#though i may be missing a few
mercurialskiies · 2 years
Okay, for all my clikkies following me I also want you guys to know that I will be reblogging more than just clikkie content
So im gonna make a list of what kind of art or content to expect from reblogs if you’re finding me from clikkie twt on here
Games: Monster Hunter, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Kirby, Metroid, Final Fantasy
Books: Grishaverse, Folk of the Air, Shades of Magic, Alex Stern (Ninth House, Hell Bent and it’s subsequent sequels), Villains—there might be more added to these as I find more book rabbit holes to fall down.
Music: Imagine Dragons, Twenty One Pilots, Fall Out Boy
Writing: I write my own content and will probably be posting the text rather than posting the images like I used to on Twitter. So if you see writing content, it’ll be filtered by one tag to keep it all together…so if for some reason people want to read it they’re all collected.
Make of these what you will, but it won’t just be clikkie content on here so just take this as your heads up bc you will see me screaming
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Ghouls night out
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#Scopophobia#Don't be mean Lan Wangji - the dead girl aesthetic is a curated one. Support women's rights to look dead!#I have been waiting for this scene for ages...the ghost girl entourage is such a good look for WWX.#And by gods does the audio drama actually do something interesting with one of them.#Namely that we actually get to see WWX talk with them and learn about who they were and what they left behind.#I love necromancer characters but it's way too common for them to be like “Go! Ghost no.145!” like they're a pokemon#and not...you know...someone who had a whole life that they left behind.#I love me a necromancer who has an awareness to whose soul/body they are using. It adds a lot of flavour!#MDZS is a little hit or miss with this. I think the fans do a lot of the work with making Mo Xuanyu a bigger character.#Yi City has this in spades. Even though we don't individually get character backstories#We get many painful reminders about how these 'corpses' were people.#We also get a few lines about how WWX used whatever corpses he could get his hands on (including grandparents - Woof!)#MDZS often (but not always) likes to remind us that every sacrifice and every ghost was a person.#It is so close to nailing the landing regarding the deconstruction of the necromancer character.#Anyhow. You may have noticed the uptick in quality in the last two comics. Rule of three means next one is going to be a treat B*)#See you all very soon!
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mariatesstruther · 8 months
okay but sarah celebrating tommy every year for mother’s day
#who needs a mommy when you got a tommy#the first time shes does this its preschool teacher maria’s idea#shes four and mothers day is coming up and its usually a hard time for her so joel lets maria know just in case she has any behavioral issue#miss maria is like 🫡 i gotchu#she makes sure to emphasize to the kids that families are all different#they spend every day of may leading up to mother day reading books exploring diversity in families and talking about what mom really means#that it doesnt have to be the person who had you in their tummy or a girl or even a person we call mom#for example miss maria’s real mommy wasnt so nice growing up so miss marias TRUE mommy is just her daddy and her auntie rose#because those are the people that loved her no matter what and kept her safe and taken care of and fed#thats all mom is#it just means someone thats there for you every day and loves you and cares for you#someone who is one of your favorite people and who would say the same about you#all the kids go around and say who they think are their moms#mosy say some iteration of ‘mommy’ and ‘mama’ or ‘grammy’#but then baby ellie says ‘tess and auntie marlene’#and baby sarah says ‘uncle thommy’#one of the other littles says ‘daddy and miss maria’ 😭#and they all make heart cards for their mommy firgures#they cant write or really read anything but a few letters yet#(even though hyperlexic baby sarah does have pretty incredible letter recognition for her age)#so they tell miss maria what to write on their cards and then decorate with oil pastels#sarah’s says dear uncle tommy thank you for being my mommy you are so funny and i love when we play horsey and princesses. happy mommy day#when he picks her up at the end of the day shes like HI MOMMMMM all giggly and hes like ????? hi???? whats this???? OPEN IT OPEN IT OPEN IT#and when he does and read it he literally drops to his knees to hug her and cry#because theres really nothing more precious than his little angel his baby his best girl#thats tommys DAUGHTER DO YALL UNDERSTAND??????#miss maria watching them from the cubbies like: godDAMN theyre so cute#the next day tommy brings her a oat milk chai from her favorite coffee shop as a thank you because it meant a lot to him and shes like ????#how did u know???? and hes like my brother and you ran into each other there last week yeah? he told me abt it i asked for your order#and shes like 🥹🥰🫠 thanks
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razzledazzletrassh · 3 months
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no major fic updates just yet guys TAKE MY WOY OC I MADE LIKE. April of last year IM PLUGGING SOME INFO ABOUT THIS GUY IN THE TAGS.
