#ariadne snyde
ameliathefatcat · 2 years
Hogwarts Mystery full name headcanons
Amelia Sarah Goldstein (mc)
Jacob Simon Goldstein
Rowan Khanna
Penelope Marie Haywood
Benjamin Joshua Copper
Charles Otto Weasley
Chiara Elizabeth Lobosca
Skye Victoria Parkin
Murphy Franklin McNully
Orion William Amari
Elizabeth Jane Tuttle
Barnaby Cecil Lee
Nymphadora Bertha Tonks
Tulip Mary Karasu
Diego Esteban Caplan
Andre François Egwu
Erika Sophie Rath
Talbott Robin Winger
Merula Verucca Snyde
Charlotte Ariadne Mosley (oc)
Ismelda Lauren Murk
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mastrmiscellaneous · 6 years
Tragedy, Far Too Painful For You
Word count: 2548
The fifth vault is your greatest wish, and your worst nightmare. The weak must go, and the strong must pay.
Warnings: major character death, blood, mourning, mention of neglect, mention of abuse
 blame @zackattack2995 for this, they gave me the idea.
full story for this
The fifth vault was open, and Rakepick’s group of Curse Breakers had worked hard all year to locate it, and close it’s doors. Their dynamic had a rocky start, but as the year went on, their friendship blossomed. Bill Weasley had forced his two team-mates to be civil with each other, and as soon as they became comfortable with each other’s work style, their relationship flowed from rivals, to frenamies, to friend, to more.
Charli Rowe asked Merula to go out with her a month before they located and entered the fifth vault, and their relationship surprised everyone. Because of their famous feud, no one expected them to be able to work together so well, but it worked. Merula’s ambition to be the best balanced out with Charli’s content with who she was. Merula made Charli want more, and Charli made Merula realise that it is ok to be second sometimes.
 The unlikely trio had located the vault, and they made their way to the entrance, readying their wands, and clearing their minds. This was the manipulation vault.
This vault showed you your greatest desires, and laughs as it forces you to watch as it tore them down, revealing the truths (real, or belief) behind why you don’t have it.
Sometimes, it is simple: a Gryffindor kid saw himself lifting a feather, and the truth behind it (his wand doesn’t suit him).
Other times, it is far more complex.
This is where the story begins…
Merula felt a force enter her mind, and root around her thoughts, as she and her companions entered the old, stone room. She noticed the others recoil at the feeling, but she was used to intrusions. She never got a break from her worst nightmares.
A booming voice sounded from nowhere, only audible to those wit hone foot through the door.
“Your fears and nightmare projected,
Forced to show your weakness,
In the end, are you protected?
Or will tragedy follow you through these doors?”
As the voice faded away into the back of their minds, the three felt like they were falling. If you asked, they would tell you it felt like a thousand feet drop, but the landing was just like walking. The scene was building in front of them; a farm-like area, the night sky shadowing the grounds, and a rickety, wooden house, with floors pile precariously on top of each other, stood proud in the centre of their view.
Bill Weasley gulped, and surged forwards, knowing exactly what to do. They had a plan.
In the kitchen of the odd house, sat a perfect family, all ginger, all freckled, all smiling. The family laughed and joked together, telling stories of their days, and sharing the family love.
But it all quickly evaporated, and the scene switched. The sound of joy and laughter in the distance, as the trio found themselves in a bedroom; floor littered with books and roles of parchment, a forgotten meal sat on the desk, and Bill (a fake Bill), sat on the bed, nose buried in a textbook. Notes about exams and vaults were littered around him. The fake Bill sighed and looked towards the door, frowning sadly.
“I will let myself have a break in the holiday. I will make time to be with my family.”
The real Bill puffed out his chest, and smiled, the scene dissolving in front of them.
 A bright, colourful field, and a sparkling, dark blue lake materialised into view. A distant sound of gleeful laughter and conversation sounded from behind the group. As they turned, a gaggle of teens rounded a corner and came into view. In the front, a brown, haired, greeny-brown eyed girl wandered, hand linked with a purple eyed girl, both smiling wide. Around them was a diverse group of people, different gender, hair, and skin tone. Everyone was smiling, happy as can be. No rivalry or stress. Everything was perfect.
