#artist: たける
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animepopheart · 1 year ago
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★ 【たける】 「 なおふみ 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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elizadraws · 1 year ago
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Ghibli men and women in Bulgarian headdress 🇧🇬 This is the third, and last part—continuation to this post. The last two illustrations are based on the Ghibli movie 'Only Yesterday'. In the scene when the protagonist, Taeko, picks safflower, the Bulgarian song 'Malka Moma Dvori Mete' plays in the background. In my interpretation, she's picking rose petals in the Bulgarian Rose Valley. 🌹
My Instagram
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szmxsm · 9 months ago
【Commission】 Self-insert x Cannon
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Self-insert commission! Both are very good-looking boy, thanks for commission me💖 Commission open, DM me if you want to design your OC too! —— 久違的夢向委託!兩個都是長得非常好看的男孩子,黑皮正太畫得特別開心!感謝委託💖 委託開放中,有需要可以直接私訊詢問詳情哦! ——
60 seconds painting:
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rennebright · 8 days ago
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「…ここにサインするなって言ったはずだけど?」 by Gwan-E [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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pla-v-illgame · 3 months ago
【文字化化】主人公ちゃん & 這いばい男 & 赤い傘の男 / fanart
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↓まだあるよΦ(๑•ᴗ•๑)🎨✧˖° ↓There's more.
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主人公ちゃん & 這いばい男 & 赤い傘の男
主人公ちゃんと仲良くなりたい赤い傘の男さん。 ストーk…ヤバい奴…危険な存在と認識されてるので、問答無用でぶん殴られて逃げられてます。
+おまけ 赤い傘の男の夢
heroine & Mr.Crawling & Mr.Scarletella
Mr. Scarletella” wants to be friends with a heroine. He is recognized as a stalke...a bad gu...a dangerous existence. No argument, he is beaten up and run away.
+OMAKE Mr. Scarletella's Wish
🎮Mygame Playlists↓ Youtube Playlists📺https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKb8STtGcGS-GwTn8QMAONJt0eSrC4Zpc
Please request and follow me.
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pomodorosa · 3 months ago
ストリーミング詐欺の被害者になった話:A story about being a victim of streaming fraud
即時、ディストリビューターには自分が潔白であること、ストリーミング詐欺を疑われるようなプロモーション活動はいっさい行なっていないことを主張した。 しかし現時点でまだディストリビューターから回答は得られていない。
SpotifyやApple Musicなどの配信プラットフォームは、本当のストリーミング詐欺であろうとそうでなかろうと、ストリーミング再生数の異常を検知すれば自動的にディストリビューターに報告をし、報告を受けたディストリビューターはアーティストへの事実確認をすることなく配信を停止する取り決めになっているというのだ。
仮に自分の無実が証明されて配信が再開されることになっても、楽曲が停止されていた期間のロイヤリティは発生しない。 アーティストが本来得られるべき収益を不当に阻害されても、それを補償する制度はない。
この状況に私は恐怖を覚える。 ストリーミング詐欺は当然許されざる行為だが、それを取り締まるディストリビューターや配信プラットフォームの現在の姿勢も、真っ当な活動をしているアーティストには到底看過できるものではない。
今回は当事者として私の身に起こったこの理不尽な被害をリスナーに報告するとともに、周囲のアーティストにも注意を喚起しています。 そして音楽配信の問題点や未来を真剣に考える機会にできればと思っています。
Yesterday morning, I received a message from the distributor I use for music distribution, saying, "Your songs are being played abnormally on a certain platform. We suspect streaming fraud, so we will stop distributing your album."
It was my first album, "pomodorosa," released in 2020.
Of course, I had no recollection of this accusation, and thought it was an accidental error or someone was trying to arbitrarily slander me.
I immediately told the distributor that I was innocent and that I had not engaged in any promotional activities that could be suspected of streaming fraud.
However, I have not yet received a response from the distributor.
While waiting for their response, I searched the Internet, both domestically and internationally, in search of a solution to this problem, and what I learned is that independent artists are in an extremely vulnerable position when it comes to these "suspicions of streaming fraud."
Distribution platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music automatically report any anomalies in streaming play counts to distributors, regardless of whether they are genuine streaming fraud or not, and the distributor who receives the report suspends distribution without confirming the facts with the artist.
In other words, regardless of the facts, once the label of "streaming fraud" is slapped on an artist, the distribution is stopped without the distributor or distribution platform providing any reason or justification, and the artist is not even given a chance to defend themselves.
