcz #czechillustrators #czechgirl (v místě Brno, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByDZD8_CUwu/?igshid=gk9ubcom6hv8
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Very spring painting of guinea pig. 💞 . I found out how to make handmade paper at home. It was hard to figure it out, but now I know and I do 2-3 sheets a day in my spare time. Would you like to know how I did it? . #gouacheexcercise #gouacheportrait #customportrait #custompetportrait #petportrait #guineapig #guineapigs #guineapigsofinstagram #guineapigpainting #guineapiglover #guineapiglove #guineapigsofinsta #morce #morče #zvire #animalportrait #czechart #gouache #gouachepaint #gouachepainting #gouachepaintings #gouacheartist #gouacheart #artoftheday #artistsupport #artistonetsy #artistofinstagram #artworks #artgram #artistcz (v místě Aarhus, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_zKiLgHjNu/?igshid=74qhm4ztvyjr
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Another beautiful flower for my gouache collection. I just love it. 😍 I can paint you flower of your choosing on A4 200g/m2 paper. If interested write me a DM. 🌟 . . Další krásná rostlina do mojí kvašové sbírky. Úplně ji zbožňuju. 😍 Mohu vám květinu namalovat na přání na papír velikosti A4 200g/m2. Pokud máte zájem, napište mi do zpráv. 🌟 . #botanical #botanicalillustrations #kvety #kvetiny #květiny #priroda #yellowflower #insta_obrazarna #art_by_nerea #gouache #gouacheexcercise #gouachepainting #gouacheillustration #gouacheflowers #flowersofinstagram #flowers #paintingflowers #igartczech #art #artist #artistcz #artist🇨🇿 #czechart #czechgirl #czechillustrations #ilustrace #ilustracia #holkazmoravy #zlatydest #forsythia (v místě Aarhus, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_H330GnnqA/?igshid=cmfksdib2o43
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Trvalo mi chvilku najít na netu, jak se kytička jmenuje. Roste i u nás v Česku, stejně jako tady v Dánsku, prakticky všude. 🌍 🌱 Jmenuje se Rozrazil (Veronica), já bych si tipla, že jsem si domů přinesla Rozrazil Perský, ale nejsem odborník. 🤷 Miluju biologii. 💙 Viděli jste tuhle kytku někdy na procházce? Jaká je podle vás typická česká kytka? 🇬🇧 It took a a little while to find out the name of this flower. It grows in Czech republic as well as in Denmark, practicaly all around the world. 🌍 🌱 It's called Speedwell (Veronica), I would say that this mine is Persian Speedwell, but I'm no scientist. 🤷 But I love biology. 💙 Have you ever seen this flower while on walk? What is the typical czech flower? #botanical #botanicalillustrations #kvety #kvetiny #květiny #priroda #purpleflower #insta_obrazarna #art_by_nerea #gouache #gouacheexcercise #gouachepainting #gouacheillustration #gouacheflowers #flowersofinstagram #flowers #paintingflowers #igartczech #art #artist #artistcz #czechart #czechgirl #czechillustrations #ilustrace #ilustracia #holkazmoravy #rozrazil #speedwell #veronica (v místě Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-1u3yPnVJB/?igshid=1dfydz25b3gl9
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Další kráska violka vonná, fialka. Studie kvašovými barvami Winsor and Newton. 🌟 🇬🇧 Another beauty violet, viola odorata. Study done in Winsor and Newton gouache. 🌟 #botanical #botanicalillustrations #kvety #kvetiny #květiny #priroda #purpleflower #insta_obrazarna #art_by_nerea #gouache #gouacheexcercise #gouachepainting #gouacheillustration #gouacheflowers #flowersofinstagram #flowers #paintingflowers #igartczech #art #artist #artistcz #artist🇨🇿 #czechart #czechgirl #czechillustrations #ilustrace #ilustracia #holkazmoravy #fialka #viola (v místě Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-wXnbDnO5H/?igshid=1x4nmfp9wbqse
