#aren would beat him up when he finds out but being treated like he was arens boss for a little while was totally worth it
spatio-rift · 1 year
the idea of arens old gangmates really liking saiko because of a combination of multiple misunderstandings and saiko just having common sense (making him look really smart, especially compared to them) and being a lying bastard is just so hilarious to me i feel like theres so much to do with it LMAO
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translytherins · 3 years
Saiki's What Now?!?
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Pairings: Saiki Kusuo x Male! Calm! Slightly Clingy! Fiance! Reader
A/n: I got this idea from a story on Wattpad about their male oc being Saiki's fiance and I thought that It was adorable and I wanted to write one myself. Hope you enjoy!!
It was the end of the school day and all Saiki wanted was to go home right away because his parents said that they had a suprise for him and that he has to back home right away after school and he couldn't tell what is was through his parents minds because all of their thoughts were either 'Kusuo's gonna be so happy!' and 'I can't wait to see his reaction!' he was secretly hoping it was a lifetime supply of coffee jelly.
"Hey Saiki! Wanna go get ramen?"
"He's not getting ramen with you because he's helping me track down Dark Reunion! Right Saiki?"
"I'm not going with either of you"
"Aww... Why?"
"Because my parents need me home"
And with that Saiki left his "friends" and went straight home to see what his parents had in store.
As Saiki approached his house, not only could he hear his parents thoughts but he could feel another person's presence coming from his house. He was slightly confused about who it was but as he comes closer to his house he felt a familiar aura that made his eyes widen slightly. He picked up his pace his heart beating rapidly, silently hoping it was who he thought it was. He opened the door to his house and saw a familiar male with [hair coloured] hair sitting and talking with his parents at the dining table. In a blink of an eye he had his arms wrapped around the [hair coloured] male whom jumped slightly before the male smiled softly and pecked Saiki's lips making said male smile. Who's the male you might ask? It's Saiki's fiance, (M/n) (L/n). Now you might be wondering why they're already engaged? Well... That a story for another day and if you want it please drop a request.
"Hey Ku... Welcome back... I missed you so much..." (M/n) said softly which made Saiki smile before he buried his face into (M/n)'s neck.
"I missed you too..." Saiki spoke out loud instead of telepathically because most of his powers doesn't work on (M/n) which Saiki was happy about.
They just stayed in that position while ignoring the fact that Saiki's parents were cooing and taking pictures of them until Saiki's mom cleared her throat to catch the couples attention which worked.
"I'm happy that you both are reunited again after a year of being away from each other! You both make such a cute couple! Also Kusuo... Little (M/n) over here Hey! I'm not little! will be joining you're class tomorrow!"
As Saiki heard that, Saiki was absolutely ecstatic before he realised that he had to share his (M/n) with his "friends" but that went unnoticed by his family and fiance as Saiki's mom continued to talk excitedly.
The next day came earlier thank Saiki would have liked because he would rather stay in bed and cuddle with (M/n) in his bed but (M/n) managed to convince threatened him that they had to get out of bed and get ready for school or no more cuddles for him :(. And with that Saiki reluctantly got out of bed and started to get ready for school.
Saiki and (M/n) were making their way towards PK Academy with their arms intertwined and (M/n) laying his head on Saiki's shoulder. Saiki was feeling very content right now. Just him and (M/n) and no one interrupting their mome-
"Hey Saiki!"
An annoying voice called out to Saiki which turned his content mood very sour. Him and (M/n) stopped turned their heads towards where the voice came from, arms still intertwined, and Saiki saw his "friends" Toritsuka, Kaidou, Aren and Nendou..
"Woah Saiki! Who's this hottie!" Toritsuka said, whistling slightly What the f*ck did I just write😂 before he was smacked upside the head by Aren.
"That's no way to treat someone Toritsuka!"
"I'm sorry! I was just stating facts!" Toritsuka whined before he got hit by Aren again.
Saiki just glared at them before wrapping his arms around (M/n)'s waist and pulled him closer towards him making (M/n) giggle slightly before he decided to introduced himself.
"Hey there. I'm (M/n) (L/n). You must be Ku's friends. *Saiki pinched (M/n)' s waist slightly* Hey! Stop that Ku. I'm talking to you're friends. Anyways... It's nice to meet you" (M/n) said and gave them a dazzling smile which left them slightly breathless and blushing.
He was so pretty! Maybe even prettier than Teruhashi!
Saiki glared at them before he unwrapped his arms from (M/n)'s waist before he picked (M/n) up bridal style, which earned an adorable squeal from (M/n), and continued walking to school which made his friends snap out of their thoughts and they started fast walking to try and catch up with them as Toritsuka and Kaidou were yelling at Saiki to slow down which only made Saiki walk faster with (M/n) in his arms as (M/n)'s arms around wrapped Saiki's neck and he snuggled up to Saiki's chest which made Saiki coo at him internally.
As Saiki and (M/n) were walking through the hallway, with (M/n) still being carried by Saiki, Saiki felt everyone staring at them and Saiki heard their thoughts ranged from 'Their so cute!', 'Eww... Disgusting gays' well f*ck you too or 'Is that the new student? He's pretty sexy ;)' the last one made Saiki slightly bitter but he just ignored them as they made their way towards their classroom. Usually Saiki tried to avoid attention from his peers and schoolmates but he couldn't find himself to care as he just focused on (M/n) who was still cuddled up to his chest. That was until he heard a familiar annoying voice that belonged to a certain glowing blueberry.
'Is that Saiku? It's Saiki. When are you going to get it right? Maybe I should go up and say hi to him! Surely today is my lucky day and he'll finally say oh wow to me'
And with that Saiki started walking faster to try to avoid her.
'Why is he walking so fast!?'
Saiki and (M/n) reached their classroom, losing the glowing blueberry along the way, and entered before Saiki placed (M/n) in a seat much to his (M/n)'s annoyance which he expressed with a quiet groan. Saiki chuckled lightly before he kissed (M/n)'s forehead and sitting down in the seat in front of him, facing (M/n) and grabbing his hand and intertwined their fingers. (M/n) smiled towards Saiki before he placed light kisses on Saiki's face which made Saiki's face heat up slightly but it wasn't noticeable. He continued to ignore the eyes on them and the thoughts running through everyone's heads and just focused on (M/n).
'There he i- Huh!?! Who's he and why is he kissing Sako!?! It's Saiki'
"Good morning Saiki! 'Huh... She finally got my name right'. Who's this cutie?"
'He might be pretty and handsome but I'm much better than him because I'm perfect inside and out!'
'(M/n) will always be 10 times better than you'
(M/n) stopped placing light kisses on Saiki's face and turned his attention towards her. He just stared at her for a few seconds before looking at Saiki, silently asking if he wanted him to awnser. Saiki nodded his head before (M/n) turned his head towards the blueberry again.
'Huh?! No 'Oh wow' from him!? Maybe he's shy just like Saiki? Yeah! That's probably it because no one can resist the perfect pretty girl! Alright! You're on shy guy!'
'Please leave us alone' Saiki thought to himself before (M/n) awnsered her.
"I'm (M/n) (L/n). I just transferred from [country name]. It's a pleasure to meet you" (M/n) said before giving he gave her his smile that always left everyone breathless including the glowing blueberry.
As she was about to speak, the teacher entered which made the students who weren't sitting, sit down in their seats and Saiki turned around ro pay attention to the teacher.
"Good morning everyone! As you all know today we have a new student so I want you all to welcome him to the class! Can you please come up here and tell us you're name?"
(M/n) nodded his head before he got up from his seat, made his way to the front and stood next to the teacher.
"My names (M/n) (L/n). I transferred from [country name]. It's a pleasure to meet you all and I hope we can all get along without an issue"
(M/n) said before smiling at them taking away everyone's breath as always.
"Is there any questions that you want to ask (M/n)-san?"
Almost most of the class had their hands raised and (M/n) calmly awnsered them.
"What's you're relationship with Saiki?" Teruhashi asked.
"I'm his fiance" (M/n) said happily while shooting Saiki a soft smile.
A/n: There was supposed to be more but I got tired of typing. Request or comment if you want a part 2 about the wedding! Have a good day everyone!
Edited: Part 2 is already out! Go check it out! Just Got Married!
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cinaja · 4 years
Before the Wall part 19
Summary: Five hundred years before Feyre Archeron is born, the world is much different from the one she lives in. Humans are slaves, seen as little more than animals by the Fae who rule. But things are beginning to change. Talks of rebellion is spreading and on the Continent, some Fae territories begin to consider the potential gain of War. All it takes is one spark and everything will explode.
It has been more than a week since the battle. The camp is mostly rebuild, the only sign of the destruction are scorch marks on some tents and a few soldiers who are still limping. The Seraphim army has set up camp right next to the human one and so far, both sides seem to be getting along fairly well.
Jurian has praised the Seraphim army thrice already to Miryam – his not-so-subtle attempts, she is sure, to get her to let them keep their new allies around. After all, he has always been fascinated with aerial legions and the prospect of having one that actually lets itself be commanded has him beyond excited. In the end, the Alliance council beat Miryam to it in making the decision. Apparently, they went right over her head and decided it would be best to keep half of the Seraphim legion with Jurian`s camp as reinforcements, while sending the rest of them to take over Pelior`s camp.
Miryam finds the Prince outside with his soldiers, overseeing a training sequence and chatting with a few of them.
“I hope you`re just watching”, Miryam says lightly and nods towards the training ring, “And not thinking of participating.”
His wound has been healing nicely, but that doesn`t mean he should be running around wielding swords again this soon. However, soldiers have a tendency to be remarkably idiotic when it concerns their health.
“Wouldn`t dream of it”, Drakon replies, “After all that trouble you went through to pierce me back together.”
Miryam smiles slightly, then takes out the letter. “We have something to discuss. Camp commander stuff. Would you walk a few steps with me?”
Drakon holds out his arm to her. The gesture is so… princely and completely unfitting for this camp or her that Miryam has to bite back a laugh. Drakon seems to quickly think the better of it for whatever reason. He pulls his arm back and instead runs his hand through his hair in an entirely futile attempt at appearing casual.
