#are there more clikkie tags
psychonort · 7 months
hello tumblr i am at work. how r u guys? im still trying to follow more clikkies on here but i fear i havent made it to the real niche side yet and the only ppl i see are like, voiceless artists. if u wanna b friends dm!!!
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the-paladin-gay · 1 month
Sup moot :)
Okay okay okay so I come here with a proposal, I'd like to gather clikkies or those who just really like tøp I'd like your help to organize a little game per say.
The basic jist is that we gather those who'd like to participate and split them up into teams (preferably two but that just matters on how many join) we'll give them a challenge and maybe just a prompt and they'll use teamwork to complete the prompt more rules are to be set but that's the basic jist we could center it on the topic of Tøp but if you'd be interested you can message me :)
Hope your day goes better btw regards,
-LunaQstar <3
This sounds awesome!! I’m going to start by tagging clikkie moots and then post it in various groups, I will get as many as possible!
@system-of-an-up @pardonmydelays @thepaladinstrait @that-ace-idiot
Also @add1ictwithapen you seem to have a pretty large following so maybe you could help with this too?
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pardonmydelays · 2 months
Lol, it’s okay. Depending on the occasion, I love surprises! I have anxiety too, but in this context, it’s like a happy kind of anxiety …if that’s even a thing… Oh, I am definitely going to attend more concerts. I’m going to one in October! Am I allowed to submit a video to you? I just request that you please don’t publish my submission because I want to stay anonymous.
I can send you a message on Instagram of a few videos if you want me to? It’s okay if not!m. I just thought of that.
(“Idina Menzel was an exception and I couldn't be happier for attending. She and this concert changed me for good. 💚” I hope anyone who read that caught my references… I will cry a thousand tears if nobody did, because that was pretty damn smooth of me.)
oh, that's awesome! who are you going to see in october? 😍
i honestly know nothing about submissions on tumblr (i'm a grandma), but sure! i will send you my instagram in a private message (i, just like you, don't want people to know who i am irl lmao i would be too embarrassed cause i post absolutely unhinged things here, i know i can trust you tho). i'm dying to see the videos!!!
look, i don't know about my mutuals cause most of them are clikkies now (with a few exceptions), but there's a reason i decided to use "idina menzel" tag for this ask so let's hope so 😂
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mercurialskiies · 2 years
Okay, for all my clikkies following me I also want you guys to know that I will be reblogging more than just clikkie content
So im gonna make a list of what kind of art or content to expect from reblogs if you’re finding me from clikkie twt on here
Games: Monster Hunter, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Kirby, Metroid, Final Fantasy
Books: Grishaverse, Folk of the Air, Shades of Magic, Alex Stern (Ninth House, Hell Bent and it’s subsequent sequels), Villains—there might be more added to these as I find more book rabbit holes to fall down.
Music: Imagine Dragons, Twenty One Pilots, Fall Out Boy
Writing: I write my own content and will probably be posting the text rather than posting the images like I used to on Twitter. So if you see writing content, it’ll be filtered by one tag to keep it all together…so if for some reason people want to read it they’re all collected.
Make of these what you will, but it won’t just be clikkie content on here so just take this as your heads up bc you will see me screaming
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space-and-galaxies · 24 days
now that tour has started and more people are (probably) in the tag i would once again like to promote my queer clikkies discord server.
link: https://discord.gg/CmV42wRC
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pookiepatty · 8 months
Fandom Scavenger Hunt
Fandom: Twenty One Pilots
4. Fan art that remixes a basic aspect of the media (Ned + Tyler from the Chlorine music video)
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8. Fan vids that remix two or more fandoms with the goal of making a point (TØP x Donnie Darko Parallel themes)
TW: song "Darko" by Freddie Dredd has explicit language
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11. Merch that is outrageously priced (at least for me, remember $35-$40 hoodies ;-;)
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13. Examples of gatekeeping (Debby Ryan-wife- refusing to post any photos of Josh Dun's hair as fans speculate he has red-tipped hair)
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14. Examples of sub-culture within the fandom ("Clikkie"-twitter fan account theoriests- coming up clues and piecing together the narrative lore related to the band. twitter = X 🙄)
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One major pattern I have noticed while finding my screenshots is how determined fans are in the search for answers/meaning in all things related to this band. We will do anything to get the information we need and make it make sense. This reminds me of why I love this fandom so much, I love building a storyline, forming who I am and what I get out of life around others who think similarly, orbiting this band.
