dangansuffering · 5 years
A Wonderful Future | Epilogue Part 1
After Decker’s departure, the newly arrived rescue party helps gather up the survivors of Project Suffering: Emilia Monde, François Bouchard, Ha-Neul Lee, Haia Itou, Honey McCormick, Katahiko Sorakubo, Maxim Krupin, Mio Fujihara, and Yuu Takahashi.
All of the remaining class are guided out of the WonderDome. Kazuya assists François and Haia in retrieving several irreplaceable personal items from their rooms, but the group is in a rush to avoid any potential dangers from other WonderCorp operatives who may arrive.
Eventually the ragtag group arrives at the final gate out of the Fourth Ring. It's open now, revealing a long upward-sloping passage. On Hana’s suggestion, after Katahiko asks about the possibility of tracking devices, ElectroIDs are disposed of, thrown and tossed back down the hall. It's very cathartic.
It takes a while, a trip of several minutes, but eventually they all reach what is truly the exit, the final gate, a set of large metal doors that already lay open - fresh air blows in, the true sky is above them, covered in stars, a beautiful and welcome sight. And parked not far from the entrance is a volkswagen bus...
"Took you long enough!" Kiki waves from the roof of the bus, moves a laptop from her lap to the roof next to her, and slides off to drop to the ground and run towards them, a big grin on her face that falters slightly as her eyes skate over the group. "Where's... where's Teddi? And Dai?"
From inside the bus another figure emerges - a very, very tall one. The woman with pink pigtails who comes out and waves at you all is at least as tall as Archie was, a towering 6'5", though she couldn't possibly look more different from the magician in every other respect.
"Hi hi! Oh are we missing people? Do we gotta go back in? I am so ready to go, Hana-chan~! Say the word!" She calls out cheerfully.
"Ah... They joined WonderCorp.” Fran is the first to speak up with an explanation, “Dai... I'm... sure for his sister."
With some further brief exchanges, including the introduction of the new stranger as Chieko Harada, another of the survivors of the previous killing game Project, the group is packed into the bus.
Apart from one alarming event about thirty minutes into the ride where Fran’s panic overtakes him and he attempts to jump off the bus - fortunately he was retrieved unharmed and Sorrel gives him something to help calm him - the bus ride to the secure hotel goes well. Questions are answered, reassurances are given, some small talk is made. Asa had used some of their considerable fortune to purchase the hotel they’re heading to and turn it into a giant safe house - one where the survivors’ loved ones and relatives have been transported to and are awaiting them.
For the next several days the survivors are given the chance to just breathe, speak to their families, and generally start to recover, with Sorrel providing medical care. After the initial adjustment period, more about their situation and options is explained.
Sorrel, Hana, Asa, Chieko, and Kiki, along with several other unfamiliar people, have begun to form a group in direct opposition to WonderCorp, tentatively calling themselves the Future Foundation.
As a final resolution to the Project Suffering game, they've put together a public information report to be released to certain trusted media sources that will expose WonderCorp's existence and activities to an extent. They invite any of the survivors who are willing to provide statements on record regarding their experiences to contribute to this report. The intention is that, while WC will no doubt contest the release and attempt to downplay, bury it, or relegate it as a conspiracy theory, it will at least create a basis for further investigation and raise some awareness and scrutiny. If nothing else, once the 'damage' of releasing the information is done, the survivors should all be left alone, since any action taken against them would only confirm the released information.
In addition, any of the survivors who are interested are offered the option of joining the Future Foundation to continue to work against WonderCorp - but there's no pressure to do so. It’s made entirely clear that they are justified if they simply want to return to their lives and move on, and the Future Foundation will continue to provide support and assistance in any way they can. Regardless of their decision, funds for any needed medical treatment, therapy, and supplies for prosthetics are provided, no strings attached.
Katahiko is invited to work with two Future Foundation members, Ranam Usahara and Sandro Moretti, in designing and building prosthetics for the injured survivors, although he elects not to join FF in an official capacity.
Emilia and Honey elect to join FF as members, and travel the world to gather information on and work to expose WonderCorp plans and operatives, often in contact with Kiki, Chieko, and Asa, who ensure Emilia’s new globetrotting broadcasts are untraceable.
Ha-Neul joins FF, acting as a runner and messenger among assisting with other tasks, and continues her charity work.
Yuu also joins FF, assisting in providing tech and financial support and working alongside Sorrel and their sibling, Asa.
Mio, Fran, Maxim, and Haia resume their lives, though they remain in contact with the other survivors and leave the option open to assist FF if they’re ever needed.
And on the other side…
Arlechenno di Mercurio disappears, finally retiring from WonderCorp to live quietly under a new identity in an undisclosed location.
Benoit Lowell, also known as Operative Shatter, deepens his ties to WC and continues to act in the organization’s interests, eluding capture.