But the scene dissolved in front of them.
The green grass turned to dark brown wood, the trees into bookshelves, and the lake into a sea of students, weary eyed, and stressed frowns.
A fake Charli sighed, and looked at her notes, all centred around the vaults, and Jacob’s old notebook sat open in front of her, revealing a disturbing image of a dead, bloody child, and Jacob clutching her, sobbing.
Fake Charli had no friends surrounding her, no one even acknowledged her lonely cries…
“Jacob may be important, but he’s no more important them my mental health. I will make an effort to share my finding wit my friends, and hang out with them as friends, and not just helpers in my search for my brother.”
The scene dissolved, once more.
 A feeling of dread washed over Merula as the scene rebuilt itself, a large, white, stone manor house materialised into view. Merula lead the way down the drive, up the porch stairs, and through the front door. They followed the sound of laughter and joyous voices into a grand dining room.
But instead of the usual dark clothed, crazy eyed figure sitting at the table, they saw six figures, dressed in varied colours, and smiles plastered onto their faces. Fake Merula looked around at her family, smiling, and laughing at something her cousin had said. Her parents shared happy looks, and her aunt and uncle laughed at their daughter’s story. All was well in the Snyde family.
This was enough. Merula couldn’t watch this scene without sheading a single tear. She was already crying at what she could have, as long as her parents didn’t follow the wrong person.
The scene disappeared in a black cloud of smoke.
The mist cleared, slowly, revealing a young girl, of about nine. She stood, alone, outside a tall, grey building, a sign on the door labelled ‘Orphanage’. The girl cried, silently, as a tall, ghastly looking man walked out, looking angry and aggressive. He grabbed the girl by the shoulder, and pushed her into the building.
Bill and Charli tried to follow, but they were rooted in place. The vision could only move on if the victim was strong enough.
Merula fell to her knees as memories of this place rushed into her head; Mr Tylon’s angry yelling, his punishments for the smallest things, the many scars (mental and physical) that he had left her with.
She couldn’t see him again.
She couldn’t heal.
She couldn’t solve this problem. Her world was too broken.
 “The weak reveal themselves quickly,
They don’t disserve the prize,
“So, a death brought slowly,
Bring on the friendly cries.”
The booming voice sounded in Merula’s ears, but she didn’t move. She couldn’t.
The walls shook, and floor cracked.
A force as mighty as a dragon hit Merula in the stomach, the floor morphed into a stone spike, and plunged into her.
She gasped for breath, spitting out mouthfuls of blood.
The spike pulled out, and the scenes completely vanished. Charli and Bill ran to Merula’s side. The girl fell to the floor, clutching the wound, coughing blood. Charli took her head in her lap, cradling it softly. Her cries where heard across the castle, if you listened closely.
She begged Merula to stay awake, not to die, as Bill picked the Slytherin up and they ran to the infirmary. Merula’s hand went lip half way there.
They lay her down on an empty bed, and closed the curtain.
No one could save her. she was already gone.
 A letter was sent to the ministry that day, requesting two people to be released for a day.
The ministry let it happen. Only for this circumstance.
 Charli sat by Merula’s lifeless body all day, and all night, sobbing for her love, and friend. Bill was there for the rest of the day, crying at losing a friend.
The group visited during the day, trying to comfort their friends, but they were damage too. They had lost someone close.
This was the one time Ismelda showed extreme emotion. When she heard the news, she sprinted to her best friend’s bedside, immediately breaking down into a weak shell of who she was. She was angry at Charli for roping her friend into this, making her die, but she knew this wasn’t what she wanted, and she didn’t want Merula to be upset with her for getting angry.
 The next day, a guarded carriage arrived at Hogwarts, three Aurors, a driver, and two dishevelled prisoners crammed in a tight space.
A brunette couple sat close, the man draping his arms around his wife, neither of them wanting to believe what they were here to see.
Darius and Ariadne Snyde had heard the news last night. They had been released for a day, to go to Hogwarts to see their daughter for the first time since their arrest, and it was for the worst reason possible.
The carriage pulled up at the gates to the old wizarding school, and the carriage was met by a tall, old man with a wizened smile. The door to the carriage opened, and his smile turned to a sympathetic smile. He walked forward, toward the Auror who exited first.
