#arrow x saizo
sir-subpar · 2 years
What do we call this? (Ringo x Saizo x Arrow)
Relationship: Ringo x Arrow x Saizo
Arrow's been thinking about how Ringo and Saizo have started treating him differently, flirting with him, cuddling him... Surely that's because they're friends, right?
Aka: Arrow can't seem to fathom that it's possible for people to like him back, so Ringo and Saizo spell it out for him.
*Author Note: I recently bought Soul Hackers 2, I wouldn't say it's my favorite game, and I don't think it was worth the high price, but I do like it! I especially like these 3 characters. It's a gorgeous game, and the story so far is interesting. I think the crew should have just made it a movie. I haven't finished the game yet, so there shouldn't be many spoilers here, but I don't know. It's "post canon", but I'm kinda making it up here as I don't know how the game actually ends yet.
With the world saved, and the apocalypse prevented, things went back to normal.
Well, as normal as they could be, anyway. Arrow, Milady, and Saizo were all still summoners, and Ringo had decided to stick around instead of returning to Aion.
So, now Arrow had basically a sentient, humanoid supercomputer as his safehouse roommate and travel partner. He wasn't complaining though, Ringo made good company.
Ringo's presence wasn't the only thing that changed, Saizo decided to spend more time with the two of them as well, and occasionally Milady joined in, but not too often if it wasn't battle-related.
Not that it bothered Arrow much, it was still hard for him to get along with her. Saizo was much easier to get along with, thankfully.
Speaking of Saizo, Arrow had noticed a bit of a… shift regarding him.
One thing that was clear about Saizo, was that he was kind of a flirt. Though thankfully not pushy or too inappropriate, it took Arrow some getting used to.
"Looking good, Arrow."
"Are you Cupid's Arrow? Because I think I'm in love."
Arrow hadn't thought that much about it at first. After all, Saizo flirted with Ringo and Milady too.
They were heading out for some relaxation time and drinks. Walking through the city, there were puddles everywhere from last night's rainstorm. With that post-rain smell, and the neon lights of the town reflecting off the remaining water, it was a pleasant day for the four of them.
After waiting for the crosswalk to be cleared of vehicles, Saizo stepped off the sidewalk and halted. He turned around and delicately set his white jacket onto a muddy puddle.
With a slight bow, and one arm behind his back, he held his free hand out, palm up towards Ringo. A small toothy smile on his face.
Ringo may not have been an expert on humans, but she knew exactly what Saizo was doing. She gave him a knowing but still friendly smile, and took him up on his non verbal offer. Her hand in his, she lightly stepped on the soaked jacket, and walked towards dryer ground. He gave her a quick spin before letting go of her hand, the act gaining a light giggle from Ringo. Once their hands were no longer linked, he turned back to face Milady with the same smile, and offered his hand to her.
Which was met with a punch to his gut.
Saizo let out an "OOF!" and doubled over, his hands on his now injured abdomen. The air forcibly knocked out of him, he stumbled.
Arrow wouldn't be surprised if it ended up bruising.
Milady sauntered past all of them, not batting an eye and leaving them a bit shocked. Despite her attack on Saizo, the man stood straight again and composed himself. He smiled again, even if it was slightly strained.
He faced Arrow, and, much to his surprise, held his hand out to him. Just as he did for Ringo and Milady.
Arrow hesitated, not so much out of discomfort as much as out of… confusion? Maybe just shock? For whatever reason. Arrow just hadn't expected to be treated the same way.
The same way Saizo treated people he was interested in.
Arrow couldn't ignore the heat rushing into his cheeks at that idea. Unsure of what else to do, he placed his hand on Saizo's palm. Gloved fingers curled around his hand in a gentle grip. Saizo gently tugged Arrow's arm, guiding him over the puddle, letting him step on his jacket.
Arrow wasn't ready to admit it, but it made him feel… special. Saizo taking the time to do this, letting his own jacket be ruined for the sake of being charming to the others, it felt nice.
Arrow took a bite of pizza, sitting back on the couch in his safe house. The others were out doing their own missions, giving him time to think things over. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that this strange "shift" wasn't just with Saizo, but Ringo as well.
Ah yes, Ringo.
The one who brought him back from the dead when they first met. WWhat a memorable day that was.
When the world was saved, he expected her to return to Aion, what with her discomfort with her physical form and all. He didn’t expect her to stay, or want to stay. Looking back, it seemed silly to think that. She was naturally curious, and she liked being friends with the whole gang. It made sense that she wouldn’t want to abandon the people she spent so much time and effort protecting. Honestly, Arrow was glad she stayed. He got used to her being around. She kept life interesting. Sure, he wished she was a little less reckless sometimes, but if she were, would she really be Ringo anymore?
He learned a lot from her, and she from him. That was probably one of his favorite things about spending time with her. Even if it did result in him having an existential crisis sometimes.
It wasn’t always something big like Devil Summoning, sometimes it was something as small as baking, or gardening. There were so many human experiences that Ringo hadn’t tried before, and there was a part of Arrow that was excited to show her. She made some of the most mundane human things sound amazing, in a way, it reminded him of how intricate the world was.
Arrow hadn’t seen Ringo in almost an hour, she took off randomly and just disappeared. It made nerves twist in Arrow’s gut. Where had she gone? Why? What if something was wrong? It was freezing outside, ice and snow everywhere. What if she got hypothermia? Or frostbite?
He wasn’t sure if she could suffer from those things, but if she could pass out from exhaustion, it wasn’t weird to think of it as a possibility, right?
Bundled in his winter attire, he opened the door and let the freezing air rush over him. He quickly shut the door behind him, not letting the heat escape. A gray sky stretched endlessly above him, small flurrying flakes of snow softly fell around him, coating everything it touched. He could see his own breath, brief clouds that disappeared in seconds. He looked at the ground below him, completely blanketed by white, he noticed faded imprints in the snow. Their shape wasn’t a solid silhouette, as snow began to fill the holes, but he could tell they were most likely made by high heels.
That’s probably a good lead.
