#arny margaret
egills-diary · 8 months
left my life, tried to be more kind
didn’t really care for you
but when I’m on a crowded street, and when I see the city lights
you’re a part of me, I’m a part of you.
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writing-whump · 3 months
Just a little question, Sol - do your characters have middle names? Or other names? Is there any reason for or meaning behind their names? I've been thinking about how and why my characters are named - not by me but within the confines of the story - so it made me wonder about how other writers' OCs get their names. (Example, as I wrote in a previous story - Drew is actually "Andrew Dean Thorton III" but his family took away the "Third" when he came out because they assumed he'd never have a kid.).
Hmm story reasons hmmm
Isaiah's mother was the one to name all the three boys. She was very much a law and history nerd, and she liked religious and mythological stories. Isaiah comes from Hebrew and means salvation and protection. It was also the name of a prophet. While Isaiah's parents weren't religious, his mother had the right idea about him being a gentle compassionate guide.
Hector is directly inspired by Hector from Iliad. Greatest warrior of Troy and a Prince. Also the name means steadfast or holding fast, so a powerful name. His mother wasn't off with this one either.
Arnie as a human and the youngest just seemed very vulnerable to her. She named him literally after Arnold Schwarzenegger, someone strong, resilient, sturdy and charismatic. Arnie doesn't have the muscle or the power, but he is a charming bearer of the name.
Seline's name literally means "the moon" and it was a way of her mother honoring her father's wolf origins. Nobody actually believed Seline's rare non-practising witch grandfather would have any real influence or heritage or that Seline would turn out to be a witch herself. The name fits all the more. Fun fact is that in her mother tongue of Slovak, her name is Seléna, but she introduces and writes herself Seline in Austria so it's easier to fit in and pronounce. Her last name Silverstein is actually her own loose translation of her real last name Strieborská, that nobody could ever say and it got on her nerves to be so obviously not-German. Silverstein implies a Western pack affiliation, which is a lot safer than the Eastern Europe association since lots of wolf clans there were lost to the Communism regime of Sowjets before the Fall of Iron Curtain.
Dylan comes from Welsh and means "sea", which is ironic considering Seline's element is water. Their mother loves sea very much and they have a very good connection to it, but she actually named him after her favourite actor, lol.
Margaret, Matthew's mother, named all her children with names starting with M. From oldest to youngest: Melissa (28), Matthew (23) Madolyn (22), Meredith (18) and Marcie (10).
Rip got the name from other street strays for his reputation, being highly effective in ripping people to shreds and sending to early grave R.I.P. It's not his real name and he hides it, in case someone wanted to imprison him for the crimes connected to it (which is a huge spoiler).
Levi is actually a common surname in Slavic countries and means "Lion". Levi gave up his first name, when he became an Executioner in Western Europe and made his last name his first name, to make himself unaffiliated to any clan or pack. He always introduced himself as Levi + whatever pack he was currently in for his surname. Without a pack, he simply stays Levi.
(Levi, Seline and Dylan are from powerful Slavic wolf clans from Eastern Europe in the middle of predominently German speaking Western Europe pack politics, lol)
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iwanttoplayagame20 · 2 years
100 favorite horror movie deaths PT 6!!
51. Deputy Anthony Perkins- Scream 4
This wasn't a gross kill really, he was just stabbed in the head. But I like it cause he still tried fighting despite what had happened. He stayed alive for a few more seconds before finally falling over dead and his partner did not despite being stabbed once too.
52. Margaret White- Carrie (2002)
I specified the movie here because I think this Margaret's death was a lot cooler than the other two. She had her heart stopped with someone's mind. I think I'd be terrified to go out this way and I honestly think that it was a cool way to go. Any supernatural like death is cool to me as long as it's done right.
53. Dr. Foley- Cult of Chucky
I kind of hate this character, but he got his face absolutely smashed in by Nica. Yes she can't walk but she was technically possessed, so she was able to smash in Foley's face with the brand new red heels that had placed on her by him. (Cause he's a creepy fuck)
54. Pete- Shaun of the Dead
He was bitten off-screen but I think he makes a cool zombie even if the look is so simple. He was angry alive and he was angry as a zombie too. This one is cool because it's kind of comical if you think about it really. His personality seemed to stay the same even when he turned, though you can't tell too well since he acts like every other zombie. It's the facial expressions for me.
55. Buddy Repperton- Christine
He gets ran the fuck over by a flaming fucking car. If that isn't cool I don't know what is. And he really deserved it cause he was such an ass toward Arnie. I think all antagonists of horror films need to go out in cool ways like this one, it makes it all the more satisfying.
56. Dr. Brenden Ryan- Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings
This is the most mechanical trap in all of the franchise. And it's really Saw like too, which is cool. He's pulled up by gears and had barb wire wrapped around each limb, which is then pulled off one by one until all is left is his head and torso. Shitty way to go for someone who didn't deserve it but it was cool.
57. Peter Strahm- Saw V
Another death that makes me really sad. I really liked Strahm and loved his chemistry with Perez. But he had to fucking die because why not and I'm pissed about it. Although he went out in a really gross way, he was trapped between walls closing in on him and he got squished like a big. You could see his bones snap and tear through his skin and it was nasty and you know that feeling when you watch something like it's happening to you? Yeah get the same feeling watching this scene.
58. John Bishop- Childs Play
He gets killed by his own bullshit because he stupidly has a voodoo doll of himself and leaves it down where a two-foot menace can grab it. Though I think being killed by voodoo magic is a cool way to die.
59. Henry Bowers- IT Chapter Two
Glad we got to see him die and glad we got to see Richie kill him. It wasn't really gross or anything but the scenes leading up to it definitely had me intrigued. The whole fight between him and Mike was cool and it was well done, and right before he can finish his shitting comment about Mikes parents dying in a fire he gets an axe to the head. Good job Richie.
