#argentina mn
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tonikroos · 2 years ago
couldn’t be happier with this result!
jk i wanted morocco to win but messi getting his well deserved men’s world cup and cementing forever the fact crohnald is a piece of shit footballer who can only run fast is also nice :3
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thankyouforthememoriesworld · 5 months ago
I know we've fixated on the photo on her bedside table but I don't think folks really dissected the fact that the entire frame on her table is mostly just Azzi
like this photo:
and below it is def a photo of them and maybe Cam at Notre Dame when they all went on that recruiting trip.
And I definitely see Azzi, wearing sunglasses, giving a piggyback ride to someone. That's possibly from their group trip together since I definitely see a giraffe in the background??
And the one that is kind of hidden - I can make out the word theater and it looked so familiar and then I finally remembered where I saw it. Scroll through these photos - it is the Vali Hi Drive In Theatre in Mn.
I bet that is a photo of them at the drive in theater that I remember Katie mentioned in an interview - how they went to the drive in, got home late, slept for a few hours, and then her and Paige had a workout with the Lynx player and they still made it. For the life of me can't find that interview but I know I've shared it before possibly to you.
Anyway, point is, the entire thing is just photos of Azzi and her (+ family or teammates), not just the photo that's bedside. I think that one is there because on her posterboard of photos, she has the same photo on there.
Detective anon strikes again 🔎. So Paige made her own Azzi shrine and kept it on her bedside table to look at before going to sleep 😭.
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The USA U16 pic in Argentina
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One photo from their Notre Dame visit (maybe with Sam or Kylee Watson because I don't think Cam was there ⬇)
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I do think it's Azzi and she's giving a piggyback ride to a child, but it doesn't seem to be part of the giraffe photo.
How did you recognize the Vali Hi Drive In Theater 🤯? I'm sure they've been often and must have lots of photos taken there.
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swiftieinbrazil · 9 months ago
The Eras Tour fun fact: After 1989 (Taylor's Version), Speak Now (Taylor's Version) is the 2nd album to be completely performed at The Eras Tour. Enchanted was on the setlist since the beginning of the tour and Long Live was added to the setlist on the same day of Speak Now (Taylor's Version) release on July 7th, 2023 and the rest of the songs were performed at the Surprise Songs Set:
Ours: Arlington, TX, USA (March 31)
Speak Now: Tampa, FL, USA (April 13)
Mean: Tampa, FL, USA (April 15)
Sparks Fly: Nashville, TN, USA (May 5)
Mine: Nashville, TN, USA (May 7)
Haunted: Detroit, MI, USA (Jun 9)
The Story Of Us: Pittsburgh, PA, USA (June 17)
Dear John: Minneapolis, MN, USA (June 24)
Never Grow Up and When Emma Falls in Love: Kansas City, MO, USA (July 7)
Last Kiss: Kansas City, MO, USA (July 8)
Timeless: Denver, CO, USA (July 14)
Back To December: Denver, CO, USA (July 15)
Castles Crumbling: Santa Clara, CA, USA (July 28)
I Can See You: Los Angeles, CA, USA (Aug 3) 
Better Than Revenge: Buenos Aires, Argentina (Nov 12)
Innocent: São Paulo, Brazil (Nov 24)
Electric Touch: Tokyo, Japan (Feb 8)
Superman: Tokyo, Japan (Feb 9)
Foolish One: Singapore, SG (Mar 4)
Ps: these were the dates when Taylor performed these songs for the first time at the Surprise Songs Set. After that, some songs have been already repeated.
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bearballing · 1 year ago
AL - Albania
AR - Argentina
CA - canada
CO - Colombia
DE - Germany
GA - Gabon
ID - Indonesia
IN - India
KY - cayman islands
LA - Laos
MA - Morocco
MD - Moldova
ME - Montenegro
MN - Mongolia
MS - Montserrat
NC - new Caledonia
PA - Panama
SC - Seychelles
TN - Tunisia
VA - Vatican but fuck those guys
lot of countries who have the same code as US states!
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wqp88888 · 2 years ago
Country Codes List
CountryAlpha 2Alpha 3 CodeUN Code
Afghanistan AF AFG 004
ALA Aland Islands AX ALA 248
Albania AL ALB 008
Algeria DZ DZA 012
American Samoa AS ASM 016
Andorra AD AND 020
Angola AO AGO 024
Anguilla AI AIA 660
Antarctica AQ ATA 010
Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG 028
Argentina AR ARG 032
Armenia AM ARM 051
Aruba AW ABW 533
Australia AU AUS 036
Austria AT AUT 040
Azerbaijan AZ AZE 031
Bahamas BS BHS 044
Bahrain BH BHR 048
Bangladesh BD BGD 050
Barbados BB BRB 052
Belarus BY BLR 112
Belgium BE BEL 056
Belize BZ BLZ 084
Benin BJ BEN 204
Bermuda BM BMU 060
Bhutan BT BTN 064
Bolivia BO BOL 068
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH 070
Botswana BW BWA 072
Bouvet Island BV BVT 074
Brazil BR BRA 076
British Virgin Islands VG VGB 092
British Indian Ocean Territory IO IOT 086
Brunei Darussalam BN BRN 096
Bulgaria BG BGR 100
Burkina Faso BF BFA 854
Burundi BI BDI 108
Cambodia KH KHM 116
Cameroon CM CMR 120
Canada CA CAN 124
Cape Verde CV CPV 132
Cayman Islands KY CYM 136
Central African Republic CF CAF 140
Chad TD TCD 148
Chile CL CHL 152
China CN CHN 156
Hong Kong, SAR China HK HKG 344
Macao, SAR China MO MAC 446
Christmas Island CX CXR 162
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC CCK 166
Colombia CO COL 170
Comoros KM COM 174
Congo (Brazzaville) CG COG 178
Congo, (Kinshasa) CD COD 180
Cook Islands CK COK 184
Costa Rica CR CRI 188
Côte d'Ivoire CI CIV 384
Croatia HR HRV 191
Cuba CU CUB 192
Cyprus CY CYP 196
Czech Republic CZ CZE 203
Denmark DK DNK 208
Djibouti DJ DJI 262
Dominica DM DMA 212
Dominican Republic DO DOM 214
Ecuador EC ECU 218
Egypt EG EGY 818
El Salvador SV SLV 222
Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ 226
Eritrea ER ERI 232
Estonia EE EST 233
Ethiopia ET ETH 231
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FK FLK 238
Faroe Islands FO FRO 234
Fiji FJ FJI 242
Finland FI FIN 246
France FR FRA 250
French Guiana GF GUF 254
French Polynesia PF PYF 258
French Southern Territories TF ATF 260
Gabon GA GAB 266
Gambia GM GMB 270
Georgia GE GEO 268
Germany DE DEU 276
Ghana GH GHA 288
Gibraltar GI GIB 292
