#are they ever gonna let her have a physical weapon again?
katfreaks-hidyhole · 1 month
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spacerockfloater · 4 months
You know what, I didn’t need to see Ewan Mitchell in HOTD to be convinced; I knew I fucked with Aemond since the Driftmark episode.
I don’t like him because he’s hot when he’s older. I like him because he’s metal as fuck. The way he talked to the floppy four was art.
“It’s him! / It’s me.”
Boy, it sure as hell is him. He ate that line up. The fucking nerve of speaking about him without addressing him. He was so done with their bullshit.
“Your mother’s dead. And Vhagar has a new rider now.”
Gagged her ass. Like, he met her literally today. He never knew her mother, he doesn’t owe her anything. Not to mention that during the funeral he tried to approach them and offer them his condolences with the softest smile ever and they just glared daggers at him for literally no reason until he backed off. Didn’t even let him approach. They don’t even know him and they hate him! And the first thing they tell him once they finally speak to him is accusing him of theft, as if a dragon is an object btw. Like, what are they gonna do? Tell their mum? Shut up.
“Then you should have claimed her.”
Right?! As if they didn’t cross the whole ass Narrow Sea all the way to Driftmark. It’s not like Laena died yesterday. It’s been a good fucking while. They could have at least tried claiming her at this point. What was she waiting for? And please don’t tell me she was waiting for the mourning period to end because she was keeping an eye on Vhagar constantly, hence why she was immediately aware that she flew away. That dragon is on her mind 24/7, she just had no idea how to get her. And like, it’s done. If Vhagar chose Aemond, then she would have never chosen her. They weren’t destined for one another. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be mad as shit, too. At myself, that is, for not being as smart as Aemond.
“Maybe your cousins could find you a pig to ride. It would suit you.”
Ate and left no crumbs. This is a direct jab at Jace and Luc, too. Like, they grew up together as brothers and they thought it was okay to mock him for not having a dragon, but the moment they meet these random girls they are suddenly okay with Rhaena not having one and are ready to jump the boy they were raised with for their shake? How two faced. Typical bastard behaviour though. He was doing that girl a favour by letting her know what kind of people she’s got on her side.
And the fighting scene was delicious. Four vs one and he still mopped the floor with them. Maybe they should think twice before they lay hands on someone again.
Don’t come in my comments crying about me hating on children yada yada. Wake up, this is a fictional show about kids who wield nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Like, it was okay to dislike 11yo Draco Malfoy for being an obnoxious piece of shit, but disliking kids that physically attack another child with the intention of killing him is suddenly too much? Like, I don’t give a fuck. I want to see all four of them biting the curb in 4k. And please don’t start with the racist accusation bullshit. I thought Baela was a raging pick-me cunt since before the show, in Fire and Blood. And I absolutely adore Vaemond Velaryon. It’s not about race. It’s about characters.
P.S. Laena, who claimed Vhagar at 12 and chose to die by burning alive, would be absolutely ashamed about her daughter’s behaviour and lack of courage. But yeah, Daemon, being the crazy ax murderer that he is, would surely vibe with unnecessary violence. Those are his girls!
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t3a-tan · 5 days
Romantic and Hopeless (9/?)
First / Previous / Next
As they arrived at the cabin, Oscar pushed open the jammed door with some effort, before blocking it back up. Some of the windows were smashed in, but Freddie and him had covered the broken windows with wooden boards. The cabin was still cold, but it was mostly sheltered from the elements. The lights obviously didn't work, but there was enough natural light for now and Oscar had brought a lantern with him.
He removed his bag of supplies, tossing them onto the wooden floor and letting out a sigh of relief now that they had reached their intended destination. I don't think Ryker will find us here…
He glanced towards a cricket bat that was sitting in the corner. He and Freddie decided to keep a weapon inside just in case they needed it for some reason. At least I'll have something to defend us with. Not that it'll do much against a gun…
Walking over to the old dusty sofa that had been leftover by whoever lived in the house before he sank into it with another content sigh. Then, as he caught movement from the corner of his eye, he smiled warmly seeing Sammy crawling out of his pocket and across the chest of his puffy jacket.
“Crazy that your cousin happened to live here, ent it? And he rides birds? That's cool as fuck.” He couldn't imagine being so calm and confident riding on the back of something so massive. He felt nervous enough looking at it whilst human sized, let alone as a borrower.
Sammy was not as impressed. It was still weighing heavily on her mind; the fact that Oliver was clearly not afraid of humans as a borrower should be— and he was reckless enough to try taming a bird? A bird of prey no less?? Clearly he had a few screws loose.
Yes, Oscar did seem nice enough for a human… and yes, the bird was well-trained…but a borrower without caution was as good as dead. Yet, Sammy still couldn't help her admiration and care for her cousin… he was more like an older brother to her after all; having lived with her parents since she was born.
Oscar noticed the lack of response and the way her eyebrows furrowed in frustration, clearly deep in thought thanks to his comments. He tilted his head, smile dropping slightly.
“Hey, you okay Sammy? You're spacing out a little. Am I too close?” Not that he could do much about it considering she was standing on his chest… still, he glanced towards the cobweb covered side table and decided against offering to place her there.
Sammy snapped out of her spiralling thoughts as the warm breath of the human facing her washed over her body, sending a shiver down her spine. She looked up to meet his gaze, a frown still apparent on her expression.
“Just…fretting about Ryker, that's all…” She lied, rubbing the back of her hand anxiously and averting her gaze. “What if he manages to find us here? That would put Oliver in danger too now.”
Oscar leaned his head back in thought, realising she was right. But then again…this seemed to be Oliver's home, so he would have a much better chance surely.
“I mean… he's stayed hidden this long, I'm sure he'll be okay.” Oscar tilted his gaze downwards towards her again, tilting his head slightly and offering a reassuring smile as his brows furrowed with uncertainty. “And we will too. He's not gonna find us.”
Sammy let out a breath from her nose, her hand moving up to rub her shoulders as she hugged herself.
“You don't know him like I do. He's…he's smart. He's…too observant. Sometimes I'm not even sure he's human…” She shuddered again. “And most importantly, he has connections. I-I…I don't think I'm ever gonna feel safe with him just…out there.”
As she curled into herself more and more, Oscar felt a growing urge to hold her again. He quickly shook that feeling away; although he could tell she seemed like someone who found comfort in physical affection, it seemed more self-soothing. He could understand not wanting to be touched.
He leaned his head back again, looking up at the ceiling which was thankfully mostly intact as he formulated a response. Once he had one he sat up just a tiny bit so he could see her better, but not enough to make her ground unstable.
“It's okay to be worried… but I will protect you, okay? I promise. I wouldn't let anything happen to my soulmate…” His words were sincere, and he hoped that they would bring her some comfort…he was a little confused when she froze up. “What's up?”
Sammy stared up at him, shocked.
“Y-you knew!?” Her tone was a melting pot of emotions; anger, fear, distrust, disgust, relief. Her cheeks burned hot, but it felt more like shame than the usual nice fuzzy feeling she got around him. She felt tense and on edge all over again.
“Oh shit— sorry it just slipped out.. I— you seemed really averse to me knowing, but it was kind of obvious and I just—!” He cut off his hasty attempt to save the situation when he saw that she had tears appearing in her eyes again, her glare venomous. His words caught in his throat, a sinking feeling coming over him.
Sammy knew that it was a secret that would come out eventually…and yes, it had been obvious she was Rabbit, but why did he pretend? Why didn't he acknowledge it? Was he trying to lull her into a false sense of security? Make her trust him just enough that she could be taken advantage of?
After all she had experienced, her relationship with this kind of attraction had become skewed. The thought that Oscar may be looking at her as someone who was attractive made her feel gross and want to pull away. Though, as she looked up at Oscar her glare faltered slightly, seeing that he looked so genuinely…hurt.
“Sammy— what…I don't understand why it upsets you so much.. I- uh… do you not want me to be your soulmate?” He asked, tone soft and even a bit shaky.
Sammy bristled at the question, her glare disappearing entirely. She bit her lip, averting her gaze and gripping her arms tightly, enough for her nails to scratch skin. She didn't know how to articulate how she felt about it. About him.
“I…don't know. I do…but I just..” She ran her hands through her hair, brows furrowing in frustration. Her expression seemed to change every second, all of the mixed emotions whirling around inside of her to make a confusing distressing mess. “I-I don't want…I don't want me…to be your soulmate…”
As she said that her gaze focused up on Oscar again, posture shrunken and uncertain of her words. I'm not making any sense. He's just gonna be angry at me…
Oscar was relieved when she said she did want him as a soulmate…then immediately confused by her next statement. He ran through it a few times in his head trying to decipher the meaning. So…she likes me, thank god. But she doesn't want me to like her?
“You know I wouldn't ever pressure you into anything, right? I'm not… if you just wanted to be friends forever, that's fine. I-I want to keep you safe because I like you, not because I want anything from you.” He could only imagine what she thought of him and those images made him feel sick to his stomach.
Yet at the same time…he couldn't fault her. Everything that she had been through was still so fresh on her mind, of course she was going to be more reactive. And Oscar really was telling the truth; that he wouldn't mind if things never went past a friendship, as long as that's what Sammy wanted.
Sammy was still conflicted about things, but seeing how sincere Oscar was and hearing what he said made some of her worries go to the back of her mind again. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart as she wiped at her watery eyes.
“I'm sorry… I-I just don't want you to look at me like…the other humans…” Humans are monsters…but Oscar seems safe. At least right now. Ugh…why is it always so uncertain? She felt some guilt for her instinctive reaction— even more so seeing how Oscar was continuing to be so nice to her even through her constant distrust and distress.
She held his gaze, tensing in surprise when a reassuring smile found its way onto his face again. She could tell he still felt sad; his eyes were still staring down at her…not with pity, but with concern? Remorse? Resolve?
“It's okay. I promise, I would never look at you that way. I respected and admired you when you were still Rabbit, and I respect and admire you now as Sammy. Nothing will change that…” He assured softly, making Sammy relax. He continued, though his tone became more light-hearted. “Well… maybe if you did something crazy like blow up a building I would be a little concerned.”
Sammy laughed wetly at his joke, wiping away the last remaining tear streaks from her face. She found herself genuinely smiling this time, although the realisation of that fact made her falter and avert her gaze again, cheeks flushing red.
Oscar chuckled slightly at her reaction, only to apologise as he saw how his chest moving up and down made the ground much less stable for Sammy.
“Sorry… Do you want to move to one of the arms so I can sit up?” He asked, though it was more of a request really. Sammy looked towards the arm of the sofa Oscar was leaning on and began to walk across. She moved slowly, trying to avoid putting much weight on her injured ankle as she slid the short distance down from the human's shoulder to the arm of the seat.
Oscar watched the process for a few moments, seeing that she was struggling to move at a faster pace, but also knowing it was best not to offer help here. He tried not to stare, eventually looking down at his hands again as they rested against his stomach.
Once he was sure she was no longer on his person he sat up slowly. He then leaned down and began to dig through his bag, pulling out his phone and a granola bar. Putting his phone beside him, he opened the bar before looking down at Sammy again with a warm smile.
“You didn't get to have breakfast yet, so I figured you might be hungry. I'm a bit peckish too, but I reckon I can spare enough for you.” He spoke light-heartedly, breaking off a piece and offering it forward between his fingers. “It has bits of chocolate in. I remember you said you liked chocolate once before.”
She at first shuffled back as his fingers approached, a cautious but not as purely terrified expression on her face. She took a wary step forward and took the chunk from Oscar's grip, then stepped back again and sat down. She looked the granola over, her expression lighting up as she noticed there were indeed chocolate pieces inside.
