#arthur meir
rhaenyrastormborn · 1 year
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memory is a monster
the mountain goats/waste isolation pilot plant warning/john irving/allison meir/waste isolation pilot plant warning/arthur miller/the mountain goats
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theimperiumchronicles · 11 months
Happy STS! Your characters are invited to a Halloween party; costumes required. Tell me what they're dressing up as and how the night goes. 🙃
Happy STS that tripped and fell over into Monday. ;)
I'm going to skip @theimperiumchronicles and go with some of the others cuz they need love <3
Astaroth - the grim reaper
Yara - A butterfly (at Asti's insistence)
Their night would go lovely because it would not be spent in Hell. They would be on Earth. Where...you'll find out in the story later. ****
Caliban - Scrooge (Adira picked it out, everyone else finds it HILARIOUS)
Adira - Aphrodite (Caliban picked it out)
Theron - Toth
Lars - Agent X from Men in Black
Marcin (2nd Bodyguard) - Agent K from Men in Black
The party will be, of course, at the mansion. Adira will have a blast as those around her relax some knowing that all is safe on the estate grounds. There is lots of laughter and fun, not one drop of worry. (this will be vastly different from the Halloween one shot for this storyline)
There is a theme here - the whole cast will be dressed up in 1920's attire. Think Magical Mistakes does Peaky Blinders. Of course Vollrath would be Tommy. Balor states that Mahala is NOT Grace (because not dead) or Lizzie (for reasons)...she's some nebulous 3rd female who Tommy doesn't fuck over. *snorts* Balor, being the older brother, is of course Arthur. Baldur grows out his beard to go as Alfie. Elmar does his best to pull a Luca. The party would be hosted by the Coven. No one is going to piss Vollrath or Balor off because...reasons. Mahala would get to meet many of the others from the Coven that she had not already met, which would go very smoothly. The night would be a great success with everyone having a fun time in the 1920's theme.
For funsies, Balor and Elmar both decide once more to try and "steal" Tommy's girl. Now...this goes as expected...but at least this time most of the time they're laughing at the Blinders jokes that go along with it. The only hitch is that afterwards Vollrath and Balor both get teased mercilessly regarding haircuts till they grow out. Definitely season 5...lawd... ****
Diyan/Noar - Capt. Jack Sparrow
Inara/Renisa - Elizabeth Swan
Arik - Will Turner
There will most likely be at some point a sword fight. Someone is going to get slapped, most likely Diyan/Noar. And, just like the movies, Elizabeth Swan will be leaving the party with Will Turner. *laughs*
Meeri - Snow White
Einar - Prince Charming
Lorcan - Huntsman
Elio - King
Thieran - the apple
Hilarity. The night will be pure hilarity. Why did Thieran pick the apple? Because he wasn't damn well going to be the Queen, she was a right bitch. So, instead he wanders around looking like a cast member of an underwear commercial and making way too many jokes involving apples, and fruits, and...it's bad, okay. Just try not to think too hard. That being said, the others all agree he would have slayed in a gown!
Melania - her mother. *dies* Who else would be fitting but to go as Marie LaVeau? Marie, coincidentally finds this hilarious and lends her period garments and does her hair and makeup.
Nic - Papa Legba
Alexander - Hamlet
Ambrose - Baron Samedi
Cade - Gede Nibo
Marie - Manman Brigitte
Gabe - Diable Tonnere
Klaus - Baron Criminel
Erik - Guede L'Orage
Dontanion and Francois don't need to dress up, they scare the shit out of people as is.
If you think ANYONE is stupid enough to disrupt a Meirs-LaVeau party on Halloween, of all nights, you would be wrong. Everything will go perfect, because if not...those Loa mentioned...well, they won't just be costumes....
tagging @raincoffeeandfandoms and @call-sign-shark cuz I think you'll find the one for Magical Mistakes a wee bit humorous even if you don't know the characters from that one. (put pics below so you can try to do an imagine)
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Also, Sharkey, I can see Heaven partying it up with LaVeaus...
@blind-the-winds - look what our Magical Mistakes babies are doing!!
@saltysupercomputer - Looook at them all, they's all having funsies!!
@aziz-reads @toribookworm22 @pheita @writingmaidenwarrior
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the-colony-roleplay · 4 years
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Arthur Meir | Fifty Five; Survivor
House: Brink Status:  Uninfected Security Class: 1 Alignment:  New World Radicals
As the only child of the head of a prominent cattle ranch in Australia, Arthur Meir was born with great expectations already set for him. He was always told that one day it would be his turn to run the family ranch, a torch passed down from his father and his grandfather before him. Therefore, much of his childhood was spent working the fields with his father and his uncle Henry—and Henry’s gaggle of children. 
But for all the expectations, Arthur had very little interest in filling them. From the time he could walk, he’d been taught the workings of the ranch, the surrounding brush, the cattle drive and the trade. But the only part of it that had ever really interested him was the business side of things. By age twelve he could balance the books nearly as well as his father. The rest of it, however, was too dirty, too noisy, too crude for his tastes. He was envious of the children in the nearby town, who got to go to public school while he was homeschooled, or whose homes weren’t rampant with children and pets.
Not wanting to think about a fated-future he couldn’t escape, Arthur found reprieve in the past. He found himself absorbed in the history channel or historical documentaries, the story and politics of those who came before them engaging him in a way he’d never felt engaged on the farm. He began reading extensively about any timeline he could get his hands on. With the ranch’s spotty Echo connection, he joined forums discussing political strategies and how they might’ve been improved upon. Such discussions inevitably turned to present politics, which Arthur followed eagerly. This was something that excited him, that made him feel something. He continued doing his duties on the ranch as he was told, but they were often done halfheartedly and as quickly as possible, so that he could sooner get back to his studies.
At the age most students would graduate, Arthur’s parents offered him more responsibility on the ranch. A precursor to his taking over completely—the beginning of the end, the way Arthur saw it. It felt like a trap, a burden he wasn’t born for. So he returned to his parents with a counter-offer: university. He was almost surprised when they agreed—but it was on the condition that he come home in the summer to help with the drive. Arthur happily agreed, having expected more of a fight, but the second he set foot on campus he knew he would never properly return to his old life. 
Rather than biology, economics, business, or anything else his parents might’ve seen as practical for taking over the farm, Arthur majored in Political Science with a minor in History. As promised, he came home for the cattle drive every summer, but only at the last minute and he always left as soon as possible. Calls with his parents, especially with his father, became shorter and shorter. 
It came to a head at his graduation. His father had been under the impression that Arthur was furthering his education to take over the ranch; his son’s real major was a complete surprise. Even worse was Arthur’s flat refusal to come home. He had a new life he cared about, with a future that excited him and he wasn’t about to give up on it now, throwing away all his hard work. His father, nervous about the security of his ranch and hurt by the dishonesty, couldn’t see past the sense of betrayal. They argued until they were blue in the face, Arthur’s mother in tears. Desperate to get the final word, Arthur told his father that if his family couldn’t support him for who he was, then maybe he shouldn’t be a part of the family at all. He stormed away, angry. For better or worse, that was the end of big, obnoxious family breakfasts, of milking the cows at dawn, of practicing Shabbat with his parents—of the simple, but hardworking farm life.
Over the course of the next several years, Arthur worked his way up the political ladder until he was elected into the House of Representatives in the Parliament of Australia. But he didn’t stop there. Many terms later, he found himself working in the Department of Foreign Affairs, and eventually, was promoted to Australian High Commissioner to Canada: Arthur’s crowning achievement. And so, for the first time in his life, he made a little room for personal interests: and fell in love. 
At first, he and Rebecca Fitz seemed made for each other. They were both intensely independent and career driven, both having come from unlikely backgrounds and fought tooth and nail to get to where they were. They were married after roughly two years of dating, but as much as they had in common, their crucial mistake was failing to realize that they were both married to their careers first, and thus each other second. Arthur had apparently looked for himself in a woman, but it had been that which had doomed them for failure. 
Nonetheless, he loved her. Despite the nights of endless fighting and the abysmal communication, he loved her, and in a desperate (and stupid) attempt to save his marriage, he convinced her to have a child with him. For a smart man, this was where his naivety showed—his Achilles’ heel. For him, this could be a new beginning. It didn’t occur to him that perhaps this desperation was coming from a place of wanting to fill a hole he’d dug out of himself years ago, when he’d left his family behind. He’d been alone in the world for so long, but he had never allowed himself to look back, much less admit to himself that he was still burdened with regret. 
To his credit, they almost made it work. For a while, things even got better. But it goes without saying that throwing children into a broken marriage is like putting a bandaid over a bullet wound. The internal bleeding had already begun, and no surface treatment was going to stop that. Five years later, they divorced. 
It was when Arthur was making arrangements to transfer overseas to France—having taken up a job opportunity there so that he and Rebecca wouldn’t have to work under the same roof any longer—that he got the news that his father had passed away. A man he’d seen a handful of times over the years, spoken to on high holy days and special occasions—but never made amends with. The last real conversation they’d ever had, had been an argument. A hateful, hurtful one. 
The news unravelled Arthur. The loss of his marriage, his father, his family—years of guilt wrought with rust from neglect, bubbled to the surface and though he flew home for the funeral and more or less made amends with his mother, it was only a few months thereafter that her time came as well. It was a fiercely bitter-sweet relief that he was by her side, holding her hand in the hospital bed when she died. But in the end, for all Arthur’s independence and ambition, he’d not been prepared for the consequences of the choices he’d made when he was young, and it was in yet another fit of desperation that he arranged to leave his daughter, Dylan, in the care of his Uncle Henry. Perhaps it was cowardice, not being able to look Dylan in the face any longer after everything that had happened—or perhaps it was courage. Courage enough to know that he couldn’t give Dylan the life she deserved, especially not in his state of mind. He needed a fresh start. A chance to rebuild himself. And then maybe one day he’d come back for her. One day, he’d be ready. 
Unfortunately, with the apocalypse on the horizon, ‘one day’ never came. 
Arthur Today
When D-day hit, Arthur was a little surprised he didn’t feel somehow more prepared. It was a global crisis after all; that was what he specialized in. But as governments crumbled and the sky fell, he was rendered just as helpless as anyone else, at least in the beginning. By the time the dust had settled, society as they’d known it had been all but obliterated. But what remained... Arthur could work with. Along with several other politicians, leaders, and crisis workers, Arthur helped to establish a base in a chateau in Nantes. It was a place where survivors could get food, water, first aid, and a safe place to sleep. Eventually, this base would become Colony 16, and Arthur, one of the original founding Elites. 
