#artemis just walking into a straight mess
nightwingvixen23 · 2 years
Jason : *moping in his little self-made pillow fort*
Kori : he is not acting much like his usual self
Roy : *through a mouthful of sandwich* aw yeah ??
Kori : yes. and I'm not quite sure how to make him better
Roy : shit I hear ya babe
Kori : *flashing hopeful eyes at Roy* perhaps maybe . . . you can fix him ?
Roy : " fix " him ?? ha ! sorry sis but there isn't an instruction manual detailed enough for that
Kori & Roy : *watching Jay inch-worm himself across the floor and out of his fort*
Jason : *theatric sighing*
Kori : then what are we to do about him ?
Roy : this man can't be fixed. I can fuck him though. maybe that will calm him down
Kori : *suspicously eyes roy*
Roy : *smugly eyes her back*
Jason : Roy. I swear to god if you put your dick anywhere near me right now I'll bite it off and feed it to you
Roy : ooohh très kinky. I approve 😏
Jason : get help.
Roy : get naked.
Artemis : just get me the fuck out.
Kori : oh Artemis ! what an unexpected surprise, welcome home !
Artemis : thanks *tossing her duffle by the front door* would'a been hella more enjoyable had I not walked in on Jason wearing his "bitchy pants" today
Jason : fuck you
Artemis : I'm sure you'd love that
Roy : ooooohhhh 👀
Jason : can you shut the fuck up, Harper ??
Roy : can you let me fuck you up, Todd ??
Jason : *jumping up from his fort* you tryn'a fight !?
Roy : *tossing his sandwich* no sir i'm tryn'a fuck !
Artemis : why I keep willingly coming back to this little "slice of hell" is beyond me
Kori : I rather prefer "slice of heaven" as opposed to "hell"
Artemis : yeah. you're right. 'cause why would Satan even bother with buying Jason's soul while knowing full well the complicated refund policy he'd have to suffer through just to get rid of it
Kori : ok. not exactly what I ment. um. it is, however, quite a creative opinion
Artemis : no creative opinion here. just simple facts
[ meanwhile over in the pillow fort ]
Jason & Roy :
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wandixx · 3 months
Danny, the Young Justice member snippet nr 3 GIW made a lot of mistakes and the biggest one was going against Young Justice part 1
As you can see by the title (I need better ideas, you're all welcome to share yours), this is kinda part of "Danny, the Youg Justice member" but as something I have more of actual idea about. So while I encourage people adding their stuff to other snippets, please let this one be. I will be adding to it. It's even partially written :D
unrelated snippet nr 1, unrelated snippet nr 2
"Hey guys" Danny greeted clearly winded, phasing through the wall. Whole Team turned towards him, some giving him a side eye “Sorry I’m late” 
“You’re good, my dude” Wally answered, patting him on the back as soon as halfa landed, turning into his human form. They gave him a moment to catch his breath(just how fast he tried to fly there?) before grabbing their bags. Dick jumped and threw himself over the speedster's and halfa’s shoulders.
“Happy Harbour, we’re coming!” he yelled.
He fixed his grip when he caught Danny’s quick wince under the pressure as they left the headquarters. Judging by look on his face, Kaldur caught it too.
“So what’s on the agenda?”
“There is an amusement park in city, so we’re going to enjoy our free time there” M’gann explained with excited smile “I can’t wait to see it, I heard it’s fun”
Artemis nodded with a grin.
“I bet I can win more plushies than all of you. No powers,” she demanded after a moment, slamming her hand n a random tree for better dramatic effect.
“Stakes?” he asked, competitive like always. While blonde shared her idea of ‘no locker room duties for a month’, Danny explained all the questions M’gann asked about what even bet was and what stakes meant. Dick was sure she knew the answers to all of them but he didn’t say anything. He was trained well enough to catch Conner listening intently, despite his clear effort to hide it.
It turned into a whole Team competition.
It was going to be an aster.
M’gann was having a blast. Everyone already had two to four plushies, stomach full of unhealthy food and manageable nausea from the roller coaster. Wally and Danny were throwing popcorn to each other's mouths, Robin challenged Conner and Artemis to the next game. It really was fun just like she was told!
It was much less fun when literal blast shot a few feets away from them. Ground where it hit was burned. Halfa squealed, projecting a strong wave of distress. Without second thought he threw his hood on and changed his posture, frantically looking for a hiding spot.
Few children started crying, their families scrambling to get away before attackers started shooting again and hurt them. Workers, already used to working in less than ideal circumstances, quickly, but without panic warranted by recognised villains or outright invasion, shut down reinforced blinds and probably walked out to inform someone. At least they didn’t have to worry about potential civilian casualties. 
“Do you know who they are?” M’gann asked, quickly establishing the Mindlink.
“Don’t worry about it” he answered, putting on crazy big sunglasses that Wally won some time before.
“My dude, we just got shot at. We have every right to worry”
“Calm down, Wally. I got shot at, you’re just close by. I’ll handle it” With a ruffle of his hair and a piece of popcorn thrown in his mouth,he turned around, just moment after the next blast almost caught his arm. He plastered a smile on his face.
“Hey, I’ve seen guns like these in laser tag! But I’ve never found them cheap enough to get without selling my kidney!” he yelled enthusiastically.
When the rest of them turned around, M’gann saw ten people in sunglasses and pristine white, holding guns straight from the mad scientist’s lab. THey stood still, projecting surprise bordering on shock. She could also feel hunter's happiness underneath it, intense enough that she considered breaking the ‘don’t mess with people’s brains’ rule. As a treat.
“Don’t worry guys, they won’t harm you. Act like you  don’t believe you’re in danger. Like they're a bunch of LARPers or something” It was easier said than done, especially when Danny, who nearly always underestimated the danger, was so terrified. 
“Who are they?!”
“Wally throw me a bit of popcorn, please” Halfa asked, ignoring Artemis almost yelling in their minds. In turn, he was ignored by the speedster. Three of the men turned to check something on weird sort of scanner. Danny's false smile went from cheerful to embarrassed. 
“Dang me and my poor communication skills” he said, loud enough for men to hear but not enough to sound like he was talking to them, before asking louder “I meant to ask, where have you brought it and how much does it cost?”
This seemed to actually shake men out of their shock. They got furious.
“You won't trick us this time, ghost scum” one of the guys with a scanner snarled. Danny pursed his lips in childish gesture of displeasure.
“Rude much” he muttered as if he wasn’t shining with terror like a lighthouse. Robin perked up as if something got him curious.
“Wait, ghost? What do–”
“What are you cosplaying?” Artemis blurted out. Men got visibly angry but Danny smirked.
“Don't antagonize them,” Kaldur commended. 
“If shit goes south I'll get you out of there, half a second flat” Wally offered.
“Thanks dude. Good job Artemis, they hate to be treated like a joke they are” halfa praised but out loud asking:
“Ghostbusters? No, they had different uniforms. But who else got a thing for ghosts?”
“Quit joking around, we caught you Phantom! You ran far from Amity Park but-”
“Who is Phantom?” Robin interrupted rudely (they deserved to be rude to them).
“Where is Amity Park, Utah? Cali?”  Conner asked, adding fuel to the fire of chaos with barely contained glee. He liked messing with anyone even slightly resembling Kadmus staff and these guys marked almost all of the boxes.
“Illinois” provided chubby man who looked and felt like he didn't want to be there almost as much as they teens did. Danny relaxed slightly.
“Agent W you have no clearance to share this information“
“You were in Illinois and didn't tell me, Tommy?” M’gann finally spoke, jokingly punching his arm.
“I wasn't, I swear! I've never set a foot outside of this state in my life!”
“Quit messing around, you freak!!!” the guy, with the biggest ego and probably the leader, screamed.
“Can I please mess their heads up?”  M’gann asked, pushing hope through Mindlink as hard as she could.
“Again, rude. What did I even do to deserve that?”
“Like you–”
“Operative K, I think they really don't know anything “ Agent W, the nicest out of the batch, interrupted “Maybe it left some ectoplasm on this boy to throw us off?”
“They called you it, Danny” Conner seethed, looking like only Kaldur’s hand on his shoulder was stopping him from punching all of them straight to the sun. M’gann was already reaching for their minds.
“We need to run a scan to be sure. Come here boy”
“Now, who are you?!” Robin got defensive, sliding to shield Danny from asiliants. Conner and Artemis joined him, so clearly furious that M’gann almost retreated from Mindlink. She wasn’t any calmer, it just felt overwhelming to be backed up by five other people.
“It’s classified”
Kaldur took a photo with an obnoxiously loud sound effect. Wally appeared right behind Danny, ready to evacuate him. Artemis barely kept herself from tackling the nearest ‘agent’ to the ground.
“What are you doing, boy?” Operative K splurted, absolutely flabbergasted.
“Calling the police”
“Robin, throw some laws, please”
“Oh, that’s easy,” the boy jumped in gleefully “You assaulted our friend and refused to state why you would have credentials to do so or even who are you. You carry modified weaponry openly in public and I doubt you have a permit, carelessly use it  against minors, endangering innocent bystanders while we’re at it. You disturb public peace. I think that’s enough to get you arrested. Wait you know what, call ‘Supervillain emergency hotline’ instead, this is serious attack”
“Right ahead of you, already calling them”
It wasn’t that big of a problem even if someone tried to qualify this as spam. Young Justice Team was first to respond to all threats in Happy Harbour anyway.
Danny let out a low ‘uuuu’ with a smirk. Someone powered up a gun. Wally slightly raised halfa of the ground, ready to bolt.
“It’s okay young man,” the nice agent started, raising his hands in a placating gesture “We’re searching for a dangerous supernatural entity and may have overreacted. In our defense, Phantom is known to be tricky and we wouldn’t be surprised if it used human disguise to hide from us. Your friend gives off the same type of energy like what we use to track it so we assumed they’re the same. We’re sorry”
“Agent W you don’t have clearance to disclose that to-”
“Operative K, after the last few incidents we have to be more throughout before jumping to assumptions. Agent Gamma wouldn’t be pleased if your temper caused the next scandal,” Agent W look at them again, with a forced ‘warm’ smile “We’re really sorry for bothering you. We have reasons to believe Phantom is somewhere around but don’t worry about it, we will be on the lookout. If you see it, please contact us and we will take care of it” M’gann grabbed the ‘WANTED’ poster from man’s outstretched hand. She barely restrained herself from doing something irresponsible, like turning every man in white into a brainless vegetable.
“Later M'gann”
“But Robin…” she whined before sending a small laugh so they knew she wasn’t serious. She knew that Conner and Danny were anxious about this use of her powers.
Agent’s left and everyone relaxed. Wally put Danny back down and leaned back, jokingly rolling back his arms as if he got tired. Halfa stopped with a loud thump to sit on the ground. He was paler than usual.
Artemis shouted, alarmed.
“That was way too close” he started, aiming for a cheerful tone but missing by a mile “I’m fine, just need a moment to cool down. Sorry for that, guys. I thought I lost them over Ohio”
“That’s fine, personally I don’t care, we knew better than to expect a whole day without something going wrong, but who were they?” Wally asked, already back to eating popcorn.
Danny sighed, so deeply M’gann felt it in her bones even though she didn’t try to read him.
“I think this is the talk we should have in the Mountain”
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bbinkus11 · 9 months
Okay, @hotcheetohatredwastaken, listen up.
I got your fic!!!!!!!
I know this isn’t what you wanted right now, but I’ll have a chapter for each of the boys. So there will be ten chapters, all centric for the different boys in Hamilton. This one was to get everything straight, to get roles situated, etc.
I hope you like it! 👇
Ganondorf: Director
——— Links
Legend: Alexander Hamilton
Hyrule: Aaron Burr
Twilight: Hercules Mulligan
Sky: John Laurens
Wild: Lafayette
Four: Samuel Seabury/Charles Lee
Time: Phillip Schuyler
Wind: Young Phillip Hamilton/Ensemble
Warriors: George Washington
——— Zeldas
Fable: Peggy Schuyler
Dawn: Ensemble/Background singer
Dusk: Angelica Schuyler
Sun: Eliza Schuyler
Flora: Prop and Stage crew/likes telling people what to do
Dot: Ensemble/Background Singer/stage and prop crew
Lullaby: Down in the pit (ocarina)
Tetra: that one lady that stops the bullet at the near end so Hamilton can recap/ramble/ensemble
Artemis: Down in the pit playing music (violin)
(I apologize for the lack of roles the Zelda’s get, there aren’t many female roles in Hamilton and I don’t have many choices) :(
“Legend, this is a rehearsal, not the actual show. Get your coat on and let’s go.” Hyrule poked Legend before leaving, rolling his eyes playfully.
“‘Rulie, I’m pretty sure Hamilton wouldn’t like it either if his hair looked like a mess in a ballroom.” He shot back, not being rude, but in a sarcastic way.
“I’m gonna have to agree with Legend this time.” Warriors added to their short conversation, poking his hair under his hat.
“No one asked you, Warriors. You’re basically bald!” Wild said as he walked in, still using his French accent.