He followed the trail, his own boots leaving fresh prints in the snow, he could hear the frozen water crunch beneath his feet with every step. The prints lead him through the wooded area around him, as he continued, the prints got more and more defined.
Eventually, he spotted a clearing in the trees ahead of him, a weeping willow stood before him, all the wispy leaves and branches frozen over, icicles hung from each branch, he felt like he was watching a waterfall that had been frozen in time, completely still. As he got closer, he noticed a warped but familiar green reflection.
He stepped into the clearing, Ringo mere feet in front of him. Her head tilted back, and she held her hands up high.
He sighed. Looks like she wasn’t hurt, that was a relief, but what was she doing? Was this all she had been doing this whole time? Just standing out here?
She stood in her usual attire, her suit top, flashing green jacket and shorts, the longer strands of her hair waved in the breeze.
He approached her, standing by her side, she looked up at him, her magenta eyes wide with what he assumed was either surprise or intrigue.
“What are you doing out here?” He quizzed.
She looked up towards the sky again. “I feel strange.” was all she said.
Arrow raised a brow at this, “What do you mean?”
“I can’t stop shaking,” she held her hand out to him, “My hands, they’re stiff, I can’t feel them as much as usual. And my skin has developed an unusual texture.” She avoided eye contact, “I think something is wrong.”
Upon closer inspection, Arrow confirmed that she was, in fact, trembling. Her usually pale cheeks were much more red, and there was a considerable amount of snow in her hair. Her legs were covered in goosebumps. His eyes widened a bit.
“You’re cold.”
Ringo tilted her head, looking up at him with questioning eyes.
“Your body, it’s reacting to the cold weather, trying to warm up.”
He gently gathered her hands in his, they felt like ice themselves. He cupped his hands around her’s, and held them up to his lips. He began to puff warm air onto them. The same hands that had brought him back to life, that healed him when a bullet had violated his skull, that held a sword and tore demons asunder… seemed so delicate now in his own hands.
“You just need to warm up, and you'll feel better.” Arrow reluctantly pulled away for a moment and removed his outer jacket. He was glad he wore layers.
He draped it across Ringo's shoulders, it was large on her, the thick fabric practically drowning her. Unfortunately it still didn't cover her legs, so she was still going to be cold, but it was something, at least.
"There, that should be better. Now, why don't we head back and-"
Arrow chuckled at the memory. Ringo was stubborn, and she made the decision to fool around in the snow. When he had suggested going inside again, she grabbed a clump of snow and smashed it into his face. And thus, an intense snowball fight began.
It took a while before they returned to the safehouse. He swore it must have been over an hour.
"Jeez, I can't even bring you home without you causing trouble, can I?" He said as he made hot chocolate for the two of them.
Ringo laughed from her spot on the couch, curled up in a blanket.
"You're just grumpy 'cause you lost." She teased.
"Am not." He rolled his eyes.
"Mmm… doubt it."
Arrow brushed off the light teasing, and sat next to her, he handed her a warm mug of hot chocolate. She took a sip, then snuggled up into his side. Forcing a chill to run through his body at the physical contact. Like he just hugged a glacier.
"Ah! Y-You're C-cold-!" He protested.
"You mentioned that earlier."
He tried to wriggle away, but to no avail. She only gripped him tighter.
"Yeah, but now you're making ME feel cold!"
"And you're making me feel warm. It seems we're at an impasse."
He tried to squirm away again, but it proved useless.
"W-Well will you at least share the blanket?"
They stayed bundled up on the couch for the rest of the night, after they warmed up, he actually found himself falling asleep. As strange of a day that was, he looked back on it with fond memories.
As he thought more about the two Summoners, he realized he felt that "shift" again.
He noticed the shift wasn't just in the others' behaviors, but his own too.
Saizo started flirting less with Milady. (probably a smart choice), and more with Ringo and him.
Ringo also began flirting a bit.
Now that felt weird.
It somehow felt even weirder when they would both flirt with him.
Surely they were just playing around, trying to get a reaction out of him, they didn't mean anything by it, right?
… Right?
As soon as he had that thought, he felt a sharp pang in his chest. Like a small needle just jabbed his heart.
What the-?
Why did he have that reaction? Was he… hurt by that? Why would he be upset? It wasn't his business whether or not his friends were attracted to him. Even if… he was maybe drawn to them.
He was pulled from his train of thought when he heard the clicks of the safe house's front door being unlocked.
Saizo held the door open, Ringo trotting past him. The two were in the midst of a light hearted conversation, laughing and joking before they noticed Arrow on the couch.
Ringo jogged up to him first and plopped onto the couch right next to him. She rested her head on his shoulder.
She was so close to him.
"Hey, why the long face? Did you miss us or something?" She asked, lightly teasing him.
Before Arrow could reply, Saizo settled in next to him in his usual laid-back way, with one leg crossed over the other, leaning back on the couch.
Arrow couldn't help but be surprised when he felt something lightly tugging his hair. A quick sideways look revealed that Saizo was playing with it. Grasping the ebony strands, he very gently twirled them around his finger.
"Aww, Arrow, are you feeling lonely?"
Arrow wasn't able to ignore the warmth rising in his cheeks. Or the sudden pounding in his chest.
Why was he so nervous? It wasn't like they were bothering him, right? He… didn't dislike it when they did things like this. But every time they did, there was a part of him that just remembered that it didn't mean anything. It wasn't real.
His muscles tensed, especially in his chest.
Did he want it to be real? To be touched and have it mean something? If he asked for that, wouldn't it put Saizo and Ringo in an unfair spot? Wouldn't that be asking too much from them?
But if they kept playfully teasing him, and he kept wanting it to be 'real', would he still feel this way?
Every time Ringo or Saizo held his hand, leaned on his shoulder, messed with his hair, it was jarring, but when they stopped he immediately craved their touch again.
He didn't want to keep feeling good for a few seconds, only for reality to barge in and remind him that his feelings were irrelevant.
"Arrow! What's wrong!?"
He jumped, wide eyed.
Ringo's magenta colored eyes met his own. They were full of shock and concern. Her brows knitted together, focussed and tense.