Miryam does him a favour and pretends not to notice. “I assume you got a letter as well”, she says.
Drakon nods. “I`ve been meaning to talk to Jurian and you about it today. I`ve thought about putting Sinna in charge of the soldiers who will remain here, but since it`s your camp, I thought I`d discuss it with you in advance.”
“So you aren`t staying.” Miryam feels a pang of disappointment she can`t quite explain.
“I don`t think it would be wise.”
“Why not?”
Drakon is suddenly very interested in his weapons belt. “I know my presence here puts you in a… difficult situation.”
Miryam blinks. “Excuse me?”
Drakon sighs and turns around to look at her. “No matter how much I may want to, there is no getting around the fact that I´ve been engaged to that… monster. I agreed to marry her.” He shakes his head. “I don`t know how you can even bear to look at me after everything she has done to you. You`ve been very kind, but it`s not a situation I wish to put you in.” He gives her a small smile. “Leaving is the only decent thing I can do, really.”
Miryam stops walking to stare at him. It`s very considerate, she supposes. But what is she supposed to reply?
“Why did you do it?”, she finally asks, “Agree to marry her, I mean. I never understood.”
Nothing she has seen of Drakon so far explains why he`d get engaged to Queen Ravenia of all people. He seems kind, with much regard for all lives. Not at all ambitious and most certainly not the type to value power more than his morals.
Drakon runs a hand through his hair, his wings tremble slightly. “I wasn`t really… needed as a prince”, he says, “It was clear pretty early on that I was horrible at Continental politics and I had two older sisters who were far more suited to the position than I was. But since I was good with the theoretical side – laws, societies, such things - my father considered giving me a seat on his council once I was done serving in the military for a few years.” He sighs. “Only then, Ravenia offered him an alliance. One that included a marriage. And my father… he wasn`t a bad male, but he was ambitious. The offer was too good to refuse.”
“He made you agree?”, Miryam asks softly.
“No”, Drakon says, “I sometimes wish I could claim that, but he didn`t force me. He told me about the offer and I obviously didn`t like it, but I felt it was my duty to my people to agree. Besides…” He trails off and refuses to looks at Miryam.
“Besides?”, she prompts gently.
“I thought…” Drakon begins fiddling around with his belt again. “Cauldron, I feel stupid saying this. But I thought she couldn`t be so bad.”
Miryam can`t help it, she snorts.
“I know, I know”, Drakon says, “But I just couldn`t imagine it! I had spent most of my life studying at university or at the palace, I never even visited a country that allows slavery. But I had studied it and I had all these arguments about how slavery was horrible. I thought that if I just talked to her about it, she would have to see the error in what she was doing. It was so reasonable, I thought anyone would have to see it.” He shakes his head. “I couldn´t imagine a person just being… bad. I was so horribly stupid.”
Miryam hesitates. She has a hard time imagining the life he describes. Living to adulthood without having seen so much death and suffering that you can`t even count it anymore. Being able to look at people and believe that they are all good by default, because you have never met anyone who was truly bad. A life without fear, without scars. Absentmindedly, she rubs the brand on her arm.
Drakon is looking at her, now. With a start, she realizes that he expects some kind of response from her. That somehow, he deems it her place to judge his actions.
“You are right”, she says carefully, “It was stupid. But one stupid choice does not define you, especially when you made it without ill intent.” Now, it is her who looks away as she continues, “And I know that you`re a good person. You were the first Fae to ever treat me like a person, not a… thing. You helped me escape without a second thought, even though it made breaking off the engagement into a bigger insult. You allied yourself with the humans even though you didn`t have to. All this weighs far heavier than that engagement.”
“I…”, Drakon begins hoarsely, but he trails off, looking over Miryam`s shoulder.
She turns around to find Jurian walking towards them. It takes Miryam exactly one look at him to see that something is wrong.
Jurian nods at Drakon before turning to Miryam. “Can I talk you you?”, he says.
Drakon looks between them. “I´ll get going, then”, he says and gives Miryam a tight smile. “Thank you for… everything.”
“You`re welcome.” Miryam smiles back. “I truly wouldn`t mind you staying.” To her surprise, she finds it is actually the truth.
Jurian frowns after Drakon as he walks off. “What is it between the two of you?”
“What do you mean?”
“There are… rumours.”
“Please tell me this isn`t what you came to talk to me about”, Miryam says. When Jurian doesn`t reply, she rolls her eyes. “The answer is no, I didn`t sleep with him, if that`s what you were wondering about. I`m surprised you even have to ask.”
Jurian eyes his boots. “Well, I didn`t think you`d sleep with him willingly. But… well…”
Miryam goes still. “It wasn`t him”, she manages to say, “I wouldn`t be talking to him if it was.”
“I`m sorry”, Jurian says, “I shouldn`t have brought it up.”
“No, it`s alright”, Miryam says, even though she is shaking slightly, “But really, it was nothing like that. He never even touched me.”
“That`s good to hear”, Jurian says, “He seems like a nice enough male. I would have hated having to kill him.”
Miryam laughs, even though Jurian`s expression says he isn`t joking. She stops, though, when Jurian takes a letter out of his pocket. He looks at it like it`s burning his fingers.
“Clythia replied”, he says, “She wants to meet me in three days.”
Miryam`s breath catches in her throat. “Oh”, is all the reply she can manage.
For a while, they just stand around awkwardly, not really looking at each other. Miryam doesn`t know what to do with her hands, her body. Don`t go, she thinks, but she doesn`t say it. Whatever it takes, she repeats to herself. This is bigger than her, bigger than either of them.
“That`s… great”, she manages.
“Yes”, Jurian replies bitterly, “really great.”
Mor has chosen her most scandalous dress. It is bright red and only barely covers the intimate areas of her body. When she steps out of the tent, she is pleased to have several soldiers stop dead in their tracks to stare at her. Head held high, Mor struts through the camp, aware of every person who stares after her.
It is a good kind of attention – the one she chooses for herself.
Jurian barely gives her more than a brief glance when she stops in front of him. She supposes she could turn up naked in front of him and he wouldn`t care, simply because she isn`t Miryam.
“You`re leaving?”, he asks.
Mor nods. “I think I`ll be back by evening, but I`m not sure. It depends on what my uncle wants this time.”
“Well, kick the bastard`s ass for me, will you?”
Mor huffs a laugh, but the comment doesn`t quite manage to ease her tension. The problem isn`t meeting the High Lord – that, she has done plenty – but the fact that he asked her to come meet him in the Hewn City. She isn`t even sure if the High Lord chose the meeting place to unnerve her. Far more likely that he simply doesn`t understand what this place means for her.
She manages a small smile towards Jurian, then she starts walking towards the edge of the camp, where the wards end. She is almost there when she hears a voice calling after her.
“Mor! Wait!”
She turns around to find Miryam running after her. Panting, the female stops.
“Can you drop me off at Telique?”, she asks, naming the capital of the human kingdom and the place where most Alliance meetings are being held.
“Sure”, Mor says. It`s on the way, after all. “You got a meeting?”
Miryam is wearing a dress (long and modest, covering her entire body – the opposite of the dress Mor choose) and she only does that when she has to go to an official meeting.
She shakes her head. “I`m being sent to another diplomatic trip.”
Side by side, they continue walking towards the edge of the camp. A diplomatic meeting is not unusual, but somehow, this one feels off. The decision must have made at a short notice, too, if Mor doesn`t know yet. After all, she spent most of the night in Miryam`s tent, while the other female tried to reassure her that her visit to the Hewn City would be fine.
“Where to?”, Mor asks.
Miryam hesitates for half a heartbeat. “The Autumn Court”, she says.
“What?!” Mor stops dead. “No. They can`t send you there.”
“I can handle myself.”
But Mor is barely listening. “They have to send someone else. Not you.”
“It is very nice of you to worry, Mor”, Miryam says softly, “But I`ll be there to represent half the Continent. And I`ll be a guest. There are rules, they wouldn`t dare to touch me. It isn`t the same.”
She doesn`t specify what she is talking about – Mor told her months ago about what happened to her.
“Tell me you won`t be alone”, Mor says softly, “Please, at least tell me that someone will be with you.”
Miryam sighs through her nose. “Thank you for the vote of confidence”, she mutters, “But yes, Helion will be with me.”
Mor has to keep her relief from showing. She doesn`t want Miryam to think she doesn`t trust her abilities. But sending Miryam – half-human, beautiful, female Miryam – to the Autumn Court is like sending a doe to negotiate with a bunch of wolves.
Before Mor can say anything else, they reach the edge of the camp. Hesitantly, she takes Miryam by the arm and winnows them both to the human capital.
“Thank you”, Miryam says as they reappear, “And good luck with your meeting.” She gives her hand a squeeze, then steps away.
Mor is confused for a split second – over her worry about Miryam`s new mission, she almost forgot her own issues. But now, she remembers.
“Be careful”, she whispers – and winnows before she loses her courage.
She reappears just outside the mountain under which the Hewn City is built. The guards waiting outside have the nerve to stop her, but one cold look from Mor – one she learned from Jurian – has them stepping aside. Mor takes a deep breath and enters the mountain.
Lucky for her, it is still day and most of the members of her father`s court are still asleep. Still, some are up and staring at her. Mor imagines their whispers. Whore. Disgrace. She walks past the corridor that leads down to the chambers where her father brought her after he found out about Cassian. Where they spiked the nails through her.
The High Lord is waiting in his study. He smiles at Mor when she enters. Sometimes, she forgets that he actually does like her – maybe because his actions so rarely reflect it.
“Sit down, Morrigan”, he says and motions to a chair, “How are you? Well?”
“Yes, My Lord.” Lie, lie, lie. Sometimes, it feels like her entire life is one giant lie, only waiting to come crashing down around her.
He nods distractedly. “And your work?”
“I like it.” She forces a smile. “I have the opportunity to meet many interesting people.”
The High Lord shoots her a look. “And you`re good at it, too. I have to say, I`m surprised. You know I only appointed you because that… girl demanded it. Yet, your results are satisfying.”
