#army green for cap?
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natjennie · 2 years ago
getting my nails done in a hot minute what color should i do <3
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vox-anglosphere · 2 years ago
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Formed in 1660, the Coldstream Guards are Britain's oldest regiment
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macfrog · 9 months ago
If you ever feel up to it - a little short story from the scom universe about reader and Joel deciding to have a second baby or finding out they're pregnant for the second time would warm my cold dead heart <3
i am. so. sorry. for the word count on this i truly do not know what happened. but i had a lot of fun with it, so. hopefully y'all do, too. happy fathers day! x
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jellybean ~4k words | series masterlist warnings: pregnancy symptoms (feeling and being sick, horniness + sleepiness. aka me even when not pregnant), 99% just duckie vs her mom
Duckie spills the secret on a Friday.
The morning is lazy, slow. The breathing of the sea across a plain of beach. Your fingers sift through her hair like the breeze through sun-bleached pages. The way she and the sun tint the room peach.
Sarah sprawls out across the spot still warm on her dad’s side of the bed. She’s in a habit of waking up early to sneak through to your room, lift the bottom of the covers, and army crawl between your bodies.
Joel’s in a habit of stirring to the heat of her at his back, her tiny toes at his spine, and turning to scoop her in one arm. They sleep curled into one another, mouths catching flies.
This morning, though, she’s up to something. She brought a secret.
She’s flat-out on her stomach, pens scratching at the paper. There’s the scent of cherry and lemon and green apple tangling in the air. Taut frown on her face, tongue poked with concentration. She looks just like her dad.
She pauses and looks up at you. “What color is this part?” she asks, dabbing at the blank hubcap.
“Silver,” you reply, fixing the cap back onto the grape pen before it stains your sheets.
She huffs. “I don’t have silver, Mama.”
You tap on the page. “Daddy’s wing mirrors are black, but you did ‘em green. The colors don’t matter, do they?”
But it’s seven a.m., and you’re sharing only the red jellybeans for something of a pre-breakfast snack (the four-year-old’s idea), and you’re exhausted despite having slept the full night, and she keeps halting any time Joel’s humming quietens – just in case he spoils his birthday surprise.
She hunkers down with the lemon pen to nail the emblem of his truck, and you figure – color is just the least of it. Truthfully, to your kid – and so, to you, too – nothing has ever mattered more.
You cup her cheek and lift her gaze back to meet yours. “How about I grab you a glitter pen today, just for the wheels?”
She grins. Little milk teeth, gappy and gummy. Peach fuzz cheeks, sweet as the rest of her, a perfect fit in the palm of your hand.
I love you I love you you’re my whole world I love you, you want to say.
Instead: “Only if we tidy your room later. Deal?”
“Deal, Mama,” Sarah giggles, and her little ink-stained hands splay out across the page again.
She scribbles only a few more splotches of color before you both notice it.
The sudden silence.
The water’s stopped running. The shower screen rattles as he pulls it back. Dripdripdrip from the showerhead straight down to the empty basin.
Sarah twists to watch Joel’s disembodied arm blindly grab for a towel folded on the sink. It whips off out of sight, and he calls through from the bathroom.
“Duckie? You still there?”
“Gogogo,” you whisper, helping your daughter cover her dad’s drawing with blank sheets. “Leave the jellybeans, Duck, save yourself!”
She finds the entire thing hysterical. Swinging her masterpiece under one arm, two fistfuls of rainbow pens, springing from the mattress like it suddenly caught flame. She throws herself from the foot of the bed and dashes across the hall to her own room, candy scattering in her wake.
Joel’s head cranes around the doorframe. “Where’d she go?”
You smile, shrugging. Chewing innocently on a jellybean. “That’s funny. She was here a second ago.”
He pads over to the bed, towel slung loose around his hips. Smirks, when your hungry eyes descend his figure – the bearlike shape of him, all muscle and fur, toned where he needs it but soft where you want it.
He cages over you, dark hair dripping with the smell of citrus, skin sticky.
His lips are like velvet against yours. Tongue still singed with coffee. A low growl from his throat when you lean forward to lick into his mouth.
“Smell so goddamn good,” you murmur, dipping your head to bury into the crook of his neck.
His beard is fuzzier when it’s damp, natural masculine musk melded with the fresh soap and rich aftershave he uses. All honey and oatmeal, mixed with a woodsy scent – and fuck, it’s intoxicating. Moreso than usual – stronger and sexier.
You take his hands and lower them to your hips, letting his fingers knot around the baggy material of your – his T-shirt. Tugging on it, exposing the slip of delicate lace on your hips.
“Darlin’,” Joel warns, “we’re late. We still gotta drop Duckie off – If she walks in –”
You groan, huffing back into the mattress. The weight between your legs ripples over the horizon, pulses into weak nothing.
Joel fixes the shirt back down to your thighs just as the thunder of his daughter’s footsteps rumbles back into the room.
Tonight, he breathes, slicking some of the hair from his face.
You grin, taking his hand to pull yourself back up.
Sarah materializes in the doorway, a lingering half-girl. Smiling from behind the frame, twisting the ball of her foot into the floor.
“Hi, Duck,” Joel says, still playing with your fingers.
“You look guilty.”
Her grin widens. She totters into the room, launches herself onto the bed, and nuzzles into your side. She squirms when Joel digs his fingers into her waist.
The beats of her laughter drum against your ribs, the same way her fists used to when she lived inside you.
“Alright.” You cradle her, her little head tipping back to wake the rest of Austin up with her squeals of glee. “Are we ready for some actual food, now?”
Joel chuckles, reaching for his mug.
Sarah nods from your lap. Her eyes drift down to the print on your tee. “Mama?”
“Do they like jellybeans?”
You frown. “Does who like jellybeans?”
Her finger prods lightly into your tummy. “The baby.”
Joel chokes, splattering coffee into his fist. He slams the mug down, pounds his chest clear of liquid.
“There’s no – Jesus, Joel,” you swipe mocha flecks from the sheets, “Told Sarah to be careful with her pens and then you spray coffee all over the…”
Sarah rolls off, cackling. “Silly Daddy,” she hoots, leaping on the bedroom floor.
“Hey,” you usher her over to the door, “Why don’t you go pick out what you wanna wear today? I’ll be right behind you. Quit tryna give your dad a heart attack, okay?”
“The baby, Mama,” she’s repeating, walking like a little convict. She turns over the threshold to her room like it’s a cell, her pink pajama uniform and guilty expression to go with it. Still laughing, swallowing the ticklish bursts when she notices you’re shaking your head.
“There is no baby.” You kneel before her, repeating, “No baby. Just you. How about your T-shirt with the butterflies?”
It seems to distract her enough. Thank Christ. She gasps, inspired, and twirls off to find the tee.
“Fucking hell,” you sigh, pushing back to your feet.
Joel’s flapping the sheets when you slip back into your room, still clearing his throat. Half-dressed: a white T-shirt over his broad chest and a pair of black boxers. Soaked hair clinging to the back of his neck and drying in flicks across his forehead.
Jesus, you want to pull him back over you and let him have his way.
You close the door over and spin, hands on your hips. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Me?” he croaks. “Did you hear what she just said?”
“You’ve known this kid for four years, Joel, you really can’t tell when she’s fucking with you? She’s my kid, keep up.”
“Just seemed an awfully –” he thumps his chest again, “– awfully specific thing to say.”
“She’s in a phase I think,” you reply, catching the pillow he tosses across. “She’s telling stories. Last week, her pre-K teacher congratulated me our supposed wedding. Asked to see pictures of the Mickey Mouse officiant.”
“Jesus,” he grumbles. “She really bought that?”
You mimic the breezy voice: “Sarah was very convincing.”
Joel scoffs. “I don’t know if I can take a lying phase and a copying phase at the same time. Every goddamn word I say, she’s gotta repeat it.”
“She idolizes you,” you straighten the sheets, “I think it’s endearing.”
“Hm. Just wait until it’s you.”
He wanders around the bed, pulls your back against his chest. His arms cross over your tummy, lips pressing into your shoulder where his shirt has slipped.
“How much harder would two be?” he mumbles into the bare skin.
“Two Sarahs?” You scoff.
Joel laughs. “Yeah, you’re right. I forget she runs on chaos and jellybeans.”
“Yup,” you turn in his arms, linking yours behind his neck, “And there ain’t no point in talking about it anyways, because I am not fucking pregnant.”
He rolls his forehead against yours, stealing bristly kisses. “Okay.”
“I’m not, Joel.”
“I believe you, baby.”
Sarah’s bedtime is a liberal eight, eight thirty on weekends. She likes to sit up, lodged between you and Joel on the couch, and help pick the movie you two will watch once she’s in bed.
Once – and only once – Joel tried to fool her by pretending to play her choice, then switching as soon as she went down.
The kid quizzed him on the movie the next morning. He failed. She’s never forgotten.
Tonight, though, Joel’s out. Some game that you know and care too little about sports to learn the name or importance of. He’s with some buddies at the local bar, probably nursing his second beer in as many hours, and counting down the minutes until he can come home to his girls.
Sarah snores soundly, slumped at your side as though butter wouldn’t melt. The flicker from the TV across her face, the gentle mumbling of the voices onscreen. Her hands limp in her lap, fingers idling in a pink snack bowl.
You admire her, stealing a piece of her popcorn. Teeth grinding down when you remember dishing it for her earlier, hearing her curious voice ask whether or not the baby likes popcorn more than jellybeans.
Nope, you sang, tossing a handful in your mouth as you passed her the bowl. Imaginary babies don’t eat popcorn.
She snorted (which unnerved you, because what the fuck is this kid finding so funny?), and followed you to the living room so close that you could feel her toes at your heels.
Some of the kids in her class have siblings. Some older, but mostly younger. It’s the only fucking explanation, the only thing that explains this sudden interest in the real estate of your uterus.
She’s going through a phase, you tell yourself, suckling on popcorn. But then – how many fucking phases do kids go through? Which phases did you go through?
Barney & Friends. That was a fucking phase. Refusing to leave the house without the hoodie your mom bought you from the Museum of Natural History, even in the height of summer. Ketchup and broccoli, your boyfriend at seventeen, frisbeeing your neighbor’s newspaper and aiming for his flowerpots.
Phase, phase, fucking phase.
Does she know something you don’t?
…No. You took a test just last week. Shut up. Stop letting the kid into your fucking head.
Joel’s keys jangle on the other side of the door, shunting into the lock with a sound which stills your brain.
You tilt your head over the back of the couch, your man’s beard tickling your nose as he kisses you. “Evening.”
“Missed you,” he whispers against your lips. He straightens and tugs the jacket from his shoulders. “She not in bed yet?”
“She fell asleep down here,” you reply. “I got too tired to carry her up.”
He caresses your forehead, big pillowy palm. “You feelin’ okay?”
“It’s been a long day,” you grumble.
Joel smiles. He flops down onto the couch beside you, reaching over to stroke Sarah’s head.
You roll, solid as a rock, curling into his side. “She keeps saying it, Joel. She keeps fucking saying it.”
His chest jumps, tectonic plates moving with a laugh. “You’ve met your match, honey. Produced a professional little shit.”
“One of the other moms from her class is pregnant,” you mumble. “That’s gotta be it, right? That’s where she’s getting it from?”
“Maybe,” Joel muses. His fingers link with yours. “Why don’t you take a test anyways? Settle it in your mind?”
It startles you awake, even if only enough to prove the fucking point.
“No, Joel!” you hiss, body jerking. “If I take a test, and it turns out negative – which it will – she wins! My four-year-old fooled me. No,” you pluck spilled popcorn from your lap, pinging it back into the bowl, “I know this kid. I gave birth to this kid. She is not fucking winning.”
“Alright, baby,” he coos, “it’s okay. I won’t let the four-year-old fool you.”
You glower. “Thanks, asshole.”
He chuckles. “She’d make the best big sister, though. She would,” he insists, when you huff back against his chest. “She’d love being the oldest. Get to be bossy, get to call the shots. Get to protect them, no matter what.”
Your voice feels so small, as inquisitive as your daughter’s when you blink up at him. “Were you protective over Tommy?”
“Oh, yeah. I mean, he was annoying as all hell – and I told him so – but anyone else had anythin’ to say about him, and – well, they had me to deal with.”
“Big scary Joel Miller,” you whisper, yawning into his shirt. “I knew him once.”
“Mhm,” he rumbles, “You sure did.”
You look up again, blinking all doe-eyed and dreamy. Already half-asleep.
“He never scared me,” you whisper.
Joel smiles.
“Well, you scared the hell outta him.”
Saturday morning, you wake to an empty bed. No snoring man, no scribbling girl. Just you – a starfish on the mattress. Bathing in waves of late-morning sun, sheets for coral, body as heavy as though you really are at the bottom of the ocean.
Her giggles carry all the way upstairs. Sarah. They surf into the room on a sunbeam, sounds like bubbles which shatter and sprinkle over your aching body.
You smile into Joel’s pillow, breathing in the smell of him, and peel your eyes open.
It’s ten thirty. Definitely – you blink three times and rub at your eyes, just to make sure. Ten thirty, and something’s swirling behind your navel. Something that sharpens, sours, when you push yourself upright.
“Oh, shit,” you rasp, and throw yourself across the room.
You barely make it, collapsing in a heap at the toilet. Your stomach empties in seconds; three heavy, painful gags and your head is in the bowl, choking on last night’s dinner.
“Motherfucker,” you spit, gasping, “Oh, Jesus.”
You’re sick. You’re just sick. Sarah probably caught something from pre-K, passed it on without even knowing. And, hey – you feel better, now that that happened.
You’re just sick. Nothing else.
“Mornin’,” Joel calls, watching as you stagger into the kitchen.
Sarah mimics his drawl. “Mornin’, Mama.”
“Hi, Duckie.” You crumple into the chair beside her, shoulders hunched. The smell of burnt toast and grape juice twists up your nose, and you suck in a slow breath.
Joel sweeps a hand over your forehead. He tips your jaw up to face him. “You alright? Thought we heard running.”
Sarah rips a slice of toast in two. She stares at the fluffy insides, the jam dripping from the tear. The sight of it lifts the hairs on your skin, the gloopy mess splattering onto her plate.
“Just feel kinda…funny,” you slur, turning away.
“Funny? Funny how?”
“Funny how?” your daughter parrots.
You shrug. Every word, every inhale makes you feel even more nauseous. “Probably just ate something.”
“Heard that one before,” Joel drones, and you throw him a flat look.
Sarah licks the jam from her fingers. She holds her tiny hands up to her dad, snorts when he pretends to bite at them.
“Eat your breakfast, Duckie,” he says then – in his Dad voice. And in something softer, kinder: “Can I make you somethin’?”
You swat the idea away, but it’s already churning in your stomach again. “Just gotta – get over whatever it – is.”
The table falls silent. Joel and Sarah stare blankly at one another. When you turn to look at your daughter, she’s staring straight back. Smirking.
“Stop looking at me like that,” you clip, wincing again at the dribbling jam.
“Alright,” Joel utters, “I think you oughta take a test now.”
“That is not what this is,” you groan, petulantly pushing up from your chair.
He takes your hand, steadying you. “No? I was thinking about it, baby, and I don’t think we’ve been safe enough to be so sure.”
You dump your golden toast in the trash and turn, crossing your arms. Your shoulders lift. “We’re not being any less safe than we have been the last four years.”
“Safe,” Sarah says, and Joel holds a finger up.
“No,” he tells her. “No. Not that word. Go back to funny.”
She beams at him. “You’re funny, Daddy.”
He sighs, pacing over. “Look,” he lowers his plate into the sink, “I’ll take Duckie to the park. Let you rest up, give you a quiet house for the morning. But darlin’, if you’re not better by tonight, you’re takin’ a test.”