Takiji “Teddi” Tatsumi and Dai Fukou likewise undergo full induction as Operatives Wildcard and Chombo respectively, and take on training for future missions…
WonderCorp is not defeated, but although the fight is just beginning, the Future is looking hopeful.
[Further Epilogue Posts will be released later tonight and tomorrow. Individual and Personalized epilogues written by players will be accepted and posted as they’re submitted over the next few weeks. Thank you again to EVERYONE for participating in this game and making it truly amazing.]
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Disappearing Cloth || Arlechenno || MM Trial || re: Touma, Kaoru, Minori, Zenjirou
While the rest continued talking, Archie reached into his jacket and grabbed out his three throwing knives. He's ready to relinquish them as soon as Ina makes her way over to him, holding them out to her with the handles facing her. Safety first! Enjoy the stabby-jabbys, nice giant lady. Afterwards, he leaned forward a bit onto his podium, bracing his arms on top of it while he talked.
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"Unfortunately, I fear that we have no way to know for sure what Nube's motivations may have been, whether to start this trial, or to end the motive. I will note from the few occasions I spent in her presence that she was highly agitated by the light that was following her, even violent towards it. Because of that, if I had to hazard a guess, I would feel more confident in choosing the latter."
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"Although, unless we believe this murder directly ties into evidence that will unveil the mastermind's identity, which I do not believe that it does, I personally would prefer to set that aside for the time being. Especially if that wolf is trying to push us to discuss it. I would like to prevent any further deaths if at all possible."
He stared at Monowolf for a moment, narrowing his eyes before turning his attention back to the group.
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"I agree, Zeppolenno. Exposing the wolves should be our main focus. After all, we are not voting individually, we must reach a unified consensus. For that purpose, we should begin discussing the various pieces of evidence as to the Big Bad Wolf's identity that we have collected thus far."
He tugged on the edge of his sleeve, straightening it out.
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"To start, my role in this game is the Locksmith. I may unlock locked rooms and vice versa. There are several areas around the campus that I have been able to access because of this, notably the Faculty Office and the Checkpoint Building on the south outer wall. This also includes everyone's personal rooms. I apologize for violating your privacy, but I wanted to exclude the possibility that people here may be hiding anything important."
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"In most rooms, I did not notice anything particularly out of place, but there was one specific item I found amongst Nube's possessions that was interesting: a certain yellow cloak. I had previously only seen it amongst Polare's things, so it's presence there is rather odd."
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Howdy ny’all, I’m Mel! I’m genderfluid and really not picky when it comes to pronouns. People most often use she/her or they/them for me, but honestly I’m fine with anything but xe/xer just bc I don’t like the sound. I’ve been in the fandom since 2012, though I’ve only been really active for the last 3 years. I’ve been in the last two games in the Song of Dissent series (I played Keisha Deering, SHSL Insomniac, in Song of Dissent and Arlechenno “Archie” Di Mercurio, SHSL Stage Magician, in Call To Order) and I’m very happy to be here for it’s conclusion. Other than those two characters, I’m most well known for my SHSL Brawler, Crown Prince Jinan Nejem of Aineikas (Fallen Peak) and my SHSL Sculptor/Classical Singer, Seraphina “Pheenie” Nieves (Masq3:Life Side and Fallen Peak 2, respectively).
I really like making friends, so feel free to contact me about whatever! I love talking to y’all a lot. I’m EST, but I’m usually up until at least 1am every night, so hmu! My main blog is chameleonphilosophy and all my characters are sideblogs, so if you see that name following you, you’ll know why.
The only trigger I have is the song Africa by Toto. I’m fine with mentions of it, as long as I’m not subjected to the audio itself. Thankfully I don’t think it’s likely, but it’s better to bring up than keep it quiet anymore. I don’t have any squicks either, so feel free to dump all the upsetting content on me you want.
Enough about me... On to the fun part! Character info under the cut!
The Girl
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Ava Alkaev, SHSL Statistician, she/her pronouns. 
God where do I even start with her... Ava’s a very timid girl and very much a nerd. She’s quiet, easily startled and acts like she’s afraid of her own shadow. 
I don’t often try to spoil initial interactions, but I feel like it’s necessary for a pleasant experience for the rpers to mention that Ava does not like to be touched without permission and she will attempt to terminate a conversation with your oc if at all possible if/when this happens. I don’t want to leave any of you with a bad or disappointing first experience (namely, me putting a very sudden end to an introduction thread after something as innocent as a pat on the shoulder) so I wanted to offer this warning in advance. Please don’t let this knowledge influence the actions of your characters. I just want everyone to have a good time :)
The Talent
A great majority of Ava’s accomplishments aren’t well known. There’s a recognition here or there in footnotes of academic papers across multiple and heavily varying topics for computations and statistical graphs, but most of what is mentioned of her is strictly by word of mouth. The agricultural biotechnical giant Mamesanto and the internationally famous news agency The Chunichi Shimbun Company both laud her praises as an analyst, as well as several small businesses that were failing until she lended her assistance with investment and advertisement advice that helped put them back on the right track.
