#are speaking right to her soul. like OF COURSE that asshole from the assembly would do all of those things😤��
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myokk ¡ 9 months ago
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“She’s tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me”😤😤😤
(Regency AU with Eloise and Sebastian inspired by my slow trek through Bridgerton these days & @bassicallymaestra ‘s AMAZING regency inspired art😮‍💨😇🙏)
#I just have a love of big regency dresses what can I say😔🙏#if you haven’t seen them yet this is a study of the GORGEOUS P&P illustrations from the 1890s by Charles Brock#they are all just so spectacular & I stare at them alllllllllll the time wishing I had an ounce of his talent🙏🙏🙏#so I do these studies to pretend even though I change some things😅😅 bc these studies is the best way to improve imo🙏#but I remembered halfway through why I rage quit trying to draw with my fountain pen a year ago😂😂😂#that thing is amazing for writing and I love it like a child#but drawing?! tbh I should have used my drawing ink pen but whatever#I woke up with a hankering to do some crosshatching (which I hate) in an attempt to get over myself#also!!!!!! when Mr Darcy says something like that it’s no wonder Elizabeth jumps at the bit to believe every awful thing she hears about him#it’s like Mr wickham’s dumb stories that nobody else in their right mind would believe#are speaking right to her soul. like OF COURSE that asshole from the assembly would do all of those things😤😤#he called me ugly so OF COURSE he would deny mr wickham his living😤😤#(I don’t blame her I would do the same🤝🤝)#ALSO why tf did he even say that when he’s clearly smitten from the beginning#I’m sure if he knew that she heard him he would simply perish from mortification#well thst is my p&p - inking horror - inspiration rant of the day🙏🙏#(I read p&p at least once a year & it is the only fanfic I really read😅😅😅)#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanart#hphl#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy oc#eloise#eloise babbit#regency au
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thatcrazychalupa ¡ 4 years ago
Chapter 1
Fjord had many surnames: Stone, Tusktooth, Swiftblade, Sea demon, and a few more colorful unflattering ones. He was born in the Dwendalian Empire, his first memories being a slightly run down but functional orphanage. Life was hard there, but not unduly cruel. However, he was not allowed to stay long as the Empire began a crusade against any they deemed heathenistic enough not to be welcome in their Empire.
Being half orc in blood, and showing that side visibly in his appearance, Fjord was forced to flee the orphanage and the empire when he was ten years of age. He found refuge on the seas, the captain of the ship "Hellwinds" allowing him to join the crew. For the next ten years he had been a sailor. During that time, the crusade in the Empire ended but the prejudice did not. Fjord soon found his allegiance siding with the Xhorasian Dynasty, especially when the prejudice turned to war with his new found home.
Long, bitter, harsh years followed; the war dealt heavy blows on both sides of the conflict with neither looking to become a victory anytime soon. Fjord led a group of warriors in the last two years that had made a name for themselves both in the Dynasty and the Empire. Somehow they picked up the name Mighty Nine from some one with a strange accent, and it had simply stuck. They were a mixed number of people from both sides of the conflict, all banding together with the common goal of ending the bloodshed.
Fjord, the half-orc warlock, had been elected as leader (generally just in public as the group was close enough to call each other family) and was viewed as Xhorasian in origin. He was still dealing with problems regarding his patron, yet the war had proven distraction enough in recent times. Mollymauk and Yasha were also viewed as Xhorasian in origin. Mollymauk was a Tiefling, vibrantly purple and ostentatious in dress, and a Bloodhunter by trade. Yasha was a fallen Aisimar barbarian, her size, milky skin and black hair enough cause for most any of the Empire to dismiss her.
Caduceus and Jester were considered neutral in the conflict, both from regions uninvolved in the fighting. As a Firbolg, Caduceus was better accepted on the Empire side despite his white pallor and bright pink hair. Meanwhile, Jester as a short blue Tiefling was better accepted by the Dynasty. As the clerics of the group, that had made it easier for them to gain trust of the others when they had initially joined.
Nott was a goblin, hated by both sides but her skills as a Rogue made navigating that minefield of danger possible.
Lastly, their one member from the Empire, Beauregard. A human expositor from the Cobalt Soul, the monk had been an invaluable asset during the last few weeks preceding the peace talks. While the Cobalt Soul was part of the empire and supported it, they had their own agenda that, thankfully, involved an end to the bloodshed.
The group now resided in a keep that was situated close to the main pass that connected the Dynasty and the Empire. As a mix of both sides, they were the front line for assuring peace and keeping any thoughts of invasion far from becoming reality.
Apparently, however, King Dwendal thought their numbers skewed too far in favor of the Dynasty. Thus, the group had gathered in what had been a war room but was now called a conference room instead.Fjord laid the message out on the tabletop, tapping it once as he announced the contents without preamble. It was the easiest way to get the rather chaotic group’s attention. "As a sign of their commitment to the peace, the Empire is giving us one of their Archmages."
There was a sharp outcry of 'what' and 'why' and Fjord held up a hand to still any arguments as he continued. "Her majesty did mention this as a possibility." He reminded them, speaking of the Bright Queen. "Most of us are from the Dynasty, it’s not so strange they want another representative of the Empire."
"But an archmage? Fjord, you have to admit, that is a little suspicious." Nott argued.
"Our group isn’t just a figurehead." Caduceus reminded the goblin. "We guard the pass and the villages around it. We show that both sides can fight together, not just against each other. It makes sense someone with battle capabilities would join our number."
"Better someone who can fight than some political liability we have to look after at all times." Fjord agreed, attention turning to Beau as the monk shook her head and leaned forward to speak.
"Unless things have changed dramatically in the last year since I've been away, mages aren’t well respected in the Empire and they don’t have much political power. There are a couple at the top, in charge of the assembly, that do. But the rest..." Beauregard shrugged.
"That could have easily changed. The last few months of fighting involved a lot of mages on their side." Molly reminded them. "Some of them leading the charge."
"Because they were running out of soldiers, same as us." Nott interjected.
"Exactly." Beau took up again, giving a brief nod of agreement. "Otherwise I doubt King Dwendal would have let them lead in the last few battles like they did."
"Okay, we don’t have to worry about this mage being sent for political reasons then." Fjord commented, trying to corral the discussion to stay on topic. "Much as I would love to trust it's for the continued peace and nothing more, there’s still the possibility he's a spy, here as a strategic way for the Empire to get some advantage before restarting the war."
Their group had worked hard to help bring about this ceasefire, Fjord did not want their hard work undone by one bloodthirsty Empire Archmage.
"You always say the best way to get to know someone is in battle, why don’t we do that?" Jester asked, breaking Fjord from his thoughts.
"That might not be the best idea." Caduceus negated. "The peace is too new and fragile. Even practice combat might be taken the wrong way."
"And accidents do happen. I don’t trust them not to make that claim if someone were hurt or killed during the spar." Nott agreed, also concerned with the possibility of war reigniting. Lack of political power or not, the Empire mages were fierce and ruthless in battle, as Nott has witnessed firsthand more than once.
"There’s been rumours of a pack of dire wolves over near the Gandre Forest. Killing sheep, pets, small children. Anything of a size that gets close." Molly offered. "I'm sure we'll get a request soon, that could be our test run?"
Fjord's gaze drifted over to Nott. The best thing about their group was that, while he was technically the leader, they were all close enough that they all viewed each other as equals. Each person had their own strengths and weakness, and they respected each other for that.
The goblin nodded. "I'll verify if it's true and get a location. Or find something else if it is not."
"Thank you." Fjord said, then leaned back in his chair with a sigh.
"Fjord, don't worry." Yasha spoke up, leaning forward with a concerned expression. "If this mage causes any problems, we can just kill him"
Fjord huffed a short laugh. Yasha's brand of humor (and he hoped it was a joke, though many times only Molly was ever truly sure when she was joking) was always unexpected. "Let's try and avoid that, but thanks."
"I'm sure killing is unnecessary." Molly offered, the Tiefling’s fangs showing through his wide grin. "I'm sure Beauregard would be more than willing to straighten this mage out on who gives the orders here."
Surprisingly to both Fjord and Molly, Beau neither agreed nor laughed, just frowned deeper with an irate grunt.
Fjord sat up again, remembering that the Cobalt Soul and the Cerberus Assembly, where the entirety of the Empire mages were trained, were not on good terms. "Beau, you gonna be okay with this?"
Beau met his gaze and nodded slowly. "Yeah. Personally, I haven’t had much interaction with the Assembly. Bunch of stuck up pricks run the place. So long as we aren’t saddled with one of those assholes, I'll manage. If the point is starting the war again, makes sense they'd pick a freaking mage..." she growled.
Fjord wasn’t entirely convinced of her anger. There was a hint of doubt, a held back judgement for whoever the newest member of the group might be. Fjord took that as a good sign that, hopefully, this wouldn't be too much like throwing gunpowder on a blaze.
He took in a breath as he laid out the final tidbit of information. "They'll be here in one week. Master Trent Ikithon is escorting the Archmage here. The letter doesn't give a name but does mention he had seen battle during the fighting."
"It’s this other guy, not Trent, that's staying, right?" Beau asked.