You grimace. “But she –”
“I know –” he grits his teeth, “– I know you don’t want her to be right. But I want you to be okay, more ‘n I want to prove my child wrong. Like it or not, you’re taking a damn test.”
Your eyes flit across to the kid swinging her legs in her chair, the splotch of jam down her Peppa Pig T-shirt. Your greatest accomplishment and your biggest challenge, wrapped up into a hundred-centimeter, jellybean-fueled monster.
Her cheeks lift, jam-covered and smug.
“Funny,” Sarah says, nodding.
The afternoon strings the sun high in the sky.
You’ve been home alone for the better part of an hour, busying yourself by cleaning to take your mind off the nausea tugging at your esophagus. Making and remaking beds, folding laundry until your fingers cramp.
Sarah’s room has never been tidier. Joel’s workshop has never seen so little dust. And you have never been more determined to prove your four-year-old wrong.
You’re lingering in the bathroom, the window gaping. Sucking in breath after breath of fresh air – which only serves to tickle the acid burning its way up your throat, entice it further.
You’re emptying the cabinets, reorganizing them into some senseless order. Playing Tetris with boxes of Band-Aids, slotting in tubes of toothpaste. You blindly reach behind your hip for the next box – a nearly empty thing which rattles when you lift it, jitters as though nervous.
You glance down.
“Fuck off,” you hiss, throwing it on the shelf beside some tampons.
It stares back at you, as blinding as the sun. The two display window examples, pregnant and not pregnant, like a wink peering out from the dull cabinet.
Your gums taste of bitter bile, rancid. Teeth furry and aching. Your entire body aches – though nothing quite so bad as the space below your ribs, still tender from all your retching.
Slowly, your hands slip down your front to cup your lower tummy. Rounder than before, suppler – bloated, even.
“’s from all the throwing up,” you tell nobody in particular. Maybe yourself. There’s a desperate edge to your voice, almost a plea.
But then – a plea to who? For what? There was nothing you loved more than carrying Sarah for nine months. Duck. Start saying duck. Baby Duck.
You were never on your own. She was right there. Someone to talk to, someone to complain to. Someone to weep to, in the quietest lulls of night.
Her language came to you as easily as your own. All her kicks and punches, her fucking acrobatics while you tried to sleep. It was love, in its most chaotic form.
And you loved her, the very moment you saw those two lines. The very moment you realized she’d been in there the whole time.
You realize now, squatted on your bathroom floor, that it feels the exact same. A warmth, radiating from your very core, if only you’d pay it enough attention to feel it.
Like there’s someone there. Right there.
“If you’re fucking with me,” you warn your stomach, reaching for the single test, “I will lose my shit.”
Love, in its most chaotic form bursts through your bedroom door no less than half an hour later.
“Hi, Mama!” Sarah sings, tearing through the room with her hands behind her back. Her knees bump against the side of your bed, the air about her summer-warm and pollen-sweet.
“Hi, little Duck,” you mumble, voice swollen. You wipe sleep from your eyes, asking, “How was the park?”
She answers with a wide grin on her face, whipping out a small, shabby bunch of flowers. Dandelions and daisies tangled around one another, loose petals scattering over your bedsheets.
“Oh, baby,” you push yourself up, ignoring the sickly weight in your stomach, “Are these for me?”
She nods. She dusts her hands free of grass when you take the bouquet. And then, as you smell them and hum with delight, she turns.
First, over to the dresser. She stares at her reflection, pokes at some of the makeup on the table. Then over to the window – where her breath fogs the glass. You hear the whack of Joel’s tailgate closing, and she tracks him into the house, before examining the windowsill.
You watch nervously as she drifts back over to the bed, a curious hop to her movements. Inspecting, like she knows there’s something waiting to be found. Someone.
“Did you have fun with Daddy?” you ask.
“Yep,” her small voice says, distant and distracted. She disappears into the dim bathroom.
You slump back down on the mattress, dropping the flowers in a clump on your bedside table. “I don’t even know when I fell asleep, baby girl,” you say through a yawn.
Sarah doesn’t reply.
“What’s this?”
You lift your head. “What’s wh…Oh, n-no, Duckie, wait –”
She flees past you, one fist raised and wielding the pregnancy test.
“Sarah! Jesus, fuck –”
You’re chasing after her before you have a chance to consider it – nausea be damned. She’s squealing something, roaring with laughter, blitzing out into the hallway. She swivels, ladders down the stairs backwards, leaps straight into the arms of –
“Christ, Sarah –”
Joel stumbles backwards with the force she throws at him. She’s safe in his arms by the time you reach the top of the stairs, waving the stupid stick around his head like it’s a magic wand.
“Daddy!” Sarah cries.
He glances up to you: hunched over the top step, panting, clutching your stomach. He pinches the test from her grasp. “What do we got here, baby duck?”
She kicks her feet. She has no fucking idea what they have, but she knows you didn’t want her near it – and if you know your kid, you know that’s all the catalyst she needed to fucking take it.
You slowly make your way down towards them, smirk growing the nearer you draw.
Joel glances down to the test. The creases by his eyes deepen. He hugs Sarah closer.
“Two...two means...pregnant, right?” he asks.
You sigh, nodding. “Mhm.”
His head lifts.
He breaks, the second he sees your expression. Eyes glassy, tears spilling onto your cheeks. The same smile you wore that June morning: sleep-deprived and shellshocked, a love pumping through your veins so strong that you thought you might burst with it.
Joel reaches for your hand, reels you in against his body.
“Shit,” he laughs, holding the test up.
Your shaking hands take it from him – though you already knew what it says. You were dreaming of it all when Sarah broke into your room.
Dreaming of linked hands and echoed giggles; of bunkbeds and matching surnames, of all four seats in the truck filled and all four chambers of your heart spoken for.
Dreaming of one on each hip, one in each hand. Dreaming of them tag teaming Joel, of the word kids slung with his southern twang. My kids, the kids, our kids. All ours.
Dreaming of two Sarahs, goddamn it. Because nothing ever completed your life as effortlessly as one Sarah, and – hell, she was born to follow in her dad’s footsteps and become the elder Miller sibling.
“Shit,” you agree, turning to sob into Joel’s chest.
“Duckie,” Joel says, voice hoarse and choked by tears, “You’re gonna be a big sister.”
She giggles, tracing the damp lines down your cheeks. As she reaches your jaw, the elation on her face slowly dwindles into something of a frown.
Your lips part to repeat it – a big sister, Duck – when her tiny voice steals the air from your lungs.
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internet-kid-kenna · 29 days ago
Here are some of my aftg 2006 fashion HCs
- Allison definitely has a hot pink Juicy Couture velour track suit. Like 1000% she does. I literally picture her dressing like Paris Hilton when she's not in exy gear
- Andrew definitely wears Doc Martens. He has the most worn in pair of docs though like they’re the only shoes he wears (other than when he's on the court or at the gym) and he takes good care of the leather tho. He might have multiple pairs but he for sure wears combat boots.
- Neil has the most beat up af pair of vans that like the soles are nearly coming off of. Andrew buys him new shoes but Neil would always pick his trash shoes until Andrew gets so fed up he throws them away.
- Kevin for sure wears like Hollister or Abercrombie & Fitch, tbh he was probably a Hollister model at some point
- Andrew definitely has a black leather jacket, Aaron has a brown one.
- Nicky wears vests over t-shirts, i basically picture him dressing like the Jonas brothers.
- i also think Matt wears vests over t-shirts, like specifically when they go out to a club
- Aaron wears converse. He has them in a couple of colors but i think he'd probably wear like red ones more often than black
- Allison owns a bump-it and she loves it, she teases the shit out of her hair to get it perfect (i think the actual bump it came out in 2008 but i still wanted to include it bc it makes so much sense to me)
- Renee has a pixie cut, like Alice from twilight style (also I know the movies came out after 2006 but just using that iconic style for reference)
- as much as i want to picture Andrew with a middle part and longer hair, I think he keeps it pretty short and gels it, however Aaron for sure has the like Bieber side swept bang look going on.
- Dan wears like jeans and a zip up hoodie usually, her jeans definitely have the like embellished designs on the back pockets though
- Dan also wears capris and V-necks with tank tops underneath
- Seth wears like Ed Hardy T-shirts, I think Andrew owns at least one in black, but Seth is like chains and baggy jeans and Ed hardy t-shirts for sure
- Renee wears jeans under dresses, but she looks cute in it
- Renee also wears those like knee length skirts and cropped cardigans with cap sleeves.
- Wymack wears Polos w/ cargo shorts and flip flops
- Abby definitely always has a contrasting color tank top under a long sleeve v-neck and boot cut jeans
- Allison owns several mini skirts that are about as wide as a belt and in fact owns belts that are wider than some of her skirts
- when Dan goes clubbing she also wears mini skirts though, but like Allison will wear one to class if she feels like it
- Dan owns several pairs of gold hoops and is usually wearing them even if she's dressed fairly casually
- Matt has worn a tie with a tshirt before, he also has one of those like army green shirts with the lapels and too many pockets.
- Matt wears a sweater vest when he has to dress nicely though
- Neil owns the baggiest Jeans on the planet and probably keeps them up with a shoe lace instead of a belt, the hems of them are shredded bc he's short but any rips are patched up
- Andrew definitely wears black ripped skinny jeans all the time, but specifically the ones that have the like ribbed black fabric underneath the rips, the rips are purely aesthetic.
- Andrew wears silver jewelry if he wears any, but Aaron wears gold if he wears any
- any formal wear by the guys includes a skinny tie
Like fashion in 2006 is such a fun backdrop for these characters. I can't stop thinking about it
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titaniasfairy · 1 year ago
i need to be laid out across john prices lap in a pretty two piece, the most filthiest things spewing out of his mouth right into my ear as his hand meets my ass over and over i’m craving it . . .
oh this is just making me think about john applying your sun screen for you…
i made this longer than intended lol
18+ MDNI!!
cw: no smut just very suggestive, fem!reader, dom!price, price is dilf tbh, spanking, massaging
the weather’s getting warmer, and all you want is to lay across your longue chair by your backyard pool to soak up the sun and feel the rays on your soft skin.
your skimpy bikini barely covers your ass and tits, the material tightly clinging to your body while your heart-shaped sunglasses tied the “outfit” together.
you weren’t aware you had an audience when you were bending over to lay your towel down and a loud hiss and groan could be heard behind you. chuckling, you turn around to greet your crowd.
“like what you see, hm?”
john stood there in his army green t-shirt and khaki cargo shorts behind you, looking as middle-aged as he could. his eyes were squinting while he pulled down his aviators to get a good look at his girl.
“i certainly do.”
price approaches you and hugs you from behind, his big hands fully encasing your waist. your head leans back against his chest and john takes the opportunity to kiss down your neck.
in between pecks and light sucks on the warm flesh, john whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
“y’know how good you look in this? tryin’ to give a show to the neighbors, huh?”
you let out a light laugh and his grip on your waist tightens. “i’m not messin’ with you, luv. you lookin’ to show off for someone?”
john’s voice is low and hoarse in your ear, sending shivers down your spine and butterflies to your cunt with each syllable he says. you can tell he’s worked up too from the growing bulge poking your lower back.
“you know it’s all for you, honey.”
“it better be.”
you successfully wiggle out of his grip and grab the sunscreen laying on your chair. you turn around to face john and the bottle opens with a pop of the cap.
“i was thinking… maybe you could help me put this on? you know i can’t reach all the spots on my back.”
price exhales with a huff, seemingly laughing at your offer. but how could he deny you when you’re looking up at him like that?
“i’d be fuckin’ glad to.”
you eagerly hand him the bottle, excited to get his hands running up and down your body. john takes the bottle from you and takes a step back, observing your body.
“on your back, i wanna see those pretty tits poking up at me.”
john’s dirty words make your pussy clench around nothing, your thighs squeezing together while you stare in front of him.
giving you a ‘what are you waiting for’ look, john urges you lay down on the chair. before you could settle, john is pushing you down and covering his hands in sunscreen.
“good lord…” he exclaims, his hands finally coming down to cover your legs in spf. his calloused hands massage the sunscreen into your calves and thighs, john’s eyes trained on your face to see your reactions.
“that feel good, luv?”
releasing a sigh, you smile and nod. john has always had a way with his hands, whether it be when he’s massaging your shoulders after a long day or groping your tits while he’s pounding you hard.
“i know it does, i know.”
his hands begin to move from your thighs to your pelvis and tummy, making sure every inch of you is covered in sunscreen. with each squeeze of your skin, john his groaning out explicatives as he gazes on your figure. your eyes can’t help but fall to his now raging boner throbbing in his shorts. before you could protest, rough hands pull your tits out of your bikini top.
“w-wait john! someone could see-”
“let em’ watch, give em somethin’ to look at.”
john applies more sunscreen, this time he squirts the product directly onto your tits. the sudden coldness of the lotion makes your nipples harden, even in the heat. john’s hands rub the lotion in, groping and squeezing at your tits and tweaking your hard nipples.
“f-fuck, john..”
your back arches and he laughs- the bastard laughs at you. your thighs are clenched together and your legs are crossed to apply pressure to your cunt.
“jesus christ these tits are gorgeous. look at you, squeezin’ your thighs together like a hopeless slut.”
his hands suddenly leave your tits and move to your shoulders and arms. you try to protest, but john’s hands are already holding your wrists to stop you from moving.
“what’s the problem, lovie? m’just doin’ what you asked.”
you couldn’t really argue with the man that was making you this horny, so you just sat back and allowed john to cover the rest of your front in the lotion.
“on my lap now, gotta get your back.”
john pats his thighs and sits next to you and you’re quick to lay across his lap, your ass perfectly in the center and your groin laid exactly on his hard bulge.
“holy shit, babe.”
a hard smack is laid on your ass, leaving a white handprint of sunscreen on your bottom. john begins to rub the lotion on your ass, adoring the way your flesh jiggles with each touch.
“make sure to get my back!”
while your voice is muffled, the reminder earns you another smack to ass. “i’ll take my time if i want. if you don’t watch your mouth you’ll have to start counting em’.”
“y-yes sir.”
his strict tone makes you grind down on his cock, trying desperately to calm the urge in your cunt. john’s hands land back on your waist and grip hard, effectively stopping you from grinding on him. in an instant, john stands up and carries you bridal style to the door.
“hey wait-!”
“had enough, we’re goin’ to the bedroom.”
“but what about-”
“you can sunbathe later.”
ty sm for the ask!!
taglist: @soapsgf @glossysoap @meowpupp (pls inbox me if you wanna be added!)
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nicromancytarot · 11 months ago
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t charge for these readings, and I do not fake readings.
I asked my spirit guides what your future spouse looks like, I’ve drawn a VERY rough sketch for a man and a woman, pick a pile and find out which one is for you!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
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- Blonde hair
- Glasses
- Strong muscles (both body and face)
- Prominent Adam’s apple
- Blue eyes (first thing you notice, they could even sparkle a bit)
- Wavy hair
- Fair skin
- Teacher / Professor
- Mathematician
- Secure in themself
- Into politics / debating
- Doctor / Nurse
- Scientist
- Public speaker
- Wealthy
- Uranus
- Aquarius
- Calves
- Vegetarian / Strict diet
- Blonde hair
- Blue (fish) eyes
- Glasses
- Nose piercing (hoop)
- Prominent cheekbones
- Fair skin
- Large bust (posible surgery)
- Small waist
- Social media (influencer?)
