#argentina dogo
sheikh-n-bake2 · 1 month
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Lola snd keke
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smitukey · 7 months
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Dogo Argentino was bred in the early 20th century in Córdoba in central Argentina, primarily for hunting large game. Despite its tough nature, it is a loving, loyal, and demonstrative companion that likes close contact.
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kanej-jabin · 1 year
World's Biggest and Strongest Dog: Can Defeat Any Beast"
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Dogs are our best friends because they are loyal and cuddly and ensure our safety. Our day's tiredness and frustrations wash away in an instant when we spend time with our pet dog. But there are some dogs, who are quite strong compared to other animals. These dogs are mainly used for hunting, guarding, or herding. They can be very dangerous to wild animals, and they can defeat even the most ferocious wild animals
The Dogo Argentino: A Fearless and Versatile Canine Companion
The Dogo Argentino, often referred to as the Argentine Mastiff, is a striking and powerful breed known for its impressive physical characteristics, unwavering loyalty, and versatility. Originating in Argentina, this breed was initially bred for√
and later evolved into a loving and protective family companion. In this article, we will delve into the world of Dogo Argentinos, exploring their history, distinctive traits, and their role as both formidable hunters and cherished pets.
Origin and History
The Dogo Argentino was developed in the early 20th century by Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez and his brother Agustin. The breed's creation involved a mix of various dog breeds, including the Cordoba Fighting Dog (now extinct), the Great Dane, the Boxer, and the Spanish Mastiff, among others. The primary goal was to create a breed capable of hunting large game, such as wild boar and puma, in the rugged Argentine wilderness.
Physical Characteristics
Dogo Argentinos are known for their striking appearance and powerful build:
Size: These dogs are large and muscular, with males typically standing between 24 to 27 inches (61-69 cm) at the shoulder and weighing between 80 to 100 pounds (36-45 kg).
Coat: They have a short, smooth, and dense coat that is entirely white. This stark white coat not only adds to their imposing presence but also helps hunters distinguish them from their prey in the field.
Head: Dogo Argentinos have broad, slightly domed heads with strong jaws and a black nose. Their expressive almond-shaped eyes are dark and soulful.
Ears: Their ears are traditionally cropped and stand erect, although many countries now ban this practice due to animal welfare concerns.
Tail: The tail is typically long and thick, tapering to a point. It is usually carried low at rest.Red More...
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largemouthbassnation · 2 months
Dogo Argentino cazando Puma
The Dogo Argentino is a large, white, muscular dog that was developed in Argentina primarily for the purpose of big-game hunting … source
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veticpetvetcare · 3 months
Extinct and Endangered Dog Breeds: A Look into Canine History
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Dogs have been our loyal companions for thousands of years, but not all breeds have stood the test of time. Some have vanished from the earth, while others teeter on the brink of extinction. This blog explores the fascinating history of extinct and endangered dog breeds, shedding light on the reasons behind their decline and their current status. Pet parents, enthusiasts, and those curious about the rich tapestry of canine heritage will find this journey through time both informative and engaging.
The bond between humans and dogs dates back to prehistoric times. Throughout history, dogs have been bred for various purposes, including hunting, herding, guarding, and companionship. However, changes in human lifestyles, economic shifts, and other factors have led to the decline of some breeds. This blog delves into the stories of these breeds, providing insights into why they disappeared or became endangered and what can be done to preserve those that remain.
Understanding Extinction and Endangerment
Extinct Breeds: These are those that no longer exist. These breeds have vanished due to various factors, including changing human needs, lack of breeding, and sometimes targeted eradication.
Endangered Breeds: These are those that are at risk of becoming extinct. These breeds have meager population numbers, often due to reduced demand, loss of habitat, or competition with more popular breeds.
Extinct Dog Breeds
The St. John's Water Dog
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History and Origin
The St. John's Water Dog, also known as the Lesser Newfoundland, originated in Newfoundland, Canada. These dogs were known for their excellent swimming ability and were used by fishermen to retrieve nets and lines from the water.
Reasons for Extinction
Crossbreeding: Crossbreeding with other dogs led to the dilution of the breed.
Decline in Demand: As modern fishing techniques evolved, the need for water dogs diminished.
Lack of Preservation Efforts: There was little effort to preserve the breed as its utility declined.
The St. John's Water Dog is considered an ancestor of modern retrievers like the Labrador and the Golden Retriever.