60. Carlos Rodriguez- Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
Another example of love this kill but hate this movie. This movie is absolute garbage and would be the worst of the franchise if it weren't for that shitty remake. The one good thing about this movie is this kill. Everyone is sensitive to the whole "nails on a chalkboard thing" right? But this takes it to a whole nother level. Carlos has a hearing aid and Freddy's knives on a chalkboard eventually makes his head explode since it became too much for him to handle. I think it looked cool even if a lot in this movie is like a looney tunes joke.
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marley-manson · 2 years
godddd i could totally write a long ass paper on masculinities and mash, browsing thru these books is really refreshing my memory of uni and reminding me of how easy it is to use the right language, cite the right papers, and say whatever the fuck you want lmao. observe:
As Laura Mulvey asserts in her seminal article Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema [blah blah blah the gaze], however it has since been problematized as film theory has evolved and grappled with it. In Men, Masculinity, and Media, whats-his-name questions the inherently gendered nature of Mulvey’s gaze: “quote.” David Savran further suggests in [whatever i was just reading] that the gaze can objectify even as the male object of the gaze resists feminization through his aggressively masculine characteristics: "quote about arnie’s naked bod“
I would suggest that in M*A*S*H a reversal happens - Hawkeye Pierce, the main character, is the male identifying-subject, free from the objectifying gaze of the camera, and yet he embraces effeminization, forcing the viewer who identifies with him to embody a potentially discomfiting femininity, while disallowing the safe distance of disidentification a male viewer might inhabit when viewing a film through an othered subject. Hawkeye’s body is a cisgendered white and ostensibly heterosexual male body, and yet it is a male body which invites penetration, which itself gazes at men[1], and which actively rejects many overt trappings of masculinity such as physical power, a muscled physique, and even phallic endowment, as his prowess with women is depicted through his skill at foreplay rather than his dick game, as alluded to often and perhaps most overtly in the episode Requiem for a Lightweight (”We’re awfully glad you chose our unit, we’re not as large as some of the others but we are friendly.”)
[1] see: Requiem for a Lightweight, A Night at Rosie’s, Margaret’s Marriage, and Hepatitis for a few examples.
damn man i miss this shit lol. tho if i was doing this for real and not as a half-assed parody it’d be about... well not the gaze lol, that’s a very stupid angle for this which just happened to be what i was just reading about. masculinity in war films vs mash, with an emphasis on how mash’s handling of masculinity emphasizes its satirical anti-war message, probably
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openingnightposts · 3 months
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Jacques Chirac. Connu pour son appétit rabelaisien, son goût pour la bière Corona, les bons vins et pour son aptitude à caresser le cul des vaches au salon de l'agriculture, Chirac apparaît souvent comme un agité, ne tenant pas en place. Pourtant son style était savamment étudié comme celui de tous les hommes politiques de son époque. La liste de ses fournisseurs est un inventaire à la Prévert. Aucune grande maison ne manque à l'appel. À commencer par ses lunettes à larges montures en écaille dont il fait un signe de reconnaissance et un gage de respectabilité ! rééditées à la demande générale, elles font un carton chez les jeunes générations ! En 1988, après la réélection de François Mitterrand, Jacques Chirac traverse une période noire, sa fille Claude décide de changer radicalement son image, exit les lunettes à grosses montures et bonjour les lentilles. Finis aussi les pantalons qui montent jusqu'au nombril et le look de VRP en tournée.  C'est pourtant ces costumes d'avant 1988 qui font tout le style Chirac. Allure bourgeoise et décontractée, limite vieille France, tissus confortables, et parfois une pièce iconoclaste comme ses chemises hawaïennes multicolores, le duo de choc claquette-chaussette ou sa superbe veste forestière de chez Arny's.  Dans le dressing de Chirac on frôle la perfection ! Les manteaux viennent de chez Charvet, les souliers de chez Weston ou Berluti, ses costumes deux ou trois pièces sont parfois réalisés sur mesure par Cifonelli, pour les cravates il se fournit chez Hermès, chez Charvet ou Marinella, célèbre maison Napolitaine. Grand Charmeur il ne peut s'empêcher de séduire les femmes qui lui plaisent même sous le nez de Bernadette qui supporte en silence.  Et quand elles lui résistent comme Margaret Thatcher, il râle « Qu’est-ce qu’elle veut cette ménagère ? Mes couilles sur un plateau… » #daniellevychemisier #jacqueschirac #icone #àlafrançaise Merci @ze_french_do_it_better pour ce texte. (à Daniel Lévy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiVRvuyMvmL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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televinita · 3 years
5, 6, 11, and 13! :)
5: Which book did you last re-read? Squire by Tamora Pierce, in August. I remembered literally nothing from my first reading of it 20 years ago, so I had a grand old time.
6: Which book was the last one you really, really loved? Arnie & A House Full of Company, by Margarete Sigl Corbo and Diane Marie Barras -- Corbo's 2nd and slightly better memoir about raising an orphan (and later talking!) starling, this time focused on her move back to Cape Cod, to the semi-abandoned house her parents had lived in before dying years ago, with the bird (Arnie) and her three cats. Interspersed with stories about her pets, feeding backyard wildlife and restoring the house are visits from her grandson, some very cool friends/neighbors, and glimpses of her completely fascinating past as someone born and raised in Germany, who arrived in the U.S. as a teenage bride shortly after WWII. Between her life, her pets and the location, it's honestly just everything I love to read about wrapped up in one cozy little book. She only ever published these two, but I wish she'd taken on a Gladys Taber life and published a dozen volumes, I crave her stories so much.
11: Classic or modern? Why?
Modern because I'm basic and as much as I love researching domestic history, I don't like to be challenged in my novel-reading by complicated language and outdated turns of phrase. :P
13: Name a book with a really bad movie/tv adaption
(I actually can't think of any others I'd consider really bad?? Not for books I liked, anyway. I must just block them from memory on sight.)
