#ariadne foster x kieran duffy
poor Declan 😭😭 he deserves love.. anyways, is Declan acquainted with Kieran? If so, does he hear about the life he has with Ariadne?
Declan has been through hell and back and deserves a long nap and a few therapy sessions. The poor boy. ;-; Also fun fact! I got Declan’s name from the conversation Arthur can have with Kieran in chapter 1. Kieran names two other members of the O’Driscoll Boys, and one of the names is Declan. (X)
But yes Declan and Kieran absolutely know each other! During Kieran’s time with the O’Driscoll’s him and Declan took comfort in one another’s company; they had both ended up in the gang against their wills, and neither of them were anything like the rest of Colm’s boys. They had a brotherly bond and confided in each other about everything. Kieran knew Declan’s past, Declan knew his, and they both acted as each other’s shoulders to lean on. So you can imagine that when Kieran vanished after being captured by the Van der Linde’s, it hit Declan rather hard. He had felt so alone for years, and it seemed like when he had finally found a friend, he was gone just as soon as he had arrived. After that, things were business as usual for Declan. Go out on a job, risk life and limb for his tormentors, and get smacked around again before going to bed hungry and sore. But things finally turned around for him during a botched coach robbery that left him wounded and the other O’Driscoll’s that had dragged him along dead in the dirt. With no other O’Driscoll’s around to stop him, Declan pocketed the cash from the coach’s lockbox and fled the scene. Declan shed his black duster and forest green scarf in favor of attire that didn’t mark him as one of Colm O’Driscoll’s men, and spent some time allowing his body to heal before he decided where he was heading now that he was free. When he felt he was up for the journey, he bought a ticket for a train headed west and kept going until he could find some honest work. His search finally came to an end when he found himself in a little town somewhere out in Central California. The owner of the general store was in need of a helping hand; an older man who was starting to feel his age, with no children of his own to help him run the business. Declan was employed to help do some of the more physically taxing jobs around the store. It was a place to start, and he figured it would help him build his own strength back up in the process. Declan had only worked in the store for a week when a wagon pulled up outside, and a familiar face stepped in through the door and stopped him in his tracks. “Declan?!” “Kieran?!” Needless to say, it was a tearful reunion. :’) The two captured each other in a hug, both of them in disbelief seeing each other alive and well. Declan considered the situation, calling upon a memory he had of him and Kieran exchanging life stories beside the campfire back when they were still with the O’Driscoll’s. “So, you finally made it to California after all, huh? I bet ‘yer Pa would be real proud of ya, Kieran.” (X)You know Kieran invited Declan back to the ranch that night for dinner to catch up, and imagine Declan’s surprise when he walks in and sees that Kieran’s got a wife!!! And a little baby girl!!! (Brayden hadn’t come along yet.)Ariadne absolutely adored Declan, and her and Kieran were more than happy to have Declan stay with them for however long he wanted to. But, it was pretty clear early on that his stay was more than likely going to become a permanent arrangement. He continued to work in the town’s general store but also pitched in with the work around the ranch, and the three of them worked together to build Declan his own little cabin on the property. And yes, he was more than happy to take on the role of Uncle Declan.