Greece GR GRC 300
Greenland GL GRL 304
Grenada GD GRD 308
Guadeloupe GP GLP 312
Guam GU GUM 316
Guatemala GT GTM 320
Guernsey GG GGY 831
Guinea GN GIN 324
Guinea-Bissau GW GNB 624
Guyana GY GUY 328
Haiti HT HTI 332
Heard and Mcdonald Islands HM HMD 334
Holy See (Vatican City State) VA VAT 336
Honduras HN HND 340
Hungary HU HUN 348
Iceland IS ISL 352
India IN IND 356
Indonesia ID IDN 360
Iran, Islamic Republic of IR IRN 364
Iraq IQ IRQ 368
Ireland IE IRL 372
Isle of Man IM IMN 833
Israel IL ISR 376
Italy IT ITA 380
Jamaica JM JAM 388
Japan JP JPN 392
Jersey JE JEY 832
Jordan JO JOR 400
Kazakhstan KZ KAZ 398
Kenya KE KEN 404
Kiribati KI KIR 296
Korea (North) KP PRK 408
Korea (South) KR KOR 410
Kuwait KW KWT 414
Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ 417
Lao PDR LA LAO 418
Latvia LV LVA 428
Lebanon LB LBN 422
Lesotho LS LSO 426
Liberia LR LBR 430
Libya LY LBY 434
Liechtenstein LI LIE 438
Lithuania LT LTU 440
Luxembourg LU LUX 442
Macedonia, Republic of MK MKD 807
Madagascar MG MDG 450
Malawi MW MWI 454
Malaysia MY MYS 458
Maldives MV MDV 462
Mali ML MLI 466
Malta MT MLT 470
Marshall Islands MH MHL 584
Martinique MQ MTQ 474
Mauritania MR MRT 478
Mauritius MU MUS 480
Mayotte YT MYT 175
Mexico MX MEX 484
Micronesia, Federated States of FM FSM 583
Moldova MD MDA 498
Monaco MC MCO 492
Mongolia MN MNG 496
Montenegro ME MNE 499
Montserrat MS MSR 500
Morocco MA MAR 504
Mozambique MZ MOZ 508
Myanmar MM MMR 104
Namibia NA NAM 516
Nauru NR NRU 520
Nepal NP NPL 524
Netherlands NL NLD 528
Netherlands Antilles AN ANT 530
New Caledonia NC NCL 540
New Zealand NZ NZL 554
Nicaragua NI NIC 558
Niger NE NER 562
Nigeria NG NGA 566
Niue NU NIU 570
Norfolk Island NF NFK 574
Northern Mariana Islands MP MNP 580
Norway NO NOR 578
Oman OM OMN 512
Pakistan PK PAK 586
Palau PW PLW 585
Palestinian Territory PS PSE 275
Panama PA PAN 591
Papua New Guinea PG PNG 598
Paraguay PY PRY 600
Peru PE PER 604
Philippines PH PHL 608
Pitcairn PN PCN 612
Poland PL POL 616
Portugal PT PRT 620
Puerto Rico PR PRI 630
Qatar QA QAT 634
Réunion RE REU 638
Romania RO ROU 642
Russian Federation RU RUS 643
Rwanda RW RWA 646
Saint-Barthélemy BL BLM 652
Saint Helena SH SHN 654
Saint Kitts and Nevis KN KNA 659
Saint Lucia LC LCA 662
Saint-Martin (French part) MF MAF 663
Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM SPM 666
Saint Vincent and Grenadines VC VCT 670
Samoa WS WSM 882
San Marino SM SMR 674
Sao Tome and Principe ST STP 678
Saudi Arabia SA SAU 682
Senegal SN SEN 686
Serbia RS SRB 688
Seychelles SC SYC 690
Sierra Leone SL SLE 694
Singapore SG SGP 702
Slovakia SK SVK 703
Slovenia SI SVN 705
Solomon Islands SB SLB 090
Somalia SO SOM 706
South Africa ZA ZAF 710
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GS SGS 239
South Sudan SS SSD 728
Spain ES ESP 724
Sri Lanka LK LKA 144
Sudan SD SDN 736
Suriname SR SUR 740
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJ SJM 744
Swaziland SZ SWZ 748
Sweden SE SWE 752
Switzerland CH CHE 756
Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) SY SYR 760
Taiwan, Republic of China TW TWN 158
Tajikistan TJ TJK 762
Tanzania, United Republic of TZ TZA 834
Thailand TH THA 764
Timor-Leste TL TLS 626
Togo TG TGO 768
Tokelau TK TKL 772
Tonga TO TON 776
Trinidad and Tobago TT TTO 780
Tunisia TN TUN 788
Turkey TR TUR 792
Turkmenistan TM TKM 795
Turks and Caicos Islands TC TCA 796
Tuvalu TV TUV 798
Uganda UG UGA 800
Ukraine UA UKR 804
United Arab Emirates AE ARE 784
United Kingdom GB GBR 826
United States of America US USA 840
US Minor Outlying Islands UM UMI 581
Uruguay UY URY 858
Uzbekistan UZ UZB 860
Vanuatu VU VUT 548
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic) VE VEN 862
Viet Nam VN VNM 704
Virgin Islands, US VI VIR 850
Wallis and Futuna Islands WF WLF 876
Western Sahara EH ESH 732
Yemen YE YEM 887
Zambia ZM ZMB 894
Zimbabwe ZW ZWE 716
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brookston · 11 hours ago
Holidays 11.30
Argyle Day
At-Home Wellness Retreat Day
Atlantic Hurricane Season ends
Battle of Sinope Day (Russia)
Blue Beanie Day
Bonificio Day (Philippines)
Cities For Life Day
Clear Up the Clutter Day
Commemoration Day (UAE)
Commemoration Day for Jews expelled from Arab Lands & Iran
Computer Security Day (India)
Cybertruck Day
Day of Friendship
Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare
Flag Day (Bolivia; Scotland; Vietnam)
Food Bank Day (UK)
Fuel Poverty Awareness Day (UK)
International Computer Security Day [Last Workday]
International Day Against Eating Disorders
International Day of Consent
International Day of the Educating City
International Day of the Influencer
International ESG Day
International Kickboxing Day
International Moebius Syndrome Angel Day
International Sex Day
International Soccer Day
International South Asian Women’s Day
Jewish Refugees Day (a.k.a. Commemoration Day for Jews Expelled from Arab Lands and Iran)
John McCrae Day (Canada)
Judge A Book By Its Cover Day
Lost Species Day
Magal de Touba (Senegal)
Monitor Your Monitor Day
Mr. Krabs’ Day (SpongeBob)
National Christmas Tree Lighting Day
National Construction Day (Canada)
National Hashhole Day
National Heroes Day Philippines)
National Mason Jar Day
National Mate Day (Argentina)
National Methamphetamine Awareness Day
National Mississippi Day
National Personal Space Day
National Shed Day
Native Women’s Equal Pay Day 2024 ( website ) 
988 Day (Canada)
Perpetual Youth Day
Pickaxe Day (French Republic)
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Radio-Technical Troops Day (Ukraine)
Regina Mundi Day (South Africa)
Remembrance Day for Lost Species
Sfantul Andrei (Romania)
Shirley Chisholm Day (NYC)
Squirrel Hunt Day
Stay Home Because You're Well Day
Steal This Book Day
Stomach Cancer Awareness Day
Thriller Day
World Pet Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Ham and Roast Beef Night
National Mousse Day
Scotch Ale Day
Independence & Related Days
Barbados (from UK, 1966)
National Day (Dahomey renamed Benin, 1975)
Wegmat (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Yemen (from UK, 1967)
5th & Last Saturday in November
Canadian Craft Beer Day [Last Saturday]
ClauWau begins (a.k.a. Santa Claus World Championships; Switzerland) [Last Saturday]
Minnesota Pint Day (a.k.a. MN Pint Day; Minnesota) [Saturday after Black Friday]
Sandwich Saturday [Every Saturday]
Saturday after Thanksgiving (US) (a.k.a. ... 