I may also redesign her soon or something. Make her more bug-like with some stuff. I can cook guys let me cook !!!
#THIS IS VAL !!!! dubbed her as a he/she er..#I have lore about this guy and his homeplanet Amore and the Lovebugs..#all that’s really important to know is that ive based the worldbuilding for Amore around svtfoe’s mewni#design wise mostly. I’ll emphasize.#in terms of the societal parts of Amore the kingdom kinda flourishes in the arts of all sorts and trade within the kingdom it goes crazay…#they were pretty closed off from the rest of the galaxy though. like their tech and stuff is pretty outdated compared to most of the other-#planets with atleast escape ships and all that fun stuff.#foreshadowing#ANYHOW lovebugs are silly guys I think of them as like weird hedonistic freaks of sorts#they have very big dionysus worshipping energy to them just to give a perspective#and of course they prioritized relationships and the different forms of love#romance actually wasn’t even the big thing that built the kingdom#it was more like a love for community and friends#which is also kinda silly because of the monarchy aspect to Amore and all that#OH ALSO these guys go absolutely crazy with fashion and makeup. gender isn’t a major thing in the kingdom in my eyes#you WILL serve cunt!! /silly#WORLDBUILDING ASIDEEE Val was the prince to the kingdom and was set to be the heir to the throne#the designs are like three different route ideas ive had for Val#the first is just a baseline design so like. pre amore‘s destruction from dominator#the second is like a good ending design of sorts to my ideal lineup for a season three for woy with val continuing to embrace the lovebugs-#history and culture even with Amore gone and a good portion of her people#and the third. is a bit hard to describe because it’s more of an au but it’s just a concept idea I had of Val teaming up with Dom#(it would be short lived like probably a few months max so dw)#and silly note i joked about the idea of val being an ex to peepers BUT I WANNA DEVELOP THAT MORE BEFORE I SHARE.#tap into that this may be cringe but i am free mindset or something slash silly TEEHEE#BUT YEAH Val’s just a silly gal in my heart and soul no matter what. ive missed her a lot i wanna work on fics with him and especially to-#develop more stuff for Amore and the Lovebugs before Dominator’s destruction of the planet#BUT YEAH i wanna Val post more. go into depth for their dynamic with the other characters and all that#I may cook some more stuff with him once I get these stargazing fics all set and whatnot SO WE’LL SEE!#also /nf but if anyone would wanna ask questions about val/amore/lovebugs ask away I’d love to answer any questions! 🥺
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tvrningout · 7 months
y’all already know this by now, but this is an official post to say i’m on semi-hiatus/hiatus for the time being. i might decide on an official day to come back later to help get me back into the spirit of being here, or i may pop in occasionally if i’m bitten by the writing bug; regardless, i just need a good, zero-pressure break to rest and handle the internal and external issues happening in my life. i could ramble about it, but i won’t this time :’ )
all that said, you can message me on discord at ‘ waitforspring. ’ and that’s with the period! i still wanna keep in contact, and i might even feel up to writing a few, little things on discord, too. just keep in mind that i may be slow to respond at times — i’m known to be a snail, and i don’t think that’ll ever change asdfg
i miss y’all, and i want you to know that whether it’s a day or a month or a year, you deserve to rest. you deserve to take time for yourself. you deserve to focus on different parts of your life, and you deserve to use your time how you want. remember that, and please take care of yourselves, friends 💜
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judyalvqrez · 6 days
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so i started playing destiny 2 🥴
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molagboop · 5 months
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Reference sheet commission: client asked for Raven Beak.