“You remembered? I swear I said it off-handedly…” She looked up at him, feeling a little…flustered over the fact that he had paid enough attention to recall that fact. Not to mention happy; she hadn't had chocolate for a long while— but it was a taste she couldn't easily forget.
Oscar chuckled softly again, raising the bar to his lips.
“Of course I remember. It's something we have in common.” He nodded his head towards her in an almost bow.
Sammy snorted, and began to nibble on the granola. As soon as she took her first bite she realised how hungry she was and had to restrain herself from just scarfing the whole thing down immediately.
While they ate, Oscar noticed the sound of flapping wings before spotting the same tiny man from before, Oliver, entering through a crack in the bottom of the jammed door. He had a bigger bag with him this time, and was dragging an extra bag in through the crack. Once he was through he slung it back over his shoulder and walked further into the open.
“Oh, hey. You're back.” Oscar greeted with a wave, staying seated and silently wondering how heavy those bags would be to him if he was that small…
Sammy had finished her chunk of the granola bar by now and she peaked over the edge of the arm of the sofa, her eyes focusing on her cousin right away.
Oliver smiled and waved up at the two.
“Hello.” He looked to Oscar specifically next, asking politely. “Could you give me a hand up please?”
Oscar blinked at the direct question. Usually he was asking Sammy if it was okay to pick her up, so being asked the opposite took him off guard for a moment. He snapped out of it a second later, nodding and bending down, offering a palm to lift the borrower up onto the sofa.
Once he had lowered his passenger onto the same arm that Sammy was on, he spoke up again.
“What did you end up fetching..?” He asked curiously, moving his hand away again once the man had stepped off. “Looks heavy.”
Sammy couldn't help but also feel curious. She watched as Oliver opened one of the bags and pulled out some clothes…. Socks, shoes, a coat— warm things. Her eyes widened in realisation.
“These are…mum’s.”
Oliver nodded.
“They’re for you. You'll catch a cold if you don't wear something more appropriate for the weather… It might be a bit baggy, but I brought Auntie's old clothes since I thought you would have better luck fitting into them than my own. I have thread to make it fit better anyway, if changes need to be made.” He explained.
Sammy was hesitant to touch any of it, her hands shaking as she reached towards the clothes. But they…are hers. I might ruin them… After a few more moments of staring, she looked towards Oliver for reassurance, to which he offered an understanding smile and nodded.
“Something well-worn is something loved.” He pointed out. Hesitantly, Sammy slipped on the socks, immediately relieved by the extra layering. She hadn't had socks to wear for a long time. Or anything really, besides the gown she was wearing right now.
Sammy tried on the shoes and put on some shorts. Although the shorts were a bit baggy, they could be tightened by pulling a string which made them fit more comfortably. Looking down at her now clothed legs, it felt…comfortable. Warmer, definitely.
She glanced towards Oscar, only to see that he was looking at his phone, seemingly texting someone, not looking at her. Some of her anxiety faded again.
“And look who else I brought—”
Sammy bristled at Oliver's words, her face reddening as she immediately caught onto what he was referring to. She spotted Oscar looking over from the corner of her vision and she immediately tried to block Oliver from his view when she saw that he was indeed holding a stuffed bunny.
“Ollie..! Put him away..!” She whisper-yelled, already pushing the bunny back down as her face burned with embarrassment. Oliver gave her a knowing look.
“Oh. You want me to take it back to my burrow then?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. Sammy's eyes widened and she snatched it from his hands, not wanting to give it up as much as she also felt embarrassed about Oscar potentially seeing it.
“Is that…a teddy?” She spun around as Oscar's voice rumbled close by, yelping slightly upon noticing he had leaned in to get a look. Her face was still flushed, and she hid it behind her back again, as much as she knew it was already too late. A soft chuckle sounded from above. “Hey hey…nothing wrong with that, Sammy.”
Recognizing her embarrassment, Oscar moved away again, rummaging through his own bag.
“In fact…that makes this conversation much easier.” Sammy watched in surprise when he pulled out a stuffed dog. The redness on her face cooled slightly and her grip on the stuffed bunny loosened, no longer hiding it behind her back. “Meet doggy. I know, not a very creative name…but hey. I named him when I was a baby.”
Her brows furrowed before she averted her gaze, slowly lifting the rabbit and presenting it towards Oscar’s smiling face.
“...Messy… His name is Messy.” She murmured, the heat returning to her cheeks once she actually uttered those words, finding herself unable to look in Oscar's direction for the time being. Her heart was racing in her chest once more.
Oliver watched the interaction with interest, buttoning his bag closed again. He had seen Oscar's gentle nature and he very much approved, feeling more confident about letting Sammy stay in his care for the time being.
He had some important questions he needed answered, but for now he was content to see his cousin alive and happy. He waited a few more moments before clearing his throat to get their attention on him again.
“Now then… what is the danger you're both hiding from?”
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namazunomegami · 11 months
emperor!sukuna x imperial concubine!reader
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a/n: part 2 of my self-indulging mess. I had a lot of fun writing him and his drabble got finished way before I developed the whole plotline for Geto lol. I'll try to complete Gojo today or tomorrow and Toji is in the works yaaay!!
Also, I'm so surprised my Geto drabble got so many notes in such a short time!! I wouldn't expected people to be remotely interested in my writing but now I'm getting confident.
And finally, I can guarantee that this reader is gender neutral.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated <33
wc: 674, I know, I know, Geto got the princess treatment from me but sometimes less is more <333
cw: historical AU, scheming, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of sudden infant death syndrome, betrayal, accusations of abortion, execution, nudity, mentions of poisoning, suggestive
credits: i used a colored manga panel instead of a fanart but I have no idea who did the coloring so feel free to help me credit their work. And again, my precious @notveryrussian did the proofread, luv ya mwah <33
MDNI PLEASE! I'm gonna find you and kick you in the butt if you do. If you’re not comfortable with dark content or anything mentioned in the warnings just scroll, there's nothing wrong with that.
His mandate of heaven is very different from Gojo and Geto. Sukuna is a ruthless tyrant, he enjoys crushing any nation he deems either threatening or undeserving to even exist next to his borders. His palace is a snake pit, full of betrayal and backstabbing. Executions are frequent and he needs no valid reason to sentence someone to death, he enjoys the bloodshed and the sight of lifeless bodies. You can’t survive that place acting kind and humble. Sukuna specifically torments his concubines physically and mentally for the sheer enjoyment of it.
His court is probably the most competitive. You need to be as ruthless as he is, you need to become a schemer. One of his high-ranking consorts takes you under her wing. She lets you spend leisure time with her, and somehow, she ends up telling you way more sensitive information than she should. She once managed to give him a child, but the infant sadly died days after they were born. She complained about how hard that pregnancy was and that she’s afraid of going through it again, even though she’s attached to him. And not long after this conversation, she fell ill. Retching out everything she ate, her stomach burned and ached. She was so weak her cycle was two weeks late. She trusted you enough to have you fetch her a specific herbal tea to ease her pain and grant her some dreamless sleep.
And that’s the moment you decide you’ll use everything you know about her to cast her down and take her place.
You accuse her that she’s pregnant but wants to abort her baby. Your story is so intricately constructed from all the details you knew that his officials are on your side without hesitation. She watches you horrified, desperately telling him that nothing could be so far from the truth. Sukuna decides to believe in your words and orders for the consort to be executed. Finding pure joy in how she wails and begs for forgiveness. At the execution, he studies your face, every little detail and reaction and you were aware of that. It’s time to impress him. Your face is still, you don’t even flinch when her head is severed by the neck. The eunuchs come for you at night.
He loves and loathes this tradition at the same time. The servants want to protect him, so they deliver you stark naked to ensure you won’t carry any weapons. Fools, as if a weak and trembling creature like you could ever hurt him with a mere dagger or a sharpened hairpin. Yet it makes you look like an offering. A sacrificial lamb. Maybe because you are.
Some primal instinct tells you to balance your inner strength and innate fear of him. Pull back your shoulders, straighten your back, don’t even think to conceal your private parts. Let your fingers quiver and the sheer dread in your eyes seep through. He mocks you. Almost laughs at you while sitting comfortably on the intricately carved shelf bed, wearing a loose bright yellow robe, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. There’s no reason for him to not do this though, he’s a god, the son of heaven, therefore, everything about him is perfect.
The first thing he asks you is if you’re satisfied with your pathetic attempt to improve your position. You don’t dare to tell him that you feel the guilt rotting your insides. He confesses that he was poisoning her meals, he wanted to watch her wither away slowly and enjoy her suffering, but you ruined his plans. He might spare you, you’re a stupid little thing, you couldn’t have known. He warns you that you need to do so much more if you want to be on his good side. You need to be absolutely despicable to earn his praise. Though you feel content having reached your goal and getting to spend a night with him, somewhere deep down you hope you can leave his chamber in one piece or, at least, alive.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Transfem auntie buggy ideas again bc AAAA BRANROT I LOVE WOMEN-
Ya know,,,,, how Oda said,,,,,, Buggy COULD be really fucking powerful if there was effort put in? What if in transfem Buggy world, the effort was due to dysphoria-fueled depression and anxiety. Coming out ((and having such blatant and unrepentant support, from her lovers AND the Guild in its entirety)) leads to her actually... feel okay-ish. It's not a sudden in-all-fix-it ((she needs a PLETHORA of therapies)), but it starts her on a good path. Thay first step was difficult, but it was made... so much easier. Which leads to the second step. The third. The fourth.
And now that Buggy isn't having seventy four panic attacks every three minutes, she can devote some Brain Space to other things - her weapon making has become a sort of fidget toy type of situation, and she's.. actually really gotten a knack for this, over the years. She'd never call herself prodigal ((lowkey even if she is, with chemistry, physics and spatial awareness, she's so deep in the I'm A Liar hole that she doesn't clock that just.... Getting It isn't normal)).
Croc and Hawk are very supportive, even if they bully her (consensually).
And eventually, they even deign to try teaching her Haki - just to realize she's... been using it constantly almost her whole life. Her Observation is innate, acute, and one of the reasons she's so charismatic and able to reign in a crowd. It's both a talent for manipulation and also a form of reactive observation haki - by shifting her own energy among her followers, prospective or otherwise, she can encourage a specific reaction. It's a mix of Skill, Natural Talent and smoke and mirrors.
Learning that makes her wonder - if Haki can be so dynamic and THEN SOME, what other places has she not considered such an approach? Her weapons? Training? Her... her devil fruit...?
It's a paramecia. It affects her body, and she's gotten some rather decent control of it. Do paramecias awaken like zoans? Do logias? New Fixation Hours. She goes a little feral with the possibilities.
Suddenly, it seems like all of these little walls she never noticed before have fallen away, leaving a vast horizon of possibility.
Shanks will take a bit to arrive at Karai Bari, and he's expecting a specific version of his former best friend (or former love or former sibling, depending on Preferred Shuggy Flavor). He is anticipating the Buggy he saw a few years ago, but this time Woman Mode.
Crocodile and Mihawk's protective hovering is not exactly smth he anticipated, but he's willing to roll with that! His lovely Bug is just so pretty, he HAS to tell her, see her for himself, it's not even a want, it's not a desire, he needs it the way hee needs sea salt in his hair and a hilt in his hand and air in his lungs.
Buggy, meanwhile has skipped right tf over many emotions, instead Fueled By Hyperfixation, and while part of her is absolutely REELING at Shanks showing up unannounced on HER island, another part is cackling in mad scientist and saying "convince him to guinea pig, 'for old time's sake'." Shanks is WEAK to Buggy Begging Eyes, and Croc and Hawk ((while also weak but not exactly as weak as Shanks, they can pretend)) are watching and honestly laughing internally bc....