Fjord nodded confirmation and Beauregard leaned back in her chair with a muttered 'good'. The monk didn’t look too interested in sharing if she had any concerns, so Fjord let her be. There were enough preparations to make without antagonizing the monk.
Caleb Widogast was not what one would call an imposing figure.
His hair was a dirty red, disheveled most of the time even when he made an attempt at making some order out of its chaos. Perhaps the chaos was within his own mind, thus the reason for his continued failure in such regard. His clothing was deceptively ornate, though if one were a purveyor of such it could easily be recognized as subpar material.
The Cerberus Assembly had wanted to display their wealth and power, yet fine linens were not wasted on war dogs such himself. Mages were to be of use, not to decorate the court. It made little sense to robe the mage in lavish clothing when he was simply to be of use in combat. Of course, some had argued that a gift must be properly adorned, and as such a middle ground had been reached.
Whether this truly had been the events that led to his current delivery to the Mighty Nine, Caleb did not know. He was not privy to the discussion and subsequent decision, nor was he informed of the following discussion of logistics. He could only surmise what had occurred given his current circumstance.
Three days he had been traveling with his Master, Trent Ikithon, with still two more days left in the journey.
He did wonder about those he was being delivered to. He did have some inkling of who they were, the Mighty Nine were famous within the empire. Caleb was unsure if their name was meant to be the common nine or the Zemnian word, something he pondered during the journey, given the number of individuals in the group was only currently seven. Even should they feel the need to include his name among their number, it would not add up.
Whether they would view him as worth such, he was unsure.Most of them were from Xhorhas, so Caleb had little idea what to expect of them. He had no frame of reference for how the Dynasty viewed mages, nor where he would fall on the social ladder. His excursions into Xhorhas had been for battle purposes only and he'd had no permission to explore the culture. The Nine had, apparently, accepted the offer of himself, though Caleb knew this was no accurate measure of their intent.
Whatever his standing with them, he did not presume it would be very high, especially given the human monk, expositor Beauregard, that was a part of the group. To say the Cobalt Soul did not like the Cerberus Assembly, nor the mages it produced, was an understatement. While Caleb had only experienced this prejudice through cold looks and avoidance, he often heard of less subtle actions from Master Ikithon. He had begun to have doubts as to the validity of all of the information Trent imparted to him, yet had no other frame of reference to the truth.
From the information that had come his way regarding Beauregard, the woman was a formidable force. Opinionated and headstrong some had described her. Caleb had little doubt her views would not be hidden, and had likely been spread to the others. He hoped that would not be the case. It was... difficult living and obeying Master Ikithon who's actions and instructions were (so the man oft claimed) for Caleb's own good. He did not look forward to trying to please those who held his very existence against him.
Conjecture did little good and often led his mind down a dark path he would rather not follow. He was to follow the orders of his 'new masters' as Master Ikithon had so in-delicately put it. Trent had not been pleased to have his prized pupil taken from him, though he had been quick to devise a way to turn the situation to his advantage. Above obeying the group, Caleb had a separate set of instructions from his Master. Trent was not a man to lay out all his plans, so currently Caleb knew only that he was to gain the trust of these people, prove his loyalty however possible, and wait.
Easy enough, as he would have done so in any case. Obedience and loyalty were key to survival. Should the group be displeased with him, he would be returned to the Empire, to Trent, and his failure would not go unpunished. The thought made his heartbeat quicken in his chest, Caleb sneaking a quick glance at his master, paranoid that Trent would somehow see the weakness inside of him.
The other man, however, remained seating with his gaze cast outside of the carriage. His gaze was sharp, calculating, and Caleb knew he was not idle during this long trip to the keep. Whatever his Master planned; Caleb was sure to learn his part in it in due time.
Caleb turned his gaze out the small window as well, letting his eyes roam over the open terrain as they moved steadily closer to where he would be staying for the indefinite future.
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writing-mermaid ¡ 5 years ago
Siren, part 3 : Roundtable Rival
Summary : Y/N is a mutant, a Siren, the last of her kind, with deadly dangerous powers and a hidden past. If most of the Avengers likes and get along with her, Steve doesn’t, and it’s getting worse when Y/N and Bucky become close. After all what can bring two broken souls together if it’s not a dark past.
Pairing : Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings : Language, mention of injuries, Steve is an asshole.
Word Count : 2 455 
Square Filled : @star-spangled-bingo : "He’s my friend”
@buckybarnesbingo : B5 - Language
Author’s note : I have this story on my WIPs for a little time. I hope that you’ll like it. This story is also my entry for @sourpatchkidsandacokecan ‘s Little Darlin’s Mystery AU Challenge, the prompt I chose is Siren AU. Don’t forget that feedback is appreciated and really important.
Song of the title : Roundtable Rival - Lindsey Stirling
Star Spangled Bingo masterlist
Bucky Barnes Bingo masterlist
Siren masterlist
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Half-way to the compound, Bucky is still sleeping. I just hope that I didn’t poison him. Steve already hates me, he’s going to be mad when he’ll Bucky asleep on the ramp.
  “FRIDAY”, I ask the AI who is also connected the Quintets.
“Yes, Miss Y/L/N ?”, she questions.
“Can you please let Tony know that we will need Doctor Cho when I land back at the compound ?”
“Of course, Miss Y/L/N. Who is in need of medical assistance, you or Sergeant Barnes ?”
“Both of us”, I respond, looking at my bleeding left palm, despite the bandage I put around to stop the blood. I will definitely need stitches. My right wrist hurt too, and I probably have some scratches on my face. I hope it’s not broken.
  I feel tired and I’m relieved when I finally catch sight of the compound. It takes me a few more minutes to finally land in the basement. The Quinjet ramp opens to Doctor Cho, the medic team, the rest of the Avengers and of course, Fury.
  “What happened ?”, Steve asks angrily when he sees Bucky laying on the floor. “He better be still alive”, he adds, glaring at me, while checking for his best friend’s pulse.
“Of course, he’s alive”, I bite back. “I just had to put him to sleep.”
  The medic team rushes in the Quinjet, with a stretcher for Bucky. They lift him on it to take him to the med quarters, Steve on their heels.
  “What about you, Y/N ?”, Helen Cho asks me. “Are you alright ?”
“Maybe a few bruises, but I will need some stitches on my left hand, and I twisted my right wrist. I’m sore and tired, after all, I had to drag him from HYDRA’s warehouse to the jet”, I point to the direction where the rest of the med team took Bucky.
“I’ll check your wrist after I stitch you hand”, she says, looking at my left palm, “It’s a little dirty”, she adds, “you might have some debris in it too. Let’s go.”
“Wait a minute”, Steve states, putting himself between me and the pathway to the infirmary. “I want to know what happened first.”
“Let go of her Rogers, you can see she needs medical care”, Tony steps in. “She will tell you everything you want to know tomorrow morning.”
“No, I want to know what happened and I want to know it right now”, he nearly shout.
“With all my respect Captain, my patient here needs treatments. You can ask her what happened when she’s patch-up and had some rest, not before”, Helen glares at him. “Come on Y/N”, she says to me, before taking me to the med quarters.
“You saved me from his wrath”, I murmur to her, when we’re past Steve and the rest of the Avengers.
  After Helen stitched my hand and checked my wrist, which is not broken and put in a splint, she settles me on a bed next to Bucky, who’s still sleeping.
  “How is he ?”, I ask her.
“Fine”, she answers. “I don’t know what happened there, but you did what you had to do”, she adds, looking at me in the eyes.
“I hope so”, I say.
“I’ll let you rest now, you need it. There is a glass of water and paracetamol on the night table in case it hurts too much”, she explains before turning off the lights and going out of the room.
  I might have fallen asleep because my eyes shoot themselves open sometimes later, when I hear a growl in the bed next to mine.
  “Hey there, Sleeping Beauty, happy to see you awake and alive”, I say, raising from my own bed and approaching him.
“How are you doing ?”, he asks me, trying to sit up.
“I’m the one who should ask this to you”, I answer handing him a glass of water, “I sort off had to knock you off.”
“What happened ?”, he questions, drinking a mouthful of the plastic glass, “because to be honest, I absolutely have no clue about why I’m here and why I have been unconscious.”
“You really want to know ?”
“Please Y/N, I need to know if I’ve done something wrong or not.”
“Ok then. When we entered HYDRA’s facility, there were a lot of casks with a sort of gas inside of it, two HYDRA’S handymen came in with one and apparently, the plug was unplugged, diffusing some gas. I think that, because of the way you behaved with me, saying I was intoxicating and starting to touch and kiss me the way you did, and as I didn’t smell anything, I think that this could be something made out of Siren blood. It did exactly the same thing that my powers do when I don’t take my pills. You acted as if I haven’t taken my medicine. And just by breathing a very tiny quantity of that gas. I had to use one of my powers on you, and I kissed you to put you to sleep and I didn’t have the choice because, if I didn’t only god knows what would have happen.”
“You kissed me ?”, he looks at me, eyes wide open.
“Just to save my skin, Barnes, not for pleasure”, I say, trying not to blush, thinking about what Nat told me just before I left for the mission. “Anyway, Steve was pretty mad when I walked out of the Quinjet, he might have thought I killed you. That man really hates me…”, I add sighing.