“Okay everyone, get your stuff and go! Artemis won’t stop playing the same song over and over again. She overthinks too much, I swear…” Flora trailed off at the last part. Otherwise shouting the first part. Everyone practically terrified of Flora and her consequences (and the clipboard she hit everybody with), everyone quickly shuffled out of backstage and into their spots for ‘Helpless’.
Sun’s perspective was… confusing. Lining up her lines with the music, spinning, dancing, and remember to add vibrato! Her thoughts invaded her constantly when she sang, it drove her crazy. “-and my heart went boom-“ The sound affect was spot on, now just keep going to the left, grab Dusk and drag her along with me…
Legend’s perspective was slightly less confusing, coming in slightly after the song starts and walking over to the stairs on the left side, being aware of his surroundings and making sure everything goes smoothly and planned. He stands on the stairs for a bit and oh Dusk is coming, look intrigued, meet Sun and go from there.
The background dancers' skirts spun and the music led them. The piano was on beat with their steps, changing with the notes and turning with the lyrics. Waiting for entrances was the worst part, but the dances were enjoyable and the singing had to be done with ease.
After the long rehearsal, the actors and actresses all met backstage.
“Anyone want to come to the Diner down the street with me and Flora?” Wild simply asked, tugging his boots off to put his blue Crocs on.
“Hell yeah!”
“No Wind, your grandma told me to get you home by nine. Also, it’s way too late for someone your age to go and get caffeine, you know…” Sky kindly objected. He was busy getting his keys, phone, wallet and all of his stuff in check before he left with Sun and Wind. He always manages to forget his things, apparently.
“I’ll go! Dot will too. I will be late though because I have to drop off my violin at home so it doesn’t go out of tune again, in this cold.” Artemis shouts from across the room.
“Me and Wars will go. Maybe Four will if you bug him enough.” Twilight adds. Shaking his muddy boots, he somehow got a kick on one of the wooden posts backstage. Dot was immediately on him, scolding him about not knowing how hard it is to get those up. “Sorry! Sorry!” Was all he could say before being pushed out of the backstage door.
“Welp, guess we’re going that way. Anyone else?” Wild sighed.
“Not me, I'm old and tired.” Time says, walking out the door.
“I’m going home.” Dawn and Dusk almost say in unison.
“I’m gonna go to my friends house, tell Legend to yell at me if anything happens.” Fable says in between several taps of her phone.
“Hyrule and I are coming. Give me a second, the zipper on my bag broke again.” Legend says, his back to Wild.
Wild looks around, observing Lullaby, Four, and Tetra are already nowhere to be seen. He waited a second, before feeling a breath on his neck.
“Geez, what, Flora? I told you we’re leaving in a minute.”
“Give. Me. Your. Mic.”
“Ohhh, haha, totally didn’t forget about that. It happens, you know? Yeah, haha, I’ll get that for you…” Wild nervously laughed as he dug through his duffel bag, his face growing redder and redder in realization that he couldn’t find it. Flora is going to kill him, do doubt. He continued shoving through piles of who knows what, and almost melted when he felt the thin metal line that felt suspiciously like his mic. He handed her the microphone, still melting.
“Lose this again, and you’ll lose your head.” Flora threatens, before turning her back and stomping to the door that leads to the light and sound booth.
Legend and Hyrule were ready by then. Twilight had been kicked outside. Artemis was going to be late. Warriors was probably still in the mirror. Flora was gonna be out in a minute. Perfect! Let’s go eat dinner with a bunch of music and history geeks.
“Still, I don’t get why you think half notes are better than quarter notes. The shorter the better. It’s what I used to say to Four, heh.” Dot says, closing her laptop to shove an entire handful of fries into her mouth.
“Because! They're half notes! What more needs to be said!” Legend argued from across the table.
“Legend, if you yell one more time, I swear I’m gonna call Fable to come and pick your petty ass up.” Hyrule mumbles so only Legend can hear. They had been arguing about half notes against quarter notes for the last fifteen minutes. And honestly, whole notes are superior, depending on the key signature.
“Okay,” Flora sighed, finally finding a space of silence, “all jokes aside, how do we think it’s going so far?”
“I’m lovin it. My rap part is better than all a’ y’all’s. I basically get to say ‘your mom’ in a history musical. It’s great.” Twilight says, leaning back in the restaurant booth chair.
“I like finding something to do with my voices.” Wild claims. “I can do a French accent, British accent, American accent, Elmo, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Twilight, Russia-“
“Hey! What is tha’ supposed to mean?” Twilight interrupted, throwing his hands up. Wild just stared for a good three seconds, then continued. “King Julian from Madagascar, Cookie Monster, The dad from—“
“Okay, that’s enough. Anyone else?”
“I’m basically on the 1$ bill.”
“That has nothing to do with the musical itself, Warriors.”
“Yeah but still.”
“Please stop talking.”
An irritated sigh came from Flora. You would probably need to hypnotize them to get them to stay focused.
“I get to shoot Legend at the end!”
“Hyrule! You can't say that out in public!”
At least it was somewhat related to the musical.
Thank you for reading!! I know it’s short, but the others will be much longer (in a good way). I wrote this from trauma of how aggressive the people in charge of the microphones can be, like, they take it seriously.
Chapter two! 👉
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ollieneedstherapy · 1 year
How Greek gods would react to walking in on you crying
Apollo: this boy cry’s on na daily basis ,he has tissues in his handbag ,ready, waiting. He would also sing yo I songs to make you feel better 8.5/10
Artemis: 100 percent (hundred) is ready to kill a man or several. Sucks at comforting but would try really hard! She would pay your back then call her brother because she has no clue what to do 5/10
Aphrodite: is also ready to cut a bitch. She doesn’t have tissues on hand but she does have makeup wipes! (She’s trying) Would be great if you needed a distraction 6/10
Ares: panic. He would walk in see you crying and just ask a confused “are you okay?” Doesn’t go straight to murder, but is ready to help hide a body, he’s used to mourning since death comes with it but not emotions. He’d try though 7.8/10
Athena: also panic. Sits down next to you and just starts telling you facts, she doesn’t know what to do at all. Same as Ares she’s used to mourning not normal emotions. Would hug you 5.5/10
Demeter: would just hug you and love you cry it out. She’s a great hugger, try’s to get you to eat but is more worried about why you were crying in this first place 8/10
Dionysus: would look at you and just us his powers to make you feel euphoria, than cuddles you in till you’re ready to tell him 7/10
Hephaestus: would give you a trinket to calm you down. Is very good at breathing exercises,other than that he’s a mess. My guys anti social. Pats your head and yells you it’ll be okay 6.3/10
Hestia: she’d walk in with candy and Kleenex in hand ready to help. Helps make sure you feel safe, makes you drink a shit ton of water. Would let you cry into her shirt 8.7/10
Hera: mom friend. She could be across the world and still show up for you. Brings you snacks, water, and tissues. I love her 8/10
Hermes.laughs at first because he thinks it’s a prank. Once he realizes that it isn’t a prank he’d be all over the place. He stole you some of Apollos snacks, gives the best hugs 6.9/10
Hades: doesn’t know what to do,death makes people feel different things but he isn’t ready for this at all. Tried and failed to get you to tell him what’s wrong 5.5/10
Poseidon: panics and just gives you a hug. He doesn’t know what he’s doing at all. He got you to tell him super easy however,he’d try really hard 6/10
Zeus: lets you cry for a bit than comforts you, he know that you’ll need a second, would hand you a glass of water and some candy. Let’s you hug him but just for a second 7/10
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httpsobi · 1 year
WARNINGS/TAGS + sfw, gender neutral o/c or reader insert, vague descriptions of violence.
A/N + nothing this time around, just enjoy :)!
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★ shady and sly- smooth with it if you know what i mean ♥︎ is the definition of someone who could get away with murder ♥︎ luckily doesn't. commit murder that is. ♥︎ he/she/they are constantly robbing luxury stores cause they need to live somehow and i quote "fuck the bourgeoisie"
★ ︎can't fight for shit initially, but god can he/she/they run ♥︎ sneakiest mf ︎♥︎ literally didn't get caught by leaguers and the team for ages ♥︎ jukes and loses people in chases so easily, clawing onto dark corners of ceilings, morphing into random civilians and overall throwing people for a loop ︎♥︎ couldn't be chased down for weeks until the flash, superman and the whole team got on the job
★ m'gann is his/her/their biggest fan for obvious reasons ︎♥︎ ︎shape shifting besties ︎♥︎ ︎︎literally m'gann's evil twin
★ also wally's ♥︎ ︎︎master of charisma and seduction + some ginger guy with negative rizz (tried to flirt with them at least once) ♥︎ combo formed in heaven (or hell)
★ insecure about his/her/their form ♥︎ just like m'gann in season 1 ︎♥︎ ︎refused to show his/her/their original form in fear of being shunned and left alone ♥︎ eventually managed to open up to kaldur, who helped him/her/their reveal his/her/their true form
★︎ completed orangey-yellowed out eyes ♥︎ makes him/her/them look incredibly eerie ♥︎ he's/she's/ they're already not the most emotive person on the team which at first set team members on edge ♥︎ mainly because no one had a CLUE what he/she/they are thinking or feeling ♥︎ after sometime though team members learn to pick up on the little cues- eyebrows, eyes narrowing or widening, shoulders perking up or rolling shoulders back a little too straight
★ makes him/her/them great for interrogations ♥︎ "give me five minutes" ♥︎ walks out of the room, interrogatee pissed their pants, is trembling in fear and no one has any clue what was said in that room because the interrogatee comes out without a scratch ♥︎ kid flash regularly reminds people he thanks god he/she/they aren't interrogating him
★ stays on team with nightwing as a mentor until season 2 mess with artemis and kaldur ♥︎ instantly picks up on artemis as huntress ♥︎ magic isn't enough to hide a cover from the master of disguises ︎♥︎ whole thing tears him/her/them away from team- he/she/they lash out at the three when it all comes crashing down ︎♥︎ initially it was just a fight, but when wally dies? hell comes crashing down
★ cuts contacts so quick after getting into a physical brawl with nightwing and kaldur ︎♥︎ refuses to look their way ︎♥︎ could potentially meet them again for nightwing in season 3 begrudgingly ︎♥︎ loses his/her/their shit once again when he/she/they learn the truth behind it all ︎♥︎ goes back to no contact with those two- mainly cause if he/she/they look at dick or kaldur he/she/they'll literally kill them ︎♥︎ eventually forgives artemis ︎♥︎ keeps contact with the rest of team and still helps younger team members unofficially ︎♥︎ otherwise moves on to live a 'normal' life as some sort of stylist (hair, fashion, makeup)- as normal as it can be as a shapeshifter
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all work n' writing is work of @httpsobi. i ask you please do not copy, rewrite, translate or post on other platforms without my consent.
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medicbrainrot · 1 year
i don’t know much but there’s no weight at all
Task Force 141 was eating breakfast together in the mess hall, when Simon showed up a few minutes late…
Artemis tilts her head at him, a concerned look on her face: “Simon? Are you alright?”
Simon nodded yes and walked over to the table. He sat down on the seat next to her and leaned forward with his elbows propped up. He smiled and spoke in a calm, quiet voice. 
“I’m fine, Artemis.” He said as if nothing was wrong. Artemis could always see straight through him, but for now he hoped she would believe his words, since he rarely opened up about how he felt.
“Are you sure?” she asks, placing her hand on his forehead, “you’re looking kinda…pale”.
Simon chuckled and shook his head. He leaned his head into her hand and looked up at her, giving her a comforting smile, eyes crinkling through his mask, although she could tell the smile was forced. He was tired of hiding how he felt all the time.
“I’m fine, I promise.” He said softly, closing his eyes but tilting his head to the side to lean into her touch to get a little bit of comfort.
“You’re not coming down with something, are you?” she asks softly.
Simon opened his eyes and turned back towards the table as he sighed. Artemis always had a way with making sure people were okay, which Simon always found quite comforting.
“I’ll be fine, Temi.” He said softly, giving a little half nod. 
“Don’t worry” he paused and thought for a second before speaking up again, his voice lower than usual, “but… I should probably talk to you about something…”
“Yeah, what’s up? Do you want to talk here or somewhere else?” she asks quietly
Simon opened his mouth for a second before closing it again. He looked up at his girlfriend and nodded.
“Can we talk in my quarters? Away from everyone else… you’re the only one I feel safe talking to about this kind of stuff…” he paused and took a deep breath before continuing.
“I have something that’s…been bothering me lately… something that I need to share with someone…”
“Of course, grab something to eat while I clean my stuff up, and I’ll meet you at the door.” She nods to the end of the mess hall room.
“Okay” he nodded and got up to grab a tray and some food before walking to the other side of the room. Once he got there, he sat down, lifted up his mask, and started to eat. While he ate, he thought about what he was about to tell Artemis. He wasn’t sure how she was going to react. The one thing he knew for sure is that he could always trust her.
She sat down next to him while she waited for him to eat. “I’m ready to go to your room when you are” she smiles softly
Simon nodded at her and smiled. He put his fork down and pushed his plate away from him. He sighed and stood up, sliding the mask back down, before looking over at her again.