Even if an artist's innocence is proven and distribution is resumed, royalties will not be paid for the period the song was suspended.
There is no system to compensate artists for their unfairly hindered earnings that they should have received.
In other words, if an unknown third party wanted to do it, they could arbitrarily cut off an artist's lifeline on suspicion of streaming fraud, whether it was done out of resentment, jealousy, or simple mischief, or because they wanted to promote the artist.
I find this situation frightening. Streaming fraud is of course unacceptable, but the current attitude of distributors and streaming platforms that crack down on it is also something that artists who are engaged in legitimate activities cannot overlook.
As a victim myself, I am reporting this unreasonable damage that happened to me to our listeners, and also calling attention to the issue among other artists. I hope this will be an opportunity to seriously consider the problems and future of music streaming.
Thank you for reading.
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room-surprise · 3 months ago
PSA: Mithrun doesn't run a noodle shop after the end of the manga!
Awhile back I posted a PSA about how Mickbell and Kuro don't run a noodle shop in the canon, they run an "everything store." In this post I mentioned that "Mithrun running a noodle shop" was also not canon, and that I'd get around to talking about it later.
Both of these fanons are the result of some mistranslation and information getting passed through multiple people, resulting in a very popular fanon that some people think is canon, that Mithrun is running an Asian-style noodle shop in Merini, and that he's in competition with Mickbell and Kuro.
Please note, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Mithrun (or Mickbell and Kuro) running a noodle shop! If you like the idea and want to write or draw things about that, it's fine! It's just not canon.
Unfortunately a lot of the information we have about what happens to Mithrun after the end of the manga comes from the still untranslated second version of the Adventurer's Bible, a Chinese Q&A posted by Kui's Chinese publisher, and autograph sessions where Kui answered fan questions, and fans posted about it on Twitter and Reddit.
You can understand why the last one, fans self-reporting what Kui told them, is extremely unreliable and shouldn't be considered the same level of "canon" as something that Kui had printed and published, or that was recorded in an official capacity.
A fan at the Korean signing described it like this (paraphrasing for clarity):
A group of about 100 fans gathered in big room with a screen, where they were playing the anime. The publisher called us up one by one, and we were guided to a smaller room, where Kui was sitting with 5-6 people from the publisher and a translator. We were not allowed to use our phones to take pictures or video.
I don't know if all of the signing events were like this, but we know that Kui and many other manga artists want to preserve their personal privacy, so I'd assume most of these events are run this way.
This makes information from autograph sessions really unreliable, since anyone could post anything online and claim Kui said it, and even other fans who were at the event wouldn't be able to prove that it wasn't true.
I have heard that sometimes fans "overheard" answers that other fans got, which doesn't fit with the above description, so some signings may have not been that private... Or maybe after a fan got their autograph, they talked with other fans at the event and shared information that way? Or maybe they talked about it online afterwards? I can't say for certain.
Anyway, moving on!
Here's Mithrun's updated biography page from the World Guide:
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"After the island labyrinth disappears, he is stationed in Merini under the orders of the Queen."
The confusing part here is that another comic says Mithrun is retiring, and that he'll no longer be part of the Canaries.
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MITHRUN: 何の用だフレキ (What do you want, Fleki?) FLEKI: 実は隊長が隊をやめられると 耳にしまして・・…. (I actually heard that the captain is leaving the squad…) MITHRUN: 事実だ (It's true.) FLEKI: おおっ第二の人生を歩まれる (Oh, you're starting a second life.)
Cithis also confirms that Mithrun is leaving the Canaries:
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"それで隊をやめたあと何をされるご予定で? (So what are you planning to do after you leave the corps?)"
This seems like it would be a contradiction with "he is stationed in Merini under the orders of the Queen." If he's retired, why is he still taking orders? Why is he stationed there, a term normally used for military duty?
I think what Kui is telling us is that even though Mithrun isn't a Canary anymore, he's still nobility, and as a noble he has to obey the elf queen, and even if he isn't actively a Canary, he's considered a military asset - one of the duties of nobility is to always be ready to perform military service for their monarch.
Since the elf queen is an absolute monarch, anything Mithrun does is "with the Queen's permission/under her orders," since she owns her subjects.
(This is fun because it hints at potential future conflict. Will the Queen ever command Mithrun to do something he doesn't want to do? What happens if he refuses? Will he defect, and swear allegiance to his new home in Merini instead?)