Recently, she was featured in the newspaper for predicting what lotto numbers were going to be drawn before they were released live. The article provided enough of Ava’s own process and analysis on the subject to lend her a significant amount of credibility that the event was not rigged. The fact that neither she, nor her family, had bought a lottery ticket helped as well.
tl;dr: If your oc is extremely well read in one particular scientific topic, they might have seen her name in the credits of a paper. If your oc reads the Tokyo Shimbun, or the Chunichi Shimbun (both very popular newspapers in the Tokyo and Nagoya areas respectively) they might have seen the lotto article along with a photo of her, or even an article on crime statistics that she helped with over a year ago.
The Ships
Ava is bisexual, with a preference towards ladies, but she’s a bit difficult to start a ship with because of how skittish she is. If there’s chemistry between characters naturally, it could happen and I’d be up for that, but please do not be surprised if it takes a long time. She is 18, so NSFW is possible as long as the other parties are also of age (that includes rpers too!), but is highly unlikely with her. Gimmie those sweet sweet friendships for sure though, I absolutely LIVE for them, you have no idea.
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vivalanine · 8 years
Vanderboom Estate Statistics (Part 1)
I do this all the time, so here we go~!
Age Chart
16: 2 | Etsuko Hatsu, Rumi Komaeda 17: 1 | Shino Shiraishi 18: 9 | Aiko Starlight, Ashley Graves, Chika Frietas, Leong Bae, Margaux Delacroix, Nina Brunelle, Yori Omori, Yuki Akiyama, Yurei Yuasa 19: 4 | Arlechenno di Mercurio, Ichigo Sanada, Orfila, Zenjirou Okasan
Average Age: 17,94 Closest to Average Age: Refer to 18 section Youngest: Etsuko Hatsu and Rumi Komaeda (16 years old) Oldest: Refer to 19 section Most present: 18 with 9 people Less present: 17 with 1 person
Height Chart
130 - 139 cm | 4′3′’ - 5′7′‘: 1 | Etsuko Hatsu (133 cm | 4'5'') 160 - 169 cm | 5′3′‘ - 5′7′‘: 5 | Akira Starlight (160 cm | 5'4''), Ashley Graves (163 cm | 5'4''), Chika Frietas (160 cm | 5'4''), Rumi Komaeda (168 cm | 5'6''), Yuki Akiyama (160 cm | 5'4'') 170 - 179 cm | 5′7′‘ - 5′11′‘: 4 | Leong Bae (175 cm | 5'9''), Margaux Delacroix (173 cm | 5'8''), Shino Shiraishi (173 cm | 5'8''), Yurei Yuasa (170 cm | 5'7'') 180 - 189 cm | 5′11′‘ - 6′3′‘: 1 | Nina Brunelle (183 cm | 6'0'') 190 - 199 cm | 6′3′‘ - 6′7′‘: 4 | Arlechenno di Mercurio (196 cm | 6'5''), Ichigo Sanada (196 cm | 6'5''), Yori Omori (191 cm | 6'3''), Zenjirou Okasan (190 cm | 6'3'') 200 - 209 cm | 6′7′‘ - 6′11′‘ : 1 | Orfila (209 cm | 6'8'')
Average Height: 175 cm | 5′8′‘ Closest to Average Height: Leong Bae (175 cm | 5'9'') Shortest: Etsuko Hatsu (133 cm | 4'5'') Tallest: Orfila (209 cm | 6'8'') Most present: 160 - 169 cm | 5′3′’ - 5′7′’ with 5 people Less present: 130 - 139 cm | 4′3′‘ - 4′7′‘, 180 - 189 cm | 5′11′’ - 6′3′’ and 200 - 209 cm | 6′7′’ - 6′11′’, each with 1 person
Weight Chart
30 - 39,9 kg | 66 - 86 lbs: 1 | Etsuko Hatsu (31 kg | 69 lbs) 40 - 49,9 kg | 88 - 108 lbs: 2 | Chika Frietas (47 kg | 103 lbs), Yuki Akiyama (48 kg | 105 lbs) 50 - 59,9 kg | 110 - 130 lbs: 4 | Aiko Starlight (54 kg | 120 lbs), Ashley Graves (51 kg | 112 lbs), Margaux Delacroix (51 kg | 112 lbs), Rumi Komaeda (54 kg | 120 lbs) 60 - 69,9 kg | 132 - 152 lbs: 5 | Arlechenno di Mercurio (69 kg | 152 lbs), Leong Bae (69 kg | 152 lbs), Shino Shiraishi (62 kg | 137 lbs), Yori Omori (63 kg | 140 lbs), Yurei Yuasa (63 kg | 140 lbs) 70 - 79,9 kg | 154 - 174 lbs: 2 | Orfila (78 kg | 172 lbs), Zenjirou Okasan (70 kg | 154 lbs) 80 - 89,9 kg | 176 - 196 lbs: 2 | Ichigo Sanada (89 kg | 196 lbs), Nina Brunelle (82 kg | 180 lbs)
Average Weight: 61,31 kg | 133 lbs Closest to Average Weight: Shino Shiraishi (62 kg | 137 lbs) Lightest: Etsuko Hatsu (31 kg | 69 lbs) Heaviest: Ichigo Sanada (89 kg | 196 lbs) Most present: 60 - 69,9 kg | 132 - 152 lbs with 5 people Less Present: 30 - 39,9 kg | 66 - 86 lbs with 1 person
Gender Chart
Female: 6 | Aiko Starlight, Ashley Graves, Chika Frietas, Margaux Delacroix, Nina Brunelle, Rumi Komaeda Male: 8 | Arlechenno di Mercurio, Etsuko Hatsu, Leong Bae, Orfila, Shino Shiraishi, Yuki Akiyama, Yurei Yuasa, Zenjirou Okasan Nonbinary: 2 | Ichigo Sanada, Yori Omori
Most Present: Males with 8 people Less Present: Nonbinary with 2 people
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Shiho throws in 5 coins for the Hell of it.
