#aren layouts
scythidol · 7 months
KUBOKAI MATCHING ICONS . . . for @hiddencircus' event!
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day O1 prompt : "I fell clumsily into love / Like dancing atop thin ice, / scattering sparks all the way" - Love for Love by Love of Love by Pinocchiop
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pfpanimes · 2 years
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⌕ saiki kusuo no psi-nan - 🎃.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Can you write a saiki and gn!reader, where gn! just transferred the school and saiki can't read their mind and tries to figure out why so he starts following them only to discover that they can teleport, turn invisible and is able to prevent people from reading their mind
Also can it be a platonic relationship? Sorry if I'm asking for too much 😅
I left this for a LONG while but now I’m kinda back on my Saiki K brain rot, I’m here to finally do this!
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Was this stalking? Potentially…Hypothetically speaking from a certain moral standpoint…yes.
However what made this different from stalking was that Saiki was good at masking his stalking and by ‘good,’ I mean that his friends -mainly Nendo and Kaidou in specific- lack the social awareness skills to detect that he was doing it in the first place; Which was the perfect excuse Saiki could use in continuing to delving deeper into his self appointed mission. To understand how we got to this point in the story where our beloved pink haired, cynic psychic found himself tailing you from a distance under a suspicion, we must go back to that morning where PK Academy was in the midst of receiving of initiating a new transfer student.
First Kuboyasu Aren, then Saiko Metori, now you? Hasn’t the whole transfer student trope ran itself into the ground by this point? Saiki questioned whilst you were going through the mandatory self introductions to the rest of his home room but that wasn’t as engaging as the fact that within the sea of thoughts belonging to his peers, yours, much like Nendo’s, didn’t seem to be there; Not a blip, not a sound, nothing. Almost as though you were made out to have possessed a higher level of comprehension which rendered internalised thoughts and speech almost unethical. Saiki knew that you were smarter then Nendo, which wasn’t saying much as seemingly everyone and their domesticated animals such as dogs and cats were smarter then Nendo.
So why was it that he couldn’t hear your thoughts? He immediately ruled out the probability of you being just like him because that was just wishful thinking based upon little to no factual evidence that could’ve potentially pointed him towards that conclusion. Maybe your thoughts were just too quite for him to hear? Then again Saiki could hear the thoughts of a mouse as clear as day and they were usually quite loud for something so small bodied and generalised as quiet. So before Kaidou begins to inevitably spout his rhetoric. No, Saiki didn’t think you were an impeccably built android with the strength to bench press a bus or two, sent to PK Academy under the employment of Dark Reunion; He just had to get that out there before he would unfortunately be asked by the blue haired boy later on.
With the mystery concerning his shortcomings in reading your thoughts driving the pink haired psychic into a state of potential paranoia. Saiki did what he does best when faced with similar situations; observe from afar. (Read: stalk the person until they’ve proven themselves no longer a threat to him.) which leads us back to where we originally left off.
It was lunch period and Saiki knew something was off when you didn’t follow everyone else to the cafeteria and instead chose to walk in the opposite direction towards the school gates. Where are they going? Don’t tell me they’re already getting lost. Good grief someone should’ve at least shown them the school layout first before dropping them off at home room. On another note it only just occurred to me that in certain tv shows set in a high school and or college, the whole ‘getting lost’ trope just grows increasingly more redundant when you consider the fact that it’s a sloppy, unoriginal and overplayed method used in introducing the love interest(s) to the audience. Goes to show that Show runners have gotten lazier as of recent.
Saiki peers his head out of the doorway just to see that you turn round the corner, unsuspecting of his deadpan gaze, before he checked the hallway of any potentially unwarranted encounters, mentally sighing in relief when he found it vacant of any and all hinderances. Before he turned the same corner, Saiki expected you to be a few paces away from but to his slight surprise, you had vanished; Well corporeally vanished as the pink haired male could still sense that you were still well within his 200 meter radius. Then it occurred to him that you had just turned yourself invisible when you sensed that you were being watched. However before Saiki could react, you had disappeared from his radio is entirely. Enter your second ability: teleportation.