“Thank you.”
“There`s just one thing”, the High Lord says softly, “Why aren`t you staying in Telique?”
“I`m not needed there most days”, Mor says carefully.
A look of annoyance passes over her uncle`s face. “That does not explain why you are staying in Commander Jurian`s camp.”
Mor hesitates. She does not think her uncle would approve of her fighting in battles – or of her friendship to both of the camp`s leaders. “I like it there.”
“Well”, the High Lord drawls, “You are my emissary to both the humans and the entire Alliance.” His voice becomes sharp as a knife as he continues, “And that… arrogant, half-breed bitch is not the head of the Alliance, no matter how she may act.”
Mor has to bite her tongue to keep from saying something to defend her friend. She curls her hands to fists, but disagreeing would only make it worse.
The High Lord jumps to his feet and starts pacing. “What I`d like to know”, he hisses, “is how that female keeps rising in power. Even when she messes up – completely blows the most important meeting of the decade – it somehow turns into a victory for her. The whole Cauldron-damned council follows her lead without so much as a question.”
Mor doesn`t know what to say.
“But not me”, the High Lord hisses, “And not you, either. So you won`t be staying in her camp anymore. You`ll move to Telique right away.”
It is all Mor can do not to gasp. He might as well have punched her. That camp is her home, these people are her friends – and he`s just going to make her leave. But with the way the High Lord is acting, it`s pretty likely that he will kick her out as emissary if she objects.
So she forces herself to nod. “As you wish, My Lord.”
Jurian is stalling – he knows it pretty damn well. He was supposed to leave the camp roughly fifteen minutes ago, but he keeps finding excuses not to. Talk to one of his captains, organise the patrols, give advice to some newbies in the sparring ring. All to push back the moment of departure a bit further.
It will be fine, he tells himself for the millionths time, It`s just a stupid meeting with one female. I`ve faced worse.
Still, the thought of what he`s about to do makes his stomach roll. He tries to push away the image of Clythia during the meeting, touching his arm. Whispering into his ear. The idea of allowing her to touch him (and do more than that) is almost too much to bear.
He clenches his hands to fists. For his people, for their freedom, he can do this.
He finds Prince Drakon far more quickly than he would have liked. The male is standing with his general, overseeing half of his army packing up. When Jurian walks up to them, Drakon looks up and smiles at him.
“Already heard the news?”, he asks, “Looks like we`re going to be around for a while longer.
“Yep”, Jurian says, trying not to smile.
After his experiences with the Illyrians, he was pleasantly surprised by the Seraphim army. They don`t start fights, they don`t insult his soldiers. Add to that that they fight pretty damn well and Jurian is very much for having them remain at his camp. He had already worked out a strategy to get Miryam to do it, but it seems the Alliance council got the idea without him having to beg. All the better.
“Well”, Jurian drawls, “since you`ll be staying here for the while being, you might as well make yourself useful.”
General Sinna arches an eyebrow at him. “Need us to save your asses again?”
Jurian rolls his eyes. At first, he was offended by her brisk style, but ever since he found out that she treats everyone (with the exception of her lover, perhaps) that way, it stopped bothering him.
“I have to leave the camp for a few hours”, he tells Drakon, “Can you take over command for the time being?”
“Sure. Where are you going?”
“On a patrol”, Jurian lies.
He takes his favourite horse – a midnight-black stallion who runs as fast as the wind – from the stables and mounts the saddle. The guards at the camp`s borders salute as he rides past, Jurian nods in return. Then, he snaps with his reins and the horse breaks into a sprint.
He passes two patrols on his way, but soon, he is out of the guarded area. Still, Jurian keeps riding.
The place he told Clythia to meet him is almost an hour away from the camp. It`s not exactly practical (quite the opposite, actually), but the last thing Jurian needs is for one of his soldiers to run into him while he is having a private meeting with one of Hybern`s crueller generals. That is a scandal he`d rather avoid.
Finally, he nears the small waterfall Clythia is waiting by and flicks his reins to get the horse to stop. He dismounts and carefully approaches, hand resting on the hilt of his sword.
Clythia is sitting on a small rock, already waiting for him. She looks like she picked the position in advance so that her slender body is illuminated before the splashing water. Like him, she is wearing a light armour and weapons, but her deep red hair is untied and flowing over her back in a cascade.
She looks beautiful.
It is all Jurian can do not to spin around and run – or draw his sword.
Instead, he gives her a lazy smile. “Good evening, beautiful lady.”
A/N: This is a semi-cliffhanger, I know. But i already have the next chapter mostly ready, so it should take less than a week for the update to come ;) Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. As always, I`d love to hear what you think - your comments always make me so happy.
Tags: @sjm-things @herpowerisdeath @clolikescloquetas
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Man Up 4: The Donnyest Game”
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Written by: Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Alicia Chan
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Yup, he's back.
The epic Man Up saga gets yet another episode, turning the trilogy into a tetralogy, putting it in the same category as the Shrek series. I'd argue the quality is very similar, at least in my opinion. The second one was better than the first, one of the rare sequels that was better in every way, and the third one was just horrific. It was so horrific that I didn't even want to watch the fourth one, but somebody once told me that the world was going to roll me and The Final Chapter was better than the third.
I could talk about the Shrek films all day, but I don't think that's what you came here for. Maybe I'm just trying to delay the inevitable, since the very first character we see in this episode is...
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...oh boy, Donny. I was sort of hoping that Donny in the title wasn’t referring to the comic relief, as unlikely as that would be. At least they continue the cruelty streak with him that started with Total Eclipse of the Kart, as he struggles to open a jar of strawberry jam without getting it all over himself and getting covered with ants. It's not that it isn't deserved. The Powerpuff Girls, who normally help other people with jars, don't seem to want to help, though Bubbles does give this lovely advice.
Bubbles: Stop, drop, and roll, Donny!
The joke is that he's not on fire, you silly goose! Get ready, because there's a lot of jokes like this. While all of this jam related insanity is happening, a familiar face is hiding in the bushes.
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Because this is a part of the Man Up tetralogy, we get the one thing that linked all of them, and the only thing that linked all of them: the villain is Manboy, a man man man man who wants to prove that he is a man man man man by doing man man man man things. The most man man man man thing in this episode is to beat up this majestic unicorn. See, it's ironic, because this majestic horned pony is getting annihilated by ants. Or, "ant-nilhilated" as Donny puts it. He's trying. Oh McCracken, he's trying.
I'm surprised they didn't leave a pause between that pun and Blossom talking about the B-plot of this episode. She doesn't want to waste any time, because they have one hour before they have to participate in the Utonium Strawberry Picking Contest.
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The winner gets their photo on the fridge, along with a photo showing the "4th year strawberry champ", which happens to be Blossom! Before I can ramble on about how this show's sense of time is out of whack, I can say that the episode proves that this is not referring to Blossom being the 4th consecutive winner of the strawberry picking contest, but the winner of the 4th year this contest was held. Then again, who would have participated in the 1st? Jojo back when he was a monkey? I'm putting way too much thought into this, am I?
Donny is super intrigued by this grand prize, as if the winds of destiny were whispering "Danny". Bubbles has to slowly move her Finn-faced head in to remind him that his name is Donny, in another amazing joke for this comic relief character.
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Buttercup, that rascal, tells Donny he doesn't have a good shot at being the champion of giving Sitcom Dad his sweet, sweet free strawberries, but Bubbles comes in to defend her best friend.
Bubbles: It's okay, Don-Bon! You may not be the best strawberry hunter, but you’re still my best friend!
Yeah, great pep talk, Bubbles. Yeah, Donny is terrible at absolutely everything, but at least he's Bubbles' best friend because he has a great personality he doesn't treat his old friends like dirt when he makes new ones he's a unicorn! Donny seems to take it okay, at least.
Suddenly, Blossom gets a call from the Mayor that the Blimp Shrimp is on the loose, reminding us all that the Powerpuff Girls do indeed save the world before bedtime and aren't just strawberry pickers that can fly. There really isn't much else; we don't even get to see this Blimp Shrimp; I guess we're supposed to just find rhyming funny. It's not really on the money.
Well, there is one reason: it's so Donny can do something that isn't very bright, since he can't seem to use his common sense without the girls to guide him. While he’s hunting for strawberries using his strategy of saying he will not be distracted, he sees a churro on a napkin. This napkin happens to be right next to a lasso hanging off of a tree! He can't fall for this.
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(Johnny Test Whip Crack)
At least, that's what Manboy thought. Manboy is bewildered by this specimen, as not only does he not look like the unicorn in his purple guidebook, he fell for the very first trap he put up! You'd think he would know all of this, since he was clearly looking at him getting defeated by ants.
Man Boy: It says here that unicorns are incredibly powerful, are experts at camouflage, and are capable of tracking their opponents across many miles! That doesn't really sound like you!
Donny: I know! I sound more like, "Hi, my name's Donny! D-O-N-N-Y!"
I am so glad to say this is the last time he appears this season. They couldn’t even be consistent with him not knowing his name. They could have at least had him misspell it. Actually, they shouldn’t. Manboy, finding no pleasure in beating up such a weakling, offers him some training that would turn him into a commando. “A strawberry commando?”, Donny asks, and Manboy just rolls with it.
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So Manboy trains his own opponent through many tasks, like jumping across cliffs, catching fish, doing pull-ups over a fire, and a few other. This training montage is played a bit too straight to be that funny, but it does have this song about how montages are only here to speed things up. No, really.
Bet you can't guess what's happening here Time is of the essence, so we'll make it clear We only got a minute for a montage song Because this episode is ten minutes long
A montage is happenin'!
I am not going to lie, it's kind of catchy, and at least it gives a scene some sort of a joke.
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There is one other thing: there's a scene where Donny gets taken away by what is unmistakably a bald eagle. Later, after he starts getting the hang of being a manly unicorn, he punches that eagle right in the face without even a hit flash. I don’t even know what to say.