For the hell of it? You give five coins to the pure machine and it’s for the hell of it? Machine-chan would probably marry you!
[Pocket Mirror] This small compact mirror is the perfect size to fit in even the smallest of pockets! It’s guaranteed to always bring out your best side when staring into it!
[Turtleneck Sweater] Cozy warm, yet form fitting. It’s not even itchy, it’s perfect.
[Bald Cap] A stage quality bald cap. It even comes with the spirit gum for the hairline to help keep it on.
[Magic Ad] A poster advertising a magic show in Tokyo, starring Arlechenno Di Mercurio. It’s a few years old and the edges are worn.
[Designer Jacket] An expensive looking short white jacket designed by a popular fashion designer. Wear this jacket and you’ll be the object of everyone’s envy.
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danganronpahaven · 8 years
Pace||Arlechenno||Trial 3 results||Silas
Archie shakes his head, looking on at Silas’ final sermon with no small amount of pity. He had decided in the last moment to leave some faith in Sizemore, voting instead for Shiori. He had genuinely hoped that the holy man was just taking advantage of the situation to be preachy, but he was wrong. Arlechenno listened to a number of them speak, before deciding to say a few final words himself.
“You committed a mortal sin, Pastore (shepherd/Silas) . For that, I do not think you deserve to be forgiven, but it is not my place to judge that. If you value the judgement of your god so highly, however, you should repent. Accendental murder is still murder.”
He bows his head a little before quietly adding
“Possiate trovare la pace di fronte alla morte… (May you find peace as you face death)”
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dangansuffering · 5 years
In Memoriam | Epilogue Part 2
The cover story that is released and circulated throughout internet forums and professional media alike is that there was an accident. The incoming class of new Hope’s Peak students were sent on an all expenses paid study program, and there was a malfunction on the plane trip back that caused a crash.
A crash site is found, complete with twisted remains of a private jet and the burned and damaged body parts and corpses of the missing students. There is even a body that is identified by professionals as belonging to Arlechenno di Mercurio. Authorities continue to investigate the conflicting versions of events. The crash story is denied by some Hope’s Peak officials and supported by others. The added prospect of a conspiracy does some damage to the school’s reputation, but not as much as it might have with confirmation.
Benoit Lowell, Teddi Tatsumi, and Dai Fukou are on record as supporting the story of the trip and the accident. The mystery surrounding the event continues to be a controversial one in many circles. Many people pick sides, others dismiss the entire issue as a publicity stunt, or simply not their business. Whatever the case, the exact truth remains uncertain.
And those lost in the Hope’s Peak Tragedy leave effects of their own behind, like ripples in a pond.
Magic Mallum’s Wonder Emporium, the circus owned by Hidehisa Murahashi’s family, receives a massive surge in attendance and public attention. Several anonymous but generous investors revive the struggling circus and make it into a major attraction in the area of the Japanese countryside it calls home. People from around the world come to see the shows, which with the influx of funds are bigger and better - and safer - than ever. New, state-of-the-art equipment and staff are hired, new enclosures and handlers ensure the health and happiness of the animals, and when Twinkletoes the elephant reaches an age where performances are too much of a strain, she is happily retired to the Inoue Zoo, where she does very well, although she never stops hoping to see the clownish redhead who called her his best friend again. Elephants never forget, they say.
Any and every manga that Brittany “Moko” Smith worked on reaches a new height of popularity, and the sketchbooks she’d kept, along with the stories she’d had in progress, are taken up by her best friends so that her dreams may at last come true - even without her there to see them realized.
