#aromantic jeff winger
itsjust-meman · 1 year
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wheb when wehn whn when whenne- when he- when
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when. when wehn when. wen he when
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echoeyee · 7 months
here it is. my magnum opus
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them-bo-dacious · 7 months
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megadumbassenby · 9 months
currently trying to write a community fic with alloaro jeff winger and i can’t get to the main bit because all these fuckers talk too much 🙄
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the1entirecircus · 8 months
So was I supposed to just find out people headcannon Jeff as AroAllo. I mean I already knew about the trans and bisexual HCs, but was no one going to tell me?
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jeff and britta invented frenemies with benefits btw.
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Community - Jeff & Study Group - Pride Month Prompt 30 : Aromantic
Warning : Arophobia Requested by : Anonymous on my Google Form Request : I'm not sure if you're taking requests for the Pride Month prompt challenge or not, but I really like aromantic!Jeff Winger and I'd like to read a fic about it on the last day of the challenge if possible Pride Month Prompt : Write a fic in which an aromantic character (can be a canon or headcanoned character) is coming out to/being comforted by/otherwise talking about romantic orientation with their friend(s) or queerplatonic partner Headcanon : Alloaro!Jeff
"Guys, I've realized something about myself" Jeff said with a big smile on his face as he entered the study room. The rest of the group looked up at him.
"You are gay" Pierce guessed.
"Uh, no" Jeff shook his head as he set down his bag by the leg of the table and sat down. "I'm... Aromantic"
The room went still.
"Sorry, you're whatnow?" Shirley asked. Everyone else seemed equally confused- Except for Britta, that is.
"I call bullshit" the blonde spoke up. Everyone looked at her. Jeff seemed uncomfortable.
"If you're aromantic, what's with all the advances you've been trying to make on me since day one?" she asked.
"I think you're hot and wanted to have sex with you, not a whole relationship" Jeff said and then winced as he realized how that came out. Britta scoffed. "I didn't mean it like that"
"Okay, Jeff" she rolled her eyes. The man looked hurt, which was odd, but seriously who the hell did he think he was? There were people out there who were actually aromantic and here he was flagging the label around because he had commitment iss-
He got up and left the room.
Abed walked into he and Jeff's dorm room and took in the sad expression on his roommate's face.
"So, what's aromantic?" he asked. Jeff chuckled humorlessly.
"You heard what Britta said" Jeff sighed. "It doesn't matter"
"Britta tends to do surface-level research on a lot of things, but she rarely actually makes an effort to understand them" Abed replied. "I'd like to know what it means to you, since you're the one who this is actually about"
Jeff smiled weakly at his friend before taking a deep breath and giving an explanation.
"I've just never saw myself in a real relationship with anyone" he explained. "Romantically, I mean. Sex is nice. Friends are nice. But the idea of dating someone just isn't all that compelling to me" he continued. "And it's not just an issue of not wanting to commit"
"Okay" Abed said. Jeff stared at him for a moment.
"Okay" Abed repeated. "Do you want me to tell Britta that?"
"No, no, I'll do it" Jeff replied before groaning in annoyance. "This whole thing is so dumb..."
"I don't think it's dumb"
"Well, thank you, Abed"
"Britta, hey" Jeff said meekly as he approached the blonde in the line of the cafe. She rolled her eyes and looked away but didn't tell him to fuck off, so he supposed he could continue. "I want to talk about what happened"
"Are you done pretending to be something your not so you don't have to own up to your bullshit?"
"Britta, I'm not pretending to be anything, I-"
"Right, right" she laughed humorlessly. "Of course. Because big and mighty Jeff Winger never does anything wrong"
"Britta, lis-"
"He'd never treat a woman like an object he can just fuck and then throw out. No, no, cause he's different and special"
"He's 'aromantic', so it's all perfectly well and good if he-"
"BRITTA!" he shouted and a few people turned in their direction, concerned. Britta's mouth clamped shut as she stared at the agitated man. "Sorry... Sorry, I didn't mean to yell" he apologized. She still said nothing. "I just... Look, I'll buy your breakfast, but please just... Sit and listen to what I have to say?"
"Okay, Jeff" she agreed quietly before pulling out her phone to text him her order as she sat at one of the smaller tables.
He returned a few minutes later with two coffees, a croissant, and the sandwich that Britta had asked for as well. He sat by her at the table and handed her her breakfast before contemplating his next words, grateful that she just remained patient.
"I've never felt... The urge to get romantically involved with people" he explained. "It's not that I have a fear of commitment or anything like that, I just don't want it" he continued. "And yeah, sex is nice. I like having sex with people, but just so long as we're... Friends. The thought of anything becoming more than platonic fuck buddies just... It isn't appealing to me"
"I'm sorry" Britta sighed. Jeff's eyes widened. "I mean, I'm sure you can understand why I was on guard, but still... I shouldn't have said those things. If this is how you really feel, then I'm sorry, and I accept you"
"So... Does that mean we can be fuck buddies now?"