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After his training and his somewhat justified violence against the national bird of the country this takes place in, or at least it was in the original, he ends up becoming a Rambo-like muscled hero, looking almost exactly like the picture in that purple guidebook. I always wanted to see Donny get the Musclecup treatment, said no one ever. Thanks to this training, Donny stops telling bad jokes all the time and now speaks only in gruff action hero lines. Not sure if I would consider that an improvement.
Manboy: Okay, unicorn! It's time to play the most dangerous game...and you're it!
...so he wants to play a children's playground game with him? That is the conclusion one would expect Donny to consider with that line, but how else would somebody interpret that? I think he may have forgotten a sentence.
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Suddenly, Donny starts shooting horn lasers at him. He tries, for the only time in the entire episode, to use his man man man man beard powers, but they get lasered off. Much like the Reboot Puffs in certain episodes, Manboy just knows that a punch would not be able to stop him, and just runs away.
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Speaking of the Reboot Puffs, we do get a peek back at the B-plot, and I really mean a peek, because there's almost nothing here. After Sitcom Dad reiterates how this strawberry picking contest's prize is that fabled picture on the fridge, Buttercup boasts that she is for sure that she'll win this time. She has a secret weapon: a dust buster. Bubbles asks if she really learned nothing from that time she used a vacuum cleaner last year.
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Insert cutaway gag where Buttercup chases triple chin Ranger Smith with a vacuum cleaner. Honestly, Bubbles should have just stopped at asking if she really has learned nothing, because the answer is usually yes.
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Most of this episode is just Manboy getting chased by the Muscled Hellhorn, sometimes hiding in a bush to avoid him. Donny slowly walks, yelling out to Manboy to come out, come out, where ever he is. This is the big irony; he's this big and strong manly man, and he's getting chased away by a sparkly unicorn...who is also a big and strong manly man. I think the muscles and action movie one liners really lessen this.
Buttercup shows up to suck up some strawberries with her dust buster, and she unintentionally sucks up the bush Manboy was hiding in. Hey, something that actually ties the Donny chasing after Manboy plot with the strawberry plot! Unfortunately, that's the only time the two plots really converge; Donny doesn't even seem to be interested in the strawberries in any of these scenes.
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As for those strawberries, the next time we see a Powerpuff Girl is when the episode suddenly cuts to a scene where Blossom is picky about what strawberries she puts in her basket. At least that kind of fits her character, even if that seems to sabotage her plans to win. Sitcom Dad outright said the person with the most strawberries wins that coveted photo on the fridge. Honestly, that's really it for the strawberry plot until the end, and no attempt is made to connect this scene with anything else.
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It's just more Donny from here on out. If there's any kind of progression, at least the training montage made him a little more competent at dodging traps. He easily dodges an arrow trap, and just walks through a fallen tree. The closest thing to an action scene in this entire episode, really. Eventually something's got to break this new character of his, and it's going to take more than a napkin with a churro on it.
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Oh no, it takes a napkin with two churros to make him fall into a trap! He even reverts back to his usual voice just to yell out his love for churros. Manboy shows up that he finally bested this majestic and powerful unicorn...even though he not once tried to lay a finger on him like he said he was going to do. I guess he would take any victory at this point.
Unfortunately for Manboy, that victory doesn't last. Somehow, Donny managed to set up a trap of his own, as Manboy ends up walking backwards, stepping onto a green button, which covers him in strawberry jam. At least that strawberry jam scene from the opening has a point, as he then gets to succumb to the ants.
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And not just ants, either, but he also ends up running into a beehive. It doesn't entirely reference the infamous Nicolas Cage remake of The Wicker Man, but we do get this line, which is almost as good:
Manboy: Oh my god! Bees! Bees! Gyaaah!
Okay, he says gosh, but that's not what I heard. Then he gets attacked by a shark, because random. Eventually, he does end up going into a river, which does cleanse him from the jam, the ants, the bees, and the shark. This river ends up going into a waterfall, and then goes into another waterfall. Both times, they have to point out where Manboy is with a giant yellow beeping arrow, as if the context wasn't clear enough. This scene was enjoyable, but that might be because this is the best beating Manboy ever gotten.
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And now, the required "I'm so sorry I was such a doofus" scene, though we usually don't see it from a villain. Donny somehow managed to get out of the cage and run all the way down to the bottom of the twin waterfalls to confront Manboy. I honestly stopped questioning such things; maybe it's that same kind of unicorn magic that allows him to poof tickets to ice skating shows.
Donny doesn't accept this apology, and does what he wanted to do as a person who was called "It."
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Donny: Tag, you're it! Now you'll have to chase me-e-e-e-e-e!
The conclusion one would expect Donny to consider with that "and you're it" line is exactly what happens. One might ask, if this was Donny's idea of playing tag, why was he trying to horn laser him? The answer, much like most other questions one could ask about this reboot, is pineapples.
Manboy, in his anger, finally decides to lunge right towards Donny to possibly fulfill his promise to beat up a unicorn. Donny moves his neck slightly to make him miss and hit a tree instead. Yeah, it wasn't as cool as when Blossom did that in the original.
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In the end, they finally tie this all up with that strawberry plot I completely forgot about, since it barely shows up. Blossom has her pretty pile, Buttercup accidentally sucked up the park ranger, and Bubbles ate the strawberries she found. Since she's best friends with a character who is well established in this episode to be not too bright, Bubbles can't be too far off, you see.
Donny shows up with that tree Manboy ran into, and it turned out to be a strawberry tree. His muscular physique is suddenly gone for no reason whatsoever. Why shouldn't they just have him stay muscular at the end of the episode? The status quo never seems to bother them.
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The Professor decides to give Donny that fabled photo on the fridge he always wanted, right next to a fridge magnet of a poorly drawn Texas. Yee haw. Yeah, I can't think of a better ending for this.
Does the title fit?
Sadly, yes, at least with the Donnyest Game. I guess Donny being made more "manly" does sort of continue with Man Up 3's themes, but that's as close as we get.
How does it stack up?
Out of all the Donny-focused episodes, this is the best Donny one by the virtue of having not as much to complain about. He’s not constantly whining and being an absolutely terrible analogy the writers had to deny. He’s not being a terrible friend by ditching him for a total stranger who happened to have glitter and crayons. The episode doesn’t prop him up as this incredibly important character while the characters we should be caring about are getting their butts kicked. Most importantly, it’s not Bubbs and Donny Get The Mail.
However, there really isn't much to praise, either. The strawberry plot doesn't really go anywhere beyond a cutaway gag, and this episode doesn't change my opinion on Manboy or Donny as characters. I don't hate this episode, but I didn't really want to re-watch it.
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Next, another episode where a villain cowers in fear over a cutesy character. Will it be any better than this one?
← Watch It! ☆ The Oct-Father →
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
EW Kitty au (aftermatch)
N/A: The aftermath of the attack on Genosha.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
The weather is nice, not too humid, not too cold and it was a perfect day to go back to daily routine and forget about the problem of Magneto being murder in front of the entire population, in fact, the population does not like the persona of Magneto, but, Magneto´s persona is their support.
Queen Wanda is ruling the Genosha and is taking a deep breath to mentally prepare herself for the daunting task, the rest of Lance´s army will be punished as well, but, Pietro and Lorna throw the suggestion to offer mercy to some soldiers and implanted them in the country.
“Mother, Genosha was found by mercenaries, wouldn´t be a bit hypocrite if we didn´t offer a chance?” Talia replies and adds swiftly “of course, if we give a chance they must earn our trust, and they would be under the collar to cancel their powers”
“Do we have more of those collars?” Wanda asked in deep mode. “Well,” Lorna pipes in calmly “the Lady Necromancer can build more of those collars and her son as well, so, I say we can have as much of supply we need, actually, it was her son and their cute and strange students that created the seals immobilizing and preventing the others to use their powers”
Wanda nods “Very well, in that case, I´ll let you, my sister, to choose who should be given a second chance, and you, my brother, are you ready to make the rebuild?” the question was given an answer right away as Pietro explains his ideas to upgrade the security system, in his words, Magneto was too confident in his name only to think in a proper security.
Then Pietro asked something that caught Talia of the guard. “Charlie is Lance´s son, my niece, do you think Charlie will try to free his own father?”
Talia raises her eye brown and closes her hands together. “I´d not see any reason for that as he was ready to kill him, I know you´re making assumptions about Charlie, after all, those are the same assumptions I dealt when my father does something, but, no, Charlie won´t interfere in the judgment”
Magda is on the room, but, she has no voice as finding out how she has no powers and get everything in life by lying is not something to admire it.
Jia and Yana are enjoying receiving praises for their work, and all people in Genosha seems to understand who Kitty truly is and have admiration, respect and fear that mimic the same sentiment in regards Kurt, the evil necromancer. The X-men are always well like by Genosha, but, today the spotlight.
Charlie receives some adoring glares, but, his mind is far fetched to notice, to the point that when the princess of Genosha sits next to him the only way to notice her presence is when she punches his arm lightly. “Talia?!”
“Hi, Charlie, aren´t you going to toss one of those lame pick up lines?” she said in a joking fashion, then, her expression changes. “So, Lance was the Sperm donor” she trails off and Charlie responds by saying this. “I won´t go save him”
Talia nods saying she knew that much. Her golden eyes travel to Kurt talking with Kitty about whatever it is as now Talia talks again. “I get it, my father is evil too, don´t look at me like that, I´m not dumb, I know he likes to cast curses or help evil wizards to do evil things…and sometimes, I think, I could ignore him…I could say he´s not my father and only the sperm donor” she stops.
Charlie is far too curious now. “and why you didn´t?”
Talia sighs dejectedly. “Because as much he´s evil, he´s my father and I don´t want to lose him, I´m sorry your father wasn´t a real father to you…but, I´d not blame any of this” her eyes travel to the destruction caused, while Pietro is serious in the rebuild, not even Quicksilver will fix this so quickly. “this is Avalanche´s fault, not yours, so…don´t go thinking you´re an evil person or I´ll beat your shoulder again, druid”
“I´m also a necromancer and I venture with spirits and death” Charlie explained amused.
