wcrldliar · 2 years
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‘   i don’t care who the fuck she is,   ’   maybe she does;   her hands are trembling more than she’d like.   or maybe it’s because clint’s life was almost ripped from her too.   and how many deaths would that have been ?    she doesn’t want to think about it.   ‘   she tried to hurt you.   ’
   @arrowloosed​   /   smol starter call
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@arrowloosed sent put the gun down. now.
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"i thought you were a bad guy, i just grabbed the closest weapon!" kate had heard the shuffling outside and jumped to the conclusion that it probably wasn't someone friendly. she quickly set aside the gun and took a few steps back from it for good measure. "what the hell happened to you? you said you'd be back in 15 minutes, it's been 40!" for once she'd actually done what she was told and stayed put. that wouldn't have lasted much longer though, she was getting worried and had been very close to going after clint.
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heroeslogic-moved · 2 years
REPLY to @arrowloosed / clint *
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she had thought it was a common nightmare, but maybe alice was just deluded. it wasn't that important though, not when he was threatening a waiver. "i'm not signing shit. i'm not signing away my right to blame you for my death! that's my right!," alice exclaimed, laughing.
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wlsonsarah · 2 years
@arrowloosed​ liked for a starter!
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“I told you to stop messin’ with your brother!” Sarah called out as she dug through a box of old Christmas decorations. “He started it!” “No, I didn’t!” “Yes, you did!” “Nuh uh!” AJ and Cass’ voices overlapped and Sarah let out a gentle huff. From the kitchen, she couldn’t quite hear, but the boys could hear perfectly. “Mama, someone’s at the door!” The boys called out in unison, sucking on candy canes and digging through their own pile of decorations. “I’m comin’!” Sarah called out, making her way towards the door. As soon as the door opened, she was greeted by an unfamiliar face. “Oh, hi! Sorry, just-” She carefully shuffled a box behind her as she pushed it around with her foot. “Is there somethin’ I can help you with?”
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scripteur · 2 years
@arrowloosed / ft. kate bishop CONT. FROM ASK
" yeah, let's not call it THAT. what is that, 2000s-speak? " kate shakes her head and takes a sip from her beer. they're looking a little worse for wear ( in typical hawkeye fashion ) after a long day of chasing drug traffickers through queens. but no one in the dive bar seems to give them a second look, so. small blessings.
it's clint's last statement that catches her a little off guard. " oh. i guess with all the girlfriends i just sort of assumed you were . . . into hookups? but, yeah. that's cool. " she's tempted to tack on something painfully honest like, ' sex is hard and complicated for me, too. ' but she'd need a few more drinks for that. so she gives him a smile, a warm one, before speaking again, " you know, the YA are the gayest, most accepting team. they're awesome, i love them. i think they just thought of me of as the STRAIGHT ONE for so long that it's just kinda weird, i dunno. "
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mvndrvke · 2 years
@arrowloosed ( continued. )
“What? Pftftftft-- agh.” Peter tries to stick out his tongue and ends up just licking his mask. He pulls it up so the bottom half of his face is showing. “I didn’t breathe in spores! It was a figure of speech.” He squats down and pretends to listen to the grass. “Hm. It says you’re bullying children.”
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mknbrd · 2 years
    ‘  so when you say  coffee  —  are we talking you make me coffee while i patch up whatever new wound you have going on, or are we raiding the employee lounge off hours ?  ’     /    @arrowloosed
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goldshadowsarchive · 2 years
@arrowloosed​  :  ❛ i’m gonna make sure this place is secure. ❜ harley end of the world.  /  accepting
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                           “ or i can just scan the building and then we can come up with a plan and get it done together. you know, instead of splitting up and you going in alone. ”  as he reached the end of his sentence he’s already got a look inside and knows how many people are in there.  “ i know you’re a big boy and very capable but there’s about 17 guys in there. ”
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soulmissed · 2 years
you see, if you came to him … twenty years ago, and said i think i’m turning into a werewolf, clint would say - no you aren’t. that was some time before he saw things like gods coming down from the sky and people who could turn green and really big, and then human and really small again. “did you … get bit by a werewolf?” 