The fans of Yuri “Lily Rose” Kamisumi’s work, both old and new, long lament the loss of such an iconic author - the voice of a generation many call her - and are further saddened that her unfinished works are retired unseen. Shubbansha Bokkon, the publishing company run by her father and uncle, does reprintings of her previously released works, but states that in respect to the wishes she’d expressed during her life, any works in progress will remain unpublished. The press and any well-wishers are asked to please leave the Kamisumi family to mourn in privacy and peace, and all interviews are politely but firmly refused…
Although there is some minor scandal when Yuri’s biological mother, a well known British socialite by the name of Charlotte Woods, begins bemoaning her loss to the media, and anyone else who will listen. “She was such a perfect girl, my greatest regret is how we’d grown apart over the last few years. I never stopped thinking of her, oh if only we could have reconciled! How horrible that it’s now too late!” Fortunately Charlotte’s exaggerated and over-publicized grief over her estranged daughter only caused significant backlash and damage to her reputation, leaving her to quietly withdraw from public for the time being.
Meanwhile, the family of Mariko Tomomi had little comment, her parents professing that she’d moved out and become independent several years ago. Her uncle was quoted as saying that she was certainly unlucky enough to have died in an accident, but showed no interest in the investigation beyond that. Mariko’s various works in progress were scrapped or the concepts sold, and her running shows seemed likely to be cancelled - in fact, the entirety of the I! Glamorous Life! network that she’d exclusively produced content for collapsed after an anonymous source submitted overwhelming evidence that the company which owned the network, Ginsi, had covered up a wrongful death scandal on one of their sets and committed malicious acts of coercion in their contracts. Ginsi itself suffered a dramatic drop in net worth, and was ultimately subject to a hostile takeover by a rival entertainment company in the ensuing months.
With the truth unveiled, a youth rights activist group put forward that there should be greater protections for young adults and minors in the entertainment industry. With continuous efforts and the garnering of public pressure, the Mariko Tomomi Youth In Media Protection Act was introduced, something which required certain standards and time periods be satisfied when companies created contracts for new actors and writers in the film industry. Among other changes, exclusivity contracts for new talent under the age of twenty-five were no longer permitted to last for longer than five years at a time.
Meanwhile in Italy, Romeo Gallo’s sisters went through an appropriate mourning period for their golden brother. Bianca Gallo, the younger sister, began studying and learning to take on the role of running the Gallo brand in her brother’s stead, and showed a competent level of skill. Privately, the Gallo sisters gave support as needed to the Future Foundation, although publicly they simply continued on with the glamorous facade of their lives.
After all, like any good show, life must go on.
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dangansuffering · 5 years
The Show Must Go On | Final Spin | Ft. Arlechenno “Diamond” di Mercurio, Benoit, and ???
Arlechenno was shocked by the results. Despite all of the vitriol and the death wishes, they’d still rather he spin? There was a chance he could die. But there was also a chance he could live.
He wrapped his arms around Benoit, embracing him tightly and whispering in his ear. "I love you, my sparrow. Tout ira bien et tout ira bien et toutes sortes de choses iront bien…"
No sooner had the words left Arlechenno’s mouth than Benoit was whispering a response, clinging back just as tightly and trying to will himself not to shake. “Je t’aime aussi, mon corbeau. Je t’aime…”
They held each other for as long as Arlechenno felt like they could, trying to stretch an eternity into a few seconds of contact.
But as much as he wanted to hide, he could not.
It was showtime.
"If we did not finish it, then what was the point of it all?" He quipped to Decker as he pulled away, putting on a brave face. "I would rather not waste any of the sacrifices made here."
Arlechenno stepped up to the wheel and gave it a strong tug. It was up to fate now.
For the last time the wheel turns and the lights blink, the clickclickclick bearing an increased tension, but also a strange relief. It’s almost over. This should be the last time… and it coasts to a stop at last, the stopper catching on a peg over a wedge that lights up Magenta. With an eye symbol.
Perhaps there’s some poetic justice in that? Or just irony. Either way, the androids around Decker roll forward to seize the Mastermind.
Benoit moves too, despite the terror in his throat, trying to get as close as he can without interfering. He doesn’t want to see this, he doesn’t want to watch this again, but he has to be there. Anxiously he bites his lip and clasps his hands in front of his chest, just… waiting.
An eye? The thief cannot help but force out a laugh. "How fitting…" He mumbles.
Archie goes without a fight, already offering out his arms and tilting his head back. He doesn't even bother to remove the mask.
[CW: Eye Trauma]
The androids grab him just as they did before, immobilizing his face and arms. This time, he does not struggle as the long blade slips free from the robot's arm, nor as it approaches his face.