Ok, Mithrun's retired from the Canaries, but what is he going to do in Merini?
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"メリニに残り悪魔の監視を続けるはびこ魔物の蔓延る場所を巡り活動を記録する魔物とは 迷宮とは なんだったのか 生涯をかけて 追い続ける (I'll remain in Merini, and continue to watch out for demons. I'll travel to places where monsters gather and record their activities. I'll spend the rest of my life seeking to understand monsters, and the labyrinth.)"
(Why does the translation call it a labyrinth, not a dungeon? PSA on this here.)
As you can see, there's no mention of noodles here. Mithrun has something he seriously, passionately wants to do, and he plans to do it for the rest of his life. Fleki's reaction, by the way, is complete and utter horror (she was hoping Mithrun would return to his family's wealthy estate and she could mooch off of him):
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"残る・・・魔物のこんな未開拓地に? 蘇生術なし (Remaining here… in such a primitive country that's full of ​​monsters? Without resurrection magic?)"
This tells us that the elves probably consider the Eastern Continent an uncivilized and primitive place, where an elf wouldn't want to stay longer than necessary. Fleki seems to think living there would be worse than going back to prison in the elven lands.
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Here is where some of the confusion probably starts:
CITHIS: 蕎麦打ち は? (What about making noodles?) MITHRUN: それもやる (I'll do that too.)
Note that Cithis does not say running a noodle shop, she just says "making noodles."
Obviously a person can make noodles for themselves, or for the people around them, without getting into the huge enterprise of opening a restaurant. It's illogical to assume "I'll make noodles" actually means "I'll open a restaurant that serves noodles."
Also, Mithrun is smirking when he answers Cithis, which implies that he's joking, or being sarcastic. This makes sense because "what about making noodles?" is part of a running joke in the manga about ramen noodles and how their presence in the primarily European-style setting of Dungeon Meshi doesn't make sense.
The word Cithis uses, soba (蕎麦), literally means "buckwheat." The full name for buckwheat noodles is soba-kiri (蕎麦切り "buckwheat slices"), but soba is commonly used alone.
Historically, soba noodles were called Nihon-soba, Wa-soba, or Yamato-soba, all of which mean "Japanese noodle." This was meant to distinguish Japanese buckwheat noodles from wheat noodles of Chinese origin, such as ramen, sōmen, or udon.
In the modern era, soba is the word used to refer to noodles in general, regardless of origin or composition. So Italian noodles can be described as a type of soba.
The loan word パスタ (pasuta) is what is normally used to talk about Italian noodles, but the confusion between soba (Japanese buckwheat noodles) and soba (any other type of noodle) is the core of Kui's joke.
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In Chapter 81, Laios and his party try to make food for Marcille that will remind her of her home and childhood (which is clearly supposed to be someplace like Italy) but they end up making Japanese-style pork ramen instead. The punchline is that Izutsumi, the only Japanese member of the party, can tell that they've made the wrong type of noodles, but the rest of the party doesn't understand what she's talking about to a comical and ridiculous extent.
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In Chapter 94, when Kabru and the Canaries are trying to encourage Mithrun to keep on living, Fleki and Lycion go off on a comical tangent about making noodles:
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The punchline of this joke is that Kui is depicting Mithrun servingJapanese-style noodles, which makes no sense because the elves aren't Japanese... Something we know for a fact because there are actual explicitly Japanese characters in Dungeon Meshi. Laios thinks "That's like Marcille's (local cuisine)..." in reference to the joke in Chapter 81.
The panel on the left shows Mithrun looking like a stereotypical ramen stand operator: gruff, covered in sweat, proudly presenting his finished work.
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(Sorry for using your thumbnail, random furry youtuber.)
The headband, black tunic and white apron that Mithrun is wearing, and even the crossed arms in Laios' imagination is part of the look of your stereotypical Japanese chef.
So it's understandable that people look at all this, and think "Mithrun will run a Japanese-style ramen stand!" because it's a very cute, very funny idea.
But canonically it's an idea that only exists in Laios' imagination, as something that is meant to be comically outlandish, because the things Lycion and Fleki are saying are also presented as being pretty silly. A bit of levity in an otherwise very melancholy chapter.
I'll also note that when Lycion talks about Mithrun making soup bowls to serve his noodles in, he says "He could enjoy his handmade cuisine in his own bowls!"