“I’m ready to go.” He said calmly. He turned his head in the direction of his room and waved his hand to tell her to follow him.
She took his hand and gently rubbed her thumb across the back of his palm while they walked.
Simon felt a chill run down his spine when he felt Artemis’ soft touch on the back of his hand. He looked down at her and smiled softly. When they finally got to his room, he closed the door behind them and leaned back against it for a moment. He slipped off the mask entirely, setting it on the desk. He looked back at her and nodded.
“I’m sorry for bringing you here so suddenly… I just needed someone I could trust.” he paused and sighed before letting out a soft chuckle. “The thing I wanted to talk about… it may sound silly to some people…”
“No, it’s okay, I’m here to listen and help as much as I can” Artemis smiles gently at him.
Simon nodded softly. After taking a moment to take a deep breath, he let out another sigh before speaking again.
“Lately…I’ve been feeling…empty…I know I’m supposed to act tough all the time and to never worry about anything and to just…deal with it…but after everything I went through, and everything I witnessed and had to do, it’s gotten hard not to feel something other than sad a lot of times… You’re the only person I trust enough to let everything out like this.”
“Why don’t we sit down, this is a sitting down type of conversation.” She takes his hand and leads him to the bed, prompting both of them to sit. “How long have you been feeling like this?”
Simon nodded and followed her over to the bed. He sat down on the bed and took a deep breath before thinking back to when everything had started happening. 
“It’s been going on for a while now…” he paused and sighed, “maybe about six months or so. And it’s been getting worse as of recently… Every time I think about what I did in the past, every time I think about something I witnessed, or every time I think about how I had to lose some people. It all just makes me feel guilty.”
“Ok,” Artemis nods softly, “was there a specific event that made you feel like this, or has it been building up?”
Simon paused for a moment and thought of the question. He knew exactly what moment had caused it. The day he lost his entire team during a mission in Brazil. He took a deep breath and spoke quietly.
“It was the day I lost most of my team… we had a mission in Rio. We knew it was dangerous, and we expected something to go wrong… but when we first came in contact with the enemy, I had to witness the people I called my brothers die right in front of me…”
“I remember when you came back from that mission.” Artemis says quietly. “Do you feel guilty for being the only one who came home?”
Simon nodded his head. Guilt and shame were the only things he felt for himself after that day. He felt like a complete failure for letting his team down, even though there was nothing he could have done to change what happened.
“I feel so horribly guilty…that I'm the only one that made it out… I couldn’t do anything to help them…to change what happened… it’s hard to not see myself as a failure for that reason…”
“Simon, are you familiar with the concept of Survivor's guilt?”
“Survivor’s guilt… you mean the feeling some people get when they survive something that their friends or family didn’t?” He paused and looked up at her, waiting for her to continue. He wasn’t really familiar with the term.
“Yes, but it’s a little more complex than that.” She says softly. “It’s used to describe situations where someone feels intensely guilty for surviving something that others didn’t, even though there were circumstances out of their control.”
Simon nodded and listened to what she said. He agreed with what she said about Survivor’s guilt, because everything she said described how he felt ever since that day in Brazil.
“Yeah, I guess that’s how I feel…” He paused for a second before continuing. “It’s like my mind won’t stop going back to that day over and over again, all night, every day… I can’t make it stop, and it’s driving me insane…”
“I want you to try and think logically for a second, okay? I’m going to walk you through a couple of questions, and I want you to try to think logically through them.” Artemis says.
Simon nodded his head and looked at Artemis. He took a deep breath to calm himself down before speaking to her.
“Okay, I should be able to think logically.” He paused. “Go ahead.” He spoke softly, trying to act calm. “I’m ready”
“Were you and your team briefed on what was supposed to happen for the mission?”
“Yes, we were. We were fully briefed on the mission. It was our job to go in there and get rid of anybody who was a suspected insurgent, and to retrieve intel. That’s what we were there for.” He paused and took a deep breath. “We knew what we were getting into. It’s just… we never expected it to go like that…”
“Ok, try to give me shorter answers.” She says gently.
“Was anyone who did not want to go given a chance to back out?”
Simon nodded and looked her in the eyes as he spoke. He tried his best to follow her advice and answer her questions in as few words as he could.
“Yes. Nobody was forced to go. Everyone who went wanted to go. None of them wanted to sit it out, so we all went together.”
“Ok. Did you as lieutenant make sure that your team was ready and had everything they needed prior to stepping off?”
Simon nodded and looked at her before answering.
“Yes. We all had our equipment and we all made sure our guns were checked, everything was good to go. We made sure we were all ready and prepared for anything that could happen. And at the last minute, before we flew out, we all made sure everyone knew their roles and responsibilities.”
“Ok. Did you as lieutenant work to the best of your ability to lead your team?”
“Absolutely. I did everything I could to keep them all safe and alive. I tried to keep them focused on the mission, and I guided them as best I could while we were there. I told them to stay together throughout the entire mission and I told them to keep our eyes open.” He paused and frowned. “I really tried my best to keep them safe and get them all out alive… but that didn’t happen…”
“Ok, shorter answers love, remember? We’re trying to think logically here.”
“Right…” He trailed off for a second.
“I did everything I could, I really did. I did everything a leader is supposed to do.” He paused again and looked down at the floor before speaking again. “But it just wasn’t enough…”
“Ok. I want you to say what you just said, again, minus the last part.”
He took a deep breath and looked up at her. He took a second to think of it again before replying.
“I did everything I could, I really did. I did everything a leader is supposed to do.”
He paused for another second before speaking.
“I just didn’t do everything right enough… I should have done more… I should have been better at what I did…”
“Simon, just say it again, but don’t add anything, just the first two sentences.” She says, squeezing his hands gently.
Simon sighed and then looked back up at her. He took another deep breath before speaking again, trying to stay calm.
“I did everything I could. I did everything a leader is supposed to do.”
“Say it one more time for me.”
Simon groaned and let out a deep sigh, but did as she asked him to. He wasn’t quite sure where this was going, but he went along with it for now.
“I did everything I could. I did everything a leader is supposed to do.”
He let it sink in for a second, waiting for her to speak.
“Ok, good. When everything went south, did you still do everything you could, yes or no?”
Simon nodded his head.
“When things went bad…yes I did, with what I had. I did everything I could do when things took a turn for the worst… even if it wasn’t enough…” He paused for a second and then spoke again. “Yes, I did all I could, even though it wasn’t enough.”
“Just yes or no, Si. When things went bad, did you still do everything you could?”
Simon nodded his head and spoke.
“Yes. Yes, I did my best all the way through. I tried to save them… it just wasn’t enough. Even though I did all I could, it wasn’t enough…” He paused for a second and took a deep breath. “When they died, I couldn’t do anything to stop it, or to save them…”
“Simon, sweetheart,” She places her hands gently on his face. “Just answer yes or no, please. When things went south, did you do everything you could?”
Simon nodded his head.
“Yes…yes I did… I know I'm repeating myself, but I just want to make that clear… I’m sorry.” He paused for a moment before speaking again. “When things went sideways, even though I had very little time, I did everything I could to save them.”
“Ok, repeat after me: ‘I did everything I could’.”
Simon was confused, but he knew that she was trying to help him, so he did as she asked.
“I did everything I could.”
“Say it again”
Simon was confused why he kept repeating that sentence, but he continued to speak.
“I did everything I could” he said calmly.
“One more time” she says as she presses a kiss to his forehead.
“I did everything I could…”  He repeated that sentence once again, like she asked. Artemis’ touch felt comforting, and it felt like he needed that kind of comfort more than he had needed it in a long time.
“When everything went south, did you do everything you could?” she asks softly
He nodded his head, trying his best to keep his anger and his sadness down.
“Yes…yes I did.” He paused again and sighed, trying to keep himself in check. “When things went south, I did everything I could.” He repeats, trying his best to keep his cool.
“Something as big as this takes time to work through, but part of it is learning to be nice to yourself, and acknowledging that you did everything you could in the situation.” she says quietly
Simon stayed quiet for a moment. That did make him feel a little bit better than he had previously. It was the first time in a long time that someone had told him he had done everything he could. Hearing that from Artemis made it seem true.
Simon let out a deep sigh and smiled softly.
“Thank you Temi… I needed someone to say that to me… for a long time now…”
“Of course Simon.” She gently kisses his forehead again. “Survivor’s guilt is something that takes time to work through, but it is possible.”
She gently caresses his cheek. “You are a great leader, and leadership comes with responsibility for your team. But that includes yourself too. Don’t forget that.”
Simon smiled softly as he looked up at her. She always knew how to calm him down in situations like this. She was one of the few people who could make him feel at ease, and he was glad to have her there.
“Thank you… I need to do better for myself, honestly. I always put myself last, and that’s probably not the healthiest way to live my life.” He paused and sighed. “I’ll try to do better… I just hope that someday I can forgive myself…”
“It’ll take time, but I’m here. I’ll be here every step of the way. If you want to talk, cry, scream, yell, or fight someone about it, I’m here.”
Simon sighed and looked over at her. He nodded his head and spoke softly.
“Thank you , Artemis… You really have no idea what your words have meant to me… If I need to vent about it again, I know I can come to you.” He spoke softly and smiled, looking into her kind eyes, seeing the care for him behind her gaze.
“That’s part of loving someone Simon, is being there for all of it, the good and the bad.” She presses a soft kiss to his cheek.
Simon smiled as she kissed him once more, feeling himself grow calmer as he was comforted by Artemis.
“Yes…yes it is…” he spoke softly. “And I really do truly love you, my sweet girl. Thank you for always being here for me. Your kind words have meant the world to me, more than you could possibly know.”
She smiles gently at him “do you have anything else you want to talk about while we’re here?”
Simon thought for a moment.
“I have to say, I’ve always been afraid to bring this up… but there’s one more thing that haunts me about that operation. I’ve kept it hidden out of shame… but I wanted to tell you now that things are moving along…”
He paused for a moment, taking another deep breath.
“There’s one thing I did that I never told you about… One of the men I killed wasn’t an insurgent. He was an innocent civilian.” He spoke quietly.
“Was it an accident?”
Simon nodded his head. 
“Yeah, it was an accident. He was caught in the crossfire when I was trying to take down a suspected insurgent. I didn’t mean to pull the trigger, it was an accident… but I still ended up taking the life of an innocent person. And nothing changes that…” He paused for a moment. “It still bothers me…”
“It wasn’t your fault. It’s the unfortunate nature of warfare, sometimes innocent people get caught up in conflict” she brushes her hand down his face gently. “It wasn’t your fault.”
Simon sighed and let out a deep breath. He was disappointed in himself, and he felt it to his core, but what Artemis said was the cold hard truth of it.
“You’re right… it’s the nature of war.. It could happen to anyone…” He paused and shook his head. “I still wish I hadn't though.. I wish I hadn't been the one to take that man’s life… but I was, and it’s still a part of my past that I have to live with…”
“We’ve all done things we wish we hadn’t. It’s part of being human. But another part of being human is allowing ourselves the grace to move on, to move forwards.” She says gently, reaching down to squeeze one of Simon’s hands.
Simon nodded his head and squeezed her hand back… She was right, and what she was saying was the truth. Humans did make mistakes, and it was part of human nature to do the wrong thing sometimes. And people deserved grace and they deserved to forgive themselves.
“I’m going to try to be kinder to myself…” He paused and sighed. “You’re right…”
“It’s hard to be kind to yourself sometimes.” She says softly. “But you of all people deserve kindness.”
Simon smiled and spoke softly.
“Thank you.” he paused for a moment and then continued. “It’s hard for me because I tend to hold myself to higher expectations than I should… but you’re right, I have to allow myself some kindness.” He sighed. “And I have to remind myself that I’m just a human, and as humans, we all make mistakes. We live and we learn from them.”
“We live and we learn.” Artemis repeats softly, nodding her head.
Simon smiled and nodded. 
“And the best thing we can do is learn from ourselves and not make the same mistakes in the future… that’s what i should be focusing on…” He paused and sighed. “I really have you to thank for that. Your words have helped me to realize that I might always regret the lives I had ended in the past, but I’ve learned from it, and I should continue to learn and focus on the future.”
“Exactly, and if there's days where you find it hard to be kind to yourself, I can be nice enough for the both of us” she says, finally pressing a kiss to his lips.
Simon was taken by surprise, and he blushed as she kissed his lips once again. It was sweet, so much love between those two. He gently kissed her back and smiled, feeling himself become calmer each time she kissed him.
“I don’t think anyone could ever be as kind and gentle and sweet as you, love.” He said softly.
“I love you Simon,” She whispers, “never let yourself forget that.”
“I love you too, my sweet girl…” He whispered and smiled softly. He loved how much effort she was putting into this. She was truly kind and gentle, and he wanted to thank her for it all.
“I will never forget that as long as I breathe. It’s a fact I will carry with me to the grave.”
“Good.” she smiles as she kisses him again.
Simon smiled and met her kiss, wrapping his arms around the beautiful girl and pulling her in for as long as she wanted. He truly loved her more than anyone else in the world. He was so lucky to have her, and he wanted everyone to know just how lucky he was to have a girl like her. 