“What’re you following me for?” Your voice came from behind him so suddenly and without warning that almost let slip some emotion across his face. You’re just like me. “What’re you talking about, your making no sense.” You said, noting how Saiki didn’t speak with his mouth but more so through a telepathic link, connecting the two of you. Saiki sighed, closing his eyes briefly before opening them again. Just watch. After he said that, Saiki himself vanished before your very eyes, causing your eyes to grow wide and a gasp of surprise to leave your lips as you tried to figure out where he could’ve went; praying that no one saw either of you displaying your powers.
Come to the school gate. Saiki commanded shortly but sensed that you were about to question why he adds, look, I’m not stupid enough to put us at risk of being spotted. I’m not Nendo, you chuckled at the comparison, besides I think it’s high time we have a talk about what else your capable of doing. So just get down here, I don’t care how you do it, teleportation or not, just get down here before I start rethinking my choices. “Alright, alright. I’m coming, no need to get all mardy at me. ‘I’m just sceptical is all.” You muttered. I heard that. “Yeah your supposed to genius.” You retorted as you teleported to the school gates where Saiki was waiting for you with a plastic bag of…coffee jellies? Your face must’ve said it all for Saiki as he huffed, subconsciously holding the bag closer to his being. What? I got hungry and decided to treat myself.
“You’re unbelievable, could’ve bought me something.” You scoffed lighthearted. Please, I don’t even know what you like because you’ve been blocking me from your thoughts, so why don’t you go buy it yourself rather then relying on me. Saiki rebutted as he entertained himself to one of his coffee jellies as you then took up his advice and teleported to the nearest convenient store to buy yourself a couple of snacks before teleporting back to the school gates; Saiki was already on his second coffee jelly. You parked yourself next to him and began to eat in silence.
“May I have a coffee jelly?”
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shuttershocky · 1 year
shutters do you have a surtr-less way of solving DV-EX-8? I feel like I don't have enough operators to handle the boss, dorothy, the unpowered suits, and the creations thing
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DV-EX-8 may feel like a bit of a time rush, having to get rid of all the power armor before they're awakened while dealing with the boss' constant pressure, but if you hold a few choke points and learn how to mitigate Awaken's global blast attack, you actually have quite a lot of time to work with.
Since there are actually many different ways to attack the stage depending on your operators, instead of a fully realized layout, I've illustrated chokepoints to hold as well as drawn the boss' path.
Blue arrows are holds to deal with the sleeping Power Armor. Placing an operator with here blocks the blobs from entering the Power Armor units and activating them, allowing you to plink away with Casters as you please.
Red arrows are chokes you hold because these are where the regular enemies actually run through. Thankfully as long as none of the Armor is awakened, the enemies in this stage aren't particularly dangerous.
The purple line shows the boss' path. Since it teleports around, you may be wary of how to set up to kill it, but if you notice, it always stays a reachable distance to where your holds are. As long as you can kill the Power Armor units before you kill its Phase 1 (which activates all sleeping Power Armor on death), you can wear it down nice and easy.
Now to learn to deal with the boss' pressure. Every time Awaken teleports, it charges up a huge blast that hits for 6750 damage, on top of its regular attacks. However, there's two important things to note:
Despite looking like an Arts blast, this move is physical
The 6750 damage gets SHARED equally across all friendly units hit, meaning the more of them out on the field, the less damage gets taken by each unit.
This means that if you don't want your casters instantly deleted from full health, you'll want as many friendly units out on the field as possible (throw Beanstalk Crabs, extra medics, Gravel for good measure), and making sure your ground units (who are already being pummeled by the regular enemies) are quite tanky. Centurions and Defenders are you best friends here, but a certain Caster Class is especially great.