I have grown with twenty one pilots for nearly 9 years now so I have grown to learn how to easily navigate this fanbase well. For instance, to find fanart, all you have to do is search the tag #cliqueart. Everyone is so creative here! c:
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re-decorate · 3 years
i just cannot for the life of me bring myself to enjoy twitter. people are always complaining about something or being negative, i’m way too self conscious to say anything without the safety and comfort of tags, and the lack of engagement i get over there is somehow more depressing than it is here even though i have 20x more followers on tumblr :| i guess i’m doomed to be a tumblr exclusive clikkie forever
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shigarakitomura · 5 years
Was tagged by @themiscellaneousgirl
ill tag @bubblyhowell and whoever else wants to
Name: skyler
Nickname: sky mani agent n other things im sure
Star sign: libra
Gender: male
Current time: 8:44pm
Fav artist: twenty one pilots
Song stuck in my head: feels by calvin harris
Last movie I saw: heathers
Last thing i googled: dont be afraid to catch feels song JKLSDJGLJSLD
Other blogs: ill just do the ones im relatively active on
@holographicmirage my gaming blog but rlly its just my apex legends blog
@manilovephil where i store fics
@unsteady-jumpsuit my top blog
@cherryredmp3 my waterparks blog
and im prolly gonna make an animal crossing blog soon so watch out for that
Do i get asks: not often but i wish i did doe
Reason for url: im mlm im a dannie
Following: 1368
Average sleep: when i was working like 5 or 6 hours MAX but now that im depressed and quarantined its more like 12 HHH
Dream job: tattoo artist 🥺🥺🥺
Dream trip: i wanna b able to have a meetup to meet my best friends bc 2 of them live close to me, 2 of them live halfway across the country from me and the other one lives entirely across the country
Currently wearing: teh clikkie eboy outfit i put on this morning
Favorite food: pizza,,
Instruments: uh my xbox controller and switch controls
Favorite song: hmm uhhh it changes all the time but prolly either bubblegum kk from animal crossing or who dat boi by bbno$
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twentyonepodcasts · 5 years
Be featured on our podcast!
Hey hello! Since we’ve had quite a few people interested in answering our questions I thought I’d make a post so its available to others and on our blog. 
We’re going to tag the people who messaged letting us know they were interested but this is open for anyone to submit the answers to! 
So we have a big long list of questions for you to answer if you have the time. It's 36 questions long, feel free to answer as many as you want or just a few. We'll be talking about the questions on our next podcast episode and going over people's answers. We won't be able to get to everyone's answers for every question but we’ll be talking about as many as possible.
We’re hoping to also be able to have maybe one or  two people call in to be on the episode as well, that will be decided soon. 
So answer as many questions as you want, we’d love detailed answers but understand if some of them you skip or just give quick answers to!
When you’re done with the questions,  either submit them to us here or email them to us at [email protected]
We need answers submitted or emailed by Wednesday November 20th at 9 PM CST. 
Here are the questions: 
Where do you interact with the clique mostly(twitter, instagram, tumblr etc)?
What is something unique about that platform?
Whats your name(if you feel comfortable telling us)?
What are your pronouns? 
How old are you?
When did you join the fandom? 
Has it changed since then?
What’s something unique about the clique as opposed to other fandoms? Does it feel different or is it really similar?
If you’ve been to a Twenty One Pilots concert, describe it in one sentence.
What’s the best part of the clique?
Do you have any unpopular opinions about the band or about the clique?
Do you think fandom and in particular the clique is a healthy place to socialize or interact?
What do you think Tyler and Josh think of the clique?
Do you think there is anything that makes somone more of a clikkie than someone else?
Is there a difference between being a clikkie and being a bandito?
Have you ever camped out for a show? 
What was your experience of that like?
Why do you think camping out for a show has become such a huge part of this fandom?
Have you been in the pit at a Twenty One Pilots concert?
What was that experience?
What was the crowd like?
Have you ever traveled to see Twenty One Pilots?
Have you made a lot of friends doing that, or being in the clique in general?
Have you seen a Hometown show? How was that different?
Do you make and/or consume clique art(paintings, drawings, edits, fanfiction etc)? 
Do you believe there is power in a fandom, anything specific about being in the clique?
Do you feel accepted and/or welcomed? 
Do you generally feel like this is a community that comes together and is positive?
Do you believe the clique is a positive thing for Tyler and Josh? 
Is there anything you would change about the way the clique treats the band?
Opinions on Joshler?
Do ever feel like something is missing in this fandom that you’ve experienced in other fandoms?
How do you feel about being called a rabid fan? 
Do you feel like your non-clikkie friends/family understand/accept your passion and love for this band and this community? Can their reactions be hurtful ever or are they supportive? 
What does the clique mean to you?
How do you define being in the clique?
if you are a clique artists please try and answer these questions as well:
What kind of art do you make? 