A/N: Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated!
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly Roundups: Prompts
Kara no Kyoukai
Everyone is a Saberface? Wrong. Saber is a Kohakuface. Chaos ensues.
Fate/Stay Night
In some early versions of Arthurian Myth, Mordred just straight up wins…and marries Guinevere to legitimize their rule. That’s obviously multiple flavors of absurd in PHH, but hey, so’s most of the actual plot of FGO. Give me Guin and Mo romance and/or fucking, in any situation. Maybe a sweet if kinda messed-up second love at Chaldea, or a dark NTR plot in a flashback, or the first mistaken for the second by the Knights. (“Guin is a Rinface” preferred but not required.)
Yariyumi has gone on a few pool dates before, I would like them to go on another, please.
It turns out that Guinevere is physically identical to Aoi Tohsaka, what does Rin have to say about it?
Archer and Sitonai spend a lot of time together, archer carries her to her room when she falls asleep, they hold hands when walking just cause. Then, it surges a rumor that Archer is dating Sitonai, cue to archer getting bad looks and then having to explain to all of Chaldea that they're brother and sister
Finding that this new Knight Mordred, is in actuality her own Son with Morgan. Saber reflects on the similarities between their origins as the results of an affair (If Artoria even is the result of an affair in the Fate universe anyway) and on how right now in Camelot an affair is going on between her wife and her best Knight even as she speaks. I don't have any idea where this would lead her, I just always thought it was interesting just how commonly affairs come up in Arthurian myth.
Smut, y'know maybe a good majority of the carnage in heaven's feel cold've been prevented if someone got sakura a hitachi magic wand & a subscription to playgirl.
one of the other servants (doesn't matter who) sees BB post-slutification and trains her into a proper young lady.
Based on recent events let's get some toxic Yuri up in this bitch and let Kiara fuck Taiga
After the latest reveal in the Seraph manga I want to see Kiara being ripped apart by Unlimited Lost Works.
BB recovers from all the sluttification and realizes she's into it
Emiya Alter sees Jaguar Warrior for the first time and goes through a trauma-induced panic. Only his teacher can bring him back to his senses
BB in complete disgust of the amount of bimbofication and brain drain erotica her master has been reading about her, she just fucking kills Ritsuka because she decides humanity isn't worth salvation anymore
Begging for some Prillya fluff since my partner and I just caught up with the series
Smut, I feel we need more bi rep so Sieg gets double teamed my Astolfo and Jeanne. Bonus for strap
Happily asexual Astolfo. Oh sure, they still love making their partners feel good during sex and all that! But that's what they get out of it - making their partners feel good.
rejoice gudako , for after 5 years of waiting ,you finally have gyaru lancelot!
Yknow how Huang Feihus kids only pop out when he's fighting? What if during one such fight his kids, instead of helping, tell Guda and/or other servants how strong, dependable, and also very very single their dad is
Gender is a game. Astolfo chose not to play, Sexshifting!Ritsuka is winning handily, and Mordred is losing. Badly. Mordred having a complex and adversarial relationship with gender as a concept, experiencing deep envy for, say, both Extremely Female Mata Hari and Extremely Male Fergus and not being at all able to process why. Maybe finally bonding with Artoria over similar experiences.
A male servant walks in on Artemis bathing. Artemis responds with the customary feminisation spell to whoever saw her naked. Problem is, said Servant was doing a stream on Servant-tube when he accidentally walks in, and the spell effects the viewers of that stream, leading to something like half of Chaldea's male heroes getting sex swapped.
Smut, guro, Xiang Yu and Yu Meiren going at it but Xiang Yu being a horse means its really tearing Meiren apart. Good thing her regen ability means she enjoys it!
the super crown in chaldea , what chaos will ensue?
Unfortunately as part of the single wives club, Galatea is constantly hit on by those who he think she'll be easy. Fortunately, Galatea is ace and instead starts infodumping on shoes, clothing, and how lovely her also ace husband is instead
Asclepius getting fucked in the butt so hard call that Assclapius
Everyone talks about overworking the farming supports. Nobody ever talks about overworking the farming payload. I'd like a thing about the big meta farming servants, like Space Ishtar or Edmond Dantes or Zerkerlot, just being put through the wringer.
Smut, ntr, Netorare where castoria peek as Master has a threesome with Morgan and Tonelico, and can't herself but masturbate while crying desiring to be in their place, even better if Morgan notices it and makes sure to show her how better Master feels when having sex with her.
lets give ritsuka fujimaru a reality marble and see what their inner world looks like
A master summons Mata Hari for the Holy Grail War and decides to ditch the whole thing and run away with her instead. Fluffy or angsty and either oc master or canon one up to the writer
it's the day after the biggest rager Chaldea has thrown so far . gudako wakes up in Izou's bed with a hangover that makes BB look pleasant. after a shower & change of clothes , she & izou stagger to the cafeteria for breakfast. turns out not only did goredolf get past 2nd base with MHXX , their party took place during a grail war in fuyuki city. and in the hectic scramble to flee the cops because they trashed this big-ass mansion , they stole that war's saber class servant and their master.
someone gets Columbus's valentines gift, looks him dead in the eye, and drops it in the trash without breaking eye contact.
oberon: his face when he succ all of Britain
Kadoc starts to get feelings for Ritsuka. The problem is that Kadoc knows that Ritsuka won’t feel the same. He wrong.
Smut, Ibuki getting her tits fucked, a lot. If that's cool.
Smut, incest, Since morgan has appeared servants have been keeping an eye on artoria due to some comments artoria makes from time to time, yet she insists that she will not fuck her sister(again) She ends up fucking her sister, merlin involvement is up to the author
blackbeard of all people has been deemed trustworthy enough to be the guard of gudako's porn stash when there's an inspection.
Smut, Morgan gets Railed by Mash and Habenyan. Thats it that's the prompt.
Smut, i need morgan and oberon to have fucked up insane hatesex. hopefully with copious amount of violence and pain. it's fine if one of them dies btw.
I am in desperate need of Artoria and Mordred sitting down and talking things out, reaching an understanding and just… finally coming to terms with each other. Lord knows the actual game writers wont do it at this point…
On the slight chance it's true: Newly summoned Yoshinaka doesn't understand his wife's new hobby but tries his best to support it
Smut, Tonelico desperately tries to hold the moans back when they fuck but when Mash is on top she edges her to DEATH just to be able to hear her screaming her name
Smut, prompt for og Moriarty throwing out his back and Sherlock having to fix him up but instead of using baritsu Sherlock blows his already blown back back into shape. bonus if it somehow works.
Smut, since it is nerofest, the ultra hard gilgamesh exhibition, but instead of fighting him…. enkidu rails gilgamesh SENSELESS.
Smut, There are still 20 days before the fillathon. You know how Euryale is a great counter to Gawain’s boss fight in Camelot? You know how Bhargest is kinda a useless bisexual? Let’s have Euryale domming the absolute hell out of both “Gawains,” much to the relief of both.
Smut, incest, Arjuna and Karna making love. Holding hands, going nice and gentle, kissing battle scars, gazing longingly into each other's eyes... You get the idea. Let them be happy together.
Hello, this is my first time doing this, but how about Kintoki getting hypnotized by a male master? Especially if a little bit of muscle worship is added? Thanks!
Morgan can't simply show her lily form like a normal person. So she makes all saber faces wear tonelico's clothes and it's her husband's/wife's job to choose the correct one
Feet appreciation but it's Guda tearing up over the fact Sumner Cas got 10 toes
Baobhan's partner thinking that she has a foot fetish and so gets a pedicure/puts effort into their feet care. Which is great but - Baobhan doesn't have a foot fetish, but it's too awkward for her to explain the truth. Bonus if they aren't actually together and the other person is trying to seduce Bao with it
Chaldea enters civil war as the lilys and their adult versions begin fighting(Ex: Jeanne, Gil, Saber, Cu, Medea, Medusa, Archer, Draco, Morgan, Maou Nobu)
Unsanitary, Politely asking for male omorashi content please, I have been starved recently
In the Water Margin club (that totally exists cuz they all wanted it and not because Pretender Lizzy cried until they all relented) the other two members are suprised to hear from Lizzy that Li Kui has been summoned. Suprise turns to confusion, however, as Darius walks in, just as confused and wearing what seems to be a glued on beard
Guda summons Tonelico only to not know who she is as they never actually met, considering her some kind of Castoria clone and treating her as such. Both Castoria and Morgan are highly amused
In addition to her impressive strength Baobhan Sith also has Magic Resistance rank EX, meaning that ordinary magecraft can’t even touch her!
Morgan succeeded in capturing and convincing Castoria to join her, naming her the new Tam Lin Mordred. Unfortunately, they are unable to escape their ultimate fates as Mordred brings down Camelot once again
Smut, Guda is horny and gropes castoria, this would be totally fine, if the one he groped was actually castoria. Cue to an extremely angry Tonelico quickly changing into her Morgan form and punishing her Husband (Explicit, Femdom, Sadistic Morgan)
castoria and oberon and morgan get a good view of how guda is when not in lostbelts or singularites with their fairy eyes after being summoned: horny. so fucking horny. all the time about the weirdest things?? about like every of age servant in chaldea and even some of the staff, particularly goredolf. is this some kind of defense mechanism? dont think about everyone youve either watched die or personally killed think about everyone you love and how much you want to fuck them?
Smut, In the lead up to the last fight with Flauros, Jing Ke and Boudicca say words to the effect of “let’s get drinks after this.” Drunken, glad-to-be-“alive” sex surely ensued.
Smut, Selfcest. Medea Lily angrily tops her older self, who is infuriatingly calm about it.
i feel like mephistopheles and leonardo da vinci would make a sexy mechanical waifu doll out of bombs to prank blackbeard at least once. just some absolutely looney tunes shit.
Erice and Tamamo have some sister talk that ends with Erice trying to kill tama for talking shit about her mom
All of the Saberfaces having a BATTLE TO THE DEATH. Only one Saberface wins, everyone else dies
Reason why there is so much saberfaces: Igraine is a time traveler and is the absent mother or father of all them, she also had sex with the moon once, the result was Arcueid.
something not safe for work, in the sense that it's about characters breaking every OSHA regulation known to god and man.
The Mod of the kinkmeme gets a hug from their favorite Nasuverse servant, whoever that is! (mod note: just use any servant you've got my blessign)
"Whelp, here it is. Dunno why you came all this way for it, though. Totally useless, what with all the holes. 'Course, suppose it wouldn't be the Holey Grail if it didn't have them!... what's with the face?"
Anybody at all, from anything Nasuverse: "YOU'RE TOO LATE, HOMOPHOBES, I'M FORKLIFT CERTIFIED!"
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f-o-x-t-r-o-t · 1 year
Okay so I have been having absolutely filthy thoughts about JaySteph + Artemis or even just Artemis with Steph for the last several hours. They have ranged from Jason and Steph getting tied together and blindfolded by Artemis with a thick, double-ended dildo in their asses, getting methodically broken down by the amazon until they're both quivering, sobbing messes, going through the five stages of grief during sex from her technique.
To trans!Stephanie trying to subtly dom Artemis before Jason got back from his mission only for Jason to walk in on the amazon railing Steph like crazy, the blonde either screaming herself hoarse from getting her ass opened by the redhead's b i g fucking dick or drooling from between grit teeth as Artemis had a stupidly muscular arm wrapped around her throat as she fucked Steph from behind, with her free hand jacking Steph's dick off even though she'd been shooting nothing but blanks for so long.
To Artemis just straight up walking in on the two fucking, pulling up a chair, and going 'Keep going, don't mind me.' and just stares at them, womanspreading to assert dominance. Or show off the bulge in her jeans. Possibly both.
You'll be so happy to know that in my "And I love, I love, I love you" series I have two Steph/Jay/temis threesomes and one aftercare oneshot planned. The first one I plan to finish for August 18th, Day 5 of Bottom Jason Todd week. It'll be the 6th part of the series (4 parts are set to publish in the week prior to this one) (If all hopefully goes according to plan and everything gets complete; fingers crossed) (I also just have a stephtemis wip on my wip list sooooo....)
Jason calls Artemis "Daddy" in bed because as you'll come to learn I am literally incapable of writing Jason without his parental trauma making him a tad overwhelmingly Freudian. (his overbearing love for others makes him a little incestuous whoops)
Steph calls Artemis either "Sir" or "Ma'am" depending on how the redhead is feeling that day. It's a headspace thing. Sometimes her dom side feels more masculine and other times it feels more feminine. She's usually stricter in her masculine domspace and more dehumanizing & patronizing in her feminine domspace
FUCk I don't even know how to address that second paragraph, that's so hot. Steph is so assertive when she doms so she totally believes she can dom Artemis. The amazon slowly breaks her down into a moaning mess. Steph making direct eye contact with Jason as she cums again and he's just standing there with a Gaping mouth because "OOohhh myyy God" Artemis invites him in asking what took him so long and they've been waiting for him. She drags him into the bedroom and strips him down, pushing him onto the bed, and stroking his folds. Stephanie, so burnt through, can only lap and suck at Jason's breasts and nipples. Tears dried all over his face, hair like a bird's nest. God damn....