He does, however, scream as it plunges down into the socket. Blood pours forth, bubbling over the edges of his mask and streaming down his cheek and neck. Mercifully, the process is as swift as ever. The eye pops free soon afterwards and the Android holds it aloft like a trophy. Even through the crimson blood, its iris is clearly teal, the same color as his usual diamond patterned shirt.
The moment he is released, Benoit is there, reaching for him much in the way that Sorrel had always been before. He’s much shorter than Arlechenno, but he wraps his arms around him to support him and keep him on his feet.
And then, things start to happen very quickly…
"Fucking finally!" Decker says with an odd mix of frustration and satisfaction. The lights in the room flicker, the wheel shuts off, going dark and still, even the screens on your podiums are blank. It's as though there was a power surge. But Decker's arm tablet is clearly still working because he's still typing away on it. Seconds later, the metal plate in the wall behind him slides open, and a new figure steps out…
"Hey, mijito! Help your brother and Shatter, get them outta here. The way should be clear for now. I've got some wrap-up to do but I'll be along soon, I've got this."
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"Sorry m'late Babbino! Wanted ta pull a Die Hard ta get here faster but the vents're too small e'en fer me." Firefly calls out, his voice familiar to a select few of you from over your IDs.
The tiny figure darts across the room, his brightly colored tights matching the shirt pattern Archie usually wears. His teal eyes are focused solely on the injured man. The familial resemblance between the two are clear, even if Firefly is a solid foot and a half shorter than his brother. "Yer alive, thank fuckin' god. C'mon we gotta go, Arle!" He says, ducking under his brother's shoulder to try and help support him. He tries to wave at a pair of you. "Bye Haia-chan! Bye Yuu-chan! Thanks fer keepin' an eye on m'pain in the ass older bro!"
The sight of Firefly brings a momentary wash of relief to Benoit’s face. There’s a question in his eyes amongst the worry and barely-hidden panic, but he doesn’t voice it. As soon as Firefly is there to help him support Arlechenno, Benoit looks out at the group still standing around the podiums. His breath hitches again, his eyes flitting to each of them, and he swallows. Even if they meant for them to live with the guilt, each breath Arlechenno was taking right now was a mercy that Benoit wouldn’t take for granted. “Thank you.”
That would have to suffice as his goodbye.
Firefly and Benoit guide Archie out of the room, the metal plate in the wall shutting behind them again, leaving all of you who remain here with Decker and his escort of androids. There's a short silence, Decker still typing on his tablet. Is that really it? What happens now?
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Overcast || Mao + Archie
Mao took a day mostly to herself to calm down at least enough to go out and about again. The events of the previous still stung her skin as she brushed against anything. Like she was still being slowly brought back to reality. Magic was deadlier than it had seemed to be before, and Mao's takes on personal doors had dived lower than they already were.
Things were... different, to say in the least, but she could bring herself back up. She could try to. Taking her mind off of things was the best option, of course. Naturally, Mao carried on hand-made snacks like they were free samples and wandered around for other forms of distractions. There were new rooms available, yeah?
She made her way to the library, but her hand hovered over the door handle. Was it really ok to go in when the area was only accessed through the deaths of others? Mao chewed on her lip a bit, before taking the plunge and walking inside. Guilt weighed down on her shoulders, but she trudged onwards.
The maps on her ID said there were movies and such here, right? Maybe there would be some sort of cheesey musical or some sappy happy movie she could throw on. Mary Poppins or something like that. Seemed about right.
Actually, Mary Poppins was very available. She held the case in her hands and cracked it open, pushing at the disk and watching it spin within it's confines. Like a turntable, almost? but not. Haha... She grabbed a random second DVD case and clacked it open, miming the action of turntables. While the effort was weak, it was a signature stupid Mao idea. There was enough composure left to pull off that kind of thing.
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
The Curtain Rises || Arlechenno || Prologue Start || Open
What a strange dream... Arlechenno di Mercurio groaned wearily, looking at the time. It was just his luck to be running late on the first day of classes.
"Cazzo! Of course...and no time for a coffee."
But no matter! A great magician always arrives exactly when he intends (and if he doesn't, he can sure pretend that it was supposed to happen like that). So he had gotten dressed in his usual attire, trying to shake off the remnants of the strange dream he'd had, and trotted along with the rest of the people moving through the hall. The strangeness of the situation made him chuckle. At least he wouldn't be the only one facing the teacher's ire.
The lack of other people in the school besides his classmates set him mildly on edge. Where was everyone? Surely they hadn't missed a memo about classes being cancelled. He had half a mind to just give up and head back to his room when the child had shown up. Though he certainly couldn't judge their fashion choices, Archie stared perplexed at their ears. Things just kept getting stranger. 
He glanced nervously around the courtyard as they arrived and-- oh dear. The black sky made his stomach writhe in discomfort. Something here was very, very wrong. He looked to the podium. Another strange child and a tall woman. An incredibly tall woman! Wow! Despite himself, he couldn't help but smile. What a beauty. Then there are introductions but try as he might he can't remember them past the few seconds after she's spoken. Verde, Blu and Rosso would have to do for now.