The Cordoba Fighting Dog
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History and Origin
The Cordoba Fighting Dog originated in Argentina and was bred specifically for dogfighting. They were known for their aggression, strength, and tenacity.
Reasons for Extinction
Dogfighting Bans: As dogfighting became illegal, the demand for these dogs decreased.
Temperament Issues: Their aggressive nature made them unsuitable as pets.
Crossbreeding: Crossbreeding with other breeds to create more manageable dogs contributed to their decline.
The Dogo Argentino was developed using the Cordoba Fighting Dog as one of its foundation breeds.
Endangered Dog Breeds
The Otterhound
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History and Origin
The Otterhound, originating from England, was bred for hunting otters. They have a keen sense of smell and are excellent swimmers.
Reasons for Endangerment
The decline in Otter Hunting: Laws protecting otters and the decline in otter hunting have reduced the demand for Otterhounds.
Lack of Awareness: Few people know this breed, leading to low breeding numbers.
Competition: More popular breeds have overshadowed the Otterhound.
Current Condition
There are only a few hundred Otterhounds left worldwide. Efforts are being made by breed clubs and enthusiasts to increase their numbers.
The Azawakh
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History and Origin
The Azawakh is a sighthound from the Sahel region of Africa. They were used by nomadic tribes for hunting and guarding.
Reasons for Endangerment
Changing Lifestyles: The nomadic way of life is declining, reducing the need for these dogs.
Lack of Recognition: Limited recognition by major kennel clubs affects their popularity.
Limited Breeding: Few breeders are working with Azawakhs, leading to low population numbers.
Current Condition
The Azawakh is considered endangered, with efforts underway to promote the breed and increase its numbers.
The Skye Terrier
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History and Origin
The Skye Terrier, from the Isle of Skye in Scotland, was bred for hunting vermin. They are known for their long, flowing coat and loyalty.
Reasons for Endangerment
Changing Roles: The decline in demand for hunting dogs has impacted their numbers.
Grooming Needs: Their long coat requires extensive grooming, which deters potential owners.
Competition: More popular and easier-to-care-for breeds have overshadowed the Skye Terrier.
Current Condition
The Skye Terrier is listed as endangered, with breed clubs and enthusiasts working to preserve it.
Conservation Efforts
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Breed Clubs and Organizations
Breed clubs play a crucial role in preserving endangered breeds. They maintain breed standards, organize events, and promote awareness.
Responsible Breeding
Responsible breeding practices ensure genetic diversity and health in endangered breeds. This includes avoiding inbreeding and promoting healthy breeding pairs.
Education and Awareness
Educating the public about the importance of preserving endangered breeds can increase demand and support for these dogs.
Adoption and Ownership
Encouraging pet parents to consider adopting endangered breeds can help increase their numbers. Prospective owners should be educated about the breed's needs and characteristics.
Government and NGO Support
Government and non-governmental organizations can support conservation efforts through funding, research, and policy-making.
The history of extinct and endangered dog breeds is a testament to the ever-changing relationship between humans and their canine companions. While some breeds have vanished forever, others teeter on the edge of extinction, relying on dedicated breed enthusiasts and conservation efforts to survive. As pet parents, being aware of these breeds and supporting preservation efforts can make a significant difference. By appreciating and caring for these unique dogs, we honor the rich and diverse legacy of our loyal friends.
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mundomascotil · 10 months
Cómo cuidar a un dogo argentino
Cómo cuidar a un dogo argentino
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El dogo argentino es una raza de perro grande y poderoso originario de Argentina. Son conocidos por su lealtad, valentía y habilidades como perros de caza. Si estás considerando tener un dogo argentino como mascota, es importante que estés preparado para cuidar de sus necesidades específicas. En este artículo, te proporcionaremos una guía completa sobre […] https://mundomascotil.com/como-cuidar-a-un-dogo-argentino/
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orsassur5 · 5 months
Dogo Argentino: O Legado da Argentina para o Mundo - Uma Investigação Profunda sobre a Raça Canina
Na vasta paisagem das raças caninas, o Dogo Argentino se destaca como um embaixador do orgulho e da tradição da Argentina. Nesta reportagem analítica investigativa, vamos explorar as origens, características e a influência global desta impressionante raça, que deixou uma marca indelével no mundo dos cães de caça, guarda e companhia.
**Origens Históricas:**
O Dogo Argentino tem suas raízes na Argentina do século XX, onde foi desenvolvido por Antonio Nores Martinez e seus irmãos com o objetivo de criar um cão versátil e corajoso para uma variedade de tarefas, incluindo caça, proteção e companhia. Sua linhagem inclui várias raças, como Mastiff, Bull Terrier e Bulldog, resultando em um cão forte, atlético e determinado.