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crude-oil-anon · 2 months
The 1k Message Confession
It's been quite a journey, hasn't it?
I never expected to go this far. Really, I thought my first ask would be nothing but a one off reference to an in-joke. Something to chuckle at offhandedly once or twice and then forget about.
But then, people started wondering. And I realized I could make a game out of it. Engage with people on a friendly level that I hadn't done before! Sending asks to the main blog, talking in the server at the same time, giving people a run for their money! And it was fun, wasn't it? People laughed, people sobbed, I gave silly speeches, people tried to figure everything out.
The truth is, I was leading you in circles from the beginning. I've lied not once, not twice, but upwards of three times. Oh, don't get me wrong - I was leading you to a specific person, but the person was never really me. I was a faker from the beginning. This was a framing, if you will.
I'm sorry to disappoint everyone. I really didn't think we would reach this goal this soon - I thought it'd all just sail by. Kit extended the deadline, though, and with that, you all got even more determined.
I really am sorry. I guess it's time for me to stop drinking crude oil, though. I'll see you some other time, with a brand new jug of oil.
I'm not sure if I'll be confessing who I really was. I'd like to not be thought of as the one who strung you all along and ruined your chance at more fish flakes. I'm sure if I gave you guys slightly more hints now, you could backtrack to the early stages of this and figure me out quickly, but... I'm really not sure if that's the route I want to go down, if this is what I want to be associated with.
Kit, I'm sorry for the inbox spam at the beginning. Thank you for tolerating it!
Detectives, I'm sorry you were misled. Thank you for trying your hardest - you made this fun!
Suspects, I'm sorry you were accused of something that was never true. I hope you enjoyed it regardless!
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partystoragechest · 5 months
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A story of romance, drama, and politics which neither Trevelyan nor Cullen wish to be in.
Canon divergent fic in which Josephine solves the matter of post-Wicked Hearts attention by inviting invites four noblewomen to compete for Cullen's affections. In this chapter, the Ladies say their farewells. But--
(Masterpost. Beginning. Previous entry. Next entry. Words: 2,764. Rating: all audiences.)
Chapter 44: Not Over Yet
The Ladies rose before the sun.
Despite their late night, they were duty-bound to wake early. Lady Samient was to leave before dawn came. They all had to be there to see her off.
They gathered in the courtyard, the first rays of light creeping over the mountains. It would be that light which would guide her retinue—no more than a dozen troops, for small was discreet—to the Free Marches.
“Do you think Vichy will be glad to see me, looking like this?” Samient asked, of the Inquisition armour she wore—identical to that of the soldiers who lingered nearby.
“I think it shan’t matter what you wear,” said Trevelyan, “he will simply be happy to see you.”
“And at least you shall be matching,” Lady Erridge teased.
Samient laughed, the joke causing her to settle somewhat. “That is true.”
Trevelyan had never seen her Ladyship quite so nervous as this. It was a shame she would miss the reunion. She so wished to know what Samient was like in the presence of her lover. What a happy, silly mess she might be!
“Do not worry about your father,” the Baroness reassured her. “Lady Montilyet and I shall deal with all that. You focus upon the journey home.”
“Thank you,” said Samient.
She glanced back to the retinue, all in rows, receiving orders from their Captain. The time was nigh. Lady Samient brought her hair up, and tied it into a bun atop her head. Her ears entirely exposed, she ran a finger over the very tips—pointed and proud.
“Shame they’ll have to go straight back under a helm,” she muttered.
Trevelyan smiled. “Though not for much longer.”
“And never again after that.”
Her ritual of readiness must not have gone unnoticed, for her Dalish liaison—a young Elven man called Loranil—took the opportunity to run up, and report in:
“Your Ladyship, we’re ready to march.”