  At the same moment, Doctor Cho enters the room, alongside Steve, who looks at me with a furious gaze.
  “Y/N”, she says, looking at me. “Glad to see you’re awake, and seem better, you can leave and sleep in your room”, she smiles at me.
“Thanks Helen”, I say to her, “just on time for my pill. Have a nice night.”
“You too”, she replies. “And you Sergeant Barnes…”, she starts.
“Y/N”, Bucky cuts her.
“Yes ?”, I turn toward him.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, James”, I tell him. “Goodnight”, I add, crossing the threshold.
“Goodnight”, he whispers, and I can barely ear him, his voice almost covered by Steve’s who’s asking him how he is.
  When I finally reach my bedroom, I collapse on my bed, empty of all my energy, and fall asleep again.
  “Miss Y/L/N. Miss Y/L/N”, FRIDAY wakes me up.
“Hum”, I groan, “not now, let me sleep more.”
“Miss Y/L/N, your presence is required by Captain Rogers. He organized a debriefing about the mission you and Sergeant Barnes fulfilled yesterday. The meeting starts in 45 minutes.”
“What ?! 45 minutes”, I exclaim, raising from the bed, still dressed in my battle gear, in need of a hot shower and my stomach growling.
  I grab my pill box on my nightstand and take one before heading to the bathroom. The hot water relaxes my tense muscles and all the dirt from the mission goes in the siphon. Once clean, I take a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt in my wardrobe and put a pair of Vans on my feet, put back the splint on my wrist. My hair still wet, I go the kitchen, hoping to find something to eat before facing Steve Rogers’ wrath. I can’t help but think that Steve will hold me responsible for what happened in HYDRA’s facility.
  “Hi Y/N”, Wanda greets me when I enter the kitchen.
“Hi”, I answer back, opening the fridge, finding a bottle of watermelon juice.
“Rumor has it that you kissed Barnes”, Natasha says, also entering the kitchen, grabbing a banana in the fruit ball, and peeling it. “I knew you wanted to do it at some point”, she adds, biting in her yellow fruit.
“Haha, really funny Nat”, I tell her. “You know that I would never use my powers, and especially that one on anyone, and certainly not on one of my teammates.”
“I’m just kidding Y/N”, she puts her hand on my shoulder. “You obviously had a good reason to put Bucky to sleep, and we all know it.”
“All, except Steve”, I point. “He hates me. He might think I did that on purpose.”
“Avengers, assemble”, Tony says, passing his head through the door. “Captain’s orders, and he doesn’t seem very pleased, so you better be on time”, he adds, before walking away.
  I sigh, putting down the empty glass, but keeping the bottle of watermelon juice in my hand, going to the door.
  “What ?”, I ask Natasha, who rises one of her perfect eyebrows at me.
“Nothing, I think he’s already really pissed at you, he’ll be more to see you with juice.”
  I shrug my shoulder and walk to the briefing room. Steve is near the overhead projector, arms crossed on his chest, speaking with Tony. Clint and Scott are laughing at I don’t know what and I can spot Bucky, on his chair, a half smile on his lips. He pats the chair next to his. As I don’t move, Natasha pushes me from behind, whispering a “go” into my ear.
  “Hey”, I say, sitting down next to the long-haired soldier, putting my bottle of juice on the table in front of me. “How are you doing ?”
“Fine, thanks”, he answers. “You ?”
“I’m okay, a little tired but I think that with a few days off, I’ll feel better.”
“Good”, he says.
“Good”, I repeat awkwardly.
  A few minutes later, Nick Fury enters the room, looking at all of us with his unique eye. Silence falls at the second he walks to the front of the room, next to Steve. Tony moves at the other side, taking place next to Bruce.
  “So, I heard about what happened to Y/L/N and Barnes yesterday and I need some explanations.”
“I’d like to have some too”, Steve adds, looking at me aggressively. “I’d like to know what really happened there, as someone prevented me to question the Bucky and Y/N”, he says, and I know that he’s talking about Helen.
“So, who starts ?”, Tony asks.
“You probably remember more than I do”, Bucky looks at me.
“Ok”, I sigh. “When we land, we knocked out the first HYDRA henchmen we saw, we managed to go inside the warehouse. There were a lot of barrels some with colored gas, other with liquid. We heard a bang, so we hide, and two men were carrying a transparent keg containing the colored gas we saw before, one of them dropped it, and some of the gas escaped.”
  I stop, in order to breathe and drink some of my juice.
  “And then what happened ?”, Steve asks, impatient.
“Give the girl a minute”, Tony says, and I mouth a silent thank you to him.
“We were ready to leave our hiding place and stepped back into the warehouse when I felt Barnes’ lips on my nape and he tried to… to seduce me. Thinking quickly, I realized that that gas worked as one of my powers, my attraction one. As I couldn’t get rid of him, I kissed him to put him to sleep. I had no choice because only God knows what would have happen. When I was sure he was asleep, I just put the dynamite all around the warehouse and I pulled Bucky outside, before heading back to the Quinjet with his sleeping body and the dynamite exploded before I reached the jet, and I must have put a too big charge. I got injured and for the rest you know what happened.”
“So, you’re saying that you used your powers on one of your teammates”, Steve says, angrily.
“I had to”, I respond, getting up on my feet. “What you have happen if I didn’t ? We would have been captured or maybe worse, killed.”
“Don’t tell me what could have happen Y/N, you don’t know what would have happen.”
“I was there Rogers, you weren’t.”
“Please you two, stop”, Natasha rises from her chair. “You perfectly know it Steve that if Y/N used her powers, there was a good reason, she would never put in danger any members of the team. Plus, Barnes is a big guy, and you’re not his mother, so stop acting like a freaking mother hen around him.”
“He’s my friend”, Steve roars, turning back to me, “and you’re just…”
“I’m just what ?”, I bite back. “Another Avenger ? You’re just a fucking twat Steve, do you know that ?”
“You’re a fucking danger Y/N.”
“Language please”, Tony sighs from his spot.
“Enough”, Fury states, and I realize that I’ve never seen that man getting angry at anyone. “For now, I’m suspending Y/L/N and Barnes from missions for a few times, until I read their rapports and decide what to do. We’re finished here.”
“Tony, may I take the rest of my day if I’m not needed here, I have something to do”, I ask him, “and borrow one of the cars.”
“Yes, of course sweetheart, you can.”
“Thank you.”
“What ?”, Steve ask, eyes wide open as I defy his authority. “Tony’s not the one you should ask.”
“I ask who I want to and as Fury said, we’re finished here. You’ll have my rapport tomorrow morning”, I grab my bottle of juice and pass the doorstep.
“Well done Steve”, I can hear Bucky’s sigh when I lean against the nearest wall trying not to cry. “The poor girl is already feeling guilty of using her powers on me and you add to her guilt.”
  I can’t hear Steve’s answer as I rather leave before Steve tells Bucky what he really thinks about me. I go back to my room to change into a simple blue dress and a pair of black ballet flat, before going to the garage and take one of Tony’s cars, a simple black city car one of the less flashy. After half an hour of driving, I finally reach New York and the Queens, not far from Rockaway Beach, where I spent a lot of time during my childhood. I park in front of a white building.
  “Hello, miss Y/L/N”, the hostess greets me when I pass the door.
“Hello”, I smile at her. “How is he today ?”
“Fine, pretty calm”, she says. “Seems that you had a rough time”, she add, pointing at one of the bruises on my face.
“Yes, but don’t worry, nothing I can’t handle. May I go ?”
“Of course”, she smiles.
  I climb the steps to the room, to find a familiar figure, back to the door, looking through the window.
  “Hi, dad”, I quietly say, kissing his scrubby cheek.
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hecohansen31 ¡ 6 years ago
A Little Gain Of Her
(Hawthorne! Michael Langdon+Virgin! Reader (+Succubus)
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
We finally made it!
I finally managed to publish the last part of “A Liittle Loss of Innocence” (Part One, Part Two)  and I am very nervous about it, because I hope it will be a worth finale to this series, which is one of my first finieshed series (MIRACLES DO HAPPEN).
As always: want to give me some feedback, heart, comments and reblog help me a lot (alongside DMs about what you liked or asks about what you didn’t, just remeber to be nice and kind!).
Feedback means the WORLD to us, fanfics writers and we will love you for ever if you do!
So I hope you will enjoy it, and let me know if you have any asks that might turn up in spin-offs for this series, love you, lovelies!
(also guys there is a little disclaimer at the end, please read it, also I put it in the end so it wouldn’t spoil the ending, love you!)
SUMMARY: Your broken heart is reayd for more heartbreak when Michael reveals a painful discovery about how their relationship started...
Will you be able to forgive me or is he gone too far?
WORDS: 9,2 K (Yeah... I might have written a bit...)
WARNINGS: Loss of Virginity (So there will be a bit of blood), Sex, Oral Sex (Male-Female receiving) A Bit of Dirty Talk, Heartbreak (Angst), Relationship Starting With Dub-Con, Teasing and Edging (also Demonic Infestetation and Succubus).
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One of the true facts that had made her laugh was the one which said that you could die from heartbreak.
She found it so stupid, mostly when she honestly believed that a break-up, something which usual provoked heartbreak, wasn’t something so heavy and horrible to make your heart stop pumping blood.