“I would like to request something, before Mr and Mrs Snyde exit.” Dumbledore said, using a proud and forceful voice. “Let me escort them to their daughter. It would be better for everyone if they were alone with her.”
The Auror said no, they had to stay with the couple. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances were, they were criminals and had to be treated as such. But the old wizard insisted, stating that he would watch them he wanted the experience to be a comfortable as possible, and for the Snydes to not have the lingering feeling of being guarded while they mourned.
After much persuasion, the guards agreed to the terms.
The Snydes exited the carriage, being greeted by Dumbledore.
“So, it’s true?” Ariadne said, voice shaking. “My baby is gone.”
The old man nodded his head, gesturing to the castle. The couple walked in silence, as the old professor explained what happened.
 They reached the infirmary, which had been cleared for the day, and Dumbledore opened the doors for the couple. No one was at Merula’s bedside, Pomfrey having ushered them away to rest, and leave the family  in peace.
Ariadne ran up to her daughter, immediately breaking down into a deadly sob, breaking the hearts of the men. She cradled her daughter’s peaceful, lifeless body, bringing he as close to her as she could, tangling he fingers in her daughter’s hair, and burying her head close to hers.
Darius stood on the other side of the bed, hand over his mouth, tears falling down his face. In the past few years, he had realised that he should have love his daughter more, and told her that she was the most important thing to him. He never told her that he loved her, and now she would never know. She had died thinking he hated her.
Ariadne climbed onto the bed, squeezing into the space Merula didn’t fill. She curled up next to her daughter and cried. Darius sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing circles on his wife’s back, clutching his daughter’s hand, crying quietly.
 The time they spent with their daughter was the most painful thing to hear. Dumbledore and Pomfrey stayed outside the infirmary all day, making sure no one went in.
It was 7pm. No one had come near the room, until now.
Charli Rowe, tear stains down her face, eyes red and puffy, lip shaking, as if she would break don any moment. She requested to go in: she needed to speak with the snydes.
“That isn’t a good idea, Charli. Let them mourn in peace.”
“Please, sir. I can’t live with myself without apologising to them. This is my fault. Something needs to be said.”
Dumbledore hesitated, and received a worried glance from Pomfrey, but opened the door, slowly and quietly, allowing Charli to go in.
She crept in, and shuffled over to Merula’s bed. She took in the depressing sight in front of her; two parents, clutching their daughter who died too young, and in such a horrible way. Parents, who hadn’t seen their daughter in years, and were seeing her for the first time, cold and pale, dead on a hospital bed.
She cleared her throat, hating to disturb them, but this was important.
The couple looked up, teary eyed, and frowned.
“What?” Darius growled, intimidating, despite his weak form.
She introduced herself, and hesitated, knowing that it was her father who arrested them so long ago. But their body language didn’t change: they were too depressed to do anything.
Charli burst right in to the apology, explaining in full exactly what happened; the group, the research, Merula’s vision, what the vault did, what they did to help, what Charli was feeling, herself. She cried while explaining, and she moved on to say that she didn’t want Merula to be near the vaults, because she knew something bad would happen to someone, and Merula was so important to her, but Merula was stubborn, and Charli was stupid, and let her come. She told them that she expected them to be angry, and expected them to hate her. she didn’t care if they did, because she knew it was her fault, and what they did to her couldn’t be worse than what she was doing to herself.
She closed her eyes and sobbed, trying to keep herself standing.
Instead of a volley of shouts, or beatings, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her neck, holding her tight. She opened her eyes, and saw Merula’s mum holding her. Ariadne stroked Charli’s hair, in comfort, whispering in her ear that she was forgiven, and that Merula was lucky to have a friend like her.
“I was lucky to have Merula.” She managed to say, through chocked breath.
Ariadne released Charli from the tight grip, and looked her in the eyes, broken seas of blue staring into saddened forests of greenish-brown. She took Charli’s hand and placed something in it, walking back to her daughter’s side, and brushing her bangs out of her face.
“I gave that to her the last time we saw her. I would be better if you kept it. They wouldn’t allow us to have it back in Azkaban.”
