#aries tarot july 2024
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astroworldsite · 8 months ago
Aries July 2024 Horoscope Monthly Predictions.
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Welcome, Aries! As we step into July 2024, this is your full guide to the Aries July 2024 Horoscope. As an Aries, you’re known for having a lot of energy, being brave, loving life, leadership qualities, and unwavering determination, you are always ready to face any challenge head-on. This month promises to be a transformative period, filled with opportunities for growth, love, and self-discovery.
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alyjojo · 8 months ago
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July 🍯 2024 Monthly - Aries
Preshuffle: Either you’re going back to someone or someone is coming back to you because you/they don’t want to be alone. Maybe they don’t want you to be alone during something you have to deal with. But no one is making a solid plan, apologizing, or talking about the real issues - could be up to you to address.
Meditation: A bunch of funny country people gathered in a kitchen or restaurant, talking about their neighbor Bob, who has a massive tornado currently plowing through his corn 🌽 field outside the window. A lady was like “Yeah that Bob, he’s always planting corn and getting tornadoes and you know, those tornados don’t like corn cuz they keep on coming, but stubborn Bob won’t plant nothing else. I told him for God’s sake plant some beans 🫘 but you know Bob.” And they all just shrug off the tornado 🌪️, it’s not their problem.
Main energy: 3 Cups
You’re definitely reuniting with someone, for most it’s making up with someone romantically. Could be a friend though, a coworker, or a group of them even. You could be talking to friends about your issues and getting advice from them on something, though with Page of Swords rev finishing off the reading, I don’t see you actually taking it. Or you’re not telling whole truths. Are you Bob? I think the intention is to reunite but you’re being blocked by Reggie and in the dark about something…or you’re the one keeping something in the dark, that’s the issue. You could be dealing with a liar or a player.
What’s going on in July:
The Moon:
Clarified by something unfair or imbalanced, and there’s a lot of player energy in this reading, something is being kept hidden that would change the mind or decision of someone else involved. Maybe you. Doesn’t have to be cheating though it could be, Knight of Wands rev is unreliable and commitment phobic. So you’re coming back to someone where all the love has spilled out before or there has been a missed opportunity. Someone may have been taken for granted and distance makes the heart grow fonder? But we’re still in the dark about how we got here in the first place. What made it end? What behavior was shown initially? How do we transform that so that this doesn’t happen again? Transformation being your Oracle card with Strategy here, that is the page someone is on, or that’s your advice. Live & Learn seems to be a shrugging off of accountability or ownership of issues, thus not discussing them. That’s a problem 🚩 Or you’re reuniting with other people and purposely keeping them in the dark about what’s really going on, or they’re doing that with you because 3 Cups is a group and so was the meditation. With The Moon, this could be something you fear or intuitively pick up on. If your gut is onto something, there’s a reason.
Knight of Wands rev:
It’s definitely an in and out kind of relationship you have with someone, probably romantic. They show up as a divine match, King of Wands, The Lovers can indicate soulmates and that may be true or you could just *believe* that’s what’s true and shun all other input or advice from…probably friends. Page of Swords rev doesn’t want to hear it. You’re Bob, or your person is Bob and you put up with it. You consider releasing this and being done with it - while simultaneously feeling like this is *your* person and there’s no one else for you. There are no other options, you don’t want any, so you’ll keep taking this person back in the hopes they’ve released whatever inconsistent bs they keep bringing you. Plant BEANS this time!
The Devil:
If we see it we want it to be reversed, this is what you’re hoping for when reuniting with this person, but there is a lot of fear on whether or not the unreliable bs is over with - whatever that is specifically for this person. Because it’s upright, probably not, it’s a toxic cycle at this point. A tornado 🌪️ You hold back affection, genuine connection, and creating exactly the kind of relationship you want - because of fear of what this person is doing, has done or will do. There’s no communication or clarity with that, you’re just staying guarded. Are they or aren’t they? We don’t know. You want the ick to be done, but it’s like you’re waiting to see if it is or not.