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Asi je příliš brzo na zimní návrhy? 🤦🏻♀️ Ani mi to nedošlo, dokud jsem to nedokončila. Začínáte sázet? Připravovat se na zahradničení? 🌱 🇬🇧 Maybe it's too soon for winter illustrations? 🤦🏻♀️ I didn't even think about it looking like winter illustration until I finished it. Are you starting to plant seeds? Prepare yourself for gardening? 🌱 #botanical #botanicalillustrations #kvety #kvetiny #květiny #priroda #denmark #aarhus #art_by_nerea #gouache #gouacheexcercise #gouachepainting #gouacheillustration #gouacheflowers #flower #flowersofinstagram #flowers #paintingflowers #pinkflower #painter #art #artist #artistcz #artist🇨🇿 #czechart #czechgirl #czechillustrations #ilustrace #ilustracia #holkazmoravy (v místě Aarhus, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-l-rMUnR53/?igshid=pfut986kyt5d
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Včera jsem se byla projít venku a donesla jsem si domů malinko kytiček a pak jsem zbytek dne strávila jejich malovaním. 🌸 Upřímně, nevím, co je tohle za kytku (je to spíš asi okrasný keř), ale je moc krásná. Pokud víte jméno rostlinky, napište mi prosím.✨ Chodíte v tomto období taky na procházky? ☀️ 🇬🇧 I went for a walk yesterday and I brought home a few flowers and then I spend my whole day painting them. 🌸 Honestly, I don't know what's this flower, bit I love it! If you know write me, please. ✨ Do you go out for walks in these times? ☀️ #botanical #botanicalillustrations #kvety #kvetiny #květiny #priroda #denmark #aarhus #art_by_nerea #gouache #gouacheexcercise #gouachepainting #gouacheillustration #gouacheflowers #flower #flowersofinstagram #flowers #paintingflowers #pinkflower #painter #art #artist #artistcz #artist🇨🇿 #czechart #czechgirl #czechillustrations #ilustrace #ilustracia #holkazmoravy (v místě Aarhus, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-blO32HaE5/?igshid=19pycpvw3mwmy
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Handmade pins from air-drying clay that I made myself are for sale now! I hand painted them with acrylic paint and I've also put protection layer on top. If you are interested, please send me a DM or shop at fler.cz/shop/nerea - the link is also in my bio. ✌️ Ručně vyráběné brože z hmoty, která schne na vzduchu, jsou právě na prodej! Ručně jsem je namalovala akrylovými barvami a nanesla jsem na ně ochranou vrstvu. Pokud o ně máte zájem, napište mi do zpráv tady na Instagramu anebo můžete nakoupit na fler.cz/shop/nerea - odkaz je v popisku mého profilu. ✌️ #pins #pin #handmade #handmadepin #handmadepins #vyrobenoslaskou #vyrobenovcesku #zlateceskerucicky #acrylic #acrylicartistsofinstagram #acrylicartforsale #acrylics #pebeo #broz #brož #odznak #claypin #square #goldembellishments #golddetails #artist_features #artoftheday #artshare #art_by_nerea #nereart #art_share #artshoutout #artistcz #vyrobenorucne #rucnevyrobeno (v místě Brno, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6n5U2UB82s/?igshid=yuuhckopxt7o
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I made some pins from air dry clay and I hand painted them and now they are up for sale at fler.cz/shop/nerea! So if you wanna give some nice and small gift to your friend for Christmas, here's your thing! They are painted with acrylics and and coated with acrylic glossy finish. I hope you like them! 💙 #pins #pin #handmade #handmadepin #handmadepins #vyrobenoslaskou #vyrobenovcesku #zlateceskerucicky #acrylic #acrylicartistsofinstagram #acrylicartforsale #acrylics #pebeo #broz #brož #odznak #claypin #square #goldembellishments #golddetails #artist_features #artoftheday #artshare #art_by_nerea #nereart #art_share #artshoutout #artistcz #vyrobenorucne #rucnevyrobeno (v místě Prague, Czechia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Amy_SJHGw/?igshid=flxlvrbv1r0f
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