- Hairdresser
- Slow talker
- Scientist
- Dancer
- Therapist
- Humanitarian worker / Advocate
- Artist
- Something wrong with one of their arms
- Folklore
- Cosplayer
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- Dark skin
- Dark eyes
- Dark, short hair
- Wears a lot of caps (specifically blue)
- Skinny body
- Sad resting face
- Stubble
- Pretty smile
- Tall (6’ - 6’3)
- Rich
- Large house
- British
- Small waist
- Enemies to lovers
- Hugger
- Into styling and fashion
- Chef
- Lawyer / Judge
- Chess
- Army
- Producer
- Dark skin
- Dark eyes
- Dark hair (wears a straight wig from time to time)
- Long face
- Pretty smile
- Prominent eyelashes
- Neat eyebrows
- Prominent collarbones
- Large bust
- Rough past
- Farmer
- Humanitarian worker
- Estate agent
- Emotionally mature
- Carer
- breadwinner
- Protester
- Train conductor
- Likes to go on walks
- In charge
- Police / firefighter
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- Fair - tan skin
- Light - dark brown hair (possibly ginger)
- Hazel or brown eyes
- Small lips
- Skinny body
- Wears a bandana
- Possible piercings
- Small eyebrows
- School
- Part of the LGBTQ+ community
- Many jobs
- A texter
- Understanding
- Into science, possible scientist
- Mechanic
- Author
- Protester
- Football (soccer)
- May have cheated in the past (could do it again)
- Peanut allergy
- Office job
- Fair - tan skin
- Brown or green eyes
- Light brown hair
- European
- Large eyes (Tim Burton)
- Large, dark eyebrows
- Tall (around 6’)
- Small lips
- Hooked nose
- Wears a bandana
- Pain
- Possibly born prematurely, or could give birth to a premature baby
- Good with money
- Shy
- Rebellious
- Works in a place where she has to restore things
- Nut allergy (I screamed when I got this for both lmao)
- Possible black sheep of the family
- Contemporary
- Past life soul that owes their life to you in this one
- Strong
- Model
- Coach
- Gets sick a lot
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ripstefano · 4 months ago
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From The Russian Army 1914-18
Early War Uniforms (1914-1915)
At the outbreak of the war, Russian Imperial Army uniforms were traditional and formal, inspired by 19th-century European military fashion. Key features included:
Infantry: Soldiers wore the gymnastiorka, a pullover-style tunic with a standing collar, often in olive green or khaki to blend with rural landscapes. Rank was indicated by colored collar tabs and shoulder boards.
Headgear: Soldiers wore the M1910 peaked cap, which had a leather visor and badge. Officers and guards regiments wore the iconic shapka, a tall fur hat, especially in colder climates.
Footwear: Soldiers wore sapogi (knee-high leather boots), which were sturdy but hard to maintain on the battlefield.
Cavalry and Specialized Units: The cavalry wore the traditional long blue or dark green overcoat with distinct colored cuffs and collar insignia. Cossack and other specialized units had specific, unique uniforms, often featuring traditional garments like the cherkesska (a type of coat) and decorative braid.
Mid-War Changes (1915-1916)
As the war progressed, Russia’s economy and industry struggled to keep up with demand, leading to simplifications in uniforms:
Tunic: The gymnastiorka became simpler, often without the colored collar tabs or decorative elements. Khaki shades became standard as brighter colors were deemed impractical.
Greatcoat: The heavy wool shinel (overcoat) remained a staple, especially during harsh winters, but there was a shortage of quality fabric, and lower-quality cloth began to appear.
Headgear: Caps were simplified, with many soldiers receiving the budenovka (a soft, pointed wool cap) by 1917. This cap became especially popular in winter regions but had limited protection.
Late-War Uniforms (1917-1918)
The Russian military was increasingly influenced by revolutionary sentiments, and practical, minimal designs became the norm:
Tunic and Coats: Uniforms were pared down further, with basic olive-drab tunics and greatcoats. Rank insignia were minimal and often overlooked as soldiers became more focused on function than formality.
Insignia: Some units began to remove the imperial insignia altogether due to the influence of the Bolsheviks. Instead, red armbands or patches occasionally appeared.
Boots: Soldiers frequently substituted traditional boots with puttees (long cloth wraps) due to the shortage of leather, a trend seen across European forces during this period
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kvetchlandia · 5 months ago
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George C. Cox Walt Whitman, New York City 1887
1 I sing the body electric, The armies of those I love engirth me and I engirth them, They will not let me off till I go with them, respond to them, And discorrupt them, and charge them full with the charge of the soul.
Was it doubted that those who corrupt their own bodies conceal themselves? And if those who defile the living are as bad as they who defile the dead? And if the body does not do fully as much as the soul? And if the body were not the soul, what is the soul?
2 The love of the body of man or woman balks account, the body itself balks account, That of the male is perfect, and that of the female is perfect.
The expression of the face balks account, But the expression of a well-made man appears not only in his face, It is in his limbs and joints also, it is curiously in the joints of his hips and wrists, It is in his walk, the carriage of his neck, the flex of his waist and knees, dress does not hide him, The strong sweet quality he has strikes through the cotton and broadcloth, To see him pass conveys as much as the best poem, perhaps more, You linger to see his back, and the back of his neck and shoulder-side.
The sprawl and fulness of babes, the bosoms and heads of women, the folds of their dress, their style as we pass in the street, the contour of their shape downwards, The swimmer naked in the swimming-bath, seen as he swims through the transparent green-shine, or lies with his face up and rolls silently to and fro in the heave of the water, The bending forward and backward of rowers in row-boats, the horseman in his saddle, Girls, mothers, house-keepers, in all their performances, The group of laborers seated at noon-time with their open dinner-kettles, and their wives waiting, The female soothing a child, the farmer’s daughter in the garden or cow-yard, The young fellow hoeing corn, the sleigh-driver driving his six horses through the crowd, The wrestle of wrestlers, two apprentice-boys, quite grown, lusty, good-natured, native-born, out on the vacant lot at sun-down after work, The coats and caps thrown down, the embrace of love and resistance, The upper-hold and under-hold, the hair rumpled over and blinding the eyes; The march of firemen in their own costumes, the play of masculine muscle through clean-setting trowsers and waist-straps, The slow return from the fire, the pause when the bell strikes suddenly again, and the listening on the alert, The natural, perfect, varied attitudes, the bent head, the curv’d neck and the counting; Such-like I love—I loosen myself, pass freely, am at the mother’s breast with the little child, Swim with the swimmers, wrestle with wrestlers, march in line with the firemen, and pause, listen, count.
-- Walt Whitman, "I Sing the Body Electric," pts 1 and 2 1855
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ivelleciel · 9 months ago
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Chapter One: Betrayal Genre: Mafia!Haechan, Mafia!NCT, Biker Haechan, Step on me Haechan, Haechan Dom
Pairings: Haechan x Reader (Iris)
Warning: Smut, Violence, Vulgar Language, Mention of blood, MDNI
Intro: Where a girl finds herself trapped within her brother's protection. One would find it a blessing but for Iris, it's suffocation- and she's someone who would often like the thought of being choked, but simply not like this. Raised within thick walls inside the perimeters of their mansion, She finds herself treasuring every opportunity she gets whenever she is given volunteer work for the people in need outside the city of glass she was born in. Fun and Exciting is how she always saw these trips, it was until darkened windows of SUVs blocked their way from going any further in the middle of the desert. It was the only land of nothing dividing the city and the suburbs and yet they were stopped by armed men, six- seven? she couldn't count as she was too in shock, scared even much more so when her side of the vehicle opened and a pair of gloved hands pulled her away from your handmaiden's side. "Giselle!" Iris cried and a bag was hovered over her head and the last thing she remembered was Giselle's screams, Men simultaneously giving orders to her bodyguards and a gun going off. Then there was black.
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"Ha ha. So funny. What then? Bore myself to death by my room's window? waiting for prince charming to save me? No thank you. Give me twenty more of these tasks and consider me the happiest sister ever." Mumbling her last words as she fix her hair to a half-do with a claw clip. Iris saw Johnny's sad gaze through her mirror before he could mask it with a stoic smile. She sighed and faced her brother, leaning in to hug herself tight on his chest.
"Stop babying me.. It's only for a few hours. What's the worst that could happen?"
"I heard there are many forest spiders in the village. Thousands." Johnny exaggerated, trying to coax her with her teasing by blabbering stupid things and then he sighed when Iris only hummed her soft chuckle, unconvinced. "... you're just the only family I have left."
"And so are you to me." Iris sighed, looking up to her brother with an exhausted expression. "But mom and dad would have wanted us to live life with more meaning than in fear.."
"I know.." Johnny sighed, tapping the cap Iris had on before marching to her room's door. "Well chop chop city girl. They're not gonna feed themselves." Chuckling as they make their way downstairs, Iris gave one last look at the frame by her bed. Her late mother, late father, Johnny and herself. Smiling by the lake that held many memories for her and Johnny, some of which they didn't know would end in a tragedy.
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Iris saw Giselle, one of her many good friends, packing extra necessities for Iris and the trip. Back hugging the petite frame, Giselle squealed, too focused on her task in hand to even notice Iris before glaring at the girl. "Silly! What if I dropped your anxiety pills?" she heard Gigi clicked her tongue, Iris resumed with a bratty smile to where Yuta was by their white van. "Everything settled Yuta?" Yuta, clasped his armed weapon on his belt and smiled at Iris, an unspoken answer to which Iris nodded to before getting up inside the van. Settling on the middle seat, between the window spot and the collapsing chair, she earned a perfect view of Mark.
A container in one hand and the other with what looks like an ammunition box, being stored inside another case. "Put the Magazine under the compartment along with out other containers yeah?" Iris could hear him order Jeno in which the latter obeyed to. She couldn't help but gape at Mark and his focused stance. If Iris was a completely eye-roller at Johnny's protectiveness then with Mark it was all heart eyes and red cheeks. Who wouldn't if the male holds glory to the uniform Johnny assigned them to. Camo pants and Army green fitted shirt is one of the fun treats Iris would look forward to with these programs, along with the nurturing feeling of helping other people.
She heard a throat clearing beside her and Iris just continued gawking. "Can a man get any more handsome?" Iris sighed, pouting her lips when Mark left her view to head inside, presumably to bid farewell to Johnny and reassure him that He and Jaehyun would take good care of you and the task in hands. "I wouldn't know, I'm not the one drooling a pool over here." Iris bit her lips, side eyeing her friend with a snort. "Oh please, as if I don't notice how you look at Yuta?" Giselle smacked Iris arm for that playfully before scooting herself on the window seat. "House Rules. We can't date co workers, but nobody said that about drooling over them." Giselle tossed her hair to tease Iris before being silence by the large frame towering by the sliding door. "Everyone ready?" Johnny mused, eyeing all the equipments and bags in the back seat before giving one last stern look at Iris.
"You behave-" Iris groaned when she saw Yuta, Mark and Jeno exchange smiles behind. "I will! It's not like I won't come straight home. Please stop." Iris whined further before she let Johnny ruffle her hair, backing away from the door to close it himself. Yuta and Jeno positioned in their seats in front. She only got lucky twice that she get to have Mark accompany her in the van.
Two vehicles were to transmit from their mansion. One where Jaehyun and Mark would carry with weapons and their tents and boxes of goods, And one where she's on with Giselle, Yuta and Jeno. It was always four guards with too many weapons. Johnny sees it as not enough but Iris claimed it was more than enough given that it was only her in the vehicle and nothing really ever happened to her despite Johnny's protectiveness.
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Somewhere along their trip, Iris was sitting comfy by the window of the collapsing chair with Giselle passed out and a pillow on her lap. She just woke up from her nap and noticed that they were far from near the town they were heading to and yet also too far from home. She checked back as she pushed an air bud in her ear, the van Mark and Jeno are in behind them with safe distance. She played a soft song, ready to day dream about Mark and what would it be like if he was in their van instead of Jeno- that is until she saw a motorcycle beaming his headlights, asking to pass through and overtake. A male in all black sits on the Kawasaki Ninja H2R. Black skinny jeans, black boots, chains for necklace if she knew any better and a black shirt underneath his leather jacket.
His gloves switched the lever of his bike causing it to roar as he zooms pass them, earning a scoff at Yuta. "Cocky motherfucker." he muttered before she hears Jeno chuckle. She could have sworn that the rider could see her through their tinted glass, staring right back at her but that would be silly because again their vans were tinted, to its most darkest available shade at that. Shaking the silly thought away, she went back to staring out her window and enjoying the scenery as they drove through the desert.
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"Target: Flower is in position. 800 meters away from the bullseye."
Static was heard from the other end before he heard the stern voice call back at him.
"We are ready to engage."
Haechan responded with a 'Copy.' before speeding away from the white vans. Certain that he was out of view, he parked behind a boulder , big enough to hide his motorcycle and himself as he positioned a chain of spikes across the road, plan B in place in case "Plan A: ambush" failed- to which it often doesn't, the cocky side of him crediting himself to the lack of mission failing when he's part of it. All he has to do now is wait and upon calculating he has enough time left for a quick smoke. Sitting his helmet on his bike and pulling out the Marlboro stick from his jacket's pocket he lit it up and waited as he leans on the boulder.
Puffing a few smoke, He heard screeches of tires and screams came after that.
Haechan made his way to the scene, stepping on Yuta's back as he tackled on the ground by Jaemin and Jeno wounded by Chenle on the leg.
"Boss said to spare them and just take the girl." Jaemin said as Renjun struggled to open the van's door. "She's won't let me open it-"
"Don't make another move!" Mark was able to free himself from Xiao Jun's grasp, wounded and bleeding on the side when Mark kicked him off but Mark was far from okay as well, with a gash on his lip and an open wound on his arm. Mark aimed the gun on his hand to Haechan, making the tanned skin male chuckle.
"You must be Mark." Mark unfazed by how Haechan knew he his name remained in position. "Don't worry. We won't hurt your princess, lover boy." Mark was then knocked out by Jaehyun from behind. One last look of betrayal from Mark and he was passed out on the ground.
Haechan nudged Renjun away and pulled the door open. Iris yelled and kicked when Renjun tried to manhandle her out to which he succeeded and Giselle screamed behind her before she was knocked out as well by a cloth to their mouths and nose.
Haechan watched as Iris gaze lands on his. Flicking the cigar away before leaning on her with a smirk. Her eyes beamed light brown as she tried to make out what Haechan looked like as he towers over her in front of the sun. 'Familiar' is what her last thoughts were before everything went black.
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note: visit @Ivelle_Ciel on ao3 for faster updates ˆ̑՝̮ˆ̑❤︎
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the-californicationist · 1 year ago
The Fourth of July
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Another gift fic for another awesome friend of mine! Stockings are getting stuffed left and right this year. <3 <3
Alex/FReader - foreign reader, blowjob/Facefuck, spit kink, soft!Alex
You are celebrating your first July 4th with Alex and his friends at your brother's lake house. Seeing the booming fireworks, eating hotdogs, and drinking out of those red solo cups - just like the movies - has been so much fun. But, you and Alex get a little carried away in the pool house.
AO3 Link
When he picked you up for the party, Alex looked like he was Mr. USA. His fluorescent blue swim trunks were short, the hem sitting high on his huge, muscular thighs, showing off his carbon fiber leg. The arms of his old Army tee shirt were sliced open, giving you a view of his endless, tanned skin. His ribs and abs rippled beneath the surface as he parked the Silverado in the road and hopped out of it to greet you. 
You’d never wanted to run your hands through a shock of hair so badly in your life, buried under a bright red trucker cap with the bill turned backwards. He was smacking his gum loudly, and he was already sunburnt across his nose. 
“Hey, there. You ready for some freedom?”
You smiled, enjoying his American accent,
“As ready as I’ll ever be, I think.”
“C’mon. Your brother’s waitin’ for us at the house. Got about fifty pounds of barbeque workin’ on the pit, I’ll bet.”