There's no mention of serving the noodles to anyone else, just that Mithrun could enjoy the satisfaction of being self-sufficient, making his food and tableware from scratch. This is something which actually aligns very well with the themes of Dungeon Meshi.
During the post-manga publicity tour Kui went on, she did several signings where she answered short questions from fans while giving out autographs and drawings.
Remember, these questions and answers are being collected by fans from random tweets and other posts online, translated into English by amateurs, and there is no way to prove their veracity.
Q. Did Mithrun get to live a happy life after ending? A. He is doing work and hobby, living a happy and fulfilled life, although he is not that friendly so he will not be doing diplomat for a long time.
Taking this information at face value and assuming it's true, it sounds like Kui differentiated between "work" and "hobby" - So Mithrun has something he is doing seriously, like a job, and something he is doing for fun, as a hobby.
This makes sense with what we've seen in the official materials: monitoring the monsters and keeping watch for the return of the demon is Mithrun's "job", and making noodles (and doing other things, probably, since the noodles were a joke) are Mithrun's hobbies.
These Chinese fan questions were answered by Kui in written form, and posted online by her Chinese publisher in both Chinese and Japanese, so in my opinion, these answers should be taken more seriously than things that were solely reported by fans.
However, the question and answer about noodles here is clearly a light-hearted joke:
Q: 米斯伦会做出什么样的荞麦面?(What kind of soba will Mithrun make?) A: おいしい蕎麦だといいですね。(I hope they're delicious soba.)
As with many other answers, you can see that Kui answers in a vague, polite, and gently joking way. "What kind of noodles will Mithrun make?" "Tasty ones, hopefully!"
It's similar to how she answered questions about if Falin's lifespan is longer because she's a chimera or if Thistle is still alive with "That would be nice!" or "I hope so!"
This is clearly a sort of non-answer, but even if you take it to mean "Mithrun is 100% for sure making noodles," there is still zero indication that Mithrun is canonically running a restaurant.
In closing: if you want him to run a noodle restaurant in your heart, in your fanfics, in your fanart, that is perfectly fine! Japanese fans love this idea (they use pasta emojis to represent Mithrun!) and there's tons of artwork about Mithrun being a ramen chef. I think that would be a lovely thing for him to do! I bet he'd have a lot of fun!
But it's not canon.
What is canon is that he's living in Merini, going to group therapy, learning to appreciate the people around him, enjoying himself, and both his work and his hobbies are going well 💕
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suzumori521 · 11 months ago
I have released the second volume of "氷海線に生きる- hyokaisen ni ikiru."
Due to various circumstances, I no longer participate in events or publish doujinshi, so the story will not be concluded in this doujinshi. However, please enjoy the atmosphere of that time at least.
I am currently working as a professional manga artist, so I hope to remake it someday and bring it to a conclusion.
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iso-photo · 2 months ago
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数年前にHSP(Highly Sensitive Person)という気質を知り、医学的及び科学的根拠がないが、そのスコアの高さや示されている特性から、やっと止まれる止まり木を見つけられて安心できた。
A few years ago, I learned about the HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) temperament, and although there is no medical or scientific basis for it, the high score and the characteristics exhibited made me feel relieved to finally find a stop sign to stop at.
However, I had another question that was different from the one I was living with. No, perhaps it was connected by a thin thread.
It did not come to mind as a visual image, and even if I read or listened to technical books or one-way lectures or explanations, I could not get it into my head, as if it were blocked by a wall.
But still, if the content is of great interest, some of it may come in.
I was feeling ashamed and wondered why I was like this, even though I was supposed to be learning and acquiring knowledge in the same way, while others were able to speak as if it were a matter of course.
I recently took the WAIS-IV (Adult Intelligence Test) and found that, aside from its extent, I had a developmental disability of mild localized learning disorder (formerly known as learning disability). As much as I was right in my guess, I felt that I had finally solved the mystery and could stop at a more certain stopping point than HSP.
And when I went for counseling, as needed, at an institution I use irregularly and told them the results, they told me that it is common among people with artistic skin, which convinced me of my 42-year-long passion for photography and my theory that it is not photography unless I am on the other side of the viewfinder.
However, although the above-mentioned feelings are true that the mystery has finally been solved and I have come to a sure stopping point, I have to reconsider many things, including how I will live and work from now on. However, these are not negative, but with creativity blended with a little bit of anxiety.
Thank you for reading this long article to the end.
※Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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kiyosato-yuri · 3 months ago
something about Ryōshū and Yoshihide
[might be a bit offensive, most is personal thought about Yoshihide and how PM build Ryōshū at the moment]
As someone who love Ryōshū, me and my friend wanted to make this post
In Jigoku hen (Hell’s Screen), Yoshihide is a peculiar, arrogant, and conceited painter who looks down on all rules and traditions. He’s someone who cast away the Five Constants 五常 ( 義 justice, 禮 politeness, 智 wisdom, 信 fidelity and 仁 benevolence) to pursue art.
あの男はこの屏風の絵を仕上げた代りに、命さへも捨てるやうな、無惨な目に出遇ひました。云はゞこの絵の地獄は、本朝第一の絵師良秀が、自分で何時か墜ちて行く地獄だつたのでございます.... 。」
“It was for this reason, indeed, his consuming desire to paint this picture, that the terrible incident occurred. If it had not been for this event, how could even Yoshihide have succeeded in painting that graphic picture of the tortures and agonies in Hell? 
So, he could complete the picture, his life had to come to a miserable end. Indeed, it was to this very Hell in his picture, that Yoshihide, the greatest painter in Japan, had condemned himself.”
In the game, Ryōshū is depicted almost exactly the same way, if not more explicitly deranged than the original. There are numerous moments in the game that describe her eyes lighting up when she starts “painting” or marveling at piles of [censored] meats while exclaiming in delight.
You don’t even have to look so far—just read the uptie story of Warp Corp. Ryōshū. It vividly portrays her happiness and joy in cleaning up the hellscape created by centuries of despair-driven madness. I'll even quote here
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"I get to visit a museum, an exhibition featuring brand-new pieces of art every single day. All that for a bit of physical labor." "When this train that people take without giving it a second thought, every single day...Turned out to be a gallery of arts, sculpted with chisels of time! While I was impressed with how well they were hiding this truth from the public... three words came to mind. This. Is. It.
" In hindsight, I was so absorbed with chasing after and creating my own art "
"One that wrapped its flesh around the plush side of the seat, embodying a new chair with extra cushioning...One that is an amalgam of many, taking the shape of a new organism and lurching on... Though I wouldn't classify that as 'art'. Not yet."
"Shambling without intent is… in the end, insufficient to be called art. It is incomplete at best. I butcher them. Because the company ordered me to make them easier to clean up. To interfere with the process of involuntary art isn't to my liking, no… But that doesn't happen very often. Besides, there is plenty to be gained from the rest."
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If that’s doesn't prove much, in the opening moments of the game, she’s visibly enjoying watching people get tossed into a bus to be crushed into fuel, while Sinclair is terrified, and Dante is questioning the morality of what’s happening.
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With such evidence, there’s no way to claim her sadistic tendencies are just a façade or mask—it’s her bare essence. And that’s without even touching on her masochistic tendencies, which honestly make Yoshihide seem tame in comparison when it comes to twisted and warped personalities.
Ryōshū and Yoshihide are both artists consumed by blind, inescapable devotion to their craft. They are the kind of people who would willingly open the gates of hell and hurl themselves inside. They are also inevitably doomed to fall into Avīci Hell.
And as for being sad? Was Jigoku hen supposed to be a tragic tale of a father losing his daughter? Was Yoshihide meant to be a character that evokes sympathy for his suffering? Absolutely and definitely not.
Yoshihide himself opened the gates of hell and threw himself in—no one pushed him. He discarded the Five Constants and trampled over human lives in the name of art.
"A charming woman dressed up like a court lady shall ride in the carriage. Writhing amidst the deadly flames and black smoke, the lady in the carriage will die in agony. Your suggestion of finding such a model for your picture does you full credit as the greatest painter in the whole country. I praise you. I praise you highly."
What Yoshihide receives at the end of the story is the consequence of his own actions. In the end, he finishes painting the hellish screen—only after watching his beloved daughter burn alive before his eyes—and then hangs himself. The masterpiece he created was painted with the agony of witnessing his daughter’s death, and yet, just moments after despair, he finds joy and radiance in it. At his core, Yoshihide is still a painter who sacrifices goodness for the sake of beauty.
He’s no different from his original inspiration, Ryōshū in Uji Shūi Monogatari (Tales of a Rainy Night), who took delight in watching his house burn, his wife and children still inside. Akutagawa’s addition of a sense of love and grief in Yoshihide is a form of punishment—because while the original Ryōshū lost his humanity, Yoshihide still feels pain, which haunts him after completing his masterpiece.