Charli opened her hand, and saw two rings (one, a gold band, the other, silver with two emeralds), hung on a thin, silver chain. She slipped it over her head, and clutched the rings tight. She left the room, leaving the family alone, feeling a little better.
 Charli never took off Merula’s rings. They stayed around her neck, all the way until she died, in the battle of Hogwarts.
For the rest of her school life, she left the vaults to the professionals, not wanting to lose anyone else. They didn’t matter to her anymore, as the next year, she got a letter saying Jacob had been found dead.
She had not need for the vaults, and all the need for her friends. Her vision in the vault almost came true, it just didn’t have the addition of Merula, holding her hand, as the smiled at each other.
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the-al-chemist · 3 years
1,9 and 19 for your lovely little gremlin girl 💙💙💙
OMG she is such a gremlin! Thanks for the ask 💛
1. What does their name mean?
So, no one actually knows for where the name originated, but the general consensus is that Artemis is derived from a word that either means “safe” (artemes), “butcher” (artemos) or “bear” (arktos/artio). The goddess Artemis was sometimes associated with bears and there was a cult in Ancient Greece that worshipped her and called themselves “little bears”, so I quite like this one!
9. Is their last name common, rare, or completely unheard of?
It’s unheard of, because I made it up! In the Wizarding World, I’d say it’s very rare, rare enough that it’s easy for people to make the association between Artemis and her unfortunate family history.
19. Do they have any aliases?
Artemis hasn’t had to use an alias before, but if she had to pretend to be someone, I expect she would probably either use the name of someone she knows (probably someone she didn’t like, so either Merula Snyde or Emily Tyler), or the name Ariadne.
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mastrmiscellaneous · 6 years
Children of Death Eaters
the first meeting of Merula, Ismelda, and Barnaby, and how they react seeing each other again after years of separation.
Word Count: 1940
“Darius, I’m not sure I should go to this meeting.” Ariadne Snyde sat on their bed, drumming her fingers on her thigh, while watching her husband get ready. “No one can look after Merula, and these meetings are no place for a child.”
“Ari, trust me, I don’t want to take her either, but we have no choice.” Darius replied, tying his tie in the mirror. “Plus, the Murk’s have a daughter, and she’ll be in a separate room. Merula can stay with her. I also hear the Lee’s are taking their son.”
Ariadne played with her ring, twirling it around her finger, and drawing circles around the emerald and black diamond of her engagement ring.
“I don’t think I trust the Murks. They are strange people.”
Darius finished straightening his tie, and turned to his wife, smiling at her comfortingly. “I agree, they are quite extreme, but do we really have a choice? We can’t leave Merula here alone. Anyway, I think we should have her get a foundation of friendship between the Lee boy, and Murk girl, so she has friends of a worthy status when she goes to Hogwarts.”
“I guess that’s a good point…” She muttered, still fiddling with her rings. “Ok. I’ll go wake up Merula, and get her ready.”
“Ok. Ready in an hour?”
Ariadne rose from the bed and wandered to her daughter’s room. She hated that Merula had to be anywhere near Death Eater meetings, but they had no choice; their parents were dead, the usual nanny they had to look after Merula was missing, and they both needed to be there.
She reached her daughter’s room, and opened the door, revealing a smaller sized room, the curtains still drawn, and Merula still tucked in, curled up, asleep, on her small bed. Ariadne stood in place at the door for a moment, taking in the image of her sleeping daughter; short, brown hair ruffled, legs tucked up to her chest, as tight as she could get, large eyes closed, and a small smile on her face as she dreamed a pleasant dream.
Ariadne loved these moments. Moments when there was no fear, nervousness, or shame radiating from her daughter. Moments where her daughter was what she was supposed to be: a child, and nothing more or less. Just the 6-year-old girl she was.
Merula shuffled in her sleep, and Ariadne broke out of her trance, creeping over to the bed and crouching at her side and touching her shoulder.
“Merula, darling, wake up.” She gently shook her shoulder, waking up the girl. Merula slowly opened her eyes and grumbled, not liking the awakening. “Good morning, Merula.”
The girl yawned, quietly, rubbing her eyes and sitting up to look at her mother.
“So, Merula, your father and I need to go to a meeting, and you need to come with us.”
Merula cocked her head to the side in confusion. “I thought I was too young to go?”
