#artist: 兎灯
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おちゃめ機能 -Full ver.- [Mischievous Function -Full ver.-] • 吉原ラメント [Yoshiwara Lament] • -ERROR • +REVERSE • default_voice • GPS • E.F.B~恒久の氷結~2012 [E.F.B ~Eternal Force Blizzard~ 2012] • 津���浦々 [Far and Wide] • Nyan Cat • hp • しゅーてぃん☆すたー [Shooting☆Star] • 櫻唄 [Cherry Blossom Song] • 追憶 [Reminiscence] • マテリアルワールド [Material World] • 1st color • ダカラ、ウタウ [That's Why I Sing] • おうちへかえろう。 [I'll go home.]
Submitter's Note: "compilation/""best of"" album collecting various original UTAU songs made by different producers. List of producers: asa, ChieP, cillia, daniwell, Death Ohagi, Gay-Lussac, GojimajiP, inaphon, LamentP, Minatsuki Toka, nakano4, niki, TeaTimeP, Usagibi List of voicebanks: Aino Hate, Kasane Teto, Momone Momo, Namine Ritsu, Ouka Miko, Sekka Yufu, Suiga Sora, Utane Uta, Yokune Ruko"
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leenaevilin · 5 years ago
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[Announcement] シアターコンプレックス ラインアップ (theater complex lineup)
first information of the theater complex content announced^^
「シアターコンプレックス」オリジナル・タイアッププログラム (theater complex ~ original tie up program)
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#1『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage ~ original program
◎ 『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage -Battle track.1-“Buster Bros!!! VS MAD TRIGGER CREW” [Mid-August 2020]
イケブクロ・ディビジョン“Buster Bros!!!” (ikebukuro devision “buster bros!!!”) Takano Akira as Yamada Ichirou (山田一郎) Matsuda Shouta as Yamada Jirou (山田二郎) Akishima Ryuuto as Yamada Saburou (山田三郎)
ヨコハマ・ディビジョン“MAD TRIGGER CREW” (yokohama devision “mad trigger crew” Abe Aran as Aohitsugi Samatoki (碧棺左馬刻) Mizue Kenta as Iruma Juuto (入間銃兎) Byrnes Yuuki as Busujima Meison Riou (毒島メイソン理鶯) ◎ 『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage -Battle track.2-“Fling Posse VS 麻天狼” [Mid-August 2020] 
Shibuya Division “Fling Posse” Sekoguchi Ryou as Amemura Ramuda (飴村乱数) Maeyama Takahisa as Yumeno Gentarou (夢野幻太郎) Takizawa Ryou as Arisugawa Daisu (有栖川帝統)  
Shinjuku Division “Matenrou” Ayukawa Taiyou as Jinguuji Jakurai (神宮寺寂雷) Araki Hirofumi as Izanami Hifumi (伊弉冉一二三) Miyagi Koudai as Kannonzaka Doppo (観音坂独歩) ◎ 『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage -Final Battle track-“????? VS?????”」 [End of September 2020] ◎ 『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage -Division Dance lesson-」
Cast A [Mid-July 2020] アカバネ・ディビジョン“North Bastard” (akabane devision “north bastard”) Kishimoto Yuuta as Doan Kazumasa??? (堂庵和聖) Nanbu Kaito as Kokuri Hariyama??? (狐久里梁山) Matsuuchi Tsukasa as Saragi Kenei??? (蛇穴健栄)
Cast B [End of August 2020] Asakusa Division “鬼瓦ボンバーズ” (asakusa division “onigawara bombers”) Katou Ryousuke as Hoozuki Jinpachi (鬼灯甚八) Wada Taisuke as Komagata Masamune (駒形正宗) Yuuki Kazuya as Yougou Doshirou (影向道四郎)
◎ 「CREATION of 『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage [Beginning of September 2020] Ueki Gou
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#2 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』~ original program
「ほぼ、まいにちエーステ」(hobo, mainichi a-sute) [Mid-July 2020 ~ Mid-August 2020]
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#3『僕のヒーローアカデミア』The “Ultra” Stage ~ original program
「リアルタイム・コメンタリー上映」(realtime commentary jouei) [July 10th, 2020]
Tamura Shin Kobayashi Ryouta Ino Hiroki Kitamura Ryou
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「シアターコンプレックス」オリジナル・プログラム (theater complex original program)
#1 え・ほ・ん・げ・き (ehon geki)
Satou Jirou
#2 わだしゅんの音楽室 (wadajun no ongakushitsu) [Mid-July 2020~] 
Wada  Shunsuke
#3 中屋敷法仁の熱血演劇塾! (仮) (nakayashiki norihito no nekketsu engeki juku! (kari))
Nakayashiki Norihito
#4 早乙女太一 プロジェクト (saotome taichi project)
Saotome Taichi
#5 荒牧慶彦presents演劇ドラフト会議 (aramaki yoshihiko presents engeki draft kaigi)
Aramaki Yoshihiko
#5 水江建太プロデュース 謎のアーティスト『青』生LIVE (mizue kenta produce nazo no artist ‘ao’ nama-live) [Beginning of August 2020]
#6 佐藤流司座長企画 (satou ryuuji zachou kikaku)
Satou Ryuuji
#7 丸尾丸一郎 (劇団鹿殺し) 企画 『セミドキュメント ワンマンショー』(maruo maruichirou (gekidan shika koroshi) kikaku ~ semi document one-man show)
Maruo Maruichirou
#8 ~継承~市瀬秀和と学ぶ日本文化 (仮) (~keishou~ ichinose hidekazu to manabu nihon bunka (kari))
Ichinose Hidekazu
#9 CROSS×POINT [Mid-August 2020]
#10 私立妄想ミュージカル女学院 (shiritsu bousou musical jougakuin)
Kodama Akiko
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hitogatarock · 4 years ago
夢景色 . yumegeshiki
LYRICS TRANSLATION for one of the insert songs on their first album Ai no Hana.