Artemis gripping herself, whether dick or cunt, and just lazily squeezing like "don't mind me. You two just continue what you're doing."
Artemis gets Steph and Jay matching collars. She links them together so that when they get broken down into whiny messes, the two of them are pulling against each other (slightly choking the other out) because they forgot they had to work in tandem. What should they be...Purple with silver hardware and red with gold hardware? Or should they be more matchy to show Artemis' dominance? Green with white stitching and bronze hardware to call back to her old uniform? Black with red stitching and gold hardware (and stars charms!!!!) to highlight her new costume? Oh my, the options.
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star-writing · 1 year
Decided to start posting some of my short stories of various ideas and OCs of mine and my friends
Walking over to the new kid, I could tell they weren’t doing too hot.
“Hey kid, you ok?” I whispered. Everyone else was asleep so I didn't want to wake anyone up.
“Yeah. I’m fine. Just not tired.”
Just looking at them I could tell that was bullshit. I wasn’t going to say that yet though. The kid looked ready to stab me at any moment. Wouldn’t blame them though.
“You need a place to sleep?” I asked, figuring they just missed out on getting a hammock. “I don’t sleep much anyway so you can have mine.”
“No. I’m ok. You need to sleep.”
“Kid. When I say I don’t sleep much I mean I only sleep once a week and even then it’s usually during the day. Go sleep. I’ll even sing you to sleep.”
“And what do you get out of it?”
“I mean, hopefully a possible friend would be nice. If not that then at least an ally. I’ll watch out and make sure no one bothers you.”
“Why should I trust you?”
“I mean it’s up to you. I know nothing about you except that you’re new on the ship and I know you haven’t slept in the last couple days. You need to sleep, so go sleep. I’ll sit within view and make sure none of the idiots aboard mess with you. When you wake up I’ll either be up top or still in the same spot. Most likely same spot.”
“Can you show me where the hammock is and where you’ll be?”
“Yep.” Standing up, I offer my hand to them to help them up. We walk over to where my hammock is and I point to the beam straight across from it. As they get into the hammock I notice them, or maybe her, struggling to breathe right.
“Please for the love of the ocean. Don’t tell me you’ve been binding this entire time.”
“What?” They looked scared. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“I’m going to turn around. When I turn back around I expect you to have bandages in your hands. If you need help let me know. You wouldn’t be the first one I’ve had to help with this.”
“Umm. Can you help me a little?”
“Yep. Front or back?”
“Front. So you know a safer way to manage, you know, this,” waving a hand around their chest area.
“Yeah. A different style of ‘binding’ that’s not about restricting but more of support. I’ll help you in the morning with it ok? Tonight though, nothing. Imma be blunt. Ya tits need to breathe.”
“Thank you. I’m sorry you have to do all this for me.”
“One. Don’t thank me for doing things like this. It’s part of my job and I’m just being a decent person. Two. All I’m doing is what I wish someone had been able to do for me. Help me and show me how to be better. I can tell you haven’t had an easy life. I want to help you.”
“My names Artemis.”
“Ashton Hayden at your service.”
After helping them with the bandages and grabbing my spear. I sat where I showed them I would. I could see where Artemis would be sleeping and would be able to block anyone who tried to disturb them. I cast a quick little one way silence spell. And explained how it worked.
“So any sound made within the circle can leave. But no sounds from outside will be able to be heard. That way in the morning you can sleep. Would you like me to demonstrate?”
“Yes please.”
I showed them how they could still hear me from outside but not the other way around.
“Any song requests?”
“Up to you.”
“Ok.” After they got in the hammock and were comfortable I sat down and started singing, putting a tiny bit of siren charm into my voice.
As I saw Artemis falling asleep, I knew I’d be the one to watch over them. They were now part of my pack. And heaven have mercy on anyone who harms my pack.
Resting on the pole. I sat and watched. Making sure that Artemis was safe and could sleep peacefully
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trinity-mia · 2 months
a story as endless as the ocean
the titan's curse
0.8 reincarnation gardening 101
warnings : some cursing
word count : 3.6k
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0.8 I Take a Class on Reincarnation Via Gardening at the Smithsonian
Before anyone (read: Zoe) could object, I grabbed the keys and hopped in the driver's seat. There was no wall or anything keeping the front seats and the back separated, so once I was seated, I grabbed my phone and wallet and threw my duffel to the back. Thalia, not wanting to sit in the back with Zoe, hopped in beside me and threw her bag to the back as well.
I knew Zoe wasn't too keen on letting me drive and lead this quest, but there wasn't really anything she could do about it. I was the most stubborn person ever, according to… literally everyone, so I just knew she was going to love me. 
"Alright Grover, where to?" I asked once we hit Manhattan, around two hours later. He did his little ritual thing and then did it again, just to make sure. He looked confused, but shrugged and put his acorns away. 
"Washington, D.C.," he said. 
"D.C.? What in Tartarus?" I said. "Are you positive?" 
He looked at me sadly and almost offended, but then seemed to realize why I wanted to be sure. "I'm positive. I won't mess this up intentionally, Allie. This is Luke we're talking about. And Brylie," he said earnestly. 
"Alright. D.C. it is."
Thankfully, we didn't have to stop until we hit Maryland. We were running on empty for almost 20 minutes before we'd come across a gas station that didn't look like it came out of the 1960s. 
Grover practically jumped out of the van once I'd stopped it and Thalia and I walked in so we could get some drinks and a few snacks that'd last for a week. I bought us all a coffee, which Chiron would have given us very deep frowns for, but I was having a hard time not falling asleep at the wheel and everyone else was complaining about being tired (no one really wanted to go to sleep, mostly because if a monster attacked us, they wanted to be prepared). 
"Grover, are you sure?" Thalia was asking as I came up them sipping my coffee. She gave me a thumbs-up as I passed her the cup I'd gotten for her.
"Well," Grover hesitated despite his earlier confidence, and I felt my heart sink slightly. "I'm pretty sure anyway. Like, ninety-nine percent. Okay, eighty-five percent."
"And you did this with acorns?" Bianca said skeptically, like she couldn't believe it. 
I rolled my eyes. "He's a satyr," I pointed out to her dryly. "Grover was learning that spell when you were learning addition."
She flushed in embarrassment, glancing at the ground. "D.C. is about sixty miles from here," she said, quickly changing the subject. "Nico and I..." She frowned. "We used to live there. That's... that's strange. I'd forgotten."
"I dislike this," Zoe grumbled. She glared at Thalia. "We should go straight west. The prophecy said west."
"Oh, like your tracking skills are better?" Thalia growled.
Zoe stepped toward her. "You challenge my skills, you scullion? You know nothing of being a Hunter!"
"Oh, scullion," Thalia repeated mockingly, her expression. Unlike Zoe's glare, Thalia's rising anger actually did make me feel worried. "You're calling me a scullion? What the hell is a scullion?"
"Whoa, you two," Grover said nervously. "Come on. Not again!"
"HEY!" Everyone turned towards me. "Grover's tracking skills should be better, considering he's been around Luke since he was twelve. Since Luke, Brylie, and Artemis are all together, I suggest you keep your mouth shut, so we can find them quicker. Need I remind you, we only have a week until the solstice. Grover says D.C. is where we need to go. Like Bianca said, we are only 60 miles away. Worst comes to worst, we lose a day."
Zoe still didn't look convinced, but she nodded reluctantly when Bianca also voiced her support of D.C. "Very well. Let us keep moving."
I'm not sure when I noticed, but while we were driving, I noticed a car following us. It was your stereotypical black SUV with tinted windows. I'm not exactly sure why, but it made me feel like I was back on the set of a Marvel movie. It was a weird nostalgic feeling, but I brushed it away so I wouldn't total the van. 
Grover began doing more magic as we crossed the Potomac River into central Washington. Still following Grover's instructions, I parked a few blocks away from the Washington Monument.
"There," Grover said, pointing at the Smithsonian. "We have to go in there. And we can get something to eat as well."
The others nodded at that, Bianca patting her growling stomach, but I shook my head.
"I'll catch up to you guys at the food court," I told them. "I need to stretch my legs a bit. Get some fresh air."
"Very well," Zoe sniffed. Thalia hesitated, giving me a worried look.
I forced a smile, trying to reassure her and failing epically, I could tell. She reached over and squeezed my shoulder comfortingly before heading after the others. She knew that I needed some space.
I found myself fidgeting with Luke's necklace. For some reason, I seemed to have switched from my family's heirloom locket, to Riptide's necklace, to Luke's Camp necklace. Fuck ADHD, I swear to the gods. 
That was when I saw him.
A block away, the door of the black SUV had just opened. A man with gray hair and a military buzz cut got out. He was wearing dark shades and a black overcoat. Now, in Washington, D.C., maybe you would expect guys like that to be everywhere. Private security and stuff.
The guy took out his mobile phone and said something into it. Then he looked around, like he was making sure the coast was clear, and started walking down the Mall in the direction of the others, who were still in sight, though I couldn't warn any of them.
The worst of it was: when he turned toward where I had ducked behind a tree to hide, I recognized his face. It was Doctor Thorn, the manticore from Westover Hall. The monster who had taken Luke from me.
Now, I was no Hermes child, that much was painfully obvious, but being around Luke so often was bound to wear off on me, so sneaking behind Thorn was suspiciously easy. For what wasn't the first and most definitely wasn't the last time, I was thankful I'd grown up in the spotlight. I'd learned a few tricks that could keep me hidden. 
I was able to blend into the crowds and it was surprisingly busy, but I assumed a couple of schools had decided to take a field trip here right before they left for winter break. I was thankful for that, but it also scared me. If things went south, how many lives would we be throwing to the wolves?
Thorn kept his distance, careful not to be seen. I ran a little to catch up with my friends. 
Finally, Grover stopped in front of a big building that said NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM.
Thalia checked the door. It was open, but there weren't many people going in. Too cold and most of the people were out in the actual mall area. They slipped inside.
Doctor Thorn hesitated. I wasn't sure why, but he didn't go into the museum. He turned and headed across the Mall. I made a split-second decision and followed him.
Thorn crossed the street and climbed the steps of the Museum of Natural History. There was a big sign on the door. At first, I thought that it said CLOSED FOR PIRATE EVENT. Then I realized that PIRATE must have actually been PRIVATE. Damn dyslexia. Just another way to make a half-blood's life even harder. Seriously, why can't we ever catch a break?
I followed Doctor Thorn inside, through a huge chamber full of mastodons and dinosaur skeletons. There were voices up ahead, coming from behind a set of closed doors. Two guards stood outside. They opened the doors for Thorn, but I knew that I couldn't slip in after him.
Instead, I ended up climbing into an air vent and crawling through it to see inside. I couldn’t believe I wasn't caught. More than a few times throughout the entire quest, I kept wondering how I managed to sneak by groups of people and shit like that, before it dawned on me, somewhere in Texas: Hermes had been helping me. He made sure I was going to stay alive in order to save his son and daughter. Contrary to what Luke might tell himself, Hermes did at least care for him.
Inside, I saw a truly horrific scene.
I was looking down at a huge round room with a balcony ringing the second level. At least a dozen mortal guards stood on the balcony, plus two dracaenae, or, as Luke and I liked to jokingly call them 'Ancient Greek snake whores.'
But that wasn't the worst of it. Standing between the dracaenae was Annabeth Chase herself.
She looked terrible. Her skin was unnaturally pale (especially for a half-blood. Almost all of us had a natural tan, or developed one quickly from so much time outdoors, and those who didn't either just had a really European-descended other parent, or they were dark-skinned.) and her blonde hair looked almost gray, as if she had aged thirty years in just a few months. She still looked angry, like she had every day I'd seen her the few days I was at camp before I was sent on a quest and the month and a half I'd been there before she'd gone rogue.
Next to her, sitting down so that the shadows covered him, was a man. The only part of him that I could make out was his knuckles resting on the gilded arms of his chair, like he was a medieval king sitting on a throne.
"Well?" asked the man in the chair. His voice was just like the one I'd heard in my dream, deep and strong, like the earth itself was talking. It filled the whole room even though he wasn't yelling.
Doctor Thorn took off his shades. His two-colored eyes glittered with excitement as he made a stiff bow, then spoke in his weird French accent: "They are here, General."
"I know that, you fool," boomed the man. "But where are they?"
"In the rocket museum."
"The Air and Space Museum," Chase corrected in a haughty tone. The only person who could use that tone and me not get annoyed by it was Malcolm. He had a weird way of making learning weird shit, cool. Coming out of her mouth, I wanted to hop out of that vent and punch her.
Doctor Thorn glared at her. "As you say, madam."
He spat the title, and I got the feeling that Thorn would just as soon impale Chase with one of his spikes as call her 'madam'.
"How many?" Chase demanded.
Thorn pretended not to hear her.
"How many?" the General snapped, his voice making me shiver in fear.
"Five, General," Thorn answered quickly. "The satyr, Grover Underwood. And the girl with the spiky black hair and the— how do you say— punk clothes and the horrible shield."