The discovery of the Infections came as a bit of a plot twist, but Arthur was fascinated by it. Immediately, he saw the potential, the promise of a new world, of fresh, thrilling beginnings. This could change everything. If handled correctly, this could prove to be the reason behind the apocalypse. A chance like nothing anyone could have anticipated. Fate. 
And then the NWRF emerged.
Contrary to Arthur’s beliefs, the NWRF believed that Infected were just that—contaminated. They were afraid of the power the Infected wielded, and wanted to control it for themselves—or better yet, eliminate it altogether. It would be such a waste. A foolish, ill-advised waste based on fear and egotism. 
So when he caught wind of a burgeoning opposition calling themselves the New World Radicals, he eagerly made ties with them. From what he could tell, most of the movement’s supporters seemed to be either outside of Colony walls and on the run from the ‘purging of the wastes’, or laying low as registered citizens with their heads bent. They met only in the dead of night, careful about how they spoke of their cause, and with whom. There was a lot of secrecy involved, but to Arthur, it felt like the beginning of something. 
Having been on the side of the law and politics most of his life, this departure actually felt a little surreal—but he believed that the overturn of the Reformist government was not only necessary, but inevitable. So he would do what he could to further the agenda of those he knew would end up on top. He put his skills to use while at Colony 16, collaborating with other voices of the underground Radical movement and coming up with strategies to coordinate globally. 
And then his chance to implement some of those strategies arrived when he found his daughter as a registered citizen at Colony 22. He’d been considering trying to get transferred anyway, in order to secretly start furthering the reach of the NAR, and he’d been aiming for Colony 4, as he’d heard it was higher traffic; more people meant more opportunities for the NAR to grow. But his heart hitched when he saw Dylan’s name and birthdate in the Echo Database. In the years that had passed, he’d mostly been able to convince himself he’d put her and all his troubled, messy regret from his mind. But seeing confirmation that she was not only alive, but also a lot closer than he would have thought, felt like too fated an opportunity to pass up. 
Besides, asking for a transfer in order to reunite with his long-lost daughter was an excellent cover up to any other intentions he had, and would be very unlikely to be turned down. It also prompted very few questions, which definitely worked in Arthur’s favour. And so it was off to Colony 22 and the little island of Belvedere he went. 
Though he is not short of his own personal ambition and purpose for the NAR, Arthur would like to try to find a way into the ranks of the Elite at Colony 22 once he gets settled. He has plenty of political and business experience that he knows he could brandish around to help him achieve this, and he’s Uninfected, which he suspects will also make it easier. But the tricky part will be making good impressions upon his arrival, and fostering the right connections. With the NWRF in (relative) control at Colony 22, he knows he is going to have to play his cards wisely. But to secure a position as an Elite could help him and his political objectives immensely. 
For the moment, he keeps most of his true thoughts under his tongue, as he gets a sense for the political climate here. But he’s always watching, gathering information and calculating his next move; waiting for that other shoe to drop.
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pezmanips · 5 years
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𝓖𝔀𝓮𝓷 𝓥𝓪𝓷 𝓜𝓮𝓲𝓻 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓐𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓾𝓻 𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓭𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓲, (( requested by @ninsunshine ))
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vikandermanips · 5 years
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Arthur Benedetti & Gwen Van Meir manip requested by ninsunshine Please like or reblog if using :)
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versegm · 3 years
May the Moon Shine upon Camlann is OUT!
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21st century. Salisbury. It is common knowledge that magic does not exist. King Arthur never roamed those lands. There are no werewolves waiting in the dead of the night. Fairy circles are not to be feared.
Ilana Meir would find it easier to believe in common knowledge if she didn't regularly interact with an immortal whose main hobby involves hunting gods down.
The story of a florist, a knight, and the thing they find in the ruins of Camlann.
If you like Arturiana, Carolingian tales, or knights and/or magic in modern times, you should give it a try!
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People seem to like it so far!
You can get it on amazon on ebook or paperback format, or on a bunch of other ebook stores!
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girlactionfigure · 3 years
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Messenger of Hope
She weighed only 68 pounds
Gerda Weissmann Klein is a Holocaust survivor and advocate for peace, tolerance and gratitude. A popular public speaker and author of a best-selling memoir, Gerda speaks to audiences around the world and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America’s highest civilian honor.
Gerda was born in Poland in 1924 to a middle-class Jewish family. In 1939, Germany invaded Poland, and 15-year-old Gerda hid in the basement with her parents. Her older brother Arthur received a draft notice from the Germans. He went to register with the army and was never seen again.
The Gestapo discovered the Weissmanns’ hiding place and herded them into a ghetto. In 1942, they were sent to concentration camps, where Gerda’s parents both perished. Gerda survived 3 years in a camp alongside a close friend. She later wrote:
“Ilse, a childhood friend of mine, once found a raspberry in the concentration camp and carried it in her pocket all day to present to me that night on a leaf. Imagine a world in which your entire possession is one raspberry and you give it to your friend.”
Gerda and Ilse were forced onto a 350 mile death march to avoid the advancing Allied forces. 4000 women began the death march; Gerda was one of only 120 who survived. Ilse died in her arms.
In May 1945, Gerda was liberated by the US Army in Czechoslovakia. White-haired and weighing only 68 pounds, Gerda had not bathed in three years. She was 20 years old.
A young American lieutenant, Kurt Klein, held a door open for her, and she later said that was the moment she felt like a human being again. Kurt was a German-born Jew who escaped to America in 1937. His parents died at Auschwitz. Gerda and Kurt got engaged and were married in Paris in 1946.
The Kleins moved to New York and had three children. Despite the trauma, Gerda was determined to speak and write about her experiences. She published a memoir, “All But My Life” in 1957, and it became a best-seller. The book is now in its 39th edition.
She volunteered with organizations like United Jewish Appeal, and the United States Holocaust Museum. Charismatic and engaging, Gerda became a popular public speaker. She has shared her dramatic story of survival with audiences around the world.
Gerda’s message of hope and tolerance resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds.
Gerda has met with numerous world leaders, including Eleanor Roosevelt, Golda Meir, and U.S. Presidents Harry Truman, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush. She was the keynote speaker at the UN’s first International Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2006.
With her husband, Gerda started the Gerda and Kurt Klein Foundation to promote education, tolerance, and community service. In 2008, Gerda and her granddaughter Alysa Ullman founded Citizenship Counts, a national organization that educates students on their rights and responsibilities as citizens. Citizenship Counts encourages young people to display their gratitude for living in America by helping others.
In 2011, President Obama presented Gerda Weissman Klein with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian award. After giving her the medal, the President quoted Gerda’s own words:
“I pray you never stand at any crossroads in your own lives, but if you do, if the darkness seems so total, if you think there is no way out, remember, never ever give up. The darker the night, the brighter the dawn, and when it gets really, really dark, this is when one sees the true brilliance of the stars.”
For being a living testament to the tenacity of the human spirit, and for her tireless efforts to educate others, we honor Gerda Weissmann Klein as this week’s Thursday Hero.
Accidental Talmudist
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tuseriesdetv · 4 years
Noticias de series de la semana
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The CW ha renovado Superman & Lois por una segunda temporada
FOX ha renovado The Simpsons por una trigésimo tercera y trigésimo cuarta temporada
ITV ha renovado Finding Alice por una segunda temporada
La tercera temporada de Pose (FX) será la última
CBC ha cancelado Frankie Drake Mysteries tras su cuarta temporada
Noticias cortas
Chelsea Harris (Sykes) será regular en la tercera temporada de Snowpiercer.
Sissy Spacek (Castle Rock, Carrie) y Ed O'Neill (Modern Family, Married with Children) protagonizarán Lightyears. Serán Irene y Franklin, una profesora de inglés jubilada y un carpintero que llevan décadas ocultando un portal a un extraño planeta desierto en su patio trasero.
Mandy Patinkin (Homeland, The Princess Bride) se une como regular a la quinta temporada de The Good Fight. Será Hal Wackner, alguien que abre un juzgado en la parte de atrás de una copistería sin tener formación jurídica.
Edie Falco (The Sopranos, Nurse Jackie) será Hillary Clinton en Impeachment, la tercera temporada de American Crime Story.
Ray Liotta (Shades of Blue, Goodfellas) será Big Jim, el padre de Jimmy (Taron Egerton), en In With the Devil.
Indira Varma (Game of Thrones, Luther) se une a Obi-Wan Kenobi. Se desconocen detalles.
Constance Wu (Fresh Off the Boat, Hustlers), Riley Keough (The Girlfriend Experience, The House That Jack Built) y Jeanne Tripplehorn (Big Love, Criminal Minds) serán Katie Buranek, corresponsal de guerra; Lauren Reece, triatleta de élite y esposa de James (Chris Pratt); y Lorraine Hartley, la primera mujer secretaria de Defensa; en The Terminal List.
Dakota Fanning (The Alienist, I Am Sam) será Susan Ford, la hija de Betty Ford (Michelle Pfeiffer), en The First Lady.
Timothy Spall (Harry Potter, Sweeney Todd) protagonizará Magpie Murders junto a Lesley Manville. Será el detective Atticus Pünd.
Devon Sawa (Final Destination, Casper) se une como recurrente a Chucky, en la que Jennifer Tilly volverá a interpretar a Tiffany Valentine. Zackary Arthur (Transparent, Kidding), Teo Briones (Ratched, Pretty Little Liars), Alyvia Ayn Lind (Daybreak, Masters of Sex) y Björgvin Arnarson serán regulares en los papeles de Jake Webber, un adolescente solitario que busca su sitio tras la muerte de su madre; Junior Webber, el primo de Jake y opuesto a él; Lexy Taylor, la princesita del instituto, novia de Junior y principal acosadora de Jake; y Devon Lopez, el típico vecino fan de los true crime.
Geoff Stults (Enlisted, Little Fires Everywhere), Tiya Sircar (The Good Place), Alanna Ubach (Euphoria, Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce), Laurie Davidson (Will, Cats), Andre Hyland y Jules Latimer estarán en Guilty Party junto a Kate Beckinsale. Serán Marco, el marido de Beth (Beckinsale); Fiona, socia de Beth; Tessa, una presentadora de noticias; George, un traficante de armas; y Toni, una joven sentenciada a 92 años de prisión sin libertad condicional por asesinar a su marido.