“So what?” and she jokily punches his arm again.
Kitty is pleased with the scene. Kurt is too pleased, and then a question is made. “Kurt, do you have any problem with their relationship?” and Kurt looks at her with such puppy eyes(somehow, it makes Kitty think of a small child wanting a treat, when Charlie was young he often used that tactic. Puppy eyes) and speak. “Of course not, they´d make a cute couple”
Kitty hums and then asked. “Well, Charlie told me you asked about his childhood´s stories, if you´re that interested I can tell you a few” she has a smile on her red lips and Kurt wonders if she knows or if she´s disgust by that….then again, she did speak up with an entire village about monster sex. Kurt gulps loudly and was spare to give an answer when the X-men, Cyclops to be exact, are asking for his input in a situation. “Don´t worry, evil Necromancer, my offer still remains”
Lance Alvers remains in his cellar without having the means to use his powers, well, even if he could the man would end up dead anyway. His son and woman (“don´t call me that, Avalanche! One night stand only cement we´re nothing, you gave me Charlie, and that´s the only good thing you did give me”  “great, sex innuendos, mom”) did cast seals to prevent Lance to use his powers, to move and to speak.
His son has a unique power and chooses to be a druid. Why? The Queen, the princess Talia and Prince Pietro and Lorna arrive at his cellar with an ominous expression and silence as their trade card.
“I, as the new ruler of Genosha, hereby declare you guilty and your sentence will be death…” Wanda´s hands are red and Lance is so fixated in looking into her red eyes that he didn´t notice Talia sneak up behind him and stab him. “However, I never said how you would die” she concluded.
“You step my grandfather, I think, is only fair, we stab you, for irony sake” and Talia takes her bloody dagger as her family has daggers ready. Lance can´t scream or move as his life will be ended in an ironic twist.
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squandereduniverse · 6 years
Sorry for this sort of mini-rant thing in your inbox, I was thinking about the Diamonds as a metaphor for family that doesn´t except you and the wish fulfillment aspect of their redemption and I realized something that I might have had a lot less problems with the show if it weren´t aimed at older children and teens. There´d be different problems, but I don´t think my distaste would be as intense. 1/?
I think you or a different Crit mentioned this before but the recent episodes make it worse. Steven is a kid. He´s 14. But the burden is placed on him to constantly fix the problems of adults. Whether it be talking down the Diamonds or helping Pearl through her grief, it´s always up to him. Of course, he´s the protagonist. He´s supposed to save the day, but it´s seems almost insidious when his problem is a broken family. ´Yes kids, if your family is abusive towards you, you have to fix it.¨ 2/?And the pressure to talk and talk and talk to your abusers until they change should never be placed on a child. Steven´s fictional, but the kids watching this show aren´t. The idea of some kid who´s parents beat them or harm them watching this show and blaming themselves for not trying hard enough to fix things, or who watches Bismuth or hears the lines¨We shouldn´t fight, we´re family¨ and decides to placate to their abusers will instead of fighting. That disturbs and disgusts me Thoughts? 3/3
It’s a reoccurring problem in su that they addressed that he shouldn’t be handling the burden of fixing everything on his own. Amethyst said that Steven should just deal with his own problems and let the adults carry their share. This was just episodes before Diamond Days started, then the crew proceeded to make Steven fix his mother (an adult)’s problem.
Since it’s a kids show, it does make sense for the protagonist to be a kid, because it’s someone who the audience can relate to better. But it’s the execution that doesn’t quite work. He’s not on a team of other kids his age and they all work together to save the world and the burden is shared. He’s a kid where almost everyone is older than him and almost everyone is unloading their problems onto him for him to sort out. The broken family he fixes isn’t even his own. It’s like going from your family to see your biological family, only to find it in shambles and having to shoulder the duty of fixing it while they call you the wrong name and disrespect you.
The season finale is written with the message that it’s not okay to be treated like garbage for who you are, and that no one can make you be someone you’re not. The wish fulfillment comes in the form of standing up to your abusers and making them see it your way. I can kinda feel for it, because I’m not open about being bi, and I don’t even bring up asexuality. It’d be so nice to just make them see it my way. But I know better than to do that. 
But I think the thing to see, is that the ending wasn’t Steven placating them. Steven was giving them no illusion of being Pink. This was him at the end of his rope and demanding respect. He stood up to them, and didn’t back down. It’s kinda like the fantasy of talking circles around your opponent and them being absolutely decimated and being embarrassed from their lack of preparedness into stunned silence and shame and everyone high fiveing you as you pass them because of how ruthless it was.  
But I do agree, there could be kids out there that see this and try it, and bad things will happen to them. There’s no shame in hiding money until you have enough to run away and live with either someone that does support you, or rent a small place with a roommate and never look back. But I think that for most people, it’s probably going to be wistful looks to the screen and wishing how that could be you.
It didn’t tie up as many loose ends as it’d like to claim and it feels like it went back on a promise that Amethyst and the show made to us, but I think as far as messages go, this one wasn’t the worst. It was rushed and probably unrealistic, because I don’t think that any of those characters would’ve caved that fast, but other than that I’d say it was pretty good.
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jasminecancel · 2 years
Blog Post #3: LGBTQI & BIPOC Representation In Media
Queer cinema is an interesting topic to define because many people would have many different interpretations of what makes up queer cinema. But for me I define it as portraying LGBTQI relationships and the challenges that come with it with others around them. Films are a very powerful tool that can be used to influence people's opinions on LGBTQI.  In the film Boys Don’t Cry by director Kimberly Pierce in my opinion uses such a thing as a “Queer” visual style. This movie has many scenes that helps show what a queer visual style would look like. For example at the beginning of the movie Brandon a transgender man cuts his hair to fit in public as a man instead of a women (1m:43s-4m:00s). This visual style in the movie shows the beginning of the change in how the main character Brandon perceives himself. Biologically he is a woman but he changes how he dresses, his hair and even deepens his voice to try and help people to treat him as a man instead of a woman. Another example from this movie is later when Brandon is beat and raped by John and Tom (1h:25m:00s-1h:32m:12s) because it shows how society would treat a transgender man when they found out. This helps show one possibility of how people in the LGBTQI community are treated especially transgender men because peolple don’t believe them to be a man since biologically they aren’’t.  Although movies can have a “queer” visual style that can be read by the audience; race, gender, and sexual identities intersect through film.  Race, gender and sexaul idenities are all very important in a film because it's a part of the barebones of the movie. The race of the characters allow for different types of stories to be told from different perspectives. Gender and sexual indetities also allow for many different storylines that a filmaker can chioce from and create which is really interesting since those choices are very important in how the movie is shown/created. For example in the movie Moonlight Chiron is a young black male who lives in the ghetto with his drug addict single mother. He is bullied and called a “fagot” when he is a young boy and is confused about who he is. So he goes to Juan who is like a father figure to him and asks what a fagot is (33m:06-33m:51s). This scene shows how Juan and Teresa are very kind and accept him even if he is gay and want to support him no matter what because they want him to know that their is nothing wrong if he feels something for another boy and he’ll know whether he is gay or not.  This movie is a good representation of finding out where you belong even if you are a part of the LGBTQI community no matter your race or gender and having a good support system will help as well. In the movie after Juan died, Teresa still supported Chiron during his adolescence and even in his adulthood she was there for him like another mom when he couldn’t rely on his own mother (39m:15s-42m:45s). 
Movies are powerful and impactful; they have the power to influence so many people who watch the film. I believe that films can allow the audience to be more comfortable with LGBTQI and be more open with thinking about people with more of an open mind. For example in the film Mysterious Skin shows the story of two boys, Niel McCormick and Brian Lackey, who had a traumatic experience of being molested by their little league coach in their early childhood which led them on two very different paths. This traumatic event leads to McCormick becoming a prostitute because of the abuse he endured was by someone he trusted which had a big effect on his life moving forward like  not openly showing affection towards people in his life. For example when Wendy leaves for New York and gives a hug to Neil (40m:29s-41m:34s) you can see that he is sad that his closest friend is leaving but he tries to not show it and doesn’t hug her back even though he wants to. Movies like Mysterious Skin are very powerful films because of all the emotions that play a huge part in the movie.  This allows the audience to try and make a connection with the characters in their own way and helps the audience learn a lesson that they can take away when they finish the film.
The Longest Ride is a movie adaptation of the Nicholas Sparks novel by the same name. The two main characters named Sophia and Luke are of the couples the movie shows. I think if this movie flipped to be more representative of LGBTQI than it would be a different movie.  If Luke were a gay man than it would make his work life a little more diffuclt because he is a professional bull rider who got into an accident and is now trying to make a comback in the rodeo circuit. If the male lead were to be a gay man than that would make his life in the rodeo circuit a little harder because the rodeo is known as being a “manly mans” sport especially at high stakes (1h:46m:42s-1h:51m:50s). If he were a part of the LGBTQI community it would change the film instead of being a romantic film it would be more about friendship. Especially when Luke wins against the bull that almost ended his career instead of looking around for Sophia he would be more in the moment and really feel the win instead of running away to find Sophia (1h:52m:04s-1h:57m:06s). This film would have started as two people meeting at a rodeo and getting to know each other as friends and supporting each other. Even though they come from two very different worlds they still support each other like Luke going to an art exhibit with Sophia (1h:12m:00s-1h:13m:50s). This film would be very different if there was more of a LGBTQI representation in it.
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singingpeople · 7 years
Chapter 5
 *Warning: This chapter may contain trigger*
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@beautifulramblingbrains @pathybo @tigpooh67 @jojuarez26 @iammarylastar @lets-play-truth-or-dare @deepfrz @carefultheyspit @vitaevandal @bookwarm85 @mom2reesie @kellieabro @lauraaan182 @readsalot73 @beltz2016 @you-wont-let-me-let-you-go @frecklefaceb   @tomarisela
They told me once "There's a place where love conquers all" A city with the streets full of milk and honey I haven't found it yet, but I'm still searching All I know is a hopeless place that flows with the blood of my kin Perhaps hopeless isn't a place
Nothing but a state of mind They told me once "Don't trust the moon, she's always changing" The shores bend and break for her And she begs to be loved But nothing here is as it seems
Nothing here is as it seems
 - Good mourning, Halsey
 Getting all the food into the factionless sector was complicated enough in itself, facing not only all my former friends but also my ex and the man whose room I occupied, the one who was present at the worst moment of my life, was pure torture.