Buy Nothing Day (UK)
Small Business Saturday
Swine Time Festival (Climax, Georgia)
Turkey Leftovers Day
Six For Saturday [Every Saturday]
Spaghetti Saturday [Every Saturday]
Splurge Saturday [Last Saturday of Each Month]
Stir-Fry Saturday [Last Saturday of Each Month]
World Day of Giving [Last Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning November 30 (4th Full Week of November)
None Known
Festivals Beginning November 30, 2024
Cavalcade of Lights (Toronto, Canada) [thru 1.7.2025]
Country Christmas Tree Lighting (Julian, California)
A Farmer’s Christmas (Dover, Delaware)
Ficksburg Cherry Festival (Ficksburg, South Africa)
Guadalajara International Book Fair (Guadalajara, Mexico) [thru 12.8]
Lighted Parade (Starbuck, Minnesota)
Night of the Proms (Dortmund, Germany)
Old Mission Peninsula Wine Trail Mac & Cheese Bake-Off (Traverse City, Michigan)
Oslo Christmas Market (Oslo, Norway) [thru 12.1]
Prague Christmas Market (Prague, Czech Republic) [thru 1.6.2025]
Tree Lighting with Santa (Brunswick, Maine)
Wassail Fest (Nacogdoches, Texas)
Winter Wonderland (Franklin, North Carolina) [thru 12.7]
Winter Wonderland (Kyiv, Ukraine) [thru 3.2.2025]
Feast Days
Adolphe William Bouguereau (Artology)
Adriaen Van De Velde (Artology)
Andrea Pozzo (Artology)
Andrea Sacchi (Artology)
Andrew (Christian; Saint) [Romania, Scotland]
Andrew the Apostle (Christian; Saint)
Andrzejki (Feast of Love Divinations; Pagan)
Bolivar (Positivist; Saint)
Cailleach (Celtic Book of Days)
Carle Hessay (Artology)
Clyfford Still (Artology)
David Mamet (Writerism)
Day to Mark the Departure and Expulsion of Jews from the Arab Countries and Iran (Israel)
Feast of Hecate (Ancient Rome)
Feast of Thaddeus and Bartholomew the Apostles (Armenian Apostolic Church)
Festival of Hecate Trivia (The Night of the Crossroads; Wicca, Neo-Pagan) [also 11.16]
Gnome Awareness Day (Pastafarian)
Jonathan Swift (Writerism)
Joseph Marchand (Christian; One of the Vietnamese Martyrs)
L.M. Montgomery (Writerism)
Mahanes, Abraham, and Simeon (Christian; Martyrs)
Margot Zemach (Artology)
Mark Twain (Writerism)
Mrs. Grand High Triangle Lover (Muppetism)
Mustache Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Narses (Christian; Saint)
Saint Andrew’s Night (Everyday Wicca)
Sam Gilliam (Artology)
Samuel Clemons Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Sapor and Isaac (Christian; Martyrs)
Sigyn’s Day (Pagan)
Squirrel-Hunt Day (Ancient England)
Vivian Lynn (Artology)
Whisp and Thread Fair (Shamanism)
Winston Churchill (Writerism)
Witch Balls Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [55 of 60]
All Hams on Deck (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1970)
Anna and the Apocalypse (Film; 2018)
Blast Off Speedier with Encyclopedia or Off to Heaven with Volume (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 324; 1964)
Blondie (Film; 1938)
Boogie Woogie Sioux (Swing Symphony Cartoon; 1942)
Breakaway, by Kelly Clarkson (Album; 2004)
Brian’s Song (TV Movie; 1971)
The Citadel, by A.J. Cronin (Novel; 1937)
Cock o’ the Walk (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Concerto for Trumpet, recorded by Harry James (Concerto; 1939)
The Conductor and Other Tales, by Jean Ferry (Short Stories; 1950)
Gandhi (Film; 1982)
Gonzales’ Tamales (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
Gopher Trouble (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1936)
The Gulag Archipelago, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Novel; 1973)
The Hare Mail (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1931)
The In-Laws, by Paul Hindemith (Opera; 1915)
Into the Unknown, by Bad Religion (Album; 1983)
In Your Face, by Fishbone (Album; 1986)
Jack’s Shack (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
The Joy of Cooking (Cookbook; 1924)
Little Boy Blue (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Live at the BBC, by The Beatles (Live Album; 1994)
Misery (Film; 1990)
Moosylvania, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 323; 1964)
The Odessa File, by Frederick Forsyth (Novel; 1972)
Red’s Dream (Pixar Cartoon; 1987)
Remembrance of Things Past, Book II: Within a Budding Grove, by Marcel Proust (Novel; 1918)
Salt Water Taffy (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
16 Candles, by The Crests (Song; 1958)
Straighten Up and Fly Right, recorded by The Nat King Cole Trio (Song; 1943)
Superstore (TV Series; 2015)
Sympathy for the Devil (a.k.a. 1+1; Documentary Music Film; 1968)
The Talented Mr. Ripley, by Patricia Highsmith (Novel; 1955)
Thriller, by Michael Jackson (Album; 1982)
Transylvania 6-5000 (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
The Wall, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1979)
Willow (TV Series; 2022)
The Women's Room, by Marilyn French (Novel; 1977)
Wool: Proper Gauge, by Hugh Howey (Novel; 2011)
Today’s Name Days
Andrea, Andreas, Volkert (Austria)
Andrei (Bulgaria)
Andrea, Andrija, Hrvoslav, Konstantin, Narcis (Croatia)
Ondřej (Czech Republic)
Andreas (Denmark)
Andi, Ando, Andre, Andreas, Andres, Andro, Andrus, Andu, Anti (Estonia)
Andreas, Antero, Antti, Atte (Finland)
André, Tugdual (France)
Andrea, Andreas, Kerstin, Volkert (Germany)
Andreas, Andrew, Andriane, Andriani (Greece)
Andor, András (Hungary)
Andrea, Clemente, Martino (Italy)
Andrejs, Andris (Latvia)
Andriejus, Andrius, Dovainė, Saugardas (Lithuania)
Anders, Andreas (Norway)
Andrzej, Justyna, Konstanty, Maura, Zbysława (Poland) Andrei (Romania)
Andrej, Ondrej (Slovakia)
Andrés (Spain)
Anders, Andreas (Sweden)
Andrew, Andriy, Vladyslava (Ukraine)
Anderson, Andra, Andre, Andrea, Andreas, Andres, Andrew, Andria, Andy, Dandre, Deandre (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 335 of 2024; 31 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of Week 48 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Yi-Hai), Day 30 (Wu-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 29 Heshvan 5785
Islamic: 28 Jumada I 1446
J Cal: 5 Black; Fryday [5 of 30]
Julian: 17 November 2024
Moon: 0%: New Moon
Positivist: 27 Frederic (12th Month) [Francia]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Autumn or Fall (Day 69 of 90)
Week: 1st Full Week of December
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 9 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 11 hours ago
Holidays 11.30
Argyle Day
At-Home Wellness Retreat Day
Atlantic Hurricane Season ends
Battle of Sinope Day (Russia)
Blue Beanie Day
Bonificio Day (Philippines)
Cities For Life Day
Clear Up the Clutter Day
Commemoration Day (UAE)
Commemoration Day for Jews expelled from Arab Lands & Iran
Computer Security Day (India)
Cybertruck Day
Day of Friendship
Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare
Flag Day (Bolivia; Scotland; Vietnam)
Food Bank Day (UK)
Fuel Poverty Awareness Day (UK)
International Computer Security Day [Last Workday]
International Day Against Eating Disorders
International Day of Consent
International Day of the Educating City
International Day of the Influencer
International ESG Day
International Kickboxing Day
International Moebius Syndrome Angel Day
International Sex Day
International Soccer Day
International South Asian Women’s Day
Jewish Refugees Day (a.k.a. Commemoration Day for Jews Expelled from Arab Lands and Iran)
John McCrae Day (Canada)
Judge A Book By Its Cover Day
Lost Species Day
Magal de Touba (Senegal)
Monitor Your Monitor Day
Mr. Krabs’ Day (SpongeBob)
National Christmas Tree Lighting Day
National Construction Day (Canada)
National Hashhole Day
National Heroes Day Philippines)
National Mason Jar Day
National Mate Day (Argentina)
National Methamphetamine Awareness Day
National Mississippi Day
National Personal Space Day
National Shed Day
Native Women’s Equal Pay Day 2024 ( website ) 
988 Day (Canada)
Perpetual Youth Day
Pickaxe Day (French Republic)
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Radio-Technical Troops Day (Ukraine)
Regina Mundi Day (South Africa)
Remembrance Day for Lost Species
Sfantul Andrei (Romania)
Shirley Chisholm Day (NYC)
Squirrel Hunt Day
Stay Home Because You're Well Day
Steal This Book Day
Stomach Cancer Awareness Day
Thriller Day
World Pet Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Ham and Roast Beef Night
National Mousse Day
Scotch Ale Day
Independence & Related Days
Barbados (from UK, 1966)
National Day (Dahomey renamed Benin, 1975)
Wegmat (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Yemen (from UK, 1967)
5th & Last Saturday in November
Canadian Craft Beer Day [Last Saturday]
ClauWau begins (a.k.a. Santa Claus World Championships; Switzerland) [Last Saturday]
Minnesota Pint Day (a.k.a. MN Pint Day; Minnesota) [Saturday after Black Friday]
Sandwich Saturday [Every Saturday]
Saturday after Thanksgiving (US) (a.k.a. ... 