“You are, but we have no choice but to take you. Anyway, there’s going to be two other kids your age, so you can play with them while we work.”
At that comment, Merula’s big, purple eyes lit up in excitement. She had never really met anyone her own age before, and the thought of possibly making a friend or two excited her beyond relief. “Really?”
“Yes.” Ariadne confirmed. She took her daughter’s hands and pulled her out of bed. “Now, come on. Let’s get ready, so we can go!”
 An hour later, Merula was washed, dressed, fed, and ready to go. She bounced in excitement at the door, waiting for her parents to gather their wands and other items. She was extremely happy to finally have the opportunity to make a friend.
“Merula, don’t bounce, it’s not lady-like.” Ariadne called from across the entrance hall, as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Sorry, Mamma.” Merula said, stopping bouncing, crossing her arms and pouting, looking down to hide her pout.
“That’s ok, darling. Just remember what I taught you.”
Darius strode towards the front door, sliding his wand into his inside pocket and readying himself to leave.
“Are you too ready?”
“Yes, we are.” Ariadne answered, taking Merula’s hand and following her husband out of the door.
They dissapperated while half way down the driveway.
 A few seconds later, they arrived at the drive of another grand house: the residents of the Murk family.
They strode up to the front door and Darius knock, loud and proud, the couple straightening their backs, and Merula shuffling behind her mother’s legs, suddenly nervous to be here.
After a minute, a woman appeared at the door: 5’6’’, jet black hair, sparkling green eyes.
“Hello, Snyde, Ariadne.” She greeted, opening the door fully. “It’s great to see you here.”
“Hello, Mrs Murk.” Darius nodded at the woman in greeting. “Are we in the usual room?”
“Yes, we are.”
Darius thanked the woman, and walked into the house, striding off to the back, into the large dining room.
“Stella, this is Merula.” Ariadne guided her daughter in front of her, presenting her like a prize to the other woman. “We couldn’t leave her today; can she stay with your daughter until we are done?”
“Of course, she can. Ismelda’s room is upstairs, second on the left.” She stepped to the side and pointed to the stairs. “By the way, the Lee boy is also here.”
“Ok. I’ll see you in a minute. Come on, Merula.”
She guided her daughter up the stairs and towards the Murk girl’s room, opening the door and pushing Merula in, immediately closing the door and leaving.
 Merula suddenly froze in place, eyes wide, not knowing what to do now. She stood in the doorway, staring into the room where she saw; a small, neatly-made bed, a small desk and chair, an open chest filled with toys, and a round, green carpet in the centre of the room, with a young, dark haired boy and girl sat, staring at her, waiting for her to say something.
“Erm… Hi.” She said, quietly, waving timidly at the other kids.
“Hello… who are you?” the girl said, eyeing Merula, suspiciously.
“Oh, erm… I’m Merula Snyde.”
The other kids stood up and walked towards her, the girl stopping directly in front of her. she held out her hand and smiled. “Ismelda Murk.”
Merula accepted the handshake, then turned to the boy. “Who are you?”
They boy looked startled for a second, then confused, then he realised what she had asked, and smiled, almost yelling, “I’m Barnaby! Barnaby Lee!”
Merula looked startled, but smiled at him, timidly. Ismelda grabbed Merula’s hand and pulled her towards the circular carpet, sitting down with her, Barnaby close behind.
The three children talked and bonded over the little things that made them them. Once they were bored of talking, Ismelda rooted through her chest, and pulled out tree sticks, handing two to the others. They pretended to do magic, fighting each other, and re-enacting what they thought their parents did.
They had so much fun, playing together, and Merula felt ecstatic at finally meeting some kids her age, and actually forming a relationship with them. She finally felt like she was having fun, and having friends felt so amazing. They made Merula forget all of the terrible things her father did and said, and they made her feel relaxed. She never stopped smiling, and she had never laughed this much in the space of a few hours, and they felt so comfortable together.
 After several hours, the door opened, revealing three women (two brunettes, and one with black hair).
“Hi mummy!” Barnaby shouted, dashing to on of the brunettes and hugging her legs.
“Hello, Mamma!” Merula smiled, and hugged her mother, smiling as wide as she possibly could.
“You look like you had fun.” Ariadne whispered to her daughter, smiling.