“ no, but i found this creature on my bed. ” the “creature” he’s referring to is actually his teddy bear. (which august grips tightly in one hand and waves in clint’s face.) “ looks like a werewolf to me. ”
his eyes narrow at the stuffed toy. “ any minute now, this could be me. ” 
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moltolavoro · 2 years
@arrowloosed​ : 
it's a good question, considering - well, the last place he was willingly was on the roof. he looks up - through the dust and the debris - and right, that's the sky. 
you're not meant to see the sky when you're inside. 
"city's crumbling infrastructure at work," he says, and is surprised when he can hear his own voice. he needs to rethank stark for the hearing aid design that sticks in his ears even when you fall through a roof. 
at the least - the very least - the building is seemingly abandoned. falling through the ceiling won't be on a security camera somewhere. he hopes. 
he shoves dust and debris out of his hair. 
"you good, kid?"
he is...breathless. the kind of breathless that comes from landing flat on his back, like his lungs have been flattened. he coughs, and dust rises up, off the mask. 
clint’s conscious. that’s good. peter sits up, shakes his head. shakes it off - that’s kind of his whole thing. ❛ i’m good, ❜ he signs at the same time, fingers a little clumsy about it, but his brain’s starting to come back to rights in his head.
❛ you? ❜
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daemondaes · 2 years
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@arrowloosed​ said: you look like you want a grilled cheese. let’s get you a grilled cheese.
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    Cherry’s face puckered in the most gruesome way. She tossed her hands up, indignant. “That’s, like, not even a band-aid solution.” Her eyes rolled and she groaned. “I got blood on my favorite sneakers, and not just a speck of it either! This is life-ruining.” They weren’t among the rarest, most difficult-to-replace in her collection, but the sentimental value was significant even if the price tag wasn’t. 
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    Her shoulders drooped and she bent slightly at the knee, as though she were being tugged to the ground. “Are you making the grilled cheese? You got a secret recipe? Or is this one of those ‘chicken soup’ kinda deals, where it’s comforting ’cause it’s warm and basic?” She pouted as she watched him, mistrustful. “I want one of those gourmet grilled cheeses. That’s a distraction. Instagrammable too.”
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natasha shook her head, his excuse that it was a scream bringing a chuckle to her lips. “right, a silent scream. so i’m guessing you’d want nothing to do with my making another pot of coffee. because you’re screaming.” she made a show of sitting back and getting comfortable like she wasn’t going to get up and make them more coffee. she was tired too, but she wasn’t going to admit that.
reply to @arrowloosed / clint barton *
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leschanceux · 2 years
@arrowloosed​ might be insufferable! -
yelena just smiles enigmatically, tapping the side of her nose in the universal wouldn’t you like to know? style. “i never said that you were on my list. you said that about yourself.” childish, perhaps, but no less true. “king of misinformation? misdirection is more accurate.”
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vihilum · 2 years
@arrowloosed said, “i’d have done that for you. all you had to do is ask.”
Frustration has reached its boiling point. Of course he would have, because that’s what a hero does, so dwells the mantra that occupies the forefront of her own mind, what they were willing to do for each other, endlessly, always. “I didn’t want to ask you,” because he was caught up in his own stresses, overwhelmed and focused on his other mission, she had done everything herself and she had succeeded.
“I don’t always need help, Clint,” Kate’s blotting blood on a piece of tissue before she applies the patch to the gash on her knee, “I can do some things myself,” for herself. Kate felt like she needed a reminder she didn’t need help all the time. “I appreciate it,” cyan hues flicker his direction. She smiles. “But I got it.”
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mvndrvke · 2 years
@arrowloosed ( continued. )
“No,” Kate signs. “You’re the buttcrack of the couch. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you’ll find inner peace.”
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mknbrd · 3 months
" i think — i wanna take frankie to san diego, for a bit. " a vacation. she needs a vacation. and she thinks frankie would like that beach. and frankie's seen iowa, and the countryside, but he hasn't seen where she comes from, and — it's important to her in a way that bobbi can't explain. " is that... is that alright with you ? " / @arrowloosed
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