"Thalia," Annabeth muttered, her hand clenching.
"And two other girls— Hunters. One wears a silver circlet."
"That one I know," the General growled.
Everyone in the room shifted uncomfortably.
"And the other— the white-haired Daughter of Poseidon. She's there, too. She strayed from the group to take a walk." The General chuckled. He was waiting for me, that much I knew. 
"Where is she? The quicker we can get her, the easier our jobs become. It is because you can't achieve a simple task that we got two children of Hermes instead of the famous daughter of Poseidon."
"I'm not sure, General," Thorn said hastily. "I followed the larger group."
"Then you are a fool!" He turned to a mortal. "Go see if you can do the job he can not. Find me the daughter of Poseidon. Bring me Astraea Jackson!" The mortal rushed off and I held my breath to keep from being found. There were many things about what he said that irked me. Most of which included what he called me, considering I was more than Poseidon's daughter and I hated being called Astraea. It was almost as if he knew that and was trying to bait me out into the open.
"Let me take them," Annabeth said to the General when the mortal was gone. "We have more than enough—"
"Have patience, girl," the General replied. "They'll have their hands full already. I've sent a little playmate to keep them occupied, and the girl will soon be found."
"We cannot risk you, my girl."
"Yes, girl," Doctor Thorn agreed with a cruel smile. "You are much too fragile to risk. Let me finish them off."
"No." The General rose from his chair, stepping out of the shadows that had hidden him, and I finally got my first proper look at him.
He was tall and muscular, with light brown skin and slicked-back dark hair. He wore an expensive brown silk suit like the guys on Wall Street wear, but you'd never mistake this dude for a broker. He had a brutal face, huge shoulders, and hands that could snap a flagpole in half. His eyes were like stone. I felt as if I were looking at a living statue. It was amazing he could even move.
"You have already failed me once, Thorn," he told the manticore in a deathly tone of voice.
"But, General—"
"No excuses!"
Thorn flinched. I'd thought that Thorn was scary when I first saw him in his black uniform at the military academy. But now, standing before the General, Thorn looked more like a little kid playing dress-up as a soldier. This General guy was the real deal. He didn't need a uniform. He was a born commander.
"I should throw you into the pits of Tartarus for your incompetence," the General sneered. "I send you to capture the eldest child out of the Elder Gods. Instead, you bring me a son and daughter of Hermes."
"But they could be used as bargaining tools. You've heard the rumors of Astraea Jackson's fatal flaw, have you not?" Thorn protested. "And you promised me revenge. A command of my own!"
"I am Lord Kronos' senior commander," the General said. "And I will choose lieutenants who get me results! Half the goal is still a failure. Now get out of my sight, Thorn, until I find some other menial task for you. And be glad that I am so merciful."
Thorn's face turned purple with rage. I almost thought that he was going to go crazy and start shooting spine spikes, but I wasn't that lucky. Instead, he just bowed awkwardly and left the room.
"Now, my girl." The General turned to Chase. "The first thing we must do is isolate the half-blood Thalia. The monster we seek will then come to her. She will be the easiest to manipulate." I highly doubted Thalia would've liked that description. 
"The Hunters will be difficult to dispose of," Chase said. "Zoe Nightshade—"
"Do not speak her name!"
Annabeth swallowed. "S– sorry, General. I just—"
The General silenced her with a wave of his hand. "Let me show you, my girl, how we will bring the Hunters down."
He pointed to a guard on the ground level. "Do you have the teeth?"
The guy stumbled forward with a ceramic pot. "Yes, Lord General!"
"Plant them," he ordered.
In the center of the room was a big circle of dirt, where I guess a dinosaur exhibit was supposed to go. I watched nervously as the guard took sharp white teeth out of the pot and pushed them into the soil. He smoothed them over while the General smiled coldly.
The guard stepped back from the dirt and wiped his hands. "It's ready, my Lord General!"
"Excellent! Water them, and we will let them scent their prey."
The guard picked up a little tin watering can with daisies painted on it, which was kind of bizarre, because what he poured out wasn't water. It was a dark red liquid, and I got the feeling it wasn't wine.
The soil began to bubble.
"Soon," the General said with a vicious smile, "I will show you, Annabeth, soldiers that will make your army from that little boat look insignificant."
Annabeth clenched her fists. "Cody and I have spent a year training our forces! When the Princess Andromeda arrives at the mountain, they'll be the best—" Her fatal flaw of hubris had always ruled her.
"Ha," the General said. "I don't deny your troops will make a fine honor guard for Lord Kronos. And you and your boy, of course, will both have a role to play—"
I thought that Annabeth turned even paler when the General said that, but it was hard to be sure.
"— but under my leadership, the forces of Lord Kronos will increase a hundredfold. We will be unstoppable. Behold, my ultimate killing machines."
The soil erupted, and I said a silent prayer to the Fates for it to have gone wrong somehow, because I suspected I remembered what this was, and if I was right, we were screwed.
In each spot where a tooth had been planted, a creature was struggling out of the dirt. The first of them said: "Mew?"
It was a kitten. A little orange tabby with stripes like a tiger. Then another appeared, until there were a dozen, rolling around and playing in the dirt.
Everyone stared at them in disbelief. The General roared, "What is this? Cute cuddly kittens? Where did you find those teeth?"
The guard who'd brought the teeth cowered in fear. "From the exhibit, sir! Just like you said. The saber-toothed tiger—"
"No, you idiot! I said the tyrannosaurus! Gather up those... those infernal fuzzy little beasts and take them outside. And never let me see your face again if you wish to live."
The terrified guard dropped his watering can. He gathered up the kittens and scampered out of the room.
"You." The General pointed to another guard. "Go and get me the right teeth. NOW!"
The new guard ran off to carry out his orders.
"Imbeciles," muttered the General.
"This is why I don't use mortals," Chase said, as coolly as if commenting on the weather. "They are unreliable."
"They are weak-minded, easily bought, and violent," the General answered. "I love them."
A minute later, the guard hustled into the room with his hands full of large, pointy teeth.
"Excellent," the General smiled. He climbed onto the balcony railing and jumped down, twenty feet.
Where he landed, the marble floor cracked under his leather shoes. He stood, wincing, and rubbed his shoulders. "Curse my stiff neck."
"Another hot pad, sir?" a guard asked. "More Tylenol?"
"No! It will pass." The General brushed off his silk suit, then snatched up the teeth. "I shall do this myself."
He held up one of the teeth and smiled. "Dinosaur teeth— ha! Those foolish mortals don't even know when they have dragon teeth in their possession. And not just any dragon teeth. These come from the ancient Sybaris herself! They shall do nicely."
Yup, I knew what this was. And there was nothing I could do to stop it.
I watched in despair as he planted them in the dirt, twelve in all. Then he scooped up the watering can. He sprinkled the soil with red liquid, tossed the can away, and held his arms out wide. "Rise!"
The dirt trembled. A single, skeletal hand shot out of the ground, grasping at the air.
The General looked up at the balcony. "Quickly, do you have the scent?"
"Yesssss, lord," one of the snake ladies said. She took out a sash of silvery fabric, like the kind the Hunters wore.
"Excellent," the General said. "Once my warriors catch its scent, they will pursue its owner relentlessly. Nothing can stop them, no weapons known to half-blood or Hunter. They will tear the Hunters and their allies to shreds. Toss it here!"
As he said that, skeletons erupted from the ground. There were twelve of them, one for each tooth the General had planted. They were nothing like Halloween skeletons, or the kind you might see in cheesy movies. These were growing flesh as I watched, turning into men, but men with dull gray skin, yellow eyes, and modern clothes— gray muscle shirts, camo pants, and combat boots. If you didn't look too closely, you could almost believe they were human, but their flesh was transparent and their bones shimmered underneath, like X-ray images.
One of them looked straight up at me, regarding me coldly, and I knew that no magic nor steel ceilings would fool it. I looked at the silvery cloth again, going over what I knew of these creatures, and what the General had said about them.
The dracaenae released the scarf and it fluttered down toward the General's hand. As soon as he gave it to the warriors, they would hunt Zoe and the rest of the Hunters until they were extinct.
I didn't give myself time to think. I just jumped down, thanking the gods I was trained to know the best ways to land on solid ground without breaking anything, and kicked the warriors out of my way so that I could snatch the scarf out of the air.
"What's this?" bellowed the General.
I landed at the feet of a skeleton warrior, who hissed.
"Astraea Jackson!" Chase cried. "Stop her!"
I flew towards an open window, but I heard the sound of something dropping to the ground. When I glanced back, a skeleton warrior picked up Riptide's necklace, sniffing the scent, handing it around to his friends. I wanted to scream or curse, but I couldn't. It would be back on my neck soon enough. With any luck, not all of them would be able to smell it before it disappeared. I squeezed through the window and tumbled onto the ground. When I glanced back, the barrel of a gun was being aimed at me.
So I ran.
*    *    *
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Trans Hunter Week Day 1: Childhood
It’s simple.
It’s easy.
Artemis set down the knife in his hands, swinging his braid back and forth in his hands.
What if Uncle gets angry?
I have an excuse, it’ll be fine.
He lifted the knife up to the back of his head, and before he could convince himself not to, started sawing through the woven strands.
Too late to go back now. Artemis’ heart pounded in his chest as he finished cutting through and the braid came off in a huge hunk of hair in his hands
He shook his head, and his hair swung around his face. He peeked in the mirror and snorted.
What a mess. His hair might be shorter now, but it was uneven, short in the back and long in the front. He grabbed a set of scissors and carefully cut off more of the hair in the front until it was only an inch or two long. He pulled his fingers through it, standing it straight up. Still uneven, but if he did too much more, he’d be bald.
Artemis grabbed the razor he’d snuck out of the scout’s barracks and clambered up on a stool. He’d seen them use the razor on the hair on their face, surely he could use it on his head. He turned the chompers on and slowly brought it to the back of his head.
It tickled. But the buzz felt… comfortable as he watched the hair fall away, sliding down the back of his neck and into his shirt. Until it itched, and he batted at the back of his shirt to shake the loose hair out.
He felt a sharp sting against his ear as he buzzed the side of his head, and he yanked the razor away with a yelp, putting a hand up to his cut ear.
Artemis held a tissue up, then gave himself another look in the mirror, studying his new undercut. He compared it to the neat cut in the book he’d found it in, glancing back and forth between the book and the mirror.
It was still messy and uneven. And a strand of hair that had previously always been tucked into a braid was floating free, flopping in front of his face. He gave it a tug with a small smile.
A rush of wind from the door brushed over his newly shaven head.
I can feel it!
Artemis yanked his hood up, whirling around to face the scout in the door. He nearly fell off of the stool, but caught himself with the edge of the counter. He straightened his spine, putting on an aloof ‘I didn’t just nearly fall’ face. “Yes?!”
The scout eyed the razor, then him. “Ma’am. The emperor requests your presence.”
Artemis nodded. “Thank you.”
The scout looked back at the razor. “Is that… mine?”
Artemis hid it behind his back. “No,” he lied.
“Oh. Okay.”
Artemis set the razor down. He paused, fingers tapping against his leg. “Scout?” he said finally.
“Yes, Ma’am?”
“Could you call me sir, instead?”
“Uh. Okay, Sir. Sure.”
A rush of… something swept over him, and he hopped off of the stool. “Thanks!”
He ran through the hallway, grinning, and then skidded to a halt in front of the throne room doors, taking deep breaths to calm down. He made sure his hood was up—better to see what kind of mood Uncle was in before revealing that he’d chopped his braid off—and then strode in, kneeling in front of the throne.
“Emperor Belos,” he said quietly.
“Artemis. You’re bleeding.”
Artemis reached up and found a trail of blood had trickled from his cut ear down his neck where it could be seen. “Oh! I just… I nicked my ear, nothing serious.”
“Nicked it doing what?”
Artemis fingers started to tap, and he forced them to be still. “C-cutting my hair.”
“Cutting your hair.”
“It’s less of a hazard short,” Artemis said in a rush, spitting out the preprepared lie so fast he nearly stumbled over his words, “It won’t get caught in things, and no one can grab it, it’ll improve my fighting if it’s not in my eyes, I just—”
“Let’s see it, then,” Belos cut in.
Artemis reached up with a trembling hand and flipped his hood off.
Uncle Belos froze, staring at him. “Come closer, niece,” he said quietly.
Artemis flinched at the ‘niece’ (Someday, someday I’ll say it), but stood up, walking slowly over. Uncle Belos reached out, gingerly flicking that loose strand of hair.
“I—I can brush it, or pin it back,” Artemis said to fill the silence, “Or—or if you don’t like it, if you think I should grow it out again, I’ll do it, or I’m sure there’s a hair growth potion—” His heart sank at the idea—he liked the way the breeze felt on the back of his neck, how much lighter his head felt, how that one strand of hair dangled in the edge of his vision as a constant reminder. But if Uncle wanted him to grow it out again…
“No. Keep it that way, if you like.”
Artemis’ heart pounded in his chest. “Really?” he squeaked, “You don’t hate it? You don’t wish it was still long?”
Belos turned away. “No, I was simply… caught off guard. You… look very much like an old friend.”