Well. Buggy's on a ROLL. And Shanks is her newest toy.
Poor Redhair has NO IDEA what he's in for...
SHE'S A QUEEN SHE'S A PRINCESS SHE'S LITERALLY LIVING IN MY HEAD RENT FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is actually canon to me. Okay. Okay? She was just insecure and dealing with dysphoria and now she's the queen of the world. She owns it. Shanks is such a simp he's gonna let her do anything lmfao. And Mihawk and Crocodile absolutely love her and it's even funnier to bully her this way. And she's,,, She's so powerful. Queen. Absolutely amazing. Sexy but also really cute. Prettiest clown you've ever seen. HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT HER CLOTHES??? Because I have so many outfits in mind I am going INSANE. And I can't stop thinking about Luffy and her getting along and Luffy being extremely happy (not to mention Sanji, Don't- Don't let Sanji see her because maybe he dies. Me too).
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betaboks · 4 months
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Time to yap since I've been posting abt this without fully elaborating. Little profiles for the siblings here and here
tl;dr I just wanted to do a little swap au where the modded siblings r the normal ones now, but I still wanted to keep the fact they're generally not very good siblings to Sanji (with the exception of Reiju) instead of swapping that dynamic as well.
Reiju's mods never really worked on her, even though they were attempted after birth. The boys all got spared by their mother in the womb at the cost of her dying much earlier than she did in canon, except for Sanji, who came out "right". Quickly it was pretty clear he fulfilled the role of a weapon with flying colors, but his emotional mods left him with very little personality and expressiveness, so he wouldn't be any good for actually running Germa when it came down to that.
So, suddenly the failures are deemed necessary. Judge can't get rid of them, even in a way that helps him save face.
It doesn't stop him from reminding them that they're failures that couldn't hope to live up to his expectations, and it also doesn't stop him from trying to "fix" them, even though it hasn't worked. Even though they're royalty, there's an air about them because of how their father talks about them. None of the staff are ever gonna dare treat them poorly but you can tell there's a neon sign over their heads calling them all disappointments. They end up split up as well so there's less solidarity or space to find comfort in each other between them. Niji ends up as a scientist, Yonji as a soldier, Ichiji as the crown prince with all the education and responsibility that entails, and Reiju is sort of in limbo, though she acts as an advisor. It is a bit miserable, though even with all this they do still try to find time together.
Sanji at some point gets told to not let any of his siblings come to harm, and it quickly becomes an order he prioritizes much more than Judge could've predicted he would. He is their protector above all else, and they are important.
At some point whilst Judge is trying to modify his siblings again later in life (likely whilst Yonji was getting his arm replaced, I have smth specific in mind but I'm not sure about it so that'll be sorted later!) Sanji comes to perceive Germa as physically harming his siblings, one of the things he isn't supposed to let happen. So he gathers them all together during a quiet time, splits off some of their snail ships, and leaves with them. Effectively, they've all run away.
That's the setup.
They gain a reputation over time on the Grand Line as the ship with the vicious guard dog. They don't fly a jolly roger, but they get into enough scuffles and subsist off of stealing from other pirates enough that they get treated similarly to pirates regardless, even though they're not usually the aggressors. Sanji is just thorough like that.
Months after all of that happens and they're settled down after the initial chaos of finally getting out of Germa (though still on the run and sailing, they're definitely still being looked for), Niji ends up suggesting that they euthanize Sanji. It comes from a place of care, he thinks it's unfair and inhumane that he has to live with no feelings and only really having orders to follow as motivation for things, and this starts a chain of infighting and arguing between all of his siblings.
Yonji agrees, though he doesn't really care for Sanji. He sees him to some degree as a weapon, and one they'd do well to get rid of because he could be used against them when their father rears his ugly head again. Reiju disagrees just on principle, and is kind of mortified that Niji's solution to their brother being different from them is to just end his life. She's retained what her mother tried instilling in her. Ichiji disagrees, but for practical reasons. He also doesn't much care, but he knows they're on the Grand Line, and that Yonji being a good fighter isn't going to get them out of scuffles unscathed the way having Sanji around as their guard dog does. It is kind of hard to argue against that, all things considered, but it's not the sort of argument that's going to keep anything at bay for too long either. It keeps bubbling back up and strains all of their relationships.
Sanji, of course, hears all of this. None of them consult him on the issue or tell him about it directly. He remains loyal to them all anyway. He is still their guard dog.
Things happen from there obviously but I hope to write a fic so that'll be for a later date if I ever get around to it. Hoping I do. I still wanna just put this out here in case I never do get around to it LOL. Feel free to ask questions and such :] I like engaging with people
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
Leon, in the intro to RE4make:
"September 30, 1998. It's a day I'll never forget. The cop inside me died that day."
Officer 1: So, tell me, Yanqui. Why did you come to this horrible place? As close to nowhere as I've ever seen.
Leon: Let's just say... looking for someone.
Officer 1: That someone must be very important, eh? The Chief gave the orders himself. "Help him," he said.
Leon: I'm sure you boys didn't come all the way out here to roast marshmallows.
Officers 1 & 2: (laugh)
Leon: (annoyed) Maybe you did.
Officer 1: You have a strange sense of humor. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Just between us. A lot of people have gone missing around here, and it's been that way for a while, now.
Leon: (still annoyed) Well, then. Should be just another day in the office, right?
Officer 1: Mmm... I mean, last week, there was a search for some missing hikers.
Leon: (sarcastically) I'm sure you'll do your best to help me.
Officer 1: (laughs)
Leon, much later in the scene: So much for helping me.
Leon, later in chapter 1:
(bitterly) "Gotta fix everything myself."
Leon tells Ada in RE2make that the reason why he went into law enforcement was to help people like Kendo and his daughter -- vulnerable people, good people, members of the community who are facing the worst moments of their life and need someone to help make it right.
And yet he says in the intro to RE4make that the cop inside him died that day. When we take that in context with what he told Ada about Kendo, what he means is that his desire to help people died that day. The belief that he could help people died that day.
His faith in humanity died that day.
Leon goes into his mission to save Ashley already expecting the two local officers that he's with to be completely fucking useless, and he gets immediately annoyed at the first hint that they are. His "So much for helping me" is said with a sense of "Why am I not surprised?"
He went into RE2make believing that people are generally good and that things will work themselves out.
He goes into RE4make believing that people are generally selfish and will take advantage of him, leaving him to work through any problem that arises on his own.
This is why he's so supremely pissed off at Ada when they meet back up again, and it's also why Ashley is so integral to his character arc. It's also why I've said in the past that Ada is a foil for Ashley in RE4make.
(NOTE: A foil is a character that is set up in the narrative to directly contrast with another one. Where one character is deficient, the foil character is strong, and vice versa. Where Ada is cold, Ashley is warm. Where Ada is physically capable, Ashley is defenseless. Where Ada is secretive, Ashley is honest. Where Ada is calculating, Ashley is impulsive. A foil does not necessarily exist to make one character seem better than the other; a foil exists to showcase two equals using a different approach and receiving different outcomes as a result.)
Ada is the genesis of Leon's cynicism. She's the reason why he expects less than nothing from people anymore -- the reason why he goes into every social interaction waiting to be screwed over. And she reinforces this throughout the narrative by trying to tear him down ("Leave the girl. She's lost no matter what.") or by keeping score ("Happy to help. Now you owe me.") -- which she takes even further in Separate Ways ("Don't worry, Leon. First time's free.").
In the six years since her initial betrayal, Leon has been forged into a weapon by the US government. The kind-hearted boy from RE2make who wanted to save the world now is more comfortable shoving a knife in the throat of an old woman than he is with carrying on small talk with people.
But weapons on their own are neither good nor bad. It's how they're used that determines that. Up until RE4make, Leon has been surrounded by extreme violence and senseless death (that's the point of changing Operation Javier btw), and he doesn't see a way in which his status as a weapon could possibly be used for good.
Until Ashley comes into his life.
If there was ever anyone who had a good reason to take Leon for granted and take advantage of him, it's Ashley -- but not only does she not do that, but she goes out of her way to make herself useful without expectation or strings attached. The only thing she ever asks for in return is a "thank you."
So, every time she gets that "thank you" -- every time she gets a real smile out of him -- she's returning pieces of his humanity to him. She's healing the hurts that Ada and the CIA inflicted on him so many years ago. She's showing him that there's still some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for. She's worth fighting for.
When Leon says: "This time, it has to be different..." he's not talking about his inability to save anyone in Raccoon City. That's a very surface-level interpretation. What he's referring to there is that Raccoon City destroyed his faith in humanity, ruined his image of himself, and poisoned his ability to create meaningful connections with people.
That's what has to be different this time. That's why the full line he says in the intro is: "If I could just forget what happened that night... the pain, even for a second... This time, it can be different. It has to."
RE2make took so much from him, but Ashley spent the entirety of RE4make giving so much of it back. But if she were to die in his arms in chapter 15, that hope and that healing would die with her. Her death would be a reaffirmation that everything that Leon wants or hopes for in this world isn't real, and that reality is nothing more than a series of random tragedies and chaos that results in suffering.
Ashley re-teaches him how to trust in people again, how to work as part of a team again, how to feel good about his own actions again. She teaches him how to hope again.
Ashley is the first person in six years to care about whether Leon gets or feels hurt by her actions. The most important line of dialogue spoken to Leon in the entire game is "Stay back! I might hurt you again..." as Ashley openly sobs over the mere thought of it.
Juxtapose that beside...
During the boat scene, Ada asks Leon in response to whether or not she's changed, after all of the damage she's already inflicted on him: "What do you think? Don't think too hard."
And so, in the ending, Leon answers: "I think we both know that this is where we go our separate ways."
Because, this time, things were different.
Because, this time, his partner was Ashley.
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charleslee-valentine · 4 months
♪ Now when I'm very good, and do as I am told I'm Mama's little angel and Daddy says I'm good as gold
And when I'm naughty and answer back and sass I'm Mama's little devil, and Daddy says I've got the brass. ♪
- What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)
Fic word count: ~1,600
Warnings: Detailed depictions of child abuse (mental, medical, and physical,) canonical mistreatment of the Sinclair twins, the highchair/restraints being used on Bo, panic attack, near asphyxia, fear of death, smoking, psychological torment, weaponized love, Trudy and Victor Sinclair being horrible parents, childhood mental illness, all hurt no comfort.
“Don’t you love your brother, Beauregard?!”
Does he?
Vincent is sitting in his big boy chair in the corner. His hair is parted neatly down the middle, smoothed by Mama’s doting hands and a lipsticked kiss. There’s no mask on his face today. His last one melted.
The brat left in the window where the sun could get it too long.
Not that it’s his fault actually. If the Doc didn’t insist on interrupting breakfast to prod at some scar tissue in Vinny’s nose that was making a whistle sound when he breathed, it wouldn’t have happened. Pulled him away and left his mask where it lie, forgotten for hours while he inspected and snipped the problem away.
And then there was a new issue.
Mama’s mold was still shattered. One problem the Doc’s cold, rough hands couldn’t piece back together into perfection. There's a hero cast somewhere that could make a new mold, but Mama wants a newer one. To replace Vinny’s year four mask.
Every second his scars stay exposed makes him cry. He doesn’t like being stared at and dissected like a bug with its wings pinned.
Bo isn’t in his big boy chair. He’s strapped into the too small highchair. The tray squeezes his stomach and the metal hurts his knees. Not as much as the straps though.
Not as much as his feelings when he’s asked about if he loves his brother.
Of course he does. Vincent is the only one in the house that Bo still trusts. And that means he loves him. Because it isn’t his fault the mask melted. It’s Doc’s. And it’s not his fault about the mold breaking, it’s Mama’s.