The Lovers:
Again, this is a powerful connection between two people, one you probably consider to be your soulmate or a soul connection, and that’s confirmed here - this person is meant to be in your life. Whether it’s for a reason or a season, that’s not shown, Spirit is simply showing there’s a reason you’re blocked from taking action or kept in the dark about something. If there has been a 3rd party, there’s leftover irritation and dissatisfaction about that. Could’ve been a legitimate lover, could been some flirtation, a “friend” perhaps, something got in between you and your person and nothing has been addressed or dealt with, they or you just want to return to how things were - but no Transformation has actually taken place. Or has it? Spirit is reminding you how this situation has caused instability in what should’ve been a healthy loving relationship. So whose fault was this? Who has apologized, because that’s not here either. And what has changed so we’re not repeating bs over here? There is a reason you’re feeling a way about it.
Page of Swords rev:
You’re unhappy with the stagnancy and yet the situation stays stagnant. No one is taking the lead, no one is directly communicating about the issues or making changes. No one is talking about the lack of direction, leadership or action. Or about the things that aren’t making them happy. We’re all expected to “Live & Learn” with no direction or discussion. Pretending it didn’t happen? If this is involving friends, it’s like you don’t want to be scolded based on how they would react…so take their advice in your head, right? You already know what they’ll say because you already know it for yourself, without the advice. Act on that ❤️ 9:11 as I wrap this up, that’s for you too.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Gemini, Pisces, Leo, Cancer & Aries
Oracle: ✨
22 Transformation 🦋
This situation you’re currently in is acting as a catalyst for a major transformation, either within yourself as a whole, or in some aspect of your life. Don’t try to second guess yourself, or beat yourself up, and there’s no use questioning or having regrets. Many of your issues and situations are not anything to be upset about. You are the one who infuses drama and chaos into the situation. This is an opportunity to grow and learn, rarely do these opportunities come when/how we feel they should, nor do they maintain a status quo or keep us within our comfort zones. Be thankful for this opportunity to transform and heal to a better and higher vibration.
Live & Learn 📚
Experience - Training - Development
Strategy ♟️
Planning - Prediction - Mind Reading
We enter into July as:
The Emerald Stone 🧩
“The heart knows what the eyes cannot see.”
There are times when things happen to us and no explanation is possible. Often our journey brings us full circle, leaving many of us to wonder why. The Emerald Stone is inviting you to follow through in whatever is before you. Going back is not an option. Forward movement will change your entire perspective on life - for the better. You may now be able to hear something that you have been told many times. Your reward will be a closer relationship with yourself. If Emerald Stone sparkles for you, it is with the understanding that you are now developing a new perception of things. The Stone welcomes you out of the dark and into your heart.
What is to be learned in July:
Reggie Rust 🚫
“This path is obstructed. Re-route.”
Reggie Rust shows up because you need to reconsider your present situation. He prevented danger to the boys, and in doing so made their uncle wealthy. So remember that he is there to help you. Reggie only blocks the path, not the goal. You are at an impasse. If Reggie Rust has appeared, do not wait any longer for your situation to change. Whatever you force will reach a dead end. Things will not turn out the way you think they should. Attempting to push forward will prove futile. The wall is solid, and your will may be the only thing preventing you from surrendering. Reggie protects us from our “will”, which is not always the best for us. This is an impasse. However, there is no need to despair. Reggie serves an important purpose for us. He reminds us that our path is guided, and while we may wish to forge the road ahead on a particular route, it may be laden with poisonous flowers. Reggie serves to protect us. Be grateful he is here, for you are being protected.
Orange may be a lucky color 🧡
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astrologiaxo · 1 year ago
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tarotpathways · 7 months ago
Daily Horoscope for July 5, 2024: Insights from Tarot and Astrology
Welcome to your daily horoscope for July 5, 2024! Today, we delve into the insights provided by planetary placements, astrology, and tarot cards to give you a comprehensive guide on what to expect. Aries Tarot Card: The Wheel of Fortune Horoscope: Mars in Virgo brings unexpected changes and opportunities. The Wheel of Fortune suggests that luck is on your side, and things may turn in your favor.…
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astroeleanor · 2 months ago
Zodiac Signs Who Will Be The Main Characters of 2025 🏆✨🎉
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🎄✨ Can you believe it? Christmas is around the corner, and guess what? Just like every year, I’m thrilled to offer Astrology + Tarot Xmas Bundles.