He grabbed your bag and threw it into the back of his truck before grabbing your arm and helping you into the lifted cab of the vehicle. Your swimsuit coverup billowed in the wind, and he gently gathered it up for you, moving it away so it wouldn’t get caught in the heavy door. 
Alex pulled himself into the driver’s seat, flexing his tattooed forearms as he settled into position, gripping the wheel tightly. As you looked closer, you started to notice little scars, nothing major. But, you were always quick to forget what his day job was: CIA war machine. He threw on a pair of hot-pink sunglasses with a floater neck strap attached, and handed you his spare pair. You slipped them on, feeling much cooler than you thought you should. As you pulled onto the road, he cranked up the music until you couldn’t even hear yourself think. 
You took the opportunity of being bathed in sound to study him from across the center console of the truck. The landscape of America - strip centers and wooded fields - rushed by you unadmired, and you were trapped by him. You thought you’d gotten away with a long, delicious appraisal, but he flipped his glasses down his nose and peeked over them at you. The look in his eye made you blush. 
He turned the music down and stared at you while the huge truck idled at a red light. His voice was nice and even as he asked,
“What are you lookin’ at, darlin’?”
“Nothing,” you tried to be dismissive, playing coy but doing it badly. 
An enormous, rough hand grabbed you around your knee,
“Nothin’? Like what you were wearin’ in that snap you sent me last week, nothin’?”
You blushed pink. The light turned green. Alex stayed staring at you, squeezing your leg, until someone behind him honked, and even then he took his sweet time. 
“Mmhm,” you said, waiting for his next move as he drove onward, revving the truck’s angry engine.
“Did you tell him yet?” Alex asked, threading his fingers through yours as you captured it from your lap..
“No,” you laughed under your breath, “I think you’d have known by now if I had.”
He laughed with you, readjusting his cap,
“I think I’d have a black eye by now.”
You grimaced in reply, knowing your brother’s temper. He wouldn’t be thrilled to see you flirting with his best friend from when he was enlisted. Alex saw you frown, and he held your hand a little tighter, saying,
“Worth it.” 
You drew in a tight breath and looked over at him. His gaze stayed on the road this time, pushing the speed limit, taking the exit to the lake. 
You’d known Alex Keller ever since your brother moved to Clearwater. Your brother, Charlie, had studied at university and he had fallen in love with a man who was in Alex’s old regiment. They’d gotten married, and now, Charlie had his green card and everything. All of Alex’s friends and army buddies had brought Charlie into the fold. He was even driving a Ford F-150 these days. If it wasn’t for his Kiwi accent, he could’ve passed as a true American. 
You tried to come over to see Charlie and his husband, Greg, every summer. But, with the restrictions in place, it had been a few years. This would be a happy reunion as long as he didn’t discover the relationship blooming between you and his best friend, Alex. 
It had been an accident, really. Charlie had lost his phone, and Alex had called you by accident, trying to find it. Then, you had just…kept calling. They were late night talks for you, and early morning talks for him, but you and Alex just seemed to have so much to say to each other. When he flew out to Urzikstan for dangerous missions, or over to Russia to do God knows what, he would always send you back some little trinkets from his trip. 
You knew it was a lie. You knew, in your heart, that he had been over there killing people and saving the world from whatever horrors were terrorizing those deep, dark places. But, when you got a little glass camel figurine in the mail, its box covered in a million stamps, you put it on your window sill and watched the light dance through it like it hadn’t been shipped from some sort of master of war. But, if you were truly honest with yourself, you didn't give a shit. 
You’d been talking for about six months now, and the build up to your trip was intense. The anticipation was killing you both. Seeing him now, feeling the bones of his hand in yours as you massaged the tiny muscles inside of his palm, it was all too much. You needed Charlie to understand that you had fallen madly in love with his best friend.
“I think we should tell him,” Alex said, interrupting your thoughts.
“Shit,” you scoffed, “He’s gonna lose it.”
“I don’t want to keep hiding you away. And maybe…” you heard the familiar tones of doubt in his throat, “Maybe I’m not the kind of man your brother wants for you. But, I can be.”
You kissed the back of his hand, letting the tiny hairs tickle your skin. The lake house wasn’t far, but you wanted to reassure him more than just chaste affection. 
“I’m eager to see the kind of man you can be,” you turned the seduction up to eleven, hoping he wouldn’t immediately laugh at you. 
He didn’t laugh. If anything, other than a flash of panic in his eyes, he didn’t move. He allowed you to flip his hand over, its wide palm facing the sky as you planted kiss after kiss onto his skin. You felt his breathing quicken, rippling through his limbs. Finally, you took his forefinger into your mouth and began to gently suck on its tip. It was salty, and probably unclean, but you didn’t care. You kept going, moving your mouth up and down his thick digit as if it were his cock. And goddamn did you want it to be his cock.
The phone calls had turned flirtatious, and then downright lascivious, in the last few months. Once, while he was hiding in a bunker somewhere in Ukraine, he’d called you, desperate. You listened to him as he pulled hungrily on his cock, letting you listen to the wet slipping sounds of his fist pounding into his skin, searching for release. He’d begged for your mouth. He said it was all he could think about, and the gorgeous little whimpering noises he made had set it in your mind. You dreamed about blowing him for weeks. You thought about how his come would taste when you had been sitting in the terminal and waiting on your plane. You were going to suck the life out of Alex Keller at this fucking party tonight if it was the last thing you ever did. 
“Oh,” his voice was shaking and quiet, “Fuuuuuck.”
One more strong suck on his finger and you let him loose, wiping away the wetness with your hand, lacing your fingers back through his as if nothing had happened. 
His breathing was ragged, and his hand was trembling. The lake house was just up ahead, and as Alex pulled into the drive, he took his hand back from your grip to adjust his growing cock. It looked heavy, and you couldn’t stop staring. 
“Holy shit,” he sighed, “Charles is gonna kill me.”
“I won’t let him,” you smiled. 
“That mouth…” he was still turned on, and his voice was deepened by his arousal.
“Wait til you see what else it can do,” you grinned and popped open your door to greet Charlie. 
Your brother was in a black apron and carrying a set of tongs. He was at least six and a half feet tall and built like an ox. The back of his neck was red from the sun, and he wore his hair up in a poorly coiffed bun. You shut the truck door and he turned around. When he saw you, his face lit up, and he shouted your name across the yard. 
“Kia ora, sister. Look at you! How’s the Air B&B?”
Charlie held you close to his body, hugging you so tight that it hurt. You let it hurt. 
“Fine. I’m starving.”
“It’s coming. Where’s Alex?”
“Grabbing the bags, I think.”
You turned back around and watched as Alex bent into the truck bed and pulled your bag out along with his. He’d let his sunglasses fall around his neck and walked over to you and Charlie. 
“Charles,” Alex smiled, dropping a bag to shake your brother’s hand. 
“Alex, thanks for picking her up. Greg and the boys are down at the dock.”
You spent the day jet skiing and swimming with Alex and all of your brother’s friends. The girlfriends and wives and husbands all introduced themselves, or reintroduced themselves if they had met you before, and Alex stuck by your side through it all. He could have easily abandoned you to go on the fishing trip that most of the other men were keen to take, or he could have hung around Charlie all day since it had been months since they’d seen each other, too. But, he didn’t. He seemed to know that you didn’t want to be alone, and he held you to him in as much as he dared. 
It would be a lie, though, if you two didn’t admit to sharing a stray touch or even a kiss every now and then. You kept finding excuses to be alone together.
Finally, it was nearly fireworks time, and Greg was setting up the array of them. The purple dusk was just settling on the horizon, and you and Alex had front-row seats. He had brought you another icy beer from the cooler, and a towel from inside the house to sit on. You’d positioned yourselves right next to the small pool house, a little away from the crowd. 
The pool house was little more than a small bedroom and a toilet, but it was big enough to block anyone from seeing you two from behind. That way, if someone was looking at you, you’d know it. The excitement of hiding your affection from everyone was exhilarating. 
You had worn your bright pink triangle bikini, and Alex had spent most of the day staring at it. You’d even made him retie the bows a few times, just to torture him. Once, he’d even managed to swipe a finger over your nipple, so you knew that once everyone’s eyes were focused on the exploding sky, it was on. 
Other houses on the lake were popping their own fireworks, and there was a man who was famous for his end-of-the-night show. As Charlie lit more and more of the small ones, you noticed the other houses following suit. It was pretty, and every time a mortar cracked in the sky, you could feel it in your chest. 
Once it became dark enough, you started to rub your hand up and down Alex’s bare thigh. He scooted closer and closer to you like a dog begging for more pets. You obliged him, running your fingers higher and higher until you were disturbing the hem of his shorts. Then, you went for it.
He felt you move your hand to the warm flesh between his legs, and he whispered,
"No, no, wait...oh, fuck..."
You put your hand through the stretchy leg of the nylon trunks and searched for his heavy cock and balls. You ignored his dick at first, rubbing his balls gently, moving them around in your hand, massaging them and feeling his dick fighting for attention above your wrist. 
“Holy fucking shit, woman,” he hissed, fidgeting in his seat, his eyes turned skyward as he gasped as quietly as he could. 
“You enjoying the show?” You asked, acting very casual. 
“Enjoying…Jesus Christ,” Alex furrowed his brow at you and wiped a hand down his face. His eyes shone blue and then green and then red as the colors burst above you.  
Finally, you wrapped your fingers around his swollen rod, nearly three times as large as it had been soft, and started to pump up and down slowly and deliberately. He let out a trembling breath. 
“Baby, baby, baby, please…ah, please.”
“What do you need, Alex?” You whispered, kissing his neck, “Tell me. I wanna hear it.”
“I need your mouth, baby. Please, I’ll do anything,” he kissed you back, his mustache and beard tickling your skin, sending chills down your arms.
You looked over your shoulder at the pool house, and he followed your gaze. Then, you looked back down at the dock and saw Charlie and Greg untangling a huge fireworks display. You had time.
“C’mon,” you stood up quietly and opened up the door to the pool house. 
The two of you snuck in and shut it behind you, still able to see through the small skylight as the fireworks were going off outside. You didn’t wait for him to get settled. In fact, you grabbed Alex by the arm and pulled him into the small room, sinking to your knees on the well-worn rug. You looped your fingers in the waistband of his shorts, and pulled them down. His cock flagged free, bobbing up and down, and he was as hard as a stone. 
“Holy fuck! Wait, wait…oh, fuck!” He tried to catch his balance, and set his hands on your shoulders. 
You stared at his hard length, admiring the velvety smoothness of his skin, looking at his bare, pink head. You could see the scar from his circumcision, and you ran your tongue along the dark line of skin, licking him up and onto his plump, uncovered head. The sound he made from your first contact would be burned into your brain forever. It was a low, dark growl mixed with a sigh that seemed like he had just been relieved from carrying the whole world on his shoulders. Maybe he had. 
You took him into your mouth achingly slowly, looking up at him the entire time you did so, watching his face contort into different stages of blissful agony. He had one hand in his hair, pulling on it at the roots, his hat knocked back, looking like he was in shock. You swallowed him deeper, opening and closing your throat with swallow after swallow, making more and more drool pool in your mouth as you did until it was running out of your lips and down onto your chest. 
Then, you began to bob your head back and forth along as much of his length as you could take, choking yourself with it until it hurt just a little. You tried to relax. You wanted to show him that you could take it all, that you could be his relief. 
You focused on his head, running your tongue over its crest, tasting his salty precome as you lapped over his hole, rubbing the slick back and bumpy front of your tongue across it over and over and over. You used your hand to pump him up and down as you did, shaking him vigorously while he was sucked into your mouth.
Then, just as you were finding a steady, beating rhythm, he took your head in his hands and pulled you off of him. He was panting and ferocious when he whispered to you,
“Oh, my fucking God, baby. You don’t have to —”
“I want to,” you insisted, wrapping your hands behind your thighs and pulling his cock into your lips again. You kissed his head like it was his mouth, making out with his cock, covering him in your spit. 
You felt him take one of the strings of your bikini in his hands and tug. Your top fluttered down, exposing your breasts to the dark room. You moaned.
When you did, he stumbled forward, losing his balance,
“Shit. Baby, I can't...” he begged, catching himself on the side of the end table, his knuckles white and straining to hold up his weight. 
“I’ll let you sit,” you said cheekily, “If you hold my hair for me.”
“Oh, God,” he sank to the bed and laced his fingers through your hair, grabbing the back of your skull. 
You sucked him harder, moaning as you did so, playing with your nipples and feeling your drool run down your chin. 
Alex’s hand was only loosely connected, and you wanted more from him. You pulled away again and looked up at him with the biggest doe eyes you could muster,
“Alex,” you had his attention like a bright fire, “Fuck my face. Please.” 
A snarl came out of his mouth, and he had to put himself back together before he answered you. He used his big hands to pet your hair out of your face, running a thumb across your wet bottom lip with tender care,
“I don’t wanna hurt you, baby. This feels so good. I don’t need you to -”
“I need you to. I wanna feel you in my throat.”
“Are you trying to kill me?”
“Only a little,” you smiled and licked the tip of him again, teasing him.
“If I hurt you, pinch me. Hard.”
You nodded, taking him as deep as you could. Then, when you reached your limit, you felt his hands get tight, shoving you down past your mouth and into your throat. He was still so gentle with you as he moved himself inside of you, fucking you ever so slowly, waiting for your pinch. So, you started to moan and lick and pull him closer with your hands, pushing yourself to the point of gagging. 
He yanked you off of him in a hurry, thinking you were injured. A long, frothy line of drool came out with him, and you spit the rest onto his shaft and returned him to your mouth. Now that you knew that you could go that deep with help, you tried to do it without, and you nearly succeeded. 
Alex was a complete mess above you, and his moans had become high, whining whimpers. With every swallow, with every lick, you earned a new noise. A gasp, a curse, a shaking cry. You played him like an instrument. Loudly.
Finally, you took him all the way in, past even where he had dared to push you, and you buried your nose in his crotch, smelling his hair and sweat and skin. 
“Oh, fucking shit! Fuck that’s deep. Oh, God. Oh, God! Baby!”
He was unraveled like a ball of string, spilling out everywhere. His body betrayed his politeness, and he thrust himself into you once, twice. You watched as the rockets and cannons and mortars all exploded around you in a fiery, rainbow crescendo, he came down your throat, crying for you, whimpering your name, gasping through gritted teeth. 
You counted to ten, trying not to gag, feeling his cock pulsing in your mouth, beating like a heart. Then, you started to get light-headed. So, you pulled back, releasing him in a slobbery, wet mess of come and spit. 
You leaned forward into his lap and began to lick him clean. He shuddered as you did so, shaking and moaning as your tongue touched all of his sensitive places. You saved his head for last. Licking up and down his shaft, cleaning his come from him, tasting his body’s sweet, sticky release. Until finally, you looked up at him with a sly smile. 
He looked down at you in dumb shock as you sucked all the fluid away from his swollen head, and he gasped as you finished the job. You released him with a pop from your lips and smiled, sitting back on your heels and playing with your tits. 
Alex lay on the bed for a while, and you joined him, rubbing his skin under his cutoff tee. He rolled onto his side and greedily suckled on your nipples, kissing your mouth and neck affectionately, fondling you a little more aggressively than you expected. Then, he looked up at the door and back down at you,
“Will you still want me after your brother breaks my nose?”
You laughed, rolling your eyes,
“Sure, I will.” 
“Then, wait here, baby. I’ll be right back.”