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the west wing as into the woods
hello and welcome back to another installment of things that not one single person asked for, including me. okay, so there’s very serious character-based casting, and then there’s just what i think would be cute and fun, which is what i’m doing.
the narrator/mysterious man- jed bartlet
the witch- abbey bartlet
the baker- toby ziegler
the baker’s wife- cj cregg
jack- charlie young
little red riding hood- zoey bartlet
cinderella- donna moss
jack’s mother- kate harper
rapunzel- annabeth schott
cinderella’s prince- josh lyman
rapunzel’s prince- sam seaborn
the wolf- bruno gianelli
cinderella’s dead tree mom- helen santos
cinderella’s stepmother- evelyn baker lang
florinda and lucinda- amy gardner and joey lucas
chaotic grab bag of alternates (under the cut)
liz as cinderella and doug as cinderella’s prince
ellie as rapunzel
josh as the baker and sam as the baker’s wife
donna as little red and sam as jack
john hoynes as cinderella’s prince
matt as the baker and helen as the baker’s wife
kate as the baker’s wife
ainsley as rapunzel
kate as the baker and cj as the baker’s wife
joey and kenny as florinda and lucinda (thinking like a deaf west-style sign language thing)
margaret as the witch
carol as the baker’s wife
john hoynes as the wolf
bram as rapunzel’s prince
joey as the baker and donna as the baker’s wife
annabeth as cinderella’s stepmother
amy as the wolf
bonnie and ginger as florinda and lucinda
andy as the witch
arnie as the narrator/mysterious man
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rosecolouredash · 5 years
Querencia CH. 2
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Previous Chapters // PROLOGUE ONE
Summary: A prince and his sword reunited with his knight best friend.
Warnings: Insinuated violence and death.
Notes: I’ve been heavily inspired to write as of late so another chapter it is! This was the last full chapter within my Google docs (before I abandoned it.) I do have random dialogue and scenes written out (ie. Luke’s story in this all.) Now to fill in the blanks, haha
King of the Wastelands, Michael Clifford and his family of unruly bandits—plus one gryphon—were able to drive off the invaders that set fire to their fortress. In the process, they saved the ousted Prince Calum from the wrath of, who they discovered to be, the Easentis Army. Left with nothing but a burnt husk of a stronghold, they decided to join the prince on his quest to return to his homeland and to defeat the Empire—on the promise that they received a new homebase.
They allowed themselves a couple of days to recuperate from the battle before they journeyed North of Veodia, setting their course towards the capital city of Waiburne.
Michael and Calum walked side-by-side, at the center of a ring of bandits. The group chatted animatedly amongst themselves, around the two young men. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits.
“How’s it look up there, Dionne?”
From her place in the sky, on her beloved gryphon’s back, the russet-skinned girl surveyed their surroundings. They had made great progress—travelling past the silver sands of the Veodian wastelands into an area less barren and with paved, though rocky, paths. Dionne pushed the dark curls that had fallen in front of her eyes while flying.
“Nothing to see for another ten miles.”
Arnie the gryphon let out a squawk, in agreement with his rider.
“All right, thank you!”
Calum watched as Michael waved her off. 
Dionne and Arnie, flew ahead of their group to continue to scout.
“I don’t think she likes me much.”
Michael whipped his head towards his new royal friend. “What makes you say that?”
The prince pursed his lips, “she doesn’t seem comfortable around me.” Calum then let out a sigh. “She never speaks to me unless absolutely necessary and when she walks with us, she keeps her distance.” The frown on his face deepened. “Even the gryphon, gives me quite the glare.” 
Michael chuckled at the last comment. “That’s just Arnie for you. I’ve known him since he was a hatchling and he still gives me the side eye, sometimes.”
The bandit kept a watchful gaze on his oldest friend as she weaved through the clouds on her gryphon. “As for Dionne? Well...she’s not the biggest fan of you royal folk.” 
“But you’re a king too, aren’t you?” 
Michael let out a loud bellow. He grabbed the prince by his shoulder—successfully bringing him into a one arm hug. “They call me king—yes but I have no royal bloodlines to back it up.”
Calum looked towards the wild-haired man who continued with a soft smile. “Look, if it’s something you’re concerned with, you should ask. S’not my place to completely talk for her.”
The prince then shifted his gaze towards the sky. “I just—a number of people have already made sacrifices to keep me safe.” 
The bandit watched as Calum’s eyes seemed to cloud over.
“I wouldn’t want to hold anyone to the same fate if they were unwilling, which is rightfully so.”
Michael let what Calum said linger in the air before he offered some reassurance. “If it’ll help you sleep better at night, I did ask them if they wanted to do this.”
The leader of the bandits thought back to the night they met—when Calum had fallen asleep from exhaustion before Michael and the rest of his crew. 
“I gave them the option to back out and to stay in our wastelands but they all agreed. This is a cause we can’t not help with.”
A warm feeling enveloped Calum’s chest—he was grateful for his newfound allies. 
“Your dad—King David—he was a good man and from the little time I’ve spent with you, I can tell. You’re following in his footsteps.”
Calum smiled at the kind thought. He hoped so.
“It’s only right that you take back what’s yours and bring peace back to this kingdom.”
They continued to walk side-by-side, the bandit’s arm wrapped tightly around the prince.
“Thank you.”
“So your main force is at Clare View Point?”
The travellers neared the aforementioned area. Calum nodded at Michael’s inquiry while they picked up their pace. When Dionne had flown ahead, she quickly returned with news that she found a group of knights under attack by the Empire. 
The prince could only hope they were Saerean knights. “They offered themselves as a decoy to cover my escape to safety but Lorian’s army must have seen through the ruse.”
From above, Dionne signaled for the men to slow down. They took her word and found cover behind a large rock. When Michael peered around it, he happened upon the battle that raged ahead. “That’s your main troop? They’re not looking so good.”
Calum too had a look, only to be saddened by how right Michael was. 
“I don’t believe it. It was quite sizable before…”
The bandit gave him a reassuring pat on the back. “They won’t be able to hold out for much longer so we need to devise a plan quick.”