Buy Nothing Day (UK)
Small Business Saturday
Swine Time Festival (Climax, Georgia)
Turkey Leftovers Day
Six For Saturday [Every Saturday]
Spaghetti Saturday [Every Saturday]
Splurge Saturday [Last Saturday of Each Month]
Stir-Fry Saturday [Last Saturday of Each Month]
World Day of Giving [Last Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning November 30 (4th Full Week of November)
None Known
Festivals Beginning November 30, 2024
Cavalcade of Lights (Toronto, Canada) [thru 1.7.2025]
Country Christmas Tree Lighting (Julian, California)
A Farmer’s Christmas (Dover, Delaware)
Ficksburg Cherry Festival (Ficksburg, South Africa)
Guadalajara International Book Fair (Guadalajara, Mexico) [thru 12.8]
Lighted Parade (Starbuck, Minnesota)
Night of the Proms (Dortmund, Germany)
Old Mission Peninsula Wine Trail Mac & Cheese Bake-Off (Traverse City, Michigan)
Oslo Christmas Market (Oslo, Norway) [thru 12.1]
Prague Christmas Market (Prague, Czech Republic) [thru 1.6.2025]
Tree Lighting with Santa (Brunswick, Maine)
Wassail Fest (Nacogdoches, Texas)
Winter Wonderland (Franklin, North Carolina) [thru 12.7]
Winter Wonderland (Kyiv, Ukraine) [thru 3.2.2025]
Feast Days
Adolphe William Bouguereau (Artology)
Adriaen Van De Velde (Artology)
Andrea Pozzo (Artology)
Andrea Sacchi (Artology)
Andrew (Christian; Saint) [Romania, Scotland]
Andrew the Apostle (Christian; Saint)
Andrzejki (Feast of Love Divinations; Pagan)
Bolivar (Positivist; Saint)
Cailleach (Celtic Book of Days)
Carle Hessay (Artology)
Clyfford Still (Artology)
David Mamet (Writerism)
Day to Mark the Departure and Expulsion of Jews from the Arab Countries and Iran (Israel)
Feast of Hecate (Ancient Rome)
Feast of Thaddeus and Bartholomew the Apostles (Armenian Apostolic Church)
Festival of Hecate Trivia (The Night of the Crossroads; Wicca, Neo-Pagan) [also 11.16]
Gnome Awareness Day (Pastafarian)
Jonathan Swift (Writerism)
Joseph Marchand (Christian; One of the Vietnamese Martyrs)
L.M. Montgomery (Writerism)
Mahanes, Abraham, and Simeon (Christian; Martyrs)
Margot Zemach (Artology)
Mark Twain (Writerism)
Mrs. Grand High Triangle Lover (Muppetism)
Mustache Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Narses (Christian; Saint)
Saint Andrew’s Night (Everyday Wicca)
Sam Gilliam (Artology)
Samuel Clemons Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Sapor and Isaac (Christian; Martyrs)
Sigyn’s Day (Pagan)
Squirrel-Hunt Day (Ancient England)
Vivian Lynn (Artology)
Whisp and Thread Fair (Shamanism)
Winston Churchill (Writerism)
Witch Balls Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [55 of 60]
All Hams on Deck (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1970)
Anna and the Apocalypse (Film; 2018)
Blast Off Speedier with Encyclopedia or Off to Heaven with Volume (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 324; 1964)
Blondie (Film; 1938)
Boogie Woogie Sioux (Swing Symphony Cartoon; 1942)
Breakaway, by Kelly Clarkson (Album; 2004)
Brian’s Song (TV Movie; 1971)
The Citadel, by A.J. Cronin (Novel; 1937)
Cock o’ the Walk (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Concerto for Trumpet, recorded by Harry James (Concerto; 1939)
The Conductor and Other Tales, by Jean Ferry (Short Stories; 1950)
Gandhi (Film; 1982)
Gonzales’ Tamales (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
Gopher Trouble (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1936)
The Gulag Archipelago, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Novel; 1973)
The Hare Mail (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1931)
The In-Laws, by Paul Hindemith (Opera; 1915)
Into the Unknown, by Bad Religion (Album; 1983)
In Your Face, by Fishbone (Album; 1986)
Jack’s Shack (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
The Joy of Cooking (Cookbook; 1924)
Little Boy Blue (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Live at the BBC, by The Beatles (Live Album; 1994)
Misery (Film; 1990)
Moosylvania, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 323; 1964)
The Odessa File, by Frederick Forsyth (Novel; 1972)
Red’s Dream (Pixar Cartoon; 1987)
Remembrance of Things Past, Book II: Within a Budding Grove, by Marcel Proust (Novel; 1918)
Salt Water Taffy (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
16 Candles, by The Crests (Song; 1958)
Straighten Up and Fly Right, recorded by The Nat King Cole Trio (Song; 1943)
Superstore (TV Series; 2015)
Sympathy for the Devil (a.k.a. 1+1; Documentary Music Film; 1968)
The Talented Mr. Ripley, by Patricia Highsmith (Novel; 1955)
Thriller, by Michael Jackson (Album; 1982)
Transylvania 6-5000 (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
The Wall, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1979)
Willow (TV Series; 2022)
The Women's Room, by Marilyn French (Novel; 1977)
Wool: Proper Gauge, by Hugh Howey (Novel; 2011)
Today’s Name Days
Andrea, Andreas, Volkert (Austria)
Andrei (Bulgaria)
Andrea, Andrija, Hrvoslav, Konstantin, Narcis (Croatia)
Ondřej (Czech Republic)
Andreas (Denmark)
Andi, Ando, Andre, Andreas, Andres, Andro, Andrus, Andu, Anti (Estonia)
Andreas, Antero, Antti, Atte (Finland)
André, Tugdual (France)
Andrea, Andreas, Kerstin, Volkert (Germany)
Andreas, Andrew, Andriane, Andriani (Greece)
Andor, András (Hungary)
Andrea, Clemente, Martino (Italy)
Andrejs, Andris (Latvia)
Andriejus, Andrius, Dovainė, Saugardas (Lithuania)
Anders, Andreas (Norway)
Andrzej, Justyna, Konstanty, Maura, Zbysława (Poland) Andrei (Romania)
Andrej, Ondrej (Slovakia)
Andrés (Spain)
Anders, Andreas (Sweden)
Andrew, Andriy, Vladyslava (Ukraine)
Anderson, Andra, Andre, Andrea, Andreas, Andres, Andrew, Andria, Andy, Dandre, Deandre (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 335 of 2024; 31 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of Week 48 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Yi-Hai), Day 30 (Wu-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 29 Heshvan 5785
Islamic: 28 Jumada I 1446
J Cal: 5 Black; Fryday [5 of 30]
Julian: 17 November 2024
Moon: 0%: New Moon
Positivist: 27 Frederic (12th Month) [Francia]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Autumn or Fall (Day 69 of 90)
Week: 1st Full Week of December
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 9 of 30)
1 note · View note
swldx · 7 days ago
BBC 0507 24 Nov 2024
9410Khz 0458 24 NOV 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from ASCENSION ISLAND. SINPO = 45233. English, s/on @0458z with Bowbells int. fb ID, pips and Newsroom preview. @0501z World News anchored by Chris Berrow. § Richer countries have pledged to give a record $300bn (£238bn) to the developing world to help them prepare for and prevent climate change. The talks at the UN climate summit COP29 in Azerbaijan ran 33 hours late, and came within inches of collapse. The head of the UN climate body, Simon Stiell, said it had “been a difficult journey, but we've delivered a deal.” But the talks failed to build on an agreement passed last year calling for nations to “transition away from fossil fuels”. Developing nations, as well as countries that are particularly vulnerable to climate change, dramatically walked out of the talks on Saturday afternoon. § Donald Trump has nominated longtime ally Brooke Rollins for secretary of agriculture, completing his cabinet roster. Her nomination marks the end of a whirlwind, and sometimes dramatic, spree of nominations to lead executive agencies. § Armed and hooded members of the Venezuelan security forces have surrounded Argentina’s embassy in Caracas, according to leaders of the country’s opposition. Six members of the opposition are currently taking refuge in the embassy, having fled there to escape a crackdown by Venezuelan authorities in the run-up to July’s presidential elections. Pedro Urruchurtu, who has been in the embassy since March and is the international coordinator for opposition leader Maria Corina Machado, wrote on X Saturday that armed hooded members of the National Police had closed off streets around the embassy. Drones were hovering above the embassy and phone signals had been cut off, he said. § Treasurer Jim Chalmers asserts government priorities are centered on child safety online amid Musk's criticisms of new legislation. Australia's government has pushed back against allegations from Elon Musk, owner of X Corp, who claimed the country is seeking to maintain control over internet access through legislation aimed at restricting children's use of social media. This was highlighted after the introduction of new legislation mandatorily banning children under the age of 16 from using popular platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and X. § British church and Christian leaders have signed a letter opposing the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill that will have its second reading on 29 November, and are asking UK Christians to do the same. “This bill, in our view, undermines the value of life and lacks the safeguards needed to protect those most at risk from being coerced into premature death”, say the Christian leaders in the letter. The bill has the support of roughly 2/3 of the overall population. § Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Saturday condemned violence and antisemitism at anti-NATO and pro-Palestinian protests in downtown Montreal on Friday night, where NATO delegates have gathered for the alliance's annual assembly. Around 300 delegates from NATO members and partner states are meeting in Montreal from Nov. 22-25. § Sports. @0506z “The Newsroom” begins. 100' (30m) of Kev-Flex wire feeding "Magic Wand" antenna hanging in backyard tree w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), JRC NRD-535D, 125kW, beamAz 27°, bearing 103°. Received at Plymouth, MN, United States, 9763KM from transmitter at Ascension Island. Local time: 2258.
