#arella n raven
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joeysmuttonchops · 3 months ago
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New Teen Titans (1980) #4
honestly the Raven and Arella relationship is one of the most important and powerful ones in early NTT period. Raven acts as the driving force this early into the book, but Arella is representative of the forces driving Raven
theres something there, that its as Raven ages out of childhood and begins to move on her own she finds a struggle-and she goes to her family and she goes to the system to ask for help, only to find that the resources aren't there for her anymore. that she has to manage on her own now. because she's changed, because she won't follow the rules, because the rules don't work for her the way they worked for Arella
and all Raven does in these early issues is ask for help. over and over again, no matter how many times she's denied it. she asks her mother and the people of Azarath and they say she's lost her way, she asks the justice league and not only do they deny her they demonize and threaten her. its not until she asks her peers that she's able to get help. i cant help but compare it to Arella being denied help from state agencies before being offered a new community on Azarath.
its not until Raven's peers ask her to that Arella changes her mind. Arella isn't able to change her mind until she's confronted with immediate danger, and outside thought. And there's something there too, that Arella wouldn't help when it was Raven asking but did when it was someone else. theres an immense seperation between the two: with Raven driving herself beyond a reasonable point and Arella needing external input to move at all.
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badbunny139 · 12 days ago
WIP Tag Game
I have been tagged by my friend. My friend who is evil. @katscythe has asked that I share sentences of my WIPs starting with letters from the word:
🐺 F A N G 🐺
Rules: You are given a word and you post a paragraph/snippet from your WIP(s) starting with each letter of the word.
So, here are some snippets from my BBRae Week 2024 stuff that're still not done!
Fortunately for those opposed to the idea, Dick had managed to find some fancier camping accommodations. Their tents were more like fancy igloos with walls and electricity and there was no way for bugs or critters to sneak in. Vic’s tent even had room for his portable charging station, complete with solar panel attachment, for easy recharge.
Ah, yes. The Lord and Lady Logan, two of the most talked about guests at the Queen’s ball. Formerly Garfield Logan adopted son to the Duke Steven Dayton, and his wife, the Duchess Rita Dayton. And his wife, Raven Logan. Formerly Lady Raven Roth, daughter of Count Tristan Roth and Arella Roth.
Gar reached and met her lips once more, desperate to feel that connection with Raven again. What started out sweet and simple very quickly became heated and needy. His hands were all over her back and in her hair, while her hands roamed his chest and shoulders, feeling every muscle.
There you have it folks! Two of these snippets are from the same fic, while the other two are not! Grand prize goes to whoever gets it right! (I have no prize to give; I own nothing!) Some of these may be edited, so don't get too attached.
I tag @lilytimbers @earlastre and @scorpioaqua
Your word shall be
🐺 G R O W L 🐺
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jezabatlovesbats · 2 months ago
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I used this character inspiration meme as a visual aid to show what and who served as inspiration for my characters. I also edited my inspirations onto those Citizens Of drawings I did.
Let me explain the Citizens Of ones:
Annie is an obvious nod to Annie. Like I said in Pepper’s meme, I was in Annie Jr. in 7th grade.
Maya’s design is based on one of the People of the Sky from Kirby Triple Deluxe.
@/literallyzooble inspired me to create Pheasala, even though we don’t talk to each other anymore, as I said.
Ribbon and Val play a similar minor role to Stampy Cat and StacyPlays in Season 2 of Minecraft: Story Mode.
Pepper’s little sister Gracey is named after the Attractionistas doll based on the Haunted Mansion, and her mom Beatrice’s dress is based on the dresses that the staff who work there wear.
The appearances of Mabel and her family are all based on the Whittles from Super Mario Galaxy 2, even though I know them best from Mario Party 9.
Princess Unear and Prince Pericorn are Unikitty’s parents in this AU, even though they live away for their new job (working for a cruise line). Unikitty and her brother Puppycorn are still being cared for by Richard in this AU. This was me wanting to answer the question of where their parents were, and I didn’t just want to say they were dead.
Mayor Melancholia is my fanmade leader of Frowntown. A YouTuber named Gold07Arts has a Minecraft OC named Prismarine, which inspired me to give her water hair (that resembles falling rain).
The Charm Valleyans are mostly inspired by Skylanders. Imogen is part of a Wizard Scouts troop, which is a thing the Unikingdom and Frowntown does for Charm Valley diaspora youth. (This isn’t done in Charm Valley itself.) Imogen’s troopmates and troop leader, whose heritage comes from Charm Valley just like her, are no exception.
Chalcedony’s appearance takes inspiration from the Earth Skylander, Head Rush.
Caielgi’s name is based on Ursula K. Le Guin’s last three initials, K L G. She’s not based on a Skylander. Her appearance is inspired by Onica from The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance.
Sieslo’s name is based on C.S. Lewis’s initials. His appearance is based on Jet Vac, an Air Skylander.
Gustav takes inspiration from three Air Skylanders- Gusto, Hurricane Jet Vac, and Thunderbolt. He’s the troop leader, and the troop is called Troop Air.
Several Ice Cream Landers’ appearances are based upon dessert and candy-themed Lalaloopsy dolls. Randy’s comes from Bubble Smack n’ Pop, Cottonette comes from Whimsy Sugar Puff and Whispy Sugar Puff, Browncake comes from Blush Pink Pastry, Iceberry comes from Frost I. C. Cone, Sunday comes from Anna Double Scoops, and Marshscotch comes from Toasty Sweet Fluff.
As for Neapolitan, Germafrost’s younger brother, Kaos from Skylanders is both his voice claim and the basis for his personality.
Natalie’s personality and the choker and wristband she wears are inspired by Anne Boleyn from Six. The actress playing her in that photo is Andrea Macasaet, who is Nat’s voice claim.
Marcella’s family is themed around gold and golden pearls. In Marevi, there’s a sandy biome where the sand is a brilliant yellow and shimmers like gold.
Celina, Spike’s mom, has white hair that’s meant to look like a rain cloud. The Cecaes are a weather-loving bunch. In Marevian mythology, an octopus used his legs to pull sunlight, clouds, and wind down toward the sea, so it could also experience weather. She’s also influenced by Arella from Teen Titans, just as Spike is influenced by Raven for his family’s history.
Spike’s grandfather, Emilio, is themed around wind, and his hair looks like a gust of wind. He is wearing the robe that Marevian meteorologists wear. He’s also a flutist, and he taught it to Spike.
Xenia, his grandmother, is an undersea engineer. She’s themed around lightning storms.
Aura’s appearance is based on the curious oysters from Alice in Wonderland.
Gabbro’s appearance was inspired by Crusty Sean from Splatoon.
Eleanor’s bandeau and skirt were inspired by Sweet Sea.
Prudencia’s hair is based on Adagio Dazzle’s.
Manuel’s appearance is based on Big Man, but Eliza and Cell’s personalities are based on Frye and Shiver.
Honestly, I’m really considering scrapping Swan Lake. I’m not that interested in developing it anyhow.
Lord Monarch is a monarch butterfly fairy. The way his wings look are inspired by Mona Arch Wings.
Rose’s dress is influenced by Ruby Rose, even though I know nothing about RWBY. I mean, their flower is a rose, and their gemstone is a ruby.
Carnation’s dress is inspired by Rose Quartz’s dress, since rose quartz is her gemstone.
Jesse’s (Dr. Fox’s grandmother in this AU) outfit is inspired by Mari Golden Petals.
Vita’s (Dr. Fox’s older sister in this AU) appearance has always been inspired by a minor Loud House character named Nikki, even though I stopped watching The Loud House a long time ago.
Needle, Spike’s father, was inspired by Trigon from Teen Titans. He’s not a literal demon, but he treated Spike and Celina horribly.
Queen Carnelia and her two children were inspired by Goldie Luxe and her pet peacock.
The red chainmail pattern on Captain Ember’s outfit takes inspiration from Ember’s clothes in Elemental. They, too, were influenced by @/literallyzooble.
Nico’s (one of Dr. Fox’s cousins in this AU) outfit and entire magician vibe were inspired by Misty Mysterious.
Trey’s moms, Estara and Luna, also have designs inspired by Skylanders. Estara’s is based on Gearshift, and Luna’s is based on Star Strike.
Arcentharion, the leader of Charm Valley, has an appearance inspired by Master Eon, a Portal Master who was the leader of the Skylanders before he became a spirit.
What do you think? Are some redesigns and some renaming in order?
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amor-immortalem · 11 months ago
A Shocking Twist
Summary: in which, someone who was thought to be dead and gone suddenly walks through Arella’s front door.
a/n: I came up with this plotline like 2 years ago but never really had the time to sit down and write it… I’m just glad I’m actually getting around to it now.
“Mum, I got those boxes you wanted.”
“Thanks, Azalea. Just set it on my desk for now.” Arella looks up from the email she’d been writing just moments ago.