The Phalanx Casters boast high DEF when their shields are up, and happen to have a wide range for when they actually attack. They can pull double duty quite well, helping to tank the boss' special AOE blast while also switching to offense mode and taking down the sleeping Power Armor while the boss recharges. (The boss takes 38 seconds to teleport to a new tile and blast again, so you have a reasonably long window between blasts.
Again, take note that the picture here doesn't include which tiles to place your casters and medics as well as your other melee units, this is going to be very dependent on which units you have (read: depending on which Casters you have raised, who sits where is going to be very different), but this should give you a basic foundation of the overall strategy. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed, you can slow down the pace of this stage with good old Block-3 operators and medics for sustain, then kill the boss when you're ready.
Note - Don't forget you have more Arts options than Casters! Arts Fighters that aren't Surtr, Lords with Arts damage like Lappland and Arene, they're great at dealing with this stage.
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murcuor · 3 months
a stelle, march 7th or jingliu tumblr layout? (kind of wanting stelle the most..)
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HI ANON !! here ' s your march 7th &. jingliu &. stelle tumblr layouts !!
i hope you like them ... these aren ' t my best work but i hope it will suffice !!!
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aquarium-cafes · 2 months
hello! ^_^ can i please get aren kuboyasu layouts? /nf, thank you!!
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" hii sorry I don't do The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. So I'm afraid I have to reject your order "
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paderfutternapf · 5 months
Heute konnten wir in unserem "Tierarzt-Fenster" unsere neue Werbetafel installieren. Geballte tierische Fachkompetenz ist hier vertreten.
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Nicht umsonst zählt unser Schaufester bei den Tierhaltern zu den am meisten fotografierten Fenstern in Paderborn und Umgebung.
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Gerne hätten wir alle 14 Werbeplätze belegt, tragen diese doch maßgeblich dazu bei unser Fixkosten, wie Miete, Strom... zu reduzieren.  Aber wir hoffen, dass wir im Laufe der nächsten Monate noch den einen oder die andere dazu gewinnen können.
Sollten SIE Interesse haben, uns mit Ihrem Eintrag zu unterstützen, melden Sie sich bei uns. Wir sind Ihnen auch gerne bei der Erstellung eine individuellen Layouts behilflich.
Wir bedanken uns bei nachfolgenden Praxen für die großartige Unterstützung (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge):
Kleintierpraxis Dr. med. vet. Dorothea Arens-Hemmen Tierarztpraxis Erhard Becker in Schloß Neuhaus Chirurgische Kleintierpraxis Dr. Gramada Tierarztpraxis Dr. Katharina Grewe Tierärztliche Praxis für Kleintier und Physiotherapie Josef-Albert Hoffmeister Kleintierzentrum Dr. med. vet. Stefan Knoop Kleintierpraxis Dorothea Kornat Tiergesundheitszentrum Söhl Tierphysio und REHA-Zentrum Paderborn Dorothée Stute Veternicum Paderborn Dres. Scholz Bornhorst / M. Hardalov
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mputerize · 2 years
The fascia is the portion that protects its lower edges
Finally, flat roof repair is an entirely different process due to the rolled material and liquid waterproofing compounds. A company that specializes in roof repair and cleaning is able to assist you with all of your home;s roofing maintenance requirements. Metal roofing generally comes in much larger panels, so those are only replaced when spot repairs aren;t effective. To help you determine the time to call your local contractors, these are some of the most common types of roof repairs that may need attention. These data are crucial for monitoring the condition of your roof and includes: Technical data Roof repairs and maintenance history Scheduling Priority Works Maintenance Budget Maintenance Reminder Benefits of regular maintenance: The type of roofing material creates different challenges for repair work. Gutter cleaning is among wholesale Zero waste yarn computerized knitting machine manufacturers the most common types of repairs that homeowners schedule for their properties. Throughout the course of the fall and winter season, falling leaves and debris can clog up a gutter system and cause it to bend or sag.