0 notes
magnusrosen-blog · 11 days ago
Den 8 december skall jag fira min Bok som nu ges ut även på Engelska: The Bass of my Heart
Bok release Gullbringa golfklubbs-restaurang kl 15.00!
Adress: Kulperödsvägen 6, 442 95 Hålta
Det blir lite bubbel och snittar, lite info om boken och några basgångar.
Trevligt mingel önskas!
Hjärtligt välkommen till öppet hus denna söndag önskas av Avelibooks bokförlag, Tony & Agnetha  på Gullbringa restaurang och Magnus Rosén 
Önskas bord går det att boka på [email protected]
* Peace starts with friendship
* Make the world a better place
* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped
Jag är Ambassadör för RNS - Riksförbundet Narkotikafritt Samhälle
Magnus Rosén - Ambassador for Green Cross
P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth
Green-Cross www.green-cross.se
Jag är Ambassadör för RSK riksförbundet stoppa mäns våld mot kvinnor 
Jag är Ambassadör för ett försök till en själslig mognad
@followers @all @everyone #bahiarock @följare #baibang #volvo #unionen #
 #chalmerstekniskahögskola#e #föreläsning #lectures #argentina
#allfollowers #avelibooks #alibris #basenimitthjärta #ebs #baibang #thebassinmyheary
#proudandjoy #lillynails #magnusrosen #arko #rns 
#magnusrosen #ebs #factorbasses #hardrock
#rock #rockmusic #glamrock
0 notes
businessindustry · 1 month ago
Laser Safety Glasses Market Forecast Report, Industry Trends, Size 2024 to 2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Laser Safety Glasses Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Laser Safety Glasses Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Laser Safety Glasses Market?
The global laser safety glasses market was valued at US$ 610.1 Mn in 2023 and is expected to register a CAGR of 7.9% over the forecast period and reach US$ 1,209.5 Mn in 2032.
What are Laser Safety Glasses?                                                                                                                                                                            
Laser safety glasses are protective eyewear designed to shield the eyes from hazardous laser radiation in environments where lasers are used. Constructed with specialized lens materials and coatings, they effectively block or absorb specific laser wavelengths to prevent potential damage to the retina or cornea. Each pair is rated for Optical Density (OD) and specific wavelength ranges, offering tailored protection for various types of lasers commonly found in medical, industrial, scientific, and research applications. Essential for reducing eye injury risks, laser safety glasses provide both safety and comfort for those working with high-intensity laser equipment.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/2479
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Laser Safety Glasses industry?
The laser safety glasses market growth is driven by various factors and trends. The laser safety glasses market is witnessing substantial growth driven by heightened awareness of workplace safety and the increasing adoption of laser technologies across various sectors, including healthcare, manufacturing, research, and entertainment. As laser usage becomes more widespread, the demand for protective eyewear to prevent eye injuries has grown significantly. Advancements in lens technology and materials, along with a stronger focus on compliance with safety regulations, are contributing to market expansion. Furthermore, the rise of e-commerce and online platforms has facilitated access to a broader range of laser safety eyewear options for consumers and businesses. This market is also bolstered by ongoing educational and training initiatives aimed at promoting laser safety in workplaces, ensuring proper usage and adherence to safety standards. Hence, all these factors contribute to laser safety glasses market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Technology
Glass Laser Safety Eyewear
Polycarbonate Safety Glasses
Thin Film Glasses
Laser Protective Face Shields
Intense Pulse Light Safety Glasses
By Application
Military, Aerospace, and Defense
North America
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Rest of MEA
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Honeywell International Inc.
VS Eyewear
Thorlabs, Inc.
Univent Optical Technologies
Kentek Corporation
Laser Safety Industries
NoIR Laser Company LLC
uvex group
Phillips Safety Products, Inc.
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Laser Safety Glasses-market
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
About Us:
Reports and Insights consistently mееt international benchmarks in the market research industry and maintain a kееn focus on providing only the highest quality of reports and analysis outlooks across markets, industries, domains, sectors, and verticals. We have bееn catering to varying market nееds and do not compromise on quality and research efforts in our objective to deliver only the very best to our clients globally.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
Contact Us:
Reports and Insights Business Research Pvt. Ltd. 1820 Avenue M, Brooklyn, NY, 11230, United States Contact No: +1-(347)-748-1518 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/report-and-insights/ Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/ReportsandInsi1
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rgshgdu · 3 months ago
2024-2030: Next Generation Mobile Core Network Market Trend And Analysis
On 2024-8-27 Global Info Research released【Global Next Generation Mobile Core Network Market 2024 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030】. This report includes an overview of the development of the Next Generation Mobile Core Network industry chain, the market status of Consumer Electronics (Nickel-Zinc Ferrite Core, Mn-Zn Ferrite Core), Household Appliances (Nickel-Zinc Ferrite Core, Mn-Zn Ferrite Core), and key enterprises in developed and developing market, and analysed the cutting-edge technology, patent, hot applications and market trends of Next Generation Mobile Core Network. The Next Generation Mobile Core Network (NG Core) represents the advanced, evolving architecture designed to support the demands of 5G and future mobile networks. It builds on and significantly enhances the capabilities of previous core network generations (like 4G LTE), focusing on improving performance, flexibility, and efficiency. According to our (Global Info Research) latest study, the global Next Generation Mobile Core Network market size was valued at US$ 552720 million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 1140850 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 10.2% during review period.