For the past two weeks, the human and her daughter had been staying in the human world on a girls’ trip while RAD was out on summer holidays. Today, the pair were going through the house and clearing out all the junk in preparation for Arella to sell her childhood home.
“This is nice and all but why now all of a sudden sell your childhood home?” Azalea asks seemingly out of the blue. “I thought it’d just become one of those ancestral properties and you’d just leave it to me or my brothers when ya kicked the bucket.”
“I could do that,” Arella hums, “but I figured it might be worth more to sell it and just buy a more modern place in one of the boroughs of London. To be honest, the property it’s placed on is beautiful, but I’ve always hated that it was so isolated from everything.”
“Huh… well anyway, since you’re gettin’ rid of all this shit in here, can I look through it and keep whatever I want?” Not waiting for her mother answer, the half-demon starts rummaging through the boxes she’d just set down.
“I suppose telling you ‘no’ would be too little too late now,” The human chuckles, “but sure, keep whatever you like. Think of it as your reward for helping me.”
“Sweet.” As Azalea is digging through the boxes, the front door can be head swinging open- something that catches both her and Arella’s attention.
“It’s probably just the realtor come to do an appraisal.” The human replies when her daughter shoots her a concerned look. “You can join us once you get bored.”
“I ain’t never heard of a realtor that just walks into someone’s house without knockin’ though.” The white-and black-haired girl scoffs as she and her mother head downstairs to greet the mystery visitor.
When they reach the ground floor however, they find a man just standing awkwardly looking at some of the pictures that lined the entry wall.
He was tall, well over six foot, with a tan complexion. The man’s hair, clearly once as back as the feathers of a raven, was now streak with gray and while he wasn’t looking directly at them just yet, it was difficult to miss his striking green eyes and the constellation of freckles that lined his cheeks.
To the average on looker, he looked no different than just some guy you’d pass by on the street- so plain one would almost never remember his face if asked to recall him but to Arella he almost looked like…
No… she shakes the thought away before it can even take hold in her mind. that man passed away many years ago.
“Can I help you?” The human’s voice comes out timider than she’d be pleased to admit.
The man turns his head at the sound of her voice and the way his eyes light up when they fall upon her makes both her and her daughter uncomfortable.
“‘Relly…” his voice is so soft, smile so warm that it freezes Arella in her place. Only one person had ever called her by that nickname.
A trick…? Emerald eyes search the face of the man in front of her for any imperfection that might confirm the thoughts in her mind. A transformation spell? Reanimation? No, I don’t sense any foreign magic here… Could it really be?
“Dad?” Tear prick at the corners of her eyes.
“Yeah. It’s-” He takes a step forward but stops when Azalea puts herself between him and her mother.
“Look, man, I don’t know who ya are, and I don’t really care at this point but if you take so much as another step towards my mother, I’ll rend ya to shreds and feed ya to the worms.” The growl in the half-demon’s voice makes her words not so much a threat but rather a promise.
“I mean no harm.” He puts his hands up in a non-threatening gesture. “My name is Trevor- Trevor Thompson. I’m your-”
“Get out.” The interjection of Arella’s seething voice catches them both off guard.
“No!” She shouts. “I don’t know who you are or what kind of sick joke you think this is, but Trevor Thompson has been dead for decades!”
“Please,” the man calling himself Arella’s father tries to explain, “just give me a chance to-”
“Hey Bozo, you did hear ‘er, right?” Azalea asks as she cracks her knuckles, ready for a fight if it comes down to it. “She said beat it. Now you can either listen or I toss ya out myself. Pick yer poison.”
With a defeated sigh, the man rummages around in the pocket of his trench coat and produces a business card. Setting it on the small table next to him, he gives Arella on last mournful look- one she meets with a glare.
“I’ll go. I just… wanted to see my little girl again. I know this is a lot to take in at the moment but if you change your mind, my contact information is on the back of this card. There’s so much I want to discuss with you.”
With that, he takes his leave the way he’d come in. As the front door closes behind him, Arella lets out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in.
The sight of her mother’s state only makes Azalea frown, having never really been good at cheering others up, she figures that maybe a sarcastic comment might lift the mood. “So much for a nice peaceful girls’ trip, huh?”
Sitting on her bed, Arella holds her head in her hands. Getting so worked up has left the human with a migraine that just would not let up.
“Hey Mum?” Azalea whispers, poking her head through the doorway. “I’m gonna make dinner. Do you want anything special?”
“No… I’m quite fine, sweetheart. Thank you though. And please be careful with the knives if you’re using any- I don’t want you nearly slicing your thumb off again.”
“Will do.” She disappears back down to the kitchen.
With a sigh, Arella digs out her DDD, thinking about calling one of her partners just to vent about this. And she almost does until her husband’s name pops up on her screen.
“Hey,” she starts, “perfect timing. I was just about to call you.”
“Yeah, a little birdy told me I should probably check up on ya.” Mammon replies. “So, what’s up? You doin’ alright?”
“Not really if I’m being honest.” Arella sighs. “A dead man walked into my house today and I don’t know what to think about it…”
“Ooooh yikes… like a literal zombie or are you sayin’ that as like a figure of speech?”
“I meant it as a figure of speech, love. The undead didn’t actually walk into the house… anyway, he left his business card with me with his contact information. Said if I change my mind to reach out but… I don’t know, Mammon. What should I do?”
“Who even is this mystery man anyway, Babe?” The demon asks inquisitively.
“My dad…”
“Yeah, really.” She sighs as lays back on the bed. “That’s why I asked what I should do. Should I call him? Should I just ignore this and pretend it never happened? He’s been alive all this time, yet he never bothered to show back up until now. He’s got to want something, right? And why would he fake his own death to begin with? Wouldn’t it have been enough just to ask my mother for a divorce and call it a day? I don’t get it.”
“I’d hear the guy out if I was you.” Mammon replies, “I mean what could it possibly hurt? Maybe askin’ for a divorce was outta the question, or maybe he saw some shit ‘n had to go into witness protection. You’re never gonna know unless you talk to him ‘n find out.”
“I know… I know… but…” Arella groans in frustration, “things would have been much better if he would have just stayed away.”
“Hey, listen, whatever you choose to do will work out in the end.” There was a loud crash on Mammon’s end of the line and Arella can hear the demon scold Cyrus and Aurelius about roughhousing in the house even as he does his best to muffle the phone in his shirt. “Sorry, Treasure, I gotta go deal with whatever the hell that was. Love ya and I’ll see ya soon.”
“Love you too,” the human smiles, shaking her head as the line disconnects. “Never a dull moment at home.”
To be continued…
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neopuff · 2 years ago
do you think arella should get a redesign to look more indian or indian coded like her daughter? or even have an indian wife?
well arella is human so she'd just be indian and not "indian-coded". i dont see why not, though like i mentioned before, raven hasn't really been indian inspired in her design since the 80s
i think itd be a nice reference to her original design inspiration for raven to be indian 'n her mom would then be, too.
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harmonyloveangels1990 · 2 years ago
"N-Not at all, but I-I couldn't help but want to try it out, especially when I saw Raven wear it," so Arella went to buy it but did it while in disguise. "I-Is this okay?" she asked before feeling him touch her exposed rear.
Closed RP w/@darkest-and-deepest-desires
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Raven had invited her mother over to stay with her until she can find her own place to live. She didn't mind it, especially since her boyfriend was being so supportive of her. Unaware that her mother's body had completely changed and had gotten thicc. To the point any guy, would want to sleep with her.
Raven gave her mom some clothes and went to the living room, while her mother went to take a nap. Raven sat down and sighed softly, before hearing the door open. "Welcome home. Sorry for not returning your messages. I was busy helping my mom."
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thenewnightforce · 6 years ago
Traci: on a scale of Matilda to Carrie, how well did you take the whole ‘having telekinesis and bad parents’ thing?
Raven: I’d say I’m doing a little better than Eleven.
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anissapierce · 3 years ago
Having raven be a boy kinda idk undercuts a bit of the reproductive horror (along w sexual violence involved in her story in ntt but like idk I'm interested in how his story is gonna roll out bc he said his Mom was involved so unless tht was his coy way of hinting at like his mom being Trigon his mom likely had the same story that Arella had on Earth Prime
And thts the thing abt earth 11 the loose way they play w everything being 'gender flipped ' make things interesting bc like carol in this universe has the same last name but her name in this universe is hal and she's a guy and is a green lantern (n like in prime earth this version of carol gets fridged? ) And their version of hal is names carol? And is a star sapphire? Which like? The whole things so bizarre but i do like how it's not a one to one but i am annoying to see raven reduced to teendom once again even if there is a tiny bit of a spin this time around
His connection to Don is v interesting to me but this is a very teen titans the show adaption of her story which is fine frankly but id love to some more curveballs thrown (him not being able to fly is interesting)
Like ok so if trigon is a 'woman' in this and he still has a human mom then like that does sth different bc then the dynamics are... Not as easy to layer over the topic of gender and the old tale of women as property taken by force by a man
But like ok so Raven (earth Prime) was special bc unlike her half brothers she could be used to incubate like... I guess demons? (Its been a while since i read ntt) and so trigon isnt as willing to kill her. But w trigon as a woman in this i guess she just has a bunch of daughters n damn like this is kinda veering into territories i don't like
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crimson-mage-02 · 4 years ago
Curse of the Immortals
Summary: Rachel Roth, an agent to a secret organization is a single mother and works night shifts hunting monsters and demons to ensure her home’s safety until one day, evil has spread over the city and is forced to work together along with a half-demon and half-angel Damian to hunt them down. 