If your gutters are clogged or broken, do not hesitate to set up professional roof repair services for your home. For example, asphalt shingles, wood shingles, concrete tiles, and clay tiles often have damage to individual shingles or tiles, meaning those pieces need replacement. Our inspections are carried out by highly qualified technicians and includes: Visual Inspection Roof take-off and CAD layout The complete report of roof conditions Cut-Test Heat Loss Survey Thermography (Moisture Surveys) STEP 2 - Corrective Works Following the inspection, a detailed report of the roof condition is produced identifying the maintenance work to be performed or all areas considered critical requiring immediate actions. Different elements and parts of the roof provide protection to the structure;s interior. When taken care of, a good one can last for years. No matter what type of roofing you have, regular maintenance is very beneficial.
There are several key reasons to perform consistent maintenance: Prevent leaks, drafts, and other exterior problems Stay aware of potential issues and fix them before they become major Prevent expensive repairs in the future Maintain appearance By performing regular maintenance, you can keep your roof in good condition and prolong its lifespan, saving you the hassle and expense of full roof replacement. If your fascia has begun to rot, mold, or warp, you will need to hire a team of repair technicians to replace this damaged roofing component. It is the primary barrier between you and anything that can fall out of the sky.A roof is essential coverage that is placed on houses and buildings and even such items as automobiles. Along with providing with exceptional style, your roofing shingles are also designed to protect the structural components from water damage, UV exposure, and high winds. Fascia Replacement: The fascia is the portion that protects its lower edges. Unfortunately, your roof will eventually get damaged, and you will have to decide whether it is time to repair or replace it.
Typically, a roof;s fascia will be crafted out of solid wooden boards. Repairing your roof is often the go-to solution to maintaining it. Shingle Replacement: Shingles are another component that may suffer from excessive wear and tear. Since the fascia provides your roof with its first layer of protection against the elements, this part can often suffer from water damage. When you start to notice that several of your shingles are broken or missing, this is a clear indication that you need to schedule a shingle replacement with your local roofing company. Common Types of Repairs: Your roof will experience natural wear and tear over the course of the year. By keeping up on the repair requirements of your home, you can prevent a damaged roof from causing structural problems throughout your property. Preventive maintenance: STEP 1- Annual Inspection: Annual inspections will help to identify existing and potential problems.. The roof is one of the most important parts of your home. Gutter Cleaning: When heavy rains arrive in your area, your gutters will protect your roof and foundation from water damage. Repair methods are selected according to the scale of the problem and can include: Maintenance Work Restoration Work Surface Re-Roof Complete Re-Roof STEP 3- Monitoring Collected data of your roof are computerized. For homes and buildings especially, it performs multiple functions, all of which are tied to providing protection
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_Open House :_ Setiap hari, jam 09.00 - 17.00 KENAPA harus membeli rumah di *Aeera Bintaro* : ✅ *Lokasi strategis*, dekat exit tol Pondok Aren, stasiun KA, mall Bintaro Xchange & fasilitas2 publik terbaik lainnya ✅ *Disain terbaik* yang baru kekinian, bergaya townhouse scandinavian beraksen futuristik, mengusung konsep _two tone facade_ dengan penataan unit dalam perumahan yang apik, mewah, ekslusif mengutamakan kenyamanan & keamanan. Dengan keleluasaan pilihan custom layout, interior & rooftop sangat aplikatif bagi rumah idaman para millenial yang aktif kreatif inovarif ✅ *Legalitas aman* sudah split SHM & IMB ✅ *Harga kompetitif* dengan penawaran promo launching yang sangat menarik serta bernilai investasi tinggi. Info & Survey, Hendra Rusnandy WA : 0821-2764-5456 #rumahbandung2lantai #rumahbandungid_ #rumahbandungraya #rumahbandungselatandijual #rumahbandungcimahi #rumahbandungasri #rumahbandungtimur #intags #rumahbandungtimurdijual #rumahbandungstrategis #rumahbandungdijualmurah #rumahbandungbarat #rumahbandungmurah #rumahbandungpusat #rumahbandungselatan #rumahbandungminimalis #rumahbandungbaratmurah #rumahbandunghits #rumahbandung #rumahbandungtimurmurah #rumahbandungbaratdijual #rumahbandungutara #rumahbandungselatanbebasbanjir #rumahbandungtengah #rumahbandungbaratcimahi #rumahbandungkota #rumahbandungdijual #rumahbandungutaradijual #rumahbandungjabar #rumahbandungsyariah (di Bintaro Tangsel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CljVHSQyI25/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bigenemybouquet · 2 years
The Most Underrated Companies to Follow in the curtain cleaning hocking Industry
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Advantages of Window Blinds
Experienced interior designers will certainly tell you that home window blinds offer a quick and also easy way to change a room. Yet, you might question if blinds use any type blinds repairs perth of certain benefits over various other kinds of window coverings, such as curtains or tones. For many house owners, the response is most definitely yes. Right here are just a few of the many advantages of home window blinds that may encourage you that they're the right option for your house.