"H-Huh? What-?" He tried to speak, but his voice was uneven. Shaking.
Suddenly he heard Saizo's voice interject.
"Arrow, why are you crying? What happened?" His voice asked, ever so delicately.
Arrow brought his hand to his eyes, rubbing them. His fingers turned damp. Saizo was right.
How long had he been crying? How did he not notice?
He tried to find his voice.
"I-I'm sorry- I don't- I just… I'm sorry, I don't have the words.."
Ringo grasped his hand.
"Can you tell us what happened?" She questioned.
"Yeah," Saizo added, "Maybe we can help?" He wrapped an arm around Arrow.
There it was, that feeling again. They were touching him, and he prayed they wouldn't let go.
He wanted…
No, he needed…
"What are we?" He murmured, but since both of them were so close, they could still hear him, as evident by their shocked and confused faces.
"What do you mean?" Ringo asked.
Arrow avoided eye contact with either of them, instead his eyes glued themselves to the floor, his brows knitted together.
"I mean… how do you feel about me?"
Both seemed taken aback. Ringo quickly shook her head a few times, as if trying to see if she was malfunctioning. Saizo's eye widened, briefly freed from the curtain of green hair that usually concealed it.
"Isn't it obvious?" Ringo began.
"We're crazy about you, Arrow." Saizo answered.
Arrow's face took on a dubious expression.
"We love you, Arrow. We thought you knew that." Ringo added.
"In what way though?" He asked.
"Arrow… what brought this up?" Saizo questioned as he put a hand on Arrow's back. His laid back posture was lost.
Arrow avoided eye contact with either of them.
"Please, just…" Arrow let out a shaky breath and clenched his fists, desperate not to lose his composer more than he already had, "..just answer the question.." He pleaded, voice barely above a whisper.
The two green haired summoners exchanged a look, then refocused on Arrow. Ringo carefully grabbed Arrows arm, one hand on his upper arm, the other resting on his shoulder.
Saizo was the first to answer.
"Well. I can't exactly speak for both of us, but I know how I feel. I mean, I thought I made it pretty clear that I find you pretty attractive. I don't just mean looks, either. I do have feelings for you romantically."
Saizo's lips curled up, exposing his sharp teeth in a goofy, nervous smile.
Ringo nodded at his words, she held her fingers to her chin, like she always did when she was analyzing something.
"I'll admit, I'm still inexperienced in these types of feelings as I haven't exactly been 'human' for as long as you two have, but from what I understand, I have similar thoughts towards you as Saizo does," she shot Saizo a small smile.
"It would be a lie for me to say that I haven't imagined us bonding in a more romantic setting."
Arrow looked into Ringo's eyes, her magenta irises seemed like they were tugging at his soul, trying to bring him back to reality. Like when they first met, but different...
He glanced to his right, at Saizo. Saizo's blue eye peered through the green hair that usually acted like a curtain. Shielding the beautiful opal-like iris from the world.
They both looked so earnest… but if that was the case, then why…?
"I thought you two liked each other?"
"We do." Saizo said.
"But we also like you." Ringo finished.
"Look, Arrow. If you don't feel the same way, that's alright-" Ringo began, but Arrow shortly shut it down with:
"It's not that! I just…"
The greenettes leaned in, both hanging on his every word.. They really liked him?
"Why me?"
Both seemed taken aback. Ringo in particular gave him a look like he said something really stupid.
"Really Arrow? Come on. There's so much to appreciate." She began.
"You're loyal and helpful…"
Saizo then decided to jump in.
"You're always looking out for people, even when they aren't all that kind to you."
"You work hard. Everything you do, you do it with your best effort." Ringo added with a smile.
"You ground us when we're lost, you make everything seem simpler. When things get overwhelming, you're the one who makes it easier to handle."
"You're kind."
The two kept taking turns listing different qualities. Arrow couldn't help but turn bright red. There was never a moment in his life where he'd been complimented this much.
His face became even redder somehow when they started complimenting his appearance.
"It certainly helps that you're smokin hot." Saizo said shamelessly, which was met with a face palm from Ringo. Saizo gave a defensive shrug. "What? It's true!"
"Yes, but you could phrase it better." She replied, trying to be serious, but both men could see her struggling to hold back a smile.
"Okay then, how about I get more specific?" Saizo scooted closer, his leg against Arrow's, and he held Arrow's hand. He brought it up to his lips, and gave a gentle kiss to his knuckles.
"Arrow, you are beautiful. Allow me to be a bit superficial for a second, but honestly, you are." Saizo used his free hand to comb through Arrow's hair.
"Your hair is so soft," Saizo's hand moved down to cup his cheek, "Your face is honestly just very nice, your eyes are like a golden amber, so warm and welcoming."
"I love it when you smile.."
Ringo decided it was her turn to make some observations.
"You're so warm," she maneuvered onto his lap, (her legs extended onto Saizo's as well, since she sat sideways) and wrapped her arm around him. "I love holding you, and I like it when you hold me too."
"We adore you, Arrow." Saizo said, deciding to get closer, he nuzzled the side of Arrow's head.
Arrow's breath hitched. He started trembling.
Arrow was sure his blood pressure was through the roof. He must've been as red as an entire tomato garden. If he got any more flustered, he was sure his head would pop.
"Okay okay! Y-You can stop! I get it!" He yelled flustered.
"I…um.. I love you guys too." Arrow looked at their smiling faces. Priceless, beautiful smiles.
"So… do we.. Should we be romantic then? The three of us?"
Ringo shrugged. "I don't see why not."
Saizo smiled. "In down if you two are."
"Have either of you… well I guess Ringo probably hasn't, but have you guys ever been in a poly relationship?"
Ringo shook her head.
Saizo shrugged. "Nah, but I've always been open to the idea."
"It's alright, we'll figure it out as we go. No need to scare ourselves over it." Ringo chimed.
Saizo beamed. "Yeah, we can just do what feels right to us."
"So, what do you say, Arrow?" Ringo quizzed. "Wanna go out with us?"