Alec Mapa (Ugly Betty, Devious Maids) protagonizará junto a Kelsey Grammer y Alec Baldwin la comedia de ABC sobre tres antiguos compañeros de piso que vuelven a reunirse. Será Andre, un hombre gay muy empático que funcionaba como pacificador ante Channing (Baldwin) y London (Grammer) mientras busca el éxito romántico y profesional que hasta ahora no ha conseguido.
Eoin Macken (Merlin, The Night Shift) y Jack Martin protagonizarán La Brea junto a Natalie Zea y Zyra Gorecki sustituyendo a Michael Raymond-James y Caleb Ruminer. Formarán la familia Harris. También se unen a la serie Jon Seda (Chicago PD, Treme) y Veronica St. Clair, que ya participaron en el piloto, y Lily Santiago.
Mary Holland (Homecoming, Veep), Shelley Hennig (Teen Wolf, Dollface), Christina Anthony (Mixed-ish), Samsara Yett (The Flight Attendant), Cameron Britton (The Umbrella Academy, Mindhunter) y Benjamin Levy Aguilar (Filthy Rich) se unen a The Woman in the House. Serán Sloane, dueña de una galería de arte y amiga de Anna (Kristen Bell); Lisa, una chica dulce y sexy que puede esconder algo; la detective Lane; Emma, la adorable hija de nueve años de Neil (Tom Riley); Buell, el manitas de Anna; y Rex, alguien no muy brillante pero irresistible.
Dallas Roberts (Insatiable, The Good Wife), Clea Lewis (The Americans, Ellen) y Nicole Chanel Williams (Boomerang) serán recurrentes en American Rust como Jackson Berg, dueño de una farmacia preocupado por la proliferación de cadenas en tiempos de crisis; Jillian, una mujer baptista preocupada por qué pensará su marido de que ella y sus compañeras de la fábrica se quieran sindicar; y Jojo, una mujer que vive en la carretera y acoge a Isaac (David Alvarez).
Andrea Martin (Difficult People, Great News), Robert Ri'chard (One on One, Cousin Skeeter), Juani Feliz, Kate Rockwell y Sullivan Jones (The Looming Tower) se unen como recurrentes a Harlem.
Michael James Shaw (Blood & Treasure, Limitless) se une como regular a la undécima y última temporada de The Walking Dead. Será Mercer, que en los cómics es un marine que se relaciona románticamente con Juanita (Paola Lázaro).
Theo Rossi (Sons of Anarchy, Luke Cage) se une como regular a True Story. Será Gene, un fan muy entusiasta de The Kid (Kevin Hart).
Catherine Haena Kim (FBI, Ballers) y Craig Parker (Charmed, Reign) serán recurrentes en la tercera temporada de Good Trouble como Nicolette Baptiste, una abogada de la oficina del fiscal del distrito; y Yuri Elwin, un artista de perfil alto que necesita un becario.
Conrad Khan (The Huntsman: Winter's War, County Lines) se une a la sexta y última temporada de Peaky Blinders. Se desconocen detalles.
Sarah Niles (Catastrophe, I May Destroy You) se une como regular a la segunda temporada de Ted Lasso. Será Sharon, psicóloga deportiva que comienza a trabajar para el AFC Richmond.
Matthew Sato (Chicken Girls, Save Me) y Emma Meisel (American Horror Story) se unen como regulares a Doogie Kamealoha, M.D. Serán Kia y Steph, el hermano y la mejor amiga de Lahela (Peyton Elizabeth Lee). Ronny Chieng (The Daily Show, Crazy Rich Asians) será recurrente como un cirujano cardíaco.
Momo Rodríguez (La Chamba) se une como recurrente a la tercera temporada de Mayans MC. No se conocen más detalles.
Thom Scott II (American Soul) será recurrente en la quinta temporada de Saints & Sinners como el doctor Ross, un médico talentoso especializado en procedimientos experimentales pioneros para asegurar tratamientos exitosos por cualquier medio.
Jess Schine se une a Long Slow Exhale como regular. Será Eddie Hagen, ayudante de la entrenadora (Rose Rollins).
    Nuevas series
Apple TV+ ha encargado ocho episodios de Roar, antología con historias independientes contadas desde un punto de vista femenino. Protagonizada por Nicole Kidman (Big Little Lies, The Hours), Cynthia Erivo (Harriet, Genius: Aretha), Merritt Wever (Nurse Jackie, Unbelievable) y Alison Brie (GLOW, Community). Basada en el libro de historias cortas de Cecelia Ahern (2018). Creada, escrita y producida por Liz Flahive (GLOW, Nurse Jackie) y Carly Mensch (GLOW, Weeds). Producen Kidman (Big Little Lies, The Undoing), Bruna Papandrea (Big Little Lies, The Undoing), Steve Hutensky (Queen America, Nine Perfect Strangers) y Allie Goss (The Crown, Daredevil).
Netflix adaptará The Talisman, la novela de Stephen King (1984), en la que un chico de 12 años comienza un viaje de costa a costa para encontrar un cristal que podría salvar a su madre moribunda. Escrita por Curtis Gwinn (Stranger Things, The Walking Dead) y producida por Steven Spielberg (The Goonies, Back to the Future) y los hermanos Duffer (Stranger Things).
Gugu Mbatha-Raw (The Morning Show, Miss Sloane) y David Oyelowo (Selma, Nightingale) protagonizarán The Girl Before en HBO Max y BBC One. Jane (Mbatha-Raw) tiene la oportunidad de vivir en una bonita casa minimalista diseñada por un enigmático arquitecto (Oyelowo) a cambio de seguir unas estrictas normas en toda la calle que no permiten los libros, las fotos o el desorden. Jane cree que la casa la está cambiando y descubre qué le ocurrió a la chica que vivió allí antes que ella. Creada, escrita y producida por J.P. Delaney y basada en su propia novela (2016) y dirigida por Lisa Brühlmann (Killing Eve, Servant). Cuatro episodios.
Netflix encarga diez episodios de una comedia multicámara centrada en Chelsea (Emily Osment; Young & Hungry, Hannah Montana), una altanera e ingeniosa intelectual sin habilidades sociales para vivir en el mundo real que se ve obligada a vivir con su despreocupada y jovial hermana y sus amigos, uno de ellos Grant (Gregg Sulkin; Runaways, Wizards of Waverly Place), un dulce y romántico entrenador personal. Creada, escrita y producida por Jack Dolgen (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Diary of a Future President) y Doug Mand (How I Met Your Mother, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend). Producida por Kourtney Kang (How I Met Your Mother, Fresh Off the Boat) y dirigida por Pamela Fryman (How I Met Your Mother, Frasier).
Shira Haas (Unorthodox, Shtisel) interpretará a Golda Meir, la primera y única primera ministra mujer de Israel, en el drama Lioness. Basada en el libro de Francine Klagsbrun (2017), escrita por Eric Tuchman (The Handmaid's Tale, Kyle XY), dirigida por Mimi Leder (The Morning Show, The Leftovers) y producida por Barbra Streisand (A Star Is Born), Nina Tassler y Denise Di Novi (Ed Wood, Edward Scissorhands).
Amazon encarga The Devil's Hour, thriller británico sobre una mujer que se despierta cada día a las 3:33 de la mañana. Su hijo de ocho años es retraído y falto de emociones, su madre habla con sillas vacías y su casa está encantada. Ahora su nombre está inexplicablemente conectado a una serie de brutales asesinatos en la zona. Escrita por Tom Moran (The Feed, White Rabbit), dirigida por Johnny Allan (The Irregulars) y producida  por Steven Moffat (Sherlock, Doctor Who).
Disney+ adaptará We Begin at the End, la novela de Chis Whitaker (2020) que sigue la relación entre Vincent King, un convicto que sale de prisión treinta años después de haber matado a una niña de siete años; Duchess Ray Radley, la sobrina de trece años de la víctima; y el jefe de policía de un pequeño pueblo de California cuyo testimonio envió a Vincent a prisión aunque era su mejor amigo. Producida por Thomas Kail (Hamilton) y Jennifer Todd (City on a Hill).
Netflix encarga una serie de animación de Asterix & Obelix basada en el libro 'Le combat des chefs'. Dirigida por Alain Chabat (Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra).
Apple TV+ encarga Dr. Brain, adaptación de acción real de la historieta digital coreana que sigue a un científico (Lee Sun-kyun, Parasite) obsesionado con encontrar nuevas tecnologías para acceder a la consciencia y los recuerdos cuya familia sufre un misterioso accidente. Utilizará sus habilidades para acceder a los recuerdos de su esposa para entender qu�� ocurrió y por qué. Escrita, dirigida y producida por Kim Jee-woon (Mil-jeong).
David Simon (The Wire, Treme) y George Pelecanos (The Wire, Treme) escribirán y producirán We Own This City, limited series de HBO que cuenta la historia real de la unidad de rastreo de armas de la policía de Baltimore. Basada en el libro del periodista Justin Fenton (2021).
Starz prepara un revival de Party Down con el regreso de actores y productores. Seis episodios.
IMDb TV encarga un spin-off de Bosch en el que Harry Bosch (Titus Welliver) se embarca en el siguiente capítulo de su carrera y trabaja junto a su antiguo enemigo Honey "Money" Chandler (Mimi Rogers) para encontrar justicia. Volverá también Madison Lintz en el papel de Maddie Bosch.
ITV ha encargado cuatro episodios de The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe, un drama true crime sobre John Darwin, el funcionario de prisiones que fingió su muerte en un accidente con una canoa en 2002 para estafar a compañías de seguros. Anne, su esposa, denunció su desaparición en la costa de Cleveland, Inglaterra, y mintió incluso a sus hijos. Basado en un manuscrito no publicado del periodista David Leigh, que encontró y entrevistó a Anne en Panamá. Escrita y producida por Chris Lang (Unforgotten, Dark Heart) y dirigida por Richard Laxton (Mrs. Wilson, Him & Her).
ABC Signature ha adquirido Sitting Pretty: The View from My Ordinary Resilient Disabled Body, las memorias de Rebekah Taussig (2020), para su adaptación televisiva. Trata sobre una chica paralítica que creció en los noventa sin referentes adecuados en la ficción que retratasen su discapacidad como algo complejo y ordinario, incómodo y bello, doloroso y enriquecedor, y que quiere reflejar las complicaciones de la amabilidad y la caridad, vivir de forma dependiente e independiente, experimentar intimidad y cómo la omnipresencia del capacitismo en los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales se traslada directamente a la vida diaria. Escrita y producida por Taussig y dirigida y producida por Randall Einhorn (The Office, Parks and Recreation).