This report is a detailed and comprehensive analysis for global Next Generation Mobile Core Network market. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are presented by company, by region & country, by Type and by Application. As the market is constantly changing, this report explores the competition, supply and demand trends, as well as key factors that contribute to its changing demands across many markets. Company profiles and product examples of selected competitors, along with market share estimates of some of the selected leaders for the year 2024, are provided. Market segment by Type: Service、Hardware Market segment by Application:Media Entertainment、Smart Energy、Industrial Manufacturing、Smart Medical、Smart Transportation、Others Major players covered: China Mobile、Deutsche Telekom、AT&T、Verizon、China Unicom、Huawei、Telefónica、Ericsson、Nokia、Vodafone Group、NTT DoCoMo、Orange、Samsung、ZTE、SK Telecom、Qualcomm、Cisco、Intel、LG
Market segment by region, regional analysis covers: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia),South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Rest of South America),Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa). The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Next Generation Mobile Core Network product scope, market overview, market estimation caveats and base year. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Next Generation Mobile Core Network, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Next Generation Mobile Core Network from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 3, the Next Generation Mobile Core Network competitive situation, sales quantity, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Next Generation Mobile Core Network breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales quantity, consumption value and growth by regions, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 5 and 6, to segment the sales by Type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales quantity, consumption value and market share for key countries in the world, from 2017 to 2023.and Next Generation Mobile Core Network market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2025 to 2030. Chapter 12, market dynamics, drivers, restraints, trends and Porters Five Forces analysis. Chapter 13, the key raw materials and key suppliers, and industry chain of Next Generation Mobile Core Network. Chapter 14 and 15, to describe Next Generation Mobile Core Network sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion.
Data Sources:
Via authorized organizations:customs statistics, industrial associations, relevant international societies, and academic publications etc.
Via trusted Internet sources.Such as industry news, publications on this industry, annual reports of public companies, Bloomberg Business, Wind Info, Hoovers, Factiva (Dow Jones & Company), Trading Economics, News Network, Statista, Federal Reserve Economic Data, BIS Statistics, ICIS, Companies House Documentsm, investor presentations, SEC filings of companies, etc.
Via interviews. Our interviewees includes manufacturers, related companies, industry experts, distributors, business (sales) staff, directors, CEO, marketing executives, executives from related industries/organizations, customers and raw material suppliers to obtain the latest information on the primary market;
Via data exchange. We have been consulting in this industry for 16 years and have collaborations with the players in this field. Thus, we get access to (part of) their unpublished data, by exchanging with them the data we have.
From our partners.We have information agencies as partners and they are located worldwide, thus we get (or purchase) the latest data from them.
Via our long-term tracking and gathering of data from this industry.We have a database that contains history data regarding the market.
Global Info Research is a company that digs deep into global industry information to support enterprises with market strategies and in-depth market development analysis reports. We provides market information consulting services in the global region to support enterprise strategic planning and official information reporting, and focuses on customized research, management consulting, IPO consulting, industry chain research, database and top industry services. At the same time, Global Info Research is also a report publisher, a customer and an interest-based suppliers, and is trusted by more than 30,000 companies around the world. We will always carry out all aspects of our business with excellent expertise and experience.
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gireportstory · 3 months ago
2024-2030: Electrical Digital Twin System Market Size And Forecast
On 2024-8-19 Global Info Research released【Global Electrical Digital Twin System Market 2024 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030】. This report includes an overview of the development of the Electrical Digital Twin System industry chain, the market status of Consumer Electronics (Nickel-Zinc Ferrite Core, Mn-Zn Ferrite Core), Household Appliances (Nickel-Zinc Ferrite Core, Mn-Zn Ferrite Core), and key enterprises in developed and developing market, and analysed the cutting-edge technology, patent, hot applications and market trends of Electrical Digital Twin System. According to our (Global Info Research) latest study, the global Electrical Digital Twin System market size was valued at USD 2086.2 million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 4628.8 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 12.1% during review period.
Electrical Digital Twin System is a near-real-time digital image about the historical and current behaviour of a physical object or process that helps optimize business performance. Digital twins exist at the nexus of physical engineering, data science, and machine learning, and their value translates directly to measurable business outcomes—reduced asset downtime and maintenance costs, improved plant and factory efficiency, reduced cycle times, and increased market agility.
Global key players of electrical digital twin system include General Electric, PTC, Siemens, etc. The top three players hold a share about 51%. North America is the largest market, has a share about 54%, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific, with share 39% and 7%, separately.
The Global Info Research report includes an overview of the development of the Electrical Digital Twin System industry chain, the market status of Aerospace and Defense (System Twin, Process Twin), Automotive and Transportation (System Twin, Process Twin), and key enterprises in developed and developing market, and analysed the cutting-edge technology, patent, hot applications and market trends of Electrical Digital Twin System. Regionally, the report analyzes the Electrical Digital Twin System markets in key regions. North America and Europe are experiencing steady growth, driven by government initiatives and increasing consumer awareness. Asia-Pacific, particularly China, leads the global Electrical Digital Twin System market, with robust domestic demand, supportive policies, and a strong manufacturing base. Market segment by Type: System Twin、Process Twin、Asset Twin Market segment by Application:Aerospace and Defense、Automotive and Transportation、Machine Manufacturing、Energy and Utilities、Others Major players covered: General Electric、PTC、Siemens、Dassault Systèmes、IBM Corporation、ANSYS、Microsoft Corporation、Oracle Corporation、Accenture (Mackevision)、SAP、AVEVA Group (Schneider Electric)、Bentley Systems、ABB、ETAP、Emerson
Market segment by region, regional analysis covers: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia),South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Rest of South America),Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa). The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Electrical Digital Twin System product scope, market overview, market estimation caveats and base year. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Electrical Digital Twin System, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Electrical Digital Twin System from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 3, the Electrical Digital Twin System competitive situation, sales quantity, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Electrical Digital Twin System breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales quantity, consumption value and growth by regions, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 5 and 6, to segment the sales by Type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales quantity, consumption value and market share for key countries in the world, from 2017 to 2023.and Electrical Digital Twin System market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2025 to 2030. Chapter 12, market dynamics, drivers, restraints, trends and Porters Five Forces analysis. Chapter 13, the key raw materials and key suppliers, and industry chain of Electrical Digital Twin System. Chapter 14 and 15, to describe Electrical Digital Twin System sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion.
Data Sources:
Via authorized organizations:customs statistics, industrial associations, relevant international societies, and academic publications etc.
Via trusted Internet sources.Such as industry news, publications on this industry, annual reports of public companies, Bloomberg Business, Wind Info, Hoovers, Factiva (Dow Jones & Company), Trading Economics, News Network, Statista, Federal Reserve Economic Data, BIS Statistics, ICIS, Companies House Documentsm, investor presentations, SEC filings of companies, etc.
Via interviews. Our interviewees includes manufacturers, related companies, industry experts, distributors, business (sales) staff, directors, CEO, marketing executives, executives from related industries/organizations, customers and raw material suppliers to obtain the latest information on the primary market;
Via data exchange. We have been consulting in this industry for 16 years and have collaborations with the players in this field. Thus, we get access to (part of) their unpublished data, by exchanging with them the data we have.
From our partners.We have information agencies as partners and they are located worldwide, thus we get (or purchase) the latest data from them.
Via our long-term tracking and gathering of data from this industry.We have a database that contains history data regarding the market.
Global Info Research is a company that digs deep into global industry information to support enterprises with market strategies and in-depth market development analysis reports. We provides market information consulting services in the global region to support enterprise strategic planning and official information reporting, and focuses on customized research, management consulting, IPO consulting, industry chain research, database and top industry services. At the same time, Global Info Research is also a report publisher, a customer and an interest-based suppliers, and is trusted by more than 30,000 companies around the world. We will always carry out all aspects of our business with excellent expertise and experience.