And it’s not Vincent’s fault that his face got messed up. That one is Bo’s.
Being a good boy and sitting still and letting Mama get her copy of his face should be just the easiest thing. He’s doing this for his brother. His only friend in the world.
It’s never easy.
Mama makes the mixture in a big bowl, hot water and some powder that turns orange. It’s slimy and smells an awful lot like marshland before a rainstorm. The schlop always feels clammy on his skin. Unpleasantly cold and wet no matter how dry it gets.
“Don’t you move now, Bo. Your papa’ll woop you.”
Lies aren’t allowed in this house, unless it’s ‘I love you.’ So Bo knows she means that threat. He’s got to behave or face worse than this.
Doesn’t mean he just can.
The alginate makes Bo flinch, rocking back to scoot his chair away from the sickening feeling. Mama don’t let up. She scoops up handfuls of it and spreads it on his face like it’s one of her fancy creams. At first she always leaves his eyes out, and his lips, and every time he thinks maybe he got lucky and she ain’t gonna drown him in it.
He’s always wrong to trust Mama.
All it takes is another handful, pressed against his mouth while he tries to scream his protests, but she presses her palm down hard so he can’t open it. Everything’s muffled, bottled up so no one can know.
The mixture sneaks tiny drops past his lips and makes him gag, once, twice- but Mama keeps pressing her clawed hand down until it starts to dry just enough that it holds itself. Then over his eyes it goes.
Bo tries to hold them open, but Mama always knows when he’s gonna do stuff like that. She purses her lips and blows a quick puff of cigarette air, makes him flinch again so his eyes close and she can take advantage of it.
Once it’s dark is when Bo panics for real. The healing wounds on his wrists tear right open again as he thrashes harder. The blood drips slow as honey, pooling around the leather straps holding him down.
It’s moments like this, that Bo questions his trust of Vincent.
Vincent who sits patiently in the corner for Mama to finish her torture so he can get back to being the favorite. Without his mask, he’s not wanted. An ugly, warped thing that needs covering up. Like a weed in the garden. Or a corpse in the Doc’s operating room.
Bo wishes his brother would help him. He wishes his mama would listen and take this stuff off his face. He prays that the Doc won’t come home yet and get mad and make things hurt worse. Or maybe that he won’t come home at all.
Mostly though, his brain is like static. Painful, heated, buzzing tv static burning a hole right through the back of his head. He’s in the middle of it, the dark, and sinking. There’s two little holes for him to breathe through, but he can’t get enough air.
Bo digs his nails into his own palms and draws even more blood, and underneath the sticky shell, he screams. And screams. And screams.
Nobody ever listens.
Mama tugs his messy hair in place of being able to slap his face.
“What did I tell you! Quiet while I finish!”
But there’s not enough air and he needs her to listen. Bo’s going to suffocate and all his mama cares about is making Vincent pretty.
Never learning, never getting used to the constraint, Bo tries to tear his arms upwards from the tape, to dig those blunted nails into Mama’s flesh instead of his own.
He can’t get them to budge.
She just keeps going, either not knowing about the mental threat to her safety or not caring.
The alginate starts to get tacky, so Mama wets strips of plaster gauze, the kind from Doc’s office like he used when he broke Bo’s arm putting him in his restraints a long time ago. Water splashing in a new bowl, rung out of each piece before its placed over top, just makes Bo feel even more like he’s dying. Drops landing somewhere in the abyss, his head underneath the water as he drowns.
Bo wants to die. Or he thinks he is dying anyhow. With the very last strip, Mama covers over his nose too.
Again Bo tries to scream, but barely a groan gets past his sealed lips. The full minute it takes to all harden up is far too long without breathing. What was a completely black void behind his eyes gets sparks of flashing red and white. He’s out of air.
A last effort to get his mama to listen, Bo rocks and slams his back against his highchair, desperately trying to tip it. The impact of the ground would force air back into his lungs.
He feels it start to give way, gravity suddenly weighing more heavily on him, but Mama hisses and rocks him right back upright. Her fault for putting a big kid in a little baby's chair.
Mama peels it all away then. From the outside it’s so easy, to cup the sides of his fake plaster face and ease the two layers back, only a couple scraps left sticking to his skin. She’ll help him clean up later if he’s well behaved at supper maybe.
First thing Bo does now is take a big breath in, but it’s too much at once after so long without air, he coughs, throat raw and dry, making Mama jerk back in disgust from him.
“Did you have to be so dramatic?”
Bo knows he’s crying when the image of his mama turns blurry. His face is already numb and cold and wet, but chest starts heaving with sobs, rising and falling all out of rhythm. Instead of his growling and screaming, Bo wheezes and cries and whimpers, unable to catch his breath, because of the tears this time.
The thing about alginate- it’s very sensitive.
Sure it doesn’t pull too bad once it firms up like jell-o, coming off easy from Bo’s eyelashes and eyebrows without disturbing single hair, but that’s just the thing. The rubbery, weak material ain’t meant to last long. It’ll dry out and shrink in a couple hours anyhow, the whole thing got no real structure.
Mama laid the fresh cast in a box of sawdust to pour plaster in it without spills or damage, and noticed, in the mess of Bo thrashing as it came off, a rip had formed. Right across the middle of his face from the side of his mouth to the opposite side of his nose.
Once upon a time, she’d tried to just patch it when it tore, only for the plaster face to come out warped, cheeks flattened and bumpy, nose crooked. One eye missing. She’d given it to the Doc to dispose of. Familiar story.
Mama clicks her tongue against her teeth, a noise of distaste Bo knows just as well. It sends a cold feeling down his spine, worse than the goop on his face.
“You know I’m gonna have to do that all over again now.”
His wrists won’t stop bleeding. They itch and burn as much as his tearful eyes.
Bo steals a glare over at Vincent in his precious, safe corner. His head down, he’s doodling something. Maybe drawing pretty pictures of Beauregard’s misery. All for himself. Selfish, selfish Vincent, doesn’t help and keeps the pain around as art.
Still, that’s no worse than stealing his brother’s face.
The scar on the back of Bo’s head aches.
“I love you.”
It’s for Vinny. To answer the question, he does love his brother.
Mama answers back, like she belonged between their bond,
“You love me. Well thank God you do.”
Her cigarette ash on his skin hurts worse than the burning in his lungs. The crumbling cherry touches his cheek and leaves a little singe by the corner of his mouth. His own tears soothe it.
Though smoke doesn’t make calming down any easier.
“You best love me, Beauregard. Show me. Be a good boy and sit still.”
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bratbutcute · 5 months
Some misc headcanons for your enjoymen
Alastor will pull out his meniachal Evil Laughter™ when tickling the snot out of someone, just to freak them out a bit (I imagine it would be both flustering and terrifying)
Angel's six arms are both his secret weapon and his own demise - six arms to pin and tickle with, but that ALSO means six underarms..
Charlie is shameless in her love of tickles. Both in giving and receiving, that girl is anything but subtle lol
Vox absolutely uses his electric abilities to to amplify the tickles inflicted upon his lee
Vaggie isn't much of a lee or ler, but when she does get into a playful mode it is DEVASTATING. She would have even the toughest lee begging in minutes.
Rosie (along with most of the other residents of cannibal town) is a biter/nibbler. Tickle bites and "I could just eat you up!" are her signatures moves lol
Sorry these are primarily ler hcs, but that's what I've got for now :) - 🔥 Flame
Fiejajhridahsi ler hcs are perfect bc we need more of them.
Alastor would absolutely be a ruthless ler. I love reading fics where he hunts down his next victim because I think they’re so in character.
Like horror movie stuff where you’re walking next to an empty corridor and he’s there at the end in the darkness with only his eyes glowing, but the moment you turn to check what’s there he’s gone.
And he would have his voice echo in the Hotel, following your moves and creepily chuckling when you are alone.
I can see him tickling as revenge. But I also can see him tickling someone out of boredom.
Just for the thrill of the hunt.
In the show we haven’t seen Angel and Alastor have that many good interactions but I can definitely see this happening if they ever got closer. (Even though I know Alastor canonically wouldn’t care whether you’re comfortable or not)
Ofc I can see Angel messing around with Husk or Cherri. I can see him trying to tickle Husk and Husk letting him do it just because he was sad.
Like I can imagine Angel had a bad day at Valentino’s set and he needs some physical affection, but he feels a bit uncomfortable by the touch. So Husk offers to stay next to him and comfort him but just sits next to him and doesn’t know what to do.
So Angel just leans over him after a while.
And Husk just wants to help, but is unsure on what to do, so he lightly traces shapes on Angel’s arms.
And he starts to giggle and melts into the touch.
But after a while that makes Angel shivers because it reminds him of the day on set, so Husk suggests to be the one receiving (although he’ll kill him if he ever tried to tell anyone).
And so Angel is super happy and enthusiastic and starts tracing shapes on his paws and on his arms and Husky is there trying not to laugh.
And it’s just a sweet moment because it makes Angel relax and Husk starts laughing because he relaxes too
And it just ends in cuddles 😭😭😭
Okay I got carried away by the sweeties, let’s go back to my fav psychopath.
My dear Vox is a scary ler.
Just imagine having all that power. He creates stuff, he spies on everyone. He definitely knows all your ticklish spots. And he has the perfect tool to tickle you senseless.
And omg the electric abilities. Yess.
But also. I’m gonna offer you… Vox hunting you down.
Similar to Alastor he will SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. But he’d be much more impatient.
Alastor could hunt you and stalk you for DAYS, even WEEKS making you paranoid, making you flinch at every move anyone makes.
Vox would mess around with you for a day.
He’s gonna hack your devices and flash you with pictures of you getting tickled or randomly show you people getting tickled with ‘You’re next’ on it.
And then he’s gonna use his ability to teleport next to you and then disappear. Then appear again and so on. Driving you crazy trying to protect yourself.
«You are fucking hilarious to watch!»
I’m gonna talk about Charlie, Vaggie and Rosie on another post or it’s gonna become too long 🫶🏻 thank you so much for reading this far
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spicyseonghwas · 1 year
jeong yunho - "no one can hurt you now"
pairing jeong yunho x male reader viewer rating 16+ ; yandere content genres/au's fucked up fluff, slight angst & suggestive, omegaverse content warnings physical contact, cursing, blood, implied abduction, weapons (knives), threats, alpha!yunho, omega!reader, assault/attempted murder, yunho sort of has aichmomania, word-salad mention of sex in literally the last sentence word count :: 812 network tags :: @preciousillusions-net a/n just because i decided the person that dies for hitting on reader is a woman doesnt mean im sexist !! youre literally reading a fanfiction !! :DD
please reblog this if you like it! likes do not help my algorithm.
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your eyelid twitched; you had to fight valiantly to keep the whole right side of your face from twitching in the immense measures of annoyance you were experiencing right at that moment. you were beginning to get so annoyed with this random woman, who had been hitting on you relentlessly for the past hour, that your heart rate was actually, genuinely accelerating. it got so bad that you almost swung at your boyfriend when he walked quietly up behind you, finally rescuing you from this torture that you had been forced to suffer through up until this point in the night.
"hello, my prince." came a soft whisper into your ear. a small shiver sneaked down your spine when you heard his voice; it was deep, husky and sort of raspy from the many cigarettes and spicy, acidic foods yunho consumed on a daily basis.
"this blasted woman just won't take a fucking hint." you growled quietly, spitting the last word like poison on your tongue.
"mmm." yunho said quite loudly, "how interesting, because you have clearly been scented, and your alpha is clearly standing next to you and hasn't once been more than a few hundred feet away from you this whole night."
"not to mention the fact that this woman herself is an omega." you snorted.