“I really did! Issy and Barny are really fun!”
“Oh really? That’s great!” Ariadne stood up straight. “But we need to go, now. Say goodbye.”
Merula turned to Ismelda and smiled, saying goodbye to her new friend. Ismelda hesitated, but grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. Barnaby wrapped his arms around his two friends, and Merula and Barnaby ran to their mothers, still grinning like mad men.
 Ariadne and Merula met Darius at the front door, Merula bouncing over to him happily.
“You had fun, then?” He asked.
She nodded, furiously. “They are so fun!”
“Well, that’s good.” He adjusted his overcoat, and readied himself to leave. “You ready, then?”
“Yes. Let’s go.”
Ariadne took Merula’s hand, and strode off at the side of her husband, Merula almost running to keep up with her parents.
 Merula accompanied her parents to more and more meetings as she got closer to Ismelda and Barnaby, their relationship blossoming further and further, until they were the best of friends.
That was, until Darius and Ariadne Snyde were arrested, and Ismelda and Barnaby didn’t see Merula for several years, until their first year in Hogwarts, in the train for their first year.
 Ismelda and Barnaby walked down the train. Looking for a compartment to sit in together. As they got closer to the end of the train, the compartments were less full, so they were getting hopeful that they could get their own.
They looked through the glass of each compartment, looking for an empty one, when Barnaby looked into a compartment on the left and noticed someone familiar.
“Hey, Ismelda, do you recognise that girl?”
She looked in and her eyes widened. “Holy Merlin, that’s Merula Snyde! Wow, she looks different…”
“Well, let’s talk to her! We haven’t seen her in years.”
“Yeah, ok!” Ismelda said, excitably, pushing in front of Barnaby, and opening the compartment door.
“Merula Snyde?”
Merula looked up from her book, looking absolutely terrible. Her eyes were sad and covered in dark eye-shadow, her hair was a mess, with a new ginger tuft in the front. She looked skinny and dishevelled, and she sat in an awkward position, like she was avoiding leaning on certain parts of her body.
However, once she realised who had said her name, a small smile spread up her face, and a small huff of joy escaped her throat.
“Murk?” she looked behind Ismelda. “Lee?”
She put down her book and stood up, stepped closer to Ismelda and pulled her into a tight hug. “It’s so good to see you.”
Ismelda was shocked at the sudden embrace, but smiled slightly and reciprocated the hug, happy that they had found their old friend again.
“Don’t leave me out!” Barnaby said, grabbing the two girls and pulling them into a tight embrace.
After a few seconds, Merula loosened her grip and pulled away from the hug. She smiled, and sat back down, in her original space, then looked at the two, expectantly.
“Well, are you coming in?” She asked, sounding kind of aggressive.
“Ok.” They smiled, dragging their trunks in and shoving them on the overhead compartment.
 They talked for the whole train ride, Ismelda and Barnaby realising that this was a different Merula than who they met so many years ago. This one was angry, depressed, and defensive, refusing to talk about multiple subjects, like what life is like now, and her parents.
 Once the train had stopped in Hogsmeade, Merula grabbed her things, and dashed off, leaving Barnaby and Ismelda alone.
“She’s different now…” Barnaby said, sadly. “I don’t know if I like it…”
“Yeah…” Ismelda agreed. “Well, I guess we have to just reform a relationship with her. we just need to learn how…”
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mastrmiscellaneous · 6 years
The Snydes’ Arrest
Word count: 1592
warnings: mention of child abuse, police brutality
10th October, 1981…
8 o’clock
Bolts of lightning flashed in the night sky, lighting up the long, dark path for a spit second. Just as another bolt hit the ground, lighting the path once more, a couple of cloaked figures suddenly  appeared, swirling into vision, and immediately walking up to the grand, grey, stone house, unlocking the grand, oak door, and decloaking, handing the piles of cloth to the nearest house elf, who quickly scampered away. The figure looked at each other, smiling evilly.
The man; around 6’5’’, neat, dark brown hair, pale skin, and bright purple eyes.
The woman’ around 5’5’’, long, light brown hair, pale skin, and light blue eyes.