Translated name : Dreamscape ( fan-translated ) , Everlasting ( official )
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All translations are belongs to me, make sure to credit properly if you plans on sharing this! Enjoy reading!
Listen along • google doc • twitter post
kono michi de ii desu ka
Is this the way should I go?
tadoreba doko ni deremasu ka
Where can I find the way out if I follow?
tonikaku susunde susunde ikeba ii desu ka
Should I go on and go ahead anyway?
まだ心の準備ができてないよ ねぇどうしよう
mada kokoro no junbi ga dekitenai yo nee doushiyou
I haven't prepared for this, so what should I do?
I’m Late なんて 今日はだめだよ
I'm Late nante kyou wa dame da yo
I'm Late, as I say, so it's not today
omoeba nagai kyori wo hashittekitanda yo na
Thinking about it, we've come a long way
doko made ikeba ii no ka na
Just how far do I have to go?
薄明かりの中 押し殺した声で
usuakari no naka oshikoroshita koe de
By the dim twilight, with a hushed voice
I won’t cry in sad today. 
誰か降り積もる不安をThrow Awayして
dare ka furitsumoru fuan wo Throw Away shite
Somebody please Throw Away the anxiety that's piling up
そして Bring me Everlasting 《Scene》
soshite Bring me Everlasting "Scene"
And then Bring me Everlasting "Scene"
ねぇ おしえて夢景色(ユメゲシキ)よ
nee oshiete yumegeshiki yo
Hey, tell me about the dreamscape
nijinde mienu hitokage
It is a blur of figures
zutto yuragari tsunagareta "hikari" wa
The "light" that has always been wavering and connecting,
白く小さな雪のように 照らす夢灯り
shiroku chiisana yuki no you ni terasu yumeakari
Like a little white snow, the dream-light illuminates
umaku utaenakutte
I can't sing very well
koe wo dashitaku nakunatte
and I can't even let out my voice
ochiteku namida wo hirou no mo akirametakunatte
I felt like giving up trying to pick up the tears that were falling.
demo kokoro no sasae kureru taisetsu na anata ga
But you, my dear, who give me continuous support
yorisotte yuuki wo kureta kara
For being there for me and giving me courage.
omoeba tsurai hibi wo hashittekitanda yo na
Looking back, we've gone through tough days
doko made ikeba ii no ka na
Just how far do you have to go?
薄明かりの中 打ち震えた声で
usuakari no naka uchifurueta koe de
By the dim twilight, with a quivering voice
Can’t stop crying now again.
誰か溢(アフ)れる不安を Throw Awayして
dare ka afureru fuan wo Throw Away shite
Somebody please Throw Away the anxiety that's overflowing
そして Bring me Everlasting 《Scene》
soshite Bring me Everlasting "Scene"
And then Bring me Everlasting "Scene"
ねぇ おしえて夢景色(ユメゲシキ)よ
nee oshiete yumegeshiki yo
Hey, tell me about the dreamscape
koborete nureru yubisaki
Fingertips who spill and got wet from it
zutto yuragari tsunagareta "hikari" wa
The "light" that has always been wavering and connecting,
shiroku chiisana yuki no you ni terasu yumeakari
Like a little white snow, the dream-light illuminates
yuuki saki mo shirazu mata bokura wa
Again, we don't know where to go
tsuranari katamichi yume kippu de
With a one-way dream ticket,
mizukara reeru wo shikikake ageru hora ne
you can see that it lays its own rails so that you can run through
michi wo wakareru koto mo aru darou
There will be times when we part ways.
kowareru koto mo kitto aru darou
I'm sure there will be things that break.
doushite mo mitsuketai ibashotte
Where do you really want to be?
sono bashotte...
That place is...
光をかざして そのままで
hikari wo kazashite sono mama de
Hold the light over and leave it as it is
"onegai namae wo yonde" nante segan de gomen ne
I'm sorry I begged you to call me by my name.
takaramon da
You were a treasure to me.
daiji ni suru yo kimi no koe
So I'll take good care of your voice
miwatasu kagiri no hikari no hatake
Fields of light as far as the eye can see
"koko ni ite yo" to iwareta kigashitanda
I felt like they were saying, "Stay right here."
doushite ikiteiru no
Why am I still alive?
doushite koko ni iru no yo
Why am I right here?
ずっと暗がりに問いかけ もがいていた
zutto kuragari ni toikake mogaiteita
All my life I've been asking questions and struggling in the dark.
tadoritsuita yo
and yet I have arrived
tobikiri no egao no kimi
to you with an outstanding smile
koushite ikite yuku yo
That is how I will live
こうしてここで歌うよ ずっと
koushite koko de utau yo zutto
This is how I'll sing right here, always.
yuragari tsunagareta "hikari" wa
The "light" that has been wavering and connected
白くただ白く 《未来(コレカラ)》を
shiroku tada shiroku "korekara" wo
The "from now on" that was colored only in white,
egaku yumegeshiki
would make the Everlasting
— translator notes : this is one of the most emotional original songs HimeHina has ever sung, and I can feel their feelings that they were thankful to their fans (including me), when they need support and the will to continue to sing as the virtual youtuber/artiste HIMEHINA. please, continue to support these amazing girls, as their second album Kiryca would come out later this month!
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