Archie sighed, running gloved fingers through the ends of his ponytail. It wouldn't do to panic, he was better than that. He should help keep morale up. He was a performer after all, it was his duty! He turned to the nearest person, putting on a reassuring smile to hide his own discomfort. 
"Well it appears as though we are in a rather strange situation, though I see no reason why we should be strangers. I am Arlechenno di Mercurio, illusionist extraordinaire. May I have the honor of your name?"
He'd forget it soon enough, but it was the thought that counts, right?
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Tin Divination || Arlechenno || Trial 1 || re: earring check
After finding his podium and taking his place there, Archie listened quietly to the evidence being presented. 
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"I may as well reveal that I have these, while we are speaking on the subject."
Archie brushes the hair back from his ears. On the cartilage of his right ear, he has a gold cuff earring and on the left he has two small gold hoops hanging from his earlobe.
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"I will admit, however, that the only jewelry I own is what I am currently wearing. I find that earrings made out of most metals other than gold irritate my ears, so I do not buy them. A shame, as I believe silver would better suit my color palette."
Archie, please never become self aware.
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"Out of curiosity, did anyone happen to find anything with blood on it, or signs that they cleaned themselves up? I highly doubt that our killer managed to go through with this without getting at least a little on them."
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Tessomancy || Arlechenno || Ch1 Body Reaction || Closed
“…What is going on?”
Archie was a relatively early riser, and had been watching the receding crowd with a feeling of dread. The waning should have been a relief, but having been told what they had before by the wolf… He felt his ID buzz and he checked it. Oh god. Was it true? He prayed that it wasn’t, that it was just a sick joke. Archie sped over to the specified location, only for his fears to be confirmed by the sight of blood on the floor. 
“Cazzo..! Is that…?”
His stomach sank and his heart raced. He’d failed. While he’d only made a promise to coordinate with everyone else and communicate to help keep them safe, it seems as though he couldn’t even do that. The magician crossed his arms, trying to keep the fact that he was shaking a secret.
But then the wolf shows up and starts explaining what will happen next: A trial with lives on the balance. Someone was going to die in accordance with their vote? How terrible. He turned, averting his eyes from the bloodied corpse on the floor. Taking a deep breath, he addressed the students there, putting on a strong, confident voice.
“Everyone…We must not panic! This is horrible, to say the very least of it, but we must not give in to fear in the face of this tragedy. Finding out who did this must be our priority, for his sake, and also for the innocent people among us. Please, spread out and search for clues as best as you are able. We cannot allow whoever did this to get away with it.”
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Saw The Voting Box In Half || Arlechenno || Ch1 Event || Closed
A few more posters have joined the countless others scattered across the walls. They are fairly simple, only proclaiming 'Arlechenno for Captain' in flowing script.
Archie himself stands in the courtyard. He calls out to anyone passing by, whether intending on trialing or just enjoying some fresh air. To most, it's just a greeting and a smile before gesturing to the poster he holds in one hand. Once he's garnered enough attention, he clears his throat to speak properly on the subject.
"Although I agree with Cercatore  that we should take any 'power' the wolf gives us with a grain of salt, I do not think it to be unwise that there be someone among us that we may all look to for advice or guidance."
"If this role of 'Captain' is how we determine this, so be it. I believe that what we need most right now is a level headed individual who can assess the needs of everyone in the group and deliver assistance accordingly."
"Should there be those who wish to vote for me, I shall humbly accept them. I know that I am confident in my ability to locate a problem and engineer a solution for it."
"I make no claims that I am not certain that I can deliver on, but I will do my best to coordinate with everyone to ensure the safety of all, should I be chosen."
"That is all. Thank you for your time and I wish you a pleasant evening."
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Burned And Restored || Arlechenno || Trial 3 || re: so many people holy crap, ATTN: Emiko
Archie took his place at his podium, giving a little wave to the fox not too far away from him as he settled in. He doesn't particularly feel like smiling much, but he can at least be courteous. Especially after... Well, this wasn't the time or place to think about such things. He doesn't want pink and burning cheeks to match his already burned face. The magician is curious about the Creator podium, but alas it is empty. 
He stands and listens in silence for a while as the rest of the group springs into the discussion. The magician is grateful that he doesn't have to lead the charge on this one, especially with Hanako taking up the reins so quickly. Best moirail.
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"Thank you for that, Compagno. Not having to repeat those details yet again is highly appreciated. That is a fairly accurate summarization of what happened, though for clarity's sake I will add that my thighs and ankles were bound as well."
He winces with the small smile he gives her. Man, chemical burns hurt. He's going to regret talking so much, isn't he? Oh well. Nothing to do for it at the moment except keep going through it. He has questions to answer.