Dionne had Arnie bring them back down to earth. She hopped off the gryphon, once they landed and she joined Michael and Calum. 
“The royal army is nearly sunk but I think I heard someone cry that the third cavalry was still putting up a fight.”
The prince let out a sigh of relief. “The third cavalry? That’s Ashton’s unit.”
For once, the gryphon rider regarded the prince but her face stayed neutral. “Well, whoever he is, his men are doing their best but they’re definitely short on numbers.”
“We might be able to help then, if we hustle.” Michael quipped.
He turned towards the rest of the group. “All right, everyone. Prepare for battle.”
“Sir, we’re surrounded.”
Ashton Irwin, leader of the third royal cavalry of Saere, gave Remy a tired smile. Or maybe it was Rome? He was usually very good at telling them apart but unfortunately, he was currently in a weakened state. 
The Abal twins watched from their stallions, in concern, as Ashton picked himself up from falling off his white mare. He used said horse—affectionately known as Margaret or simply Peggy—and his giant lance to steady himself. When Ashton was suddenly flanked by the twin knights, he looked ahead to find the woman that caused him such pain to begin with.
“We’ve got you now.” 
A rich velvet covered her body—cascading to the ground in the colour of fine wine. She approached the knights but stopped when the boys on their horses took a step forward—in warning. 
“You can’t hold out forever.” Her hands began to glow—sparks of electricity crackling around her nimble fingers. “So, if you surrender now, I might just spare your lives.”
The head knight paid no mind to her threat. She could have sworn she heard him giggle too. “Surely you joke, witch. A royal knight never surrenders.”
He gave her a charming smile though winced at the sudden pain of his face, likely from being electrocuted moments prior. 
“I say, I’ll give you one last chance to withdraw.” Both Remy and Rome smirked at their captain’s offer—if Sir Ashton wanted to fight to the bitter end, so would they.
“Well, aren’t we brave? May lady luck see you through because you’re going to need it.” She made a grand gesture when turning around so her full skirt kicked up dirt into their faces. She looked towards her troops when her body started to dissipate. From the hem of her dress to the tips of her long, blonde hair—she fell away like smoke.
“Finish them.”
“Boss, it looks like the enemy can use magick.” Michael regarded the comment as they neared the battlefront. 
“We’ll just have to keep our guard up then.” the bandit king replied, cracking his knuckles.
Calum looked over his allies, unsheathing Zephir from its scabbard. “Don’t worry about the magick.” The wind suddenly whirled around the prince and his sword. “I’ve got your back.”
Michael smirked as he felt something in the air shift. He should have known—the legendary spellblade was not named in farce.
They entered the fight, Michael bringing out his Chasm to deal damage onto the Empire’s troops. 
Dionne and Arnie made waste of Easentis’ men—the gryphon grabbing onto them with his talons and tossing them out and away from the fight. The rest of the bandits helped to defeat many of the soldiers but what was most surprising was the prince himself.
Calum, ever quick on his feet, moved with his sword around the battlefield with ease. He slashed down enemy after enemy—sometimes casting a harsh wind to knock them away.
Eventually, they ploughed through the troops enough to find three knights and their horses at the center of it all.
“Who are you?” One of the young knights questioned. Remy had dismounted from his horse and held onto his captain, who did not have the strength to keep himself up.
“What do you mean, who are we?” One of the bandits responded.
“We’re here to help.”
Rome looked at his twin and then back at the bandits. “Help? You’re allies?”
The King of the Wastelands stepped forward. “I’m Michael, the leader of these knuckleheads.”
Dionne scoffed at the statement.
Grinning at her, he turned his attention back to the knights and continued. “Which one of you is Ashton?”
“I am he.” The royal knight, with some help from Remy, approached the group. “Brave bandit, what is it that you ask of me?”
Michael stepped aside so that Calum came into view.
“Ash!” The prince rushed to his best friend—looking him over. Though he was concerned with the minor burns that littered the knight’s skin, Calum thanked the gods that Ashton was, at least, alive.
“Cal, you’re safe.” Ashton engulfed the royal in a tight hug that was immediately reciprocated.
When he pulled away, Calum frowned. “What happened? When I left?”
The head knight recounted that Lorian’s Court Magician, Estelle appeared soon after they let Calum run away. She caused a storm that decimated the royal army—quickly and violently. Ashton let out a shaky breath, thinking back to the horror of it all. “My ranks have been thinned, considerably. Remy and Rome are the last of our unit.” 
Calum regarded the brunet twins as they bowed their heads, in respect to their prince. These boys were young—barely the age of adulthood. They had much life to live. How fair was it that they must go through this war because of him?
“Don’t feel bad.” Ashton was versed in reading his best friend like a book. He recognized the expression that settled on Calum’s face. The prince was tenderhearted—so much so that the knight believed he would likely be as benevolent a king as his father before him.
“You are the throne’s true heir. The kingdom’s last hope.” Ashton nodded to himself and the twins. “The royal cavalry will fight alongside you—” Then he gestured towards the bandits, “—all of you, until the very end.”
The twins eagerly agreed, both responding simultaneously, “we are at your command, your highness.”
Calum thanked the twin knights. 
He took a moment to gaze upon their group. From the bandits to the lady gryphon rider. From his best friend to his newfound friend from the wastelands. Calum then grinned as he remembered his conversation with Michael, earlier that day, so he addressed his allies with absolute determination.
“To defeat the Empire that took our homes and our families. To bring peace to our kingdom of Saere. I, Prince Calum, hereby form with you, the Royal Liberation Army.”
