#arena task: Read the posters plastered around various parts of the city.
gemmarosewater · 1 year
Caspian was pleased with this little game. He had received the parachute at what he assumed was noon, so one full day into the Arena. So far, things hadn't gone to plan for him at all, but he'd actually slept decently and he was paired with the boy from Ten.
He made it to the courtyard in the middle of the apartment block easily; he hadn't strayed too far this morning, just a bit of roaming to see if there were any other tributes nearby. He'd also explored some of the other apartments and found that the one he'd spent the night in was more to his taste than the others.
He waited, perched on a bench, and when he saw Courtney appear around the corner, he smiled wanly at him. "I was just reading an advertisement for the upcoming school play," he said. "And then here comes my date. How perfect."
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maytheoddshq · 1 year
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Below the cut you will find prompts for the Arena that will earn your tribute some additional sponsor money. Please note the guidelines before reading through prompts.
POSITIVE interactions earn tributes $200 each, and are capped at FIVE prompts.
NEUTRAL interactions earn $100 in sponsor funds, and are capped at TEN prompts.
NEGATIVE interactions earn $500, and are capped at TWO prompts.
The prompt caps are for the entire Games (NOT per Plot Drop) and participation is optional. You may interact with none, a few, or all of the allotted prompts. These may be completed in threads or self-paras. 
Any self-paras used to claim a prompt must be 300 WORDS minimum to count toward task money. The week’s interaction totals should be submitted to the Discord bank channel before 12 PM EST the FRIDAY before Saturday plot drops, so admins have time to update banks.
Please note — more prompts will be added in another post as the Arena goes on.
Positive (5 max)
Successfully pay off a bodega cat and gain entry to their store.
Cool off in the river — after making it past the geese.
Put something in your bank deposit box for safe-keeping.
Successfully create an Antidote in the Pandora Science Center.
Sleep in one of the apartment beds.
Improvise a game on the stadium field.
Find a hiding place in the mall.
Find a use for one of the textbooks in the school.
Put on a funny performance on the theater stage as a way of coping.
Craft a weapon from any non-weapon items available in the Arena.
Neutral (10 max)
Take the train to get to another part of the city.
Read the posters plastered around various parts of the city.
Share a secret.
Keep a secret from another tribute.
Read through paperwork on the desks at City Hall.
Break an alliance.
Try on the student uniforms in the school closets.
Get lost inside City Hall.
Explore a few different apartments.
Mess up the experiment for an Antidote in the Pandora Science Center.
Try to get into one of the subways whose entrances are blocked off and fail.
Show off for the cameras.
Sit in one of the boxes in the theater.
Speculate about the Riptide sports team.
Take a Riptide Pelican plushie.
Enter the train tunnels through a grate in the street.
Take a shower in the hotel and experience the lethargy.
Check out some of the experiments and innovations in the Pandora Science Center.
Make a promise to another tribute.
Watch the weather report on the TV in the hotel room.
Check out the only open subway station.
Try on some clothes in the mall.
Feel homesick and think or talk about your family/friends/community back home.
Carve your name into a school desk.
Negative (2 max)
Get in a fight with a bodega cat.
Enter the bank after business hours and be attacked by one of the tellers.
Be hypnotized by the TVs in the apartments.
Set off the alarm at City Hall and attract the attention of another tribute.
Sleep in the hotel bed and wake to bedbugs and a rash.
Fall (or be pushed) out of the train.
Partake in the buffet at the hotel and get drugged by the food; get yourself into some sort of trouble because of this.
Return to the Cornucopia and run into someone else with the same idea and sustain an injury.
Lock yourself into the freezer in the food court.
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