She thanked him, and away he went. Now was the time to follow. Reluctant, she took a step back.
“Well… I suppose I should make my way, then,” she mumbled. “I, um, well—”
“Oh, come here!” Lady Erridge cried, rushing forward. She threw her arms around Samient—soon followed by both Trevelyan and the Baroness. Tangled together, warmth shared. One last time.
“We love you, you know,” said Lady Erridge.
“I know,” Samient replied, sniffling back tears. “I love you too.”
“Have a safe journey,” Trevelyan wished her.
“And write as soon as you can,” the Baroness added. “Tell us everything of your Clan.”
Samient nodded. “I will. I will.”
Each woman held on tight, unflinching in her devotion. It was the sort of embrace that could anchor a ship in a storm. The sort of embrace that could melt the deepest winter. The sort of embrace that could outshine the very sun, and sear even a dragon’s tongue.
Yet, like all good things, it would have to come to an end. One last squeeze, and they parted. Taking a deep breath, Lady Samient took another step back.
“Farewell. All of you. And be happy. Please.”
Though holding tight onto one another, the Ladies began to wave. And they would not stop until Lady Samient was truly gone.
No, Giles. She wished to be remembered as Giles.
Giles found her place within the regiment. A few words were said between her and the soldiers, which seemed to make her smile. She placed her helm upon her head—at least it concealed the tears—and, with one final look back, marched out of Skyhold.
May Ghila’nain guide her home.
No sooner than the remaining Ladies had recovered from this, than it was Lady Erridge’s turn.
Her carriage had arrived. They all had gathered. Her things were packed. Orroat’s horse was hitched. It was time.
Naturally, Lady Erridge was inconsolable. Whimpering, tear-stained, and red, she threw herself into Orroat’s arms, and begged: “Can’t we stay just one week more?”
But Lady Orroat shook her head. “I would agree to your every request, my love, but I am afraid if I say yes, you shall never leave.” She tapped Erridge lovingly upon the nose. “And I do not know how the Bann will continue to survive without you. Your poor mother had to sew a dozen more handkerchiefs for him, last time I visited.”
“Oh, dear.”
“Don’t worry”—Orroat dabbed her eyes, ineffective as it was—“we managed to see each other as children, so this will be done as well—and we’ll pass through here plenty, I imagine.” She turned to Trevelyan and Touledy. “You are always welcome in Coldon, of course.”
“I would be glad to visit,” said the Baroness.
“As would I,” Trevelyan agreed.
Lady Erridge whirled, and took hold of their hands. “Oh, please do! I do not wish this to be our last meeting!”
Trevelyan feigned shock. “Why, are we uninvited from your wedding!?”
“Oh, no, no! Of course you are invited. What a wonderful day that shall be. No—a week! It shall be an entire week of festivities! I promise you.” She looked to Orroat. “Don’t you think?”
“If you so wish, my love.”
“Thank you, my love.”
Their saccharine nature was the only thing, at that moment, keeping Trevelyan from crying. Although, she had to admit, a tear did well upon her eye.
“I’m afraid the carriage is ready, Tam,” said Orroat, solemnly. “We’ll need to clear the mountain range before sundown, so we’ll have to be gone soon.”
“Oh, dear!” cried Erridge.
She looked to the Ladies, frozen in place. Hesitation held her back, the knowledge that the next moments with them would be her last—at least for now.
Yet those moments were not to be squandered. Lady Erridge surged forward, swaddling both Trevelyan and Touledy within her embrace. The loveliest, warmest, kindest hug yet.
Trevelyan savoured the feeling.
“You know,” murmured Erridge, “were it not for you, I would have never known myself in love with dear Hul. It was only in befriending you that I realised my feelings for her were different.” She snuggled in closer. “Though just as precious.”
“We love you,” whispered Trevelyan.
“We do,” agreed Touledy.
“I love you both,” said Erridge.
It was this sentiment that seemed to provide her the strength to step away, for nothing could be so enduring. But even as her fingers slipped from Trevelyan’s arm, she whispered to her:
“I’ll miss you terribly, Wicky.”