Tagged: @irwinkitten @calpops @rosecoloredash @lilbabycalum @gorgeouslygrace @rainingcalum @cashton-dolan @lockthisheartinchains @americanhorrorstudies @lovableah @cals-eyebrows @quintodosuniversos
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counttotwenty · 5 years
TWW Fantasy Season 8:17 Like Being Pecked to Death by a Duck (Act 2)
Act 2 Interior-Josh's office Wednesday afternoon 4:30PM "The Hazardous Materials team is here, Josh. They need to test your office." Margaret was standing in front of his desk, arms crossed, giving him her best 'don't argue with me' look. "Now?" It seemed to Josh that every time he finally started to get some work done he was interrupted. "Yep. They need about 20 minutes." Margaret held firm. "And they need me to leave?" "It would probably make things go a little faster." Josh closed the folder he'd been reading. "Are you insinuating..." "We don't have time for this," Margaret said with a smile. "Go get yourself a cup of coffee in the Mess and by the time you get back they'll be done." Josh headed for the door then turned back. "These guys have proper clearances, right?" "Yes, Josh," Margaret sighed dramatically. "I'm staying here to keep an eye on them just on case though." Josh smirked. "So what you're saying is that one of them is cute?" "Yes. The tall one," Margaret whispered. "Now get out of here so I can work my magic." Cut to Interior-Hall outside Josh's office Continuous Josh saw Ron Butterfield standing a few yards down the hall deep in conversation with the head of the HazMat team. As the conversation broke up he approached the tall Secret Service agent. "How much longer are these guys gonna be here?" "Shouldn't be much longer. Another hour tops." "Everything look alright so far?" Josh tried to sound casual. Nothing about Ron's demeanor hinted that there was anything to worry about but you could never be too careful in a situation like this. "Nothing in the air is setting off the monitors," Ron said. "All the mail we took, and the surface swabs, will have to go to a lab for testing." "How long will that take?" "Several hours at least." "The sooner they can wrap things up the better. We've got a lot going on around here today." "So I heard. Among other things the grapevine says you're thinking of proposing to Donna." "No no no, not the grapevine." Josh's eyes got wide. "This can't get back to Donna before I get a chance to...you know...actually pop the question." "Relax," Ron grinned at Josh's momentary panic. "I overheard you talking about it in your office this morning. Once Margaret realized I'd heard she swore me to secrecy and told me she'd have my head if word leaked out." "Margaret swore you to secrecy? That's rich." Ron laughed. "I know. But trust me, I don't want to do anything to incur the wrath of Margaret. She scares me." "But I don't." "Not even a little," Ron smiled. "That sounds about right," Josh conceded. "I'm gonna go for a little walk. Page me if you find anything. "Will do. And by the way, Josh?" "Yeah?" "Women like elegant but understated." "What the Hell does that mean?" Josh asked. Ron just laughed and walked away. Josh turned the corner, muttering to himself, and was almost bowled over by Otto and Lou coming in the opposite direction. "Hey, Josh," they said in unison as they slid to a halt. "Hey," he replied distractedly. Otto struggled to look nonchalant. "What's up with all the guys with the monitors?" "The anthrax thing," Josh said leadingly. "They're testing the air. Any of this ring a bell?" "Oh, that's right." Lou nodded her head. "I forgot about that." Josh looked at them both like they were losing their minds. "You forgot since this morning? What's wrong with you two?" "Nothing. Just a lot going on." Lou tried to look casual. When Josh didn't respond she continued. "We're just on our way back from lunch." Otto smirked. "Lunch, right. We were firming up the education plan section of the State of the Union." Josh noticed Otto couldn't stop grinning. "Whatever. I just hope you don't crack under the stress before the speech is done." "Don't worry about that." Otto's grin got wider. "We're taking care of keeping the stress level low." "Let's go, Junior," Lou said as she grabbed Otto roughly by the elbow and headed back to the Communications bullpen before his silly grinning gave everything away. CUT TO: Interior-West Wing Lobby Josh was pacing the hallways, making a mental to do list and waiting for the HazMat team to finish up in his office when he heard the unmistakable voice of the woman he loved. She and Helen were standing in the center of the lobby admiring the gigantic tree and talking happily. As he got closer her words registered and he froze. "So he's going to propose on Christmas Eve? How exciting." She was practically bouncing. How could Donna have possibly heard about the ring? The only people in the building who knew were ones you would think should be able to keep a secret. "I know," Helen said gleefully. "And it's supposed to be a surprise, so remember, don't say anything." Donna laughed. "Mums the word." "I hope I make it till Christmas Eve without spilling the beans." "You will. I have confidence." "Thanks." Josh's heart was beating a mile a minute. "It's great that they'd already accepted your invitation to spend Christmas here. Can you imagine getting proposed to in the White House? Your niece will be over the moon. Are you sure she doesn't have any idea this is coming?" Josh clutched his chest and willed his breathing to return to normal. Donna wasn't talking about them at all. "I don't think so. If she does she's doing a really good job of hiding it. My sister didn't even have any idea they'd reached that stage of their relationship till Kelly's boyfriend called to ask for their blessing." "I love that he did that," Donna said with a soft smile. "I know a lot of people think that kind of thing is old-fashioned but I think it's really sweet." Josh's breath caught. It had never crossed his mind to ask Donna's parents for their blessing. How could he be blowing this whole proposal thing so badly? He was pretty sure they'd say yes. Donna's parents liked him, or at least they always pretended they did. And Donna said they did. So Josh was sure they did. Pretty sure. But maybe they only liked him as a boyfriend. What if they didn't think he was husband material? In a flash he turned back towards his office. He was going to have to call Donna's parents before he did anything else. CUT TO: Interior-Margaret's office "I was just getting ready to page you," Margaret said as Josh entered her office. "Secretary Vinick is on line one." "Great. Can you give me about 10 minutes and then get me Donna's parents on the phone please," he said as he breezed past her into his office. "Donna's parents?" "Yeah." Josh turned back towards her. "Do you have the number?" "Yes. I just...is everything ok," Margaret asked worriedly. "Everything's fine. I just need to ask them something." It only took a second for Margaret to realize what he was saying. Her eyes teared up and her hand fluttered to her chest. "Are you...are you going to ask for Donna's hand?" "Just get them on the phone ok?" Josh tried to sound stern but couldn't hide the softness in his eyes. "Right away." CUT TO: Interior-Josh's office Continuous Josh flung himself down into his desk chair, picked up the phone and punched line one. "Mr. Secretary, what the heck is going on over there?" he asked. "How did a simple dinner wind up all over the cable news channels? "I was only speaking the truth, Josh," Arnie replied. "Humphries is a crotchety old coot." Josh couldn't help but smile. "You couldn't have waited till your mic was off before you said that?"