“An old friend?” Artemis echoed.
“Yes. He died a long time ago.”
Artemis gave the strand of hair a tug.
“Yeah,” he whispered, “I think I’ll keep it.”
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ashasmonsters · 3 years
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I accidentally deleted your request, so here's the highlighted screenshot I took to reference, lol. Anyway, I'm happy to hear you liked your previous request! I don't know if I'll always be down for sequel requests, but for my boy Tassos–definitely. I hope you enjoy this one too!
For the rest of you who haven't read the first request, you can find it here!
M!Dryad x Dom F!Reader Pt. 2 - Lemon Content: Facesitting, alcohol, my attempt at femdom
Dom F! Reader x M! Dryad pt.2
Your "discussion" with Tassos some weeks ago was fruitful... literally. The grapes prospered as they usually did, and your wine tasted like something straight from Dionysus' own reserve. Tassos had remained true to his word and behaved himself; him and his Gampros friends still made messes from time to time, but it no longer felt like an outright disrespect to your craft and the land it grew from. In fact, you hated to admit it, but the occasional sign of Dryad revelry on your vineyard gave you a warm feeling... as if you had struck a partnership with the spirits of nature. Perhaps it was Artemis smiling upon you.
In any case, while your success was certainly attributed to your own expertise and the hard work of your employees, you couldn't ignore the favor of the Ampeloi. Wanting to remain in Artemis' good graces, you decided it would be prudent to thank Tassos for his assistance with an amphora of wine. He and his fellow Ampeloi had no doubt made off with small portions of chunky, sediment-heavy grape pressings just barely fermented enough to get drunk off of, but a true aged vintage had likely never touched his green lips.
You heaved the two-handled vessel carefully as you walked across the grass, the wine inside sloshing in resistance, as if to save itself from its fate at the appetites of partying Dryads. Sweat beaded on your brow at the effort, the midday sun not helping. The immediate vineyard around you appeared to be empty.
"Oi, Tassos! I know you're there! Come help me with this," you grunted. As you expected, mere seconds later the boyish sapling had materialized from the vines as his camouflage faded. He was at your side immediately, taking one of the handles for himself and easing the vessel to the soft earth.
"I grow your vines, not carry your pottery," he quipped, before averting his gaze politely and adding, "...my lady. What's this for?"
"It's for you. As thanks for blessing my vineyard this harvest season."
"This whole thing?" He asked, looking the amphora up and down. Indeed, for human appetites, the vessel would last one person several weeks, and a modest banquet through the whole night.
"This whole thing." You nodded proudly. "Careful, now. It's stronger than the skata you and your friends skim from the grape crushing sheds."
"Stronger" was all he needed to hear before his face lit up. "Oh, thank you, my lady! You're very generous!" He pulled the stopper from the amphora's neck, wafting the fruity aroma towards himself. "It smells divine."
"It is; you blessed the grapes it sprung from, after all."
You were awoken from your slumber by knocking at your door. The moon shone brightly through your window; by its light you found the glistening blade of your xiphos and grasped it. Your little corner of the world was a safe one, but caution was always practical under a full moon.
Grasping the bronze handle of your front door, ready to throw it open or hold it shut, you shouted through the wood. "Who goes there?" A pregnant pause.
"Apologies, my lady, I–"
You threw the door open. "Tassos! Why, in the name of the gods, are you at my door at this hour?" He saw the xiphos in your other hand and looked sheepish.
"I wanted to... you see, I was enjoying the wine you so generously gifted me, and... uh..."
You relaxed—a little. "Speak, Tassos." You sighed. "You've awoken me already, just speak."
"I wanted to ask for more wine..." He studied the tile floor rather than meet your eyes. You hadn't immediately noticed in the dim light, but his chiton was stained with your vintage.
"Are you drunk, Tassos?" You accused.
"Not at all! I–"
"Are you sure? I'd expect you to have the sense not to do this sober." You stared at him, the wide open door letting in a chill. You sighed again. "Fine. Come in."
"Thank you, my lady."
He walked strangely as he entered your home, like a newborn foal getting used to its legs. You almost accused him of being drunk again before you realized this was probably his first time being invited into a building; he had never felt tile under his bare feet before.
Your personal wine cellar had a chill to it similar to the one outside. All the wine produced on your vineyard met your standards, but the cellar was reserved for the truly special stuff. Tassos shivered slightly as you lit the oil lamps around the room. You wanted to admonish him for being so brazenly greedy, but he had helped, even if only a bit, in the creation of this wine. You figured you could send him off with another amphora of something good, but not too valuable. After all, anything would be better than the mash under your employees' feet he was used to.
"Here, this one," you said, finding a vessel of one of your favorites that would spoil soon. It was on a high shelf, and as you contemplated grabbing a step ladder and heaving the thing down, you rubbed sleep from your eyes. "I'm tired, Tassos. Get it yourself."
"Of course, my lady. I won't forget your generosity." He said with eager eyes, pushing the stepladder into position. You merely yawned in response, watching him go about his business. He climbed and you watched; the shadows from the oil lamps flickered shadows across his smooth, pea-colored skin, and highlighting his... admittedly shapely ass under his chiton.
He climbed the steps and strained to reach the amphora's handles. In doing so, his short chiton lifted, giving you a glimpse underneath... his cute little cock jiggling as he wrestled the amphora into his grasp. He grunted with effort, his physique a fair measure weaker than yours judging by the way he huffed and puffed. The sight of his lithe, tight body combined with the sounds he was making had you considering getting yourself off before bed, but... why do it yourself?
"Tassos?" You got his attention.
"Yes, my lady?" He said between grunts, carrying the vessel down the stepladder and to the floor. He set it down, wringing his arms after ten whole seconds of effort.
"Forget about my generosity. I want something in return."
A moss-colored blush bloomed on his cheeks as soon as you assumed a commanding tone. Remembering your first meeting, his hands fidgeted with the clasps of his chiton.
"Um... do you want me to strip?" He asked, studying the tile floor again.
"No. Actually... undress me." You ordered. His blush intensified even more; if any more sap rushed to his face, he'd pop like a grape.
"Do you want the wine or not, Tassos?"
"...yes, my lady."
He approached you with similar trepidation to what you felt approaching your front door with xiphos drawn. You didn't have all night, but you only encouraged him with a raised eyebrow. Having him at your mercy once again was simply too good to not indulge in.
Tassos' shaky hands gently grasped at your peplos and peeled it away from your shoulders delicately. It was all you slept in, so once it was gone, it was gone.
"Lay it on the floor." You watched him do so, treating your sleepwear as if it could shatter. "Now lie on it."
"Because you're going to get me off before I go back to bed. Go on."
He gingerly assumed the position, your peplos sparing him from the chill of the cellar floor, before you stepped forward and straddled him on your knees. A moment of scooting forward, and you could feel his warm breath in between your legs. Yes, you thought, this was definitely the right decision.
His eyes flicked back and forth between your eyes and your pussy, like he couldn't decide which intimidated him more.
"You want me to use..." he whimpered.
"Your mouth. Figure it out, Tassos."
"...Y-yes, my lady." He breathed deep. With your knees on either side of his head and your feet pinning his arms to the floor, he had no way to wiggle out of this arrangement. He could have refused, of course, but you knew he never would.
You lowered yourself onto him slowly. You felt his warm cheeks against your inner thighs, then settled down further until his lips were firmly pressed against your rapidly warming folds. Even in the cold cellar; even with an inexperienced mouth in between your legs, an undeniable heat was growing inside you.
"Well, Tassos? I haven't got all night."
He responded with a question: one muffled by your slit.
"Start with your tongue," you prompted, assuming it answered the question he tried to ask. It seemed just as well; a few breaths later you felt his tongue, slick with thick, silky saliva that felt leagues better than that of humans. It tentatively traced circles around your outer folds, occasionally playing across your clit in passing and making you shiver. It was pleasant, but without a last-minute blessing from Aphrodite, the dryad boy sandwiched between your thighs wouldn't become an expert at this tonight.
You slowly used your knees to work yourself back and forth, his eyes going wide at your sudden movement. His tongue still explored you, your own movements letting you grind yourself against his supple lips.
"Aah..." you sighed contently. Now things were progressing at a good pace. You leaned back, shifting your weight to a behind you so you could press your entrance harder against his mouth without suffocating him. His chiton was tented at the groin with an undeniably firm cock. You smiled.
Back and forth, back and forth. The noises he made beneath you were delicious. Grunts as you pressed into him, moans as his cock twitched against the fabric of his chiton. Your breath was heavy in time with the waves of pleasure vibrating through you each time his tongue lapped against your sensitive nub.
"Right there," you panted. "More, there." The commands left your lips between sighing breaths. He listened. No longer bumping into your clit by chance, he ground his tongue against it, pushing into you ever-so-slightly as he did. It was nearly too much, too enthusiastic, the surging heat drawing more breathy moans out of you than you would have liked.
Your hips rolled. You chased the pleasure, grinding your pussy into Tassos' face desperately. A low whine started to form in your throat. His tongue worked your clit with fervor, pushing even harder against your slick, melting sex.
"Tassos..." You resisted the urge to clasp your mouth shut after moaning his name. Instead, you looked behind you. His cock, by now throbbing and drooling through his chiton, had gone untouched all this time. You unshrouded it and grasped it firmly.
"You don't get to come until I do," you grunted. From between your legs, desperate whines. Even through the steadily mounting pleasure that pushed at the corners of your mind, you smirked at your ability to motivate the young Dryad.
His cock fit neatly in your closed fist. The deliciously slick nectar oozing from its tip coated his shaft and your hand in moments. Each stroke of your wrist elicited whines that reverberated on your folds. You tugged on his cock in rhythm with your own rolling hips. Each push and pull brought you ever closer to the edge. Tassos felt it as well, bucking his hips upward into your grasp.
"Not yet, Tassos," you said through gritted teeth. You let go of his desperately throbbing length and he redoubled his efforts with his mouth. His hands reached up and grasped your thighs. He buried his tongue in you in a frenzy that put unceasing, merciless pressure on your clit. He licked–kissed–sucked in a desperate bid for your permission to come.
"G-good..." you whined. Your mind was overheated and pulled taut, about to snap. Tassos' frustrated whines, his lapping at your clit, his death-grip on your thighs–quickly became too much for you. The pressure built and built until an explosion of rippling pleasure made your legs shake and your core seize up. You cried out into the empty cellar, your blissful cries echoing all around. Your hips rolled a few more times into Tassos' face as you literally rode out your orgasm.
Even in such a state, you made good on your promise. You reached behind you once more and, still catching your breath with quivering legs, pumped Tassos to completion. Within seconds, he was bucking and moaning just as loudly and vigorously as you just were, and a moment later he came up for air, crying out and shooting white-hot ropes of sap out of his cock. The sticky strands of nectar managed to coat your ass, his chiton, and his flushed, pine-colored tummy.
It took several long moments for either of you to recover. You had dismounted his face and instead straddled his chest, going on all fours to relieve some of the pressure on your knees. You both panted there in the dim cellar, overheated and sticky, your faces mere inches apart.
"...thank you, my lady." Tassos breathed. Another long pause to catch his breath. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, Tassos." You looked into his eyes, his irises like brilliant sunflowers even in the flickering half-light. "We make quite a good working pair, don't you think?" You chuckled.
"I think so," he replied breathily. You groaned as you got up, your knees sore from bearing the pressure of such an intense session on the hard cellar floor. The sight of him covered in the aftermath of such a frenzy, splayed out on the floor, eyes practically crossed... beautiful.
"You can't go back to your Dryad friends looking like that."
"No, I can't." He sighed, lazily shucking his soiled chiton.
"You can stay inside tonight. Just this once." You offered.
"Thank you again, my lady."
"You're welcome." You walked towards the stairs on wobbly legs. "Keep the peplos. And stay out of my bedroom." Slumber was on your mind, and so was another session with Tassos—this time in a proper bed—but that would have to wait. Your resident Dryad was getting wine and sex out of this partnership... you wouldn't want to spoil him too much.
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lesbianwhowrites · 2 years
Prompt: Having a huge crush on Artemis and her finally asking you out.
Requested: No
Characters: Artemis Crock x NB Reader, Courtney Whitmore x Bio-sibling!Reader, New JSA x NB Reader
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Let's just say after finding out your step-sister was a whole ass superhero, your life changed a bit. For the better who knows. But it was definitely different, having to watch the friends you made when first arriving at Blue Valley, and realizing they were the product of ISA members.
Unfortunately there happened to be a small predicament a certain football player had caught your attention; and you to them. Now as things started to slowly calm down and no villans were in sight, you took it upon yourself to go to e.v.e.r.y single football game artemis involved herself in.
Now unfortunately since her parents were thrown into jail you were now unbeknownst to you; her support system and the only person keeping her pumped for these games.
Artemis took in a deep breath as she focused on the football in her hands and giving herself motivation. Before she could think about her next movements a faint Go Artemis!!!" Could be heard for the one and only Y/N, her crush.
As everyone knew Artemis was a strong headed women, and most like her parents will go straight for it. But she couldn't do that with you. She had nerves she hadn't felt before. It annoyed her to say the least.