Arrow turned his head away for a moment, but made no effort to get away from them. He closed his eyes.
He could feel the warmth of Saizo's hand as the man's fingers intertwined with his own. The feeling of Ringo sitting in his lap, with her arm around him wasn't lost. He felt so warm.
The felt the sparks within him again, but this time, no jabbing in his heart.
They loved him. They loved him.
He couldn't help but sniffle a bit, tears returned to his eyes. This time, however, there was no shame.
He looked back at the two, and grinned.
"Yes, I'd love to."
Ringo threw her hands into the air. "Nice!"
Saizo's toothy grin welcomed him. He gripped Arrow's face and kissed his cheek.
"There's the smile we love!"
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nagisaamane · 2 years
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Arrow x Ringo x Saizo I've been obsessed with Arrow lately! I even started to do yume with him~ So here's a little self indulgence love triangle to show the attractiveness of Arrow and Saizo in their swimsuits~ Arrow, Ringo, Saizo - nahosura Sofa from club velvet - apricothere This is 3D Fanart, not official!
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Can someone please write some soul hackers 2 Saizo x reader or Arrow x reader fics before I die
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svenerd · 2 years
Soul Hackers 2 - Official Aion's Allies and Mission Trailer
Soul Hackers 2 – Official Aion’s Allies and Mission Trailer
Soul Hackers 2 – Official Aion’s Allies and Mission Trailer Check out the latest Soul Hackers 2 trailer. This time, we meet Ringo and Figue, two AI beings who have been created by the digital hive mind, Aion. Alongside their allies Arrow, Milady, and Saizo, these characters must work together to prevent the end of the world. Soul Hackers 2 releases on PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, and Xbox One…
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recentanimenews · 2 years
New Soul Hackers 2 Trailer Shows Off Saizo
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  Atlus released a new character trailing detailing the party member, Saizo, in Soul Hackers 2. The official Japanese website has also updated his character page to reflect some other details, including his height of 177 cm and his occupation as a freelancer.
  Alongside Arrow and Milady, Saizo was also murdered and brought back to life with Ringo's Soul Hacking ability. He's calm and collected and often assumes the role of a mediator whenever group conflicts occur, especially between Arrow and Milady.
  Saizo's COMP weapon is a sub-machine gun and he's adept with Force (wind) elemental skills. He also sports a high agility stat as well as specializes in recovery skills and item usage.
  RELATED: Soul Hackers 2 Details Milady in New Trailer
  Another character detailed was Ash, a girl with wild pink hair. She used to be in a relationship with Saizo and also played a part in his murder. However, it seems like Saizo's initial death was unintentional.
  Soul Hackers 2 launches on August 25 in Japan and August 26 worldwide for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.
      Source: Gematsu    
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George Yang is a freelance writer specializing in video games and pop culture. He has written for sites like IGN, GameSpot, Kotaku, The Verge, NPR, and Complex. You can follow him on Twitter @yinyangfooey.
By: George Yang
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nightingaledarling · 7 years
microdrabbles: petits fours
Fandom: Samurai Love Ballad Party Timeline/Continuity: Canon and Modern AU. Characters: All 12 main lords + Shigezane, Hotaru, and Kageie Genre: Varied Microdrabble count: 50 total, anywhere from 2-4 per character Warnings: Spoilers for all routes, Acts 1 and 2. Slight dub con in Mitsuhide’s and Kageie’s sections, but nothing worse than you’d find in canon. Rating: Varied, up to R Notes: Once upon a time when fandoms congregated on Livejournal, they used to have these drabble challenges. One of them was one sentence fics. So you think you’ve seen run-on sentences with metric fucktons (this is an actual legit unit of measurement btw) of commas and hyphens? You ain’t seen nothing yet!
Breaking the rules here and utilizing multiple pairings/characters because that’s how I do. Oof.
Prompts are from Theme Set Epsilon of the 1Sentence Community.
I. Nobunaga
09. King With his sword at his hip, overcoat swaying in the breeze as he stands up on the battlements, smile lined with ruthless ambition, you think he looks rather like a king.
26. Goodbye It doesn’t matter that both of you are fading fast - you simply thank the gods that allowed you to be by his side until the very end, and you hope and pray that one day you’ll meet again.
40. History The pure conviction in Representative Oda’s voice reminds you of rulers from times past - but why does it also make you ache?
21. Fool He calls you a foolish, brazen little thing, but if he still loves you even now, four hundred years later, who is the true fool - he or you?
II. Mitsuhide
12. Wait You put a hand to his chest, your half-hearted protest dying in your throat when you see his pupils blown wide with want as he says, voice low and strained, I am sorry, my darling, but I cannot.
15. Hold My love, my darling, my dearest - all names that wrap you with the warmest affection.
49. Hunger You set the tray of treats onto the dais, and when you turn away and catch his eyes, they speak of anticipation and desire and promises to do all manner of things to you tonight that you flush and cannot excuse yourself quickly enough.
19. Soul Something about him is so familiar and warm and kind and dear that your heart seems to know him, even if you do not.
III. Yukimura
06. Gentle Those hands are strong enough to concuss a man, vicious enough to slice one to his innards, but when they lay upon your cheeks, they are so incredibly gentle.
17. Vision Admittedly, you are but a humble cook’s daughter - but when he looks at you, eyes lit up like the summer sky, you admit with pride - yes, I am his wife, I am the Lady Sanada.
41. Power It’s said that love makes you weak, but that’s a lie - because as he cuts through his foes on the battlefield with your smile on his mind, he knows that the man with someone worth fighting for is the strongest one of all.
01. Motion It all happens so very quickly - one moment your husband is at your side and the next, he’s pulling you underneath him and you can only watch in horror as he uses his body to shield you from the thousands of arrows that come raining down.
IV. Saizo
11. Blur The pair of you zip through the trees dizzyingly fast to leave the world behind, and when his fingers curl into your skin just a little tighter, holding you against his warmth, you thank the gods for his rare selfishness.
44. Wall Lord Yukimura said once that he never lets anyone in - but as time goes on and you see the fondness in those knowing smirks, the softness in the red of his eyes, the affection in the way he speaks to you - you wonder if you’ve made your way in.