Just to my luck, it was the turn of the dauntless initiates to watch over the abnegation handing out food, even the transfers were here. After a mere two weeks of training, I wouldn't hand them a knife and certainly no semi-automatic weapon. But knowing Eric, he´d gotten bored with their training program and decided to change it up a little. For a man who prided himself in thinking rationally, his temper was awfully active while making rash decisions. This was certainly one of them.
 The man himself, of course, wasn't here, either too busy with paperwork or not interested in playing babysitter. But maybe he just stayed home to enjoy the company of one of the women he taunted me with. I knew I had left him and that it was my own fault but crawling into the bed of the next best dauntless not even seven days after he brought up marriage… felt like someone turning the dagger in my chest, only pushing deeper.
For him I had stopped existing the night I send him away and like it seemed, my friends shared this sentiment.
 Ever since I walked into the hall where the majority of the factionless lived, every time I handed out a package with food, I could feel their stares on me, drilling into my body, taking in my new appearance, judging me.
Macy hadn’t spared my one glance after recognizing me, instead turning away to walk over where my brother stood, getting up onto the tips of her toes to whisper something into his ear. Turning his head, Aiden´s gaze met mine with a coldness that managed to freeze the blood in my veins but instead of averting my eyes, I waited until he looked away, disgust written all over his expression.
 Feeling my stomach fall, I refused to let my emotions shine through, using one of the first lections Marcus had taught me over dinner, that letting your own feeling hinder your ability to help others was utterly selfish. And if I wanted to prevail in my new faction, at least until I had accomplished what I came here for, I would have to play my part.
Pushing every feeling away, I walked right past the others, ignoring the lingering stare from a dark-haired transfer that rubbed me the wrong way. Arriving in the darkest corner, it wasn’t hard to make out the form of the soldier that I had met back in abnegation. He nodded as a greeting and came forwards, accepting the envelope with the numbers I had copied from Marcus´ folders that I pulled from my dress.
 “Good job.” He told me quietly, giving me a tight smile before he left, unceremoniously pocketing the only thing I had accomplished so far before he disappeared between the other members. I watched him leave, sighing as I realized that I better get going. The last thing I wanted was another lecture from Marcus that would only make me feel worse about my current situation because there was nothing I could do to change it.
 With the care package in hand, I searched my surroundings after someone I could give it to, my gaze falling on a familiar face. My lips curled up into a grin, I approached the girl who would fit right into the rows of the initiates, her tattered clothes replaced by my old uniform.
She saw me approach and gave me a small smirk, taking the food I handed her.
“You look almost as good in that as I did… Almost.”
 “Uhh, a stiff with humor.” Wiggling her eyebrows at me, she pulled the piece of bread from the bag and took a large bite, chewing fast. It was obvious she was hungry but I refrained from letting shine through any of the pity I felt, sensing she was just like me, someone who detested showing any weakness.
 “What can I say, I´m unique.” I joked, chuckling quietly which made her laugh too. All the while making sure I wouldn’t stand out. Furrowing my brows, I realized I didn’t even know what to call her. “What´s your name?”
 She stopped chewing and threw me a wary look, almost as if she couldn't believe I would be interested. Knowing that I was raised in dauntless and how they treated factionless, I couldn't blame her for being suspicious. After contemplating carefully for a few moments, she finally spoke up. "Luna…. My name´s Luna."
 “It´s nice to meet you, I´m Casey.”
 “Likewise.” Giving me a tight smile, Luna waved her bag at me. "I have to get going… finding a warm, dry place to spend the night. Thanks for the food."
 "You´re welcome," I answered, giving her a last smile before I went back to the basket, giving out care packages to more factionless. Most of them were nice, even telling me ‘thank you', something I had never encountered while wearing black. Obviously, there was more to being abnegation than I had realized.
 I was just done giving food to an older man when I spotted the familiar form of Four patrolling the perimeter. He turned around and I inhaled sharply, the state his face was in deeply unsettling. His left eye was discolored, almost black from the force a fist had met his nose, scraps covering his lips and the space above his eyebrows. He looked like he had taken a good beating and I knew only one person that was able to inflict this much damage.
Turning my head towards the figure that appeared by my side, I questioned quietly.
“What the hell happened to him?”
 "You already know." Uriah heaved a sigh, folding his arms over his chest. "Eric saw the tape where Four asked you to come with him on the evening before choosing… the next day you deflected and he is hell-bent that he had a hand in it." Hesitating a moment, he added quietly. "Did he?"
 “Of course not.” Shaking my head, I met Four´s inquisitive gaze and averted my eyes. “I had my reasons…”
 “I guess so…” Uriah answered, giving me a small smile, bumping into my shoulder when I didn’t retaliate it. “You know, I´m sorry about what I said on the roof… about abnegation having no skills, that was stupid…”
 This time I laughed, rolling my eyes at him. “By now you should know I´m not resentful. Don´t worry, you weren’t all wrong…” We were both quiet for a few moments until his name was called and we turned around, Macy calling him over with a scowl on her face, even Aiden was watching the two of us with narrowed eyes. Sighing Uriah, scrunched up his face.
 "Guess I´ll have to go… I just wanted to say that you know how to rock the grey look, baggy and all that." He gave me a wink and a smirk while walking backward to my brother who refused to acknowledge me as a part of his family. Macy immediately started whispering furiously, pulling him further away from me.
I watched them with a sinking feeling, the last piece of friendliness I was surrounded with leaving with Uriah.
Sensing Marcus´ stare on me, I went back to work, taking one of the spare blankets to hand to a young mother and her child waiting for her turn but before I reached her someone stepped in front of me, blocking my way.
 I stayed silent, waiting for the dauntless to step out of my way but he didn't move. Slowly trailing my eyes upwards, I meet the stare of the same transfer that had been staring at me before with that provocative expression on his face, his crooked nose broken at least once, brown hair falling onto his forehead. The obligatory weapon in hands he was looking down at me, cocking his head and I immediately knew he thought he was better than me, that I, just because I was wearing grey was less than dirt in his shoes.
I knew it because it was the same one Eric spared all the people he deemed to be beneath him. And I fucking hated it.
 “Aren´t you the one from dauntless?” He asked, feigning ignorance. “Casey, right?”
 "I am." Forcing a smile on my face, I meet his gaze head on. If he thought he could intimidate me with that thing in his hand, I was sure he had no idea how to handle, he was wrong. And if he came to mess with me he´d chosen the wrong one. "What can I help you with?"
 “I was just curious…” The smile on his face was acid. “How does it feel?” When furrowed my brows, he specified his question. “I mean deflecting from dauntless must have been hard. From what I heard most will never speak to their families again, they´re considered traitors…”
 “Faction before Blood, isn’t it?” I answered, refusing to show him he had just managed to hit the sore spot. First survival rule in dauntless you´ll ever learn: never show weakness. Second one: play them. “But aren’t you a transfer, too? You should know what it means. Now, if that´s all I have things to do –”
I went to take a step past him but he cut me off again. Glaring up at him, the smile tugging up his lips contradicted the expression in his eyes.
This one, I realized, was the kind that would do everything to strive in dauntless without honoring our values. A perfect fit for Max´s new regime.
 “Not at all.” Sighing, he took a step closer, getting into my personal space. “I also heard you were living with Marcus Eaton… as well as rumors about you and Eric… seems you have an affinity for leaders. So my question, you only let leaders take a look beneath that rug?”
 His audacity had me exhale heavily and I stared at him for a moment before a too sweet smile took over my face and I stepped forward, my face only inches away from his chest. Looking up into his deep brown eyes, I let the desire of manslaughter shine through, my voice like honey. “Get out of my fucking way.”
 “What if I don’t?” He asked, making the mistake of stepping forward instead of slowly backing away with his tails between his legs, even swatting the blanket from my hands. With a gritted jaw, I looked from the cloth of fabric on the floor back towards him, my mind made up. Dauntless number three: Never pick a fight with someone that will crush you.
“What if I´d like to see what stiffs wear beneath those bags? I heard –”
 Sadly, I´d never find out what exactly he heard about grey´s because in the next second I had ripped the rifle from his hands and brought the heel up, sending it right into his nose that cracked with a satisfying sound, immediately starting to gush rivers of blood before sending him to the floor with one placed kick to his knees.
While the foolish transfer cried out in pain, I dissembled the weapon with skilled hands, letting the parts fall onto the floor beside him.
Bending done until my face was right above his and he stared at me through teary eyes, I gave him another award-winning smile and a reminder he should take to heart if he wanted to survive in the compound.
“Never challenge someone you don´t stand a chance against, idiot.”
 Straightening up, I smirked, satisfied that I had taught him a lesson he wouldn’t forget but the smile slowly vanished from my face as I found everyone staring at me in various stages of shock. My fellow initiates were staring at me as if I was the devil incarnate, my stomach falling with every disapproving gaze one of the members in grey send my way while the dauntless understood my reasoning. At least most.
Slowly shaking his head at me, my brother left the room followed by the one I had once called my best friends. Only Uriah, Lynn and surprisingly Luna had to suppress their smiles while some of his fellow transfers wore satisfying expressions that only fueled my former assumptions: he was an asshole.
 Slowly turning my head, I met Four´s deep blue eyes, his expression saying more than a thousand words. What the hell were you thinking?
Well, I wasn´t… Widening my eyes, my nonverbal answer had him shake his head but the slightly disappointed expression was suddenly replaced by hardness as he stared past me, his blue eyes cold. I had no chance to turn my head and see what had elicited the change in him before I was grabbed by my upper arm and roughly pulled away, fingernails biting into my skin. Startled, I couldn’t stop the small gasp from leaving my mouth while violently being lead out of the hall by Marcus who was staring straight ahead with his jaw clenched, the jugular on his neck throbbing furiously. Looking back, the last thing I saw was Four who had taken a step forward, staring after the two of us with an expression akin to panic, fists clenched at his side.