But she didn’t laugh now, that her own heart was beating so slowly.
Almost as slowly her entire life, which had become unmoving, stuck in a hellish limbo, between routine and the will to do nothing but stay on her bed and cry there, hiding herself under the fluffy blankets, meanwhile she held her pillow to her chest, trying to suppress its shudders, but they still shook her body till late at night, when exhaustion took over.
She honestly felt on the brink of death and laughed at her own stupid heart for being this frail.
Even more disappointed in herself because what had happened to her wasn’t a break-up, but a straight up rejection.
(She honestly didn’t know how else to describe Michael’s words, so arrogant and light, but they still broke her heart in its deepest place).
She had, at first, felt so ridiculously stupid for having believed that he might have wanted something else from her, other than her body.
Her first reaction had been anger, throwing things in each way she could, her magic acting out randomly snapping doors closed and open continuously meanwhile books opened and glass shattered.
She had calmed down after all the energy had been lost and there had been left nothing but her emptiness.
There she asked herself why he couldn’t love her, till it heartbreakingly broke her heart to see herself in her worst state for a man.
(A man she had trusted and somehow might have loved).
But it hurt her too much and since then any distraction had been good for her, but at night, when distractions couldn’t help her, her bed ate her and exhaustion soothed her broken heart, mended roughly with a band-aid, meanwhile she hoped for her brain would just forget about him.
But it didn’t.
She had good reasons to believe that it would never forget him.
That night her bed had seemed extremely tempting, but her friends, sad and bored of seeing her moping around and moving as fast as she could, had made her take part to the annual “Witch Ball”.
In the mortal world she had never cared for these things, usually not having a knight, but right now she felt even less interested, tired and sad, definitely not in the best shape to be pushed into a pretty dress and high heels.
But she hadn’t been able to say no to her friends, when she knew they were the saddest to see her waste away, but they didn’t dare to ask for any details (although from the growls Madison had mumbled when Michael had walked in the library, one day, while they were there, she knew that they had some general ideas on what might have caused her sickness) not wanting to bring bad memories on her mind.
She knew they just wanted to make her feel better, but she didn’t know if it might have been possible, anymore.
She had no will and hope for happiness, no matter the sweet daily enjoyment she tried to find, to avoid that black hole that was in her heart.
So, she had agreed to slip herself in an elegant pink dress, the colors bringing a bit of softness in her sad sad smile, meanwhile a few good touches of make-up and to her hair had brought her back from the village of the dead, bringing a bit of colors to her face, meanwhile the hair finally out of her face were elegant and not in a messy or silly bun.
She had talked with her friends and laughed, meanwhile it all went on, meanwhile it all happened, feeling her heart soar a bit during the silly conversations; she definitely felt grateful for her friends, she was lucky to have them, but she didn’t want her sadness to be contagious for her friends.
She felt the like the only one who stuck out: single, a virgin and sad.
But she tried to keep that thought out of her head.
But it all came back as she was alone, waiting for Coco and Mallory to get ready, although from the noise she could hear behind their door, they weren’t using make-up, but definitely making out, which made her roll her eyes, a sarcastic laugh escaping her lips, meanwhile she played with her dress, dusting it off and raising it to avoid it getting caught in her nude heels.
And as if the universe heard her complain, the source of it appeared in front of her eyes.
She mistook him for a vision, much better than any water in a desert.
He wore an elegant tuxedo, but not the typical one she had seen each Hawthorne boy wore.
No, he just couldn’t avoid being a peacock even in this event, going for an elegant black tuxedo but with red designs over it, beautiful but also clearly not something everyone could pull off, unlike him, who looked completely at ease in the assemble.
His elegant dark red loafers made no sound as he moved closer to her, looking at the floor, till he raised his head to meet her eyes, which had been waiting for his azure ones and when they met she immediately saw the change in them.
The arrogant look softened.
He seemed almost happy to see her.
And she couldn’t believe he could lie so well.
She immediately lowered her eyes to the ground, her legs twisting under her, pushing her as far away from him as she could, her back hitting the soft plush velvet of the walls, her naked shoulder brushing against it, and she felt nothing but pure coldness.
He seemed to take in all her reaction, saddened by it, biting his lips slowly, pushing his bottom between his teeth, tormenting it as if he wanted to torture himself almost as she did, making himself feel like her; but she just couldn’t believe that he felt any kind of emotion different from lust or arrogance.
He still moved closer, but stopped close enough for them to have a relatively big space between them, and leaving her a little piece of air to breathe in peace.
But all the air she was taking in to avoid a mental breakdown was immediately taken away from what he said her.
-I know it doesn’t matter… but you look gorgeous, tonight-.
Of course, it didn’t matter.
But she still couldn’t help but release the first honest and genuine smile in weeks, on her lips.
-… you don’t look so bad yourself- she mumbled, immediately looking away: he didn’t deserve her love and he didn’t deserve her pity.
He let out an embarrassed laugh, his hair being thrown back, catching the light in a perfect arch of golden she wanted to touch and mess, but she just pushed her nails further in the weak skin of her palms.
She half-expected him to walk away as he had done before, almost challenged him to do it, minding him no attention, hoping for Mallory and Coco to finish their make-out session in order to finally be able to go to the ball together.
But the universe had somehow declared she couldn’t have a moment of peace.
-… (Y/N)…- she wanted to tell him not to say her name with those plump lips of his, the most sensual sound came out of them, a prayer of a fool in the throes of pleasure and they hadn’t even touched -…I think we need to talk-.
-What for? – her hysterics were shown through her tone, full of derision and annoyance, a mask to keep him from knowing how much she had wished for those words, praying that one day he would barge in her bedroom, and ask for her forgiveness on his knees.
She would cruelly deny him on most nights she dreamed it, but during her most feverish dreams… what they hadn’t been able to conclude happened, with her hands in his hair, pulling and his mouth latched on her nipples, exactly just like last time.
-… I think that you know that last time I sent you away, rather unkindly…- his tone matched hers, clearly not wanting to appear a lesser opponent, but softness shone in his eyes, asking and begging for her to give him a chance to talk, as if he was speaking to a wounded animal.
She was a wounded deer in his eyes, but the truth was that she was much worse, a broken woman, with him having destroyed the thing that held her entire heart together.
-You say “unpolitely” I say “you are an asshole, and I don’t need to encourage your assholish views”- she honestly wanted to take that step further, the one that would hurt him as he had hurt her, but she just couldn’t turn around and leave him there.
She had been always too sweet for this game of love.
-… I know that I am indeed even worse than what you believe me to be, but explanations might bring some kind of relief to your aching soul, because if you feel even a miniscule amount of the pain I have in my heart, I feel nothing but respect for you for walking around with your head high, you are much stronger than what I believed-.
She honestly didn’t want to give up just because of his silver-tongue, each word delivered perfectly with a troubled expression, as if he found it difficult to discover she had missed him almost as much as he had missed her.
Suddenly his eye bags seemed more evident and the frown on her mouth was laced with wrinkles made from worry and not enough sleep: she had been too focused on his outfit, to notice he was a broken man as well.
But she hadn’t been the one to close the door in his face, last time.
-… you might speak, but in English and I don’t want silly words to cover up the major fuck-up you did- she couldn’t hide the fact that she had been infected by the little laughter of relief he left out and he took a step closer, almost coming closer enough to touch her, eyeing her arms, naked because of the sleeveless dress.
He wanted to touch her so badly, but her dark eyes sought nothing but a reason to run away and disappear under his touch warned him.
-I promise I will do my best not to take any of your precious time- he promised, charmingly and she just rolled her eyes and almost went back to remind him about the “no pretty words policy” -… but I just couldn’t take you, last time-.
She blushed at the mention of the natural act they had almost committed to, last time.
-I was more than willing to go on- she pointed out, trying to lessen the warmth on her cheeks, she just hoped that it might not be too evident.
-And so was I- she honestly felt like she could breathe.
For the entire time, she had almost been worried that he might have seriously not wanted her, horrified by her appearance, her willingness or just because she wasn’t enough, this had sent her even farther down the self-pity road, her self-esteem completely buried under her own ugliness.
-… then why? – she breathed out, coming closer, meanwhile his eyes eyed the ground extremely carefully,
-I couldn’t… when you don’t know the truth, the entire truth- she looked at him confused, but he kept his eyes away from her -… I was the one who summoned the succubus and linked it to you-.
Her heart missed a beat and she was sure she had heard it in the wrong away: he didn’t mean what he meant, he just couldn’t.
-… you didn’t seem interested in me, or better… I thought you were too shy to… I know it was a very bad idea, but I thought you might need to lower your inhibitions for us to have a conversation-.
-We didn’t have a conversation- her tone was rough, pure stone against metal and he knew he had said the exact worst thing ever -… and it wasn’t my inhibitions you lowered: they were the barriers I put up so people like you don’t hurt me-.
Not to talk about the fact that she felt so dirty at the thought the he just manipulated her.
-…. I know! I know, I did wrong… and pushed you into something you didn’t want to, but… I need you, desperately…-.
-You can beg all you want, things will never change- she finally had the strength to do what she had been supposed to do since the start of this conversation -I hate you even more-.