🎁 This season, I have an exclusive offer for you! Two Readings for the Price of One! Ready to align with the stars? TAP HERE to get yours.
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🥇 PISCES (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
SATURN IN PISCES (January 2025-May 2025) + (September 2025-February 2026):
Taking responsibility for your life, focusing on personal growth, developing resilience, defining who you are on your own terms, building a solid foundation for the future, turning your visions into reality.
VENUS & MERCURY RETROGRADE IN PISCES (Retrograde Overlap from March 14th 2025-March 24th 2025):
An important moment for reflection, taking a closer look at your relationships and the ways you communicate, revisiting old connections, rediscovering forgotten passions, slowing down to realign with your inner truth.
LUNAR ECLIPSE IN PISCES (September 7th 2025):
A powerful moment of culmination and transformation, sudden shifts and insights about your identity and personal path, shedding what’s holding you back so you can step into your next chapter with purpose.
🥈 ARIES (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
SATURN IN ARIES (May 24th 2025 - September 1st 2025):
The beginning of a new cycle in your personal growth, taking responsibility for your goals, stepping into a leadership role in your life, confronting self-doubt, maturing or redefining your sense of self.
NEPTUNE IN ARIES (March 30th 2025-October 22nd 2025):
A wave of inspiration and imagination, dream big and align your actions with a higher sense of purpose, reconnecting with your intuition and spiritual potential, reimagining who you are and how you present yourself to the world, visionary thinking, taking inspired action.
As Saturn dips back into Pisces (September 2nd 2025-February 14th 2026), you’ll revisit some emotional or spiritual themes from the past to tie up any loose ends. This reflective period will prepare you for the full-on Saturn in Aries experience (starting on February 15th 2026-April 13th 2028), where you’ll step into greater authority and responsibility.
🥉 GEMINI (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
JUPITER IN GEMINI (May 26th 2024-June 8th 2025):
A year of personal growth, stepping into your confidence, expanding your horizons, embracing the best version of yourself, discovering what makes you shine and leaning into it, feeling more open to explore new ideas or even physical experiences, an excellent time for networking and claiming the spotlight.
URANUS IN GEMINI (July 7th 2025-November 7th 2025):
A preview of revolutionary changes to your identity, the urge to break free from old roles or expectations, reinventing yourself, adopting a new look, a shift in how you express yourself, taking center stage in your own life, redefining who you are, reclaiming your narrative. Consider this your “trailer” for the personal evolution and breakthroughs ahead. This energy will play out fully starting on the 26th of April 2026.
🎖 CANCER (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
JUPITER IN CANCER (June 9th 2025-June 30th 2026):
Amplified confidence and sense of self, focusing on personal growth, improving your self-image, taking bold steps toward your goals, a renewed sense of purpose and an inner glow that others can’t help but notice.
SATURN IN ARIES (May 24th 2025 - September 1st 2025):
Confronting situations where you need more courage and determination, feeling the pressure to balance ambitions with your emotional needs, a period of setting boundaries and taking responsibility for your future, stepping into a more structured, ambitious version of yourself without losing your emotional depth.
🏅VIRGO (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
ECLIPSES IN VIRGO (March 29th 2025, September 21st 2025):
A year of personal reinvention, pivotal moments where you’re inspired to redefine your personal goals, a fresh chapter, prioritizing your needs and embracing your strengths.
SATURN IN PISCES (January 2025-May 2025) + (September 2025-February 2026):
Taking responsibility for your life, making tough decisions, a test of boundaries in relationships, reevaluation of partnerships, dealing with external pressure, assessing who you are, what you want, and how you show up in the world, letting go of limiting beliefs.
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rainerioun · 7 months ago
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𝖸𝖤𝖲 𝖮𝖱 𝖭𝖮? | 𝗉𝗂𝖼𝗄 𝖺 𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖽.