Trevelyan smiled. “And I you.”
But missing her would have to do—the carriage was loaded, the drivers seated. Lady Orroat opened the door.
“Are you ready, my love?”
“I think so,” Erridge replied.
She offered her hand. Lady Orroat took it, and kissed it, and guided Lady Erridge into the carriage—but did not follow. Not yet. Instead, she looked to the Ladies.
“Thank you for caring for my dear Tam so well,” she told them. “I cannot express how much it means, to know she is loved. I hope to make her even half as happy as you have.”
Trevelyan nodded. “Good. For if you break her heart, we shall kill you.”
“Painfully,” the Baroness added.
Lady Orroat smiled. “I would expect no more and deserve no less.”
She clambered into the carriage, setting beside her dear Lady. Trevelyan watched, quite satisfied that their message had been heard, and that Lady Erridge was in good hands.
And those good hands kept her stable, as Erridge fumbled over Orroat’s lap, to poke her head out of the window.
“Farewell!” she called. “We shall meet again! I love you!”
The signal was given, the reins taken up. The carriage began to trundle away.
“We shall meet again!” repeated Erridge, as it slipped into the gatehouse. Her voice echoed off the stone. “Farewell!”
“Farewell!” the Ladies cried. “Safe journey! Farewell!”
And then it was off, the carriage rumbling over the old stone bridge. Trevelyan imagined that, within it, at that very moment, Lady Orroat had taken Lady Erridge’s hand, and held it tight. It was not so hard to believe.
Good. The sooner they were married, the sooner they would all see each other again.
For now, though, sadness remained a most stalwart companion.
Trevelyan pulled her napkin from a pocket—the poor little cloth only just having dried from its use earlier in the morning—and dabbed at her eyes. It was a wonder she had any tears left. The Baroness, similarly, dried her own. She looked to Lady Trevelyan, and, wordlessly, linked their arms together. Just two Ladies left.
“Come,” she said, “my carriage will not be ready for another hour. Let us pass the time. May I see your new quarters, before I go?”
A good distraction. Trevelyan nodded.
Together, they wandered, back towards the keep. Up, into the Great Hall. Calmer now, than yesterday. The normal sort of hubbub and ambience.
They turned not towards the rotunda door and its guest corridor above, but towards the door to Montilyet’s parlour. Tucked within, they knew well enough, was the little landing that preceded her lounge. And off this landing, were two sets of stairs.
They took the ascending route, to an entirely new corridor. Stretching out above the parlour, snaking into the Inquisitor’s tower, this corridor housed the rooms of some of the Inquisition’s innermost circle.
“I couldn’t quite believe it, when she told me where it was,” Trevelyan admitted.
“It is a privilege to be amongst them,” mused Touledy.
They turned into the tower, ascended a little way up… and soon enough, came across a door.
“This is it,” Trevelyan said, turning the key. “Though I warn you—it’s not mightily impressive.”
She opened up, and wandered in. The Baroness followed, and put on a good show of admiration—but Trevelyan knew it was merely politeness.
This room she’d been given was a touch smaller than that of her guest room. Understandable—guests were to be impressed with comfort; residents simply needed somewhere to sleep. The furnishings were more basic, too—but better than the ones she’d had in the Circle, by far.
The bed, though not four-poster, was of a sufficient size. “Though you’ll not test this one,” she teased the Baroness.
“I believe that is someone else’s duty.”
Trevelyan laughed. “And here is my desk!” she quickly continued, proudly showing the little bureau. “I’m truly glad to have this. I’ll be able to work here, should the Undercroft be too busy. Oh, and look!”
She pointed to the window just above it, that allowed the morning’s light into the room. The Baroness peered out, and gasped at what she saw.
“Oh! Are these not the same mountains we saw from your stargazing spot?”
Trevelyan nodded. “Yes! I can sit here, on a night, and look out—without having to get so cold!”