She turned around, not sparing a single look for him: anger and shame burned on her cheeks and in her chest, meanwhile sadness screamed in her head, enough that she barely heard what Michael had to say, before she left him and his life.
For good.
It was barely a whisper but…
“It’s all too bad, because my heart can only love you”.
She had been trying to clear her mind, but halfway through the ball she had been unable to do anything to stop the tremors in her hands due to her conflicting emotions, which had made her unable to focus, and knowing that her friends would get worried she did her best in order to hide every sign of discomfort, before taking advantage of the opening of the dances to jump herself in the bathroom.
There she had brushed calmly her hair out of her face, before dipping without much gentleness her face under it, knowing it would ruin the masterpiece that her friends had created, but she felt it prick at her skin annoyingly, meanwhile with her hands she pulled on the zipper on the side of her dress, finally let breathing again.
She knew she must have looked pathetic, halfway through a panic attack, Michael’s words circling in her mind mixing together.
“I was the one who summoned the succubus” and then “It’s all too bad, because my heart can only love you”.
It was all an all too sick game he liked to play, toying with her as a cat did with a mouse, which he wanted to eat.
But his voice sounded so genuine and his expression was so hurt.
But what he had done with the succubus was something she couldn’t forgive.
He had not only violated her trust but also he had violated her in a way that made her feel sick.
Clearly, she had had some kind of attraction on him, enough for the incubus spell to work on her, but it still didn’t allow him to take advantage of it in that way.
It was as if she had been dosed with aphrodisiacs and, although it wasn’t legal, it wasn’t the ideal start of a relationship she had to say.
How could she trust him, again?
She was checking herself out in the mirror, collecting the mascara under her eyes, when slowly she saw a black stain appear on the mirror; at first she thought it was just a little bit of mascara which had ended in her eyes, but slowly she realized that it was on the mirror.
And it was becoming more and more larger.
Till it completely shadowed her, as if she there was a shadow in the mirror, completely mimicking her body.
And when she had a “shadow twin”, it finally escaped the mirror, dividing itself from it and slowly gaining new features, till she had again her succubus twin in front of her.
-What the hell?! Weren’t you supposed to be gone? – she honestly didn’t know what to say, mostly after she had discovered that it was Michael the puppeteer behind her; maybe he had had wanted to try again to make her succumb to his wishes, using the succubus and its power.
But she wouldn’t fall again, immediately invoking a protection spell.
-… let’s just say that I am not here on my count- she replied, meanwhile twirling her ponytail and checking out her new outfit -… by the way… I like this outfit, brings out the little virgin you are-.
She tried not to blush but, apparently, her idea that it was Michael who was behind all of this was true… she honestly should have gone straight up to Cordelia…
-Your lover is in danger- she almost chocked on air, looking at her confused, who just shoot back at her a direct and annoyed glance as if to say “oh you didn’t know” -… I am here, because my previous master left the gate open and I have heard that some creatures might want to escape their realities-.
Which would explain her presence here, even if she and Michael had sent her away.
The gate, which linked the demonic world and human world, was still open, allowing many other demons to walk in comfortably, if they found the right road.
… which could be a total coverage for the succubus to get her to go to Michael, with a fake excuse.
-… you don’t believe me- it clearly shown in her eyes and the incubus saw it -… and I honestly know that we started with the wrong foot…-.
-Michael used you to make me fuck me, doesn’t it bother you? – it honestly bothered her, mostly when the succubus sported her matching face.
-Sweetie, I thrive on sexual energy- explained the succubus, checking herself out in the mirror, popping her lips to let the lip-gloss touch her lips in order to expand more the glossy substance -… I honestly am happy as long as that boy fucks something and satisfies is darkest desires-.
She seemed honestly enough for being an agent of chaos and a demon.
-… so I should trust you-.
-… or you couldn’t and your boyfriend will be eaten by a sloth demon… I don’t make the rules …I…- she just looked down, something almost human shining in her bottomless eyes -… I just came here to warn you so that you can save your lover boy-.
-First of all, he isn’t my boyfriend, second of all I hate him so I might as well leave him to been eaten by a sloth demon…- she could have laughed at the absurdity of the entire situation -… he betrayed me and used a succubus on me! -.
-And he told you he did it! – the succubus exclaimed almost too personally as if the thing personally shook her: he had been truthful with her, so he got a free ticked to exit the “you are an asshole” prison -… what I am trying to say is that his life would have been easier whether he hadn’t told you anything about the entire thing… he would have gotten the girl, but he chose to go down the harder path, knowing you would hate him for this-.
She was speechless, because she hadn’t thought about that in that perspective and although it wasn’t exactly a point in favor of Michael, she could see that he could have completely gotten the girl without much effort, hiding for ever that secret: it would have worked and it was a plan that would have perfectly suited arrogant Michael.
But why hadn’t he chosen it?
-You are miserable without him, and he is miserable without you… so… - the succubus batted her eyelashes as if this was the easiest of logics -… you should be together so you can be happy together-.
She didn’t need to word the question out, because the succubus answered it immediately:
-I might have this… call it prevision… that he might like you, more than as a fuckbuddy-.
-He is still an asshole- she replied, because even if she excused him, this would take a long time to be solved.
-It wouldn’t be funny if he wasn’t- replied the succubus, before offering her hand -… we better hurry up, those sloth demons can be very different from their names-.
The succubus followed her staying invisible to her and her friends, meanwhile she questioned Michael’s asking for his whereabouts and she alerted John Henry.
“Is it necessary?” had mumbled the succubus, in her ear, after she had alerted the older warlock, with the excuse of “Langdon probably has some bug in his stomach, he retreated early”.
“Do you have any knowledge on how to kill a demon more than me and him?” the succubus had stayed silent “Then professor Moore comes with us”.
“Wouldn’t you be enough?”.
It depended on whether Michael had opened a gate of hell or just a small door, and it was always good to have back up.
And also, if this was a ploy made by Michael to get her to fall in his arms, she would have been saved by John Henry.
Play me once, shame on you.
Play me twice, shame on me.
She rushed through the stairs, meanwhile the warlock tried to keep her pace behind her, screaming to go slower “or she would break a leg and there would two wounded in the infirmary”.
-… I honestly don’t think that I am the most appropriate person for this…-mumbled the warlock, clearly missing the punch he had previously spiked -… you have much better healers-.
She had chosen John Henry because she knew that he could keep a secret and knew reservation better than Hawthorne’s rules, whereas alerting Cordelia would have gotten both her and Michael in trouble.
-… I just thought it would be appropriate to make Michael be visited by a male- she honestly knew it sounded as a lie, but they were five minutes from Michael’s room and she just needed for the warlock to open the door, mostly because she already could smell the stench of rotten eggs.
“What the heck did you do, Michael?” she mumbled, mentally, thinking that if she ever thought about a relationship with him, she would have burned all his demonology books.
They immediately rushed feeling inhuman screams and when they opened the door the succubus mumbled an “oh shit” in her ear, meanwhile John Henry straight up went:
-… you said it was a bug, (L/N)? – and looked at the demons who were covering Michael’s furniture, in the form of bugs, indeed -… because there are many more and those aren’t normal bugs…-.
“… those are Damnation Beasts” murmured the succubus in her ear, before retreating slowly when a bug crawled towards her “… they eat human skin, I would stay away from them”.
-Thank you for your suggestion- she said between gritted teeth, looking around the room for any sign of Michael, but there were none and this made her heart sunk.
It hadn’t been a ploy to get her to go back to him and…
… what if she had been a minute too late and Michael had already been eaten by the Damnation Beasts and whatever had exited the door he had left open?
-(L/N) might you think about lending me a hand to kill all those insects- mumbled John Henry, meanwhile he shielded them with a protection spell.
-Yes, of course…- but she was halfway through and overthinking attack “where the hell was Michael?!” -… I am just…-.
-… panicking? – humored her the man, meanwhile he joined their hands -… just follow me, (L/N)-.
She nodded, knowing that she would try her best to at least avoid those beasts going around her school, and then she could think about Michael… she hoped.
The succubus’ hand went around her protectively, hissing badly at the flesh-easting bastards, meanwhile she repeated each Latin word John Henry uttered, till a strong blow of energy emerged from both of them, making her close her eyes for the intensity of it and when she opened them, there was nothing left of the insects, but it wasn’t done.
John immediately moved toward Michael’s bed, immediately grabbing an open book, from where a bat shaped demon was trying to escape just to get pushed back in by John, meanwhile the man muttered curses and enchantments, she honestly couldn’t tell the difference.
Bu she also couldn’t tell where Michael had been: there was no trace of him… and she was seriously starting to panic…
… and that made her hurt more than the thought of him rejecting her or tricking her.
She looked around, anxiety taking over till she finally saw Michael on the threshold looking at them confused.
-Just a demonic infestation, nothing out of the ordinary, Langdon- mumbled John Henry adjusting his hair, but Michael hadn’t seen the most surprising thing ever yet, with the way she basically threw herself at him, too worried about the fact that she had almost lost him.
He immediately tightened the hold, immerging himself in the crook of her neck, meanwhile she could feel the succubus snicker.
-You are alive- she mumbled, caressing his face as if to make sure he was real, meanwhile he grabbed her hand to bring it to his lips.