Calls se estrena en Apple TV+ el 19 de marzo
La 1ª parte de la sexta y última temporada de Supergirl se estrena en The CW el 30 de marzo
La 4ª temporada de No Activity, que será de animación, se estrena en Paramount+ el 8 de abril
La tercera y última temporada de Pose se estrena en FX el 2 de mayo
La 2ª parte de la primera temporada de Ghostwriter se estrena en Apple TV+ el 2 de mayo
La segunda temporada de Duncanville se estrena en FOX el 23 de mayo
Housebroken se estrena en FOX el 31 de mayo
Tráilers y promos
Made for Love
Queen of the South - Temporada 5
Animal Kingdom - Temporada 5
No Activity - Temporada 4
Lupin - Parte 2
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col22promo · 3 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Anaya Dolmen | Telekinesis; Lily Collins FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Noah Centineo FC Arthur Meir | Uninfected; Ben Mendelsohn FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Axel Kraus | Praeteria; Skeet Ulrich FC Cody Moon | Uninfected; Nam Joo Hyuk FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Amber Riley FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Elliot Fletcher FC Fleet Michaels | Increased Hearing & Vision; Hong Jong-Hyun FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Issoria Feinberg | Telepathy; Josefine Frida Pettersen FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Caity Lotz FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tae | Uninfected; Daniel Henney FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Jeremy Allen White FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Leif Hjelmstad | Increased Vision & Hearing; Andy Biersack FC Maddox Xiao | Telepathy; Christopher Larkin FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC “Mink” Peyton Yazbek | Telepathy; Bex Taylor-Claus FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Carmela Zumbado FC Siobhan “Von” Whitmer | Praeteria; Kristine Froseth FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zayn Malik FC Tatum Rothchild | Uninfected; Indya Moore FC Thaïs Li | Increased Vision & Hearing; Natasha Liu Bordizzo FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC Xavier Crane | Uninfected; Lakeith Stanfield FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Tyler Blackburn FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Reilly Dolman FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Jon Hamm FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Perdita Meikle | Increased Vision & Smell; Gillian Anderson FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Sandra Oh FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Sam Claflin FC
Henry Liamson-Turner | Uninfected; Tom Cavanagh FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC  Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Jamie Clayton FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Matthew Grey Gubler FC Roxanne Palmer | Uninfected; Dianne Guerrero FC Suki Yamaguchi | Uninfected; Hayley Kiyoko FC
       [      we are RADIOACTIVE; 2157 was the end of the world.... ]
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titou-nz · 3 years
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Tel Aviv - Israël
Durant cette période, la ville continue de se développer vers le nord, à proximité de l'embouchure du Yarkon. Au nord du Yarkon est aménagé l'aéroport de Sdé Dov. Au sud, dans un secteur connu sous le nom "péninsule du Yarkon", un centre de foire et de congrès est construit pour accueillir en 1932 la première foire d'Orient. On y trouve un ensemble de pavillons dont certains de style Bauhaus ou international. Au nord-est du centre d'expositions internationales a également été construit le premier Stade Maccabiah en 1932. En 1937, le pont Wauchope est construit sur l'embouchure du Yarkon, nommé d'après Arthur Wauchope qui était le Haut Commissaire pour la Palestine et la Transjordanie.
De nombreux architectes inspirés par le style Bauhaus (qu'ils adapteront au style méditerranéen et oriental) vont faire de Tel Aviv l'un des plus grands centres de l'architecture Bauhaus international. En 1937 et en 1938, les aéroports de Lod (le futur Aéroport international David-Ben-Gourion) et de Sdé Dov (au nord de la ville) furent construits.
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la ville de Tel Aviv est bombardée par l'aviation italienne. Ces bombardements feront plus d'une centaine de victimes parmi la population civile de la ville. Fin 1947, les États arabes rejettent le plan de partage de la Palestine et provoquent des violences contre la ville. Dans le mois qui suivent des combats violents éclatent entre les villes de Tel Aviv, incluse dans le nouvel État Juif, et les Arabes de la région. Ces combats provoquent la fuite de nombreux civils arabes de la région courant avril 1948.
En 1948, Jaffa est une ville côtière arabe prospère de 70 000 à 80 000 habitants. Elle est située juste au Sud de Tel-Aviv et a été attribuée aux Arabes par le Plan de partage. C’est en conséquence une enclave arabe au milieu de territoires sous le contrôle du Yishouv. Des combattants de l’Armée de libération arabe et des volontaires des Frères musulmans ont renforcé la ville.
En février, les estimations du nombre de fuyards varient entre 15 000 et 25 000. Le comité national local essayera d’arrêter l’exode, notamment en imposant une taxe de départ qui sera collectée au port par les Frères Musulmans. Les milices locales iront jusqu’à menacer les fuyards d’expropriation voire de mort.
À la suite de la victoire de la Haganah à Haïfa, Jaffa est attaquée par l’Irgoun le 27 avril. Les forces de l’Armée de libération arabe résistent aux assaillants. De plus, à la suite des incidents de Haïfa, les Britanniques interviennent et menacent les Juifs de représailles s’ils ne stoppent pas leur offensive. À la suite de rumeurs de renforcement de l’Armée de libération et d’intervention de la Légion arabe, Yigal Yadin lance l’opération Hametz visant à encercler la ville. Les Britanniques réagissent en bombardant les positions de l’Irgoun14 ce qui met un terme à l’offensive. La ville ne tombera que le 13 mai à la suite du départ des Britanniques mais dans la foulée, entre 50 000 et 60 000 arabes supplémentaires se seront enfuits.
Après la guerre, les réfugiés palestiniens seront interdits de retour à Jaffa et la ville est annexée. Tel-Aviv absorbe de nouveaux quartiers à l'est et au nord de la ville ce qui aura pour effet de porter sa population totale à 210 000 habitants fin 1948. En 1950, Tel Aviv et Jaffa sont fusionnées, donnant à la ville ses limites municipales actuelles. Dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, l'architecture de la ville se développe par son dynamisme économique et culturel, notamment par la construction de tours (la tour Shalom Meir en 1965) et de gratte-ciels.
Le patrimoine architectural Bauhaus de la ville (il existe un musée dédié), tombant jusque-là dans un relatif oubli, est revitalisé à partir des années 1990 grâce au diplomate et collectionneur d'art Ronald Lauder, qui rénove la maison Shlomo Yafe, amenant ensuite des artistes menés par le sculpteur Dani Karavan à solliciter la municipalité pour sauver cette architecture peu entretenue. Une liste de 1 600 bâtiments est dressée, dont 180 font l'objet d'une protection. En 2003, l'UNESCO classe plus d'un millier d'édifices Bauhaus de Tel Aviv au patrimoine mondial et 500 parmi eux sont restaurés (cf. « Ville blanche de Tel Aviv »). Une loi oblige par ailleurs les promoteurs immobiliers à consacrer 1,72 % de leur budget à la rénovation du bâti classé.
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hwpsammler · 3 years
Historische Wertpapiere auf Briefmarken (4)
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Nachdem der letzte Artikel dieser Serie das finnische Schatzamt behandelte, hat diese israelische Briefmarke wiederum mit Staatsfinanzierung zu tun. Sie wurde 1961 herausgegeben und erinnert an ein Jahrzehnt der sogenannten Israel Bonds (Anleihen des Staates Israel). 
Von Premierminister David Ben-Gurion im Jahr 1950 konzipiert und von Finanzminister Elieser Kaplan und Arbeitsministerin Golda Meir gebilligt, wurde  die erste Auslandsanleihe 1951 von Ben-Gurion in den Vereinigten Staaten ausgegeben. Nach einer Massenkundgebung im New Yorker Madison Square Garden und darauffolgenden Veranstaltungen in anderen US-Städten, generierte die sogenannte Unabhängigkeits-Anleihe im ersten Jahr mehr als $ 52 Mio. (Schätzungen waren von $ 25 Mio. ausgegangen).
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Specimen einer Unabhängigkeits-Anleihe über $ 10.000 (Laufzeit 15 Jahre, Zinssatz 3,5%) mit Faksimileunterschriften von Ministerpräsident David Ben-Gurion und Finanzminister Elieser Kaplan (Bildquelle: Archives International Auctions)
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Die obige Abbildung zeigt Albert Einstein als prominenten Käufer der Unabhängigkeits-Anleihe. In der Ausgabe vom 9. November 1951 des Nachrichtenmagazins The American Jewish World findet sich unter dem Foto die folgende Bildunterschrift: 
„Professor Albert Einstein erhält in seinem Haus in Princeton die 200.000ste Anleihe des Staates Israel, die in diesem Land verkauft wurde, seit die Anleihen zum ersten Mal der amerikanischen Öffentlichkeit angeboten wurden. Der Verkauf der $ 500 Anleihe an Professor Einstein erfolgt durch Vael Sharett, der Tochter des israelischen Außenministers Moshe Sharett. Aus diesem Anlass überreichte Rudolf G . Sonneborn (rechts), Präsident der israelischen Bond-Kampagne, Professor Einstein die letzte handilluminierte Schriftrolle des verstorbenen weltberühmten Künstlers Arthur Szyk. Die Schriftrolle zu Ehren des Kaufs von Albert Einstein ist von Präsident Chaim Weizmann, Premierminister David Ben-Gurion und Finanzminister Elieser Kaplan von Israel unterzeichnet. Die von Professor Einstein gekaufte Anleihe ist Teil der $ 500 Mio. Anleihe des Staates Israel, die die Finanzmittel für Israels Programm der groß angelegten industriellen und landwirtschaftlichen Expansion und der Aufnahme von Einwanderern bereitstellen muss. Beim Kauf der Anleihe sagte Professor Einstein, Israel werde seine wirtschaftlichen Probleme erfolgreich bewältigen, „wenn Juden außerhalb Israels alle in ihrer Macht stehende finanzielle Hilfe leisten“.”
Arthur Szyks aufwendiges Zertifikat, das Albert Einstein zusammen mit seinem Israel Bond überreicht wurde, ist im nachfolgenden als Blankette dargestellt. Für weitere Informationen zu diesem renommierten polnisch-jüdischen Politkünstler und Buchillustrator siehe szyk.com.