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𝖣𝖨𝖲𝖢𝖫𝖠𝖨𝖬𝖤𝖱 : This tarot reading is not a replacement for medical or professional advice. You are accountable for your own decisions and actions. Interpret the reading as you see fit.
Please don't redistribute or edit my content.
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Yes or No? Queen of Wands | The Devil [Reversed] | The Sun.
If this isn't a yes, I don't know what is! Within this lies an abundance of creativity and growth. Allow yourself and your passion to soar freely, driving you forward. Leave behind confusion and reconnect with the initial spark that ignited your journey, that joy that surged within you. There's no room for doubt; this path paves the way to success.
Additional Pull. Cheetah : Solar Force, Action, Achievement, Masculine Energy. | Passion.
If you asked about a decision, I suggest you think back on what brought you to this point and gave you that original purpose, as I said previously, before proceeding further. The Cheetah card emphasizes both action and rationale. Using logic and intuition while navigating this situation is important. Also, Don't forget to have fun. :]
Signs and Extra : Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, November, 11, Discipline, Free of Boundaries.
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Yes or No? Three of Cups | Ace of Pentacles | Four of Wands [Reversed].
This is a resounding yes! Remember, it's perfectly acceptable to let your emotions and intuition guide you here. Maintaining a balance between your inner and outer worlds is achievable. If have a close community or friendships, lean on them; they will support you. By nurturing and embracing your emotional side, you will be led toward abundance, whether in terms of wealth or other valuable resources. Initially, the transition may feel unstable or tense, but ultimately, the transition/change will prove its worth.
Additional Pull. Camel : Resourceful, Independent, Knows One's Self. Axe : Break Up, Separation, Stopping The Pattern. | Boat : Receiving What You Need, Progression, Arriving, Moving On.
Remain calm and find satisfaction in what you already possess. You are responsible for your own future deeds. If you want something changed, change it. Opposites will become balanced.
Signs and Extra : Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, 7, July, Growth, Greatest Desire, Potential.
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Yes or No? Three of Pentacles [Reversed] | Four of Pentacles [Reversed] | Seven of Pentacles.
For some of you, the answer is a simple and straightforward 'no,' while others may need to hear the message. If you find yourself feeling generally stagnant or even stuck in a competitive environment, it's time to release that. If you wish for the answer to be 'yes,' let go of attachments to physical possessions. The energy surrounding you might lean towards materialism and even greed, causing you to cling tightly to your belongings. However, holding on so firmly will only hinder your progress. If you have been overthinking, rest assured that loosening your grasp will help your desires manifest appropriately. Whether it's personal growth or profit you seek, freeing yourself from such attachments will ensure that you flourish.
Additional Pull. Tiger : Lunar Force, Ease In Darkness, Feminine Energy. | Earthworm : Shy, Hesitant, Reluctant To Share Inner Vision. Addiction : Obsession, Possession, Controlling, Restraint. | Separation : Sadness, Missing You, Yearning, Unsure Of Future.
Sit in the quiet moments of life without fear. They can be enjoyable too. Not everything has to be in constant motion. It's okay to find contentment in the present. You have the strength to navigate through this period of stillness. If you're hesitant, don't lose hope. Even if it feels uncomfortable to express yourself, take the leap. Who cares if it embarrasses you in the end? At least you are unapologetically yourself. Choose the wiser decision.
Signs and Extra : Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, 3, March, Intelligence, Thinking and Communication.
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celticcrossanon · 1 year ago
BRF Reading - 24th of December, 2023
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 24th of December, 2023
Question: Will the truth about Meghan's pregnancies come out next year (2024)?
This is a one card reading
Card Drawn: The Queen of Cups in reverse.
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The Queen of Cups is one of the three main pregnancy cards in tarot (the others are the Empress and the Ace of Cups). In the reverse, it says that someone is not pregnant.
Cups is the suit of emotions, so there are a lot of feelings around this issue.
The card indicates that Meghan is not pregnant. The question I asked was if the truth about the pregnancies would be revealed next year. It's a yes/no question. Upright, the card would indicate a yes, that the truth about the pregnancies would be coming out. It could also be read as Meghan actually being pregnant.