-… and you are not pissed with me anymore? – he seemed surprised again, as if he hadn’t realized she just thought he was lost forever, but before she could answer properly, John spoke up.
-… I am, you get detention, Mr Langdon, and you will have to pass me every demonology book you own- he affirmed meanwhile Michael tried to protest, saying that those books were his and nobody…
-…I will personally bring them to you, Mr Moore- she replied to John, meanwhile sending a look to Michael which clearly said “it’s either this or I set fire to them and you together”, which made him relent.
-… and you are also in detention, Mrs (L/N), I honestly don’t know what you have to do with this, but a lot of amazing spiked punch was wasted to solve this…- he mumbled, rolling his eyes, before eyeing the succubus as if he could see her, which he was actually doing -… and if the lady wants to join me, I can assure her the best night of her life-.
She honestly didn’t need to see her teacher smirking at the succubus who had her appearance (although she was sure it had a different appearance to John Henry, since it usually mimicked the appearance of the beloved by its beholder), and the succubus smirked back.
-Are they flirting? -Michael asked meanwhile she just tried to erase this memory from the night.
“Just give me a minute, handsome” replied the succubus softly and purring, sending a kiss on his way and turning around towards her and Michael “Have fun, lovelies! And be safe, he is a manchild so remember con…!”.
She petrified the succubus in her place, sending her an annoyed huff, before the succubus disappeared with a light laugh and in a twirl of smoke.
-… that was traumatizing…-.
-You weren’t here five minutes ago witnessing the literal demonic bug infestation in your room, so you can’t talk- she replied, meanwhile turning around to avoid being so close to him, her skin already tingling at the memory of how they had been embraced early -… next time, close whatever you are doing before starting to jerk off-.
He erupted in laughter and she did the same a few second back, grabbing her aching belly, clearly proved by what had happened that night: a confession, a demonic infestation and her teacher flirting with a succubus version of herself…
Well, at least life with Michael was always interesting.
-I will keep it mind, next time- he mumbled, meanwhile strolling in his room and starting to collect books, old leather and pentagrams on them told her they were the famous demonology books -… thank you for saving my life, although I do not deserve it-.
-You are an asshole not a waste of time, don’t misunderstand me- because no matter what he did, she couldn’t hate, she couldn’t stay away, it would hurt too much, so the best way was to clear things up and start again, start over and not forget about anything but try to move past it -… I would have honestly preferred that you came up to me and asked me out, but you went for the succubus method, which is… a bit fucked up… but we can work around it if you promise two things…-.
He stopped whatever he was doing, moving closer and kneeling down on the soft carpeted floor, in a worshipping attitude, his hands half a touch from setting down on her hips, but they kept to themselves for which she was grateful; she wasn’t sure she could handle his touch.
-Ask me the sun and the moon, and they shall be yours- he proclaimed reverently, getting an amused glare from her.
-… ok, now it’s three things: stop being melodramatic for the love of God, it’s annoying- she mumbled, throwing her hands in the air and rolling her eyes.
-C’mon, it’s making you laugh! – he replied, protesting weakly, too blinded by her smile, the intensity of him was suddenly too much for her and warmth came to her chilled bones.
-… let me talk in peace, ok? – she pleaded, knowing a look at his azure eyes would get her forgetting about all this -… first thing: you promise not to use magic on me, no matter what, because if you do, we are done and I will let Madison castrate you, got me? -.
He immediately nodded, not even slightly smiling at the Madison’s mention, but he honestly looked ready to take an oath and she couldn’t help but feel like he was indeed making an oath to her.
-… second: no matter what, we talk things, we don’t hide them between each other’s back, got me? – she knew honesty and faith in the other were the only thing that might have made this relationship work out… maybe… -… and even these things might make me not want to forgive you, understood? -.
Because she had been worried for him, but now that her mind was again cold and down to Earth, she was still wounded for his little “trick”.
But she also felt comforted that, in the end, he had chosen not to take the hoax too far.
-What I want to do right now is get to know you, like real people do, with no succubus or magic- he seemed the most sincere she had ever seen him -… I swear on whatever I might hold dear to my heart, that I will respect your rules and you-.
She just nodded, feeling that it had been enough adventurous and heartbreaking for her to retire to her chamber, but just as she was moving out of his room, she heard a whine of protest, turning around to see a disgruntled Michael:
-What is it? – she asked curious and wondering if there were still some of those flesh-eating assholes.
-We just made a deal, and it’s always good to seal it with a kiss- he mumbled cockily, looking very intensively to her pink lips, a bit swollen from the time she had spent biting them and from which a loud laugh erupted, at his affirmation.
-Have a good night with your right hand, Langdon- she replied, turning again around and flicking him her middle finger -… don’t let the flesh-eating demons bite your ass-.
Three months in a relationship with Langdon was something she had never thought of having.
And honestly it had been much easier than what she had suspected.
Not that it had been without any difficulties (one being the fact that Michael was a manchild and would constantly insist on cuddle even in the middle of a studying session) but Michael had never ever broken the rules she had given him (except the one against him being a drama queen, but she couldn’t actually say nothing when it got her one of the best dates ever, under the stars, music playing form the speakers they had set…).
So, it was only natural it all came down to that night.
Her and Michael had joined her friends in the common room, to chat a bit in a comfortable atmosphere, since they had all finished their final exams, which prompted them to let loose, embracing each other’s partners in the chaise-longue or on the sofa.
Soft conversations went on till they became pure nonsense and soon everybody went back to their respective room, except her and Michael: she had slowly made her way onto his lap, meanwhile he gently caressed her back, tracing mindless patterns and he gently traced his lips across her neck, a sweet caress which promised much more, igniting her core.
No matter the physical closeness they had slowly reached through their nights together, in her bed (because his held much more painful memories) mumbling nonsense and philosophical conversations or falling asleep at first as far as they could, not trusting their bodies, just to find themselves tangled in each other’s arms, the following morning.
But nothing sexual had been going on, and she almost regretted that her personal succubus had disappeared.
Still, she was happy of the new relationship which had grown between her and Michael a more genuine one, based on the mutual respect of each other and a tiny (huge) dose of trust.
He loved her and, slowly, she had started feeling the exact same for him, not scared of being hurt anymore.
And because of that she was finally ready to take the last step.
She slowly brought her hand to link it with his, but she went even farther bringing his hand slowly closer and closer to her center, slipping it under her skirt, making him feel her throbbing core, slightly wet due to the attraction and sexual frustration mixed with the stress of exams.
-… what is the meaning of this? – Michael asked, surprised, but his hand made no signs to move away, meanwhile his eyes became pitch black because of lust, and she gently brushed his hand on her, feeling herself became wetter under his soft ministrations, the blue of her thong slowly becoming darker because of the wet patch on it.
-Sweetie, I thought you were smarter than that- she replied, giggling to hide her embarrassment, although she had done the first move, she still didn’t know if Michael would like that approach or if he would be scared from it: boys were always intimidated by strong women.
And she half wanted to pull her hand away, when he took control, his fingers brushing away the silky feelings of her panties to brush the real thing, much softer than the fabric.
But he was a very well-developed man…
… when he wanted to…
She brought her hands down, taken by surprise at that gesture and not knowing how to react: she had been touch-starved for so long, only fulfilling her desires through her small fingers (which were nothing compared to Michael’s skilled ones) and the sudden touch scared her and excited her at the same time.
-… I think you are trying to seduce me, Mrs (L/N)- he mumbled, before he again dived into her neck, but this time he bit it, without any gentleness, he wanted to mark her down, meanwhile his fingers pushed themselves further, not inside of her but they started taking in her most sacred place, collecting sticky wetness which was quick to form, under Michael’s ministrations -… aren’t you, sweetheart? -.
She just nodded, shyly, a bit at trouble with speaking due to his expert hands working her gently but with enough perseverance that she felt something grow in her stomach, small waves of pleasure, still too little to make her lose her mind, but enough to keep her distracted, even more when he stared at her expectantly, those pool of azure eyes looking at any sign of discomfort.
-Words, (Y/N)- he insisted, knowing that she was speechless -… I need those in order to know what you want-.
-Which is you, by the way- he had relented his grasp on her, his fingers stilling, but right on her clit, provoking small and constant waves of pleasure, and she spoke in sarcasm something she was very fluent in -… I wanted you for so long and I have had enough of dancing around this-.
He laughed, gentleness shining in his eyes, before he leaned down to kiss her, retreating their mixed hands from her skin, which prompted her protest to be slowly brought up from her mouth to his and it made him smirk in the kiss.
They separated slowly, after they had sealed their path.
-… if we are going to do this…- his word let out her time to go back and reject this situation, but she didn’t -… I would like a bed, where to take you gently, as in your worst romance novel-.
-I am still ashamed that you found my stack of erotica- she blushed, and he leaned down to kiss the blush from both her cheeks, just resulting in her cheeks becoming far more warmer, meanwhile he gently brushed his excitement coated fingers against her thighs, cleaning them in her mouth, which she opened for him, sucking on them sensually or at least she tried.
She knew she had succeeded when Michael raised her up alongside him, his bulge pressing against her front, the evidence that she hadn’t been the only one affected by this.