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(Bildquelle: Historicana, Burlingame, CA, www.szyk.com)
In den folgenden Jahren halfen die Israel Bonds Landwirtschafts-, Infrastruktur- und Industrieentwicklungsprojekte zu finanzieren, darunter den National Water Carrier (Bewässerung von fast 0,5 Mio. Hektar für die landwirtschaftliche Unabhängigkeit) und die Dead Sea Works (Soda- und Chemiefabrik an der Küste des Toten Meeres). 1957 generierten die Anleihen 35 % des israelischen Sonderentwicklungsbudgets. Die jährlichen Anleiheverkäufe stiegen in den folgenden Jahrzehnten kontinuierlich an und überstiegen 1967 während des Sechstagekriegs $ 250 Mio., 1973 während des Jom-Kippur-Krieges $ 500 Mio. und 1991 während des Persischen Golfkriegs $ 1 Mrd. Im Jahr 2020 wurden die Israel Bonds 70 Jahre alt. Die Anleiheverkäufe seit 1951 beliefen sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt in Summe auf mehr als $ 45 Mrd. 
Heute werden Israel Bonds in den USA, Kanada und Europa über drei separate Broker-Dealer-Organisationen verkauft. 2011 wurde eine E-Commerce-Site für Online-Käufe ins Leben gerufen. Dort findet sich auch ein Online-Museum zur Geschichte der Israel Bonds.
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15-jährige Spar-Anleihe über $ 1.000 (keine jährlichen Zinszahlungen sondern Auszahlung von $ 1.800 bei Fälligkeit), ausgegeben 1974 mit Faksimileunterschrift von Ministerpräsidentin Golda Meir (Bildquelle: HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus) 
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the-colony-roleplay · 5 years
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Dylan Meir | Twenty Two;  Survivor
House: Torren Security Class: 2 Status: Infected - Praeteria Alignment: New Wave Reformists
Dylan was an average middle child in a less-than-average household. Her parents weren’t “family people”; her mother didn’t want anything to do with children and her father’s work made him travel too often to take care of himself, much less Dylan. They also hated each other, which tends to throw a wrench into the foundation of a loving family. 
Dylan’s parents got divorced, and at the age of five, she was foisted onto the farm of her extended family in the outback of Queensland. It was on acres and acres of land—more than large enough for all the people who lived there: two great uncles, seven uncles, five aunts, nine cousins, and two second cousins. In the space of a few weeks Dylan went from being an only child in the city to a middle child in what could generously be described as the middle of nowhere. She flourished.
Most of her relatives worked on the farm herding and tending cattle. However, her great uncle Henry worked as a ranger at the nearby wildlife park. He often took Dylan out riding with him through the outback. On those trips she developed a deep appreciation for nature; she learned to read tracks, how to be quiet and patient, how to survive. When she was older, she and her cousins would often take the horses and go camping out in those wilds— never far from the ranch, of course, but far enough that they felt alone out on the empty plains. She also sometimes accompanied her older relatives on cattle drives. They’d spend weeks out in the open, sleeping under the stars with no one but each other for company.
The family was close knit, but being one of the middle children meant it was all too easy to get lost. Dylan constantly competed with her cousins for attention, for recognition, for the last drumstick at the dinner table. She lost count of the number of times she’d been called by the wrong name; sometimes the other person wouldn’t even realize they had made a mistake. Sometimes she wouldn’t bother correcting them. It didn’t help either that the ranch was so far from any sort of town. Trips into civilization were rare, and even rarer were the times Dylan tagged along. The flatbed could only fit so many people, and it was a race each time to get a spot. She and her cousins didn’t have a formal school; they were taught by their older kin when they had the time. The ranch was her classroom, and her aunts and uncles and cousins were her teachers. 
Of course her place on the ranch, and the invisibility that came with it, was better than living with her parents. Dylan visited her mother only twice, and both times she wanted the visit to be over as fast as possible. Her father came around more often, but it was like talking to a complete stranger. He knew nothing about her life; sometimes he didn’t even know how old she was. He stopped coming in her teens. No, compared to the life she could’ve had, she was more than grateful. She loved the cattle and the horses, and all her ever-growing family, and her home.
That home was destroyed when she was 16. Some of the smaller meteors destroyed one of the paddocks and part of the house. Other bits of debris landed out in the dry scrubland. Fires were a part of life, but this time there was no stopping them. The Meirs fled before the flames, taking everything— their cattle, their horses, as many belongings as they could carry. The last time Dylan saw her home, it was backed by an orange glow on the horizon. They arrived weeks later in a camp outside of Brisbane. The fires there had been less severe, countered by fierce flooding. The city itself had been evacuated; almost everyone in the camps had come in from the west. It was there that Dylan and her family learned where the meteors had come from and exactly what damage they’d wrought. With nowhere else to go, the Meirs decided to rejoin what was left of civilization. The family went to work rebuilding structures and redistributing supplies. Dylan lost herself to the work and the crowd of survivors trying to remake their lives.
Looters had been a problem almost since D-day, especially bands of Infected that roamed the wastes. And as they came again and again, the camp rallied to throw them back. But when Dylan was eighteen, the looters banded together for a massive assault. With their combined numbers and weapons, the small defence the camp could muster was no match for them. Chaos swept through the base. Everyone was running, shouting, screaming. Dylan found herself pressed into a corner, holding her second cousin tightly as he cried against her shoulder for his mother. The looters were coming; she could hear the guns, the wild cries of delight. There was nothing she could do except pray. There would be no running, no hiding from them. She held her breath as the looters charged, hooting and hollering. Some of them looked right at her, eyes passing over like she was a shadow. And then they continued on, reigning devastation.
The camp in ruins, Dylan and her family had no choice but to move South. There were rumours of a larger camp there, one with defendable walls and connections to the outside world. Before they left, they helped to bury the lost members of the camp, including Dylan’s Great-Uncle Henry. In the days and weeks following the attack, she felt sick. Dirty. The Infected had destroyed her camp and killed her family, and she was just like them. She didn’t even try to control her power. It didn’t take long for the rest of her family to notice, and although they assured her that she was still a Meir, still part of the clan, it wasn’t hard to notice the way they distanced themselves from her, whether purposefully, or not.
Dylan Today
The Meirs were welcomed with open arms at Colony 30, near Penrith. They were given food, a place to stay, jobs and chores to perform. Dylan became a scout, spending days wandering the decimated city and further into the outback, looking for survivors. She became an expert at it; using her abilities to spy on larger camps, slowly bringing in stragglers to the safety of the Colony. She spent days, sometimes as long as two weeks alone. It was better than being at the increasingly crowded base, invisible even when she didn’t use her powers. She withdrew more and more from her family and they withdrew from her until, years later, when the Colony offered free relocation for anyone who wanted it, she eagerly volunteered. Colony 30 was one of only two in all of Australia, and so over population was a constant and increasing issue, especially after the purging of the wastelands. Pockets of clans and communities had been popular in the country, and when the NWRF rose, soon there were too many people to house comfortably in their Colonies... but so far, not enough resources to open a third just yet. But Dylan didn’t care where she went, as long as it was far away from Penrith.
Dylan arrived at Colony 22 less than a week ago, just after the storm had finally tapered, but she quickly secured a job working in the stables and the grounds—if only for something familiar to keep her busy and distracted. The walls of this colony were more confining than she was used to, but since she spent most of her time outside anyway, it was an acceptable tradeoff for safety. She also quickly found a home with the NWRF. In her eyes, the Infected were just a bomb waiting to go off. The powers they were given were too dangerous for any one person to have; just like any other weapon, they should be regulated with extreme care or better yet, taken away completely. For the time being, she did her best to use her ability as little as possible.
Outside of her hesitancy to use her Praeteria, Dylan is fairly friendly and outgoing. Coming from a large family, she’s at home in crowds and wide open spaces. She spends most of her free time in the lounge or the gaming grounds, although she also enjoys browsing the Hub and trading for the occasional contraband. She has more mixed feelings about training and the Games; she excels at athletics like running and wrestling, but she’s apprehensive about anything to do with her powers— even training. When she can get away with it, she plays hooky on her infection training in favour of doing literally anything else. She avoids associating with most Infected too; although she doesn’t snub them entirely, the pride many of them take in their powers makes her more than a little uncomfortable.