"That, I'll admit, was an error in judgment on my part. How bad is it playing?"
"Could be worse," Josh said. "You're lucky we had a few other things break around the same time. You've
been relegated to the back burner."
"That's something then."
"But that doesn't mean you're not going to have to issue an apology. One that Humphries will accept. And
you'll need to do it in a very public way."
"I've already offered to do that. Twice. But Humphries wants milk this for as long as he can. He told me we could do something for the press tomorrow afternoon."
"Why wouldn't he want to get it over with sooner?"
"Because in addition to being a crotchety old coot he loves the attention being focused on him."
Josh laughed. "Ok, well there's nothing we can do about that till he's willing to cooperate. In the
meantime, are you up to speed on what's going on in Kazakhstan?"
"Yeah. My deputy filled me in."
"I'll have Margaret fax you a call list. If you hear anything, or get any leads, let us know right away."
"Are you calling the Ambassadors in," Arnie asked.
"If we need to."
"Ok, let me get to some of these calls and we'll talk in a bit."
"Goodbye, Mr. Secretary."
As soon as the light on line one went off Margaret popped her head into Josh's office.
"Can you fax the call list Ronna sent over to Secretary Vinick in London right away," he said as
soon as he saw her.
"Yep. And Donna's parents are on line three."
"Which one?"
Josh took a deep breath, reached for the phone, then pulled his hand back as if he'd been burnt. He took a few more deep breaths-in through the nose, out through the mouth. He fixed his hair, straightened his tie, then wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. Finally feeling ready, he picked up the phone and punched line three.
"Mr. and Mrs. Moss, hello." Josh thought, considering the circumstances, formal was the way to go.
"Josh? Is everything ok there? Is Donna ok?" The worried voice of Marjorie Moss cut across the miles
between them.
"I tried dialing her with my cell while we were waiting for you to pick up but her phone went straight
to voicemail," Gary Moss said worriedly. "Is she ok?"
"No, no," Josh tired to calm them down. "Everything's fine. Donna's fine. That's not why I'm calling."
Josh could hear both Donna's parents breathe an audible sigh of relief.
"We were watching the news and we saw the anthrax scare..." Marjorie said.
Josh berated himself for not realizing they may have seen the reports.
"And then your assistant called in the middle of the day...and the last time we got an unexpected call like
this from you...." Gary picked up where his wife left off.
"I'm really, really sorry for worrying you," Josh said sincerely. "I promise you everything is fine. Donna is
"And you?"
"I'm fine," Josh assured them.
"Good. Good," Marjorie said. "I think my heartbeat is almost back to normal now. Give me a second. OK, what do you need Josh?"
"What were you calling for," Marjorie asked.
"Oh...it was nothing," Josh said. He couldn't ask for Donna's hand now, not after he had scared them both so badly and dredged up bad memories of Gaza.
"It must have been something, dear," Marjorie said.
"You know what. I can't do this now. It's all wrong. I messed it up...."
"No, Josh, it's fine," Gary said. "Go ahead."
"No, no. I want this call to be perfect."
Gary Moss wrapped an arm around his wife and smiled. They shared a look as each realized why Josh was calling.
"If that's what you think is best," Donna's father said calmly. "But if you want to do it now...we're sorry we jumped to a bad conclusion."
"It's completely my fault. I'll call back in a little bit," Josh said, confident he was making the right decision. "Would that be ok? We can try this from scratch."
"That'll be fine, dear," Marjorie said sweetly. "We'll talk to you then," Gary added. The Moss's smiled
"Ok, bye," Josh said. He placed the phone back on it's cradle and ran his hands through his hair. "That could have gone better."
Cut to:
Interior-Oval Office
"Come on in, Josh," Matt said as Josh knocked softly and poked his head into the Oval. "Anything new on the explosion?"
"Not yet, Sir. Secretary Vinick is working the phones. Hopefully we'll have something soon." Josh moved into the office and stood in front of the President's large desk.
"You talked to Arnie?" Matt raised an eyebrow.
"What's up with the Humphries thing?"
"Arnie says he was just speaking the truth," Josh smiled. "They're gonna do an apology for the press but
Humphries wants to drag it out till tomorrow."
"Doesn't he realize he's not the top news story in the world right now? How much attention does he think he's getting?" Matt shook his head.
"I have no idea," Josh chuckled. As a rule it was never a good idea to be caught calling a foreign
dignitary names on an open mic but as those situations went this one was pretty funny.
"Anything new on the anthrax," Matt asked.
"Ron says we should have a final report in a couple of hours," Josh replied, rubbing his face. "All the
preliminary tests look like it was a false alarm though."
"Good. Any decisions yet on the proposal thing?"
"Sir," Josh sighed.
"Come on, Josh. We have time to kill." Matt was clearly enjoying Josh's discomfort.
"I'm sure we can find something to do."
"But not something this fun."
"Fun for who?"
"Of course." Josh knew his boss wasn't going to let this one go.
"I was seriously considering Lou's Christmas Eve idea but it looks like your niece already has a lock on
that date and I don't want Donna to have to share the spotlight."
"Two proposals in one day might send Helen over the edge." Matt agreed.
"Sam is still pushing the nature thing hard. And Ron thinks understated but elegant."
"Are either of them married?"
"Sam isn't, though he does have some experience with proposals. And Ron...I honestly have no idea."
"Me either come to think of it." Matt pondered for a moment. "Be that as it may...we know I'm married so I think my word should carry a little extra weight. Take it from me. Women like grand gestures."
"Did you propose to Helen with a grand gesture?"