18. Attention For the first time, you find that the roles are reversed - now you are the one who prepares to leave the room (only to get a fresh basin of cold water, of course) whereas Saizo is the one who, fever-addled as he is, wraps his arms around your hips in a silent plea to stay.
16. Need You bite your lip, allowing your body’s responsiveness to his touch speak for itself, but your lover is nothing if not determined to hear you voice your desire - be honest with us, little lady, and I might be kind.
V. Masamune
28. Fortune He has given you so much already; you find it is only right to give him an omamori made with the pieces of your hair pin, and it is all the more worth it when he grants you that smile that melts your heart and says thank you, I’ll cherish it always.
32. Eye It still surprises him when you tell him how you feel - because when you say that you love him, he knows that you mean all of him - even the parts that he can’t accept, even the parts that he hates.
13. Change “I will live as long as there are people who depend on me - that will not change, Mother, not even for you.”
37. Time Soon his hair will start to gray, and the backs of your hands will begin to spot, but you will stay by his side as he will stay by yours - because with the moon as your witness, you have promised each other your years, your hearts, your everything.
VI. Kojuro
04. Last There is a certain degree of insecurity to be expected when with a man of Kojuro’s experience - but though you may not be his first lover, you intend to be his last.
23. Child He has joked about it more than once, but when you notice him splaying his fingers over your belly and pressing kisses to the soft skin there more often in recent months, you wonder if he is serious after all.
48. Precious He says it fondly with a smile first thing in the morning, he groans it into your skin when you two are coupled as close as can be, he declares it with a warning when you become overly aggressive in tidying his study - no matter how the word escapes him, you never grow tired of hearing it.
VII. Hideyoshi
05. Wrong “No titles, no honorifics, just me - Hideyoshi.”
08. Thousand You have heard the rumors of course - the man of a thousand lovers - and when he puts his skilled mouth between your thighs, you think that they must be true, that you are only one of a thousand.
07. One But when he laces his fingers with yours and breathes your name with all the reverence and love in the world, you know that you are wrong - that you are not one of a thousand, that you are only one.
VIII. Inuchiyo
35. Sudden You straddle him in attempt to tickle him under his arms, but when he looks up at you shock-still and breathless, lips parted with want, you pause and realize in that moment that nothing will ever be the same again.
24. Now You cannot keep thinking of the past - not when he’s pushing you down into the futon, your hands clawing at his clothing - not when you want him now, now, now.
29. Safe His face pressed to your neck, you hold him close - for with all the years you spent apart, you may not know the demons he battles, but because he spent his childhood protecting you, you’re now more determined than ever to return the favor.
27. Hide You peek demurely up at him from under the wataboshi and whisper you found me, and though his cheeks are flushed from happiness and anticipation, he manages to reply I always will.
IX. Ieyasu
02. Cool This must be a dream, you think upon waking and finding a poultice and a compress packed to your brow, but when he mutters shut your mouth and get better, the sentiment is so him that you realize this must be real after all.
45. Naked Every inch of you is mine, he declares, drawing his fingers down between your breasts, over your belly, settling in the wetness between your legs, from here to here to here.
42. Bother He reaches out to grasp your wrist, tugging you to sit back down next to him - his eyes only straying from his book for a half-second to tell you stay where you are - and you’ve never felt so loved.
X. Mitsunari
31. Book You know that no tome in the world can capture what he’s trying to say, so when you enter his chambers and see him flipping through pages with an embarrassed blush on his cheeks, you press his hand to your heart and cup his cheek and quietly remind him don’t think - feel.
33. Never For someone so learned, he rarely uses his words when it counts - but when he holds you close like this, capturing your mouth with strong but achingly sweet kisses, he doesn’t need to.
XI. Kenshin
34. Sing Let me hear it once more, he murmurs into your hair, trailing his fingers down your throat, across the sweat cooling on your skin, that lovely song that is mine and mine alone.
39. Torn Ah but this is my favorite as well, Lord Kenshin says dreamily as he caresses a ripped blue kerchief, and you wonder if it would be overstepping if you offered to mend it - at the very least, this place would be cluttered by one less thing.
43. God They call him thusly, and when you see the blood dripping from his sword and the crimson that stains the front of his robe, the fear in you cowers to the name so well-deserved.
XII. Shingen
30. Ghost The sharp pangs of loss have long faded, but even now you sometimes think you can still hear his heavy footsteps in the hall, see the flash of his red hair, feel his insistent lips upon your skin.
20. Picture When your son holds out a brush and paper and asks you to show him what his father looked like, you take both items with a smile born no longer of pain but of fondness as you say well my love, I shall try.
XIII. Shigezane
36. Stop Your breath catches when you hear his thinly-veiled threat to your lord - if you don’t start treating her right, someone else will - and he sounds so determined, so sure of the inevitability that you can’t help but think what if.
50. Believe When his forces are vastly outnumbered on the battlefield, he sends you running with a disarming smile and a trust me, doll, and you find that, despite all odds pitted against him, you do.
38. Wash Not there - here, he says cheekily, moving your hand holding the washcloth from his upper back to his front and down until you go scarlet.
XIV. Hotaru
03. Young He may not know the intricacies of human emotion - but that just makes you want to gather him close and love him all the same.
14. Command You know what he can do, how he can bend man’s will with just a word, but he never abuses that with you and never has to - for all he needs to do is smile and you would willingly give him everything.
XV. Kageie
25. Shadow He’ll back you into your room, pressing cold fingers to your mouth to coerce you into silence as his lips fall onto your neck, your chest, before drawing back and leaving you with not a trace, befitting of the shadow that haunts his name.
47. Harm ...Or so you think, until you wake up in the morning and notice a stark purple bruise on the swell of your breast - right there where his teeth had been.
XVI. Reader’s Choice
10. Learn You’re a quick study, he praises you on a sharp intake of breath, curling his fingers in your hair, and though your face reddens, you push the covers away so he can see you swallow him down.