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cooliosims · 4 years
My Original 100 Baby Challenge
started 4/3/16, finished 2/8/20
Generation 1: Alix Grace
Flirty, Great Kisser, Irresistible, Hopeless Romantic, Nurturing
1. Efren Grace 🚹- Tucker Fernandez
Excitable, Light Sleeper, Genius, Proper, Unlucky
2. Emmaline Grace 🚺- Pawel Gallardo
Good, Clumsy, Animal Lover, Hopeless Romantic, Easily Impressed
3. Gabriella Grace 🚺 - Pawel Gallardo
Loves the Outdoors, Disciplined, Supernatural Fan, Loves To Swim, Born Saleswoman
4. Naomi Grace 🚺 - Doug Rodel
Brave, Artistic, Good Sense of Humor, Computer Whiz, Friendly
5. Lucas Grace 🚹 - Doug Rodel
Disciplined, Clumsy, Perceptive, Cat Person, Unlucky
6. Thalia Grace 🚺 🐾- Alfonso Alto
Adventurous, Perceptive, Perfectionist, Family-Oriented
7. Aurora Grace 🚺- Alfonso Alto
Adventurous, Friendly, Lucky, Cat Person
8. Farrah Grace 🚺 - Joel Vidal
Eccentric, Friendly, Party Animal, Handy, Family-Oriented
9. Victoria Grace 🚺 ✨ - Joel Vidal
Loves the Outdoors, Excitable, Computer Whiz, Disciplined, Absent-Minded
10. Logan Grace 🚹 - Joel Vidal
Absent-Minded, Easily Impressed, Inappropriate, Neurotic, Brave
11. Sophia Grace 🚺 - Sean Vidal
Loves the Outdoors, Good, Rebellious, Genius, Adventurous
12. Aster Grace 🚹 - Sean Vidal
Couch Potato, Genius, Over-Emotional, Irresistible, Artistic
Generation 2: Sophia Grace
13. Natalia Grace 🚺- Robin Banks
Good, Brave, Frugal, Hot Headed, diva
14. Anastasia Grace 🚺 - Robin Banks
Brave, Heavy Sleeper, Mooch, diva,
15. Evanna Grace 🚺 - Matteo Torres
Adventurous, Brave, Vegetarian, Eco-Friendly
16. Sebastian Grace 🚹🌺 - Matteo Torres
Adventurous, Heavy Sleeper, Rebellious
17. Stella Grace 🚺🐠 - Isaac Ponder
Loves the Outdoors, Friendly, rebellious, neurotic, perfectionist
18. Marina Grace🚺🐠 - Isaac Ponder
Loner, Clumsy, dog person, mean spirited
❌ Death of Emmaline Grace
❌ Death of Efren Grace
❌ Death of Naomi Grace
19. Cassandra Grace 🚺🧛🏻‍♀️ - Abram London
Loves the Outdoors, Evil, shy, perceptive, dramatic
20. Amelia Grace 🚺 - Abram London
Loves the outdoors, genius, dog person, inappropriate, loner
❌ Death of Gabriella Grace
21. Angelica Grace 🚺🌺 - Teodor Medina
Good, absent minded, loves the outdoors, savvy sculptor, mean spirited
22. Eliza Grace 🚺🌺 - Teodor Medina
Genius, Athletic, absent-minded, disciplined, shy
❌ Death of Lucas Grace
23. Rowan Grace 🚹 - Lenny Shutter
Loves the Heat, Eccentric, perfectionist, inappropriate, athletic
24. Oliver Grace 🚹 - Richie Striker
Evil, Friendly, diva, photographers eye, heavy sleeper
Generation 3: Eliza Grace
25.  Dakota Grace 🚹 - Alexy Fresco
Good, Loner, Hopeless Romantic,
26. Jade Grace 🚺 - Alexy Fresco
Brave, Loves the Outdoors
(Alexy Fresco died as Eliza was bringing the twins home)
27. Evan Grace 🚹 - Jupiter Belle
Hydrophobic, Loves the Heat
28. Austin Grace 🚹 - Harry Marks
Loves the Outdoors, Clumsy
29. Rosaline Grace 🚺- Daniel Laurence
Virtuoso, Loves the Outdoors
30. Brendon Grace 🚹- Daniel Laurence
Evil, Loves the Cold
31. Brooklyn Grace 🚺 - Dominique Kennedy
Adventurous, Good, Daredevil, Photographers Eye
32. Sage Grace🚹 - Dominique Kennedy
Adventurous, Loner, Loves the Cold, Nurturing
33. Alexander Grace 🚹 - Damian Braswell
Adventurous, Light Sleeper, Loser
34. Zinnia Grace 🚺 - Shea Quinones
Loves To Swim, Excitable, Perceptive
35. Carter Grace 🚹 - Shea Quinones
Excitable, Easily Impressed, Dog Person
35.1. Riley Grace 🚺💤 - IF
Daredevil, Never Nude, Friendly
35.2. Storm Grace 🚺💤 - IF
Daredevil, Inappropriate, Equestrian
35.3. Ruby Grace 🚹💤 - IF
Absent-minded, Brooding, Night Owl, Diva
Generation 4: Zinnia Grace
36. Collin Grace 🚹 - Goodwin Goode
Absent minded, hates the outdoors, unflirty, frugal
37. Mary Rose Grace🚺 - Goodwin Goode
Good, eccentric
38. Hunter Grace 🚹 - Goodwin Goode
Athletic, artistic
39. Matthew Grace 🚹 - Justin Kayes
Heavy sleeper, disciplined
40. Alissa Grace 🚺 -  Dennis Racket
Loner, Light sleeper, frugal, friendly, ambitious
41. Nora Grace 🚺 - Dennis Racket
Grumpy, couch potato, avant garde, friendly, inappropriate
42. Elizabeth Grace 🚺- Dennis Racket
Disciplined, eccentric, party animal, workaholic, neurotic
43. Arthur Grace 🚹 - Shamus Drudge
Couch potato, clumsy, good sense of humor, vegetarian
Vanessa Grace 🚺 - Marc Brandt
Excitable, virtuoso, loves the cold, childish, savvy sculptor
Daniel Grace 🚹 - Marc Brandt
Brave, genius, rebellious, shy, hopeless romantic
Jackson Grace 🚹 - Marc Brandt
Heavy sleeper, artistic, over emotional, excitable, commitment issues
46.5. Dawson Grace 🚹💤- IF
Loved the outdoors, party animal, perceptive, computer whiz
Leah Grace 🚺- Rickie Godwin
Athletic, loves the cold, animal lover, inappropriate
Carson Grace 🚹- Rickie Godwin
Clumsy, athletic, cat person, shy
Christopher Grace 🚹✨- Griffin Alto
Good, easily impressed, athletic, loser
Tyler Grace 🚹🐾- Gilberto Gonzalo
Friendly, heavy sleeper, adventurous
50.1. Bree Grace 🚺💤 - IF
Hates the outdoors; grumpy, ambitious, kleptomaniac
50.2. Adam Grace 🚹💤- IF
Night owl, perfectionist, kleptomaniac, mooch
Generation 5: Leah Grace
Charlie Grace 🚹 - Richter Steele
Neurotic, Friendly
Hannah Grace 🚺 - Javed Meir
Friendly, virtuoso
Thomas Grace 🚹 - Javed Meir
Easily impressed, insane
Rachel Grace 🚺- Jamar Whitfield
Excitable, Virtuoso
Trevor Grace 🚹🌺- Jamar Whitfield
Loves the cold, artistic  
Cameron Grace🚹 - Girbits Worthington
Athletic, insane
Artemis Grace 🚺🐾- Seth Monroe
Disciplined, excitable
Athena Grace🚺🐾 - Seth Monroe
Brave, grumpy
Ryann Grace 🚺✨- Willard Wright
Excitable, athletic
Max Grace 🚺 - Willard Wright
Excitable, athletic
Savannah Grace 🚺 - Rich Richmond
Loves the outdoors, good, brave, irresistible, couch potato
Dustin Grace 🚹✨- Rich Richmond
Evil, excitable
Generation 6: Savannah Grace
Anne Grace 🚺 - Cecil Walker
Hates the outdoors, evil, mean spirited
Yasmin Grace 🚺- Ronald Clifton
Hydrophobic, insane
Sadie Grace 🚺- Gendry Cabrera
Heavy sleeper, loves the outdoors
Teren Grace 🚹- Gendry Cabrera
Disciplined, loves the heat
Reid Grace 🚹- Gendry Cabrera
Light sleeper, hates the outdoors
Abby Grace 🚺 - Gendry Cabrera
Virtuoso, light sleeper
8/8/18 Save file was corrupted, RIP
Generation 6.5: Flashpoint - Savannah Grace 2.0
Naya Grace 🚺- Hates the outdoors, disciplined, mooch, bookworm, absent minded
Quinn Grace 🚹 - eccentric, insane, neat, adventurous, schmoozer
Renee Grace 🚺 - Chester Swain
Brave, Grumpy, diva, heavy sleeper, vegetarian
Liam Grace 🚹 - Pip Goodfellow
Heavy sleeper, virtuoso, loves the heat, technophobe, bookworm
Aria Grace 🚺 - Pip Goodfellow
Clumsy, brave, neurotic, perfectionist, dislikes children
Nico Grace 🚹🧛🏻‍♂️ - Tristan Van Gould
Photographers eye, irresistible, great kisser, loner, ambitious, evil
Bianca Grace 🚺 - Tristan Van Gould
Virtuoso, party animal, clumsy, slob, disciplined
Shane Grace 🚹 - Jules MacDuff
Absent minded, light sleeper, athletic, excitable, party animal
Stacy Grace 🚺 - Jeff Laughlin
Artistic, heavy sleeper, easily impressed, technophobe
Jane Grace 🚺 - Jeff Laughlin
Loves the outdoors, eccentric, daredevil, great kisser, can’t stand art
Iris Grace 🚺 - Alfred Hoppcraft
Loner, heavy sleeper, angler, excitable
Vincent Grace 🚹 - Alfred Hoppcraft
Heavy sleeper, genius, slob, childish, Star quality
Adrien Grace 🚹 - David Pok
Athletic, artistic, inappropriate, disciplined, vehicle enthusiast
Generation 7: Iris Grace
Lillie Grace 🚺🌺 - Cassian Stronghold
Virtuoso, loves the outdoors, ambitious, family-oriented
Lacey Grace 🚺 🌺- Everett Lark
Good, heavy sleeper, ambitious, slob, family oriented
Laurie Grace 🚺 - Tom Yates
Excitable, light sleeper, lucky, loser, great kisser
Lucy Grace 🚺- Craig Covington
Slob, disciplined, virtuoso, diva, excitable
Layla Grace 🚺- Craig Covington
Insane, easily impressed, light sleeper, coward
Luna Grace 🚺🌺- Craig Covington
Clumsy, Loves the cold, loser, over-emotional, neurotic
Lydia Grace 🚺 🌺- Lewis Layton
Brave, loves the outdoors, avant-garde, slob
(Hidden Mascot skill, what?)
Levi Grace 🚹 🌺- Lewis Layton
Loner, hates the outdoors, grumpy, snob
Leo Grace 🚹🧛🏻‍♀️- Ayden Van Gould
Loves the cold, artistic, star quality, light sleeper, computer whiz
(Ayden died RIGHT AFTER she got pregnant)
Generation 8: Lydia Grace
Justin Grace 🚹 - Victor Sharpe
Genius, loves the heat, evil  (Bieber)
Nicholas Grace 🚹- Victor Sharpe
Loves the outdoors, neurotic, perfectionist  (Jonas)
(Are these my first twin boys of the challenge?)
Scarlett Grace🚺 - Rafael Striker
Friendly, absent minded (Johansson)
Marcus Grace 🚹 - Rafael Striker
Genius, loner (Ruffalo)
Timothy Grace 🚹 - Michael Sleep
Brave, Athletic (eé Chalamet)
Julie Grace 🚺 - Victor Sharpe
Excitable, Easily Impressed (Andrews)
Peyton Grace 🚺 - Victor Sharpe
Good, loves the outdoors (Elizabeth Lee)
Jordan Grace 🚹 - Ritchie Striker
Grumpy, light sleeper (Fischer)
Keenan Grace 🚹 - Barry Tenderlove
Good, light sleeper, mean spirited (Thompson?)
100! Carrie Grace 🚺 - Antwon Bigelow
Loner, couch potato (Fischer)
Daisy Grace 🚺 - Antwon Bigelow
Clumsy, disciplined (Ridley)
Finished 2/8/20
Aurora was the only child to die (as a young adult, in a fire, resurrected with ambrosia)
Got married:
Victoria (Gen 1)
Aster (Gen 1)
Cassandra (Gen 2)
Alexander (Gen 2)
Zinnia (Gen 2)
For some reason it’s weird to me that Z and Cass are sisters
Christopher (Gen 3)
Hannah (Gen 4)
Nico (Gen 6)
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vikandermanips · 5 years
Hey, girl! I would like to ask you a manip of Gwen Van Meir & Arthur Benedetti. Thank you
There doesn’t seem to be a lot a of images of them but I will certainly try my best for you, angel
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reginaldodpg · 4 years
Cúmplices de Um Resgate: Resumo Dos capítulos de 23 a 27/11/2020,
capítulo 485, segunda, 23 de novembro,
Dinho e Meire vão na mansão herdada pelo tio do advogado, Dinho fala que a mansão parece ser mal-assombrada. Regina fala com Maurício e reclama de ter levado Isabela para ela no passado. Geraldo revela que Maurício ficará na mansão por pelo menos um mês. A família de Matheus e Dórios despedem-se da casa e se mudam de uma vez por todas para o haras. Arthur, Safira e Priscila jantam em um restaurante: Os três aproveitam para fazer uma apresentação musical no local. Paola vai na casa de Regina e fala que os dois estão felizes juntos e que Regina não vá atrás de Otávio.