A/N: This is day 2 prompt: Enemies to Lovers/Fantasy and Fairytale. Mixed with Alternate Universe. I hope you will enjoy this because I do enjoy this a lot! I have been considering this as my new series! Let me know what you all think if you want to see more of this concept! 
Please sit and enjoy reading! Please comment and give feedback!
In a rainy night, she was reading a book in her hand and was looking around at the customers that were minding their own business, going about their day, and walked around the mall. She drank her warm coffee and felt a ball hit her foot, almost startling her.
The young, beautiful woman with black hair and purple streaks, bent down and grabbed the ball and past it to the young girl who smiled at her cheekily. “Here you go.”
“Oh, sorry about that.” The mother apologised sheepishly.
“You are good, kids these days, so spirited.”
The mother chuckled and nodded in agreement and rubbed her daughter’s face. She looked back to see the young woman in front of her has a badge on her and a holster. “Oh, you are a cop?”
“No, I am just an agent. I am off duty. Just….be myself, I guess. I’ve forgotten what it feels like.” The young woman replied, putting her hair behind her ear where her piercings can be seen.
“Where are my manners? Sorry, what’s your name?”
“My name is Rachel Roth, but my friends call me Raven.” Rachel replied, shaking the mother’s hand. “And you are?”  
“Sharon. I am a teacher nearby this mall. And I just picked up my daughter. On the way home.” Sharon chuckled.
“It is nice meeting you.” Rachel smiled as the mother and daughter took their leave while she watched them crossing the street. She smiled at the sight of Sharon interacting with her daughter and reminds her of her mother.
She heard some clanging noises and saw the waitress was giving her more coffee. She nodded politely at her and then drank more coffee while finishing up her book. She stood up and returned the tray to the employers.
She walked around the food court and looked at her phone seeing dozens of text messages keeps on coming. She looked at the GPS seeing a red dot appearing. She sighed. “Back to work.”
Rachel made a turn to go walk down the fire escape to the alley and saw her fellow agents getting their gear on. “Ready?”
“All set, sir.” Rachel said as she got her black leather jacket off, revealing a bow on her back and on her waist, there was her quiver filled with her arrows and on her thigh was a pack of knives along with her gun.
“Ten seconds.” Said her leader, looking at the GPS on the computer. Rachel got herself ready with an arrow pointing out in the air, waiting for the demon to come. She heard faint running footsteps and then she shot her arrow with an explosive with a demon appearing and roared loudly in agony, with blood spilling out from its eye.
The people around them all cried out in fear and all ran away from the demon with a truck coming to retrieve the demon back to their secret base. Rachel sighed as she lowered her bow down and helped her fellow agents.
She was in the truck with her closest friend Donna who just came back from her mission in getting another demon from another street. “Look at them. People are just so afraid. The world is no longer safe.” Donna said deeply as she took off her gauntlets of her arms.
“Someday, the world will be different. Someday.” Rachel hoped as she put her arrows away in her quiver. Donna nodded in agreement as she held onto her shield, that once belonged to her sister. She always wanted to become an agent just like her. Now she is. She wanted to make her proud.
“So, how is she?” Donna asked her with a smile.
“Hmm? Oh, Arella? She is doing just fine.” Rachel replied with a chuckle.
One of the men had stopped the truck with the creature roaring and growling at them as they entered a garage to a secret base. Rachel and Donna got off seeing all of the other agents all walking around with files in their hands and held on the tablets, looked through some video feeds. There are more demons on the loose and every day they hunt them in the middle of the night.
More agents were out in the field and are capturing more demons. She and Donna only take the earlier shift to capture the demons, since they both have their real-life jobs other than demon hunting. Donna checked their charts and then frowned. “Hey, Rach?”
Rachel looked at her friend while tying up her hair in a high ponytail. “Yeah?”
“It says we have another shift in about two hours.” Donna said to her as Rachel looked at the chart. She sighed deeply and then walked down the hall from the lockers and marched to the office seeing her boss, Diana holding the papers in her hands.
“I promised her. I promised my daughter that I come home for her.” Rachel said feeling guilty for her daughter.
“I am sorry, Rachel. We are on short of agents tonight.” Diana apologised to her fellow agent. “But I have given you those two hours to be prepared and have little time with her.”
Rachel nodded with a tired smile. She smacked her lips together. “Alright, thanks. I’ll give you my report over the weekend.”
“Of course, Rachel.” Diana smiled gently at the young woman. “And no need rush on those reports, you can pass them to my sister if you like.”
“Great. Thanks.” Rachel nodded as she walked out of the office. She walked along the hallways and greeted some of her co-workers with a smile and a nod like always. She walked down to the lower section of the base. She opened the door with a key card and walked in to see if her daughter was up.
“Arella? I am back.” Rachel called out to her daughter. She placed her weapons on the couch and saw a pile of books all over the place. She chuckled softly and slowly grabbed the books, putting them back on the shelves next to the tv. She also folded the clothes and put them in the closet and in the cupboard. She also put the bowls in the sink and the plates in the dishwasher. Turned off the TV.
Then she heard a door opening with her smile lit up, watching her daughter running towards her. “Mama!”
“Oh, Arella, my darling. How are you today? Did you read the book I have given you?” Rachel asked her, putting her hair back in her ear.
“Mm hmm! I was good the whole day. And Uncle Garfield has given me a new snack I could eat, but I waited because I want to try it with you.” Arella replied, going into the kitchen to show her the snack.
“Honey, I think I do need to have a healthy discussion with your Uncle Garfield about the snacks after dinner.” Rachel said seriously as she looked at the package.
“But it looks tasty.” Arella pouted, looking up at her mother. She sighed softly and then bent down to her level.
“Okay, how about this? After I finish with my work tomorrow, we can try this out. Alright? Does that sound good?” Rachel asked her, rubbing her arms.
“Yeah! That sounds good.” Arella smiled cheerfully hugging her mother tightly while Rachel frowned sadly, seeing she is going to be leaving her more in their small home. She was worried that her own daughter might resent her more. “Mama, I do understand that your job is so important to you. I will be okay. I can hang out with Auntie Diana today.”
“Is that so?” Rachel said, getting up and put the snack in the cupboard as she put the cutleries in the drawers while wiping the table.
“Yeah, she promised.” Arella nodded with her bright emerald eyes. Rachel smiled as she cleaned up the kitchen and then got her dressed up for the night so that she can walk around the base properly with Diana.
She got ready for her next mission and walked with her daughter in the hallway out of their home. Arella ran excitedly when she saw Diana opening her arms for her to run towards her. She hugged the little child in her arms. “Oh, I hope you are up for some hot chocolate and some movies.”
“Yup!” Arella giggled.
“Thanks again. You mind if you could get her to bed early? Unlike the last time, she read her new books late at night.” Rachel chuckled.
“Not to worry, Rachel, I have this wonderful warrior in bed in no time. Just be careful on your mission.” Diana smiled as she set the girl down on the ground and letting her get in the office. “So, Donna will be assisting you. And other agents will help you. Have you heard anything from Arella’s father yet?”
Rachel put her quiver on her waist behind her. She hasn’t heard anything from her ex and he barely was in her daughter’s life. She and him never got the chance to contact one another. “Um, no. He is off the grid. In fact, I never told him that I was pregnant.”
Diana looked at her friend with a sympathetic expression and placed her hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry. But I am sure you made a right decision in raising her here rather than up there.” She was well aware that her daughter was a quarter demon and angel, though she has never shown to have any supernatural abilities.
“Okay, Arella, be good for Aunt Diana. I’ll be back in the morning to spend time with you. Alright.” Rachel smiled at her daughter.
“Alright, Mama, I’ll be good.” Arella smiled as she waved goodbye to her mother.
Up in topside, puff of smoke appeared with the lights blinking brightly on the billboards. He walked along the footpath. He also sensed something from behind him and he sighed, taking a right turn into the alley. He got rid of his cigarette aside and then pulled down his hood, revealing jet black hair with emerald eyes.