Touledy grinned. “But how then will you secretly rendezvous with the Commander, hm?”
“I believe you’ve already suggested a method!”
They laughed, and Touledy regarded the room once more. There was little else of note—a trunk and drawers, for storage, and a pair of chairs—but she nodded approvingly nevertheless.
“It may not be much, but I think it is lovely.”
Trevelyan smiled. “I know. So do I. And—”
There was a rapid knock at the door. Trevelyan perked. The Baroness’ carriage could not have been ready so soon? She rushed over, and opened up. A scout stood on the other side.
“Morning, your Ladyship. This just arrived for you—urgent.”
They handed over a small piece of vellum. She could tell by the writing it was a bird-message, transcribed.
“Thank you,” she said, letting them hurry on their way. She shut the door, and wandered back toward Touledy.
“Who is it from?” her Ladyship asked.
Trevelyan steeled herself. “I think I know.”
Though her soul screamed not to, her eyes began to scan the words:
If there is no engagment, there is no reason for you to stay. We shall be travelling to Val Royeaux. Meet us there, or we shall have you fetched.
Bann Trevelyan
Trevelyan’s lungs stopped. The paper fell from her hand, spinning to the ground. They couldn’t—she gasped—they couldn’t just come for her? They couldn’t take her away. No, no—
Touledy, leaning hard on her cane, managed to collect the message from the floor, and read it for herself. Her eyes widened.
“Stay calm, Lady Trevelyan. Everything will be all right.”
Trevelyan shook her head. “But they—but they… I didn’t think they would come get me! I thought they would just leave me be. Why won’t they leave me be?”
Shaking, she found the arm of a chair. The Baroness guided her into it.
“Shh, stay calm. It is all right. You are of the Inquisition now. You have protection. They cannot simply pluck you from Skyhold. We should tell Lady Montilyet of this. She still owes you a debt.”
The Baroness rose, and hurried to the door, sticking her head out. Grunting, she rushed back.
“The scout is gone,” she explained, “so I shall find Montilyet myself. You remain here. Stay calm, all right? Breathe. All right? Breathe.”
Trevelyan did as instructed, taking breaths in, and pushing them forcefully back out.
“Good,” cooed Touledy, stroking her arm, “very good. I will be a moment. Just a moment. We will have this sorted, I promise you.”
Trevelyan nodded. Seeing that permission, Touledy gathered herself, and left the room. Her cane tapped away with a heightened rhythm. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
But when it vanished, Trevelyan was left with only the sound of her own breathing. She clasped her hands together, till her knuckles turned white, and held them against her chest. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
A knock at the door. Touledy was faster than promised.
“Come in!” she cried.
“Arcanist?” came the reply.
Trevelyan turned. The Commander stood in her door. She lost her breath again.
“Are you all right?” he said, abandoning what he carried upon her dresser, and pulling a chair up beside her. “What’s wrong?”
She pressed a hand to her mouth, unable to say it without crying. “My parents…”
No use. She passed him the message, instead. He read it. His face fell. His head shook.
“No,” he breathed. “They cannot take you from Skyhold.”
“They’ll try.”
“Then what if…” He tried to catch her eye. “What if you told them we were engaged? Would that settle them?”
“No!” Trevelyan stood, tears falling anew. “I don’t want to do what they want! I want to do what I want! I wanted to be done with them! I just…” She bowed her head, and wept. “I wanted to be free.”
She felt her body buckle—but no sooner than it had, than it was held upright. The Commander enveloped her in his arms, held her tight against his chest. She clung to him in turn, buried her head within the fur of his mantle. It was all him, keeping her together.
“No one can take you from Skyhold without your consent,” he murmured. “I promised to you. You are safe within these walls. They could send an army. They will not take you from—here.”
Trevelyan nodded. Her breathing slowed. She believed him. She believed him.
Footsteps—hurried, heeled footsteps—neared.
“Lady Trevelyan!” came Montilyet’s voice, as she rounded into the room. “The Baroness has just told me! Are you well?”