**Características Distintivas:**
Com sua aparência poderosa e atlética, o Dogo Argentino irradia confiança e nobreza. Sua pelagem branca imaculada e sua musculatura bem definida destacam sua presença imponente, enquanto sua expressão serena e alerta revela sua inteligência e determinação.
**Versatilidade e Adaptabilidade:**
Uma das características mais marcantes do Dogo Argentino é sua versatilidade. Ele é conhecido por sua capacidade de se adaptar a uma variedade de funções, incluindo caça de grande porte, proteção de propriedades e famílias, além de ser um companheiro leal e afetuoso. Sua disposição corajosa e leal o torna um parceiro valioso em uma variedade de atividades ao ar livre e esportes caninos.
**Influência Global:**
Ao longo das décadas, o Dogo Argentino ganhou admiradores em todo o mundo, tornando-se uma raça popular entre proprietários que valorizam sua combinação única de beleza, força e temperamento equilibrado. Ele é amplamente reconhecido como um excelente cão de guarda e proteção, bem como um companheiro amoroso e devotado para sua família.
**Desafios Contemporâneos e Preservação da Raça:**
Apesar de sua popularidade, o Dogo Argentino enfrenta desafios no mundo moderno, incluindo preocupações com saúde genética, legislação de cães perigosos e a preservação de sua linhagem pura. Criadores e entusiastas trabalham diligentemente para garantir que a raça continue a prosperar e a ser valorizada por suas qualidades excepcionais.
O Dogo Argentino, o legado da Argentina para o mundo, continua a ser uma figura reverenciada e respeitada no universo dos cães de caça, guarda e companhia. Sua história rica, características distintivas e influência global destacam sua importância como uma das raças caninas mais impressionantes e versáteis do mundo. Enquanto enfrenta desafios no mundo moderno, o legado do Dogo Argentino como um guardião corajoso e um amigo leal perdurará, garantindo sua posição como uma raça verdadeiramente notável na história canina.
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rainsmediaradio · 1 year
Most Dangerous Dog Breed In The World Part 2
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Most Dangerous Dog Breed In The World The world is filled with diverse and fascinating dog breeds, each possessing its own unique traits and qualities. However, among them, there are a few breeds that have garnered a reputation for being particularly formidable. In this intriguing discussion, we delve into the topic of the "Most Dangerous Dog Breed in the World." Through a careful examination of their characteristics, history, and societal perceptions, we aim to shed light on these breeds and explore the reasons behind their notoriety. Join us as we embark on a journey to better understand these fascinating canines and challenge common misconceptions surrounding them. KANGAL SHEPHERD The Kangal Shepherd Dog is a traditional Turkish breed of large livestock guardian dog. The coat colour varies from pale fawn to wolf grey, always with a black mask. It is kept with flocks of sheep to fend off wolves and other predators. Height: 63-80cm
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SAINT BERNARD It is a breed of very large working dog from the Western Alps in Italy and Switzerland. They were originally bred for rescue work. The breed has become famous through tales of Alpine rescues, as well as for its large size, and gentle temperament Height: 65-90cm
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SIBERIAN HUSKY The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized working sled dog breed & belongs to the Spitz genetic family. It is recognizable by its thickly furred double coat, erect triangular ears, & distinctive markings. It is an active, energetic, resilient breed Height: 51-60cm
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ALASKAN MALAMUTE The Alaskan Malamute is a large breed of dog that was originally bred for its strength and endurance, to haul heavy freight as a sled dog, and as a hound. It is similar to other arctic breeds such as the husky, the spitz & some others. Height: 64cm 10-14yrs
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DOGO ARGENTINO The Dogo Argentino is an Argentine breed of large dog of mastiff type. It was bred in the early twentieth century in central Argentina, primarily for dog-fighting, but also for hunting large game such as peccaries and pumas. Height: 60-68cm
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CANE CORSO Corsi are intelligent, loyal, eager to please, versatile, & intensely loyal to their humans, but are also assertive & willful, and can end up owning an unwitting owner. Height: 58-70cm
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BOXER Boxers are upbeat and playful. Their patience and protective nature have earned them a reputation as a great dog with children. They take the jobs of watchdog and family guardian seriously and will meet threats fearlessly. Height: 53-64cm
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WOLF DOG HYBRID A wolfdog is a canine produced by the mating of a domestic dog (Canis familiaris) with a gray wolf (Canis lupus), eastern wolf (Canis lycaon), red wolf (Canis rufus), or Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis) to produce a hybrid. Height: 60-70cm