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butchjess · 10 months ago
the jess mariano s2 outfits post.. all of his outfits for every one of his appearances including accessories and other such things found to the best of my abilities . full thing is under the read more
-repeat outfits are not included for my own sanity
*asteriks are to indicate the piece is not an exact match, but very close (couldn't find it or just not 100% sure)
S2E05 Nick & Nora/Sid & Nancy
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The Camo Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch, black with stainless steel casing + grey braided string bracelet + dark brown leather belt with Civil War union soldier oval buckle
L.L. Bean navy blue puffer vest + Rothco long-sleeve Woodland camo shirt
Levi's 568 dark wash jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
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Zip-Up Sweatshirt Fit
Nixon “The Rocker” A370 watch
Gray zip-up sweatshirt with US army staff sergeant rank insignia patch + Indera Mills navy blue raschel-knit thermal shirt
Levi’s 501 straight leg jeans*
Swiss modern combat boots
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Wet Delinquent Fit
Nixon “The Rocker” A370 watch + gray braided string bracelet
Stanfield's charcoal long-sleeve thermal waffle knit shirt
Dickies loose fit jeans (logo painted over from back pocket)
Swiss modern combat boots
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The Girl From Mars Fit
Nixon “The Rocker A370 watch + gray braided string bracelet
Gray zip-up sweatshirt with US army staff sergeant rank insignia patch + L.L. Bean navy blue puffer vest + white long-sleeved Fresno, CA motorcycle sweater*
Levi's 501 dark blue straight leg fit jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
S2E06 Presenting Lorelai Gilmore
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Metallica Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + gray braided string bracelet
Pushead Metallica No Leaf Clover shirt
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The Uniform Fit
Luke's season one baseball cap + Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + gray braided string bracelet
Burgundy plaid flannel + gray t-shirt
Dickies loose fit jeans
S2E08 The Ins and Outs of Inns
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Child Labor Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + gray bracelet
Hanes black pocket t-shirt* + Rothco long-sleeve Woodland camo shirt
Levi's 568 dark wash jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
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The Slacker Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch
L.L. Bean navy blue puffer vest + Tasman Empire Airways ltd. vintage red t-shirt + Stanfield's charcoal long-sleeve thermal waffle knit shirt
Levi's 501 straight leg fit jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
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Double Denim Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch
L.L. Bean Sherpa-lined Trucker style denim jacket + Stanfield's charcoal long-sleeve thermal waffle knit shirt
Wrangler black regular fit jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
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The Toaster Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + leather bracelet
Green long-sleeve California graphic shirt + Stanfield's white thermal long-sleeve waffle knit shirt
Levi's 501 straight leg fit jeans
S2E10 The Bracebridge Dinner
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Don't Need Your Help Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + leather bracelet + dark brown leather belt with Civil War union soldier oval buckle
Punk Planet magazine red t-shirt + Stanfield's white thermal long-sleeve waffle knit shirt
Wrangler black regular fit jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
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The Carriage Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + leather bracelet
Beige Sherpa-lined suede coat + black plaid button up + black undershirt
Levi's 568 dark wash jeans*
Swiss modern combat boots
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The Glance Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + leather bracelet
Black fatigue shirt*
Dickies loose fit jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
S2E12 Richard in Stars Hollow
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Innocent Boy Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + dark brown leather belt with oval Civil War union soldier buckle
L.L. Bean Sherpa-lined Trucker style denim jacket + Rothco long-sleeve Woodland camo shirt
Wrangler black regular fit jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
S2E13 A-Tisket, A-Tasket
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Superglue Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch
Beige Sherpa-lined suede coat* + Tasmanian Empire Airways ltd. red t-shirt + Stanfield's charcoal long-sleeve thermal waffle-knit shirt
Brown loose fit corduroy pants
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The Guy Who Brought Enough Money Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch
Beige Sherpa-lined suede coat + green long-sleeve Califronia graphic shirt + Stanfield's white long-sleeve waffle-knit thermal + black long-sleeve shirt
Wrangler black regular fit jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
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The Phone Call Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + leather bracelet
Dickies long-sleeve garage blue industrial work shirt with embroidered US flag patch (name-tag included) + black long-sleeve shirt*
Brown loose fit corduroy pants*
White socks
S2E15 Lost and Found
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The Gutter Cleaner Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + leather bracelet + gardening gloves
Wrangler gas station jacket (no nametag)* + Punk Planet magazine red t-shirt + black long-sleeve shirt
Wrangler black regular fit jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
S2E13 There's the Rub
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Construction Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + leather bracelet + blue pen + blue hardhat + dark brown leather belt with oval Civil War union soldier buckle
Hanes gray pocket t-shirt + black long-sleeve shirt
Wrangler black regular fit jeans
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Delivery Boy Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + leather bracelet
L.L. Bean Sherpa lined Trucker style denim jacket + Dickies long-sleeve garage blue industrial work shirt with U.S. flag patch embroidered on sleeve (name-tag removed) + Hanes black pocket t-shirt*
Brown loose fit corduroy pants
Swiss modern combat boots
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Navy Blue Sweatshirt Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + leather bracelet
Ralph Lauren Polo Sport navy blue USA fleece sweatshirt (02 embroidered on sleeve)* + Stanfield's white long-sleeve waffle knit thermal shirt
S2E17 Dead Uncles and Vegetables
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Despot Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + leather bracelet
L.L. Bean navy blue puffer vest + Nordstrom brown button down dress shirt + black t-shirt
Levi's 568 dark wash jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
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Diner Boy Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + leather bracelet + blue pen + dark brown leather belt with oval Civil War union soldier buckle
Hanes gray pocket t-shirt + Stanfield's white long-sleeve waffle knit thermal shirt
Dickies loose fit jeans (logo painted over/removed)
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Funeral Party Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + leather bracelet
Black fatigue shirt + white and black baseball tee*
S2E19 Teach Me Tonight
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Ice Cream Cones Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch + leather bracelet
Big Smith green diamond quilted jacket + white striped double pocket linen shirt + black t-shirt + Stanfield's white long-sleeve waffle knit thermal shirt
RVCA Americana olive green baggy fit jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
S2E21 Lorelai's Graduation Day
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Payphone Fit
Dickies navy blue Eisenhower jacket + gray button-up*
Levi's 568 dark wash jeans
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New York Fit
Nixon "The Rocker" A370 watch
Dickies navy blue Eisenhower jacket + Hardkore Kidd 2002 No Mercy tour shirt
RVCA Americana olive green baggy fit jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
S2E22 Can't Get Started
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The Kiss Fit
Dickies navy blue Eisenhower jacket + gray graphic t-shirt* + Stanfield's black long-sleeve waffle knit thermal shirt
Levi's 568 dark wash jeans
Swiss modern combat boots
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lamentationsofalonelypotato · 4 months ago
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Chapter 13 Coming On 10/27/2024
Just A Little Something 😉
The shiny metal bell above the door jingled as the last customer of the day entered the shop, but you didn't look up from the bouquet of flowers you were arranging for a last minute birthday order that someone called in for tomorrow morning. You didn't often make them, but Jake was busy breaking down the display of flowering plants in one of the front windows and you were more than happy to help out.
Even if it was difficult with one hand.
You could hear whoever it was that entered the shop coming closer to the register, the sound of their shoes clunking against the weathered gray concrete floors with every step.
"Welcome in. Can I help you with something?" You don't look away from the sunflowers in the dark blue vase in front of you, while using one hand to place some holly ferns to give it a bit more green before you reach for the baby's breath that sits in a bundle on the vintage wooden bar that served as a desk beneath the register.
"Well I'm not sure. Do you have anything that says 'I'm sorry my friend kidnapped you?'" A familiar voice asks and you hear the smile curling on the ends of the words.
Your head jerks upwards at the sound of the voice, but you already know who it is.
Darren stands there in his traditional black army jacket. His blonde buzzed hair is blindingly white in the sunlight that comes through the wide glass windows at the front of the shop, catching the glint of the gunmetal colored hoops in his right eyebrow. His smile is sheepish, apologetic, and if you hadn’t been through what you did, you might have believed that it was genuine.
"Darren?" Your voice is no more than a whisper, surprise leaking into it as you utter your brother's name.
You didn’t actually think that he would come to see you, not when he knew who Ben really was, and not when Darren knew that you found out he sacrificed you to save his own skin. That he was willing to throw you into the line of fire so that he didn't have to cough up the cash to pay for his gambling debt.
"Hey sissy. Did you miss me?"
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(I mean this is more than a little something... You're welcome 😃)
Take A Chance On Me Masterlist
@roseblue373 @mrsjenniferwinchester @corruptedcruiser @winchesterwild78 @the-super-who-locked-wizard
@criminalyetminimal @52ndstreeet @bitchykittenconnoisseur @anna6307 @libby99hb
@faephoria @possiblyafangirl @jqtaro @quietlybitchy @tinydancer40
@roger-that-cap @megara0224 @miskwaadesiwag @rainyeggvoidpurse
@soldiergrimes @tiffsbagels @podiumackles
@ifyouwerethemoon @ririshkin @peachhiz @fitxgrld @sukunassfinger
@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @ej13928 @deans-spinster-witch @kr804573 @modiddys-blog
@acciosherlockholmes @minas-fantasies @fireskyy
@n-o-p-e-never @nesnejwritings @am0rem @tpwkcalli @momggn
@fitxgrld @whimsicalcherry @ladysparkles78
@spxideyver @zepskies @impala67stellawinchester
@reidtomewinchester @samanthadegaro @glossy01 @nikimisery
@tunnelvisionlove @incandxscents @winchester-stark @samahanta
@kamisobsessed @whichwitchwanda @karolina-12110905
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papasbaseball · 6 days ago
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The Wizard x Reader (Wonderful Wonderful Girl) | Chapter 19
Pairing: Wizard x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Power Imbalance, Boss/Employee Relationship, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Sexual Content, Spanking
Summary: Being a maid in the Royal Palace of Oz is not half so bad. Despite the meager wages, everything else is provided for you for an honest day's work. It can be unnerving working for the most powerful man in Oz, but you are able to avoid him most of the time. This changes during Lurlinemas, your paths soon becoming inextricably intertwined.
Word Count: 2,248 of 49,773
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The baker was kind enough to send me off on his flour cart headed south with enough bread to feed both me and Albert, some scrawny kid from the Shiz guard. He said he was 18 but looked all of 16 with a more bald than sparse, blond mustache across his top lip. Oscar arranged for both: Ronan, the baker, was some sort of secret brother, and Albert was redesigned as a hitchhiker in case anyone got the wrong idea about kidnapping or assaulting me in between Frottica and the Emerald City. We exchanged cheek kisses in the street — the ever-loving father sending his daughter off to Shiz to get better medical care for her injured wrist — before he placed me in the empty wagon with Albert.
Before pulling away from the second kiss pressed to my cheek, he whispered, "Don't worry, okay? I'm coming down with the troops from Shiz. We'll… we’ll meet you on the third day, alright? I'll have eyes on the place the entire time. If something goes south, I'm gonna get you out of there."
As I trudge down the last bit of dirt road — Albert had made sure that I stuck to the plan and was dropped a mile off from the camp's entrance to not appear suspicious — I can't help but worry. Branches broken from trees had been sharpened into pikes and bundled together to form a jagged barricade meant to kill any kind of horse-mounted assault. The horses would have already had a difficult time, considering the barricades are atop a pair of ten foot-high hills that were separated just enough for four horses to ride abreast through the gap between them. I'd almost think that the Winkies had built them themselves if they weren’t covered in a winter-dulled green grass that looked succulent with the dew from the hill's enormous shadow.
In this gap, two Winkie guardsmen stand, overwhelmed by plain and brutal dark gray military coats and caps. If I never have to see another uniform ever again… They yell something at me, but I can't hear them.
I continue my trudging towards the entrance, ignoring them. I'm nearly there when one guard marches to meet me and within 10 feet draws his sword.
"On your knees," he says, holding the slightly curved blade in one hand.
Ever a sensible person, I grimace as I kneel, green velvet to dirt path. Poor Galinda would have a heart attack if she could see the way I was treating the clothes I had borrowed from her.
"Don't you know what the word 'Halt' means?" he asks. The steel is pointed at my chin now.
"I said, 'I couldn't hear you,'" I retort. "I'm here to see Fiyero."
"You and the rest of the Emerald Army. You're a greenie, that's plain to see," he says, lifting my chin with the cold metal of the blade.
"Yeah. Still here to see Fiyero. He knows me."
"Probably wants to kill you," the guard offers, sliding the steel closer to my throat. "Maybe I should save him the time and do him the favor now."
"You'd kill his lover? I'm sure that'll go over well," I say.
"He's engaged," the guard offers back. The blade is now in full line with my neck and, if he wanted to, he could knock my head clean off.
My tongue wets chapped lips, and I pray that it doesn't tie itself into knots. "What Fiyero does at Kiamo Ko is none of my business," I say. Hot breath steams the air in front of me and briefly fogs the silver sword. "But I know he won't be happy if you kill me. He’s not the type to let that go. Eye for an eye."
The steel edge lingers on the delicate skin of my neck. The edge is so thin that I might not be able to tell it was there if my beating pulse didn’t leap against it with every beat. He lowers it and wrenches me up with a rough grip on my bicep. "I'm taking you prisoner. Arms behind your back."
Steam puffs out of me in relief at having the sword removed. I'll gladly let this asshole cadet manhandle me if it means I get to keep my head on my shoulders. He does manhandle me, roughly wrapping the worst possible rope — truly it feels as if it were made of the scrubbing pads that I used to use when stains wouldn't come out of clothes or carpets — around my wrists and all the way up to my elbows. I have to bite the inside of my lip to prevent myself from snarking about him worrying that a lady could overtake him.
We walk, me stumbling without the use of my arms to keep me balanced, to the gate. The guards exchange something in Arjikian, and my captor pushes me past the gates. I try to relax what muscles I have left to relax in my bindings.
The inside of the camp is firstly muddy. Whatever lush greenery had covered this meadow before they came had been demolished into an earthy and sucking dark brown. Khaki tents the size of small rooms have been set up all throughout the enclave, pennants of blue with golden hooked patterns topping them. They droop lifeless, windless. That is the second most notable thing about the camp: the unaired stench. There is the smell of animals, horses most likely, but also a sweeter, more disgusting smell that runs its fleshless fingers up my spine: death.
I hold my breath as the guard shoves me through the camp. My boots have to be pulled free from the muck with each step, my legs shaking from the effort. Eventually, it evens out, but we make a turn at a tent that has red splatters decorating the flap of the entryway. The inside of the tent smells better — clean linen and only a slight lingering smell of animals — and it is a lot warmer than the common grounds. I'd pull my cape around me for more warmth, but it’s trapped behind my bound arms. The same bindings do not help me recover when the guard shoves me onto the dirt floor.
"Don't think about moving," he says with a warning finger. "If you leave, I'll cut your hands off. I don't care what love affair you have."
I lay there on my side, trying to wiggle into an upright position. The guard leaves, so I stick out my tongue at him as the tent flap closes. If he'd seen it, he probably would have suggested cutting out my tongue too with that stupid sword of his.
He may have said he'd cut my hands off if I tried to escape, but I wasn't planning to let myself starve and die if they happened to forget about me. Best to try and at least sit up. It feels like it's been an hour of wriggling when Fiyero walks in.
"Serjos, didn't say he'd caught me a pretty little fish," Fiyero says, smile bright even in the dimness of the tent. "Lovers, is it? I thought we were pretty cozy on the dance floor, but I can't remember ever doing the horizontal tango with you. One doesn’t forget something like that." His eyes rake over my bound body on the last sentence.
"It's the only way I could get them to let me in," I say, trying to push myself up once more. My shoulder hits the ground again and Fiyero laughs.
"Don't you have a palace full of warmth and food?" he asks.
"Sometimes we do dumb things when we panic," I say. "I fled the city and next thing I know the gates were shut and here you are."
"Here I am," he agrees with a smirk.
"I was trying to survive on food I could steal from medics, but I can't do it anymore. I haven't slept in days because my stomach won't shut up, and I think I broke my wrist when I tried killing a squirrel." I flip over to show him whatever little he can see of my bandages through the ropes.