In the reversal, as we have here, it clearly says that Meghan was never pregnant, but - reversals can also mean a delay in the timing of something, in this case that would be a delay in the timing of the truth about the pregnancies coming out. I don't know if that delay is behind us, happening now, or will occur in the future, i.e. I don't know fhte news was delayed and is now coming out, or if we have another delay ahead of us before the news comes out. my gut feeling is that the delay was in the past and in the present, and that the news will come out sometime soon in the future, i.e. in a few months or so (timing wise, Cups are months).
Cups also represent summer, and it is summer right now where I am and it will be summer until March 2024, so that would mean the truth will come out in the next three months.
Astrology wise, the Queen of Cups is my card for Cancer, which would be June-July next year, but that feels too long (or maybe that is just my impatience showing) :)
Underlying Energy: The Lovers in reverse
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The Lovers is a card about partnerships, and in the reverse the partnership is broken. This card is full of the energy of a broken partnership. Something has to break, the separate, before the news about the pregnancies can be released. This could be Harry's marriage, but I'm getting more of a legal energy, like breaking a NDA contract, and a 'best friends arguing and splitting up' energy, which could be a 'best friend ratting out their friend' energy. Something - some partnership, whether romantic or legal or otherwise, has to break and that breaking will be the green light for the truth to come out.
The card after The Lovers is the Four of Swords in reverse, recovering from a damaged reputation and/or legal stuff (Swords can be legal matters), and the card after the Queen of Cups is the Queen of Wands in reverse, my card for Aries people, so this could even be Eugenie (a sun sign Aries) spilling the beans about Meghan.
Conclusion: This is not 100% clear.. I think the news about Meghan's pregnancies (i.e. that she wasn't pregnant) will come out early next year, say before the end of March/Summer, and I think that the release of this news will involve the breaking of a partnership somehow - either a friendship or a legal binding, or both.
Clarifier: Two of Swords.
I asked for a clarifier for the Queen of Cups in reverse, and I drew the Two of Swords.
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Ok, that is clear now. Someone has to make a decision. They aren't 100% committed to their course of action yet. One they decide and make that commitment, then the truth can come out. I keep seeing paper in my mind - a piece of paper like a contract, several sheets stapled together - so I think that someone has to commit to breeching whatever contract/partnership/secrecy clauses that are currently binding them, and then things will start moving forward quite rapidly.
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growwithmeastrology · 8 months ago
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Thursday, July 11th 2024
Tarot Card of the Day
Ace of Wands
Fire- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Take action on your ideas. Will to create. Energy. Inspiration. Creation. Force. Strength. Gain.
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8thhousepriestess · 8 months ago
[ Aries - Virgo ] PT. I
🐦‍🔥✨ All Signs Horoscopes July 2024 🔭
[ Astrological forecast for all 12 zodiac signs ]
💫 Read for your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign. Or all 3! Rising Sign will likely be most accurate overall.
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🩶 Find me on Instagram @8thhousepriestess for witchy / boho inspired wire wrapped Crystal gem jewelry & oddities, Tarot & Astrology insights!
For my other platforms & socials check out my Linktree
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carriechambers · 1 year ago
Full and New Moons of 2024 + beautiful moon calendar
Hello tumblr, in this short post we'll look at what moon phases await us this year! Let me start with these beautiful moon calendars from Dreamy Moons. I'm sending them here as even though they are for free, you do need to input your credit card if you wanna download them and I know not everyone is comfortable with that.
These are for northern hemisphere, the site has also the option to choose southern hemisphere. The phases are the same, it's just the style option, because in northern hemisphere the moon looks like this 🌒 and in southern like this 🌘 (the opposite site is illuminated).
Still, check out the site, they mostly sell wonderful journals and art cards, and they even have their own oracle deck and tarot deck! Anyways, here it is:
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And now for the signs in which each of the moons are:
Full Moons
January 25 (wolf moon) - Leo
February 24 (snow moon) - Virgo
March 25 (worm moon) - Libra This full moon will be fully illuminated, being in a position that let's the sun illuminate it more than ever.
