#arthur and morg*: music
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shipcestuous · 1 year ago
Heather Dale actually has a song about Morgana and Arthur. It's called Prodigal Son.
Her song Three Queens came up before. I had no idea there was another about Arthur. Thank you!
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the-algid · 8 months ago
Faroe's Collage!!
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As per usual playlist link, and reasoning below the cut
The hand reaching is supposed to be Arthur's pre-canon, you can interpret it as either reaching for the music box, or reaching for Faroe.
The music box, it's supposed to be THE Music Box, the one in the podcast. the one she was buried with.
The faucet is just to clearly show this is supposed to be a bathtub
The stickers, and doodles in the back are to make it childish, Faroe was just a young little girl.
The scenes below the water, are memories. One's that are now tainted by her death or impossible.
There's a photo of a father dancing with a young toddler. That's supposed to be Arthur dancing with Faroe
Just below that is a little girl collecting flowers, that's Faroe in the park.
and below that is a mother greeting her child. This is a memory that could've happened had Bella survived.
The painting on the bottom right is Ophelia based off of The Lady of Shalott, I thank Morgs for giving some info on the poem. A lady cursed to die if she left her tower leaves, and floats down a river to her love, and dies before she arrives.
Above that is a bridge, from a Claude Monet picture. It's supposed to be the bridge at the park
And jut above that is scene from a picture book the The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Faroe's favorite fairytale
Lastly on the top right, is someone playing the piano. It was important to both of their lives.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 6 years ago
Karaoke With Merlin
• Gwaine puts karaoke night together and invites everyone
• Arthur is a little tone deaf but his attempt is charming
• The knights all sing one big song and it’s so horribly calculated that it turns out amazing
• Like all of them have different vocal ranges and their timing is off at some points but it comes out really good
• Percival choreographs and they make it work on the stage area
• Leon and Gwaine Sing High School Musical songs together
• Gwen has a really pretty voice okay
• She has little dances during her song and Morgana’s gay starts to show
• Speaking of Morgana she goes, too
• God she is so good at singing
• She could probably put someone to sleep with her voice
• Nobody is surprised when Morgause sings a song from a musical
• She probably rehearsed the night before
• Anyway she ends up singing Never Shut Up Again from Heathers
• Even the part with Kurt and Ram which is the surprising apart
• Morgana and Arthur sing Anything You Can Do
• Leon badly sings Despacito
• And then there’s this big finale.....
• It’s Merlin and Morgause singing Sincerely Me
• I know this would make more sense with Merlin and Arthur but fuck you if you think that they have so much content together just let me have this
• Everyone is stunned not only because they set this up together, but also because of the amount of energy they have
• There’s three singing parts but they just combine Connor and Jared’s, which Morgause sings (she makes it work so it isn’t confusing)
• Don’t ask where they got the time to choreograph all of it
• During the part that goes “I rub my nipples and start moaning in delight” Morgause accidentally slaps her tits really hard and it makes Merlin laugh so much he nearly misses his first line
• Morgause gets really into the first chorus
• Lots is shoulder shifting and twirling and snapping
• The gay dancing is real folks (even though Morg is ace)
• Their dancing is so in sync
• “My sister’s hot!” -they both pause to fingergun at Morgana before continuing
• At the part that goes “The only man that I love is my dad” you could see the distaste on Morgause’s face and it’s really funny
• All in all they make a really good pair and their voices go super well together
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todayclassical · 8 years ago
April 27 in Music History
1622 Birth of English tenor Edward Coleman in London. 
1623 Birth of German composer Jan Adams Reinken. 
1673 FP of Buxtehude's Evening Music concerts at Lubeck.
1673 FP of Lully's opera Cadmus et Hermione at the Paris Opera.
1720 FP of Handel's opera Radamisto dedicated to the King, receives an ovation at the King's Theater in the Haymarket, London.
1736 Performance of Handel's anthem Sing Unto God at the wedding of the Price of Wales to Princess Augusta Saxe-Gotha.
1749 FP of Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks in London's Green Park. Fireworks fizzel burn roof of palace. Everyone enjoys the music.
1762 FP of Hasse's "Il trionfo di Clelia " Vienna.
1765 FP of T. Arne's "L'olimpiade" London.
1767 Birth of German violinist and composer Andreas Jacob Romberg.
1770 FP of Sacchini's "L'Eroe cinese" Munich.
1778 FP of Gretry's "Les Trois Ages de l'opéra" 
1795 FP of Dalayrac's "Adèle et Dorsan" Paris.
1803 FP of Fomin's "Zolotoye yabloko" St Petersburg.
1810 Beethoven finished his composition Fur Elise.
1811 FP of Moscheles' "Die Feuerprobe" singspiel, Vienna.
1812 Birth of German composer Friedrich Von Flotow in Teutendorf.
1820 FP of Hellwig's "Die Bergknappen" Dresden.
1824 FP of Auber & Boïeldieu's "Les trois genres" Paris.
1829 FP of Herold's "La Belle au bois dormant" Paris.
1830 Birth of soprano Caroline Barbot. 
1861 Death of Russian composer Georgi Lvovitch Catoire.
1864 Birth of French tenor Julien Lepreste in Paris. 
1867 FP of Gounod's opera Romeo and Juliet at the Théatre-Lyrique in Paris. 
1867 FP of Suppe's "Banditenstreiche" Vienna.
1868 Birth of German tenor Hans Breuer in Cologne. 
1871 Birth of American composer Arthur Finlay Nevin. 
1871 Death of German composer and piano virtuoso Sigismond Thalberg.
1874 Death of Italian tenor Pietro Mongini. 
1877 FP of Massenet's Le Roi De Lahore in Paris.
1878 FP of Cellier's "Bella Donna or The Little Beauty and the Great Beast" Manchester.
1891 Russian composer Peter Tchaikovsky prepares for the opening concert at New York's newly-constructed concert hall on 57th Street on 5 MAY. 