"No. And I get reminded about it once a month. At least. All these years later I still have to hear about it. I didn't go with a grand gesture and I'm paying for it. I'm just trying to save you the same pain."
"How did you propose?" Josh was suddenly interested.
"That's not important."
"It's important if I want to make sure I don't repeat the same mistakes."
"Fine. If you must know-I proposed over the phone."
"Over the phone?" Josh couldn't hide his smile.
"Don't start."
"I'm just saying, Sir, over the phone?"
"Yes. And neither my wife nor my in-laws will ever let me forget it. Take my advice Josh-grand gestures are the way to go."
"I'll keep that in mind."
End Act 2
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mikereads · 5 years
St- King connections
Stranger things + Stephen King references
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Christine is about a boy named Arnie possessed by his car. Similar to how Billy is possessed. Both men try to kill a boy and his girlfriend. Both die at the end trying to do the right thing.
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Stand By Me is about a group of kids trying to uncover a mystery. Both groups are able to overcome their bullies.
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Firestarter is about young girl named Charlie with pyrokenisis. She was given her abilities by the government. She is on the run. Charlie’s father gets nose bleeds like Eleven whenever he uses his “power”. Charlie is one of the characters she is based off of. You can see the poster for the movie in 3x08 displayed at the video store. 
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Carrie is about a young girl who has telekinesis the same power as Eleven. She is outcasted by society and lives on the outskirts. Both have an abusive parental figure (Margaret, Papa). Both attend their first school dance and truly experiment with makeup for the first time.
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Johnny is possessed by a ghost in the hotel. Similar to how Bruce is possessed.
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In 1x04 Hopper sees a state trooper reading the book Cujo which will later be referenced again with the demodog. The book came out in 1981 and the movie came out on August 12, 1983, the same year season one took place in. Terry Ives also references one of his books by asking Hopper “read any Stephen King?” 
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In 1x01 Joyce jokingly askes Will if he’s afraid of clowns and in 2x03 Bob tells Will of a clown that haunted him throughout his childhood. Trying to connect with him and comparing it to the demogorgon. Which are references to Pennywise in It.The group of kids is also referred to as losers similar to the losers club. 
“It has a really nice big picture of Stephen King on the back and we thought that was a way of tipping our hat to the King” - Duffer Brothers. 
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seeksghosts-archive · 5 years
oiledbaboon replied to your post: elegiaec‌: Margaret sipped her cocoa while Lilly...
Arnie vc: Yeah, we can get that to work. It may take some convincing on my ex-wife’s part but as long as you PROMISE not to mention the word ‘Krampus’ to my daughter it should be fine. And I’ll get whatever books you two will need. Tell Lilly it WAS her turn to cook, but I can whip something up for you both. She’ll just owe me later. Thanks, Margaret! @elegiaec
@elegiaec : in  reference  to  our  thread  so  margaret  has  an  answer  from  @drstmbrg 
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knowsfirst · 6 years
16. getting them something they need before they ask for it
      she couldn’t  do  it.  she  just  couldn’t  do  it.  maggie  thought she  could  get  back  on  marty  with  whatever  joe  or  stan  she met  at  the  bar.  thought  it’d  be  easy.  this  wasn’t about  finding  someone  she  WANTED  to  fuck,  were  it  up  to her  and  blood  would  be  spilt  rather  than  other  bodily fluids,  it  was  about  making  marty  realize  the  consequences of  his  actions  and,  finally,  finding  enough  anger  within  him to  leave  maggie  and  the  girls  alone.  to  not  look  for them,  to  stop  begging  maggie  to  come  back  and  for  them  to be  a  happy  family  again  because,  as  strong  as  she  liked  to think  she  was,  maggie  would  always  come  back  to  her husband.         ❛              i’m  sorry,  i  gotta  go.         ❜              it was  a  last  minute  epiphany  ;  SHE  COULDN’T  DO  IT.  maggie just  wasn’t  the  type.  a  one  night  stand  at  her  age  with a  complete  stranger  ?   it  felt  odd.  it  didn’t  suit her  personality.  the  man  who’d  bought  her  a  drink   (  harry?  arnie?  barry?  )   protested  going  so  far  as  to grab  her  hand  once  maggie  got  up.  the  brunette  tried  to pull  it  away.  only  when  doing  so  did  she  realize  how  firm his  grip  was.         ❛              thanks for the drink, but i need to get–         ❜           
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it was  when  her  jacket  was  placed  on  her  shoulders  and  a  set of  reassuring  hands  squeezed  them,  as  if  to  gently encourage  her  that  margaret  hart  realized  stella  had  been  in that  same  bar  the  whole  time.  her  guardian  angel  in  heels. maggie  felt  equally  happy  and  embarrassed  to  see  stella  at such  an  awkward  time.
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victor-criss · 7 years
stephen king fan survey
favorite movie: tie between christine and carrie 1976
favorite book: it! (the stand is a close second)
favorite movie protagonist: beverly marsh from it 2017; arnie cunningham from christine; richie tozier from it 1990
favorite book protagonist: richie tozier from it (pretty much all of the losers except for bill lmao); larry underwood from the stand
favorite movie antagonist: margaret white in carrie 1976; annie wilkes in misery
favorite book antagonist: the overlook (and its ghosts) from the shining
favorite movie death scene: buddy repperton in christine; the prom massacre from carrie 1976
favorite book death scene: patrick hockstetter in it; the overlook burning down in the shining
favorite movie scene overall: the "show me" sequence from christine; carrie and tommy dancing at the prom in carrie 1976; henry and beverly fucking up their dads in it 2017; the final scene of pet sematary
favorite book scene overall: bev, richie, and ben at the movies in it; the apocalyptic rock war from it; the tunnel scene from the stand; wendy and dick saving the day in the shining
favorite movie soundtrack: christine; stand by me; pet sematary two
favorite movie score: carrie 1976 by pino donaggio; firestarter by tangerine dream; creepshow by john harrison
favorite book cover: the original pet sematary art is gorgeous. there are some seriously beautiful '80s japanese variant covers for it, too.