Better Control of Light and Heat
Whether you prefer full early morning sunlight, filtered light or total darkness, blinds allow you to manage the illumination in a space. This makes them an ideal choice for rooms, home theaters and home offices. Throughout the summertime, blinds also can be helpful in blocking warm and also UV rays from entering via windows. This can aid maintain you cooler, while safeguarding carpets, furniture as well as home surfaces from fading.
Enhanced Personal privacy
The advantages of blinds additionally consist of supplying a heightened level of personal privacy that can't be accomplished with lots of various other home window covering alternatives. Due to the fact that blinds can be totally shut, they can make it more difficult for robbers to peek via home windows. For optimum personal privacy, you may want to consider top-down blinds that can be opened up as well as closed both on top, near the top of the window framework, and also at the bottom, near the windowsill. This kind of blind is excellent for a bathroom because it lets light go into from outdoors while keeping your privacy.
Wide Option of Styles, Color Styles and also Materials
Despite the layout of your area, you will have a lot of choices when it pertains to blinds, in regards to both design as well as cost. Upright blinds are optimal for huge home windows as well as moving glass doors, while mini-blinds and Roman blinds are best for picture windows. Cordless blinds are a secure and clever choice in homes with children and also pet dogs. When it comes to products, wood blinds can provide a luxurious look that fits with conventional home furnishings and also hardwood floors. Various other cost-saving alternatives include plastic, bamboo, plastic as well as even light weight aluminum. You'll additionally have a large range of choices for colors and sizes of slats.
Easy Maintenance
One the many advantages of blinds is that they're extremely very easy to maintain clean. You'll likely discover that an occasional dusting or a clean with a moist towel is sufficient to keep them looking like new for several years. Drapes, on the other hand, call for cleaning or completely dry cleansing, in addition to rehanging. For homes with allergy patients, blinds are especially useful, because dirt and also dust can be quickly gotten rid of to minimize symptom-causing allergens.
Ease of Setup
If you're seeking a fast option for your home window treatments, you might intend to select blinds. A professional installer can commonly set up braces right into a window frame, place a blind and connect the elements in an issue of minutes. Compare this to personalized curtains, which can take dramatically longer to both make and also hang. Also store-bought drapes need proficient installation to level brackets, slide panels on the rod, hang and protect in position.
Alternative to Layer Window Treatments
So, you want the advantages of home window blinds but additionally like the appearance of drapes? Do not hesitate to couple both window therapies with each other to maximize your design choices, supply light control and boost personal privacy. If you're considering this hybrid appearance, it's a good concept to select the kind of blind you desire initially. Roller blinds and Venetian blinds typically combine well with curtains. For a stylish look, take into consideration a soft color for your blinds and an accent color for your curtains. If bright colors aren't your point, you might want to layer white on lotion or off-white to produce a subtle however crisp appearance that will certainly work in almost any type of area.