Trevelyan shook her head. The Commander, slowly, gently released her into Lady Montilyet’s arms.
“It’s all right, Lady Trevelyan,” she told her. “I will go to Val Royeaux myself if I have to! You are an Arcanist of the Inquisition, and you belong here.”
Trevelyan sighed. “I want to stay.”
“I know. You will.”
Further footsteps. Trevelyan glanced toward the door, and saw the Baroness had arrived as well. But—the Commander was gone.
“Where is he?” she asked.
“He slipped away,” the Baroness revealed. She wandered over to the dresser, and admired the bouquet of flowers that had appeared upon it. “But it seems he left you a gift... I shall find someone who can fetch a vase of water.”
The Baroness withdrew. Lady Montilyet sat Trevelyan down, and brought the flowers to her. Trevelyan accepted the arrangement, gladly. Such a beautiful little bouquet. Poppies, and spinwort, crystal grace and daisies. Put together by one with no knowledge of flowers. Ever more beautiful for it.
“Trust me,” said Lady Montilyet, sitting beside her. “I can deal with the Bann and Lady Trevelyan. Easily.”
But Trevelyan shook her head. “No,” she said. “I want to deal with them. Myself.”
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autumnrory · 2 months
woooo my niece took 5 of my 13 lego sets, one of which was one of the three larger ones, so that's one huge box out of the way and i'm just glad she wanted them because like they ARE twenty years old and they look fine ofc but sometimes kids aren't gonna want stuff that isn't new and shiny ya know, but she did seem to want everything which would've been fine with me but i knew there was no way they would take all that with them, and at least i still have stuff of my own to sell, plus should get at least a cut of my brother's stuff for doing the inventory and putting together that stuff that wasn't already done
#i mentioned the hp sets and how they had been pretty much left together and he was like '....i had harry potter sets?'#which once he saw them he did think they were familiar which was some of my feeling with mine#like oh YEAH i do remember these i just didn't remember having so many#i mean between 13 sets it's really like 3 categories so i would've played with like the whole ice palace and its related sets#i do just wonder how it'll be at the store like everything is pretty much in fine shape#and probably there are people who want older stuff that's rarer and whatever now#BUT then there might be more of a demand for newer stuff at a better price or whatever idk#anyway 6 sets left in the upstairs and then the bionicles and statue of liberty are still in the attic#i'm still not convinced there couldn't be another box somewhere bc idk how to explain the few sets#that are missing so much that i can't actually do them bc even if we had gotten rid of some why would we not include the huge base or w/e#anyway we'll see! but i'm getting closer! and i did a little one this morning#that seemed to be complete it didn't list some of the pieces as extras but based on the instructions i figure they have to be#so i don't really need them like i'll include them if i find them and they're not needed for something else but yeah#anyway i can go back to fic though these first two at least are short so i may be going back to another one tomorrow#can't wait to have my room back though fr like#it is not the only thing making it feel messy because i have newer jewelry and clothes and stuff that i just have to organize and put away#but man the jewelry situation is just. it's not even having so many pieces it's like big earrings that take up a lot of space or whatever#so i just have not wanted to deal with it but it's kinda out of hand#but i can really think about that after this particular project is done#and do puzzles again oh my god i have 3 puzzles waiting for me at least#plus my mom always has a bunch to be done since everyone knows to buy her puzzles lol but that has also gotten out of hand#i wouldn't mind getting rid of a couple of mine though just bc it is like okay you do it but then you just have it and it takes up space#would be cool to have pretty ones framed tho
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olympiansally · 1 month
If the twt ban is what finally drags me back here after all this time it would be kinda funny though ngl
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doctor-cunt-phd · 1 month
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kiss2012 · 4 months
rewatched the first three episodes of s3 and im never going to recover