「その火の柱を前にして、凝り固まつたやうに立つてゐる良秀は― 何と云ふ不思議な事でございませう。あのさつきまで地獄の責苦に悩んでゐたやうな良秀は 、今は云ひやうのない輝きを、さながら恍惚とした法悦の輝きを、皺だらけな満面に浮べながら、大殿様の御前も忘れたのか、両腕をしつかり胸に組んで、佇んでゐるではございませんか。
それがどうもあの男の眼の中には、娘の悶え死ぬ有様が映つてゐないやうなのでございます。唯美しい火焔の色と、その中に苦しむ女人の姿とが、限りなく心を悦ばせる― さう云ふ景色に見えました。」
"In front of the pillar of fire, Yoshihide stood still, rooted to the ground. What a wonderful transfiguration he had undergone! A mysterious radiance, a kind of blissful ecstasy, showed on the wrinkled face of Yoshihide who had been agonized by the tortures of hell until a minute before.
His arms were tightly crossed on his chest as if he had forgotten that he was in the presence of the Grand Lord. No longer did his eyes seem to mirror the image of his daughter's agonized death. His eyes seemed to delight beyond measure in the beautiful color of the flame and the form of the woman writhing in her last infernal tortures."
Because of how Jigoku hen is written, readers are left with the impression that “Yoshihide, despite his twisted nature, still has humanity.” But they forget how much pleasure he took in watching his daughter burn. Now they project what they read onto Ryōshū… even though the game hasn’t explored her backstory? So far, the game hasn’t dropped a single hint about Ryōshū’s backstory. She remains one of the most mysterious sinners on the bus. None of the uptie stories for her IDs provide even a shred of evidence that she’s secretly melancholic like Gregor.
What we can confirm is that she cherishes her sword, has some connection to the Five Fingers, and always speaks up when the topic of family comes up. Using the original work as a basis to interpret a character is fine but announcing your personal interpretation as fact while accusing others of not understanding the character is like running ahead of the car you're supposed to be riding.
Ryōshū, Sinner No. 4 of Limbus Company, is a violence-loving mystery of a character with shady connections, an artist who finds beauty in the grotesque. While this is not the entirety of her character, it is who she is. 
Ryōshū is Ryōshū—not Don Quixote or Rodion with a mask slapped on.
Liking her for her violent and twisted nature doesn’t make you a fool. It’s not the same as liking someone and then realizing the person you admired was merely putting on an act or presenting a beautiful façade. If PM later explores a more humanizing or empathetic aspect of Ryōshū, your reaction would likely be, “Oh, so Ryōshū still has humanity/she also has this side to her?” There might be some surprises, but it definitely wouldn’t feel like being deceived.
Even though I’m pretty sure most of the Ryōshū’s shrimp pond will continue simping for her because of her twisted nature as it is now. Either way, even if Ryōshū is shown to have humanity, she’ll still be Ryōshū—she’ll still turn people into a heap of [CENSORED] and call it art. That’s also how Akutagawa described Yoshihide up until the moment he ceased to live.
From start to finish, Yoshihide was always the blind painter single-mindedly pursuing his art, to the point that even his last shred of humanity couldn’t overcome his identity as an artist. As some analysts point out, the last remnants of Yoshihide’s humanity were burned away with the monkey that threw itself into the flames after his daughter.
「さうして朱塗のやうな袖格子がばらくと焼け落ちる中にのけ反つた娘の肩を抱いて、帛を裂くやうな鋭い声を、何とも云へず苦しさうに、長く煙の外へ飛ばせました。続いて又、二声三声 ― 私たちは我知らず、あつと同音に叫びました。
“Amidst the burned crimson-lacquered lattice which was crumbling in pieces, it put it hands on the warped shoulders of the girl, and gave, out of the screens of black smoke, a long and piercing shriek of intense grief like the tearing of silk, then again two or three successive screams. Involuntarily we gave a unanimous outcry of surprise. 
What was holding fast to the shoulders of the dead girl, with the red curtain of blazing flames behind it, was the monkey, which went by the nickname of Yoshihide at the mansion of Horikawa.”
That would be Ryoshu, following the original Yoshihide's portrayal most closely—not some tragic, repressed character. As for how Project Moon plans to cook her up, only they know. They’re keeping it under wraps, so no player can analyze her in depth just yet. What if they decide to make her a fusion dance of the lord, the painter, and the daughter?