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"Not only can I confirm that I received the note, but that it was written directly in front of me. My assailant never spoke and only communicated to me through that sheet of paper. They wrote with their left hand. I would suggest that they may have chosen to conceal their handwriting by using their non-dominant hand, but they also mostly held the knife with that hand and is the hand they stabbed Scavezzacollo with. When they tried to stop her bleeding, they used their right arm."
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"Muffled noises..."
He thought for a moment after hearing Touma's question and demonstration, before a clear spark of understand hit him.
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"Oh! Yes! While my assailant and Scavezzacollo were fighting, she struck them in the stomach and they made a noise in response. I did not think much of the noise at the time because of the mask, but it was rather muffled, to the point where I could just barely hear it."
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"Do you think they could have been wearing the duct tape over their mouth? That would explain what was stuck to it. If it was removed quickly enough, would that not remove hairs?"
At Emiko's testimony, his eyebrows raise. 
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"Scavezzacollo told you they were going to be meeting someone? Did she happen to say who or at what time? She came through the door swearing and swinging at my captor, so I feel as though her appearance was not requested by them, but if it was for whatever reason, that could be important."
Ah yes, the good ol' "I'm not accusing you BUT" statements have started. He'd be surprised, except that he's not. He's already been on the receiving end of that tonight, even if it wasn't intentional.
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"Unfortunately, I have no one to directly corroborate my words except for the person who assaulted me, and I highly doubt they are going to speak up for my innocence for obvious reasons. Galassia is, well, no longer with us, so I do not have a roommate to support my whereabouts. In addition, I did not tell anyone I was going to the music room this evening."
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"As for evidence that supports the contrary, I am far too tall to wear the costume, by over half a foot, and if nothing else, I can provide several handwriting samples to show the writing on the note is not mine. There is also the fact that the murder weapon was a kitchen knife. I feel as though it is fairly regular knowledge from traversing trials with me that I own a set of throwing knives. I have zero need to take a knife from elsewhere when I am equipped with my own."
He flicks his wrists and produces a small notebook and a set of three throwing knives from seemingly nowhere, setting them on his podium for anyone who wants to inspect them. Goddammit Archie, why can't you just submit evidence like a normal person?
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Beata Maria || Arlechenno || Motive Reaction || Closed
Archie had been in the kitchen, contemplating making himself a meal instead of eating from the cafeteria, when the cards had appeared before him. He frowned, furrowing his eyebrows at the appearing act as he watched them shuffle in midair.
Floating cards?  Why were these here? The last time he saw something like this it was in a trial and that didn't end well-- 
The flipped card flies into his chest before he can catch it, barely registering the image and word before it's gone. He touches the place where it disappeared, frown growing. This feeling...it was warm? Very warm. The magician starts to cough. It was hard to breathe.
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"What is this...? Th-This... Hnng..!"
He looked down at his chest, confused by what was happening. There wasn't anything there, why did it feel like this? The feeling just continued building and building, spreading down his arms and legs. He kept repeatedly patting and rubbing his hands against his chest and arms, trying to make the sensation go away. He slowly collapsed to the floor, and scrambled backwards against a counter, shaking uncontrollably.
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"No...no..! No no no no! Make it stop..! Make it stop!"
His scream trailed off into a coughing fit. Looks like the resident magician isn't doing too hot.
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dangansuffering · 5 years
Dangan Suffering Roster
Here they are, the Class of 20XX, soon to be the subjects of the WonderDome!
Arlechenno Di Mercurio, Ultimate Stage Magician Benoit Lowell, Ultimate Stained Glass Artisan Brittany "Moko" Smith, Ultimate Mangaka Assistant Dai Fukou, Ultimate Mahjong Player Emilia Monde, Ultimate Globetrotter François René Bouchard, Ultimate Ballet Dancer Ha-Neul Lee, Ultimate Stunt Cyclist Haia Itou, Ultimate Aerial Silk Artist Hidehisa Murahashi, Ultimate Trapeze Artist Honey McCormick, Ultimate Pastry Chef Katahiko Sorakubo, Ultimate Announcer Kazuya Kurita, Ultimate Archer* Kiki Kurita, Ultimate Security Tester* Mariko Tomomi, Ultimate Reality TV Screenwriter Maxim Krupin, Ultimate Cosmonaut Mio Fujihara, Ultimate Mixed Martial Artist Romeo Gallo, Ultimate Numismatist Takiji "Teddi" Tatsumi, Ultimate Tattoo Artist Yuri "Lily Rose" Kamisumi, Ultimate Short Story Author Yuu Takahashi, Ultimate Computer Engineer
Thank you again to everyone who applied! Please don’t think because this came fast that it was easy, I forced myself to be decisive but I still ended up expanding the roster past the original limits because it really was extremely difficult to pare down. I really appreciate all the attention and I had an amazing time reading all your apps!
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