-… I am not- he replied, giggling, meanwhile she grasped his neck to keep herself steady on him, her legs tangling automatically against his sides -… now I know what you like in bed: a very bad stall…-.
-Finish that phrase and they will never find your body- she replied, blushing at her horrible taste in books, but Michael just hugged her tighter, showing support no matter what.
-I love you, even if you have a terrible taste in bookish genres- he just confessed, nuzzling his nose against hers, before another butterfly kiss which left her wanting more.
-I love you, even though you are the biggest tease- she replied, before trying to piston her feet against him to make him go faster as indeed… a “stallion”.
He just kissed her forehead, before setting her down, their hands moved closer, linking themselves together immediately, before they moved off to his chamber, hers wouldn’t be proper, since she shared it with Madison and if with tonight she wished to delete anything that occurred in the past, she could stay in his room and avoid the thought that this is where he rejected her.
He felt her insecurity, strolling through her veins and shining in her eyes, and as soon as they were behind closed door: he pushed her against the door, shielding her head gently and kissing her passionately.
Her legs were pulled against his side, meanwhile he grinned himself against her, making the kiss become more sloppy and lazy, open mouthed with his tongue lazily exploring hers, trailing his teeth against her bottom lips, pulling on it, and meeting her eyes in the darkest of expression, his desire coursing through their mouths, meanwhile he pushed himself with such a savage fierceness, as if he wanted to penetrate her in that moment.
She was the first one to pull away, in desperate need of air.
He allowed it, but his hands started to occupy themselves with more important matters: her clothes.
He disrobed her gently, but each piece of skin meant new excitement shining in his eyes, like a child, finally allowed to eat candies… and he laced to one of her nipples immediately, without even properly unlacing her bra, just letting it hang out around her waist, with her shirt thrown off somewhere, not that she had followed its course, when she had the beautiful masterpiece of Michael Langdon sucking her nipples as if his life depended on it under her eyes.
His golden curls, obscuring the view, but they only caressed her skin, heightening her sensations.
-… you taste like the sweetest of honey- he mumbled, finally retreating himself, in the pause before he latched himself to her other nipple -…and you look like the proudest goddess-.
-What did I say about pretty words? – she just huffed, meanwhile a moan was brought out of herself.
-… they excite you- mumbled the bastard, smirking, meanwhile flicking roughly a nipple with his tongue, his hand going under her skirt again, skimming gently over her wetness as if to make her even more aware of what he had just said.
-I have a praise kink- she mumbled pushing herself closer against him -… what can I do babe? -.
He kissed her forehead, giggling gently, before he moved with her towards his plush bed, pushing her down on it, meanwhile he joined her so they could keep doing what they were doing before, with much more ease.
There, time felt so slow, no rushed touches anymore, no matter the fact that they were aching for each other.
And she had a chance to have her own turn with Michael, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, kissing every new inch of piece of skin, meanwhile her fingers tangled with his hair, him becoming mildly calm under her soft ministration, meanwhile he finally unclasped her bran and unzipped skirt, pushing it away, leaving her just in her blue panties.
And him in his dark briefs.
They met halfway again, this time the kiss was hungry and filled with pure gluttony of the other, searching for their most intimate taste, meanwhile their teeth clashed together.
And when they separated he tasted off her from her entire body, licking a big stripe of her skin with his tongue, from her collarbones to her ear, remaining there to suck a little hickey in her skin, before branding a few others on her skin, till she had enough to be mistaken for a unfortunate creature meeting a nest of mosquitos.
But she would deal with it in the morning, she had something more important in her mind.
She moved her hand in search of his length and when she met it, over the fabric, she stroked him gently stealing a breath from his mouth, which was swiftly pulled in a surprised expression, one that made her giggle, meanwhile she dosed his neck of kisses, tracing with her other hand his collarbones.
Her ministrations didn’t stop.
She remembered still the way he had teased her when she had been on his lap.
She wasn’t even in the slightest merciful: she slipped her hand in his boxer but just a few moments, enough to spread the pre-cum forming on its tip on her palm, but pulling it away swiftly, much to Michael’s protests.
And he decided to take the situation in his hands, switching their positions.
-…  my little virgin wants to play- he mumbled, his hands trapping hers, much littler than his -… well I shall not neglect her desires anymore-.
And he moved down on her, till he came in contact with her little panties, pushing them back with the hand that wasn’t holding her down.
She helped him get them out her legs twisting to accompany his movement but as soon as his face was the closest to her mound she pulled him up, protesting.
-I want to taste you- her voice seemed so wanton that she even surprised herself at her own affirmation, but Michael just sweetly smiled at her.
-You did, last time, we were together- he remembered her, meanwhile gently pushing her hair out of her face, to look at her face without it being in the way, the softness in his face, brought her to want another little kiss, her lips pouting a bit -… and I miss your taste-.
She blushed, meanwhile he just smirked, his hands moving against her front, gently cupping one of her breasts and then an idea hit her.
-I might have had an idea that might make both of us happy- she’d have to thank all the erotica books if it worked, if it didn’t, she could blame it all on them -… but I need to switch our positions-.
And jokingly she switched their positions, rolling on him, and being on top, swiftly moving till she was facing his bulge, meanwhile she carefully positioned her mound over his face, waiting for him to approve her idea, which came faster than she thought, when he reached up to lick a long strip of her, from the skin that linked her rosy hole to her clit.
She moaned out, almost losing her grip on him, but she quickly recovered, slipping him out of his briefs, hearing a trembling moan leaving his lips, but he suffocated it in her center, pushing his tongue into her most sacred area, just to retrieve more slick and suck on her little pearl.
And this started a challenge between them, not for their own pleasures but for the other’s.
She started teasing him at first with just her hand, caressing him with regard for his most sensitive areas, before her mouth gently engulfed him.
She did it slowly at first, only tasting the tip, trying to focus her best on his pleasure, but waves of pleasure were soon building in her stomach, because of Michael’s careful attention, meanwhile he was trying to imprint every piece of skin of her most sacred center.
And drink her as if she was spilling ambrosia.
She took much more, a bit annoyed by her hair, falling on her face, but she tried her best, feeling Michael moan in her mound, even take a moment, when she licked the tip, before swiftly pushing herself down the entirety of it, her hands massaging his balls.
They knew they had been bringing each other’s to their relative peaks, but they didn’t dare to give up, as if it was seriously a competition.
And she won it, although she didn’t make Michael cum, but he let go the self-imposed calm he had chosen to tease her to devour her.
And she came.
A rough scream in her mouth and her entire body trembling, enough that she fell on his body, unable to resist, meanwhile her entire body shut down due to pleasure coursing through the entirety of it.
And when she regained consciousness, Michael gently guided her through it, his fingers gently caressing her arms, meanwhile he breathed slowly to make her mimic the pace.
-… that was intense- much more intense than last time, with a freaking succubus.
-I want to say that it is because we love each other, but if I so much as try to be romantic you will knock all my teeth out- he mumbled sweetly, meanwhile he cradled her close and, still feeling boneless due to the mind shattering orgasm.
She giggled, blindly reaching out for him, to kiss him gently, meanwhile she tangled her fingers in his hair, swapping a bit of her taste with her.
-You can say “I love you”, I won’t punch you for that- she mumbled, on his lips feeling the laugh on it and there she opened her eyes, finding him looking at her enamored, meanwhile he whispered softly:
-I love you- and with his eyes completely azure for his honesty she couldn’t deny him the matching and heartfelt reply.
-I love you too- she kissed him again, feeling him against her thigh (which ruined a bit the mood, but… she had also accepted that with that relationship) still hard and she remembered what they were there for -… and I am ready-.
He kissed her for what felt ages, as if he wanted this to last forever.
And she honestly felt like the moment before it all happened was much more intense then the what followed, when Michael distanced himself from her, just a bit and she could still wrap her hands around him, to steady herself.
-… it might hurt a bit, so if you want to back out at any given moment, all you have to do is tell me- he caressed her thighs gently, and under his hands, goosebumps appeared, meanwhile she nodded slowly.
-I know it- she replied shyly, meanwhile kissing his cheek moving closer to his ear -… I trust you so much Michael-.
With other guys she had never felt ready, because she was scared that it might disappoint her, that it might tarnish her but worst of all she just felt like it might just not be that special, not worth the wait and after it was done, there would be nothing more.
But she lived for Michael, the sweet touches they shared, the laughs which erupted because of their dumb thoughts, and she knew that no matter what, this wasn’t the end… it was just a natural step, the most natural… and even if her and Michael ended up not being a thing… she wouldn’t have wanted to lose her virginity to anyone else.
-… I won’t betray it- he mumbled, meanwhile he gently kissed the back of her hand, tenderly nuzzling his nose against it -… you are the most precious thing that ever happened to me-.
-No silly words, remember? – she laughed shyly, but answered -… you are the best thing that happened to me-.
And with that… their paths was sealed and he kissed her one last time, meanwhile his hands checked her wetness, only enticed by their soft moment, before gently breaching her entrance with the smooth tip of him, and she immediately tensed, meanwhile Michael guided her through it.
-… calm down, sweetie, you need to relax- and didn’t do anything till she indeed relaxed, pushing with much more gentleness, meanwhile he caressed her head and kneaded her breast to distract  her which worked perfectly and he was able to push halfway in, touching her barrier.