"Sweet Oz! Your hands are purple," he says, stooping to loosen the bindings. "I really need to have a talk with Serjos about proper prisoner detainment."
I hadn't realized just how numb my hands were until Fiyero loosened the bindings and I can feel them getting warmer, thousands of tiny needles stabbing my fingers to chastise me for having bound them.
"You might want to see if you could talk to him about cutting bits of people off while you're at it," I offer.
Fiyero scoffs at that. "He's all bark and no bite. You don't have to worry about him."
I eye him suspiciously, trying to rub away the feeling of pins stabbing my hands. "You try having a sword to your neck and see how you feel about it."
"Why are you here?" he asks, dropping the temperature in the tent by 10 degrees.
"A warm meal would be nice," I laugh. Those perfect white teeth don't bear a smile, so I stop laughing.
"This is an active war zone. There's plenty of passing merchants along the road. You could have easily found your way to Munchkinland with one of them."
The real reason that I’m back is unspeakable, of course. I hadn't told him about Fileah that night at the Lurlinemas ball, so he has no reason to suspect that I'm here to find her or any of the other hostages that they've taken.
"Would you believe me if I had told you that you were the first kind person I'd met in that palace in over ten years?" I ask. "I don't trust people. It’s a habit of the workplace. But then… you…" I tug my cloak around me, averting my gaze in what should be a "girly way that makes the boys go crazy" as Galinda had told me.
Fiyero touches a hand to my shoulder. "I saw what he did at the party. We all did." The pause suffocates the tent as I feel him staring through my skin. "Has he hurt you? You can tell me. You don't ever have to see him again."
I burst into tears, hiding my face in my hands. Fiyero, the doting prince, presses me into a hug, shushing me and stroking my dust coated hair. His jacket is equally dusty, but I press a wet cheek into his shoulder. I can smell the smoke of campfires on him mixed with sweat.
"Let's get something in you, okay?" he says. "Hunger doesn’t look good on you." He gathers me up with himself and pulls my cloak tighter around me, keeping me pressed to him until I stop crying. As soon as the sobs stop shaking my body, he pulls the hood up for the cloak, saying, "There, no one will see your tears. Let's go to my tent. Have you ever had Arjiki hash?"
"No," I sniffle.
"I think you'll like it," he says, brushing his thumb over my wet and shadowed cheek.
We walk arm in arm. Arjiki soldier eyes follow us as we trek across the muddy ground. Would Fiyero really take a lover? The Wizard and General Minkus had expressed doubts about the plan, considering he was engaged already. These soldiers know that, and yet Fiyero does not seem to have a problem walking past them with me on his arm. The rumor that I was his lover would have spread by now, so he has to know the implications.
"Don't look at them, and they won't look at you," he whispers as we crossed a path in front of a roaring campfire.
"I don't think they're looking at me," I say. "I think they're looking at you."
"Trust me, they're not. I'm not much to look at anyway."
I'm grateful for the hood because I roll my eyes hard.
His tent is wonderfully decorated in navies and golds, with deeply dyed rugs covering the ground. Steamer trunks are stuffed in the corners, and a makeshift battle table of a thin wooden board and trestles has been set up to take up one half of the tent. A sleeping area with a linen cot takes up the other. I sit down on the cot, lowering my hood as Fiyero quickly dips out and then back in with a serving of heavily seasoned potatoes and meat.
"Here, eat," he says, offering me the plate.
I take the plate from him and wolf it down. I hadn't eaten since last night in order to better sell the lie. "Thank you," I say, gasping for breath in between licking the fork clean of the earthy and spiced sauce.
"Can I get you some more?" he asks, reaching for the plate.
I shy away from him, looking at the dusty ground, untainted by rain or thousands of trampling feet and hooves. "Oh... I don't know if I should. Do you have any water?"
"Hey," he says, tipping my chin up. "I'll get you anything you want. You're my guest, alright?"
I nod, and he must take that as confirmation because he pinches my cheeks with a smile. He takes my plate with him. As soon as he’s out the door, I know I don't have much time, maybe two minutes max. My eyes scan the tent quickly. I need to find the Grimmerie.
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sensitivehandsomeactionman · 4 months ago
Inside ‘Supernatural’s’ Evolution From Monster-of-the-Week to Psychological Horror
by Danielle Turchiano | Oct 1, 2020 | Variety
A little boy sits alone on the floor of his bedroom. Backlit by a window, he leans over pages of construction paper on which he is obsessively drawing. A platoon of little green Army men guards the pages, and ultimately the boy. As the camera pans around him, he does not speak — in fact he has not spoken at all since his father drowned in a local lake the year before.
This is not the first time the audience, or even the main characters of “Supernatural” are introduced to this boy, as the moment comes a little less than half-way through the third episode of the series. But through the scene setup and shot style, it is the first time the audience gets a glimpse of the boy’s psyche, which will prove to be indispensable as the Winchester brothers work to solve the case of the mysterious lake deaths. It is also a turning point for a first-season show that would eventually run for 15 years.
“I watched Kim [Manners, director] set up this one shot and I thought, ‘That’s the way the show should be shot. This is the look we should be going for,'” executive producer Bob Singer tells Variety.
Creator Eric Kripke originally pitched “Supernatural” to studio Warner Bros. and eventually then-network the WB as a monster-movie-of-the-week drama about two brothers (Dean and Sam Winchester) who travel the backroads of America hunting the things the audience would remember from urban legends. But his main goal in his original pitch document was that “the weekly stories have to be SCARY AS S—.” (And yes, the all-caps was his emphasis.)
While he wanted to make “this series as scary as I can,” he wrote at the time, not all fear comes from an external source. Soon enough, it was the characters’ own trauma and internal struggles that were driving story and adding rich complications to an already well-known genre.
“We set out to make a horror show, and those were the initial stories we wrote. But you learn and adjust as you start watching the film, and a few things conspired to tell us, ‘We have to focus a lot more on the characters than we’re currently doing,’ which is we realized the actors we had,” Kripke tells Variety now. “We saw that they were just both wildly charismatic and emotional and were knocking everything we gave them out of the park. So we were like, ‘We should start giving them harder things to do because they can handle it.'”
The pilot introduced Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam’s (Jared Padalecki) trauma briefly, first by revealing that their mother died under mysterious circumstances in a house fire, resulting in their father devoting his life to hunting what killed her — even when it meant dragging his school-aged kids on the road and leaving them alone for days on end in rundown motels. When Sam’s girlfriend dies in a similar way in the present-day portion of the episode, a deeper, psychologically-scarring mythology is hinted at — but the focus of the first few episodes of the series is really more on the “task at hand” of taking out whatever creature is right in front of them — from a Woman in White in the pilot, to a wendigo in the second episode and a ghost in the third.
“When you get hired as staff on a first season show, you get handed the documents they used to sell the show, and that included some of the family secrets and what was going on with Sam. But it’s more like it was a headline that these children had been through a lot because of, we’ll call it, their unconventional life — and the details come when you start to have more space to tell the story,” says Sera Gamble, who penned “Dead in the Water,” the pivotal third episode of the first season with Raelle Tucker, and later went on to run the show in the sixth and seventh seasons.
When breaking the story for “Dead in the Water,” Gamble recalls a conversation with Kripke about how “most young children, especially who have been through something, [are] not just going to open up and give you all of the procedural information you need as an [exposition] dump in the scene.” In discussing how it needed to be harder to draw information out of that child, Gamble says she was inspired to “dig deeper into the psychology of the characters in that script,” which became a baseline for episodes going forward.
“Now I can’t imagine approaching anything with a fantasy element without starting from that place,” she says. “These stories were scary to us because they feel like they tap into something true. Your road as a writer to something that’s going to terrify the audience is through human psychology.”
What each audience member finds scary can vary — and often comes from factors outside a show’s control, from the person’s own upbringing and experiences to the kinds of other stories they consume. In order to to make sure to deliver unique horror elements in each episode, Singer says that from the beginning, “one thing we always said was that the shooting style should be commensurate with what the monster was or what the tone was, so we didn’t feel like we were doing a cookie-cutter horror [show].”
The characters within each of those episodes also had to be unique, even if the type of creature the Winchesters were fighting was something they’d encountered before. “Halfway through Season 1, the first run of the scripts, we realized we were going to run out of monsters in a hurry,” if we didn’t, Singer says. “So if we did a vampire story, each version would not be what you’ve seen before — each version had their own story.”
Often these characters had traumatic backstories of their own, such as Gordon (Sterling K. Brown), a hunter who was on a one-track mission to eradicate the supernatural from Earth after his sister was taken by a vampire when he was just a teenager. (In the most heart-wrenching twist, he later was turned into the thing he hated the most.) Sometimes they even brought out complicated issues for the main characters, such as when Sam fell for Madison (Emmanuelle Vaugier), a werewolf who he was going to have to kill, reigniting the fears he had about losing the women he loved.
And as time went on, those issues and fears began to pile up and often go unresolved. Dean never truly mourned his mother and Sam didn’t fully get to grieve his college girlfriend Jess (Adrianne Palicki) and both had complex feelings about their father and the way they were raised. But then Dean traded his life to save Sam’s, sending the older Winchester to Hell (literally), while the younger one had to carry on alone. Being the true vessels for Michael and Lucifer could have pitted the brothers against each other but ultimately this time it was Sam who went into the pit to Hell, leaving Dean to move on. Sam also lost his soul, got addicted to demon blood and never quite could shake his PTSD from his time with Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino); Dean ended up with PTSD after getting back from war-like Purgatory. Both brothers struggled with wanting to believe in Team Free Will, even when learning they are literally God’s (Rob Benedict) favorite television show and their lives have been manipulated for it. And of course along the way they’ve lost countless other friends and loved ones, from surrogate uncle Bobby (Jim Beaver) to Charlie (Felicia Day) and even their mother (Samantha Smith) again after she was brought back from the dead, only to eventually be killed by Lucifer’s son Jack (Alex Calvert).
“Sam and Dean both went through a ton of trauma. Sam probably had more reminders of his trauma because, obviously Pellegrino remained as Lucifer for many, many years, and Sam had to be facing his No. 1 offender in causing his PTSD,” says Padalecki. “The writers, obviously, always were aware that Sam had been through what he’d been through with Lucifer so they peppered that in [but they] allowed me to take it further if I needed to.”
While Kripke acknowledges that the broadcast format — especially back in 2005 — lent itself well to a slow burn on mythology in the beginning, he also believes characters are more interesting if you “peel back those layers one at a time” as the show goes on. But there is also a more pragmatic reason behind easing the audience into the more psychological horror of “Supernatural” according to Dr. Lynn S. Zubernis, a licensed clinical psychologist, professor and author of several “Supernatural” books, including this year’s “There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done: Actors and Fans Celebrate the Legacy of Supernatural.”
She explains: “One of the reasons that we as humans have so much trouble processing trauma is that we literally store those trauma memories in a different way to store our regular memories and then we can’t get to them and they just end up split off and unprocessed and we don’t want to go there. So we have a lot of defenses against looking at our own trauma. That’s why projecting onto fictional characters is such a great way to do it. But if it came at us all at once, our brains would be like, ‘No, no, no no; we’re not going there.’ You have to go slow in the beginning and then be hooked in and trust the storytelling, in a way, before it goes that deep.”
The same was true for the actors. “Early on, we maybe had to use some techniques or some tricks of the trade to get to a certain point emotionally, but as time went on and the seasons went on, we didn’t have to use those tricks,” says Ackles. “Living with this story — not just living with the characters but living with this story — when things happen, we’re able to really feel it from a character’s perspective because we have lived with it so long and we understand their hurt and their pain and their laughter and their joy.”
Adds Padalecki: “We lost so many characters, I feel like we had a lot of chances to deal with what Sam and Dean would go through with the loss of a character or friend, and so, after the 30th time, it was like, ‘OK I remember what Sam goes through; I remember how he feels; I remember how to be and where I want to be in the storyline as a whole.’ If God forbid there came a situation where they were like, ‘Hey we need to shoot this scene tonight, it’s two pages, it’s you and Dean and Lucifer, then I could have done it — and Mark and Jensen could have done it as well.'”
As the show evolved, the type of horror it delivered week after week would consist different ratios of a combination of jump scares and more of a “disturbing fear that doesn’t leave you — the kind of fear that gives me chills, instead of making me want to scream,” as Zubernis puts it.
“I remember getting a note from Eric that changed the way I wrote the show and kind of cracked the show open for me,” Gamble says. “It was [for] an episode where a demon in the body of a woman has, I want to say, Bobby tied up and they are snarky back and forth but he is her prisoner. And what Eric said was, ‘You’re writing these lines where the demon is very witty and funny and smart, but the thing that is so terrifying about a demon, even as you are entertained by it is that they can see straight into your soul.’ So this thing that they will say to you will be the thing that hurts the most. And so, that was the guiding principle for writing the bad guys: They had to be incredibly insightful to find these guys’ Achilles heels.
“It was also the guiding principle in writing Dean, who was very much going to say the funniest lines in episodes, but he’s never trying to crack you up — he’s actually speaking from a deep well of pain and his way of processing that is to say something hilarious like he’s tough and it doesn’t matter,” Gamble continues.
“We knew the guys had deep trauma and deep pain and were frequently struggling quietly with something, and we always held the monster peril or the danger to a high standard of, ‘We’re not going to make this a joke. This is going to really be life or death.’ So if you have those pieces of the puzzle where the life or death stakes are there, the emotional truth is there, and then you have characters who crack a joke in the face of death, then you can go a lot of places tonally.”
This included expanding the world out to get inside the heads of other core characters — from Castiel’s (Misha Collins) own struggle with how he allowed power to corrupt him, to Jack’s guilt over killing Mary, to diving into memories of Bobby losing his wife and Jody Mills (Kim Rhodes) losing her own family. In some cases, it meant quite literally spending the majority of episodes inside characters’ heads, as well — from Season 2’s “What Is and What Should Never Be,” in which Dean’s psyche is in an “apple pie” alternate reality while he is losing his life to a djnn, to Season 4’s “The Rapture” when Sam is detoxing from demon blood, to Season 7’s “Death’s Door,” which sees a dying Bobby trying to outrun his reaper.
In the latter episode, Gamble reminds, the show was “exploring his core wounds by seeing the memories that are the most important to him.”
“We observed from just watching so many shows in this genre that the Big Bad gets bigger and bigger every season and the war gets more massive and pretty soon you’re a tiny little Lego guy and you’re literally facing God,” she explains. “So part of our job from very early on was to slow down or to avoid running into plot that was so massive that you’re just little specs in a giant galaxy. The way to approach that is always to come from what is personal inside of the story to the boys.”
After all, at the core of the show was always the Winchesters — whether the danger they were in was because of a literal demon in front of them or an internal demon they had yet to conquer.
“If you put them in real jeopardy — believable jeopardy for our world — then the scares will take care of themselves,” Singer says.
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(Pictured: Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki in “Supernatural,” which returns with its final seven episodes beginning Oct. 8 on the CW)
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casablancarossa · 1 year ago
Please Amore.
<< a taemin x reader story>>
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asdfghjkl; I'm fine seriously. Totally have recovered(?) No I have not been sitting on this fic for a while.
Pairings : Taemin x female!reader Genre: Smut. Content Warning : 18+, Minors DNI, Yeah it is smut okay?! Synopsis: You missed a side of Taemin. The non-gentle side of Taemin. And you are hellbent in seeing it. Authors Note: Seem I am incapable of writing anything short? So here ya go darlings. Another long read of Taemin torturing us.