22. Mad All it takes is a kiss, openmouthed and filthy - or a touch, over your clothes to all your sensitive spots, and you’re left trembling and quaking and mad with desire.
46. Drive His hands steering, your hair in the wind - no matter if it’s by horse or by car, four hundred years ago or now, you loved him back then as you love him today.
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hotdamnvoltageman · 7 years
fight or flight
kirigakure saizo x mc (unnamed)
a/n: alright so an anon requested prompt 2 “please don’t leave me,” and i had this partial one-shot lying around and thought ‘well, that could fit nicely.’ and then it just. kept getting longer. and longer. and here we are. it’s a monstrosity i’m sorry.
@jemchew @demon-princess-anastasia @naerial @pasunny
Not her, he thinks, desperately, his consciousness clawing to regain itself. Not her. Anyone but her.
There's blood running down his arms, his legs, his face—there's blood between his fingers and in his eyelashes and it’s still dripping, slow rivers winding down his skin.
He pulls himself to his feet, reminding himself that if he dies, nobody remains to protect her, nobody remains to keep her from dying.
She's strong, but she can't possibly stand alone against an entire army.
He spits blood and starts running. He's good at running. No matter how far she is, he'll reach her.
The wind is hollow in his ears, but he reminds himself that the sooner he gets there, the sooner he can assure himself that she's safe.
The sooner he can admit to himself just what it is that's sending him flying this way.
He's late to the party, it seems, though he already knew that.
He arrives to find fire and desolation. He stands in the village, momentarily confused and a little more terrified than he expected—
And then she's there, rushing towards him, and the fact that she appears unscathed is enough to make him nearly fall to his knees in relief.
But he's a ninja of Iga. So he doesn't.
"Saizo!" She cries, desperate. "We have to evacuate the village—help me, we—" He grabs her wrist and pulls her back towards him. Her breaths are ragged and her eyes reflect the fire burning around them. He smells the smoke in the air and shakes his head.
"It's dangerous," he says, simply. The anger on her face as she twists her arm out of his grip is, in his mind, completely uncalled for. It's enough to bring a frown to his face.
"I don't care! I won't let innocent people die!" He curses her kind heart, her compassion, her love—the very things that have ruined him—as she charges into the devastation again.
It's then that he realizes he has no choice but to follow her. Or, rather, outrun her.
He sighs at the pain this entire situation has become, and starts after her.
He's quick to pass her; quicker to get to people, quicker to send them on to the mountain path. She darts between houses, adrenaline obviously making her faster, and he hears her voice. He keeps listening for it, just to reassure himself he hasn't lost her.
He can't lose her. Not yet.
And then, very suddenly, the world tilts sideways and he feels himself collapsing. He coughs violently, spits more blood, sees it running in the dusty streets and tries to assess the situation—
"Saizo!" His name carries like an arrow loosed from a bow. She kneels at his side, stops him from sitting up. The world goes loose at the edges, fraying like fabric.
"I'm just fine, little lady—"
"Like hell you are!" She snaps. He finds himself pausing, and her eyes catch his and he sees it, the fear—and not her fear for these people, or the world, but just for him. Do you feel it? He wants to ask. The part of me that you have. Do you feel it?
Because he does. Because he knows that she has some piece of him that he can't ever get back (and wouldn't want back, because it's the only proof he has that he's any good at all) and that he's not sure when she took.
"You should have told me," she says, worriedly, looking over him. She lifts his bangs and he watches her eyes darting over his skin, catching on every cut, every scrape.
"And what about you, little lady? All this smoke can't be good for you." He reaches up and threads his fingers through a lock of her hair that slipped over her shoulder. She furrows her brows, frowning in a way that reminds him of her mother back in Kyoto.
"That's not important," she says, and he desperately wants to argue that it is—until he starts coughing up blood again. He'll have to get some of Yuki's Iga medicine in him, and fast—but, first, he thinks, looking up into dark, glitter eyes. 
First, her.
"Go on, little lady. I'll be right behind you."
That frown again, he notes, but there's something in her eyes that's different this time. He fixes a smirk on his face and looks up at her.
She sighs.
"You're not as good a liar as you think you are," she says, almost disappointed, almost affectionate. Saizo's stomach drops. Don't you dare—
"Come on," she says, and she starts to loop an arm around his back.
"Saizo," she says, pointedly, in a way that makes him look at her. Her eyes, dark like night, but reflecting the very depths of hell itself, are narrowed as she looks at him. He feels (almost) scared.
It's actually not a bad feeling, though, this one.
"Shut up," she continues, and his lips twitch into a smile. For a brief moment, he almost laughs—even as she hauls him to his feet, his lips are pressed tight to hold it back.
"Aren't we stubborn, little lady?" He asks, affection dripping fearfully sweet from every word. She lifts her chin, just a touch haughty.
Her voice catches, gasping, and she suddenly crumples forward, sending them both to their knees.
He throws a knife behind them, and he hears it hit its target, supporting her with his free arm. Her breaths come heavy, anxious, and she leans forward on shaking hands and arms. He examines her, eyes catching quickly on the arrow lodged in her shoulder, the blood quickly blackening her kimono.
He examines it, then rips at the hem of his hakama, slowly removing the weapon and binding her as best he can.
It's not enough, not nearly, but he pretends his hands aren't shaking.
"Come on, little lady, we need to go," he says, scooping her into his arms. She looks up at him, gaze sharp, and clutches at the front of his hakama.
"Saizo, you're hurt, you can't—"
“We’re going. Hold on.”
They’re the last words either of them speak for a long time, as she presses her face into his shoulder and he runs until the smoke is less than a memory, and his legs are numb.
"Saizo," she repeats, worriedly, halfway to a question, when his steps falter slightly. He grits his teeth and grins, but it's too sharp and she notices.
"I'm fine, little lady—"
"No you aren't!" She snaps, and he— he's never seen her so angry, not like this, not at him.
"I've survived worse."
"Saizo—!" He can hear the storm that builds in her throat, lightning ready to strike him down, but he's sensitive to the world around him and he anticipates her every move.