1892 Birth of German soprano Delia Reinhardt in Elberfeld, Germany.
1894 Birth of Russian-American musicologist, composer and conductor Nicolas Slonimsky in St. Petersburg. 
1904 Birth of French bass-baritone Pierre Nougaro. 
1907 FP of Igor Stravinsky's Symphony in Eb, at an intimate performance in St. Petersburg.
1907 FP of Donaudy's "Sperduti nel buio" Palermo.
1901 FP of Sullivan & German's "The emerald Isle" completed by E. German, London.
1913 Birth of German tenor Kurt Marschner in Sudetenland. 
1915 Death of Russian composer Alexander Scriabin in Moscow.
1916 FP of Leoncavallo's "Goffredo Mameli" Genoa. 
1920 Birth of Italian conductor Guido Cantelli. 
1920 FP of Igor Stravinsky's Ragtime for Eleven Instruments, in Morges. 
1926 FP of William Walton's Facade with Dame Edith Sitwell's poems, in London.
1927 FP of Wienberger's light opera Schwanda, the Bagpiper at the National Theater in Prague. 1928 FP of Stravinksy's Apollon musagete choreographed by Adolf Bohm, at the Elizabeth Sprague Cooledge Festival in Washington, D. C. 1931 Birth of Russian violinist Igor Oistrakh, son of David. 
1931 Birth of French tenor Michel Cadiou in Paris. 
1931 FP of Weinberger's "Švanda dudák Stimme" Munich.
1937 Birth of German tenor Adalbert Kraus in Aschaffenburg.
1937 Death of German baritone Gustav Schützendorf in Berlin. 
1937 FP of Stravinsky's Jue de Cartes at The MET in NYC by the American Ballet, Stravinsky conducting. 1939 Birth of Scottish pianist Hamish Milne. 1940 Birth of American soprano Judith Blegen.
1940 Birth of American composer Larry Solomon in New Kensington, PA.
1940 Birth of Australian bass-baritone Tom McDonnell in Melbourne. 
1943 Birth of American composer Jon Deak in Hammond, IN.
1943 Birth of American tenor James Atherton in Montgomery, AL. 
1944 Death of Russian tenor Dmitri Smirnov. 
1945 Birth of American mezzo-soprano Carolyne James in Wheatland, WY. 
1949 Birth of American electronic music composer Peter Gena.
1950 Birth of German pianist Christian Zacharias.
1952 FP of Frazzi's "Don Quixote" Florence.
1953 Birth of Hungarian soprano Ilona Tokody in Szeged.
1954 Death of Sedish tenor Torsten Ralf. 
1970 Death of German mezzo-soprano Luise Willer. 
1987 FP of Daniel Pinkham's Sonata No. 3 for Organ and Strings, by organist Richard Benefield, with a string quartet conducted by the composer at St. Peter's Church in Osterville, MA.
1992 FP of George Tsontakis' Perpertual Angelus, second of Four Symphonic Quartets after poems by T.S. Eliot. Tuscaloosa Symphony, Ransom Wilson conducting.
1992 Death of French composer Olivier Messiaen, in Paris.
1999 Death of Hungarian born Swiss soprano Maria Stader. 
2003 FP of Michael Nyman's A Child's View of Color. Young People's Chorus, Nunuz, 92nd Street YMCA, NYC.
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shipcestuous · 2 years ago
Hi! If I remember correctly, you are or used to be an Arthur/Morgan shipper, right?
Lately, I've been listening to quite a bit of Lord of the Lost. I think their song Morgana would make for nice Arthur/Morgan fodder. You don't really need to change anything about it, the lyrics are vague enough that you could just interpret it as Arthur's POV as he fights his final battle after a life spent working for the good of Camelot and England as a whole, only he somehow already knows his half-sister will come to take him to Avalon at the end of everything:
Fate will echo between the worlds Through the shores of the fallen souls To this land that I served with pride Visions clear in the fading light And we walk through the shadows of pain Come and walk with me To the end!
All is condemned! So
Walk to the end!
Free from regret! Yet
Will I ascend to her? Will I meet Morgana soon? Will I meet Morgana soon? Bodies wilt but the mind's serene For a life worthy of her grace My desire as I depart Give my peace back to her lone heart To the end!
All is condemned! So
Walk to the end!
Free from regret! Yet
Will I ascend to her? Will I meet Morgana soon? Will I meet Morgana soon? I have to run through the shadows of hate To be hers again To the end!
All is condemned! So
Walk to the end!
Free from regret! So
Walk to the end! All is condemned! So
Walk to the end!
Free from regret! Yet Will I ascend to her? Will I meet Morgana soon? Will I meet Morgana soon?
I love your interpretation, Anon! This fits so well for Arthur and Morgana.
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It makes "Will I meet Morgana soon?" so sad and beautiful.
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