You relaxed back into your seat of the green room, watching through the monitor of Taemin's performance. He was breathless, sweating and positively oozing with 'fuck me' energy. Something about him performing Strings really stirred something in you where you couldn't control yourself around him. It was like a little drug in your system that craved being held by him, being right under him. A lump in your throat caused you to cough violently which caused the stylists and other stage staff to giggle at you a bit.
It was not a secret, at least to anyone in the industry that Taemin had been seeing someone since before enlisting in the army. Even eagle-eyed fans knew that the very song he was singing was on ode to someone he was seeing. If anything, Taemin was no stranger to releasing music that felt sinful but with such an angelic voice, it offered that duality that piqued the interest of fans.
Such a daring mixture to play Strings after Heaven too. It made you laugh how bold Taemin has been and it's something you needed him to let loose out on you. You wandered out of the green room so you could wander towards the side of the stage, wondering if you can take a peek through the equipment. Staff were running back and forth, making sure the the lighting underneath the tilted stage were still responding when the lights needed to be changed,
Taemin was not even halfway through his set list and he was already annoying you and you had to sit there and witness this man, not only ruin your life but as well as thousands of Shawols' lives too, purely by existing. You try not to even think about the stunt he pulled with Criminal. So early onto the concert too. That's right honey, destroy all our fucking underwear why don't you. Groaning, you ask the stage manager if you could borrow some items that could make you pass as stage staff so you could walk around top up Taemin's water bottle collection.
You were surprised when a stylist noona commented that you could probably fit into Taemin's regular clothes and go out unnoticed if you layer and pad yourself out. While jamming to Taemin singing his pretty little heart out, you rush back to the green room and throwing Taemin's clothes on and layering a thick hoodie on top of it all. His favourite cap laid on the makeup table. If I wear this, would he recognize it's me? You quickly grab the hat and tuck your hair in before the same stylist walked in with a black mask and glasses.
She comments how it might help and shield your face a bit more, understanding how fans might not take a random female stage staff too lightly, but also just in case you might get recognized in the future.
As you walk back to the side stage an ahjussi has prepared a staff lanyard for you and headphones. With this, you truly looked like you have been working as a stage staff the whole time. Euisoo saunters towards you, giving you water bottles to carry outside, commenting to keep your head down and try not to distract Taemin. He warned you knowing fully well, that while you may have no intention or plans or even attempts to distract him, he knows Taemin well enough that the mere sight of you, or your presence amongst the crowd sends the boy on frenzy and ends up distracting himself.
Taemin would finally have a chance to settle, get some water, not wanting to pull away from his adoring fans. He was so grateful for them and you admired how humble he was under the care, love and support Shawols have given him. You make your way out the hidden staff door under the stage so you could hug the walls of the platform, walking to the nearest water station and placing the bottles Euisoo had given to you.
The cold arena felt suddenly warm as Taemin walks towards where you were picking up a water bottle, crouching down. He surely couldn't have noticed you already did he? With your head down, you stand back, stepping beside one of the ground staff who were talking to Taemin through his earpiece. Idle babble of lighting, warning about various pyro and confetti explosions and adjusting sounds were going on. A supposed 15 minute conversation happened in less than a minute in your head, surprised by how efficient Taemin was communicating with the team while his mic was still on, giving hand signals for simple yes and no questions. All the while, he was staring you down every now and then while he conversed with the fans.
Of course he noticed you. He could pick you out from a line-up, while horribly wasted and half blind. Taemin also knew what you were like, how this side of him performing drove you insane. He was so happy to leave you accustomed to his chaotic childlike, puppy behaviour at home, that when he switches during performances or in bed, it felt like a bus had crashed into you from how sudden and unexpected it is.
You did only have yourself to blame, afterall you were the one with the pitiful request to let Taemin spare you from his sinful advances on a very regular and almost too frequent basis. As much as you adored the side of Taemin that you see in stage, with you, it felt like he had set the dial was at 100. Taemin was rough for sure, his dominant streak was what got you hooked and dear gods he was good at it too.
How on one occasion during his trip back home from the military, for a family dinner, Taemin had used the small kitchen to his advantage, brushing his hips against yours with a slight buck, whenever he needed something from the cupboard in front of you. How during a photo-op encouraged by his mom, caused him to delicately trail his fingers up and down your spine, which he knew sent you dizzy and breathless. Yes that is what Taemin loved to do to you, to tease you in public. While he may have enough self composure to not go wild, you however could not and by the wee hours of the night, you are begging, pleading and if it was in an empty house, probably screaming Taemin's praises.
But after one too many arguments, accusing Taemin that he only wanted you for your body, the quality of sex didn't necessarily die down, but the significant decrease meant that Taemin was more susceptible to being more casual, more tender and loving. It's no surprise to anyone, but Taemin was a cheesy romantic. He was the type to scatter rose petals in the bath tub when you had a long day. He was the type to quietly harass Kai, Jimin and Ravi to go to a spontaneous location he had picked mere minutes ago so he could take you there and by the time you two have arrived, Taemin's friends would be panting, breathless after quickly decorating a very elaborate and stocked picnic set-up.
At it's very core, it was all romantic and yes Taemin had no qualms in ravaging you in public, but nowadays it felt like Taemin no longer fucking you but made love to you instead, which was completely two separate things for you. You loved getting fucked by your boyfriend but you treasured being made love to even more.. It was heated and passionate without the frills and it was just the two of you with Taemin coveting your body like the goddess he deemed you to be. But you weren't an idiot or insensitive either, deep down more than ever you knew, Taemin craved that extra form of control, to have you be a broken mess under him, to have you be at every beck and call to his commands, not because you were scared but because you did enjoy it as much as he did.
Gods, how long have you been staring at him from the bottom of the stage? You were so lost in your thoughts that you had been functioning on auto-pilot for the last few minutes and if it weren't for the explosion during Danger, nothing would have snapped you out of it. From the corners of your eyes. you saw Euisoo gesture for you to rush towards him to the staff door. The manager, mentions something about outfit change and having Taemin upside down again and how your boyfriend might appreciate a comforting face for support.
"Wah, Lee Taemin, you were so cool out the there!", you exclaimed as you walk back into the green room.
There he was, your own personal Adonis, shirtless once more, holding his next outfit in his hands. Shocked that he wasn't dreaming that you were indeed wearing his clothes as you plop his hoodie on a sofa. "Were?" he cocked his brow at your statement.
"Are. Still are" you corrected yourself at his behest, stepping towards him as the stylists carefully take the mic pack away from his trousers, setting it aside. While yes it is their job to get the idol all dressed up and ready, you really did not need to see them get handsy on your man, despite them having literally the most purest of intentions. "Don't worry eonnies, I can dress him from here", you stated out loud, casting your eyes at the women as they remained while Taemin walked towards the changing screen to change in private, had they stayed in the room.
At your words, Taemin cracked a grin, looking back behind him. Is his girlfriend having a stand-off with his stylist noonas? The air was thick with tension and you couldn't have been anymore obvious that you wanted them out of the room. He offers a nod to one of the older stylists that it was okay. It wasn't your first rodeo in getting him ready. For the better part of 'Hard' promotions, Taemin had you chasing after him because he refuses to get his hair and makeup done properly after eating and mainly because he got distracted annoying Key about their 'couple bags'.
As soon as the doors closed and that you two were finally alone, Taemin, resumed getting undressed, hastily putting on the red outfit left behind consisting of some baggy pants and a very convoluted styled sweatshirt with dangling pieces of fabric and an overskirt to wear over his pants. Meanwhile, you had approached him with a puff sponge in one hand, already coated in product as you dab at his face gently, working the product in and trying to apply it evenly, lifting his chin so you could even out his jawline. Your fingers playful trickle down the side of his neck before wrapping them around the base, looking up at him with desires that could burn this room right now.
Taemin quickly grabbed your wrist, pulling them away from his neck, still holding on with a firm grip, his head lowered, just so his lips were mere millimetres away from each other. Before he could lean in to kiss you, your head darted back, avoiding his advances. You stumble backwards to walk towards the vanity. With a slight bend of your back and over the table, you dropped the sponge and picked up a lip tint this time, carefully applying it to yourself with your fingers without contaminating the applicator.
You watched through the mirror as your partner's eyes had darkened, watching you bent over any surface, watching your finger carefully swipe against your plush bottom lip before biting them, as your siren eyes lure him even so slightly. You played coy as you rested both of your hands on the desk to keep yourself up while jutting out your backside for Taemin's viewing pleasure. Your hands carelessly tousled through your hair before hiding a devilish grin behind them as they cascade to frame your face.
How is it, not a word has been uttered between the two of you and yet so much was said. You were trying to play with fire and Taemin was not pleased by your actions. He lets out a little cough to break the silence, making his way towards you. One hand grip at the backrest of a chair that was standing beside you, he carefully lifts to tilt it forward an inch before slamming the back legs down to catch your attention, almost making your jump in your spot.
Your body effortlessly sway and sit down on the seat Taemin had moved, your eyes were more alert, constantly staring at the dark haired boy through the mirror. His tongue clicks, before standing right behind you, his eye were barely peeking through his fringes. You didn't like it when you couldn't see his eyes. Usually they were the first giveaway of what emotions he was feeling at a given moment. "Hands clasped behind the chair", he orders.
You struggle at his words, they sounded a bit darker and lustful. "We don't have much time, amore",
With a nod, your hands finds themselves clasped together, your eyes never leaving the sight of him. You wanted to take it all in, you wanted to see the switch, the dial up past 100. Taemin's hands rest on your shoulders, lightly massaging them as they make they way towards the nape of you neck. Taemin quickly rustled through his pockets taking out a lengthy red fabric, arranging it accordingly before wrapping it around your eyes, doing a loose knot behind your head.
It wasn't long before his fingers thread through your hair, clasping a fistful and pulling your head back. You normally would have let out a pained mewled but Taemin didn't give you a chance as his lips crashed down onto yours, feverishly kissing you while his spare hand roams your chest, carelessly grabbing at your breast, trying to push his digits past the bounds of your bra so he could pinch your nipple through your shirt.
His touch almost scalds you as quivers and squirm in his hands. God you craved his touch so much, you desperately sought out for his fiery skin against yours. You can already imagine how it would feel so nice to feel how soft his skin is, how it is hot to touch, how it smoothly glides against your own, every cell and fibre getting electrocuted at the intensity of it all. Damn clothes. Damn fucking clothes. You mewled more desperately into his kiss, silently pleading more.
As much as Taemin wanted to tease you, he couldn't resist. You could feel the back of your head hit what you assumed is his abdomen. His fistful grip never left your head, occasionally tugging at it, but not his other hand found your knee and with a swipe up towards your heated core, your legs had unconsciously spread open for him, his fingers trailing circles around your thighs. You found it hard to keep the grip on your own hand as you desperately wanted to touch him as well, to guide his hands where it mattered, but if you disobeyed him, he might not even touch you tonight.
The man's hands fumbled against his jeans which you were wearing and until there was enough give, he snaked his hand through the crotch area and began teasing your heated mound through the fabric of your underwear, eliciting a very audible gasp out of you. His lips were suddenly close to your ear, with heavy breathing. "Don't make a sound mi amore, they will hear how slutty you get", he teased.
You bit your lips trying to contain your voice, but it didn't help that Taemin was talented in finding your bundle of nerves, his finger pressing on it rhythmically and circling it around that cased your body to lean forward in pain. Taemin continued his pace before a teasing finger had pressed your underwear a little bit into you.
The sudden intrusion had cause your legs to almost snap shut, trapping Taemin's hands in between your thighs and it weren't for his growl, you would have followed through, but you focused so hard in keeping your legs spread, your thighs slightly convulsing after straining to stay open. Taemin rewarded your efforts by delicately manoeuvring his fingers to set aside your underwear and bury two fingers immediately into you, causing your body to lean forward even more, your lips spread almost silently screaming.
Taemin watched through the mirror as your body jolts here and there as his fingers relentlessly pumps into you, groaning at how your walls clenched around his digits, the only noise filling the room were subdued panting and squelching noises. "Don't you look pretty like this, mi amore", he asks pulling your head up by your hair.
What a stupid question. You were blindfolded, but you knew what he meant. He loved how easy it was for you to fantasize about what was happening to your whenever you were blindfold. As if you seeing yourself come undone by Taemin, helpless and needy, made you so much more wetter. "Amore..", you whimpered. "Please..."
Taemin let's out a sinister chuckle before whispering, "No". With his words, he pulled his fingers out quickly out of you and quickly grabbed the blindfold off you before rushing towards the door. You were so lost in the moment, you had not even realized there had been knocking voices for Taemin to get on the stage to get strapped in for the rotating platform.
Your look at yourself through the mirror wondering how the ever loving fuck did you look so dishevelled. A few baby coughs left your chest as you recollect yourself before standing up, finding it hard as a noticeable pressure has built up between your legs. Fucking Taemin, you are a dick, you thought to yourself before standing up to walk out of the room to see Taemin, already harnessed on and about to flipped for his entrance to 'Door'
As the concert continued, you stayed in the side-lines and watched Taemin perform, cheering quietly from where you were as to not disturb the staff who you already have probably annoyed tonight.
When it was time for another outfit change, Taemin hurried towards the sides, calling your name out repeatedly. The man stated out loud that you would be helping him get dressed again which caused the stylists to back down and giggle as his words caused an annoyed scowl plastered all over your face. His hands have a death grip around your wrists once more, rushing towards the room and giving the door a little slam. "Tae, you need to chill, people will definitely think we are about to fuck", you sighed as you stumble into the dimmed room.
"Fuck them" Taemin lets out a growl, a growl you know to well as his 'I'm horny and I'm angry growl'.
Before you could utter another word, Taemin grabs you by the shoulders, pushing you towards the makeup table, his hand roaming your sides and back as he plants a doozy of a kiss, forcing your lips apart with his tongue. It was like a familiar dance that you have found yourself in. He pushes you onto any surface and your automatic instinct is to sit on it, parting your legs to give room for Taemin to between them, while your arms are hooked on his shoulder, pulling him more into the kiss.
"Mmf--What. Am. I. Going. To. Do. With. You" Taemin groans, enunciating every word with a kiss, starting from your lips that trailed to your jaws then neck.
"Anything please. Everything." the words fell like a lump of nonsense and mumbles, but you were too focused on the fact that Taemin had nipped slightly on your neck.
Your pleading voice arouses him further, his hand snake up your body, tugging harshly onto the shirt you were wearing before lifting them up. You could see his eyes were filled with hunger seeing your breasts practically pooling out of your bra.
His lips began to pepper kisses along your chest before latching onto one of the mounds, sucking and biting on it, while his hands playfully massage them, flicking and pinching your nipples occasionally. "Tae wait.. if you keep doing that.. I can't help being loud" you gasped.
"Well then amore, hopefully you can control yourself" he winks up at you before sliding downwards kissing your stomach and placing tepid kisses on your hips.
His trip back up to kiss your lips was nothing short of sweet as he find the familiarity of stripping his jeans off you, picking up your hips so he could also include your underwear in the mix. The moment he heard the thud of the clothing hit the floor, Taemin spreads your legs once more and knelt in front of you with that darn devilish grin of his.
He makes the gesture of shh, placing a finger on his lips before using the same finger and slowly enter your core, causing you to whimper. Taemin chuckles to himself, knowing fully well that you were too bothered and sensitive to have the capacity of being silent. He pumps the lone finger, his head tilting from side to side so he could observe your face and body.
Your hips were bucking like you needed more, a small movement but it encouraged Taemin to add a second finger in, fully in motion of thrusting inside of you, twisting and spreading you to the best of his abilities. Once his fingers hook at a certain spot, he watches your head throw itself back, letting out a loud cough to cover your whimper.
You were seeing stars and your breathing had become so audible, you were convinced floor staff had heard you. You try to look down at your boyfriend pump his fingers into you unforgivingly but seeing the sight of him part his lips and envelop your clit was a sight to behold indeed.