"how pointless." yunho said with a much-too-chipper voice.
you giggled, taking yunho's hand and pulling, gensturing silently to him that you wanted to leave.
but yunho seemed to have something else in mind; he yanked you back into his chest, glaring poison daggers at the woman who had been hitting on you. you looked over in her direction to see that she had stood up. she had a knife of her own in her hand, and she was staring directly at you.
"may i?" yunho asked quietly. you took a moment to answer- not quite hesitating, but not rushing to give your alpha an answer, either. you looked her up and down, sizing her up just as yunho was, before coming to the conclusion that it should be a safe thing to do.
"go ahead darling, have at her."
yunho giggled in a voice that was much too high-pitched to have come out of his throat, spinning the obsidian knife in his hand before driving it downward. the woman underneath him screamed, holding her hands over her face in an effort to stop it, then flinched to the left when the blade of the knife burrowed into the dirt an inch from her bloodied, cut open right cheekbone.
she screamed again when yunho yanked her hair so that she was looking right at him, and cowered backward into the dirt she was already pressed into as a wolf-like growl escaped her abductor's throat.
"you gonna hit on a taken omega again? huh?" yunho hissed gleefully, the protective aura he'd always had bleeding into the dark sky around him as he held her. "answer me, woman!"
"N-NO, I SWEAR," she screamed, "PLEASE JUST LET ME GO- AGH!" the nameless woman cut herself off with another scream as yunho's knife dug into her shoulder.
"if i ever see you near him again i'll rip you apart." he hissed, his voice lower, colder, sharper than you'd ever heard it before. it was so much so that a small shiver ran down your spine as you heard him speak. "do you understand me, little girl?"
the woman nodded furiously, pressing a hand she'd wrestled out of her attacker's tightly against the fresh wound on her opposite shoulder.
yunho stood up, grabbing her by the collar of her shirt and yanking her up with him. his beloved obsidian knife- bi su, he called it- was in her sheath in a fraction of a split second, replaced by a silver glock 43x, custom made just for him...
and it just so happened to be that you had made that gun for him with your own two hands.
he pointed the shinny barrel of the gun at the woman's head, making her stumble backward in fear, before his arm moved faster than any human could ever move as he shot once into the dirt mere inches from her toes.
"run, little girl." he whispered venomously, his words tearing a gash in her soul as she scrambled to obey his command, running for her life past him out onto the street and disappeared into the darkness of seoul.
"wasn't she lovely?" yunho snickered, twirling the gun in his fingers before stashing it away in his jacket.
"sure, if bimbo minus the attractive ability counts." you snorted, smirking darkly when yunho chuckled at your answer. he dusted himself off, turned toward you and looked you in the eyes as he held out his hand, silently gesturing for you to take it so that he could take you to some other magical place.
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© seonghwas-lighter 2023-2024.
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ask4mycashapp · 2 years
The pillars reactions to their traine thats super physicaly strong (like raw strength)
Their in a spar match and they just pick them up and bitch slam them on the floor straight on their back 😭
hii, i only write for 4 of the pillars, (mitsuri, obanai, sanemi and muichirou) so if they arent the specific onws you wanted im sorry abt that. here you go though 🤲🏼.
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obanai, mitsuri, muichiro and sanemi with a vv physically strong trainee!
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• uhm excuse me... what the hell???? 🤠
• hes so confused
• if you could body slam the shit out of him why are you trying to train under him???
• like for all that you can rip the demons head off with with your hands! you dont need to learn how to wield a sword from him 😭.
• when oyakata first brought you to obanai to be his trainee he genuinely thought you were weak too ☠️.
• mans was like, "ha look at this dumbass they dont even know how to wield a sword 🥱"
• and you probably heard him bc that body slam seemed so personal-
• hes sorry just dont do that again, hell teach you serpent breath and everything :,).
• omgomg OMGGGG
• shes always wanted a trainee! shes so exciteddd
• she almost forgot she had to spar with you to test your current skill. she just wanted to get straight into teaching you breath of love or helping you make your own breathing technique!
• but obanai reminded her and here we are now.
• shes still excited though! she even emphasized not to go easy on her, so you sadly had to body slam the nicest woman alive.
• but shes not mad, shes actually so impressed.
• shes extremely physically strong too you know! shed probably challenge you to a sparring match without weapons, who knows who will win! probably not you.
• anyway she thinks youre extremely cool and shes excited to see how strong youll be with a sword!
• see he was supposed to start your training like... last week? he doesnt know, he forgot.
• another thing he forgot, like mitsuri, was that he had to spar with you. unlike her though he didnt forget because he was excited he just deadass forgot.
• once yall were starting and he saw you didnt have a sword he immediately got defensive.
• hes forgetful not dumb, oyakata would not make him train you if you werent strong. so that means if you cant use a sword your probably as strong as the fuckin hulk.
• so since hes prepared, you probably wont be able to get to body slam him, but for the sake of this hc lets say you do.
• hes more annoyed than anything ☠️.
• hes like, "wtf that was mad uncalled for. now my back hurts. i cant even watch the clouds now because it hurts for me to lay down bc of you, dickhead."
• i hc sassy muichirou
• hell forgive you eventually probably.
• i love sanemi i promise not more than muichiro 🙄 but he would be the biggest dh ever.
• hed def be like "now why the actual fuck would i train a dumbass that doesnt even know how to use a sword??? you have to be really fucking talentless to-"
• he got bodyslammed before he could finish.
• contrary to probably what everyone would think, he smiles.
• he probablys like, "okay maybe i was being a douche, you might have a little potential."
• thats the best your gonna get from him so take it.
• in the end you got some respect from sanemi shinazugawa himself, be proud.
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fayetape · 3 months
Flame by Fayetape - Chapter 2: The Games
Finnick Odair x Reader
Word count: 1446
CW: Early Sexualization of Finnick, angst, death, very minor gore.
Summary of series: Reader and Finnick met when they were very young. They experience the horrors of Panem together as they grow up. Throughout the years they fight for a happy ending. Whatever that may look like… Angst/Fluff/Smut/Series/Minimal use of Y/N!
Authors note: Time jump coming next chapter!! Thank you guys for reading my first ever series :) Open to kind & constructive criticism. Hope u enjoy -Faye
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Hugging her knees into her chest she sat on the hardwood floors of her living room watching the light move through the gossamer curtains. She watched the light move like ocean waves towards her and away. Tomorrow was Finnick's games. Sixty fifth fucking annual hunger games. The more she thought about it the angrier she grew. She could physically feel herself moving through the stages of grief rapidly. Denial. Anger. Angry at the capitol. Angry at the crowd. Nobody volunteered for him. Angry at Finnick. He left her. She knew it was stupid, he couldn’t help it. Bargaining and depression. Acceptance. Finnick was going to die. She was going to be alone again.
Her mother turned on the TV. An old boxy television with a blurred screen. It glitched and flashed black and white static before making out a blurry figure of the one and only Caesar Flickerman. She watched as he danced around the stage happily. Sparkling blue hair moving across the screen. It pissed her off even more. Seeing someone so happy interviewing these people as they’re being put to death. Seeing these people act so cocky as if they’re going to win. She knew at least a handful of them would get their hands on Finnick in some way. She was seething. A district three girl walked on stage wearing a chrome and bright teal accented dress. She looked as ridiculous as the announcer lady at the reaping. Y/N rolled her eyes. The girl bragged about how intelligent she is and how she came from a rich family. She would get a good amount of sponsors. Caesar kissed her hand and sent her off stage before announcing,
“Next up! Finnick Odair!” he laughed, “Come out here, boy!”
Finnick walked confidently out onto the stage putting his hand up to give a quick wave to the audience before sitting down.
“So Finnick, what makes you think you can win the games?” he asked without introduction.
“Think?” Finnick laughed, “Caesar I KNOW I can win the games. It's more about how I decide to win.”
This confidence was so unlike him. He had always been secure in himself, but not like this. Must have been a front.
“And how's that?” Caesar asked.
“Well it would be stupid of me to give that away now wouldn’t it? Let’s just say I have a couple tricks up my sleeve.”
Caesar grabbed a hold on Finnick’s sleeve. He was dressed in what looked to be a sailor or pirate look. Long, flowy white shirt and pants with a thick brown corset belt separating the two fabrics. He was wrapped in heavy fisherman's rope that looked crystalized, like it had been in the ocean too long.
“Oh and how we would love to see what’s up these sleeves!” Caesar flirted.
Disgusting. She could tell Finnick was uneasy, reading his microexpressions. Finnick just laughed.
“Well Finnick, we already know you have a good shot at winning. What’s the first thing you’re doing as soon as you get home?”
Her eyes lit up. Home.
“Well first, I’m gonna do the victory tour of course. Then I’ll see my friends and family. Maybe I’ll buy them all a new house with all the money I’ll earn.”
“You really are confident in your win, Odair!”
“Why wouldn’t I be? I’ve spent my childhood training for these games. Even if I didn’t get reaped I was going to volunteer anyway.”
The crowd gasped.
“I’m here to win Caesar. Whatever it takes. I’m good with weapons, archery, in hand to hand, good in water-”
Caesar cut him off, “Are you good in bed?” He chuckled, “Only kidding of course. We’ll wait until you’re eighteen.”
What the hell?
Finnick just smiled, “Well I’ll look forward to it.” Finnick looked out at the crowd and winked.
“Finnick Odair everyone!”
The crowd cheered. What the hell was that? He exited the stage with a sly smile. That wasn’t like him at all. Why was Caesar being so… suggestive?
Her mother woke her up early to get ready to go to the town. Mandatory watch day. She cried and clung to her bed. Denial. Bargaining. Anger. Depression. She sat up. Feet dangling off the foot of her bed. She threw on a light blue plaid day dress. Observing closely she could see light tea colored stains splattered on the hem of the skirt. Another day where she and Finnick explored the fields. She looked down sadly and headed outside. Once again bypassing her mother. Walking towards the field filled her with so much emotion. Anger. Depression. Anger. She started running towards the field as if she would start to fly. But she didn’t. Once out of breath she collapsed onto the dirt, hugging her knees into her chest once again, breathing heavily. The view of the horizon was blurred from the tears welling in her eyes. She aggressively tore out the roots of grass surrounding her, making quiet ripping sounds and marking her hands with green. Putting a hand over her own mouth she screamed a muffled cry. She sat for a few more minutes staring out in the distance before heading back to town. Her mother caught her half way towards the screening. She didn’t question her, knowing how much pain this poor girl must be in. They took their seats. Old lawn chairs and some fancier recliners. Peacekeepers lined the town. After what felt like forever, the games began.
The camera panned around the arena. First thing she noticed was Finnick. He was dressed in all black. Plain black t shirt, plain black cargos. She recognized the outfit from his limited wardrobe. The arena could have been beautiful if it didn’t have the implications of a bloodbath. Rocky, forested mountains that drop down to a rocky beach. Mountain mist coated the surface of the trees. The tributes were lined in a circle near the cliff’s edge.
And in 5
1… The tributes all raced towards the center to get ahold of all sorts of deadly weapons and survival kits. Finnick sprinted towards the center and grabbed a backpack and a spear, fighting off a dark haired boy from district 8. She couldn’t watch the gore. All she wanted to know was if he was alive. She kept her eyes gazing at the side of the screen so not to witness the destruction while not looking down.
The cannons sounded out the tributes dead. Seven. Finnick had found a hole deep in the woods. He stacked leaves and rocks on top of his makeshift fort to keep himself hidden as he rested for the night. During the first few days he managed to fight off five tributes that earned him a gash across his nose and cheek. It’s been four days already. His sponsors have spoiled him with expensive gifts from french bread to designer medicine. He never wanted for anything. He was quite comfortable. The other tributes haven’t realized how deadly he had been. They seem to be more concerned with the older career packs. This gave him an advantage like no other. He took on the role of being a deadly force hidden in plain sight. Finnick wasn’t one to make allies. He knew that he would form an attachment. He recognized that he could lose sponsors if he gave up his “tough-guy act” and the loss of sponsors could be fatal for him.