He tightens his grip, makes it so she can't look anywhere but at him, words dying on her lips.
"I..." He waits, out of selfish curiosity, to see what she'll say. He knows he's been through worse, but, well, things still look bad—he tells himself he's allowed to be selfish.
"I won't let you die because of me," she says, resolute, eyes burning—and she shines like the moon in the sky, illuminating even the darkest of shadows, and he presses his forehead to hers because to kiss her would be cruel, but, god, he wants to.  
"Then we'll both just have to live, won't we?" His words drip sweeter, softer than he means for them to, and he suddenly regrets making himself the center of her attention.
Nevertheless, backing down from a challenge isn't like him. It never has been.
"There's no point in a world without you, little lady, so..."
He's capable of being charming. Making women swoon is easy, he's fine it for years, but for some reason he feels the words sticking to his tongue and he has to focus on hers just to find his footing. He can see the moon there, a crescent, cutting a curve into the darkness. Enchanting.
"So, don't leave me." A pause, and he swallows, and he feels her hands tremble and her eyes roaming over his face, searching,
"Please, don't leave me." The words hang too heavy in the air, too sentimental. He schools his expression,
"Hold onto me."
She nods, and agrees in a faint voice, as if hypnotized, and presses her face into his shoulder obediently. He lets himself relish it for just a moment, just long enough to blink and feel her arms circle a little tighter around his neck, just long enough to know that he will do whatever it takes to protect her—
And he runs.
The next morning dawns a hazy pink, the color of dying blossoms, and he rises later than usual. He's sure he was given a sedative. He lies on his back and stares up at the ceiling, sunlight inching across the floor.
He can remember the feel of her eyes on his in the moonlight, and how she passed out in his arms along the way. He can remember collapsing in Shingen's camp, shortly after delivering her and the news of the village's current state.
He had seen that the fire was out in the distance, and then nothing else.
Obviously, they had moved to a castle in the time he had slept. He wanted to move, but whatever they had given him is strong, because his head spins even now. He closed his eyes and returns to something close to slumber. He feels her breath on his lips, like it's real, but the moon in her eyes is not.
"Saizo," she says, and he wonders when it was she learned to move without alerting him, when she managed to slip so far past his guard.
He opens his eyes as if he couldn't care less to see her, and inspects her without obviously broadcasting his worry (which is intense, worse than he's ever felt, sharp as a blade—and he knows how those feel).
He lets a grin twist up the corners of her mouth, one more than the other.
"Shouldn't you be resting, little lady?" She frowns, slightly, and enters his room.
"I'm fine, thanks to you," she says, a concerned crease running across her forehead. She looks as if there's something more she wants to say, and in his mind he dares her to say it, but instead she shakes her head slightly and looks down at him.
"I came to see if you could eat breakfast. Are you hungry?"
After vacillating briefly, wondering whether he'd rather have food or her company, he cedes to her suggestion. She leaves the room, and it gives him time to think.
What he had said last night now seems extremely significant; asking her to stay with him, after all this time spent pushing her away. He had bared his soul for a rare, brief moment, and left them both stunned.
If he had to guess, he would suppose that was what she had almost brought up—but, knowing her, she chickened out.
He's (mostly) aware of what she thinks of him; what the world thinks of him: he is cold and distant and, at time, ruthless. He closes himself off and keeps his weapons closer than his enemies closer than his friends.
He can hear her approaching, and pushes himself up into a seated position, shaking the jumbled thoughts from his head.
"It's just a simple porridge. I hope you don’t mind," she says, edging back into his room. He can see the way she favors her uninjured arm, and wonders how 'fine' she really is.
She kneels beside him, watching his every move—every stiff, embarrassingly slow move.
There's not a word said until he has finished eating, and the silence weighs heavy. He refused to speak of it before she does; she wrings her hands together in her lap and looks from them to him, back and forth. Her anxiety is so obvious it almost makes him nervous, and he finishes the food quicker than he intended, passing her the bowl with as blank an expression as he can muster. He keeps his mouth shut.
There's a moment—fingers brushing and air crackling and the bowl trembles in her hands—and he wonders as it passes if she'll challenge him, after all.
He wonders if he wants her to.
It goes against everything he stands for, and he's uncertain whether he's willing to be honest with her or not. He wants to be, but he fears himself even as she does not.
He will never admit it.
She shifts, and he thinks she might just leave, and he quells the desperation that flutters like an injured bird up into his throat. What she decides to do is none of his concern, he tells himself, but his heart still pounds.
(He thinks of the weight of her in his arms and the feel of his forehead pressed to hers, how her lips might feel—)
"Saizo," she starts, a little uncertain, but she meets his gaze with a courage he admires and fears. She's a great and terrible woman, he's realized. He loves her far too much.
"Hm." Disinterest suits him; he dons it as a cloak and hood and hides.
"About—about yesterday."
"What about it," he replies, stoically, watching as she struggles and hesitates. Her lips purse and she stares into the emptied bowl as if it holds the answers to her questions.
"You asked me not to leave you." Her voice is soft. Uncertain. He feels something, either dread or anticipation, welling up heavy in his chest.
He's opening his mouth to disregard the comment, simply because her struggling is making him feel uncomfortable as he wants to soothe away her worries, but without getting too close—
"I won't, Saizo," she says, fixing him with a look that burns far too bright for the anxious lines of her body, the rigidity in her hands holding the bowl.
"I won't leave you. I'm not afraid."
There are a thousand and one things he could say, excuses he could give, denials that could cut her to the marrow—but he blames the haziness in his head on medication he knows has worn off, leaning into her personal space and tucking her hair behind her ear.
She startles, like he expects, and a blush dusts over her cheeks, but she doesn't draw away. Saizo almost, almost smiles.
"Do you know what you've just said, little lady?" He asks, voice a low rumble in his throat, predatory and hungry for whatever taste she might provide.
Her blush darkens. She bites her lower lip, anxious. He wants to bite her lower lip, less anxious, and hear the way her breath catches.
"Are you sure you aren't afraid?" He feels possessed, feverish, and he should stop but he can almost feel her lips against his and it's just a spark, but it's been so long since he last saw light.
