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artfuldrawer · 5 years ago
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Just over 48 years ago on December 11, 1971, what became one of the grooviest, most beloved and most replayed episodes of #TheBradyBunch first aired on ABC. That episode was titled “Getting Davy Jones” and it guest starred the incomparable @davyjones who performed his hit song “Girl” and famously accompanied Marcia to her school dance. In honor of #WBW and the upcoming @davyjonestribute we’ve just announced, here’s my drawing of Davy and “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia” originally drawn for the Brady Bunch Convention in 2014. Stay tuned for exciting updates on Davy’s tribute that are soon to follow and stay groovy, luvvies! ✌️🎤 💕 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ #BradyBunch #TheBradyBunchMovie #GettingDavyJones #MaureenMcCormick #MarciaMarciaMarcia #SureJan #MarciaBrady #DavidThomasJones #1970s #1970sfashion #1971 #ClassicTV #ClassicTelevision #StarSpangledGirl #TheMonkees #themonkeestvshow #ArtfulDrawer #PlanetJennifer (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6PvALihrzL/?igshid=12t66ow9cdorl
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ingravinoveritas · 6 years ago
I don't even know where to begin.
Prickly pear. A strange fruit, vibrantly colored, unusual. Special. Yet underneath its tough shell, far past the bumps and rough exterior, lies sweetness.
That was Peter Tork.
The first time I saw Peter, I was carrying butterscotch. I remember how sunny that Connecticut afternoon ten years ago was, warm and welcoming in early June. There was Shoe Suede Blues jamming away onstage, to the delight of a park full of concertgoers. I remember when they started playing "Dress Sexy For Me," plucking up every ounce of courage I had to run to the bandstand, lift the hem of my flouncy hippie skirt, and shake my leg at Peter before running back into the crowd, heart pounding wildly in my ears.
That wasn't the first time Peter made my heart race, nor would it be the last.
So many other memories claw at my mind. Countless shows followed that first one, and over time I had the privilege to get to know the fine musicians supporting Peter--A.J., Joe, Derek, Sturgis. Eagerly lining up to see them, to hand off yet another bag of homemade cookies, as had become my ritual of feeding the band, and them laughing as they told me how Peter took extra cookies for himself on the last ride home.
When Peter performed, I couldn't take my eyes off him.
The air was tinged with excitement in those days. He would come onstage, all spindly limbs and wide, dimpled grin, knowing how many hearts were sent a-flutter in response. And oh, the banjo. His most memorable instrument by far, and on which he proudly displayed his extraordinary skills. This, too, was another phenomenon new to me: Erotic banjo playing with Peter Tork.
I remember post-show conversations--sometimes circuitous, almost always flirtatious. I remember talking with him about autism, music, life, and one extremely unforgettable conversation about Monkees slash fiction. He seemed to regard me with amusement, one eyebrow permanently raised, arms crossed in front of him, but still always took the time to say hello, to listen, to give wonderful hugs, and to laugh.
It is because of Peter that I met @lynseymoon. It is because of him that I met @artfuldrawer. And so many others who have become wonderful friends and left an indelible mark on my life. My life that he changed forever, starting with that one sunny afternoon in June.
I find myself starting to write "Peter was," and somehow it seems wrong, because he is still so present, so here. As long as he is loved, as long as his songs are sung and listened to, he always will be. Because the strangest fruit is often the sweetest.
I love you, Peter Tork. Thank you. For everything.
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buckydoll · 6 years ago
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An unexpected surprise, @artfuldrawer took us to the first @dunkin (donuts) ever opened! It was opened in 1948 as "Open Kettle" but two years later renamed "Dunkin Donuts". (In 1950) Thank you, William Rosenberg, who founded this place! . . . #coolhistory #dunkindonuts #dunkin #history #quincy #massachusetts #firstdunkindonuts #vacation #donuts #doughnuts #travelbuddy #buckytravels #buckydoll #buckybarnes #wintersoldier #sebastianstan #whitewolf #marvel #avengers #captainamerica #toyphoto #toyphotography #toysofinstagram (at Quincy, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvK3NzLFmZ0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=odgv40p9uuau
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artfuldrawer · 10 years ago
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Had my drawing signed by a Dedicated Friend. Thanx, #papanez! #michaelnesmith #artfuldrawerdesigns #artfuldrawer #chiller2015 #chillertheatre #artformonkeessake (at The Lobster Stop)
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