praestigii-archive · 6 years
Irritation flashes, hot, through Ienzo. He's been worried and Myde treats him like a fool, makes a joke out of it. They both know that wasn't what Ienzo was asking. He hadn't known what to think when Myde disappeared, had nearly gone out of his mind when he realised Even was nowhere to be found, either.
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But Myde is here now, sent by Even of all people. The fight leaves Ienzo as quickly as it had built up, the prickling heat draining out of him. His shoulders fall, and Ienzo looks up at Myde with a sad smile.
“ I am fairly adept at understanding things that are complicated, you know. But okay. ” Ienzo won't push. Just... “ You ... are you, though, aren't you? And you're——helping. You and Even. ”
// @arpeggxo continued from here.
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neosluna · 6 years
          Despite how he was in the Organization, there was more to the blond than met the eye. Even if he was a ‘backup’ or unused by Xehanort he had done something that could have cost him everything. He did not know what Vexen told him in great detail, but he got the job done. For that, Isa was thankful. If not for him, Xemnas would have succeeded - by extension, Isa would be lost in the darkness.
          “Demyx,” he greeted in attempt to get him to stop in his track. “I want a word with you.”
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Closed starter for @arpeggxo
The evening is not yet cold, but the streets are deserted enough to be disquieting to most people. Not to the Apprentice, not really. He knows what lurks beneath the shadows.
"This city is not as safe as it once was." He tells the child, as their paths cross. "You should go home."
They have no need of more tests subjects, not yet, so there is only minimal concern in his voice.
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praestigii-a · 6 years
-Throws snowballs and cookies at two of our favourites- ||:
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…Why are we being assaulted ( even if it is with love dsffdig ) by our favourite duo? We’ve been nice this year. 
Merry Christmas, loves ♥
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freeshooterxig · 6 years
"I think giving up might be the best plan."
The two of them hunkered down against a cave wall. His mouth went to snarl something out before an explosion of fire caught over his curse. A roar quickly followed as the beast went air born, trying to seek out a better angle of attack.
Keeping the element of surprise against the Chinese Wyrm had been his best option. Seeing as that was now long blown, his plan B was running on this ice.
“Ya wanna go crawling back to scar face, without results? Yeah, I think going toe to toe with reindeer games is your better out.”
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moonismsviia · 6 years
@arpeggxo​ liked for a starter
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{ ☽ } It wasn't very often Saïx himself was on a mission, and unfortunately it turned out that the one time he had one his partner was Demyx. He tried to keep his displeasure hidden, simply wanting to get the mission itself over and done with as quickly as possible. Unfortunately that didn't happen.
The mission itself had been going along smoothly, a recon mission. It was when a group of rather large Heartless cornered them that things started to go wrong. Saïx had taken a decent amount of them out, Lunatic smashing into the ground and killing them off, but then... something happened. The Diviner failed to notice an attack coming his way until it was too late. It hit him right in the chest just as a bright light enveloped the area.When it faded, the Heartless that attacked Saïx was still there and going strong, but Saïx was... gone?
No, not quite.
Where the Diviner had been previously standing, a young boy was now laying there unconscious. His hair was short and a bright shade of blue. If that wasn't enough to say it was somehow Saïx, the Organization cloak had shrunk with him, and the scar remained across his face. His Claymore had vanished after the impact, and the Heartless was aiming for another attack.
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twilighttwin · 6 years
"Sometimes doing a bad thing for a good reason is okay, right?"
Wow that wasn’t a conundrum he was expecting. Granted…he could understand that thought process. Not that he particularly liked it…but he could agree. “Sometimes yeah..” The Nobody spoke quietly, eyes fixated at the floor as he mulled over the idea a little more. 