April 23 (pink moon) - Scorpio
May 23 (flower moon) - Sagittarius
June 21 (strawberry moon) - Capricorn
July 21 (buck moon) - Capricorn
August 19 (sturgeon moon) - Aquarius This is also a supermoon and a seasonal blue moon (third full moon in astronomical season that has 4 full moons)
September 17 (harvest moon) - Pisces Another supermoon! And it will also be fully illuminated.
October 17 (hunter's moon) - Aries This is another supermoon!
November 15 (beaver moon) - Taurus And one more supermoon!
December 15 (cold moon) - Gemini
New Moons
January 11 - Capricorn
February 9 - Aquarius
March 10 - Pisces
April 8 - Aries
May 8 - Taurus
June 6 - Gemini
July 5 - Cancer
August 4 - Leo
September 3 - Virgo
October 2 - Libra
November 1 - Scorpio
December 1 - Sagittarius
Black moon: December 30 - Capricorn black moon is the second new moon in a single month!
Other Moon Events
March 25 - penumbral lunar eclipse not as dramatic as other lunar eclipses, often mistaken for full moon
September 18 - partial lunar eclipse
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astroworldsite · 10 months ago
Aries May 2024 Horoscope Prediction For Personal Growth
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Aries May 2024 horoscope: The month of May will go through many ups and downs for Aries. At this time, even if you get good results in your career, various health problems may surround you. Find out in detail how the month of Aries will be spent through the monthly horoscope.
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alyjojo · 8 months ago
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Thinking of You - July 🌛 2024 - Aries
Whole of their energy towards Aries: Wheel of Fortune rev
It’s giving A) Ex or current partner (baby mama) on the rocks that still wants to jump your bones 💋; B) Somewhat childish parent you’ve been on the outs with that wants to make-up; or C) an older energy that’s going through a crisis of confidence due to how they look, because of something that’s happened. Someone dear to me had once accidentally burned their eyebrows in a cooking fire, and was very self-conscious about it afterwards, that’s what I’m seeing as an example. Something physical, and either they want you or already have you, or it’s your mom and they’re single & feeling a way about themselves, how they look now.
Feelings: The Hierophant rev
No matter the person, the feelings are the same. They’ve either been divorced before, currently going through a separation, you two could be on the outs for whatever reason - it doesn’t say because they don’t focus on it. They don’t want to be alone anymore. Life is a lot to handle, especially if you have kids or were married that’s coming through strongly. It’s like a desire to start over, feel all of the butterflies and passion, but with you. They don’t like being non-committal or separate, whatever the arrangement has been between you makes them unhappy or feeling undesired. Something coming through strongly is that they don’t know how to tell you what they need. They probably just expect you to know, or to read them, something like that. Wheel of Fortune rev shows a difficult, possibly karmic cycle where they’ve grown a lot and have realized a thing or two. If it’s a parent that hasn’t been very parent-like, or around, they’d like to change that. For most it feels romantic. They still want to glow up and do all of the “break up” things, but with you. If they’ve dated around it’s been nothing serious, and I don’t even get that but have to mention it with non-committal energy and 2 Pentacles rev. It’s possible, but they end up right back in Hermit energy - not feeling it.
Intentions: Ace of Wands
They want to light your fire 🔥 turn you on, catch your eye in the hopes that you don’t move on to someone else. The spark is something they know is important and they feel it for you strongly, attraction on 1000 🥵 Probably knows you feel it for them too, or at least hopes so because they are kinda insecure about what you’re into these days. If it’s a parent then they hope to inspire you towards a new beginning, they just haven’t yet because they’re afraid you’re mad at them. Or they’re mad at you and still trying to process that - not doing anything while they’re conflicted about how they feel. They haven’t said a word about it, they don’t know how yet. If you’re going, they don’t want you to go, regardless of the story that’s the central theme of the reading.