least favorite movie: he has a track record of terrible movies, but on terms of what hurt me personally, the stand miniseries is an abomination and makes everything else look like citizen kane
least favorite book: i never finished from a buick 8 but i've heard it picks up so i'll probably give it another shot.
unpopular movie opinion: the shining miniseries is better than the kubrick movie in terms of character development and story (as well as treatment of its female and poc characters), but people don't care because the latter had the better cinematography, bigger budget, and freedom for more gore/swearing thanks to a theatrical r-rating. (same goes for it 1990 vs 2017. oop.)
unpopular book opinion: idk if this is unpopular, but despite it and the stand being my favorites, i really really really hate the sidelining of the female characters in the final confrontations of both.
movie you'd like to see remade/book you'd like to see adapted: sometimes they come back, remade with an all-female cast. (i would also kill for canon accurate hbo miniseries of both it and the stand but i'm not holding my breath)
tag five friends to fill this out: 
@nicholashamilton @dontletmediebitch @sharkygal @slinkhard @adreadfulidea + anyone else who might be interested!
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bethanyrob94 · 4 years
beth robertson || character study
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(( TW: mental illness and domestic violence ))
FULL NAME: Bethany Louise Robertson
AGE: 25
DATE OF BIRTH: January 3, 1995
ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
PLACE OF BIRTH: New York, New York
HOMETOWN: Toronto, ON, Canada
LOCATION: Kingsboro, Brooklyn, New York City, NY
NATIONALITY: Canadian, American
EDUCATION LEVEL: Doctor of Physical Therapy from University of Toronto
OCCUPATION: Physical Therapist
MENTAL CONDITIONS: bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety
PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENTS: needs glasses for reading
BODY TYPE: petite
STYLE: Beth loves being comfortable. When she’s not in her work scrubs, she typically in yoga pants, a sports bra and a tank top. When she goes to The Grind or The Toadstool, she’ll wear something like a cute top, a cardigan, sneakers or boots, cuff her jeans, and bring a small bag. On days she feels like dressing up, she likes to wear floral dresses in the summer. In the winter, she might tuck a cute sweater into a pair of black skinny jeans with boots.
TATTOOS?: Beth doesn’t have any tattoos, but she’s not opposed to getting one.
POSITIVE TRAITS: hard-working, passionate, resourceful, sensible, honest
NEGATIVE TRAITS: standoffish, nit-picker, quiet, daddy issues, judgmental, distrustful, bitchy
WHAT DO THEY CONSIDER TO BE THE BEST AND THE WORST PART OF THEIR PERSONALITY?:  She has a kind heart, and means well but she often comes off as rude or unlikable because she is so quiet and sometimes can’t really read the room. She is smart and she knows it, which can also come off as narcissistic/rude. Beth would definitely say her worst trait is that she is often quick to close herself off to someone.  
ANY TALENTS?: fast reader? Is that a talent? 
WHAT ARE THEIR FEARS?: not having control of her bipolar disorder
DO THEY HAVE ANY PHOBIAS?: claustrophobia
LIST 3 PET-PEEVES THEY CAN’T STAND: sloppiness, homophobia, racism
BEST MEMORY: Her second year of college
WORST MEMORY: Having her first manic episode before being diagnosed with bipolar disorder at 18
BIGGEST SECRET: Beth fled an emotionally abusive relationship when coming to New York. She tells people she came to reconnect with her sister, which is true but she also fled her ex.
BIGGEST WISH: Having a successful career, having a family
BIGGEST FEAR: Getting into another abusive relationship
FIRST LOVE : loren courtier 
TURN ONS: foreplay, making out, beauty and brains, someone who understand her on an intellectual level
TURN OFFS: cockiness, asshole frat boys, Republicans, golden showers, anything really kinky
SPEAKING VOICE CLAIM: Emma Watson in Perks of Being a Wallflower, but not quite...Examples: here and here 
RELATIONSHIP WITH MOTHER: Excellent - her mom has been the one constant in her life and she considers her mom to be one of her best friends.
MOTHER’S NAME: Louisa Rose
RELATIONSHIP WITH FATHER: Bad - her father was flighty and left her and her mother when she was very young. He popped in on her life every once in a while, but never stayed long enough to form a good relationship
FATHER’S NAME: Arnie Robertson
SIBLINGS: Ellie Robertson
PETS: She had a cat in college - Justin (after Justin Trudeau)
ROLE MODELS: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Michelle Obama, AOC, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Malala
FAVORITE BOOKS: Harry Potter Series, Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay, Know My Name by Chanel Miller, The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
FAVORITE MOVIES: The Devil Wears Prada, Harry Potter, Miss Congeniality, Crazy Rich Asians 
FAVORITE MUSIC: Pop and alternative
FAVORITE FOOD: Sushi, poutine, salad
WHAT LANGUAGES DO THEY SPEAK?: English and some French
WHAT’S THEIR WORST HABIT(S)?: Pulling out/playing with her hair when she’s nervous
DO THEY DRINK OR SMOKE? HOW FREQUENTLY?: Beth only drinks sometimes, and prefers to DD. She would never dare let a cigarette touch her lips, and hasn’t smoked weed since college.
HOW LONG TO THEY USUALLY TAKE GETTING READY?: Depends on the occasion, but not long overall. Beth doesn’t wear a lot of makeup and typically throws her hair in a ponytail.
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bob birch house of cards Larry Pine actor actress information TV Actor
bob birch house of cards Larry Pine actor actress information TV Actor
bob birch house of cards
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About bob birch house of cards:
Assumed the job of Bob Birch on the TV arrangement, House of Cards with Kevin Spacey.
Prior to Fame
He made his TV film debut in James Ivory’s Hullabaloo Over Georgie and Bonnie’s Pictures.
Incidental data
He assumed the job of Arnie Zelman on the show, Oz.
Family Life
He wedded Margaret Pine who is a writer and sound planner.
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