#armored up: java and yon
“So bad news about the ice cream I promised you.The place I wanted to get it from mysteriously burnt down, but I think I found a good enough replacement.” Java held up a half gallon tub of it. “It’s chocolate with a bit of cinnamon. But I’ll be honest, Zizzi, I need your help too. But we can have this first.”
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A bolt of lighting streaked across the sky, followed by a rumble of thunder. It was a downpour that night and a puddle splashed as Java ran through it. She nearly slipped as fast as she was going, but she managed to right herself. Pain ran up her side as she did so.
“Come on, just a bit further,” Yon urged. “You know things don’t go well if I have to take over because you passed out.”
With one last ounce of effort, Java teleported. It was a blind port, intending to get inside of the building where she had met Danielle. But instead, she came up short and slammed against a window, crashing into the interior of the building. She laid still among the glass shards.
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“not vending” (Java)
"Have problems, Zizzi?" Java examined the situation. "Don't worry. This happens to me all the time. I know the trick." She went to the side of it and gave it a solid kick. "That should rattle it loose."
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Kid: “I want a Power Ranger.”
Mom: “We have a Power Ranger at home.”
Power Ranger at home:
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((I picture the actual design much, much sleeker, kind of like Ultraman, but with a Kamen/Power Ranger style helmet. But I had limited options, so I did the best I could))
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Word of advice...Never drink OJ after brushing your teeth.
"Or coffee. I've done both before and it didn't end well for me." Java shuddered a bit.
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“Word of advice...” when a place offers you full access to the flavor syrup on shaved ice, limit yourself to two flavors or it all tastes like medicine no matter how much you like the flavors.
"I can see how that would be the case. I usually stick with one flavor anyways unless it's one of those double flavored ones that's already on the menu." Java didn't want to admit that she didn't actually mind the taste of medicine.
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❛ i’m still learning. ❜ --Lucia, as the teenage vigilante Blackhawk
"You know what, so am I. The other day, I nearly ended up as street pizza because I missed the edge of the building. Just miscalculated, I guess. Fortunately, I've gotten very good at trying to rectify a situation like that before I end up gaining momentum by fall several stories."
Java shuddered at the memory. "But you've got to be a tad more careful about making sure the person you're trying to take down doesn't have back up waiting in the next alley. That could've ended badly."
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Java laid in the street, aching a bit. She’d taken a bad spill off a building, and gained a little too much momentum and speed before teleporting herself to the ground. While the armor made sure she survived the fall, it didn’t have much cushioning from the force of the impact. 
“Can anybody roll me to the sidewalk?” She asked, hoping someone was passing by. “I’d rather not get run over.”
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Java leapt effortless off the roof edge before teleporting to the next roof. She landed and didn’t even break stride as she continued running for the next one. Practice did indeed make perfect and the endurance training had helped her keep her speed up without getting too tired.
Eventually she made it to a good place to rest, a clock tower. Gotham seemed to have a lot of these strewn about. The armored person sat on the ledge and looked out over the city. 
“Wow. Too bad it won’t stay peaceful.”
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Munching noises could be heard. This creature was absolutely huge. What was he munching on? Well… one could see a pile of corpses. The monster of a Mag was eating up the bodies.
However it seemed he hadn’t noticed anyone yet… hopefully he won’t… Gestalt soon stopped munching on the bodies however. “…?” He felt like someone was watching. He turned to where she is hiding, looking around the room with his purple ghostly glowing eyes. So much for not noticing…
Nope, nope, nada, zilch. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 dollars. Java was not dealing with whatever that was. She simply wasn’t equipped to. She had no problem porting out of there while it was busy... eating. But then was too late.
“Erm, hello,” she stated, not making any sudden movements. Maybe it was like a wild animal and as long as you didn’t mess with it, it didn’t mess with you. “Sorry to disturb your... dinner. Do you mind if I just scooch along?”
Noble, not really, but what was she supposed to do?
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Oh no, not this zombie clown guy again. Although Java understood a bit more about him now, she still had no desire to really hang out with him. But then she realized something. Either Tricky had shrunk or he had some kind of mini me running around.
“Um, hello.” She stated. “Can I help you with something?”
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With a bit of practice, Java had gotten much better at rooftop teleporting managed to not fall into any trash piles or dumpsters. In her book, that was very much a win. What was not a win was that she still got winded very easily. After all, it took a lot of energy to do something that was supposed to be physically impossible. So sometimes she had to just sit down and take a break.
This time, it was on a billboard. It gave her a good view of the city, but if anyone looked closely enough, they could probably see her. The last thing she wanted to do was attract any sort of attention.
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Java had been in Nevada for a while and was no closer to finding Kalis and Fumetsu than when she had first arrived. It was a bit annoying, actually. But she knew he hadn’t left town yet, seeing that she still dispatched at least one shadow creature a night. She was going to need information and the best place to start would be what passed for law enforcement in this place.
She found someone just as they were leaving the building. Hopefully, they were an officer or at least knew someone that could help. She ported from the roof, landing behind them.
“Excuse me, I could use your help.”
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So this was Gotham. Well, the goth part was certainly apt. Java had only been there a little bit and she could swear that she saw the sun only twice the whole time.
“If you went outside during the day, you’d probably see it more.”
Yon had a point, though it was hardly her fault that she spent most of the day stuck at a computer. Java perched on the edge of the roof, scanning the streets below. She’d take anything from one of Fumetsu’s creature to even a mugger tonight now that she’d gotten a bit better about teleporting and not missing her targets and a little better at fighting. She felt a bit strange about fighting crime in someone else’s backyard, but it wasn’t like superheros had jurisdictions, right?
Then a shadow moved in a way that was too familiar to here. Java jumped off the roof, ported, and brought her bo staff down on top of the shadow creature’s head, or at least where it’s head would be if it was an amorphous blob of shadow.
It gave out a cry before completely dissipating. Hopefully, no one heard that.
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Java looked at the building with a sigh. But at least maybe she would get the information she needed. If Fumetsu was somewhere in town or if he had left, so be it. Just anything to not have to wander around at night.
She opened the door and went in. It’d be rude to teleport in unannounced. Hopefully, if she needed to make some kind of appointment, one would be available soon.
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Java stood on the edge of the building and looked down at the street below. While she wasn't scared of heights, she wasn't fond of the idea of falling either.
"Okay, I've got this. I've teleported longer distances before."
She fixed her gaze on the next roof and jumped. The jumping part wasn't necessary, but it helped her keep her target in mind. Then she teleported. But when reappeared, she barely had enough time to grab the edge of the roof. The bit crumbled beneath her grip and she teleported again, this time to the ground.
It wasn't exactly graceful and made a lot of noise as she collided with trash.
Hopefully no one saw that embarrassing display...
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