Actions: Page of Cups
It will start small, because communicating specifically is difficult for them. Or clear communicating, I’m not sure what that means. They talk in riddles? Page of Cups is asking how you are, being sweet and loving generally, could be bringing up the kids or starting there if you have them together. 8 Pentacles clarifies showing even though it’s starting small, they want to feel you out first - they do intend to put the work into this relationship. Emperor on the bottom to match The Empress, you two are not only a divine match but a power couple, you balance each other’s energies beautifully. Could be married, or were, or have kids together. If it’s Mom then she is very much in love with Dad/partner and maybe intimacy is an issue - she doesn’t want to talk about that with *you*, there’s the communication block for that story 😆 Her confidence has taken a major hit for whatever reason, but she’s ready to jump into a new beginning and turn this Wheel of Fortune upright. Lots of Aries energy here, they’re crazy about you whether it’s love or just someone close, you could speak life into this person where they have trouble finding the right words 🥰 It looks promising 💯
Character Card: The Orator
This person could benefit from writing out their feelings before attempting to communicate them, they don’t know how to describe their needs or feelings in a way that you would understand them. Or they just feel a barrier in that way with you. Like you probably don’t buy them tampons if they’re a woman, and maybe you should, or vice versa. Opening the door of conversations to insecurities, that’s vulnerability, they have a hard time with it. If/when they speak, it’s for a practical purpose most likely. Or you do, you’re showing up as The Emperor here and he’s not exactly known as “soft”. The Empress would like to bring the fun & excitement to your world, you just need to be open to it. Or if a parent, just be supportive in whatever way. You know them better than I do. Because *you’re* The Emperor, aka the action taker, should you try to take action with this person they’d probably be very receptive. They want you 😍 Or if a parent, same, they want you around and don’t know how to approach the subject because you’re a hard worker and probably always busy.
- You mean the WORLD to me! 🌍
- Adrenaline Junkie
Possible signs:
Taurus, Virgo, Pisces & Aries
If you’re dealing with:
7 Swords is an ick energy, here it seems to be self-preservation and avoidance. Something where other people are concerned shows a need to protect yourself and your own interests, so you’re not left hurt, broke, without, and sad that you didn’t. Hurting someone before they hurt you - that energy. If there’s been any shady bs, it’s caused problems in a whole family/social dynamic, and there is deep regret, mourning or sadness regarding whatever that entails, you or them.
Aries - an excellent communicator, there’s a conversation here with some truth bombs, but they’re a supportive friend/person ��
Taurus - could be this person, giving up what they see as 10 Cups has crushed them inside
Gemini - waiting for you to ruin their life - in the flirty or romantic sense, but they expect it 😍
Cancer - is into you but not sure if they want to move forward with this - something feels funny, your intentions? They need time.
Leo - has not been fair to you with their flirty ways, could be a tease or they play games - could also be switched
Virgo - not telling you why they’re not happy because there’s nothing you can do
Libra - calling a spade a spade ♠️ or you are, someone has excuses and the other one sees right through it
Scorpio - has let go of something unhealthy or “temptation”, maybe an addiction, and they mean it with every fiber in their body 💯
Sagittarius - feels pressured into getting back together, but it never goes anywhere good
Capricorn - moving on from the past, over it, could literally live somewhere else now
Aquarius - sees true potential in this being something that could last a long time, or keeping quiet about a new job/life path they’re moving along while the kinks are ironed out
Pisces - done is done and it’s over with now
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astrologiaxo · 1 year ago
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petits--oiseaux · 1 year ago
Hi Dear🩷✨
This is Anon 2 - Timing reading. I'm sorry to bother you, but if you have any free time would you be able to give me an update timing reading on my love life whenever you’re free, please? 😫🥺
I paid someone for one and I got scammed. The reader never replied or refunded me money and I just feel hopeless really. I just want to know what's happening because I'm seeing everyone else winning and I'm truly happy for them, especially you🥹🩷, but I just want to know when its my time if that makes sense?
Congratulations and Happy Holidays to you and your person!!
Thank you so much for everything once again!🩷✨🩷✨💖✨🩷
Hello my love! I'm sorry I missed your ask back in July. It's FOREVER ago and I promise it wasn't purposeful <3 Also really sorry that you were scammed. That is so frustrating and sad. Hopefully I can help!