Before proceeding, he took a last look at her face, no show of pain and no tension, just a relaxed and curious expression and before shredding her last inch of innocence he kissed her, feeling her bite his bottom lip to suppress the pain.
-Do I …? – he felt the need to stop, she knew it, no matter that his face was distorted in pleasure.
-Just give me a few minutes- she mumbled, meanwhile she tried her best to slowly adjust herself, to Michael’s length, scared by the fact that it wasn’t all in and it was already overwhelming her -… please don’t move-.
-All the time in the world- he replied, meanwhile he gently kissed her forehead.
Slowly, much more slowly than the actual time that passed, she started not feeling the pain anymore, stuck in a limbo of “not-yet-pleasure” but “neither-still-in-pain”, but all she had to wait was for Michael to slowly move and something was struck inside her, the thrill of a little excitement.
-Move- she mumbled, even going as far as to push a bit Michael with the legs that had wrapped themselves around him -… for the love of God-.
-Got it! – he giggled, but she felt the clearly aroused bit in it and he actually started moving, slowly and then as she encouraged him with moans and her nails pushing themselves in her skin faster, her eyes finding his, finding him under a strange spell, hers.
He started groaning with much more impatience and his manhood throbbed inside of her and she knew he was close, and although she was excited and not in pain, she was so far away from that state of true ecstasy.
Not for long, at least, because Michael decided to take the matters in his hand, quite literally: gently caressing her clit, meanwhile he gently moved her legs up his shoulder hitting her further inside her, a spot that made her gasp at its sudden finding, meanwhile his peace also increased.
-… you don’t understand how beautiful you look- he whispered in her ear and she just nodded; the intensity of the new sudden sensation made her feel teary.
-Please please… keep going- she quivered, under him, meanwhile her legs tried to find a better way to adjust themselves on his shoulder, her muscles aching a bit, meanwhile she met him for a kiss, before pushing one down on his chest -Don’t stop-.
-You are so close, I can feel you clenching around me- and she could feel him throbbing, his pace becoming more erratic -… that’s the best feeling in the world-.
-… even better than my mouth around it? - she didn’t know where the dirty talk came from and she could see the surprise from Michael, but her dignity was long gone.
-A thousand times better- he replied, smirking, meanwhile she finally felt so close…-… I am close-.
-I am close too- she repeated, meanwhile her nails sink themselves in him, and she felt herself let go, no preparations needed, totally lost in the moment, just feeling warmth in her, meanwhile he groaned deeply in her ears, bringing her back to reality.
He fell ungracefully on top of her and she groaned loudly, before breathing out a breathy laugh.
-… that was…- he tried to breath, completely out of breath.
-… say it with your words honey- she made fun of him, but gently cuddled closer, feeling like as if she wasn’t attached to him anymore as she was before, although he was still in her, soft but in her.
-… we are going to have a second round, if you still have the energy to joke around- he joked, kissing her forehead, lovingly; there wasn’t even a bit of bite in his tone.
-Oh, you love when I am smarter than you- she fought back, meanwhile he gently exited her, making her leave out a grunt of pain at being empty.
-I love you, in general- he giggled -… a bit less when you are a smartass-.
And then he got up, on his knees, to collect the covers to shield her body, finally self-consciousness appearing so she was grateful to hide under them, also because she was honestly feeling more and more sleepy, both for the emotional stress and the physical one.
Michael immediately moved closer laying a kiss before he gently whispered that he would be getting in the bathroom to collect a few things in order to clean up, which he did gently, meanwhile cooing at her, throwing the towels in the laundry chest, avoiding make her take a look at the blood on it, but she could see it on the mattress.
She didn’t regret it.
Because in the end they were together in this, she knew it when he cuddled closer to her, bringing them together again, sleep slowly taking over.
In the end…
… with a little loss of her innocence.
… with a little loss of his dignity.
… he finally had a little gain of her.
Little disclaimer: the relationship between Reader and Michael started as dub-con, so I just wanted you to know that I don’t support or condone in any way, in real life, dyb-con or non-con; consent is important, never forget about it!
I really hope you will like it, lovelies!
Let me know what you thought about it, with DMs or asks or hearts or reblogs, I honestly love hearing all your thoughts!
 @ccodyfern @so-langdon @sojournmichael @rocketgirl2410 @langdonsplaytoy @dyns33 @blakewaterxx @crispygiantsaladgarden @counterculture-aesthetic @ace-fiction @langdons-little-girl @hadeslittlewhore @justabadwitch @ahstatejameskai @soph3218 @uinen-ulmiel @mega-combusken @hplotrfan @kleineshaschen @langdonsinferno  @nightsblackroses @tcc-gizmachine @msfandomblog @grim-adventures58 @littlepsychos-world @sister-langdon @grungyfeministhoe
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disappearanceofjk ¡ 7 years ago
warnings for: death, electrocution
buckle in folks.
It’s blueprints to an EMP.
It comes to Rowan with no shock, and as expertly as she can manage, following the scribbled paper, she assembles it. How incredible that something so small would cause so much chaos...She just needs the perfect time to use it. In a small linked batch, just shutting down one SQUIP would work, but with a large case like this...
Regardless, she turns to Strix. The longest prisoner, and the way she’s memorized the schedule would help. She tells the angel of a certain time, when food is given to the prisoners, is when most SQUIPs come in. After all, Rhys is all about efficiency, and having one person give food to this many people would be a waste of time.
Rowan waits -- and god, she hopes. Hopes that Rhys won’t take anyone away, she can’t lose anyone else.
She waits.
When they walk in, posture straight with trays of food in their hands, Rowan turns to Strix. The tiefling nods, and the angel clicks the on button. Immediately, screams ring through the air, so loud and so human that it’s bound to make anyone cover their ears. It’s not long before bodies collapse, the doors to the containers open, and the prisoners are set free.
Some of them walk out with confusion, others with hesitation, with fear of Rhys, but it’s safe to say everyone leaves. Some of the already squipped prisoners rush into the room --- those that were controlled entirely were shutdown, but those that are only squipped experienced a minor headache. It’s not long before their freedom is halted, however, as Rhys practically bolts into the room, an unfamiliar anger in his features.
“I suggest everyone get in their containers now before --- “ what’s left of the electricity crackles, lights flickering. What was once a well lit, well maintained laboratory turns into something that’s more sinister at face value. The air grows cold, and Rhys’s furious expression morphs into horrified. Hands falter, and he looks around, eyes widening. Sweat that he didn’t even know he could create pools in his palms, and he takes a step away.
“No, no, no, no --,” Circuit heart stills, breath hitching. “Come on, we can talk this out -,” he’s speaking to something that you can’t see -- that is, of course, until the light flickers one more time, and standing there is a figure you’re not sure you recognize.
It’s Katherine.
“Talk this out my ass! Did you ‘talk it out’ when you kidnapped me and killed me for my limbs?” Rhys takes another step away, perhaps to run or to switch into another body, but Jared’s spirit makes sure to hold his soul down by attempting to possess him. Katherine advances, and Rhys has no choice but to stay put.
“You don’t want to do this, Katherine - “
It’s Jared that shuts him up this time.
“You don’t want to do this, Katherine!” The boy mocks, laughing afterwards, “do you hear this asshole? Sorry you’re not getting a redemption arc, buddy! You manipulated, like, everyone. There’s no talking this out.” Rhys is shaking, and as a last ditch attempt to intimidate, he bares his teeth. Unfortunately, he ends up looking more like a cornered dog.
“I was waiting for the day someone found that double glass. Remember when you said I was smart without my SQUIP, Rhys? Remember when you wiped my memory that Urso was my SQUIP when I was still alive? Remember you manipulated me and separated me from Urso because you said I didn’t need a defective SQUIP? Remember that, Rhys?” She hisses, delivers a quick kick to his body, to which he drops down onto his knees.
“Katherine, don’t do this.”
“Why shouldn’t I?” She stares him down, picks up the discarded EMP and waves it around.
“I can bring you back to life. I can - I can give you your SQUIP back. I’ll do anything. Katherine, don’t do th - “
He’s cut off mid sentence. In one swift motion, she links Rhys to the EMP, and proceeds to overload the latter. The machine glitches, head jerking wildly as a slow drawl of his words, coming out of his mouth like tar. It’s nearly incomprehensible, a hand reaching for Katherine before the EMP quite literally bursts in the spirit’s hands, and Rhys falls. The light from his eyes die, and Jared floats out, raising his eyebrows.
“...Good fucking god.” He walks forward, lets Katherine inspect Rhys’s body and the rest of the lab. Jared smiles, waves his hand a little awkwardly.
“Don’t feel bad if you killed me. It’s like, infinite naps.” An attempt to cheer up the group. “...I miss all of you. Move on. I’m gone now, but you guys live your life. And say I was like, insanely cool.” A grin. “By the way, the revenge thing? Not that bad.”
It’s over.
Jared fiddles with the controls, lets the group out, and Katherine makes sure to destroy everything. Once she’s done that, her spirit finds peace, moving on. The lab is wiped clean, any squipped people are escorted out by Urso.
You can go home now.
- Epilogue’s coming right after this.
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