Artemis gave a faint smile and threw the football landing them a win. You looked down towards the female and smiled cheering on with the rest of the Blue Valley side. Now for any other football player they would think of this as normal, while Artemis felt goosebumps along her body as she saw you jumping up and down for her.
*Time Skip*
You walked down the halls, everyone loudly talking, while you headed towards the locker with your friends. You turn your head and say goodbye to your fellow friends, and sister. You quickly look down and bump into a very muscular figure. Before even needing to look up your had realized that it was none other than Artemis Crock.
"Oh shit! Im sorry!" Artemis shook it off with a faint blush. "It's fine just watch where your going next time." You nodded and head towards the direction you were heading.
Before you could make it 6 inches a hand fell on your shoulder stopping you. "Hey, I have to ask you something Y/N." You turn around and look at the female who's face started turning a faint pink. "Was just wondering if you wanted to hang out at some point around town. Me and you." Artemis tried keeping her face in a cool state and hide any nerves she had. Even if she felt like her stomach was doing flips. You look up at artemid and give her a blushing red smile, "I would love to." Artemis just nods, "Great, bye." She quickly heads off leaving you still a blushing mess.
You look over feeling someone looking over at you to only notice the whole JSA + your sister looking at you. Courtney walked up to you, "Y/N what are you doing! She's a crock!" You look over at her and shrug, "So? She's hot court." Courtney rolls her eyes and sighs.
Eh villans are hot anyway, you would pick srtemis over anyone anyday!
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6bluebells · 2 years
Okay- I'm responding to your response from my ask I promise... I just shit at responding to things I'm sorry /gen. I got distracted like five times, 6 including this one ig. Including putting it in a draft for another day after waiting a bit too long to even start it while starting a hestia hcs draft alongside it. But eh? I guess? (edit, I started answering an ask while writing this too. I'm so sorry I get so easily distracted lmao)
Anyway, pls tell me about prophecy!Poseidon. Have any thoughts about it? Maybe Sei just randomly says a bunch of cryptic shit and it ends up being true. It's not exactly prophetic powers, they just randomly said it and it ends up being a prophecy/warning that not even they understand? Idk, pls share thou's thoughts
Dw dw, take your time /gen.
My thoughts on Prophetic!Poseidon:
Before Apollo, Poseidon used to sprout Prophecies left right and centre. They were very cryptid and often held a lot of double meanings. Most of the prophecies were said underwater, because Sei was the strongest there (just roll with it /lh)
Delphin usually recorded the prophecies and they have a booklet filled with them. Every few decades or so, they go through it and cross out those that came true.
So then Apollo came along and Sei was relieved because he was getting tired of saying cryptic prophecies. Especially since some of them were some scary stuff.
Fast forward a few decades, Sei started to realise they he still has some prophetic powers. It started as a gut feeling, rather than sprouting words. You know, like the gut feeling that something bad is about to happen (and something bad happens), or that you need to double check something (and if you hadn't, you would have forgotten something)
Kinda like that. For example, he had the gut feeling to go check out the outside of Atlantis and found a sea monster trying to do a sneak attack on the city. He had the gut feeling to go to Olympus and he found Hera crying because Zeus cheated on her again and she needed comfort (which he willingly gave). Etc..
Then, a small voice in the back of his head started to sometimes whisper things. He was also subconsciously says those words aloud. Everybody was used to Sei being mysterious that nobody ever commented on the strange things Poseidon was sprouting. Some of the things he says do come true.
One time, they were in a counsel meeting and Poseidon just muttered 'A drunk will be among us,' and a year later Dionysus came along.
Another time, he was walking with Zeus and he suddenly stopped, stared at Zeus straight in the eye and whispered 'the darkness will take over the light,' and then continued walking as if nothing happened. *Zeus silently panics, 'cuz what does that mean.* The next day, Artemis gets so mad at Apollo that she causes a solar eclipse.
Stuff like that.
The thing is that the gods don't actually know if Sei is prophetic or if he's just messing with them, because sometimes he just says the most random words mixed together.
Sei doesn't always know what the words mean. He sometimes has an idea, while for others he's just confused.
He never lost the gut feeling thing. One day he walked past Hermes, stopped and pulled Hermes towards him. A disk flew by where Hermes was just before being pulled. Poseidon then stared into the distance, whispered 'they will be gone,' and kept walking like nothing had happened.
Hermes was scarred for a few days.
I just love the idea that Sei doesn't even know that he is saying these. If he found out he'll probably just panic or won't care, there's no in-between.
Just, Prophetic!Poseidon
Ask away if you have any more questions /gen
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laurasimonsdaughter · 3 years
It was very busy at Hotel Olympus this evening. Something to do with the stars, apparently. Or what people worshipping deities thought about the stars, at least. Charlie had been rushing left and right all afternoon. That didn’t mean she skipped out on checking in with the front desk, however, which is why she walked almost straight into Autolycus.
“Well hello Ms. Manager.” He was leaning against the counter, chatting with Cassandra.
“Hi Autolycus,” Charlie replied with patient neutrality. “Done with Mister Dionysus’ requests already?” The names were still giving her trouble, but she prided herself on proper pronunciation for both her guests and employees.
“Oh I have everything ready for him in advance, especially when he drops by with the wife,” Autolycus grinned. “No worries there.”
“Good,” Charlie nodded. She might not have time for his flirting, but Autolycus was very good at his job. She was not sure if  “head of room service” quite covered the extent of his services, but he didn’t seem to mind it.
“What about you, hm?” he prodded. “Anyone giving you trouble? Cass is already all worked up over nothing.”
“I’ll give you worked up over nothing,” Cassandra muttered under her breath, but judging from Autolycus’ winking Charlie had to assume this was not a real threat.
“No such thing as trouble,” she said decidedly. “At least not in the lobby of my…hotel…” Charlie trailed off, eyes straying to the glass doors of the main entrance, on the other side of which  Phaëton seemed to be doing a lot of running. There was a terrible racket outside.
“Good lord!” Charlie exclaimed. “Are those swans?”
Cassandra let out a barely muffled yelp. Trying to get out from behind her counter and looking at Autolycus with miserable reproach. “You made me lose track of the time! I cannot be here when he’s—”  
“Cass, Cass,” Autolycus tried to shush her, hands lifted in genuine apology. “Artemis is with him, he’s not gonna give you any—”
“Wait,” Charlie interrupted, turning back to the lit up figures just now making their entrance. “Those are Artemis and Apollo?”
Cassandra let out a soft noise of despair and fury.
“Right,” Charlie frowned. “Excuse me a moment. I need to speak with Ms. Artemis about hosting hunting parties inside my hotel suites.”
This time Cassandra sounded more like she choked. “Charlie!” she gasped. “Charlie, you can’t—”
But Charlie wasn’t listening. She was putting on her most polished managerial smile and bearing down on the two guests that were striding into her lobby with far less elegant steps than theirs.
“Mister Apollo? Ms. Artemis? Welcome back to Hotel Olympus!”
Two flawless faces turned her way and behind her at the counter, Cassandra and Autolycus held their breath.
“You have come without your friends today, Ms. Artemis?” Charlie asked pleasantly, resisting the urge to shield her eyes against the golden glow that seemed to radiate from Apollos’s hair.
“My nymphs will be joining me shortly,” Artemis replied, studying Charlie with eyes as endless as the hidden waters in the woods.
Oh great. “Wonderful,” Charlie smiled. “Then, may I suggest that if you and your friends want to engage in sports, the way you did during your last visit, you make use of our fitness facilities? I assure you these are much more suitable for both target practice and endurance runs than our suites.”
It became very quiet in the lobby. Even the swans and deer outside seemed to give up their protests as they were wrangled towards the stables. But Charlie was no longer intimidated by being looked up and down by wealthy women, even ones that carried a bow and arrow.
“These facilities,” Artemis said at length. “Where are they located?”
“On the ground floor of the east wing, I have been assured there is no need to reserve them as there is always enough room,” she replied. And then, remembering the mess in the bathroom, she added: “There are also several pools, ma’am, and one of those can be reserved for your party if you so wish.”
It was always a relief when guests went from thoughtful to smiling. The one implied they were thinking of ways to disagree with you, the other meant they had been won over.
“To have a pool to ourselves would be very pleasant,” Artemis said. “You will make sure no one can disturb us there?”
“I shall see to it you can bathe in privacy,” Charlie promised.
The smile in Artemis’ eyes lit up and before Charlie had the presence of mind to react, the goddess reached out a hand and pressed two soft fingers to the crown of her forehead. “Thank you, maiden, for your service. It is most appreciated. I shall now see to it that Helios’ boy does not upset my deer.” And she turned on the tips of her toes and disappeared back out of the front door, leaving Charlie to blink in confusion at her retreating form.
“Excuse me?” a voice that was clearly not used to speaking those words said beside her.
“Yes, Sir?” Charlie chimed promptly, turning to Apollo.
“Has my room been supplied with laurels?”
“If it hasn’t yet, Autolycos can take care of that for you, Sir.” She looked over her shoulder towards the front desk.
Autolycos and Cassandra were standing side by side, staring at her with partially open mouths.
“Autolycos,” Charlie said with emphasis. “Mister Apollo would like to speak to you about his floral arrangements.”
Autolycos’ feet never seemed to make any sound, even when he was moving at running speed. “Yes, ma’am!” He made a stiff little bow. “Right this way, Sir.”
Charlie nodded pleasantly as he ushered Apollo away and returned to the counter, where Cassandra was still staring.
“You alright, Cassandra?” she asked. “I know you said you didn’t want to be around whenever Apollo-“
“What did you say to her?” Cassandra’s eyes were as round as saucers.  “What did you say to Lady Artemis?”
“That she could use the swimming pool?” Charlie said. “As long as it keeps her and her friends from flooding the bathroom and attacking the furniture it’s all the same to me.” She rubbed absent-mindedly at her forehead with her sleeve. “Is dramatic touching a normal thank you, for your clients I mean.”
“No,” Cassandra said slowly. “No it isn’t. Be sure to mention it to Mister P. when you give him the report of the day.”
Charlie raised an eyebrow. “I’ve had people do way worse, good and bad,” she told her. “But if you say so, I will.”
When her next paycheck arrived, it was a significantly higher amount than the previous one.
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toffee-hammer · 2 years
It’s been a fair while but I finally got around to the final part in my Eden questline playthrough. A bit longer than usual but I wanted to keep it all to one post.
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Okay, I got my ass thoroughly handed to me but I managed to beat Mitron’s final form. Cool boss fight but wow is it a nightmare if you didn’t look up any of the mechanics first. Gonna be an expensive visit to my armour repair guy tonight. Anyway, looks like defeating Eden's Promise (probably one of the game’s weirder boss designs. Thanks Nomura) seems to have dropped Gaia straight into the void. That’s my bad.
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Oh, turns out Mitron is here too. Looks like his body is coming apart like Emet-Selch’s did after our fight so I’m guessing that won’t be the case for much longer. Unlike Emet though, I’m not too broken up about it this time. Dude couldn’t take “no” for an answer right up until the end.
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You’re kidding me. His real name was Artemis? Way to waste a good name on a goober you guys.
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So Mitron said his piece and poofed but I guess that means Gaia is stuck in the void now? She tried walking a random direction for a while but got tired and decided to lay down on the floor. Relatable.
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I guess I didn’t do the “protect Gaia’s memories” boss fight mechanic very well because she's still having trouble remembering things. The necklace she made for Ryne is doing a thing though.
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Oh shit! Speak of the devil and she shall slice open a dimensional gateway with her father figure’s old gunblade!
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Also, wow. I know I said it before but Gaia has it real bad.
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Oh my god. So they literally did the FFVIII scene with Squall and Rinoa but with Gaia and Ryne instead. One of the most romantic scenes in the entire Final Fantasy series and they brought it back with the gigantic pride crystal right there in the shot. When people told me this was the gayest storyline in the game I kinda thought they were messing with me but here we are.
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And as if that wasn’t enough Gaia hits Ryne with the same line her past self used on her ex. People who say these two are definitely just friends really are talking out of their asses aren’t they.
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Seriously, I genuinely thought Ryne was gonna go for it for a second here. 
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Varley’s just like “well, maybe next time”.
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This has been such a productive series of daytrips you guys. Just a good time all round. Did you two know I duelled the embodiment of despair in an impossible space at the edge of the universe recently? Nevermind, this is your thing.
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God, she’s so fucking precious. Gaia you’d best protect that smile with your life while I’m gone.
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So yeah, with that I’ve finished every raid storyline in the game so far. I’m glad I saved this one until last because it’s definitely my favourite. Alexander was fun too but Eden takes the top spot for me. I was glad they gave Ryne a little more to do after the main Shadowbringers story was over and Gaia is a great new character. I’m really hoping these two turn up again when the MSQ swings back around to the First again.
Wishlist for Ryne the next time we see her:
1) Dating Gaia
2) Gunbreaker 
3) Somehow retained the ability to transform into Shiva like Zenos did with Shinryu but she’s able to control it
Feel free to pick two or more Squeenix.
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