Fiorina se desculpa com Giuseppe e dois fazem as pazes. Geraldo e Maurício decidem que irão roubar a On-Enterpise afim de conseguirem dinheiro e prejudicar Otávio. Sandro fala que não participará. Rebeca conta para Frederico que os figurinos das bandas sumiram, o estilista se preocupa. Rebeca garante que irá refazer todos os figurinos. Flora escuta a preocupação de Frederico e se dispõe a ajudar. Alicia sai de casa junto aos filhos até que Vicente deixe tudo certo com o agiota. Meire oferece que Alicia fique no cargo de sindica e fique no seu apartamento, enquanto ela estiver na mansão com Dinho.
capítulo 486, terça, 24 de novembro,
Meire e Dinho ficam assustados ao ver o mordomo Euclides que aparece na mansão, dizendo que está no local para servi-los, assim como já faz aos parentes da família por toda sua vida. Frederico vai na confecção e leva Flora para poder ajudar na costura. Isabela fala que recebeu os figurinos em casa. A C1R consegue patrocínio e instrumentos novos para poder apresenta-se no concurso de bandas. Meire pensa que Euclides cozinhou o gato Bartolomeu e fica assustada. Isabela liga para Otávio e fala que faz questão da presença dele no concurso de bandas, ele diz que estará lá. Vargas e Navarro articulam todo o roubo na On-Enterprise. Rebeca vê o figurino e fala que essas não são as roupas feitas pela confecção. Manuela não quer apresenta-se no concurso. Todos se arrumam para não se atrasar. Haverá uma nova eleição para prefeito no Vilarejo dos Sonhos e Giuseppe fala que sabe quem pode ser candidato.
capítulo 487, quarta, 25 de novembro,
Frederico enlouquece quando descobre que Tomás e Taísa foram responsáveis por roubar seus desenhos e figurinos para entregarem as peças com ideias copiadas na segunda fase do concurso. Manuela diz aos amigos que decidiu que irá apresentar-se no show de bandas ao lado deles. Navarro, Sandro e Vargas invadem a On-Enterprise vestidos com máscaras. Lurdinha e Laura ficam assustadas e acabam sendo amarradas na empresa. Laura consegue se soltar e Lurdinha também, a secretária vai acionar o alarme. Fiorina se torna candidata a prefeita no vilarejo, porém acaba descobrindo que Giuseppe também é candidato. Na igreja evangélica, os fiéis debatem se concordam ou não com o casamento de Augusto. C1R e Manuela e Seus Amigos acabam se atrasando para o concurso de bandas e são desclassificados, mas por sorte a produção decide regravar o programa e todos recebem uma nova oportunidade. Vargas e Navarro decidem assaltar a mansão de Meire. Julia chora por estar com o pulso machucado logo antes da apresentação no concurso. Priscila acaba caindo durante a apresentação.
capítulo 488, quinta, 26 de novembro,
Manuela e Seus Amigos apresentam-se. Priscila está preocupada de sua queda ser exibida em rede nacional. C1R apresenta a canção “Oi, Psiu” Julia está na bateria, mesmo estando com dor no pulso. André Vasco apresenta o concurso e fala quem serão as bandas que irão a reta final: Manuela e Seus Amigos, C1R e Insanos. Segundo o médico, Julia torceu o pulso e precisará ficar um tempo sem tocar bateria. Matheus se torna arrogante após a mudança para o haras e deixa os amigos preocupados, que tentam falar com ele. Nina também se torna candidata a prefeita do Vilarejo. Os capangas de Geraldo se disfarçam de fantasmas para invadir a mansão. Arthur questiona a Priscila se ela está de acordo com o fato dele pedir Safira em casamento. Meire não fica assustada e acaba se apaixonando por Navarro disfarçado. Dóris chora no jantar em família e fala que sente que a família está mais distante agora que possui mais dinheiro. Meire fica assustada ao ver Vargas, os bandidos não encontram nada de valor na mansão.
capítulo 489, sexta, 27 de novembro,
Arthur pede Safira em casamento na frente da família dela. A mulher se emociona e aceita o convite. Os dois se beijam. Os capangas se assustam com o mordomo Euclides (Ariel Moshe). Na igreja evangélica, todos fazem um discurso para pedir votos. Os capangas são presos. Neuza descobre um envelope com dinheiro. Omar comemora, pois com a quantia ela poderá se tratar. Mateus pede desculpa aos amigos do vilarejo pelo seu comportamento arrogante. Julia fica sabendo que a gravadora procura uma baterista em caso de emergência para substituir Julia. Uma garota chamada Ana Julia aparece e consegue destaque no teste. Joaquim vai até a gravadora de Paola e diz que está pensando em mudar para lá. Otávio sai da gravadora a pedido de uma ligação de Manuela. Joaquim recebe mensagem de Manuela e deixa Paola sozinha. Rebeca vai até a On-Enterprise falar com Otávio. Dinho e Meire pensam que Euclides é um fantasma.
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fx999blog · 4 years