He got out his charms in his hands and saw the dark cloaked figure in front of him, preparing to fight him off. “So, you finally appeared, you son of a bitch!” He got out his twin katanas in his hands and swung his blades at the demon in front of him with blood spilling out on the ground as he cut off its head off. He looked to the side seeing more demons were after him. He made a run for it in the streets, but he was grabbed by the leg by the demon dog and dragged back in the alley. “Oh, shit!”
Meanwhile on the road, Rachel was getting her bow ready for their hunt. Donna was driving the truck while listening to the music softly. She hummed to the song cheerfully until they saw people running away and then a figure was thrown onto their windshield.
Both girls shouted in surprise while Rachel got out of the truck and saw the man was their other co-worker. “Damian? What the hell are you doing? You were supposed to be with your team.”
“I very much prefer to work alone, Rachel.” Damian huffed, getting off the truck, getting off the shards of the glass off his jacket.
“It doesn’t matter, you have to report back to Diana.” Rachel pointed out while getting her gun out while Donna yelling to the people to get to safety. “And what happened to you?”
“I found another demon. Seemed to be sucking the lives of innocent people in the city.” Damian replied, getting out his whip and then captured a dog while Rachel shot at it with blood spilling all over the road.
“Hey, I had that!” Damian exclaimed, seeing her jumping on top of the car, and shot all of the demons up in the air while Donna jumped up and captured them with her lasso. The two girls and Damian all worked together to get the people to safety.
Then he saw one man from the building was falling down. He got his white wings out and flew straight up to save the man from his death. He got him down to safety, but the man squirmed and cried out in fear seeing him in front of him and ran away from him. “Yeah, you’re welcome, human!” Damian shouted out to him.
An arrow was shot onto the demon’s head behind Damian, and he turned around to see Rachel shooting the demons that were coming straight at him. She kicked one with her foot and shoved a gun in its mouth, shooting inside.
“You’re welcome.” Rachel said to Damian who scoffed and walked away from her. “You should’ve let Diana know you were patrolling the city and we thought you back in Gotham.”
“I was in Gotham. But I got kicked out.” Damian gruffly replied until he pushed her aside with a demon attacking her from behind until he used his whip to capture him and be burnt onto the road.
Donna got most of the people to safety, leaving things to the police. Rachel and Damian had cleared the main road together and walked towards her. Then the citizens started to jeer, swear, cuss and threw heavy metal and rubbish at Damian. He growled in annoyance with the other agents were getting the people away from the scene.
They all had retired for the night as Rachel and Donna both taking Damian to their base. Hopefully, the night will not be long. Hopefully, Diana won’t be giving him another lecture of not informing his return back to New York from Gotham.
The two girls got out of the trucks with Damian leaning on the side of the truck, smoking a cigarette in his mouth. He glanced at Rachel who was checking in with the other agents. He noticed she has been a lot busy the last time he had seen her. She was more reserved, more assertive, more focused, and distant. He was about to approach her, but he smelt the scent of Director Diana arriving in the garage and approached him with her hands on her hips.
In the secret agent base, Diana rubbed her temple as she leaned back on her chair with a frown while Damian sat on a chair as he glanced at Rachel who looked at her oldest friend who hasn’t said a word since his return to New York. “You have broken protocol, snuck out the base and disobeyed orders from your superiors. For what reason, Wayne?” Diana asked him tiredly.
“I do have a very good reason. To stop monsters from hurting human kind. And to stop whoever is sending up there, killing innocents.” Damian replied as he sat up on his chair. “And my father have informed me that someone from the surface was a traitor and had unleashed evil.”
“And that’s the main reason why you are here?” Rachel asked him.
“Yes, that is the real reason why I am here, Raven.” Damian nodded, taking out his cigarette out of his mouth with a puff smoke coming out.
Diana narrowed his eyes at the young hybrid in front of them. “Alright. I will make sure I have other agents to handle it rather than a hybrid scaring the people off on the streets.”
The demon scoffed softly and looked away from the director and then raised an eyebrow hearing a noise from behind him and saw a little girl holding a book. He gasped softly and watched Rachel bending down to hug the little girl. “Oh, sorry, Rachel, I had Arella walk to the library again to get a book again.” Diana chuckled.
“Oh, it is fine. And besides, it is her bedtime.” Rachel chuckled lightly as she carried her in her arms, holding her book.
Damian stood up from his seat and then cleared his throat loudly getting the two women’s attention. Rachel sighed deeply while Diana cleared her throat and then continued. “As I was saying, until further notice, you are to stay in your quarters. Rachel will be your partner again until we let you go up to the surface.”
Rachel was about to protest but she doesn’t want to argue in front of her daughter who has fallen asleep in her arms. Damian was left shocked, not liking what he had heard from the head agent of this secret agency. “I am sorry, Rachel, but it has been years since the two of you had quit being partners and well, together. I thought this would be a good opportunity to mend some bonds.” Diana smiled, encouraging the two work together as a team again. Possibly try to work things out between each other.
Diana walked out of her office with Donna by her side and walked along the hallways. “You really do think this will be a good idea?”
“Well, we have no choice, sister. Besides, this will be a good lesson for the both of them.” Diana replied as she looked at the files and photos of the scene from the traffic.
Meanwhile, Rachel was walking back to her room with Damian following her but walked silently not to wake her offspring awake. He wondered when she had her daughter and who was the father and why he hasn’t seen him in the base.
“You used my room? Where will I sleep?” Damian asked with annoyance but saw Rachel was still ignoring him. “Rachel? Where will I sleep if I am going to stay here? You have a spare room?”
“Yes, but that is my room now and you will sleep on the couch tonight.” Rachel replied with a huff opened the door with one hand. She hurried to her daughter’s room and tucked her in with the dimmed lights on.
Damian walked into her little home seeing all of the pictures on the walls. Photos of her and her daughter. No sign of the father. He raised an eyebrow seeing a box of letters. He grabbed it and saw they were the letters that he once had sent her. His past may had held her back and now she had moved on. He put the box back on the shelf, remembering the moment he had betrayed her, and they decided not to be partners anymore. And realised that a demon and a human can never be together.
He turned around to see Rachel was gathering some bed sheets and blanket for him on the couch. “Rachel, I know you are furious of what had happened years ago and the other reason why I came back is that I want to set things right.”
“Well, you are too late for that. I already moved on, Damian. I have a job, I have a home, I have a daughter to care for.” Rachel said not looking at him in the eye. “You still betrayed me that day. You worked for that demon who terrorised innocent lives.”
“He was my grandfather, and he was going to make the world a better place.” Damian argued with his nails growing slowly reacting to his anger.
Rachel stayed still from where she stood. Looking into his emerald eyes and looked away from him. “I still believe that your grandfather wasn’t really going to make the world a better place. From what I had heard, your father had you trained, but you still haven’t changed one bit the last time we saw each other. But I am willing to try and help you and in return you help us.”
Damian nodded agreeing with the terms. As he took off his leather jacket and shirt to change with Rachel glancing at his scars on his back. She bit her lip and then grabbed the sheets and laid them down on the seat and had the pillows placed on top. “Make yourself comfortable. And get some rest.”
“One last thing, Raven.” Damian called out to her as he sat down on the chair looking up at her then glanced at her daughter who was sleeping peacefully on her bed, hugging her soft toy in her arms. “Your daughter……those eyes……” He looked up at her again with his eyes filled with curiosity. “Is she, our daughter?”
A few moments of silence had passed with Rachel breathing in and out shakily before speaking up to the devil prince of the Al Ghul Royalty bloodline. She was afraid he might find out the moment he had seen her. Damian waited for her to reply, but it looked like she wasn’t going to answer, seeing her shaking and trembling. He was about to say that there was no need for her to reply so quickly. He had loved Rachel, he loved all of her even though she is human and doesn’t care what others and other demonic beings say about him.
“What?” Damian’s eyes widened and looked up at the agent before him.
“I said, yes. She is….in fact, our daughter. And you betrayed me, left us for your precious little demon world.” Rachel replied bitterly as she walked away in her room, leaving him all alone in the living room. She closed the door behind her and rubbed her face tiredly while sliding against the door, falling to her knees in exhaustion. She has never, ever felt so drained in her entire life.
Later that night, Talia Al Ghul had gotten word that her son, Damian has remerged into the surface. She grinned slyly as she drank her glass of blood in her hands. “It seems the humans had made him soft. And you…you have what I have ordered, Shiva?”
“Yes, my lady. It is all here. Little damned creatures will soon eat the flesh of human scums.” Shiva smirked.
“Excellent. Inform my father. Let him know of what has become of his grandson. Surely, he’ll be disappointed how he turned out to be after a very, very, long time.” Talia chuckled softly as she put the glass on her table and walked past her servant.
Damian explored the base and walked around to see if he saw anything familiar, but they had changed a lot of things after he had left the agency in New York. He also heard a few agents were bad mouthing him, whispering to each other while he could hear them due to his enhanced hearing as a demon.
