yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Person: You have a pretty cool scar.
Rigel: Sorry, I have a girlfriend.
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Why did it just come to me that August spent the few remaining years of his life being the fifth wheel? God now I’m sad I’m actually gonna cry myself to sleep thanks Pinc!
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Apparently August is God now
Teresa: So how’s playing God been going-
August, fuckin bags under his eyes: E N D M E N O W
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Theodora: What? There’s no way Phoenix likes me!
August: Yes he does
Teresa: Yes he does
Neoma: Yes he does
Aquino: Yes he does
Phoenix: Yes I do
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Phoenix: Just found out about gender dysphoria...damn that shit sucks
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Me: *thinks about Rigel as Kiyoko*
Brain: Cats groom themselves by licking themselves. What if Rigel did that?
Me: h-stop!
Brain: And don’t some animals lick their wounds? What if Rigel licked Kiyo’s wounds and shit?
Me: *squeals* sTOP!
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Bob: -touches Pinco seductively-
Pinco: (oh fuck •//•)
Rey: -breaks into Thierry’s house-
Pinco: (OH FUCK ;/////;)
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
It’ll be the end of the world if August finds out about Urien being a model and being able to turn into a dog
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Theodora: Teresa open up!
Teresa: Well, I like women and I'm always scared of my own home and I'm scared for August, and I can't sleep at night without thinking that he's probably dying on the streets.
Theodora: I meant open the door, Teresa!
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Amaro: Hey, bro?
Rigel: Yes, bro?
Amaro: Close your eyes, bro.
Rigel: *closee his eyes*
Amaro: What do you see, bro?
Rigel: Nothing, bro.
Amaro: That’s my world without you, bro.
Rigel: Bro.
Amaro: Bro.
Rigel: That’s kind of gay.
Amaro: Shhh~. *puts a finger on Rigel’s lips* no homo, bro.
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Amaro: *walks in with red, puffy eyes*
Rigel: Yo what happened? You okay?
Amaro: Oh I was just smoking weed.
[Narrator voice: He had been crying all afternoon.]
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Theodora: Teresa keeps talking about this thing called a “yaoi” and that I should start drawing one of Augustus and Urien while she works on the story for it.
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Theodora: I’m worthless.
Phoenix: *prepares a 20-page essay about how much of a great, precious, beautiful person Theodora is*
August & Teresa: *prepare an hour-long skit about how much of an amazing person Theodora is*
Aquino: *prepares a whole ass speech that’s entirely dedicated to Theodora*
Revecca: *writes an entire novel about the best qualities about Theodora*
Nicolas & Esmeralda: *rise from the dead to talk some sense into their daughter*
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Amaro: Hey, dude, my dad asked if you wanted to come over?
Rigel: Which one?
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
As Teresa is reading or sumn, Afiya braids her hair for fun, and Teresa is perfectly content with it bc her hair was made for braiding.
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yourtypicaloctrash · 5 years
Amaro’s dad: When are you two gonna have kids?
Amaro: Dad, what are you talking about? We have Mighty.
Beatrix: We also have Rigel.
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