"I'm sure," she replies, meeting his eyes directly. Whether his passion is mirrored in her eyes, or it's just his reflection, he's uncertain—but suddenly they're kissing and he thinks he's made a mistake but, well—
The bowl clatters from her hands, and he pulls her onto his lap before she can reach for it. It's the point of no return, now; her flames have consumed him and now he'll never be the same.
He doesn't mind, dragging his teeth across her lip and pulling until she makes a noise that causes her cheeks to flare red. He laughs against her collarbone, pressing his forehead into her neck, dizzy and overcome. Maybe the medicine hasn't worn off, after all.
Her hands are braced against his shoulders, and he feels her begin to push away and get a look at him. He tightens his grip, unwilling to meet her gaze, unwilling to be honest.
He will be. Just not yet.
"Saizo," she says, in response to his stubbornness, and he closes his eyes, listening to her heartbeat as he holds her.
"Not now, little lady," he says, kindly. "I want to stay like this."
He hears the tremor in her inhale, and realizes that he's never made such an openly selfish request of her before; she complies, her body relaxing, her hands making their way into his hair, combing through.
He's not sure anyone has played with his hair before. It's soothing. He's frustrated at the noise that almost leaves his throat, and presses his face closer to her, nosing the junction of her neck and shoulder. He feels her pulse there and it calms him, slightly.
He almost says he loves her, but he's already said too much—so they remain in silence a long time, holding each other. And she's right, he thinks; he really is a terrible liar, when it comes to her.
But maybe it’s not such a bad thing.
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obscene-tevene · 8 years
11 Questions
This game brought to you by the wonderful @incorrectslbp
((I am so sorry it’s taken me this long to do this! XDD))
1. Fuck Marry Kill - your top 3 bias in SLBP
...why u do dis to me? D: Fuck - Saizo. For obv reasons. >;3c Marry - Masamune. Gimme my darling dragon :3 Kill - Ieyasu.  ...I’m gonna go hide now.
2. If you could live the life of one famous person, who would it be? Why?
I... don’t want to? Being famous looks really tiring? Like, your life is no longer your own, no matter what you do. I don’t think I could do that.
3. What subject did you least like in school?
Sports. I am not an active person. XD
4. If you used a weapon, what would it be? Why?
KUSARIGAMA! Bow and arrow. I’m not half bad at archery. When I’m standing on the ground.
5. Your fave headcanon about you x your Lord.
Masamune actually has a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, not helped by the fact that I am also not a morning person. Sleep ins are a thing. A very re-occurring thing. Kojuro is not pleased.
6. Avatar Items or Castle Items?
Both. I always try to rank in events XD! The chibi samurai are adorable and I like all the fancy backgrounds.
7. Are you afraid of an animal / being bitten by an animal?
I have a healthy amount of respect for sharks and spiders. So long as they stay away from me. That being said I am prone to gently prodding at bugs, spiders included. The scream I let out when I discovered one spider liked to jump was... embarrassing.
8. If you could live in SLBP universe, but on the condition that your fave lord will never fall for you, would you do it?
Does said condition only apply to the 12 romanceable lords? If that’s the case, can I have my fave NPC lord?
Kanetsugu, I’m coming~~~~<3
9. Which one - mountain, sea, desert, volcano, forest, castle?
Why the fuck is volcano an option?! Sea. Gotta satisfy the inner water dragon :3
10. Your fave romantic trope?
childhood friends to lovers. you can pry this trope from my cold, dead, hands.
11. If you were in the SLBP universe, what would your profession be? (be realistic about your abilities)
I’d be a scholar. Or a records keeper of some description.
Aight. That was a long one. I’ve done this late, and have no one to tag XD! But hey, if you see the thing and want to fill it out, go for it! Please tag me too! I wanna read it XD 
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svenerd · 2 years
Soul Hackers 2 - Official English Cast Reveal Trailer
Soul Hackers 2 – Official English Cast Reveal Trailer
Soul Hackers 2 – Official English Cast Reveal Trailer Prepare to meet Soul Hackers 2’s English voice cast in this new trailer. The upcoming RPG will feature Megan Harvey as Ringo, Erica Mendez as Figue, Zach Aguilar as Arrow, Erica Lindbeck as Milady, and Griffin Puatu as Saizo. Soul Hackers 2 releases on PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, and Xbox One on August 26, 2022. #GameTrailers…
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Soul Hackers 2 Reveals Story and Character Details
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  Atlus revealed some new information about the upcoming Soul Hackers 2! The game takes place in the mid 21st century and features Devil Summoners, those who are able to wield the power of demons.
  Aion, a sentient data collecting being, watches over humanity. However, one day, Aion detects the end of the world and sends two agents, Ringo and Figue to stop it. They must protect two individual Devil Summoners that are instrumental in preventing humanity's destruction but find them already dead.
  Ringo, with her ability "Soul Hack," revives the Devil Summoners Arrow, Milady, and Saizo. Ringo taps into their memories and by triggering a regretful moment in their death, she's able to resurrect them. They join both her and Figue to solve the sci-fi mystery behind the end of the world.
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    Devil Summoners have lived among humans, but have the ability to forge contracts with demons and summon them with a special gadget called COMP. Some use the power of demons to solve paranormal incidents while some use them for more nefarious means. Throughout the game, Ringo will get tied up with two Devil Summoner factions: Phantom Society and Yatagarasu.
  While there are regular cities, there are special ones called Realms that only Devil Summoners can enter. They are invisible to regular humans, and demons gather with Devil Summoners in Realms. There are some details about a new battle mechanic called Sabbath. When striking enemy weaknesses, players are able to summon a mob of demon allies to attack foes. For those who've played Persona, this sounds similar to its "All Out Attack" mechanic.
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    Soul Hackers 2 launches on August 26 for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.
  Source: Press release, Gematsu
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George Yang is a freelance writer specializing in video games and pop culture. He has written for sites like IGN, GameSpot, Kotaku, The Verge, NPR, and Complex. You can follow him on Twitter @yinyangfooey.
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