He just ignored them as he made a turn to the left and then saw Donna who dropped her files. “O-Oh, sorry. I wasn’t looking.”
Damian took a step back from the human woman and sighed deeply, helped her to get the files. He gave them to her while being mindful of his nails. The very same claws he had slain other demonic and angelic beings. He was held back by his father who claimed he could change him for the better. He is the grandson of all Demons, but he is also the son of an angelic being, Bruce Wayne.
A blade was pointed at his neck and he glanced up seeing Donna looking down at him if he were a slave. He put up his hands to show he wasn’t going to hurt her or anyone in the base. “So….” He smacked his lips together before speaking up. “You were just here to kill me?”
“No. Just making sure you are not going to hurt Rachel, unlike the last time. You left her to care for her daughter.” Donna hissed at him.
“You mean my daughter? She’s mine and Rachel’s.” Damian smirked slyly.
Donna held onto her blade tightly and then lowered it down as she breathed out slowly and softly. She stormed away from the demon prince but before she does, she turned to the Prince. “If you do hurt her, that’ll be the time I’ll be sure to kill you. For real.”
Meanwhile, in Rachel’s room, she was cleaning her guns and arrows while hearing the door opening and saw her daughter wide awake. “My little bird, why are you still up?”
“I can’t sleep.” Arella replied rubbing her eyes.
“Oh, come here. Would you like to sleep with me tonight?” Rachel asked, taking her in her arms and let her lay down on her bed, she stroked her head and kissed her goodnight.
“Mama? Who was that man from earlier? He seemed so scary.” Arella said as she hugged her soft toy in her arms.
Rachel smacked her lips together and then caressed her daughter’s cheek softly. “He was an old friend of mine who came to visit us. And he is not that scary. He is just…misunderstood. I’ll explain everything later. Now, go to sleep.”
She put the blanket over her and kissed her goodnight before she turned off the lights and then walked out of her room only to see Damian was not present in the living room. His weapons were still on the table unfortunately. She sighed thinking he was just out of the base to get some fresh air.
As it has been said, he was taking some fresh air, smoking a cigarette until he had heard muffling from one of the guards. His head tilted to see as he jumped off the roof and then saw one of the guard’s soul was being sucked in. He grabbed his katana to fight him off until a gun shot was heard seeing a bullet came through a demon’s head and fell down onto the ground with blood staining the grass.
He looked up to see Rachel with a gun in her hand. She panted softly seeing a demon in front of her and then looked up at Damian who approached the guard and helped him up. “You alright?”
“Yes, I am fine. C-Can you let go of my arm?” The guard asked as Damian did not realise how his grip had hurt him and slowly let him go. He watched the guard walking past Rachel who put back her gun in her holster. “And why were you out here? I thought you were asleep.”
“I was getting some fresh air. Until I heard one of my friends nearly got killed by this monster.” Rachel gestured to the now-dead monster she had shot.
“it is not any kind of monster, I am afraid, Miss Roth. It is a demon from the Underworld. Sent by the demon lord.” Damian said with a glare.
“You mean the man who you used to work with and betrayed them? Your grandfather Al Ghul?” Rachel glared at him with her bow and arrow in her hand as her lavender eyes stared into his dark piercing emerald eyes.
“I suppose. But that man has exiled me. I have no choice but to come to my father. He was the one who vouched for me. And I yielded. I wanted to become a better man, a better demon……and angel.” Damian vowed with his eyes glowing in the dark. “I am on my very own mission to hunt every last of these demons to find him and take him down.”
“And what will that accomplish? You being welcomed back to your people once more?” Rachel glared at him.
“Yes, indeed. Claiming my title as the Prince of the Demon World. As you humans, don’t seem to be very fond of me being here.” Damian nodded, putting his katana back in its sheath. “You don’t want me to be anywhere near our daughter. And I do understand that. Remember, we are working together only for 6 months. After that if we completed my mission, we can all go to our separate ways.”
Rachel huffed softly and then looked to the side as she sighed. Thinking through of their deal Damian had offered. She knew for sure he wasn’t bluffing about working together and he was desperate to take his own grandfather down. But she cannot detect whether or not, if he’ll keep his word in leaving their daughter alone and not harming her. “You swear that you’ll never go anywhere near Arella? And that we’ll never see you again?”
“Yes. You know, I never lie, my beloved Raven.” Damian smirked as he offered his hand out for a handshake.
She looked down at his hand and then back at him seeing he was still smirking. She hated that smirk. She hated every little bit of him. But she has no choice but to work with him to finish the job faster so that she can spend more time with her daughter. “All right, but to make this less painful and fair. I’ll let you spend time with your daughter. She also needs a father, Damian.”
“Last time, I checked, I am not a father material.” Damian scoffed.
“Just for 6 months only. And she needs to know who you are until our deal is off. I don’t want to lie to her anymore.” Rachel pleaded softly as Damian sighed in defeat. Of course, deep down he cannot resist those beautiful lavender eyes of hers.
“Oh, what the hell, fine. Deal. As long as we can cooperate with each other. We are enemies and allies to each other.” Damian shook her hand as she nodded in understanding. Shaking their hands on their alliance with each other.
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descendantofthesparrow · 5 years ago
Commission work -Happy Family - Harry Hook x Reader - oneshot
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 sorry the kids are all white AF XS and yes Arella is Thomas’ sister Rachel XD she fit best for what i was looking for. and yes....killian looks alot older than 12 but that is the youngest pic of Thomas i could find that wasnt younger than 5 
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*Arella is the oldest at 15, Killian is 12, the twins are 8, and Urania is 4!*
*Draco is 15 and is Mal and Bens oldest son*
@musicarose​ (commissioner) 
“boys! Dinners ready!” you yelled at the upstairs area of your beach house, hearing the tumble of the twins and Killian racing to get downstairs.
“ ‘ere comes the circus” Harry chuckled, placing a small plastic plate in front of the 4-year-old Urania and kissing her forehead. she hummed in delight and stuck the cut up pieces of alfredo chicken enchilada in her mouth, she had was missing her front teeth and unable to cut her food properly yet, so you and harry still cut her food up. You set up the twin's plates and waited for Arella to finish filling her plate.
“muove!” Damian screeched, pushing at his older brother Killian who was holding him back from the dining room “fuud! Mom Killian won’ lemme go!”
“Killian, let your brother go” you sighed, tapping your fingers on your arm as he sighed and released Damian shirt collar, the young boy raced into the room, jumping into his seat next to his brother and chowing down on his food. Killian snorted and got his food, setting his plate next to Arella’s and grabbing a soda from the fridge.
Harry ruffled Killains hair as he passed him to get his food, sitting across from you as you all ate dinner.
“so..” Killian started, a low teasing tone to his voice “I heard tha’ Arella’s got a boy- ah!” Arella chugged the rest of her juice and chucked her cup at him, hitting Killian right in the forehead.
“ten points” you joked, standing from your chair and walking over to Killian, examining his head “you okay baby?”
“jus’ a bruise mama” he muttered, glaring at Arella, who stuck her tongue out at him. “wha’d yeh do tha’ for!”
“you know why” she snarled between her teeth “don’t do that again or its your foot” Killian snorted and rolled his eyes.
“aye right, yeh jus’ don’ wan’ dad ta know about Dr-“ Arella yelled and attempted to dive over the table at Killian, Harry caught her mid-leap and pulled her away from the table, chuckling to himself as the 15-year-old wriggled around, screeching in his arms to no avail of getting free to kill her brother.
“LET MEH A’T ‘EM!” she screeched, her father's Scottish tongue drifting into her voice. You cleared your throat, both Killian and Arella freezing as soon as they heard the sound.
“Arella, your dad will be putting you down, you will NOT being attempting to kill your brother, and Killian, you will stop teasing your sister over something she doesn’t want us to know right now, if it's important she will tell us herself, understood?”
The teen and pre-teen glared at each other for a moment before they nodded, Arella slumping in Harry's arms and pouting down at the floor. You patted Killian's arm and nodded at his food.
“now finish up, or no dessert” Killian made a noise of complaint but obeyed, sliding back into his chair and continuing to eat his food.
The rest of dinner was like normal, usual stories of the day or snarking competitions, the twins being a mess, Urania being the calmest at the table, Arella and Harry sneakily tossing food at each other.
And you, sitting at the end of the table, opposite of Harry, smiling at your family of 7, the people who made your entire life on the isle worth it.
You knocked on Arellas door later that night, waiting for her call before you entered “come in” she yelled, smiling slightly as you stepped in, two root beer floats in your hands. “oooh thanks mom” she chirped, holding out her hand for the dessert and placing it on her desk after you handed it to her.
You hummed and sat on her bed, spooning at the vanilla ice cream in the cup, “if you don’t mind, would you like to tell me what Killian was teasing you about?” you asked, giving Arella a supportive smile as she sputtered on her words, almost choking on her spoon.