For those who like Ryoshu because she’s a handsome, domineering figure—well, lucky you, no worries there.
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hiromusicarts-blog · 7 months ago
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9月25日発売の新譜「叙情 - Lyric Suiite」ですが、サンプル盤が出回り始めているようです。 画像は、パッケージのデータ版+YouTubeのサムネイルです。 すでにバックオーダー(予約)もちらほら入ってきているようで、大変ありがたく存じます。
商品詳細です。 ジャズマンヒロオガワが創り奏る、クラシカルな作曲作品集。 タイトル「叙情 – Lyric Suite」 アーティスト「ヒロオガワ」 2024年9月25日(水)発売 レーベル:サウンドデザインワークス     発売元:Hiro Music & Arts  定価¥2.200-(+税込)  品番:HMA-9852    形式:CD(全12曲収録)  取り扱い:全国のCDショップ(お取り寄せ、新星堂を除く) Amazon、HMV、タワレコ 、楽天ブックス等オンラインショップ    音楽配信:iTunes(Apple Music)、Spotify、Deezer、d-ミュージック、my sound  レコチョク、mora 等、
My new album "Lyric Suite" will be released on September 25th, and it seems that sample copies are starting to appear in circulation. The image shows the digital version of the package + a YouTube thumbnail. It seems that we've already received some backorders (reservations), for which we are very grateful.
Product details: A collection of classical compositions created and performed by jazzman Hiro Ogawa. Title: "Lyric Suite" Artist: "Hiro Ogawa" Released: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 Label: Sound Design Works Publisher: Hiro Music & Arts List price: ¥2,200 (+tax) Product code: HMA-9852 Format: CD (12 songs total) Available at: CD shops nationwide (This is a back-ordered item. Shinseido does not handle this item.) Online stores such as Amazon, HMV, Tower Records, and Rakuten Books, etc Music distribution: iTunes (Apple Music), Spotify, Deezer, d-Music, my sound Recochoku, mora, etc.
主要オンラインショップでは、予約受付中です。この機会にぜひご利用ください。 Amazon CD Japan(international shipping, in any currency of the world) Sites for foreigners
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koch-snowflake-blog · 3 months ago
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蓬莱 舞は、日本のグラビアアイドル。静岡県出身。LIBERA所属。 ウィキペディア
身長: 160 cm
出身地: 日本・静岡県
生年月日: 2006年1月17日
スリーサイズ: 86 - 58 - 84 cm
デビュー: 2016年
公式サイト: 蓬莱 舞 | ARTIST | LIBERA
「JSガールフェス��ィバル2016・2017」出演時に現在の所属事務所にスカウトされた後、「代官山コレクション2017」や「ジャパンプロモデルコレクション2018」などのファッションショーに多数出演する傍ら、テレビ番組『東京電波女子』(TOKYO MX2)に出演するなど、多方面で活躍する。
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vashtijoy · 3 months ago
Extremely random thought but do you think that cringy fanfictions written by preteens who then grew up to be embarassed adults would have never existed in the Marukiverse, considering how that art student who was in a slump was forcibly pivoted to archery instead?
wow, goddamn. I guess you could take it either way, couldn't you? Maruki does seem to think that struggling against the odds isn't worth it, and that depression and discouragement are best treated by giving up.
I do tend to think that Maruki is able to tell what people truly want, to somehow divine it out of their heads, even before 12/24—just because all of the kids get something they really want, even when it's not necessarily obvious. Maruki makes some startling judgements there, but the PTs all seem to agree that they were genuine temptations.
So my reading would tend be that Yusuke's artist friend really did think he might have been happier as an archer, and really did believe there was no hope for him in art—but, just as the PTs all turn down their wishes that they desperately want, Yusuke's friend has chosen not to switch paths, and to stick with his painting despite his slump. Until Maruki happens to him, at any rate.
What I think is more likely is that people who want to write would still write. They just wouldn't ever feel discouraged, or down. They wouldn't go through that phase of realising all their work is cringe. And of course, because Maruki's reality has no pain or challenge or complexity, nobody would ever write anything worth reading.
Which brings me to....
deleted text chat
While I was checking the archery chat, I ran into this deleted chat all about conflicting wishes, and how the very thoughts in people's heads, their ability to feel negative emotions at all, will likely be erased. It's unsettling reading, and confirms a number of theories that go around about what life in Maruki's reality would really have been like, and how he'd likely handle conflicts.