 Knowing that this was his father and he knew him best, as well as never having seen Four wear an expression like that, I knew I had fucked up. Badly.
 “Marcus, I –”
 “QUIET!” He bellowed, giving me a glare that had the blood in my veins freeze. “That was strike three.”
The door met the wall with a bang as I was thrown into my room, the ribs of my upper right side colliding with the wooden frame of the bed in an explosion of pain, the force taking my breath away. I had taken enough blows in my life to know he had just cracked one.
Rolling myself away, I landed on the arm Marcus hadn´t let go once, suppressing the blood flow with his viselike grip, harshly panting for air. I hoped he would have taken enough satisfaction, hurting me like this but when I looked up at him through blurry eyes all I found was unadulterated rage staring back at me.
“I´m sorry, Marcus. I –” I attempted to address the issue somewhat calmly but he was long gone.
 “Shut up!” He screamed, his face turning red. While I recoiled, hitting my head against the frame behind me, Marcus was frozen in the middle of the room with his fists balled and eyes closed, struggling to retain his composure. My hands started shaking.
 “Do you know what you just did? Out there?” Marcus ground out through gritted teeth, his face turning red in rage as he pointed with his arm towards the window. Shaking my head, because for the first time in my life I was too terrified to speak out loud, I pressed myself tighter against the wooden frame when he took a step closer.
Pacing the room, Marcus pulled on his hair like I had seen it Four doing a thousand times but the two men, I realized, were as different as night and day but all I could do is watch him talking himself further into his rage.
“You compromised not only yourself with your foolishly violent behavior, you made me look like a fool in front of these savages! They already think bad enough of my faction as it is but as soon as they hear about your infraction, the infraction of the girl I have selflessly taken into my own home, my four walls, to teach how to act as one of us they will think of me as nothing but a good-for-nothing blighter that is unable to lead a faction, nevertheless the government of our city!”
 The maniacal glint in his eyes made the ball of anxiety in my stomach curl even tighter, making it harder it to breathe than it already was after the hit I took. Maybe I should have interrupted him, tried to calm him down instead of cowering away from him but the paralyzing fear inside my brain made it impossible to form a coherent thought that had nothing to do with the urge to flee the room, the house and maybe even the faction itself. Marcus continued his tirade as if I was invisible. Oh, how I wished I was…
 “You made me look like an incompetent idiot in front of my good-for-nothing son that abandoned me the first chance he got, you ridiculed me in the worst way possible! He is the reason those rumors started, the reason why Matthews thinks she can take over everything I worked for my whole life!
I came here with nothing and I made this faction what it is: the real government of our city, not just one that is controlled by the likes of those blue snobs or black boneheads. Me, it was all ME!”
 Suddenly he started laughing, a short, breathless, insane laugh that made me realize what he really was: a megalomaniac who had been trusted to lead our government.
Marcus Eaton was insane through and through.
I had to get out of here before he killed me.
“Yes… I´m the one who made Abnegation what it is today. Not Brewster, the old bitch, not Prior with his self-righteous wife and traitor children, it was all me!”
 Using the moment, he was farthest away with his pacing, I scrambled off the floor and made a jump to the door. “No, you don´t!”
 My hand touched the doorknob when I was grabbed from behind and with immense force thrown through the room, landing with my back on the mattress but continued rolling until my sore shoulder and my head hit the wall.
Dazed, I tried to roll myself away while the whole room was blurring but was pulled back by my ankle. Feeling him strip the shoes from my feet, I kicked back but Marcus was too strong, pinning them to the bed while he started bunching my dress up.
The adrenalin flooding my veins had me fighting back despite my spinning head, there was no way I would let him defile me in such a vile way, not while I was still conscious.
 I managed to plant my foot in his abdomen and shove him away from me, I even managed to get off the bed but Marcus once again pulled me back, using the fact that I was standing to rip the dress over my head. Instead of pulling it down my arms too, he twisted it in front of my body and threw me back onto the bed, my face landing in the flat pillow.
Lying on my bound hands I had no leverage to get away and Marcus used this, keeping me pinned to the bed with his knee in my back.
 “People like you,” Marcus grunted, panting harshly. “or my son, you're just so ungrateful! After all that I´ve done for you, this is how you repay me? With shame and humiliation, just like he did… or his mother, the dumb cunt! Coming into my house, into my bed just to tell me what I couldn’t do!
There was only ever one way to put people like you in your place."
 Hearing his belt buckle, I helplessly sobbed into my pillow knowing there was nothing preventing him from exposing me completely, to use me any way he wanted. We were alone and no one would hear me screaming…
Dauntless never give up, but I wasn’t dauntless anymore… was I?
 But instead of pulling down my underwear, he pulled my whole body down until I was kneeling on the floor, my torso on top of the bed, keeping me there with a hand between my shoulder blades.
 “Yes, there was only ever one way…” He muttered, suddenly awfully calm. It had my heart race in my chest. “Just remember: This is for your own good.”
 I heard the whipping of the belt a second before the impact and the pain to register in my brain took even longer but when it did, I couldn’t help but scream out in sheer agony, having never felt pain like this in all my life.
But Marcus didn’t leave it with one hit.
 Over and over again the leather met the until now flawless skin on my back, splitting the uppermost layer until I felt liquid running down my sides that were violently heaving, trying to breathe through the pain that paralyzed my whole body. I thought the pain couldn't get worse but once again he proved me wrong as he shifted the belt after an especially vicious hit and suddenly it wasn't just leather anymore but metal that had me seeing stars, so severe was the agony that I was on the verge of passing out. I wished I did.
I couldn’t contain the ear shattering scream that had him strikes out an extra two times just to prove a point.
The noise of metal hitting wood as the belt hit the floor was almost lost to my ringing ears, all I could think about was the anguish consuming me whole.
 “Clean yourself up. Stupid bitch…” Marcus spat before his footsteps leaving the room were heard, followed by the door being closed shut. Not able to move, I could just pull my arms from the dress and slide down to the floor in some state of shock that was numbing my brain. The pain was still there, was still all-consuming but my brain must have hit the preserve button, leading me into a corner of my mind where the reality was far away, my eyes unfocused staring at the grey wall that hid my suffering from all the prying eyes.
If just Eric was here… he´d know what to do…
 Images of the two of us flitted through my mind like a movie on repeat and I let them pull me away, distract me from the harsh reality that my life had become.
I stayed curled up for a long time, the kisses from the belt on my skin spilling blood that was slowly running down my body was almost not felt over the searing pain the metal buckle had caused, leaving a deep incision in my flesh. Staring at the grey wall, all I saw was Marcus enraged and Four´s frightened face. Did his father do this to him too? For over eighteen years…?
He never told anyone, he was brave and stubborn and survived, lived through this hell on earth. I wasn't sure if I could do that, could survive another whipping like this. If I wouldn't get out of this house after initiation, I was done for.
This would be my undoing.
 The bench we girls all were perched on was uncomfortable and hard against my still tender skin. Head angled down in respect the other initiates and I were all waiting for one of the elders to get up onto the small stage in the middle of the room that was specifically for this occasion, the reading of the manifesto to mark the end of our initiation.
 The last two weeks have been hell for me. After spending the whole night on the cold floor, I had been able to drag myself into the shower, the warm water burning like acid on my skin. Opening the cabinet, I had realized for the first time what the disinfection agent was for and had used my left arm, the one I could still raise to pour it down my back, stifling my screams with a towel.
Of course, I wasn't excused from my duties, it would have raised too many questions but Marcus had me do paperwork and other stuff I could do while sitting down. I knew for a fact he did not do it out of nicety but to save his own ass.
It would have been my duty to report it, to make sure Marcus would serve his lifetime in the factionless area but the duty towards my old faction was so much more important. Because my sense of righteousness had me stay silent… as well as my own shame.
 All my life, I had been trained to defend myself, to inflict the person that wanted to harm me unimaginable pain, it would have been my whole life if I had stayed in dauntless. But I failed miserably, shamefully.
I was a coward.
 It had been so easy, breaking the transfers nose even though he was at least double my weight and physically in his prime. So why couldn't I handle an old man that was out of breath arriving on top of the stairs?
No, if this ever became public the future I hoped for at dauntless would be gone forever. There was a reason Four never spoke of it. Because he knew what the members would have whispered behind his back. He wouldn’t be the prodigy, he´d be just a weak little boy.
He just knew…
 People like Eric and my brother would have made fun of him, they already did. And I… I would have seen nothing wrong with it. After all Eric´s opinion had been my religion, I would have defended it with claw and tooth until I felt they had suffered enough for their blasphemies. But now, I knew that Eric had been wrong, that I had been wrong and I wanted nothing more than to tell Four how sorry I was. Even if he didn’t care, it was important to me. Maybe I would find a way…
 A movement in the middle of the room pulled me from my thoughts and I looked up to see one of the oldest members, an eighty-year-old man I had done the laundry for last week, scrubbing until the scab split open again, discoloring the nth pair of cotton bandages, step up onto the stage, helped by another member. Taking a seat on the chair that had been placed there for him, he was handed the paper that held the manifesto, squinting his eyes to recognize the letters that must have been blurring with the way his hand shook.
Having the oldest, and most certainly slowest, person of whole Abnegation reciting the words was somewhat fitting, the prospect of our whole life welcoming us with his brittle voice, like nails on a chalkboard.
 Another figure stepped up towards him and I immediately averted my eyes, just getting a glimpse at Marcus´ patronizing smile as he gazed down towards his people, hands folded in front of his pouch. Living with him has been an ongoing nightmare I couldn’t wake up from. Not being able to relax because I walked around the house on tiptoes, always waiting for the other shoe to drop, for Marcus to lose it like he did that day, kept me in a constant state of anxiety. I wasn’t able to sleep properly knowing he was just down the hall, that there was nothing that would stop him from coming into my room and take it even further than last time. I also couldn’t eat and what little I managed to get down made a reappearance whenever the distant sound of leather splitting flesh rose in my ears.