He was one of the last alive. Day six he woke up to an expensive gift from one of his sponsors. A trident. It was one of the prettiest things he’d ever seen in person. Prettier than any jewel at the market or pearl he had caught. He couldn’t imagine what it must have cost. He tried not to think about it. Day eight he traveled to the top of the rocky mountain near the cliff side. Over the days he had weaved a net out of vines that he held up with tree branches. Weaving the net almost made him feel at home, sitting on the pier teaching the locals how to braid a fisher line. There were four tributes left including himself. He planned to lure the rest onto the cliff, capture them in his net and use his shiny new gift to finish them off. He used himself as bait, standing on the cliff pretending to be oblivious to his surroundings. Then they fall into the net where they meet their death. He tried not to think about death. He tried not to think about guilt. In a matter of hours, Finnick Odair was crowned the youngest victor of the Hunger Games.
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chuchuminn · 4 months
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just realized its been really really long since i posted (so sorry for being rlly lazy some stuff happened)
new content!!!!!
what if aruji sama was a DEMON??
smth ive been thinking abt!
im gonna come up with smth like whtever
name = ELENORA STEINE (nora, but none are her real name *its actually ____*
age = VERY OLD.
height = might be crazy... 6'2
facts abt nora:
- very bad memory (no she wont remember where her fork from dining went after going to the bathroom but its ok bc shes a grandma /j)
- came from germany (has a slight german accent wowzers)
- doesnt rlly like sweet but likes sweet if theyre not too sweet...??
- though rlly follows the main story of living in the modern world she just moved in recently 😔
- physically, magically, and mentally capable of murdering someone (any weapon works they should just be dead)
- if shes angry at you kill her or youre the one killed!!! waa waa waa. waa waa waa waa.
buh buh backstory!!! before butlers stuff
Back when DEMONS, HUMANS, and ANGELS still thrived..
"Is there really such a thing as a war anyway? That would never happen."
Nora says, looking at her two best friends, Kium (ANGEL) and Leon (HUMAN).
"Maybe! Theres a chance, y'know?"
Leon says in a cheerful tone, as Kium speaks up.
"I guess there's a chance as well."
"Anyway, aren't you hungry? We've been sitting in this tavern for a while."
All three nod and go get some food.
Rings the sound of crashes and falling debris, scattering on what was once called the Human territory. Nora, Kium, and Leon were all called back to their own races. One thing was sure. It was war. Noone knew why but the lords of all three races. The three friends were all worried for each other.
They were all on the battlefield as well.
The sound of swords clashing rang in Nora's ears. Whooshing of magic from demonic mages and angelic powers fly around.
"Oh, curses.. Why do I have to be doing this..- Leon..?!"
Nora sees Leon, collapsed on the ground. He's.. dead. Someone killed him.
"....Isn't this normal, though? Everyone would die someday."
*Kium says, facing Nora. He has tears running down his face, and he points a spear at you.*
"I have to do this, Nora. I'm so sorry.."
*He tried plunging his spear in Nora's body, but she managed to stop him in time, holding the blade. It couldn't be stopped anyway. Bound to be. She threw the double edged spear at Kium, killing him.*
"It's normal.. Right? Normal. Totally normal.."
*Nora fell down om her knees, and sobbed for a while. She returned back after war was over, and spent life until the modern world.*
butlers stuff abt NORA time!! (the story was rushed i am sorry)
☆ would love to learn her favorite snacks for tea time!!
☆ when shes sick (its possible ok.) he gives her Tea. (tea tea tea tea im like tea tea ooh just like tea tea ooh)
☆ he will make every single food she wants no matter the time because when shes rlly hungry she walks around to eat something that is probably edible for demons but not for humans
☆ knows all her favorite foods (hmm, let me guess.. nora's fav food is... Meat)
☆ woodcarves her favorite things for her (maybe not a whole house but yeah) mistakenly sleeps in her room if he ever changes her bed (beds, right?)
☆ she teaches him sometimes for fighting stuff but again shes old. her bones are becoming nonexistent. every step you hear some cracking (/j)
☆ tries his very very best to cook for her (spoiler: it lit the kitchen on fire)
☆ decorated the garden with a lot of stuff because nora said she likes them at a really random time (eg: haures, i like ___.)
☆ reads books with nora then nora starts telling him about what happened during the old times when demons and angels had coexisted
☆ sometimes lifts weights with her because she got a bit bored of standing around (wants her muscles a lot)
☆ nora asked him to put a giant pating in her room and it went on the ceiling but nora is happy because its still there (its kinda scary)
☆ flower arranging with boschi time every weekend even though nora gets headaches from them
☆ when nora saw THAT scene (spoiler warning: the whip thing) she felt pretty bad for him and wanted to explode his mom
☆ constantly reminds nora not to touch the roses even though it won't hurt that much because he still doesn't want to see her hurt
☆ scolds her because she doesn't yap when shes bored but actually runs around and ends up getting hurt
☆ wine lovers (theyre drunkards but nora has more tolerance than lucas because she had drinking competitions before)
☆ one time nora ate a red mushroom because of hunger and became as silly as lamli
☆ lamli likes playing with frogs but nora would like to dissect them because its interesting
☆ nora doesnt understand nac and doesnt know why (his way of words make her brain become water)
☆ scolds her a lot for drinking lots of alcohol because he normally finds her throwing up
☆ doctor also, so... also scolds her with lucas for getting hurt a lot (only thing they can agree on)
☆ nora ate his cooking once after drinking the day before and started vomiting a lot (new rule: never let nora eat spicy after drinking)
☆ braids her hair but it kinda became a big mess but its fine because nora fell asleep
☆ other than miyaji and flure nora is the only one he likes + nora isnt very scared of him just thinks hes silly
☆ designed a lot of noras clothes because she really doesnt have that many
☆ nora tried sewing clothes with him once and it turned out pretty good but she stabbed herself a ton
☆ sparred with her once, stopped because she had a stomach ache in the middle (he will try again)
☆ talks abt his kids a lot to her and she listens while drinking green tea
☆ kinda stalks her and has all her information in his notebook
sorry abt less content for villa butlers bc im not rlly familiar with them 😗
planning on making a new au sooner or later when i have time
thankz so much for reading all this pooks
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Alright, the ask for this disappeared, but I believe it came from @galacticgraffiti (Gala, if I'm wrong, I'm sorry. And either way, I'm sorry it took me so long to write this!). The request was for a Fennec fic with the quote "That’s the outfit you’re gonna go with tonight, princess?" I hope you like it and I'm sorry again AHHHHHH.
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Rating - M (language, implied sexual content)
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She’s going to make us late. Again.
Fennec impatiently taps her foot, leaning against the open hatch as she inhales the warm night air. Laughter in the distance carries to the port along with some offkey singing. She wrinkles her nose, adjusting the grip on her rifle as she checks it one more time. 
It’s going to take us at least half an hour to walk there. And she’s wasting time.
Sighing heavily, she sets the rifle aside, straightening the black dress shirt she buttoned up a few moments before and flicking a piece of lint off the matching slacks. She readjusts the suspenders she has on, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. 
I hate everything about this.
She’d promised to let you choose the next job, and to your credit, you’d found a high-paying one. The mark was a very wealthy target that had gotten in too deep with several ill-advised bets, and his criminal underworld connections had allowed him to skirt paying up thus far, but if everything went well, that would all end tonight. 
It isn’t the hardest job she’s ever worked, but it is far from easy. The quarry knows many parties would pay a shiny credit for his head, so he never so much as pisses without at least six armed guards around him. He is arrogant enough to frequent the same locations though, and those old habits will be his undoing this evening. The club he’s going to tonight is heavily guarded, which from everything Fennec has heard from her sources, makes him a little less cautious, foolishly thinking he’s safer in this fortress. However, there isn’t anyone that can’t be paid off; it had just been a matter of finding the right place to press. Fennec has already bribed a few of the bartenders, who have been more than willing to line their pockets while passing along information. 
On its nose, the plan is simple enough: walk in, find the mark, and walk him back out before his entourage notices his absence. The two of you will have to do it without any blasters. Due to the social status of many of the people that attend this club, weapons are banned at the door. Not even a vibroblade manages to slip in. A thin adhesive patch with a potent drug on it that is absorbed through the skin fixes that issue. He’ll become mentally pliable without losing his ability to physically walk himself out. It’s just a matter of choosing the moment carefully… if you and she can get in without drawing attention. 
She picks at the cuff of her sleeve. Out of all of the things that had to go correctly, this was what she found most difficult, particularly as you stepped out of the back of the ship. The dress you've selected hugs your curves perfectly, revealing just enough to be risque, but not so much that you won’t be allowed in. It shimmers in Fennec’s favorite color, almost as if it were tailor-made for you to wear for her. It accentuates every feature Fennec has kept herself from studying in depth the last few months, and she swallows hard. Her eyes flick from your hair to your makeup, and she feels a cool sweat break out across the back of her neck. In the months since you’d begun working together, she’d felt something stirring deep within her, but staring at you now, the ember in her chest was fanned into a full-on flame. She does her best to contain it with the biting remarks that she’s been using to keep you at arms length. 
“Really? That’s the outfit you’re gonna go with tonight, princess?”
You roll your eyes. “That’s the outfit you’re going with?” 
Fennec shrugs, fighting the urge to pick at her clothing again under your gaze. “The idea was not to stand out. And I’d argue it’s more practical than those heels you’re wearing.” 
You smile playfully, approaching her as you appraise her, and Fennec fights the heat she feels rising to her face. Your fingers trace along one of her suspenders before gently tugging at the shirt’s collar. “Well, my dear Fennec, from everything we’ve heard about this place, it sounds as though the ability to socialize or seduce might come in handy, and neither of those are things you excel at.” 
Fennec rolls her eyes, stepping back to break the contact as your fingers graze the skin of her collarbone. She rolls her shoulders, slipping her black leather gloves on and averting your eyes. “Whatever you say, princess.” 
“I hate it when you call me that.” 
She smirks, finding her balance again in the banter. “No you don’t.” 
It’s your turn to roll your eyes now, and she watches your lashes flutter as the skin between your brows pinches. You shrug your jacket on. “Whatever. Let’s go.” 
To your credit, you make good time in your heels and don’t utter a single complaint about your feet hurting, even when your foot slips into a pothole. Fennec doesn’t tease you, only allowing herself a smirk as she offers you her elbow, which you slip your fingers around with silent relief. Fennec is grateful for the darkness as the flush returns to her cheeks at your touch. 
Getting into the establishment is just as easy as you’d been assured. The bartender had left notice at the door that the two of you be allowed inside as their guests, and it only takes a few extra moments to check your jackets and enter the loud club. Fennec feels her shoulders tense at the pounding bass and loud voices. Lights flash in time with the music, leaving purple spots in her vision, and she blinks rapidly to clear her eyes. For someone that prefers to operate in the quiet moments between a quarry’s breaths, stealthy as a wraith, this is far from ideal for her. You seem to note her discomfort, your bare fingers interlacing with her gloved ones. Even through the leather, it seems as though she can feel the heat of your palm, and she begins to sweat. 
You lead her through the crowd, swaying your hips in time with the music, but she can see you’re working. Your head may be bobbing with the beat, but your eyes are scanning the room, finally pausing at a point behind her and focusing in on one corner. You lean closer and Fennec can smell your perfume and soap, and she fights the way her mind is screaming at her to lean closer. 