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*:slides in and whispers:* please feed me hcs of ariadne and kieran.. and the little family they start together 🌺🌹🌸💐💕❤
AHHHH sure thing!!!! ;-: Gonna be long so fair warning rip
Westward Bound- So the two of them decide to head west together shortly after Arthur leaves and Kieran gets to stay. - Arthur had planted the idea in Kieran’s mind that he should go with Ariadne and build an honest life elsewhere. - She was a little unsure at first, but ultimately the idea of a clean slate and an honest living was all too tempting for her. - They left the gang in the hands of Ariadne’s most trusted associates, packed up everything they had to their names, and set off out west on horseback.- They rode for a while, camping out under the stars at night, hunting and fishing for their meals, until eventually they came across a nice enough little town and rented a room in the saloon. - They stayed in that room long term while they got all of their ducks in a row. - Ariadne already had some money; a parting gift from the gang. But they needed a bit more before they were comfortable purchasing property.- Kieran took jobs as a stable boy in the town and at some of the surrounding ranches; wherever his services were needed, he went. The special way he had with horses started to make him into a bit of a local celebrity. - Ariadne took small jobs around the community here and there, but most of the time she was out hunting and selling the pelts for money. Hunting was in her blood; her grandfather is an old trapper that travels around the states. You might have heard of him… ;) - They settled into a routine, and slowly but surely started filling up multiple coffee tins with cash. - Kieran was riding home back to the saloon one evening when he came across an elderly man and his ailing horse out on the trail. He assisted the man in getting his horse back into town, and the stranger was grateful. Enough so that he insisted on paying Kieran for his help despite what little he had to his name. - Kieran walked away from the incident with a few dollars, a golden pocket watch, and some jewelry; a couple of necklaces, and most notably, a ring. - He sold the other items off for money, as the old man had intended, but he couldn’t bring himself to let go of the ring. So he kept it in a pocket in his shirt, just in case. - Kieran and Ariadne’s hard work finally came to fruition the day they bought their ranch. A house, a barn, and a few paddocks, all in need of some TLC. Oh well, they already made it this far! - They put in the work, fixed the place up, and after a while K&A Ranch was finally finished and ready to operate. - They already had a few horses. Kieran had Branwen, and Ariadne had her own stallion, Theo. But if you think she had left her other hoof-children behind you’re crazy. (Ariadne’s Hoof-Children) - They took care of their horses, and Ariadne ended up building a coop and bringing home a few chickens. Part of the property was set aside for a garden patch where the pair began to grow their own produce.- More animals were added to their growing menagerie. Goats, cows, sheep. Even a peacock turned up near the chicken coop one day and never left. - His name is Hank and he follows them around like a dog. Meet The Duffy’s- Kieran finally proposed a little over a year after they got the ranch. - It was around 2 AM and they were both sitting down against the wall of Rio’s stall. The first foal on their ranch had just been born, and they had been up all night helping Rio deliver her baby. - It was a testament to how far they had come together; from a couple of outlaws trying to survive out in the woods, to proper ranch owners, raising horses. Living.- Kieran figured there was just one thing missing from the otherwise picture perfect happy ending, and Ariadne was already saying yes before he was done popping the question. - They had a small ceremony attended by a few of the friends they had made around town, and survived through all of the questions one might ask a newly married couple. - “So, what about kids?” - They just smiled and laughed and waved it off. That was a discussion for later on, they said. - And it was…At least until it wasn’t. Cause it wasn’t even a month into their new married life when Ariadne started showing all the signs she remembered so well from her first pregnancy. And she was positively terrified.- The messy ending to her relationship with Blake had left her scarred. What if it really was her fault that her son hadn’t made it? And what would Kieran do? Would he react the same way? - Kieran knew she was afraid, and he reassured her that no matter what happened, he wasn’t going anywhere, and they were going to get through it together. - They began to prepare for the baby. And as the due date drew closer, they discussed what they would name him/her. They were enthralled to find that they were both on the same page for a boy’s name. - “Arthur.” - 9 months seemed like they flew by, and Kieran and Ariadne Duffy welcomed to the world a bouncing baby…Girl. - They named her Morgan. - Morgan Duffy got her daddy’s dark brown locks, but her freckles, and her button nose, and the way it crinkled up when she was mad was all her mother.- She was born into a life in the saddle and took to it like a duck to water. Kieran took her for rides around the countryside on Branwen even before she could walk, and taught her to ride at an early age by ponying her around on Casanova. By age 8 Morgan knew how to tack up, mount, and ride a horse with no assistance. - Ariadne taught her to read and write, just like she had with Kieran after her and her gang had rescued him. She also taught Morgan how to shoot a gun and hunt. More than anything, Ariadne wanted her daughter to be self sufficient. - Morgan developed a fiery personality, and was never afraid to speak her mind; a quality that filled her parents with both pride and exasperation depending on the social setting. - One day, she announced that she had a request to make. - “I want a baby brother or sister!” - Kieran and Ariadne, who already considered their hands full with the ranch and their heavily opinionated blessing of a child, told her “Maybe someday.” - Someday came a lot sooner than previously intended and the family prepared for the arrival of Brayden Arthur Duffy. - Brayden was born with a full head of auburn hair coupled with eyes that resembled his father’s in every way. - He received the same teachings that his older sister had when she was younger, and Morgan was always around to put her own spin on it. - However it was clear from an early age that Brayden had his own distinct personality. Morgan liked to wander the surrounding countryside all day once her chores were completed, but Brayden was content to stay closer to home. He preferred to spend his time hanging out with the animals and could always be found with either a book, or a pencil and journal in his hands. - Kieran and Ariadne settled in nicely into domestic bliss with their two kids, their home, and their animals. It was a quiet life, but it was the kind of life both of them preferred over one spent on the run.