Until a few days ago, I was successful in hiding it but Natalie found me in the bathroom and the caring woman she was, ordered me to go to the doctor. Letting him take an extensive blood sample while refusing to undress me with the excuse of being not comfortable being close to naked around men, he found that nothing was wrong with me.
Except for one thing…
 “We are all gathered here today,” Marcus spoke up, immediately drawing the attention of everyone inside the room onto him with his charismatic voice that was pleasant to all of them, except me. I had seen the monster in him that could never be unseen again. "to celebrate the end of initiation, to welcome our initiates as members of our society. So that we shall thrive and prosper under their fresh, watchful gazes. That their hands that have yet to contribute their part to our community shall not be idle, but always lending, helping. That our new members shall be the epitome of our values, of selflessness, of self-denial.
Welcome them as fully-functioning members of our society, of the part they have chosen four weeks ago.
Faction before Blood.”
 “Faction before Blood.” Was echoed through the whole room, voices somber and thoughtful. I lacked behind but my lack of enthusiasm stayed unnoticed, after all, it fit right in. Stepping down, Marcus gestured towards the man to start reading, his gaze falling onto me like so often. He had to make sure I wasn't stepping out of line.
 Clearing his throat, the elder started reciting with a weak voice, having to stop ever so often because a cough attack rattled him. Cynically, I thought to myself that if he wouldn’t hurry up he´d die up there.
  "I will be my undoing If I become my obsession.
I will forget the ones I love If I do not serve them.
I will war with others If I refuse to see them.
Therefore, I choose to turn away from my reflection,
To rely not on myself
But on my brothers and sisters,
To project always outward
Until I disappear."
 He finished, adding the non-obligatory "Only God remains", joined by about half of the faction. It wasn't lost on me that our leader joined in. Funny, I had never seen him as a man of faith.
 The following part of the ceremony was the one I dreaded most. We had to stay where we are while the senior members all came to wash our feet, a symbol of hospitality and that we were all equal, that no one was too important to serve another.
I had hated feet with a passion for all my life and barely managed to touch my own. But let a stranger do it? Disgusting.
 It ended up being a woman I only knew from passing, the wife of a council member if I was right, that knelt in front of my exposed feet with a wet towel and a dry one, methodically but throughout cleaning the limb while I was cringing, before getting up and giving me a comforting smile. I would never, ever do that.
 The dark blue eyes watching my every movement had the underlying disgust vanish from my expression and I struggled to put on the emotionless mask I had developed over the last few weeks. No one should witness my shame, every weakness displayed could mean your ultimate demise, a target for whoever that wanted to hurt you.
I knew my someone.
 When even the last one of the initiates had shiny clean feet, we put our stockings and shoes back on before we were lead to the large table in the next room that was already stocked with our common meal, nothing more than bland chicken and unseasoned potatoes. The lack of enthusiasm, even while anticipated, made the whole ordeal feel ordinary, nothing special. There was no laughter, no alcohol, of course, nothing that portrayed the significance of this day for all eight of us. Not even a piece of cake.
It made me feel even smaller, more insignificant than ever.
I could already feel myself disappearing, swept up by a sea of grey that swallowed me whole. It was like slowly drowning – and there was nothing I could do, except taking it with a smile.
 I was seated to Marcus right, now that I was officially his personal assistant. He had gotten word from the other leaders that permitted his request without even speaking to me. They considered it an honor, a privilege to serve directly under their head leader and even though there was nothing I would have hated to do more, it earned me small jealous glares from the redhead whose name I had already forgotten again.
 Susan and the other two would move into a house that already held two unmarried women, while the boys would all share one house until it was their time to court a woman, make her their wife and move into a house of their own.
I, on the other hand, would stay with Marcus, in Four´s old room because he needed his assistant close by. I had kept a brave face when he told me but that night, I cried into my pillow that muffled every sound.
 Torn between the need to complete my mission as soon as possible and to be as far away from him as possible, I had decided to stay even though every fiber of my body screamed for me to leave, my back being the loudest one. I hadn’t made so many sacrifices to fail now. There was one person I had to protect at all costs.
 The meal was a somber occasion and I stayed quiet most of the time despite that it should have been the time we spoke up as adults, as their equals. But with Marcus beside me, I didn’t take the risk. The only perk our celebration had that we were excused from doing the dishes and I used the opportunity to flee the table as soon as possible. Exhausted, all I wanted to do was get away.
 The last sun rays were just disappearing behind the abandoned skyscrapers and I inhaled deeply, letting the chill evening air fill my lungs, lightening the weight that had settled in my stomach just for a little. I was thankful for all the peace I could get.
Especially knowing what was to come in the next few months.
 Searching my pocket for the piece of paper hidden, my fingers tightened around the worn-out edges and I pulled it out, staring down at it like I had done for the last four days, a small sliver of hope growing in my heart just to be nipped in the bud by the despair I felt. My fingers gingerly touched the black and white image, circling around the small bubble in the center of it, where a piece of Eric was growing inside my body.
My reason to not abandon the mission, so that my child wouldn’t grow up in a city full of ashes and hate, nothing left for him or her when they grew up. No, I couldn’t do that to his child, to my child.
 I´m going to everything to make sure you will grow up not having to worry about shelter or food, little one. Even if it kills me in the end.
I honestly don´t know what to say… sorry? :D I already hinted that this story won´t be an overly happy one and it won´t get much better in the chapters to come… I also don´t know if the scene was overly graphic, just tell me if you liked it (the portrayal, not the deed itself) or not.. feedback is always good :)
I´ll stop rambling now & go to bed… I honestly don´t know what I´m writing anymore… :D
Thanks for being so patient! And to everyone who read & reviewed! :)
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hogwardsgossip · 7 years
No one should treat you like that ( George Weasley Imagine)
Can you do one where George is dating a muggle born girl and he finds out her older brother abuse her and gets all upset and protective? Please?
About you :
You and George started dating a year ago, after three months of dating he told you that he is wa wizard. At first you didn´t believe him until he proved you, that it is not a prank. he told you almost everything about hogwarts and the wizards world. Even though he is always telling you everything, you haven´t been honest to him all the time. Whenever you are sad or not feeling good, you mostly say it is because of school or what ever reason you come up with. But the truth is, that your brother abuses you, when ever your parents aren´t at home.
Y/N Pov:
“Bye Mom and Dad, I hope you have fun at Hawaii!” I waved my hand, smiled and said good bye to my parents, who were leaving for their holidays. After I closed the door, I breath out heavily. My parents will be gone for a whole week, which means that I am home alone with my older brother. I could feel a weird, uncomfortable feeling in my stomach area. Just thinking what he would do with me, makes me want to scream and cry. Whenever my parents aren´t home, he would lock every door in the house and does things to me, a normal brother would never think of. He wasn´t home when my parents left, so I had time to lock myself in my room. Suddenly my phone rang, George. I took a deep breath in, George, my boyfriend is probably the cutest and most honest person on earth. He always cares about me and every day, when we don´t see each other he calls me to check if I´m alright. “ Hey George” I asnwered the phone with a small smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach. Even after a year of dating, my feelings are as strong as they were at the first day of our realtionship. “ How are you babe? Have your parents left already?” He said. “Yeah, they just left the house. “ I answered while looking out the window. I saw how a familiar car drove into the parking lot infront of our house. I swallowed. My brother is home. “Ehm, George, I need to hang up, I think my pizza in the oven is burning! I love you byee” with that, I put my phone on my lap. I was sitting o my bed trying to figure out what I should do. The sexual abusement from my brother towards me started a few months ago. I never knew why he started and I never told anyone. Because firstly, I feel so embaressed and dirty, I could never ever talk about it, just thinking about telling some one makes me want to die. And secondly, I am so scared of George or anybodys reaction if I told them what is happening. I could hear a key in the door and I hold my breath. “ Y/N your brother is home ! “ He shouted, I didn´t answer. “ I know you are there” I heared heavy steps on the stairs. Suddenly, his voice was so close to me, the only thing that was separating us was my white, locked door. “ Sweetie, you know you can´t hide. “ He tried to open the door, but since it was close, it didn´t open right away. “ Aww, do you really think a locked door will stop me from coming in ? “ He laughed and I trembled. He hit his fists against the door and my heart started beating so fast, that I was scared it will come out of my chest. “ Oh baby, I really want to do things with you right now and the only thing standing between our fun night is this closed door. “ My brother said, “ And me. “ A familiar voice said. “ What do you want here ginger?” My brother shouted angryly and I heared, how some one has been hit. I didn´t say one word, I couldn´t move because I was so scared. “Impedimenta!” George shouted and everything was silent. “ Hey, Y/N: It´s fine, you can come out now. He won´t harm you anymore. “ George said with a calm voice. I slowly opened the door and saw George standing in front of me and my brother laying on the floor. “Don´t worry, he is just paralysed temporaly: Are you okay?” He looked at me with a worried expression. His nose was bleeding. “ I´m so sorry George.” I said and broke out in tears. I couldn´t stop sobbing and his warm arms are hugging me tiedly. “ Why haven´t you told me about that? What has he done to you? “ George said and I could hear his anger and frustation. “ I was scared. I used to touch me and...and..” A sobbed interrupped me, “Shhh...it´s okay. He won´t harm you anymore. I will take care of you. But please, y/n, tell me when something is wrong or when someone is abusing you okay? You don´t need to feel ashamed.I´m your boyfriend, will do everything to protect you from things like that. You should have told me” I nodded. Ever since George found out about what my brother did to me, I told him everything. He even encourged me to tell my parents.
hello guys,
first of all, I wanted to apoplogize for not being very active, but what I wanted to say is, that things like sexual abusement from family members, friends etc. is actual happening. You might not know it, because the people who get abused feel ashamed and dont want to talk about it. But this is not right! Please, if some one who is abused is reading this, tell some one, message me if you want to talk but dont keep this burden yourself. No one deserves to be treated like that and there are people who can help you ! 
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