The Perks Of Tidy Window Blinds & Tones
Clean home window blinds & tones will freshen the look of any type of space design as well as even more notably, are free of the irritants as well as microorganisms that may negatively affect your family's day-to-day health. Normal cleaning or cleaning of your blinds and also shades is necessary to manage buildup of undesirable and possibly harmful fragments. Incorporating a couple of mins every week to do this during housekeeping, is a prudent routine. Nevertheless, when oily vapour from food preparation (grime), and also wetness from moisture or the transmission of cold and hot through your window panes, adhere dust and also contaminants to window structures as well as the many surfaces of blinds and also tones, it will certainly require a cleaning process to return them to their initial condition. Home window blind washing can be a challenging, tedious and also frequently frustrating job, generating spotty outcomes and/or damages to delicate blades as well as the pristine surfaces of bathtubs and also shower units. Specialist Ultrasonic Cleansing is a welcome as well as affordable option with service choices that will satisfy any house budget. To change your home into a wholesome setting, don't limit your focus to the removal of old carpeting and also the applic.
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pfpanimes · 2 years
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⌕ saiki kusuo no psi-nan - aren kuboyasu.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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10 Things Everyone Hates About how to remove abc roller blinds
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Benefits of Window Blinds
Experienced indoor designers will certainly inform you that window blinds give a quick and easy means to transform a space. Yet, you might question if blinds supply any kind of specific advantages over other types of window coverings, such as drapes or shades. For lots of homeowners, the answer is absolutely of course. Below are just a few of the many advantages of window blinds that may persuade you that they're the right option for your home.
Better Control of Light and Heat
Whether you choose complete morning sunlight, filteringed system light or full darkness, blinds allow you to manage the illumination in a room. This makes them an optimal choice for bedrooms, residence theaters and office. Throughout the summer months, blinds also can be helpful in obstructing heat and UV rays from going into with windows. This can assist maintain you cooler, while securing carpets, furnishings and also house surface areas from fading.
Enhanced Privacy
The advantages of blinds also consist of providing an enhanced degree of personal privacy that can't be accomplished with lots of various other window covering choices. Since blinds can be completely closed, they can make it more difficult for robbers to peek via home windows. For optimum personal privacy, you may wish to consider top-down blinds that can be bear repairs near me opened up and also shut both on top, near the top of the home window frame, and also near the bottom, near the windowsill. This sort of blind is perfect for a restroom because it lets light get in from outdoors while preserving your personal privacy.
Wide Selection of Designs, Color Styles as well as Materials
Regardless of the design of your area, you will certainly have lots of options when it pertains to blinds, in terms of both style and also price. Upright blinds are excellent for huge home windows and also sliding glass doors, while mini-blinds as well as Roman blinds are excellent for picture windows. Cordless blinds are a safe as well as wise option in residences with children as well as family pets. As for products, wood blinds can give an extravagant appearance that fits with standard home furnishings and also wood floorings. Various other cost-saving choices consist of plastic, bamboo, vinyl as well as also light weight aluminum. You'll additionally have a variety of selections for shades and also sizes of slats.
Easy Upkeep
One the many advantages of blinds is that they're exceptionally easy to maintain tidy. You'll likely locate that a periodic dusting or a clean with a damp fabric is sufficient to keep them looking like new for many years. Curtains, on the other hand, call for washing or dry cleaning, as well as rehanging. For households with allergic reaction sufferers, blinds are especially helpful, given that dirt as well as dirt can be easily eliminated to minimize symptom-causing irritants.
Reduce of Installation
If you're looking for a quick remedy for your home window treatments, you might wish to select blinds. A professional installer can generally mount braces right into a home window structure, install a blind and also affix the components in an issue of minutes. Compare this to personalized drapes, which can take dramatically longer to both make as well as hang. Even store-bought drapes need proficient setup to level brackets, slide panels on the pole, hang and protect in place.