“He’s here. Back corner. Looks like some sort of reserved section.” 
You giggle. “Let’s go get some drinks and then I’ll go check it out a little more in depth.”
Fennec huffs. “And what will I be doing while that’s going on?”
You wink at her. “Watching my back.”
It takes a few minutes to flag down a bartender, but you manage to get one’s attention, ordering for the both of you while Fennec parks herself on a stool, eyes still scanning. She tries to not let her gaze linger too long on the corner your target’s sitting in, instead pretending to find the entire crowd interesting. Something cold brushes her knuckles, and she looks down to find you handing her a glass of spotchka. The outside of the glass is chilled and cool to her touch as she takes it, inhaling the scent of her favorite liquor. You’ve gotten yourself the sort of frilly looking cocktail that would normally make her nose wrinkle, but she can’t keep her eyes from following your tongue as it wraps around the straw poking out of the glass. She shakes her head, taking a deep swig of the spotchka, only wincing slightly at the burn.
Not the cheap stuff, that’s for certain.
You slide some credits across the bar before giving her another wink and slipping into the crowd. Fennec feels her stomach flutter slightly before it twists with concerns. She knows better than to doubt your competence; you’ve proven yourself several times over. If you hadn’t, there’s no way she would have let you stick around this long. It’s the way the quarry’s eyes are already tracking you as you make your way through the crowd slowly, dancing with a Twi’lek woman and then a Zabrak that rests his chin on your bare shoulder. You never make a beeline for the corner, but instead, let the flow of the crowd carry you in that direction as if you were floating down a river. The quarry pushes himself up from where he’s seated on the overstuffed velvet couch of his section, his eyes still tracking you as he prowls along the edge of the sea of bodies. Fennec knows you see him and that when you stumble into him, resting your hand against his chest, it’s no accident. You flip your hair and giggle, tipping your head back, and his eyes follow the curve of your neck. Fennec’s knuckles creak, and that’s when she realizes her hands are clenched into fists. Reaching behind her, she takes the glass of spotchka, draining it quickly before flagging down the bartender for another. 
When she turns back, you’re already seated on the couch next to him, leaning forward engagingly. His eyes are fixed on your cleavage, but you pretend not to notice. He leans closer, and you meet him, your hand drifting against his shirt, fingers trailing over the sliver of skin exposed by his low-cut shirt. Fenenc’s temple throbs and her face flushes with heat. 
She’s doing the job. She’s just got to get the patch on him. And then it’ll only be a few more minutes. 
The thoughts do little to quell the silent anger she feels. The bartender delivers her next glass of spotchka, and she turns back just as your hand slips under the quarry’s shirt, your lips grazing along his neck. The smug grin he wears is too much for Fennec. The sound of her teeth grinding in her skull almost overtakes the loud music.
She doesn’t turn around, but she recognizes the voice. It’s one of her “coworkers”, a young human man that doesn’t know the first thing about bounty hunting. Or subtlety. She hopes he’ll be deterred by her lack of response, but she can hear people being pushed out of his way and his rushed “excuse me’s” as he makes his way towards her.  
We’ve only run into one another a few times. He’s never seen me in this setting. The lights are dimmer by the bar. Maybe he won’t be sure. 
A pair of hands slap on the bar next to her. “Another round for my friend here, Master Assassin Fennec Shand,” he slurs loudly, bumping her shoulder as if he’s an old colleague with plenty of stories to share.
Fennec fights the urge to slam him onto the polished wooden bar by his throat. If you make a scene, security will step in, and you’ll lose the quarry. It’s bad enough that he’s announcing a hunter is here.  Her eyes roam the crowd, and she sighs quietly as she notes no one’s really watching her yet. Everyone seems to be under the impression he’s just a drunken menace, which he is, but he’s still a threat.
“You’ve got me mistaken for someone else,” she says, pitching her voice low, but the damn fool doesn’t take the hint, throwing his arm across her shoulders. She feels her muscles tense. 
“No, come on now, I’d know that gruff exterior anywhere!” he chortles. “What’s a hunter like you doing in a place like this?” 
“I don’t know who you’re talking about,” she repeats, trying to keep the snarl out of her tone. The bartender is watching the two of them now, and she can’t tell if it’s with suspicion or sympathy. She can feel her pulse accelerating as she starts considering the quickest way to incapacitate him without drawing any additional attention. 
“Vi! There you are!” 
Soft fingertips find her chin, pulling her face away from her obnoxious cohort, and before she can process what’s happening, your lips are on hers, and suddenly she’s inundated in you. The young man’s hand falls away from Fennec’s shoulders, replaced instead by your hands. Your fingers are carding through her hair, coming to rest on the nape of her neck and rubbing gentle circles as she tastes the fruity cocktail you’ve been drinking. Your eyes are closed and your face is relaxed as if kissing Fennec is the most easy thing, and her eyes are wide open, studying every pore of your face that’s now pressed against hers. Her clenched fists relax as her hands find a place on your hips, one slowly pressing against the small of your back to bring you closer to her as she finally allows her eyes to flutter closed. Every cell of her body is vibrating as she drowns in you, and she’s just about to allow herself to get lost in the kiss when you pull away, leaving her panting and disheveled. 
“Was wondering where you’d gotten to, love,” you say with shining eyes, completely unphased, and Fennec does her best to recompose herself. She starts to pull her hands away, but you place your palms over hers as you come to stand in between her legs, halfway perching yourself on one of her thighs. Your fingers push some hair behind her ear, and you study her for another heartbeat before turning to the other hunter. “Are you a friend of Vi’s? I’ve never met any of her pals!” Your voice is annoyingly exuberant, but Fennec can’t find it within her to be annoyed as you toy with her fingers that have slid to rest on your thigh.
The other hunter’s mouth is hanging open slightly as he studies Fennec and then you. He squints at Fennec for another second with a bleary, half-drunken stare before she shakes his head, mumbling something about being mistaken and stumbling off. Fennec expects you to separate from her when he leaves, but you stay seated on her leg, toying with the collar of her shirt still. You lean in, nuzzling against her ear, and all she can think of is the pounding of her pulse and the heat of your breath against her skin. 
“Patch is in place. Should be working any minute. Ready to go escort our prize to his final destination?” 
Fennec’s mouth is as dry as Tatooine, and she finds herself unable to form words, her tongue rolling around in her mouth like sandpaper. Quickly, she reaches past you, gripping her glass of spotchka and draining it to give herself a moment to recover. When she finally sets the empty glass back down, her eyes are ablaze as they find yours. 
“Let’s get this done then.” 
Getting the drugged quarry out of the club was easy enough; with a hat pulled over over the mark’s face, no one batted an eye at how he stumbled past with his arms wrapped around two women, seemingly eager to finish his evening in their company. However, getting him to the warehouse he was meant to be left in for pick-up proved less simple. Between the two of you, you manage to half-carry him to the employer’s facility. You punch in the door code as Fennec holds the man up, gripping one of his arms over her shoulder and wrinkling her nose at his stale breath as he babbles nonsense at her. When the three of you get inside, you pull the syringe with the sedative from its place inside a storage locker and dose the quarry. Fennec kicks open the storage locker door a little wider, chucking the quarry’s unconscious form inside a bit harder than necessary before slamming it shut. 
The two of you return to the ship without a word shared between you. You seem unbothered while Fennec is frantically trying to scrub the taste of your lips from her mind. She’s already pulling her gloves off as you turn to close the ramp of the ship behind you, shrugging off your jacket. You already have a teasing remark waiting on the tip of your tongue, but before you can turn and utter it, you’re backed against the wall of the ship, and Fennec is kissing you hard. She’s all teeth and tongue, and her hands are gripping your hips firmly as her thigh slots between your legs. You can’t help but keen at her touch, melting into her and beginning to work at the buttons on her shirt as months of unresolved desires finally crumble to dust between you. 
Fennec pulls back for a moment, and you find that same fire in her eyes as she looks at you, panting. Her thumb traces your lips before her hand drifts down your throat, coming to a stop at the dress strap on your shoulder. She fiddles with it for a moment before she smirks up at you. 
“You know, this color looks stunning on you,” she says softly.
You grin back. “Glad you like it. I wore it just for you. Now would you like to help me out of it?” 
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Tag List: @seriowan @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @zoeykallus @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @staycalmandhugaclone @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501
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isleofdarkness · 5 months
CHAPTER 7 IS DONE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THIS IS SO GREAT!?!?!!!? You've put so much love and effort into this chapter and I admire that so much, your writing it's just amazing <3333
“ He had their same curly hair, cut short by choice and not to make it harder to grab in a fight. ” “ Riah was a child, not a weapon. How relieving that was. ” “ At least there was one of the four Mother Mim hadn't been able to hurt. ” KAJSKAJDKAKKAKSA HIM :((((
Mary :(((
Mara has gone through so much I want to give her the biggest hug and never let go. She had to fight her little sibling's dead body, had to stop sleeping because of the nightmares she had about it, couldn't even get near her little brother, has to live with the constant fear of something horrible happening to the two siblings she has left and just can't get a fucking break. God, I just need her to be happy.
I love them so much it physically pains me. They were never able to meet Riah, their brother, not even glance at him. It was the first time Molly got to see him and it was in a fucking hospital and then these motherfucking stupidass Auradon guards go and point a fucking gun at cos, a child.
That fight scene was great, I love how you incorporate Molly's disability into it. Also, Maverick's fighting style is just terrifying and I'm so here for it.
“ And then, as Isle kids seemed to be good at, that fear turned to anger. And that anger turned into action. ” This line is fucking amazing.
I know I said this before but I will say it again, I absolutely LOVE the way the Exiled Gods look, just amazing character design. “ If Ben had seen her on the opposing side of a battle, he would have turned and run in the other direction and he wasn’t afraid to admit it. ” Exactly.
I absolutely love the way you write Jay, he is so ignored in canon even if he's one of the main four and that bothers me to no end because he's such an interesting character to explore. Your writing makes him so much justice.
“ Even now, knowing she'd been sent to steal his lamp, Jay liked Lydia. The two of them were pretty alike in both personality and what they'd been through. Besides, she'd patched him up often enough for the two of them to feel kind of friendly. ” Oh, I love them. The whole relationship of understanding between Jay, Lydia, Ace and Misha (don't know if I'm missing someone) is so interesting. They've gone through very fucked up similar stuff so they're there for each other even if they're not as familiar or get along that well (at least at first).
KAJSKAKSAKDJKAJA Jay and Evie, poor babies :((((
“ Everyone in the room was pretty pointedly focused on Mordred, who was barely awake. They were all taking care not to turn Jay's crisis into a spectacle. ” They're so respectful to him and I love that.
Mal is getting so desperate about Maverick's mysteriousness and the whole Endless thing, glad to know we're not alone in this and she's gonna have to figure it all out like we did (/lh, figuring it out is so much fun)
I love the Hearts siblings so much, you write them so well and way better than canon could ever do (I'm sorry but I'm hating everything Descendants is doing with Wonderland. Someone please go and take permanent custody of them.)
Is Jay and Ace's relationship a queerplatonic one? If so I love you so much for that, we need more queerplatonic representation.
DUDE, that was so fucking amazing. You're so great. I fear the day I run out of words to tell you how incredible your whole AU is.
I'm so glad this is finally done! Now I can work on part 2, then chapter eight! Mate, it gets so much worse-
Why am I saying that last sentence like it's a good thing?
Riah's great relationship with Hades is actually why Mara didn't freak out at the idea of having an "actual adult" (adult over thirty) in their lives. She doesn't trust him- she doesn't trust anyone- but she's willing to be in his general vicinity. She knows that he probably won't try to hurt Molly, especially with his wife and twelve-year-old child in the house.