“oh-um I-I” you shushed her and leaned forward, putting your hand on her knee.
“you don’t have to sweetie, but just know, I will only be supportive of you….unless you start taking illegal drugs, that’s a different thing altogether”
“no mom” she laughed, patting your hand and leaning back in her chair “um….well….how old were you when you started dating dad?”
“well….dating want a thing on the isle, but we started….”hanging out” together around 13, and made it official when we were 18 after the barrier went down” you explained, moving your hand around as you spoke.
She nodded “well….hypothetically, if I got a boyfriend, hypo-“ you laughed and nodded, gesturing for her to go on.
“hypothetically I get it~” you snickered, sipping at the root beer in the glass.
Arella giggled and sighed “well, if I got a boyfriend, right now….what would you say about it?”
You stayed silent for a moment, a bright smile blooming on your face, you could see the tension in Arellas shoulders release. “I would say ‘that’s amazing sweetie’ does he treat you well, and do I know him?”
“yes and yes” Arella confidently spoke, grinning to herself and messing with the silver and purple bracelet on her wrist.
Your eyes drifted down to her bracelet, and then to your “matching” red and (favorite color) one Harry had given to you when you were younger and on the isle.
And you knew exactly who gave her that bracelet “so Draco huh?” Arella turned red and squeaked, covering her mouth and looking at you in shock.
“how’d you-?!” she screeched, groaning as you pointed at her bracelet.
“you seem to forget i’m very good at reading people darling” you chucked, you stood from her bed, cupping her cheek and kissing the top of her head “hes a sweetheart and has been your best friend since you two were born, Harry and Mal may not like each other all that much but they haven't stopped your friendship i’m sure they wouldn’t stop your relationship, and if they did i’ll skin em” you chirped, grinning as Arella giggled and leaned up to hug you.
“I love you mom”
“I love you too my raven~” you hummed, setting your glass down and holding Arella close.
You and Ben could hardly hold in your laughter as Harry and Mal stared at Draco and Arella in shock, the two teens had come out and told them about their relationship, their hands intertwined tightly.
The two were terrified but were comforted by their other parents' stifled laughter.
“dad?” Arella shakily asked, her shoulder tensing as Harry locked eyes with Draco and then turned back to Arella.
“if yeh get married, don’ ye DARE put meh next ta dragon girl” he huffed, pointing his thumb at the blue and purple-haired girl next to him, who didn’t respond, staring down the teen's interlocked hands.
“mom?” Draco murmured, her green eyes locking with his.
“…..oh! fully supportive but…really? Do I have to see Harry more often?” she whined, flopping on her side on the couch and pouting at her son. Harry whipped around to glare at her, puffing his cheeks.
“same sentiment princess” he grumbled.
Draco and Arella let out a breath of relief, giggling loudly as you and Ben finally burst.
“for once they agree on something” Ben chuckled, standing and hugging his son into his side, you giggled and walked past Arella, kissing her cheek and grabbing Harry's hands.
“now Harry, do you have any problems with these two?” you hummed, cupping his jaw.
“no, I jus’ don’ wanna be ‘around Mal all the time” he whined, leaning to look at Arella and Draco “yeh have treated ‘er well since yeh two were babes, I'll overlook the fact yer mom's Mal” you snorted and kissed his jaw.
“good pirate” you joked, you turned to the two teens and opened your arms, Arella barreling into you for a hug. “come on Draco~” you sang giggling as he stepped into your arms with a grin.
“thank you Mrs. Hook” he muttered, nuzzling his cheek against your arm.
“no problem kiddo, thank you for making my daughter happy” you hummed. The two teens pulled away, Arella kissing your cheek before turning to Draco and giving him a bright smile.
He grinned back and looked to his mom and harry “we were planning to go to the movies tonight? Is tha-“ you waved your hand in dismissal.
“its no biggie, hella safer than Harry and I’s first couple dates, have fun, and keep to the sidewalks”
“Thanks, mom, love you dad” Arella beamed, running to hug Harry quickly before grabbing her jacket and walking out of the house with Draco, hands locked together between them.
“well….that wasn’t so bad was it?” Ben chirped, rubbing Mals shoulder as she blankly stared a the wall “Mal?”
“no” she laughed, rubbing her face “just more shocking than anything” she stood and turned around, giving Ben a kiss “let's go home shall we, i’ll text Draco to tell me when they’re done so we can pick em up” you and Harry nodded, waving the royal couple goodbye.
You and Harry stood in silence for a few moments, before you turned to harry with a small smile on your face “that went well” you chirped, leaning up and pressing a chaste kiss to Harry's lips.
“MOM” Jason screamed from upstairs, bounding out of his room, eyes teary and his face red “DAMIAN PUSHED ME! “NO I DININ MAMA HES LYING!” you and Harry sighed, smiling at each other and walking to the twins.
“Alright alright, let's get that cheek looked at huh baby?”
---end~(I loved writing this X3)--
Supportive parents harry and (y/n) are supportive!
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olboypacman · 6 years ago
Make Room
Raven's made peace with the idea of loving Beast Boy, but isn't sure of how to express or confess her feelings or if she should. She consults her mother during a visit to Azarath. Sister piece to 'Trigon the Benevolent.
A/N: I don’t own Teen Titans
A black-haired older woman lays down a plain white saucer with matching teacup, almost filled to the brim with warm herbal tea in front a purple-haired younger woman seated at a brown table. The young woman is dressed in black, long sleeved leotard, royal blue ruffled boots that reach ankle level and a gold belt with circular dark red gems embedded in it. There’s also a hooded cloak that matches her boots sitting over the back of the chair she’s seated in.
The older woman is dressed similarly to her younger counterpart, except her leotard, cloak and boots are colored white. She smiles fondly at the younger woman, which other than a little more roundness in her face, pale grey skin tone and larger eyes, is practically the splitting image of the older black-haired woman.
Older woman takes a seat directly across for the younger one, then starts to stir her own cup of tea.
“Boy trouble, dear?” Said the older woman before she took a sip. “I’m not really an expert on the subject, considering your father is the only man I’ve ever loved.”
The younger woman’s gaze is fixed to her tea, the cup being grasped by both of her hands. “It isn’t trouble exactly. I know I’m sure of my feelings. It’s more I’m terrified of what could happen if I confess.” The younger woman droned in a monotoned voice.
The older woman giggles, “Again, Raven. It’s not my area of expertise. Have you tried telling Garfield how you feel? Being straight forward with your father always worker for me.”
“Mother! It’s not that simple!”
The older woman giggles once more, “What’s the worst that can happen, dear Raven?”
It’s amazing, thinks Raven, Lady Arella, spiritual leader of our people, laughing at her daughter’s romantic plight.
The red faced, embarrassed Raven waits until her mother stops laughing.
“If I’m rejected, I could end the world, again.” Raven said dryly.
“Oh, stop!” Said Arella, waiving her hand at her daughter. “Do you think Garfield feels the same?”
“That’s the thing. I try not to pry on my friend’s feelings, like you and Azar had taught me, but some of them feel so strongly I can’t help but sense what they feel.” Said Raven, running her hand through her hair in frustration. “Occasionally, when he practically begs me to hang out with the team, I catch his eyes and a very strong, very brief feeling of something underneath his friendly affection for me before he breaks contact. I’d imagine he’d been taught to dull his emotions by Mento, lest they run into an enemy who can use it against him. But, it’s somewhat like the affection I feel from Starfire. It’s confusing. Does he feel affection for me like a close friend or sister like Kori? What is he hiding beyond his friendly affection for me?” Said Raven, looking away from her mother. Raven takes a long sip of her tea, then re-establishes eye contact with Arella. “When did you know you and father were in love with each other?”
Arella smiles brightly once more at Raven, “It wasn’t just one ‘aha’ moment. After he saved me from the Church of Blood, he arranged for me to stay with an ally of his. Even though Trigon wasn’t around all the time, he still checked up on me, talked with me. And at that point in my life I didn’t really care what happened to me after that betrayal by the Church of Blood. It didn’t matter that I was comfortable around him or that I honestly thought he was handsome. When I confronted him about why he was being nice to me, he said something to the effect of, ‘Speaking from experience, I can sense you need a friend.’” Her face takes a solemn expression, “I was lucky he reached out. I don’t know what would’ve become of me had he not. It was around then the dynamic between us started to change. I started being receptive to his friendliness, we spoke about everything in length. I guess when I really noticed I was feeling something for him was during one birthday.” Arella points to the jewel embedded in her forehead. “When I was a teenager, I got a fake a chakra stone put into my forehead. My foster father at the time didn’t take kindly to that and violently tore the piercing out, leaving a scar on my forehead. As a birthday gift, Trigon healed the scar and embedded a real chakra gem in its place. It actually awakened empathetic and magical potential. I remember smiling at him with tears in my eyes and that gesture made me realize my feelings for him. He would later admit that it was my smile that day that made him realize his feelings for me as well.” She finished with faraway look on her face, and a pink tint to her cheeks. “Much like how you described with Garfield, I occasionally catch your father watching me, not with eyes of something he wants, well, maybe with some want.” She laughs.