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giresearch · 4 months ago
Specialty Gases for FPD Market Analysis, Demand, Trends and Forecast 2030
On 2024-8-8 Global Info Research released【Global Specialty Gases for FPD Market 2024 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030】. This report includes an overview of the development of the Specialty Gases for FPD industry chain, the market status of Consumer Electronics (Nickel-Zinc Ferrite Core, Mn-Zn Ferrite Core), Household Appliances (Nickel-Zinc Ferrite Core, Mn-Zn Ferrite Core), and key enterprises in developed and developing market, and analysed the cutting-edge technology, patent, hot applications and market trends of Specialty Gases for FPD. According to our (Global Info Research) latest study, the global Specialty Gases for FPD market size was valued at US$ 984 million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 1527 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 7.1% during review period. This report is a detailed and comprehensive analysis for global Specialty Gases for FPD market. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are presented by company, by region & country, by Type and by Application. As the market is constantly changing, this report explores the competition, supply and demand trends, as well as key factors that contribute to its changing demands across many markets. Company profiles and product examples of selected competitors, along with market share estimates of some of the selected leaders for the year 2024, are provided. Market segment by Type: CVD Gas、Deposition Gas、Ion Implantation Gas、Etching Gas、Laser Gas Market segment by Application:LCD、OLED、LED Major players covered: SK specialty、Merck (Versum Materials)、Taiyo Nippon Sanso、Linde plc、Kanto Denka Kogyo、Hyosung、PERIC、Resonac、Solvay、Nippon Sanso、Air Liquide、Air Products、Foosung Co Ltd、Jiangsu Yoke Technology、Jinhong Gas、Linggas、Mitsui Chemical、ChemChina、Shandong FeiYuan、Guangdong Huate Gas、Central Glass、Jiangsu Nata Opto-electronic Material、Hunan Kaimeite Gases
Market segment by region, regional analysis covers: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia),South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Rest of South America),Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa). The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Specialty Gases for FPD product scope, market overview, market estimation caveats and base year. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Specialty Gases for FPD, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Specialty Gases for FPD from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 3, the Specialty Gases for FPD competitive situation, sales quantity, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Specialty Gases for FPD breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales quantity, consumption value and growth by regions, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 5 and 6, to segment the sales by Type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales quantity, consumption value and market share for key countries in the world, from 2017 to 2023.and Specialty Gases for FPD market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2025 to 2030. Chapter 12, market dynamics, drivers, restraints, trends and Porters Five Forces analysis. Chapter 13, the key raw materials and key suppliers, and industry chain of Specialty Gases for FPD. Chapter 14 and 15, to describe Specialty Gases for FPD sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion.
Data Sources:
Via authorized organizations:customs statistics, industrial associations, relevant international societies, and academic publications etc.
Via trusted Internet sources.Such as industry news, publications on this industry, annual reports of public companies, Bloomberg Business, Wind Info, Hoovers, Factiva (Dow Jones & Company), Trading Economics, News Network, Statista, Federal Reserve Economic Data, BIS Statistics, ICIS, Companies House Documentsm, investor presentations, SEC filings of companies, etc.
Via interviews. Our interviewees includes manufacturers, related companies, industry experts, distributors, business (sales) staff, directors, CEO, marketing executives, executives from related industries/organizations, customers and raw material suppliers to obtain the latest information on the primary market;
Via data exchange. We have been consulting in this industry for 16 years and have collaborations with the players in this field. Thus, we get access to (part of) their unpublished data, by exchanging with them the data we have.
From our partners.We have information agencies as partners and they are located worldwide, thus we get (or purchase) the latest data from them.
Via our long-term tracking and gathering of data from this industry.We have a database that contains history data regarding the market.
Global Info Research is a company that digs deep into global industry information to support enterprises with market strategies and in-depth market development analysis reports. We provides market information consulting services in the global region to support enterprise strategic planning and official information reporting, and focuses on customized research, management consulting, IPO consulting, industry chain research, database and top industry services. At the same time, Global Info Research is also a report publisher, a customer and an interest-based suppliers, and is trusted by more than 30,000 companies around the world. We will always carry out all aspects of our business with excellent expertise and experience.
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trastornadosrevista · 4 months ago
La emblemática banda de rock The Smashing Pumpkins, ganadora de dos premios GRAMMY®, lanza su nuevo álbum Aghori Mhori Mei. El álbum llega en medio de la exitosa gira internacional de la banda, que se encuentra actualmente visitando Norteamérica y seguirá con importantes actuaciones en Latinoamérica. 
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The World is a Vampire Tour será la ocasión perfecta para vibrar con los éxitos legendarios, reversiones y los nuevos temas de su reciente álbum.
El paso por Argentina será el 5 de noviembre en el Movistar Arena de Buenos Aires. Para este esperado tour internacional la agrupación anunció que se presentará con su emblemática formación original. Las entradas se puede comprar a través de www.movistararena.com.ar
La última vez que la agrupación liderada por Billy Corgan se presentó en la Argentina fue en el año 2015, en el marco del Lollapalooza. Previamente habían electrizado al público en el 2010 con un show en el Estadio Luna Park y en 1998 en el Parque Sarmiento en lo que fue su primera presentación en el país.
Si pensamos en una agrupación que desafió la música y los mandatos impuestos sin lugar a dudas debemos pensar en The Smashing Pumpkins. Una máquina compositiva que impactó de lleno en la escena mundial allá por los 80 y que marcó a varias generaciones de artistas y público. En una industria donde todo parece ir tan rápido, hay pilares que sostienen el universo musical y esta leyenda estadounidense es uno de ellos.
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Aghori Mhori Mei, la decimotercera recopilación de The Smashing Pumpkins hasta la fecha, es un contundente y sombrío regreso a la forma de los miembros originales de Smashing Pumpkins, Jimmy Chamberlin, James Iha y Billy Corgan. El nuevo álbum se remonta al canon de la banda de principios de los 90, en el que predominaban las guitarras, el bajo, la batería y las voces agudas, y continúa la prolífica racha que el líder Billy Corgan inició hace una década. 
El año pasado, la banda publicó el tercer y último acto de su extensa y aventurera ópera rock ATUM, continuación de Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness (1995) y Machina/The Machines Of God (2000). Mientras que algunos artistas podrían tomarse un respiro después de un aclamado y ambicioso triple álbum, Corgan volvió directamente al estudio para escribir, producir y grabar este nuevo trabajo de 10 pistas. Tan vital y vibrante como siempre como compositor, Corgan había prometido rápidamente una continuación para 2024 en el horizonte, que sirve como el último giro en el cuidadoso compromiso con la forma de presentar su arte. La banda completó la grabación de Aghori Mhori Mei en medio de un extenso calendario de giras a lo largo de los últimos años. 
"En la composición de este nuevo álbum me intrigó el trillado axioma de 'no puedes volver a casa'", comenta Corgan. "Que personalmente he encontrado cierto en la forma, pero pensé bueno, ¿y si lo intentamos de todos modos? No tanto mirando hacia atrás con sentimentalismo, sino más bien como un medio para avanzar; para ver si en el equilibrio del éxito y el fracaso nuestra forma de hacer música circa 1990-1996 todavía inspiraría algo revelador."