It's SCRIPTCHAT_282, and since it didn't make it into the English localisation, it will have been cut in very early dev. Look out for Akechi chiming in when Ann talks about wishing to get rid of people they don't want around.
Futaba 正月のこと覚えてるか? Do you guys remember New Year? Ryuji そりゃもちろん 嫌でも忘れねーよ… Course we do. There’s no way we could forget that. Futaba わたしのおかーさんいただろ? 春もおとーさんいたよな? My mom was there, right? And Haru’s dad was there too, right? Haru え、うん いたけど… Uh, yes. I suppose so... Makoto なにかあった? Did something happen? Futaba ちょっと考えてたんだ I was thinking. Futaba 死んじゃった人に会いたいって 思ったら生き返ってたじゃん? If we think about wanting dead people back, they come back to life, right? Futaba んじゃその逆は? って So does it work the other way around? Sumire 逆…ですか The… other way around? Ann いなくなってほしい人に 消えろって願ったら… If we wish for people to disappear, who we don’t want around… Ann ってこと? Is that what you mean? Futaba そ! Yeah! Akechi なかなか面白い考えだね 、どう思う? That’s quite an interesting thought. Ren, what do you make of it? [Joker] 消える気がする I feel like disappearing myself. [Joker] 考え方が変わる It’s changed my perspective. Yusuke だが、誰かが生きてほしいと 願ったらどうなるんだ But then, what would happen if somebody else wished they were still alive? Sumire 一度消えて また現れるんですかね… They’d die, and then reappear again, wouldn’t they..? Ryuji 忙しいな Busy day. Akechi そういう考え自体 が 消えてしまうんじゃ��いかな You know, even thoughts such as these may die out in the end. Yusuke 自分のか? You mean our own thoughts? Sumire そういうこと考えなくなる ってことですね Do you mean we just wouldn’t think such things any more? Akechi 僕も同意見だな 思考自体を消されると思うよ It does seem likely. I’m afraid thought itself will be erased. Futaba あーなるほど Huh. I see. Haru 負の感情を抱かなくなるのかぁ… So… so we won’t be able to feel bad things any more..? Ann 平和になりそうだけど なんか気味悪いね It’s kind of creepy, isn’t it? We’d get to live in peace, but… Ryuji つか、よくそんな 物騒 なこと思いつくよな You always gotta think of the worst things, don’t you, Futaba? Futaba だってヒマなんだもん It’s because I get bored. Futaba あ、そうじろう帰って来た そんじゃな! Oh, there’s Sojiro! See ya! Yusuke 本当に暇潰しだったのか So this was all just to relieve her boredom? Makoto じゃあ、私たちも 授業に戻りましょう We should all turn back to our lessons, anyway. Morgana 人を生き返らせる、か。認知を使ってそんなことするなんて… Bringing people back to life, huh? Imagine using cognition to do such a thing… Morgana ワガハイには理解できないぜ。 I just can’t understand it.
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.0 (posted 2024/11/30)—first posted.
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rennebright · 1 month ago
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「明日からまたダイエットするし…今日だけは良いの!」 by 咲良ゆき [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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pla-v-illgame · 2 months ago
【文字化化】主人公ちゃん救出 / fanart
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主人公ちゃん & 這いばい男 & 赤い傘の男
強引ぐまいうぇいツギハギ男をミンチにして ~中略~ 無事に主人公ちゃんを救出した這いばい男さん&赤い傘の男さん。
heroine & Mr.Crawling & Mr.Scarletella
Going My Way, Mr. Stitch has been vanquished. ~Omission~ Mr. Crawling & Mr. Scarletella rescued heroine safely.
↓前回 prev↓
↓これまでさみしい思いをしてきた赤い傘の男さん。 ↓ Mr.Scarletella, who has been missed so far.
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数々のさみしい思いをしたけれど、これで報われたかな? I have experienced a lot of loneliness, but I hope this has paid off.
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🎮Mygame Playlists↓
Youtube Playlists📺https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKb8STtGcGS-GwTn8QMAONJt0eSrC4Zpc
↓Please request and follow me.。°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°。
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gerasikah · 7 months ago
This hurt.....i wish it happen though
Just translate this, thought i share. I had to redraw a couple of things, i'm sorry if the image look a bit out of place
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Does anyone know that artist?? i found this in pinterest, but i can't find the artist. Other than the translation, please credit to the artist
Found the artist! Original artist is Ayaha on pixiv
Thank you @hypnagogicreve for finding the artist!
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