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DOBERMAN It is a medium-large breed of domestic dog that was originally developed around 1890 by Louis Dobermann, a tax collector from Germany. The Dobermann has a long muzzle & stands on its pads and is not usually heavy-footed. Height: 63-72cm
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GERMAN SHEPHERD The German Shepherd Dog is a large, agile, muscular dog of noble character and high intelligence. Loyal, confident, courageous, and steady, the German Shepherd is truly a dog lover's delight. Height: 55-65cm
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ROTTWEILER Rottweiler is calm, confident, & courageous, never shy. He has a self-assured aloofness & doesn't make friends with people immediately or indiscriminately. Instead, he takes a wait-and-see attitude with new people or situations. Height: 56-69cm
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PITBULL Most pitbulls are fun-loving companions, gentle and patient with all their family members. As with all breeds, there are exceptions. Pit bulls were bred to be courageous and game, to continue whatever they are doing in the face of adversity. Height: 43-53cm
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AMERICAN BULLDOG American Bulldogs is a powerful working animal that has not been overbred to uselessness. Standing just shy of 30 inches high, these dogs can pack on muscle and weigh over 100 pounds. They’re thick, strong dogs that are very dangerous when they attack. Height: 71-84cm
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La voz de los que no pueden hablar. La voz de los que no pueden expresarse en palabras.
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animala2z · 2 years
Dogo Argentino: The Complete Guide to Owning
Introducing the Dogo Argentino: A Primer
The Dogo Argentino is a large, muscular breed of dog that was developed in Argentina for big game hunting and as a general-purpose working dog. They are known for their loyalty, strength, and endurance. They have a short, white coat and a strong, athletic build.
They can weigh up to 100 pounds and stand up to 30 inches tall at the shoulder. The breed has a strong prey drive and a high energy level, making them well-suited for hunting, tracking, and protection work.
They require consistent training and socialization from an early age to ensure they become well-behaved and obedient pets. Due to their strength and determination, they are not recommended for first-time dog owners.OriginArgentinaHeight24–26.5 inchesWeight88–100 poundsSizelarge size dogLifespan10 to 12 yearsColorswhite
The Dogo Argentino’s Unique Characteristics and Character:
The Dogo Argentino is a large, muscular breed of dog that was originally bred in Argentina for hunting large game such as wild boar and puma. They have a strong, athletic build with a short, white coat and a broad head with powerful jaws.
They are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and courage. Dogo Argentinos have a strong protective instinct and make excellent guard dogs. They are also known for their endurance and are often used for search and rescue and as therapy dogs.
However, due to their strength and tenacity, proper training and socialization are necessary to ensure they are well-behaved and safe around people and other animals.
The History and Significance of the Dogo Argentino:
The Dogo Argentino is a large, muscular breed of dog that was developed in Argentina in the 1920s and 1930s. It was created by Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez, who wanted to create a dog that could be used for hunting big game, as well as for police and military work.
The breed is a combination of several different breeds, including the Cordoba Fighting Dog, the Pointer, the Boxer, and the Bulldog.
The Dogo Argentino is known for its strength, endurance, and loyalty. They are also known for their courage, tenacity, and intelligence. This breed is also considered a powerful and athletic animal with a strong prey drive and a high level of energy.
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sheikh-n-bake2 · 1 month
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Lola and keke
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tatuajeshombres · 5 years
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Por Andreas Vrontis, hecho en Vrontis Tattoo Shop, Limasol. http://ttoo.co/p/103150
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my angel, Ares (13 months old)
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tattoofilter · 6 years
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By Victor Octaviano, done at Puros Cabrones Tattoo, Santo André. http://ttoo.co/p/21928
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mermaidtee · 7 years
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My old man Otis
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mundomascotil · 11 months
Cómo es el perro Dogo Argentino
Cómo es el perro Dogo Argentino
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El perro Dogo Argentino es una raza canina originaria de Argentina. Es conocido por su tamaño gigante, su carácter amigable y leal, y su salud robusta. En este artículo, exploraremos en detalle cómo es el perro Dogo Argentino, desde su historia hasta sus características físicas y su cuidado adecuado. Tamaño gigante El Dogo Argentino es […] https://mundomascotil.com/como-es-el-perro-dogo-argentino/
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