They crept through the house, into the large dining room, and sat at the long, oaken table, as two house elves rushed towards them, clutching two silver trays, with plates of food, and glasses of wine. The elves placed the tray in front of the pair, then bowed out of the room, noses almost touching the floor.
“Well, that was a good little session, wasn’t it?” the man spoke picking up his glass and taking a sip.
“Indeed. Very useful.” The woman replied, smiling at her husband.
“I think, with that information, we will successfully take over the ministry for the Dark Lord in no time.”
“That is the dream, dear.”
The pair raised their glassed, in silent toast, then tucked in to their meal.
 Half an hour later, the couple had finished their meals, and were sitting in the living room, drinking the rest of their wine, and chatting quietly about their plans for the future to take over the ministry with the rest of the Death Eaters, when they heard a small pitter-patter in the hallway outside. They looked at each other, and then at the door.
“Merula, darling, we know you are out there.” The woman called out.
The door slowly opened, and a little head poked in through the crack.
“Come in, darling.” The woman said.
The girl slipped into the room, and closed the door, immediately running up to her mother.
“Hi, mamma!” she smiled, climbing up onto the couch and hugging her mum. “I’m glad your home!”
“That’s lovely, dear.” The woman hugged her daughter, lightly, kissing her on her forehead.
“Daughter, what are you still doing up?” the man asked, looking disgruntled at the disturbance. “I thought I told you to go to bed at seven.”
The girl looked down, saddened. She didn’t want her father to be mad at her. he was scar when he was mad. “I’m sorry, Papa. I couldn’t sleep without you here.”
The man looked like he was about to get angry, but the woman spoke before he could open his mouth.
“Darius. Not now.” She warned. “It’s too late for that.”
He glared at his wife, but stayed silent.
“But your father is right, darling, you should be asleep.” She directed her attention to her Merula. “Let me take to bed.”
“Ok.” Merula slid off the couch, and waited for her mother to follow.
However, just as the woman stood and took her daughter’s hand, they heard a strong and furious knock at the door, and a shout sounded through the wood.
“Snyde! Open up!” A deep, furious shouted. “Either open up, or we blast the door down!”
The couple looked at each other, panic spreading across their faces. Merula stood in confusion, looking up at her mother as if begging for an explanation. Men shouting and the sound of slamming on wood terrified her.
The woman looked down at her daughter and then at her husband. “Come on, Merula. We need to go upstairs.”
She tugged Merula’s hand and they ran up to the master bedroom. Merula was hesitant to go in, her worst nightmares always took place there, but her mother’s urgency was stronger than her fear. Once they were in the room, the woman released her daughter’s hand and she rushed to the back wall, feeling for a specific board of wood. Once she found it, she pushed it and slid a section of the wall to the side.
“Come on, Merula.” She gestured for her daughter to get in the hole in the wall, but Merula hesitated, recoiling at the sight of the dark space in the wall, and the tiny scratch marks in the wall, marking a large tally. “I know you hate it in here, but it’s important. Please, Merula. For me?”
Merula gave in, not wanting to disappoint her mother. She climbed into the hole, and crouched, leaning on the back wall. The woman brushed her daughter’s hair out of her eyes, and kissed her on the forehead.
“I love you Merula.” She muttered. She hesitated for a second, then reached down her dress, pulling a thin chain out and taking it off from around her neck. She undid the clip, and slid off  the charm, throwing it across the room, onto the bed. She slipped off her engagement and wedding ring and slipped them onto the chain, clipping it around Merula’s neck. “Keep this safe for me, ok? I’ll come back for it, soon.”
Merula muttered a small ‘ok’, clutching the rings around her neck, small tears forming in her eyes.
The woman embraced her daughter, tightly, almost immediately pushing her away, and sliding the wooden panel back into place, and hiding her daughter from sight.
She drew her wand, and readied herself for a fight, staring at the door. But she couldn’t concentrate on what was about to happen.
All she could think about was her daughter, and how she was leaving her. Tears fell down her face.
She was ready.
Darius Snyde readied his wand and snuck up to the front door, silently unlocking it. He opened his mouth, prepared to shout the cruciartus curse at the Aurors standing at the door.