#i love season 3#and s3 is a great season it’s just that. THEY BARELY EVER MENTION THE TSUNAMI AGAIN EVEN THOUGH IT CHANGED EVERYTHING FOR#SO MANY CHARACTERS#so whenever i watch past 3x03 i miss the tsunami arc because i do think it’s one of the greatest arcs they did#i think these eps were when i fell in love with may too <3#911 lb#SPEAKING OF WHICH#it still startles me every time that the lawsuit comes right after the tsunami eps because it’s like#you’d think that that arc (in which buck acts as a firefighter despite not being able to be one atm) would lead to everyone including him#realising that he can help people without being on active duty because that’s. what he does.#he literally saves himself christopher and a dozen others by finding shelter on top of. A FIRE TRUCK.#the symbolism does not get more meaningful than that like#i’m not even talking about the lawsuit because i think that in itself is an interesting multifaceted arc etc#what i mean is. why does no one including buck. mention that. he was behaving exactly as a firefighter would in that situation despite#being on blood thinners and all that. it literally feels like the perfect way to have that moment of ok this is who i am even when i cant#work the job that defines who i am to me#instead they move on and there’s like 1 ep where christopher has trauma over it and everyone else’s trauma over it well they simply#do not speak about that. beyond a few lines which i latch on to#sorry for the insane tags. half my brainpower is reserved for this now
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Possible escape idea. The Janitor’s condition is deteriorating and we need to get a move on as soon as possible. All this talk about food for me thinking. If materials are being brought in, there has to be a shipping bay somewhere around here right?
That could be our ticket out! -M
I have never heard of a shipping bay existing in a mall, though considering I dont know fucking anything at this point, least of all how a mall works, this might as well be how things are going at this point.
What's happening with the Janitor? Everyone in showfall has the same damn profile picture except rainbows, and I dont know how to do that myself or mine would be ace colors, I think I was mistaking one person for someone else.
If you can get to the food court, I'll join you. I cant really leave where I am right now, I am making sure AP doesnt do something more stupid then what he's doing right now, and trying to figure out the best way to break Charlie from his current... hours long color judging stream without appearing on his camera. I do not trust that if I were to try and remove him currently, the viewers will be on my side. If they are still watching this, most of them are most likely part of Showfall and will be alerted to something wrong.
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peridots-pixiwolf · 1 year
yknow I play a lot of hard games but usually not "took 73 days to beat" hard
#aka gUESS WHO JUST BEAT RAIN WORLD. AFTER TWO AND A HALF MONTHS#rain world#peridots-nonsense#i got into subterranean like a week ago but have been mostly hanging around by the worm grass shelter for 20 cycles#i went to every region (even if i only spent a couple minutes total in drainage lol). met every echo besides the farm arrays one.#got every passage achievement (every one besides dragon slayer/wanderer in outskirts and industrial within my first few weeks of playing)#and never used a passage anyway. three months!!! rounding up a little! for a game that can be beat in less than 20 cycles.#dh was twelve days (though i'd played through part of it years earlier). stray was seven hours. insc was only a couple days.#i've done two separate ultkill playthroughs so not sure which to count but both were less than a week#hk was actually just over a month. may 24 to june 26th. which is still so much less than this. bftes about a month too#i remember how even just a week into rw i felt like i'd been playing it forever...even just a week in i knew it would be one of Those Games#where i wish i could play it over for the first time again. boy was i right. it almost felt like a second life at times#i loved just running around in certain areas building up stores of food and spears and vulture masks#(what comes to mind are / HI_S02 / CC_S05 / SI_S04 / SB_S07. the first two felt like home!)#(* up in the sixth tag i missed the friend. i was relishing in hubristic bloodlust especially in CC so i didn't have much time for taming)#if the tags here seem particularly incoherent i only falsely apologize. i'm just. reminiscing. i don't think i can do anything else#my heart was pounding as soon as i reached the depths. after 325 cycles. 116 hours. two and a half months. it's over.#maybe a little dramatic but hey it took up an invariable portion of my life for a fifth of a year so. it's just interesting#anyway. a standard ''i took too long on this and now the sun's rising'' goodbye to you tag-wanderer
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kiealer · 1 year
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