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(via https://open.spotify.com/user/timelordjedilunartic/playlist/4GIadwVPL54vbVRCapgnSe?si=678WJd0eSQW6_UZ8jmb14w) Here’s a fluffy little playlist that is pretty much the Ariadne x Kieran aesthetic. 
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blake can fite my 5'1 ass how dare he leave ariadne 😤😤 also- she has a very pretty face and a v pretty name. I like how she dresses too, very fancy. :33 Anywhoss, i saw a photo of Ariadne and Kieran, how did those two get together?
My 5′3 ass will be right there with you ready to throw some punches tbh. And AHHH thank you for the kind words.
It was a very right place, right time kind of situation for how they met.
Ariadne and her gang were moving camps back up to their usual spot in Aurora Basin, and were passing through Lemoyne one night when they spotted a group of O’Driscoll’s riding across their path. One of her boys pointed out that they had a person tied up on the back of one of their horses, and that was enough to get her to want to stop and investigate. They inadvertently thwarted the O’Driscoll’s attempt at torturing and murdering Kieran before the attack on Shady Belle. Kieran was bloodied and bruised, but he was alive. And because they had no idea where the O’Driscoll’s had taken him from, they put him in the back of one of their wagons to continue the journey with them. He slipped in and out of consciousness for days, and by the time he awoke, he was in a tent in The Foster Gang’s camp, with his wounds treated and Ariadne at his bedside waiting for him to come to. Once he could he explained who he was and where he had come from, and Ariadne offered him a place to stay while he continued to heal and wait for when it was safe for him to return to the Van der Linde’s. She even went as far as to assist him in writing a letter to Arthur, letting the gang know that he was still alive and what exactly had happened, and to give him the all clear to come back when the O’Driscoll presence in the area had died down. Kieran continued to heal up, and started pulling his weight around the camp as he waited for his signal to return to Shady Belle. He got to know Ariadne and the rest of her gang, and found himself fitting in quite nicely in their dynamic. They were a significantly smaller group than what he was used to, but extremely tight knit in their own dysfunctional way. The boys took him on homestead robberies, Ariadne would take him hunting with her, and in turn he taught her how to fish which had never been her strong suit. They bonded over these and other various activities, and became closer as Kieran came to feel more at home with her and her gang. It grew to a point where they both briefly forgot that Kieran’s stay with them wasn’t supposed to be permanent. 
And then Arthur turned up with Branwen in toe, as a reminder of that fact. Arthur stayed with The Foster Gang for a few days, and in that time witnessed the relationship that had blossomed between Kieran and Ariadne. Arthur knew Kieran wasn’t coming back to Shady Belle with him, even before Kieran knew it. When the time came for them to return home to the Van der Linde’s they only made it as far as the Upper Montana River before Kieran realized he wasn’t willing to leave Ariadne and the others behind. To Kieran’s surprise, Arthur was willing to let him go. They parted ways; Arthur returned to Shady Belle, and Kieran turned Branwen around and rode as fast as he could back up to Aurora Basin. Ariadne was already mourning his loss when he rode back into camp, and tears of joy were shed when he returned to them. Feelings were confessed, and the rest is history. ;) 
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OC Info Meme: Ariadne Foster
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Figured Ariadne needed an updated version of this. 
Tagged By: N/A B A S I C S:
Full Name: Ariadne Foster (Maiden Name: Patterson)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
O T H E R:
Family: Distant from parents. Her husband and infant son are both dead.
Birthplace: Roanoke Ridge, New Hanover
Job(s): Outlaw, Gang Leader
Phobias: Encountering strangers, losing close friends
Guilty Pleasures: Drinking, Sex
Hobbies: Hunting
M O R A L S:
Morality Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sins: Wrath, Lust
Virtues: Temperance, Charity, Kindness
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T H I S - O R - T H A T:
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
OTP(s): Ariadne x Elijah Malcom Beckett ( @marvelous-mr-matthews ), Ariadne x Kieran Duffy, Ariadne x Marshall Tom Davies
Acceptable Ships: Ariadne x Sean MacGuire
OT3: N/A
BroTP: Ariadne & Arthur Morgan, Ariadne & Dutch van der Linde, Ariadne & Hosea Matthews, Ariadne & Charles Smith, Ariadne & Sadie Adler, Ariadne & Javier Escuella, Ariadne & John Marston, 
NOTP: Ariadne & Micah Bell
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