I pulled cards for a short term timeline, for a long term timeline, and for road blocks that may influence the time/progression. Photo credit goes to Biddy Tarot . I have her travel deck which I used for this pull but the cards are kinda dirty and I didn't want to take pictures of them lol Plus, I'm procrastinating so making a pretty thing was fun.
As always, life & free will can change these predictions. This is as of today's energies and higher selves.
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Short Term: High Priestess reversed & Seven of Wands reversed
TL;DR: February-April
There are a couple of interpretations for actual times. In tarot, wands can indicate Spring time. The High Priestess is card number 2. The first thought I had was "second month of Spring" or April.
Then I looked to see what signs The High Priestess & Seven of Wands represent and it includes Pisces and fire signs, respectively. Pisces season starts in February (2nd month of the year) and Aries is the first fire sign of Spring (March & April)
On a spiritual level (getting to the reversals), here are some things that may need to happen prior to this timing to make the timing more likely: Take time to meditate on your worries - this can include guided meditation (lots of great ones on YouTube), walks, writing, singing, or praying. Anything that makes you feel at peace and forget about external stimulants. The high priestess in reverse also reminds you that not everything you see on the surface is true. Remember that while people you know seem to be finding their people, they all have their own stuff going on internally/behind the scenes. I'll use myself as an example: I am HAPPY and feel really lucky to have found J. Yet, nearly every day I have at least one thought surrounding "omg, what if he decides I suck and leaves??" It doesn't take away from the happiness, but just something to remember as you observe others. Remember you have your own story to build! The seven of wands reverse is here to tell you to keep being yourself <3 Your beliefs are yours. Your excitement is yours. You are yours! You don't have to be anything other than what you are in order to be happy and attract the people meant to be in your life.
Long Term: King of Pentacles & Seven of Cups reversed
TL;DR: July 2024-April 2025 (sorry it's such a long long term lol)
This is also based on a couple of factors. Cups can indicate months as well as summer time. The easiest interpretation for this is the 7th month (7 of cups reversed), July, which is summer in the northern hemisphere. Pentacles can indicate years and the winter time. However, since the King does not have a number like the seven of cups, I don't think multiple years. I am really leaning toward the course of this next year and a few months. I went into April of 2025 because the King of Pentacles has Taurus energy. The other signs represented by both cards are Scorpio, Leo, & Aquarius which fall into this time frame.
Spiritually/personally: there may be a personal (financial?) goal you're training to obtain right now and you may need to focus on that for a little longer before this timing comes to fruition. Being methodical and writing down plans can help! This King of Pentacles energy also tells me that if this timing happens on the longer scale, you're going to be set up for success. The Seven of Cups always reminds me of indecisiveness/overwhelming options, even in the reverse. Take time to reflect on the choices and try to reduce the number of options. You have everything you need to choose within yourself, Anon.
Road Blocks: Two of Cups, Four of Wands reversed
So, why might one timeline happen over the other? My first feeling is that there might be someone who comes in that feels like they may be your person, but the relationship is a little unsteady, communication is so-so, and you're just overall unsure about it. If this happens, trust your gut. It's okay if this person is not your person because the one meant for you will be coming! I know the feeling of longing for someone to love and love you back, but I also know the feeling of finally finding someone that feels right. You deserve only the best. If it is not another person coming in, I do think it is some conflict in relationships (whether colleagues, family, or friends) that will have you pre-occupied. Remember the guidance from above as you move through these conflicts! They work in context of this reading as well as overall advice :)
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tarotpathways · 6 months ago
Daily Horoscope for July 26, 2024: Insights from Tarot and Astrology
Welcome to your daily horoscope for July 26, 2024! Today, we delve into the insights provided by planetary placements, astrology, and a one-card tarot spread to give you a comprehensive guide on what to expect. Aries Tarot Card: Nine of Wands Horoscope: Mars in Virgo encourages resilience and determination. The Nine of Wands suggests that you may face challenges, but staying strong and…
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astrogurujimayanksblog · 7 months ago
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Horoscope Today: July 29, 2024
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