Where do you post your artwork? Where can our listeners find your work?
How would you describe your writing/artwork?
If you feel comfortable will you link us to the piece of art/writing you are proudest of? 
Do you read fanfiction?
Do you repost/reblog/enjoy other mediums of clique art?
If you do write fanfiction, do you primarily write Joshler?
If you read fanfiction do you primarily read Joshler?
Do you read fanfiction from other fandoms?
Do you create art or works of writing for other fandoms?
Does the community of clique artists/writers feel different than other fandoms you’ve experienced?
Do you feel supported/heard/seen in your artistic work within the clique?
Do you want to pursue a career in the arts?
What about the band inspires you to create art?
Does writing fanfiction or creating visual art of the band come at all from an attraction to them?
Do you have any unpopular opinions within the fanart/clique art world?
Have you made any friends within the clique because of your artwork?
@l-ovecats (someone nominated you AWW) 
@josh-duns-abs (someone nominated you AWW)
Remember: Feel free submit even if you have not been tagged! We’d love to hear from as many of you as we can!
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Howdy Clikkies! First post, and it’s the GIF version of my favorite video from Drive 15! I’m planning on doing a bunch more, I’ll tag them all with the drives they came from :D
If anybody has any requests of Clique-related things you’d like me to make a GIF of, please send me an ask! <3
(via GIPHY) 
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claflinsmile · 5 years
I think it's okay to have different opinions but there is no need to be rude, could someone tell it to certain clikkies?? thanks . . . {Random tags - follow @fairlyjoshua_ for more!!} . . . #joshuadun #joshdun #supportingjoshdun #chlorine #tylerjoseph #twentyonepilots #tøp #skeletonclique #clique #cliqueart #trench #topclique #jumpsuit #myblood #banditotour #bandito #joshler #jyler #jebby #tylerandjosh #twentyonepilotsart #blurryface #jennajoseph #debbyryan #likeforlikes #followforfollow #firstpost https://www.instagram.com/p/B22B1D2jS7B/?igshid=1rlnadxkga5rb
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lyouna · 5 years
Tyler and his love for his fans
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On the Thank You Note of Trench album, he said ” To our fans, thank you for letting me disappear and come back when I need to. You guys mean so much to me on a level that is difficult to explain.”
Tyler is surely one of the most talented and nice people I’ve known. He always seems to care about each one of us and make sure we all doing great.
On May 2013 he posted a picture of him held by tens of fans on Instagram with this description “|My-clique/> yours”
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In February 2014 he thanks his clique if feel local everywhere “Feeling like a løcal band in Europe. Favorite kind of shows. Still missing home. UK up next. Stay løcal.”
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In April he posted a picture of him kneeling in front of little a girl and taking a piece of paper that she was tending him “she drew me a picture.”
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On July, 8 of 2014 he posted of him and the beautiful Jenna Black (at that time) “:.:She said yes:.: I want to share ans celebrate this with all of you right now. How public or private should this be? Well, you guys deserve to see where you have taken me and I like sharing with you who I am. Who we are. We’ve always felt an overwhelming support from all of you and we can’t wait to take this next step together…and yes, that was the most nervous I had never been.”
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On October 2014 he posted a picture of 24 clikkies “:.:mutant•kids:.:
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On December 2014, a photo of a clikkies tag”:.:clique•art:..i seewhatyou create” 
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On April 2015, he tweeted about Blurryface Album telling them to “wait until your hear everything”. Few minutes later, he tweeted ” phone corrected ‘until’ to ‘unlit’ for a second, and now i’ll use that word to describe things that are great. twitter game unlit right now”.
And after that, he starts using his new word in a lot of his tweets.
He started by using that word towards one of the person he loves the most on earth, “josh is unlit“, and after that, he used that word to qualifies a lot of his shows and by it giving love to his fans.
He also posts on Insatagram “clique••art:. stay unlit, keep creating” And he posted a lot of clikkies’ art.
He always seems very thankful for everything and thanking everyone for it. ” thank you, my friends. all of you.” Later he addressed to his fans” couldn’t survive without you, friends. will you still be here on the 19th? need to lean on you that day, friends.”
I try to make everyone sure that they get noticed by him “i see you all; in one fashion or another; so thank you, my friends; my peers;” / “it breaks my heart to see that Not posting would lead some of you to believe that i do not Love and Support you. that is simply not true. any day when love defeat hate, you can know i am celebrating, just maybe not on twitter. as for the silence: through personal experience, i want to create and influence something that might help others navigate through the battlefield that is the brain. and for those who understand that terminology, you know what battle i am talking about. but while at this mental ground zero, i have found that any other influence added on, no matter how noble, becomes to heavy for me to carry. i am not strong enough. be patient with me as i grow, that some day i might be able to carry more weight. but for now, i write what i know. both josh and i mean this, with Love and Support, .tyler”
On July 2015, he said ” you all have become so important to us. thank you. now go on, git. you gon make me cry now.”