“Mom, you’re his peace, his rock. You keep him grounded when the emotional fragments become too much to bear.” Said Raven.
"We both are, Raven. Do you remember when Trigon showed you his memories, dear?”
Raven nods in the affirmative, recalling the somber memory of find out her father’s past.
“Your father’s love… It’s difficult to explain, but it's strong. Intoxicating even. It’s burning hot, like a white star and comforting like a secure embrace. Is that what you sense with your brief glimpses from Gar?”
The young half-demoness nods meekly.
Arella gets up from her seat across from Raven. When she reaches her daughter, she lays a kiss to Raven’s forehead. “Open your senses Raven. Have a little courage and tell Garfield how you feel. I have faith that you’ll find what you’re looking for.”
After consulting her mother, Raven teleported back to Titans Tower. More specifically in her room.
From there she decided to make her way to the tower’s kitchen area, having not had her fill of tea in Azarath.
The door to common/kitchen area hisses open and there’s nothing but the blare of television to greet her.
Beast Boy pokes his head up over the couch to see who’s graced him with their presence.
“Oh, it’s you Rae!” He said in surprise.
She read his emotions with her empathetic senses.
There it is, she thinks.
Like many other times before, right beneath his friendly affection for her.
Comforting like an embrace.
Hot as the hottest of stars.
And almost strong enough to get high on.
And just like that it’s gone.
“Uh, Raven? You OK?” Says the changeling having interrupted her realization.
“Huh?” She said embarrassed having been caught staring. “Sorry,” she mutters, pulling her hood up to hide her blushing face, “I must’ve spaced out. Where’s everyone?”
Beast Boy throws his arm over the back of the couch to hold himself up, having been lying down previously. “Dates,” said Beast Boy, a hint of sadness coming across his features, “Rob and Star are at the movies and Bee was in town and dragged Cy to grab a bite to eat. Seems everyone’s getting together these days, huh Rae?” He finished with a smile that didn’t quite reach his face.
She hums noncommittally as she makes her way to the cabinet to grab her kettle to warm some water for tea.
“Poor baby,” intoned Happy. “How much longer are we going to wait to confess? I can’t stand to see my Beasty so sad!”
With his feelings for her practically confirmed at this point, the empath racks her mind trying think of a way to confess without shattering all the windows in the tower.
While filling the kettle and putting on a flame on the stove, Raven’s interrupted by yet another one of her emotoclones.
“Remember what mother said, ‘have a little courage.’” Said Brave.
An idea pops into Raven’s head at Brave’s declaration.
“It’s just crazy enough to work,” said Knowledge.
“What if he isn’t receptive to it?” Said Timid.
“It has to! Who could deny what our Raven has planned!” intoned Affection.
With her plan in mind, Raven removes the kettle and pours the warm water into a waiting cup. She grabs two bags, throwing it into the cup, adds honey and takes a long sip.
“I’m going to need you, Brave,” she said quietly before polishing off her tea.
The resident verdant shapeshifter is lounging the plush black leather of the living room couch, hands behind his head, enjoying a binge session of Bob’s Burgers.
His enjoyment of the shenanigans of the Belcher family’s interrupted, as Raven steps in his line of sight.
“Hey Rae, what’s up?” He asked, not that he minded the view.
She stares down at him, determined look on her face. “Scooch,” she said simply, waving her hand.
“Make room for me, Garfield.”
Gar motions to the couch, “Um, there’s plenty of room on the couch Rae. I’ll sit up to give you space, if you want.”
She hums once more. She then unclasps her cloak, throwing it toward the other end of the couch.
A blush comes over the face of the shapeshifter at the rare sight of Raven without her cloak, the changeling more than pleased at the sight of the empath’s shapely legs.
She cracks a rare smile at the changeling. “It’s fine,” she said simply.
Her next actions come as a great surprise Beast Boy.
She takes a seat on the edge of the couch, her rear touching his hip. She then swings herself around, laying her body on top of a half of his. She wraps an arm behind his neck, her other resting on his chest. She then entangles her legs with his, her right leg in between his, her knee falling just short of the most sensitive part of his anatomy. She wriggles around on top of him trying find a comfortable position. Once she finds comfort, she nuzzles his neck. Her lips are right by his pulse. If she had a mind to, she could…
“No can do, boss!” Yelled Happy. “That’s gonna take more courage and I hate to tell you, but this impromptu cuddle session took pretty much all we had.”
An image of her emotoclones standing over an unconscious Brave in Nevermore flashes in Raven’s mind. The emotoclone has a dopy grin on her face and her cheeks are flushed as her head is cradled in Affection’s lap, as the representation of love fans her off.
Thank, Brave, you did us good. And thank you mother. Thinks Raven.
“So, does this mean what I think it means?” Asks Beast Boy.
“Yes, it does, Gar.”
“Well, in that case…”
Raven releases a yelp in surprise as she’s repositioned by Garfield as he forcefully reconfigures their position.
Now, she’s sitting across his lap, her legs on the couch, arms wrapped around his neck as he’s sitting up regularly on the couch, her body pressed up to his.
“I think I might owe you a date, Raven.”
She laughs at her changeling’s declaration.
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pinkrae · 6 years ago
Daughter of the Bat || Chapter 2
Into the flames
--- Previous
“Raven…” A voice echoed into nothingness. She walked slowly through a place that was nothing but darkness. Only her footsteps and this faint voice could be heard. It felt eerie, yet… strangely comforting. The shadows welcomed her. They always did.
“Where am I…?” Confused eyes looked around as she whispered to herself. Suddenly feeling a breath behind her, the girl turned around and she was standing before a giant door. The entire scenery changed. Bright whites replaced the darkness, her school uniform changed into white robes, the sun was shining and birds were chirping somewhere in the distance.
“Azarath…” She gasped softly, taking a look around. It had been years since she’d last seen it, but she recognized it in an instant. She’d dreamt about it for the longest time after landing on Earth, keeping it alive in her mind and soul, but the dreams became less frequent as she grew older and the memories of the place had slowly faded. Now that she was standing here, however, it felt like she’d never left it.
“Come… My child…” But the voice didn’t let her reminisce for much longer. Turning her head back to the door, she couldn’t help but frown. She knew exactly what this door was and who was behind it.
“Can you give it up already?” Raven rolled her eyes. “You are not getting out of there. Trigon.”
“Oh, but I am, my dear daughter.”
“Don’t call me that. I am anything but your daughter.” She squinted her eyes, but only received a laugh from him in response. Of course he would find this amusing.
“You’ve grown quite valiant since the last time we spoke. Do you remember? How you trembled in fear? How you ran away thinking you can hide from me? Oh, you were such a weak little thing.” He taunted and she could practically feel the smug grin on his face.
“What do you want, Trigon…?” Raven felt compelled to ask, even if she knew what the answer was.
“You and I both know this very well, child.” He growled and the door cracked open just an inch. “My answer hasn’t changed.”
“What?” Her eyes widened and her heart dropped, seeing that he was able to push the door open from the other side, even if it was just a little bit. “No! I will not let you!” She exclaimed and pressed her hands against the door, trying to close them again but in a quick flash, the door sprung open completely, throwing her backwards.
Flames shot out from the other side, engulfing everything around her in just a matter of seconds. Horrified, she looked all around and all she could see was everything burning. Everything was on fire; the trees, the buildings, the people who were desperately trying to save themselves. The screams echoed in her mind and she felt absolutely helpless.
Her body had frozen in place, no matter how much she wanted to rush towards them and help them. She tried to get up on her feet, but no matter how many times she tried, her body just glued itself back to the ground. Her legs and arms were weak, her chest heavy, weighed down by despair and guilt. The smoke slowly filled her lungs until it became hard to breathe and the heat stung in her eyes, her vision seemed to become blurry. Everything and nothing happened all at once. The screams got quieter and more distant. It was certain - she was losing consciousness. Only heavy thuds in her chest indicated to her that she was still alive. Then… A voice snapped her out of this state of shock.
“R-raven…” A weak voice drew Raven’s attention to a woman with burned clothes and soot all over her body, slowly stumbling towards her.
“M-mother!” She gasped and finally her body found the strength to rush over to the woman catching her in a tight embrace as the other almost fell to the ground. “Mother…” Holding the woman in her arms, she sat down on her knees and tried to brush some of the soot off her face with the sleeve of her white robe.
It felt so strange, she hadn’t seen Arella since she was seven and yet, she recognized her instantly. Even if they hadn’t been allowed to be as close as a mother and a daughter should be, Raven used to cherish the times they did get to spend together. And even if some memories had faded over time, the face of her mother had stayed vivid in her mind.