He opened the door, quicker than a lighting flash, and began to shout ‘Crucio!’, but two of the three Aurors were quicker, shouting ‘Expelliarmus’ and ‘Stupify’, blasting him backwards and slamming him into the bottom few stairs. He slumped down, back in pain from the rough landing, and stared at the Aurors, trying to remain threatening.
“I told you I would get you some day, Snyde.” A tall, muscular man, with gingery-brown hair, and bright green eyes stared down at him. “Now look at you.”
“You have made a real mistake, Donner.” Darius warned. “Someone will avenge me. Whether it be my daughter, or a friend. You will go down.”
Phinnius Donner frowned at Darius Snyde, casting a binding spell on him and ordering one of the other Aurors to take him.
“Now, Smith, come with me. We’ll find Mrs Snyde.”
“If you touch my wife, I will murder you.” Snyde growled.
“I’d like to see you try, Darius.” He gestured to the other Aurors and ran up the steps, lighting his wand, and scanning the corridors, looking for evidence of another person. He saw a light from beneath the door to a grand room, gesturing for his colleague to follow him. He counted silently, and flung open the door when he reached number 1.
Blasting the disarming spell, Donner burst into the room. His colleague rushed in, blasting the woman into the wall, denting the wood on impact.
“Ariadne Snyde, you are under arrest for actively participating in Death Eater activities.”
Ariadne looked down at the floor, giving a slight nod. Tears fell down her face and landed on her robes. She was pulled to her feat, and dragged out of the room and down the stairs.
Donner hesitated in the room, staring at the wall Ariadne Snyde had dented. She seemed to be guarding it when they came into the room. He walked towards the wall and listed for sounds, and feeling for anything suspicious.
He heard a small whimper from behind the wall, and small heaves of breath the person struggled to stay quiet. Donner frowned, knowing who was behind the wall.
As he wandered out of the house, he had a self-writing quill write a letter to professor Dumbledore, telling him a child needed picking up, and to probably bring a woman, as she was Darius Snyde’s daughter, and he didn’t know how she would react…
 10th October, 1988…
9 O’clock…
Merula sat, alone, on the old, rickety bridge at Hogwarts, she stared out to the distance, clutching a letter in one hand, and an engagement and wedding ring in the other, tears in her eyes, and lower lip wobbling.
“You said you’d come back, mum.” Merula muttered out to the world. She looked down at the letter, reading the words ‘Darius’, ‘Ariadne’, and ‘dead’. “But now you’re gone. You never came back, did you?”
She shoved the letter and rings into her pockets and stood, staring out to the distance.
“You lied!” Her breath wavered as she started to sob. “You never came back!”
Her fists clenched as she remembered the sound of her mother’s body slamming into the door of the hole. The feeling of the walls closing in on her and the shouts of men. She cried, then, and she cried now.
She fell to her knees and sobbed into her hands.
“I need you… I have always needed you. But you stayed a Death Eater. I just want a family again…” Merula sobbed. “Please, just let me have something…”
She stayed at the bridge for several hours, sobbing into her hands on the anniversary of her family’s arrest. The anniversary of her becoming completely alone.
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the-al-chemist · 3 years
Hi Al! I love Artemis' name so much so how about 8, 12 & 16? 💙💛
TOLLIN!!! 💛💙 thanks for the compliment and for the ask!
8. Where does their last name come from?
I made it up! I chose Hexley because it sounds like it could realistically be an English surname, but with a magical twist. Bonus: mimic Alan Rickman’s voice and say it out loud. It sounds great.
12. Is this the original name from when you first created them or has it changed along the way?
It was always going to be Artemis, although I very briefly considered Ariadne. If she had been a Ravenclaw I’d have gone for Ariadne. Originally her surname was Hyde, but it was too close to Snyde and I didn’t like that!
16. What names will/would they call their children?
Oh that is a hard question to answer, because I currently can’t see Artemis ever having children. I don’t think she would want to be a mother, or feel like she’d ever be fit to be a mother, not after the shit job her own mother has done. However, if she were to have a child, she would probably go for ‘Rowan’ for obvious reasons, although this would more likely be as a middle name, so she wouldn’t have to physically call them this out loud. For a girl, she would seriously consider ‘Nymphadora’. Not to honour Tonks, but because Tonks would hate it, and she would see it as her way of playing one last trick on her friend.
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