Such sheepish licks, caused a shockwave through your body and all you could think of was trapping Taemin's head in your thighs as you grab his hair, trying to keep him down there until he finished you off.
You could feel the peak approaching as Taemin made good work of his mouth and fingers, making sure he savoured the taste of you while he was down there. But truly nothing could prepare you for Taemin immediately pulling away when you stated how close you were to bliss. Your body barely knew how to react as you let out a little cry, the sudden missing feeling of Taemin on you, made you tremble.
"Please Amore... that was mean.. " you panted, your vision settling to see he was in the midst of changing into the final lilac suit.
"Mean? What's mean is you not using your pretty little mouth"
You look up to see that Taemin had left the blazer and trousers unbuttoned and through his black boxers, perfectly outlined his erection. His body slumped back onto the sofa in the room, beckoning you to move towards him. He chuckles darkly as he watches you naked from the waist down and your shirt rolled upwards, resting on the slope of your breasts. "Here, just in case", he laughs once more, chucking a blanket scarf your direction.
You catch the item, roughly wrapping it around your waist , enough to cover your privates but thin enough to know you were bare under it. In a fluid motion, you crouch down to crawl towards Taemin, settling yourself between his legs. Your hands roam his thighs before meeting at the band of his boxers, sheepishly tugging it down until his dick had popped out, surprising you. "May I taste it... Sir?" your eyes lift ever so slightly.
As if it wasn't obvious from Taemin's hitched breath and the way his cock twitched, hearing you mewl your last word sent chills through his body. The last time you had called him that was the last time he acted as a dominant and where you finally argued with him about feeling like a sex toy rather than his girlfriend in bed. He doesn't recall being disrespectful but is fully aware that he gets in the zone too hard and would punish you equally as his previous bratty submissive partners.
Taemin carefully reaches forward, brushing your hair and holding it to a ponytail with a firm grip. His other hand cups your cheeks, his thumb tenderly brushes against your lips before using his hold on your hair to guide you closer to his aching member.
Without wasting time, your tongue darts out to lick from base to tip before opening your mouth to take him in. "F..fuck y/n"
You giggle despite having your mouth filled as you proceed to bob your head up and down, twirling your tongue and moaning. The vibrations and sensations overwhelm Taemin as his hips jerk upwards, causing your to gag a little. While it didn't deter you from continuing on, it was enough of a sign for him to use your mouth as he pleases.
Taemin roughens his grip on your hair, pushing you down as his hips thrust up. God he missed this. He missed fucking your face, hearing your stubborn coughs as you allow him to abuse your throat like this. He couldn't help notice how gorgeous you were like this. His obedient girl. Something primal triggered within him as he watches you remain strong willed to not pull away, noticing how strings of saliva had began dripping from the corners off your mouth. How he was fucking your mouth had become so messy with slight tears smudging your own makeup and how the slightest hint of your lipstick has tinted the base of his cock. Taemin lets out as hiss as you fully take him in with a pause letting the tip of his member rest at the back of your mouth.
Just because he denied you your orgasm, doesn't mean he doesn't get to finish. He internally swears he will make it worth it. He tries to shift in his seat, so he could lean forward to give a gratuitous slap on your ass as he keeps your head down on him. "Drink me up Amore.. " he grunts every word with a thrust, picking up the pace.
It didn't take long before he mewls your name, coughing and using whatever articles of clothing to dampen the sound escaping his lips. You could feel string after string as Taemin fills up your mouth with his cum. You lap it all up, making sure not one drop is wasted as you lean back to an upright position sitting on your knees.
Taemin lets out a few more coughs, trying to collect himself, panting heavily as he smirks at you. You daintily wipe the corners of your mouth with your finger and offer him a little smile. "I think the fans have finished singing" you note.
Right on queue, the knock finally at the door came, asking Taemin to come out quickly. "I promise to make it up to you Amore" he whispers, his hands cupping your face to place a kiss on your forehead before standing up to finish getting dressed and heading out.
You sat alone in that room, thinking to yourself how you couldn't wait for him to fulfil his promise. You desperately craved his primal side now.
As if the stylists knew something funky went on in the room, they knock, just to make sure, that you were okay for them to come in to tidy up. You cough and hurriedly scoot to where Taemin had stripped you, grabbing your underwear and rushing towards the changing screen, calling them in.
As soon as you finally had calmed down and made yourself modest, you rushed out back to the side stage, making sure you were there for Taemin as he wraps up his final set. You were in such awe and couldn't wait to drown him in affection and congratulatory praises, but your cheeks were downright flushed thinking about the prospects of what happens next.
You were too lost in your own dirty fantasies that you had not noticed Key and Minho standing in front of you, waving and trying to pull you out of your daydreams. "Yah, Lee Taemin, I think y/n is no longer with us" Key calls out to your boyfriend who had just exited the main stage and rushing to hug Minho and Key.
"H-huh?" you mumbled, finally snapping out of your thoughts to see the three Shinee members standing in front of you, smiling however Taemin's was coated with wickedness.
"Wow. You really love him so much that you are in awe huh" Key jokingly scoffs at your direction.
"I couldn't be more proud of him" you giggled, stepping forward to embrace Taemin and peck his lips. "By the way, I didn't put my underwear back on, but the eonnies left you a spare change of clothes" you whispered into his ear.
Taemin chuckles as he pulls away, pardoning himself so he could get changed. Conversations happened here and there and instead of celebrating immediately with drinks and food close by, Taemin had suggested that he wanted to go home first to let his mom know that he was planning on drinking and might be home late and need her to take care of the cats.
This was obviously a lie, kind of. His mom would need to take care of the cats however, due to Taemin's busy schedule, the cats were at her place instead for the weekend.
As the pair of you began to part ways from everyone after an agonizingly painful debate on where to eat, and one heated argument with Euisoo later, Taemin managed to convince his manager that he would like the chance to be able to drive his his girlfriend to the next location and be able to bond with here in peace.
What a fool they were for thinking how cute that sounded because as far as you were concerned, you and Taemin never really made it further out of the carpark.
After waving everyone off, Taemin had hurriedly thrown you into the backseat of his car, jumping in with you with a hungry kiss. "Mmmf, Taemin.. you sure?? Here?" you gasped in between his barrage of kisses.
"Taemin? What happened to Sir" his tone had shifted once more. "Beside I thought you might appreciate the intimacy of a tight enclosed space. Now what was that again about not having your underwear on"
You giggled as you lean against the passenger door, raising your hips so you could pull out said article of clothing from the back pocket.
"How dirty of you Amore, soiling my clothes like this" Taemin whispers, his hands falling familiar to unbuttoning the jeans once more and tugging at them so they just gathered around your knees.
Taemin pulls you off your position and despite the tight area, he manoeuvred you with ease, placing you in front of him bent over, with your hands in the footwell to keep yourself up and your ass in perfect view from his face.
He daringly bites the plump flesh of your cheeks causing you to wince, with his hands once more, teasing your core. Flick. "Amore, listen to me well.." Flick. "Sir desperately wants to fuck you senseless" Flick. "I want this car to shake and be filled with your screams. Okay?" his words were concise but struggled here and there.
He gave a good smack on your ass once more, enough that it stung but that was a sign to get it moving. He had quickly discarded his trousers and boxers, lost in the void of the front seats. Your body shuffled once more to allow yourself and Taemin to be in position where you could sit on his lap, there was not much headroom, but you found yourself leaning back into him, back flushed against his chest
You spat on your hand enough that when you reach down to hold Taemin's member, it was enough lubrication the guide the tip at your entrance, hesitating for a bit.
Taemin however could not wait as he thrusts up, intruding and spreading your open earning a pleased groan out of you. Finally all the tension in your body caved into the pleasure of having Taemin's cock in you. You absorbed every movement as he makes the best effort of plunging in and out of you in a steady rhythm making your bounce on his lap. "Nngh.. sir.. please" you whimpered.
"Please what?"
"More please.."
Taemin secured his arms around your torso, and slightly sinking into the seat so he had the positional advantage to drive himself up in you in a rapid pace. Your grip shifted to hold onto the backrest of the front seats almost holding yourself in place because if Taemin thrusted any harder and you would be either through the roof of the car or half of your body would be over the centre console.
It didn't matter that you were uncomfortable as the euphoric feeling zaps every nerve in your system, overwhelmed by how rough and aggressive Taemin was getting with his pounding. Delicate fingers sneak under your shirt and what could only be described as the man handling of your breasts.
Taemin's name would be the only word left in your brain as he softly whispers sweet nothings into your ear. His hot breath felt like fire against your skin and hearing his shaky breaths and how he moans your name, it sent you wild. "y/n.. y/n.. y/n.. god you. drive. me. insane" he punctuates his words with long and deep thrusts.
Those thrusts came with a price as it it had tickled just the right spots in you evoking a squeal and your walls clenching down on him. You couldn't tell if it was dark out or had your eyes been squeezed shut and you were beginning to see stars. "Taemin .. I mean.. sir.. please fill me up" you moaned, turning your head to look back at him.
He chuckles, pushing your ass up and off it, giving it a quick slap and kiss. "Turn around, I want to look into your eyes as I flood you y/n".
Obedient as you were, it took a few attempts to get to a comfortable position in the back seat as you straddled Taemin, drinking up the sight of how sweaty he had gotten, how his eyes were half lidded shut, equally lost in his arousal. Unconsciously, you began to grind on his shaft, teasing the both of you as his tip poked at your entrance every now and then.
The hot air surrounded the two of you as streams of panting came from both of you. For a small moment, you manage to catch Taemin's eye, filled love and desire. He offers you a soft smile, hand placed on your cheeks. Without breaking eye contact, his spare hand reaches down so he could align himself so in your next grind, he would finally fill you up again, letting out a shudder. Your walls were gripping around him tight and he knew fully well, you two wouldn't last at this rate.
Taemin leans forward to nibble at your collarbone, slapping your ass once more to get you moving as you now bounce up and down, feeling more intense by the minute. He would make you lose your mind even further as me meets your bounce with the thrust, essentially slamming his self into you. His name fell from your lips like a trance, singing his praises and how you craved him.
Your body could barely hold itself together as your body collapses backwards ignoring the fact that your balance was supported by the front two seats, your shoulder resting on either side. Taemin watch your body arches, eyes ogling as your breasts flail with every buck of his hips. His hands get to work. One hand reaches up at your neck, wrapping his fingers around them and applying pressure while the other hand palms at your lower abdomen, sinking lower until his thumb could reach to stimulate your clit once more.
Taemin was more that happy to comply that he would make it up to you. You were a mewling and moaning mess under his control and he could see that you were on the brink of probably causing a scene as your volume was probably leaking out of the car. "Amore.. wait... wait..", you could barely speak out as a scream teared through your throat as you finally reach your release.
Your whole body contorts and honestly, you would have screamed bloody murder if it weren't for the fact Taemin's hands was on your throat and essentially holding you down. Seeing the sight before him unravel, it didn't take long for Taemin to follow suit, releasing his own into you.
There was moment of silence before you felt Taemin's arms snake around you, pulling you back to him. "I think... we should bail on dinner" he breaths out against your skin making you mewl.
"Amore.. we can't keep disappearing on group dinners"
"Fine... but when we get home we need to discuss some safe words before I break you"
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goldenarmyofficial · 12 days ago
As the teams retreated to their locker rooms, the stadium transformed into a dazzling golden spectacle.
The headlining act started the half-time show with a memorable performance before introducing the Gold Preppy Choir.
The Gold Preppy Choir worked quickly taking their places, their harmonized chants rising like a sacred anthem, filling the air with an almost spiritual intensity. Leading them was Elijah and Maximus. (Gold Anthem lyrics by Maximus/PDU-070)
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"Gold is unity, Gold is might— Bound in service, pure and bright. Through each trial, through each fight— Gold prevails with shining light!"
"Brothers forged in sweat and steel, Golden hearts that never yield. Every pass, each goal, each run, For the Cap, the team, the game is won!"
"Proud we stand, so sharp, so neat— Smiling bright with voices sweet. Preppy boys in Gold’s embrace, Poised in style, refined in grace!"
"Gold forever, bold and true, Loyal hearts to Cap and Crew! Rise in order, rise in song, Golden Army, marching strong!"
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The stadium erupted in applause as The Golden Preppy Choir, who had to quickly exit to allow for the brief performance of Golden Superman and The Emerald Hulk. The two played out a choreographed fight scene that was meant to promote a new movie and also be time filler in between acts. As the fight scene came to a close, the shining black latex of PDU-073 and PDU-151 began to lead the Golden Army’s Polo Drones to the field. 
The Polo-Drones took center stage, executing a precise, synchronized performance, their movements so sharp and fluid they bordered on hypnotic. As 073 and 151 led the performance, 110 and 039 gave queues from the command room. The Polo drones in their shimmering level 2 outfits (most not active) brought a presence few could look away from. Then switching over to level 1 the polo wearing drones finished their performance with a display of perfected synchronicity. 
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As the Polo drones left in a sea of applause, The Emerald Titans’ selected choir took the stage. Their striking green robes glimmering in the spotlights. They performed a chilling, well-timed choir performance of “One Short Day” from Wicked. The Titans fans were singing together with the choir. Even some of the Golden Team was uplifted by the positive vibes. 
Then came the Golden Mascot Performance—an electrifying mix of dance, lights, and mesmerizing visuals that left the crowd entranced, drawn deeper into the rhythm of the Golden Army’s spirit. The performance wasn’t just entertainment—it was a declaration.
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🔥 Gold isn’t just a football team—it’s a movement. A force. A dynasty. 🔥
The crowd was on its feet, the Golden Army roaring louder than ever. Milo (151) led the golden pups in a synchronized cheer, The Golden Knight stood at midfield, sword raised, rallying the faithful, while Leander (Dorado) prowled the sidelines, roaring toward the Titans' section.
Even Titanus, the Emerald Titans' colossus, remained motionless for a moment, as if acknowledging the sheer force of Gold’s presence. But then the Birdmen and Titanus led by Ruben (48), Head Mascot of the Titans joined in for a joint performance. The two teams coordinated and played off one another in a playful show of friendly rivalry. The Golden Knight and Titanus at center stage multiple times making playful jabs at each other. The children of the crowd were cheering on their teams’ mascots in unmatched volumes. 
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As the mascots piled out, the announcers made a declaration. “Closing out Half-Time we have our headliners accompanied by up-and-coming rapper, Ambrose.” Ambrose entered followed by some men in black suits and gas masks. They had a vague resemblance to the Polo drones, but not enough to be easily confused.
You could see the pups moving to the sidelines, their ears perked at the name of their former Handler. Ambrose took the mic and started performing his new rap song, Golden Bros Revolution.  
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The song was about how Ambrose became a successful rapper and was slowly conquering the world. He was ready to stand on his own thanks to the things he learned while part of the Golden Army’s brotherhood. Multiple golden bros, and polo drones were performing with Ambrose’s background dancers. Ambrose made special mentions of Brody, Spencer, and Phoenix/Zeus. Three key members of the Golden Army who helped him through his journey. 
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There was a lot of booty shaking, grinding, and sensual motions. Clearly not for all audiences. As a section of the song riffed off “Who Let The Dogs Out” the Golden Army’s pups came out dancing too. Ambrose made special mention of Buzz, Bolt, Chevy, Vysor, Daniel/Fenrir, Ace, Spike, Rocky, and the others. The pups danced and howled with their former handler. 
Ambrose’s stellar performance came to a close with fireworks on both sides. Gold and black on one side and emerald green on the other.  
But now, the break was over. The game was about to resume. 
💥 Time for war. 💥
(To join the Gold Army, contact @brodygold or @goldenherc9)
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