"Very funny"
Jeff walked in for study group with a weak smile on this face. "I'm gonna try this again"
Abed smiled. Britta nodded.
"I am Aromantic" he said, this time with more confidence. In response to the confused looks, he continued. "It just means I don't feel the want or urge to date people. I don't feel that spark, and I'd like for all my relationships to remain platonic"
"Oh, okay" Troy nodded genuinely. "That makes sense"
"Thank you for telling us, Jeff" Shirley smiled.
"This actually makes a lot of sense" Annie laughed lightheartedly.
"Pierce?" Jeff asked, looking at the old man. The man seemed to consider this for a moment before speaking.
"So... You're still gay, right?"
Do not repost on other sites! If you want to participate in this month's challenge, there are 30 LGBT-centered prompts that you can find here
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mikhardwheat · 2 years
Great opportunity to come out as an aromantic Jeff truther
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genderdoe-sly · 2 years
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Jeff Winger when he sees aromantic isn't trending number 1 anymore
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person4924 · 4 months
shout out to aromantics who still want sex. shout out to aromantics who are obsessed with sex. shout out to aromantics.
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dsm--v · 11 months
aroallo jeff winger.
end post.
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echoeyee · 7 months
jeff's general dismissal of romance in the earlier seasons is fun to watch as an alloaro person, it's a nice foundation to initially build an alloaro headcanon off of even if there are definitely other, more likely explanations. but the thing that really gets me as the show goes on is how, even as he grows to be more earnest about his feelings and his love for his friends, he's never any more interested in romance than he was before. it's not just something that makes him uncomfortable or scares him, he actively, consistently does not care.
in the first few seasons he talks about going on dates, he actively pursues britta, he dates slater, but that sorta tapers of after a while. i have many, many problems with the way jeff is characterized in season 6, but i still think it's worth pointing out that romance is basically not a thing to him in the last couple seasons. that is, of course, except for the finales of seasons 5 and 6, when he proposes to britta and imagines being married to annie, and both of these are explicitly him misplacing his fear of abandonment and change. he wants security, and he doesn't want to be left behind. he doesn't actually want a romantic relationship.
and this is something that was so gut-wrenchingly relatable to me as an aro person. it took me a long time to come to terms with my aromanticism because i was clinging to the abstract idea of marriage as the one way to keep myself from being lonely in the end. jeff only considers either of his 'love interests' in a romantic light when he's afraid of losing them as friends, because romance is otherwise completely undesirable to him, because he's aromantic.
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communiteee · 8 months
Community feels like such a fundamentally aromatic show
-friendship is constantly put first, over and over again. In 2x15 Early 21st Century Romanticism, nearly all the plotlines focus on friendship. Troy and Abed go home together after the dance instead of the romantic interest. The great "I love you" at the end of the day is from Jeff to the study group. Britta and Annie help each other grow (Britta learns a lesson on assumption/egosim, Annie's worldview is expanded). All of this on a Valentine's day episode.
-throughout the show, romantic/sexual relationships are brief or not endgame. It doesn't matter if they're endgame or not, all that matters is the connection and growth (or humor) that they provide, which is anti-amatanormative (if I'm conjugating that right) because they are as natural as the friendships and get far less screen time. Jeff and Britta sleeping together is a funny plot twist in the final episode. They stop immediately upon discovery BECAUSE IT'S WHAT THEIR CHARACTERS WOULD DO!!! Character is not sacrificed for a convenient romance.
-Troy and Abed are the closest thing in the show to a romantic relationship that lasts a significant amount of time, and that is secondary to their friendship. You know the saying "your spouse should be your best friend?" They are like best friends who happen to be spouses - and not even canonically. They are fundamentally queer in that they experience their friendship in a non-amatanormative way.
-Even though Trobed is the closest thing to a romantic relationship, the actual dynamic that underpins the show is between Jeff and Abed which has zero romantic connotations whatsoever. They are two guys who learn mutual respect and grow from each other. They parallel each other (raised by TV, absent parent, seeking connection, etc) and are consistently the ones to truly understand the other. They are both the protagonists and they are friends. This is the "main" relationship.
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realbeefman · 11 months
and if i say cameron is aromantic…
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“jeff x britta” “jeff x annie” “jeff x dean pelton” how about jeff x some fucking therapy
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birdyboyfly · 7 months
Aroace Community Headcanons!
Sex-averse asexual Annie Edison, sex-neutral aroace Abed Nadir, and sex-positive aroace Jeff Winger
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