And she accidentally called him "dad" the other day, but she refuses to acknowledge that. Yes, Hades was so happy he later spent an entire hour talking to Persephone about it.
Mara can barely even say Mary's name, can't even hear it in reference to blood without going into a panic attack. She's survived the past fifteen years by refusing to even think about Riah. At this point, Molly is the only sibling Mara can safely have. There a reason she and Molly live in the Wilds, because even Mim stays out of the Wilds but there's also nothing there that will hurt Molly as long as Mara's alive. She doesn't even have to be on the island, her being alive in general is enough to protect Molly from the Wilds. She's really just survived these part years just pretending she only has one sibling, the one sibling she's allowed to have. And then someone pointed a gun at Molly's fucking head (Molly is immortal but STILL)
Facilier is trying to get her to do therapy but he's an adult so she refuses to be alone in a room with him. But gods, she needs therapy.
Molly; I'm seven and this is ridiculous
On the Isle, you work with what you have. Molly has an advantage in that co's tiny and blind, so people underestimate cos and, because Blind people tend to not attack people with their canes due to needing those, no one assumes that co's going to attack anyone with cos cane, let alone that said cane is actually made to be used in a fight because Mara takes no chances. Maverick's fighting style is unique in that she can move like Regan MacNeil and no one expects her to be able to move like that, so she leans into that element of surprise and the fact that no one is trained to fight someone who can do that. (And Justice's fighting style is unique because she had 1500 pounds to put behind an attack and absolutely no one is ready to fight someone who not only has superstrength but who puts a weight like that behind every attack. She's the one person who can effectively do that because throwing herself off-balance actually gives her a massive advantage.) You have no idea how long I've been waiting to say this.
Thank you.
The Exiled Gods are so fun because they know what their advantages are and they play to those. Justice, 7'6 and built like Stoik the Vast, made her armour as terrifying as physically possible by adding spikes and that skull plate and that stuff. Seeing a regular opponent wearing a skull faceplate is already intimidating, but seeing Justice Olympian wearing a skull faceplate? She's had enemies see her and literally turn around and run away after seeing her in battle. Dawn, so dark she melts into the shadows, sticks to the darkness. Not only does it make her harder to see in a fight, but it's also extremely intimidating. She steps out of the shadows and it looks like the shadows created her. Hati is small but extremely fast, very agile, and hard to get a hold on. When someone on the Isle has little or no armour, that sends a message to enemies that they're like Hati is- fast, agile, the kind of fighter where armour would just weigh them down and get in the way. Few people are like that so few people are trained to fight someone like that, making these people a wildcard in battle. Someone like Hati, who wears absolutely zero armour other than her silk clothes? That's terrifying. And then these are the Exiled Gods, they only come here once every two years and most people have never actually seen them before. Fewer have seen them fight. On an island where everyone knows everyone, unknowns like the Exiled Gods are frightening in general. And in battle? Oh boy. Oh boy.
I really hate how Descendants was written because the writers don't know how to write. The point of the cast is to bring in characters who all have something unique to contribute- when you have a large cast, like me and Descendants, you have to get creative because every single main or supporting character needs to bring something unique, otherwise there's no point in including the character. Jay has things he can, in theory, bring to the table- he's a prodigy thief, he's extremely fast and acrobatic, he can do parkour (believe me, parkour is an extremely useful skill in a fight,) his father is a con man and he clearly taught Jay some tricks with how Jay uses his charm, he's extremely attractive and very charismatic, his father is an ACTUAL DJINN- there's so much Jay can bring to the table. But did he ever really have any plot relevance? The tourney thing could be scrapped because is contributed basically nothing to the plot (which is poor writing but we won't get into that,) Jay himself really doesn't contribute to the plot in a unique way (literally any of them could make an impulsive choice, the ROAR thing isn't extremely important because Lonnie was already a character, etc.) The only thing he really contributed that I would struggle to give to another character is his motivational speeches, but, rather than expand on that as making Jay kind of the rock of the group, the one who reminds them that they've got this if they just stick together, who helps them when they feel hopeless, that never really matters again until the second movie, and then it never matters again after that. Jay isn't just a well of missed opportunities, he's a whole water table of missed opportunities. Look at how they wasted my boy
There's also Rose and Diego, but they're more on the sidelines, Rose being a package deal with Ace and Diego usually being busy managing the second largest territory on the Isle. Plus Evie, but she's newer and she's only joined the group because her "husband" is there. They never even really verbally agreed to the dynamic, it just kind of happened. They all protect each other because they've all got some serious weight behind their names (Lydia, the ruthless murderer who's saved thousands of lives. Jay, the prodigy thief with a heart of gold, second to Mal fucking Briar, helping her run one of the most notorious gangs on the Isle. Evie, to whom Maverick Fucking Mim owes a favour, Jay's second if something were to happen to Mal, absolutely lethal in a fight, married to Ace of Hearts. Diego, ruler of the second largest territory on the Isle, lover of Harriet Hook, who owns the largest territory, Ginny Gothel, who created and who runs the Silver Cross, and Anthony Tremaine, who has connections to Maverick Mim herself. Ace and Rose, the terror twins who kill and maim without mercy, former members of the Underlands gang, the Red King and the High Princess of Hearts, one of whom controls your actual blood and one of whom no one knows what she can do, but if she's even half as lethal as her sibling then it's time to panic. Mischa Rasputin, immortal, one of the oldest children of the Isle with a healing ability, who kept three sisters alive with their father trying to murder them constantly, with connections to everyone who's anyone because the oldest children of the Isle stick together.) Just... don't mess with any of them. It'll be bad.
Jafar is really just the worst.
Jay and Evie are so sweet.
Seriously. Maverick was ready to need to "influence" people to mind their own business but she didn't need to, everyone just did that on their own.
Mal is this close to murdering Maverick and the only thing that's stopping her is that she's fairly sure Maverick is actually In Charge on the Isle because she's seen Maverick "give orders" to Harriet (they were Harriet's orders, Maverick just said them.) The only reason Maverick hasn't done anything about that is because she's over twenty so, if she dies, she can just go and be Destiny and the natural order will be mostly unscathed. She doesn't want to, but at least reality wouldn't collapse in on itself.
I love the whole Underland idea and I think Disney should've done that. Underland goes so much better with the Isle than Wonderland. If they wanted Red to be some Big Bad, she really should've been from Underland. Because any Isle kid from Underland would be a massive threat, it's in their genetic memory. Their ancestors survived Bandersnatchers (which sounds like a term... well, probably shouldn't say that) and the Jabberwocky. Underland people are terrifying. If Red is going to be an actual Villain, it would take far less work if she was from Underland, not Wonderland. Because Underland is terrifying. (Also, the name Red? From a queen? No, that's a nickname. Just like Rose and Ace are short for Rosabella and Aleksandr, I think Red is just a nickname due to her red hair. Give her a good, regal name, Disney. I'll even give you one- it's tacky, but it makes more sense than just Red- try Royal. Ruby. Rosalie. Rosalind. Ramona. Rosemary. Rebecca. These are just off the top of my head. Also, wouldn't it make sense for the Queen to name her daughter something similar to Rose with how much she loves roses? Also-)
That's the word! The term queerplatonic doesn't really exist on the Isle, but it's the only one that fits in certain situations like Jay and Ace's relationship. Evie and Ace are also in a QPR, they're basically only married for tax benefits (and keeping the Evil Queen off Evie's back benefits.) And you're right, QPRs need more represntation.
I hope that never happens because I absolutely love getting your reviews! You're excellent. Really, this made my day. Thank you so much!
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adriel-donovan · 1 year
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The room was filled with the swaying smog of nicotine and cannabis. Adriel could feel the base of the music vibrating within the confines of his body. The noise of music blurred with laughter and shouts of the people who were stacked inside the room like sardines. Yet somehow the man was able to maneuver himself through the crowd with little contact. He climbed up the steps to the second floor and saw Warren coiled with Julieta against a wall, he was unseen to the couple. 
“Hey Papi,” came the shrill voice of someone who latched onto Adriel’s arm, her face close to his. “When you gonna tattoo me?”
Adriel had to quickly fix his face. The disdain he felt at hearing Lucia call him papi made him physically ill. He grimaced at her and then motioned at his ears like he couldn’t hear her. He forced himself to wink at her before saluting at the steps to the next level where only Allan’s most trusted men were allowed. 
The enormous man who guarded the bottom of the steps easily moved aside for Adriel, clapping his hand on Adriel’s shoulder. “Go ahead, Brad. He’s waiting.”  
The upper level was abandoned from partiers, the music was a dull ache here. It didn’t take but a moment for Allan to reveal himself, coming to embrace Adriel in a friendly hug. He was in. At that moment, Adriel knew that Allan trusted him. It took everything in his power to hide the triumphant smirk that tried plastering itself to his visage. Discreetly, Adriel ran his thumb along his bottom lip—a ruse to massage away the smirk. He cleared his throat and motioned towards the window. 
“Listen man, I brought that…supply…” Adriel emphasized the last word. “Think you can move it for me?” 
Allan’s interest peaked and his visage turned nasty and foul. “Well, that depends on how sweet this product is. More delicious the better.” 
It took all of Adriel’s energy to force a sneer of delight on his features. “The sweetest thing you’ll ever taste. I’m bold enough to say after you see my supply, you’ll want to keep me on retainer for this endeavor.” 
Allan grabbed his jacket and phone. “Let’s go see if we can make that happen.” 
As Allan headed out of the office, Adriel was not far behind, but enough so he could quickly send a text to Warren. NOW. Adrenaline was coursing through his veins, his heart was racing with excitement. It was almost over. Soon. Soon he’d be home with his wife. Soon he’d have Cat in his arms and he’d never leave her again. Soon. But first…
The two men were out of the large home in a matter of minutes, slowly venturing between the cars that were parked all along the grass and the driveway. Allan was slowing his steps, waiting to see where “Brad” was taking him. Adriel motioned at the bottom of the driveway where the highway was. “I’m down here,” he explained, glancing over at Allan. “I didn’t want anyone to hear the screaming,” he said with a forced chuckle. The very act made him nauseous. 
Approaching the dark blue van, Adriel let Allan go ahead of him again, crouching down to pull a gun that was hidden beneath trash debris on the curb. He hid the weapon behind his back. “The door’s unlocked,” he said, trying to stay calm. “She’s tied up, there’s no way she’s getting out of there,” he explained. 
Allan gripped the backdoor handle of the van and pulled it open without hesitation. He took a step backward, surprised. Inside the van Warren was sitting with a gun aimed at Allan. Allan backed up a few more steps and his back ran into the gun that Adriel was holding now. “We got you, fucker,” Adriel said venomously and hit Allan on the back of the head with the hilt of the gun. The man fell forward into the waiting arms of Warren who dragged him into the back of the van and began tying him up. 
“Holy shit,” said Adriel, smiling gleefully. “We did it. We actually did it.” 
“We can celebrate later, start driving!” Warren said pointedly. “Let’s go. Now!” 
This reminder was all it took for Adriel to come back to reality and understand the severity of their surroundings. It wouldn’t take long before Allan’s men came looking for him. They had to put as much mileage between them and Panama as soon as possible. “Make sure he doesn’t have a phone or tracker on him,” Adriel told Warren, closing the doors and hopping into the driver’s seat. “After you get him secured, call those FBI agents and let’s get out of here. I miss my fucking wife.” 
Adriel’s hands tightened on the steering wheel as his smile grew in size. Cataleya was the only thing that was flashing before his eyes as he pressed harder into the gas pedal. He couldn't wait to be back with her. But he had to be sure that everything was secure first. Which meant talking to the agents first. For now, Adriel texted Ace to let him know what happened. We got him.
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