Option to Layer Home Window Treatments
So, you want the advantages of window blinds yet also like the look of curtains? Don't hesitate to combine both home window treatments with each other to maximize your layout choices, offer light control and also boost privacy. If you're considering this hybrid appearance, it's a good suggestion to pick the type of blind you want initially. Roller blinds and Venetian blinds often pair well with curtains. For a stylish appearance, take into consideration a muted shade for your blinds as well as an accent shade for your drapes. If brilliant colors aren't your point, you might intend to layer white on cream or off-white to create a refined yet crisp look that will certainly work in nearly any kind of room.
The Benefits Of Clean Window Blinds & Tones
Clean window blinds & tones will certainly freshen the look of any area decoration as well as more notably, are devoid of the allergens and also bacteria that might negatively influence your family members's everyday wellness. Normal cleaning or wiping of your blinds as well as shades is necessary to regulate build-up of unsightly and potentially unhealthy particles. Integrating a couple of minutes every week to do this during housecleaning, is a prudent routine. However, when oily vapour from food preparation (grime), and also moisture from humidity or the transmission of hot and cold via your window panes, adhere dirt as well as pollutants to window structures as well as the many surfaces of blinds as well as shades, it will certainly need a cleaning procedure to return them to their initial problem. Home window blind cleaning can be a challenging, tedious as well as typically discouraging task, generating erratic results and/or damages to vulnerable blades and also the beautiful surfaces of bathtubs and shower enclosures. Expert Ultrasonic Cleansing is a welcome and also inexpensive choice with solution choices that will please any family spending plan. To change your house into a wholesome environment, do not limit your emphasis to the removal of old carpets and also the applic.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
How do you deal with Big Adam in GT-HX-2?
Alright so when fighting Big Adam in this stage, there's two important things to note:
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This guy's ATK is insanely high. he hits for 2700 damage, which is incredibly high even for modern Arknights (most other bosses don't hit nearly this hard) and all the melee deployable tiles in the stage are eroded tiles that half the DEF of units standing on top of them.
This means that trying to block this dude is a fool's errand. It's completely impossible for new players, and difficult still even for advanced players with strong melee units without just bursting his whole HP bar before he lands a hit.
So, don't play his game. If he makes blocking impossible, make his route around the map agonizingly slow instead.
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Here's a mostly ranged layout for dealing with this stage. Early on you can use melee units to block enemies while setting up your ranged defenses, but once Big Adam starts moving you need to be ready to kill this guy with only ranged units.
Red is where you can put your snipers. Have at least one Marksman like Kroos on the left side to deal with drones, but other sniper classes work for the other two red arrows.
Blue is where you put your Decel-Binder supporter, like Orchid. You can have even more if you want, but with enough damage just Orchid by herself will be sufficient. You want to slow down Big Adam as he walks through the stage, buying you more time to hit him.
Purple is your Arts DPS. The one on the ranged tile in the left of the map is your best caster, the one on the melee tile is an additional one in case you have a Lord Guard that deals arts damage, such as Midnight, Arene, or Lappland. These guys will deal the majority of the damage to Big Adam, as Big Adam's DEF is very high (1000), but his RES is only 30, making Arts damage the ideal solution for dealing with him.
The Green arrow is a medic, in case the drones start harassing your Caster and Supporter. You need that duo alive to kill Big Adam, so be sure to defend them with the leftmost sniper and a medic!
Here's an example clear I do where I only use units below or at the recommended level (E1L55) and only use 4 stars and lower. I even mess up a bit and let Plume die and activate Midnight's skill late, but it still works out just fine.
Let me know if you have more questions!
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fruitdropss · 3 years
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go kitty go kitty go kitty go and just ride kitty ride kitty ride kitty roll ꒰ reqs ꒱ᵎᵎ -headers by me !
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jentoshi · 3 years
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aren kuboyasu icons ♡
like o reblog si usas/ guardas!!
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m-urder · 3 years
★ AREN LAYOUTS . . (´-ㅅก`) !!
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🗯️ / like or reblog if u save @ita2ru on twitter
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