Aghori Mhori Mei Tracklist:
1.) Edin
2.) Pentagrams
3.) Sighommi
4.) Pentecost
5.) War Dreams Of Itself
6.) Who Goes There
7.) 999
8.) Goeth The Fall
9.) Sicarus
10.) Murnau
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*The Saviors Tour with Green Day
 8/3 – Montreal, Quebec – Osheaga Festival^
8/4 – Bangor, ME – Maine Savings Bank Amphitheatre
8/5 – New York, NY – Citi Field*
8/7 – Boston, MA – Fenway Park*
8/9 – Philadelphia, PA – Citizens Bank Park*
8/10 – Hershey, PA – HersheyPark Stadium*
8/13 – Chicago, IL – Wrigley Field*
8/14 – Kansas City, MO – Starlight Theatre
8/16 – Springfield, IL - Illinois State Fair
8/17 – Minneapolis, MN – Target Field*
8/18 – Sioux City, IA – Battery Park
8/20 – Des Moines, IA – Vibrant Music Hall
8/21 – St. Louis, MO – Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre
8/22 – Cincinnati, OH – Great American Ballpark*
8/24 – Milwaukee, WI – American Family Field*
8/27 - Simpsonville, SC - CCNB Amphitheatre at Heritage Park
8/28 – Atlanta, GA – Truist Park*
8/30 – Nashville, TN – Geodis Park*
9/1 – Pittsburgh, PA – PNC Park*
9/4 – Detroit, MI – Comerica Park*
9/7 – Denver, CO – Coors Field*
9/10 – Southaven, MS – BankPlus Amphitheatre at Snowden Grove
9/11 – Arlington, TX – Globe Life Field*
9/14 – Los Angeles, CA – SoFi Stadium*
9/18 – Phoenix, AZ – Chase Field*
9/20 – San Francisco, CA – Oracle Park*
9/21 – Reno, NV – Grand Sierra Resort
9/23 – Seattle, WA – T-Mobile Park*
9/24 – Airway Heights, WA – BECU Live at Northern Quest
9/25 – Portland, OR – Providence Park*
9/27 – Las Vegas, NV – BleauLive Theater inside Fontainebleau Las Vegas at Fontainebleau
9/28 – San Diego, CA – Petco Park*
11/1 – Brasilia, Brazil – Arena BRB
11/3 – São Paulo, Brazil – Espaço Unimed
11/5 – Buenos Aires, Argentina – Movistar Arena
11/10 – Lima, Peru – Estadio Nacional
11/12 – Quito, Ecuador - Coliseo General Rumiñahui
11/14 – Bogota, Colombia – Movistar Arena 
11/16 – San Jose, Costa Rica – Parque Viva
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downincmi · 6 months ago
Citrus Pectin Market Growth: Opportunities Ahead
Citrus Pectin Market is increasing consumption by food and beverages sector
Market overview: Citrus pectin is a high-molecular-weight polysaccharide substance obtained from the rinds of citrus fruits like oranges and lemons. It is widely used as a gelling agent and stabilizer in food products to increase their viscosity with a low-calorie count. Citrus pectin helps confer desirable texture and consistency to foods and beverages. It improves suspension properties, emulsion stability, and gel formation in various food items including jams, jellies, dairy products, confectionery, and beverages. The Global Citrus Pectin Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 580.6 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.6% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Key takeaways
Key players operating in the Citrus Pectin market are Herbstreith & Fox GmbH, Cargill Inc., CP Kelco, DSM Andre Pectin, Silvateam S.p.A, DuPont de Nemoursm Inc., Naturex A.G., Compañía Española de Algas Marinas S.A. (CEAMSA), and Krishna Pectins Pvt. Ltd. The increasing application of citrus pectin in various food industries like dairy, confectionery, and beverages is driving the market growth. The rising demand for convenience and functional food products is also propelling the consumption of citrus pectin. Most market players are focusing on expanding their production facilities globally to cater to the growing product demand from different countries. Market key trends
One of the key trends witnessed in the citrus pectin market is the introduction of innovative product formulations by various manufacturers. Citrus pectin is being employed to develop new types of gelling agents, stabilizing solutions, and texturizing ingredients for the food industry. Its unique gelling and thickening properties allow food companies to come up with novel textures and versatile formulations. Additionally, the rising demand for all-natural and clean label foods is increasing the utility of citrus pectin as it is procured from citrus fruits without any chemical additives. More market players are focusing on organic and non-GMO citrus pectin production to leverage on this trend.
Porter’s Analysis
Threat of new entrants: Low cost barriers and availability of raw materials has led to threat of new players entering the market and increasing competition. Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have high bargaining power owing to availability of substitutes and undifferentiated nature of product. Bargaining power of suppliers: A few key companies control global supply of citrus pectin making suppliers have significant influence over pricing. Threat of new substitutes: Alternatives like gums, starches act as substitutes but citrus pectin is preferred for its functional properties in various applications. Competitive rivalry: Strong competition exists amongst existing players to cater growing demand and capture greater market share. Geographical Regions North America holds the largest market share presently due to high demand from food and beverage industry in the region. Rising health consciousness is driving consumption of functional foods utilizing citrus pectin. Asia Pacific is emerging as the fastest growing regional market backed by growing middle class population, rising disposable incomes and shifting diet patterns. China, India are demonstrating high growth potential country markets. Geographical Regions Europe currently accounts for significant value share led by Germany, France, UK. Established food processing industry and adoption of healthier lifestyle is sustaining demand. South America and Middle East too offer lucrative prospects fueled by increasing food processing activities and economy expansions underway in key nations like Brazil, Argentina, Turkey. Porter’s Analysis Threat of new entrants: Low barriers enables ease of market entry but scale and relationships give incumbents edge over newcomers. Bargaining power of buyers: Large buyers can negotiate lower prices but variety of uses maintains supplier bargaining power. Bargaining power of suppliers: Few suppliers exist but differentiation of supply chains caps influence over market leader pricing. Threat of new substitutes: Alternatives serve some needs but none completely replace citrus pectin functions across applications. Competitive rivalry: Leaders continually invest in technology & sourcing to improve quality and customer service retaining market share. Geographical Regions North America holds largest value share with U.S. as major consumer market. Growth stems from functional foods sector. Asia Pacific shows strongest gains led by China, India employing citrus pectin in burgeoning food processing industries catering rising incomes. Europe accounts for major portion with Germany, U.K., France at forefront of regional market. Functional ingrediants see mounting demand.
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csspanish4blog · 7 months ago
La Falta de Diversidad en el Cine Español
¡Hola mis amigos! Hoy, me sumergiré en el tema de la falta de diversidad y estereotipos en el cine español. La representación de la diversidad en el cine español ha sido un tema de discusión y reflexión en los últimos años. Aunque España es un país con una población diversa, donde vive un 11.34% de población migrante, la representación de esta diversidad en la industria cinematográfica ha sido limitada. Esta falta de diversidad afecta la representación cultural y la inclusión, y también refleja las desigualdades y prejuicios en la sociedad española. La diversidad no solo representa una variedad de rostros en pantalla, sino también captura historias diversas que representan las experiencias y realidades de las diferentes comunidades. 
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Dado que la falta de diversidad y los estereotipos de los grupos étnicos en la industria cinematográfica española, se ha intentado mejorar la situación. “The Black View” se aburre como consecuencia de los problemas. “The Black View” es una plataforma para mejorar la visibilidad de los actores negros y ofrecer herraminetas para avanzar hacia una integración. Es un espacio para formar nuevos talentos, pero también para dar charlas en productoras y escuelas de guión, representar sus propias obras y colaborar con otras organizaciones internacionales. El fundador de la organización, un actor se llama Armando Buika, el primer paso fue contar con apoyo institucional. Por lo que, Buika propuso que un actor negro presentara un premio en la gala de los Goya. Luego, Santiago Zannou recibió una llamada para presentar uno de los premios. Fue el primer afrodescendiente en subir al escenario de los premios como presentador. 
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En conclusión, hay todavía un largo camino hacia lograr una verdadera diversidad e inclusión en la industria cinematográfica española. Recomiendo que nosotros apoyemos y promovamos iniciativas que fomenten la diversidad y la inclusión en la producción cinematográfica. 
Muchas gracias por leer nuestros blogs. Espero que hayas aprendido algo interesante o importante en estas entradas, y deseo que contribuya a que la industria cinematográfica española sea más inclusiva y representativa de la diversa sociedad  española. Si le interesa el medio ambiente y el cambio climático, recomiendo el blog de Heidi y Ellie. Ellas hablan sobre las cuestiones medioambientales en Argentina, por ejemplo deforestación. Gracias. 
https://www.facebook.com/actoresnegrostheblackview/photos/?paipv=0&eav=AfYFkArMLkCXjGE30B8aBTmupm83IPjyY11RKV3i-T1Kb7zKAiw_Rhv8md9V-RKNjKk&_rdr (foto)
https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/la-et-mn-latino-stereotypes-20170428-htmlstory.html (foto)
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