“Raven… Why did you--” Arella slowly reached her hand up to cup the side of her daughter’s face, eyes filled with tears.
“It’s fine, mother.” She spoke softly and placed her own hand on top of her mothers, offering comfort. “Save your strength. We’ll get you--”
“Why did you have to open the door?” But Raven didn’t manage to finish her sentence before these words cut her like a knife.
“What-- I didn’t--” She was left speechless. Had she really been the one to open the door? Was this destruction all because of her? Because of her one mistake? Her childish curiosity? A sudden weight dropped on her shoulders, her gaze grew distant and the image of her mother in her arms slowly faded away as her eyes filled with tears. It couldn’t be… It couldn’t be her fault…
“Trigon--!” With a sharp turn, Raven looked over her shoulder only to see a burning Wayne manor behind her and a new fear washed over her. “Bruce!” She gasped and rushed up to her feet. “Alfred!” Her body was moving on its own now, running towards her home, but getting stopped by the blaze. “Dick!”
“You can’t save them…”
“Yes, I can!” She argued, pushing through the flames. Her body was able to move this time. She could save her family this time. But… All her hopes were shattered the very moment she stepped into the manor and saw three burning bodies.
“No!” Raven exclaimed in utter pain and covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face. She was too late. Even when she tried, when she did her best, she still couldn’t save the people she cared about.
“YoU’rE a FaiLuRE, RaVeN.” Suddenly Bruce’s burning body spoke to her in a distorted voice, snapping her out of her thoughts and bringing horror to her face.
“YoU BrOugHt ThIS uPoN uS.” Alfred also spoke, his neck cracking as he turned his head to look at her with his hollow eyes.
“YoU CoUlDN’t EvEn SaVe uS!” Then Dick also turned to her and the three of them slowly stumbled closer to her like zombies on fire. Horrified, Raven couldn’t help but to run away.
And as soon as she stepped outside the manor she found herself standing on a rooftop in Gotham. The entire city was red with flames. Car alarms going off, electrical cables sparking as lamp posts and trees fell over them and again - people running around in absolute terror and screaming. Everything was getting devoured by flames and once again Raven stood there completely helpless.
“You brought this onto them, Raven.”
“No… N-no, I didn’t… I didn’t mean to…”
“It doesn’t matter if you did or didn’t. This is your future. Your destiny.”
“Screw destiny!” She frowned and turned around to find Trigon sitting in his throne in hell, surrounded by flames and lesser demons as his servants. And just as she imagined, he wore a smug grin on his face, amused by her resilience.
“We shall meet soon, my daughter.”
Her eyes shot up with a heavy breath, cold sweat glistening on her forehead. She was gasping for air like she’d just finished running a marathon, her entire body was shaking. But… She was back at the library. The dim light still on, however, the first rays of sunshine were breaking through the blinds already. After getting a grip on her surroundings, she finally checked the time.
7:33 am.
Damn, she’d fallen asleep right then and there.
“That’s gonna be a pain in the neck…” Raven sighed and rubbed the back of her neck when she noticed that there was a jacket on her shoulders. “Huh?” She took a look at the jacket, trying to figure out who it belonged to. Had Dick come back and seeing her asleep didn’t want to wake her up? No, it didn’t sound like him.
“Oh, you’re awake.” A voice suddenly appeared from behind a bookshelf before the young man himself emerged. “Hope I wasn’t the one to wake you.”
“Sebastian?” She blinked in surprise, but soon realized that he was the last person to be surprised about being in the library at such an early hour. “No, no, you didn’t. Sorry. I didn’t mean to stay here all night.”
“Raven, please. We both know it’s not the first time. And probably won’t be the last before the school year ends.” Sebastian chuckled and offered her a warm smile. “Coffee?”
“Yes, please.”
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dyketectivecomics · 7 years ago
I’m going down an “old post black hole” and came up for this magic fam au au:
Where Arella promised her first born to 4 different witches/wizards (Constantine, Zatanna, Harley & Ivy) bc she was gonna scam em all & whoops, still does the sideways tango with the devil
And ofc when they all come to collect they’re just “wtf Arella? A half-demon? Who are these ppl?” & SHES just “have fun byeee”
Ofc Harley & Ivy slowly fall in love, and John n Zee keep trying to take Raven away from the other during their turns. No real Custody Battles are fought, but def a few magical battles here n there
Everyone forgets the real reason they asked for a firstborn and just kinda go thru the motions of raising her
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perletwo · 6 years ago
Titans! Grim ‘N’ Gritty Style!
So I’m spending the weekend finally bingeing on live-action Titans. Will post brief reactions as I watch.
EP 1.
- Sherilyn Fenn! Playing Raven’s mom! She’ll make a great Arella!
...or, y’know, not. Calling it now: Laura Berlanti will be Arella. But! Melissa is awesome, sticking with a super special needs kid like she is!
...Greg Berlanti will not let us have nice things.
- Officially in love with Kory Anders. It was the last little giggle that did it.
EP 2.
- Hawk and Dove! They’re cute! And cool! I like them!
...Greg Berlanti will not let us have nice things.
- Speaking of, this is why it should never be wine o’clock when you have a job that involves guns. Oh, Rohrback.
- So this takes place during season 1 of Game of Thrones? 2011, then?
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bxrdmom · 7 years ago
repost . please do not reblog .
NAME:  Arella, Angela Roth (doesn’t go by this anymore)
NICKNAME: birbmom
GENDER: cis female
ORIENTATION: pan/aromantic asexual
PREFERRED PET NAMES: doesn’t really have any but. as long as they’re not mean/weird she’ll probably be flattered lol
FAVORITE NON-CANON SHIP(S): *cricket noises*
surprisingly, arella does believe true love exists. despite all she’s gone through she’s seen love and the strength it provides, platonically and romantically. the only catch is she doesn’t believe anyone else would feel that way towards her. she’s so used to being hated (or at least resented) the very idea would baffle her. if arella fell in love herself she probably wouldn’t notice it unless someone else told her bc she’d just interpret it as a really close friendship (and for a while it probably is but)
hell no. big fucking no. nooooooooooope. belief in that is what practically ruined her life and she will strongly caution against it to those who still believe it. she doesn’t want anyone making her mistakes. 
it actually depends. arella definitely doesn’t consider herself romantic that’s for sure. verbally speaking she’s awful. she has a really hard time articulating her feelings especially considering love and how to show it. but this is largely because she’d be overthinking everything. on instinct? wonderful. and she doesn’t even know it. arella’s a very thoughtful person and physically speaking romantic af. kinda. she’s not all for much bodily contact but. she’ll just kinda do shit she thinks her partner would appreciate. something reminds her of someone she’ll get it. favorite flower? check. knows it.
not a lot but. as long as she’s not intimidated by said person that’s ideal enough ig. generally speaking she is more receptive to feminine traits but not necessarily more attracted to them.
above all, honesty and a willingness to communicate. loyalty is number one and if that trust is broken ur probably out. just... being a good person tho really. arella needs someone willing to listen to her and comfort her, and not even in a romantic sense. she’s an empath but she’s never really experienced empathy herself.
masculine traits usually throw her off, that combined with a height exceeding her own. macho-lookin ppl are not her type esp if they’re guys. she doesn’t wanna be intimidated on first impression.
just being an asshole really. unecessary violence is a big one too. hurt her birbs ur fuckin dead son. also any violence or hatred/dislike towards raven will never be tolerated. you will never see her again.
tbh as long as it’s chill and they’re talking n shit she’s good. all she needs is time to understand her partner.
not. really? ppl like her are a plus cause there’s a mutual understanding of what the other has been through. so there’s that.
preferably long-lasting? getting together with someone on such an intimate level and then being dumped a month later would destroy her. there’s not really an average since she. hasn’t really been in any
anything not extremely touchy. like. small hugs, hand holding, etc. and that’s if she’s close enough to said person towant to be touched.
NOPE. hand holding is as far as she’ll go. and even that’s a big step
ig trigon counts?
Tagged by: stolen from @smolgreenboi i can finally talk about birbmom and relationships soghnghwohh
Tagging: @beyondthetemples and @thecaptivemother
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beyondthetemples-ooc · 7 years ago
--hOHSHIT, Daughter of Darkness 4 came out.
(W h e n ? )
...My stomach has me in minor torment, so I could really use a distraction.
(Although, this issue is the cover with Arella laying limp in Raven’s arms and Trigon imposing over them. So whether it’s a Positive Distraction or not is to be determined....)
As it turns out, that WAS issue 4... the last one I read, I mean.
dear stars, i’m losing track of the RAVEN comic. what has my life come to....
* Issue 5 comes out on the 30th, the blurb says Raven+Arella are captured with the intent of bringing Trigon to Earth, and holy hells, I’m Distracted after all. (By awaiting how that’s gonna go down!)
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