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praestigii-archive · 5 years
"Why...why would you do that to your pretty blue hair?"  / @arpeggxo
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“ It wasn’t me! ”
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bladeofemptiness · 7 years
arpeggxo started following bladeofemptiness
“Where the hell are you going?” Void grumbled as he followed after one of his many little brothers. He didn’t know what had gotten into the Flood, but apparently it had seen something ‘interesting’. His brothers may not be the smartest creatures around, but they certainly were curious and if something had caught it’s attention enough to come tell him... well, it was worth checking out at least. “You better not be wasting my time. Even if you’re cute, you know I don’t like being away from Master.” Void called out as he walked through the halls of the seemingly abandoned castle. From his vague memories of when his Master first appeared in Radiant Garden all those years ago, this place had been a lot more lively. Just how many years had passed anyways?
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thornscythe-blog · 7 years
arpeggxo replied to your post: Dem's going to come in late to ruffle Marluxia's...
There’s a wince, that hurts! But- “So give me permission?” His grin is mischievous, testing. What can he say, Marluxia is mildly scary, but he has nice hair and Demyx just can’t resist a nice head of hair.
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     Here is the thing. Marluxia is fond of hair strokes. When one has luscious, shiny locks of hair, it seems a crime not to appreciate them, does it not? -- He is not, however, particularly fond of Demyx, having discovered no actual use for him yet. An unfortunate problem.       “...Very well. You may touch.” ( Part of him is merely curious as to whether Demyx will actually dare to do it. )
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praestigii-a · 6 years
Shower (or any body of water really) sex, 'cause you know this boy would. ;|
shower/water sex:
it’s not a kink for ienzo, but water can make things easier so it’s not like he’s against it, even if he is somewhat worried about risks involving slippery surfaces.
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regialux-a · 7 years
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send 📷 for an instagram profile for your character | accepting
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groovepawn · 5 years
      It wasn’t uncommon for street performers to hang out in the back alleys of Shibuya; graffiti and guitar practically went together, right? It was a rare occasion for any person in particular to catch her eye, though that wasn’t to say she didn’t enjoy the barest nuances of a familiar song as she passed by their makeshift street stages. This time, however, there was something very peculiar about the musician that caught her eye. A lull in his performance calls her attention.
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      “That instrument…” it was unlike anything she’d ever seen, “it sounds beautiful. What… what is it?” // @arpeggxo 🌻
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praestigii-archive · 6 years
❣ (I totally didn't accidentally almost send this from Miah ||: )
16. a happy kiss
they’re taking a walk through the gardens—which myde is guarding on duty right now, but what aeleus and dilan don’t know won’t hurt them, since technically he’s still doing his job—and ienzo is chuckling to himself about something myde just said when his hand is tugged. he looks down at their hands which are tangled together and then up at myde, who is grinning at him. his lips are still tinted slightly blue from the ice cream they ate earlier. he’s the most wonderful thing ienzo has ever seen, and ienzo can’t resist the urge to press their mouths together.
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“ ...you taste like sea salt ice cream. ”
send in a ❣ for a random kiss, or a kiss of your choice / accepting / @arpeggxo
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thornscythe-blog · 7 years
Dem's going to come in late to ruffle Marluxia's hair 'cause he's bored and he can. Part of him suspects this may not end well.
@arpeggxo sent a thing forever ago!
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     A gloved hand lifts, fingers fastening vise-tight ‘round Demyx’s wrist. He maintains the grip for a good few seconds, gaze sliding steadily over the Nocturne and up to meet his eyes. Marluxia raises a brow at him.     “--Now, now. Touching without permission is rude.” 
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praestigii-a · 6 years
Long gone are the days of gently nudging Ienzo to take a break, a cup of tea brought as a brief distraction or a book playfully stolen from his grasp momentarily. No, Myde isn't quite so subtle anymore. He bypasses the book entirely, grabbing straight for Ienzo and throwing him over his shoulder. Myde's smile shines brightly, almost gleeful at the protests he knows are to come. "Time for bed, 'Zo!"
Ienzo is completely and utterly unprepared to be grabbed and lifted over Myde’s shoulder. He drops the book in his surprise, letting out a sound not unlike a cat that is unpleasantly startled.
“ No—what—you cannot just——!! Myde! ”
He struggles, but cannot really do much from this position without embarrassing himself even further. “ Let me down this instant, ” he demands.
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