On August of that same year, he continued “my frens i appreciate you all so much. i use music. you use music. thank you for letting me be a part of that with you.” On Instagram “:newfrens:__|__:øldfens: cometogethernow”
On September, he said “gangsters don’t let their gangster frens cry but my frens and i cry all the time. bye.”
On November, he thanked his fans for making a video for his anniversary “saw the video some of you guys put together for my day of birth. got me all misty. thank you for making me feel. all you, i like all you.::” ” thank you all for the bday weesh’s my frens. now go create.” On Instagram “the German clique always puts on amazing shows. hate that i can’t be with them these next few nights. we’ll be back very soon, i promise. dang, this photo makes me all emotional roadshow.” / ” love getting clique:art at shows, especially when it creeps me out a little. took a close up of this one on my phone. sorry I didn’t catch who to credit.”
On December he posted a clique art on Instagram “i see what you guys create and it convinces me i should keep creating too. you have no idea.”
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On the last day of 2015, he thanks his fans to made what he hope for possible “2thousand5teen the year i fell asleep and had one long dream. thank you |-/ “
He also said, “i wish i could have a real conversation with all of you individually.“
“and if you or someone near you needs out of the pit for an emergency, hold up your hand and point down at them. i’ll stop the show for you.“
” just drove slowly past the entire line for our show today. i’ve fallen for you guys. each one of you.“
On February 2016, he posted a photo of him “shows in europe:.:can’t wait to see you frens”
On August “i will never forget this tour. the first installment of the emøtiønal røadshow will forever be a part of who i am as an artist, a friend, a performer, a fan. you guys know how to put on a show. so if you watched from a distance, checked in online or helped hold us up in the pit: thank you. because we are “famous” now we have to do all kinds of interviews with random people but the thing that those people always ask us about is you guys. it’s my favorite type of question because i love to brag about you. i know i may have been distant online recently but i can only take that kind of break to focus on doing shows because i know you guys always hold it down, keep the fire burning, keep tending to that flame. if you guys continue to look out for each other, support each other’s art, and stay together you’ll be unstoppable. and the distance is just a season. more shows to come, more songs to write. only for you guys. |-/“
The clikkies did again a video for his birthday in 2016 and he replied” if you hurt any of these people i will hurt you. thank you frens. so much. |-/”
” . you deserve more than a :thank:you: my frens. the ones who hold this thing up. i brace for the fall but you keep on holding. . “
On February,14 of 2017 he posted 3 times, one for Jenna, one for Josh and one for us” and to you. Happy Valentine’s Day. lets all date.“
On October 2018 he said ” ok im out. i should get on here more. first show of the bandito tour tomorrow in nashville. i like you guys.” / “TRENCH ||-// out now:: tell some people you know, if you can. and if you already spread the news, thank you my fren:: josh was up all night calling everyone in his contacts” In November “hit me hard last night, where we came from, how this started. playing last night in phoenix was a perfect representation of that. thank you, frens. |-/ “
On December “you all are so weird” “and i love every bit of it thank you for making this birthday great/weird and, you know what, happy birthday to all of you, whenever that may be. because when that day truly comes around, i won’t really care that much”
“the bandito tour is very special to me, including any of you who made it to the show this year. thank you. things get quiet around this time, and i’m reminded why i write so much about the lack of sound. it’s deafening. all of the questions. is what i’m doing any good. this last album, was it good enough, what’s the point. i hate typing them out, which might be why i refuse to grant them any punctuation. but then i’m reminded of the show and the people who come. this odd theatrical convention we have landed on as a species, a concert, is somehow healing and protecting, boosting the immune system of the psyche. maybe it’s the ethereal sensation of hearing you all singing in unison, or its the natural warmth of the collective body heat from the pit billowing toward me. whatever t is, i’ve learned it can be harnessed and preserved so that the echoes of its effects can be tapped in to when needed. kneeling down in front of you during the show, i’m collecting. and now as i type this out i’m unpacking, to combat those questions that show up in the quietest of places. feels silly just saying”thank you for coming to the show” so i thought i’d explain it a little. see you at the next one |-“
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I hope I made you believe that Tyler loves you because he truly does. He isn’t a singer who doesn’t care about his fans, he does love us. He wants us to stay alive, it’s not some jokes that people told because they think it would make you feel better, it’s the reality. If he learns you didn’t stay alive, it would devastate him.
Stay Alive frens ||-//
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