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11月16日财经早餐:聚焦中国多项经济数据,OPEC+本周或公布新行动 11月16日财经早餐:聚焦中国多项经济数据,OPEC+本周或公布新行动 本周(11月16日-11月22日)经济数据方面,中国将公布多项重磅经济数据,包括10月社会消费品零售总额,中国10月城镇固定资产投资,中国10月规模以上工业增加值等。另外,美国10月零售销售数据将公布,油市方面关注OPEC+举行联合部长级监督委员会(JMMC)会议。此外,财经大事方面,除了关注美联储官员讲话,下周市场焦点依旧是围绕英欧贸易谈判、疫苗及美国大选进展的一些不确定性交易。  本周市场热点 ① 周一,日本第三季度GDP数据,中国10月社会消费品零售总额,中国10月城镇固定资产投资,中国10月规模以上工业增加值等。另外,国家统计局将发布70个大中城市住宅销售价格月度报告。欧洲央行行长拉加德讲话。 ② 周二,美国10月零售销售数据、美国10月工业产出数据、美联储副主席克拉里达就经济前景发表讲话、澳洲联储公布11月货币政策会议纪要。OPEC+举行联合部长级监督委员会(JMMC)会议。 ③ 周三,API与EIA库存报告、英国、欧元区、加拿大都将公布通胀数据; ④ 周四,澳大利亚就业数据、美国初请失业金人数数据、FOMC永久票委、纽约联储主席威廉姆斯发表讲话。2020年票委、达拉斯联储主席卡普兰发表讲话。2020年FOMC票委、克利夫兰联储主席梅斯特在该行组织的2020年金融稳定线上会议致开幕词和开场白。 ⑤ 周五,日本CPI、2020年FOMC票委、克利夫兰联储主席梅斯特发表讲话。2020年FOMC票委、达拉斯联储主席卡普兰发表讲话。周六凌晨,美国11月20日当周石油钻井总数将公布。 周一开盘行情 上周回顾 【美联储威廉姆斯:经济的最新发展较预期好很多】经济指标仍然显示经济处于积极的轨道上,不断增加的新冠病例为经济蒙上阴影,预计经济增速将放缓,即使是今天,失业率仍然很高,我们仍然处于经济低谷,由于最近病毒感染激增,经济可能会有所放缓,全球经济仍然相当疲软,因此通货膨胀面临下行压力,未来几年的通货膨胀率将低于我们的预期,金融市场更关注疫情,因为这是经济的主要驱动力,通货膨胀面临很大的下行压力,美联储在利率和货币政策方面的决定将取决于经济的发展,美联储的利率路径将由经济发展决定。 【拜登若要重回伊核协议,不会易如反掌或一蹴而就】① 自美国总统特朗普两年多前退出伊核协议后,美国的欧洲盟友们一直在努力维护这一协议,而拜登的胜选,也不会迅速地让伊核协议满血复活。② 拜登在竞选总统时表示,特朗普的伊朗政策削弱了美国的国家安全,使伊朗比以往任何时候都更能够制造核弹。他曾表态,要在上任“第一天”与盟国通话,开始修复紧张的关系,并表示将给伊朗“一条回到外交(对话)的可靠之路”。③ 据美国和伊朗的外交官和分析人士称,伊朗将于2021年中期举行总统大选,以及共和党可能继续掌控美国参议院,所以无法迅速采取实质性行动。此外,拜登还表示从1月20日开始,他的工作重点将放在经济和控制新冠疫情上。④ Rapidan Energy Advisors总裁Bob McNally上周在接受采访时表示,并非只有核监督机构和安全分析师在关注拜登会有何行动:石油市场也押注到2021年夏季紧张局势会有所缓解,将为伊朗原油在年底前重返全球市场铺平道路。⑤ 这意味着伊朗可能会在2021年下半年增加原油的供给,这在短期内对油价影响有限,但将在中长线限制油价的上涨空间。 【英国央行行长贝利:现在的量化宽松规模和速度可能不如3月份那么重要】英国央行行长贝利:疫苗消息与英国央行预测的假设基本一致,疫苗消息开始减少不确定性的权重,必须审慎以对,因为疫苗试验仍有一段路要走,量化宽松的目标不是政府债务的利率,而是整体经济。在英国对收益率曲线进行控制的呼声并不高 ,我不认为这是目前非常需要的,没有为负利率评估结果设定日期的想法 ,银行信息技术系统在考虑负利率的适宜性时存在不同的时代, 在决定负利率是否可行之前,银行还有大量工作要做,我们将在12月的会议上获得关于英国脱欧的更多信息,央行数字货币有可能在未来10年内出现,但仍有很多工作要做。  【沙特能源部长:在达成共识的情况下,我们可以对OPEC+协议进行微调】沙特能源部长:OPEC扮演了积极的角色,在分析人士提出的提议之外,可能还会有调整,OPEC+保持灵活性,关注市场,市场稳定,尽管有新的病毒封锁,我们的选择是开放的,OPEC+可能对减产协议进行调整,力度较分析师预期更大。OPEC+可能将减产协议延长至2022年全年,OPEC+将应对一切,包括利比亚局势。 全球主要市场行情一览 美国股市上周五收高,标普500指数与罗素2000指数双双创下纪录高位,道琼斯工业平均指数升至疫情前水平;标普500指数主要板块集体上涨,能源、工业和金融涨幅居前;尽管新冠病例激增可能导致更多防疫措施出台,进而打压经济增长,但向经济敏感板块轮动的势头还是再度升温。 科技股较多的纳斯达克100指数落后于其它主要股指,迪士尼受业绩提振大涨,思科营收预测向好,股价攀升。特斯拉首席执行官马斯克发推文称他可能感染新冠���股价下跌。SunTrust Private Wealth Management首席市场策略师Keith Lerner称,美国股市势将迎来“消化期”。 风险偏好推动了市场向价值板块和周期性板块的轮动,更具防御性的板块则表现落后。U.S. Bank Wealth Management旗下Ascent Private Wealth Group的投资策略师Tom Hainlin表示,就像是来回拉锯,人们更乐观的时候,周期性更强的板块就会反弹,乐观情绪减弱的时候,科技股就反弹。 贵金属与原油 上周五现货黄金刷新近四日高点至1896.82美元/盎司,因美股攀升导致美元再度疲软。蒙特利尔银行资本市场金属衍生品交易主管Tai Wong称,回归均值,美元回吐部分周涨幅,帮助放大了黄金买盘效应。 ED&F Man Capital Markets的分析师Edward Meir表示, 市场心理已经发生了一些变化已经发生了一些变化,人们意识到疫苗的大规模推出将需要时间,而接种需求却是迫在眉睫。没有刺激措施出台的事实似乎正在限制金价的上涨空间…如果国会实际上提出了一个有限的方案,那也是有益的。 美油上周五跌逾2%,刷新近三日低点至40.06美元/桶;因新冠疫情可能导致需求脱轨,美国主要城市将实施更严格的防疫限制,且EIA称美国上周原油库存意外攀升;但当周早些时候的疫苗突破消息振奋市场,美油本周大涨7%,取得一个月最大周涨幅。 尽管长远向好,但美国从西海岸到东海岸的城市将实施更严格的疫情防控措施,引发了人们对疫情进一步抑制燃料需求的担忧。在防疫封锁担忧升温之前,OPEC+有望推迟1月份计划中的增产,为石油期货提供了支持。 外汇 美元兑多数发达市场货币上周五下跌,虽然新冠病例继续增加,但风险偏好反弹提振了美国股市、打击了美国国债。通常与全球风险情绪紧密相关的澳元携手英镑领涨。不过,通常被视为避风港的日元也上涨,部分收复本周早些时候因辉瑞疫苗好消息而遭遇的损失。 美元指数跌了0.26%至92.73,接近当天的低点,但全周仍保持0.47%的涨幅;实钱账户的卖盘打击美元汇率,交易量温和,多数货币对处于相对狭窄的区间内。 美元兑日元上周收涨1.24%,是6月5日以来最大周涨幅;纽约的交易员说,获利回吐导致104.80之下的止损盘被触发,而105之上的企业卖盘限制了上涨。 英镑兑美元一度涨0.63%至1.3201,,随后回吐涨幅至1.3190;随着脱欧谈判进行,投机者对期限包含12月央行会议的波动率兴趣增加;一周风险逆转有利于英镑沽权。 其它货币对方面,美元兑加元跌0.03%至1.3137,澳元兑美元涨0.53%至0.7270,一周上涨0.17%;纽元兑美元基本持平于0.6842。 国际要闻 【世卫组织:全球新冠肺炎确诊病例超过5316万例,死亡病例超过130万例】根据世卫组织最新实时统计数据,截至欧洲中部时间11月14日15时32分(北京时间11月14日22时32分),全球累计新冠肺炎确诊病例53164803例,累计死亡病例1300576例。14日全球新冠肺炎确诊病例新增657312例,连续第二天刷新单日新增病例记录,死亡新增9797例  【特朗普翻盘努力遭遇重大挫折:关键诉讼失利;拜登拿下佐治亚州】① 美国总统特朗普试图推翻当选总统拜登获胜结果的努力遭遇重大挫折,多家电视新闻网预测拜登赢得佐治亚州,同时,特朗普在另外三个关键州发起的诉讼中失利。② 四家新闻网预测特朗普赢得北卡罗来纳州。ABC和CNN预测拜登赢得佐治亚州,从而使他赢得306张选举人票,远超获胜所需的270票。③ 这些新闻网是在估计已统计99%选票的情况下宣布的预测,意味着他们相信剩下的选票不足以改变这个结果。选举人团会议将于12月14日召开,国会将于1月6日接受选举结果。④ 周五,特朗普竞选阵营和共和党人也在法庭上遭受一系列挫折。先是特朗普竞选阵营的律所Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP退出阻止宾夕法尼亚州认证选举结果的联邦诉讼。⑤ 在密歇根州,一名法官驳回特朗普支持者寻求阻止底特律其周边韦恩县投票结果认证的诉讼,裁定关于当地选票统计存在广泛欺诈的指控缺乏根据。在联邦上诉法院,四名宾州选民和一名共和党候选人也输掉了挑战该州延长邮寄选票接收截止日期的官司。⑥ 在亚利桑那州,特朗普阵营放弃了指控存在大范围违规行为的诉讼。⑦ 周五发生的这一切大大减少了特朗普翻盘的选项。  【爱尔兰外长科夫尼:英国脱欧协议非常艰难,但仍具有可实现性,若英国推行内部市场法案,将无法达成协议,谈判可能会在渔业问题上出现撕裂,希望不会造成严重影响,本周需要在谈判方面取得巨大进展】 【凯投宏观:英国经济将因疫苗受益】①外媒报道称,英国经济的萎缩幅度超过了美国和欧元区其他主要经济体;②但独立经济研究机构凯投宏观(Capital Economics)的数据显示,在英国经济萎缩幅度更大的情况下,2021年疫苗推动的经济复苏可能会更强劲‘③凯投宏观的首席英国经济学家Paul Dales:鉴于英国经济在新冠肺炎危机中受到的打击最大,疫苗将是英国经济的最大受益者;经济就像一张蹦床——跌得越低,爬得越高  【能源网站Oilprice分析师Felicity Bradstock :随着国家控制的巴西国家石油公司努力增加石油产量和出口,巴西正在寻找新的选择,以使其出口市场多样化,10月份美国油田服务行业新增了6400多个就业岗位,最新迹象表明,这个四面楚歌的行业正开始显示出复苏的迹象】 【股票投资者对收益率反弹持谨慎态度】① 随着美国国债收益率升至数月高位,一些投资者正在评估更持续的上涨将如何影响股市。10年期美国国债收益率(与债券价格走势相反)在过去一周升至0.97%的7个月高点,原因是市场希望在新冠疫苗研究方面取得突破,最终将推动经济增长;② 以历史标准衡量,这仍然很低。据Refinitiv的数据,收益率比1月初的水平低了整整一个百分点,也低于2.05%的5年平均水平。美联储已承诺在未来数年内将利率维持在接近历史低点的水平,以支持经济增长,而过去收益率的反弹近年来已经消退;③ 对新冠病毒疫苗可能推动广泛经济复苏的预期,也刺激了收益率可能继续小幅走高的押注。这可能会削弱持有标普500指数股票的理由,尽管它已从今年低点反弹了58%;④ 高盛分析师预测,到明年年底,美国国债收益率将达到1.3%,到2022年将达到1.7%。他们还将标准普尔500指数明年年中之前的预测上调至4100点,较近期水平上涨约16%⑤ 嘉信理财积极策略部门首席投资官Bill McMahon表示,如果收益率攀升,许多投资者仍将认为派息股具有吸引力,因为它们的收益率远高于债券,同时还能提供资本利得.  国内要闻 【全球规模最大的自贸协定达成!15国正式签署RCEP】①第四次区域全面经济伙伴关系协定领导人会议11月15日举行,东盟十国以及中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚、新西兰15个国家,正式签署区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP),标志着全球规模最大的自由贸易协定正式达成;②签署RCEP,是地区国家以实际行动维护多边贸易体制、建设开放型世界经济的重要一步,对深化区域经济一体化、稳定全球经济具有标志性意义(人民日报) 【中期协吴亚军:发挥经济规模优势建设大宗商品国际定价中心】①中国期货业协会秘书长吴亚军表示,大力发展衍生品市场是现代金融体系发展的需要;②我国衍生品市场发展具有广阔的空间。一是要充分发挥中国经济规模优势,建设大宗商品国际定价中心。二是借力金融转型发展金融衍生品市场,服务多层次资本市场建设③目前我国正处于从间接融资向直接融资转型的关键阶段,巨大的直接融资市场需要个股、股指、利率、信用类期货期权等场内外衍生工具进行对冲,完成风险管理。三是发挥资产配置作用,服务机构财富管理的需要。 【基金经理:白酒板块估值并没出现泡沫化】①随着近期五粮液市值成功突破万亿大关,A股白酒业市值已经超过地产、煤炭、钢铁、空调4大行业市值总和;②长城基金投资总监杨建华等多位基金经理认为,目前从业绩的确定性和持续性来看,白酒板块估值并没出现泡沫化,其中优质公司可通过成长来消化估值,并且从市值空间来看,这些优质公司的市值没有到天花板(中国基金报)  【国信证券:A股市场仍具备较高的投资性价比,外资整体净流入的趋势仍未改变】①国信证券研报认为,10月份陆股通小幅净流入,流动性在边际上小幅改善。在行业配置上,10月份外资加仓家电、银行、汽车和电气设备等消费、周期板块;②展望后市,当前海内外疫情复苏节奏存在错配,国外疫情仍在爆发,经济复苏依然存压,而相比之下,国内疫情基本得到有效控制,随着经济复苏的不断推进,上市公司盈利同样有望持续改善,A股市场仍具备较高的投资性价比,因此我们认为外资整体净流入的趋势仍未改变。  【中信证券:A股两大压制消除 轮动慢涨延续】中信证券最新撰文称,前期A股市场两大压制因素如期消除,基本面持续恢复进一步提高市场支撑力,同时未来三个月重大政策和外部扰动进入空窗期,预计观望资金将依照行业景气轮动路径逐步入场,继续推动基本面驱动的中期慢涨。配置上,继续聚焦顺周期和低估值板块,关注“十四五”规划相关新经济主题。 
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